North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, September 03, 1868, Image 3

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-u»— r M0BHi\G,»,igQ8, ol f n * rell ; 0 „ a,*,* evening, 23( tho Mothoditt tUlKSDAt yoMING,. .sr.PTFJint:q if1808. ol|Uruli; on Hnbbnth evening, 93d inst., for tlio T 7inm,..T« n li.ll.n sad FIfU Cents tier Yenr purpo-o of organlxlng a lMUo So_°lrtJ,_d<»lgnod la Advance) Sin Months, *1.50, lutes or Legal Attn Citation* on loiter* of Adm’r, Ao,..... .. ™ Citation* on letter* dl*. I’rttm Adnir, &0...I* For lenvo to toll Inild,... .. • • *• Notice to debtors nml creditor** ....0 00 00 Bale* of personal property,)» days, 1»V-. * '>'• Hole Of ll.n.1 l.y Adm'rs, Kx',, 1 sqr., » W> BhcrlWK Mt ™ Agento for the Clllien. Tlio following notned* gentlemen nro author- ntifi “ Itod to net It* tgenu for tjto Cirtuir, In nny to- pnclty: (I. n. WtmuaN Ceilnr Orovo. J. O. Cluwronn, LaFayotte. HicxnT U*Ktio, Trenton. auxiliary to tlio Auiorlcon lllblo Society of tlio United 8tatin. Bor. Hr. I.ooltoji, the ollU-Icnt ogent of tbo American lllblo Society, being proacut, gnro n oliort hl»tory of tho Socloty, tho notnro nnd ox- ton! ot It* dalle*, nd tho Incnln employed to cor- ry on tho burincs*. It being a benovolent inall- tutlon, m supported entirely by contribution*, many of lu Bible* und Tcatnmenu given iimiy, nnd nono sold for n profit. An organlcatlon w»* perfected, III tho election of Dr. IV. J. Manly u l'reildont, J. P. Freeman, llr.SRV llAKiin, ireiiiu... ■ IV. 8. Callaway, or Joint (lAnT.SpilngPIneo. Ur. K.O.STArronn, Book Creek, (tdrrny Oofllfly. It. II. Conn*, Itiu-gilhl. T. K.Cntmi, Elt|«y, Gllmor county. .1. Boulk, Boglo’o Store, Cooilownteo, nrraorratle tlub of WlilineldJConutjr. l’rcsld nt—Col J. A. B. Masks. Vico Presidents-Col I W Arerjr nnd Judge IV d Underwood. Tilton—Dr J K Ooborne, 8 B Sloan and T Q Morgan. Tunnel IIII1—Hugh Springfield, Win I, Cook. VornelP* Station—M P Votncll, T H lTlncr. Oth-Judge U J Turver, Clio* Cothran. 10th—Hawley Cupp, P M Booth, Trlbltum—Jo* Bogcr*, A 0 l.enko. Mill Creek—Jero llav, S P dreen, W Mahan. T. K. McDonald, See')’. Domoovatlollootlng InDoKolb Coun ty. . Tho Domocrao,v of PeKnlb county mot nt Decatur on tho lnt- September. Judge 13. A. Dnvls Was cnlled to tlio ohnlr, nml W. L. GulcUmllU requested to not ns Secretary. On motion of Judge Brown, the President nppolhted n committee of ton to prepare business nnd suggest ■mines of Dalegntcn to tho Kingston Convention on tlio Oth inst., of which •Utdgo K. M. Brown was chairman. Tito Committee on returning report ed tlio following resolutions, wltiuh Were adopted: Tho Democratic party of BeKnlb linf.ll ill lirlltlnPll rVilll'imll/iii neouin. Circulate the Documents t Now is your, time to Subscribe I! Tlio campaign is now fairly openod, nnd tlio foottvr wo arc nlivn to iho nocesritliMi it impose# tlio better. Groat political tame# arc at riuko— lAjucs upon whioh'lmng suspended did libortie# bequeathed us by tbo founder* of tho Republic. Tbo fitvl duty, then, of every earnest Democrat nml lover or his Imperilled country U to circulate the best political documouts wltldn his rcacb.— Kono are better than the North Gr.oRGu Citukn, and we cull upon our democratic friend* to holp us send it throughout Chcrokco Gcorgin. Let <ach sabderiber go to work and accuro us ono or more campaign subscribers. This they can easily do. Friends, will you do it? Great Issue*, ns wo before said, are at stake l—go to work 1 We are sending the Citizen to campaign subscriber* from now until the first of December for Fifty CcutSj uud until the first of January, 18CD, for Seventy- Five Cents. Again we say, go to work nud help circulate the documents i Vico President, J. N. Scott, Secretary, and J. W. Sltton, Treasurer, and L. D. Palmer, W. K. Monro, N. F. Goolodgc, John Uarolay und Dr. D. 11. Drown, as a Board of Managers. *Tbo namo adopted, wu tlio Dalton lllblo Sbcic- ty. The object ot this organization is to place Bibles and Testaments lu tlio hundi of our pcoplo, who may bo without them, at the cost of publica tion only. and to tboso who arc not ablo to pay, free. Any ono who contributes ono dollar can have, if desired, a plain Bible, if called for any lima during the year. A small collection ofcnsl and pledges ken up to tbo amount of thirty four dollars, but much more is needed to accomplish tlio design and duty of tbo Society. At a meeting of the Board of Managers on Mon* day morning, 94th inst., tlio following resolution was uJopted: JUnolved, That wo earnestly request tlio Minis ters of nil tlio different congregations in WldiUcld county, to raho all tlio funds pomiblo, during tlio present year, for the support of tills enterprise, und that we pledgo ourselves to furnUli them Bi bles nud Testaments, in return, at cost. Tho citizeus of the county are earnestly re quested to come to our assistance in lids laudable enterprise. Our people in many purl* of tbo country are dc«tliuq of Bibles, and hcio wo have an Qicullcnt opportunity to supply all their want*, in this respect, at the cost of publication only.