North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, July 09, 1868, Image 1

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J. T. WHITMAN, HENRY A, WRENCH, Proprietors. DALTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1868. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF THE • ... PITY OF DALTON. AUCTION AND COMMISSION. /"VOEEX, V. M.—Auction Merchant,' Kins street. B UKOFZEK fc I.0VKM1N—'VIioIcmIo ami Retail Dealers lu Drj Goods, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods anil Clothing, Hamilton street. TVIIHiFTT, S W.—Denier In Dry Goods, Gro- JD cctles; Provisions, cto., Ilurallton street. • TJ1RCIAY, JOHN—Doalcrln Groeerlbs, Provl- JD elons mid Produce, opposite Tibbs House. ' TjH’TlIKfli N.—Dealer In Groceries, Provisions JD and Queonaware, Hamilton street. ITIIRISTIAN, J. F.. It E.—Dealers In DryOoods Vj/. Grocencs.Provlslonsnnd Produce. Seacard. ThfeXTOS it LYNJf—Dealers In Dry Goods, XJ Groceries, Produco und Hardware, corner WauglvnhdUamilton street. ,.,' ' tiilliti H., k CO.-—Dealers In Family and Fagey Grooorles.' Saloon nttaehcd. Chester house, north coriior KIng and Hamilton. S OCK, II. II.—Dealer In Dry Goods, Gro ss, Hats,Caps, Boots, Shoes and supplies, street. - | ■ • • • jr isfe, J. II.—Poolec ln Groceries, Dry Goods JV' ClotlilUK and Hoots'* and Shoes. General agent lor Agricultural Implements,' Hamilton st. T OYYttY It FASOX—Wholesale and" Retail I i Dealers 111 Dry Goods, Uruecrles and .Pro duce, corner,Gordon and Hamilton. Sco Advcr. . TV/ftCMTCIIY It CALDWEM—Dcalcrsln Dry 1VL Goods, Grbnerles, I’rddoee ngd Hardware, near comer of Waugh and Humljton street. M rCCTCilF.^ & BITTIXG—Dealers In Family Groceries, Produce,'etc., cast side Hamilton street, • V• . red A if ell.IX, T. HI.—Family Groceries and Proyl- ill sions, L’ostnlllbo.bulldlng'KIng street. -VriOphV JOHN Hi—Dbniol"In 'Grooerl's^ vl Produco and general family supplies, coVner Klognnd Hamilton street. **. ( 1JHE.I, J. 11;—IVtlnlerale and-Ilotnll Denier Ig, it Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware,.Queftstyaro' nnd'ffio’eerlos, Ho.,*, TIhbJa llouso.. ypillBS, k CA—Wholesaleplid Re- tail’Dcaicrs In Dty Goods, Groceries snd’Agrlv cultural Implements, and Farmora Supplies,Tibbs IIiMtae, No, l'at|d 2, Hamilton street. SeeAdver. rfAREYITT, J... F.—Dealer In Dry Goods, Gro. JL cones tind Provisions, opposite Tilib’sHutise; Confections, bakery ■■ T OlYXIiEl, J. 1Y.—Confectioner,- Raker'and Fancy .Grocer, Hninlltou; below King street, . P'—Fancy Grocer and Confec- with Saloon attaolied, Tilth's House. Jacobins—Kothlng bat Jacobins. Umlcrthis appropriate head the New York Evening Express lins the follow ing article, which gives tho Radicals the title which justly belongs to thorn. Tito Expross Bays: Wo like tho ring of that resolution adopted yesterday by tho Maine De- .mocrncy in State Convention, at Au gusta— * .'*}•&'<£/> **.i “ That tho litno lias come for all to “Jacobins'.’ is tho very host word in the language, bccauso it is tho word that has the most meaning, to properly characterize the Radical party. They call themselves Republican, but to that character, wo all know, they liavo real ly no claim. There is positively noth ing Republican about them, unless it e Red Republicanism. They nro Jacobins— A Plctart: of Hnpplm linns Patrick Lo Con himself til I know but I a was o Give shade, out-spreading locust, with a bed of clo ver or blue grass, very thick and fine from crickets. To intensify tile sec I would like to have a lonflng sqoi skipping from bough feathered songster of the perched on a gentle bush in my imme diate vicinity. As regards the grass I should prefer the color green. I would have no snakes in the grass- nothing of a reptile nature, I would recline upon my back, in my.sliirt- sleoVcs, witli one boot olf and my hat about six feet from me'. Possibly HtdtalAJn m, crces there is no appeal. They are Jacobins—bccauso under tho rallying cry of liberty, equality, and fraternity, they have, since their accession .to power, -helped to deltigo The land with fraternal- blood. ■-They aro Jacobins—because under pretonco of giving.Ilborty to all men, they hnvo set up. military despotism, whieli' leave millions of men of thoir own' race,-practically, no liberty what soever. * . ■ ■ They are Jaopbins—because they yule, and seek to rule, by force', Intimk -dation, and tcrrpK . * They aro Jacobins—beoauso they hayo sot up, and - seek to sot up, tho power of. tlie few over the wishes of the raqnjr, * •ces of one class of . people agaiust an- othe'r class.” *' * ._ .They , aro Jacobins—because they- aro eternally attempting" mischievous experiments iift government, politics, DRUGGISTS. B RoiVX, It. B.