North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, August 06, 1868, Image 1

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7 • 7 ny: papnegn gpftniK tHf t .nifl.Hl' tfi !)«H 4di1 bfiji ii«iiD tdlMl*! rto^ol .W j Y/»ii4,3#i&—|pwc»q.<rt(t| "‘ ' '* —"•Isr.Tr.tijtf-rntf-: ^iTOi'ajg>'~ '— ■'{fr'ivy DA i .TON, GEORGIA; THURSDAY, ngrAOSWWftUt ?« im-i ,,. ..t "" . • i.. . ... t,..i..i r .i. i.^ ; t! T. IBNBy 3IT Y OFpjTLgTQ'N'. APOTIOK AX^D OOMMIB3ION. IIKEX, )H M.—Auolion. nml Commission Morolmnt, King street. , | DEY "GOODS AKD QROOKEIEs! Q A Story 1 Siltli 'a Jloral. ' • uju Ijohd^oloiit olll gentleman of ; a Nonliotri City, 'While tanking'n tour’ in pufBiilt oftruuiits Slid llttlo wnmloi'ers, onti’Sabbnth hiolhing, n score Of yciii-s ago. folfatl u llttlo -Itoy-asltap ift ft orato nu bho of Hid 'wharves.- IIo Sliook tlio faftto, and! 'it pair of- bright,'blade oybs Opondil ntul’flhslic'd 1 upon him, ivith a lbolc of surprise Unci' timidbasUfulneSs.’’ '■■“"I •*' ' “Why do you sleep horof'IHhqulMd' the old ’gfcntlomhh; “Whci-o is yout' father ?” - . ’ 1 5“'.' ' “ I don’t know', sir. I haln’tsfcdn him for a long time: never slncoHiO told mother ho wouldn't coind htmid again.” : ' • “Wboro is your mother ?”■ ,l Slid is (load.” “ So-you have no-hotne—ivo'fnthor, no 1 mother—and live from' hand to mouth in 'iho’strsot, and sleep in’a orato?” • -i - : “Yesyslr. I sell'soap and matches, anti sleep hero.” '“Would you lilto to have a homo, and gd'to 'school;--and grow up ;to bo n gbod, end brave, nUd'useful ipan ?” “Yesjsir.”' “ Como along with mb ;■ I will take you to my own house, ’niiilTobil- aiid clothe you,- ntid bond you to soliooi; ’if you prove to. bo, ns I tliipk vou.aro^a goodaml faithful boy.”/ - . • 'Aspic old man said this, lio dashed a tear from, his byes, with Ids coat slb'ovo, for the boy was tiio very imago of his own sweet chiljl,:who bpd.died a .few years before. .Lifting t.lio lad tondbrlv out of tho crate. ho led him to his b^nplobfant home, where lib was t^aagbsSS! ||&£B£8Cf ryilltm-ZUtt fc LOVKJIAN—Wholcsnlo and | 13 lletnll Dealers In Pry flood*, Bantlomoa’a [ FurnlshlngGpods <md Chilling, Hamilton street. B ARRETT,L. \V.—Doalor In Dry Goods, Gro ceries; Provisions, etc,, Hamilton Btroct, > AltCI.AY, JOHN—Dealer In Qrocorlcs, l’rovi- 5 sions and Produoo, opposite Tibbs House, ■QITTINO, N.—Doalor in Groceries, Provisions i J3 and Qucouavraro, limnilton atroot. ROZ1ER, S.,C.—Dry floods, Groceries, Hiifd- Sl-aro, ole.’, btW storo on Uumiltou street. ;rOS( k LTKN—Dcnlcrs in D|-y aoojbsim' lies, Prodneo nnd Hdrdwar- * .corner IwmWBWk'&fii-.* ", I *|rv AVIS, 1 w. Um CO.-v-Pcnlors In Family ana I himnoy &&<&)»»' - Salooq npeho^Chb^r I house, north corner King aud Ilumllton. I TT A1)I>0UK,, !!• H.*--Dcalor In PryOoods.ifJro- | JtjL eoHesilistsybaiw, Boots,Shoes au<i&> ‘ Iliunlltonstrcet. ,,1 * T7"IJ'(i, J, II.—Dealer in Groceries, Dry floods 1\ clotliinw find Qbota and Shoes. General L- n guilt far Agricultural Implements, Ilatnilton it. T i)lVUf A: f.ASO\—Yr’UoloMe' iuid Itotnil 1 . Donlors 111 Dry floods, Groceries- nod Pro duce, corner Gordon sud Uiunhton. Sco Advor. i ndMMl A CAl.lHVtXL— Doalor* in Dry lVL floods, flfoeeries, Produoo nnd Hard If are neiit corner ol'Wiiugh and llsmilton street. ■AitCBTCIliA it lilTTlXG—Denlors In Fnmlly Jy JL ’Ordcerius.i’i'biiueoyotc., cast side Hamilton street.;. 1 11. no -1 » AATfllANi T. n.-^Fiimlly Oroberles nnd Provt- iVjL aions, Posii.fflco buildlng„King street. King and Hamilton ati-cet. r) [iu\, j; B.—Wliolcfalo and Itetnli Dealer in AV Dry Goods, Notions, nnrilwiire, Ciucousvraro nnd Groceries, No. 5, Tlbb's House. T IBBS, KEBSER & CO.—Wholcsalo and Ro. tnllPoidcrs in Diy floods, Groceries nndAgri- culturid Iinplemonts, nnd Fnrmors Suppllcs,Tlbbs House, No, 1 nnd 2, llnniiltou street. 1 SeoAdvcr. nPUKVITT, J. F.—Dealot in DryliOoods.-flro- A ccriosand Provisions, opppsito TibblaHuuao: CONFECTIONS, BAKERY~ npOIVSI.EV, J. AV.—Confectioner, Baker nnd I Fnnoy Grocer, Ilumllton, below King street. O ’NEIL, R. .p—Fnucy Grocer nnd Coufec- lionor, with Saloon atuulied, Tilib’a’Houae • DRUGGISTS. B lttUVS, B. B —Dealer In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, oto. Insuranee ngeut. King Street, below post ollieo. t HUBER it ltNICUT—DciilcH 1« Drugs, Moil- ieines; Ptilnbr, Oils, fllass, etc., No. 13, Tibb’s House,- liiumltun street. FURNITURE. UL-taii DeiileSand Manul'uctprpre of all kimjs 1 a (jfKurnlturo manufucturcil. Saw attached, .