North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 15, 1868, Image 2

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PALiTON, O-KOJl&IA: [ liurfdov,October 15,1809 Oherokoo Prosbytorry-nomo, &o, AYo nUoijiliut tho sittings of the Cher- okoo l’rdlbytorey, at Sardis Chui'oli, Floyd county, on tiio 1st, 2d and 8d Ulmmlry NJTIOXAL DEUtlCttATIC TICKET. FOR l'RKSlDENrt dON. HORATIO SEYMOUR, or NEW YORK. FOR VICB-l'RESIDltNT: " Gen. Frank. P. Blair, or MISSOURI. Elatio lileolorial Tickot. rol TIH ETiTJ AT I,Alio*: fit*.’JOHN II. GO BOON, nt Fulton. L'-J.f, JOHN T. CI.AUKi;, of lUnJolph. Ai.rrn*ATi:A: Oak. \y. T: Wni'KMui, of Harlow. T. II. Norwood, of■ Clmtlinm. foo Tin: oisTKiCTS: ' 1. .Tonif 0. Nlciioii; ifrlorte. *. Coi.. CiiAni.KsTjJcon*, ol' Sntntor. a. HaI'iuial J. Moms, of Muwogoo: 4. AiioiiatfsO. BaCos,ofllilib. 0. Maj. J. B< Cummlno, of lllclinioml. It. If. V. ll*i.i, or 'Forsyth. 7. Cot JiHES D. Wauuhi.i., of Cobb. jtTinaATBs: 1. .1. IT. Ho stun, of Brooks. 2. ty ii.Li a u II. Fi.k.ino, of Dccntur, a. \Vit.LtAU 0. Tonal.*, of Troup. 4. I)». IIksut Wimdkult, of TwlgRS. 5. lit*. I). M. DuBnsfe, of Wilkci. n. Hamiktt McMillan, of Habersham. 7. Col. V. A. Uabkill, of 1’ulton. FOR CONGRESS : GEN. P. M. B. YOUNG, . or paiitow. Death of Gon. Howoil Cobb, It was with feelings of deepest re gret that we read tho annexed tele graphic dispatch, announcing the death of Gon’l liowoll Cobb,'one of Georgia’s most gifted and honored sons. • From our earliest childhood wo lmvo known Gen’l Cobb. Ho resided In Athens, Georgia, tho greater portion of. his eventful and useful life, wliero wo wore born and lived until our twentieth year, and wo can say with truth, 'which every one who knew him can attest, that a hinder, nobler heart ed man never lived. Though culled to occupy- many positions of honor \nnd trust by his State and -country l " -oWcness of his bond and heart by that petty i f „ „^k)lents °f world ly fume. Iio was ompi,.., man—“ groat in Ills impuls his friendships, and great otlsm." As member of. Congress, til Speaker of tho llouso of lleprosonta' tives, as H-—i;MiiTr" Secretary of tho U. S. Treasury, ho clearly evinced, by tho distinguished ability willi wliioh ho discharged tiio responsible duties of those sovornl positions of trust, that his miml was one of no ooniman mould. But ho isgouol—and that, too, nt a time whon his natlvp jjontli, which ho loved so well, needed most tho coun sels, aid and gnldnhoe of his great miud. Most deeply and sincerely do wo sympathize with the family of the departed statesman and patriot in tills sad dispensation of Providence. Ponce to tho ashes of tho’illustrious deceased I ly n great at in “ Passing Away.- Tho padly hoautlful Autumn lias como again. Dreamily tho insocts chirp, and and soft tile wnn- doring zopliyf^omo and go,- mingling tliolr low, molnnoholy broivthlngs wltli tho swuot, plnlntlvo eadonoo of Na ture's "hundred voloos murmuring eve rywhere around us; “passing away,”-— Our lives, too, are paislng'awny. Tho departing Summer romimls, us of this j yet it Is with n pleasing kind of regret that we beoomo oognlzant of . the Bcrl- oiis fact. *■ -. Tliero Is something touchingly sweet connected with those days, “the 1 sad-, dost of tho jioar,” nnd'njout'iifully and Bootlilugly tho Idw-ybioo'd Autumn np-, poals to tho soul, bringing tip happy, pictures of the past/ throwlhg a drea my halo over the presortt, and giving bright visions of tiio “ life beyond”— life In tho “otornal future.” “ Passing away ” thrilled sadly through iny heart as T gazed upon tho fiilr faces of many dear, young children upon the last day of tho “mild Soptomber,” and listened to. thoir clear, liquid tones, attuned to harmonious song and rythm. 'Twns tho Sabbath School children's Concert. Tho ovonlng of that day, closed with a royal sunset; tho qmorald brown nnd crimson leaves of the forest trees took a brightor tingeln tho rich,amber light, and wore more clearly deflnod against, tho superb background of our purplo mountains. A cloud of slumberous beauty floated liko a golden, gossamer veil in tbo far-olf west, and as the pale moon arose, mellowing its fleecy va por into flnkos of sliver, I joined a largo throng of citizens nt tho Court-House, whore the child fen from tho different Sabbath Schools had already assem bled. In robes of spotloss white, with badges of unfading green, tier after tier of bright young forms arose, their faces beaming with tho glow of youth, love nnd joy. Impressive and boaiiti- ful was tho pioture—beautiful, but evanescent, fleeting,'passing away.