The Greensboro herald. (Greensboro, Ga.) 1866-1886, August 31, 1867, Image 4
Broken Vows. Premises arc lightly spoken ; Vows on w hich wo blindly build (Uttmed only to be broken) Go forever unfulfilled Oft betrayed, but still behoving— ]>upcd again and yet aguin— All our hoping, all our grieving Warns us, but it warns in vain. From the cradle and the coral — From the sunny days of youth— We are taught the simple moral, Still wo doubt the moral's truth. When a boy they found me rather Loth to do as 1 was bid, <‘l shall buy a birch," Broken vows 1 He never did. Grown exlravngnnt, when youthful, In my tailor's debt I ran ; Ho appeared ae truthful In liis talk us any man, Xot mo tell you bow ho sold me ; ‘•Look you, Mr. What’s-Your Nnura, I shall summons you,” he told me— But tho summons nevor cauio! Through tho meadows, daisy-laden, Once it was my lot to stray, Talking to a lovely maiden In a very spooney way; And I stole a kiss—another — Then another—then a lot; “Fio 1” sho said, “I’ll tell my mother,” Idle words ; she told her not. No Chance For Imposition. Messrs. Wilcox, Gibbs tfe Cos., 241 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., says the Edgefield Ad vertiser, are now, and have been since 1800, engaged in importing direct from the Islands largo quantities of the Phoenix Guano, con* tidered by many of our most practical and intelligent planters, one of the best and cheapest fertilizers as yet mlroducod. It is a Natural Guano, imported direct to Savan* liah, in hulk, aud sold in its natural state without grinding or manipulation, which is the be6t guarantee that Planters can Lave that it ie pure and unadulterated; aod Messrs. Wilcox, Gibbs tfe Cos., are the only parties in the Southern States who have it como direct to Southern ports in bulk, and there discharged in such a manner as to pre «i!ude the possibility of imposition. Although it is essentially a Phospbatic Guano, it has, in addition to a large amount of Phosphato of Lime (which renders it a permanent ferti lizer,) a sufficient proportion of the Sulphates of Ammonia, Potash, and Soda, and Organic Matter, rich in Nitrogen, to secure for i prompt and efficient action u|>on the first crop. In 1860 they first introduced this valuable Manure, and distributed a small quantity of to some of the best Planters in different portions of "Georgia, which they used to their perfect satisfaction. In the spring of 1800 they imported and sold several hundred tons, all that arrived in time for the spring crops, which, notwithstanding the unprecedented drought, gave general satisfaction; aud the fact that the same parties bought largely of the Plweuk this season, it is a sufficient guarantee tLat it Is highly valued by all who have given it a trial. This Guano is said to bo superior for (be Turnip Crop, —and now is the time to attend to this very important crop. Send down mid get a sack (200 lbs ) or a barrel (300 lbs.)and pnt in an acre or so in Turnips. You will never regret using the Puceuix Guano. For the Wheat Crop it has a wide spread reputation, and as it costs only *6O per ton in Augusta, it does appear reasonable to eupposo that farmers would use it largely this fall on their grain crops. We should judgo from the following from the Savannah Neva <£• Herald , that the Messrs. Wilcox, Gibbs & Cos., have on hand b tiemendoua supply of the l’busaix, suffi tient to meet the wauls of all. Let everbody use Guano—it is a good investment, and aU ways pays from 50 to 100 jier cent. The Newt dr Herald, of Monday announ ces tfco arrival, at Savannah, of the ship 8. L. Tilly, with one thousand tons of this fertil iser, being the second direct importation by the enlerpiising firm of WilooX, Gibbs A Cos., of Augusta. The News dr Herald con tinues : This Phoenix Guano is acquiring wide rep utation, and is being vevy generally used cot only at the South, but iu the North, the importers having already received orders from Connecticut for a lot of it, ‘Tthss been extensively used in North end South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mis sissippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Louisiana. “We take much pleasure in recording (terns of intelligence of this character. Every direct importation to Savannah of a foreign product important to the State o( Georgia and eucb other