North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 22, 1868, Image 4

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01180 o mill Club, Thu , . . , lOivlmt startled, about olovon o clock most extraordinary mul ftllgulur ofoawftuoe. A little girl named Anpn Palsv,apparently thirteen years of ago, '•ad made hor appearaneo In tho ball .com at nine o’clock, and as fai as Could ho ascertained, without any os- , cort. She’ had danced every set mul lmd partaken freely of all tho rolj-osh- nBjita given her up to olovon o clock, when, overhoalod and looking very pale, sho ran to tho noarost soat and sat down. Hero sho pressed her hand on her forehead and leaned forward as tnoiiffU sho wero about to mint, ujr singular flQiliuot Uavlug attracted tho anil fans, with a liopo of apecdUy iu HovInS her from her preoarlons sltua. lion. All the simple remedies that could bo thought of or recommondod were used without avail. Sho sank In to a kind of stupor from wliluh it was thought she uovor would awake, tier rosplrntlon was hard, and frequently at tended with convulsions. Sho was laid out upon some chairs,and soomed with out tho powor of moving olthor limbs or body. Hor eyes being all tho tt|» wide open, all believed her in a trance. Hr. Menccs. was summered and ad ministorod several restorations, which seemed partially to relievo her from the stupor, hut not from the hysterical condition Into which sho hod fallen.— Her'counlonanco then assumed a live- . ly appearance, and sho commenced bonding the. fore linger of her right hand soon'Ufteiy hntl most gracefully raised her. Juiriri, pointed towards Ucnv- on and said, “Mother I” Sho next lot hor hand fall upon her breast, and/or a moment her .countenance wore on ex pression of deep melancholy. There issued from her lips a most beautiful and eloquent' prayer, tho lanuuago of which was select and appropriate, in somuch that all wero nstouisnod. She noxt, repeated o great number of vers es, and where memory lacked sho re. pliediwitli a reitfarkablo degree of ap. tltUdo, After this she told a story, following out tho tlirond, and clothing It in beautiful language. Sho made the following expressions, hor cotintenmiceohmiglng with tho’son. tlments: “Jesus Is my friend." “Oru cl brothers." 0, If I should go astray what voioo would tbero bo to woo mo from an erroneous faith f ” All hor re marks wero seemingly addrossod to hor mother, though dead, yot living In tho roomory of hor child. Sho sang a song. “X am dying,” with so much pathos that every cyo was filled with tears.— All this tlmo Dr. Menoes had trlod iu vain to attract her attention. She nwoko at a quarter to one, and BaUl sho would enter tho samo stato when one o’oloek should come, which was verified on tho striking tho bell.— Sho continued in this condition which was not ns sovero ns before,for an hour when she aivoko and beenmo extremely lively and vivacious in conversation. Sho is represented ns being very pretty and intelligent for ono of hor age. Hor mother died some time since leaving her father and three brothers the first of whom sho seems to caro lit tle about, and the last three to nbuso ■ cruelly and brutally heat hor. Ono of her brothers is now in tho work-house, having been sent there for seventy-two»days for his violent treatment of hor. While she is cruelly beaten,she is also starven for.days. Her appetite at the bail room Is represented as being most ravenous, mid she is said to have eaton much more than three healthy persous ought to have done, without suffering derangement of the system. It is bolieved that, if sho wore given n good home anil well cared for, she would get rid of tlioBD peculiar Bpclls which, it Beoms, are not usual with her. She states that God has told her that she should never ho atone when they should come upon her. Sho was escorted to her home, on the corner of South and Spruce streets, on tho termination of tho hall.—Nashville Banner. Important to Farmers—The'Nor folk Ylrgiglan gives tho folloiviug to portent item; Wo have been informed by a gentlop man well postod upon the subject, that all farmers who will bo forced into bankruptcy during the coming fall and winter; can Save their growing crops by filing their petltiou on or before tho 15th of October next,'otherwise, the said crops will ho included in tho Bqhed- ujes of property. This is a pinttor of ' much moment to our agricultural friends, and. Wo trust that they may avail themselves of tho wnrningm tjme ■ to receive tho benefits. Kdmembhr'tho day when the privilege expires by llm- Itation, and bo governed accordingly. TiIe Lazy Society Cmfi.—A club called the Lazy Society lias beon form- . cd in Path, in tills couuty. It already numbers several members. Two mem bers have'been discharged—one for ’ ' striking at a musqulto which bad light- . cd on Ids face, and another for gapiug too quickly and opening his mouth too wide. A-third member was consured for running down -.Old Hill, hut was lot off on the plea that ho was too lazy to hold back 1 Tho Bocioty is in perpetual sessiou.— Troy Tress. Connecticut The latest reports from Connecticut show that the Demo crats have carried more towns this fall than they carried last spring—that tho Democratic majorities have boon hand somely increased, and that tho State is safe for Seymour and Blair in Novem- ft her, Five capital trials are to come off lic- , fore the Supremo Court of Now Hamp shire, to sit on tho 20tli iust., In Ports- , mouth. That State is governed by all the morality." If it wero a Southern monarchy,the fact we have stated above would afford rich and racy comments to tho “moral” press as to the dastard ly character of the “unrepentant reb- els.” A Scotchman went to a lawyor once foradviccjuud detailed the circumstan ces of the case. “Have yon told the facts just as they occurred t" "Ay," was the .reply, “I thoot ye would put the lies Into it.?'