— Noar them could bo sdon tho lovely and accomplished lady, who, for many days, had lalioroiHjwfcsidnously in cul tivating thoix. vcJiees, and hns proved liomelf n blessing and benefit to her Church. As tho bird-llke voices of tho children took up the song, “Home in tho skies,” tho sweet refrain, “Mnroh- ing on, marching on, to our home in tho skies,".found an echo In my lionrt, and I earnestly hoped they were in truth marching onward to tho land of “ green pastures,” jittery earth-weary feet shall lie laved in tho heavenly cool ness of its “ still wators,” and crowns or glory and robp3 of righteousness ■’-wit tUnja^ceroatf. 1 asslng away 1 Thai, ovening too lias deoarted with its “mooAurlii nm. sic, lovo and flowers”—gwnc'trEulliiiuy New York, Ovtoher 10.—Yesterday morning Col. Williams, of Florida, ac companied by a Baptist clergyman, callud on Gov. Cobb. An animated conversation occurred botwoon the min ister and Gov. Cobb. Governor and Mrs. Cobb wero taking lenvo of 'a 0111 on tbo stairs loading from tiieiWpr to llio ofllco. Governor P-'”> sat down on tho stairs, who- - ,irs - Cobb observed n'tremor of * •■"* body and n contraction of tho -‘uscols of his faoo. Tho at- ta..nng physician of the Ilotol was callod, but beforo medical remedies could be administered, Gov. Cobb was carried into tho roccption room, and in a fow moments was a corpso. Thank You! Wo do not wisli to appear egotisti cal, but wo cannot forego tho pleasure of transferring tho following clovor notice of ourself and paper, which wo find in tho Homo Commercial, to our columns. Thank you, brothers Hood & Neville, for your good opinion of us nnd our Citizen “North Georgia Citizen.—Wo wero highly pleased to meet Col. Whitman, of tho ‘ North Georgia Citi zen’ in our sanctum, on Monday last. Col. W. has been a nowspaper innn fjr a good many years, nnd has enjoyed an enviable reputation in that liiuo— Tho ‘North Georgia Citizen,’ with which be is now -connected, is one of UiS best Weeklies that comes to our olfico. Whon St; railroads connect, his paper should got a good many ad vertisements from Home, and will no doubt.' Success attend bvother Whit man and the North (Icorgia Citizen.” Good Retort.—Tim World lias this happy paragraph: ‘“A vote in Newburg. Jail resulted: Seymour, 30; Grant, none.’ This is going the Kadical rounds. Wo linve no objection to give it, ns it shows how the Kadical governors are pardoning all the lladieal criminals prior to oleo- lion, and also proves Hint there are ab solutely bettor men in Newburg Jail than out of it.” (Pennsylvania.—The Age feels cer tain of Pennsylvania. It thus apos trophizes: “ Democrats, keep up tho lira along tho wholo line, as you are now doing, and such a triumph will crown your efforts as never before gladdened tho hearts of freemen.” Dentistry—Wo are requested by Drs. Murrell, both of whom have been confined to their beds for several weeks by sickness, to state that they will bo prepared to attend to all eases in Den tistry in a few days. 'Ollice in lviug’t building, up stairs. A of October. The attendance was very full, nearly ovory Church composing tho Prosby torry being represented, and its deliberations wero pleasant, Instruc. tlvo nnd ontlroly harmonious. Tho In- troduotbry sormon, proaoliod by tho vonornblo Dr. Pratt, was n masterly effort. It abounded throughout In hoautlful imagery nnd pure religions truths, with occasional ltlghls of pul pit eloquence thnt wo have rarely oyer heard oquallcd. Tho statement of tho spiritual cdndltjon of tho vnrloiis OhuroltuB was vory onootirnglng In deed, many aecesslons.of nowoonvorts having boon added to sovornl of them within tho past fow months. Sardis Church is'sltuated about 13 miles northwest of Homo, in a piotur- esquo portion of tho country. No sounds from tho thronguil stroets of city or vlllngo mar tho quletudo nnd ponco that bangs around It; and the vory inhabitants, dwelling near, have goodnoss, charity and brothcrly»lovc doplcted In their countenances.. Their hospitality was unbounded, and they exhibited an Interest in divine affairs which was truly commondablo. Wo shall not soon forgot those noblc-licart- eil Christian people, who were so earn est in promoting tho comfort of tho members of Presby terry. May their lives bo long in tho beautiful land tho Croator has assigned thorn, and may tliolr Immortal spirits hold “ commu nion swoot ” with tho redeemed of earth in tho realms of glory, where earth- weary souls shall lave their wings for ever in tiio “ boundless ocean of God’s love.” Tho next session of tho Cherokee Presbyterry will bo held at Mars llill Church, near Acworth, Cobb county, commencing on Thursday