The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, July 18, 1879, Image 1

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The Gainesville Eagle Published Every Fiidav Morning B Y R EfD VV IN E & II A3l Tho OfflcUi Ortiiu of Hall, Towns, Kabuu, Union ancl Dawson counties, and the city of Gaincpvillo. Has a lar;je general circulation in twelve other counties in Northeast Georgia, and two counties in Western North Carolina. Sicretary Shtrman is re-organizing the civil service in the ink rest of his presidential aspirations. “Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood ba shed,” says the Bible. Mosquitoes, take notice. “What shall we eat ?” says an ex change, If you are like us you eat whatever the neighbors send in, and are glad to get it. The independent, movement is gathering its legs uder it for a mighty jump. Marcellas Thornton is one of the legs. Governor Win. Allen, of Ohio, died on last Friday. He was one of tho ablest of tho Ohio Democrats, and his death will be widely mourned. Tho Moffett bell punch bill has been reported adversely Jjy the fi nance committe. Wo apprehend that tho report will bo sustained. Can a man with money and friends be hung in Georgia? With the pres ent statute and juries he cannot. Cox, Hill, Gibson, all say nay. It would seem that the Atlanta sontiment which hangs murderers has not dropped down as far as Macon. This sort of thing ought to spread. The independent boom is making arrangements to boom. At least Marcellus Thornton has slackened his suspenders, and this moans some thing. Mr. T. J. Perry has seized hold of the throttle of the Cuthbert Southron and will aid Bro. Tucker in running the machine, Success to you Bio. Perry. Tho New Haven 11agister asks the profound question, “When are we dead ?" and the Syracuse Times says the only correct answer is, when we stop advertising. This country has never seen such a political battle us next year will witness. It is to be the struggle to tho death of centralized despotism against the will of a free people. Our usually correct, and always able cotemporary, the Savannah News, credits an item from this pa per to.the “GainesviHe* Sun." There is no such journal in thilcity Hon. M. It. Morotbm vv-.rr * - o Judge of tho Brunswick circuit. Col. Arnow was not heard of in the race. Verdict of the legislature— died of too much biographical sketch. And Marcellus Thornton is to head tho independent movement. The Goneralissimo of tho organized forces will have need to put more dirt on the breastworks and bring forth his heaviest ordinance. When Christopher, of the Atlanta Phonograph, calls us “Ham of the Fagle” ho is treading on dangerous ground. There is a yawning vacancy in our private cemetery that will just lit this sort of a j mrualist. If the present genoral assembly does not repeal the act allowing the recommendations ot juries to com mute the death sentence to impris onment for life, wo may bid farewell to capital punishment in this State. It will grieve the attorney general to know that so high an authority as the able and erudite editor of the Phonograph has pronounced him no lawyer. We should not be aston ished to hear of his suicide at any moment. y. ■*. Christopher has nothing against the comptroller general but—and here follows a string of charges as long as a well rope and as big around as a pound of wool. “Let’s go in and get a drink,’ ’ said Buford, the Kentucky murderer to Judge Elliott and shot him dead in his tracks. The following bit of practical wis dom is from Rev* Adirondack Murray: “Heaven is not populated with sing ing thieves, or palm-bearing bank rupts, who settle with their creditors at twenty five cents on the dollar Wednesday and tide to church the next Sabbath in a thousand dollar coach, with a man in livery on the box.” A ten dollar bill, with the following words written- across the face, was .pissed over an Ithaca counter the other day: ‘This is the last of a for tune of SIOO,OOO left me by my uncle. Beware of women and wine. Jasper Gould.” Bather let a man beware of indulging his passions until they be come ungovernable. Neither women nor wine are responsible for Jasper Gould’s poverty; Jasper himself is alone to blame. — N. F. Sun. Ex Gov. Tom Young, member of congress from the second Ohio dis trict, admits the truth of the state ment that the fraudulent administra tion had thrown overboard civil ser vice reform and meant to exert all its inllueLce to carry Ohio and New York this fall for the Republican can didates. The political assessments of government employees will be vig orously enforced, and the refusal to pay will be taken as evidence of the political unsouudness of the recalci trant, and ho will be forthwith dropped from the service. The Gainesville Eagle VOL. XiII. MY COUNTRY BEAU. “With all my dignity, my noble husband is a credit to me, you say. Let me tel! you about it.” So said the wife of one of our most eloquent Eastern divines in answer to the remark of a dear friend who was spending an evening with her, at the beautiful and elegant parson age home. The following is the story she told: * I wa3 born and brought up in a flourishing city of the west, and al though it was but a few hours’ ride to the shady groves and sunny farms ofAhe country, I had grown to the of womanhood ere I visited a f trm house. It was on