territory as is supplied by her, is of a local advantage far beyond what is indi cated by the more financial magnitude of the transaction, and its benefits are felt all over the South. Jtv the enterprise of her cititens Savannah has risen high in the list of commercial cit ies, and with proper enterprise and devotion to her own real interests, she may soon ex ceed anticipations that were regarded as too sanguine ooly a 6hort time since. Let us encourage direct trade with all important points, and no longer import guano from New Yoik, or English goods from Boston, or give all our profits of exports to Noilhern shippers. Kvcd Yankees wiil respect us the more for tins attending to our own interests, and no longer have a standing advantage of Southern dependence upon them." Official returns from the Kentucky election show that Helm beats the Radi cals 56,000, the third party 74,000, and | has a majority over both oi 40,U00. “BON TO N.” The Greatest Blessing of the Age BON TON SOAP. Its use will ave TIME !—nß clothes wash quicker : I,A BOR ! ! —as clothes need less nibbing; MO KEY !!! —as one pound will go os lur as two of ordinary soap. It will not injure the finest fabrie. It will remove Grease-Spots, &c. Get it and prove for youraelret. We also continue to manufacture our CELE BRATED FAMILY SOAP. DAN FORTH, A CO. 3m36 70 Murray street New York THE GEORGIA FURNITURE FACTOR.Y. I AM bappy to announce to the people of th s nnd neighboring States, that I am Agent for the (leorgiu Furniture Factory, erect ed at this place, which is now In full opetation and prepared to fill orders for Cottage Chauih and all kinds of Common Fbbnitfsk. Prompt attention given to nil orders, and rone hut good work supplied. Address, 11 GKO. P. FRAZER, Ag’t Georgia Furniture Factory, Je22— 2m Atlanta, Ga. J. E. GULLATT, BItA S S FOUN Dlt Y Ah D MACHINE shop, Atlanta, Georgia. REPAIRS Saw Mills, Grist Mills and Colton Gins hOJLF.RH MADE AND REPAIRED. gjJJrSmokc Stacks and all other Sheet Iron and Blacksmith Work executed **sSß Will fili all OrdciS far Quag*, Steam and Water Code*. Also Manufacturer of a Superior article of ANTI-FRICTIoN METAL. 3ui26 Shop opposite Ga. R. R, Shop. ATLANTA MACfIBE WORKS AND IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY ! PORTER & BUTLER Proprietors. We are prepared to manufacture and repair M aoliinory, Such as Tollable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, Ac House & Brown's Horse Tower, Wright’s Tatent Cotton Screw, Gins, Fans, Bark Mills. Also Build ing Fronts, Iron Railings, Sugar Mills, and Boilers, l’ipes, Pulleys, Car Wheels and Railroad Castings of every description. tgf*Cußlings made without extra charge for patterns when in regular line of work.*tae« ggySaws Itc-Toothed and Gummed in the best manner,“tJjiH TERMS CAS H I Jas. H. Toning, £ Old Stand of J. L. Dunning, Now LIQUOR Rouse! || M. ROSE, & CO., No. 2, Granite Block, Broad Street, ATLANTA, - - GEORGIA. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKIES, GINS, RUMS, &c IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS Os every grade, offered at Low Tiices Those in want of Pvir o Liquors, For Medical and other purpose*, will always find our Foreign Liquois ns wc represent them, and we furthermore Warrant and Guarantee them to lie Ciicmilno and Unadulterated. 7m26 CARIUAQ ES, ROCK AW AYS, Buugiks niul Plantation Waooss qSL. The Manufactory of A. T. Finney, on Forsyth street, Atlanta, Ga., is daily turning out substantially finished and fashionable work, to which the attention of all wishing to purchase, is respectfully invited. Several l’leasure Vehi cles and a number of Plantation Wngort* are completed, and will be disposed of at reasonable figures. Orders will be promptly filled, and are respectfully solicited. Charges moderate, nud all work wart anted. Manufactory and Warorooms on Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga., nearly opposite the Opera Hall. Iy2ti A. T. FINNEY, Atlanta, Ga, DEALERS Hardware, Iron & Steel, Cutlery, TOOLS OF ALL KINDS, HARNESS, BRIDLES, COLLARS, Leather, Buggy Materials, 4c. At the Sign of the Mill Saw, and Game Cock Whitehall Street, : : ATLANTA. GA fau.4eti-l.y s. KENDRICK & CO. Dealers in aa R pets ; oil cl o ms; Matting, Rugs and Mats, Curtains, Shades, Cos nice, Piano and Table Covers, &e. Ra* son’s Building, Up stairs. Hi hitebull street, ernet of Hunter, —JSu.l6 ATLANTA, GA. STEVENS. HOUSE, 21, 23, 25 &. 