beforo tho fid Sabbath in April, 1809. Wo stopped in ltome n few hours ns wo returned. This place 1ms recover ed wonderfully from the effects of tiio War. It was sadly desolated by Sher man's torcli-light brigades ns they moved out of the city, n considerable portion of It having been laid In ashes by these house braid's; but many traces of tiio groat desolation ttiey left behind them lias been obliterated by o croction, in the burnt districts, of " c ‘ aud elogant business houses and dwelling , the march or improve ment is stoafriv^. f orn . ar j this beautiful, bustling'-^^ c | t * stroets wore crowrtvj ^ao-ons loaded with cotton, wbenv, conl) "p 0fc J toes, &o., giving to tho nlaafr.,^ -..i mntod, go-ahead appearance, Homo is a city of-no small propor tions. It 1ms a population of' about 4,000—its business bouses nro nearly all brick, and are lmndsomo nnd roomy, being from ono to two stories high-— its streets nro wide and clean—its side- wniks generally well paved nnd bor dered with shade trees—nnd the dwel ling houses nro very handsome ii" vei ', tho grounds of many of i 1 -”' 1 being handsomely enclosed “* 11 ' decorated with flowcrB an-’ ovorgreens, showing a taste a<' J refinement that speaks well f 0 » as citizens. Tho oity supports two excellent tri-weekly papers: tho Commercial nnd Courier, whoso editors wo lmd tho pleasuro of mooting in llioir sanctums. Wo found them to bo capital fellows— noblo Bpeeimons of tiio eiHlorial broth erhood—vory agreeable 'and compan ionablo—and we were glad to learn from them that thoir respective papers nro doing a paying businoss. Wo lovo every member of tiio noblo army of “quill drivers,” nnd it nlways glad dens our heart to hear of tiio prosper ity of any one of them. Long lifo and tiio greatest pecuniary success to our Romo brethren 1 Tho enrs on tho S., R. & D. R. Road will soon bo running to Rome, the road being finished to within 9 mile3 of tiio place, to .which point passenger trains make daily tvlps from Selma. A iveady there is considerable travel by this voute, and whon tiio road is completed to Romo tiio travol will be very, heavy, as it will then be the quickest and niostdiroot from tho Gulf to the East ern cities. A heavy force of hands, wo understood, avo operating on the road botwoon hero and our sister city, nnd that it is tho design of tho Com pany to run tho cars to Dalton by the middlo of next year. Domooratla Mass Mi Novi York. Now York papers give long ac counts of tile Doihoerntlo-Consorvativo mass meeting hold in that city on Mon day ovonlug Inst. Tho Sun.(Republi can) says: “ Whoevorsaw tho magnificent Dei ocrntlo mooting nt Union Squnro Ini ho latest in- SOBAPI Rovcrslblo drosses ni voiitloii. j Siiow Items Ijeglit to npponr in Jour nals to tho northward. Tlioro arc said to bo only 1,500 Uni- tod States Soldiers now on duty in Yir- nia. A man in Massachusetts has lost tho crats arc not nll dead yet.’ What a boit.g bitten hy a glare of torches I Wlmt myriads of peoplai What scoros of etoquont oni' tors 1 The Republican organizations lmd bettor not disband nt prosont.— Tlioro is spmothing left apparently for them to do. T'hsrd is no denying that, poinpprnls nrC still very lipmorous,” Tho Herald remarks: “Tv eminot bo.denied that tho grand Democratic demonstration of last night surpasspd. In miihbpt' and'enthusiasm any public affair Of liko kind sinco Oclobci', 1850, whon tiio.Douglas, Brockliiridgo and Bell Democrats fused,in opposition to tliOiRadioal Ropublionll llplnihatlons of #brnbhm Linooln pud Hannibal Ilfim- liii. That, porliaps, was tho grandest' demonstration over rnailo tiy tiio Dem ocratic 1 , party in Now Y.qrk, and U\e turnout of last night was only socoml. to it in hvlllianey and elmrnqtor. jVU tho Republican papers of New York admit it to linyo bcon an immenso demonstration. TlieWorld,Democrat, is jubilant ovor tho great success and onthusmstio Bplrit of tiio mooting. f’ Qoe Moro." Among tlib pleasantries of tho cam paign is tho pun wo have iilaccdat thd head of tho article. ItlsoxproBsive. At tho close of this campaign, nnd during tho administration of Horatio Seymour, the people will seo more of peace, harmony and prosperity llirfft tliey linve onjpyod sinco tiio Democrat-' ic party went out of power. They will' seo more of the beauty' tlioro is in Democratic Administration. See moro of Democratic economy, in administration nnd lioiiosty in expen diture— Seo more retrenchment nnd reform in tho management of tiio finances— Seo moro of the return to tho good old times and,prices and property of tiio past— Seo moro of tho honest and impar tial administration of the Laws— Seo moro of"the liberty for the per petuation of. which this Government was founded— Seo moru gold and silver— See Inore of “ the greatest good for the greatcst.Uiimlier"— Seo moro of “ A White Man’s Gov ernment ”— Seo more of -Tho Union 1 Tho Constitution I And rights of the people — Than are promised to them hy the most entlrjsiastie opponents of Sey mour's election. Tiio people need not fear to trust to Democratic promises. For they will sec moro realized than can be promised. Tliey will see more of their interests guarded and their 'rights maintained than they will be prepared lb realize. See more is a good word.