North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 29, 1868, Image 1

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my r- r r ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY OP TUB CITY OP 3D ALTON. "AUCTION AND COMMISSION. UEKX, r. M—Atn’iinn and Ooratiilulul* Merchant, King alrout. _ _____ DBT QOOD8 AND QHOOE^Ba, iytmoFZER k I.OVKUAX—Wliolcxnlo and A nil KIT, I, \V.—Dealer In'firjr floods, Ore- eerie*, ProvMen*, etc., Hamilton street. B 1) -|)1RCL1Y, JM1S—Dealer In Oroceilcn, ftrovl- Ji J rimituwri Produce, opponito Tihlnf Hotwo. II ITIMI, M.—Denier In Urucerlo". I’tovUoiu ) and Quronnware, IlnmlHo atrcct. IHRISTIlX. J. K. k E.—Doalcre In DryOooda 1 Ilrnocnra.PmvIalnnannd Produce. Seacard. YKOZlfiR, 8. C.—Dry Omnia, Graccrle*, Hurd' ’ warn, otc., noir,alora pn.thuiilltnn rtrwtL.. \ EATON k LYNN—Dealer, lift Dry Hondo, ) Groceries, Prodnoo and'Hurd«are, corner [. Waugh amlUamllton atrtot. AVIS, W. It., k CO.--I>enlcro In Family and Funcr Groceries. Saloon attached. Cheater louoe, north corner King and Hamilton. H ADDOCK, 11. Il Dealer In Dry (looilo,Gro ceries, Data,Capo, Boota,8hoeaaiidauppIlca, i Hamilton atreet. ■■ ‘ K I.VO, J. II.—Dealer in Groerrlea, DryGooda Clothing and lloota and Hhoca. General gent lor Agrleulfiral Implements, Hamilton at, L OWRY k E.I8II.V—Wholeaale and llntnll Dealers In Dry Good., Groceries and l’ro | dneo, comer Gordon and Hamilton'. Sco Advcr. eCUTCnV k CALDWELL—Dealers In Dry Goods, Gronerlea, Produce and Hardware, liteareornornf AVangh and Hamilton »treet. eClTl'IlEX k BITTING—Denier. In Family 'Groeoriea,Produce, otc., cast aide Hamilton F street ainna, PostolHee building, King alrect. m XT1CIH1L9, JIMI.V B.—Dealer In Groeerl.-a, I 1 Produce and general fatally supplies, corner j Kltijj and Hamilton street. . H unt, J. B.—Wholesale anti Retail Dealer in Dry Gouda, Notions, Hardware, Queonaworo and Groocrloa, jaui 0, Tilth's llonac. ’COTr. J. X.—Denier In Dry Goods, Groceries, ) etc., Cheater llptiao, Hamilton Street, rpiBBS, KENNER k CO.—Wholesale and He. Jl toil Dealers In Dry Gooda, Groceries and.tgrl* cultural Implements, and Farmers Supplies, 1 Tilths Touae, h’o, I and 2, Hamilton street. SeeAdver. [ .L eeriesand Provisions, opposite Tlbh'ofluuae. Tho Wiokodoat General— Govornor Vnno>,of North Carolina, Impales Kilpatrick. Charlotte, X. C., 13th Oct., .1863. Sir: 1 sco by the public prints that An. Kilpatrick hits decorated mo with Ilia disapprobation before tho pooplo or BHnsy ttatiffir no Informs thorn, BiibBtnnUnlly, tlmt he tnmoil mo by cap- luring mo ami riding mo two httndrod miles on n bare-bnpk mulo, 1 will do tho gontlomlm tho. juatlco to nay that ho knew that was a lie wltott lio uttor- cd It.’ Isurrendorod to Gon. SeholWId, at Groonslioro, N. 0., on the 2d of .May, 18(l&r who told mo to go to my homo and remain' thoro, saying If 1to got tiny orders to arrest mo ho would soml thoro for me. Accordingly, I was arrested on tho 18th of May, at homo, by a detachment of 300 cavalry, under Mnjor Portor,of Harrisburg, of whom I rucolvod noth ing butkiminess and courtesy. I camo in a buggy to Snllslmry, where wo took the cars. I saw no undo on the trip, though I thought 1 snw an ass at tho Gcnpritl's headquarters. This impres sion Inis been since confirmed. The General, no doubt, remembers, among ptlitr incidents bl the war; the dressing up of a strumpet—who assist ed him int putting' down the rebellion —in the uniform of an orderly and in- trodheing Iter into a respectable fami ly of ladies in a certain vlllago in North Carolina. This.amlotlier feats of arms and strategy, so creditable to the uni form he woro nnd the Oag under wltioh ho served, would, no doubt, have bean qnito as amusing as the mule story to his'hearers. I wonder ho forgot it. Respectfully, yours, Z. B. Vanoe. Ouo Thousand Dollars a Mluuto. Brick Pomeroy's now paper, the Now York Democrat, says of tho public debt ami expenditures: Wocic In nnd wook out,’month after month: ami your after yonr; through tho busy hour? of tho day and tho silont wntolios of thu night; observing tho sn- rod rest Christian Sabbath, re- ..ovod by tho Joyous welcome anil Jo cund Bhouts of no social, religious, or lintional holiday ; steady as tho meas ure^, tuieoaslug, beating of t'uo chro nometer— One thousand dollars a minute! For tliroo consecutive years, which have elapsed since tho cessation of all armed hostilities between the States mul the seels of our country, Itave been wrung from tlio’industry of tho people to carry forward the chimeras of tho humanitarian “party of groat moral Ideas"— Only think