—Dealer III Progs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Gluss, e\p. Insurance agent. * King Street,'belbw post oKlce. G CUDKff & KNlfillT—Pooler* InDrugs .Med icines, Paints, Oils, Glass, cfe.\ No. 0, Tibb’s House, Hamilton" street. FURNITURE. f 1 UAVES, J. B. A C. W.—Wholesale and v vT Retail Hpjiby^ and Mannfiiotiireu* of all kinds ol Furniture, Hamilton street. C HEROKEE JIlSmP'EBlXd C0.-A11 do- pcrlptlona ofFurhituro manufactured.' Saw «ml Grist mill attached. Sco Advertisement.; FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, They are Jacobins—because of tho T onscriptlona and forced. levies, to feed the lawa : of war and of .death, with" which their namb must ever be historically associated. It took the French people some years to got rid of "this hideous .monster, jfacoblnism—buc as an end was made of it at; la8ti'so !pro, too, 'if K hUtbrical parhllols are worth anything,’liced not despair of driving it ftpm existence, •We believe it has jilready well-nigh run* its course, and that if the great Dem ocratic National Convention, now abo^ to assemble, but act—as doubtless it will act—with ordinary discretion, tho hideous thing, with nil its ghastly ac companiments, will be deep down in its grave about ‘the' time tho wintry winds of Novembe^ro whistling in pur ears.' . H lRSCMBl’HO, n.—Denier in Fancy Goods, Notions and Toys, Hamilton street’. STOVES,* TINWARE, ETC. 1 Dealers in Stoves, Hollow Ware, Ilurdwnro, and Manufacturers of Tinware, Hamilton street. OOPTHEKLIXI), A, L,—Dealer in . Stores, Hollow Ware, Hardware, and Manufacturer of Tinware, Hnrallton street. MECHANICS^ *' Joiners. Shop corner of Hill nnd Spernwr streets. Work warranted, executed with dispatch. a *iun, SAM’L 0.—House Carpenter and Joiner. Work warranted to give satisfaction. G AFPK8, F.~Root nnd Shoe Mdkcr,.corner of King and Hamilton streets. C ATHEY A —Boot nnd Shqo Makers, post; onice building, in the rear, King stfeet. C OBB, J. IK B.—'Tuilor, and Agent for Sewing Machines, King street. PROFESSIONAL. G ORDON, Dr. r.. P.—Physician and Siirgcon,' may be found at' his o(Bce over PitmanV store, when not professionally engaged. . 1\/FcAFKE, ‘Dt ;J. R.—Physician nnd Surgeon. i»l- Ollloo over Bukofzer & liOvcman’s store, where he may bo found when not engaged, T ESTER, U. P.—Attorney at Law, up stairs, JLi’King building, - Hamilton street. J. A. R, HANKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, W ILL practice in nil tHo counties*of the Cheroke^ Circuit and in the Uuitcd Stntcs District.Court for the Northern District of Geor . j. ir. ,i f'Kic y, ATTOB.NEY AT LAW, DALTON, OKOBOU, •' TT7ILL practice law in all the cnuntlps of this v V' Circuit, and U, S. Distrlct Court. jabO-ly “ w *;*vjE. J. iiin.ras, ATTORNEY AT LAW. W II.L practice in nil tho conntlca composing Ilia Olierokeo Circuit. * * ; ' Ji J. If J. A. OIErFJ’, ATTORNEYS at'law, . IIM.TUM, OKOnfllA, A TTEND to all the collection of claims anil practice In Cherokee Circuit nnd U, S. Dis trict cuurt. ‘ jnnO-Iy IP, /£. JIOOlUl, ATTORNEY AT LAW;, i-ai.ton, ononniA. I ' YITILI, prnctlcnin the Superior Courts of tho iV Cherokee Cirouit, nnu In tho U, States Dis-. •trlot Court ut A tin La, sod give strict nttenllun to «ll enses of Bn ikroptoy. nar3My C. D. McCoronns.... .1. E. Riiomati:. Jl'eCutchcn It Shumate, attorneys at law. _ •• DALTON,* OEOBOIA. W 1 ^.prootloain .tho counties! of Bartow, ■ f.-a. haffner, Watch-Jtlaher and Jeweller. I HAVE just opened niy shop In tlila pluecnitd’ nnt prepared to «lo any kind of work in my lino of business, such as Tepairlng nnd clennlng Yyntcies, So. I keep on hind Jewelry, Wat, ’.n s, and SpccUtcles. Inr pastimo of scratclii.. e -., T , r , rl w Near by I ivotiltl have, not a brook, as you aro about to suspect, for I hate Brooks. Ho bit Sumner in tho 'right place but not lmril enough. I want a fountain, throwing forth perpottmlly a stream of chniripaigtio, which stmll rip ple and bubble ami gusli over a million .o.f diamonds, scattered about like poll- llMifl to render the pictiiro perfect. • Three attendants, I would ask, of the fotn- endor, witli low-necked dresses, disheveled heir, white silk stockings and gaiter boots. Enci\of them should bear n goblet, studded in the bottom with blno diamonds i and they should nltorhhto in fetching jjiS a drink from .I cannot.think of anything else at present tlmt.I would-like tp add. 1 merely wish to show. thatj jf I were a raillionaire, in weather like this,I could spend my raopoy with pl-oflt to myself and pleasure to the country. Beginning to Believe. The n.t Avowed. In tho nddresa of tho Radical “ E: ccutivo Committee of the Grunt ( of Georgia,” of