—TjMyae Countn (Oliiu) Democrat. jilftulgli'bentinel relates tbo beautiful days before it—swept into the “.dim oblivion of tho past.” But we trust tl"=ro nro times nnd seasons i„ u,r future for ns to hear again those .■voet, childish voices. Who stwtt sin”, if not the ehlhlrcn ? J)id not JrtHW tiio for them ? Mn.v thov not with oilier jewels, Hp.irUle in liia diadem ? Why to them wero voices given ? IJird-liko voices, suit and clsnr— Why, unless tho song of Heaven T|»oy begin to practice hero ? Dalton, Oot. Gtli. o. c. tv. Missouri.—Tho Radicals givo up Missouri. Tiio registers swear every body who takes the oath, and the Dem ocrats register more voles this year tbnn ever beforo. Tho Radicals are incensed because tho registers do their duty. Tho Ilannibal-Comior (Radi cal) gives up tho State to tho Demo crats by 20,000. ‘Wearing of the Badges.’— 1 The echool Misses of Romo nro nearly all wearing Seymour and Blair badges.— Bloss the girls, they urc nlways right. Let tiio wide world “ wag ns she will,” tliey are true nnd hopeful still. They lovo tho boys, of Bourse they do, but with them love their country too.- Commercial. Interest on the Debt.—Tho New York Tribune, in a recent issue, thinks that tho interest on tho public debt ought to be reduced to less than six per cent. This sentiment, if express ed by a Democratic journal, would sound like repudiation. It is probablo that something of tho kind will bo at tempted when Congress meets. There is plenty otlund for sale in the Sooth. One firm In Lynchburg oilers ITS farms. ■ It is said that tlioro nro ten thousand people in London who earn thbirlivu llhood by literary Work. Savannah is one of tiio most flourish ing towns In the South', it possesses thirteen Btoambput lines.- Somo Now York traders have (line: nrds in their Windows saying, “Hero wo sponk Guriban,” “Huro’wo speak French,” otci; upon which a bowory rotailur 1ms improved by hangiug bttt a sign, “Here wo sponk the—truth.” Wood' ashes and cpthmon salt wot with wnter’wili stop tho cracks in a stovn nnd’provont"the smoko from es caping. . Tiio sign boards put up nt road cross ings on tiio Pacific railway arc be: “Look out for tiio Indians,” Tim Knoxville Press reports a heavy riso in tho Holsioh river, and grent de struction of human life and growing qVops. TIic Trl-Weekly Republican says i DlV Moore, of Stnrkviile, has a four legged Turkoy, which lie obtained from Win. 0. Gill.; nlul a two headed' chicken, which lie got from tiio planta tion of Green' ll, Joidnn. ' While Mr Thomas J. Porter of tho same county, a few days since, killed i'oltr thousand lentlior-winged bats, in tiio gnrrot of ilia dwelling. The Louisiana and Alabama Legis latures are still turning out Democrats andsoalingdefeated Republicans. Tiio United States Congress set tile exam ple in tiio eiise of Kentucky and other StatoB. Tho Albany Nows, of tiio Ctli, con tradicts tiio story of tho Atlanta Now lira,flint a negro by tiio nameof Walk er, nnd another, Wero killed near Al bany n few days ago. Tlui News says: “Since the Camilla affair there imsrbeen no act of violence, whatever, cominit- tod'in this place or tiny where around here.” Col. J. R. Sneed, purchased the Sa vannah Republican at Administrator's salo ou tho Clti iiist. Col. Sneed 1ms got back borne—was formerly the Edit or and Proprietor of llie Republican. Black Boys in Blue, , were snubbed by the White .Roys in Blue in Phila delphia. No place assigned Ilium in the procession. TlieConncctient Town elections linve resulted in largo gains for the Democ racy. Telfair and Irwin counties, ivliero no elections were held in April last, elected Democratic Representatives last week. It is hardly thought Hint Alabama will vote at the Presidential elecllbu, ns time will not be given to register, The Preso nnd Trade. Tiio Louisville Journal in the course of an nrliole addressed to tiio Board of trade, well remarks : Now wo do not mean to put up n poor mouth, or to level complaints at business