North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 29, 1868, Image 4

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p AHarrlWoBtorjr. In a c:mo. or qllogod cluUl-murdor, recently tried In tlio Atlantic county (Jit J.) ttfnfto, revelations nro ntmloof ft state of dlvIIlRtncn existing In the neighborhood ol - tlio crlmo (Egg liar- bnr township) nt which tlio blouil runs v '-„ jss&srJes&'SSsz on wbnt Is -known-•nslhn'rchnlllo plmt- tftllon, ft negro hnd been detailed to ivnteh ft pilo of Cotton thiit had been “growing smaller by degrees," without the content Of tlio otyiibjv Neat' tlio hour when “grave, yards yitivn," tlio nugi'p on guard discovered .something near tlio corenl, nnd hulled. Uoeelvlng no reply, nnd tlio object moving off, lio •ZuT fbo following Is tlio testimony fired threo,shots nt, tlio spectre, from u of tlio chief witness in this atrocious well loaded rovolvcr, and tlio third one. brought down tlio tlile.f, nnd proved al most Instantly fatal. The body was recognized as one Janies Stewart, a well-known colored;preacher in 11 cor- gin and A1 ah am a .—A' Ufa ill it News. JosoDll Jldlden. of Caanan. .Connect- lent, who cnijiis wife into(Me) a short time since, is one of tlio wdrstenses in the Middletown Insane Hospital. IIo Imagines lie lias lost his sold, and says: “They took it away from mo—they pressed a beam down through my head, nml took my soul out. 1 wanted my soul to thko to Heaven, but now I can not havo" it and I am miserable. Oil, I ra, ]5r. Steelman eamo altor mo; I heard him tell my hualituid that ho wanted mo; I went up into tlio chaibbjr ami saw a baby lying on tlio bed; tlio baby was alive when 1 went in; David Steelman was tliero and Mary and Mary's mother; Mary said, “Como up, the young one Is bon)" David asked Mary what aho was fool ing about; slio said, “David, yon couio and do it," nnd hocald,“I shan't:” she said, “you promised mo you would do it," and Im eatd again, “1 shan’t do It,” nnd she went at it bcrsolf—killing the baby; I asked hor what she was at, and aho aatd.sbo was trying to kill her young ono; I saw lior choke it; aho put ono hand (the right) on its throat; I asked her again what slio was doing, and she said she was kill ing her young one; I naked hor bow aho was doing it and sbo showed mo; David said bo didn’t earo a d—n about this young one because It wasn't Ills; lio said tko child boionged to Elllss Smith, and lie was not going to take earo of it; I think hor motlior asked her if she thought tlio child was dead; David had then taken it o(T to bury it when tlio question was asked ; Mary Steelman's mother was present almost nil the time; 1 was present a littlo bit before and a littlo bit aftor ; when slio choked the child sbo was sitting on her knees in tho bed; tho child was on the outside—on tho bod-elotlioa; thcro was something set upon tho bed, mid Mary took hold of the child and dou bled it up and put it in it; I don’t know whether anything else was in it or not; David took it and Hung a cloth over it, and he went dowii stairs with it, and that's all I can tell you; I heard tho baby cry ; I didn’t see a inothii; was sacred ; was us close to tho bed as I am to you ; i heard it cry once after I went up stairs ; she said to her mother slio never saw anything bo long a dying as this baby wa3, nnd slio said it heat anything; I was up there perhaps three-quarters of an hour; it was between S aud 9 o’clock in tlio morning. The JSridgetown Patriot says tho jury returned a verdict of not guilty after being out three hours, but upon what grounds it U not stated. Got Eoady for Election. The following facts should bo re membered mid acted on : Tlio election is for ono day only, nnd that on Tuesday, tho 3d day of Novomlicr. Tho Polls are to bo oponod at ono plnco (tho Prcoinct) in ovory militia District in the State. Tho managers arc to bo ono Justico of tho Peace, or Judgo of tho Inferior Court, nml two free holders. All male citizens, 21 years old, or upwards, who navo paid their taxes, nml who havo not been convicted of treason, embezzlement of public funds, malfeasance In ofllco, crime punlshnble witii imprisonment in tho Penitentiary, or brlbory—except idiots and Insane S arsons—and who have lived In tlio tata six months and in tho county 30 days, ore ontitlcd to vote. Dibobaoefol.—At tho gathering in Christ Church, Saturday, some gentle men who were straggling through tho woods, nt n littlo distance from tlio speakers’stand, discovered, in a clump of bushes, a largo number of muskets stacked and apparently guarded by soino nogro women- Wo learn that tliero werosufllciontarms for 150 men. Tlio negroes had evidently como to tho hustings armed, for what purpose is not known. It would scorn that tlieso people havo been led on to this by some fire brands among thorn, nnd, oven at this late day, they fear to at tend a political meoting of their own ■instigation unarmed, though wlmt they fear is dlfllunlt to see. Such lawless ness is greatly to bo deprecated; and should bediscountenanecd by the more influential’leaders of tho party. It can result in no good; It may load to bloodshed.—Charleulon Goar ter. whole thoughts nro so awful." OnonaiA.—Tho “Ordinary," by tho laws of Georgia, is ft very important ofllccr. An olllccr of tho Precdmon’s Bureau reports that tho'“ Ordinary " lately elected ■ for-McIntosh epunty, Georgia, Is n nogro who can neither rend nor.writo, and wbp asked a gen tleman “do moanlu of de olfus.” The Genus CAiiPET-'BAaaEn.