. AoRidfittruiiAU—H Is exceedingly had husbandry to linrrow up tho feelings of vbiir with, tb ruko up old quarrels, hoo a grudgo, and sow discord. A blind girl, on bolng asked the defi nition of forgiveness, vopliod, “It is the fragrance- which Bowers yield whbn tlioy are trampled upon.” Tho corn crop of tills section, says tho Cleveland Banner, is very good, and is considerably above an average yield. It Is thought tho price of tho now crop will raugo from forty to fifty oonts per bushs!. Columbus l|as a ropo manufactory, anil iiasjlilpgud wltliinj Wio -last four niontbs 250,000.pounds ot'gobd bomp ropo, bcsldgs a considerable quantity taken-by-tlio Columbus merchants.— Ifcrgo qhZntitled of-o6l ton ropo aro-al- rgc q so manufactured there. ItlmB beon asked when tho rain falls, doos it ovor get up ? Of eourso it does —In doiv-lime. ThO Bong of the repentant husband after knocking bis wife down—“Como (a nurlinanni tnu'nWll Rt.r il-lvlMl iloM*.” to' my bosom, my own stricken dear John A. Logan is a candidate for re- election to Cougross In Illinois. “Airs. Keekloy” tells us that when ho wanted to ho made n major General ho present ed to the mistress of the White llouso n.diamond ring, which ho assured her was worth three hundred dollars. A Now York jeweler soon aftor placed its valuo at cighteon dollars. On that oc casion Logan camo within two hundred and oighty-two dollars of tho truth.— But ho Ims uover doao It since.—Lou isville Jour, Tis wondtous strange hoiv' great the change, since I was ill my teem; then I had a beau, and a billot doux 1 ; and I joined the gayest seenos. But lovers now have ceased to voivj noway they now contrivo—to poin, hang,or drown themselves—because I'm thirty-five.— Once, if the night was over so bright, I ne’or abroad could roam, without— the bliss, tho honor, Miss, of seeing you snfo homo.’ But now I go,through raid and snow—fatigued and scarce alive—through all tho dark, without a spark—hooauso I'm thirty-five, CATOOSA COUNTY. WALKER COUNTY. Walkofi Sheriff's Sales. ItotUo door tTTU.T. ho sold boforo tho CoorUtoiwo door, In VY Lal-'nyoltc, on tho lint Tucwlajr In Novem- bor.ncJtl WilMa tlio lefiol hours of wlf, tho (id- lowing property, to-wlti •. Ono house, ns the properly of 0. 0. Cordon, r ow neeupled by mill Hondo)) i levied on to nulls- ly n .Inslfeas' Umirt II 5) Issued Irani tho B7lst iflsiriet, 0. SI., In MfMbfUflm K. I.ozonly vs (I. (I. tlorilnu. I.uvy mudii mid returned to mo by \V. II. Ohaflln, eonslnlile. Also, nt the siuiie time nnd plnce, loin of Innd Nos. S 70, 177,.lflE US mid 178, nil In llio Will dlsi i-let and 4th neellon or Walkor county: levied n ns the properly of Jnnies II. 1-lvntlo, to sntlsfy .. Superior Court 11 fu, Kehrunry term, 1808, In fnvor of Thou bnwroiiuS vs John Ilntdeld, John Mulmu, A. J. Rogern, 0. G. Holland mid domes 11. 1-lvutto. Also, nt tho ssmo tlmo nnd plnce, lot or lund Kn. 108, In the tub illstrlet uml 4Ui section of Wnlbnr county: levied on as tho property of Jcssu Jny ID satisfy n Superior Court tt fit In fnvor of 15 wnul fowler., Also, nt tho sumo llmo soil pi ice, lot of land No. 47, In tho Mill district slid 4th motion of Wnllier county: levied on ns tho property of James Campbell, to sntlnfy n Superior Court II In In fnvor’of Mooro nnd Mnrsh vs .lames Campbell. Also, nt tlni samo tlmo nnd plnce, lot or land No. 88, in tho until district mid ltd section of Wnlkor county: levied on nn the property of E. illllps. to rat sly n Bup'ilor Court II fn In fn- if 11. M. Young mid J. W.' JsoliSon, surviv ing partners of John Y, Jackson A Co. vs K. C. Phillips. Also, nt the smno tlmo nnd place, lots of land W Walker Mortgngo Solo. ILL ho sold-'before the Court Houso donr In llio town of Lafayette, on tho first Tuesday in December next the following proper* ty, to-wlt: . . , . J.ot of (and No 1*2*. In tho 20th district nn«lBd Motion• or Walker county, nnd tho West Imlf of lot No. 20, and 78 ncrca of lot No. 80, Mtno dls- trlot and aoctlon : lovlcd on at tho property ol Hint Stnnool to uithfv n mortgage II fa In favdr of K. M. Young and J. W. Jnokaon, surviving put* nor* of John Yv Jackson & Oo. v*. Itliil Stancol. Alre.nt tho tamo time nnd pUco, tho following propurt.v, Iota of land Nos. 182,188, 188,187, 188, 148, 188, 100,167, 168, 108,170, 175, 170, 177, 184, 185, 180, 188, 189,101, 102, *207,208, 212, 216, 22(1 nnd 240, situated in the 12th dis trict of tho 4 th section nr Walker county, and ulso lota Nos. 801 nnd fraction 888, In tho 11th district of tho 4th section of Wnlkor county, r.l*o lot No. 25, In tho 7th district of tho 4th section of Wnlker county—onqb ronrqiqntod ns contain ing ono hundred nnd sixty nbres, except said frac tional lot No. 838 s levied on as tho property of William Dougherty to satisfy a Superior Court mortgngo ti fa 'In favor of James B Ilomllton, Adrn’r. of T. R. Hamilton for tho uso o: Den. 0. Adtainlstrator’s Salo. B Y virtue or nn order of the Court of Ordina ry of Walker county, I will soli boforo tho Court-Houso ddoii In LaFayotte, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in December next, within tho legal hours of salo, tho laud belonging to tho estate of James Roberts, deceased, lying Tn said county, eight miles west of LaFnyctto, consisting of ono lot of land curtaining‘180 acres, more or less. S D ROBERTS, Adlur Nos. 200 ami 201, in tho 8th district and 4th sec- Sold for tho benefit of heirs 1 and creditors, lion, nud 82 acres, more or less, of lot No. 7, In Terms of salo 1‘2 months, or with noto and np tho 7th district and 4th section of Wnlker county: levied on ns the property of G. G. Gordon. Also, nt the same tlmo and pluce, lot of land No. 84, In tho 20th district and 3d section of Walker county: levied on ns tho property of Carter Cudd, deceased, to satisfy u County Court fi fa in favor of J. W. Fitzpniriek vs Elisabeth EOUGI.l, CatooBa CooutT- -Wllllaui.H. Dor* 'T rick has applied fm- fcxemption oflncrsounlly, and setting and valuation of llomosteudj «ud