Newspaper Page Text
SHSES=s s^=-
Wn T lltcW.t,, Editor & Proprietor,
O) kb .VIELK, KHIDAY JAN <-> i
- tr
Hnui.l l*f*x.
an alariww*; dgree In *
twelve new ca*w *c
44/, wruf the ■ ,f 1
street p**)Si<: Kluoi
A| p lllliiK-lll',
(*U the < lib irtg <d <
(tr .fli f>jwiin*i'i hi* Attorney *< ' 1 ‘
II Willii.u, Chief 4uii<;*- ,(! •’ *'< •'“
of K". tttc vy. Attorney *<<• nn. plat •• i
William*. nl Caleb .’•• h*H M " '
Spain. Tie BcuaU: i(* >'• '“torn
Wilburn* it b;*in- nt* f ■ try u m*fc<- *
new ileal. I,i| ritpi’.!> '<• ' ;i -
Cn.tti g is ‘ i' l ' I *'
William* goe* bv kto !*•* I 'i |n r P"'- l, ‘'“’
Mitt BratmW I* M •-“ w.-f Wm- -l
id '•’ I **
(Irani alway* *t I* **> !>*• 1 < ii >.*l*
(’lulling wn* a member <.>l tbe ' 1
of President I'i‘ rrr, ir.fl PmrHrnt if the
I)*mi'wi (fimreHtioii a ( -ii iin: lul il-
ISaO. WiJilalu Cushing <•> Mi' ’■
wm PiK>inti f J.ii'i" i<y ‘J'
Washington In 171*4
Ibe Koch mar* Ifr-poth r *y tn 5
gentlemen Imm Hint 'o<*'>
-Tadtr* ht Ir-.'ii*"**' *hr> men tint hdriv
proficient in Oreek, K < 'li, Loot* mid
Hebrew If amor y*y* lhr-r
look Icmoii* uni <nily in i:, ‘ hing *K r *'
in ntln.ed Inii delivered Inn ' 4 '
theology, and end" ‘1 !•> id ** ■
ladles ak/fetixld'**'*(P’ * il-i**i |,, J , '~ 1
laiai *>l llofkrov* and I iyliiiv. '
W lint bur *hcyn* Hi" '*•
of llulli l<> Naomi Oil* 'li-poi'i' ii' *’■< 1' !
ft will bi ink nil// ftal :i> >t •* 1,11 ' *
election In TANARUS" tl.a t>nm
whole Hla'e, Boon n. ••*!"■ ' !| w ’
known the Itadkral (Oh> t *
their liilchl lon >.f Uiilln.' I In- ( ' ' ! ' '
alty ol the clei lbm In lne tin- "*'tpri 11 -‘
(limit of Ibe rtiaie. Tbit 'ultr* i*“t cm
riant of edldeiy cih, n-n r I'', . .",• b > "
mtln ptadltwii by I"" v'.lV' < .T 1 1.* i- r l E
At the time of Ibc elution n < ""■■'>' ■'
amendment wa ftlkx nu led, povidm;-, I
- rv*w Piiprnnie (‘iHirt - A oro- ■*>. Ii
-atate* tbirt lint Hiipnux l I'ouit Laa--dt‘ o-b.d.
lld dee lion Inw imc.mafiin Honal '**"•
ifwiwli ill fpl n‘il|i* in ufUci; lltt! i liilti tif-bT hH
thffotSef I Mi •! r.v- Hnv
the iy>uilicru l|vfit.i* ***: , v' " l '"" 1,
people. Alway, l, Orani mol lih
net auslPiJn thran rcvoluHoniM* In limit
attempt* lo ovei i blc Ibe dt . i .on' n.mb
at the ballot bp*. Wi Hi fvenb* *>ill
lake turn fr the b *tter ere long
“7 nutoi IrST m*f*.
