North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, August 27, 1868, Image 1

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/vf, (■'[y ( - g y . BUSINESS DIRECTORY. or «li« CITY OF DALTON. DALTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1868. .... v 1 , I ,j. l) || l i i nv.iimm. t— WE. I—NO, 2^ .yitOY wax ig AUCTION AND COMMISSION. on F. M.—Auction and Commission ant, King Btrcct. DRY^ GOODS AND GROCERIES. VUKOFZER k LOVFMAN—Whnlcinlo and 13 noull Denier. In Dry Goods, Gentlomoii'o Famishing Goods olid Olotlilng, Hamilton street. B t BRETT, L. W,—Dealer in Dry Goods, Ore- coring,Trovltlono, ole, Hamilton street. B ARCLAY, JOHN—Dealer In Groceries, Trovl- olonontid Prodnee, opposite Tibbs House. B ITI I.VC, tt.—hosier In Groceries, Provisions and Quecnswsro, HsmlHon otreot, i^lllBISTIASr, J. E. k E—Dealers In DryGoods \J Groeoncs.l'rorlslonsind I'roduco. Scocsrd. f'lROZIER, 8. &—Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ys ware, etc., new store on Hamilton street, ‘ B KNTOV k LYNN—Dealers In Dry Good's, Groceries, Frodnco and Hard ware, corner Waugh andUamllton alrooL D AVIS, W. B., K CO—Deotcro In Fondly and Fancy Groceries. Saloon attached. Chester liouso, north corner King and Hamilton. H Hami ADDUCK, II. II.—Dealer In Dry Good*, Oro- corles, Hnfc.Csps, Boots, Shoes tod supplies, .milton street. • INC, J. U.—Dealer In Groceries, Dry Goods Olothlng and Boots and Shoes. General pent for Agricultural Implements, Hamilton st. K ^IBLnri - Ajj, Dealers in Dry Goods, Grooerles and Pro* duce, corner Gordon, and Hamilton, Sco Adver. M cCLATCIIY k CAtmVKLL—Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Produce and Hardware, noar corner of Waugh and Hamilton street. Tl/FeCUTCHEX It BITTING—Dcalcra in Family lU Groceries, Produce, etc., cost side Hamilton M ellAN, T. II.—Family Grouoriel and Provi sions, Postolllco build sions, Postofllce building, King street. ■VTICIIOI.S, JUUV B.—Deafer' In Groccrl-s, .'*4 Produce and general {family supplies, corner King and .Hamilton street Retail Dealer In Dry Goods, and Grooerles, No. 5, Tibb’a House. R HEA, J. B.—Wlwiefalo ami-Ket Dry Goods, Notions, llardwaro, Quconswarc (JC6TT, J. N.—Dealer In Dry Goods, Groceries, U etc., Chester House, Hamilton Street, rpiBBS, KENNER k CO.-W..olceolo nnd Re- A tail Dcnlen In Dry Gooib, Groceries and Agri cultural Implemcnta, mid Farmers Supplies,Tibbs Roiiwo, No, 1 hnd 2, Hamilton street. SeoAdver, T EKVITT, j. F.—Dealer in Dry Coods, Gro* ccricsand Provisions, opposite Tibb'sllouso. CONFECTIONS, BAKERY f puWXLKY, Ji W.—Confectioner, Baker and A Faildy Grocer, Ilamiltoti, below King street. si ’VEIL, R. Pr—Fancy Grocer nod Conlec- lloncr, with Saloon ntuched, Tilth's Homo. DRUGGISTS. the Bouthern Home Journal. THfi'MEROHANT.S WIFE. BY E. ANDERSON, A handsomo barouche with a splen did pair of horses, harness nnd trap- pings nil of equal stylo, waited nt the open door of a ‘mansion in n I'nshlona- hlo square nt the west end of London.' A youngs beautiful, nnd richly nttlred Indy descended the stops, accompanied by a gentleman, who hnnded her into her soat j already a lovely boy of nbout four years old was placed there. “ Gome with us, papa,'.’ ho orled, this once." “Do, Arthur,” ochood tho young mother; “ Max pleads for us." “ Dear pinnoho, lam overwhelmed with business this morning. But you will not bo alono. Aro you not going to take up Laura a,nd Fanny Oiiphant? There, go and enjoy yourselves; wo shall meet nt dinner." Uo pressed the littlo hand resting on the carriage door, and sho kissed Ills in return to their parting salutations, ns the spirited horses, that Imd been pawing the' ground impatiently, dash ed off at full speed; Arrived at tho Ollphant’s, Mrs. De- vonport found her cousins-ready— There was -a flower-show and musical festival at Sydenham, and the Crystal Falace, so worthy of that name, would be attended by the gay votaries of fashion and pleasure. Some came there on this fair summer’s day to viow tho rare and choice flowers, oth ers to liBtcn to the fine music, mnny to bobold tho world’s wonders, tho treas ures of art and science, collected in tho far-famed palace, but many more to meet with friends, or exhibit their ele gant toilettes, and discuss the differ ent events then on the lapis in London. Laura and Fanny Ohliphant Imd lingered among the flowers; whether induced to romain by the swcot per fumes and glowing colors, pr by the appearanoo of two. dashing young guardsmen of Their acquaintance who usually hunted in couples, the render mustdccidc. Mrs. Devonpoit,fatigued with wandering up and down the gay crowd, after appointing .a .placo of meeting with her cousins, left them, mid with her young son seated lierSe f to hear tho anisic of a new opera. His little hands were filled with the expen sive toys she had bought him. “ Wlmt n beautiful eliiid 1” was the general remark of strangers, a9 they passed him by; and beautiful lie look ed in his white embroidered cnslimere B ROWV, B. B. -Denier In Drug., Medicines, Faints, Oils, Glass, etc. Insurance ngent. King Street, below post office. /A IIDRER k KVICUT—Dealers In Drugs, Sled \JT iolnes, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc., No. 0, Tilth's House, llnnulton street. Lull Dealers and Manufacturers of all kinds rnlmrr. Hamilton slreet. own maid, not expecting their return ton miles distant from London, sitim- for Bovernlhours, hadgono out tospend tod in a beautiful country, ami near a the afternoon. Sho looked her room railroad station. At this time a fast door, throw off tho bonnpt covered friendship Imd Rpriing up between tho with its snowy plumes, tho delicate former debtor ami Ids creditor; and peach-colored dress trimmed with rich one day, hearing Blqncho lament for and expensive lace, laid asido the cle- her child’s sake tho want of n purer gniit little wntoh mid clmlu with their air, ho turned to her husband saying, costly appendages; then selected o “ I know tho very spot Hint would- black silk dross, a simplo.laeo collar suit you, to be rented by a friend , of, end cuffs; would lirvo even brushod mine. Ho prefers to rosldo in town, straight the beautiful Imlr, almost tho hut would like it occupied by a small golden hue of her child’s—blit no—it family. It Is, too, remarkably cheap." absolutely would curl nnd wave ns be-1 Ho then named so low a sum, that " re. ,Sho Sat down n few minutes to Dovonport was Induced to accompany .jllccthor scattered thoughts; for the I him, to look nt it and in a fow weeks first time In her existence nbout to tlioy wore comfortably settled in tholr confront tho stern realities of life—but now home. wlmt matter—sho had her husband and Blnncho had tho gratification of soo- her ohild ■ ‘ * and Dovonport ... , . wae with Mr. Morton, his solicitor, In she appreciated tho..delicate manner in tho library. Blanche felt a littlo norv- which 1m wub determined to Berya them ous, but calmly went down stairs, then —tlm gardens pf fruit and flowers, the through n suite of splendid apartments pleasant terraces, and tho shady groves to tho library. Her hand was on tho woro more prised by her than nil their