North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, September 03, 1868, Image 1

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DALTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1868. - -.-^==n: YOL, I—NO. 35. . - T v )t V*'» .» 'I'J 3USINESS DIREOTOEY. OF TUB ITT Y OF D ALTOIST. "AUOflON AftD OOMMIB3XON. ^Cl^iEST K JI.YSiotionomf Commission Merchant, King street. 3RY GOODS AND-GROPERIES, )EK(7l7,i:il k I.OYEJIAN—WlmloKtlo ami > Retail Dculora in Dry Goods, Gcntlumon’a rnishlng Goods and Clothing, Hamilton street. YAHKKTT, L, W.—Denier in Dry Goods, Gro- ' corlos, Provisions, oto., Hamilton street. £ AltCLA Y, JOI1X—Denier In Groeoilos, Provl- ^ slonsnnd Produce, opposite Tibbs Uouso. B ITTING, N.—Denlor in Groceries, Provisions and Queenswaro, Hamilto ■ streot. r 1 *“ 'lUUlSTUN, J. K. A K.—Dealers in DryGoods ’ Oroconefl.Proviglonsand Produco. Scocard. 'MtOZIEK, 8. C.—Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard* 1 waro, etc., now storo on Hamilton street. VEXTON & LYNN—Dealers.In Dry Goods, Groceries,. Produce und : Hardware, corner I Wnugh nndUnniilton street, AVIS, W. R., & CO.—Dcnlcrs In Family and Fancy Groceries. Saloon attached. Chester K lionao, north corner King and Hamilton. ADDOCK, II. II.—Dealer In DryGoods, Gro- eeries, Hats,Caps, Boots, Shoes and supplies, | Hamilton street, • K ING, J. I!.—Dealer iu Groceries, Dry Gooda Clothing and Boots and Shoos. Gencrul gnnt for Agricultural Impicmpntw, Hamilton st. L OWRY A BASON—Wholesale and Rotnil Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries and Pro* |«luce, corner Gordon and Hamilton. See Advcr. cCLATClIY k CALDWELL-Dcnlcrsin Dry Goods, Groceries, Produce and Hardware, {near corner of Waugh and Hamilton street. f IVf cCUTCHEX & HITTING—Dcalors in Family | It 1 Groceries, Produce, ote., east side Hamilton ■street. M 1 slons, PostoiHce building, King street. ICIIOLS, JOHN B.—Dealer In Groceries, I Produce and general family supplies, corner | King and Hamilton street. R IIKA, J. 11.—Wholesale and Retail Denier in Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Queeuswurc land Groceries, No. 5, Tibb’s House. tail Dealers in Diy Goods, Groceries and Agri* I cultural Implements, and Farmers Supplies,Tibbs ] House, No, 1 and 2, Hamilton street. SeoAdvrr. 1 ’ARBVrrr, J. F.—Dealer in Dry Goods, Gro* . corles and Provisions, opposite Tibb’sHouso, CONFECTIONS, BAKERY MY HUSBAND’S SECOND WIPE. A Womon’a Revelation. My husband foame tondorly to my side. “Areyou going out thiB evaning, lovo ?” “Of course,'I nml" I looked down complacantly at my dress of pink orepo, dew-dropped over with crystal, and trails of pink azaleas that caught up its folds heio and there. A diamond bracelet enciroled one round white arm, and a little cross blazed fit fully, at my throat. I had never look ed better,and I folt a sort of girlish pride as my eyo mot the fairy reflection iu the mirror. “ Come, Gerald, make haste I Why, you haven’t begun to dress yet 1” Whoro wore my wifely Instincts,that I did not see the haggard, drawn look In Ills features—tha fevered light In hts eyes ? “ I can’t go to-night, Madeline—I am not well enough.” “ You aro never ‘well enough’ to oblige mo, Qcrald. I am tired of bo- ing put off with such excuses.” lie made no auswer, but drooped his head in his hands, on the table be fore him. “Oh, como, Gerald,” I urged, petu lantly ; “ it is so awkward for mo to go alono always I" He shook his head, listlessly. “ I thought, perhaps, you would he willing to remain at home with me, Ma deline.” “ Men aro so selfish 1" I said, plain tively! “ and I am all dressed. Clau dia took Imlf an hour for my hair. I dare say you'll bo a great deal quieter without mo—that is, if you are determ ined not to go." No answer again. “ Well, if you choose to bo sullen, I can't help it," I Bald, lightly, as I turn ed and wont out of the room, adjusting iny bouquet-holder, the tulie-roses and heliotropes seeming to distill incense at every motion. Was I heartless and cruel ? Had I ceased to lovo my husband ? From the bottom of my heart, I believe that I loved him as truly and tenderly as ever wife did j but I had boon so spoil ed and petted all lay brief, selfish life, Hint the better instincts were, bo to speak, entombed alive. ■ r puW.Vl.KV, J. IV.—Con To lit! Sheri linker nml-- J went to the party, and had my All I .L Funny Grocer, Ilumilion, below King street. „ r adulation and homage, as usual.— The hours seemed to glide away, shod I loner, with Saloon attached, Tibb’s House. DRUGGISTS. [ T*ROWtf, JL> Palau , B. B.—Doalor in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc. Insurance ugent. below post office.- Tibb’s House, Hamilton street. J/Y RAVES, J. B. & C. W.—Wholes de and I U Retail Doalcrs and Manufacturers of all kinds I of Furniture, Hamilton street. ~UllJROKEE .MANUFACTURING CO.