—Tlio f [onus qarpot-bagger is a man with a ank bead of diy hair, a lank stomach and long logs, club knees mid splay feet, dried logs and lank jaws, with eyes like a flsh, and mouth like a shark. Add to this a habit of .sneaking and dodgihg about In unknown " places— habiting with negroes in dark dons nnd back Streets—a look like a hound nnd tlio smell of a polecat. CATOOSA-OOUHTY. Administrator’s Sale. B Y vjptuo.of an. order of tlio Court of Ordlnn. ry of ‘CntuoM county, I will sell boforo tho Court-Houso door in Ringgold, In said county, on tlio Erst Tuesday iti December next, within tho lcgn! hours of sale, the following property, to-wlli The undivided half of, lot of land No. also .sixty ncrcs, tooro or loss, off of the south side of lei No, 7a. all In tlio 98th dislriot of said county. Sold as iho Charles L. ltecd, deceased, for the payment of debts. Terms, half cash—tlio remainder payable In I 1 li.iinll,-. .villi inti i-.-.l 11 ■ .1.1 IM <1 1 mailo until die purchase money la ali paid. The two pal ts sold separately JAMES ,f. REED, Atiu’r. October 22-tds. WALKER COUNTY. Catoosa Sheriffs Sale. \\J ILL ho sold befnro tlio Court IIouso door, H In tho town of Ringgold, Catousu county, on the Erst Tuesday In November next, within tho legal boors of sale, tlio following property, to-wlti Eighty acres, being tho South half of lot of land No. S3, in Ihe ‘-8di dirtrlct nnd 3d section of Catoosa county, by ono Juitlcbs’ Court fi fa, \V. Li Whitman vs II. Stewart, and controlled by V. M. Kittle. Levy made mid returned to me by R. U. Trltnmler, I.. 0. Also, lot of laud No. H8, in the 27tli district and 3d section of Catoosa bounty, by ono tax II la from said county vn A Clarita. Levy maJo xnd returned to mo by R. 11. Trunnder, L. C. Also, nt tlio ranm time nml place,- tlio house and lot now oocnptail by J T Iinpo ns a rofldeneo, 111 the nngio of Nashville street nnd Gospel IllJue street, In (he wesiern part el Ringgold, (Icergla, adjoining D S Andersen on the North nnd Jamas n Anduiaun on the West: levied upon by one Superior Court E fa from Chattooga county, Rita- ssrnnd Realy vs W. JHonry—property pointed out by G W bruec, Esq; Also, lot of land No 1120, In Iho 28th district nnd 3d section of Cutonsn' cDiuity, by virtue of fuur Justices' Court E las from the 980lh District, G M of mid county, Jesso .Editor vs \V C Gil breath. Sold for Iho purchase money, and point ed out by pl dntlfl' In fl fa. W. J. WiltrSITT, D. Sheriff. October 8, 1803. Wnlkor Shorlff’n Solos. ITfll,!, bosold-bofdro tho Court-House door,-In YV LuFsyotte, on tho Erst Tuesday lit Novem ber next, within tlio legal hours ot sale, the fol lowing property, to-wlt t Ono botfce, u tlio property of O. O/Gnrdon, row occupied by Mid (Jordon: levied on to Mile* fy a Justices’ Court 11 fu Issued from tho 87let district, 0. M., lu .favor or John ft. Iiownly vs (I. (I, Gordon. Levy mado nnd returned to me by \V. II. Chaffin, constable. Also, nt tho Mmc time nnd plnco, lotn of Inhd Nos. 176, 177. ISA, 148 nnd 176, nil in the Iftlli district and 4th section or Wnlkor county: levied on an tho projiorty or James 11. Kvatto, to satisfy n Superior Court II fa, February term, 1868, tu favor 01’ Thus Lawrence vn John Hatfield, John Malum, A. J. Rogers, 0. G. Holland and James Hi Evstte. Also, nt tho snmo time nnd plnco, lot or land No. 106, In the 8th district nnd 4th section or Walker bounty! levied on nn tho property of Jesso Jn t v to satisfy a Superior Court u fa in favor of K .ward Fowler. • Also, nt tho eamo time and place, lot of land No. 47, In tlio 11th dieiriut nnd 4th noctlon of Walker county: levied* on an tho property of James Campbell, to satisfy a Superior Court fi In In favor of Moore and Marsh vn James Campbell. Also, at the namo timo nnd place, lot or land No. S8, In tho 26th district nnd 8d section of Walker county: levied on nn tho property of R. 0. Phillips, to satisfy a Superior Court fl fa In fa* if ft. M. Young and J. W. Jackson, eurvlv- . _ . Minor* Phillips. Also, at tho natno time and place, lots of l/ind Nos. 200 nnd 201, In the 8th district nnd 4th sec tion, and 82 abrea, more or lens, of lot No. 7, in the 7tn district nnd 4lh section of Walker county: lovied on os of G. G. Gordon, to sat isfy a Supoj lor Court fi fa tn favor of Crutchfield, King & Co., against said Gordon. Also, at the same timo nnd place, lot of land No. 84, In tho 20th district and 8d section of Walker county: levied on ns tho property of Carter Cudd, deceased, to Mtisfy u County Court fi fa in favor of J. W. Fittpairick vs Kii&both Cudd, Executrix of Carter Cudd, deceased. Lots of land Nos 176, 170, 177 nnd 185, in tho Jitb district and 4th section of Walker cqun- ty, by virtue of ono Superior Court fl fa In favdr of John M Combs, nn administrator of tho estate of J T McConnell, deceased, against James U Kvatto—lovied on as tho property of the do- fondant. Said property pointtd out by pluIntiiTs attorney. Also, atths same time nnd place, 100 acres, more or less, being pnrta of lots of land Nos. 87 and 04, In the 20th district and 8d section of Walker county: levied on ai the property of Hen* ry Tudor to satisfy a Superior Court fi lu In favor of James Swinney vs Henry Tudor. 40 ncre\moro or less ol lot of land No. 182, In tho 8th district nnd 4th section of Walker county, lovied on for costs os the property of Mary 'linker, by virtuo of five fi fas, issued from the Ju*t|cca’-Court of thu 044th district, G. M of soldi county, In favor ol Mrs. A.Chambers, Kxe’r of J. II. Chambers, deceased, vs. D .K. 8. Baker. Mary Baker, Harris Brigmnn and Harriot Brig- man. Levy mado nud returned to me bv T. N, Jones, constable. Also, at the stung timo and place, will bo sold 100 acres more or lera, of lot of land No. 193, in the 8th district and 4th section of Walker county nnd 85 acres, more or less, of lot No. 204, same district nhd section, levied on ns the property of Jesse Jny, to satisfy Cost on two Superior Court fi fas, one in favor of A. 1. Loot, nnd tho other In favor of Edward Fowler vs. said Jay. Also, At the samo timo and plnco, will bo sold 01 acres, more or less, of part of lot of land No. 27, In tho 8th district and 4th section of Walker county, lovied on ns the property ol WUliain Blair to satisfy a Superior Court attachment fi fa, in fa vor or John Hawkins vs. Wiliam Blair. Also, nt the