27 Broadway, N. Y- Opposite liouinuj Green, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. riyHE Stevens House is well and widely k' own L to the traveling public. Tue location is rspccailly suita de to merchants aad business men; it is in close proximity to the lumnc&f part of (he city—is on the highway of Southern aud Western travel— and adjacent to all me principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. THE STEVENS HOUSE has liberal accommo dation for oacr 300 guests—it is well furnished, and possesses every modern improvment lor the comfort and entertainment of its inmate*. The rooms arc spacious and well ventillaterl —pro- vided with gas aud water—tho attendance is prompt and respectful—and the table is gener ously provided with every delicacy of the season —at moderate rates. The rooms buying been refurnished ami re. mod. lad, we arc enabled to otter eztra facilities for the comfort and pleasure of Guests. GEO. K. CHASE & CO. juue 16-11 ms ATLANTA MARBLE WORKS. B . OATM AN, Agent, And business Manager, ■\7%J r 3VE. C3r J&. "3T TROT’R, Importer nnd Dealer in ITAI-UN, BLOCKADII.LE, AND WHITE RUTLAND STATUARY MARBLE Wc are now receiving and huvo in store, a large and desirable stock of finished an l roubg Marble, which we offer to the public on the most Reasonable Terms. Owing to the high price of Marble at this time, many persons are kept from purchssing, 1 propose to reduce prices so that alt can buy.— My facilities are such for purchasing the materi al, that 1 will be satisfied with sma.l profits and quick sales —such is my motto. We are prepared to furnish, in thebest style, Monuments, carved and plain, Box Tombs, Tab lets, carved and plain, Head-Stones, Urns, \ ases, Mantles, &c., and furnishing Marble of all de scriptions. With good and experienced workmen in all departments of the business, we hope to merit a share of public patronage. Designs of Monu ments and other work in Marble, furnished gratis. Orders solicited nnd promptly filled. Office and Yard adjoining Bellvue Hotel, and oppesite Georgia Railroad Depot.—3m26 HENRY, MOORE & GENUNG, Manufacturers and Jobbers of CLOTHING. !\o. r>‘A‘£ Broadway, Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel, ISTETW YORK. Philip Henry, Jr., formerly o! Henrys, Smith J: Townsend. John T. Hkxky, formerly of Ssnlshnry .L Henry. Ai-tsx. T. Moons, } formerly with Henrys,Smith Isaac T. Gexunu, ) Townsend. We have ready a large, handsome and well assorted stock of Beady-Made ClollUn?, manufactured by us exclusively for the SOUTH ERN TRADE, which vie are prepared to sell at Low Prices and on Ljuekal. Terms. Our Stock is adapted in material, style, lengths, and sixes, exclusively to the South, and comprises goods from the Lowest Triced to the Finest made, including a large assortment et goods for ff&SSßafiaaa’S The recent dec line iu woolen and cotton fab rics will et able us to otter Clothing at Much Lower Trices than it has been sold lor at any time since Cash and Close Buyers from the South are in vited to examine oar stock .he fore_. purchasing, moots. We will he happy to receive orders, and our long experience in the Southern business enables us to make selection* which will be certain to give entire satisfaction. Descriptive Catalogues with prices sent by mail if desired. < HENRY, MOORE & GENUNG, 622 Broadway. New York, July, 1867. 3m pAUL JON ES, J it., Wholesale Dealer in Imported Brandies, Wines, BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES, CIGARS nnd TOBACCO Atlanta, Georgia, I have on hand a very extensive stock! of Foreign and Domestic Liquors, WINES, CIGARS A TOBACCO,/ Which 1 offer at very reduced Prices fotj Cash. Kelley’s Old Bourbon, Woodward’s Robinson County, Millwood Bye, Peach and Apple Brandies, Jamaica and N, C., Rum, Rectified Whiskies of all grad* , Madera, Port, and Sherry i ines, Irish and Scotch Whiskies,* Imported & Domestic Brandies. All grades of TOBACCO. Longworth’s Wines, Golden Wedding Catawba, &, 8m26 PAUL JONES, JR. TO SPORTS mTe P (1C NS, PISTOLS, and AMMUNITION. Inst ccoived, a full assortment of Singb and Double Barreled GUNS. Colt’s Repeaters, (all sixes.) Smith A Wesson, Merwin & Brav’s, and Remington’s PISTOLS. Powder, Shot, and Gun Wadding. Best quality Water-proof Cape. AH kinds Pistol Caps, Metallic Cartridges, for all Pistols. All Find* of Powder Flasks and shot pi:-. DOOR and DRAWER LOCKS, (all 33 o 11 HangißS' keys fitted to order at short notice. A general assortment of ivery thing to be found ih a well stocked Gut and Locksmith Store. REPAIRING done promptly nud in tin best manner, and on the lowest terms. Remember the place. W, I). BOWEN, Over Barry & Batty’s Drug Storl. 