North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, September 17, 1868, Image 1

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o HE T NEy H rwBENOH, i ^opWetors. DALTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER BUSINESS DIRECTORY,, OF THE DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES* B l'KOFZKR & 1.0 V KM A Wholesnlo ami Retail Dcnlors In Dry Goods, Gentlemen's Furnishingflood*nnd Clothing, Hamilton street. B AimiriT, L. \V.—Denier in Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Provisions, ctc. y Hamilton Btrcct, B UlCLAY, JOHN—Dealorin Groceries, Provi sions nnd Produce, opposite Tibbs House, B ITTING, N.—Denier in Groceries, Provisions and Quocnswuro, Hnmilto street. C mUISTlAX. J. E. & E —Dealer* in PryGorfils J Groceries.Provisions nnd Produce. Hoc card. O K0ZIKK, 8. C.—Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, etc., new store on Hamilton street D ENTON & I.Y.W—Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Produce and’Hardware, corner Wapgh nndHnndlton street. AVIS, W. R., & CO.—Dealers In Family and Kanov Groceries. Saloon attached. Chester id Hamilton. D house, north r ICing n H ADDOCK, ll. II.—Dealer in Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Hats,Caps, Hoots, Shoes and supplies, Hamilton street. K ING, J. II.—Dealer in Groc'ih s, Dry Goods Clothing and Boots and tflioea. General gent lor Agricultural Implements, Hamilton st. I OWMY & EA80X—Wholesale and Detail -i Dealer.*, in Dry Goods, Groceries and Pro duce, corner Gordon and Hamilton. Sco Adver. sin Dry Goods, Grocci-lct*, Produce, nnd Hardware, r corner of Waugh and Hamilton street. M clTTCIIEN & BITTING—Dealers in Family Grocci Groceries, Produce, etc., oust side Hamilton M el)AN, T. 31.—Family Groceries and Pr#\i- sion«, PostoDlee building, King street,- ■AJItTIDhS, ‘JttilN B.—Dealer in jL-roeoii.^, ' Product * * “ “ Produce and general family supplies, coiner King and Hamilton rtrcct. ■ 3 F II El, J u.—Wholesale and Retail Dealer in LL Dry Good-*, Notions, Hardware, Quccuswaro and Groceries, No. fi. Tilib’s House. S COTT, J. N.—Dealer in Dry Goods, Gro. cries, efq.,< Chester House, Hamilton Stroi't, rpiIIBS, KK.NNER ^ CO.—Wholesale and lie- A tail Dealers in Diy Goods, GroceriesatidAgri- Implements, and Farmers Supplies,'Tibbs House, No. I and 2, llamilion strut t. Sep Adver. ^pdKVirr, J. r.—De tier in Dry (Wls, Gro A. c-cricsund Provisions, opposite Tibb’alluusi ' '' j^NFIlCTIONS, BAKERY .1. \V.—Confectioner; ‘itr.hcr amt .L Fancy Grocer, Hamilton, below King street. O VNKIh, l*. P*—Fancy Grocer and Confec tioner, with B iloon atj’.ched, Tilth’s House. DRUGGISTS. B ROWN, B. «. - Dealer in < j)r.igj, Medicines, Pufats, Oils, Glass, etc. Insurance agent. King Street, below post ollice. t ilMJKtt it KNIGHT—Dgulcrs In Drugs. Mod- T lelnfes, Paints, Oil-,'Glass, Uo., No. 0, ^ lUYEN, J. b" fit C. W.—Wholesale and T Retail Odd era and Manufac turers of all kinds f PtirnUuiw HmiiilUin street. C t i J Ktttf KBE.31AKl-FACTl'DIN9 CD.—All do- / Airiptiotla' of Furniture manufactured. Saw and Grist mill attached. . Sec Advertisement. PANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Jj_JTIKSWlBl[BC, 31.—Dealer in Fancy Goods, Notions and Toys, Hamilton street. BTQVEB, TUT WARE, ETO.,. ■_. t >AIJi & SIcl'AHTY—Wholesalo and Retail > Dealers in 8Loves. Hollow Ware, Hardware, nd Manitlncturors nl Tinware, Hamilton street. -Dealer in Stc Hollow Ware, Hardware, and Manufacturer' , Hamilton strefit. MECHANISM, /YDObKDGE, N. F. it Ca.-Tnimeis OHleo in lower story of Printing House Building, Ibrd-Sh'ret. Always pay eesh for Hid s.. [>b INTOtN it CUl.hING—House Unrpei.tcrs and l Joiners. Shop corner of Hill and- Spe-cer roots. Work warranted, oxecuted.with dispatch. fed to give satisfnetjob' A.tPPKS, F.— Boot and Shoo Maker, corner y of King and H«milton streets. f 'ADBit, J. N B.—Tailor, and Agent for Sewing Machines, King street. iWJCK,!!. 31. 4 J. P,—House, Sign and Ormi- on till Painters, and Paper Hangers. PROFESSIONAL. Tlio Bridal Wine-Cap. “Plodgo" with' ftino—plctlgo with wine,” cried tlio young and thoughtless Harvey Ilood | " plctlgo; with wine," ran through tho brilliant crowd. Tho benutlful brldo grow pale—tho deolslvb hour had come. She pressed her white hands together,' ntid tho loavos of tho bridal wreath tromhled on hor brow - , hor heart bent wilder. “Yes, Marion, lay aside your scru ples for this once,” said tho judge, in alow tone, going townrds Ills daughter, “ the company expect it. Dp not In fringe upon tho rules of etiquette ; In your own homo do ns yon please, but In mine, for this once, ploaso mo.” Every oyo was turned towards tho liridnl pair. Million’s principles wore woll known. Henry was a convlvjnllst, but of Into Ills friends noted tho clinngo in his manners, tho diircrenco in his habits; and to-night they wat^HM to see, ns tlioy snccringly said, if ho was tied down to a woman’s