North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, September 03, 1868, Image 4

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MB. PENDLETON. Our tiovarnmont is ft Union nnd Not Sfeid Mr. rcudloton at Uangor, on Thursday t , * * Our Government is a union .and not a unity. It la a union of States, not of municipal corporations —of States sovereign, exooptln so far ns they hnyo delegated tlio exoroiso of some powers and linvo contracted to nbnto tho oxcrolso of others—Indepen dent, except in so far as they have hound tliomsolves together—disunited, oSCopt in bo fnr ns they united thorn- solves by tho terms of tho Constitu tion. This Bystorn of government has solved tho groat problem. It has re conciled vastness of territory and strength of government with liberty. It has mado it possiblo that wo should be ono people, aud this is tho crowning glory to our matchless Constitution, [great applause]—a l'reo people. It has assured strength to the federal head, nnd health nnd vigor to tho con. stitucut pnrts. Tho States have grown in numbers, in population, inpower— thoy have developed every local inter est ; thoy havo secured to their citizens such intentions nnd such measures of liborty as thoy desired for themselves, Tho gonornl features of tho State goV' ernmonts have, of course, a striking similarity, but the diversity of their polioy is wonderful. Tho policy of each is adapted to tho iutorests, tho tastes, tlio habits of tho people. Tho manufacturing States, tho commercial States, thg agirioultural States, havo their respective systems nnd ndapt their laws to their material interests. Laws which aro popular in New Eng land could not bo passed, and, if pass- cd, could not bo enforced in the West. Many of tho customs transplanted by the people who have built up our thriv ing towns and cultivated our fertilo prairies. would shock tho feelings of your people. 11ns not this system of government proved beneficial to us all? not,proved beneficial to you in Maine? Ilavo you not enjoyed liber ty and prosperity at homo, protection from all your onomios abroad ? Have you not directed your local affairs in your own way? Have not your rela tions with your sister States boon agrocable and useful ? Havo you not been represented with dignity and power aud splendor in the great family of nations ? And yet the Republican party desire to chango this Government nnd substitute ono of tkoir own creation. Thoy liato tills system. Thoy hato this diversity. Thoy Imtotho doQtriuo of States’ rights. They liato tho Con stitution ns the fathers made it. They have deliberately conspired for its overthrow. They prefer a consolida ted government. Thoy prefor a stron ger government. They prefer to break down the barriers which the Statos, with their reserved rights, can intcr- poso to create :n government so sensi tive that it will feel tho least impulse of popular will, and so strong that it will oxooute that will. They bollevo tills will to bo a bettor,freergoverument. They believe that rathor than'havo tho limitations imposed by the Constitu tions they ought to have tho limita tions imposed only by the unbridled will of nn irresponsible majority.— Twice slnco tho close of tho war thoy havo used all the power which the pos session of tho governments, both State nnd Federal, lias given them to amend tho Constitution; and in each caso the amendment line been in dorogntion of tho substantial, important, recognized rights of tho States. By tho first of tlieso amendments the power of tho Statos over slavery within Its limits was abolished. By the second, citi zenship in tho States is to depend up on tho wilt not of tho States, but of Congress; and the exclusion of negroes from tho rule of suffrage is punished by tho loss of representation. Not satisfied with the true spirit of revolu tionary loaders thoy havo turned upon the Government itself. The Constitu tion has vested in the President the powors of n department, nnd made him responsible for tiio management of the army nnd for tho execution of the laws. Tho Republican party has strip ped him of his patronage, tnkon away from him tho selection of his Cabinet and the appointment of oificovs. It was chiefly owing to tho indomitable firmness of one of your own Senators that it did not depose him from office and put its own leader in his place. [At this point General Roberts pro posed tlireo cheers for tho Hon. Wm. Pitt Fessenden, tho Senator alluded to, nnd these were given with tho great est enthusiasm, tho audience rising.] Tho State governments were in full vigor and operation before and during and after tho war. During tho war tho State governments of Virginin was called upon to give its assent to the creation of West Virginia, and mem bers of Congress were admitted from Louisiana as soon as Federal troops ob tained foothold in that State. After tho war the States of tho South were invited to ratify,and did ratify- tho Four teenth Constitutional Amendment, and it