S ima lime nnd place, will ho sold lot of land No. 120, In tho 12th district and 4th section of Walker eourity, levied on ns tho prop erty of J. W. Haney, to satisfy one Superior Court fi la nnd two Justicog'-Court fi fa9, Irom the 971st district O. M. of Walker county, in favor of J. R. Wheeler VS. JV W/IIiiney. Levy male nnd re turned to mo by constable. Also, nt thn.Ktmo timo nnd place, will be sold 80 ncrcs, more or less, of lot c.f land No 82, in tho 7th district and 4th section of Walker county, levied on ns tho propmy of H. A, Rnrrett, to «!tis r y ono Superior Court attachment fi fa, in fa* vor of L. E. nnd \V: 0. Patton.vs. II. A. Surratt. Oct. 1. A. AC SIMMONS, Sheriff. W w-jp Mortgago Salt). l£L be sold boforo the Court House door In tho town of LaFsyctto, on tho first Tuesday In Docomber next tho fallowing proper- wvto-wjtt .., ( nf Lot of land No 128, In tho 20th district and 3d section df Wklker countv, nnd--tho west half of lot No. 20, nnd 73 acres of lot No. 80, same dis trict and section: levied on as tho property 61 ftlsl Stance I to rathfvn mortgage fl fa i0‘ favor of ft. M. Young nnd J. W. Jackson, surviving put- ners of John Y> Jack ton A Od. ’Vsi Rial Htnucel. Also, at tho same timo nnd place, thu fallowing propel tr, lots of land Nos. 132. 183, 136,187, 188, 148,168, 160, Ift7, 168, 108, 170, 175, 170, 177, 184, 186, 180, 188, 180,101, 102.207,208, 212, 215, 220 and 240, situated in tho 12th dls* trlet- of the 4tli section of Walker county, nnd also lots Nos. 30] and fraction 833, lu the 11th district of tlu<4th station df Walker county, *lso lot No, 25, In the 7lh district of iho 4th soctfan of Walker county—each represented nn contain ing ono hundred and sixty acres, except said frac tional lot No. 838: levied on ns tho property of William Dougherty‘io satisfy a Superior Court mortgago: II fa In favor of Jamei 8 Hamilton, Adm'r. of Tj U. Hnnnhon far tho use ol Bed. 0. Yanoy vs. W’illlsm Dougherty. Oct. 8-8w. A. A. SIMMONS, Sheriff. M) Bxooiltot’d Salo. I I ) Y tlrtuo ol nu imliir Irom tlio CourtW Ordlnn- ) rjr ol Gonloft coilnty, will bo aoltl on tlio fir.t TnwiUJr of November next, USB, at tho Court- IIouso door In Callimui, between lh« It gal hour, of «ale, tbo lollowlng laml; to wltt I.nt-. Nofl 118, III, nil, lrtd, 105,78, 71,each . . fluid lotfl containing 180 xoltx, muro nr iMfl, lying In tho 7tli dlfltriet nml 3d oeetlon. Known ns thu homo plaeo Also, lit the namo tlino nnd plnco, lot No, 801, In Iho Mill dlatrict and 8d reetion. Known an tlio Ridvoy place. Sold ni tho properly of Joseph Botuiini given I , t day of January. WILLIAM MOULY, Executor. Adttiinistrator’fl GalOs B Y virtuo uf an order of the Court of Ordlnn' ry of Walker county, 1 will sell boforo tho Court-House door In J.nFayette, Georgia, bn the first Tuesday In December next, within tho legal hours of sale, tho land belonging to the eatato of James Roberts, deceased, lying In said county, eight miles-west of LaFayette, consisting of one fat of land o.ntulning 160 acres, more or less. Sold for tho benefit of heirs and creditors.-— Terms of Sale 12 months, or with noto nud ap proved security. S D HUBERTS, Admr Oet8-jfaJF v -- Administrator’s Salo. B Y virtue-of an order obtained from tho Ooiirt of Ordinary of Walker county, Georgia, prill be sold on fh« first Tuesday in December, 1868, at the 0ou9rHou$o door lu Mid county, between tho legal hdtm of sale, .tlio tmet Of. land whereon Linibcy Edwards resided at the timo ot Ids death, consisting of lots of land Nos 242 and 247, in the 8th district and 4th section ol Walkor county.— Terms cash. ft S NEELY, Adu f Oct 8-tiU pKO&aii)'-Walker Connty*-7b all whom it VJT may concern.— Lucinda Msssey having ap plied t / me injproper farm for permanent letters of administration on the esta .e of J W Mussey, late of sald'connty, deceased: This is to cite.all nnd singular tho creditors nnd next of kin of said John W Massey to be nnd ap pear at my ofllco. within the timu allowed by law, and‘show cause, if uny they can, why permanent administration should not be grunted to Lucinda Mnssoy.on sald^estato. Witness my hand and’ official signature this October 7 th, 1868. "lOd MILTON RUSSELL, Oid’y. ter date application- will bo mndp to tho Courifaf Oidinary'of Walker county, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of 0 P Harris, late of said county, deceased, for the ben' efit of th4 heirs and creditors. Oct 8-2m J. M. KEOWN, AdmY. WHITFIELD COUNTY. ter (Into application will bo made to the Court ol Ordinary of Walker county, Georgia, at tho fir it regular term alter expiration of two months from this nbtlco, for leuvo to sell tlio lands belonging to the e tatoof Mnrvil Duncan, Into of said county, deceased, for tho benefit o! heirs nnd creditors of said deceased. Oct. 1. JAMES 0. WARDLOW, Adm’r. Notico* .Trustee’s. Sale. I WILL <icll before the Court House door in Ringgold, Oatnosa county, on Hist Tuesday in Novembcrnoxt, witldn the legal hours orsulo, the following property to-wlt. Ono lot of land, known nn lot number two, In tho 11th district, third section of Mid county,con taining 160 aci^s more or lew. Sold ns tho prop erty of Jesso Brannon nnd George vv. Turner, tenants in common, the first owning eight-ninths and the other onc*ninth. Sold under nud by vir tue of an drdcr from 'tlio Superior Court of said county, for tlio purposo of n dividend. Terms cash. ’ . ‘II. J. fcPRAYBERRY, Trusteo Adminiatrator’a 'Solo. B Y virtuo of nn order of tho Court of OrJinnry of Walker cqunty, Ga., will lio sold between the legal hours of wile, at the Court IIouso door nt LaFayette, Walker county, Gn., on the first Tuesday in November next, two lotfl of Innd No. 198, loth district an.I 4th section, nnd No. 180, Dili district, of said county. Lot No. 180 will be divided equally east and west, and each half sold separately. Tho above Ho in Chattanooga valley, within 10 mi'es of Chattanooga. Sold in thu property of Edward Howard, deceased, far the benefit of creditor*. Terms: notes with approv- cd and good aecuiRlcs, duo 15th February next, a itli interest from date. Titles made on payment of purchase money. Possession for settling giv en nt tho usuul time—full possession December next. * L. 0. BLACK, Adin’r. September 24—Ids. BmDsTN'CuiNA.