the occasion of my Uncle John's first trading visit to the city, anew railroad having di verted the grain martet from its old course, that my llret visit was deter mined upon. He lived thirty miles from the city, “right out in the woods,” as ho assured us; and you may believe it was a grand adventure for me. The very first week a reception was given in my honor by a neighboring farmer, my uncle’s now commodious country residence being at the time in an unfinished condition. It was a “country dance,’’ and some of the country customs into which I was initiated that evening were truly as tonishing to me. About eleven o’clock, at the time when those living near made their adieux, those living at a distance being invited, with myself, to remain all night, I observed that most of the young ladies became very weary, and dropped off, one by one, iuto remote comers, when the tallow candles, as they burned out, wereloft unreplenished, till at lust only the light from the capacious fireplace showed me that each lassie in the corner had been re-iuforced by a lad die who seemed just to her mind, judging by the close proximity which they assumed toward each other. J ust then Cousin Will--who was only a cousin by courtesy, my aunt being his stepmother—came to me aud ask, dif ho could “sit up with me” that evening. Not exactly knowing what he meant, I consented, and we took our seats ju t in front of the fast expiring lire. Cousin Will began by assuring me of the great pleasure it gave him to know personally one of whom he had heard so much; our conversation, in common with that of the other cou ples, being carried on in an under tone, to prevent confusion probably. After awhile the flame on the hearth gave a last flicker and expired; aud just then I felt Will’s arm passed quietly around my waist. “Ob, ho 1” thought I, “this is a part of tho programme I had not an ticipated; but I will see if I cannot • rt ivO~n Jltfclo light, on the subject, and find out if the custom is general.” So, without repulsing him, I gv a sly poke at the fore stick with the toe of my slipper, and a brilliant flame shot up; at the same time I felt Will’s arm suddenly removed, and noticed a sus picious flutter among other couples within the radius of the illumination. I then complained of being cold— of course I was chilly or I should not have been so solicitous about the fire —and declared my intention of re tiring, which had the effect, I being the belle of the evening, of breaking the party up at least two hours sooner than usual I have no doubt. Ah 1 that “winding up spark,” as they called it, was quite a novelty to me; but I soon saw through it, my dear, sooner perhaps than was intended by the aid of that blazing chunk. But this was not the last of Cousin Will by any means, for his fine bay horse became quite a frequent visitor at my uncle’s st able. He was a splen did follow (Cousin Will I. mean, not tho horse), or, as old Professor Speci men of our natural science class wouid have said, “a most perfect ani mal,” as far as form aud features were concerned. But alas! the intellect, the best part of our order of the ani inal kingdom, was utterly untrained. In other words, Cousin Will was au unmitigated greenhorn. But, you probably know by experience my dear, how Liard it, is for most young ladies, real natural yonug ladies—l do not mean the old young ladies —to get along without the admiration of the other sex Well, lam afraid len couraged Cousiu Will to somewhat higher aspirations than I was just exactly prepared to answer; for he was, by far, superior to any other young man whom I met at my uncle’s, and Ihe result was just as you have foreseen, perhaps; it I did not fall in love with him he made up for all de ficiences on my part by falling des perately iu love with me. It was the night before mv depart ure for home, and when Will called, as usual, my uncle’s family, as if by common conseut, found other occn pations for their time, and thus left us iu solitary possession of the “best room.” “I am sorry you are going away,” he began; “I don’t see how I shall ever get along without you, Sadie.’ My uncle’s folks called me Sarah, but I had taught Will tu use the less plain diminutive. ‘ Oh, I guess that will be easily managed,” I replied, in as light a tone as I could summon, for I scented a proposal, and I really liked "Will too well to mortify him by a refusal. And what a figure he §\vould cut among my city friends to be sure, with his uncouth manners and decidedly pro vincial vernacular! But although Will was what the Hon Augustus Fitz would have denominated “decidedly—aw— out of style, you know,” yet he had a spirit brave and strong enough to face any late, and conquer it, too, generally. So all my maneuvers, which would have thrown a city gal lant entirely hors da combat, ouly pre cipitated matters in this case; for he looked me gravely in the face and said, as he took my hand—he had never presumed upon any greater fa miliarity since the lesson I gave him at the pirty—“l will not allow you to put me off with trilling, Sadie; 1 1 vo ye u, an l although I know you Lave known it all along, Ido not choosa to let you leave the aeighbor GAINESVILLE, GA.; FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 18,1879. hood without hearing it in words— iu plain king’s English, if you please, that