North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, July 30, 1868, Image 3

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teH|OE,Ol&jA CITIZEN. 'hENBV A. ■WRENCH, Local. tUUKSDAY■ JIOBMXC .JILY 10) x-1806. ^KBHS^^wTi)oH»««n4Fini CtnU per Yc»r In Advuntt) Six Mwthl,<!■»»• in UflM, Bkventy. Llb K»tM of t»g»l Wwrtiklfil ’or Icnvo to sell land...... ”9! Jotlco to debtors mid creditors, J 99 (ales of personnl property, 10 days, 1 sqr., 2 00 i for the ClUien. J following named gentlemen arc author- load to act as agents for tho Oraasn, In any ca- mltyr 0.0,1 oH-ol J. N. Scott, Atlanta. , G. D. Whitman Oedar Grove. . h. G. CnAwronn, Ln^oyotto. IIiNttY BsKun, Trenton. R. D. Oomiis, Ringgold. T. V. Gnmn, ElUay, Gilmer county. J. Boom, Bogt ‘ A lady friend allows us to uso tho following ox- rant from a private letter, written from Nolens- iUle, Tenn., on tho 20th: "I suppose.frbnl joafr letter tho great snako Story hns rcaohcd your city. It created conald- cnthlu excitement hero at first—a great many be lieved bo true; but It has about died away. It is false, overy word of it." Democratic Revival—Twenty Thonsaud In the Trites—A Grind JnbllcoS Tli« grandest political demonstration, hold in tho South since tho good old 1 days V Constitu tional Liberty, camo off in Atlanta on last Thurs day, under tho auspices of tho Fulton County Democratic Club. Fcoplo from every part of tho Stato commenced pouring in Iq the jjity ou every train Wednesday morning, ami by noon ucxtday the streets presented a spectacle rurely witnessed* in times like tho present. Men moved in masses like unto tho billows of a mighty river, wave af ter wavo, ns tho vest crowd slowly moved Itself along, net a thoroughfuro being penetrable with out considerable manoeuvring, and tho pallonco of Job. At 8 o’clock tho delegations from the different counties assembled at Davis’ Uull/prCpnrn^tory to tho day's work. After a preliminary meeting, organization of tho Convention, etc., they formed in line, on Broad street, under tho Chief Marshal of tho Day and his assistants. Tho procession moved down Broad to Mitchell, down Mitchell to id down [Remember Thnt, By walking down Hamilton street, to Crozicr’s few Store, you will savo monoy, ns yon can buy oods thcro at art extremely low prlco. No chargo Tor looking and pricing, it’s a ploasure to show, goods at Crozlcrs. I': 1 ‘ ■ It Tl Wo” oppoHuho ubovc nnmed injure, while attending tin Cdnvc'ntlol) In Atlnntn lost week, mid must say to our friends, that nnyhody who can furnish a table, os did Messrs. White & Whitlock kit this occasion, to fied tho onornlmis erdwd on [hose do vs, In a manner unsurpassed by any house Bn the city at anytime, will dtp to slop with when mm Rhine nbput.the house keeping with a first blass hotel. Their card appears in the Oitizkn. [ CuptJ J. \V. WnldtVri 1’reside I)‘of Dn’lWu Chris-' Man Minstrel Association, that an an-i nunl Musical convention will assemblo herd next Thursday, and tho citizens nre cxpceted|to accom modato the dolegiilcs, ill attendance. Tho crowd will bo large, ami every olio is urged to luako Yoom.for as many ns possible, and report tho samp io John’-Mj Richardson and Oapt. Walker, Lom- onlttuo of Reception Li no tli cV Change has Come over the ^‘Spirit of bis [ Dreams l n 5 At tho session of the recent scalawag Conven tion one of the brightest sparks of that-moral Idea party, and emphatically the “party man’’ here abouts, 0 visited tho place of wonders, and become > thoroughly disgusted with the doings of Aaron Alpeorla, and Ids “brethren,” that.jie clearly ad. pitted..the fact, quit politic*, “vumossed the wnehe," and Wandered away to the classic “gold jdigglnV’ of North Carolina.-*' But he came back, jaiiot regenerated, but softened. lie witnessed the nnckerjr, scorn, derision, and ventlllation of tho Equities and trohehory of Brown, nt Atlanta tho ithcl* day, and though opndsod to this creature heretofore, this exposition made Nat. P. friend to the Traitor Brown “Well done thou ijond and tidihfnl sen-nut,*’ enter, Nat., into tho Joys of Browu. Blodgett & Co. PTlie Weather. Since our last Issue the rains hnvo descended [In copious showers, which was, much needed, as fcho corn had begun to show signs of Injury from relic previous dO', parching weather. This “grow- nog season,” which has been tho fiusst known here • many yours past at tills season of the year, hns been general t hruughout tho whole of Chero' j Georgia, and tho advantage It has been to ftlio corn crop alone is incalculable. Tho farmers of this scctioi^may now, We think, count on tho [heaviest crop of corn mudo In Cherokee far many jonrs. js* Got ms RswAitn —One of tho Hopkins fami ly has met Ills ju-st leward. Ho murdered a lie- ;ro prostitute, and attempted to murder Jno.- E. J»yes, I2sq., of. the Savannah Republican. His Jyltml and patron, Gen. Meade would not permit him to bo tried for these crimes. Feeling secure pf military protection ho concluded to murder mng'Itufiscl. Fortunately for the country Bus- 1 settled his account in a summary manner. Pleased to HRaH Tt —Tho Macon Telegraph [ays, tho planters with whom wo have conversed glnce tho rains of Saturday and Sunday hist, say r hopes of a crop were realized by.those rains, y now fcolsafe, and say their cotton and corn .8 looking well, and will, for tho amount of land planted, produce aVerngo crops. Of eqUrse, wo invo this Information only from thoso planters In his vicinity who wero blessed with tho recent ■ains. Shout Wheat Caors.