derives its vitality from their.assent. Tho Republican party by tho Recon struction Acts abolished these govern ments, and created iu their stead mili tary governments, which no man will pretend was within tho constitutional power of Congress. By the aid of tho army they have built up other govorn- ‘ments, not according to tho will of the people, but according to tho will of Congress, nnd thoy Imvo founded them upon the exclusion of the intelligence and wealth, nnd virtue of tho whito race from the right of suffrage, and upon tho admission of every negro to that right, and they havo mado tlieso negroes buy their exemption from the interference of the army and their rec ognition as States by ratification of tho Fourteenth Constitutional Amend ment, nnd a plodgo thoy will nev er change the rule of suffrage. Do not their own acts convict thorn of tile charge I havo made ? Aro they not surely and rapidly, even though silent- ■ ly» sapping the foundations of tho w Government, and changing its form aud nature ? Aro they not accumula ting power in the Federal Government and taking it away from tho States ? Do they not declare openly, and make it the l-asio of their creed, that Con gress has a power over tho right of suffrage in ten States which it has not OTer the same subject in tho other Stales ? Why Is It they build up tlieso governments upon tlib' basis of tho ne gro voles alone ? My friends, divest yourselves of passion i look nt tho work steadily. Is not tho stolid ig norance of enfranchised slaves too nar row a basis for a prosperous State, pos sessing oqual powers with tho State of Malno? Why is it insisted on ? Thu reason—tho solo ronson—Is that they bellovo they can control the negro voto i that by this vote thoy cau soctiro the election of a President and Sena tors and members of tho House, nnd Governors nnd Legislatures, and judg es, and so wield longer the powors of tho Government. 1 know many of these mon woll. Thoy are men of lit- telloot and during. They aro men of firm resolve nnd lofty purpose. Thoy nro not nctuntod by low greed of gain, nor lovo of tbo ■emoluments und hon ors of oUlee. They linvo tlio truo spir it of fanatical reformers,nndtlieysook power that they may overturn this ays- tom of government nnd build up un- other system in its stood. My friends, wo are engaged In no scramble for of- fico. Wo are stimulated by no lust for power. Tills strugglo touches the life of our confederated system. It touches tlio question of union or unity. It will decide in tlio far off future tbo destiny of our oountry. If otir oppo nents succeed we will havo first unity, nud then despotism, and then whntover God In His wrnth may Inflict. If they fail, wo will have tho Constitution obeyed,.the Union maintained, liberty enjoyed, prosperity abounding, peace overywhero, and nil tbo glories of our past will lie but as the oariy bud com pared with tlio blooming beauties of tlio fullblown flower. In this supreme hour of our fato I beg you to pause and weigh woll your duty to your ( country, ns in itho hour of death yoif'* would weigh your duty to God. The Horse and HiB Qualities. Tho following hints from the Amer ican Farmer’s •Horso'Book will bo use ful to farmers: “The qualities of the sire, of more Importance than alt others, nro his ca pabilities of endurance and kindliness of disposition. Tho formor depends mainly upon soundness of wind, coin- pnotnoss of inuaio, and proper form.— His limbs should not bo too long, but triin and clean, and ids joints round and woll set. The hips is tho'most es sential points to be looked at in regard to the horse, as in them aud bis hind limbs lies his great power. But tlio shoulders must not be tmgteoted; they should bo broad, not high and sharp, but round over tho top. For tho average farm horses of this country, about sixteen bands is tho most dosirablo height. Much above or below this standard is objeotlonable. A horso, with full form and well devel oped muscle, it is proforuble to have bolow rather than abovo slxtoeu hands high. Tlio color of the hair is an in dieation of sorao importance. A deep dark bay Is tbo best color for strength and endurance, aud generally the most desirable qualities as regards dlsposi- tion. Tho iron gray is the next, then tlio blade, and, a9 tbo shades grow more and more light, they becorao in creasingly objectionable. Whatover tho oolor of the horso, tho mano and tail should bo darker than the hair of the body. Bewaro of that horso with dark hair and light mane and tail— Fine, short lmir betokens fine blood and coarse, long liair the reverse; yet thevo are some breeds of horses with long hair and totally lacking any signs of fine blood, that undoubtedly possess great powers of endurance. Reaotion Progresses, Reports of an astonishing reaction among tho colored people of the South in favor of tbo Democratic party con tinuo to pour in. Ono correspondent writing from Nowbern, N. C., says: “Certainly if the pending reaction progresses