men. If they cannot see for themselves tiio advantages of a great, prosperous, wfill conducted metropoli tan press in tlioir midst, going broad cast over tiio South and West, nnd proclaiming tiio business, nothing that wo cun say will affect their opinions Wo will simply remark that who rover tlioro is a flourishing press, there will bo found a prosperous business com munity ; nnd wherever tiio press of a city is weak, tho business of that city is weak. It is an tindeviating rule nil over the world. Enterprise cannot stand alone. There cannot bo success ful enterprise in one branch of business if there is not a kindred and sustaining spirit of enterprise in other brandies of business. Tho press is not a chari ly institution. Whon it becomes bo, good-by to tiio prosperity of tiio com munity from which it cmenutes. But so long as it is strong, robust, indepen dent, able to bo enterprising, because tiio cominerco which flows and swells about it liko the quickening billows of tiio sea gives it Hie means,of being oiv- torprising, it will carry all before it and inako a city wliero a village was be fore. Mb. Frank S. Burr, formerly con nected with the Journal & Messenger, was instantly killed on Saturday last, by the falling of a tree, whilst hunting: Mr. Burr was a near relative of the Wifp of tiio senior proprietor and pub lisher of this paper, and leavus a young wiI’e and babe behind. Deeply do wo sympathize with tho grief stricken friends in this sudden and sore bereavement Qulhbert Ap peal. . Two attempts wero made last week to burn the Whito Sulphur Springs (Virginia) property. Three of tho cot tages wore entirely consumed, and but for tbo.timely assistance rendered by the visitors present, much of this val uable property might lmvo been de stroyed. Two negroes Ivors arrested in Coviugton, Virginia, suspected of Hie crime, and taken to Greenbriar county, where they will have a hearing. New Jersey Subsiding.—An nvticlo in the New York Times says that tho const of New Jersey is fast disappear ing under tho action of tho waters, and more tlmu a mile has gone since the revolutionary war. following: A fow nights sinco, in Sal isbury, when Ynnco was addressing a largo and enthusiastic audience, soine acallawag suddenly and maliciously turned oif|liugas. Almost any one but Yanee would have been flustered by tiio circumstance. But not be. Ho at once cried out, in tho midst of the datfiefioss:' “ Heroes of America!— Coma to order!" This created shouts of applause and laughter, in the midst of which n stray dog, astonished at tho uproar, sot up n howl. “ Turn Unit sealliuvng out I” said Vance, nnd the merriment grow “last nnd furious.”— The lights wore soon restored, nnd A r ance resumed. The I’eaoh Crop,—Early in (lie son Bon wo took, a lively Interest ill ami made an effort to induce tiio peoplo to save the valuable crop of peaches llion growing. Many subscribers to tliu Courier saw.tiio force of our sugges tions upon the subject., and dried a con siderable portion of their poaches Tiio value of this crop cannot yet be estimated, but there 1ms already been shipped from Rome 152,550 pounds.— This, nt ten cunts per pound—about Hie average price—would niiiomit to $15,255 00. The crop is not one-liulf in yet.—Rome Courier Cuiia.—It is almost certain that Sec retary Seward will prevail upon tiio President to recommend to Congress the purchnso of Cuba. The Secretary of State is ambitious to add Cuba and St. Thomas to the United Slates before retiring from oliiec. Cotton in Louiban.i A correspon dent in Bienville Parish writes that the cotton in that Parish is out off one- third by tho boll worm nnd eatturpil- lar. Freed rutin are quiet and decided ly Democratic,working well. No cl ubs or drill grounds. Twf.nty-fivk Thoushni) Dollars Colonel llulbert, the indefatigable Su perintendent of the State Hoad, yes terday paid twenty-five thousand dollars into the Treasury of tiio State —being tiio not earnings of tiio Road for Hie month of September Atlanta A’eui Era. Chief Justico Chase authorizes a contradiction of tho statement that he lias declared for Grant nnd Colfax.— lie will take no active part in polities, but continues his opposition to Radi cal excesses, and lmh no doubt Sey mour Will administer the government on Constitutional principles, Tho Democrats lmvo enrried the State of Connecticut, at tho Into inuni- ciple eieutiouB by five thousand major ity, being a gain of six hundred over the Spring elections. Mr. Stephens read extracts from ids “War Between the Stales,”nt the Bap tist Fair in Atlanta, last week; Meade’s report of the Camilla riot lms been handed to the President.