The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, July 25, 1879, Image 4

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A Muftsahliiittfettg FoiiHvt A Correspondent of the Boston Travelet recently visited the poultry farm of S. G. Hawkins, near Lancas ter, Mass., and gives the following interesting description of it: He has a hennery of sufficient ca pacity for keeping 2,500 fowls, and has hatched some 3,500 to 4,000 chicks since February, when he be gan to set hens. He has one large incubator of the kind used by Baker, near New York, who is largely en gaged in the chicken business. His fowls are mostly Plymouth Rocks; he also has Leghorns, white and brown. The Leghorns lay on an av erage about 160 eggs per pullet or hen, in a season, and the Plymouth Rocks 150. February pullets begin to lay about the last of June. The difference in weight between a Leg horn and Plymouth Rock chicken for market is about two pounds and a half, the Plymouth being both larger and of much better quality. Green feed is essential for fowls to make good eggs for incubating purposes. Mr. Hawkins’ son had a remarkably good average in the hatching of eggs —about nino chicks per brood. In each brooding department he puts a dozen pullets or hens and one cock. His hen-house departments are twelve and a half feet wide and fifty feet long. He has sixteen of these arranged in one plat. In preparing his chicken feed he uses ten or twelve cans of milk per day. His earliest chicks for the market he sold,dressed for $3 a paft’ and later he sold for thirty-five cents a pound, live weight, in Boston market, and still later for thirty cents. To Keep Hogs Healthy. Keep your hogs in good clean fields; give them access to pure water, even though you should be compelled to dig a deep well for that purpose; a good pump and plenty of suitable troughs, cleansed every week, will cost but little and will al ways prove a valuable outlay. Pro vide also, in the dryest part of the field, a good shelter, both from sun and rain. A few rails properly ar ranged two or three feet from the ground, covered with a stack of straw or coarse prairie grass, will be an at tractive place for the entire drove. In troughs, near by their resting places, two or threo times each week, place a composition of salt, soda, red pepper and ginger. To four parts of the first two articles add one part of tho latter. Our common red popper will do very well; it should, however, be well pulverized and all the ingre dients thoroughly mixed. Most healthy animals will readily devour salt. To obtain it they will also take the alkali and the stimulant. The compound will not injure bird, beast fish or man. Itjs not offered as a patent remedy, but simply as a pre ventive of tho injurious effects of the foul gases and the pestiferous filth in which hogs have been allowed to wallow. Continue their usual sum mer feed, whether clover, bran, meal or corn. Winter Peaches. It sounds strango in Northern ears to hear of peaches ripeniiig_lhe-Jiiai DR. C. McLANE’S Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. the countenance is pale and leaden colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pu pils dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid; the nose is ir ritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath very foul, particularly in the morning; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stom ach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach; occasional nausea and vomiting; violent pains throughout the abdomen; bowels ir regular, at times costive; stools slimy; not unfrequently tinged with blood; belly swollen and hard; urine turbid; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompanied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive; uneasy and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth; temper variable, but gener ally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C. McLANE’S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form; it is an innocent prepara tion, not capable of doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane’s Ver mifuge bears the signatures of C. Mc- Lane and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper. :o: DR. C. McLANE’S LIVER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy “for all the ills that flesh is heir to,” but in affections of the liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Headache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FBVER. Nobetter cathartic can be used preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. Asa simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWAKE or IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar eoated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid with the impression Dr. McLane’s Liver Each wrapper beats the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros. Insist upon having the genuine I)r. C. Me- Lane’s Liver Bills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Bittsburgh, Ba., the market being full of imitations of the name McLane, spelled differently but same pronunciation. It Charlotte L, ft r CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after May 17th double daily trains wil run on this road as follows: GOING EAST, Night Mail and Passenger train. Arrive Gainesville 5:50 p m Lea™ " 5:51 “ Day Passenger train pfive *• 6:13 am Leave ...._ 6:15 •< Local Freight and Accommodation train. Arrive Gainesville 11:10 am Leave " 11:25 “ GOING WEST. Night Mail and Passenger train. Arrive Gainesville 9:20 a m Leave “ ...9:21“ Day Paga anger train. P -11 ™ “ B;lspm Leave “ 8:16 “ Local Freight and Accommodation tiaiu. Arrive Gainesville 1:45 a m Leave “ 2:00 “ Close connection at Atlanta for all points West, and at Charlotte for all potnts East. m G. 3. FOBEACRE, G. M. W. J, HODBTON, Gen. Pas. and Tkt Agt. E. Van Winkle, MANUFACTURER OF COTTON PRESSES COTTON GINS & FEEDERS, Circular Saw-mills , And all kinds of Mill work. 10 Foundry street, Atlanta, Qa. ap4-ly The Grower Springs. TO THE PUBLIC: This famous watering place is now open to visitors for the season. The hotel is new, with large, airy, plastered rooms, fur nished with neat, new furniture, and my table is supplied at all times with the best the fine markets of Gainesville and the sur rounding country afford, and polite and at tentive servants are always on hand to attend visitors. The hotel is one mile and a quar ter north of the court house in Gainesville, in a beautiful native oak forest, on a high, sandy eminence, from which the beautiful Blue Ridge can be seen, and is connected with the city, post office and Air-Line depot by street railroad. The Spring is the best chalybeate water in tho State, and has effected many wonder ful cures. The distinguished chemist, Prof. Land, of Atlanta, says: “Upon a qualitative analysis of the water of the Gower Spring, I find this is one of the best chalybeate waters I have ever examined.” I make no empty promises. I will treat all visitors and patrons alike and refer with pleasure to my patrons of last season as to my fare, attentions, and thelexcellence of the water. Respectfully, E. N. GOWER, iuue2o-Gt Gainesville, Ga. New Year Advertisement Manufactured by the HENDERSONS, Wagons of any description, Buggies and Carriages made and repaired to order in the best manner and style. Orders solicited by old experienced workmen. Give us a call. Horse shoeing and plantation blacksmithing done at our shops, near the depot, Gaines ville, Ga. janlO-tf BLJoesu, HAKMOM & CANNING, FLOWERY BRANCH, GA jpi^ Agents For C. &G. COOPER & CO’S CELEBRATED TRAGTION OR Self-propelling Engines. SAW MILLS, Threshers. Sorgo Mills, THE Winship Grins, And all kinds of Plantation Machinery Dealers in general merchandise, fertilizers etc., etc. Prices and terms given on appli cation. mar7-6m. Notice to all Concerned. By act of congress approved March 9th, 1878, a pension is granted to all soldiers oj the war of 1812, who served fourteen days, or were in any engagement, and to the sur viving widows of such soldiers, no matter when married. Also, restoring to the Pen sion Rolls the names of all persons now sur viving who were pensioned for service in the war of 1812, or any of tho Indian wars, whose names were strieken from said rolls at the beginning of the late war. Under this act proof of legality is not required. lam provided with blanks and will give special attention to these claims, or any others arising under the Pension and Boun ty land laws. M. W. RIDEN, Claim Ag’t, Gwks Gainesville, Ga. Military land warrants wanted by M. \V. RIDEN, Claim Ag’t, Gainesville, Ga. 2wks Georgia, Banks County. John F Evans applies to me for letters of Administration on the estate of Mary Evans late of said county. Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notified that said let ters will be granted the applicant at the August term of the court of Ordinary of said county, to bo held on the first Monday of said month, unless good cause to the con trary be then shown, July Ist. U ; I0d T. F. HILL, Ord’y Georgia, Banks County. William J Craneshaw Administrator of John Richard, deceasod, applies for leave to sell the lands of said deceased. Therefore, notice is hereby given that the leave prayed for will be gianted the applicant at the Au gust term next of the court of Ordinary of said county, unless good cause to the con trary be shown at said term July, 7th 1879. 