handle or tlm door; gently opening it, former luxury, she heard her hushnnd’s voice, Tliclr summer friends hail of course “ Morton, I will mako any sacrlflco; flown with tho change of fortune, but buy time for payment, at any price, if a fow tried and valued ones remained. I eon only koop these embarrassments Tho Ollnhants had nevordesortedtlm'm; from my wife’s knowledge." ».r,d Charles Stanley, who was a; con- His wife entored tho room. stant guest, at length mado an o(jer to “ Dear Arthur, 7know all—nnd now Laura. Sho rather proud of Imr con- no further sacrifices must ho made.— quest, accepted him, but professed to Mr. Morton, ns my husband's friend, believe he only asked imr that he mtp'' I beg you will explain to me tlm most beeomo related to Imr Cousin Bland G lIEBORKK MANL’FACTOUIXG CO.-MS, aerlntlonu of Furniture manufactured. Saw and Grist mill attached. See Adreitlrenicnt, ■wT-WCTYGOODS AND NOTIONS TTIBSCilBUUO, M.—Dealer in Fancy Gouda, H Notions nnd Toy.. Hamilton .tract, . fl-nov^'rmWARE, ETC. 7TU k UeGARTY—Wlmleoolo and Rctnil ‘neatcra K Hollow Ware Hardware, noil Miiniifncliirrni ol Tinware. Haniilloii utreei curls that foil over it like a shower of gold, a velvet cap tlm color of tho sash, whoso single plume was fastened by a a'rich jewel. KiiVSreUerffn'eaeli offieFS con vers than the flno strains from the orchestra. Between a pause In tho music, Blanche overheard, (nn unwilling listener) a portion of their conversation. “ And so tlm great house of Devon- port & Co. is likely to become bank- rui)t.”« , , u You greatly astonish ine. B“ -..nmiKHLlVU. A. L-—Denier In Moves, S Hollow WariC Hnidware, and Mannlaeturer of Tinware, Hamilton street. .. . go ... , he rose, nntl clasped Imr In his arms. page " having, by sad experience; lost “ My bravo littlo wife 1” Fool and all charms in their eyes. But, if not coward that I ltnvo been! T did not moving In tlm same rank as forraoHy, dayoa justice. There, Morton, havo they fully regained the honorable name, your own way now. Confound it, but which was only dimmed for a tlme but I am Uajiplor than before I owed a never lost. v i shilling. ’ . . A YEnsiONT paper says: There is o tonvVmm ovln brushod awa y mnn iu„this State who can not speak ThoWv.oi.Lonhrli.flw ornlnlnod fn t0 hU flltl,er ' t0 llis ' birth The lawyer then bliefly explained to eomo difllctiity arose between Ills motli- Blanehe, tlmt in consequence of the “ KSyOllE Tlmdiflleulty -tssubsequently healed, m*mw.ltln.F nriala hv looaonln Ahnlr ov. I Was DOrf^ 011(1 In due UmC dress and dark blue sash across one “ d 8 a these nifairs -for shoulder, forming a contrast to the d'ouid be re-imbursed by. the sulo or / s0 All vvlio.-wero prcscnt untited money inclosed" in a jriote, with the ^corners or cWUization a man who compliments oC-tho ‘‘Eastern Prin* rn* nrAvml HiU* oninion to lie cm- ^ oess ;" and then poor Rinnan h if My dour chilli," cried Arthur, • .-■■■- „ Alive Again. I aeo tiiom with their nrpot-Vo-i, In Bcampelitlf; dcpurllng, The lluillonl. anil reiilliiwiip. Together now ere alerting. . All nnturo .errn toemlle eurw, And brighter glow our'ikloe, As vnnlahcs tlio anrillil crow Tlikt enino to DutlerlSoi - Now Domoerete, Join hariil frith ham], Do frloml., who leto were foo.,, . Ami soon ngnln our Southern limit Hlinll blo-.^oin e. tho row*.' 1 Tho light shall, bo In Inillc.' eye, ■, As onco wo n> It there; Ami hope In pn'.rlot hearts shall rise, IVhoro long.