North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, December 29, 1921, Image 1

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JL . Cjvitan Club Took Over Work of Distributing Baskets to Worthy Cases children GET GIFTS from the committee Empty Stocking Fund Committee Had Distribution of Gifts for Chil dren at Dalton Buggy Co.— $ • Dalton Had Fine Day Tlie Christmas charity work in the sending of baskets of food to the poor, heretofore a part of the work of the Empty Stocking fund committee, was taken over this year by the Dalton Civitan club, there being more than enough Civitans volunteering to pay for and take in pekeon a basket of food, including fruits, candies, etc., as well as the more substantial articles of food, to take care of all cases re ported to the Empty Stocking fond committee. It was a generous re sponse the Civitans made to the sug gestion sprung at the last meeting. The Christmas , charity |worW. this year was well conducted. On Christ mas afternoon, about 325 children whom Santa Claus had been too busy to get around to, assembled at the Crescent Theatre, saw a good picture, heard music and an interesting talk on Christmas by Dr. F. K. Sims, and then went to the Dalton Buggy com pany store just across the street and had Santa Claus in person deliver to them sacks of candies,. nuts, apples, oranges, etc., -with toys and articles of clothing for the rpore needy caseSL When the distribution of gifts had been completed, * it was found there were a number of sacks left over, and so those who appeared to have least were given additional ones. The Empty Stocking fund committee wants the people of Dalton to know that the services of all who helped in any way, either in the giving of money or in helping with the entertainment and gifts are truly appreciated. The total amount of money secured reached $263.50, and in addition, 21 Civitans and four others supplied bask ets, “A Little Friend” gave clothing, Mrs. Clayton (and Mrs. Weil^ gave a box of oranges, The Dalton Fruit & Produce company gave a box of ap ples, R. P. Gregory & Son gave a box of apples, Lee Routh gave toys, Mal colm Tarver, Jr., gave toys, G. M. Can non, Jr., gave a big box of stockings and other clothing, and Tobe Parker gave stockings. The fund, as raised, was as follows: Previously acknowledged $219.25 Box at City Drug Store 2.75 Box at Fincher & Nichols’ - 1-50 Box at Mitchell’s Pharmacy Miss Flora May Frazier Miss Daisy Hamilton —-— Cash Cash Next Friday’s luncheon of the Dalton Civitan club will be held at The Bank of Dalton and will be served by the women of the Presbyterian church. The meeting is one of big import ance, for it will bring the annual elec tion of officers. There are also several applications for membership to be vot ed on. The meeting starts at 12:10, and it is desired that the entire mem bership be on hand promptly on time. VOTE FOR SCHOOL BONDS REVIVAL HAS STARTED AT HAMILTON STREET LaFayette Miniser to Assist Rev. C. H. Williams The revival was started Monday night at Hamilton Street Methodist church, under thhe direction of Rev. C. H. Williams, the church’s popular young pastor. It will -run as long as the interest warrants. Rev. Mr- Williams will have Rev. J. W. Brinsfield, of LaFayette, to as sist him in the meeting. Rev. Mr, Sexton, of Knoxville, Tenn., who was to have assisted, found, it impossible to come. The services are attracting good ciowds, and the public is cordially in vited to attend. VOTE FOR SCHOOL BONDS LITTLE GIRL NARROWLY MISSED BEING INJURED Little Miss Jane Moore Hamilton Fell Into Wall Little Jane Moore, three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ham il'ton, narrowly escaped serious injury Tuesday when she walked into an op ening and fell between the walls from the second to the first floor in the home of Mr. W. H. Prater, on Thorn ton avenue. She was slightly scratcn- ed and bruised, but her injuries were not serious. The little girl, with some other chil dren, were in the house which is be ing remodeled. The wall had not been lathed up from the second floor to the ceiling, and she. fell tne distance from the second to the first floor. It was necessary to remove the weather board ing, laths and plaster to get her out. The many friends of the family are glad to know that the little girl will suffer no Ml effects from the unusual accident. 