of ill One thousand dollars a minuto I No rest I No Intermission! It is truly appalling I Anil this on' ly for current expenses and interest on the public debt I Interest did wo say? It does not pay tho interest I The debt goes on increasing i Aud such a debt I Its magnitude is almost beyond the power of human com' prehension I Tho Debt m Silyor. It is stated in the Sunday Nows, of this city that the amount of tho puli- lie debt in silver dollars, if spread out singly upon a smooth, lovel plain,'as dost ns they would lie, would cover an nrea of nine hundred square miles 1 And that the eiuie numherof silver dollars would lie sufficient to lay n wall four feet high, the columns in close contaut one hundred and twenty-five miles long I It would require one million four hundred and eighty-four thousand and fifty-eight men to lift these dollars, each man lifting one hundred pounds 1 These dollars would weigh one hun dred nnd forty-eight millions four hun dred and seventy-live thousand pounds. This would lie soventy-four thousand Independent. Tho Franklin (St. Mary) Planter’s Banner, October 3d, relates the fol lowing: 1 Last Saturday a colored man, who was formerly a servant of Mr. G. L. Fuseilcr, hut who purchased. Ills free dom before the war, mingled witli the crowd of whito and colored Democrats and Radicals on our streets, during the speeches nml the movements of the 7 „ procession, with tho following card' two hundred and thirty-seven Ions! CONFECTIONS, BAKERY I mtVALEY, J- AV Confcetlqncr, Dokcr ami Fancy Grocer, Hamilton, bcloat glngatrcol. k'YElL, R P—Fancy Grocer anil Confec tioner,' with Saloon attached, TlhwffHqtno. ~DRUGCiiaTfih , ~ B UOAVV, B II.-Dealer In Drugs, Mcdivlnca, Paint*, <H ! *, Glut*, etc. • lnmiranci* agynt. ~ ^.bflowr port office. A . - '.Hi IvNUGIT—Dealers in Urup. Moil 'S I’atiiln, Oil*. GlrtM, etc ,' Ny.yl, ITaruiU.m ,:nU. " I'URXTITBHE.' ' t U U KS, J. B. & C. W.—Wholesale slid i V Ketitii Deulore nnd Mamiracturcre of all Mud* Bf KurnUurr, Hamilton nireet. 'iHKiWKKH €0.—All do- 1 *erl;»tiono of Furniture manufactured. Saw nd Gri*t mill ntt iehed. See Advertisement. i'AlTCT GOO DS AT?D NOTIONS; STOVE R TIN WARE, ETC., I >AIX A UcCaStY—WlyileMlo. mid HetaU J ) D.-ulm In Stove*, lltdlowr Ware, Hardware, and M.ina’acturer* ol Tinware, Hamilton *treot. ;«irrnKRI.lM», 4. Is.—Dealer in Stove*, Hollow Wnre, ll trdwnro, uud Mmmfnuturor iTinw.ire, Hnnillton atreet. ~MBC a A WI3 M * ~ fYtmLYHUiV; X.V’Tik Co.—iCmuM Cilice in .v.-r ntory of lVintin:; House lluildiug, rd Sirti't. A!tviiy'|*ny c;i*h for Hid *. “ Tho Womon of tho Bouth." From thii Mwra|iollian (S. Y.) Hcconl, \Vhnt visions of nil that is purqst amt noblest, holiest and best In human nature, rise bolbru us at thu haru men tion of those live magic words I Tho one redeeming fcatnro of olir sin cnrsod earth. Tho one romqlnliig trace of lloavcn, and of Edell, In it w ilderuess of this tles nnd thorns, Tho ono soft ray of celestial light, tlnlt illumlnntos even tho blncknoss of our eight years of horror, devastation nnd death ; and Hint still casts a lin gering Imlo of hope-inspiring rndinneo, upon tho dark clouds that overhang onr future. Talk to us of thii heroines of Grceuo and Rome. jl Amtwith n heart gtowing with hon est pride, wo poltil yof-t.ijlun thousand Lueretins, Semponins nnd Oonielias, in our own Southern homes I Talk to us of Spartan mothers and Roman matrons. And with you, in Vir; ncsscc, Floi . olf Missouri, to hosts of mothers mors devoted, self-sacrificing, bravo aodpm llavo yon road it? THAT written and pnhllshod, In n Southern capital of a Southern Stnlo, by n foul, leprous-sonled, slum-spiiwcd sing of May-Flower fanaticism,—and THE PRltrllTllATOlt I.t VES ! His putrid heart should have been torn form his carcass, and burnt on a muck-heap, as an olTcring to insulted, outraged womanhood! • And it would have been dono in an hour l— But— A regiment'of United Stales sol- dlcre stood ready to guard him I And n hundred JncUohln editors were walling to howl “ rebel outrage," If his vile life had paid thii penalty of his atrocity 1 Thera Is no depth in HELL so black nnd loathsome, that woultl not iblnsh to hold this Infamous libel on all ua- turo, human, hoastial, and infernal 1 And yet ho lives I An American garrison, wearing the uniform of onr quondam Republic, is stajioned to proloct him from tho righ teous vengeauco of tho people, lowborn his vcry'presonoe is a plnguo I And this you cnll Reconstruction I May God Almighty hasten tho day, murmuring, .than nil the boasted dames when the wrath and strong rioht arms, of