which Ex-Gov. is Chairman, the programme of stay- laws to take the place of the expurga ted “relief” provisions of the Consti tution, is avowed ns follows: . While the necessity of striking out the relief measures, under tho diroo- ion of Congress, is deplored by a inn- ■ity of tho friends of Reconstruction, I.think it best that the Legislature should yield this point rather than have tho Stnte remain longer out of tho Union,under absoluto military gov ernment. This atlvieo is givon tho more freely, s the Legislature, when it assembles, will Imvc it in its power, by tile enact ment of proper sl«;/ laws nnd statutes >f limitation; to! afford, substantially ,ho relief contemplated by tho • relief measures, which Congress directs shall *“) stricken out of tho Constitution.— r o not only expect to see .the proper stay laws enacted, but to see them sus tained by tlie Supreme Court soon to lie organized. The Supreme Courts of three of tlie Northern States have ex pressly 'decided n stay law to bo con stitutional-since the war began, nnd onr own Supreme Court, wEpli set side the old stay la w, was divided In opinion. It this state of the irase, af- llto decision of our people on this estion, we cannot doubt that our new Supremo Court will follow the example of tho Supreme Courtof Pennsylvania, cr'Northcrn States, in nllinn- ing tho constitutionality of proper anil necessary laws,. —: , Bugle Notrs for Grant. Tilton—“Grant is a drunkard.” “hilipa—“Grant is as brainless as his umnbr—sdys Grant is not an ‘irre versible guarantee,’ nnd “made a white- a... -w.-™ washing report-to fortify Andrew J ohn- Jlinso—“Grant Isa manofvilohab- and of no idens.” . . Anna Dickinson— 1 “I am" going to Train Regulations—For Ladlti Oalj. It is not known whoro the following manifest came frpih, but it is emphati cally good: - • Gen’d SugT’s Office, July 1808. Rule I. No train, after this date, will ho made up to a greater length titan the height of the propellin'g power. Rule II. If, in coming down heavy grades (church slops for instance) flrst- clnss trains will move ns rapidly as safety will allow; but all r aoeommodat- ing trains will proooed slowly and stop frequently to allow people, to step on tlie train." Caution, however, is neces sary in starting up while peoplo are so engaged, to prevent accidents. Rule lit. All trains to bo held up.nt crossings.' All empty 11 flats standing on the sidlings ” at the time should be switched off. ' . Rule, I % When three or niorc trains . . areproccedingincompany,thoy should horn pretty loud, always move side by side, and on no neeouut, wlmtcvur, change "this posi tion. Train approaching from the op posite direction must keep out of the why. .(This rule is imperative.) Rule V. If it is desirable to attach a “flat" to'a moving train, speed slnflld ho slackened and signals given hy bow ing. The “lint" will respond by tlirpw Ing away its cigar, twirling its mous tache, and elevating its lint... Tho an swering signal is a smile, which signi fies “couple on aftor,“coupling,” tho combined train will proceed very slow- lyiivery. ■>■' y-Jf •« By order of—Fashion, President. A. La Mode, General Superintendant, donee—then lino your pookots.. I begin to hellovo thbso who sin tho most during tho weqk are tho' most do- vout upon Sundays. I bSgin to.believe in humbugging poopl.o out of tlioirdollars. It is neith er stealing or.boggiug ; nnd those wl;;j are humbugged have to blame. :gin to believe tllht a man' was not made to enjoy lifo, but to koep him. self miserable in tho pursuit and pos session of riches. I begin‘to believe that the surest remedy for hard- times and a tight money qmrket is ati extravagant ex penditure oil the part of-tndividuals to keep tho money moving, -I begin to believe that none but knaves aro qujiliflod to hold olllco tin- dor tho Government—with the excep tion of a few natural born fools or! lu natics. I believe that a piano-forte is more necessary in a family than meat and potatoes. I begin to believo that n boy who doesn't swear, smoke and cltow tobao co, may bo A very good boy, but natu rally stupid. . ’ I begin to believe that if tho dovil should die; one half of the world should bo thrown out of eraployiqent, I bogin to believo that Jlto has,the most merit who makes tho most-noise in his own behalf and that, when Ga briel comes ho, too, will blow his own God, support any- but temperance,men for office.” ■■, r;., graYTS * Greeley— 1 “The Presidency requires n man of ideas and, a statesmaii.”, Colfax’—“L decl'aro in ndvanco no doubtful man shall have my ballot for President." , \'. w ..3—, Kelley—“I will die ip my traeks bo- fore I will enbsqribp tntliis;whitewash- A recent letter from-Wnn-en county* Ohio, says: i Warren county-will- be- eomo. celebrated for .its breaches .of promises to marry: Foi-flfty years in its history only, two or three of such cases wore ever entertained on its dock ets! but. a year or-two ago a ease bo- came widy known through the newspa- pjjpors, in which n widow of foj-ty-flvo obtained a verdict of threo thoiisand dollars agaiust ii widower aged seven ty-six.; Now, there, nro fqur or live suclt enses nwniting trial, two or which are remnrkablo for liaving tho samo tlefondant and!.different pl.