6x ' L ~ 2?0 Broad Street, Atigus-I, Ga. A. WILLIAMS, & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS,^ In Grain, Flour, Provisions, Ate. 259 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. Cash Advances made on Shipments, witlio charge, tor advancing Commision. A large sto ol Bacon, Flour, and Grain, always on hanJ June 14—3m29 DR,_U."SELLS, ANDREW Dl'N'ft. E. T. GLENN, President, Secretary, Treasurer. LOOM & MANOFACTDRING CO., MANUFACTURERS AND PLANTERS Loo Is. to Y our Intorosit. AND DON’T FAIL TO CALL AT OUR OFFICE IN EMPIRE BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, QA. I « AND SEE IN OPERATION MENDENHALL’S IMPROVED SELF-ACTING H-AJTSTD AND POWEE LOOM. PLANTERS CAN BE INDEPENDENT By Weaving all their Goods for Home Wear on the MENDENHALL IMPROVED HAND LOOM! From 15 to GO yards CAN BE WOVEN ON THIS LOOM IN ONE DAY. It Weaves as Fast as any Factory Loom. Half the Cost of the Clothing of a Family can be saved by its use. From $5 to ?10 a day can be made by it. Its Parts arc SelLchanging, By the turning of an easy crank it lets the Warp off, winds up the Cloth, treads the Treadle*, and throws the Shuttle. It weaves Jeans, Satinets, LiDsev, Blanket Twill, Double- Plain Cloth, various kinds of Ribbed Goods, Fencing Twills of all kinds, Flax Cotton, Tow, or All-Wool Cloth, Bagging, Toweling, Table Linen, Balmoral Skirts, Woolen, Linen and Lk-mp Carpets—in fact anything from a handsome Silk to a lUg Carpet. It is small, neat and light —not larger than a common breakfast table. It is made in the moat workman like manner, of good material and handsomely varnished. IT IS VERY SIMPLE, AND EASILY UNDERSTOOD *&g“Evcrytking is performed by Turning a Crank. LOOMS & COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE. For further particulars, Descry, ve Circulars, and Samples of Weaving, Address - - PUSH PRATT, Gen’l Ag’t, 23 }y ATLANTA, GA. BARRETT, CARTER & CO., WHOLESALE DEUGGISTB. At their Old Stand, No. 291 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. Where they have been ior the past TWENTY-FIVE YEARS, ate constantly receiving a Large J aud complete assortment of MTigs, cncimrais, riiirns, nvt* stuff and Oils. The latter artiele we are dealing in very largely, particularly such ns are suitable for Factories and fine Machinery, giving it our careful attrition. All orders promptly executed and satisfaction guaranteed i» every particular. Our prices for anything in our line will le found to BE AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE SOUTH OF BALTIMORE—I9m6m —— ' I I Ill'll 11l ■■ I I .Ml. HAT s. HATS. HA TS. @7& £1 'ffi 7 ®®® ®§♦ si?® & w ®© © © An endless variety of Haw, Caps, and Straw Goods. Also Ladies’ trimmed and untrimmed Hats, of the I atest Styles. All of w tlich we are offering at snc-li prices, ast o render it an extraordinary inducement for Country Buyer,. C^~ v 'e defy competition in our lint, and would invite pur lo call .nd MM, tb.m..)— BLAUVFXT & KINO. 258 Brood Street, at old stand of Corley, Font e <t Cos., J9icom AUGUSTA, GA E. E. BLODGETT & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOT 8 AND SHOES, 279 BROAD STREET, j A U G U S T A, :: : ::::::: GEO R G I A YVill Keep a Large and Well Selected Stock of BOOTS and S II O E S From some of the PRINCIPAL MANUFACTORIES No’th nnd East, nnd some experience at our command, we feel warranted in guaranteeing to all who may favor us with tlieir patronage, entire satisfaction. We are constantly in receipt of ns fine an assoitment cf telylh As can be had in this Market. Give uscall at 279 BROAD STREET. J. D. A. Murphy, of So. Ca., Geo. IT. HorE, of Ya spring anb Summer dtoofcs OHEAPEH THAN EVER ! Just Received at the Old Southern House of J . D . A . MURY HY, & CO. No. 314, Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA THE OLDEST SHOE HOUSE IN GEORGIA CONLEY, FORCE & C 0 No, 258 