opinion so soon. Pouring] a brimming beaker, they held it with tempting smiles to wards Marion. Slio was still very pale, though more composed, and iter hand sliook not ns she gently nocoptod tlio crystal teiiipor and raised it to her lips. But scarcely had slio ilono so, when every hand was nrroBtcd by hor pierc ing exclamation of “Ob, how terrible!” “ What is it?” cried ono nnd all, thronging together, for slio had sternly carried tile glass at arm’s length, and was ilxcdly regarding it ns though it were some hideous object. “ Wait,” slio answered, while an in spired light shone from her dark eyes, “wait, and 1 will tell you. 1 see,” she added slSwlyi pointing one jeweled lin ger at the sparkling liquid, “ a sight that beggars all description ; and yet listen I 1 will paint for you if I cun. It is a lonely spot, tall mountains crowned with verdure riso in awful sublimity around; a river runs through, and bright (lowers grow to tho water’s edge. There is a thick warm mist that llie sun seeks vainly to pierce. Trees, lofty and beautiful, wave to the airy motion of birds; but there a group of Indians gather; they (lit to mid fro with something litre sorrow upon their brows. And ill their midst lies a man ly form—but his cheeks, how deathly; his eyes wild with tlio lire of fever— One friend stands beside—nay,I should sny kneels, for see, ho is pillowing that poor head upon his breast. Genius In films—ohl the liiglf, lio]y-looking brow, why ‘should death roarlcjfc ami ho so young. Look how lie throws back tlio damp curl 1 see him clasp-his hands ! hour his thrilling'shrieks for life I mark how he clutches at the form of Ills com panion, imploring to ho saved. Oh hear him call piteously his father’s name—see him .twino Ids Angers to- ns ee-riirH'ks tiff fiT-rse-tf-v-a-ti la-p ( ] only sister—the twin of ids totil!— weeping for him in his distant native land. See!” she cxqlaimetl, while tho bridal party shrank back, the untested wine trembling ill their faltering grasp, ami the judge fell overpowered upon his seat—“see, his arms are lifted up to heaven ; ho prays, how wildly, for mercy ; hot fever rushes through'bis veins. Tlio friend beside him is weep ing awe-stricken ; tho dark men move silently away, and leave the living and tlio dying together.” Thera was a hush in tlio princely parlor, broken only tty what seemed a smothered sob from some manly bosom. Tlio brido stood upright, with quiver ing Tip! and teal's stealing-to tlio out ward edgo of her lashes. Her beauti ful ann Imd lost its tension, and the glass, with its little troubled rod waves, came slowly toward tho rango of her vision. Slio spoke again; every lip was mute. Her voice was low, faint, yet awfully' distinct; slio still fixed her sorrowful glnneo upon- tho myte cup: “it is evening now ; tlio greal wliito moon is coming up, nnd his beams lay gently on his forehead. He moves not; liis eyes are set in their sockets—dim are their piercing glances—ill vain Ills friend whispered tho name of the lath er nnd sister—death is there. Death, nnd no soft hand, and no gentle voico to bless and soothe him. His head sinks back—ho is dead 1” A groan through tlio nssemhly', so vivid was tlio description, so unearthly her look, so inspired her mnniior, that what she described!seemed actually to linvo taken placo then and there.— They noticed,also, that the bridegroom hid liis face in his hands, and was cry- in that land'of gold, will, T trust, sus tain mo in that rcsolvo. Will you not, my husband!" Ills glistoning oyes, ills sad, swoot smilo was hor answer. Tlio judge left tlio room, nnd when in an hour after ho returned, and' .with n more subdued manner took part in tlio ontertnimnoiit o. tho bridal giiosts, no ono ootlld fail to rend that lie, too, imd dotormlnod to banish .tlio enemy at onoo nnd forev- or from ids princely home. Those, who wore present nt that wedding can nev er forget tlio impressions so solemnly inodo—many from that hour fofoaworo tho social glass. A True Piotqro. Little more than two years ago, the* Bostoir Dost says, “Qeu. Grant made his rcpoit of order and good-will nt tho South. Ila commenced, in tlio niost eulogistic manner; the temper and spir it of tho people throughout tlio South ern States. Sumner called this report whitewash ; so hns-ovefy ovidonco of n proper feeling at tiio ’ South Beim de nounced by Uadlciits'ns untrue, to per petuate augment scctiqiial’nlienatloiifor party purposes. Tlioy forgo letters, invent atrocities upon tho blacks, and lie promiscuously to liplp their cause.” Nothing can lie more true than what Is proelaliiicd.iivtiio forogding. Previ ous to tile fall of Gen. (front into the' embraces of the 'Radlcal p-irty, ho man ifested a spirit oiTiliorality to the South, Southern Skotojioo. Gcorgo Alfred Townsiftid writes, In a loiter to tha Olcvohuid Lender; leu with his union hod. In tlio shady streets of Lexington Boli’t m Leo is seldom seen