-See Advci'titicmcut. GOODS ANDNOTIONS, tho boh of the pliiluutlif'opisl, i To shorton the story, which lias ran tofiai enough ,fot- a volume, the gqotl old man gave the lad all flic advantages atforded by th^ common schools of the, city, and then gave him a clei-ksjiip iti-, his own stoi-o| for lie was a yj-ull-tp-do mcrohaut. , , ... Auer several years of faithful 'ser vice, jUie.young lugjl expressed a. wish to engage in business on his own ac count, or iii some other way, to extend his usefulness. “I will start yon ill business,’’.said tbo old,man, “on certain conditions.” “ Please state thcni,” remarked the young man, with a smile; for bo sup posed ills benefactor was about to per petrate a joke at Ills expense. “I will start you in business, if you. will make three promises,” continued tile old man. “ Pray, what promises do you wish mo to mnkc ?” “One is, that you will never swear.” “Agreed.” ia ’ ^ i11 llovul ' _ iniBUUC, 31.—Dealer In Fancy Goods, Notions nnd Toys, Hamilton street. STOVES, TINWARE, ETC. B .ll.h & MfOAJiTY—Wholcflnlo and Retail ’Dealer* In Stove*. Hollow Ware, Hardware, and MiinotuctUi'Crs of Tinware, Hamilton street. COUTnnni.lyD, A. t,—Denier 111 Stov. ♦O Hollow Ware, Hardware' and Manufacturer ofTinWnra, Ilumllton street. MECHANISM. C IDOhRIXJEi N. F; & Co.—'Tanner*. /;! ” i onico hi lowi-'r story of Printing Ilouao Building, Craw lord Street. jAlwnyhpay cash forflidia, B "’ LASTON & (iOI.IsINS—Houso Carpenters and /Joiners, .Shop corner, of. Hill and Spimeoi Btroct*. Work warranted, executed with dispatch, 0 ’ll 11111, SAM’L 0.—House Carpenter and Joi or. Work warranted to give satisfaction. C ! OAl^PE!?, ,F.—Boot nnd Slioo Mukcr, corner f \J of ICing and Hamilton streets. ATIIEY Jt SOiY—Boot nnd Shoo Makers, post- ufllee buildiug, in tho rear, King street. F r^OBB, J.'Ni B.—Tailor, nnd Agent for Sowing [’ Kj Machines, King street. L OWRY. John A.—Ilaruoss Shop on Kinj street, near Post olliee. j (J4LBEU31AY, L.—Watchmaker nml .Towclcr, O in Bukofzcr k Lovoman’s store. Sod curd. S WICK) Hv Hi At J. P.—ITouso. Sign and Oim- mental Painters, and Paper Hungers, PROFESSIONAL. I TZ) I VINOS, A. W.—Physician nnd Surgeon, nt ' JL3 tends to ohlls in city or county. Sco card. G ORDON, Dr. c. P.—Physiclan and Surgeon, may be fouiid at his office over Pitinau" I -store, Avhen not profesaionally engaged. [ Ti/TcAFEE.’ Dr. .1, U.~Pliysicinn and Surgeon. ' _ltJL Officii over Bukofzcr & Lovcinnh’s storo, whoro toniny bo found when not engaged. L ESTER, Rf P'.—Attorney at Law, up stairs, ' King building, Hamilton street. J, A. R, HANKS, f ATTORNEY AT LAW.. I TXT ILL practice in all the counties of tho [ VV Cherokee Circuit and In the Unitod States [ District Court for tho Northern District of Goor- 77r. .JFERr, ATTORNEY AT'LAW, W XDD practice law in all the counties of this Circuit, and U. S. District Court. janO- * E, .it. BIV'JJI'GS, ‘ATTORNEY AT LAW.. W ILL Iipictluo In all tho counties composing the Chorokeo Circuit. junlly J. A-J.3. OtEJX j ATTORNEYS AT LA\y, A TTEND to' all tbo collection of claims am 4irnetico in Cbcfokco Circuit nml U. S. Dis- riot court. ■ ■ V janO- I5-. M. J1IOORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, W ILL prautico in tho Sapcrior Courts of tbo Cherokee Circuit, and in tho U. States Dis trict Court at Atlata, and gtvo strict attention to all cases of J^djiUruptoy. mar27*ly p. D. MflCuronKW I. E. Shumatk. : Ji'cCut’tlien if Shumate, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, W fLkJiraotico in tho counties of Bartow, Gordon, Murray, Whitfield, Catoosa, Wnl- ]tyr, Chattooga nnd Dude. Junolfi—-ly- F. A. UAFFNER, iratch-Malicr and Jeweller. I - llAVF. jnst opened my shop iritliigplftoonnd am prepared to do any kind of work'in iny line of bust goes, si|eh as repairing nnd cleaning ,Watehos,te. I kaopon hiyidJowelryAVoWilies, aud Spcctaeics. Shop at tho Drug Store of Qudgcr A Knight. Dalton, Jan. 3, 1808—ly. -man in the town; lmibopltiions in re- latlon' tb men niui monsiu-bs, nml did not hesitate, on all proper occasions, to express thorn, ami sustain thorn 'with my.vbtc oil oliotion days.” “Tlioro ean lio no objccllou to Hint,” said tho old mint,. “politics an a trado lis what I-dlsilke.” ((Asti said boforo, I got along well,- nnd ns good fortune would have it, iporsuadeil somo friends to think and vote, ns -I’did. Without’ coimultlrt^j the; olio .iday lat a State, doiiventiou, tlioy nominated mo fdr Govornbr, ”aml " wnB elected, lndood, l am now on jy way to Washington, to 'transact liusiness for tiio State.”