cannot be misunderstood, even if it is pretty well haggled iu pro nuneiation.” Oh, how angry I was! To think he had not ODly completely fooled me in my attempt at throwing him out, but he had effectually closed the door of my escape from the charge of flirtation* “Then, Cousin Will,” I cried, my cheek burning with resentment and chagrin, “you must be a great goose o suppose I would have encouraged such presumption; for you must know yourself that it is nothing else for an untutored country boy like you to aspire to the society into which I would have to introduce you. Why, you must be out of your head" to think that I would waste one se rious thought on a man who could stick down on a farm and content himself to be a ‘booby,’ when the world is so wide and full of knowl edge.” This by way of balm for the wound my refusal gave him. But when I thought to humiliate him, I reckoned without my host, for Will heard me through quietly, and then said, as he arose and took his hat from the old fashioned bureau: “Well, Sadie, I make ne accusation if your own con science doetsn’t. So good bye—l will call to see you when I come to the city,” and he was gone before I had time to deny him the privilege he had arrogated to himself. Sure enough the next fall when Uncle John brought his grain to market Cousin Will came to our city with him. Uucl. came straight to our house; but Will, true to the nat ural reflnement that education cannot give, nor the lack of education take away, put up at a hotel, and at a saa sonable hour called at our door, i was expecting him, and had tho ser vant instructed. Poor fellow, he was too honest to understand fashionable tricks, so when he was told that I was “not at home’’ he took it as lit erally true, and went sorrow fill iy away. But on the way home, when he learned from Uncle John’s talk that I had been home, he was for a time puzzled to understand what was as much of a novelty to him as the “after-piece” of the dancing party had been to me. He saw through it in time, however, and determined that I should bo at homo when he mailed again. It is not necessary to make a long story out of a short one, so I will tell you forthwith that Cousin Will went to college, chose the ministry as his profession, and proved himself so sat isfactory in the work that he had a call, at an enormous salary, for a preacher to a church in an eastern city where I was visiting at the time. You smile; well, Cousin Will and the lit. Rev. W. H. Trafton are one and the same person. I did not Bee him for a long time, as his church was not the one my uncle’s family attended, butfinally he exchanged pulpits with our pastor for a day, without knowing, you may be sure, that I was to be part of his con gregation, for he did not even know that I was in the city. His sermon was half through before he saw ni6, but at last onr eyes met as I was lis tening spellbound to the eloquence that poured from his lips. He faltered and almost failed for a moment, then rising far above me he went on, and I was humiliated to know that I was for the time passed over. When the services were over lie whispered to the usher, who imme diately came forward as though to open our pew door, and begged us to wait a moment. Soon Cousin Will emerged from the vestry room with countenance somewhat flushed and that extended hand. My uncle’s family, who were related to me from a different side side of the house from Aunt Trafton, were delighted to km w that they were so almost of kin to the eloquent young preacher, and cor dially pressed him to come and see me while I remained at their house. “But what says Cousin Sadie? ’ he asked, with a sly twinkle in his eye; “she was not at home the last time 1 called.” “Pb, Will!” I exclaimed (somehow I did not feel like calling him cousin), “I was nothing but a thoughtless giri (hen.” •‘Well, I suppose that means I may call now,” he said, raising his hat as we parted at the door. And sure enough he did call the next evening; and added to that call another, and another, till he was our most frequent visitor; but ho took care not to “presume” again, and my heart ached till my cheek blanched as I thought he never more would offer me the love I ouce slighted. I little knew him, for his deep eyes had been studying me all the time, that he might be sure a second offer would not be presumption; so one evening, when we were sitting together in my favorite nook, the bay window of the breakfast parlor, quite apart from the gay party in the drawing room be yond, he said: “Sadie, I firmly believe the doctrine I preach, that forgiveness is a divine virtue; therefore I would forgive you even if I did not know that I had nothing to forgive. You look bewil dered; well, let me explain. By your pride you saved me from ignorance and a wasted life, for I never forgot what you said about the ‘contented booby,’ and it proved a most effectual awakening. And now, by my humil ity, I intend to save you from a broken heart, for you love me, Sadie; you dare not deny it.” I could have boxed his ears for his impertinence, but I was far too happy to nurse other feelings, so I only said: “I do not wish to deny it, Will.” And thus I came here to live with him in this lovely place, and I am quite willing to admit that ho is in deed a credit to me, although he was onee my “country beau,” and