I-wHf-pnia ttpon the same, at Dlngguld, on 4«X.otPutPber, lafiS. ntutny ofiico. iotJO-tt-prs fco^2. J.M. COUDS, Ordy, will pass upon the same, at lllnggoid, on Cctohcr 27th, 1808, nt m.v ollico. Oct 15-tt-prs foe #2 J. M. CO.MDS, Ordy. Mayor has applied for exemption of pnrsoimlty nnd setting apart and valuation of Homestead, and I will pass upon tho samo, October 27, 1808, at m.v ollico, Iu lllnggoid. Qxitifi-tt-prs lee $2 J. M. COMBS, Ordy. Catoosa Sheriffs Sale. W ILL bo sold befnro tho Court ilouso door, In the town of HinggoUl, Catoosa county, on tho first Tuesdty In November noxt, within the legal hours of salo, tlio following property, to-wlt: Eighty acres, being tho South half of lot of laud No. 03; In the 28th dirtriot nnd 3d section of Catoosa county, by ono Ju<ltices , Court fi fa, W. L. Whitman vs II. Stewart, nnd controlled by F. M. Kittle. Levy niudo and returned to mfe by R. D. Trlminlcr, L. C. Also, lot of land No. 148, in the 27th district nnd 3d section of Cutoosa county, by ono tux II fa from and county vs A Clarke. Levy made and returned toino by R. II. Tnmmier, L. 0. Also, nt tho samo time and place, the houso and lot now occupied by J T Rope as a residence, in the ang o of Nashville strout and Gospol ilidgc otrei-t, In the western part of Ringgold, Georgia, myolning D S Anderson the North nnd James II Anderson on tho West: levied upon by one Superior Court fi fn Irom Chattooga county, Hus sar and Ilo**ty vh \Y J floury—property pointed out by G W bruoe, Esq. Also, lot of laud No 820, In tho 28th district and 3d section of Cutoosa county, by virtuu of four Justices' Court fi las from the 030th District, G .M of said ommtv, Jesse Folker v« W U Gil breath. Sold for the purchase money, und point ed out by plaintiff In fi fa. W. J. WHITSITT, D. Sheriff. October 8,1803. Cudd, Executrix of Cartor Cudtl, deceased. Lots of land Nos 175, 176, 177 nnd 185, In tho JJJith district nnd 4th section of Wnlker coun ty, by vlriuo of ono Superior Court fi-fa in favor of John M Combs, ns administrator of tho estatu of J T McConnell, deceased, against James II Kvuttc—levied on as tho property of tho do- fondant. Sul.l property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Also, nt tho same tlmo nnd place, 100 acres, mo«*e or less, being parts of lota of land Nos. 87 and 04, in tlio 20th district und 8d section of Walker county: levied on ai tho property of Hen ry Tudor to satisfy a BUporJor Uourt H fa iu favor of James Swltmey vs Honry Tudor. 40 acres more or less ol lot of land No. 182, in tho 8th district and 4th section of Walker county; levied on for costs ns the property of Mary Baker, by virtue of five fi fas, Issued from tlio Justlgcs’-Court of tlio 044 lli district of said county, Iu favoi' olMrs. a Cl,ambers Kxu’r I or J. II. focused, vs. D R. S. baker. I Mar y waKcr, llarrla llrlgmau and Harriet Brig- man. Levy mndo and returned to mo by L. M,. Gores, oonahiblvY. Also, at tho samo tlmo and place, will bo sold 0 acres moro or Jess, of Jot of lund No. 108, in tho 8th district nnd 4tli suction of Walkor couuty und 85 ucreq. more or less, of lot No. 204, same district and’ section, levied on ns the properly of Jesse Jay, to satisfy cost on two Superior Court fi fas, one In favor of A. 1. Loot, nnd tho other in favor of Edward Fowler vs. said Jny. Also, at tlic samo time nnd placo, will bo sold (11 acres, moro or less, of part of lot of land No. 27, Iu tho 8th district and 4th section of Walker county, lovlcd on ns tlio property of WlWnm Blair to satisfy a Superior Court attachment fi fa, iu fa vor of John Hawkins vs. William Blair. Also, nt tho anno time and placo, will bo sold lot of laud No. 120, in the 12th district and 4th section of Walkor county, levied on ns tho prop erty of J. W. Hanoy, to satisfy one Buporlor Court ii la and two Justiocs’-Cuurt fi fas, from tho 071st district 0. M. of Walker county. In favor of J. R. Wheeler vs. J. W. Haney. Levy mndo und re turned to nio by constable. Alsu, at the samo tlmo and place, will bo sold 80 acres, moro or less, of lot of land No 82, In tlio 7tli district and 4t|i section of Walker comity, loilcd on as tlio property of II. A. Burrott, to sutls r y ono Superior Court attachment fi fa, in fa vor of L. E. and W« 0. Patton vs, H. A. Snrrett, Oct. 1. A. A. SIMMONS, Sheriff. Administrator’s Salo. B Y virtue of nn order obtained from tho Oonrt of Ordinary of Walker jjnunty, Georgia, will bo sold on tho first Tuesday in December, 1808, at the Court-House door in said county, between tlio legal hours of sale, tho tract of land whereon Lindsev Edwards resided nt the tlmo ol Ills death, consisting of lots of land Nos 242 and 247, in (he 8th district and 4th section ol Walkor county.— Terms tush, R 8 NEELY, Adrn’r. Oct 8~tds / ^ EORUIA, Walker County—To nil whom tl VJi\may concern.—Lucinda Massey having ap- tr'jcd t.j mo in proper *loriu for permanent letters ot‘ administration on tho esta.o of J W Massey, lu’to of Mid county, deceased : Exooutor’a Salo. B Y virtue of art ordor from tho Court of ry of Gordon county, .will bu sold on.tlio flrd Tuesday of November next, 1808, nt tlio LonrL Houso door In Calhoun, between tlio legal hours of sale, tho lolloivlng land, to wit: Lots Nos 112, 111, 110,' 100, 105,76, 74,cnch of said lots containing*! 