—Alt do* ) script Iona of Furniture manufactured. Saw And Grist mill attached. See Advertisement. F ANC Y~GOO PSAi?D~NOTIONS, TIRSCUIUJIIU, SI.—Dealer iu Fancy Goods, IT Notions and Toys, Hamilton street. 0 STOVES, TIN WARE, ETC. I >ALL h MeCARTY—Wholesale and Retail JL> Dealers in Stoves, (lollow Ware, Hardware, land Manufacturers of Tinware, Hamilton street. looiITIIEULAM), A. L.—Dealer in Stoves, iO Hollow Ware, Ilardvvaro, and Manufacturer JofTinwure, Hamilton street. MEOHANir 'AODLKDUE, N. F. it Co.—Tanners Office in lower story of Printing House Building, ford Street. Always pay cash for Hid« )LANTON ft COLLINS—House Carpenters and ► Joiners. Shop corner of Hill and Spencer gtreots. Work warranted, executed with dispatch. BARR, 8A3PL 0.—House Carpenter and Joi cr. Work warranted to give Hutlsfaction. rWPKS, F.—Boot and Shoo Maker, corucr of King mid Hamilton streets. AATIIEY&SON—Boot and Slino Makers, post- office building, in the rear, King street. F'AOBB, J. N B.—Tailor, and Agent for Sewing Machines, King street. () I’WICK, II. M. ft J. P.—House, Sign and Orna mental Painters, and Paper Hangers. PROFESSIONAL. IS, A. W.—Physician and Surgeon, at tends to calls in city or county. Sec card. JORDON, Ur. C; P.—Physician and Surgeon, may be found at his office over Pitman’s , when not professionally engaged. TcAFEE, Dr J. U.—Physician and Surgeon. . Office over Bukofzer & Lovcman’s store, 3 he may ho found when not engaged. \ ESTER, R. P.—Attorney at Law, up stairs, 1 King building, Hamilton street. J. A. R, HANKS, l’ORNEY AT LAW, Till practice in all tho counties ot tuc Charolcee Circuit and In the United States futrict Court for tho Northern District of Geor- ~7.H\ a ATTORNEY AT LAW, J ILL practise law In all the onunilca of this Circuit, out! U. S. District Court. JanO-ly JB. A. BIV'IA’GS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Y 1U, practice in ull tho counties composing tliu Cherokee Circuit. j unity J, ti J. A. GLEA'JT, tTTORN.EYS AT LAW, TTEND to nil tho collection of claims and . practice in Cherokee Circuit and U. S. Dis- t court. fondly 7r. K. JfMOOilE* ATTORNEY AT LAW, TILL pructicc in tlic Supctior Courts of the Cherokee Circuit, and in tho U. States Dis* riot Court at Atlata, and give strict attention to 1 cases of Bankruptcy, roar2*My D. MuCurcitEN.... I. E. Siiomatb. Jl'cCutchcn ft Shumate, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, J ILL practice in tho counties of Burto Gordon, Murray, Whitfield, Catoosa, Wat , Chattooga and Dado. June 1B—ly* With roses and winged With music and perfume; and it was not until, wearied with dancing, I sought a momentary refuge in tho half-lighted tea-room, that I heard words wakening me, as it were, from n dream. “Gerald Glon Ufa ...... I could not well bo mistaken in the name—it was scarcely common-place enough for that. They were talking —two or three hnsiness-like-looking gentlemen in the ball without; and I could catch,' now and then, a fugitive word or phrase. “ Fine, enterprising young fellow-!” —“Grent pity I”—“ Totally ruined, so Hoes and MoMorkon sny”—"Reckless extravagance of liis wife I” All tlicso vagus fragments I heard and then some one said, “ And what is ho going to do now ?” “ Wlmt can ho do ? Poor fellow!— I aril sorry; but ho should have calcu lated his income and his expenses bet ter." “Or his wife should. Oh, these wo men ! they are at tlie.bottom of all a man’s troubles I” And tiloy laughed. Oh, how could they ? I had yet to learn how easy it is, in this world, to boar other peoplo’s troubles! I rose hurriedly up, with my heart healing tpiinulutously beneath the pink azaleas, nnd wont back to the lighted saloon. Mr. Albany Moore was wait ing to claim my hand for tiro next dance, “Aro you ill, Mrs. Glon? How pale yon iook I" “.I—I am not very wall. I wish you would have my carriage called,Mr. Moore." For I felt now Hint homo was tho proper place for me 1 Harried by some unaccountable im pulse, 1 sprang out the moment the car riage-wheels touched tho curbstone,and rushed up to my husband’s room The door was locked ; but I could see a light shining faintly under the thresh- hold. I knocked wildly and persist ently. ■* Gerald, dear Herald! for heaven’s sake lot mo in 1” Something fell on tho marble hearth stone within, making a metal® clinch, nnd my husband opened the door a lit tle way. I had never seen him look so pale before, or so rigid, yet so determ ined. “ Who aro you ?” ho demandod, wild ly. “ Why cauuot you leave me in ponce V 1 “ It’s I, Gerald—your Madeline— your own little wife." And I caught from Ills hand the pis tol he was striving to conceal In his breast—its mate lay- on the marble hearth, under the mantle—nnd flung it out of tho window. “ Gerald 1 would you have loft