—Mr. W. H. Lumpkin hforms.tho editor of tho Homo Courlctithat he collont hands accompanied tho /procession, equi distant, discoursing patriotic music. With each* band was q largo banner bearing inscriptions, ex pressive and beautiful. Portraits of our gallant standard-bearers, Soymour and Blair, headed tho long find. ' ' . , When tho head of the column reached tho Wlg- ; warn a'largo and beautiful Flag Was run up oh tho Seymour and Blair polo,' about one hundred and' fifty feet high, and above the speakers’ stand, be ing saluted with thirteen guns. After Iho column filed Into the arbor, thabands taking their respec tive Btands, the meeting was called to order, and Jphii J. Ffpyd, of Newton,-wns elected President fit tho stand, who expressed ids delight at seeing so mahy of Gcorglu’s soninfnd daughtef-s presont to glvo expression to their fsoflnga, and to lend aid to tho great ptrugglo now pending. Prayer by 1 Rev. Mr. Alexander. Tho following wns unani mously adopted {uhldst deafening npplauso, wav ing of handkerchiefs, and music by the four bands: Resolved^ That tho’ Democracy of Georgia; in mass mooting assembled, dp hereby heartily ai Irso the principles otiuhc|a^d J r , -* lka Democratic, York, Jqlj i.ii, iiyu. unu vim. iu umiumu oOyiUOUr of New York, and Francis P. Blair of Missouri, the. nom inees of that Convention.for tho President and Vice-President, tho Democracy of Georgia will give d cordial and united support. , ' HonI Robert Tomb3 was, then -Introduced to, the audience, and never before .did wo hoar such a peal ofapplnuso. till the noble old Roman,step ped ‘forward, when it pin could, have been heard to drop on the stand. He mado a speech of some length; oloh'rly ; expressing his "views, and adher- nnce to Democratic principles.'' Ho looks rather broken,and would scarcely be recognized by many of those who knew him in the palmy days of obi. Hon, faowcll'Cobb was next called for, and shout after, shout greeted ono of Georgia's finest orators. Ho made one of Ids host efforts, taking Up and completely riddling niram-Mummy-Snm Grant, and Joo Brown, of Chicago. His views were dearly defined. Ho seems to have lost none of his art and macbloss eloquence. Next canto tho gallant champion of" Constitu tional Liberty—the Demosthenes of the South Hon. Ben. H. Hill. Were we to attempt, to yii tpre tbo enthusiasm which his name cicated, would be but mockery, so we acknowledge# total incompctency. The arbor was fairly carried away so great was tho applauso. From tho letters of that gentleman, (n which lie So fearlesslesaly de nounced the perpetrations of the Radical Con gress, when no other dared a«sail them, may bo gathered -a. faint Idea of his text. Many of his old admirers propounuod ttdiia bpst speech. To giro nti idea of the enthusiastic desire to hear this great mar., ho wus twice called up nftur retiring. Applause and appropriate music from tho lour cxcollcnt bands, followed tho conclusion of each speech. Tho arbor meeting closed about four o'clock Tho Convention re-nssombled nt Davis’ Ilall fivo o'clock. Here mo the proceedings: Tho Convoution wns culled to order by tho President, Hon. Augustus Rccso. Tho following report was submitted and adopt cd: Tho Dolegntos of tho First Congressional Dls triot report the name of Col. John 0. Nichols, of i'ierco, for elector, and J. II. Hunter of Brooks, alternate. Second District.—Col. Chas. T. Goode, of Sum tor, elector, and -Wm. 0. Fleming, of Decatur, nlternnto. ; Third District.—It. J. Moses, of Muscogee, elector, and W. D. Tuggle, of Troup, alternate. Fourth District.—A. 0. Bacon, of Bibb, elec tor, and Dr. Henry S. Wimberly, of Twiggs, al ternate. Fifth District.—Major J. B. Cumming, of Rich mond, elector, and Gen. D. M. DuBose, of Wilkes, ulternato. Sixth District.—H. P. Bell, of Forsyth, olectot, and Garrett MoMlllan, of Habersham, alternate. Seventh District.—Col. Jus. D, Waddell, of Fulton, elector, and Col. V. A. Gaskill, of Fulton, alternate. Tho Business Committee appointed at the morning's session mado tho following report, to-wlt: Tho Committee, after retiring a few moments, returned nml reported tho following names os electors nnd alternates for tho Stato at Jnrgo: Gen, John B, Gordon, of Fulton, John T. Cliirk, of Randolph { Alternates, Wm. T. Wofford of Bartow, ami Thos. M. Norwood, of Chatham. On motion, tho samo committee wero requested hotlfy tho gcntlomcn of their appointment ns electors and alternates, and request their acccp- of tho samo. Tho President appointed tho following Execu tive Commit too In conformity with a resolution of. tho Convehijon: E. G. Onbaniss, of Monroe, Chalrinnn; J. I. Whittaker, Win, Ezzard. Dr. J. H. Alexander, L. G; Glenn, D. P. Hill, J. F. Coouer, E. D. llogo, 6f Atlnntn; G. N. Lester, Marietta; P. W. Alex ander, Columbus; Gen. A. R. Wright. Augusta; Nelson Tift. Albany; S. G, Smith, Banks county; Geo. A..Mercer, Savannah; Geo. S. Blfipk,Romo. At night there was a huge torch-light procession, bearing: tianparcnclos of ovory description. Tho business houses, dwellings Hud olllecs generally were brilliantly;lliumluated. ilt> (s a matter;of impossibility to glvo tho most tnengro description of the affair iti a nowspnpor paragraph.