aucient story—tq,maidens more 0 'f a long-outraged'and patient people, written distinctly and placed'on tho front of liis lint : “MV principles." “I owe no thanks to any man for my freedom. “I earned it, dnringlhe time of slave- j dimes, linked together at the edges, ry, through iibnest toil ami With the long enpnglt to reach arouniUhe earth, It would take thirty-seven thousand ono hundred and eighteen double teems, each loaded With two tons, to draw ibis amount of,sill er! It would make a Chain of silver protection of God. “Believing the North the home of freedom, I visited Boston, New York, Philadelphia nnd oilier cities, in search of liberty nnd equal rights. “There I met with no friends of my race, T ii4> “1 returned to the sunny Snalh, ami here 1 live, and feel tlmt. 1 can live free nnd happy among tho Southern men, the true friends of tho colored man, confident tlmt tho South is tho best country nnd tho Southern whites the best friends or tho black race. “Therefore I am n staunch and fear less Democrat, nnd a supporter of Sey mour am) Blair. “Your most obedient servant, “Henhy Thomas.” >t.A.\ f0.\ k tnl.LI.AS—llu'lM,(kt'i'i'iili’n, .nil / Joiners. Shop corner of llill amt 8pe"oi;r ^fteta.. Work learr.inteil, cxeiamat nlitl tliaputell. Jot er. Work warranted to irlvcaii-lictlo ll'i’i'a, F.—Root slid Slioo Muter, cornor of King and IhnitUon r ( 'I ATI1F.Y & SOX—Root nn.l Slice Sinkers, curl J of postoOlue liiiiliHng, on Kingrlreet; .Hi:!. J. X B.—Tailor, and Agent for Sewing ' Machines, King rtrret. DAIRY, Jotiu A.—Ilarnesa Shop on King f street, near Post nllluo. 1 AVICK, II. SI. k J. P.—House, Sign andOroa. I mental Painters, amt Paper Hangers. PROFESSIONAL. B IVlXis, A. YV.—Phyduiitn ami urjjcon, at tcml* to call* in city or county. See mil. Ur. €. P.—Pli.vslciitn uml Surgeon, \J tuny bo found nt h:« odicc over Pitiuun'a HHfe, when not profcssiounUy rngngi*d. M'i lie may be found when not engaged. J. A. It, HANKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ViTHsl. practico m all tho eonnlle* of the Cherokee Circuit and ill the United Statoa District Court lor tho Northern District of Geor- /. ir. jtrERi% ATTORNEY AT LAW, \ \7 II,L practice law lu all the counties of tld* jf Circuit, mid U. S. District Court. jim9-ly JB. a. BiVJJ%'GSt 'jSTTOUNEY AT LAW, W ll.t. practice in alt the counties conipmiug tho Cherokee Circuit. jun 1 ly j. k j. .1. OLE.r.r, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, A Tl’KND to all tho collection of claims and JljL practice in Cherokee Circuit and U. 3. Dis trict court, janU-ly IP. K. J1IOOUE, TOltNEY AT LAW, 1, pnictiee in the Supeiior Coorts „f the ^^Clicruaco Circuit, nnu in tho U. States Dls- triot Court St Attala, anil give strict attention to Base* of lta .kruptev. innr'J7-ly 0.D. MuCufcnre LE. SuonlTt. .WUutchrn K Shumate, TORXEYS AT LAW, ILL practice in tho counties of Bartow, Gordon, Murray, Whitfield, Catoosa, Wat- Ihsttoofa and Dads. Jnns IS—ly* The Ojikat Result,—The result of tho elections hold yesterday, ns fur as received up to going to press, will bo found on our first paga to-day. 11 will lie soon that tho Democracy of Fliila- dolphin have covered thorn sol Ws with glory. Notwithstanding the perpetra tion or tho most .enormous frauds by ■the Radicals, anti the disfranchisement of thousands of legal Democratic.vo ters, wo have carried tho city by a Imndsomo majority, and hurled from, power tho corrupt party-wlUoli lias so long diBgraacd this metropolis with its mismanagement and misrule. The election of Daniel M. Fox ns Mayor, and the whole Democratic city nnd county ticket, is a great triumph of truth and Justice, nnd last night the popular Joy nt tho glorious result ex hibited itself in the most enthusiastic manner.—Philadelphia Age, Hlh. A Younq Man Commits Suicide at THE GltAVE of ais BETnoitiED.—John R. McGowan, a voting mnu, commit ted suicide yesterday at the tomb of n young indy to whom ho Imd been at tached, in tho Washington Cemutery, by shouting himself in the head with n pistol. The hall penetrated from tho right to tho left temple. lie was con voyed to tlio Charity Hospital, and died there about seven o'clock. lie was engaged to be married tonyonng lady who died about a year ago, nnd from this grief lie never recovered.— Mr. McGowan, was tho spn of the woll- kitowti captain of tho Star of tho West, Crescent City, and other vcssols. Ho served through tho ivnr in tho Washing ton Artillery—New Orleans Itepubli can, Oct. 2. Tho Radicals say there is stakes of ten thousand dollars on Grnnt’s elec tion waiting to ho taken nt tho St. Nicholas Hotel, Now York. There i9 a stake of four hundred nnd seventy one millions in taxes in tho pockets of the people that will also bo taken on his election.