lint on a Sunday, when, with Ids llfo-long punct uality, ho goes to church' nlid makes tlio promptest responses, lie is tlio most rcinarkublo mnn In tunny senses I lmvo ovar*dooked upon. Inquiry among these ox-Confedornto ollleers crumbles my superstition* 1 about nil but him. My theory of tho inlloxllilo Dnvls has boon (disturbed;,in his nil- sunieiont stead I! am shown n queru lous, obstinate, murmuring that tlio pooplo dcinaiidcdborao of Id* preroga tives to be" transferred. In, placo of Jackson/tiio invulnerable soldier, I see a dull Presbyterian deaenft, talk ing to 'himself as . lie marehos. For J. E. B. Stowart, £sed a x-lreus-rklor at a fnndnngo. Fob Ewell; I remark a dHiboring old gentleman, nothing out ofjuniform. I read lEurly’s book, and blush that I over believed in him But Leeds tho immutable rospeotabll- ily that I cannot disprove, diminish. uo£ despise, Strlkiug’qut of sight Ids original treachery, lie is tlio most per fect tudofi of manners, honors, morals, prudences, that I lmvo crur studied. . Hero ’at Lexington lie seldom men tions the war, >It is history elsewhere, silence to. him. His ndministration of tills collego is a more perfect succoss, for which he recoivbd the thdnksof our ... ,,,- ,, people, who were truly grateful to ldm*" 1 possible than Ids handling o an «.- ' ! ! ' ' is fall, how Croat has m 7' Ho tal es tho personal bond of for it, but sinco Ids fall, how great lias been tho change! Tho soldier i* himself no more; tho radieaHnstrninonE of rad ical yengonco is all that is to.jjc Been, felt, and heard. Wlmt “a inighty'fal! was there, my coiiiitrymdnl"—HUanta Intelligencer; .... • i*. Emigration Southward.—A dele gation of twonty-tlircu goiitlomenfrom Washington county, Mil., pndTfwnk. lin county, Pn., are hero on tlio why South looking out for farms. These gentlemen start to-day for North Car olina, hut will stop .here and look nromid on their way.back. Thpy.rc- -port tlmt the greatest' enthusiasm pre vails in' their sections on tho subject of Southern lands, and that.hundreds nrfi preparing to sull out and come Smith. Tile wliolo party is under the leqdvof. Col. Daniel Dcckort, of Ibo llaggrs- lywn Mail, who; liy tlio way, is at very genial gentleman, nml manifests a live ly appreciation or our Southern coun try. We hop'o tlmt tlieso gentlemen will all bo suited Alexandria Jour nal. Tho South, av liny, i Yes, giro mo tlio land, . iMTiiru avis. tVlitre tlio mins tiro spread, And tlio living tread light '.. On 'tho hearts of tho dvad; •-—Yes, give mo tho lahd That la blost hy tho dust, hy tlio dost, with tho doods, Of tlio doivti'lroddcn just. ; ■ Yo«t giro mo tho land ’ Where tho Cattle's red Mast Ifis Hashed-on tha future Tho form of the past; Yes, give mo the lend That hath legends end lays, That toll of tho memories Of long vanlahod days. Yes, glvcmo tho land Tlmt hath story nnd song, To loll of tho.slrlfu Of iho tight with tho wrong; Yes, ftivo'me tho land. Willi n -ravo in each spot, And names in the graves That shall not bo forgot. Yes, give mo tho land Of tlio wreck end Iho tomb; There’s pwndour In graves— There’s glory In gtooui, For out of the gloom Future brightness is bom, As, after tlio night, booiiis.llie sunrise morn. “Let us have Peace."—A'crazy carpet-bagger, who edits a “loyal” pa per at San Antonio, Texas', thus venC-rt^ lutes his imirderous plaus: . " ' “AYAjar..tsiyn l—Jayn'.-anlllthy-j mV them lie ns black ns the sable hinges of Dante’s Inferno; mount them with rebel ftueils, pay them with rebel mon ey, and syu-t them oil their mission to ride down men who sited loyal blood,” This fellow is for carrying out Grant’s demand for “peace”—tlici peace that reigns in a house when nil tho lawful inmates nrq murdered. iny. Ho takes tlio personal bond of very many of tlio students tlmt if tlioy over become nblo they will pay for their tuition, liis life is in jlils nets, not in liis'character. And yet witli all tills owned, there is no man I dislike more in the South m tho !tglit.of republican ism nnd the American injure. In that straight carnage, mellowed gray hair, and compbsed lace tlmt id evor beauti ful now, there is no oontession of sym pathy with Democratic aims, no Amer ican saliences of clmrhctcr—a subject’s conduit only in tho ebb roll and tho State, not.a citizen's equal aspiration and popular pulse. His prido of raco makes him sensitive to Ids word and honor, and ho hold Virginia’s disap proval to bo worse than America’s.— While lip is no genius, his soldiery clearness of head and thoroughness,of obedience exempt him frtfln tlieliiilrni- ities of more brilliant minds. Ho falls with graeb anil conquers with dignity. His nnme in. thc'Sonth ip more potent tlmn Washington's was after Ids Vioto-' rioris war. And if, wifii tlio private example lie is setting in Lexington, this innii would speak but pneo .oliepr- fullyTor tho freedom, foe a new patri otism, 'hopefully for tlio .