— Wo only usk for small contributions, und trust wo shall not ask in vain. Hand your contributions to J. W. Sitton, ut Mr. J. B. Nichols’ store, where you will find a good supply of Bibles and Testa nicnts, in a short tlmo. Wo will be able to sup ply ull.kind* of Uibles and Testaments, cither fine or plain, large or small. ’ Tlds synopsis of our organization, Ik published by direction of tho Dourd of Managers. Very Respectfully, J. N. SCOTT, Secretary. P. S. Contributions on tbo 6th Sabbath, ot Methodist Church; cash, * 14,85—pledges, $7,(10. Those who subscribed on 4 th nnd 6th Sabbath* will please hand their subscription* to the Secre tary. DALTO.Y PBICS8 CCBBK.YT. Bkyimd Wmklt nr J. E. k E, Cummin. BUTTER-30 to SHcont*. KGGS—10 to 10 cent* per down. FLOUl(~*ll to *lti per barrel. MKAI#—tin to cent* M5 pur bushol. CORN—*0 to por« boil,cl. BACON— aotollprrlh. HIRIAB—Brown, lit to 10 ot*. per lb BYRUP—70 to *1.15. WHEAT—*1.00 pur btulicl to *3.00. COFFER—80 to 83} mm* pur lb. CHEESE-3510 30 ■ ■ PLANTERS' EMPORIUM I AND Headquarters for Everything!! COTTON ,Y ARN8—to pur bunch. CALICO—124 to 17|cU. per yard, " " — CANDLES—fallow, 96 cl*, pur lb. Adamantine, BO ct*. per lb, Faneral Services In Murray. We learn that a most touching episodo trans pired in Murray last Sunday. Mr. Wm. Jackson of that county lest three gallant sous in the war—John M. Jaeksou, Epp Jackson and Benjamin Floyd Jackson. Their funeral obsequies were preached nt Holly (•reek Church to nil immense congregation. Tlio <-rowd would have thrice filled tho Church, so it adjourned to the open air. Col. J. A. W. Johnson nnd Col. I. W. Avery, hail been iuvited to attend to deliver eulogies upon tho dead. Col. Johnson was unable to attcud, but font a letter which was read. Col. Avery delivered n warm nnd glowing tribute to the gallant young boy, Floyd Jackson, who fought under him, and who was killed in n heroic charge at Chltskamnuga. Tho seono impressive; many an honest tear was shed in memory of the depnited spirits, so tenderly nnd a fit ctionutely eulogized by a comrade nnd old commander. " Fence bo with tho dead, regret cannot wake thorn. With a sigh to tho doparled let us resume the dull business of life In the ccrtamty that wc also shall have our repose.” RLlt. A gentleman from Macon— n good Democrat— wo learn from tlio Telegraph, tvas in Atlanta tlio other duy, and whilo perusing tho papers in the reading room of one of the hotels—all good de ocratio papers—he was frequently annoyed ty tlio newsboys continually sticking tlio Intelligencer and Conrtitutiun (both of which he had read) un der his nose with u “have a paper, sir.” Finally, n little sandy haired, blue eyed brut, quick in his movements ns u grasshopper, approached with tlio Constitution ; and our hero asked him if lie had a copy of the New Ilia. The little cuss dart ed to the door for safety, nnd turning, sneerlngly hissed, “vou’ro a scalawag, sir; a scalawag!”— And then culling to some of Ids companions, moss the street, he cried: '.‘Run hero, boys; by golly! here’s tho biggest scalawag you ever saw. He’s n whopper, sure!” But, bcloro the gang of little wretches got n peep at our hero, lie hud dodged through a side door, huiricd to his roofn and changed his clothe*. information War.t.d. Any person who was in the Confederate army, who knew oneJPlillip M. Platt, formerly of Brooks county, Georgia who enlisted at the beginning of the war in a youth Carolina logimout, formed in Chui luston, will confer n favor upon his mother (a.vcry poor woman) by sending any information they may liavo of him to Hon. P. M. Russell Savannah. When lust heard of lie was at Orange burg. News Gleanings. In Snratogo tlio Democrats wero betting on 70,000 majority for Seymour, In New York, It l.» {Addicted that the Democracy will carry the State ot Georgia Wy fifty thousand majority tor Seymour uud Blair. A negro fired into a car filled with passengers near Raleigh, K. 0., the other day, but fortunate ly hit no one. Twenty-fivo thousand negroes will be obliged to woik by the winding up the Freedmcn’s Bureau, Tho oil of pennyroyal, it Is stated, will keep, mosquitoes out of a room, scattered about even in small quantities. Thcjo Hre now only ten ships owned in Port land, Mo, where there were fifty-seven before the war. Mnjor B. B. Waihlngton^jono of tho nearest surviving relatives of George Washington, died dost week at Wuverly, near Winchester Virginia. Six valuable horses grazing to ether on tho prurie were killed by ilgiitiiing in Bates county, Missouri, recently. Tin colored people of New York at a meeting on Saturday night completed arrangements lor a demonstration in huuor of tlio lute Thuddcus Stevens. A boy in Summit County, Ohio, revciiteen vsaisohf, undertook to perform some circus teats kith u rope, and