00 acres, ninro or less, lying In tlio 7th dlsirlctfimd 8d Bectlon. Known as tuo home placo / Also, at the samo tlmo and plado, lot No, 201, In tho Hth district alidad section. Knowu na llio Splvoy place. Hold ns the property of Joseph Wilson, dueeasod, for the benefit of tlio )jelrj and creditors. Terms ono half cqsli, fUe remnliider 12 months ciedit, with Interest and approved so* enrity, a Hon rebdued on land until paid for, pos session givou 1st day of Jummry. WIlLiaM MOBLY, Executor. Soptembcrl 7,1808 —tdw. ^ ~ Adm&iafcrators Sale. . B Y virtue of nn ordor In mo vested, from llio Court of Ordinary of Gordon county, I will sell befnro tho Court Houso door in Calhoun. Ga., on tho first Tuesday in November next: (10 M uorcr, nioro or leas, off lol of land number 2 r fl, Hth district and 3d section, lying east of, nnd adjoining Culhoun; nlso 3 acres off of tho west sldo of lot number 204, Hth district, 8d section of sold county. Proporty of A B. Ecuols, dcu’d, and sold subject to tho widow’s dower, for beno- fit of liolrs und creditors. Terms ball cash, tho other half credit till 1st of August, 1800, with noto and good Scourltv. September 10, 1808. td WM. S. JOHNSON, Admr, debonun A STICK IN TIME SAVES WINE! iU WISH TO SAVE MONEY IN TRI-i SAME PROPORTION (10 TO OROSSIBR’S NEW STORE, I ‘ HATH JUST OPENED AN ELEGANT AS- sortmeiit of Dry Goods and Groceries, nt mv.Ncw Hrluk )louse, on HamlUon Stroof, first Store abnvo noliandVLIVer.r Stable, adjoin ing Lowry d? Eason’s,-crinklstlng In part of 'Bloaehcd Wid Brown Domestics, PRINTS, DJffiiES'DRESS GOODS, Trimmings, Uosicry nnd Notions In variety, Bqpts. and Shoes, Hurdwnro, Qiiponsware, and Tablo Cuttlory, SUGAR, COFFEE, TOBACCO, POWDER, and an endless variety of articles too numerous to mention, all of which I offer at EXTREMELY LOW-PRIOES Call nml mo for yoiirnolvon, nml yon will ho ploiiMil with hath gornln nml priuvii. ltisn pleas ure to show uomls. S. O. OBOZIER. ATLANTA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Adminiotratotf’s Sale. B Y vlrtuo of nn order In mo vested, from tho T) Il'IlAUDS, J. J. A S, P,~ Establisho-I in 1848. Court of Ordinary of Gordon county, I will .ll» Booksellers nnd 8*nlipner.«. and dealers In sell on tho first Tuesday in November next, bcloro Musle and Musical Instruments, Wall Paper, etc. the Court-llouso donr In Calhoun, between tho ( Bank Blpek, Alabama stieet, Atlanta, legal hours ol snto, thofolloXvlng land, to-wlt: MOa . * nr „.—n-"u"a. li'Z~T Lot No. 04,- conlainltig 1 (to acres, more or loss, | P ^ ,C8EH -Book, Biallonory und lying in Die 7lh district and 8d section of Gordon f- «»‘ l keep mi hand wa. ij.nted county, known us tho Ilowett Pluce, Sold as tho Llil'omns, Iiltliographs, Albums, property of W. B. Hcwett, deceived, for tho ben efit of tlio lie!re and creditors. Terms ono half cash, tlio remainder 0 inoi'tlis credit J. MoCONN'ELL, Adrn’r, Jc bonis non. September 24—-tds. ate ot Mid county, deceased : This Is to cite nil nnd slngulnr the creditors nnd next of kin of said John W Massey to be and ap pear «t my ofllcc. within the tlmo allowed by‘law, nud^hovr cause, If any they enti, why p6rhlunoni “ administration should uot bo graulcd to Ludtidn J J±*iORQTA, Oortlon County.—Poldcn Kay, Littlefield, administrator oi' B. A. Stir-iton rvpfcsents to tho Court iu ids petition duly filed nml entered on record, that he Ims fully admlnis- teted said cstnto. This Is therefore to cite all person* concerned, kindred nnd creditors, to show e.iuse, if any they enu, why rnid administrator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismisrion on tho first \L>«- day In Kcbnury, 1S.1» fu&ffisjW'— 0. Ti’. NEEL, Only. ote., Nailonnl Hotel block, Atlatiln. dealer in Stoves, Tin Plato, nnd Tinnfcr’s Findings, Marietta street, Atlimtn, Ga. JOSEPH E. nOME, GA. Watoliee, Clocks, Jowolry, S1LV11R AND PLATED WAIIL\ SPECTACLES, French, China and Cut-Class lH arCj Cutlery, Toys, Musical Instruments, Flailing Tnuklo, Flno Household Articles, Pancy Goods generally. OLD UOI.II ANI) S1LVF.U TAKKN IN EXCIIAXOR. SOME OF THE PRICES: Gold Wntehes, from *♦, .$25 00 to $2no fib Hllvoi “ “ 10 00 to 60 (hi Plated “ “ 6 00 to io oo Yiinkco Clocks, for 2 oq French nndEnglishClocks from 25 00 to ino ou Silver Plated Tea Spoons, iutt, »i 0u “ Tablo “ per sett, Gold Pen, Silver Case, for Fine Chinn Platos^ncr sott ** Cups and Huuccrtlf per sett, * “ Tea Hotts, 4-1 pieces, Violin and bow, lor Cremona’s and othtr Vlmlns nt higher prices. FlnhtyiolinHtrings, per bunch, jfi Guitar Strings, per tett of six, 1 ( M , Aecorileons, from 1 00 to 25 Oo Fish Httoks, one hupdrod In paper,* 26 •Puro Silver Thimbles, ^Spectacles, fnmv. 25 cts to 25 (in 'Best N’ee,dlc8, 4 papers, assorted, In ciwe, lor 26 Will send needles by mail on receipt of 23 COMMISSION AND UliOOKRS. A K. SEA(H)—Commls8lon Merchant, Atlanta, . makes cash advances on consignments of cotton, fltmr, wheat, corn and Oilier produeo to himself, Geo. W. Williams, Charleston, S. C., o Williams, Taylor & Cm, 08 Beaver street, N. Y. Mu53oy' fc on puid^ilnto. t ttlti.css-my'lmnd nnd offl 0 i ft *i M S miture this Qvtohyr7th, 1808.222 Oct 8 -dM BmJTON RUSSELL, Otd’y. G EORGIA, Walker, County—^Two>onths af* ter dato applientfon will bo mndo to tho Courtjof Qrdiiniryjof Walker county, for leave to sell tlic lands beltiigl»jg to the estate of O P Harris, late of said county, deceased, for tho ben efit of tho licirs'und crcdltcre. Oct 8-2ni J; M. KEO.WN, Adrn’r. G EORGIA, Wallirr. County-Sixty’days af ter date application will bo made to tho Court ol Ordinary of Walkor county, Georgia, at tho first regular term alter expiration of two months from this notice, for leave to sell the lands belonging to tho ostuto of Mnrvll Duncan, lato of said county, deceased, for tho benefit ol heirs and creditors of said deceased. Oet. 1. J AM EH 0, WAUDLOW, Adn.’ Salo of Valuable Beal Estate. IMPORTANT TO CAPITALISTS & CREDITORS. W ILL be sold, on thj first Tuesday in Novem ber neit, before tlio Court-House door in Dalton, the followinglvnluublo real estate, belong ing to tho estate of Janies Morris, deu’d, to-wlt: The largo and valuable Hotel, known as- the Tibbs House, Dalton, Georgia, adjoining the De pot grounds and Car 8bou—said ^otcl being three stories, besidcs*tho basement, containing four sto.