•future nf our land, thoyfcrovmliv ' ' iizxmlH .^nd tlio grave* of dead, With tho gross overgrown, May yet form tho footstool 01 LibertyVthrone f And each fdmpiy wreck Jti tho way path of .might, f j ii yelhenroek In tlio Temple of Right. Song of the tPaxed. «i»K.Ncr,n vc. conk. Roek a hy hnby—your Inthor’fl n rinro To tlio fanalio foal nntl tho Itailioal knavo, Ami even tho cradle jou Bleep In, poor dear. May ho sold to 1 pay lairs in loss than a year, Ilo works for you harder each day than before. But each night brings him homo to a lessening store; For, or all that he cams, there’s hut little It loaves, Altur feeding pet negroes nnd Radical.thieves. Urants’ Chances Tlio Hound Ta ble, a ltadical paper of rather neutral tint, confesses that General Grant’s chances lbr Presidency, in the light of recent events, look slim. Wo appro-’ liension is beginning to extend very generally among the General's follow ers, and to spread contagion among tile papers tlmt vibrate with every wind of doctrine likely to ho a success Governor Seymniir telegraphs to Wash ington that ho is confident of a Domo- ocratic victory in November. [’1 OKDDN'i Dr. G. P.—l’liyaicinu and Surgeon, "T may bo found nt his olllce over Pitman’s •o, when not pvoforrionnliy engaged. rUT.i; !):• J, R.—Physician and Burgeon. Oilieo over Bukofzer k Lovenian’s Ktore, o he may ho found when not engaged. ’ 1ST fill, R. P.—Attorney nt Law, up stairs, ' King building, Hamilton atroot. J. A. It, HANKS, I’TOllNEY AT T.AW, J1LG practica m all tho .counties of tlio Olierokcc Circuit and in tlio United States tiict Court for tlio Northern District of Geer* j. ir. iif'unv, Attorney at law, J1LU practice law In all the counties of Mils Circuit, nud U, S. District Court. jan9-ly £. ji. mvM*re8 % L’TORNEY AT L’AW, Ibis practiuo in all tho counties composing tlio Chdrokco Ciroipt. junlly J. ft J. ,f. OfcBAX PTORNEYS AT LAW, | Tl’KND to all the collection of claims nml . practice in Cherokeo Circuit auil U. S. Dis- £ court.' jnu9-ly “Dead I” she repeated again, her lips quivering faster and faster, and her voice more and more broken, “nnd there they scoop him in a grave, and there, without a shroud, they lay him down in tlmt damp reeking earth. Tlio only son of a proud father—tlio only idolized brother of a fond sister. And lie sleeps to-day in tlmt distant country with no stone to tnnrk tlio spot. There he lies—my father’s son—my own twin brother I—a victim to this deadly pois on. Father,” she exclaimed, turning suddenly, while tho tears rained down her beautiful cheeks, “ father, shall I drink it now?” The.form of the old judge was con vidsed with agony. He raised not his. head, but ili a smothered voice ho fal tered : “No, no, my child, in God’s namo, M\ K. .1/00 It V, I’TOKNKY AT LAW, FILL pructico in tho Superior I'olirta of the Cherokeo Circuit, nnu in tho U. Staten DIs- i Court at Atlata, ami give strict attention to of Ua ikruptcy. inarZ7-1y |. MnCurcitm.'.... I. E. SttuiUTie. .t'cMcArn t> Shunialc, PTORMEYS AT LAW, J ILL p'ractlco m tho counties of llurtbw, Gordon, Murray, Whitfield, Catooes, Vutl- IChsttoo^a and Hade. Juno 15—If* She lifted tho glittering goblet nnd letting it suddeuly full on tho floor, it was dashed into a thousand pieces.— •Many a tearful eyo watched hor move ment, ami instantaneously every wine glass was transferred to the marble table, bn which it imd been prepared. Tltoh, slio turned to the company, say ing: “Lot no friend who loves me, tempt me to peril my soul for wine.— Not firmer are tlio everlasting hills tlmn my resolve, God helping me,hov er to touch or tasto tlmt terrible poison. And to whom I givo my hand—who wntohed over my brother’s dying form in that last solemn hour, and buried the dead wanderer there by tho river A Pat Reply.—'Elio New Y’ork Ex press says: “The Tribune repeats its old slnnsler this monTing, that about nine-tenths of tlio Democratic party cannot read. This alludes especially to tlio Irish and Gorman Democrats.— They nro used to the compliment from Hntlieul sources. Hut if tlioy cannot rend,the 75p,000 negroes can, of course —und their vote is nil right' on tlio part of the party which claims nil tho decency, all tlio light, and all the reli gion of the land.” “Hard Times.”