hung hitmeif. IIe wus found dead, with a show bill spread on tho floor before him. Armed negroes are nightly drilling in Ouachita parish, Ln. Their leant r lias openly declared that "it is tnno for the m-grot-s to rise, und that ho will shoot the first while uiun that crooks Ids finger at him.” In Edgccomb county, North Carolina, recently, some five hundred Radical negroes fuuglit among thomsclvcs with clubs and slicks and brick-bats, and like weapons, nnd bruised each other’s heads promiscuously. Elder Moses Howe, formerly of New Bedford, now of PoiiMuoutli N. 11., is hale nnd hearty nt t lie ago ot ninety Seven years. He inis preached 8O00 limes in lion-four years, ban married 1,778 couples, and ultcndcd 2,107 funerals. Thi AdvctUser says the Radical* in Montgom ery, look like w hipped chicken*—keep very dark, and have ceas.d lo instruct the "loil people” as to their rights. They arc quite slick, nud sclduin how their face*. Miss Anna Lee, of Lawrence, Massachusetts, lay fiat ou tlio bunk oi the liver the other day, und held her face in tho water until she drowned, her clothing not having been wet at nil. It wus the dryest suicide by drowning on record. Mauriagk Extraoumnary.—Married in Full Lake City, KUli instant, in the presence ot the Saints, Brigham Young to Mrs. J. R. Marlin, Miss Emily P. Martin, Miss L. M. Ih-ndergrast, Mrs. It. M. Jenickson, Miss Kiimc P. OviTuiid, nil ol the County of Rciks, England. No curds. The Chicago Times, which bus hitherto reckon ed Illinois for Grant, fear* it is going lor Seymour and Blair. S) much the better. l*»gan has dis gusted ins homo pcoplo—first, for his fierce oppo bition to tlio war; secondly, because lie turned tlio war into politics; finally, for ids personal fe rocity sinco the war ended.—JV. Y. Arprei*. county, in primary Convention assent blot), Jo Busc.lve. That encouraged by past successes resulting Trout our harmoni ous co-operation, wo this day renew our pledges to each other and lo tlio great Duniocratio party of tlio coun try, and deelaro our uuTaltorlng faith in tho principles, tlio patriotism and the purposes of that party. Resolved, Tlmt speaking for our selves nnd nur section, we declare fur ther, that without n single exception tlie Democrats of DeKnlb represent tho universal; aim. and polity of tbo party in Georain, "which is to secure puttee, brotherhood nnd an honest ad ministration of publlo nirnirs, both in tho State nnd General Government. Resolved, That whilo the Democrat ic policy is poaee, tho Radical policy Is strife, even if it should lend lo in- tornocino violence, and it is lo bo de plored that tho colored man in our midst should ho usud by tlioso muireli ists as tlio agency by which they hope to*accnmpHsli their most destructive and wicked purposes. Resolrcd, Thai we nvow’to’tlio world our real wishes lit regntd to our color ed population, having nothing to con ceal from friend or foe. As a principle wo regard the olootivo franchise as an inherent ns well ns a reserved right of caclt of the States, nnd while Constitu tional liberty survives,.this right must and will bo respected. ~We leave to lime and the popular will the flnal ad justment of the question who shall vote. But, In tlio mcaiitimc, we pledge our snereil honor that no just right or priv ilege which shottlddio enjoyed by tlio colored limn shall ever lie denied him ftylfflSr acts, nor do wo bollevo tlio peo ple of Georgia entertain any othor feelings for him than those of kindness, nor would they withhold any help from hint wltiuh a humane nnd Christian peo ple should accord to him. Resolved, That wo will tnko every opportunity to inform tlio freodmon of his duty ut this hour, nnd to assure him.thnt lie is snfer in the hands or tba Democrat and Southern man, than un der the mislead of the political adven turer, who has lint ono uso for him nnd that us a blind instrument of a corrupt and selfish purpose.- Resolved, That wo hereby express to General Voting, our Representative in Congress, our llinnks for Iho able nnd successful mnnner in which he has defended tlio interests of ids party, both before and since bis election, nnd we would'fccl tho utmost gratiflention nt his re-nomination by tho Kingston Convention. Resolved, Thnt wo recommend the following names ns suitable gentlemen to represent tlio Democratic parly of DcKulb in tlio Congressional Conven tion at Kingston, on tlio Oth instant, viz: Col. T. C. Howard, Coi. it. Als ton, Col. R. C. Mitchell, Cnpt. W. J. Goldsmith, nr.d L. J. Winn, and in case they are tumble to attend Hint they bo empowered to appoint niter nates. 13. A. Davis, President. \V. L. Goldsmith, Secretary. Extra Special Notice. tinware of counterfeit* I Smith’* Tonic Rvnip tin* boon counterfeited, and the couiitcrlrlter brought to grief. Untiih’* Tonic Syrup, Tho genuine »rtlcln mu*t liavo I»r. John Bnll’a I irlvato rtump on each bottle. Ur. John Bull on ,r line the right to tnamifneturo nnd sell iho origi n'll John Smith'* Took: in rap of (.oulsrillc, Ky.