1.50 1.00 3.00 5.00 1.00 Mrs. M. M. Gordon, Florida 1.00 J- P. Godwin , 2.50 Mrs. S. J. Huff 1.00 B. D. Bazemore :•£ 2.00 Miss Catherine Ferguson 1.00 Modern Woodmen of America v 5.00 B. C. Bivings 1.00 A Friend _i 5.00 Miss Evelyn Longley 1.00 Cash 5.00 A. L. Edwards 1.00 Mrs. .John Holland 2.00 Clarence Barrett 1.00 Charles W. Pugsley of Nebraska is the new appointee to the post of as sistant secretary of agriculture. He was formerly professor of animal in dustry at the University of Nebraska, edited a farm journal there, and has been prominent in agricultural af fairs in his state. He succeeds Mr. Elmer D. Ball. Teachers, of County Will Meet Here and Form Organization Meeting to Be Held Saturday at Court House—Program Announced by Superintendent Field -> Total _$263.50 Fine Christmas. Dalton enjoyed a fine Christmas, Every charity case that was reported, together with every one the different committees could find, received atten tion. At 4 o’clock Christmas afternoon, a crowd of Dalton people assembled in front of the First National Bank where Christmas carols were sung. The customary Christmas services were held in the churches and Sunday schools, with a number of -Christmas trees at the churches. No serious accident was reported to mar-the day, and there was prac- narrett -l.w i ^ — -- Mi's. John Herndon 1.00 tically no work for the police to EW CITY ADMINISTRATION TO TAKE CHARGE OF CITY’S AFFAIRS WEDNESDAY NIGHT The organization of an association of the county school teachers is the object of a meeting to be held next Saturday, Dec. 31, at the court house. An interesting program has been ar ranged for the meeting, and there will be discussions on various questions, with talks by several out-of-town peo ple. The occasion promises to he an interesting and enjoyable one. Relative to the meeting, J. D. Field, county school superintendent, makes the following announcement: “The Whitfield county teachers’ meet ing will be held December 31, at the court house. Every teacher is earnest ly requested to he present whether they have been teaching or expect to teach. It is the duty and pleasure of the home teachers to meet the new teachers and welcome them (to our county at this time. There will be several normal trained teachers added to our force this year.. We hope to make their work with us such that they will de sire to stay. “Stfttft^School Supervisor # J. O. Mar tin, Miss Lurlme-Barker, and out-of county teachers will be with us. “The program is as follows: “Meeting called to order by Super intendent J. D. Field at 9 o’clock. “Song, ‘America.’ ‘Invocation, Rev. S. M. Hair, ox. Rev. H. C. Emory. “Song, ‘Georgia.’ “Organization of a county teachers’ association. “Cooperation of parent and teacher, c. Kenemer, Mrs. jj. J. Dantzler. ‘Physical Development: J. F. Ander son, Calisthenics; C. M. Britton, Gen eral Athletics; Miss Fannie J. Brown. Plays and Games. Other teachers will be expected to join in discussions. “Discussion of field day prograin and round table discussions. “Adjourn at 12:30. “Let me insist that every teacher he present, and.on time.” Clerk W. M. Carroll is busy this " e ek closing up the work of the year, So as to have his financial report ready the new city administration that takes charge Wednesday night of next week. ■ . : : 1 v f.xs Unless something unexpected comes U P, there will be no meeting of the Present administration next Monday; J nt on the following Wednesday, May- 01 M ood and his councilmen will meet hear the annual reports, after which Mayor-elect McAfee will take the oath °f oflice, and Couneilmen-elect Ben Sta- B®, from the first ward; John A. ■-hope, from the second ward; Carter ‘ ® n 8>'- from the third ward, and F. • Percy, from the fourth ward, will e inducted into office. A. E. White, elected police chief, and J. W. Ray, recorder-elect, will also be sworn in, and the new administration will get down to business. Mayor McAfee will announce his standing committees; the council wdl decide on the number of P°^ em ® n work, and they will be elected on re commendation of the police chief. The city attorney, physician, sexton, street foreman and one member of the board of water, light and sinking fund com missioners will be elected. The commis sioner whose term expires is J. Thomas. Will D. McNally is the pres ent street foreman; Jolm Ste ®f’ cl Jf physician, and W. M. Sapp, ci y tomey. TSere will lie little, if any, business transacted otter ttan ffie enstomar, work." VOTE FOR SCHOOL BONDS FIREWORKS CAUGHT FIRE AT VINING’S Fire Department Answered Alarm Last Saturday J. P. Godwin was elected worship ful master of Dalton Lodge No. 105, Free and Accepted Masons