\Thonum* her of persons present wipn variously cstlmiu^ at froth 15,000 to 28,000, and wo think t|io for mer about correct, Bard’s estimate! of 28b'p, and chnnging of his reporter’s estimate, to tho contrary notwith tandlng. Wo glvo a vory few of tin/ most conspicuous transparencies: “Blair your eyes and you can Seymour!” “Thp'B’s aro hived: Perjured Blodgett, Traitor iBtriWK, Convict Bradley and Thief Butler.” “Honest men to handlo public monies nnd link vntrim but is threshed, this year, wheat crops on fifteen lautation8, in Vann’s Valloy and on Silver Crook, nd that the average yield la only B| bushels por icrc. r : PnoviniNO FOR TiiK Family.—Bullock hns sent [‘the Augusta Mink" Fjoster Blodgett to Wash- 1 on on a special mission. IIo has also appoint- i younger pup of the Blodgett ftunily na Aid do Camp, with tho rank, pay and emoluments of vCololici. This cub Is to drill the nigger ml itla rlth tho Enfield rifle, &c. ^ John Oswalt, convicted in Floyd county last [eek of Involuntary manslaughter, In causing tho lath of Wood, has been sentenced to fivo years 1 tho Penitentiary. Ho has been put to labor on Selma and Dalton Roud with tho convicts hero- Batoforo assigned to that worlr. He will possibly have Ills temper cured by tho Umohegets through, t A Radical paper Insists that Grant’s record is ‘Straight.” SO Whft favorite drink. j '. j The accounts by telegraph of the groat flood In Baltimore aro spooking. It is, ono of tho most- terrible disasters of moderH times. The loss by > flood is closoly estimated at threo million 1 dol- s. Fifty lives, inoludiug many .women nnd hildrcn, were lost. All tho flour mills around he city wero destroyed or Injured. T Tijk Crops,—Dispatches from a number or lo-‘ alilies In the States of Jll|noi3, Wisconsin, Iowa nd Minnesota, with two of three exceptions, an- nounco the crops of small gralnh unprecedented, Doth in quality and quantity, and the corn never looked better. . It is asserted that, unless somo ©light should come, both the small grain crop and * b corn crop will be tho largest ever gathered In e Northwest. | Cobh ik Kbntdoky.—Wo never in our lives aw such a ceason for tho corn. Plnptcd in tho r PUd about so von weeks ago, with propitious weather since, and good cultivation, it has grown with a rapidity that has astonished all that have observed 1 it. Cofn that wai planted seVen weeks ago, now shooting, tassellmg, and silking, Is great prork, Notwithstanding tho intense heat, it pre- icnis a rich, healthy color, and continues to gktw ery fast. 'Some farmers are 1 expecting sixtv rtisnc’^ • 1 - J — T j ~ - ime farmers ore els to the aoro.—Lexington Rtateman y July A bill was introduced in the Senate on Friday, p consolidate the offices of Secretary of State -nd Surveyor General of Georgia. : On Tuesday, 14th instant, the editor of tho llbany Newa was shown two open bolls of cot on. They were from the field of a colored man ' ^Hat vicinity. 1. Resolved, Thnt ns the Convention of tho Democratio party of Georgia, we unanimously ratify tho nomination of Horatio Seymour, for President, and Francis P. Blair, Jr, for Vice- President of the United States, and wo pledgi them our hearty and cordial support. 2. Resolved, That wo approve tho Patform Principles adopted by the late Convention of tho Nutional Democratic Party, at Now Yofkynnd re ceive and adopt it, not only for Its soundness, but because It recognizes the equality of all the States of the Union. > „ r . ' v ./ •. 8. Resolved, Thnt an Electoral Ticket for tho Stato of Georgia be nominated by the Convention pledged to tho support of Horatio Seymour, for President, and Francis P. Blair, Jr., for Vice- President of tho Uuited States, nnd that this tick et be composed of two candidates and alternates for the State at large, and one for each Congress ional District with an alternate. 4. Resolved,. That a Control Executive Com niittce of fifteen bo appointed by the President of this Convention nt his convenience, whose headquarter* shall be lu the city of Atlanta, and Th 1688'by t * ,8t Committee bo authorized to call Con ven- tlonsof tho Democratic party whenever 'the same may be necessary, and to take such other seeps as maybe proper to carry out the principles and policy of tho party. 5. . Resolved, That for tho purpose of affecting a thorough and complete organization of the par ty, tho Democratic Clubs in.tbo several counties are earnestly exhorted to redouble their exertions for the Ascendency of Democratio^prinoiplofl, and in counties iu which they are not yet organized, the delegates in this Convention from such coun ties rn requested; upon their return homo, to have clubs orgauized ns soon as practicable', and in each and every county it is roquested that each Club b&ve its Central Executive Committee, with sub-committees, whoso duty it shall bo cnnvAB* for votes, and to secure the attendance the polls of all the Democratic voter* in their i spective district*. The report was unanimously adopted. Mr. Scott, of Floyd, moved that a Committee of one from each Congressional district be ap pointed by the Chair, whose duty it shall bo soloot suitable names for electors for the State large, together with two alternates. The motion was agreed to. Tho following, names wero announced by the Chair a* composing tho Committee: R. E. Les ter, A. H.