—The exponses of tlio government for.tho month of July were, ns reported by tho Secretary of tho Treasury, $16,5451,000—or equal to live hundred ami'fifty-eight millions five hundred'and eighty-eight thousand dollars a year. AllThis sum is extract ed from tlio labor, industry nnd enter prise of tho mnssos. It is no wonder tho'pooplo complain- oLlmrd times. •He’ll taxed on the hat that ho wears on bis bpail; Tint hoot., on Ills feet, and tbo sheers on Ida bed; FiVery rag that ho weave; every morsel ho eats; ilia tea nnd \Ja collet; his bread and Ida locale; The pot thoy are cooked in; tho cop that ho .fills; Every implement used on the land that lie tills; Every tool that ho works With;-tho lamp that bo . hums; • Tlio thing that ho works on; tho wages he earns; Ou tho stovo In tlio kltchon, the bool too—Btill higher; Ay I .even tho match that lie seta light to tlio fire; (In ills plpo of tobacco, his whisky nnd boor; On tho modihlno ho buys for you, poor little dear. To tlio taxes bo pays wo now No.: not oven Heath, crashed humor f sey tux e’en bis cufild, nb nd his baby must stai slave. To hide in tlio earth lie Theltoart-brokcu aohieVed. >But Leo is a’negative great man; ai/executive; no statesman and no geyt'ernlizer. I was told hy one of his. aides-de- camp yesterday of a scouo at Ajitietnm. Tho nido was ordored by General Life to tnko.n command, mid while on the way lie saw llobliio Lee, the Gonemrs stripling son, riding tiio “ load ” horse ill tlio llockbrldgo Artillery. He told Lee, on liis return, of his son’s posi tion. “Tlioy’vo made a driver of him, Ma jor, have they ?” he said, with a winkle. “Woll, I think he’ll do I” “Tnero’s Rohbio now, General,” cried tho aide. Tlio battery came by, horses sweaty, men grimy, wagoim shivered. Thu boy said, in a sort of undertone: “ Pn, are you going to send us ill again ?’’ “Yes, my son, go in.” Tho battory went to tho froiit at a gallop. ore yon'grow a man ; „ . . . - poor J'athor to-day la o slavo To the Janatio fool nnd Radical knave, Tie’ll vole for you, baby, that you luny he opnred The curse -nd tho rnin’ypur parents liav.o allured, And pray that, your life may bo saved froth Ills Martin II. Dooly—A Morlted Com pliment. tVo copy from tho Romo Courier, tho followlng-cxtraot front a letter ad dressed to that pnper, by Mr. Eugene Lo Hardy, formerly iho Chlof Engin eer of tho Western nnd Atlantic Rail road, from which it will bo seen tlmt ho pays a well-merited compliment to its Into Supervisor nnd Road Mastor, Martin II. Dooly, Esq.; “Nlflotenn dr twenty years ago, a bright Irish boy, who was an Industri ous, working, good looking intelligent, mid honest boy, named Martin n. Doo ly, recolvcd a position on this road, nnd among other ones, held by him since, lie Uns. occupied six years, tlio dlflioult nnd dnngorous ono, of con ductor of tlio .lumber train, the most favorable dno to know all tlio difficul ties of the road, having to run safely without 8cliedulo, Tho Inst ton or twolye yenrs-he lias occupied tho re sponsible charges of Supervisor nnd Rnnil Mastor, and has Oiled all these positions, gaining credit to himself, nnd giving snti8l'aotio*n to tlio ditrer- ont governors elected by tho white poo- pic. “There is not a foot of the soil be tween Atlanta and Chattanooga, not a ourve, single, reversed or compound, not a gradient, not it- culvert, not a bridge, that Martin II. Dooly does not know ns well ns his lieu-room. Ho al so knows all the wntor co.ursos, and how to manage nnd mastor them in all tho seasons of tho year. Tho ndinirn- lilo nml safe working of tho road in tho last threo years was principally duo to his long oxpcrleuco and knowl edge of tlio road, and to his untiring zonl, industry, and practical attain ments, and lh;s is so truo that tho em ployees, 'whoso wivos and gfilldrcn could go to sleep without fear for tho lives of their dear ones dependent on the road, presented .him lately with a beautiful Chased silver tea service, as the affectionate, atid the moat honora- blo testimony of acknowledgment. “By all thoso who know Mr. Dooly, Ito is considered to be the only man in Georgia who call occupy that gibSt re sponsible position to make the Hoad safe and secure. “Mr. Martin Dooly is the inventor of a contrivance working for tho switch nnd frog together one of tlio most use ful modern invontions in railways, con sidered citherns to safety to the trains, in its working—an inven- will, in it* lew years, mak ame familiar and considered to liy all railroad men. “During tlio last war, Martin II. •Dooly sayeibto' the Slato forty loeo- ivo engines, lire hundred oars,and fc«.r in.. (.-,'iA'ui' tile Miopa or the. State Road, hy running all of that ma torial out of 1,1m reach of Shorntan’s ar my", and this constitutes a saving to tho Stnto of nioro titan a million of dol lars.” , NICK-NACKS. A rural entcunporarj, in on obituary notice of a friend, atiya f “Ilo wns all Hint tlioso ivbo knev him licit could Uriah, lie loft behind him a blessed memory, and fovcu thousand dollars iu government bunds.”