at the meet ing Monday night. Other officers were elected as follows: C. P. Hannah, senior warden; M. A. Keister, junior warden; E. C. Coffey, treasurer; T. D. Ridley, secretary; L. B. Lawton, senior deacon; R. E. Hink le, junior deacon; Wright Mitchell, senior steward; G. E. Horan, junior steward; W. J. King, tyler; Frank Springer, G. L. Harlan and J. E. Whit son, finance committee. Modern Woodmen Officers. Fort Hill Camp. No. 16,905, Modern Woodmen of America, on last Wednes day night elected the following officers: C. P. Hannah, consul; E. E. .Hill, ad visor; J. H. Neely, banker; M. B. Dav is, clerks J. F. Coogler, escort; E. H. Wofford, watchman; G. A. Dick, sen try; W. M. Painter, physician; C. A. Wright, trustee. At the meeting the camp voted to donate $5 to the Empty Stocking fund, and after the meeting, an oyster supper was enjoyed at the City Cafe. Cohutta Masons Elect. Cohutta Lodge No. 64, Free and Ac cepted Masons, has elected the follow ing officers for the year: J. L. Renfro, worshipful master; E. W. Bagby, senior warden; Clint Wheel er, junior warden; T. B. Cahoon, treas urer; G. F. Dantzler, secretary; M. L. Anderson, tyler; W. C. Feagan, senior deacon; G. M. Tatum, junior deacon; A. F. Raines, senior steward; M. C. Rymer, junior steward; W. H. Isbill, chaplain. -P. O. ST of A. to Elect. The Patriotic Order Sons of America will have the regular elections tonight (Wednesday), and a large attendance is desired. Christmas Service. St. Johns Commandery No. 19, Knights Templar, on Christmas day held the customary Christmas service, the members all going to the asylum and registering, and at noon, the Christmas message was telegraphed to the grand commander. Encampment Elects. Dalton Encampment No. 37, I. O. O. F., on Tuesday night elected the fol lowing officers: S. F. Armstrong, chief patriarch; M. A. Keister, high priest; E. H. Wofford, senior warden; T. W. Lindsey, junior warden ; J. T. Wills, scribe; T. D. Ridley, treasurer. VOTE FOR SCHOOL BONDS Farm Bureau Calls Meeting to Decide As to County Agent Meeting Will Be Held Wednesday at Court House—Large Attendance is Desired—To Make Plans A supply of Christmas fireworks be ing displayed at Vining’s store T}n East Morris street caught fire Saturday afternoon; but the blaze was quickly extinguished, with little damage. Saturday night, a ham owned by J. D. Puryear in,^orth Dalton caught fire and was destroyed. VOTE FOR SCHOOL BONDS ♦ (♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦fl* ♦ OVER 6,000 BALES ♦ 4 GINNED IN COUNTY ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 There were 6,211 bales of cotton ♦ ♦ ginned in Whitfield county, from ♦ 4 the crop of 1921 prior to Decern- ♦ ♦ her 13, 1921, as compared with ♦ 4 5,068 bales ginned to December 4 4 13, 1920. ♦ 44444♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ On Wednesday, Jan. 4, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, an important meeting will be held at the court house, the object of the meeting being to decide whether or not the county is to have a farm demonstration agent in 1922. The meeting will he held by the Whitfield County Farm Bureau, which organization last year took over the work when the county board refused t" make an appropriation for an agent. The farm bureau members feel that the farm agent can and does accomp lish much for the agricultural better ment of the county, and at the meet ing next Wednesday, it will be seen if means can be devised for continuing the work, for those interested feel that the work is especially needed at this time. In addition to this important matter, plans for the farm bureau work for 1922 will also be made. Following is the official call for the meeting: “A county farm bureau meeting is called for Wednesday at 2 p. m., Jan uary 4, at the court house, for the purpose of considering the employment of a county agent, and the planning of the work of the_ farm bureau for the next year. “J. H. Smith, Chairman; “H. H. Ezzard, secretary.” E. A. Shepa of New Jersey is the newly appointed general comptroller of the United States Emergency Fleet corporation. He succeeds Alonzo 'Tweedale. War Tax Is Removed Sunday from Drinks That Are Very Soft People Will Get “Exemption” on Many Articles—Will Mean Big Loss of Revenue to Government Starting next Sunday, the war tax on many articles will be removed al together, while on others, the amount will be materially cut. This is about the first intimation given the tax payer, who, by ithe way, is every American citizen, whether