Bread Street, : : : : ; : : ; . : : : AUGUSTA, GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Boots, Shoes, Leather, Lasts, Shoe Pegs, and Shoe Maker s Materials of ail kinds Which we wilt rt t the Lowest Market Give u» avail & 6 CO* f ] I>H. 11. A. BORTOS’S miasma antidote J Speedy and Permanent Cure Ur CHILLS AP FEVER Bilious and Liver Complaints. MRS P. A. BEEBE having purchased of Dr Horton s widow, the sole right to make and vend this valuable medicine, will keep a supply constantly on bund; ready to fill all orders. LIUICE,— Single Bottle *2 ; Single Bottle* pu in Tin Cases and sent by mail *2,00; the exti '* Fifty Cents being required to pre-pay nee " On e dozen Bottles securely packed und sent bv express for s2o,oo—exelusive of expressage A liberal discount will be made to those wh« purchase bv the quantity to sell again. r LT Printed directions for using this medicine will accompany each bottle. Address MRS. P- A. BEEBE, N 'iyns of the Times Middictown, Orange Cos., N- I Read the Following Testimonials. Panola, tVoodford Cos., 111., Jan. 22, 180 G. Mbs. V. A. Beebe : —I feel it due to you to say that I think Dr. Horton’s Miasma Antidoteis tic most valuable medicine in use, and the only per mauent cure for Ague. S. R. PATTON Middletown, N. Y., Jan. ISOfi. Mils. P. A. Bkf.iii: :— My family were all down w ill Fever and Ague ; when I obtained some of Dr. Horton’s Miasma Antidote, and we are all cured; and lam satisfied that it is as good as stated. I use it with success in bilious eases, and can recommend it to all. L. BRINK. Middletown, N. Y.,Jan. 1866. Mrs. P. A. Beebe:—During the last summer was attacked with the Fever and Ague, and purchased a bottle of your medicine, which cured me immediately, and I have not had it since, 1 have also sent a number to you. among whom I do nut know of a case wlitre it failed to .cure. A. U. CORWIN Middletown, N. Y., Jan. 1866- Mns. P. A, Beebe: —While traveling in tho western part of this State, last summer, I was taken with Chills and Fever, and suffered from them until healing Dr. Horton’s medicine re commended, I purchased a bottle, which cured me, nnd hav u been perfectly free from it ever sinee. JOSEPH KIRKPATRICK. O. S. PROPHITT, Agent, feb. 8 lltf. Covington, Ga. C. V. WALKER, W. Jt, QABUXEK TITT. WALKER I CO, 273 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. Auction and General iiuauc iv OStCkclcPiants-, Will give prompt and personal attention te alt Business Entrusted to Them. FAVORS SOLICITS» We refer to the Merchants generally es tin city of Augusta. Wc will give particular attention to Forward ing any Goods consigned to our care, and have at our command facilities that warrant us if promising the utmost dispatch in this matter. Special attention given to the Sale of Kea. Estate, either at Private or Public Sale. Cotton Sales or Purchases will be carefully made, and we hope to be able to give entire sat isfaetion in this branch of our business. Partic ular attention given lo the Sale cf Crain cen signed to us. \V e have ample Fire-Pioof Storage Room for Cottoa and Merchandise.— -sc;!m46a. STOVES! STOVES! We have in Store a great variety es extel.’tm Cooking and Heating Stoves. G RATS RANGES, And Molise Furnishing Gceds of every description. Our COOKING STOVES consist ©f the Olive Branch, Empire State, Henry Clay, J e. As we have no Clerk Hire to pay, we can sell as Cheap as any one in the South. Cali and ex amine before purchasing elsewhere. SCOFIELD, WILLIAMS It CC Jackson Street, near Bell Towei r AUGUSTA, GA AV II EA T. AY HEAT. .o: - I Will Exchange the Genuine woodruff concord buggy, For $0 Bushels Wheat. An Ex«elle«fc End Spring It usg j , Fer 115 Bushels Wheat. Xlocltaway, With Tole, Shaft, and Double II arn. ea For 225 Bushels Wheat-. Light Three Spring EXPRESS WAGON For 70 Bushels Wheat, Address or apply to ANDREW DUNN, No. 6, Empire Block, Whitehall St. ILLIAM L. WEB B, (Formerly Webb <fc Sage,) IMPORTER OI CHINA, GLASS AND E arthen w are, XO. 5 IIAY RE STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. Will supply Country Merchants with Goods in their line at as low rates as they can buy in New York or elsewhere.—a;s(J-lva3 WANTED. CV|\/\LBS. BEESWAX, for which the high- OUU vst Market Price in Cash will be paid. G. S. WHITTEN. Covington, Ca., July 6, 18G7.—-3m32jj ,