-iiutifU— There is a sequel to tho ease against the old rami of seventy-six which has .nover boon published. After two tri als, both of which terminated in favor Of tlie widow, the case was carried up to the,iMstrlot Court on n writ of error, and a how trial oi-flerod; Tho ease was then compromised, tho widow r cepting $1,800, and she is now mnrri to nnothor man, and doubtless llvli happily. , '" * Tna informers’ Bureau, which was started in New York eome.tlme since, is said to bo still in operation. Circu lars are sent out by it to tho people through the eity,'offering to report where their wives are to bo found dur ing their nbucnco at business, or to “work up’’.any or everything that Shop'it thb'Drog Store of Ornlgor At Knlgl.t. , 1 may bo intrusted to the management Dslton, .T»n. s, 18s»— ly. of tho “bureau^" Masonic Temple In IMiIladelpItln.. . The corner-stone of this structure was laid with imposing ceremonies on St. John’s Day. The Philadelphia pa pers say,: Tho proposod-temple will bo tho largest nnd most striking building at tempted in Philadelphia since the Gi rard College was finished. Its .colos sal proportions and conspicuous loea- cation, on Broad street, will givo ao effect to tho architecture that the mere design on paper cotdd hardly convoy without study and elose inspection.— When finished it will have a front of 160 feo't on Broad street, and $50 feet on Filbert, and a like extension on CutlibortatroCtytUo building receding from tho property line on Broad street .80 feet, nhd; 0 feet on Filbert. The exterior of the building on each' front will be granite, nhd in stylo will- pre sent tlie, massive character of the Nor man architecture. Hoavy lnsteps, with appropriate moulding and tracery, require- the-peculiarity of tho Normnn arohlteoturo to give roll effect to tho arohiteot's design. Tito design of tho Broad street front is to indiuato tho several steps in Masonry. Tho first stago willgivo the Egyptian porch, up on whloh will Vest the figure of “ Si- leneo.” Abovoand below til'd il broken pediment,” upim which will rest tho figure of “ Obodlenee.” Tito third last stage is markod by tho union tho soveral designs in tho liarmoniot i whole," with ornaments reprosoiitiri tho omblents of tho craft, inclndir thestatues of Faith, Hbpoand Cluirit tho wholo “being- surmounted b “AlbSeeingEyo.” , „ __ , says. is now quite certain that arms nro ju on issued to tlie negro militia in " - Southern States. Grant deelnred weeks ago that lie eonsidcred it neces sary “to protect- tho loyal people.” I11 all the recent Radical schemes he. is a parlicups crimfnis as far as the leaders think it is safo to trust a man of his limited intelligence. A PttETTY Foot Tho Ft'c Pan’s- 1'finite sings tho praise of tlie short skirt oinnn’s wit escapes by the foot; it is home, are proper qualifications for tho r duty then to uncover it. “Where shall you read tho scorct thought, the sensation, if I may say so, of a woman? Is it in her eyes, which weep when sho pleases ? Is it on Iter forehead ? Is it oil her cheek, covered over with a triple armor of cold cream, lard and l-icc-powdei ? Is it tlie movement of her liosom, which tho heat of the exorcise of the waltz in flates just ns much as tho liveliest emo tion? Is itin her hand, forever gloved, nnd besiiles_ occupied witli a boquet, a fan, or a handkerchief? No, it is the foot we must look, to tho foot, which receives all tlie sensations of this sen sitive creature, nnd reveals them all again. It is no moro able to bide a repugnance than n wish or a gratifica tion. “See it beat tho carpet with ■ impa tience, or draw itself in with disgust; or again, under a pleasant impress ion, spread itself witli the movement of a cat which shows its claws. At a word,'lit somo one’s name thrown out; at tho coming of this one, at tho de parture ’of that one, a tremble runs down all its length and curdles tlie satin ; you think of calm water agita ted by a storm. It is a syinpton, it is an instruction, it is a command.” Presidential clmir, thou, indeed, is Grant lit to become an incumbent of tlmt position. The standard of states manship in this country is already low. Let it not l;o sunk in tlie person of a man whoso military tneompetciiey is unless notorious than liislaekof states- n'mnship. Accepting tho testimony of respectable members of bis own party as true, lie is a proverbial drunkard.