—[Del. Free Press. Tho Cloveland Plnindenlor says tho Democracy enrried forty-one counties at tho recent election, only losing three tlmt they carried last year, nnd gain ing one they lost. From all tho Dem ocratic counties wo hear tho nows “Wo will do bettor in November."— Let us work I work ! and increase our vote everywhere. M’utiDEnr.D Her Husband.—A dis patch from Dayton, Ohio, 20th, says : A woman named Wn'rnick murdered her husband at an early hour this fore noon near the oily. She first shot him with a revolver; then Btrnck him sev eral times on tho bond with ono. The cause was domestic troubios. - extend to mid reach around the moan, ami leave two hundred and ninety-eight millions of dnllurs over—or inure than enough to defray the expenses of the Federal Government, under a Demo cratio administration, during u who! How hard it. is to realize tho rnagni- de of this debt! But how much harder Tor the people to pay it!—AT. 1'. Vcmocrul. hlgh-souied and heroic,' than tho maids ol' Carthngp, who. stripped their tres ses to string their lovers' bows I Tako our women where'you will, at home and abroad, in peace ami in war, nnd they stand peerless in the anuals of the world I Gentle, tender, loving, confiding, gcherotis, refined and pure ns the snowy lilies of the vttlloy! No Btrong-mlmted-woman-ism, no fe male-rights brawling, no shc-lcoturing, and crowing-hcn-ism, no Morntonistii, or Free-love-lsm, ovcr'.cpossed our fa vored borders. I ' AH' such vile heresies imd to look to, other climes, for their believers, At the Ohio ami l’otomac, they met with a stent, Irrevocable, “Thus.far shall thou como, nnd'no further 1" Social irregularities and orimes;which linvo'swept over all other ’lands, tire unknown and almost unheard of, among us. ’ lu a hundred years','butONI'.divorce lias been recorded in.Sooth Carolina! Our women, stainless nnd reproach less, ruling in love and gentleness, and rearing high Urn standard of in traltly anil decorum, have ever preserved our atmospiierc free from llie-coutagion of impurity, which lias infected every oth er region of the. globe. And behold them ill those dark and terrible hours, when the hearts of brave men trow faint, and faltered. Taros—How tin Poor unit pays Them. It is a favorite theory of the. Radical partytlmt tho poor mail pays no taxes; that because lie docs not, nt nnimnl periods, draw a check for so much utnficy due tho government for income tax, or tax on real estate, tlmt, there fore', he is free from all burdens of this character. This view is proclaimed by Radical orators from the stump, nnd repeated in the Journals of that party. But there never, was a more erroneous position assumed or stated: In point of fact, the poor laboring man pays as much, if not more tax, in pro portion, than the rich man. To lie sure tho tax is not direct, hut it is unite the less certain and burdensome. As taxation is imposed .upon land amt money, the price of all kind of goods advances. Tito laborer buying them nt the retail store, has to pay not only tho original value of tho tiling, hut all the tax on it that lias been paid nt each stage by the manufacturer or Importer, tho wholesale dealer and tho retail store-keeper. Tito tax is shifted froth one to the. other, with additions at each stage, until it comes to the custo mer—tho ono who buys tho goods to use and not to sell. And liuro the bur den rests; lie must pay the whole ac cumulated amount of taxation, and get none of it back. As long ns tho goods are being sold nnd transferred from hand to hand; so lung iheiitxis kept shirting from one man to another; but when tho article ceases to bo turn ed over'nnd becomes applied to the use for which it was designed, then the tax enn ho no further shifted. The man who wears the shirt pays tho tax of tho slore-kocper who sold it, of tho wholesale dealer who supplied it to tile store, and of every man who has hand led it, back to the cotton-factory m 1- lionnire in whose mills it was wovon. As .Tctrersqn says: “Taxation Is likon ball rolling down stair?, it bumps on oaclt step, but it finally rests on the lowest." That Is the working man, and ho therefore is the most deeply in terested in having un.lioncst, economi cal government iu order that taxation may not enhance the volume of all he uses and supplies to ids family. The Radicals are wasteful, extravagant, corrupt. They linvo increased debt nnd taxation, nnd will continue to do so. Is stiuli a party entitled to the support of working men ?