■r. Btephem in reply iTnmnratHHnte*
of the Atlanta ConatUutbm on ld i\
grab •peach *ay*:
OiM IttTfher rrmaik only I have now to
•dft. irl lWut "t to iiif"tmi t"" b"w "Jd" l
•oMakeyww wttt (llwwjng-4Ua Wl “I
*ha New Vink Herald in tkli mailer, i'bal
gaper waa pleaacd to name John l.etcln r
Va, and Cecrge jb 111 l "’" • “
(wlgbt example* ol Bout hern purity ami
1,0r.T.r, win> bad e*tal>lij*bod t liarai Ui * lor
integrity lar above the leneli l men d
fending the robbery id ‘ liaek pay'' Rrnb
her*. Now, were you aware when )oil so
wonHaHg iMatloraed thi ariicle ol tbe Nw
Tork Herald, wnd coni mended its "ringing
exprua 'u” lo yonr readers, 1 hat Lc e o
and Jonea bad both "i eij elialt '"ilie same
act, in principle which yon are pleased to
tyie “an Indefeasible spoliation" of Hie
(rcunry, that llie Ceorgin IVmoctal* bad
done,and lor the doing of which. \"ti liavi
•tywd tkiwi “aiflapv i-rrMiera" and eVisw'd
Ikem with “practical rof/bii*." Ibis only
lllnrtriitr* the Scripternl linlb, that when
*tbcll.*d Trad (lie hUnd, ■•''"lb sba fall
kilo Bw'nlikJi.*'
Befftrnee b ais.le in Ilie ah vr eitrne 1
•o lb* change In I In* pay "I ('ongre- n i n
anade, we beliesr-, in Augval ISM. By *
rdfcwonceto NteCongn ssloual (l.obe of tbaf
dale It ViJ *e seen that Nr Jones not only
voted against Hie passage ol the act, but
Indignantly protested against ita en.i* tment.
]low Mr. Stephens let the blind lead him
into tbe ditch In this matter we are at. a
hwa tn explain, for he was a number ol the
(louM at the true, and voted with Mr.
Jonetln oppoelrion to the goaty led incriiiae
pay. Slow Mr. Stephens remtd oppose
asalaay of fSOCfi iwran mm then and ad
wesroa |w*y *d IXO,OOO now -unis also
strange to us. But *o it is. The Const i
gution is evidently right, ud Mr. Stcplun -
•wrong in regard lo M r - June: position.
'The Ailanta He.aid sUtes ibatHhe Cmi
gieas ol IMO increased iu pay and in uh> ii
retroactive gevonieeu iwoiiilis. 1 be trutb ol
•the matter is, be |iay was changed from
,per diem salary to a fixed sum about equiv
•lent in amount to tbe tormer pay and on
4y extended back to the ot the
ceotion, • |<e(iod ni little more tlian six
monUia. Tltuait will be *<*" <h*t there
was no.iutention ol increasing tlie pay and
alw> tVmgrr*. at its grst session lived the
pay of its members.
Aa atited Mr. Stephens and M .
Jcnes ol Tcnn.boh voted against tbs
charge, or any increase of pay. Hi mem
bering tbese fact* the |Hibltc will rea lily
ae polling in tlie doings of the
4. N.ogress .n August 1856 to justify or pal
iule tft s4 !dl , v sltai ol liic bst Congress.
Genra! Itemri
ti K* of Virginia h u <U
C iitHftl * ; r*rt*:al O l & <r. '2 *’ ii-Af t'-.
'IO f fyfoj run lb*; MJtt'Li!
vb i' iioof]*uxl tii.el.'
A '-iMtoa r.. tyro. ff 7 M ’k* ’
il* •• •in fti r• . f.*# ii< M* .- j-: o
1 Hi 14 U;*r :n' r*. . ’
tifiif t sfHttl-.'iii U* litr.rt •f.Ujr; •* •} * ; , n ' J
• ;i Jii
M K* • 'f ; * 1 t ■n 'v o‘ i'.* h
' # nfi ■ * 'l* fit* I • >f3 i'f*' tl '
r T/' -j ;!i >< --i <1 *>? ih II nr j , /i : ft v, ,: b
it; .V .f!‘ 1 *m 10' :;t *• :f| ♦ It n.roa/ls
’ -% ?]f f A'*; . llaf .f .ii ttl’ifl •; u ]#.'.