- • ’ The writer dosires to say Hint this story is a truo 6nb, T A Sad Story, Ono.of, the saddest stories wb ewdr. l-oad was that of a child in SivitkerJaud —a,.pet, boy, just ns, yogi's, roader- whoin bis mother, ono.hviglit mofuiii rigged out in a bpnbtiful jacket,, all- shining with silk nnd buttons, nnd gay ns a.mothor’s lovo eo,uld-mnke it, and then permitted, go out to play. Ho, had,scarcely stopped from tiio door, ol' .'tW.Swjss ; cottage, when an cnor- nious, eagle sw.oopod: him/ from. Iho groundj.and.borp 'iiipi.,to..lils.nosF, high up among Lite inotui.talit9, aiHl yctiwilli- ig .sight of tho house of .which lio.lmd boon the jpy, There ho was killed aud doypiirpd, tho. pyyio ; being at »:poii)t which was literally inaccessible to uniiij so tbntnq.rolief.qo.uld bo nflbrdud.; r. In tpariug tho, child to pieces, tho eaglo so placed tiio gay.-jacket ill tlid nest that it becamc.n fixture there, and Whenever the wind would Rut ter, and tbo suu would shine on its lovely trimmings aiuiy.o^iiainoins.— For years it was .visibhiffninii thb low. lands,; long after tho eagle had aban doned her nest. What a sightjt. miiBt have boon for tho parents of,the little victim. timnr “ Agi'eod.” ... “The otlicr is, tlint you will never have anything to do with polilius.” “Agreed.” True to his promise, ns (lie stepl to the star, the old man furnished ids clerk with capital, and started him in liusiness in one of tiio Western States. Tiio young mail was very attentive, to bis business, and .Ids habits of iuduptn-y and sobriety were, crowned willi goyd fortune, which generiilly accompanies virtue, courage, flntei-prisc and iulolli- ;eue,e. A few years ago lie paid a vis- t to Ids venerable friend in city, and found Idm the anmo kiikMiearli"! and genial gculluiuan Hint lie was when he first led him from tho erale on, tiio wharf to tho pleasant cotlago on tiio avenue. - ' “I nm delighted to sco you,”'remark ed tho old muni “May I a'skyoil if. yon have kept tho pledges you gave mo, when you suggested to mo the idea of starting business on your own ac count? Are you a tompernneo man?” “I have not tastod a drop of any kind-of intoxicating liquor since I promised you I would not, and you know I imd no sacrifice to make in keeping Hint promise, for I never was accustomed to the nso of such liquor; and I do not furnish it to iny ducsts, nor to persons in my employment.” “Good hoy—give mo your band nnd let me shake i lagnlir. How about that promise not to use profane language?” “Well, sir, when I was a little wan derer, and sold,soap and matches, I scattered my oatlis as liberally us col leges do tiipjr D. U.’S, but I dropped thorn in your Sabbath school, aiid 1 never resumed them. I never, indnjgo tho silly and vulgar habit of swearing. I think it shown n lack of originality. A man wishes:to say something to! be emphatic, fin'd owing to a lack of Ideas and a proper use of language,,lio tills up the chinks of convorsatioii with oaths. Ho curses iiis eyes, his limbs, his soul, his heart, his horse, iiis luck', and thinks lie is iluciit when ho is only profane. No, sir, I do pot. claimftp bo a paragon of porfcotioli, lint I sliopjjtl bo ashamed of mv speech if I spicc'd it with profanity.”., “ Good, good 1 I oxpeotod such a re port from you. How about politics?’' The young mnn of business bad un til tins moment maintained porfaet sclr- commnnd, but when tbo last question was put to 1dm, his ebooks grow red as crimson “ Well, sir, I suppose somo people think I. am a politician,” remarked tiio young merchant. “ Sorry, very sorry,” observed tiio old man. “I couldn’t help what happened, she” “Yon promised mo you would ImVo nothing to do with politics." “I know I dick” “Well, it is strange that you could not keep that promise as easily as you did the other two." “ Well, sir, nave pntienco witli md, and I will toll you what happened.” “Well, go on." ■ “As you are aware, I was fortunate in trade, honored my paper wheit it became due,. .and paid, with interest, the yance. IlrtUT.u. Outrage Two peaceable and unoileiuliilg .citizens of .this city, Messrs., Jus. and Wm. Richardson-^ the first" mimed amaiuied Confederate soldier—were set'upon without.