-e moms fronting *nn Hamilton stieet, besides basement rooms lioiiting Cur Shed, suita ble for Groceries, Liquors, Hilliard Suloous, &e , and 80 rooms nnd upnrtmcnts necessary Ibra first cluss Hotel. The estimated valuo of the icnts exceeds $5,000 per annum, and the properly is becoming moro valuable every day. It will bo sold subject to a lease held bv. Win. . Tibbs, wbich will expire 1st day of Hopteiu- her. 1871. ..rTcrins of Bnki, one-third cash,‘balance si^'iirtd twelve hlonths, with security'and legal..titles re tainable until'nuiohH8e money is paid. Also, the following lands, to be sold for ensh: Notioo. .Trustee’s Sale. I WILL Hell before tlio Court Houso door in Ringgold, Catoosa county, on Hist Tuesday In NnvomW noxt, within the legal hours of sale, tho following property to-wlt. One.lot ofland, known ms lot number two, In tho 11th district, third'section of said county,oou- mining 100 oetvs more or less. SoHns tho prop erty of Jesso Brannon and Geergo w. Turner, teiianU ii\. common, the first owning eight-ninths dti(! tlio other ono-iiinth. Hold under nnd by vir- Jiio or an ordor from the Superior Court of said oounty. for tho purpose of a dividend. Terms cash. * U. J. RPR AYBERRY, Trusteo Administrator’s Sale. B Y virtue of nil ordcr'of tho Court of Ordinary of Wnlker county, Ga., will bo sold between the legal hours bf sale, at tho Court Houso door ut LuFuyotto, Walker county, Ga., on t)io first Tuesday lit November ^ficxt, two lota of land No. 108, loth district nnd 4th section, nnd No. 180, 0:ii district, of said county. Lot No. 18U will be divided equally oust and west, uiul each Imlf sold separately. Tlio above lio hi ClmtiAitoogu valley; within 10 miles of Ciuiltunougn. Sold as tlio property of Edward Howard, deceased, for the benefit of creditors. Terms: notes’with approv ed and good securities, duo 15th February next, u ith Interest from duto, Titles made on payment of purchase money. Possession for seeding giv en nt tho usunl tlmo—full possession DoeeuiW limit. L. C. BLACK, Adrn’r. Soptembcr 24—tds. G EORGIA, Catoosa Coauty—Whereas, Wil liam J Whlmitt, administrator of the estate of M 0 Dyer, Into of said county, deceased, rep resents to tho Court, in his petition duly filod and entered on record, that ho has fully administered on said estate— This is thorofaro to cite and admonish all per sons Interested io show cause, if any they can, within tho tlmo prescribed by Uw, vfliy etters ol dismisson from said estate should not be grant ed to said applicaut, Iu April next Given un der my hand find official signature, this Oetobci 1808. J. M. COMBS, Ordinary, Got 8-0m ter’dHto application will bo made to the Or dinary of said county, for leavo to Bell tho real estato of R. L. Swanson Into of said county, de- can8ed. J, N. MURRAY, Adrn’r. September 17, 1808—2m. Admini8trator i *8 Sale. B Y vlrtuo of an ordor from tho Court of Ordi nary of Walker county, will bo sold, c first Tuesday in November next, at tlio Court- House door of suid county, within the legal hours of sale, tho following-lots ofland, to wit: Nos. 202, 270 ami 298, in tho 8th district nnd 4 th section of said county. Terms $500 cash tho bulaneo on a credit of ono and two years, with notes nnd good securities. Titles perfected on payment of purchase nionoy. Hold as the property of Jessie L. Coppingcr for distribution among llio heirs. HENRY F. WHEELER, Adm’i September 24—tds. DADE COUNTY. Dado Postponed Sheriff Sale. TATILD bo sold boforo the Court-Houso dour in if Trenton,‘on the first Tuesday In November noxt, between tho local hours of sale, tho follow ing property, to wltT Lot of land XoX&Q,' In tho 10th district and 4 th sectio® or Dado county, levied on ns tho property of B. M. Wilkinson to satisfy a fi fn is sued frpm Da'do Superior Court, In favor of John Owinn vs. Robort Allison nnd M.Nicholas, securi ty on stay. Property pointed out by A. B. Han na, Executor. O. L. WILLIAMS, Sheriff. October 1, 1868—tds. Bade County.—E. D. Graham hav ing npplied to mo for letters of administra tion on the estntb of Richard M. Aycock deceased. These are tlferefore to oito and admonish all and slngul r tho kindred nnd creditors of said deceased, to be and appear nt my ofiico at tho tlmo prescribed by law, to show cause if any. they have why said letters should not bo granted. SepV 17—30d. JAMES E. TAYLOR, Ordy. Notioe. QIXTY days after dato application will bo made O to the Court of Ordinary of Dade county, for leave to sell tho lands belonging to tho estate of David Davis, deceuscd. August 27-OUd. E, D. GRAHAM, Adrn’r. "GILMER COUNTY. made to tho Court of Ordinary of Gilmer couuty, fur leave to sell all the real estate of Ieaao Johnson, late of said county-deceased, fbr the benefit of the helm and creditors of said deceased. A. S. TATUM, Win. WALKER, Septcmbqt 10, lfi08-2ui. [ Adrn’r. Postponed Administrator’s Sale. B Y virtue of nn order from tho Court of Ordi nary of Walker county, will.ho 6old on tho first Tuesday iu November, 1868, at tho Court llouso door In said county, between tho legal hours of sale, lot of land No. 7, 26th dist. nnd 3d sec.; also eighty acres of lot No. 8, 26th dist. and 3d sec. Hold os tlio property of Street Camp, dec’ll, for the benefit of the heirs. Terms cash. Sep 24 JAMES H. ROGERS, Adni’ perior Court—Wherns, Snraif Ann Shaw, suidJStato and county, applies to tlio Ordinary for letters of administration on the estate of Stephen Shaw, deceased, lato of said county; These are therefore to cite and admonish all nud singular the kindred..ani\ creditors of said deceased; to show cause, if any they can,* why suid letters should not bo granted the applicant on the first Monday iu November, 1868. Given undor my hatid*and official signature, tbero being no Court of Ordinary, this Sept. 17, 1868. JAMES H. ROGERS, C. S. C. G EORGIA, Walker County—^Whereas, M. E. Rhodes, administrator on the estate of W, 0. Payne, deceived, represents to tho Court in his application that he has fully administered W. 0. Paynes’ estate: This is therefore to citq all persons concerned, kindred und creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be dis charged from his administration, nnd receive let ters of dismission on the first Monday in Feb ruary noxt. This July 81, 1868-6in. T. W. COBB, Ordinnry. G EORGIA. Walker County—-Wticrcns, Joseph Hull, administrator on tho ostate of George iresents to the Court in his ap- ins fully admlfiistercti George Hnil, deceased, £ Mention that ho fall’s estate. This is therefore to clto alt persons concerned, kindred nnd creditors, to show cause, if an tlioy can, why said administrator should not be dis charged from his administration, and receive let ters of dismission on tho first Monday in Feb- urary next. TblsJuIvttl, 868-6m. T. W. COBB, Ordinary. after date, application will bo mado to tho Court of Ordinary of Walker county, for leavo to sell tho land belonging to tho estato of ~ Couch, Into of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors nf 1 Oct 8-2m D W STRANGE, Admr. 