in tbo future ns it has for several weeks bnck, by tbo time tho Presidential election day arrivos tlio Radical party in the South will be thor oughly nud hopelessly demoralized It docs appear significant and almost rotributivo that tlio poor, ignorant, de based and penniless negroes, dupes of tlio Radicals, should now bo turning by thousands upon nnd helping to crush the life out of tlio party that gave them political power, against tho earnest CHIPS. Six or eight colored men arc employed os clerks in tho Doiton poilolDcc. Tho Cincinnati Enquirer hns boon turned into a Joint stoolt oompauy— cnpilal $3,000,000. Fanny Forn objects to men shedding tears; she says it is an infringement oil woman’s most valuable “water priv ileges." Frank Willis, of Boone oounty, In diana, blow tho top of Ills head off on Tuesday, with a gun which ho snatch ed from tlio linnds of his brother. Thm Radicals aro In groat tribula tion lest tlio negroes and Bcnlawags of the South should stnrvo to death bo- foro tlio Presidential olootion. A Charleston papor says: Ono of the Congressmen elect from South Oaroll- na “ is a mtirdcror, a forgor, a liar, nnd a gambler." - Tho American House of Representa tives, says tho Loudon Saturday Re view, stands lower in quality and states manship than any similar assembly In civilized countries. To this condition ha9 Radical rule reduced tho nation. A tidal phenomenon occurred off San Pedro, Cal., on Saturday, tho tido ris ing sixty odd foot abovo tlio usual high water murk, and recoding again in half nn hour the same distance below low water mark. Tbo rise nnd fall occur red several times in a few hours. In Fdnds.—The Soutli Carolina ne groes nnd carpet-baggers aro sharp Unnblo to borrow any pookot monoy on State bonds they have seized on the assets of the Stnto Bank. Now do jaw-bone and do banjo will ring when Christmas comes. A Straw.—On tho passenger train coming from Lynchburg, on Friday evening, a voto was taken to ascertain the preference of tbo passengers for the different Presidential candidates, with tho following result: Gentlemen: for Seymour, 00; Grant, 4. Ladies: Sey mour, 23; Grant, 4. A ST1CH IN Tj|E SAVES N1NEI IF YOU WISH TO SAVE MONEY IN TIIE SAME FUOPOltTiON GO TO OHLOZilEH’S NEW STORE, Dry Goods and Grooeries, nt my Ntvr Briok House, on Ilnmllton Street, lirst Store above Ilulktnt’n Livery Stable, udjoiu- lug Lowry 4- Eason's, consisting In part of Blonchod nnd Brown pomesltcs, PRINTS, LADIES’DRESS GOODS, Trimmings, Hosiery nnd Notions In variety, Boots and Shoos, Hardware, Queonswaro, and Tgblo Cuttlery, SUOAR, COFFEE, TOBACCO, POWDER, and nn ondlcss variety of articles too numerous to mention, all of which I offer at EXTREMELY LOW PRICES (lull nnd seo for yourselves, nnd you will bo ploiisud with both goods and prices, Itisn pleas ure to sliosr goods. S. O. OROZIER. IP, IP. OIDOEJt'S. ATTORNEY AT LAW, sriusa i-LACE, osonaiA, W ILL pnictico In the Ulierokoo Circuit nnd givo sptvini attention to collecting nnd securing claims. marlU-fiati w. i.umiAN. n. J. mV Eutl'man tf JtlcCamy, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, spnika plack, axonnu, W ILL pniciico in the courts of tbo Olicrokco Circuit. nmrlll-tjnn MURRAY COUNTY. Exeoutor’s Sale. I WILL soli before tho court house door In Spring Plnco, Murray county, the first Tues day In October next, within tho legal hour., of sale, lot of land No. 27tt in the fitltli district of tlio 2d section of Murray county. Sold ns tho property of Duncan Terry, deceased, for the pur pose of paying olfllio Indobtcdncas of tho estutu. Terms cash. WM. TERltY, Ex’r. Aug. 20-4 IU, A fatal North Carolina papor notes tho fact that tho stoamer Terry, from Now York, had just landed nt Wil mington a number,of suspicious-looking boxes marked “ Sharp’s carbines.”— Are tlieso for Holden’s “loll” lamb’s ? And what is tho worth of a reconstruc tion which can only be upheld by car- bines and cannon? IIow The Money Goes.—Tho ex penses of tbo House of Representa tives linvo increased every year since tho Radicals linvo had full sway. Tito increase in 1806 over that of 1804 was $108,808. Increase in 1807, $148,451. Increase in 1868, $371,925. This is tho way tlio people’s monoy is expend ed, nnd is one of tho onuses of the high taxes. If wo redeem tlio five-twenties in greenbacks, shall wo not still have to pay in coin, dollar for dollar, on every greenback ? Yes; but tho interest will bo saved ; nnd boro is the strong point of Pendleton, Butler and Old Tlind Stevens. In the interest alone tlio sum of tho principal of tlio British national dobt has been paid, perhaps,twice over, but it still remains tlio same. Tbo Assistant Sergcant-nt-Arms of thoTexasConvention got bis jaws badly slapped by a United States soldier in Austin, Texas, n few days since, for de claring that tho negro women were tlio eqiials to the white ladies of that city. The gallant soldier is now in possession of a nice silver goblet, bearing the In scription, “To George