—Philadel phia Age. Sensible.—In his brilliant Portland speech, Richard O'Gnrmnn hit the nail fnlrly on the head.. If Gen. Grant is the great soldier his friends elaim, let him remain tviicre ho can he useful, nnd not spoil a good soldier to mako a poor President. Napoleon costs France nearly $3,000, 000 a year more than Louis Philippa did Exchange. Radicalism costs tho United States over five hundred million a year more titan Democracy did. shall hurl it nnd alt its neettrsed sup- S irters back to tho Ilell from whence ey came, back to their brother fiends, nnd to tho Devil, their dad, is the pray er of the Record and Vindicator. Death to Radicalism I Radical Frauds. Our expectations were founded on a ST. Louis A POINT l'on THEtlt DlSTMllU* just and-impartial poll of thu vote of TI0N. From the St. bonis Ttmi't, mill.] " Tho arms, ammunition, ,te., intend- tho State. This wo did not have.- There were gross frauds practiced u|t- on tile Democracy, Thousands of reg ularly naturalized Democratic citizens oil for tho negro leagues of Arkansas, were excluded from voting liy Radical intetcepted by tho conservators of.the elecllon om ;,, r9i „„d thousands or men. peace near Mem Pi 1 .'* ,,ntid arsennlod In j nct j H „ , vUh t)|0 lrtler pal . tVl , VO re per- ' tho hed of the Mississippi, It Is well known pnssed thrbtigh tills city; Sent lilthor from Detroit, they woro reshlp- icd to an agent In Memphis, hy whom; n turn, they were to he forwarded .to Little Rock for distribution. . That similar shipments liavo been going on fur months past there can be no doubt, Not many days since n miniature ars enal was discovered in a privato resi dence in Memphis, nnd broken up by the authorities. This led to the fur ther revelation that ono Iiarhcr Lewis, county commissioner, and chairman of tlte Radical .county executive commit tee, was tho duly, appointed nnd au thorized agent of tho leagues of West Tennessee, for the procurement of nruis nnd other warlike munitions from the North, for tho blacks. Only the other day some hundred stand of muskets and several kegs of powder were found in tho cabin of an old negro limn, in tho villago of Raleigh, in tho same county. A negro horse thief and des perado, captured by tho officers of the law, on the highway, was found to linvo" in itis posscsssion ono ot these mus kets, nnd confessed to haviugTcccivcd It from tho ngent Lewis. All this simply points to the fact tlmt a general arming of the blacks is going on, not only in Tcnncsseo and A rftansasphut probably throughout ttie South. It is veryjirohnblp Hint there are established channels through which these munitions are being sent South, Tlio Lite Hinging at Portsmouth-A Curious Ciso. Tho annals of crime fail to furnish such, other oxainplos of brutality as those which were perpetrated 'on the person of a widow named Mrs. Eliza beth Ford and iter daughter, Miss Sn-. ,. - ,i-it t rah E. Ford, on the night of the Oth k'‘, or Juno,at Bowden's Ferry road, about ' ‘ eight miles from Norfolk, in tho Stnto 1 ' 0 .,, . 51 ’ 1 ' 1111 ^ < >0 nt ; of Virginia. The facts of the case ? ’’ LT?’, milted to vote who Imd no legal right to do so. Washington City emptied her corruption upon the State ; money was freely .squandered In seducing poor men from a firm maintenance of their principles; In short, every spoeies of rascality that could lie resorted to gain votes was tried, and the Radicals triumphed, as they always have, hy tho use of tlte most dishonest and de grading means. But we shall not grumble. Let it go as it is; but when Hie next trial comes let us be better prepared to guard tlio purity of the ballot-box and maintain onr rights. ****** ** The conduct of some nr the Radical election-hoards in this city was ontrs- gomi.s. Their decisions were entirely partisan. They refused tlte votes of Democrats who were clearly entitled • to vote, nnd received the bnllote of Radicals who were not even citizens, nnd who were clearly colonized hero for tho purpose of carrying the elec tion. Such degrading partir— such dishonest eonduet, tuch I outrage, ns the election-boards risburg were guitly of os was never before witnessed i —and never exceeded And some of them pn tiansl Shame < Palrio!, I exalted, dnngor-dj A v luring devotion was tti parable, unparalleled in all llr of history, poetry and romnm Girding tho sword on their husbands, lirothill's aud low prjvalitm-i Virginia. The I ltriofiy stated are these: Tho night in question Jidiu.Parkins, a while man, Benjamin Jefferson,-a negro, and an