-Colquitt, J. If. Russell, C. Peeples, B. T. Harris; S. J. Smith and Dr. LMand. ■-—?— ....- Uumlruil tu .lx hundred ptnona wocklj 1 . Thu value or Improvement. In St. I,oula for tho post three month, amount to $378,0110. Tho full return, .how n Democratic m.Joilty In Mississippi of between 8,000 nnd to,000. Tho Democrat, hnvo n majority or elx In tho Stato Rennto, nnd or ftiur In tho Ilouao or ltoprcicnto- tlvcs. They hnvo, also carried lour out or flvo Congressional districts. t * ko, ‘ Gen. Wljlurd SVnrnor, of Ohio has boon olebted United States Senator from Alabama for tho term ending 1871. A young $rl in ; Newburyport, Massachusetts, rccoiitly committed suicide becaus. sho failed to graduate at her .school.; In North Carolina tho now sheriff 1ml appoint ed two negro doputles and, p negro jailor. Alabama will.raise tins year four hundred thou sand bales of cotton, worth $40,000,000, James Stephens,tho ox-Fen la rt head-contro, is PLANTERS’ EMPORIUM 1 BNP Ilcadqimi’lcrs for Everything !1 nuns, jkuwku ft co„ TTAVE ou h.nd ami nro constantly rcooivlng AT u “ laigeat and flucat assortment or CHOICE DM GO'ODS, Embracing nil tho now styles of Ladles’ Dress Goods, Cloths, CoslmotcB, Vestings, oto. Qucor,isn’ nd Stovens made a narrow esenpo ftom Ion und violent death Hie other dav. Ho eamc non; having a generous Idea. If ho had hadT^it Yould Imvo klllod him boforo he could Journal. K u ilitVv HIIIVU unu uuiu.w lie VUUIU u lylhg, nigger, lyln£”—Louisville “Negrb suffrage good enough for tho South, hi noj for tho North—say Grant and Brown.” “Collnnl8 declining!” (illustrator) ThUlso Insinuation about Brown’s leaving: several - ear londs of public property aud bringing off a load of cabbnge, when routed by Kilpatrick. “No moro rewards to Radical spies to Iraprlsou Innocent Democrats.” “The Constitution os It was, nnd men .who will enforce It.” , “Joo BrOwii—a traitor to his section, and *n outcast from society—Judas Escobedo Brown*". .“Who Insulted the lady witnesses at McPher son Barracks? The traitor and scalawag Brown." Illustrated with a Spoon, a Oigar,a MaUet— “Embloms of tho Radical party ‘-‘Seymour and Constitutional Llberty—Graut und DespotUpi*" * “B’s without, honey—Bradley, Brown. Bryant, Blodgett,'Bullock. >Stlngi:e*truotcd In Novom.” On a large wagon was a mnmmonth Illustration of thccoat-o^arms of.Georgia, tho pillars nppro- prlnteiy Inscribed,‘Wisdom, Jastlce, Moderation.’ One was surmounted upon a large wagon, near- tho IVonf df tho procbsslbA. drawn by six horses, and rcprc80ntlng a train of cars'bearing lienee tlie[ military and freedincn’s buroou. . On the roverso wns-Brown’s Col lard scene. On tho other side wns tho steamboat Grnijt, bearing off carpet-bag gers and scalawags after the November election, up*Salt river. In frout was an engine head-light. On top a large flag at full mast. 1 Ono sfrio-comlcnllv illustrated, represented Brown and Bradley, NEGRO, closely embracing each other, making friends. Another, Brown nnd Bullock after capturing Fort Pulaski, march on the Augusta Arsenal, .with drawn ‘pikes,’Joe tell' Ing his brother warrior, “On Rufus, on, to victory death.” “I'll follow thee," says Ruftis. Still another represented Joo piking a negro Into tho ditches, with ono, of the celebrated 4 Pikes” used when “P 1 wus Commander-in-chief of tho State forces. The most tastily arranged of the numerous ones i the streets wus that in lront of Holbrook’s cel ebratcci Southern Hat Emporium, (whoso adver tisement will appear In the next Citizen,) repre sentlng tho Goddess of Justico, tho ra'argiu of tho beautiful picture being filled with patriotic senti ment. “Give us tho Constitution of* our'Fatliers.— f'cyinuur ami 1)Inir, binvo duluudOi* CfT Law-SUif Liberty. “Threo years of Radii-al pcaco roRt without interest $850,000,000, with iuterest $l,*/»o,000,- 000'. Four years of Democratic war (Polk’s ad ministration) cost $250,000,000. • Read Seymour’ Albany speech. “ Horatio .Seymour, the patriot and statesman, “Gen Fraitk P. Blair, Jr., the Andrew Jackson of to-day. “ ‘Breathes tliero n man with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said,”’ D—own with the Freadman’s Bureau.” • Salutes were fired at several points when the uproarious pageant passed and fireworks were exploded all along the I no of march. The head of the eolumn washnlte on Alabama street, and right-centre rested in front of the American Ho tel, and opposite the “Dumoor.tio Wigw where Ihely expressions of approval were made by tho assembled mnAdjacent warn” was then lighted a bonfire, aud as tho col umn moved up in mass, a salute was fired from piece of ai tillery stationed there for the purpose. Three cheers were given for “Seymour and Blair’ by not less than ten ihousand voices, and deafen ing shout after shout was sent up as tho bands made the air resonant with tho inspiriting strains of * Dixio.” Being somowhnt woarried nnd unwell, tired, nt twelve o’clock, and’ still, the work went merrily on. The transparencies, aro gleaned from the Daily Constitution. IV f DALTON 1’KICES Cl’ItllKNT. JUviBXD Wkkklt dy J. E. & E. CluurriiN, BUTTER—20 to 2i/«/h«..... EGGS—10 to IC contl. ju:r dozen. FLOUR—$12 to $10 per barrel. MEAL—95 to cents 100 por busho^ • CORN—00 to 95 per bushel. BACON—20to 22 per lb. SUGAR—Brown', tfl to 20 ots. per lb SYRUP—70 to $1.25.’ - 1 i" _ ; WHEAT—$1.60,por.bushol to $1.90. COFFEE—80 to 884 cents per lb. CHEESE—25 to‘30 “ “ COTTON YARNS—$2.10 to $2.2J por bunch, CALICO—124 to lVicts. per yard. CANDLES—Tallow, 25 ots. per lb. • '* ‘ Adrimantlne, 80 ots; per lb, Extra Special Notice. 1 Bewaro of counterfeits!" Smith's Tonic Sjtu[ has bcon counterfeited, and the counterfeiter brought to grief. , Smith'$ Tonic Syrup. Tho genuine article must havo Dr. John Bull’s private .stamp on each bottle. 'Dr. John Bull on ly has tho right to manufacture nnd sell tho origi nal John Smith's Tonic Syrup of Louisville', Ky.— Examine W'ell the Inbal on each bottle. If my private stamp Is nob on the bottle, do not pur chase, or you will bo deceived. See my, column ndvertiBemcut, and my show card. The geuuino Smith’s Tonic Syrup can only be prepared by my self. Tho public servant, Louimlle, Ky. Dit, JOHN BULL, April 25, three In Jersey City, eight In Newark, New Jer sey, nnd five In tho Navy Yard, died on Thursday of sun stroke. Nick Davis, of Limcstono county, Ala, declines the position of Elector for tho State at huge on tho Grant and Colfax ticket, for which ho was nominated by the Radicals of his State. Beecher tells us that Grant Is “skilful in uslnj men.” That he is skilful in using them up is sul fieiently proven by tho bones of the hundred thou sand men ho used up during a single campaign iu Virginia.—Louieville Journal. A man in 'Lowell, 'Washington county, Ohio, was almost frozen to death last week, lie crawl ed into an ice-houso to try and keep cool, and was discovered a few hours ufterward frozen quite stiff and insensible. He was, with the greatest difficulty,- restored to life, nnd will probably nev er get over the effects of his Imprudence, yet still we sweltcringly envy him. ' Tho wheat crop Is finished in nearly all parts of Indiana, nnd la decidedly the best they have had for a long time. Coni, too, promises ccedirigly heavy yield. Preparations nyo being made nt Omaha bj ham Young’s agents for the.transportation of sev oral thousand emigrants to the end of the Union Pacific railroad. Tho heat la so Intcnso In Illinois thnt all sorts of work has been suspend d. Farmers are offer ing from five to seven dqllnra for harvest-hands, but cnii get none at any price. Tbo Count Cboriuski has been sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment at Paris; for complicity in tho murder of his wife. There are now 1,268 Mormons at Cnstlo Gar den, New York, awaiting transportation to Utah, and 2,100 more qre expected from Europe soon. Generals Grautj Sherman, Sheridan nnd Dent, left LoVcnworth on Saturday morning for Denver, via Kansas and Pseiflo railroad. A man out West shot himself dead to freo him self from rheumatism. The cure is callod a markable pnc. The. Natchitoches (La.) Times Is Informed that nt a meeting held at Ringgold, on the ?.0th ulL, 140 colored men joined the, democratic blub, F. M Simons, of La Crosso, completed his walk of one thousand and ono hundred tnilcb in twelve and a-half'days at noonon tho 13th. It Is computed that no fewer than 108 M.ox Generals havo an oye to tho presidency of t country. Elder Knapp boast* of having converted two hundred erring Californians at a single protracted meeting. The potato fly, a now pest, is doing much dam age in Vermont. The effects of tiul drought nre most disastrous to the crops in parts of Canadn. GOLD "GREENBACKS! I T bqhoovos every man to savo evory cent pos rib o, and everybody “gives it up” that they save money by trading nt CHRISTIAN'S NEW CHEAP STORE Wo . aro offering unprecedented bargalus in P R I N'T S, Bleached mid Unbleached Domestic Bools. Shoes, Hats, Notions, BACON, SUGAR, COFFEE, nnd FAMILY SUPPLIES of ail Linds nt WoiiderMy Low ,Prices! Wo contlnuo to pat iho Highest Prices for Country J'rorftfcc, or all kinds. We ore olleting great inducements, also, to buyers of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Hardware, Crockery, Harness, etc. ijula J. E. k E. CHRISTIAN. GOOD, STRONG FASHIONABLE. Ladles’* IlaW, press Trimmings, Yankee Notions. New Styles lats, Gaps, Boots and Skoes, jh every VarUtp o/ Price 'and Excellence. Also, » vofy lorjgo nWoftmcnt Crockery, IBstTOP IS iwjjSB to mako n fuUJIuo of I’AMILI GROCERIES! FAB1IHS IMPTSWESIS! Of the latest and most approved Patents ; Also, nil kinds of Field and Garden Seeds, at JTo, 1 and 2 Tftfji's House, Dalton reMium reapers^ anT mowers. Tibbs, Kentior k Co. nrb agents for Wood's Solf-Rnko Reaper and Mowing Machines; which hnvo proven then\solves to bo tho best in uso. Wnrrantcil to give satisfaction, or no sale. Qoma and see, at No l and 2,'TlbV’s House. pREAP - AS 1 DAYLIGHTI' Nbn-Exploslvfl \J Patro Oil,;at 7C cent* por gallon,-and-tho Comet Burner, which makes a beautiful • light, unsurpassed, npd is perfectly.sccuro from explo sion. For sale by Tiims, Kknneii & Col . NWYoffColuiMV . Valuable In SELECT. YOUR-OWN NUMBERS In lln )YAL SPANISH LOTTERY, T HE moat i-caponsiblo . iti6tiiutlon*of tho kind lh • ^ * tho world, Lottery Is iv iiow Idoa—m ador'd to tho wa'rits of the peopie. It affords u safoi^m'e.ilis df spcculutlve Investment than most other busi ness risks. For full information, address LLOYD, SK.MMES k CO., Room 10. ., Ifi I^ussau Strcot, New York. II. >JC. Hoftnan, Oco. Jl. StalfJ/, U%. J. ArtAttrong. Eli J JlamiUou. I - jr. If, HEAWERi of Georgia, HOFFMAN, STALEY & CO., : . WholMuio Grocers, Liquor aodOommission 341. IV, Nallifnore and 50 German Sts., DKTWRKN HOWARD AND EDTAW, BALTIMORE, Orders for Groceries, + and Consignments of Pro duce, solicited. . . ju!2*3u» Preparations. EVERYBODY Tries'Them! E.VEliYBODY Uses Timm!.. EVfMYBODYr-—Believes in them! Everybody- lieeominende them I .