pro nounced c-a-1 m kam. There seems to be a general dispo sition to condemn the acts of both Lamar and Conkling as unworthy cf the dignity of the office they hold, It is supposed however that Lamar went on the theory that it was all right- to fight the devil with. fire. For the Sick Boom. A few hints and recipes for the sick room may now aud then be in; place. Everything around the sick should be quiet and cleanly. The nurse should have a steady hand 7 clear head and tender heart; not talkative or nervous. Avoid argu ments with the sick; do not sit or lean on the bed. Friends calling on the sick should make their stay short The practice of visiting the sick on the Sabbath is a very poor one— that day often thus becomes the most* trying and fatiguing of all to them. Asa general rule do not go info the sick room unless you go to help. Do not deceive the sick; deceit breeds j suspicion, and they will worry lest you keep something from them. ' Don’t persuade the dying that they i will recover, it is treason against the j interest of the soul. Never enter a ' &ick room in a moment of perspira- lion, is the moment you becotne cool i your pores absorb. Do not approach j contagious disease with au empty J stomach, nor sit between the sick and the fire, because, the heat attracts vapor. Preventitives are preferable to pills or powders. Spirits of am monia, inhaled, is good for the head ache, and to help the breathing m bad colds. It cools and soothes a feverish patient to wash him in warm water, in which saleratus or soda has been dissolved. A little cotton bat ting, wet with sweet oil and lauda mini, put in the ear, will cure the earache in the beginning of it. Coiniiliiuent to a Wife. • The following neat and beautiful reply was made by the late Daniel O’Oonnell iu responso to a toast given in compliment to his wife, who was the object of his long attachment. It was given at a political meeting. The English language could furnish nothing more touchingly tender and graceful: “There are some topics of so sa cred and sweet a nature that they may be comprehended by those who are happy, but they cannot possibly be described by any human being. AH that 1 shall do is to t’apk you in the name of her who was the disin terested choice of my early youth; who was the cheerful companion of iny manly years; and who is the sweetest solace of that ‘sere and yel low- leaf’ age at which I have arrived. In her name I thank you; for expe rience will .(show to us all that man cannot battle with malignant ene mies unless his nest at home is warm aud comfortable —unless the honey of human life is presented by a Land that he loves.’’ A Tough Witness. Prosecuting attorney—“Mr. Parks, state, il you please, whether ycJu have! ever known the defendant to follow any profession.” He has been a professor ever rince I have known him.” “Professor of what ?” “Of religion.” “You don’t understand me, Mr. Parks. What does he do?” “Generally what he pleases.” “Tell the jury, Mr. Parks, what the defendant I flows.” “Gentlemen of the jury, the de fendant follows the crowd when they go in to get a drink.” “Mr. Parks, this kind of prevarica tion will not do here. Now state how the defendant supports him self.” I saw him support himself by a lamp-post last night.’’ “May it please your honor, this witness has shown a disposition to trifle with the court. ” Judge—“Mr. Parks, state, if you know anything, what the defendant’s occupation is.” “If lain t mistaken, he occupies a garret somewhere in town.” “That is all, Mr. Parks.” Cross-examined—“Mr. Parks, I understand you to say that the de fendant is a professor of religion. Does his practice correspond with his profession ?” “i never heard of any correspond ence passing between them ” “You said something about his propensity for drinking. Does he drink hard?” “No, he drinks as easy as any man I ever saw.” “One more question, Mr. Parks. You have known tha defendant a long time. What are his habits— loose or otherwise ?” “The one he’s got on now I think is rather tight under the arms, and too snort waisted for the fashion.” “You can take your seat.” The Railroad Engineer. Something about the engineer, his face or his manner, or possibly his clothes attracted my attention. Any how, I wanted to talk to him and hear him talk about his engine. There is always a wonderful fascina tion about railroad engineers and lo comotives, and railroad men general ly, for ail f eople, and I am specially susceptible to this fascination. Were you ever at Creston, lowa ? and did you stop at the old Creston House? I have sat quiet and motionless in its sittiDg-room by the hour, listening to the clatter of the train about me. ‘By thunder!’’ one man would be sh jilting,“l looked out of the way-car window aud saw old Fanigan cornin’ down the main line lickety split, thir ty mile i an hour if he was makin’ a mile, and I “ switch open and two coaches on the siding,” says an engineer, “and squealed for brakes and thro wed her clear over, and you should see the fire fly out of them rails, and before ’’ “Well, sir, I twisted that blamed old brake till I thought I’d twist it off; hold nothing -—you couldn’t hold -” “ aw, she is, though; she’s the prettiest piece of iron on this division; she’s quick as ” “Who went oat on No. 37 last night ?” And so on through a charming confusion of throttle, aud lever, lamp;, draw-bar, lire box, cylinder-cock, way-cars, frogs, switches, trucks, tanks, claw bars, cattle-guard, platform-cars, cross-irons, orders, signals, flags, and a thousand other things that I didn’t know anything about. I rather liked it. But before I could get to this engineer I was speaking of, who had a passenger engine on the Indianapo lis, Bloomington & Western, another had already engaged him in conver sation, I am always willing to let anybody else make a fool of himself and ask the questions, just so I get tho benefit of the answers; so I 'just let him talk while I hung around and listened. This man wasn’t like any engineer I had ever ufade friends with before. He was awfully practical fellow, the passenger said. “Yours is a very exci %Jife?’ “Is it ? said the with an air of interest. \ “Well," said the passenger,quieted a little, “Isn’t it ?” “Oh,” was the reply, with a satis i fled accent. Then, after a pause, I “Well, I don’t know; do you see any thing very exciting about'this?’’ He was lazily stretched out on his dividiug up his paper of fine |cut, putting all but one chew of it )*'nto his vßst pocket, and putting the r ’one chew into his tobacco-pouch, so [that he could show the fireman that /was all he had when that useful offi cial should ask for it. The passenger fidgeted a little, but didn’t seeem to want to give it up. I didn’t know how to feel glad enough that I hadn’t gone into the catechism business with the quiet man. “Well,’ said the passenger, after a Little while, “are we pretty near rea dy to pull out ?” “Pull what out ?” “Why, the train.” • “Train’isn’t in anything. Train’s all right.” . “Well,” said the passenger, “I mean, are we nearly ready to go ?” “J am; are you?’ quietly replied the engineer, “You have a splendid engine,” said the passenger. “Tain’t mine; it belongs to the Company.” “How much can you got out of her ?” asked the passenger. The engineer looked surprised. “Can’t get a cent out of it; can’t get anything out of anybody except the paymaster.” “Well, but I mean,” persisted the passenger, “what can she do, on a good road, easy grade, and yon orackiDg on every pound of steam she can carry ?” _ “It can pufl the train,” he said; “what would you expect it to do?” “Well, but how fast?” time,” was the reply; “that’s all were allowed to make; must make our time between all sta tions. That’s imperative orders on the Indianapolis, Bloomington and Western.” “Well, but couldn’t you pull her wide open and ” J“Pull who wide open?” . Why, her; your engine, and give uer sand and—” “Why should I give it sand ?” “To make her run faster.” “Sand does not increase the speed of an engine; steam is the only mo tive power.” “But you give her sand on a heavy grade and ” “Excuse me, I never give an en gine sand. The sand is poured on the rail.” “Oh, well, you know what I mean. You give her steam, you know, and—” “No,” he said, “I do not ; I mere ly riiove the throttle lever, thus open ing the regulator-valve, and the steam is introduced to the proper portions of the machinery iu obe dience to the laws of physics. I have no control over it beyond regu lating the supply.” “Did you ever,” said the despairing passenger, “come so near a collision that you had to throw her clear over and ” “No,” the man said very gravely, “and I never expect to. It couldn’t be done. No one man could throw this engine clear over. It weighs thirty-five tons.” “I suppose,” the passenger obsti nately replied, “that when you start out with a heavy train you bave to hold her awfully close to the rails?” “I have nothing to do with that,’ he said: the laws of gravitation and friction control all that. I presume my weight on the engine adds some what to its pressure on the rail, al though of course that amounts to very little iu comparison with the weight of the engine.” The passenger wiped the beaded perspiration from his brow. v'Wfell,” said he, “how do you like life on the footboard, anyhow ?” “1 don’t live on the footboard,” too engineer said, “I livo aA home.” “Well, how do you like running on the road, then ?” “I don’t run; I ride.” The conductor came along just here and handed the man in the cab a bit of yellow paper and then shouted “All aboard.” The passen ger, with a grateful expression of countenance, said, “Thank HeaveD,’ as he went back and climbed on the rear platform of the last car, as far away from the engine as he coulci got, and I heard the engineer, as I turned away, growling about people who “always wanted to talk shop.’’ It was a terribly narrow escape for me, but I made it, and I rather enjoyed it Providence always does take care of the truly good. Once upon a time the male, with out having received an invitation, at tended a convention of animals that was called for the purpose of dis cussing the best modes of family government. “What;, do you know aboat this ?” asked the president, tauntingly; “have you fiver raised any children?” The mule wept. “Ah, no,” she said, I have never raised anything but full-grown men; but, land of the Pilgrims ! yon ought to have seen how I raised them; you should see me raise a man that weighs as much as David Davis.” Upon a rising vote the mule was immediately elected financial secre tary, with power to send fpr persons and* papera — B urdetle. A Splendid Wife. ‘We once knew a man