Byrne, Gtli Uni ted States Cavalry, from thcDeinoerat- i,c ladies of Austin.” Fifty-seven freedmon of Marion Conn ty, Texas, have addressed a noto to tho editor of the Jefferson Jimplecuto of tho 17th instant, expressing their in tention to out loose from the Loyal League and voto for Seymour and Blair. They say they “ aro fully con vinced that their truo interest nnd that of thoirchlldren after them require that they should stiok to their old-time friends—tho whito pooplo of tho South.” A Faithful Portrait Senator Fowler, of Tennessee, in his speech in defence of his vote against the articles of impeachment, says of Butler’s dis- Exooutor’s Sale. I WILL b 11 before the Court House door in tho town of Spring Place, on tho nrsl Tuesday in October next, lota ot lundNoa. 1(1 and 17, in tho 9th Dlatriot of tho Sd section of Murray coun ty. Sold ns tho pioperty of Julias Bates, deceas ed, fur tho purpose of distribution among tho lioira of tho deceased. Terms ensli. Aug. 20-4UJ. M. M. BATES, ExY. Notioe. I LINCOLN T. HASKINS, lisvo tills day 8 given my consent to my wile, Sarah A. Has kins, of tho county of Murray and Stnto of Geor gia, to become n free agent to transact all busi ness that she would be legally entitled to transact in her own naino us n feme sale, and to have sole ly and exclusively nil tho benefit olid profits of her own nets free from me, the Baid Lincoln L. Huskies, and to incur all liabilities of Buell nets. In tcstlmoey whereof wo have hereunto set bunds und seals, this August jflth, ISOS. LINCOLN T. HASKINS, I l. b.1 SARAH A. HASKINS, [I, s.] Aug 20-41. ter dutu npplicution wit] be mado to tlio Court ol Ordinary of Murray county for leave to Beil the lands of John Rales, deceased, for tlio bcncGt of heirs and creditors ol said dee’d. AugustS-2m W. S. CALLOWAY, Adnir. G GEORGIA, Murray County—Whereas, Thus. Connelly, niliniiiistnitor on tlio esliito of Henry Wilson, deceased, applies in due form of luiv lor letters dismlssory from the estate of sitiil deceased i Tlieso are therefore to cito and ndmouish til] nnd singular Ihu kindred and creditors of said dcccnscd to file their abjections, if nny tliov have, on or before tho Nov. Term of the tiourt’of Or dinary, to be held oir the 1st Mondnv in Nov. next, otherwise letters will be granted the uppli cunt. Given under my hand nnd official signature this 30th dav of April, 18118. *;■ ANDERSON FARNSWORTU, Ord’y, May 1—lim. llowcll, iidministintor oil tho estate of P, C. fell, c ■ • trs tli: Iiese i singi deceased to file their objections, if any they have, on or before tho November Term of tho Court oi Ordinary to be held in said county on the first Monday in November next, otherwise said letters will lie granted tho applicant. Given under my hund nnd official signature, May 28th, 1888. In ANDERSON FARNSWORTH, Ord’y. CATOOSA COUNTY. w Administrator’s Sale, virtue of nn order of tlio Honorable - tho position to lie: “He is a thorough-bred; protests and entreaties of all tlmt is in- no trace of truth contaminates bis veins telligent, elevated, moral ami wealthy in tlio South.” Another Southern writer says on this point: “And as this reaotion—this astonish ing yet natural, ludicrous yet serious, harmless though eventually dangerous reaction—is progressing, it is remarka- ble wlmt a chango of sentiment is going on at tlio same time among the whites. Many Democrats in tho South can now bo found willing to confess that tiic nig ger is not quite so ignorant and does not smell quite so bad as they had im agined. Whereas, a very largo number of carpot-baggors and scalawags have discovered that many niggers aro the most ignorant, debased, monkey-de scended pack of brutos in the world, smelling as odious as polecats or skunks." Running a Dead Man for Conchies?. —To show the extremes to which tho fanatics of tlio North will go, wo pub lish tlie following paragraph taken from the Philadelphia Inquirer: On Friday a primary clootion was held in tho Lancaster (Penu.) district for the nomination of a enudidato for the Forty-first Congress. It had been previously recommended by the Repub lican committco of the county that not withstanding the death of the Hon. Tbaddous Stevens, bis name should stand nt the bend of the ticket, nnd tlmt ho should be nominated as if lie was living. For the first time in tlio political history of tlio country a mnn already passed beyond the confines of time was nominated for Congress with out opposition. Business in New York—A letter from New York say6 : General trade is beginning to look up a little, but only a little. Tho dry goods dealers report a fair business iu woolens, at full prices, but domestio cottons are dull nnd drooping. For eign dress goods nro quiet; prices are irregular, sympathizing with tho fluc tuation in gold. Tho regular fall trado is not expected to open for another week or ten days yet. or strains his memory, lie seeks to perfect the false by eliminating ail the true. He is the inmuoulate nnd Pro tean liar of the age, as well as the very ‘god of thieves.’ ” Tlio Montgomery Mail, a Democrat ic paper, gives n report tlmt Governor Smith, of Alabama, will soon issue bis proclamation for nn election of Presi dential Electors nnd Congressmen, at the regular time for election in Novem ber. The eleciion, it says, will be eon- ducted precisely ns tlio old code directs, except tlmt those hitherto disfranchis ed must file their application with tbo Probnto J udge of tho county before voting. | It is said that tbo Democratic ma jority in Montana will reach, if it docs not exceed, twenty-four hundred. This is n gain of thirteen hundred in one year, and will do protty well for a small territory. San Francisco advices an nounce tlio election of Judge Shaffer, democrat, as delegate to Congress, from.lho Territory of Idaho, by six hundred majority. Tills, according to tbo Tribune Almanac, is a democratic gain of nearly three hundred since the last election. belonging t mill comity, ik-ccnticd, lo-ivit: Lot No. 2 nntl tiic north Imlf of lot bolli in tbo 27tn district and 3d section ; No. 322, nnd -15 ncres more or less oil ol‘ t of creditors. Tills land is sold subject to dowel Terms cnslt. JAMES A. DARK, Adni'r. August 27-tds. Administratrix’s Sale. B Y virtue of nil order of the Court of On of Cutoosn county, 1 tvill noil before tiic House door in Ringgold, in Enid county, t of distribution. Sold subject in (lower. Tr tlio notes nre pnid. Aug. 27-tds. MARGARET M. PACK, Adm'x. E, D, GRJHJ.II, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TRENTON, OKOUOIA. P RACTICES in tho Courts of North-western Georgia ami mjjoining counties of Tonnesseo aud Alabama. April 24—-tj. Administrator’s Sale. B Y viriuo of an order from the Court of Ordi nary of Whitfield county, I will soil before tho Court-House door in Dnkon, on tho first Tues day in October next, within tho legal hours of sale, all the lands belonging to theestAto of Amos Ford, decease d, being 454 acres, moro or less, ying in the 11th district nnd 3d section of Whit field county. Sold for the benefit of heir.? and rceditors. Terms, one half cash, nud tho balance on credit, with approved security. Aug. 27—tds A. M. FORD, Adm’r. Notice. S IXTY days after date application will bo mado to tho Court of Ordinary of Dade county, for leave to sell tho lands belonging to the estate of David Davis, deceased. August 27- 60d. E, D. GRAHAM, Adm’i Gr 1 Wldtsett ’applies to r 0th day of April, 1808. JAS. M. ANDERSON, Ordinray. April 10—6m WHITFIELD COUNTY. G K of W. F, Kennedy, dee’d, under fourteen ye age, residents of said county,this is to cito ah .... sons concerned to appear nt tho Court of Ordin ary for said county, on tho lirst Monday in October next, nud show cause, if nny thoy can, why said applicant should not bo entrusted with the guar dianshlp of the persons und property of said mi nors. This August 17, 1868-lm J. P. FREEMAN, Ord’y! WALKER COUNTY. [ Administrator's Bnlo. TJY virluo or nn order from tlio Court of Or- J J (Unary of Wnlkor county, 1 will mil, before tliu Ooiirt-IIouio doer In LiiFnyotto. on tlio lirst Tuesday In October next, within the legal hours ot sale, tho fallowing land, to wit i Lou 241, 242, 277, 818,300, 280 and ono half of lots 131 nnd 183, cnoli of tho abovo lots con tabling 1 00 ncros, more or less, lying Iu tho 20th district, aud 3d section of said county. Alio, nt the sumo Unto nnd place, lots Nos. 84, 03, 80, 81 and 82, lying In tlio 28tli dlatriot and 3d soclloti of Chattooga county, On. Sold as tlio property of Wm. I’urycnr, deceas ed, for Ilia bonolit of tlio heirs. Terms, ono half [ cash, hiiliinoo on 12 monllis'credit, with nolo nud scourlty. II. 0. l’URYEAlt, Adm’r. August 20-tds. Administrator’s Sale. ¥3 Y virtue of an order from tho Court of Ordl D nnry of Wnlker county, will bo sold on tho first Thesdny in October next, 1808, ai tho Court- House door in said county, betwoen tlio legal hours of salo, East half of lot of land No. {110, Oth dist. nud 4th seo., containing 80 ncros more or less,.lying 8 inllos tfouth of Chuttnnoogn, with moderaio.improvcmcnts. Sold as tho property of M. C. Johnston, deceased, for tho bonefit of heirs nnd creditors, under incumbrance of Widow’s dower. Terms ono half cafli, tho remainder 12 months’ credit, with Interest and approved aoou- T rlty—a lien rotained on land until paid for. Pos* C( sesioii givon November next. Aug. 20-tds. W. F. ALLISON, Adm’r. Administrator’s Sale. ¥3 Y vtrtuo of nn order from the Court of Ordl- 13 nnry of Walker county, will bo sold on tho p -rat Tuesday in October next, 1808, at tho Court Houao door in said county, between tho legal hours of snlc, lot of land No. 128, 8th dist. nnd . 