— We shall see wlmt we shall sec. Tiio Legislature adjourned sine die on the Gtli instant. It will reassemble ngaiu next January. ’hoFqlilio jDobt Tiio question of how tiio publ'io dubt Is to bp paid sinks out of sight in tiio pvcsonfeo of ovirront revelations 1 1 The bondholder would gladly necopt pay ment of his claims, and consent, to slmro In tho burdous of Government, ratlior than take tiio hazard of seeing public urodlt ongulpkcd in a deficit at the rata Of n hundred millions a yoar I Men loso their comprehension of tho immense, sums to which tho debt lms risen, nnd to, .which, it is destined to mount. Tho hitman mind is incapable of comprehending those vast stilus, nnd sinks helplessly lioforo thorn, whon smaller amounts that they eoiild grap ple willi would excite all tkuir indigmv- tloii and fears. s Tiio Paris PrtlriO recalls the celebra ted phrase of General Foy,'when, from the tribune of the Chamber of Depu ties, oh Hie occasion of the bill'lor granting an Indoniility nf a thousand millions of frnrnis to tiio Frendh emi gres, lie^ said f “Do you know that ntt equal number of liiuliHus lms not olhps- oil since tho death of Jesus Christ Although those woi'dd Wero pronounc ed noarlylmlf if century ago, wo have not yet attained Hie nitiohnti Oh tiio 26th of December next; Calcbliltlng twenty bissextile years ill every hun dred, there will orily liavo pitss6d'9S2,- ii08,000 minifies since’tho birth of otli‘ Savior, A twelveltiofith ciintuilts 525,- 000, so that wc shall lmvo to wait an- other-thirty years beforo reaching this famous millard, which willonly bo com pleted in 1902. Tile thousand millions of francs, tho magnitndu of Which General Foy bo Impressively presented, Is n moro i'rac- Hon—n twelfth—of tho debt piled up on our people. Not so many minutes lmVo elapsed sinco tho dawn of creation ns are rep resented in tills immense array of fig ures. And it yawns still wider—it threatens to engulf still more of the property of the pcoplo und tiio fruits of tiio labors of generations to-come. A deficit less alarming than tills caused the revolution in Frartco, pro bated tiio Monarchy mid tiio Church,’ and 'crumbled public credit in thp dust I It docs not bring reform here,’it will usher in revolution ; anil tho dlsastol's will fall upon the selfish classes, Whose greed and rapacity lmvo sacrificed the resources and honor of tho people.—- Albany Argus. Arrival of 4,033 Stands of Arras for Loyal Leagues in Arkansas. Saturday’we mentioned, sa.vs the Ava lanche of the 1111 inst., thu mysterious shipment,'IVoin tiio North, for Arkan sas, of sovornl thousand stand of arms. Tiio announcement excited no little comment, nnd- their'arrival nt this port was awaited willi considerable interest. Yesterday tho boxes—107 in number, and containing 4,023 stands of arms— I'oncbod li’ero on the Bello MemphjH.— They were in charge of a notorious carpet-bagger named Win. Hodges, Arkansas penitentiary contractor, nnd a bird of the Clayton feather! The boxes were consigned to “E. G. Exon,” sinco ascertained to be cither a myth, or a pass word of the Loyal League, and it Was llie intention, of Hie san guinary Hodges to re-ship them on the iitnw trrtN-,-irr;c—rra menyf -ror DuvutL’a-illuir this ‘ ; evening. Hodges wns accompanied By' ono McDonald, Radical United Slatcs Sen ator from Arkansas. McDonald keeps a onc-liorso bnnk ill Little Rock, and owns stock in a couplo of packets. It is stated that' he procured the arms in the North j and shipped them, llodges taking charge at St. Lot is. Every tiling connected with tills mat ter is siipl'eious. The Arms Wfcro liVil ordered by or shipped to tiio United Stales or Stale Government nulhoii- ties in Arkansas. There is' no tueli person in Little ltock iis “Exon,” thu reputed consignee. Tho fact Hint Hodges and McDonald arc engineer ing the matter is more suspicious than fill else. For our own part wo have no do.liht as "to their destination. The Radicals tire playing li game embolden ed by desperation in Arkansas. They feel lliat the people are turning against them, nnd that their power call he per petuated only by intimidation or vio lence. ):illou Confectionery and Bakery, Oppaitlt Jhiknfxer W Zmeman'i. i A "BOXES X'Vonrli Impcrlnl*, i>xn>» t i| CIJ ; LU “ (7 miU 1 ID, boxes) Kroaoii Ua» •lies; HUH lbs. plain nmi Aar? imXt‘3 Uherlili' I,amUjxril :1,lr.rft F.n,< Brnrnly t'cnche's; Jbltiil ibioiHlad'DroslCivon oils. Dates, Palm Nuts, FUbortA Almonds' Walnuts, Oysters, SdWIn'cs, Crffik'crs, Clit'fc Suapi Uumllcs,. Sadie .Ijiiitiapgs, T artaf | tarin tiio Battery Dopni'linont will bo f 0 „ n ,j • tgrPmUes supplied cm short notice. > tarrrtvuto room fot- Lunoh. •. *. Uot 8-9t,' JOUX T0\VMi;y ( n. T. cox, of Telia. ll. cox, ol IS. T, Coy ti. Strother, Commission Merchants, Foroytb Straot, ATLANTA i OEonciA, Protiipt Altolitioii Given to Sato or Produce, Groceries and Merehandi e And Oiling orders for Produce of Merelmmiise.' ltm:n lOr-Businoss, IIoiHes gciieralle of At- hinti, Kiel Touaissooand Eoutliwibtcin VinrihtJ Oct-thn . . . six hoys nnd a short tailed dog const! tuted “n large and cuthusin3lio Graut meeting” in Illinois. A Yniikeo Sbhool inarm, exported from Jersey City to North Fort, Ala bama, soon after tbo war, lias recently given birth to a negro child, says the Tuscaloosa Monitor. A markot woman going into Mobile, llie other day, wns attacked by throe negroes, who commenced throwing stones at Iter. .Shu escaped by a vig orous application of the whip to iter horses. Greenbacks arc worth fifteen per cent, less to-day Ilian tliey Were just after llie closo of the war. The llndi- cal Congressional policy lias depreciat ed llie national credit in just that pro portion. Sun-dried oysters, cured like beef, hanging in the sun, are becoming nil important article of tralle, in Califor nia. Tiio largest votes ever thrown in Maine and Pennsylvania were in 18GG. Iii Maine the Deiiiocrnts gained on that vote 0,000. If Pennsylvania decs ns well, wo shall get 40,000 majority therm It instated Hint agents of tiio French Government are in New York, making large purchases of grain, salt, meat, clothing, cte. The Boston Post is ftnxious to know wlmt will bo clone with tho ten thousand Chinamen who urc wot king mi the Pa cific Railroad after it is finished.' TIicNew York Sun says there issneh a demand in thnt city for children for adoption, thnt even clippies mid other unfortunates are not refused. A gold mine is said to lmvo been discovered at the 1‘ootofLookoutMouu- lain. If your flat irons are rough rub them with a little liiio suit, and it will make them smooth. A ftcrOctober first physicians in Ohio who have not a regular diploma will have to suspend practice. The Petersburg (Virginia) Express learns from reliable authority that a large oak tree in New Kent Comity died from a Radical bill being posted on it. It wns green nnd flourishing when tho bill was posted, but in a few days it commenced 'withering nnd final ly decayed. Tiio Selma, Romo and Dalton Rail road is now completed to Green Cun- liinglmm’s ten miles from Rome. The cars are expected to run into Rome by about tiio 1st of November. The University of Virginia opens with the fairest prospects of success. About 200 students linve arrived, and Hie Chronicle learns that the nrimber of matriculates is already largor than thnt of last year. “ Another Rebel Outrage,”—The Democrats of Marion District, South Carolina, lmvo purchased and present ed to each of tiio fifteen negroes who lind the courage to go to the polls and vote with nnd for thoir old masters, with the title deeds to forty acres of good land near thnt town. JOSEPH E. ril.ll,, Itoilli, GA., Dealer iu Watches; Clocks, Jewolry, SILVER AND PLATED WARD, SPECTACLES, French, China and Cut-Glass Ware, Cutlery, Tdya, Musical Instruments, Fishing Tackle, Fine ilouWlioM ' Articlea, and. Fancy Goads generally, OLD Call) AND BILVKIt TAKES IK EXCIIAKllS, . POME OF'TIIE PMCESi Gold ‘Vntehe.'i from 00 to 7200 00 Silver “ “ to on to on on PI:,tell ” “ 6, 00 to -10 Oil Yniikeo Cloekn, for 2 ml Fremiti nndGnglirthClnokit Iron, 26 00 to 100 00 »r, SHvi r l'lntcU-TenSpoonv, relt, Table '*• jeii sett,* A Striking Illustration. Hon. T. A. Hendricks, of Indiana, llie Democratic candidate for Govern or, in n speech of great soundness and Ibice, iu showing the importance of harmony and good feeling between the North nlul South, and the advantages of reciprocal trade between the South and Northwestern States, gave tho fol lowing happy illustration:: The sweetest lesson of our religion is to bo found in Hie pnrahjo of tho Prodigal Son. Thnt son, you recol lect, becaino tired of the best borne in tho world, and wandered oil' to sock his fortune nmong strangers. Seced ing from tile paternal roof, soon pov erty nnd hunger enrao upon him and ho concluded to return- ffl that fath er, who “ saw him afar oil',” lmd been a Radical, wlmt would lie have said 7 “There conies my rebellions son I Ho thinks I will let him como back, upon llie same terms ns the rest of the boys and girls. No, no!” Tliat father, us described to us ill tbo parable, was not a Radical, lie opened ilia iii'nis'aiid welcomed him ns ho saw the. erring boy return, and as he stepped into that house, pence, love and happiness returned. There wns a Riidical in that family, though. Tho othor boy, ns soon as ho saw bis brother coining, commenced groivljng, and did not want'Hie returning prodigal admitted. I ask you, ns Christian men and citi zens, do you think we, can build our institutions upon Hie bad passions of hatred, revenge and jealousy—pusr sions that como up from the dark cav.