who was al ways praising his wife. On the cor uer, down the street, at the postoffice, at the race track, in the skating rink, at the theatre, io tho sal —that is, at the choir meetings, he was always telling what a happy man he was, just because he had such a splendid wife, and he talked every man he met into a perfect frenzy of envy about her Well, one winter morning, when it was not. too light to make one ap pear overly ostentatious, we sneaked into that neighbor’s yard to steal a fence board for kindling, and had to wait before we could safely obtain it until that man’s wife came out and sawed a couple of armfuls of wood, shoveled out three snow paths, fed and groomed the horse, and cleaned out the cow shed, and then when she went into the house and we heard her call to her husband that the sitting room was warm enough for him to dress iu if he wanted to get up now, we were so amazed that we forgot what we were waiting for, and went back and kindled the fire with a corn cob and a pint of kerosene. No Smoking iu Here. “You can’t smoke in here,’’ said a John street conductor to a country man, who was pulling away vigor ously at a five cent cigar in a car full of ladies. The man didn’t seem to hear. “I say,” said the man of Ihe bell punch, in a louder key, “if you wan’t to smoke come out here on the plat form.” “All right,” returned the passen ger, and he stepped out. “Didn’t think it would hurt nothin’,” he said apologetically; “seen s there ain’t any straw in the car to catch on fire.” “But there’s ladies in there you know.” “Oh yes. Didn’t think nothin’ ’bout that. Might get ashos on their gowns and spile ’em.” “It isn’t so much that,’’ explained the conductor, “but ladies object to smoke,” “Well, I didn’t ask any on ’em to smoke did I? They needn’t object before they are invited.” You don’t understand. Smoking is disagreeable to ladies. ’ “Best reason in the world why they shouldn’t practise it. Catch me smoking if it was disagreeable to me!’’ And ho tranquilly puffed away at his five-centor.— Detroit Free Press. Teaching Children to Think. An address to parents, from ' the committee on education of the yearly meeting Of Friends, contains this hint: As education neither begins nor ends with school, home influen ces has a most important part in it. Mach depends on the readiness and patienco with which a child’s first questions in the fields of knowledge or of thought are unanswered. An encouraging answer will stimulate thought and investigation; and an uusympathizing and indifferent ans wer will leave the child to choose in ferior ways of finding pleasure, and so begin torform the bias of its life. True Christian tenderness and self denial c.nnot be better exercised of ten than in trying to understand the mental difficulties of children who are not naturally quick of apprehen sion. It is in the very early years of life, generally, that the habit is form ed of loving to think, or of disliking to think; and no doulfl the scale has often turned in favor of disliking, on account of some difficulty which the child might have been helped to master by a sympathising parent, but failing in its efforts, it becomes discouraged, grows tired of repeated endeavors without the pleasure of success, takes up the depressing be lief that it cannot think anything out and goes on through life under this disability; and thus a loss of intellec tual pleasure, and a turning to less profitable sources follows, as well as a failure to fill up tha intended measure of usefulness. Joliimy’s Fables. There was a dog, and there was a cat, and there was a lam, and there was a ox. The dog it sed to the ox, the dog did: “That's a rnity long tail you got. there, mister, with a nice tos sle to the end, but you can’t waggle it wen you meet yure master.” Then the cat it sed to the ox, too: “No, in deed, and you can’t bio it up like a bloori wen you git mad.” Then the lam it sed: “You aint able for to twinkle it, either, wen you think of same thin funy.” The ox he thot a wde, and bime by ho spoke up, and said his own sef: “I plado hooky wen I was a little boy so much that I dident lern them vain a complishments, that’s a fack, but I got a tolably good bisness edi cation, and I gess mebby you fellers wude have to cum fer me to hellup you out if you had to fil a order for ox tail soop.” Wen Mr. Cfipple was in Africa ho seen sum natif niggers wich is called Hottentops, and they likes their beef raw, like dogs, and he see them cut it off of the cattles wile they was a life and bellerin. And sum of the cattles had been cut up a good deal that way, but not ded. One day the king of the Hottentops he see Mister Gipple, and he said, the king said: “Did you see any cattles long the rode you cum ? Gaues mine have strade a way and I cant fine them.” Mister Gipple he said, “Yes, sir jest over beyond that hil is a porter bouse stake with one horn broked off and bout a mile further long yule fine a rib roast eatin the willers, and nere by I seen 2 bontches of bull fifing sum soop bones, and onto the other side the spring I ges yule sea livver and some tripe a layin in the shade and a chewin of there cuds.” But Mr. Brily the butcher be kanocks em onto the hed with axes and cuts their throte in a minnit, an me and Billy we say hooray ! Cows is beef, and a calef it is veal, but little pigs is muttin. One time I was in Mister Brilys ] shop and he had out off a pigs hed and set it on the top of a barl, and ole Gaffer Peters he cam in and seen it, and he sed, ole Gaffer did, “Mis ter Brily yure pig is a gittiu out.” Mister Brily he Inked and he said, “Thatsso, Gaffer you jest take that stick and rap him onto the nose fore he can draw it in.’’ So Gaffer he tuke the stick and snook up reel sli, and fetched the pigs bed a regler nose wiper, hard as ever he cude with the stick, and kanocked the pigs hed off the barl and you never seen sech astonish ole man! ButjMister Brily he ptended like he waseat a lookin, and ole Gaffer he sed, “Mister Brily you must xcuse me, but wen I struck at that pig it doged and cut its hed of on the edje of the barl.” Uncle Ned ho sez the sabbages in Feejy eats themselfs, and one time there was a mitionary preecher went there for to peswade em to stop it, and one day wile he was gqjn round the country preechin pork an beens he stopt at a sabbages house for to git diner. Wen him and the sabbage set down to the table there wasent nothin for to be et only jest a mans leg. The mitionary preecher he was fraid of the sabbage, and dident kanow wot to do, so he stuck his fork in the leg and turned it over, and sed, “I cant eat tais cos its too done. Wot kind of a cook have you got ?” So the sabbage he took it a way, and bime by he cum back with a oth er leg, wich wasent only jest warmed thru, and set it on the table and sed: “Nogest of mine shal ask for enny thing and not git it. That is the cook.” The Way Of It. What if we should turn loose New York and nominate Heudricks and Ewing ? That is if Ewing carries Ohio. — Gainesville Eagle. “Turn ing loose” New York means “turning loose” as well, Conneticut and New Jersey, which three States and the South can elect a democratic presi dent. Nominating Hendricks and Ewing means a falling back upon Ohio, Indianna and the South, all of which States, even by a unanimous vote cannot elect a president.—Gain esville Argus. New York, New Jersey and Con neticut are already “loose” from dem ocratic moorings, and have been so continuously and persistently since 187 G. At the last election in New York the Democrats secured only eight of the thirty-three Congress men, and they were beaten equally as bad in New Jersey and Conneticut. There ought to be some showing .of Democratic recuperation in these States, before we are urged to select a Democratic candidate for the Pres idency with a view of securing their votes and before we commit to their decision the next Presidential elec tion. On the other hand, Indiana was Democratic in 187 G, and has been so since. Ohio was exceedingly close in 187 G, even with Tilden as the Demo cratic candidate, and has since been carried by the Democrats. It can at the very worst only be considered doubtful now, and the Democrats are very confident that they will carry it by a decisive majority next fall. In addition to these two Western States which the Democrats can count on quite confidently, Illinois and Wis consin were very close at last election and if there had been a thorough union between the Democrats and Greenbackers, the Republicans would have been beaten in both. Either of them, with Ohio, Indiana, Oregon and the South, would elect the President, and this is evidently the best chance that the Democrats have to secure u victory in 1880. We believe it to be a very hopeful chance, and that to throw it awa? in the vain hope of thereby gaining New York, New Jersey and Conneticut, the Democrats would exhibit a folly equal to that of the dog that drip ped the meat to clutch at its shadow in the water. —Atlanta Dispatch. Happy Thoughts. Thero is no power in the world that is so magical in its effects as human sympathy. No indulgence of passion destroys the spiritual nature so much as re spectable selfishness. Human things must be known to be loved; but divine things need to be loved to be known. Human life defined by a line is as uncomfortable as would be the hu man figure defined by a wire. No more certain is it that the llow er was made to waft perfume than that woman’s destiny is a ministry of love. Mothers never do part bonds with babes they have borne; until the day they die each quiver of the life goes straight to the heart beside which it began. Men and women receivo in this world much, of what they deserve It is like a looking glass —this big world. Grin and smile to it and it will smile back; scrowl and it will frown. Many an unkind or sarcastic word dropped carelessly, as a minute seed often fructifies into a whole garden of noxious weeds; spring up, they have forgotten how, but the words are there. Garments that have but one rent in them are subject to be torn on ev ery nail, and glasses that are once cracked are eoon broken; such is a persons good name once tainted with reproach. The harp holds in its wires the possibilities of noblest chords; yet if they be not struck they must hang dull and useless. So the mind is vested with a hundred powers, that must be smitten by a heavy hand to prove themselves the offspring of Divinity. Tears are the gift which love be stows upon the memory of the absent and they will avail to keep the heart from suffocation. Governor Garcelon was unani mously renominated for Governor by the Maine democracy on Tuesday. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Transient advertisements will be insortod a SI.OO per square for first, and 50 cents for subse quent insertions. largo spaco and long time will receive liberal deduction. Legal advertisements at established rats and rules. Bills due upon first appearance of advertisement, unless otherwise c< ntracted for. Georgia State Horticultural Society. The fourth annual session and ex hibition will be held in the Masonic Hall in the city of Macon, commenc ing Tuesday, July 29th, 1879, at 10 o’clock, A M. and continuing during the 30th and 31st. The past annual meetings have been numerously attended, and the exhibitions of fruits aud vegetables practically demonstrated the vast resources of Georgia as a producing State. The impetus given to fruit culture aud horticultural taste, through the influence of the labors of this association, are visible through out the whole Commonwealth. The forthcoming session, it is confidently expected, will be one of the most in teresting and useful ever held by the society. All horticulturists, fruit growers, progressive agriculturists, and espec ially the ladies of Georgia, are earn estly and cordially invited to attend personally and bring such articles for exhibition as will make the display of Georgia-grown fruits, flowers and vegetables creditable to the skill and and careful cultivation of its people. It is earnestly hoped that there will be a full attendance of members from every section of the State, that concentrated information and exper ience of fruit growers may be obtain ed, thus aiding the Society to perfect its several catalogues of fruits and vegetables adapted to each geograph ical division of the State. These cat alogues are mow the recognized reli able guides of the fruit growers of Georgia, and have had a most won derful influence in developing its fruit growing interest. Arrangements are made with the Lanier House of Macon, for the en tertainment of members of the society at $1.50 per day. The Southern Express Company, with its usual liberality and interest evinced in the success of the society, will carry free of charge all packages of fruits, flowers and vegetables in tended for the exhibition. Packages should be addressed to H. J. Peter Treasurer, Macon, Ga., and the name of sender plainly marked on the package. All articles for the exhibi tion should be sent to reach the hall on Monday evening, July 28fcb, or by Tuesday morning at the latest. A full list of varieties should also be sent with the articles contributed, that a full’report may be made by the society. The several Railroads of the State have also generously offered to carry members and delegates at reduced rates. The Central, Atlanta and West Point, South Western, Macon and Brunswick Railroads will return members free over their several lines on presentation to Conductors of cer tificates signed by the presiding offi cer of the convention showing that the bolder was a delegate, had been in attendance on said convention, and paid full fare going. The Georgia aud Western and At lantic, will issue round trip tickets good for 10 days at three cents per mile each way. Members passing over the W. and A. R R., are re quested to furnish their name to J. Henly Smith, Esq,, Secretary, Atlan ta, that round trip tickets may be is sued to them. The Air-Line R. R. will pass mem bers for one fare if names furnished the Secretary in time for issuing tickets. NO. 28 Annual membership $2. New members will be supplied with back mumbers of the proceedings of the Society as far as possible. P. J. Bebckmans, President, Augusta, Ga. J. Henly Smith, Secretary, Atlanta, Ga. H. J. Petek, Treasurer, Macon, Ga. Newspapers throughout the State that take an interest in the advance ment of the producing resources of Georgia are respectfully requested to publish above. Clieek Never Pays. Yesterday forenoon a vei*y quiet stranger entered a certain lawyer’s of fice and softly asked if he could use a blotting pad a moment. One was handed him and sitting down to a ta ble, looked around, and said: “Ah! thanks,but have you a pen and ink?” They were furnished him. lie tried the pen on the pad, shook the ink around, and modestly continued: “If you could spare a sheet of pa per? ’ A sheet was handed him. lie wrote a brief letter, folded it up, and whis pered: “I shall have to beg an envelope of you.” An envelope was passed over, and when he had directed it lie looked all over the table, under the table, up at the ceiling, and inquired: “You couldn’t lend me a stamp, could you?” A three center was handed out, and when it had been licked on, stranger rose and started out, saying: “As you have no office boy I suppose I shall have to take this letter to the office myself.” We note that the Atlanta Constitu tion adopts our views with regard to the necessity for the repeal of the act of the legislature allowing the ju ry to recommend to mercy in cases of murder, the same commuting the penalty to imprisonment for life. The law should be repealed. To cure a felon, take a pint of common soft soap and stir in air slacked lime till it is of the constancy of glazier’s putty. Make a leather thimble, fill it with this composition and insert the finger therein, and the cure is certain. This is a domestic application that every housekeeper can obtain promptly.