me?” “ I would have escaped!" ho cried, still half-delirious, to all appoarnnccs. “ Debt—disgrace—misery—her re proaches I Z would lmvooBcapod them all!” His head fell, like that of a weary child, on iny shoulder. I drew him gently to a sofa, nnd Boolhed him with a thousand murmured words—n thou sand mule caresses! For had it not all been my fault ? And through all tho long weeks of fear that followed, I nursed him with unwnivoring care nnd devotion. I hnd but one thought—one desire—to re deem myself in his estimation; to prove to him that I was something more and higher than the mere butterfly of fash ing I had hitherto shown myself! Well, tho March winds had howled thomselvos away Into their mountain fastness; th.o brilliant April rain-drops wore dried on bough and spray; nnd now tho apple blossoms were tossing lhoir : frngruiit billows of pinky bloom In tho deep blue air of latter May. Whoro .wero wo now ? It was a pleturcsquo little villa, not far out of Now Orleans, furnished very like a mngnlilcent baby-house. Oerald sat In a cushioned casy-chnlr in tha garden, just whoro ho oould glance through tho open window at me, work ing busily with my noedle. “ What an industrious fairy It Is 1” ho said, Bmlltng sadly. “ Well you soo, I liko it I It’s a groat deal better than those sonatas on tho piano I" “ Who would ever have thought you would make so notable a housekeep er ?” I laughed gleefully—I had all a child’s delight In being praised. “ Aro you not going to Miss Dclau- coy’s croquet party ?” ho pursued. “ No; what do I caro for croquet parties? I’m going to finish your shirts, nnd you’ll road aloud to me 1” “ Madeline, I wantyqu to auswor mo ono question.” “Wlmt is it?” “ What have you done with your diamonds ?” “ I sold thorn long ago—they paid several heavy bills, besides settling half a yeiir’s rent hero I" “ But Madeline, you wore so proud of your diamonds 1” “ I was once; now, they would bo the bitterest reproach my eyes could meet. Oh, Gerald, had I been less vain, nnd thoughtless, and extrava gant ” I checked myself, and a robin, sing ing in the perfumed deptns of apple- blossoms, look up tho dropped current of sound I “ That’s right,little red-breast,” said my husband, half jokingly, “ talk her down I She lias forgotton that our past is dead and gone, and that wo have turned ovor a now page in tho Bopk of Existence 1 Madeline, do yon know how I feel, sometimes, when I sit and look at you ?” “No!” “ Well, I feel like a widower who lias mnrricd again I" My heart guvo a little superstitious jump. “Like a widower who has married again, Gerald “ Yes; I can remember my first wifo ’—a brilliant, thoughtless cliild, with out any idea beyond the gratification of present whims—a spoiled plaything I Well, that little Madeline has vanished away into the past somewhere; she Ins ' genu away, toji more, and in hoc stem second wife—a thonghtful, tender wo man, whose watchfaTlove surrounds me like an atmosphere, whose charac ter grows more noble, and develops it self into new depths and beauty every day 1” I was kneeling at his side, new, with my check upon his.arm, and my eyes looking into his! “ And which do you love best, Ger ald—the first or tho second wife ?” “ I think tho trials nnd vicissitudes through which we hnve passed aro wel come indeed, sluco they liavo brought me, ns their harvest fruits, tho price less treasure of my second wifo 1” That was wlmt Gerald answered mo —the sweetest words Hint ever fell up on my ear 1 I do not liko to Hoar him Pray. I do not liko to hoar him pray, Who lonn» for twontv-flvo per root. ■ For then l think tho borrower m«y lie pressed for food and ront; And In tho book wo all should hood, Wh'ch s.iya tho lender shall ho bleat Aa sure aa I liavo oyes lo read, 1 Itdoca not soy "takolotarcat.” I do not Ilka to hoar him pray On banded knees about an hour, , For nraco to spend aright tho day, Who knows his neighbor has no floor; I’d rathorace him go to mill And buy tho luoklesa brother bread, Aud seo his children cut their All, And lough beneath their humble shed. 1 do not liko to boor him pray ’* Lot bleaaings on the widow bo I” Who never seeks her home to soy, “If want o’ert^es yoo, como to mo.” I hate the player so loud and long, That’s olfered for the orphan’s weal, By him who eoca hint crushed by wrong, And only with tho lips doth feel. , Ido not liko to hear her pray, Wltbjowelod ear nnd silken dress, Whoso washerwoman tolls all dav, And then Is osked “to work for teas.” Such pious shavers I despise; With folded bauds and face demure, They lilt to Heaven their “angel oyes,” And steal the earnings from the poor. I do not liko snob soulless prayers; If wrong I hope to lie forgiven, No nngcl’s wing them upward hour— Thoy’ro losta million miles Irom Heaven, I cannot liko long prayero to