he thinks so or not, that the war is over. Next Sunday you can buy a dope and pay the old price for it.' The tax is abolished, lock-stock-and-barrel when it comes to soft drinks, and that’s the only kind of drinks you can legally buy. On freight and express rates, and in other ways, the tax is removed, and it’s only the beginning of a gener al removal of the war tax. An example of the vast amount of work involved in the figuring of the war tax on different things, together with .the vast revenue the government has collected is the following from the American Railway Express company: . The public will save approximately $1,500,000 a month as a result of the elimination of the war tax on express shipments, according to George C. Tay lor, President of the American Rail way Express Company. An announce ment to this effect was made today by W. R. Speck, the local express agent. The “Revenue Act of 1921” elimi nates the War Tax of one cent on every twenty cents and fractions thereof in transportation charges on all express shipments. This (tax during the year of 1920 amounted to $17,502,918. The average transportation charge for each express shipment was approximately $1.50 and the average War Tax for each shipment was eignt cents. The elimination of the tax, therefore, Mr. Taylor states, will virtually amount to a decrease in rates of a little over five per cent. Mr. Taylor believes that this should have a tendency to stimulate business and thereby accelerate the rapidly improving conditions through out the entire country. “The American Railway Express Company handles approximately one million shipments a day or nearly four hundred million shipments a year,” Mr. Taylor goes on to say. ‘The elimi nation of the tax will relieve the American Railway Express Company of an immense amount of labor which has been involved in calculating, en tering on waybills and collection of tax, not to mention the expense of checking and accounting entailed. ‘The Treasury Department has re quested express carriers to advise all claimants who have claims pending, for overcharges, or who file such claims after Dec. 31st, 1921, that claims for refund of tax should be filed separate ly on Treasury Department Form No. 46, with the Commissioner of Internal Revenue within four years from the time the tax was paid, claim being bar red by the statute of limitations of re ceived after such time. Will Make Additions to Gram mar Schools and Erect New High School MANY DUPLICATIONS OF NAMES ARE FOUND Mr. W. T. Kenner, of this city, sus tained a heavy loss last Friday night, when a house and barn, on his farm east of here near the Murray county line, caught fire and were destroyed. A tractor, together with a quantity of farm tools, hay, etc., burned with the barn. Both the house and bam were comparatively new buildings. For a time it was feared that Earl Gurdine, a young boy who works on the farm, had lost his life in the flames. He had slept in (the hay in the bam,.and when he couldn’t be lo cated, it was feared he had been trap ped in the burning ham and had lost his life. The boy, however, showed up Saturday night. VOTE FOR SCHOOL BONDS Committee Getting Lists Ready to Submit to Registrars—Import ant Election to Be Held on Friday of Next Week BURGLARS BROKE INTO CHEESE FACTORY FRIDAY Got Away With About One Hundred Pounds of Cheese Burglars broke into the plant of the cheese factory just north of the city last Friday night* and carried off about one hundred pounds of cheese. Every effort is being made to appre hend them. VOTE FOR SCHOOL BONDS FORMER DALTON WOMAN DIED AT CALHOUN, GA. Death of Miss Amelia Starr Caused Sorrow Here On Friday of next week, the voters of Daitcn will decide the question of a bond issue for school improvements. In an advertisement in this issue, the school board (talks of the waj in which the money will he spent, and the at tention of the people is directed to it. The board states that in North Dal ton, two additional class-rooms and an assembly hall will be built. This will carry out the original idea for the North Dalton school. It will relieve the congestion there for years to come. Little will be spent on the Fort Hill school buildings. The city Park build ing, used now for a high school, will be remodeled' and converted into a grammar school, and this -will relieve the congestion on Fort Hill. Necessary extensions to the Emery Street (color ed) school will be made. After these improvements are ac counted for, a modem high school building will