■provo cation by a mob pf yelling black dev ils, and feiqfully beaten, cut aiid. bimir ed with lighted tore|ies. Tlioy are botlfnow lying confined in their boils nml scarcely able to .move,, Tiio facts, ns we leofn^Uiem, aro as follows: There’was n torch-light pro cession and speaking nt tiio City Hall, by negroes, Iho few scoundrels with while Yucca lin'd who lead them.on, and upon Lite .cry being.raised flmt^They wero iired n't, tiio mob rushed at tlicsc two j'onng nieii. They protested ll.eir iunoeenco, imt it did not avail them. The demons Yiclp nenv, and we eijn only Wou'ddr they were hot killed,(I'ntright. No shot was fired nt'all, mid it is be lieved that this cry was only a pre- len'cc to kill Win. Kielmrdsbn, for be ing a Deinperaticcliallciiger al tile last eleclion.—9/8cun Journal tnhl Jlcaecn- gcr. The following is au extract from Governor Seynimu-’s luossago to tile Now York State Legislnturo of ISfii): “Under no circumstances can tiio di vision of the Union bo conceded.- Wo will pul forth every exertion of power; we will use every policy of conciliation;: we nil! lin'd mil evi i-v in-lucomentdo tlioipfibpio of tile fSoutli- to return to their allegiance,consistent witli honor; wo will guarantee them every right, ev ery consideration demanded by .the Constitution ami by Unit fraternal. re gard which must pruvail in a common country ; but we can ncycr voluntarily consent to tiio breaking up.of those Slates, or the destruction of the Con stitution. “Horatio , Seymour." How the Result was Received— liming the mmomicemeiil of Lite vote bn tile long term Senatorsliip, yester day, .Ml'. Bryant proposed to call in ti polii-o force to suppress the domonstra- tioils.M approval at tlio result. Mr. Trumlin, of l’anilulpli', l-cpljed that we weru'reconstructed now—in the Union —and needed no police force or bayo nets, especially, to quiet women and children.;.’ for tho ladies—God bias's them!—were more pleased nt the result than aiiy ope'else,—InleUfgencerl Jackson vs. Grant.—'“I shall have lio policy of my owiYth intbrfercngnihst the people.” “'U. S. Grant.” “ I say again, fellow-citizens, rcihenv- bor tiio fate Of mjclent Rome, and vote, for no enndidnto who will not tell yon witli tiio frankifess of an independent freeman, tho. principles upon which', if elected, ho will administer your Gov ernment. “ That man deserves to bo n slavo who would vote for a innm candidate when Iiis liberties are nt stake An drew Jackson.” . Howto Get Sleep.—This is to many persons a matter of high importance. Nervous persons, who' are. troubled with wakefulness and oxcitnbility; usu ally linvo a strong tondoncy of blood on tho brain, with cold extremities Tito prossuro of tho blood on tbo brain keeps it in a stimulated or wakeful state, and the pulsations ill the' head tiro often painful. Let them riso and chafe tiio body nnd. extremities with briiBh or towel, or rub smartly with tiio hands to promote circulation, and with draw the oxeessivo amount, of blood from tiio brnili, and they will full asleep in a few moments. A cold bath, or a sponge bath, ami,rubbing, or a good run or rapid walk in .the opou nil’, or a going up aud down at.aii-q a few times jnstboforo retiring, will aid unequal izing circulation and promoto sleep.— Those rules are, simple, and easy of ap- plieation, and may ministui to tiio com fort of thousands. ... J in. The tew* ef liniwiiiiitloit. ■Tlioro is not a clty r lbwn-or villago fin- Iho-Unitod States, biit’lms its own share of loafers|-or ll#ll^tj(S-<inl about places where - liquors aro-difepensofl ; and the enso holds good in a thriving town in tiio State of’ MarylAlnl.' My loafer, or hangor-on, I will’htyle Hob •Bray..' Ho wiis tiio bane of Joliniiy Homloelt’s dNistonco, for' Joliuny kftpt a i' cornor grocery,” wliei-o not only eatables but drinkables wore dispensed ovor the,.coillitor. Rob had a wenk- lioss'for the li-nrdoiit,” but labored un der a disonso oD tlifl'podkdt wliloli Horn- look fneotiditsiy styledll-“;oliroi'iio im’ poeuniosltjriV * Ho: would - saunter in tbfougli J oliiiny’s open dodr linlf a de» on.tlmea-dlni:ualljV“ n( i! witli admira- bib iiUpjomae.yj - nmmigod tohlhstract-a tumblof .i»t - olil i ryp: d'rdm n tiio i-bamil hrondcd i' pitre unaclulUvatod MuiUjn- gebijln,’-’: without attrlmtuig tli6 atten tion' of- Joijnny !S; otliori dustomiirsv but-1 not "the Argus oyes of Johnny-hlmsolltf One afteTiioon HcinloukconooctJedin palatablo fancy drink, and, just S3 hbl was about to place it to ids lips, ,-vtla dy customer ontoreil,.ftiid lio wns com. polled to forego the plonsuro oMinbib- ling until,site Imd bcciT waitoduiponlHa. The lady bad a- Dumber ol'i plii'ebasos to mako ;: and, in tlio moantime,' some lmif-dozen-ulort came- into..the storo; aud- among them Rob Gray. Ho soon cxurclscd.liis aocuatomcd strategy, and found.