| T Anij^uu troubiuil bj-» 1 .Uk'i.\llo:U'll. ''Cosfnr'sH, Exterminators. -J Only;Infillliiilo ItcmcOIuH known."— ' 1 1 “ Friio' from Polsfth.” ; “ Not danger ous to tho Human Family.” : “ ltal conto out of tlioi.r holes to die," Im proved to keep in any climate, Aro you annoyed with Bod-Bugs?— Can’tsloopniglitsb- si Cost4tr>s^ Red- Muff Extcr, A Liquid “ Destroys and prevent* Bud- v K ^ la ” V .. i For'Moths in Furs, Woolens, Carp- ':;>i cls,.&d.- “Coafar^V fused Pomlw, De8troy«,in8tnii(ly, Fleas and'.aU. Ip. 'pecte on'Fluiits; Fowls, AHipials,Ac. Plastering. J. O. JS prepared to do any common work In ' ;U Ttco coats or Hard Eitiisft, In town or country. Works either by tho JOB or by the DAY. Mr. S. is a Plasterer by trade, and follow* other bnsinoss. C-fTTlnoo of residence, Spring Placo street, Dalton, Georgia. March 20, 1868—6m. Ammoniated Phospliate. B est and cheapest fertilizer IN THE WORLD! Saves Laud....Saves Money....Saves Labor! J. E & E. CHRISTIAN, Agents. gigaes“mOobaooo I C OUNTRY' MERCHANTS nnd consumers will find at our house the largest and best as sortment of Cigars nnd Tobacco in Cherokee Georgia, which wo sell nt Atlanta and Nashville prices. J. E. k E CHRISTIAN. Wheat Wanted. H AVING perfected arrangements with exten sive houses, of unlimited menus, for tho pur chase of wheat, wo will be prepared at nil times to pay tho very highost prices. J.EetfE. Christian, Hamilton street, Dalton, Ga. LATEST ARRIVAL OF NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS the attention of promp buyers, knowing thnt can mako it to their interest to do so, Our stock consists in part of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ladles’ DRESS GOODS and TRIMMINGS In great variety and styles! TIVnfe Goods, Bleached and Brown DOMESTICS. Men’s and Roy’s Ready Miade Clothing, Linen Drills, Cottonndcs, Summer Cosslmers, Tweeds, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies and Gentlemen. Hardware, Outtlery and Queensware, and Wood and Willow-Wnro in great variety. Also, a splendid line of FAMILY GROCERIES, end Dye-Stuffs, to which wo invito .the atten tion of our friends and tho public, as it is our In tention not to bo undersold. Wo buy all kinds of Produce for Cash {or Goods. Remember, our motto is QUICK SALhS AtiD SMALL PROFITS. EOtrnir is ejssoj%\ jan 16 Hamilton Street, Dalton, Git, STOVES AND TINWARE. A.Xi.Sout]ierland Manufacturer of all kinds of TINWARE, AND DEALER IN Stoves, HollowWare, Hardware, And everything in his line of business, which ho H ses to sclfas cheap ns can be bought in tho cm or.Western markets, at wholesulo or re tail, and claims fur his Tinware a superiority over that of Norihctn or Eastern manufacture. Roofing and guttering dono promptly, cheaply. Hamilton street, Dalton, Ga. July-6m Lnnrber! Hall’s Station on the W.& A.R.R. Ellsworth” & hall; A RE prepared to furnish any and every varie ty of. . ’ lO’OIRXrOJESIEtL, Loaded on tho Cars nt their Steam Jtitit. First quality is now selling at $10 per thous and—second quality $1© per thousand. . All lengths up to 52 feet. 100,000 feot now for sale on the yards nt thoir two mills. H2TKILN DRIED FLOORING and FINISH 1NG LUMBER furnished on reasonable terms. t3f"Cars stop to take on nnd let oil* pussen- gera. Feb. 28—6m. “ Asure thing.”- Thousands can 'tt tif.v. “Cosfflr’a” Corn Solvent, For Corns, Bunions,' Wafts, kc,— “Try it." Du. .lur.N was iu Lpulavillu ^ some of your fciranpi My pon ln-law win has been down with r commenced on the Bitters, aud toon I general health improved. Dr. Gist who has been in bad I them, and ho also Improved. Dr. Coffee, who has been iu l. etui years— stomach awl liver a! proved very much by: tho use c Indeed thy Cedron Hitters lint popularity, In. this settlemen sell u great quantity of your —especially of your Cedron 1 Ilia. Ship ino via Memphis, care of It iMh •• „ , l i"i’ ■ • It- " A ■(Iiim.