~ Eaamino well the label on each bottle. If my private stamp I* not on tho bottle, do not pur- thane, or you «rdl t>o deceived. Bee my column advcrtiicmrnt, nud my .how card. The genuine Smith'* Tonic Syrup can only ha prepared by my- anil. Tlio pablth servant, LouitnUt, Ay. Ds. JOHN BULL, April 35, Tinas, iLEji'jt'tn :i co„ H AVE on lund nnd nro constantly receiving the largcat and Oncst aiaortment of CHOICE DUY GOODS, Embracing all tlio new ntylca of Ladle*’ Dress Goods, ClottiR, Ciuumeicp, Vestings, cto. READY-MADE CLOTHIEC GOOD,' Si-IIONd FASHIONABLE. Ludlca'* Huts,l)rc*aTrimming*, YanVoo Notion*. Now Style* Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, ewry Fm-iVy of Trice nnd Kmlltud. GOLD GUE ENBACKS! I T fcoToovcs every man to **vo every rent pos- sibe, und everybody "gives it up” tliat they eave money by trading at CHRISTIAN’S NEW CHEAP STORE! Wo tro offering unprecedented bargains in PRINTS., Bleached and Unbleached Domestic 1loots. Shoes, Hats, Notions, BACON, SUGAR, OOFtfEE, and FAMILY SUPPLIES or all kinds at Woiiderfully Low Prices! Wo continue to pat tlio Highest Prices for Country Produce, ot all bind*. Wo tro offering grout inducements; also, to buyer* of Pocket nml Tublo Cutler y ardwsre, Crockery, Harness, etc. tjul2 J. E. & E. CHRISTIAN. Ammoniated Phosphate, B est and cheapest fertilizer IN THE WORLD Saves Land....Saves Money.,,.Save* Libor! J. E. k E. CHRISTIAN, AgenU. CIGARS AND- TOBACCO Also, r very largo assortment of CtoekOry, Cuttlery, Hardware, and everything clso required to mako a full lino of New Y6rlt; J ( Vuluablo InfoT SELECT YOUR OWN NUMBERS lu <he ROYAL SPANISH LOTTERY. r PHS moat rwmnnalblo Institution of tho hind JL In (lie world. Svlri nm»ti — ... (lie world. Bvlvcllng numbers In I Lottery Is anew Idea—and m|* well adop ' tho wnnla of tlio people. ItnllbrdaaaR'cri ol rpccnlallve Investment than moat other Bual- net* rlaha, For Bill intermatlon, addres* LL<>Yt>, SLUMPS A CO., Room 10. V5 NaMau Street, Now York. “COSTAR’S” Preparations. FAMILY GEOCEEIB! FARMHT& IMPLEMENTS! Of tho latest and most approved Patents Alio, all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds, nt .Yo. Haul 9 Tlbb*s House,Dalton E YEA YE on Y Tries Them I EVEIlYItODY Uses Them l E VEItYllOD Y lielieves in them I Evcniliody—ltecommende them I Aio you troubled by tat*,; os, AnU? “Cttsraf’s” exterminators. "Only Infallible Rolhodie* khotfn.’ 1 — 11 Free from Poison.” " Ndt danger* ousto tho Human Family." "Rat* come out of their holes to die.” Im proved to keep tn any climate. 7? **;.• a Of I>0Ju4hJiiO6 ACT ir.mi «•>nrjl Point, Bn. .lean But naa In Imulayllli «omo or your Myenn-ln-' has been dm commenced on tho thets®,^, Hr. Ooll'oi', who 1 proved t Indeed the Ccdron I popularity In this ac Bull a great qunnllty . —especially of your C Ilia. Ship roo via Memphi-, care o C. HAVA P REMIUM REAPERS AND MOWERS. I’ib!)*, Kenner & Co. uro agent* for Wood’s Belf.Ruko Reaper and Mowing Machines, which have proven themselves to be tho b^st in Uso. Warranted to give aatiafuetion, or no *a!o. Como and sec, nt No 1 nnd 3, Tibb’s House. Petro Oil, at 76 cent* per gallon, nnd the Comet Burner, which makes a beautiful light, unsurpassed, nnd i* perfectly secure from explo* rnKln»'*'h”° finert PnirtJrv .Ion. For .alo by Tibbs, Knpntin k Co, ““"MSly to’£S all In- sect* on Plant*, Fowls, Animal*, Ac. Geo. R. Staley. EllJ. Hamilton.' II. K. He IPm. J. Armetrong. J. n. ILL AWE H, of Georgia, WITH IIOFFMAN, STALEY & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Liquor itndOominission 841 W, Baltimore and 66 German Sts., DVTWKIIK HOWARD AKD ECTAW, BALTIMORE, Order* for firneerte*, and Consignment* of Pro duce, solicited. jul3-3m Democratic Heeling. Dalton, Sept. 1st, 1808. Ata meeting of tho citiscnsof Whitlicld coun ty, to appoint delegates to meet In Kingston o; the Dili Inst, to nominate a candidate for Congress, On motion, Win. J. Undcrwoud was called to tlio Chair. On motion of J. P. Frecmnn, n Commtltoo of seven wero nppuinted to select and proposu suit able delegates. The Committee retired. Col. Avery was called for and entertained tho auditory with a short mut- ter-of-fuet epocch. Tho eonimltice report through their Chairman the following named gentlemen: A. F. Roberts, B B. Brown, J. M. Richardson and W. J. Unnoiwood—altcrnules, 0. Norton, Jus. II. Hamilton and Wm. Coot.-. Ou motion and carried, the delegation were rc- gucatcd to cast their vote as a unit. On matian tho Allowing named gentlemen were added to thu Standing Committers of tho County: On tho Subsistcneo Committee, W. W, Sebastian, Wilson Norton, H. H. Green, T, II, Pitner, F. G. Horne, Jas. Deck, Richard Lanier, and Dr. Fuut —Finance Committee, Lem. Tins.c-y, and Copt. Young. The Inat named committee are requested to meet Saturday next at Dr. McAfee’* oIHue. It la hop ed that all the Committeemen will proceed at ouco Jo discharge the duties assigned them. On motion, the proceedings of tho meeting were ordered published, aod the meeting adjourn ed. W. J. UNDERWOOD, Chairman. T. K. McDou.m.o, Secretary. The Election in Montana Tho TpiTltorittl flection in Montana has to- Btillod ill a dooisivo trumiiili of tlio Do- mooraoy. Tlio reaction against radi oalisnt swoops rosinllcssly onward.