hear, And studied, from tlio lips depart; Our Father bends a ready ear, Let words bo few - ho hears the heart. Are wo About to bo Plungod into a Revolution P All recent movements of tho mana gers in the Republican party point ti the contusion that tha leaders in that party Is to Inaugurate Mr. Grant in the ProBldonttal (Alice against the will a- ci ,o o: ale will uur ior auyiuuur amt jauur.. n u uru of n majority of tho American people, dally gaining from tho other sldo at a Tho dlslranoliisomont of so largo a ina- Pate which will give us a tremendous jorlty of wlilto men as to give the po litical powor in the Southern States to Ethiopians and carpet baggers was tho first bold movement In that direction. Coming Ovor. Tlioro Is scarcely a Democrat in tho ountry, who cannot name ono or more if his hitherto mongrel acquaintances, who are not heartily aBhnmod of tliolr party, and who are to vote In Novem ber for Seymour and Blnir„ Wo are l give i majority In the nggrogato vote of tho country. Tho Pittsburg Post says, it' can name eighty men who liavo hither to voted against tho Democracy, who Tho not declaring that the electoral will now voto with them. We, oiir- votes of Virginia, Mississippi, and selves, can cite at least half that lium- A Corpse Erightons the Pall-bearers by Calling for a Julep. Rather a ludicrous event occnrrod on Saturday list. It having been re ported Hint n certain gentleman had died, nnd was to have been buried on Saturday evening, quilo a number of •his old friends and acquaintances re paired to his house to pay tho last snd tribute of respect by following his re mains to the grave. As the (leatli had been sudden, the coroner had been summoned, and when ,his duties had been performed the re mains were placed on nil extemporised lienrso, and tho procession formed. Before moving, tho hospitalities of the deceased’s house were extended to tlioso present in the shape of a good, stitr brandy julep to each, so as the better to enable them to undergo the fatigue of the long march to tho new burying ground. While tho pall-bearers, who wore standing by the hearse, were slowly sipping their juleps, nnd nownnd again giving the goblets a slight slmko to settle the ice iu them, a noise was hoala in tho collin, which turned some faces whiter tlmn they had boon for years beforo. Finally, tho undertaker lor tho occasion mustered courage enough to unscrew the collin lie], when, horrible to behold, up sat the supposed corpse, and coolly asked for his julep, Having quenched his thirst, lie got down, and stated to the gaping crowd that lie had been in a sort of trance, nnd knew all that was going on around him, but was unable to rouse himself until his ears wero greeted witli the familiar jingle of tho ice, and his nose with the delicious smell of tho brandy and mint in the goblets round the hoarse, the thoughts culled forth by which infusod now lifo into his system, and the desire to pnrtnko became so strong that ho was able to break tho trance which had coibe near to con signing him to n premature grave. His friends ware too much astonish ed at what they had witnessed, and too glad to see him among thorn again to investigate the philosophy of the thing, so they all adjourned to his house, wherejuleps passed around long enough to almost accomplish for tho whole par ty that fate from which tho first one had so miraculously dehvored their host.—Norfolk ( Va.) Journal. Popular agricultural Implement— Westward hoo! A Mystery of tha Falls—Strange Dis appearance of a Georgia Boy. A strange story comes to us from tho falls; not, perhaps, a story that will catch tho eye of tho reader sooner tlinn tho thousand and ono curious tales told by the morning papers all over the land, or ono that will be re- tained a moment longer than its odd companions; but a story nevertheless that may carry grief to some far-oiT household, at this moment awaiting the return of a wanderer from Hie bright home circle; and perhaps there is a vacant chair in that l'ar-off house hold that will never again be filled. Day beforo yesterday a young man, apparently a stranger, was seen wan dering about on Rock Island, the lit tle river Island opposite and almost be low tho city, around which tho angry wators of the big fulls are always roar ing and plunging as if every moment threatening to rise and sweep over it. His youthful appearance and strange manner called forth comments from a number, of persons who observed him. With bowed head, and apparently in a fit of abstraction, he paced slowly up and down the shore, every now nnd then starting suddenly, as if at some fancied danger, then relapsing ngain Several gentlemen, anxious to know who tho stranger could be, and taking him for an escaped lunatic, went to him nnd asked the meaning of his unac countable