-yU i'< • '( !.iJ llino Jie’K Ball’s Worm Destroyer. o'trA vl-fifltJr: oHvr dwvHt -— jViiow fn—SiVisl rjli UnitedEUftee,and Worldwide Reader*,. I h(tvo reoeiyod many teptlmonials from profes- sionul apd.medical men, ns my ahnatiacs nml va rious publicationslmvq shown, all of which'me gonulno. Tli'o ( foilowing letter from a highly ed ucated and popular-physlolan in Georgia, Is’cer tainly ono of the most; sensible communications I have ever received. Dr. Clement knows ex- uetly wlint ho spcqks of, nnd his testimony dc- eerves to ho Written in letters of cold. Hear wlint tho Doctor i-nya of BULL’S WORM DE STROYER: • Villatiow, WtllRer CoUnty, Oa.,Junc20 t ISfG. Dr. John Bnll-^Dcar Sir: I havo recently giv eu your r “ Worm Destroyer” several trials, and find it.wonderfully.elfieacious. It has not failed $le inatance to have tho wished for effect. Don't suffer with Pain I A Wonder ful power of Hcnlingl .Every family should keep^ it in the house. “Cosfar’s” Buckthorn Salve, Its effects Uro iinmediute.' -For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Wounds, Sore Breasts, Tiles, Ulcers,.Old Bores, Itch,, Scrofula . . mid Cutaneous Eruptions. Chapped Hands, Lips, Ac:,'BUea of Animals, I n sects,'&c. ‘ I am doing a pretty largo country practice, nml daily use' fo? some nrllclo of tho kind, ' I have d nm freo to donfess HiAt'I know of no remedyrec- dnimendcdby the ablest authora that i.iso certain and speedy ns Its effects. , On the contrary they, qro uncertain In tho extreme. My object in writ ing you Is to lLid out upon what terras I can get tho nicJ'eide du'Cctly from you. If I can get up on easy terms, I shall liso a great deal of it. I am aware that thd pae pf such articles is.contrary to the teachings nnd practice of a great majority of tho regular lino of M. D’s, but I see no just cause or good sense in discarding n remedy which wo know to bo ofiiotohf, simply beCauso wo may “A Universal Di^cr Fill” (* lg „ r . | b«pp»Oflt.» 1 omblD»Uon. i S®) part I coated). 80 5 -ca,A^luU to cd fit a ; to command—uot hesitating because d). riivsiclnn’a'Prdctice. Costar’s 9 * Bishop PUIS, Of extraordinary olflcacy for . Gostivo- ness, Indigestion,. Nervous nnd Bioh Hendacho, Dyspepsia, Dysentery,Gen eral Debility, Liver Complaints, Chills, Fevers, &c. Not griping. Gentle, mild and soothing. ‘ Costar’s’* Cough Remedy. Tho children cry fbt it—its a “Sooth, lug Syrup.” For Coughs, Colds- Iloarseness, Soro Throat, Croup, Whoo ping Cough, Asthma,.Branchial Af fections. Bingcrsf Speakers, nnd .nil troubled with Throat Complaints, will i * find this n beiteficinl Pectoral Remedy. W ANT E D — AQEN TS—$176 per month to sell tho National Family Sewing Machine. This machine Is equal to tho standard machines in every respect and is sold nt the low prico of $20. Address NATIONAL SEWING MACHINE CO., Pittsburgh; Pa. jun25-8m W. W. HIGGINS, GUN AND LOCKSMITH, N EW GUNS made to orddr, and repairing of every description dono at sho^t notice. E3T*A11 work warranted. Terms to suit tho hard times. Also .til tsizes aud sorts of Spoons, Rutter Knives, he., Mado from old silver or coin. CSTSliop in tho building in which tho Post Office is kept. Feb, 21—6in. Still in the Trade! T HE citizens of this nnd adjoining counties arc reminded thnt I nm still in tho Dry Goods and Grocery Trade, &TAP41 BRYGOftPS AND Choice FAMILY GROCERIES, Which I am offering to tho trade on very liberal terms. CJTI buy every description of Country Pro duce aud pay tho HIGHEST prices tho markets will justify, either in CASH or ntiy class of goods at CASH PRICES. tSPThnnkful for past favors I respectfully ask o continuance of :hc same. JOHN" H. KING. Dalton, Ga., April 17—8ra. To the Farmers of North Georgia. '"THE undersigned is General Agent lor the fol- JL lowing counties, vizi Catoosa; Dade, Wal ker, Whitfield, Murray, Gilmer, Fannin, Pickens, Union, Dawson, Gordon and Chattooga, for tlm sale of tho following manufactured implements: J. W. Cardwell's Tbraahors and Horse Powers. “ Straw Stackers. *' Corn Planters. “ Wheat Horse-Rakes and Corn Droppers. “ Sulky Cultivators. Plymer, Norton k Co.’s Cano Mills, Pans, Fur naces and Evaporators—complete. Young’s Manufacture of Miibtz’s Putent Wheat Cleaner. 0. Aultman & Co.’s Reaper and Mower, com plete, together with all their modem improve ments. Also, a general assortment of Agricultural Im plcmeut*, ofovory description, on nand. Orders promptly filled, and on very ac commodating terms. JOHN H. KING. Dolton, Ga., April 17—8m; FOR SALE l Syrup Kettles, of ihe most, iipproted patern v which I will sell low for cash. Apply to, or ad- drees G. R. BROWN, ju!19-tf Upper King’s Bridge, Murray county Rondcra tho skin clear, smooth and Boft. Removes Tan, Freckles, Pirn- plos, Ac. Ladies, try a bottle, nnd see itswoiidorf | il quality. *11! Bkwa R!!! of all worthJessmita l- ‘ C0STAR*S ” fly** None Genuine without Fignnturo. . J^-250. nnd 60c. sizes kept by nil Druggists. sizes sent by mall on receipt of price, t3$r*2 pays for any threo$1 sizes by Exp css. ty$B pays for eight $1 sizes by Express. Address 1 HENRY B. COSTAR, , 012 Broadway, N.'Y» CSSTFcr sale by C. B, Wollborn k Co., Dal ton, Georgia CSTSold by all Wholesale Druggists in all the largo Cities. y Barnes,' Wnrrl k Oo., 24 Magazine streets N. Orleans, wholesale ugonts for Southern Sfato. May 8—Oin. . • St. Mary’s Institiite. T HE exorcises of the above Institution, will ho resumed on tho first Monday in July next. Tuition. [ First Class, per Term of 6 months, .$ 0 00 2d “ “ “ 12 00 3d “ “ ; “ 18 00 Board can bn had in good families from 8 tq 10 Dollars per mouth ., Students can ho prepared for admission into any class of the University of Georgia, .or any similar Institution. Thu above Institute is situated 25 miles South west of Ringgold, Gu., and 25 ;iniles South oi Chuttunoogo, Tenn. J. Y. WOOD, Principal Miss Maidix Wood, Assistant. Juno 13“4t. DR. B.B,BROW\r, Insurance and Land Agent, KINO STUKET, DALTON, UKOROIA. ' A GENT for A5TNA LIIo nnd Firq Insurance* Conipnhy. Also, Jellerson and., Janies River Firo Insurance Companies, of Virginia, Enterprise, at Cincinnati, nnd Putnam, at Hurt- Tord, Fire Insuranco Companies: And General Ijand. A^enfc For anybody who ontrust* their bilriiieSs to lilS cure. Refers to Col. 0. B. Welborn* Atlanta; Col. W. H. Tibbs, Lowry k Eason, lion, D. A, Walker, and Col. J. A. R. Hanks, D.vlton. jaOly TIME —is— i3MTo2i.