— Nothing scouts to chock its progress toward tkat proud consummation of local poaco and national security so de voutly wished l'or hy tho people. *. Tho Montana'election has held Au gust 8, and it was purely loealin its character, although the canvass was conducted mainly upon untiunalissuus. Tho result is a democratic majority of about 2,500, nnd decisive democratic gnlits in all of tho counties. Tito Dem ocracy carried every county except otto in tlio Territory, notwithstanding the fact that there was a railing oil' in tlio veto of about one-third. A Joke on Chills We saw a dnr- koy on West Walnut street with about the worst easo of chills wo over heard of. Ills teeth were chattering like a reaper under full headway. He was eat ing n watermelon on the curbstone, and some one told him tlmt eating it would give him tho chills. Ho looked up, with his mouth half full nnd a slice in caclt band, and shivered out: “Dis is do way I tuck do chills, eating dcso things. I got do chill ou me now, Boss; nnd I likes wutcrmilllons belter’ll I duz de chills, knso dal- ain’t no dan ger ok it ntnkm’ me shake wus’n I duz. I’ll cat dis’n of I dies ’foro I git to do fines.” Wo left him “fighting it.”— //Otttsvt'Iie Democrat. Tun Df.vil to Pay A certain in dividual now in Litis city, than whom no one lias played a more prominent part in the nogro-Rudicnl usurpation scheme, threatens lo expose tlio enor mities of itis party. He claims to have it in black and white, Hint Gordon bent liulloek G,000 votes for Governor; that lie Ims sacrificed his honor nnd self-rc- speet in the service of the Radical par ty; that instead of being rewarded ac cording to Itis deserts, by tlioso whom ho lifted to power, lie has been given the cold shoulder and incontinently shelved ; that lie isdetormined lostnnd it no longer, and finally, tlmt if thu lie- Cow does not do something for him, nnd do it “right quick,” lie intends to throw such n bombshell into Itis pen ns will turn his horns tnilwards.—Consti tution. find at our house the lai-geat and best at. Fortmcnt of Clgara and Toliaeeo in Cherokee Georgia, which wu sell at Atlanta and Kadivillc price*. J. B. k E CHRISTIAN. Wheat Wanted, H AVING perfected nrrnngomenta with exten sive house*, of unlimited mean*, for the pur chase of wheat, we will bo prepared nt all times to pay tlio very highest prices. J. E. if E. Christian■ . n*o jc*. jinx*it<if, Hamilton street, Dalton, Ga, LATEST ARRIVAL SPRIG AND SUMMER GOODS m receiving nlmo-u daily large additions tir stock of good*, to which we invito the sttention of promp buyer*, knowing that wo can make it to their interest to do so. Our stock consists In part of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ladies’ DRESS GOODS snd TRDIMINCS in great variety nnd While Goods, Bleached and Brown domestics. Men’s nnd Boy’* Heady Made Clothing, Linen Drills, Cottonndc*, Summer Cnuimere, Tweed*, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies and Gentlemen. Plastering. *T. O. SHAUNOET J8 prepared to do any common work In Tico coats or Hard Finish, Are you annoyed with Beu-Bugs?— Can’t flecp night* I “Costar*8” lged*Uttg Exlcri A Liquid "Destroys and prevent* Bed- Bug*.” " Never Falja,” "A sure thingj” Thousands can ^Yes- tlfy. * •- ‘Coafur’*” Corn Solvent. For Corns, Bunion?, Wsrif, &c.’ 11 Try It." Don’t suffor with Tain I A Wonder- ful power uf Uenling l Every family (should keep It In tho house. “Costar f s fi Hue hi ho* n Salve.. Its effect* are immediate. For Cuts, hums, Bruises, Wounds, Sore Breast*, Pile*, Ulcer*, Old Bores, Itch, Scrofula nnd Cutaneous Eruptions, Chap] Hand*, Lips, &c., Bites of Anlim Insect*, &<\ Bull’s Worm Destroyer. Tl v 7'.;lot[ ciiY .lur. -J- ., v Jr -Leibiq To Wy jlnitti Elalu and World-Mt'lltvUrt. I liavo received many teMlmonlnl* from profes sional and medical men, n* my almanac* and va rious publication* lmro rlion-n, all ol which nro genuine.'' Tlio following letter from a highly ed ucated and popular physician In ( tainly one ol tho most seneiblo cnminumeatlim* I have ever, reedveiL Do. Clur-eni Icntiwrep nelly what ho speaks of, and his tculniony do- serrea to ho written In Idler* of gold. Hear what tho Doctor say. of BULL’S "" STUOYERt ; DE- Y,llanos,, H'eli-rr County, Ga., June ill, 16C0. Dr. John Hull—Dear Sir: I liavo' recently glv- in your “Worm Destroyer'’ several t ind It wonderfully clilcaciouj. It ha, not f in a ringlo Instnnco 19 have tho wished lor egboL I am doing a pretty large country prnetlco, and liavo daily u,o for some artlclo of tho kind, I mint to confess that I knuw of no remedy