—During tlio day’s travel wo saiv a groat many birds of different varieties—ail being very beau tifully marked, and tlio plumngo of sonio being decidedly gorgoons; but none of them could sing—they were emphatically birds to look at and not tolistun to; bqt while traveling through a grovo of trees, of a nature uuknown to, wo caino upon some ugly looking yellow fellows, about tlio size of a robin. They were all music, how- over; could sing equal to a canary bird, only a groat deal louder, end were mocking birds, and imltntod the cry of nearly ail tho birds in the for- qst, Thoy were lively little fellows, too, nnd wero constantly hopping from twig to twig, catching flies, and sing ing their sougs of joy. Pumpkin* Besides the well known use of tills vegetable in the full season, a writer says lie has for a number of years past placed two or threo wagon loads in his cellar for winter use. The largest and ripest nro nclcetari nnd linn- died witii cart. They should be gath ered before Imrit frosts injure them.— If Die 6tcm cleaves from the pumpkin or they got much bruised they will de cay nnd should lie rejected* If tho reader in a small farmer hariugone or two cows ho wishes to. milk through n part of all thewinler, lib will And pump kins very convenient ns some 0 f them will keep sound until February, Pi,anting Tubes.—ThbtiTirartirtho Southern Farmer,' published at Mem phis, says he has been planliiig I fees sinco 1832,and has planted at all times, from before tiio leaf was cheeked in growth until even in May, and has found that the best time is ns soon af ter frost comes in tho fnll ns the land G EORGIA. Catoosa Coautj—Wlicre««, Wil liam J Wldtsitt, ndmliiliitrutor of ilia iwtnto of M C Dyar, late of paid county, decenaed, rep- rcflipUB to die Court, In Ida iiidtlloii duly tiled end entered on record, that lie fiaa fully administered on said c.tntb— Tlita la therefore to clla and admonlali till per* ns ■ Uitereated to allow enuao, if tiny they can, within tho llmo prcaciibed by law, why etirre of dtamlflpon Irom said eatato ahoulJ nut ho grant ed to said applicant. In April next. Given un der my hand and oElcial elgnaturc, tlda Oetobci 18 8. J. M. COMB3, Ordinary. Get 8- Gin Sale of Valuablo Boal Estate. IMPORTANT TO CAPITALISTS & CREDITORS. W il l, be sold, on tho Erst Tuesday in Novem ber next, before tho Court-Uou*c door hi Dalton, the lollowinp’rnhiable real cflhlto, belong ing to tho estate of* Jem-'S Morris, dee'll, to-wlt: Tho large and viduab'e Hotel, known ns the Tibbs Ilotisi*, Dhltun, Georgia, adjoining the De pot grounds and Cur Shed—said Hotel being three stories, besides tho basement, containing fuiir sto o rooms fronting on Hamilton street, besides basement rooms Ironting Car Shed, suita ble for Groceries, Liquors, Hilliard Saloons, &c , nni CJ rooms and apartments neuefsnry luru first Hotel. Tho estimated value of tho icnta ^Ij, t r.,0nn per annum, nml the properly la beaming mot a valuable every day. It will be Fold subject to a lease held bv Wm, II. Tibbs, wdtieli will expire 1st day of Sapient TeriWofttlS ; tl.i. itvh^niih; balimee six and maty and legal tit! inths, with s (Unable until purchase tnnney is pal'd. Also, the following lands, to bo sold for cash: No 48, tMthdlst ltd pee. Piulicnscounty, Gn. " 18fl, S.1 " 1st “ Forsvlll “ " ion, 13th ■“ Stl “ Floyd “ " BS, 8th “ 1st " Union " “ 131,Hilt " 1st “ Carroll “ “ I ill, II (h " 1st 11 Lumpkin " " 283, llth " 1st “ Lumpkin “ 11 808, Bib " 1st " Lumpkin " *' 180, lUtli “ 4lh “ Flovd “ " .QSB,Slat “ 8d " runhllng “ “ 227,21st " 3d " Paulding " " 203,18th " Tlnmtflfl " " BIS, 19th “ 3.1 “ Cobb “ *> 288, Util “ 4tli “ Walker “ “ ,7, I Hit “ 4th " Walker “ V 78,10th " 4*.h “ Hade *• “ 48,19th " 4tll“ Dado “ F. D. .MORRIS, I Exeeutors TIIOS. MgRIUS, J J. Morris dec’d. September 24—Ids. GORDON COUNTY IF YOU WISH TO SAVB MONEY IN THE SAME PROPORTION GO TO OnOZiIEH’8 NEW STORE, I n AYE JUST OPENED AN ELEGANT ASk sortment of Dry Goods and Grocories, Soptpmborl 7.1848—id*. PRINTS, LADIKS’DRESS GOODS, '1 rlmmlngs, Hosiery and Notions In variety, Boots nnd Shoes. Hardware, QticonaWnro. and Tnblo Cutllory, SUGAR? COFFEE, TODACCO, POWDER, Call nnd aeo for yourselves, and you will be pleimpil with both gouilH Uiiu prices, ltisn pleas- uro t(w how goods. s. o. ohozier: B Adminiatratorq Galo. Y virtuo of nu oiilor hi mo vested from Ihn Court of OMImil-yof Oonlon county, l Will t , vlt4J K$nHj sr&'feTS™". St "IS extremely low peioes ndlohiliitf Cnlhouti; nIso 8 ncrcs oil* of tho west - •• - X1XJJ ’ U ’ L XAHAUJJO side of lot number 204, 14 th dlsti fat, 8d scethin of mild county. Proportj of A It. Eenols, ileo’d, nnd mild subject to tho widow’s dower, for buno- fit of huh* nnd creditors. Terms half cash, tho other hall credit (ill 1st of August. J8ti0, with nolo mid Rood security. Sentumher 16, 1868. id WM. S. JOHNSO.V, Admr,.{icbommuotu_ Administrator’s Bale, m i B Y virtue of am order in ino veiled, from tho . Tviinmtnu' v t n—,, Court or Ordinary of Gordon county, I will. [A nell on tho Aral Tuesday In November next, bid,™ | * n r ' i ° «' lo "»rs,. and dealers In Iho Court-Houso dear In Calhoun, hoi ween the 1 Jl'f'S 1 Infltrnmenla, Wall Paper, etc. legal Imitta ol salo, tho following .and, to-wlt: I U ’ II|K 11101 k t Alabama fltrcct, Alhintn. Lot No; 94, containing Ifitwiores, morn or less, I T)HH.UP8 t CUKU—Rook Mn .,.„ lying In tlio 7tl, district and 3d section of Gordon F Music Dealers, and keep on ham warranted county, known asitho Ilewett Place. Sohlss the ( j 0 u Plw „,,, (;h Ijtliographs, Albums ptopcrly or W. U. Ilowetl, deeea etl, for the ben- etc., National Hotel block, Atlanta. 