|iava.dwolt do>pnlr. ; . „ . Yo DompcrnU of Northern birth, Dy llutlcrl.m nnulnted Slaml (Irm with na who know your worth, Your energies «ro wanted. Rebuild what now In ruin Ho., And help, with teal unfeigned, To mako our late Lost Paradise, A Faredlso regained. No more, yo ion. of Afrlo soil. Rebel against the fates; That marked you out for honest toll, . Anil not for ruling State., Go, Show youraolvce the truly freo Whom Ynnkoo’a can't make fools, And, knock your friends, nnd scorn to bo A carpct-baggor’a tools I Como nil true hcarlcd Democrats, In closest union Bland; No more shall Radicals and reta Mako hnroc of this land. “Seymour and Blair" your watchword bo, Advance In phalanx strong, And hall tho earning victory With shout, both loud end long I ■ Charleston Mercury. Dressing for Churoh. Mrs; Stowe has said tho following lihbut dressing for churoh‘in a way that applies pnrtiqnlarly to tlm Rpist copal scrvitie, but it ought to be equal- ly impressive in reffereuuo to any oth er :—“ Vory estimable, and, we trust, very religious young women, some times enter the liouso of Uod in A cos tume which makes tlm acts of devotion In tlm service seems almost 1 a- bur lesque. When n brisk little creature comes into u pew with hair frizzled till it stands on end fn a most, stnrtllhg manner, rattling strings of heads and bits of tinsels, she may look cxccding- ly pretty nnd piquant./ nnd if slm enifio there for a game of croquot or a tab leau party, would ho in good taste, hut slm canm to confess that slm is a mis erable sinner, that slm lias done tlie things-sho ought iiQt to havo done, and left undone the things she. ought to have done—as she. takes upon lmriips most solemn and trcmiijous words, whose meaning runs far beyond life in to a sublime oteynity—ithere isn discre pancy which would be ludicrous if it were.not melancholy.’,’ A Lesson in tho Woods. Some sixty years ago, there lived on Tho Burthen of Taxation Tho Now York Herald is showing Hint tlm American people, to-day, are taxed heavier limn any other.'nation in tlm world. The editor says': “ We have estimated thltt t:\xntiatt by tho Federal government alone, indepen dent of Stale, county and municipal taxes, hmouhtS’to fully; $U a lienil— man, woman nnd child—lor tiic whole population. Tnko tho case or a l'ahor- [ man, with n family-pf flvo or six ildrcn, and it will he seen that ho pays about $100 a year,, \vl1i9b, on an livorago, Would bo about a seventh or elglith of Ills earnings. * Yida’j the wliolo working population pay I110110 ivay of another this cnpnnons and proportion- nto amount of their Imrd earned money. Nearly one day’s labor out of tho.week tlm year round goes to tiio snpport'of tlio Federal government. Tho local taxes imposed by tho States, counties and municipalities amount probably to nearlv ns much, for in tho end, directly or indirectly, nil taxation comes out of labor. Why, in the city of New York wo are taxed over $23,000,000 a yedf— as much as was raised and expended by tlio United Stntes government thir ty years ngo."' ITICK-TTAUifS. - • Ah Tboonii »ojSI |JO».wl*M fish nro cured, and aro cured ot' tat I’rcnt'cc psvs ^ei|i,uoJs)-.lw»«nfinh)ts4 , ' r ' >1 y tho Into election "ad on|)- 4 Tho Nason vrtiv “ Notion «U1 hny,|ivr «n,-" is bccauso nho !h h-immiio. -J Quilp thinks the NovamW election will I considered n Huy* piouveditig. ' * Tho world’s opinion—.V liiom mnoftn'ii pe«ou! with a small income who lives Within it. Panel) gives ns n maxim, “ ^Vvcr do anythin J of which you.would 1m u n humed r wUat ,my V ,.,d Is looking. il6 .KOOaH Ot3;p • . 8bort dresses will p;ovf< r.