. Pathetic nnd pecuniary. A physician, attending n Indy several limea, had received a couplo of guineas rack visit. At Inst, when lie was going awny, sho g ivc him hut one, at which lie was surprised, and. looking on tlio floor, “I bollove, madam, saidlie,I linvo dropped a guinea ’’ “No, sir,” she replied, “it la I that lmvo dropped It.” Never chase your hat when It blows off In a gnlo of wind ; just stand still nnd you will presently seo half n dozen people in pursuit of it. When ono bus captured It walk leisurely toward him, rcccivo It with greatful acknowledgement, nnd place it on your head. Ho wl l Invariably act as If you had dono him n favor. Try It. Cure for love—hide in n elo°et half a dozen times, nod listen to tho conversation which takes piano, between n couple who have hern married ono year, while they think tlicmsolvca entirely ulono. A rich Japanese, whose Income is put at tho fabulous sum of 20,000,000, la said to lie coming to Purls for a wife. The Boston Post says: What'ii Mossing if wo could only gcthlin here— and tax him.” Herne In n printing ofTTco which advertised fob girls to set typo: Enter young woman—“Do you want to employ nny one to print, .ir? I saw your o.vonlsoinont.” “Can you ret up well; ma'am I” Young Indy blushes, says aha hasn't Imd n beau yet, but expects tlmt shr could if nec essary. . . I A nmgaxlncst makes a grumbling porter at tlio Springs say: “ Yon call that r, trunk, do yon?— It only nerds a lightning roil to make it loek ■, dsrped sight more liko n bonrdi what’s to bo found In Snratogy I” Mr. Spurgeon recently followers who declined to Ini tho ground tlmt tlioy “were This, no argued, wan might us well,” ho s Lord, decline to'eat n shame, And tlio bifth-rlght of ■ name. : tlmn n Rock a by baby ; sleep sound while you mny,' And ybnr father-will work, and your lunthor will ’ Fvay, Tlmt tho Radical-sharks, with their tnxes and lies, Mny he swop't os h ehmil from America's,skies, And u new iiow of premise bo lut in'tlio nlr, With the eompierlng bn liner of Seymour and Illalr. The Late Ex-Gov. Seymour.—Ex- Govornoi' Thomas H. Seymour, who •lied at Hartford, Oonnoutlcut, on Thursday, of typhoid lover, was' aged sixly-0110 yoars. Ho was eduuatod. at tho Middletown Military Iustituto; studied inw, and pfnetised tho profes sion; was representative in Congress from Connecticut from 1843 to 1845; in 184fl ho went to .Mexico as a major in a Now England regiment, and was promoted to a colonelcy ; in 1850 ho tvas cleetod Governor of Connecticut, and tvas re-olocted threo limes; was minister to Russia during President Pierce's administration. 11a tvas a prominent membur of tho Masonic fra ternity at the timo of his death. Pre vious to tlio Democratic National Con vention lie was spoken of for tha nom ination for tlio presidency, an honor subsequently conferred itpon his rela tive, the Hon. Horatio Seymour. “Let us nAVE Peace.’’—TiioTliirty- ninth Congress appropriated $23,887,- 071 for tlio army l'or the year ending “Lot no friend who loves mo, | on tlio 30th of last June. At tho late session of tho Fortietli Congress tfio sum of $14,775,140, tvns voted to sup ply tlio - deficiencies for tbo period named. Besides this, $33,700,213 lmvo been appropriated for tlmt purposo dur ing the present year. If the people can stand such robbery,they can stnnilany- tliing. Droam Remarkably Fulfilled. ■Bov. L. W. .Lewis, in his “Reminis cences of tho War,” no# being publish ed in tlio Texas Christian Advocate, relatcstlioannexed remarkable instance as literally true. Tho battle referred to was tlmt of Praire Grove, in North, west Arkansas, fought December 7th, 1862: A curious fulfillment of a dream oc curred at this battle under my own eye. A limn by the namo of Joo Williams, hail told a dream to many of his follow- soldiers, some of whom had related it to me, months previous to tho occur rence, which I now rolnto: Ho dreamed tlmt wo crossed a river, mavohed over a mountain and encamp ed ncara church located in a wood hear which a terrible battle ensued, ntid inn charge ns we crossed tho ravine lie was allot in tho breast. On tlio over-memo rable 7 th of December, '62, as wiuuov- od in double .quick lo tako our placo in the lino of liattlo, then already 'hot ly engagod, wo passod Prairio jxrovo Church, a small frame building belong ing to tlio Cumberland Presbyterians. 1 was rilling on the flank of tiio com mand, and opposito to Williams; ns wq came in view of tiio liouso. “Tlmt is tlio ohureli, Colonol, I saw in my dream,” said lie. I made no reply, and never thought of tho matter again until in tho evening, wo Imd l>r.oken the enemy’s line, nnd were in full pursuit, when we came upon a dry ravine in the wood, and Williams said: “Just on tlio other aide of this Inllow I was shdt in my dream, mid 1 will stick my Imt t((i- dermy shirt. Suiting tho notion to tho word as ho ran along, Ilo doubled it up nnd crammed it In liis bosom—scarcely Imd lie adjusted it before a minnio ball knocked him out of the lino. J umping up quickly, lie pulled out Ids Imt, wnv. cd it over Ids head, nnd shouted, “I’m all right!” Tho ball had gono through four thicknosses of ids hat, raised n black spot about tlio sizo of a man’s hand just over Ids heart, and dropped into Ids shoo. Appalling Death of a Bon of Rev. Dr. Etilos. A correspondent of tlio Lynchburg Virginian, writing from Alleghony Springs, August 31, says; A shocking accident occurred hero to-day, which resulted in tho death of ono of