1 Hit of tlio heirs nnd orouitors.. Tcrrti* ono half - .■ ■ * ■ ■ ■ - ATLANTA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Joseph e. rm, RO)ifl, OA., ' Dcster In Watohes, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES, . Frtnch, China and Cut-0 lass Ware } Cutlery, Tpys, Musical Instruments, Hilling Txoklo, Flno Honsebohl Articles, and Fancy Goods generally. OLD HOLD AND SILVER TAKER IR XXCIUKntt, * SOME OF THE PRICES i Gobi Watches, front........(28 unto A2P0 ro iw " on to 8u no Plated [• “ 8 00 to 10 no Yankee Clocks, for j FronuhniiilKngllshCloeksirom 28 00 lo Inn no Silver Plated Tes Spoons, >ott, j qq “ Tnblo '* per sett, Gold Pen, Silver Cnso, for Flue Chinn Platen, per sett “ Cnpa nud Saucers, per sett, “ Ten Setts, 44 pieces, In snd how, lor lonaV nnd other Vloilnn ot higher prices.' Violin Strings, per bunch, Guitar Strings, per sett of six, j qo Ani*ni*<1r>iinu frhirt 1 . cash, the remainder 6 months credit. J. McCONNELL, Adm'r, de boni$ non. Septomher 24—tdr, J WAR LICK—Manufacturer of Tin Ware, nnd • dealer In Stoves, Tin l'loto, snd TItmor's Findings, Marietta alrcet, Atlanta, Gn. COMMISSION AND OROCERS. Administrator’s Sale. B Y virtuo of an order of tho CouVt of Ohllilnry of Gordon eounty, 1 will roll hofoie tho Court k K. SEACO-ConmdVsion Merchant,‘ Atlanta' doom door in Callmun, lu sold cmmly, on the A. mahea cash advanoes on consignments o Erst fnesday In December next, Hftlflri Hiolrgsl cotton, flour, wheat, corn and other nrodm.n to hoitra ol rale, half or lot ol land numhar 87, in himself, Geo. W. Wl.llnms Chnrlcsb S s C ,r tho sixth district, blank section, containing bo Williams, Taylor A Co., 68 Ilcnver street N Y acres, more or Ic3s. (8»dd ns tlio Innd of W. M. — —— ’ * * L. Bwwlcfl, for the benefit of heirs nnd creditors. Terms three-fourth cash, balance on timo. October 22, ’08.-40 A. M. KAY, Admr. Administrator’s Salo, B Y virtuo of nn order, in ino vested from tho Corns of Ordinary of Gordon county, will bo sold on the first Tuesday hi December next, with in tho Lgnt hours of, sale, tlio following proper ty, to-wit: half of lot of land No. 259, in the 24th district and 2d section, containing 80 ncrcs, more or less, known ns the Jacksons Holmes, de ceas'd, nnd sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms one half curii, the buLnco oir time. MeKINSKY SCOTT, Oct. 22-tds. Adm'r de bonis non. Administrator’s Salo. B Y virtue of nn order, In me vetted from tho Court of Ordinary of Gordon county, yill be sold on tho first Tuesday In December next, within tho legal hours of sale, tho fallowing lot ol Innd: No. M6, hi the Oih district sec tion, containing 120 acres, more or less, known ns the Sohn Nix farm, nnd sold for she benefit of the holm nnd creditors. Terms three-fourths cash, balance on time. Oct. 22-tfls. A M KAY, Adm’n. ft EOJWIA, Cordon County— Whereas, A VT Littlefield, administrator of B. A. Sm.iton represents to tho Court in his petition duly filed mul entered on record, that he has fully ndimnie- toted said estate. This is therefore to cite nil persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if uny they can, why raid administrator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Mon day in Februarv, I860. This July 22,1808. Oin D. W. NEEL, Only. ft KORClAy Cordon County.—Fel-ien Knv, VX Administrator oI Winery Xav, represents fa the Court, in his petition duly hied and entered on record, that he has fully adiuiuidtcrcd Emery Kay’s estate: This is therefore to elto nil porsons concerned, kindred nnd creditors, to show cause, If any tlipy can, why said Administrator should-not bo dl*- chnrgcd from lus administration, and receive let ters of dismission tho first Monday in Feb., 18C8. July 8.J-Uui. D. W. NKEL, Ordinary. MURRAY COUNTY. ’date application will he made to tho Or dinary of said county, for leave to Sell tho real estate of ft. L. Swanson late of said county, do- caused. J. N. MURRAY, Adm’r. September 17, 1868—2m. fl KORGI.4, Catoosa County—John ,T. Clark VT has applied for exemption of personally, and sotting opart and valuation of Homestead, nnd I will pass upon tho same, nt Ringgold, on tho 7th duy of November, 1868, nt mv office. Oct 22 tt-pvs frq *2 , J.M. COlU'lS, Only, DADE O.OUNTY. Dado PostjtoiiGd Sheriff Sale. W ILL bo sold before the Court-Houso door In Trenton, on th% first Tpesdsy In November next, between tho legal hours of sale, the follow ing property,, to wit: 1 Lot of land No. 289^. in the 10th district and 4th section of Dude county, lovied on aa tho property of B. M. satisfy n fi fu is sued from Dado Superior Court, in favor of John Gwitin vs. Robert Allison nnd M.Nicholns, securi ty on stay. Property pointed out by A. D. Han na, Executor. G. L. WILLIAMS, Sheriff. October 1, 1868—tda. C JEORGIA. Dade County.—E. D. Graharii hav- JC ing applied to mo for letters of administra tion on tho estate‘of Richard M. Ayeoek deceased. Thcso nro thereforo to cito am. admonish all and slngul r the kindred nnd creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at inv office at tlio timo prescribed by law, to show cause If any they have why said letters should not be granted. Sept. 17—80d. JAMESE. TAYLOR, Only. Notico. S IXTY days after duto application will be mado lo tho Court of Ordinary nf Dude county, for leave to Sell the lauds belonging to the estate of David Davis, d .