-himself! faeo td'.fade;(l(wt&JAhhk ny’s-faUey ll/'ink. : His ’eyes :sitTrkldd,- aiid-witiiOUt a tliOtlght-bodf.-dowiv ivitli it,i' nnd smnokihg ihis -ltps,i took m seat on .fciJiafl of,Iton-pcnueyi.nails, and, witli. uofrosbingi coolness, ebramonedd to li| ed-'tl vow, determined to.have somqfnn, anc. at tbo same timo to rid’himself of his’ thirsty aiid,“,impecunious”, friend, So soon ns his euStomer imd been nttonded to, and hot- arms loaded Witli brown papa* parcels, Johnny gnvd’ a sly.wink to .tho half-dozen men, Who woro ranged in all sorts oppositions about the store, and appeared in no burry to bo waited upon, aud ddmmene- ed drawing 'some old Bourbon for a seedy, but paying customer;/ but no sooner did Ids oyd fhll lipon'tho empty glitss'i than lie'gat'd a ■ theati'ienl stnft and, dropping tho pbit lhcadurdj bx- claimetHn a loud- a'lid excited tone to iiis orrnnd'boy; \Vlio bail entered nt the back door just’liv the iiiuk of liilio: “ For Goifa salce,-l)lek, did you driilk this?” and lie held up the empty glass. “Noj'sir; ymi know I never drliilt," replied tbo boy in a sotncivlmt crusty manner. 1 m HoirHray pricked tip iiis e’arsj 'drop ped liiB jack knife, and witli'half dozen ouslomers surryiiuded Johnny. . “ In tile namc .of hmivei, Rolq liav 1IRI j’gif u'lffljcr h ai gtlllKllVATBfc/.lN '*WH I'J-i jae si-t -):l*t»«*rl i#gi«ob !»3 *»!{. ijjyb OJ : thr, hiej tnrr ,-j itc nv *. j. w. ertt lUifC del! ny’t'femu'lii'tS* 'j! 'i "'IT Dy Ilia,still wntci-s llipro is,’ O aafn WP^floulHy % J i’l yn t .TM^£S > UrX.»i!daS^a^Ube,’ rr An«J sorrowing souls find perfect pmoij/. . il * !v(iHuT Dy tho still water* thorci Is Love, * <) yJirniBgthoiflk, 4llit IlRo- tho tlttvo, 4**1 l't -Go floarchhig lor tin* l.dojt of 6a|in,.' ' j.c-M f « Fahufroin your woiw.v wnri<ioring-~ •' ,<n f VfVo Itour/hHilVoiAo: \rlulu yi slilitl p^vd ID ' Tho height (fml dopth of pcifcct Lorn .iI-uh -By tho *tlll water* there IsZife^ /V J ^*tt~ViUh<>«Uval>3J iiifA , .To hide tho tcuva that ovm fluyi'iT»I >/•» >'( mw?mSBmlm 1 They only sleep, they are not deiul, 1 J - 1 -AndjU«Hwyond(the;Colli<»!UOte»rii(»,iJ . < ; • /• RinjifKf, jA,iwfaSkHrWii -J ud (hailn Bv the still waters. •BjNtliai sdil srateni meidhn tomai. ‘ i'rtcJ. dq4oiu n, >1 AWU, Jfe&vi ut UenViSi .T .3 — , . India rubber hath tubs, tlirce feet iii money y°“ was kind enougli to ad-1 diiimotcr, lint wiiieli can'bo put in' n cd. * I was tho leading business lady’s satchel, are tho latest novelty. ■ytm” _____ loclcglared wildly BjmpHasBSBH leas ed against.a niolasses,barrel, tiio image, of despair. .“ Wliy—y-e-s. Anything, wrong ajjpi)t iL?” Rob Jookeil. green nilli-eu- (leliiii-d terror., Heehuuged color from white to red, from scarlet to6ca water, anil, knqckiug the ashes ifi'p.i;) Iiis pipe, loolied from Hemlock to the fatal glass. “ Wrong!” oried Johnny, it was ritiilt, deadly poison I , I mixed jt: tq kill rats yvitin I was to soak somo eriiekci-s witli if, and scattor tlieui about tiio crevices; and now—” “ My God, Hemlock, wlint am I to do? I—I believe I am dylngl" aivd’Uob mndo a rush for the eoal-seiitlie; nnd leaned.over it paid tiio penalty of Iiis temerity. After some few agonjzing throes lie looked up with a seared and woo be gone face, aiid said in a heart-rending voice: “ Do you think I will die ? My-.Gcd ! I feel it bundn'gimy Vcry.hcnrt oi.t'i— Wlmt was it ?” and visions of prtissid acid, eorroSivo subllinato,-’hud nitrate floated through iiis brain.- “KittBlmue, Sfaiycbidnoj mid the deadlfest of all poisons, saluralic acid!