be constructed. The hoard expresses the hope that it will not be necessary to issue the entire amount of $90,000 bonds, and it is believed that the entire issue will not be floated, for the 6 per cent bonds will be at tractive to the investors, and are bound to sell above par. Dalton people learned with sorrow of the death of Miss Amelia Starr, which occurred last Tuesday at Cal houn. Miss Starr formerly lived here, and had many friends in this city. She was an aunt of Dr. Trammell Starr, of this city. Relative to her death, the Calhoun Times of last week had the following: “Miss Amelia Sta^p passed away Tuesday morning at the residence of her brother, Col. O. N. Starr, with j whom she had made her home for several years past. Interment took place Wednesday afternoon in Fain cemetery, following funeral services conducted at the residence by Rev. T. J. Branson. Miss Starr was seventy-five years of age, and before making her home in Calhoun, she lived at Oxford, Ga. Be sides her brother, she is survived by a sister-in-law, Mrs. Onie Starr, of Ox ford, and a number of nephews and nieces. VOTE FOR SCHOOL BONDS NEW YEAR’S SINGING Many Duplications Found. AT THE SHADOWLAND Interesting Event Scheduled Next Sunday for Next Sunday afternoon, there will be a new Year’s sing at the Shadow- land theatre, and the public is cordial ly invited to attend. Mr. Frank Buchanan is making ar rangements and promises an entertain ing program. At a meeting of a number of Dalton people interested in the approaching election for $90,000 of school improve ment bonds held Tuesday night in the office of the Fite Hardware company, lists of the registered voters were checked, and many duplications were found, while the names of others who had moved away or were -dead were checked. This work will be continued through the week so (that (the lists can be put in the best shape possible. After the work is completed, the lists will be turned over to the registers for a revision of the lists. No definite arrangements have yet been made for any mass meetings of the people for the purpose of arousing the interest and enthusiasm necessary to get out a big vote; but such meet ings will be held prior to the election. The incoming city administration has signified the intention of having the school board handle" the bond money if the bonds are voted, and as soon as the issue is authorized by the required vote of the people, the bonds will be validat ed and offered for sale at competitive bids. This will make the actual con struction work on the schools, if the bond issue is authorized by the people’s vote, start in the early spring. In The Citizen next week will ap pear the location of the polling places with the election managers. The vot ing will* be by wards, as is the case in regular city elections. CALHOUN CIVITAN CLUB IS - GIVEN CHARTER BY DALTON CLUB AT SNAPPY MEETING Mr. Speck pointed out that as the Revenue Act becomes effective Jan. 1st, 1922, the tax on all shipments for warded “prepaid” on or before Dee. 31st, will be collected. On shipments forwarded “collect” and arriving on or after Jan. 1st, the tax will not he as sessed. Twenty-two members of the Dalton Civitan club went to Calhoun last Thursday night and presented to the Calhoun club the charter, the speech of presentation being delivered by Dr. Frank K. Sims, sky pilor of the local club. 0T As is the case on all occasions, Cal houn had arranged everything just exactly right, and when the Dalton Civ- itans, headed by Paul B. Fite, presi dent, arrived, they found the attractive clubhouse of the Calhoun women ready. The women served a delicious lunch eon. The Dalton Civitans were made to feel thoroughly at home when Ralph Meeks, editor of the Calhoun Times and a charter member of the Calhoun Civitan club, voiced the address of welcome. In addition, Rev. Mr. Hend erson, sky pilor for the Calhoun club; Mr. A. L. Henson and others spoke. For the Dalton crowd, Col. W. C. Martin, Messrs. T. D. Ridley and W. K. Moore were the speakers, and Dr. Sims made a beautiful talk in presenting the charter to the Calhoun club. The Calhoun dub starts with an en thusiastic membership, and gives prom-'* ise of being one of the most wide awake dubs in the international asso ciation of Civitan dubs. Julius Strain was dected the club’s first president; T. F. Bergstrom, vhw president, and B. W. Blackman, secretary. Commit tees to draft the constitution and by laws and to make arrangements for luncheons will he appointed later by the president.