‘ceased. August 27-COd. E. D. GRAHAM, Adm’r;' GILMER COUNTY. r |'WO months after duto application will ho J. made to tho Court of Ordinary of Gilmer # - , eour.ty, for leave to cell all tho real cstato of I.’nnc can 1)0 got in a good condition, liei- Johnson, lute of paid county deceased, for the liter too WCt nor too drj\ Those who i benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased, desire to plant fruit or shade trees •" v’m* wxr'irkn I A ' IlnV - should try fall planting. i goptcA, 10,1503-iin ’ 1 .Administrator’s Sale. B Y virtuo of an order from tho Court of Ordi nary of Walker county, will bo sold, on tho first Tuesday in November’next, nt the Court- lloyscdoorof said county, within tho legal hours of sale, tho following lots of iund, to wit: Kos. 262, 270 n;ul 208, in tlio 8th district nnd 4 Ih section of said county. Terms $500 cash, tlio balance on w credit of ono nnd two years, with notes nud good securities. Titles perfected on payment of purchnso money, gold ns the property of Jessie L. Copplngor far distribution umong tlio heirs. HENRY F. WHEELER, Adm’r. September 24—ids. Postponed Administrator’s Salo. B Y virtue of nn order from the Court of Ordi nary of Walker county, will bo sold on the 3rat Tuesday in November, 1868, at tho Court House door in said county, between tho legal hours of pale, lot of land No. 7, 26th (list, nnd Sd sec.; also eighty acres of lot No. 8, 20th (list, and 3d sec. Sold ns tlio property of Street Camp, dec’d, far tho benefit of thu heirs. Terms cash. Sep 24 JAMES H. ROGERS, Adin’r. penorCourt—Wliorns, Sarah Ann Shaw, of said State and county, applies to the Ordinary for lettera of administration on the estate of S’cphon Shaw, deceased, Into of said county; Thcso nro thereforo to cito and admonish ail nnd sing'ilar tho kindred and croditoro of said deceased, to show cause, if any they can, why raid lottera should not bo granted tho applicant on thu first Monday in November, 1868. Given under my baud and official signature, there being uo Court of Ordhurv, this Sept. 17, 1869. ‘ JAMES II. ROGERS, C. S. 0. lodes, administrator on tho estate of W. 0. Pay no, decua cd, represents to tho Court In his application that he has fuily administered W. 0. Paynes’ cstato: This Is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause. If any they can, why said administrator should not bo dis charged from his administration, nnd receive let ters of dismission on the first Mouday In Feb ruary next. This July 31,1868-Om. T. W. COBB, Ordinary. /‘IKOUGIA, Walker County—Wtiereas, Joseph VT Hall, administrator on tho estate of George Hall, deceased, represents to the Couit in his ap plication that hj has fully administered George Hall’s estate. This Is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show-cause, if nn they can, why said administrator should not be dis charged from his administration, and recelvo let ters of dismission on the first Monduy In Feb* urary hoxt* This'JulvSl, 808-0ni. . T. W. COBB, Ordinary. after date, application will'bo made to tlio Whitflold Sheriff’s Sale. W LL b »soid before thu Court-Home door in Dalton, Whitfield county, Georgia, on the Urst Tuesday in Nov. next, the fallowing prop erty, to wit: Eighty ncrcs ofland, -more or less, being the West half of lot No. 298, in the 11 ill dint, and 3d sec. of said county: levied on by virtue ol a fi (a from Whitfield Inferior Court In favor of W. K. Moore vs ft If. Sapp, a deceased non-resident, and ns.the property of said Sapp. AIko, one nero of land in tlio Northeast corner of lot of hind No. 238, in tne 12th district snd 3d section, H being the lot in the city of Dalton on which the defendant lives, to satisfy five Justices’ Couit li fas from the 872d Hist., l». M., four in fa vor of A. M. Norris Si Co. vs lea E. Broyles. Propcrt) pointod out by plaintiff, and fi fas lev led and returned to me by a constablo. - D. W. MITCHELL, Sheriff. Ootobnr 8, 1868. Hnrray Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL bo sold before tlio Court-House door in Spring Place,"ou tile first Tuoaday In Novem ber next, between the log«il hotlva of sale, the fol lowing property, to-vit: Lots ol iand Nos 311 and 312, in the 9th disk nnd 8d section: lovied on ns the property of Gid eon J. Gamer to satisfy one Superior Court li fa A. M. Norris k Co. vs said Garner, one Justices Court fi fa in favor of A. M.‘Norris k Co. vs W. 11. Thomas nnd Gideon J. Garner, mid *.wo Jus tices’ Court II fas in favor ol Cadmv, McKinzio & t’o. vs G. J. Gamer. Tlio Justice-* Court fi faj levied and returned to iiip by r. constable, one property pointed out by plaintiff-V attorney. Also, the fat o<' land on v^hieh Thomas T. Me MulUu formerly lived, in the 8th district of tin 3d section of raid county of Murray: .levied or by F. Vornburg, former Deputy .Sheriff, to satis fy one fi fa Irom the Superior Court of said coun ty, Louis F. E. Dunns vs G. W. Waeascr, prin cipal, Thomas T. McMuliin and James Morris, securities an cn sn bund. G EORGIA) Whitfield County—Whereas, W. J. IlilPW applied to ino, In due farm, for letters ol administration on tho estate of J. W. Mild, late of raid county, deceased: Tills is to cite all persons concerned to show cause nt my office, on tho first Monday in Novem ber next, if any thoy can, why permanent letters of administration, on tho estate of said deceased, should not ho grunted to thu applicant. Oct. 8—80d W. U. BROOKER, Ord’y. Ault has applied to uie for letters of admin istratinn. on the estato of Henry Ault, lute of said county, deceased: This Is to cito nil persons concerned, to show cause nt my ofllco on the first Monduy in Novem ber next, if any they can, why permanent letters of ndiuiniftrution on the estate of said deceased, should not bo granted to the applicant W. R. Ault. W. II. BROOKER, Ordinary. October 1,1808—30d /^.EORGIA, Whitfield CoMty.-David now- yJI kins having applied to be appointed gunr- dinn of the persons and property of Georgia A, William R,TiraO, and Mary Craig, minor orphans of John G. Craig, residents of said county: This is to cite all poraonl Cfliicernoi to bo and appear nt the Court of Ordinary, to bo held in nnd for Raid county, on the first Monday in No vember, 1S08, and show cause, if thoy can, why said David Hawkins should not bo interested with the gunriiiuiiship of tho persons nnd property of said orphans. J. P. FREEMAN, Ordinary. Sept. 16, td Administrator’s Sole, B Y virtue of an order of tho Honorable Court of Ordinary of Whitfield county,I will sell before the Court-House door in Dalton, on the first Tuesday in December next, lot of land. No 309, eleventh district, third section, of said county, belonging to tho estate of Jnh6 Brouddrick, lor the benefit of heirs and creditors. oct9-40d M. P. BERRY, Adm’r. * G EORGIA,WhitfieldConnty.