>* exclaimed Jolinny, calling upon Iiis imagination for a long word, pointliigwith a slink ing Auger to tho sudiinoht of sugar and nutmeg at tiio bottom of the tumbler, “ God liulp mo -then,” cried Bob, sinking to the floor* Tho.other bystandofs understood the joke, and landotho most of it. ‘ '•» Hun for it doctor,” Cried one. “ Send for a carrlage,”,'sald aiiothr or. - '“ Groton oil is a’good ahtifltjte,” ex claimed a third. •/ •’ ’ And the-long and sliprt of it was that, nftor' somo dolaj-, during which timo Rob’s fears’ woro 'worked up to sueb a pitch that ii’o a'etniilly luiil ev ery sympton' of being [loisoncd, irpliy- sleian was Summoned, wfiio ’of coui-sp whs enlightened ns to the true state of aflitlrs, and poor Bob was 1 puiitpbd as dry ns a last year's cider-barrel: : A carriage was thon'Bont for, a,nd tile pa tient conveyed to his home; and it is a fact Hint ho did liot recover froiiijiis sickness for several-days, Wlien the story leaked out, (is Joliiiny fbok good eai-o to liayait, it l's uobdles/.Lp ;say that Rob’s rage know no liouiqjs.' [Rut lie jiiover. ontered Hemlock’s ‘ grocery again, intiol; to that gentleman’s satia- l/etion. ; . , •• Tun CoNFEmntATr.s in-tub Demo cratic . Convention.—.Tho Kads are making jaukasses of tlium’solves by .howling over-the presence, of Forrest, AV ado Hampton and other rebel soldiers iu tbo Domooralio Conventions ■ >As if tliat'woro not tho very tluiig.tho Anicr- ioau .people have been longing fpr over since Loo laid down Iiis avmadtgVppo-' inatox .Court House, and Grant, db- eiarod tlm loynlilry of tiio South- genu ine, nnd complete., Do. these noodles snpposo tho ArnoL-- iaaiTpoopio want a Union .restored with the'Southern leaders left out ? Ho tlioy snpposii it can bo rostorod ifa thoy are left out," or that their places can be Hill ed by blacks, carpet-baggers and trai tors to ii'otli'Nbi'tliand Soutfij like Joe Grown, of Georgia, at, Cjiibagb ?— Abie York llurlt/. ' « 'VJw,aarV.lkc»li»,faoii’>iW'iFioili. X ’ i Anil * Ami 'Yfliflfavii^’at. '«IVK , r,:->favt flptUyonr.lleiu-t. be (h'e»blpt/» Sweetly floating down tliobonturice como to us tlici tender. wordls.“Let not yOnviicart bo troubled.” 'Look h|j1'aint toiler, in tliisw’orkUay life,- nml. cateli tile music ol'this: sonlende as it falls from ihallowed dips,) “Lot-.not your heart bo troublpil.” Jesus saySnit. to you. Wliatdove beams bndiisfaeo' \Vhat tenderness.. He knows how weak and frail J’oU itro. Ho scon that the path is narrow and rough., .Ho socs that your, feet aro blooding.itsiyou press alongithron'gh. tbu (lelilo of poverty, Ho.sees the pal'ehod-lips, he!hears'tho I r # ^ trennUons sigh, and knows if it in fori iv.o'lnty tho unrortnnate city of love oLMfimif. iuilefcdyoit ore trying *” ■ ’ " • “ • ■ r ■’ to follow,in his way* ; -xv r-.vx an >•;}.(. “ Lot not your.heart bis troulducb”: The path of life is shoi-t. Hoyontread: on liiortiS? :Kaelr sfcp makes tiio why shorter ;. each,(fay you are nearer lay-' ing tlie.burdhn down,.:';, ni ; d'.Let.iiaty'our.hoiu-thetroubled.”-- You nru gohig home: .. The care and toil, aud waiit'.of;oomfort,-wili-nll'be " l M ‘ * " - > 'Fitti^itjim <m tqitstf ’ i’i’lioi Bftnnoi’i of.tlm .Sontlf- (Fatli«i- Hyan’m paper) .eontaina aonn remarks on tlm formation of Radical :cluh”, win pWcceiliiigsjHt'tiij-!!, "'woulil bo 1 'etoU8,-if they faet’o' not too ftibi 'toi.fcoiitomplate."!. Thu' avticli: icwiil'/iiiiilldsntly from ,llio pen of Father, R; y)r,. j gli|l.afte/; rpfei-riiigjtojtUo,.l'abt. “ same mop' nail shown thblr iidho- ■, to' 1 RSdfbH!istii 'fi/’dlsbontituiili!' thediamibrl-lt icOtitiiinbfe’as fblidVb: ■ Woha-ve dinrity onongh-fbr ri.Nortli-. erii l Amwfaai) l jjtadieal. l ,pr a l’rotestant fiffi f M-JraSia'Mwi . .9“ llTshmoii or a Cnlholio Who embraces Itm'politrc'ifl ereeiVof thirfpai‘t!y. : *Thbj' 11itve im eNdusB;- no protONt,'' Tlioy’ lmveiSbert their owli.laiid’delugod with- *?WfH&.«ielrM]lgi?tt, proserlboiLtheir. prlhsts linntod down (tHfn'Kfiy ‘wore mm 1 liieir propei-tv coniietittedi-’ thbif *««!fiftils tIdosbiF’eip'; their,-children deprived' ofithe mbaiiS ot.o(fu.caUofl,ifbqfajfa|nUiesiBtafVfilitbj fAAcir loading men hung OjfW isiiefl for no other,.crime Ilian loving IrelHK« 1 itAa # flio r gttf«M»fel(l , MHYll‘ SW'lthtrlbk’too mneh.f ; Thby hnv'6 so'bli- nndifalMrill. this/ ,and they see lfail.Mismpi'TOo^ aufa teaeimig the ie@ iA>&’r*ifah'hater 0 r-;t!ieii' ) raeb amV eUgioH,3n-C,olfax a p'orBoentor of their, raeg.iawl:.cve.od, in Rrpekhiriage.-tlie .-ebStAl-JblirKe, of time [llvi iVeUong'ilMblbraiits and porSbenl vcrytliing foroigli and ltoinnn Catlio- yoii mlKlits. When it innbcth glnil the . A Scotch mlvoente, ’’rlio prononiio'llMlio whua-' wlwro'ls-tliyilifnshl” IstlioVoiiofcOlibg, iib.fiL-ltespect at all loft iu these mild imof power; lhqse,toQ)8 qf degrada tion, those vile, polluted creatures?