— As suclt. had .ho won on the field "of battle the laurels of an Alexander, or aNapoIoon,he would still be a disgraco to the nation as its chief magistrate. In tlie administration of its civil af fairs the country lias been sorely curs ed with incompetoney during the past eight years.. It could not withstand another such- shook. Let tho people pondei'long lioforq they make up'tlioir' minds to vote for a man who has not tho first qualification for tho office to which ho aspires.—Atlanta Oonstitu inn. An AtAUMtNO TiiEonv From tlie nnnual occurrence of rains, mctcorio showers, nnd the explosion of steam boilers in various parts of tlie country, Professor Loomis suggested n very unplcnsaiit theory in regard to tho earth itself, lie thinks it not impossi ble that sufficient steam might be gen erated in tlie .burning centre of the world to blow tho world to pieces. A volcanic eruption under the sea or near it like that of Vesuvius now in' progress, may at any moment convert the cr.rth into a lingo steam boiler, liy letting the water in upon central fires, to be followed for alight wo know,.hy an explosion that shnli rend it apart and send tlie parts careering through -’ace as small-plannets-ov meteors, Grant's Duunkf.nness—If brutal ity in the field, and lioastlality at IVhat Industry Will Do—A farm er living nenr this city, with the assis tance of one son, produced last year on his place, 500 bushels of corn ; 200 bushels of wheat; 300 gallons of syr up; "3 bales of cotton, and enough meat to supply him for one year. Bo- sides'this, his good wife spun and wove plenty of cloth to clothe tho fai “ nnd keeps it bountifully provided milk, butter, oggs, nnd gardeii vegeta bles. Ho. sold his cotton yesterday for 20$ ceiits, immediately paid; off his debts, amounting in.tlio’nggregnto to $105; nnd was on his way homo by noon. That man sleeps soundly.— Jour. & Jlcse. 29(h Feb. ** *• J , .». m Wendell Phillips declared In a speech wliTch he Boston a short time since that ho would-proach negro suffrago for tho North and will 'publish Grant’s drunkenness to tho world, oven if tho Radical de feated by his doing it. Wendell crea* ted a great sensation among the Bos tonians by saying that if Jesus Christ was to descend from Heaven and preach .-eh bearing off; idmo'member or mom , ---W -. „ , , - bora of tho human families to make n.the streets.of their city^ns hoffiid porc.hancc nowjliscovorics and new ae- “ 1 *” qnaintances in otlie.r parts of the plan- cd to September. A Roneml «tr bootmakers in I.i Thirty to for l v t.hots n r the new French gun callc Bo punctual in /our pnynusnta. f Havo respect for your character, California ia producing strawberrica weighing five to the 'pound. Reports from Central France ilnte-thit the proa* poets or the next vintage exopoil »rij within tho memory of man, not nlono for quantity but* for quality,* * * "!’* ’ » / \ * 'The Legislature of Louisiana? as officially nn- nnuncoil by Gen. Buchnniyi, ftand* 20 Kcpabli- to 10 Democrats in tbo Senate, 60 Republi cans to 45 Democrats in the House. The retail merchants of Toronto have held a mooting and resolved not to take Ameridan f-innll silver, except at ten per cent, discount, and largo •it four. Tho Dubu.quc Times say* there nover was so much travel on tlie Mississippi as there has been the present-season. A bull has boon issued hy tho Tope summoning generul council to meet jn tho Vatican on tho u of December* . Ti e Washington correspondent of a Georgia »per says tint Senator Doolittle and General Butler recently met at tho same dinner table. It* must have been a place of “accommodation for mar. and beast.” < The celebrated Indian chief “ II6ie-in-the Day” was Assassinated by being shot near his residence, at Crow Wing, Saturday afternoon, by three In dians of tho Pillager band. The cause attributed Is pdnf-tip jealousy and uu old grudge. . ' • General Joseph E.‘Johnson, lato of the Con federate service, lias teecived a full pm don from tho President, throngh.the influence of Mr. Sew ard. This is tho first pardon yet granted to a lull general in tho Confederate service. .The artesian well at St. Louis, which is being bored by the county, has reached a depth of 3,147. feet, and is the deepest in tlie world. There is no water yet. T.