rec ommended by the ablest author* that la so certain and Speedy nstta effect,. On th* contrary tbev irtylnln t’ “ , ... ,. . the extreme. My object in writ- Ing you is to find out upoo what terms I can get thomeJ’clne directly from you. If I caii get up on easy terms, I shall uro s great deal of it. I am aware that the use or such article* Is contrary to tho teachings and prnetlco ol a great majority 1 ” " if M. “ " ol tho §fi lino of M. D’s,bull are no just sense In discarding a remedy wlilcl wo know to bo elHclcnt,- simply ! ho li ••A Universal Dinner Fill’’ (M#,; .hi®mtfe'Jt i rile tn use all.1 coated). HO rears odmluittcrcd in,a - - * - iieitiii,- riiiijiiy hit. combination. Foi In town dr country. Work* either by tlio JOB by tho DAY. Mr. S. is a Plasterer by trade, and follows no other business. E2f~Plnce of rc*idenc&, Spring Placo street, ilton, Georgia. March 20, 1808—6m. Pliy*iciap’i Practice. “Costar's” Htshoi> Pitts. Of uxtraordinary ofllcttcy for Costive- nos*, Indigestion, Ncrvoni and Siok Headache, Dvspcp-ia, Dysentery,Gen eral Debility, Liver Complaints, Chills, Fevers, 4c. Not griping. Gentle, inild and soothing. . Lumber! Hall’s Station on the W.& A. R.R. ELLSWORTH & HALL, A UK prepared to furnish any and overy varie ty of That Cough will kill you. Don’t neg lect it. “Costar's” Cough Remedy. The children cry for it—its a “ Sooth, ing Syrup.” For Coughs, Colds- Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup,Whoo ping Cough, Asthma, Bronchial Af fection*. Singors, Speaker*, nnd all troubled wiili Throat Complaints* w|ll find this a beneficial Pectoral Remedy. ablo „ because somo ono moro ingenlns thnn myself may lmVo learned its effects that, nnd secured that knowledge. How- over, I am by no means sn advocate or supporter of tho thousands of worthless nostrums that fl jod * the country, that purport to cure all manner o disease to which human flesh is heir. Tleaso ro ply soon', and Inform me of your best terms, am sir, mast respectfullv, JULIUS P.CLEMLNT, It. D. Loaded on thu Cura at their Steam .Will. First quality is now selling at $15 per thous and-second quality $10 per thousand. All lengths up to 62 feet 100,000 feet now for sule on the yard* nt their two milt*. or KILN DRIED FLOORING and FINISH- ING LUMBER furnished on reasonable terms. {3TCars stop to take on and let off passen gers. Feb. 28—Ctn. month to aell the National Family Sewing MucMne. Thi* inechine la equal to the standard machine* in every respect and Is sold st the low E rlco of *20 Address NATIONAL SEWING [.tCHINE CO., I’ittebnrgli, I’a. jiil)25-8in Hardware, Cuttlery nnd Queenewnro, nnd Wood nud Willow.Wnru in great variety. Also, a splendid lino of Impending Trouble in Tennessee. —A Washington letter snys: “News reached here to-day of serious impend ing trouble in Tennossoe. General George II. Tliomns 1ms commenced to forward nddilionnlUnitcd States troops into the Slate,ntidUrownlow has prepar ed a call for thirty thousand of tlio inili- tln. Tennessee bns n fuller compliment of nrms tlinn nny other Southern State, nnd a formidable stuuding army is ex pected to ho organized nt ouco. It docs not appear tlmt any orders have been sent Irotn here to Uuticral Thom as lo forward troops from hiscommttnd, nor nro the authorities fully posted ns lo what is going on either in Kentucky or Tennessee." Juuikh ron Fall Courts An At lanta dispatch to the Augusta Clironi- clo snys hath Houses have passed a hill authorizing the holding of tlio fall terinB of the Superior Courts of tlio State witli juries that liavo boon nl- rendy drawn. In default of a proper number of jurors appearing, tho presid ing Judge is authorized nml empower ed to draw twuivo tales jurors from tho jury box already rondo tip, nnd empan el them ns a jury should it bocomo necessary. General Monde returned sixteen thou sand nud eigkty-ninu negro voters in Florida. But ttio State census of last year gnvo only fifteen thousand male negroes, lnon and children,in the wliolu State. Meade has a great genius for Itusselllng up negroes. Ho coil make oneli ono count tlirco. Thcro U not n pnrticlo of honor or honesty in him Louisville, Journal. FAMILY GROCERIES and Dye-Stuff*, to which wo invito tho atten tion of our friends nml the public, iu it is our in tention not to be undersold. Wu buy all kinds of Produco for Cash *or Goods. Remember, our motto is QUICK SALhS AND SMALL PROFITS. W. W. HIGGINS, SUN AND LOCKSMITH, N EW GUNS made to onldr, nnd repairing of every description done nt short notice. every description dono . car AD work warranted. Terms to suit tho hurd limes. Also vff [sixes and sorts of Spoons, liultcr Knives, tic, Made from old silver or coin. yySliop in tho building in which tho Post Office is kept. Feb. 21—Oin. J. GUTUKIE, LOirRl* # BA.lOW, jun 10 Hamilton Street, Dalton. Ga, • iwjii oi’uvt, STOVES AND TINWARE. A.Ia.SoutTterlazid Manufacturer of all kinds of TINWAEE, AND DEALER IX