demonstrations, blit he made short replies in n husky toifo of voice to tho effect that he was in trouble, weary of lire, nnd determined to put himself out of the world, in one way or another, boforo another twenty-four hours. .They attempted to dlssuadp him from his purpose, hut failed to move him, and believing ho would gel over his “fit,” as a good many other young men have recovered from tho same complaint, they left him. Notiiing more has been seen of tho poor fellow. Yesterday morning some fishermen discovered n skiff 1 moored to tho island, and fastened to the chain of the boat they found a piece of fiat rock with a number of zig-zag capital letters scrawled upon it, apparently with a pin. On one side of tho rock appear ed these words: Good By FOREVER I was horn in Walk County Georgy er On tho lOtii of Novem ber I AM NO MORE OP EARTH. Yours forever II. W. E. On tho other side of the rock were scrawled in large letters tho words: I AM IN TROUBLE This was all. Tlioro was nothing whatover beyond tho initials to indi cate who the author could he, or what had become of him. The scrawls had evidently been mado within a very short time, and wero very light. On inquiry being made, tho story of the appearance of a stranger on the island tho day before, nnd his curious demean, or, was told, and it was finally concln (led that the unfortunate young man had written this ns his farewell to a world lie had not eonrngo to live in. Whether ho carried out his declared purpose is still a mystery, nnd must remain in doubt until the dark waters of tho Ohio throw off their burdens, or until tho supposed suicide turns up alive and well, wiser and better for Ills experience in Louisville and on tho falls—Loumille Courier A communication in the Romo Cou rier thus describes the proceedings at tho colorod church in that city recent ly. The Courier says: At a recent attendance of this abom inable mockery of roligous service, wo hoard a whining voice sing out,I’m gwlne to liehen on a ivhito lios,” an other jumped up, and echoed, “ bless de Lord, here's a poor sister gwlno to hall on a black mule.” Ono ralso3 her hands, and with oyes fixed on the coil ing screams, “I see Jesus, I see Je sus, I sco Jesus a lookin at mo.” An other replies, “ I see him too, a lookin out do winder nt mo.” Another crios out, “ bloss de Lord, tell Jesus to send down a rope and I’ll climb up to heb- en.” This last idea strikes a dozen or more with force, nnd they jump up and down, shouting, “ oend down de rope, and we’ll ell climb to heben.” Texas should not bo counted was In- tended for that and for no other pur pose. What difference could It make concerning tho assumed rights of Con gress to deny to those States represen tation ill the Senate and House of Rep resentatives whether their eleetoral votes were qaunted or not? It lias not been pretendod, in nny quarter, that it could inuko any difference. Cortalnly it could not. If it hnd been supposed probable that those States would cast thoir electoral votes for Mr. |Grnnt, no Jacobins in the whole list would have thought of denying their right to voto for President, or could have been per suaded liy any argument tor favor so outrageous a proposition. It was sim ply and only the belief that they would voto lor Mr. Seymour that caused the leaders of tho party to say their votes should not bo counted. i The suggestions from tho Jacobin directory, or “Congressional -Republi can Committee,” in Washington, to the black-and-tan legislatures, that they, and not the people-in the South ern States, should appoint tho Presi dential electors, was another move to ward the same object. It was caused by apprehension in the Jacobin mind to which recent information from the Southern States has given rlso—ap prehensions that, alter ail the time spent, and efforts exhausted, and ar mies employed, nnd public revenue squandered to reconstruct the South ern States so that tho Jacobin party could count their votes in Congress nnd tho Presidential cleotion, their scheme will fail unless they can prevent oven the voting negroes aud carpet baggers that have been elevated with so much troublo to the station of rul ing class, from appointing the Presi dential electors. The applications of the carpet-bag ger officials for arms and ammunition moans the same thing. They mean tho enforcement of official power against tho authority of numbers—of the mi liorily against the majority—or might against right. They mean tho giving of electoral votes to Mr. Grant by overpowering tho will of the majority. The recent declarations by promi- it -Republican cuidulatta iu the Northern Stntcs, that should Mr. Sey mour recoivo a majority of tho elec toral votes, his inauguration will -he prevented by the power of cannon and bayonets, is simply nu expression of the