'WHITFIELD COUNTY. 49, Mill dl« Ut!, 2d “ • lli'l, Ififfl “ 56, 8th 121,11th 4 .‘ 101, llili “ 283, llth “ 506, 5th “ 180,10th “ 628,21st “ 227; 21 st.“ 205,1 Stlit «* 510, lOib “ 285, llth “ 7, llth “ Is, imiu,“ », 1 Oth. ,r 2d Pickers county, Gn. Forsyth .Floyd Union* Carroll Lumpkin Lumpkin Lumpkin .nv, represents to tho Court, in Ills petition duly filed and entered on record, that ho has fully administered Eijiery Kay’s estato: This is thoroforo’ta clto all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not bo dis charged from his administration, and receive let ters of dismission the that Monday in Feb., 1868. JulyUtMlm. D. W. NEEL, Ordinary. J date application will be niudo to thu Court of Ordinary of Gordon county, fur U’are to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Nicbolo is Muss, Jr., Into of said county, decea-ed. August 27-2U1. J. A COLLIN'S, Adm'r. MUKBAY COUNTY. Floy 3d “ Paulding 8d Paulding ** Thomas “ 8d “ Cob!) “ 4th “ Walker “ 4th “ Walker “ 4Mi ** Dado *• 4tli “ Dado “ F. B. MORRIS, ) Executors THUS; MORRIS, J J. Morris, dee’d. September 24—tds. . . Murray Sheriff’s Buie, W ILL be sold before tlio Court-Housa door in Spring Place, 011 the first Tuesday in Novem ber next, between the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to-vll: Lota of laud Nos 311 and 812, in the Oth dist. and 3d section: levied on as the property of Gid eon J. Garner to suti.-fv one Superior Court fi In A. M. Norris & Co. vs said Garner, one Justices’ Court 11 fn in favor of A. M. Norris Co. vs W. II. Thomas uml Gideon J. Garner, and nvo Jus rites’ Court fi fas in iavur ot C'udbw, McKli./.ie A Co. va G. J. Gamer. The Justice-’ Court II las IcvUd and returned to me liv n constable, und property pqiutcd out by plnintitV's attorney. Also, the lot o' land 011 wluoh .Thomas T. Mc- MulUli forme rly Jived, iirthe 8th ;tllstrict of thu 8d section of said county of bjurrty: IcVied on by F. Vornlmrg, former Deputy .SheriIf, to satis fy one fi fa Irom the Superior Court of said coun ty, Louis F. E. Dueas vs (J. W. Waeiwer» prin cipal, Thomas T. MeMniiln and James Morris, securities 1111 en sa bond. Lot of land No. 02, in the 10th district and 8d section of Mumiy county, levied on oath.- property of Leonard Currouth, a non-resident, l»y virtue of a Superior Court fi la. E. S. Howell \>. W. II. Po‘eot—James Poteet, Leonard o’..rrouth and Laxiuus Poteet, security 011 stay. Oct. 1—tds NY. S. CALLAWAY, Sheriff. EABOU A Commission j!oi iu fiv 8 Onihito Block, Broad Street. UENRY WEST A CO.->Vholosa!u ^vocerennd 11 ComuiMon merchants, ruHcin.T? ^fr oot - Atlantn. Henry West—A. J. West! 2 On 1 60 1 60 1 50 1" 00 1 O') TAJIKS H. WYLIE—TYlidlesale Grocer and Coin- u miislrfn Merehnnl, Poaehtred street, Atlanta. BOOTS AND SHOES. ~^NKYKA N RS—NN'lioicsr 1c aiidTetaiTTica i e r I„ Boots;nnd Shoes, Leather, Calf Skins, and Shoo Findings ol every description, White-hull und No. 0 Peachtree street, Atlanta. Ij? 31. EUDI.EiBA.ti Ji CII—Wliuliisule Bralen. ii. A. . Hoots, Shoes,Leather, French und Aiuerioati Cull Skins, Shoe Findings, etc,, next door to Muor A Mutsh, Dceaturjstrcet, Atlanta. n II. A A. W. FORCE—Wljolomlo denhre in VT. Boots und Shoes, Whitehall street, Atlanta. Sell at New York Prices, freight added. DRY GOODS, ETC. MOORE A. juRSII—Exclii.-lvely "wTiol^ale 1*1 dealers Hi Dry Goods,Boots,Slioqs,Hats,Cups and Notions, agents foi-Tripu Factory goods, He- eutui r street Atlanta, f Georgia. CILVY A DOtC.HKRTY'—Wholesale O Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,Boots,>hocs, Huts and Notions, corner Peachtree aitd Decatur streets Whitfield Sheriff’s Sale, W ILL b'* sold before tho Court-House donr In, Dalton, Whitfield county, Georgia, 011 the first Tuesday iu Nov, next, tho lollowing prop erty, to-wlt: Eighty nercsoflaml, more or Icss^bci|g tlic West half of lot No. 298, in the 11 th'diit. and fid sed. of said county: levied on by virtitf of a 11 from Whitfield Inferior Court in favor Jlooro vs 11. II, Sapp, a deceased non-rfeldenl ami ns tho properly of said Sapp. Also, one acre of land In tho Northeast corner of lot ofland No. 238, la tuo 12th district slid fid section, it being the lot in the city of Dalton on which the defendant lives, to satisfy five Justices’ fas from the 872d Diet., tt. XL, four In fa vor of A. M. Norris A Co. vs Chnrles E. Broyles. Property pointed out by plaintiff, und ii fas lov* ied nud returned to me bv a constable. D. W. MITCHELL, Sheriff. October 8;T 868. Administrator’s Sale. B Y virtue ol an order lioiii the C0t.1t of Ordi nary of Murray county, we will sell before tlio .Court-Homo in tho town of Spring P'aeo, nn tho firai Tuerda) in November next, within the legal boms of sale, lots of laud Nos* 117, 118 and 07 in tho Oth district of the 31 section of Murray county. Sold ns the property of A. M. Turner, deceased,2?>!*the benefit of tht* heirs uml creditors of said dq^gnse.l. This plneo is known Us llio A. M. Turnrrwin. ^erpis two thousand dollars to be paid down, the balance nt 12 months. Titles made when all the purchase money is paid. J. I, Me ENTIRE, , .., , WEBSTER COFFEY, f Ajm Sentorabor 17, J808—fOd. bnum, also keeps |iest stock ol Kronuli.Anior- lean and German CorseMs, Ladies’ ready made artirles for uiidor wear, Notions, Hosiery, Lady omen. Next door to National Betel. T AYLOR, J. A.