- erns of hell. Counterfeit Notes Afloat,—Wo learn that a number of counterfeit two- dollar treasury notes linve been ailcat in this city, and our renders had better examine closely all notes of that, del nomination which may bo offered to them. The counterfeits are printed oil paper so like tliat used by tiio Tronsifi ry Department ns to bo well calculated todeeeivo, but in a closo scrutiny of the engraving tho spurious notes may bo detected, ns tho vignette is poorly ex ecuted. Look out for them Savan nah. News! 1 bo 2 on 1 Ml 1 56 i:oo 111 00 1 60 Gqlil Pin,. Silver PqfS, Fine China Hate?, p?r “ Cups nnd Sudeer*, per sett, **• Ten Setts, 4-4 pieces, VioUn nnd bow, lor..... ... Givmona’s nnd other Viodns ut higher prices. Fine Violin Strings, per hunch, in (iuitur Strings, per bctt of pix, inn Acco»'iieoriH, ih>m 1 00 to' US 0) Finli lluohrt, one hundred in paper, 21 I'urn Silver Thimbles, ft'l Spectacles, fi om 2S 'e(sfo25 0d licst Xoudles, 4 pnpers, assorted, in ciuc/lor 25 \Y id csimd needles by mud on receipt of 25 Work department. *J'ho Best in A orlh G cor jin; Wato'es rep \lr?d insist style—new Jewel* or,new \Yhoels, if ueoeFsniy. Clocks Repaired nnd warranted, Jewelry mended in best stylo nt Row. Voile prieos, Hold Hens Repnired» . Wedding and Engagement Rings made to or der mid engraved os dedrgd. Society Dudgt* and Pins furnished to orderi ' Spectacle* Repaired, and Olawre* put iu as de sired. Classed selected to sift -ages, careluH.Vi nml on FcientiUe principles. A thorough knowl edge of llie Heicm o of Optics, nnd twon»y-fivd vents experience in tliu spoetaclo business, ena ble mo tb do ail tliat I promise. Fine Robbies uud Classes kept always on land. SECURITY AND SAFETY. IU Careful Where yon Leave Your. Wuich to li JiepalrcJ. A great runny Robberies are being committed nil over llie country, ami Watch Maker's are fre quently rubbed* To secure my Customers, us well us uiyfccif, I have u largo Fire am] Burglar Proof Safe, in a Yau.t. All valuables are put In every night,- and the store U well guarded. Orders solicited from everywhere octU-Um 12. I\ JOJFES, 8UCCK3SOH, TO BMHNBTT AND JONK8 f Dealer in all Herts of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoos, Hats, Crockery, etc., Will not be Undersold-* Yard Stick SO inches lonjl Oct 15 ROME, GA. ly A. O. riTNKIl. II. II. SMITH.- . PMTJTER Cf SJTItTSI, Wholesale and Retail (Hocers and Commission Mci'clianis No. 00 Rroad Street, (Pitner’s Corner.) octlS ROME, GA. Cm J. L. M. ERWIN, 'DOUSE CARPENTER AND JOINER, W ORK warranted to give satisfaction. Shop at old Methodist Church building. J. Tennessee House, STANSBURY, Proprietor, ltome. On., \r tho Railroad Depot and Steamboat Landing. Tiio Stugo Ollice iu kept iu this IIouscj October 8-tf. G EORGIA, Whitfield Conn!)'.—Tuo months af ter duto application will be nmdo to the Court of Ordinary of Whitfield county,for leave to sell the lands of tiio minor children of T fi Swift, deceased; also 80 acres belonging to the estate of said deceased, lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.. Oet.0-2m M. M. SWIFT, Adm’x. Administrator's Safe. B Y virtue of nn order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Whitlicld county,I will sell beforo tho Court-llousp. door in Dalton, on the first Tuesday in December next, lot of land, No 30'J, elevcutli disfriet, thlfd section,' of said county, belonging to the estnto of John Droaddrlck, lor tho benefit of heirs nnd creditors. oct0-40d 51. P. DERRY, AdmV. rick hns applied for exemption of personaltf, nnd setting apart and valuation of Homestead, and I will pass upon tho Rnme, nt Ringgold, oil tho 28tn day of October, 1808, nt my ollice. Oct 15-tt-prs fee $2 J. M. COMBS, Ordy, p EORGIA, fatoosn Connty—Samuel 5r Prothro vT has upplied for exemption of personaUy, and setting apart and vuluution of Homestead, and I will pnss upon the same, at Ringgold, on October 27th, 1868, nt mv ofllee. Oct 16-tt-prs fee *2 J. 51, COMDS, Ordy. & EORGIA, Catoosa County—Mrs. Winfred A* Mayor lms applied for ixemptloh of personalty and setting upart and valuation of Homestead, and I will pass upon tho same, October 27, 1808, at iny oIBce, in Ringgold. Oetlb-tt-prs fee $2 J# M. GOMBS, Ordy.