same partisan purpose—tho pur pose to innugurntb Mr. Grant in tho Presidential office against and in spila of tho majority. Tho many indications pointing to this conclusion ought not to bo over looked or lost sight of. They nre pa tents too serious to he trifled witli They aro omens of evil that no soplio- morical subterfuge can disguise from Hie people who will pause to think The will of the majority expressed in tho lawful way, is the highest possible law in this, as in every other republic. To prevent tho lawful expression of that will, with intent to defeat it, is to defy and over-ride that will itself. It is (reason of the worst character. It is revolution, pure and simple. Let it bo generally understood that tho Jacobin party, assisted by bond holders’ gold, intend to defeat the will of the majority by fraud and force, and it will need no further political argil ment to assure n majority for Seymour nnd Blair in every State in tho repub lic. And there is no disguising Hie fiiet that tho movements nnd declara- rntions of tho lenders in that party clearly indicates such a purpose Chicago Times. A Wisconsin Republican State SENATon Declares fob Sevmouii and Blair.—Tho Milwaukio News, of the 12th instant, says: Much to our surprise, wo received yesterday a carefully prepared address to his old Republican friends in this State from Hon. H. G. Webb, Repub lican State Senator from the 29th Sen atorial District, eompoRod of the coun ties of Wnukoslio, Marquette and Great Lake. For four years past Senator Webb has been one of the most able and prominent Republican members of the Senate, nnd before that of tho As sembly. Though ho is now absent from the State, his presout Senatorial term expires in January next. In Ids address, which wo shall publish soon, Senator Wobb gives tho reasons, forci bly nnd at length, why ho cannot, ns a consistent Republican, longer support the presont Radical party, and announ ces his intention to support the candi dates of tho National Democracy. her. Every Blnglo voto thus brought ovor, makes a count of two on our side; and herein lies the socrot of tho grent and 6tnggoring rosults which nre to nppnl tho mlsorablo vngabonds who liavo eo long been a political nuisance to this hfllletod people. When ovory Individual Democrat can name one or more of the other sldo who have repent ed of their huge crimes,and are willing to endeavor, to undo the misoldof they have aided to Iintoh, and whan not a man of that miserable horde can give tlio name of a singlo-Demoerat who is nil apostate to his, party In the presont crisis of the nnttpn, wo have pretty strong faithHint truth, though crushed to earth, will’, iu time, arise a'^tdn. It lias been crushed for eight long years; but now it is about to mnko ono des perate struggle for sunremnoy over wickedness and error, ami'll-v ' successful. Seymour nnd Blair will'bo elected, nnd by a larger majority-than Ims been footed up by any victorious political partji iu this country in tho past half eontury.—New York Day Book. The Piije Sappino and the Pitoh Boiling in Maine Pendleton U mak ing a big stir among the Maine Demo crats. Twenty thousand peoplecrowd- wife nlioTu ‘tljo.way mother used to cook.”’ ed lo hear him nt Bangor. At two o’clock this afternoon Mr. NICK-NACXS. Kentucky ft Tim radical c election received nnlv 20, 00,(100 ex-federal soldiers v la candidate. A young man advertises for a i lu-laiv In a respectable family, objection, ho says, to going's llio country. A disturbed preacher remarked, “If that'cross- eyed lady In the aide aisle, nllh red hair, and n blue bonnet, don't stop talking, I must draw atten tion to her.” An aged bachelor being asked If ho ever saw a lublio execution, was rascal enough tbsay, “No, nt I onco witnessed a marriage.” lie la alill ut large. “Well, ns near ns I kin keep track, thcy'wns a tcllln, a Miss Long (her flrat_ name wax Lucy) to tako bor time.” “You oan.go.” The way they vrolgb'bogs In Kansas, Is ns fol lows : They first tlo Ibe hog to tho end of a rail, balance tho rail on a fenos with rocks tied to tho other end, aud than guess bow much the rocks weigh, A Indy, writing lipon’tbo subject, says: “When men break their hearts, it Is tho saniu ns when tt lobster breaka one of bis claws—another sprout* ing Immediately; and growing In Its place.” An honest old lady, when told of lior husband's death, exclaimed, “Well, I do declare, our troub- Ichnever ecnie alone 1 Itnln’ta week since Host my bolt hen, and now Mr. Hopper lias gone, too, poor man.” A lady teacher was announcing to her pupils tho holiday on the d'.'d day of February, ond usk* Ing thorn why tho bhthdnyof Washington should will bo ho celebrated more than here I A little fellow ex claimed, with great vivacity, “because he neve told a lie." “Why did you lenvo