4th sec. { lot No. 101, 27th dist. nnd 3d w»o.; lc also 28 acres of lot No. 124, tyth dist. and 4th sec. Sold as tho property ofS. G, Halo, ducensud, for the benefit nf tho heirj. Terms cash. Aug. 20-tds. G. A. J. HALE, Adm’r. ^ rt EORCH, Walker County—Wliorcoj, M. E. - \3 Rhodes, administrator cm the estato of W. 0, Payne, deceased, represents to tlio Court in J his application that ho 1ms fully administered W. ^ 0. Paynes’ estate: « This is therefore to cite all persona concerned, kiudfed and creditors, to show oauso, if any thoy T can, why said administrator should not bo dis- X charged from his administration, nnd rcuoivo let- {{ tors of dismission on tho first Monday in Feb* et runry next. This July 81,1808-Om. — T. W. COBB, Ordinary. J p KORGIA, Walker Comity—Whereas, Joseph F IT Hall,.administrator on tho estate of George «» Hall, deccnsed, represents to the Com t in his ap plication that ho ims fully administered George Hall’s estate. j This is therefore to cito all persons concerned, 2 kindred and creditors, to show cause, if an they co can, why snid administrator should not ho dis- hi charged from his administration, nnd receive let- \\ ters of dismission on the’ first Monday in Feb* — ruary noxt. This Julv 31, 18O8-0m. Tj T. W. COBB, Ordinary. -D GORDON COUNTY J Administrator’s Salo. A ¥3 Y virtuo of nn order in mo vested, from the 1 JL3 Court of Ordinary of Gordon county, On., I «J will sell before the Court-Houso door iu Culhouti on the first Tuesday in October next, lots of land Nos 182, 183, 184, 213. 214, 10 acres oft’lot No. 220, 40 ncres off of lot No. 219, tlmt portion of I lot No. 212, that lies on tho west side of Oosta- 1 noula river, nnd lot No 216, In tho 14th district S nnd 3d section of said county. Property of at Thomas W. Skelly, deceased. Sold for tho hen- T efit of his heirs and creditors. Terms cash. This 1 August20th 1808. J()S. J. PR1NTUP, Adm’r. Administrator’s Sale. 5 T3Y virtue ol an order in me vested, from the r .13 Court of Ordinary of Gordon comity, Ga , I V_ will sell before the Court-House door in Dalton g Whitfield county, on tho first Tuesday in October a next, half of lot of laud No. 147, in tho 13th dis trict and 3d section of said county, sold us tho ^ property of Malinda Townsend, deceased, for the ] benefit of the heirs und creditors. Terms cash, j This August 20th 1808. a THUVI AS B. BARNWELL, Adm’r. c Administrator’s Sale. r I) Y virtue of nn order of the Court oCOrdinary £ 13 ot the county of Gordon, I will sell nt tho n Court-Houso door at Calhoun, in Gordon county, - Ga., on the first Tuesday in October next, ull of ( that portion of lots of land No. 135, 164 and 165, ' in tho Dth district and 3d section of said county, tl th it is on the east side of the Oostanaulu river, 11 that belonged to John Lay, Into of said county, 8 deceased, so d for the benefit of tho heirs nud creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. August 20, 1808 JANIES LAY, Adm’r. r p KORGIA, Gordon County.—Fcldcn Kay, vT Administrator of Emory Knv, represents to ' the Court, in his petition duly filed and entered on record, that he luis fully administered Emery Kay’s estate: This is therefore to cite ail porsons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if nny they cnUi why said Administrator should not bo dis- charged from 1ns administration, nnd receive let- ! ters of dismission tho first Monday in Feb., 1808. July 30-Gm. D. W. NEEL, Ordinary. F.OllCIA, Gordon County—Two months nf- UT ter date application will bu made to the Court of Oidinnry of Gordon county, for lea ye to sell the lands belonging to tho estute of Jnokson M. Holmes, late of said county, deceased, for tho , benefit of tlio heirs nnd creditors of said deceased. McKINNEY SCOTT, Adm’r. dc bonis non Aug. 6—1808. / G EORGIA, Gordon County—Two months uficr date, application will be made to tho 1 Court of Ordinary of Gordon county, for leave 1 to sell the lands belonging to the estate of John 1 Strickland, late of said county, deceased, for tho • benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. July 22,1808. JAMES M. HARLAN, Admr. /“I F.ORGIA, Gordon Connly—Notice is here- U by given that 1 will apply to tho Court of y Ordinury of said county, nt the first regular term t efter the expiration of two months from date, for o leave to sell tho lands belonging to tho estate of 1 John Nix, into of said county, deceased, y July 3iJ-2m. A. M. KAY, Adin’r. c EORGI.l, Gordon County—Two month after U dnto application will bo made to Court of e Ordinary of Gordon county, for leave to sell tho 8) lands belonging to the estate of W. M. L.Hlowles, r . late of snid county, deceased. 11 July 80-2m. A. M. KAY, Adin’r. p KORGIA, Gordon County,—Two months after VT dato application will be made to tho Court of J Ordinary of Gordon oounty. for lea to to sell tho s- lands belonging to the estate of Nicholcas Moss, of Jr., lato of said county, deceased. August 27-2m. J. A. COLLINS, Adm’r. o’ Office Court of Ordinary, ? ie Auaust 28th, 1808. J nj pEORGE W ROBBINS, of the State of Arkun- d. VT sns, Louisa E Durham nnd A A Durham, of is thu'Sfate of Mississippi, and B R Bray, of tho State of Illinois, are hereby notified, in pursuance of the order of said Court, tlmt Stephon W Rob bins, Executor thereof, hns propounded tho will mm of Jeremiah Robbins, late of Gordon eountr, Georgia, deceased, for Probate in solemn form, at _ the regular Term of snid Court, to be held in and for said county oi Gordon on the first Monduy in C( j October next. D W NEEL, Ordinary. August 27—30d. is '1 Li?