©yS Ahd^a Correct Tlmc-Plere Makes Both l T HE undersigned would respcctfdlly announce to tho citizens of Daltoii and vicinity that ho has opened, at the wall-known establishment of Messrs. Bukofzcr & Lovoman, a Shop for repair ing nnd. eloanjug Watehes, as well as perform ing all other work pertaining to his trado. pyHaving been constantly employed in somo of tho largest European cities for the lust ten years past, ho guarantcos superior workmanship. fSyChargca moderate to conform with tho times. py*I have just received a choicolot of JetO- dry, which Jam offering nt very I <w prices.— Call and seo It. L. SILBEUMAN. Feb. 29—tfj. Ingenius than myself may have learned its effects first, and secured: that knowledge How- over, I am by no moans an advocate or mipporter of tho thousands of worthless nostrums that flood ply soon, and inform tao of your host terms. I nm sir, most respectfully, * JULIUS T. CLEMENT, M. D. Bull’s Sarsaparilla. movea so often, my wound: r . I lifri'o not pat up a moment sincal was wounded. I mu shot through tho hips. Sly general health is impaired, and I need something to assist na ture. I Iirvq more faith in your Sarsaparilla than In any thing else. I wish that that is genuine, Pleaso express mo half a dozen bottles, nnd oblhro Oapt. C. I\ JOHNSON, ; St. Louis, Mo. P. S.—Tho following was written April. 30; 1835, by Mrs. Jennie Johuson, mother of Capt. Johnson. Da. BuLLr-Dear Sir: My husband. Dr, 0. S. Johnson, was a skillful surgeon und physician in Central Now York, where he died leaving thd abovo 0. P. Johnson to my care. At thirteen years of.uge hu had a chronic diarrhea and scro fula, for which I guvo him your; Sarsaparilla, It cured him. .1 havo for ten yoars rccommeq^ed it to many ih New York, Ohio, and Iowa, for scro fula, fever sores, and general debility. Perfept success has nttufiiod it. 77u cure effected in some cases of scrofula,and fever sores were almost mil raculovs, 1 am very anxious for my son to ogain liavo recourso to vour Saisapnrilla. [He k fearful of getting a spurious article, hence his wi lting to you for it. His wounds were terrible, bdt I bo* liovo he will recover. Respectfully, v JENNIE JOHNSON. DR. JOHN BULL, Manufacturer and Vender of tho Celebrated . Smith’s Tonic Syrup, I’OK HIE CURE OF A G V E A JT Ml FE FEE, OR, CHILLS ..AND FEYEB. The proprietor of this celebrated -medicine justly claims for it a superiority over all remedies ever offered to the public, for tho *afe t certain, tpeedu, nnd permanent cure of Ague uud Fever, or Chills and ^evnr, whether of short or. long standing. He refers to the entire Western and South-western country to hear him testimony to tho truth of the assertion, that In no cose whatev er will It fall to cure; If the directions lire stflctty followed nnd carried out. In a great many cases, a single dose has, been sufficient for. a euro, und whole families liavo ^eeu cured by a single hot ' Ap ‘ tic, with a perfect restoration Of the L- hoaltli. It is, however, prudent, and In every cate more certain , to dure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after tho dis ease has been ebeoked, more especially Iq difficult and long standing coses. Usually, this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels ingood order;’ should tlio patient, however, require a cathartic medioluo, after having taken three or four doses of the Tonic, a einglo doso of BULL’S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS.pill bo sufficient. DR. JOUN BULL’S Principal OlUno: No, 40 fifth, Cross Street, LOUISVILLE; KY. All of the. above remedies for salo by. J. B, NIOKLIN k CO, Chattanooga, Tenn., And by all other responsible Druggists, 16-1 y BETTER THAN oun seiv Mestmctable Golden Pens. \ RE recommendpd by Bankers, Lawyers, Pro- rV fessors, Teachers, Merchants, nnd all who havo tried them, ns tho best Pon manufactured. GEORGIA, Walker County Wiliam Umuello ) £iM . ,j, , Mary Coalollo. ) k " CaUr ‘■ I T nppe'iring to tho Court by the return of (ho Sheriff, that tho,defendant is a non-resident Of this State, It is ordered that' salt! defendant nppear and answer at the April Terin of sakL ,, , Twa Court, elso that tho cose bo conslderod In default I, They are nob-corrosive, and raanufactuml with and the plaintiff allowed to prpocud* the greatest care, rendering them moro durable And it is further,<>rderbt|’thut tluf-Rule bo pub- tjinn any pen now before tho public, liriied once a month, for four months, in Uio j ' .Sent postpaid to any address for 75 cents per North Georgia Republican. box; containing one dozen OrderirMhtfcfmisg^: JAMES MILNER, j; e. : c. b. o. I money ftirtho same sentat our risk Do not ibr- I certify that the above is a truo copy of tho get to* try them M,.MoALPIN & CO., original. JAB. II. ROGERS, Clerk, i jun5-8m Louisville, Ky. April 24—4m. Please sta(« that you saw this in the Citizen