‘.o work has been going on for twenty-sir month?. , The Rothschild* liavojust concluded a fhunchd mngement with the Italian government, by which, on payment of twelve million of francs, they, will receive tho tobacco monopoly of tbo. all be only n boiler explosion ort n mag nificent sjiale of grandeur nnd elestrue- Set .Him AOain—A" very worthy "fisherman hy the nnmc of-Grizzle was „.., r ,. T „ drowned some time.since, nnd nil ing rtpo#tIoi^Ji’i8;jnTn' , (0'raniy'hriM) soarch. fpr his body proved unavailing, has joined his testimony, and will join his mte to the liuhHcem-ivy,,” (A. J ohn- ’ Curtain—“Only a man in favor of negro suffrago can command nty vote.” Grant doclares “negro suffrago means a A'arjof races.”- , Old. TItad—“Noyo.r ask. mo to snp- port a twaddler and trimmer of office.’,’ Gearj’t—“Drunkards, like pirates, are public enemies.” Frelinghuyson—“Tito pat ion owos. it to its self-respect to Colo'rato imboqil iiy. in pplitios no longer.!’ .. - • Wade—“Grant kuows nothing.- of politics. Ho can talk notbitlg but horse." Yates—“I own I havo boon a drunk ard; I will lie ono no’longor, nor will l longer cast my vote with snob men. iuality—A AVab. of Ra ces.— 1 The "Massachusetts Senator Sum ner’s recommendation that negroes, or a negro, bo sent to Cbngross, tho Joitrnul of Commerce veil says, is but. another attempt to. force, the Southern whites and whites everywhere to ns- snmo an attitodo of-hostility to the negroes: ; . Sumner is exhibiting not only his want of maghaniinity to tho Southern whites in subjecting them to tho domi nation of an inl'uribr race, but with tlie most friondly .purposes towards tho nogroes,-ho is leading them into paths of the greatest danger. If-a war. of races (which God forbid 1) should ever break out In this country, it will ariso from the' re-aotion pro voked by, the application of Mr. Sum ner’s theorios of negro supremacy ’at the South. Thoro should ho but ono isBuo to such a horrible war. For an oqoapo from that dread ovent wo look olsowhoro than to the. wisdom of Rad-' ieal statesmen. ■ - . - -v- irfaw • Taunt from a Strange Sodroe I— Don Platt, a radical writer in tho Oiu. cinnati . Commercial, who . seems to have more honesty than generally falls to tho lot of njougrei politicians, says of , “ Wo have developed moro rascality than any organization evep oalled-into existence. Wo have organized rings tlmt in torn create'office-ltolders.nnd control the govormont.- Mon go .in poor and oomo!out millionaires. For one dollar paid to the government from hard earnod taxes, hundreds stick' 1 to tho dry fingers of offioial scoundrels." What do our “ toil ” neighbors think of this? Romcrborthls is notthooharge of “ ty rebel ’,’ hut of a “ trooly loilJ’— Tho liistory of the world furnishes no parallel to tho barefaced .robberies, swindles. The loaders too of this puro party havo tho effrontery usually to justify or approve of the wholo "sys tem and they now ask .tho people to continue theta in* power by electing Grant and Oo’lfax tlie candidates of the plunderers and their party.—Shark County (O.) Democrat. A prominent Rndicnl from Monroe county, who was a member of. tho lato negro convention, says that one-lmlf the negroes In that county will voto tho Democratic ticket In. tho .icns.ning, Presidential election. Ho is disgusted with his colored brethren; and is of tho opinion that no coiifidonce ban be plao- ed in their political faith.' bund After it lmd been , in the water some months, however,' -it was discovered the ifflOBM m.d t..i=oa to the shore, wlterenpon Mr. Smith, was djspatclicd to convey tho intelligence to. tho much nfiloted widow. . ft “ Well, Mrs. Grizzle, wo have lb; Mr. Grizzle’s body.” “ Yon don't say so l' 1 “ Yes, wo lmvc—thd jury hns sot on it and found it full of eels 1” “ You .don’t say Mr. Grizzlo’s body is full of eolsl” ' “ Yes, il is.; and wo want to know whntyon will hn've done with it?” “ Why, how many eels do you think there is in Itipi ?” * “ Oh, about a bushel." “ Well, then, I think you lmd better send tho cpis up to the house, and set him ngnin.” — DEOANTERS.fllled. with frozen- water aro n well-known feature of Parisian, restaurants", and are supplied regularly hy conipanics, one of which furnishes over six thousand daily. Tho'cost is said to lie very trifling, tho freezing'ho-’ watpr aro plncoil in slml low tanks of sea -water; cnoh tank con thining a copper reservoir connfcctod witli a receiver filled with either..