™'” 11 . . 111 of GILMER COUNTY. THIS SEASON. i m ron. aOKOFZER 4 LOVEHAN'S. Better Inducements ; cvor ‘ Wo will wot onwnornto all wo havo for sale, but feol confident to inco our customers than our Stook embraces everything kept in a FIRST GLASS DRY GOODS HOUSE, In point of selection, variety of stylos and cheapness of price, wo defy com- etllion. In submitting our Stock to your Inspection, wo solicit a numerous utten- - id give assurance that in so doing you will only consult your own in- WM liS ifWPff B * I-OVBMAN ATLANTA ' tVAULICK—Mniiiifiioturer of Tin Ware, mid • doulcr ill Slaves, Tin Pinto, and Tinner's ndings, Marietta sired, Atlanta, Ga. commission and an no mis. onauu uummiMiuii JUUruilUIlL, AHUIllll, makes cash advances on consignments of on, flour, when!, corn nnd other produce to wlf, Geo. W. Williams, Charleston, 8. C., ur Hams, Taylor Si Co., 08 Reaver street, N. Y. CHATTANOOGA CARDS. & BROS.'—Tobacco Commission Mer chants, No. 2 Granite Block, Broad street. I KNRY WEST & CO.—Wholesale Grocers and Commission merchants, Peachtree Street, tlanta. Ilenry West—A. J. West. BOOTS AND SHOES. BXUY BANKS—Wholesale ami retail dealer in Boots nnd Shoes, Leather, Calf Sldiis, nnd ~ “ ‘ n, \fnit * -* R.L. WATKINS. J.L.DIVIN*. J. IT. ARMSTRONG, Watkins, Divine ty Co,, NO. 176 MARKET STREET, CHATTANOOGA TENNESSEE, Sale Agents fur "V"tile an "Worlc«’ Iren, Dealers in English mid Amciicun HARDWARE, 0UTLERY, Nails, Stoves, WAGON AND BUGGY MATERIALS, Shoo mid Leather Findings, Farming Implements and Field Seeds. ALSO, AGENTS FOR REAPERS AND MOWERS, Tlii'esbors and Separators, Horso Powers, Flat nnd Round Wire Rope, both Charcoal nnd Steel, lor Mining Purposes. Plaster Paris Hyd. Cement, Dupont’s Rifle nnd Blasting Powder, Singlo aud Double Tnpo Fuse, Fairbanks’ Seales, GUMd; LEATHER BELTING, PACKING, Western Sugar Mill and Evnpprntor, Doty’s Clothes Washer and Universal Clothes Wringer, und Implements and Machinery of all kinds. Ju23in ■ry description, NTLitflmll ' SI. E1)DLK3I.4:V k €0-*-Wholesale* Dealers in . Boots, Shoes,Leather, French and American II. k A. W. FORCE—Wholesnlo dealers in Boots and Shoes, Whitehall street, Atlanta, at New York Prices, freight added. DRYGOODS, ETC. [ GORE &TiAKSII—ExcTuSveTy* Wholesale dealers in Dry Goods,Boots,Shoes,Huts.Caps irner Peachtree nnd Decatur streets 1 and German Corsetts, Ladies’ ready mudu des for under wear, Notions, Hosiery. Lady iswomen. Next door to National Hotel. AYLOR, J. A.—Wholsnle nun retail dealer in Drugs,Medicines,Paints, Oils,Dye-Stuffs,Glass ire, Surgical Instruments, etc., sign of Golden TLSON k CRANE—Wholesale and retail dealers in Foreign and Domestic Drugs, Faints, Oils, Dye Stulls, etc., under National Ho- 31. A R. C. CLARK—Importers and dealers in Hardware, Cuttlery,Iron, etc. Also agents for LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST! Pure Drugs and Medicines, At "TutCt Old Stand—Estaliichcd in 1849. T HE undersigned is prepared nnd daily offering everything in the Drug lino AT NASHVILLE PRICES! The stock is large and will always ho kept full ol the best Medicines. Paints, Oils, Dyc stulls, Window Glass,Perfumeries,Toilef Soaps,Brushes, Combs, etc., to be found In the Eastern mnikotj. Don’t fail to visit tho Old Stand, sign of tlio Golden Mortar. Mr. J. G. Rawlings, formerly with B. F. Tutt, tho oldest Druggist nnd Prescriptionist in tho city, will bo on band at nil times to servo ids old id new customer*. Physicians will find it to their interest to give me a call. I only ask nn examination of my goods 1 prices, feeling assured I will be able to plcftso n. r. jjjccoMi kle, jul2-6in 123 Market Street, Chattanooga, Tenn. Tnos. WEBSTER. R. MANN. CHATTANOOGA FOUNDRY AND Machine Works. T HE Proprietors are prupnred to manufacture all kinds ot nmchineiv used in this country, ns Stationary and Steamboat Engines aud hollers Blast Furnace, Mining nnd Mill Machinery, of every description; also Railroad, Bridge, anil nli oilier kinds of Iron and Brass Castings, Steam Gungcs and Gas Pipo Fittings always on hand. Spbeinl contracts mnde for 'nrge quantities of Castings. Brass and Copper taken in exchange for Castings. THUS. WEBSTFU A CO. jui2 0m Proprietors. 31. it J.C. ALEXANDER—Dealers in Hardware, • Iron, Nails, Steel, Carriage material, Mill CARPETS, OIL CLOlIIS. SHADES, ETC. Tf EXBRICK, S. S.