— jvrb tlioy' so debased, so ignorant,' so wlelted tliat "tlioy can lio'boirgiit away from tiio faith of liieir fathers and bar ter tiio: glories of. Ireland lor n polioo- mint's place, ,or a constable’s bnton, or aet'as paltry .faeitcys to, corrupt and, db^i-aded polilicaVtricksters? Shalub oni them ! '-Ireland spurns 'them—Amer ica dbspidesthdm! As for us wo loathe them.; -ViPipity tlm unfortunate city of Hiehmoud that it has to endure lb.- presence of tnesg ciqbauehcil creatures, and thsiiik them forgiving us the grat ifying privnegS of erasing tlieir'names from tiio siihsei-iption- boolts' of tlm Ramjet'.of tho South. Thoy aro. not ' effcltimoinois y ! 1a little idrl i liigahcp ducflouA Wl ne'ty “twipm i«i a* i>an obJwftsW’ bPsMdfi “i the ,uau’ of hnudsomo eyes jrould lies*; Ho more reaching out for sympa thy; no more weary, lonely hours. I “ Let not.your heart bo troubled,”. “ Where I inn. there sliall-ye, bo also-”. Lobli'forward.,'.Tiio fiinmeo.'boa't;yvjl) die ‘away the fast wiil.all be ti'iep fctfjji gold .'will appear. ' Have you, fast friends? Ho wjsbes to be the befayed of yon i- Imart. Have you losl wonlili ? It is that lie ipay sup port yon entirely. Arp yott siek,? lie is the Physician. .),re y RH .a. .imlplegs yrf I U/ aI:U*oi; la tliy lni3baucl— kimlrud ?— Jesus, is your oltfar brother. Do, you uti.T.a-.? Lean.iipuii , him;.ho.carrjos in- his bosom those, .who are Loo feeble to. walk by tiio'way.' ’. How. tender is,fayel “,is ono wbejn his m.bilier couifarLeth, so' wjll l : com-. fort you.’! "Host .upon Jesus.'', ‘,'Lut, not yvtir heart he .troubled.” ■ ■. „ . Hard JoitBiON-Grant Outainsod nis Order Against. tu»>Jews.—Tlm Rajlston I/ouloomtjvrnferrilig to thr or- dcr.isaimd by-Gen.: GriViit, pholiib'ftpig tlm admission ol'-I»raolites within tlm lilies to trnllleovilli the soidiei'b/iKys: At tlm time’alluded to h'pfbfiiiile'ni Jew cotton’tleAUu-’or-CiHeinhatij inaffij a bargnlimvlth’-Grantfor the -getting oiit of - five hnniirbd Wtlow'bf 1 1‘bttoii from ’the Blhek riVbil obuntry assisted by the Second Wisobnsiii cnvhlry.— Tho Jew-olIVired,' its was thb custom; oitedburtll tho profiit's. Gralit whnte/l tlioro, aud at last Iho Jew-olfered aii eightli, which Cfimt nebepted.' The cotton was got onlp'siilpped ■’to Mefti: phis and 'sold.’"The -JeW, 'faitlifiii’io his pTbmisc'f'nfet’ -GfrtYit’ with-thc’pro- cbeds of tiio snkS’ruVd gave the-gtiVeVitl bti bill glrf ll''ot f tflS 0 ptoWtTaflft'(faiiSr(b , (l' Grant’s Adjutant General,•"EnYprisbd ,nt tlm tiio'profits,, sppko tb’tlio General It, \fm exasperated oil learning " tliat qi'm- fignW Was.lcss 1 ‘tlian on'e-fdiiHh,'itiill lie writhin' ’that' hour issued tiio;' bxpeUifli;' all’ JetVs fl-oiii tlm llii'es, ahfl tp this tbiy' ltas ilob'er foi-gLyeh tlm en tire' Ya'be fob hi/ bVii ^tupldityl' '.' ’ PvEsur.-r di’1Fiif:E i no3r.-ATIi'b''Nnraula News mcntibiiVnu iiistaned' whicfi qe- otirred in that' elty''r6bb'niVy pb'A Vipgi'd who was driven from her pikblfuf ibdgi ingbypni-tfas o the oeoupauts the disease,-wU,, r ed, was oatehjug;, j( ,lfavltigjjo,plave to gp ^DU uo oiie to vvUoin she coulUlaok s “ ■ s yp.aev ,- ... body beonpio ojfoiisivo. This is .buj; b),i,<? L 9f tlm many e,yi(l.enoes.o|,',fl)e.bavo the. raee have i for.each .Other. , : „ Biit'od a're liei'd sacred in 3apau.— Tlmir slaughter jsJntenliete'd liy tlm soycres.tpetmlt* 09 -- - Trp.teetipnofthese Americans'.would learn.iossqiiR qf, kiuti'- /jqss l'rom.the, huatlipii in-iVlifaii'espeet, pepliaps wu.iiouid. lio sayed,tlm r.ij|ioyr- auees of loatUsonio woriq# and Isqttess ti-cep 'faring,tlni .season v'| s e«t walks Iu refreshing'shades-ero, desira ble. and ti-ho-licartod Irishmen principle better tliaii place, and would not disgrnce their veligidu or their na tive land .by.saeri/loiiig tiio interests seierfees lot them dwell, j Torhapb thoy may,, ere loug, open tbejr oyes to the tlibit- faith - nhd their nationality. ■ 1 Tho anoinaly-if too.great—;too striking to exist.. They eaimo/.lic Irish,Qatholios aiul Amcrieait Radicals. . They must give' tip biio or tlm, other,'iuid the soon- or : 'thb bbttfcr.'” : ” 1 '■ 11 Alton^tlic,South, '/The Yoliowiia,|c'short and difrnost 'reinoii'slraimo <>f old Sfr. Boy- ileii,oimof-thb ltndleni i'eprcsentativfca froti North Gatfoliha, agaiusti ’sending arms to.tliat Rtate, Ufa,.tiiink it was 1(10 b^t sjjgecfa.of the. season Mr. Homon—Mr. Speaker, ,1 am afatmu'd'afliid cbHdTtion of the' cOlini try. It is pYoposed to send’arm's’t'o NOA'tli Carolina,: -tlmb tho people -may jisn thjjn against,each other. ; Oreat God,I fve cannot ( ,:tifjjril to Ught^ gaeli. ollfav. 