other colored mail named Fatvlkcs, re paired, about midnight, to tile house of Mrs. Ford, and while mother and daughter both lay wrnppod lu sleep the rascals burst the door opon nnd forct- lily entered thu house. Tho affrighted womon, disturbed from their slumbers, were nearly paralyzed with fonr when they beheld the three men within doors. They screamed for help but received none. They were then seized hy two of tho tltreo men, and while tlte negro Jelforson held Mrs. Ford, stifled her screams and nearly strangled her in ^ J lth which to M» l SjY'i keen down the blundered,wl in this oily. Immediately turn, the arms uro found in near Raleigh, in tho hftids < docs on the road, nnd, finally, excellency's transport, the G of Arkansas’ boat, Hesper. 1 extent this shipment of guns has been going on is prolmhiy only known to thu knaves. Shipments, it is ascertain ed, have been made from this city in hogsheads and shoe boxes, ingeniously labeled su ns to mislead the unitiated ns to their real .contents. Whoitbcn, is tho agent here? l)y whom in St. Louis are theofileialssUmlingsof South* cm earyet-baggors confidentially ap plied to the purchase of instruments awe and Wiles, mother*, jHi't Slaughter, of 1^ i ^ the ^nndere^wldtes ? >^:tb.!rtE.'li3yt>lqj^»>lr*»d--»,tttl|r ftls Draft! nature, criminally assaulted] Dastardly Ontrago by Ridioab. alhers. . s, mid: oation of both men, lmt. the night pre- : cal parly here conceived tlio idea of vious a reprieve from-Governor Wells making a taitl upon the election oil!- changed tl)o; sentenoe of‘dentil on the cers after tlio polls had closed, and negro'to imprisonment for life. .J’er- taking by force tlm ballot boxes. A nogro Uins-was allowed to suffer his fato and was hung next day. As soon as it wns ascertained tlmt tlte prerogative of tlte Governor was exercised in behalf of tho negro, who wus equally criminal with the whitd' man, considerable excitement prevail ed, especially among tlte white people, throughout tho district. Indcod, life commutation was an<l is regarded by many in a political light. It opouly nssurted that thu I'aot of thu. district giving a Congressional negro majority of over seven thousand votes contribu ted largely to influence his Excellency in tho step ho has token. Parkins was a Northern man, or “carpot-lmgger,” and this was also ttrgad as a reason ■why. he wns not spared. That both man deservotl tlio severest pomilty the law could inflict in atoncmeut for tlmir crimes po person will deny, and tl o apparently one-sided dealing out of ex ecutive elemenoy in the onsu of the ne gro demands that sumo explanation he given tn account for the discrimination of tho Governor in bis distinction be tween tho blaok and whito man, both of whom were implicated in ilia com mission of tlio same offense.—N. Y. Herald. An Earthquake in California. San FitANCiseo,October21.—A heavy earthquake occurred at eight o'clock this murning. The motion was east and west. Tlte damage is confined to tho lower part of the city, below Mont gomery street, among the old buildings on made ground. The custon house, which was badly shattered by tlio earth quake of ’65, is now considered unsafe. The officials.have removed to the in ternal revenue buildings. Business in the lower part of the city is suspended. The stryoU nro thronged aud great excitement pro vails. Tho parupet walls, ohimnoys ami many buildings fell, causing some loss of life. The damage will not ex ceed one million dollars. Shocks were felt at Oakland, damaging many build ings.. The earth opened In several places, smelling siilphtironsly. The court liouseat Bait Lomlro was demol ished, ktllingonc. The shock was very sovero at San Jose, aud several build ings were damaged. Just So.—A nogrotax-collcctordown South called on a whito man for Ills taxes. Says ho, “Mr. Smith, dis is de second time I call on yon for do taxes. How do debbil 'you suppose we uutliid people am to lib, if you whito poople dont pay yonr taxon ?" Grant ordered tlte Jows out of his lines. The Jews return tho obligation. Not a vote of tltoirs will come near the linos of Omni.—Louisville Jour nal. ■ (area wns got together hy parties whom wo will not now name, and who make some'claim ; to respectability, and at about eight o'clock they pro ceeded to,The hotel where the ejection was held, attacked the house with stones, &c., breaking in the windows and doors, and assaulting tlio officers of tlio election. Forluuntely tke box es were removed to a place of security wlion lite attack was first made, nnd the lawless oonspirators woro foiled in tkoir attempt. Charles Shovclin, a brother of tke proprietor of the hotel, was struck on the head with a stone, his skull fractured,' nnd lies now in a precarious condition. lie will possibly not recover. Tho windows nnd doors of the hotel wore pretty generally bat tered out. Tho party, tijton leaving, (irod.sdnio eight or ten pistol shots nt the house, but no one was injured by litem. Tlte parties wore recognized, aud warrauls will lie issued for their arrest.