tho visitors. A party, consist ing of about a dozen ladies and gentle- moil, wont on an excursion to tho IMS not far from.'tlio Springs. Among them was Mr.' R. R. Stiles, a son of tho Rev. Dr. Stiles, Soon after tho party Imd. arrived at tlio falls, MR Stiles, to amuse himself, clltnod a tall pine tree which stands on the brink of the stream. Having gqno up a dis tance of probable forty or fifty feet, ho wont out on a largo jimii overhanging the’ rocky gorgo beneath, and while there holding to another limb overhead, he lost his footing, and fell to tho ohastn below, tho bod of which is sol id rock. Of courso tho^rosult was in stall death. His head was crushed, ids] right leg! shattered, and ids body otherwise mnngled. Life was extinct nlmost ns soon ns he was reached by his friends who wuro in a few feetjof him. Tho effect was appalling on thoso who wore present and witnessed tlio ‘terrible-affair. Two hundred a day is tlio average number of visitors to Mount Washing ton, iu tbo Wliito Mountains. Fivo hundred ladles on horseback formed part of n democratic procession iateljy, nt Council Bluffs^ Iowa. Keep it Befoue.the People.—Tho following is the official statement of tho public debt mado by Secretary McCulloch on tho 31st ult., ns compar ed with liis official statement on tho 31st. of March, 1865, at tho close of Alio war: ^ ■ “ » July 31,1867, $2,523,534,480 67 March 31,'.1866.... 2,360,965,077^34 - Incrcnso $156,570,403 33 Such is^tho effect of tlirgo yours of Radical rule in tbo tiiqo of peace I that It would lie can A traveler, hi (err gu . mile long, nnfi it was There h oao point of similarity Ijetwccm young Intiv nml a confirmed finmkaril—neither uf them can get enough of the glass. Beecher raid in a recent sermon that ” soma will not shave on Sandy, nml yet spend all the week hi shaving their feiTow-mcn. 1 Almost every heart nesses.,■asm memory, some ono pn harmonious connection n particular scone. deep Imp, which fins ita particular hour und | It Is stated in a radical paper tlmt in-Jnly last n Justice of the Peace in Vermont lined n iiemo- eratic citizen $50 for sleeping with his wife on ork papersaVs: Eadirs are “going A Near York paper says: their entire” on Iho “Grecian bend” in Broadway. They remind ono, by the form they give their fig ures, of n poodlo dog essaying in walk oo bin hind tegs, Thta success of my voting women in infitaing the graceful Ifihrtsonlio emulated “s A novel failure' lias como to light In New York. A Gorman doing a lnrgo husinoss- in woolens never kept any books, and notifled liis creditors ho imd failed, oll'oring 75 oeuts on the dollar. Ono of tlio creditors offered to taka tiio business and pay tho other creditors in full, which oiler was accepted, and tiio huyor, it is said, will muko $75,000 or $100,000 by tho operation. How we Afples Swim !—Tlio New York World, of tho 5th says: “Mr. Leslie, who was convicted, in tlio courts of this city,* for kooplng a house of ili-fnm'e, is now a Stato Sena tor in South Carolina.” Ami Leslie is among the best of tho crew Constitutionalist. Tho'Wi3consin harvest is omlod, and the wheat orop averages twenty bush els to tile acre, against twelve Inst year. The Josh Billings Papora. '- Silence iz voneralilu; if tTiai'o tz enny tiling older than tlio Creator, it must lmvo boon silence. Tito bitty ov gratitude iz that n beg gar l;nn be nz grateful nz a prince, and tlio power ov gratitude iz tlmt “I tlmiik you” makes tho beggar equal few tho prince. Married .Hfo iz too often liko a game of elieckera—the grato struggle Iz tew git into the king row. Fear makes evry thing' and evry body.nmsters over us ; it is tho'wust slavery-'tharo Iz. I sny owo no man ; owing is but lit tle better tlmn stealing. Wo aro governed more bl opinyun limn wo are by conscience; this iz giving up a itoblo prerogative, and playing a very poor, second fiddle, : ; Tlio mnn who iz ttrlktly honest, nnd nothing over, lialnt got ennything more tew brag on tlmn n pair ov steelyards Imz. Some ov R19 meanest qusscs J ov’er knu had got tow lie so honest, bl h>ug praktiss, tlmt they could guess at a pound. • if a man hnint got grit ennff to stand the toinptnshun ov a gin cocktail, how Itan ho light a real difflkulty when ho gits a chance ? Awl plezzures nro. lawful that don’t end in making us Icel sorry. Tho man who kun bo proud in tho prosehce ov kings, hiimblo when ho eommuries With himself, sassy tu pov erty, and polito tu truth, iz ono ov tho boys. Duty's aro privileges, - Liberty iz a Just mixture ov freodbtfi, restraint nnd protection. Advice iz Tike castor ilo, oazy ennff tow givo, but dreadful tineazy .tew talfo. A good conscience is a forotast ov heaven. Thar iz. few, if enny, niore sugges tive sights tew n phllcsophor, than tew loan agin tlie sido ov tho wall nnd pur sue a clean, plint, and.well disciplined baby, spread out on the floor, trying tew smash a hammer' awl tow pieces with a looking