^y Imionfenlent th n ladv who travels tnuefil^y V.Slr»aff{tiI»2hd^nif«"', under tiro circu:h$tu'nees f Invariable mia> hertrnin! A woman, fond ns sh*e tnny be • more cusii/ elo*.o t'orovir, jirr jc heart. UlTT .% Good women nro not apt to gradtro en»»h oth.;r) anything but good oiQsUUb and goO.l luiJUand/. ' Young women should bownre of ipniryir r*a: accountant. If they do no, thcy.tahe an adder ti their bosoms. Half ll,0 cig.irfl nnclt- in At , Radioal Consistonoy. •; The Chicago Trlbuiio is making great outcry against what is called the of pare wl.10 In the coire'iri . “ proscription "of Urn.Sbuthon. plan- i. There, no-v,"cr!o, IS jliiiJ ,lrlrtii..n„ ters. • Its complalllb is that thoTlfrincrs Ing h drawer in a bureau, “ ^ tn’pa has gr. clown South aro considering whether ■**- they will or vylU^QternplpyjIleld hands of labor generally’settles itself Uutihe ado mado over it ;by our Chicago Co- temiiorAry is an illustration of how earnest the devil Is when reproving sjn. Hero is a journal which advocates a party that wa9 born in 'proscription, fed on proscription, nurtured by pro scription. Take proscription and you leave nothing. It has laid Hair tlio cigars made in Urn wnolo woi consumed by Great Urimlu nnd her’colonic the United States. U i vhb rtt iUolb*& A fiiihmg vaclit brought jnU) Ptn-tlnnd jM tho other day eight swurdiidi, averagirg twe! feet each in length. Thosa who pretend'l^kiinw, pay there ii n and has not b»mj for twenty-liva loan*, u bott " | romrfifu -.Hi | heaven without liis FpauticlM.| ft )l0P, pili-T/ 1 Tlip'man ran off wOh all his might 1 and tho lion nith all his n. I ““Eternal vigllnnco i h thc'prido* of HbertvV’l which wo mny.ndd, is jibftut^LUcio;dj^thing that I 1ms not gono up wince tlio jjjr.' * " “ It’s a shame said it starving corsetmnkes, I “ that I who havo staved thestomachfe af ihcu sands, should bo without bread.myself,* 1 .* . dJ'fho'fish'arc dying in grdnt numbers$0 Third | Lake, MadUon, Wiscpopiu. _ TliH exgesaiyc^l.. is thought to- be myim or mwt Three wheeled wngons aro the latest hdveTtt fit J hands on the negroes f lins organized SS'^abody,l'sow?^lren*S. ra ''’ ( '° m • J ca 8 lles i has drilled them as J* yon repaid mo^tnnX littlo*loan ?” “ Augintu*, my I boy, It isn’t?ai qostion of. time, .but a question oV| ra< ? n ° jr *”’ a Jkj£ A peraon’i character depend* a p hi* bringing up. Fug instance, a been brought up by tlio police' 3cldom*turns out I - ro -?KfWfej email mil atvoaqo OS I Tho Unis nro vcxoil ljccnuJC Hornlio S-j oioih- I tVil.i't din uns the platfoim' lulofte.1 1.)-' tliol militia; has sivorned them to voto certain ticket;: has arrayed them against tho ,w)|itos; tuid heoauso the whites turn about and consider the propriety of keeping such dangerous employee- in their service; tho Chicago Trlbitn. cries out “ proscription,"—Louisville Journal. My “how inoonsidorate liavo taken Ho rang tho bo lmstened, ■other word until tlioy all three snt ntoly how. - The Lancaster Intelligcnecr pro-1 Dsrtnwwdq tVnrvfrfpoicuflSiaqflatioitniitfca! pounds tlio following problem ;- . a- or i! a A ,lb “, t . 1 ! '' “ Why should Richard Roc, who j l ’ a or “‘ ot ' works by the day for a living, and who' 1 lias a house .and lot Worth, say, $1,000, pay inoro taxes than John Doe, who is wortli sixteen times as iinijdjjand lias his money in the soil at last determined to tako a Emir. . anil how out a tmv* or fif _\viini.»npt of villransarcsent, some niiwrc ly how, in the most prudent man- terwar ds. Reaching, the^oity in tiie i.ria wuftr y and Ins son said : >> 10U grenu.Y ner, they might weather tlMJstorm. Light, nnd prefering to gd to a > “ Father, ivhnt nro you a going thought Dovonport one of our wealth- r|», le London sonsbn being nt its rn ther than-hufit up the headquarters I *,„• ’ lest mnrohants.’" ...height, the liouso of tho Dovonports nt that Into hour, be-made his way^t rri.