—Luzerne (Pa.) Union, 15th. Mr. Seymoub.—Private lettorsstate that August Belmout has just returned to New York from Utica, wltoro lie had n conference' with Mr. Seymotir. The Democratic candidate expressed his surprise and mortification at the sttddon panic of tlte New York World, and declared that if the party is de feated in November, it will surprise him still more, lie expressed great satisfaction nt tho gains made in the three great States, and tkiuks that the Hebrew and Catholio vote will throw litem nil against Grant. Mr. Seymour saj's that New York will go Democrat ic hy fifteen thousand, basing his cal culation on reports received by him from all parts of tlio State. It is all a mistnko that ho has entertained a thought of relinquishing, the field. Men Wanted. Tho great want of the ago is men, wito nro not for sale; ipen who are honest, sound from center to circum ference, true to tlio heartVcore ; nton who wiil condemn wrong in friend or foo, in themselves as well ns in others; men who oan tell the trutli, nnd look tlio world nnd ttovii right in tlio oyo ; men that neither brag nor run, mon who liavo courage without shouting to bring it; men in whom tho current of overlasting life runs still nnd strong, man too largo for sectarian litplts, nnd too strong for soutarinn hands; men who do not shiver or ory nor oause their voices to ho hoard iu tlte streets; but who will not fail nor bo discour aged till judgment ho sat upon tho earth; men who know their mossagb nnd toll It; mon who know tkoir duty and do it; men who know their place and fill it; men who nro not too luzy t.o work, nor too proud to oat whn£ tlicy knvo earned, sod woar wbat they Imvo paid for. trnggling child in tho presence of I On the night of tho'election the t mother. j polls in the North District of Wilkes- Tlie following day Perkins and Jcf*, burro Townsiiip was the scene of one son were arrested. Tiny were snbse-: of tho boldest and most lawless outra- pientlv brought to trial and oo'ndeum- grs over committed in tlio vicinity.— , d to suffer the extreme penally of the i This district always gives ah over- while their ow n dear heart, were It: o if -1 law for their n Hit uses. The ‘Jill of Oc- whelming Democratic majority, and a with anguish, smothering their totter.was set apart for the day ol'cxe- number "f tlio managers of the Iiadi- , stifling their sobs, nnd sending their loved onesujffll, laden with pray ers and blessings, to the Hold of glory nnd of death. Applauding the strong and bold; strengthening tlio weak; cheering the despondent; emboldening the timid; and shaming the laggard. Tearing up their carpets, for blank ets for their soldiers. Parting with their jewols, to build gunboats, and purchase cannon. Melting the very belisof theirchnrch- cs into nrtillary. Stripping the cushions from their pews, to mitlto couches far their wound ed. Gliding like angels of mercy through the long, sad wards of hospitals, leav ing a tinge of heaven's own sunlight on every jtuinlilu cot they passed. Sootting the fevered brows ; batlnhg the shattered limbs; and pillowing on their bosoms, the heads of their rag ged, bleeding, dying defenders. Ye gods I wns there ever a spectacle more sublime ? Is it not a wonder that evf.iiy true Southern man, from the “Old Domin ion ” to tho “ Lone Star ” Stnto, it an idolXtor—an adorer, a worshipper of his glorious country-women ? Nay, verily I He'd ho less than hu man, if it were not so I Rend, then, man of tho North, tho following fiend-inspired article, pub lished by a Yankee iniseruant named I’aino, in the Raleigh, North Carolina, Standard, the organ of tho infamous renegade, Holden. _ . Rend it! Aud think what must ho tlio feelings of onr people, at having tn submit to stieli a monstrous, worse than diaboli cal attack upon every mother and daughter in our Innd, at the hands of a hell-spawned Nastyehnsetts interlo per I Read it 1 Every damnable paragraph, line, word and syllable of it: From tlm UuIi-irIi Suiii'lnr.1 (Ilolilen’s Organ), September 24th. nut wherever else Jim worh don’t forget in workamon tho women. ThcCunfedenic)'wouldn't Imve lusted a year It it hadn’t t,een for them.