—Two mouthsnf ter date application will be made to tlio Court of Ordinary of Wldtfield county,for leave to Court of Ordinary of Walker county, for leave pell the lands of the minor children of T 8 Swill, to sell Iho land belonging to tho cstuto of S deceased; also 80 acres belonging to tho estato of Couch, late of raid county, deceased, for the ; said deceased, for tho benefit of the heirs and benefit of the bcirsand creditors of said deceased I creditors of said deceased.. Q$t8-2ra D W STRANGE, Admr. 0(?tH-2m M, M. SWIFT, *AdmV 3d section of Murray county, levied on as property of Leonard CarroRth, a non-resident, virtue of a Superior Court li la, E. S. Howell Administrator’s Sale. E Y virtue of an order from tho Court of Ord nary of Murray county, wo will sell bofoi the Court-House in the lown of Spring Plnco, o the first Tuesday in November noxt, within tli legal hours or Hale, fats of laud Nos. 117, fl and 97 in the 9th district of the 3d section i Murray county. Sold us tho properly of A. 1 Turner, deceased, for the benefit of Die heirs ar creditors of raid deceased. Tills place is knov. as tlio A. M. Timur farm. Terms two thousmi dollars to be paid down, the balance at 12 month Titles made when all the purchase money is paid, J. L. McRNTIRK, / ... WEBSTER COFFEY, f Aa,D Scntemhcr 17, 1868—I od. M EABOB k BROS.—Tobacco Commission Mcr- ill chant*, No 2 Granite Block, Broad street. TTkNRk REST &• CO.—’Wholesale Grocer*und 11 Commission merchant*, Peachtree Street, Atlanta. Henry West—A. J. West. T .4MLS R. WYLIE—Wholesale Grocer nnd Coin* •1 mission Merchant,Tench tree street, Atlanta. BOOTS AND SnOES. I j LVRY B|\KS—Wlio’cpr lonVd retail dealer In II Boot* nnd Shoes, Leather, Calf Skins, nml Shoe Findings ol every dcscriplion, Whitehall und No. 0 Peachtree street, Atlanta. Tp 31. EDDLEMA.V k CO—Wholesale Denier* in J. . Boots, Shoes,Leather, French and American Calf Skins, Shoo Finding*, etc., next door to , 3!oor k Marsh, Decatur Street, Atlanta. n. H* k A. W. FORCE—Whola»ale denier* In 4 J. Boots and Shoes, Whitehall street, Atlanta. Sell at New York Puces, freight added. DRY GOODS, ETC. MOORE ~k ’ SlHsii—Exciurfvoly 111 dealer* in Dry Goods,Boot*,Shoe*,nut*,Caps nnd Notions, agents far Ti inn Factory goods, Do* entur street Atlnntn, Georgia. VflHVV & UUlGIIKUTY—IVliolcsafu dcnlars in U Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,Bnot*,Shoes, Huts nnd Notions, corner Peachtree nnd Decatur street* A BORGIA lloop Skirt Jlnunfartory—Wm. Title VJ bnuni, also kccfis heat stock of French, A mcr* lean and German Corsctt*,. Ladica’ ready made articles for under wear, Notions, Hosiery. Lady saleswomen. Next door to National Hotel. ., _. _, ' TAYLOR, J. A.—Whoiralc nnn retail dealer In 1 Drugs, Modleino*,Faints. Ol!*,Dye-Stuff*,Glass ware, >urgical Instruments, eU., sfan.of Golden Eagle, corner Peachtree and Decatur street*. WILSON k CRANE—Wholesale nnd retail VV dealers in Foreign nnd Domcsiiu Drugs, Paints, Oil*, Dye Stuff*, etc., under National IIo* tel, Atlanta, 'HARDWARE. T M. & R. C. CLARK—Importer* and dealer* In l i Hardware, L’uttlcry.Iruii, etc. Also agents for Falrhanks’ Standard Scales and Knoxville Iron Work*, sign of Big Pud Lock, Peachtree street. T 31. k J.C. AlKXAXBEB—Denlcrain;Hardware, • Iron, Null*, .Steel, Carriage material. Mill Stones,Bolting Cloth*,Mining implements,White* hall Street, Atlanta. CnRPETS, OIL CLOlliS. SHADES, ETC. T/ - KMHilCK) S. S.—Dealer In Onrpcfa.OilCloth*, IV Window Shades, Mats, Rugs, Curtains, Cor- nice, nnd all desciiptiuiiH uf IIouso Good.-, corner Marietta nud Broad streets, Atlanta. J. s. OUTRBo] [n. C. WADDAIL. OLIVER & "WADDAIL, •W JX 3EI3E! DHC O XT S13 . • AND .Commission" Merchants, Corner Alabama and Forsyth Sirs., Atlanta, Ga. t3S“A(»KNTs for Marietta Papkk Mill—keep •Jl f.izcs Printing nnd Wrapping paper on hand, at lowest luorket prices. [August 6-0tn. AMERICAN HOTEL, ALAIIAMA STREET, Atlanta, Georgia. HUITE k WHITLOCK, Proprietors. [nKARKST 110D8K TO TIIX PASSKNOKR UKi’OT.] . IP. D. Wiley,: Clerk. TT AVING again leased nnd renovated tho JLX above Hotel, wo nro prepared to entertain guests iu a most ratisfactory manner. Charges fair nnd modernto. Our effort will be to please. df Baggage carried to and Irom tho Depot rco of churge. G EORGIA, Murray County—Two months after date application will bo made to the Court of Ordinary of Murray county, (or lcavo ic sell lots ol land numbers 127 and 128 in the 27th district and 2d station of said cuuuty, belonging to tho estate of 8. O’Neal, deceased, to ratfafy a part ofttho purchase money. This September 10, 1868. E. 8. HOWELL, Admr, nnslly, adminlhtrator on the estate of Henry Wilson, deceased, applies in duo form of law far letters dismissory from the cstuto of said deeea-cd: These arc therefore to cito nnd admonish all and singular tho kindred und creditors of said deceased to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the Nov. Term of the Court of Or dinary, to be held on tl.e 1st Monday In Nov. next, otherwise letters will be granted the appli cant. Given under my hand nnd official signature this 30th day of April, 1808. ANDERSON FARNSWORTH, Ord’y, May 1—6in. O EORGIA, Murray County-Whcrcas, E 8. VjT llowcll, administrator on the estate of P. C. Howell, deceased, applies in due form of law for letters dismissory from the estate of said dec’d : These are therefore to cite and admonish all nnd singular tlio kindled and creditors of said deceased to file their objections, if any they have, 2 00 1 60 1 60 1 60 )«' 60 1 60 Acuordeons, frtun 1 00 to lis 00 Fish Hooks, one hundred In paper, 03 1’uro Silver Thimbles, 60 Spectacles, from 25 ot* to 26 00 Best Needles, 4 papers, assorted, in cose, lor 25 Will ecud needles by mail on receipt of 25 WORK DEPARTMENT. 