^ f a thdf replied : “ I am going “ I can only say,” replied 10 is easily’ rented. A cottage in an I nn .uptown hotel.. Of course, vour arandfather speaker, “that a few days since a bill unfttslllona ble siibiirlinn district was to a lieavy amount was returned to taken , aml thither ffinveyad sufllciant me; and, on making inquiries thiB ; ft(jm their f orraor residoue9 to furnishi l ■ ami sui...—.. B , ., morning in the city; from a friend who L 8imp i 0 jt ot elegantly; Bht tlio chief 0 ,; ( an j was soon marshaled a ya) y k | nrt nn d saldt '“I am kb;j hivd on Seyi is usiinilv alt fait in such matters, I , arf, c costly and valuable articles thithor by a bell boy. lie was not n nl ^ , . . . 9 n9 " ft •doubt their liabilities will be K® g C e °^ 0 BoU ,, a8 well as the pule dismayed to fihd the room to be glad won t it bo uio enormous. Andthen they live in eaielv 1)orgcg nli( ; car iiages. expensive stylo; that littlo wife _df ^ ear ; v a uthe servants paid and dis- Devonp irt’s might he nn oaslorn priu- miggei , ' tko i n dy who condescended to cess.” ., ,,, „ act us nurso, and of wlioni Blaneho .. TV 1 I Clin nnillll lmVC CX- I . ... . .nml rr fllA tv 11 m. I ; by ten feet, with a small I you be nice f. - Father, when 1 ItlVdt but a 'drtyk'dAfl I jin j ,e old nnd blind,’l will dreil and twehty-ilvo passed thMij ! , for you.” • - -A'tlKnte; nnd a-hundred hat . nnVI rtGimliiiP haft on tllO SttlWO ^or!».Gf,^EUS“ mechanism ■G , srS'S»g-= mi Cmwfonl Etwi.: t Always »«y co»k for.llid'S^— ^ . _ B LAVTOV A ElLLIVS-UooooCorpeMerH unJ poor Bbnch# ;\ She Mttld have «Es t d slightly in awe, among the num Jolnoro. ,afffnr f MMSiiSSBt. ol aimed with Beatrice, “Wlmt in ° hoUsomnid, who was a j eote d to sueirqflavters, ami Nj M lrwMNWfd.«^^»teg niine e a rs—can this be true f” She ’ t f av 3 01 . Uo wltl. Max, begged to re- J t , l0 bell-boy after the olork, who soon O ’BIRR, SAM’L O.-IIoui0 0«rp«"“ r !? n ' 1 durst not leave tho spot, fearmg to at- ° , n ,l was retained to supply her ma de his appearance. _ . ■lol or. Work warranted to a b eiwtblocn 0 - . i notice. At length, after I , the ladv’s maid was dispensed “See here,” said tho Clncinnat an, no t f or sale; men who u . •„« r tra ct their notm . M place, tI'WK „ po p n , Mrs . 0SD k mo to stay to this place | |' nt re to circumference, to the |. folUlwinR ro»oJ ! .t.onUvfli addllteU Mon Wanted. TiiEWoniciNO AFPES, F.-jlloot ood 81.00 Maker, comer t . appearel j of King ami ll.inlllon otreoUi. I’’- rr . , The want of this hge'is meni who are Digpa ( c h>f the 13th t&gWMyft ■ are sonnd from | n<r u f working men last llightf, tin nn frnft ‘ t.n tilt* :..rr vncnlivtimiEwils addntdd: ll, That iiuroiluoiiig-: tho. ivn- an incniciimuie | ■ ... • Nollv | 0 u1d attend upon airs. i» do you expect me to stay to this place co „tro vu — ^ - —of time, little Max who had ; she, with two others al { „f gU t ?’’ ... ... | heart’s core ;_men_ who wJU^ondom.. C ATI1KV A SON—Hoot mul Shoo Makers, post- vnin ; y en deavored to attract his moth- - d t | le en tire estnbllslimont. Tlio clerk ollloo builiMnsdii tho re«r, King j attcnt ; 0U) began to ory. ^ Sho rose | jj e !gravia looked' on and wondered; j sequence of C 'AUBB, “ ‘ ‘ 1 - Y Mncmnm. i-ib a—^ | a wav Hastening uiroug.. u. a ..uw~ BI , WottEn . B „ t jr the ereanors were | 00u ia ueanoracanun,qiu|u»B>< ; earui.raeu.I|M?illKKel th£>"ordOr ofYheday. -it ’shonldioorti- | HH . „ , ?if tti^v^^^%h n ^ iicjtiiqrbrag^r : [ rofla < ^ M jy, t ^tmpTfttoM9*!to(ti9tl.lBti UlLBEBSlAN, L.