Stoves,HollowWaro,Hardware, And everything in his lino of business, which ho proposes to sell ns cheap ns can be bought in the Soutlurn or Western markets, at wholesale or ro- tail, and claim* for his Tlnwnro n Euprriorlty over Unit of Northern or Eastern manufacture. Hoofing and guttering done promptly, cheaply. Hamilton street, Dalton, Ga. July Om BARGAIN-FOE SALE! LOTS FOR RURAL HOMES!! timbered, with beautiful cites for building, within ono mile nnd n half of the city, adjoining tho property of the Dalton City Company, being a portion of the lot known a* tlio Wrench Place. Sold in parcels to suit purchoocra, of five, ten, twenty, or the sixty aetes Ouo beautiful cite, witli thirty acres, witli the privilege of two springs, freestone and chalybe ate, within a few steps of tlio eito. To merchant 1 *, mechanic*, or other business men of Dalton, these lo’s are very dwimble, bo- ing near enough not to interfere with their daily occupation. Entirely freo from chill*, lover and other injurious diseases, produced by bad water, swamps, etc. Better bargains ef.n bo had in this property than ever before offered in Whitfield county. Titles rnado perfect. A pply HENRY A WRENCH Medical and Surgical Notice. Tho Montgomery Picayune says Mr. Rlngrlaff, an intelligent pluntcr in the Southern portion of Montgomery county, informs tho editor of tlmt paper tlmt the worm i« playing havoc with tho cotton The Picavuno myn tho advice* from tlio counties contiguous to tliQt city indicate that tlio crop will he much shortened by tlio ravages of tlio worm. DIC. X IP. H1PMJCQS, F ORMERLY of South Carolina, tenders his Professional services to tlio citizens of Dal ton and surrounding country, with an experience of 27 years practice. {^"Special attention to nil chronic c<ue*. tSTOtfioc, during tho day, corner of Fen‘at nnd King street*, snd night nt residence, on Thornton Avenue, forinorly occupied by Mr. J. 111. King. January 8—tf. COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALEn IN Staple Dry Goods HEAVY GROCERIES, Yarns, Shirtings, Stove*, Tinware, Leather, Grain, Huy, ETC., ETC., Tunnel Hill, G»., ■J^EEP-S constantly on hand a large stock of all * prcpai ket Pr; time*, to pay the Highest Market . kinds of Produco. My old friends and tho public generally are in vited to call on mo before SELLING or PUR CHASING elsewhere, as I am determined to SELL GOODS CHKAPJBR Than any House this sldo of Atlnnbi! Ju!y23 Om* GREAT REDUCTION! l’RICES MARKED DOWS! Everybody Interested! K NOWING the grent scarcity of money, and realizing how the people are pressed down by th* tightness of the time*, I will make a great reduction in the prices of all n.y goods for the next six or soven weeks. My Stoex being much larger tlinn the times denmnd, and wishing to close them out to make room lor Full purchases, I will soil for Seven Weeks Only, nt Prime Costl with a very amnll per cent., for Cash or will change them upon iho same terms for Wheat, Bacon aud Corn, nt tlio established Cash prices. Coin hook! Como one, come all, and get Groat Durgnins! Don’t forget tho place. Under the Tibb's Ilouae, at the Sinn of J. B. RHEA." BoauUfict tlio Complexion, (pirlng to tlio skin n transparent freshness. “CcstarV* Bitter-Sweet nnd ((range Blossoms. Renders tlio skin clear, smooth and soft; ilomoves Tun, Freckle*, Pim ples; &e. Ladies, try a bottle, and it* wonderful qmihr^ tflll Dewars it I of ail worthlessmita lion*. tyTNono’ Genuine without "COSTAR'S” Signature. £ST26o. ™d 60c. size* kept by oil Druggists. 1 rite* scut by mail ou receipt of price. tSJT#2 pays for any three$1 sizes by Exp css. Ijj'tP'tyx for eight $1 sizes by Express. Address HENRY B. COSTAR UX U. LftM AU. u 012 Broadway, U. V. C3^For sale by 0. B. Wellborn 4 Co., Dal ton, Georgia l3f*So!d by all Wholesale Druggists In all tho largu Cities. tSfBarnc*, Ward & Co., 24 Msgaxlpo streets N. Orleans, wholesale agents for Southern Suo, May 8—Om. St. Mary's Institute, 'J'HE exercises of tho shove Institution will bo resumed on the first Monday in July toext. Tuition. First Class, per Term of 6 month*, $ 0 00 12 00 “ “ " 18 00 Board can be had in good families from 8 to 10 Dollars per mouth- f-uidcnts can lie prepared for admission Into nny elaas of tlio University of Georgia, or any similar Institution. The above Institute is situated 25 miles South west of Ringgold, Gs., and 26 miles South ol Chsttanoogo, Tcnn. J. Y. WOOD, Principal Miss Maidie Wood, Assistant. Juno 13-4t. HR. B. U. BMlOirW, Insurance and Land Agent, KINO STREET, DALTOK, UKORQIA. * A GENT for A3TNA Life and Fire Insurance, Company. Also, Jefferson nnd James River Fire Ittiurattoo Companies, of Vliyinla, Enterprise, at Cincinnati, nnd Putnam, at Hart ford, Fire insurance Companies. And General Ijancl At-ent For anybody who entrusts tlielr business to Ids care, liofers to Col. 0. B. Welborn 4 Atlanta; Col. W. II. Tibbs, Lowry 4 Eason, Hon. D. A. \Valk» r, and Col. J. A. R. Hank*, Dalton. JaOly TIME —is— ! And a Correct Tlmc-Pleeo Slakes Bolh l rpiIE undersigned would respectfully announce i. to the citizens of Dalton nnd vicinity that he Ims opened, it tho well-known establishment of uri* ‘ Bull’s Sarsaparilla: UOOD REASON TOR THE CAPTAIN'S PAITB. Ecsd tke Captain’s Letter and Etc Idler from kls llotlier. Renton Rarraeh, Co., April 30, lend. Dr. Joint Bull—DcnrSIr: KnonltiR the cfHclcn- cy of your Sarsaparilla, and tbo hoalinx and bci-.