- The air is exhausted from tho reservoirs by an air hnmp worked by steam, causing the other to boiland pass oyer in tho state of vapour-, aticotnpanied-of courso by a refrigeration that reduces the tompornturo of tho salt water nnd tho water in tho decanters below tho freezing point. Tho water in the do- canters,, however, usually rotnains li quid until stirred with a glass rod, when it freezes at once. Elongated oubical vessels of metal may be substituted for the “decanters, nnd ice produced in largo quantities, nnd nt a low : prieo. Israelites are constantly subjected to the clmrgo that they do not consider themselves permanent citizens of the country whore they reside,. but that they are awaiting tho coming of a tem poral Messiah, who will establish tho nation in Palestine. Tills clmrgo was denied by Rabbi LUicnthnl at tho re cent in.ving of tho corner-stone of n liouso of worship for Israelites nt Cin cinnati. Dr. Liliontlml said I'PAmoriea is bur Palostmo; our Zion and Jerusalem; Washington and tho signore- of.tho glorious Deolnration of Indepen- dbneb, of universal human right, 111) erty aud happiness aro our Messiah , nnd tho time when .their doctrines will bo rocognizotl nnd carried into effect all over the world is tho time so hope fully foretold hy our great prqpli ' —lliiT^-- When men will iivo together united in brotherly love, peace, justice and mu tual benevolence, then tho Messiah 1ms come indeed, and the spirit of the Lord will' havo boen revealed'to all his crea tures.” An Indiana Democratic soldlerwritos to the Cincinnati Enquirer to protest against tho nomination of Judge Chnoo, and concludes with the pithy remark: I but echo ttio Voice of the majority -.of my Dbmberatio -soldier acquaintan ces when I say, “Better Grant aiid nig ger than nigger and Chase; lint better than any other, is George H. Pendle ton." reach' when on earth, that ha would fin jail in less thnn a week. 1 ' . klnguotn, - . jx eotihtr, Ga., two whito men were mur dered by-a negro, who was captured after hetng shot, and brought to Sdvannah by tourtoea of his — : .. own color. • . Albert Pike, in thtJ-Memphis Appeal, Tho - SooIntv ot Fr ) ond .,, t0 " says of ino Chase movement: -‘We andnssiatthoSputh In education, ia doing a groat have heard that Catholic sailors, tired work, mainly in North Caroliaa and Tepncssco of fish and eggs, if they lm l eggs to ent, during Lent,' had a liahit of fast- cat, during Lent, cning a ham to a line, letting it over the amp’s sldeinto tho sea,anddrawing Ithp again, repeating tho formula, ‘Down Gammon, up Salmon !’-*-after which they could cat it without need ing absolution or dt ing pennneo. No other |vrocess, wo lljtil;, nan maKe a Democrat out of Salmon P. Chase.” Got Hi,w at Last A Mississippi paper says, ono day during tho war Gen. MoDowoll was anxious to remove Gov. Hum: hries, who then command-, ed n few Mississippi'hoys at Winches ter, Virginia, but he did’nt do it. Tho desire of the Gehnral’s heart was grat ified last weak, and Humphries wasvo- moved. So. muoh for years of perse verance, Tho-work" was not accom plished, however, utitil the" Mississippi boys had laid down their arms and ta ken to their plows.—Columbus Sun. Immigration into Cherokee G'eoiF GtAt—A* correspondent of the Rome- Courier snys: , ' s - ■ A We havo .already experienced, the benoflt resulting from the immigration of Tennessee and Virginia farmers in to Chorokoo Georgia. A now impetus boo Iman mvnn n<riMP.llH.nrft. Tirtlim*-" lias boon given tongrieulturo. Labor saying implements nro coming into gen eral "use. Manures nro frocly used, and our lands nro yleldlng'inoreasod productions, wliilo being yearly improv ed. ' A degree of prosperity has already dawned" on lis, nnd if we are iviso, wo wiil take ailvantngo of all instrumen talities Whloh may fully’dovolopo, nnd result in-wealth nnd happiness to all A correspondent from Florida craves a hearing: “I think tho Northern lax-payers, who make their living by honest toil, should knowthat for two months tho Government.has been distributing free rntiohs to negroes in this State. * In Leon coiiuty where tho nogroes regis tered about 2,100 voters (2,600)'somo 25,000 rations were issued hist month nlono. Do .you give free rations to the laborers of the'Nbrih?” No, hut wo, the saints, tax ’om on every tiling they cat and wear, and then tax.’em again lo feed the gemmqn,t,his noiv aristocracy 'of the Sputh:—Net York -World. “ " *’ -ma *» An Infamous OaDER—Grant Puts a Nf.oro over tiie White "Men of Louisiana A dispatch from New Orleans to tho Lotiisvilio Journal says: -Gen. Buchanan yesterday received an bin ibm. . t . point Messrs. Wnrmouth and Dnnii to their places, the appointment to lake effect on Monday,-whcn tlioLegislaturo convenes. “Gen. Bnehannn last night issued an order making tho change, • The samo order authorizes all pariah and municipal officers, declared elect ed by previous orders, to tako their offices upon taking the oath proscribed by the riew Constitution., On Monday. Louisiana will .havo rt colored .man for Lieiitoharit-Gbveiiior. . • ' .Gen. Meade.