— One good rebel woman is worth n dnaen rebel rmn. Go niter the women tlion. Thoy will mako their huabanda nnd tholr Invert chant fur Grunt and Colfax.until they arc hoarse, II you will mnnage to reniaea aome of tlm diamond ring* aud laeua Frank Hluiratoie from then, when ho waahero.— And don’t Imuitato to throw your arma around their neckn now and then, leAvit tlirtr hn%hnnin art not around anil . . . Tht'j niU take it. unit the Y’ankeer, on nro tlm better it lakes.— Our rajOriunco with fern tie reha is, that, with all tlmir aina, thoy Imvo a vast amount of human na ture, and enty want it approbated to bo the moat loving ereamroi imaginublo. Scalawags nnd ear- pet-hnggent! don't fall. Iherefoio, aa you ennr n Urn Suite, to look after tho women. You aru all goad looking, nnd they know it. Hut will, native modesty, like awoot Now England gitla. they like to bo upproaehrd first. Don't he'afrdd of tlmir eyea—they glato like young looparda try daylight, hut unitrthe moon noblut dea h ttrUdctU/mMt'a f < half to tender cr Aa/1> deep. Don't road Judgo Foaraon'a lettvr toylem. but giro them By ron nnd Shelly In .volume:,, und you wilt have them in yonr nnh«, If not In your party, Ja lets than a week." else. They do not publish a aolll fact or even pretended fact in proof of it. It is a simple assertion, and one of the falsest and fhost reckless of pos sible assertions. As we have already said, tlio returns from Indiana are exceedingly encour aging to tho Democracy. Tito almost infiiiltosmnl majority of abont ono thousand in the vast vote that she cost amounts to nothing If our frisods will only ketqYnp thfr eourageatjd thsfr ' exertions. It amounts literally to nothing. It has no significance what ever. It is wholly unnpprceiabie. It is but dust in the balance and the slightest I feeze will scatter it. The Democrats can carry Indiana in November. We fully believe I hat they will carry it. We are entirely confi dent that they will.. Let them make all possible efforts, and. Heaven wiil bless their efforts. Let not a nerve or sinow lie relaxed for a moment. Let nerve and sinew lie kept nt their ut most tension.—Louisville Journal. The old Chusade.—-The Radical party at tlio North Imvo entered upon another crusade against foreigners.—• In Philadelphia they rejected tlio for eign naturalized voto at the Into elec- ' tlon. This, too, iu thu face of Judge Sliarswood’s opinion as published, that tho proceedings in naturalization were iu conformity with established upivrc in existence more than twenty years. Wo thank our northern Uadioal friends for their timely manifestation of their olden-hatred to the foreigner. It will givo us several hundred thou sand votes in the Presidential election wo would not have had, and moreover, secure tho Election of Seymour and Blair.—Atlanta. Constitution. Another Specimen of R'.vme.u, Mo- RAETTY.—We find tho following in the Columbia Phceuix, of Saturday: 0 TEMPORA ! O MOIIES I Mr.Editor : On our way from Char leston to Columbia, a dav or two ago, we happened to have Gen. Scott, the Governor of this State, as a fellow- traveller. His“ Compagnon de Vugage-," was a woman of color, well-known in Charleston. “Now, if Gov. Scott chooses to select a colored woman for his attention in his travels, tlmt is a matter of taste, and Is in kesping with his politics and oreod. But when lie docs make ids choice, lot It be a woman or respectnblity. What will ho thought of a Governor of South Carolina, pay ing tho most delicato attention to one not as Cxsnr’s wifo should bo ? A Chicago Remedy for Rheumatism. —The ease of Ida Buorglcr and Pnn- tratz Dumproff, charged with living iu an open state of ndiillory, was exam ined at tho Polieo Court on Friday morning. Dumproff, in ranking his statement, said that ho had a severe attack of tlio rheumatism, nnd in order tlmt lio might be more comfortable, Imd shared tho couch of tlio faithless Ida. Tho court decided that tlio defense was insufficient, nnd committed him for trial in » hail of $500, for having a rheumatic affection. Tlio inconstant spouso of Dnorgler wns committed in a like amount.—Chicago Jl,'publican. Good Grounds At a divorco ease instituted In Chicago recently the hus band is plaintiff, and nsks for a sepa ration on the grounds of extreme and repeated cruelty. In his moving re cital of wrongs he nliogrs that his bet ter half had thrashed him while iu bod, with n hoot, Imd poltod him with brick bats, mid had severely benteu him on several occasions. A very ntoe waterfall can now be purchased in New York for eight do]. - lars.