- cflcial qualities it poseessta. I scud you tbo fol lowing statement of my caso: I was troundod about mo year* ago—was taken prisoner and confined fbr sixteen months. Being mured so often, my wound, bare not healed yet. I have not aat up a moment alncc I was wounded. I om shot through tbo hips. My general health is Impaired, and I need something tons-lst na ture. I have moro iallh In your Sarsaparilla than In any thing else. I wish that that la genuine. Fletiao express me half a doxen bottlos, and obllgo Cart. 0. P. JOHNSOX, St. Louis, Mo. F. S.—Tire following was wriilon April 30, 1805, by Mrs. Jennie Johnson, mother of CapL Johnson. Bn. Boil—DcnrEIr: My hiuhand. Dr. C. S. Johnson, was a skillful surgeon snd physician lu Central New York, where he died leaving tho above 0. F. Johnson to my core. At thirteen yearo of ago ho had a chronic diarrhea and aero- fills, for wlilcli I gavo him your Ssraapanlln. It cured 1dm. I have for ten yean recommended it to many In Now York, Ohio, and Iowa, for scro fula, fever aorcs, nml general debility, l’erfeet success lias attained it. Them, effected in tomi cam of urofula and fexer met tcere ahnott mi- rocutor*. 1 am very anxious for my son to ogaln liavo reeouno to your Sarsaparilla. He is learlul il getting a spuriousartlole, hence Ids wilting to •ou for it. Ills wounds were terrible, but I bo lero he will recover. Respectfully, JENNIE JOHNSON. DK. JOHN BULL, Mauufacturcr and Vender of tho Celebrated Smith’s Tonic Syrup, FOR THE CURE OF a a v e a jr d fe nan, OR, CHILLS AND FEVER. Measra. Bukotof 4 Loveman, a Mtop for repair ing nnd cleaning Watches, ns well as perform ing all other work pcttalnmg to bis trade. C^THavIng been constantly employed In aome ol the largest European citie* for tho la*t ton years pn*t, ho guarantees supotior workmanship. t2f*Clmrges moderate to conform with the times. tar I h*vo Just received a choice lot of JetO- dry. which inm offering at voryhw price*.— Call and xco it. L. SILBEKMAN. Feb. 2D—tfj. GEORGIA. Walker County Wiliam L’uitolio ) LiM JJ/JjM ln ;, w . Mnry Castclio. ktr Superior Court. E, G. CRAirFORH, ATTORNEY at law LaFsvetis, Qa. I 1 "’’Ik'y ffjyWIIl practice in all the counties compos. I original, lug the Choroken Circuit, Jan. ID—)y, 1 April 24—Im. „ Slu-rlff, that tho defendaht la' a non-resident uf till* State, It is ordered that said defendant appear and answer at tho April Term ol' said Court, oho that the case bo considered in default and the plaintiff allowed to proceed. And it is further urdcrod that this Buie he pub lished oiico a month, for four mouths, |n tho North tlenrgla IlcpUbllcnn.- n MILNER, j, g. c. o. o.: rvola a trim copy, of the JAS. IL IIOUKRS, Clerk. Tho proprietor of this celebrated mcdlclno justly claims for It a superiority over all ran cdles ever offered lo the publlo for the cafe, certain, ipctJy, and permanent cure of Aguo and Fever, or Chill* and Fever, whclher of short or long standing. Ho refers to tho entire Wcslem nnd Soulli-ncstcrn country tn bear him testimony to the truth of tho assertion, that in no caso whaler, cr will It fail to cure, If the dircollona are strictly followed and carried out In agreat many eases, a slnglo doso has been sufficient for a euro, nnd whole families have been cured hy a single hot tic, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It Is, however, prudent, and in every ease moro certain to cure, If Its uso Is continued ln smsllor dnses for a week or two after tho dis ease has been checked, more especially In (IifHcule and loog atandlng nates. Usually, this mcdlclno hill not require any aid to keep tho bowclsingood order; should tho pntlcnt, however, require a cathartic medicine, after having taken three or four dt«ea of tlio Tonic, a single dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMILY FILLS will be sufficient. DR. JOHN BULL’S Prlnolphl Office: i -otti-j-.-.-.: : ** ^L^hsvTLLL'^KY. All of tho above remedies for sale by. J. B. Nt.'KLIN k Cb, " Gbnttanoogn, Tcnn., And by nil other ro*ponsiblo Drugglita. 10-1 y BETTER THAN GOLDI OOB NEW Indeatructablo Golden Pens. A RK recommended by Ban kero, Lnwvcrs, Pro- feworo, Teacher*. Merchant*, and all w fewora, Teacher*, Merchants, nnd nil who bavo tiled U-cra, a* tho best Pen manufactured* Thryare^non-corrosive, one’ - - tho greatcit cure, rendering I titan any pon now be/oro tho public Sent poft nald to any »ddrc ‘ E box, containing qne dozen icy for tho wmo xent ate to try them M, ] ►•8m !’}*«« stato that you law