30d T. F. HILL, Ord’y. Georgia, Banks County. Notice is hereby given that the legal ad vertising for said county on after the publi cation of this notice, in accordance with the statute in such cases made and provided will be changed from tho to the North Georgian, a newspaper ed at Bellton in said county. July 7th 1879. B. F. SUDDATH, Sheriff B. C. li. J. DYAR, C. S. C., Ordinary. ‘' Onion I.EOAL ADVERTISEMENTS. HALL. COUNTY. State of Georgia, Hall County. John L Jones, administrator on the estate of Hiram Jones, deceased, applies for letters of dismission from said administration. Therefore all persons concerned are hereby notified that said letters will be granted the applicant at the September term next of the court of Ordinary for said county, on the first Monday of said month unless good cause to the contrary be then shown. This Jane 5,1879. J. B. M. WINBURN, ju6-3m Ordinary. Legislative Notice. ‘ ‘An act to be entitled an act to repeal an act to establish a city court for the city ~°f Gainesville, prescribe its powers and ju risdiction, and tor other purposes, approved February. 24, 1877.” This is to give[ notice we intend to apply to the general as sembly of the State of Georgia, at its session in July next, for the passage of a local bill with the above title. June 3, 1879. A Whelchel, John A Smith, John J Mayne, C C Sanders, a A Patterson, George W Walker, Albert Hope, T A Daniel, Theo dore Morino, J F Lilly, C A Lilly, S C Dun lap, R Palmour, W A Brown, J E Red wine, G H Prior, H W Rich, T A Panel, J L Gaines, M M Sanders, K L Boone. juG-4t Georgia, Hall County. Whereas the estate of George W. Merck of said county, deceased, is without represen tation in this office, (the person entitled not applying.) Therefore notice is hereby giv •en that at the July term next of the court of Ordinary for said county, letters of. admin istration on said estate will be granted to qite Clerk of the Superior court of said coun *3 or some other proper person, unless od.CitusQ to the contrary snail tlien be SEWwh, June sth 1879. JfJd J. B. M. WINBURN, Ord’y. Notice to Tax-payers. Office Clerk City Council, Gainesville, Ga., June 20, 1879. In compliance with City Charter and Or dinances [section 37 and 38] notice is hereby given that the books of the cityjassessors for 1879 are filed with me, as required. All persons dissatisfied with assessment placed upon their property must, by themselves, agents or attorneys, file with me within ten days, written objections under oath, and the Council will hear and determine said objec tions as early as practicable, which decision shall be final. A. B. C. Dorsey, Clerk. Georgia, Hall County. Ordinary’s office, March 25, 1879. Wiley M. Qnillian, Administrator de bo nus non with the will annexed of the estate cri John Ramsey deceased, has filed in this office his petition for letters of dismission irom said estate; therefore all persons con cerned are hereby cited to file their objec tions if any they have, on or by the first Monday in July next, otherwise the letters will be granted. J. B. M. WINBURN, mar2B-3m. Ordinary. Notice to Debtors ami Creditors. Georgia, Hall County. Notice is hereby given to all persons hav ing demands against Sarah A McDonald late of said county, deceased, to present them to me properly made out, within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount. And all persons indebted to said deceased are required to make immediate payment. June 12, 1879. A. D. CANDLER, jul3-7t Exr. of S A McDonald. (fiRORGiA, Hall County. George M. Tuggle administrator of John Tuggle, oi said county, deceased, applies for leave to sell the lands of said deceased. Therefore notice is hereby given that tho leave prayed for will be granted the appli cant at the July term, next, of the Court of Ordinary of said county, unless good cause to the contrary be shown at said term, May 29, 1879. J. B. M. WINBURN. •i 30da_vs. Ord’y. ‘i — -i io Debtors ami Creditors This is to give notice tj pointed administrfßMrf^ tin R Archer, ;i •bled to i y . jWB ' > 1 DAWSON COUNTY. Lucy J Dover i Libel for divorce in Daw > son Superior Court, April Earl W Dover, j Term, 1879. P It appearing to the court by the return of the Sheriff in this case, that the defendant, Earl W Dover, does not reside in said coun ty, and it further appearing that he does not reside in the State of Georgia; it is or dered by the court that said defendant ap pear and answer said case at the next term of the court, and in default plaintiff be al lowed to proceed. And it is further ordered that service be