—Gen. Slondo—whoso latest military exploit is the incarcera tion hy his subordinates of respectable American citizens in dungeons eight Ibet by three, and subjecting helpless negroes to imprisonment, starving,arid throats to extort testimony from them upon which to convict tho former—is, wo beliove, in Washington. Wo fear tbo heroism of theso proceedings will pot strike foreign nations or our own peoplo National Intelligencer. On Mondajlnst, as an errand bof ito* returnin'; to n banking firm in Wail street New York, with $110,000 hi bands, ho was robbed bv a man .nnd left insensible in tho entry of tho building. Tho thief in escaping ran agajnrt a stranger, wlm promptly knocked him .down, when the t" * threw down the package anil escaped On Sunday last, a partr of twenty-1 ton, Ga. On the ngement. capsized, nnd i were drowned. The others s;m clinging to the boat until help ai drowned eleven were men, the r« children. ' The city of Paris cnntains'about 2,000,000 of inhabitants living in 50,000 houses. London hna 8,000,000 of people and ubout 360,00n IioIiscr— tho proportion of people to* a house being five times Paris than in the English capital. Tho Londpn average is eight and the Faria aver- ige forty to each dwelling. The Archbishops'of Baltimore, Cincinnati, N6xr * York and St. Louis havo united in a card disap- aid'will bo moro acceptable to tho Holy Father at this time. . • . * — —. f., , .‘ngj Rufiw Ludwig, who killed -ills wife after being" * - married to her only eleven dar?, Viis Imnged'm Salisbury, North Cnrolhm, on the 26tli of.June. He went to tho scaffold smoking a cig;lr, but when tho officers offered to put th*o liowo around his neck ho resisted violently, ind a desperate strug gle ensued, ten of the- deputies-attempting to overpower him’. The noose was finally placed around his nook, and he ,wa? swung, off with a muttered ourse for his parting word. • * > - a'* * Never enter a iflelc room In n stato of perspira- . * * tion, as the moment you become cool your pores absorb. Do not npproaob . cuntngions diseases with ait empty stdrhacli, nor*sit between thqskk \ and tho lire, because tho heat iittnifits the vapor. Preventives aro pjeforablo to pills or powders. A man in Atlssouri had a sick cow. Last week he uhdertook to tnix for her a bolus V gunpow der and ashes, while doing which ho exploded a twelve pound can of powder, blew tho roof off lilt; lmusc, hill,’ | t'Yii children, and injured him self lmpelcsalyr- It Is not state J whether the cow recovered or not. . .Stability is the groat secret of success. No ♦ nan" can prosper who,is a mechanic one daya profession^man the next, and nothtqg the nfext, and nothing* the tuxt djiy.-j A buy.half a dozen JlandkcrchloW, nnd inquired hqw mucli the cost was. “ Why, Mias,” said the gal lant hut Impudent clerk, lost in gaxing.upon her sparkling eyes nnd mbby lips* “you shall havo them for a kiss." “ Agreed,” replied tho ydung rjpfg'... It the best manner you can,” and left thq store:. ^ i A livery stabfo keeper, named Spurr, would nover let a horse go opt without requesting the- hirer not to drlro fast. One day a young man . called to‘ got it turnout to attend a funeral. “Cer-" taluly,”said Spurr, “you can havo one; but,” ho he added, forgetting the solemn jVutposo for which tho young man required tho horso, “ dpn’t-drlvo fast.” “ Why, look here, old follow,” said tho sbincwhnk excited young man, *‘l want you to under-stam] that I bIihU keep up with’the pfocos» tiun if U kills the horse.” r - ; 'Mother: “Hero, Tommy, Issomfhlca castor * oil, with orange jiHco In It." Doctor: “Now re-** member,.don’t give It all to Tommy ; lcavo somo for mo." Tommy (who has “ bjen there”): “Doe- lor Duvall U such u nice m!Ui,’mot.ier ; give itall to him.” 4% '■ & A Art old minister, a short time since, asked a woman whril could bo dono to induco'hcr husband to attend church. “I don’t know,” sho replied, *“ palcis you wevo to put a pipe und a jug of whig- ky in Iiis peiv." - ' - Eve Is said to- be the only woman who nevor • )hr«tttepeU to go nnd five with her mother, and Adam tho firet man who ever wont to housekeep ing without first trying to boilrd with his mother- io-Iaiv. ' s Stage manager: “ John, go sco If the ladies for the ballet nro nil dressed, for the audience are get ting impatient." John returns: “-Almost ready, Bir;.got*tnost;Qf their clqfhes off.” An instance of throwing ono’s.seif ttkput wax witnessed a few evenings since,, at u party, In tho otao of a young- lady, who, when asked to sing, first tossed her head, and then pitched her voice. A two-faced child was bom at Lock navon, Pa., # recently. A friend should bo namod Onlcago Platform.