57/a Best in A orth Georgia. Watohes rep \ired In lx*M stylo—new Jewels r new Wheels, If necessary. Clocks Repaired nnd warranted, Jewelry mended in best style at New York rices, Gold Pens Repaired. Wedding and Engagement Rings mado tn or- let trad engraved as desired. Society Badges nd Pins furnished to order. Spectacles Repaired, aud Glnraes put In as do* ired. Glas.-cs selected to suit ages, csrelullv, nd on scientific principles. A thorough knowl* dgc of tho Science of Optics, und twen'y-fivo pars experience in the spectacle business, ena* lu mo to do nil thut I promise. Fiue Pebbles and Glasses keptnlwsys on hand. SECURITY AND SAFETY. *e Careful Where you Leave Your Watch to be Repaired. A great many Robberies arc bring committed li over the country, and Watch Makers are fre- lucntly robbed- To secure my Customers, si roll as niyscif, I luvc n large Fire and Burglar Proof Safe, 11 a Vnu.t, All valuables nro put In every night, 17. F. J1KVES, \ TO BURNETT AN] Dealer in all Sorts of Crockery, etc., IP*’// not be Undersold- Yard Slick 36 inches loupl OcthY, ROME, GA. 1y 1. o. i'it&kr. it. n. Birim. PiTJi'ER fit SJliBTM, ' Wholesale nnd Retail (irocprsaii(i€()i)imiss1oiiMcrcliiinls No. 60 Broad Street,(PUuer’s Corner.) sell5 ROME, GA. • Cm Tennessee House, A. 8TANSBURY, Proprietor, Rome. Ga , near the Ihillrwnd Depot m.d Ftcamhnnt Lauding. The Stugo Office is kept in this Moore. October 8-tf. J. N. B. Cobb, H AVING determined to resumn his profession as n Tailor, tenders Ids services to tho pub lie, nnd asks to ttiare a portion of their patronage. He feels confident, from part experience, that the public can lie as well served in his lino in Dalton ns elsewhere. £3y“IIo will be in constant receipt of tho lat est fashions, to enable him to compete with th best workmen in tbs business. Grover & Baker Sewing Machines. In addition, I have become tlio agent of tho world-renowned Grovel k Baker Bowing Ma chines, the best in use Persons wishing to pur chase a first class Machine can do so by calling nt my Shop on King Street, Dalton, Ga., where the Machine is in successful operation. You can buy your Machino ns cheap from J. N. B. Cobb ns nt tlio Manufactory. Call and ox- arniue tho Msclbno far yourself. Washing Compound. I nlso havo for sale family rights for Jackson’s Universal Washing Compound, which saves soap and labor, nnd will wmili in any kind of lime wu- ter equal to freestone water. ^"Family High onlv One Dollar. Puichnsc ooo if you want while ctaihes. Feb. 28—ly. J. N. B. COBB. J. S» FUxpatrtcft, SIGN AND DKOO RATIYE PAINTER, Paper Hanger. GJazcr and Gilder. A LL work entrusted to him will bo executed with neatness and dispatch. Shop, upstairs in King building. Dalton, Georgia. LOOK TO YOUR INTJEKE&T! Ure Drugs and Medicines, At "T^U's Old Stand— FstabUched in 1849. T HE .undersigned is prepared and dally offering eve: ytiling in the Drug lino AT NASHVILLE PRICES! stock is large and will always bo kept Adi ol the best Medicines. Paint*, oils, Dye stuffs, Window Glass,Perfumeries,'Toilet Soaps,Bi u*hi s, Contbs, etc., 14i lie found in the Famtcrn maikvt*. Don’t fait to visit tlio Old Stand, sign of ti.o Golden Mortar. Mr. J. G. Rawlings, formerly with B. F. Tutt, tho oldest. Druggist and Presetiptionist in tho city, w ill ho on at nil times to serve Ids eld an I new customers. Physicians will find it to their Interest tn give me u call. 1 only ask an examination of my goods and price*, feeling assured I will lie ablo to plen>e i>»* I). I’. JIMcCOEIMaE. jul2-6m 123 Market Street, Chattanooga, Tcnn. TIIOS. WKDSTJtn. R. MASK. CHATTANOOGA FOUNDEY AND IVEachine "Works. T HE Proprietors arc prepared to manufacture ail kinds ot ntnchinety, ufeed in this country, ns Stationary and Moauibont Engines and Boiler?' Blast Furnace, Mining and Mill Machinery, ol every description; also Railroad, Biidgo, and all other kinds of Iron and Brass Casting*. Stcsiu Gunge* and Gas Pipe Fittings always on hand. Special contracts mado for ’ergo quantities of Castings. Brass and Coppei* taken in exchange for Castings. THUS. WEBSTFR k CO. jul2-6m Proprietor*. C\ T. irtlcox 9 >, Grocer and Provision Dealer, FRESH AND CANNED FRUITS, Staple Groceries, at Lowest Market Prices! 261 Market Street, Chattanooga, lean. A TTACHED to this establishment is a first cl*** Bakery, at which orders for Wedding or other suppers arc filled at short notice. Special attention given to buying and eelliflg ju!2 Gin Country Produce, Heytvood # G a ha pan, Dealers in dry goods- Groceries, Boots anil Eli ties, llardtvare, fottltfl. Qotsusnitrs, nnd all kinds o( Prodntc, Corner ttth snd Market Streets, julS-dra* iIIATTANOOOA.TENN. Patton It Payne, Booksellers and Stationers, CHATTANOOGA, TENN., , K EEP constantly on hand n complete stock01 Srhool Rooks. Stationery, Wall Paper* which they offer ut wholesale or retail, at Barton price*. jul.vS’U Order* b j 1 receive prompt attention*. Ordinary to be held in said county on ihe first Monday in November next, qtherwisesaij,letters will be granted the applicant. Ginn under my hand uud official signature, May 26th, 1868 6m ANDERSON FARNSWORTH, Ord’y. JYji TIOA\iE HOTEL* Vl A. L. MILLER PH0PRI& 0 *' TWENTY RODS PROM PAB8XNOKR. DKPOT, Railroad Avenue, between 8th and 9th Street*, CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Terms—$2.00 per day; Single meal*- 50 cc n J. L. M. ERWIN. nOUSE CAKI’ENTEU and joiner. JanuiryTor FljlV CRXT8..; ORK warranted to giro satisfaction, ltcf. rs to W. 11. k R. J. Howry, Fains & For- rot, Atlanta; Lowry & Eason, Tibbs, Kenner At I VV old llclhodlst Church building. Co., Dalian; WltilBoa It Yirnoll, Ringgold jy I Oct I5-8i