yourlast'placei” inquired n young housekeeper, about to engugo a new Ber. vnnt. “Why, you Bee, madam,” replied tho ap plicant, “I was too goodlooking, nnd when I open ed the door, folks took me for tlio missus.” A crUBty old fellow says: “Evo was tho only woman who never threatened to go nnd livo with her mamma.” A spunky woman retorts: “And Adsut was the only man that never tantalised his The ’Spotted Honss’ dbouout to Taw Tho Coronet'of Stewart county upsets old Spot’s fablo told to a mulat to assomblago at Atlanta a few nights since in tho following card: Columbus, Ga,, Aug. 20, 1808. NtIs. Sun: Dr. Blount having mado a statement in a speech in Atlanta that there hnd been 160 negroes in Stewart county killed in tho last three mouths, ns Coroner of snid county I fool It my duty to the citizens of Stewart to state that for tho Inst two years tlioro liavo beon but five killed nnd one drowned. One negro killed his wife, ono by the Union League, one white man killed lty tho Shoriff of Marlon county, nnd tlio othor two a jury did not know who did the killing. J. D. Stkeetman. Pendleton was escorted from his quar ters to Davenport Squnt'o tTy. two full bands and three hundred brawny lum bermen, in lumbermen’s costume, and nu immonsQ concourse of citizens, While the procession was moving, salutes wero fired and the cheers wero prolonged and doafonirig. When Mr. Pendleton appeared upon tho stand, a scene of wildest excitement ensued, the whole vnstliudlciiee rising to their feet, and sending forth tile most tre mendous cheers over heard in Maine. It was several minutes before tho mul titude became sufficiently calm lo lis ten. No such ovation was over given to a statesman in Bangor, not oven to Webster, Adams or Douglass. Mr. Pendleton spoko for more than two hours in tho most forcible and olo- qtient manner, and surpassed oil-Ills brilliant efforts. As ho ooneltt- most thrilling eloquent pororu tion, nnd sank into'his chair utterly exhausted, the applauso was tremen dous. A New Dictionary.—Some Eastern school-book publishers are understood to bo preparing a now dictionary, with the latest definitions. A few examples will suffice to show what the language is coming to: “ Ponce.—A standing army to enforce disfranchisement upon tlio white tax payers, while non-tnx-paying negroes do tlio voting and governing." “Impartial Suffrage.—Ono basis of suffrage in the North, but a different, basis in the South.” “Money.—For the workingman, the mccliunic,jind the plow-holder, treasury notes; for tho bondholder, gold and.sll- ver coins.” “ Economy.—Five hundred millions n year for federal oxponsos.” “ Liberty—Admitting negroes to tho elective franchise.” “ Equality—The result of depriving white uion of the right to vote.” “ Balance of power Enabling three millions of negroes to wield greater po litical power titan eighteen millions of white men.”—Chicago Times. Who is He?—We copy tho follow ing from the Riobmond Whig, of Sat urday : “ An imposter, representing himself ns the Rev. William C. Applegate, and a member of a Masonic Lodge in Char leston, has been operating in Riobmond for some (lays and victimized several brothers always ready to help the de serving. lie left hero by the Peters burg train nnd will endeavor to play tlio snrrio swindling game in cities Southward. That brethren may be on tlie lookout, we append a description of his pretended lovorouoe. Ho is about six feot high, slightly sloop shouldered ; hair long, of iron gray color, wearing it combed straight baok, without parting; eyes light blue nnd largo; noso rather inolliied to blossom; mouth large; teeth long; expression of countonanoo rather sad, and with an unusual degree of intelligence.” “Let us have Peace.”—A crazy carpet-bagger, who edits a “loyal” pa- por at San Antonin, Texas, thus venti lates his murderous plans: “We say give us loyal militia; let them bo as black ns the sablo hinges of Dante’s Inferno ; mount them with rebel steeds, pay them with rebel mon ey, and start them on their mission to ride down tlio hold men who shed loyal blood." This fellow ts for carrying out Grant’s demand for “peace"—tho ponce that reigns in a house when all tho lawful inmates aro murdered. The Accident to Bdtleb.