—Wholsnlc aim retail dealt* Drugs, Medicine 1 *,Paints, Oils,Dye-Stuffs,Glass ware, .^nigieal Instruments, etc., sign of Gulden Eaglo, comer Peachtree und Decatur streets. Domcsric Drugs, Paints, Oils, Dyo Stull's, etc., uuder National Ho tel, Atlanta. HARDWARE. T 31. A R. C. CLARK—‘Importers nnd dealer* bj 1. Hardware, Cuttlery. Iron, etc. Also agents for Fairbauks* Standard Hoiks and Knoxville Iron \Volks, sign t»f*Bjg Pud Lock, Pgaclitreu str .W,0RK DEPARTMENT. The Beet in l*orth Georgia. . Watches refrriretl In best style—new JewcU or neff Wheels, if necessary. Clocks Repaired nml wm ranted, JeVvelry mended in best stylo at New Yotk prices, Gold Pens Repaired. Wedding nnd Engagement Rings mndo 'to or- dm; and engrqved us de lved, Society Dodg* • J Pins furnished tn order. Spectacles Repaired, and ttmroesiji*!"" sired. Glasses seketyd to suit ages, cnrc-fullv. nnd on polcntifle principles. A tliurougl’i k.iovvl' edge of the Scloiieo of Optics, und twen y-fivo years c-xjwrieneo In the ipcotuclo bu*lne^, m». * ’ tie to do ail that I pramiio, ue I’obbjes and Glasses kept alwnya cj; hand. SECURITY AND SAFETY. - Be Careful HVtcrc you Leave Your WaUh to It - Repaired, A grout many Robberies nre being eommitied all over tlnj country, ami. NN’atch Makers «,re liv- quenlly robbed* To secure toy Cu-tomcrs, as well as my.-icif, I b tve a large Fire ami Dnrrjldr Proof Safe, In a Vuu.t. All valualiles are put in every ifgl.t, and the store i** well guarded. (Infers so tic lu d from everywhere uciO-Om ti. r. JO ACES, BUCCESSOU TO 11UUNKTT AND JONES, Dealer ill all Herts of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoos, Hats, Croek'ei-y, ere, Will not he Undersold- Yard Stick 30 inchce lout:! t Alls . BOMU, OA. iy- A. 0. P1TKKR. II. II. SUIT!/. l-ITJTEK ft .SJtllTJft, NVholesjilc and Retail G roeers and (loin m issioti Merc limits No. 60 Bread Hire* (,i Pilmr’s Cuncr.) oetl5 ROME, GA! Ciu Tennessee House, T . .A. STANHBURY, Proprietor, Kome.Cs, • near tlio Railroad Dop'-t ri d Hjeinii’l>i nt 31.3, J.f. A i.EX A Y HER —Dealer'*in ll nlv.a Street, Atlmitn. oil. curjns.::uAPES, etc. indow Shades, Mats, Rugs, Curtains, C... nice, ami all descriflions of House Good.-*, corner Marietta nud Hrond sweta, Atlanta. T_F,0RCIA, fllui r.1) toilutj^—T w0nu0111hs a I tcr dato application wRltHo mado to tho Court Binary of Murray ctglnty, lor leuvotc sell of lund numbers 12? and 128 in rite 27ilt (strict nnd 2d section of said county,.belonging to the estato of S. O’Neal, doceased, to snUffy a part of the purohase money. This So|)tembcr 10, 1868. E. H. HOWELL, Admr. C J.K0RGIA, AVhltfldd Coiftity—NVherens, W. X J. Hill has applied to me, in ’due form, for letters of administration on tlio estate of J. W. Mili, late of snid oounty, deconsed: This is to cite all persona concerned to show cause nt my ollico, on tho first Monday iu Novem ber next, II any they can, why permanent letters of udministmtiim, on the cstuto of suid deceased, should not bo grauUid to the applicant. Oet. 8*-80d W. U. BROOKER, Ord’y. G EORGIA, AVliIIfidd Connty.—^Whereas, W. R Ault bos applied to ino for letters of admin istration, on the estuio of Henry Ault, lute of said eounty, deceased: to-clte all persons eonccrnod, to show cause ht my office on tho'first Monday in Novem ber no$t, if any they cun, .why permanent letters of iidiuinistrdtioii on the estate of said deceased, should not bo granted to the applicant W. R. Ault, W. H. BROOKER, Ordinary, October I, 1808—30d KOR&AV WMtnrld County.—Dnvlii Haw- kins linving applied to be appointed guar dian of the persons und property of Georgia A, William R/firq G, and Mary Craig, minor orphans of John G. Craig, residenta of suid county: This is to cite all persons cancerneri to be and appear at the- Court of Ordinary, to bo held in and for said, couuty, on the first Monday in No vember, 1368,’11 ml show cause, if they can, why said David Hawkins should not be interested with the guardianship of tho persons nud property of said orphans. J. P. FREEMAN, Ordinary. Sept. 10, td Administrator’s Sale, the Court-llouso door in Dalton, on the first Tuesday in December’next, lot ofland. No 800, clevonth district, third section, of suid county, belonging tq the estate of John Broaddrick, loi the benefit o£hcirs and crcditora. oct9-40d M. P. BERRY 7 , Adm’r. G EORGIA, Whitfield Coanty.—Two mouths af ter dato application will bo made to the Court of Ordinary of Whitfield county,for leave to sell the lands of the minor children of T S Swift, deceased; also 80 acres belonging to the estate of said deieaBcd, lor the benefit of tho heirs and creditors of said deceased.. Oct.O-2ra M. M; SWIFT, Adra’x. G GEORGIA, Murray County—^Whereas, Thos. Counnlly, udminkti-ntor nil the estate of Henry Wilson, deceased, applies in duo form of law for letters dismissory from tho estate of said deceaed: These are therefore to cite nnd admonish ull and singular the kindred and creditors of suid deceased to file their objections, if any thov have, r before the Nov. Term of the Court of Or dinary, to be held on the 1st Monday iu Nov. next, otherwise letters will bo granted the nppli cant. Givon undor my hnrnl nnd official signature this 30th dav of April, 1868. ANDEUSON FARNSWORTH, Ord’y, May 1—Pin. G EORGIA, Blnrray County—Whereas, 1 Howell, administrator on the estate of P. C. Howell, deceased, applies in-duo form of law for letters dismissory from tlio estate of snid dee’d : There nro therefore to eito and admonish nil nnd singular tlio kindred nnd creditors of said deceased to file their objections, if anv they have, on or before tlio November Term 61 tlio Court of Ordinnry to bo held in said county on the first Monday'in November noxt, otherwise said letters will bo granted the applicant. Given under toy hand und official signature, May 20th, 1868. 