perfected on the defendant in said case by the publication of this rule in the Gainesville Eagle, a public gazette of this State, once a month for four months before the next term of this court. April 21, 1879. Geo, N. Lesteb, J. S. C., B. R. C. Geobgia, Dawson County. I hereby certify shat the above and fore going is a true extract from the minutes of Dawson Superior court, April Term, 1879. This April 30,1879. John W. Hugbes, may9-4m O S. C. Administrator’s Sale. Geobgia, Rabun County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in Au gus next, at the Court house door in Clay ton, iu said county, within the legal hours of sale, Lots of land Nos 13, 14, and 53; also 49 acres of lot No 15—the west side of said lot; one-half of the undivided interest of lot No 48, kuown as the copper mine lot; and lot No 28, excepting one-half of the mineral interest. All of said lands is in the first district of Rabun county. Sold as the property of Miram Hall, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ol said deceased. Terms cash. This June 7,1879. jul3-4t Alfbed Blalock, Admr. Geobgia, Rabun County. A E Carnes having applied to be ap pointed guardian of the person and prop erty of the minor heirs, under fourteen years of age, of Mary McClain, deceased, of said county. This is to cite all persons concerned to show cause at the July term of the court of Ordinary next of said county if any they have, why said A E Carnes should not be intrusted with the guardianship of said minors. May 29, 1879. june6-30d J. W. GREEN, Ordinary. Georgia, Banks County. Philip Martin vs Amanda J Means. Application in Banks Superior court to le gitimatize an illegitimate boy child, whoso mother is Amanda J Means. It appearing to the court that Amanda J Means is without the limits of this State, and cannot be served with the usual pro cess, it is ordered by the court that notice of this application in this case ba served by publication in the Gainesville Eagle, a public gazette, once a month for four months before the next term of this court. This April 12, 1879. ALEX. S. ERWIN, J. S. C. W. C. A. C. MOSS, Att’y for petitioner. I hereby certify that the above and fore is a true extract from the minutes of Banks Superior court, April term, 1879. R. J. DYAR. C. B. C. may 30-4 m GEORGIA, Fannin County. Catharine Hopper, a citizen of the county and State aforesaid, having filed her petition in my office setting forth in her petition tint William L Griffith, during his life time, and then a citizen of Fannin county, Ga , did on the 23rd day of January, 1878, execute a bond to make titles to her to certain real es tate, to-wit: To lot of land No. 234 and 80 acres of lot No. 199 in 7th district and 2nd section, and GO acres of lot 217 in 7th district and Ist section of Fannin county, Ga,, and that thereafter the said William L Griffith departed this life intestate iu the State of Alabama, and one William F Matthews, of the county of Gilmer and State aforesaid, has been invested with the administration upon the real estate of said deceased, lyiiag in the county of Fannin; and that justice may be done in the promises, she prays the court of Ordinary of Fannin county to pass an order requiring said W F Matthews, ad ministrator as aforesaid, to make titles to her afcordingtoth^Bp^^m^^^^^^^^^ UPMf J.' .u ■ j JOHN *1 YA N, Atlanta, Georgia. Largest Dry Goods, Carpet and Shoe House IN THE IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF Silks, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Calicoes, Window Shades, Carpets, Lace Curtains, Lambrequins and Shoes. 175 pieces Black Silk at 75c per yard, cheap at $1 00. 225 pieces Black Silk at $1 00, well worth $ 1 50. 132 pieces Black Gros Grain Sfik at $1 50, cannot be matched iu Georgia for $2 00. Greatest bargains in America. 40,000 yards Dress Goods at Gc, cheap at 12c. 20,000 yards Dress Goods at 10a, well worth 20. 18,000 yards Fancy Dress Goods from 15c to 35c. JOHN RYAN can show more DIFFERENT STYLES IN DRESS GOODS Than all the dry goods houses in Atlanta combined. THE HOSIERY DEPARTMENT Is oveiilowing with all the novelties of' tho season. A boautiful assortment of Gloves, Ruching, Zephyrs & Fancy Goods. SHOES. SHOES. Vs the .F oat l6a<ler > comos t 0 tho front With another stock of Shoes, and is selling them at less than cost ol manufacturing. CARPETS. CARPETS. CARPETS. men?snn?hnf r < ? no . of J °b u Byau’s specialties, is far ahead of any Carpet depart* B^us^s^^apestry'and'lngrains. &S ° n °* E,e * aut “ th ? houao / or real bairns- All goods advertised! can be found at this house, and fry I PrccQ’ a j; o deceived. Those visiting Gjknta wnni,i .u, we n ca n Qu