—Some body tells the following wicked ouo: Tlmddeus Stevens, a day or two bo foro he died, was told of the recent ac cident to Ben. Butler, In Worcostor, when ho was thrown front his carriage. “It gives me great pain,” snid tho dy ing commoner, “great pain.” Then closing his oyes, ns was his lihblt in meditation, lie. murmured between his thin lips, “groat pain. His d—d neck wasn’t boke, yon say ?” “Dnr arc,” eald a sable orator, addressing lua brethren, “two roads dis world. De one am a broad road dat leda to perdition, and do odder a narrow road dat leads to destruction.” “It dat am‘do case,” said one of his sablo hearers, “dis cullud indiwidual taltcs toxic woods.” A letter from Hamburg, one of the German gambling towns, says that every morning at fun riso there is a squad of men searching the forest that join the famous gambling resorts. They nre appointed by the Government to bunt out the bo dies of suicides ruined by play. Richard VST. White, an ignorant, incompetent negro, was sworn in, Wednesdry, aa Clerk of tho Superior Oourt for Chatham county. * A homesick dog recently traveled nlno-hundred miles, and got back to bis old homo in Missouri by Instinct. Afte^Sovember thero will be nn exodus of homesick two-legged dogs from tho South, hunting their kennels much farther off. Mr. Burlingame oxpresses theoplnlc ClilDfteo will emigrate to tho United 1 millions'* ns soon ns tho Pacific Railr plctcd. There will then bo no lack of flel era in any part of this country. a prominent Radical ol Tho campaign Is now fairly opened, nnd tho sooner wo nre alive to the necessities it Imposes tho better. The first duty of earnest Republicans is to circulate tho best political documents within their reach. None arc better than tho North Geor gia Citizen. Send it everywhere. Friends of Dem ocracy, now is tho timo to assist us in carrying tho sterling journal Into every household; If this is done, our victory will bo overwhelming. A wpg rays that In jountylhg lately ho was put Into a stage with a dozen persons, of whom he did not know n single one. Turning a corner shortly after, the stage wns—upset, “and, then,”said he, M I found them all out.” A fossil olepliant has been dug up at Easton, Maryland. Many portions pro nearly perfect, in cluding a tusk eight feet long. Two young girls bathing in tho Colorado River, near Austin, Texas, heard some ono coming, nnd in thoir endeavor to hide, stepped into a deep holo and were both drowned. A thirty-two months’ girl in Worcester, Mass., thus accosted her paternal relntlvo a few days ago; “Papa, will you buy ine some holes to put in my oars, so I can hnvosome earrings?"' Tapa is now looking for tho holes. So says an exchange. An editor onco paid to a young man who. was about to wed the scissors and paste: “My young friend, yon aro about to become, 1 learn, uu edit or of a newspaper. Permit nn old man to give this advice: If you desire success in that capacity you should in each paper publish one column fora sensible roan, and two fore fool." Why nre young widowsdtke ft band of Ethiopian minstrels! Deeaufo tlnjy do not^tay long in black. In Congreve’s comedy of “The way of tho World," one of the characters Is thus mado to speak of a lady in allusion to her glibness und invetera cy of talk: “She has got that overlasting rotation of tongue that echo has no chance with her, but must wait till she dies to catch her last words.” An exchange reports that a fteblo-looking boat man was recently summoned fordoing “grievous damage” to tho Delaware river. In the course of the evidence R was proved that ho had twico at tempted to pull up tho stream. A Gloucester paper says there is a lady in that town so modest that she will not allow tho Chris tian Observer to remain iu her room over night. “Miss Brown, I have boon to learn how to telt fortunes,” said a young follow to a brisk brunette; “justglvo mo your band, if you please” “La, Mr. Whlto, how sudden you aro l WcU, go ask pa.” Tho fact is being commented upon in various quarters that tho use of ether and chloroform for oxhUernting and stimulating effects is widespread, and doing much insidious damngo. Thcso tfifng* are very dangerous, and more dcauly iu thoir fu ture results than opium. An Envelopo nnd paper Company at Hartford are now cutting up one ton of paper per day into envelopes. Tho works have a capacity of 300,- 000 envelopes per day, and aro run to their full power. ■ Tho wino crop In Franco is deacribCd, uniform ly, ns tho most abundant and tho best'fn quality that has ever beeu grown within the memory of man. Tho people of Indiana aro beginning to think that something must bo done to relievo them of tlio stigma of living In “the groat dlvoroc.State," Tho divorces granted in Indiuua, under tho pres ent laws number, on the average, about five thou sand per annum. Two twigs from pear trees have been shown in Whoelthg, West Virginia, prh“ae combined length Is thirty-two inches, and’which have upon their, t.drty five largo and ripe pears. Slight frosts on tho low lands wero reported in several parts of Connecticut Inst week. On tho 20 th of August, in 18IB,' tho frost was sobcvovo tha*. roost of tho bora In Now England was killed. A wag, upon visiting a medical museum, wm shown soma dwarfs und other specimens of mor tality, all preserved in 4 alcohol. “ Well,” said ho, “J never thought tho dead could bo In such fplrits.”