—Wotclimoker and Jowofer, I pale 7ou"ioo’k,” asked Laura. 1 who probably, had I il'And””"added the cierk by way of n rml . rae n that ' O III Bukoficr & Lpvetniui’o »t°ro. Soo cord- z,j ^ a BU ddon headaelic, dear, been to0 wHM t on oiliers, now attend- c |inclilng argument. “ General Grant raen who-ha*»: oourago WtUourW ^ Wn , 1IiESi;I i . Swindunp?—Tho idfa M'oSovor u“or,oi'-1 Cl LSiW. Xird, I r.Hnme," shojust found voice to utter j ca rd • i, Ddvon' 1 f ,ta * U \5> I 'whMOlidmnTho'rdcnd.iwhdn.iiot cncnflcd... U„ ,i,„ iu.„rlcd servant, who stood wait-1 “ Pardon my intrusion, Mrs. Dovpn | hosts or I • 3TFB B P — Aitornoy »t Law, up Btolrv L her commands; then, as they drove port ," snl.1 ho on fcntering, but I on- B .ble to aSoaHiai Handltoiistreot. !;«• aim hank back and burst into tears, lvrecoiitly returnedfrom a tour abroad, whelming L KSTF.B. U. P.—Attorney *t ba King oaildltfg’t -Hamilton street. attSSIPI?' zAwJisssa off, shosank back What n ohangol _ till v ,, minutes was uttackcd by countless | who know their .message ' ‘ bed bugs, . Finding it i *- contend against snob helming numbere, l.o totsUly^--„, -» T - ^ ^ attired nc ^ too lazv to work, nor too proud to cross-roads. “Why,” men who tiro willitig to eat . u. ’ r{xT , TAXE^’-^NeiiVly aHtl •i "7i 7~ r ~ r I tering when * . . i *» -.•- ■ - abode, 0 rabie dav last sulnih’er. On yourris- a u night.? 1 - . _ , ., “D—N Tiis TAXEii;’’-!-Neil'rlynnth^ have earned, hnd wear what ,;ers of the enrpot-bng circus have 11 1 * .. . iltntw UABV vnlllfl- ATTOKNJbiY ax HiHB.YVk 1 rude awttkenbigl. Only n fov | i I si"”- /. ir. virinr, lTTORIIEY AT, f 7 ILL practice law In all the counties yV n - "i. .i'tt a ni.«*ini. (VmrL I rant Politics. _ cussed ley";? 9 explains his motives for - enter-1 paB s, ami when: told' that: tlio^iotJo^ 9, r P r ,oSl life: wou'tl at:least pay taxes, tho.reply lo, Cw ' 1 “ When the Divine Judge shall sum- “Oh, jWn the,taxes,,I tomltfPH. ion us to appear before our conscience ^ w.'*—Montgomery Ailf-j '* ” 4 ” y WAXWWraslJ***’**' §njOolS»i nt Nashi , |,Uo, \7tli, .sit Mo: Ono'glvoCiidtice' this militia is-put luponms-I shall oo :hnd -DScasMliefltlio-remark ik-HCK aireAYaaOtnrm /Mr tojdti-iDM MOORE, I adversity crush. Tl,ose bitter I give mo leavd to renew my Walt some JliiiiBlll I .. Cherokee Circuit, sue uuu 0. D* McCuiOijMa, f ?. ....I. E. Buvuatk. J%'cVutchtn Si Shumate, - By-the time Blanche veaohod her td benefit the DoyonporU mind what course w yy I „„„ »„„hl<.d td carrv odt ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 3 had f a ttell asleep; and was takert Stanley was enabled W carry oi ■\R7 ILL prucrtlce m. tho comities of un-staifs to ids nurse. Mrs. Devon- pat-pose, ite ownc £ a f p ,, y W GordodvAlnrray, AVLiUleld, Catoosa,AVal- “P ffr atifiod to discovor that her' Villa, with a fiJW ni,r08 pf land, kcr, Chattooga anil Dado. Juno 15—ly port wa 0 . cold J iinyloa enabled'tO'carry odt his little abdut them mnn and wife. sUler.tlm State linpo.iessjyjryiinpdliu.a: payinglho Vebt' create.l by the. men who have ruined us; and I'm sure th s Will‘b0 ; the ot" r W people with scnreely aii.exceptlyi.,^ , , ^ • J ,,-lilore soldiers aie i-cqiiirptlvtoimain-:', 0 t i, 0 i ,-i talnuGrant’s peace jwUoy, than:..were,i n;(iphn middr tlii.'MpRiofta^F'Iftit.hi. —louitviHa-MoWierr.o'llL Betis U | •• aWWnl^^M^'-? a 4 liAndi habitants in Jerusalem.' ■jJElill bluilunyJthc-WnlowUettfiTOl >