6m* ANDERSON FARNSWORTH, Ord’y. Notice, A LL persons nre hereby notified not to trade for or purchase a certain promlsory note, executed by nio for the sum of One Thousand Dollars, to ono S. A. Porter, in the month of March last, and duo twelve months after tho dnto thereof, with Interest at ten per cent, from duto of said note, as the consideration for which tho samo was given ling failed. Oct. 1—4t, . W. S. CALLOWAY, Sheriff W. LDFFMAN. R. J. M’CAMY EufTman JIcCamy ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 8PR1NQ PLACK, GEOROIi E Y vlrtuo of an order of the Honorable Court of TT7 ILL practice In the courts of the Gherokeo Ordinary of W bitfield county.rwill sell before W 01 Circuit. marlO-tjan ir. 1 r. GiODEjrs, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8PRINO PLACE, OKOUOIA, W ILL practice In tlio Cherokee Circuit and givo special attention to collecting and securing claims. murl94jan Dr. E. O. Staif'ord R ESPECTFULLY tenders his Professional ser vices to the eitlsens of Murray and adjacent counties. All Diteaee* peculiar to Femalet, nnd Chronic Diseanet of every description treated. Offio at the r6*klenos of Mrs* Humphreys’, near Hawkins’store, Rock Creek, Murray county. ;olivmiL [n. dforAUDAiL. OLIVER & WAUDAIL, •VST* jSl ii: 3EKEX O TCT13 311 AND Commission Merchants, Cot'ncr Alabama and Forsyth Sire., Atlanta, Ga. t3T AnKNTS for Mariktta Papkii MiLL—keep 1 sizes lMnting and Wrapping paper on hand, at lowest'tliorket prices. [August 6-0tn. AMERICAN HOTEL,- ALABAMA STREET, Atlanta, Greorgia. WHITE it WHITLOCK, Proprietors, [NKARKST UOCKK TO Tills PASSKNOKR 'HKPOT^- W. D. If r xley Chrk. TTAVING agnin leased and renovated the Tl- above Hotel, wc nre prepared to entertain guests iii a most satisfactory manner. Charges fair nnd moderate. Our effort will bo to pleaRO. CSF'Buggngo carried to ami from thti Depot reo of charge. J. N. B. Cobb, H AVING determined to resume his profession ns n Tailor, tenders his services to lie, and asks to *«hni-o n portion of their patronage. Hu feels confident, from past experience, that the public can bo us well served in his lino in Dalton, ns elsewhere. £gTHo will be in constant receipt of the lat-. ist fashions, to enable him compete with th best his business. > Grover & Baker Sewing Machines. In addition, I have become the agent of tho world-renowned Grover & Baker Hewing Ma chines, tho best in use . Persops^vishing to.pur chase a first cluss Machine (Mado so by calling at my Shop on King Street,^ilton, Ga., where the Maebino is in successful operation, Y 7 ou win buy your Machine «.-» cheap from J. N. U. Cobb ns at the Manufactory, fail mid ex amine thu Machine lor yourself. Washing Compound, I nlso have for sale family right** for Jaokson’4 Universal Washing Compound, which saves soap and labor, and will wash inuny kiudof lime wa ter equal to freestone water. gSf'I’uraliy Rig[i only One Dotlur. Purchase one if von want wlnte clothes. Feb! 28- ly. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST! Fiu’o. Drugs and Jfedicincr, At "Tutt'* Old Stand—Etftabliehed iu 1840. T HE undersigned Is prepur.ed and dully offering eve ytliihg in the Dnig line AT NASII Vlf.LE prices! The stock is large and will nlyrtiys ho kept full ol (ho best Medicines. Piiinraf Oils, Dye-stalk. Window (»lass,Perfumeries,Toilet Honps,Hruslicf, CoinUs; etc., t*i be found in the Eastern innil;«'l*. * Don’t fail to visit tho UWi.'Htnnd, sign of tlio Golden Mortar. „• Mr. J. G. Rawlings, formerly wjjh B. F. Tull, tho oldest Druggist and Prcsciiptlonkt in tla’ city, will he on hund at all times to servo his cU 9111 new customers. t . Physicians will find it tp their -intlTest to gh’u me a call. I only nsk an examination of my go«*b nn*l pricos, feeling assured I will able to please all. A>. t\ .mCOllliEE. jul2-6m 123 Market Street, Chattanooga, Tcnn. TIIOS. WKDSTKR. R. MANN- CHATTANOOGA FOUNDRY AND Machine Works. THE Proprietors nre prepared to manufacture all A kinds of jnnchinoiy uiedin this country, u.-* Sfalionnry and Htcnmhont Engines and Hollers, Blast Furnace, M4uing nnd Mill Machinery, td every description; nlso Rnilrond, Bridge, anil b ; I other kinds of Iron and Brass Oustings: fiieaiu Gungos nnd Gas Pipe Fittings alvjyiys on liiind. Hppcial contracts mado for ’nrge quantities nf CnstiffgR. Brass and Copper taken In exuhnnga for Castings.- THOS. WEBSTER & CO. jul2-6m Proprietors. ~C\ T. Wilcox, Grocer and Provision Dealer, ! " FIIESII AND CANNED FRUITS, Staple Groceries, nt Lowest SInrket Prltesf. 251 Maj'kct Street, Chattanooga, 7et\n. A TTACUED to this'establishment is u first cla« il Bakery, at which orders for Wedding or otbif suppers are filled ut short notice, Special attention given to buying and setii*? jul2-6m Country Produce. J. N. B. OOBB. J. S. Ellxpatrieh, HOUSE, SIGN AND DECORATIVE Paper Hanger. Glazor uni A to him will be executed with neatness nnd dispatch. Shop, upstalre io King building. Dalton, Georgia. Refers to W. M. & R. J. Lowry, Fains & Far- rot, Atlanta; Lowry & Eason, Tibbs, Keener Co., Dalton; Whitman & Yarncll, Riqgggld., jyl Ucyicood $ G alias an, Dealers In DB.Y GOODS- Groceries, Bouts ami Shoes. Ilnvdsvnrc, CotClerf. QneeusM are, and all kinds of I'roduce, Curner Oth nml Market Sh oots; juIMm- iJUmMiOUA.TRW^ Patton ft Payne, Eooksellers' and Stationers, CHATTANOOGA, TENN., t , K EEP eonKtniUly on hand a complete stock01 School Rooks, Stationery. Wall Paper- ett * which they offer rat wholesale or retail, ut Kustrt prices. july2-D Orders by l receive pronipt nttenri 1 ' 11 - A'JTtOJTAE HOTEL, A. L. MILIAR, PROPRIETOR TWENTY RODS FROM PASSKNOKR DKP0T, Railroad ijV^tn^o, between 8th r.nd 9th Sirecl-S CHATTANOOGA^ TENN. ' Vprms—$2.0ft per dny^_ Single meals 60o^J J. L. M, ERWIN, HOUSE OABPUNTER AND JUINBBi TjrOHK worrnntodtoglvosatlsfaclloii, Shop* \V old Methodist Church building. Out |B-tkV " - ""