glass. Evry man can boast ov one admirer. Life iz a punktunted paragraph, dis- enzes nro Ilia commas, sickness the somicolons, and death the full stop. No- man iz ritch who wants enny more tlmn wlmt ho has got. Don’t givo outward appearances awl tho credit; the spirit ov a handsnm boot iz the little fut in it. I don’t belenf in bad luck hiring sot .for a mail, liko a trap, imt I haV known ots ov folks, who if there was enny fust rate bad luck lying round loose, would bo sure tew git one foot in it enny how. Tho man who wrote, “l would not ljv always, I ast< not to sta,” probably ■never had boon lirged sufficiently. There iz a kind ov ncktivo lazyness; it works on its viktiras just az the wick ed' floh dnz on the feeliugs ov nn old house dog—110 hops up quick, but drops down ugin sudden, in tho same spot. JusiTniNK op it!—Tho Citizen will be sent till January for 60 colds’. 1 ion. fu Ib'evourau of timo all tlio continents will bo drawn botmV tho wnt. r level, except tlio high- cat peaks of tho mountains. A- this ii not to Iftke pltlfco for fire hundreixvM-.riea, wo ain’t scared ninth. 3 CI.n:GTM.t3>*. hamLoino young A .UAS'DSOMU TOOSt Oh I dhl.yoiThotTieftr 01 a hamldOulo young cler gyman, Who in his pulpit wns won’t for nvry? lie handled his tout with sueh weniing rineerily, Melting each heart nml er.{fusing each eye; Ho sighed an Hard, nnd. ho groaned eo steadily, T Thu ladle* all flocked to Ida church so readily; And he turned up his eyes with ?o siiiitlv nn air That this clergyman greatly was liked by the fair. Ills features wero fine nnd Ida •views Sabbatarian, So by both young and old ho was mado a great • pet; • Whnt tea-pots and slippers tldsprcdcstinarian Young disciple of Calvin did constantly get l ITo had won such ctcdit and fame for piety, That lie hud tho tain of tho best socioty; And a girl with lots of tin did pair With this pdtiMm esteemed such a duck by tho fair. A lady who lives at a cross-road in a town near Nashua, N. H., has sent to the selectmen a bill of twelve dollars, for two yearn’ service ns guide- board.. .It costs (<180,000 tv year to keep up tiio French * Thfs Is" Emporor’s stitbio. This is {So.iiod 'more than Loub Napoleon received when Pre.- i lent of ‘.ho Republic In 18*18. ‘Suppri^ed weddings” ore the latest novelty at Cleveland, Ohio. 4 They take placo amaple?, camp meetings, excursions ami tho like. ‘ Youug man, wlmt’* tho price of this silk?” asked u deaf old lady. “Scton dollars ” was tho reply. “Seventeen dollars l” exclaimed she; “I’ll vo you thirteen.” .“Seven dollars, nu’atn, is r jei price of tho silk,” replied the honc«t shopman. “Oh, seven dollars.” replied tho lady, Blurply; “i’ll give you live.” Doubtless mnny foolish election beta nnd rash promines will bo mado this Fall but doubt if nny can bo inoro ridiculous than that said to have been made by a zealous Freinonter In California. Dis appointed nt the defeat of his candidate, he too!; od’his hat, threw it up in tho air and took an oath fltat ho never would wear a hat until Fremont was elected President. Twelve years have parsed away, nml it is said that ho has faithfully kept his word nnd goes about bare-headed. He ought to lmvo his head slmvcd. NO DABY IN TUB HOYSK. Nobnby In tho houso, T know— *Tis far too nice and clean; No toys by carolcsa fingers strewn Upon she floors aro seen. No fiugennnrks nro on the pains, ' . No scratches on tho chairs,. No wooden men set row?, Or marshaled off in pairs; . ifi T o littlo 8tocking3 to bq dar»ied, All ragged at.t)io toes; No pile of mending to be done, Mado up of baby clothes; No littlo troubles to Lo soo'hcd, No littlo hands to fold, No grimy fingers to be washed^ No stories to be told; • No tender kisi tu ho given. No nicknames, “Clove” r.n I “31 No merry IVolics after Lm— No baby in the Iiqvsc. “ifouso Josh Billings lms been experimenting with pin? nnd eertides ns follows: “1 never ImVimoJ Imm ov‘Doctor Emanuol’s LUer Consoliriu ana Kid- ney Encouraging Pills/ ^ therefore knot t. II vn how liifiiioiialial tlioy „•», 1„„ of UmU ^ arim- n pill ax.mIUl ox a pot lamb nil.l poarc-hin'.- Java mier a pmax mliu ax a pot lamb and ox ft oxa fine-toothed comb, hay ‘Ihi-tm- Min Silent Perambulators, 2V in a box, «oM hv all re- speetfuldruggcra.’ Thezepillsihm'Lplmol round Imt attend striktly tow Btfeuej., and ore ex -.m.l in the dead of nl&ht ax an alarm elo. k ” t A lady parting from her hnijianU a few since in the care at Albany, was overheard I passengers to ruler Iho follAw|ng prrraeronh, 'nil in ono breath: “Good bye; Will; wrim m ,. day, won't you? I'll expect a lette- a week, any way. Take, mdoaro ofipyS school clast, for l'!l war: .r when I come !uel. If MlsoSmith calls, don't givo hor more than lil'ty contr, for wo have to support our own chlitch, vo-r know. Don’t ferget to bring my fill: drear .'.nd my oilier shoes. Come a, soon n« vnn e rn— Good hyo. Don’t forget your, and let nut rcw.” iSbHI