'NoSp ‘away ydiir . arnfs. l)o lirttitiii’g' to indite our peoplebut do . A wbjM woman iee^JI|r'iinreicd> ovorytiiing in yoin»powcr to assuage aud .. heal Urn . ('xeitemeut lR-re. \Vo want no .armf,,, I.wai'u. the. House,if anna are sent there we will bp ruinpd. ■\Vb' ca'n't’t'live’there. li'wo need any: thing in the s \yny, of. arms, in God’s lmmg .seini an army, of tho United Slates'ilicre, biiV'do not iil'm. r.eiglilior ilpninst libtghbbfi' "tlmro'-iidvfcr' i/asa nliii-d ilflw’iSd'mba'sm-dtljnn tliiS'p'ltlpiF sitiohl to tti-ln'oiidn elassiof’Otir.pi'.dpId wawwgnww«’-''.>*l ■ ->i<m 0 w.jfc*E 1 TO'SEE—A >; fruit • \V E'TVODr.DVLnCE TO-SEE—A' il'llit tre'd’fliiit'Ifeeps atv.ay 'pilferers by tts own Uai-k. *' 1 / " Gas that would go'bnt in tho m'orn- ing’njid'come'inat ntgiil. A Aau'ecpari tba.t will boil over -witli rn’ge'wihdri-tlio cook is iiisidtod, : ; A clbck’that-is so conceited ns'not OxTONk—A’ eorrebpiiiiddht of Iho Seldntifld’ Auiot-ieiiii' eoniinonds bpltiM as a bpeeiilo against dpidotnics—hot as nft. oseulent/iiiit sliced and kept in a sidk room, wllbi'o'they will ahSoHi’hny atiEOsphorio pMson.' Tlidy slioitlif -be replaced liy fresli-ones overyllWr. It is nolicbd ttiiit ilvtllerdom of a small- jmxl-pAtibnt they-will biist'or and (le- o*mposd'with grdat''-rapidity,‘ liilt iviil prevent tile spread-of tiio mgeaftS— Tlmir application has also proveii' ef- fcotivetin the easo of smiko’b'ites. ! •yj.. . -- . —L -As " ■” :n Speaking of thoireeeiit oieotion in tliat State, the Brandon (Mississippi), Ifapubiioan says: Niitwitlistandirig tlio infamous.gerrymanderingof ijto worst; than iiifmaous eoinruntioiieof! onrpet-. bag- tMoves. and SotithorfaU'aitors nifa. seaHawngti ivo.-lmve:Sfledtodsg^ Bemw-- ei;alii>mn.jurity ol'isiicjiVljIm SeiittlV aiid' four in tlm Lower Uonsoof qiii- LbgM- ialure, tidn I contract to kill. .• . . is tiio' iliflVrcncc l.cinccn a young ia.iy "nil a sight-cap ? Ond is'boys to Wcdand tbo otlio.- is Korn to bed. Ono of tiio most curious lldUgSllltbwIdfa'lVO are (tolawlhtOd Is that n • wntcli should ■ lraefi so perfectly,dry ivliyu it ba^ u replug spi-ingfasidc. How, sweet to rociino in tlm ijpco ofi-gos-rav Sbout cisliyom Jat , . , ^ 0J l'u,-, I’ui,lit, .nil' potri Trie full ilrcra-of niintlvc tiidy of Gjibuibo is it boh-pin and twogurtcriiUfa . , . A paKtb foitog dudyirceciuly nss'cr'.c'd Unit slid aipwffltts or the outcry. nudo 'by u gentlofaiui lieu. . - It ia snlil. that only- oub white Hied voted tho put f A \w/r,‘hiiatii^yi}id t ‘-tlmt il*eoin0)irtcq could gpt into theiwr^iig^ruve. fa / i: . ■ Wliy-aliouhl'-a catitilcniaUcr' liovoM/o >pitiba 7 iteu ■■ V? “I repeat,”saiila pc'rsou of qucslioniihle*xc- raeity, “diiitiloid fill lioncac mnA’fa thu reply, “dnd how ninny times do you lmv*o to ft repeat itbeforo youibelievo ltyour*eU’7f'l »v.i — who voted the liadi^ivl Uvhet tried to Uksuado A witness in a lato dlvoroe tho \titu kid * .vaty o divorce suit kept shying that .. retaliating 'diKjiosltion—that she “retaliated for every little thing.* 1 “Did you e.vor sc-3.lufr iiuxlmnd kisfa her 7'* asked- the wife’s coiui3ul.'oi‘ iYcs, air offon.?’ .' WclI^wlidt? dld eho do on such odGusiouaV” ’ “ She divuva retaliated, »ir.” ' I ti jior t'dloQta WWW L’d uut: ;* Is that you.aguiu, yqu.h: Senator Sumner says that Pondloton will “como down like it stick.” Frontjo* udds, “Few poof fellows know better tban -Sumner how a ^tick cou.o* down.” . dhiBidijlltTi^loItolL colic frouivl/ots ifi n h'foe, ' 1 Tiio nifnlstef who fiWsfJd ifr pfraeliing '»riiibi:t tioU’sjiUjfln't ineoa to be uuda/stood-*to. refer, to .whit'll 'explud/.dy blowing-out »Iia leA’ibido ofh.8 Stt>y. !• * . -• -*.' ui«>hil7 because* ha wits-'Uifigr.Ftod wish ihi |u t- n b wta. i!w noin«^p/^w< Mmim ivuni I,y tbu liui.e- () n . ■ ‘Di :..l. iufa-.v, .young man," Did you ever; Tlm.SouUv Cii'rtilW’libb! conmenced ■ work.' lieorg governineht; and Ih'f/lbriWt! co'i»pit7iio* i* the prdcr of tho f The, Jiieivwu ,;liUDsip| pp,0 -u majority fotSeymoi„ 5ipi*l. ; :.o. OUltlt Ph yut of i