—Dealer In Carpets,Oilcloths, J\. Window Shades, Mats, Rugs, Curtains, Cor nice, nnd all descriptions of House Goods, corner Marietta and Broad streets, Atlanta. AMERICAN HOTEL, ALABAMA STREET, Atlanta, Georgia. WHITE & WHITLOCK, Proprietors. [NEAREST IIOCSB TO THE PASSENGER DEPOT.] W. D. Wiley, Clerk, H AVING again leased and renovated tho above Hotel, wo arc prepared to entertain guests in n most tatisfactory manner. Charges fair nnd moderate. Our effort will be to please. ffyPaggngo carried to and from the Depot reo of charge. ter date application will bo mado to tho Court of Ordinary of Whitfield county,for leave to sell tho lands belonging to the estate of Wm. F. Kennedy, late of snid county, dee’d, for tho ben efit of tho heirs nnd creditors of said deceased. Aug 20-2ra. JOSEPHINE J, KENNEDY, Ex’x. after date application will be made to tho Court of Ordinary of snid county, for leave to sell tho lands belonging to tho estate of John Rroadrielr, Into of said county doo’d, for benefit of heirs aud creditors. This July 80-2m M. T. BERRY, Admr. fore tho Court House dooriii Elijay, Gilmer county, on the first Tuesday in October next, ail the real estntc belonging to the estate of Thomas Plemmons, late of said countv, deceased. Terms cash. B. J.'SITTON, Adm’r. August 18-tds. ter dale application will be mnde to tho Court of Ordinary of said county fnr leave to sell all the real estate of A. E. Ellteon, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditor*. LEWIS EDMONDSON, Adm’r. Augut 18-2m. KORGIA, Gilmer County.—Two months af- VJT ter date application will bo made to tho Court of Ordinary for leave to sell nil tho real estato belonging to tho estate cf I. D. Chastain, deceased, for the benefit of tho heirs and credi tors. JOHN STONE, Adm’r. August 13-2in. C. T, Wilcox, Grocer and Provision Dealer, FRESH AND CANNED FRUITS, Staple Groceries, nt Lowest Market Prices! 251 Market Street, Chattanooga, Tenn. A TTACHED to this establishment is u first class xi. Bakery, nt which orders for Wedding or other suppers are tilled at short notice. Special attention given to buying nnd selling jul2-6in Country Produce. If'. Crutchfield ty Co.- Jobbers of DRY GOODS, Groceries, Notions, lints and Shoes, Ko. 209 Market Street, july2-8ra* CHATTANOOGA, TENN, Ilcywootl .V Gahaffan, Dealers in i>:E3.-sr 00015 is. Grocerirs, Roots and Shoes, Hardivni'c, Cnttlery, ((nernstrare, and all kinds af f’rodaee, Corner Gth nnd Market Streets, jul2-Gm- CHATTANOOGA, TENN. J. N. B. Cobb, H AVING determined to resume his profession ns a Tailor, tenders his services to tho pub lie, nnd asks to share a portion of their pntronage. Ho feels confident, from past experience, that the public can lie as well served in his lino in Dalton ns elsewhere. CSPIIc will be in constant receipt of tho lat est fashions, to cnnble him to compete with tho best workmen in his business. Grover & Baker Sewing Machines, In addition, 3 have become tho agent of the world-renowned Grover & Baker Sewing Ma chines, the best in uso. Persons wishing to pur chase a first class Machine can do so by colling nt my Shop on King Street, Dalton, Ga., whcio. tho Muchino is in successful operation, i You cun buy your Mnchino as choap from J. N. B. Cobb ns at tho Manufactory, Call and ex- umluo tho Machine Ipr yourself, Washing Compound. I also havo for sale family rights for Jackson's Universal Washing Compound, which saves soap and labor, and will wash in nny kind of lime wa ter equal to freestono water. tJjTFumily Righ only One Dollar. Puiehaso oue if you want whito clothes. Feb. 28— ly. J. N. B. COBB. Patton ty Payne, Booksellers and Stationers, CHATTANOOGA, TENN., K EEP constantly on hand a complete stock of School Rooks, Statloucry, Wall Paper, etc., which they oll'ci' at wholesale or rctuil, at Rustem prices. juljj-ly. Orders by rmiil receive prompt attentioo. J. S. Fitzpatrick, HOUSE, SIGN AND DECORATIVE i»ja.X3Nrnc*E33E*., Paper Hanger, Glazcr and Gilder. A LL work entrusted to him will bo cxecutod with neatness and dispatch. Shop,.upstairs in King building. Dalton, Georgia. Refers to W. M. & R. J. Lowry, Fains Si Far- rot, Atlanta; Lowry & Enson, Tibbs, Kenner k Co., Dalton; Whitman Si Yarneil, Ringgold, jyl Chas, Sundqitlsl, MANUFACTURER and Wholesale and Rctal 111 Dealer in every description of FURNITURE, Also, Dealer In Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall Paper, Window Shndcs, Gilt Moldings nnd Fcnrovs, CURTAINS AND TRIMMINGS, Spring Mattresses nnd Bedding,of ull Descriptions. A largo assortment of Burial Cases on hand, which will bo sent to any point on the shortest notlco. Call and examine fbr yourselves, before purchasing elsewhere, jul2-8m Market Street, bet. Sd andith, Chattanooga, Tcun JTJtTtOJi'jlL HOTEL, A. L. MILLER PROPRIETOR, TWENTY RODS FROM PASSENGER DEPOT, Railroad Avenue, between 8th nnd Oth Streets, CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Torms—$9.00 per day; Singlo meals 60 oonts. FINKJLK & LYON LOCK-STITCH Sewing Machine. r PnE only Machine so perfected that entire Bat* JL isfnotion is guaranteed or tho purchase morn oy refunded.. Whore wo havo no agent a sample Machino will bo sold nt very low price, nnd a Locul Agent appointed on the most favorable terms. FRINKLE & LYON 8. M. Co. August3012m 687 Broadway, NcwYork.