I y*' Ut HIW ie(.*|r4A4-4-OA-0-'bt —*••-"
| nji ttn it *t*i h'- in
•< lb *' 4' l)Al fjf */ ■’. I'/i l by f OJI-i.V
lyny tiii’jruv-ft t*- Ufi'i -thr i'&LL'.L
i *ftt, in i *l i
iiy ;:r:7?*m Jc*t^TTrrrfTrJf"nm ti e Hor.
IJj-Ji..JLiuL !| iMlili in lU..a
- ily, <>J<;J.y t 'At: 11**1 It* ♦til *
HV: ill |{ilMt: *<lt Ult JIMI ifmtutit for tin
lur|to*i of |im
<f Koyl ha t tmei, in [>■ u*: .4 }*■
Hon J VV If L ml* Mm/I w
\ %•.>■/ Itl'Wl lit h •.f 1 Iyl< * - b<*-f.
* if.* -•} in ItiV'', Mritik*<l fi'*l iM |'f! i
lx>ft fiM 1 lot. M-* k * riitt: Un r ;—l i *jt
• *,k i? tin* j/a/l t*rni;tt It inf'i, rtul Aiit
biiijiM if 4 If'* ly w 4ft b .u;. I <;£ Al to "ri <i,
l/J Uri. 2 '■ * :
A f\4V >if 1 11 ;r" f" t 'Ki 'iffij ii I
ri-.i * • iy tr .* •’ •* vi :
4ti Ui< f iuiitiy A-! ! H ! * **o-1
*! jj ''' j ; ~ ! •• ~ :v *'
j rtrmt t*m..
(, i,i f‘il J iJtft ff fl •- in * * '• 1 *'
f*-n f M . 4 11 (iv 1 rr aI• I it.'- ; .ii. •. t
tiJflt'V, 1 4 A fill'll in, I f‘r tin III' I
it 1 < hi I*t ** • fr*i * ’
—r.i^TT; —A iv if 4* r "vr v "• • "
111• 1 wti by Mr <**/ J)1 !)*•• !►;*'. Ilr*
rojt.A, whih wr' foun f *t> .! tuu*%t . • s *f
itminrtV pT trh MM*"* ••f Vfr
MiUtx4if*- -b.bit in-* n.
• itr 1111 xll iiir ji_itjyr "t 1> gtmol _inil
fo'uml !i wliidi, ‘J; •• 1 • * >m \ii ji.:
i * *
j.f-i jifV. ill - * t*vo Hj/' I‘■> ri t , biititi
■ Ut# i *4kj Ib* irbt Kt*• 1 Utti hi f*• n
11 i>fitilr i4 l!i it tr. i tf‘ t VMM i';*t mx—lntu
(|r-1 vAr obi wlnoi f* f'f'b # f ♦• fn'Hiiv
pito llKfiiJ P:Ut 3 tm Withljf. tl flrt'.v
iiiirfflir nrolwirty tl q jpjmit itnl 'J n 'ti
-,. —
Tlieie wr?c I wro S'*ssl..ns of Hie I .-n-erv-i
■Hn_-urui-m ixit-t7EIU-d-hoUi-3-- Hi "al 11r -frtld_
in riTlmiond, wbieli hallola—were h"I
The vote cast in .rnv of the 'bn*!' 4 *"
was for H M T Hontoy, who rcrivrd r 'l
roll’s nn~rhr °nvrarti; hat'ot Tfro~ninrh ’
and IgW ba/T W r**' ns follows- Ijtrlti
t'.’nV. Wtftsm VI, il ff t ft tirT.-r tf-
John fion-.le 'J?, .1 is Itirboiir aJ Jiid-.-
Joseph Christian VI Tlu'Jbidol llial ram
t.e la til tllll rt i . t was lb* _ve.,!T.
when the v .’o stood. If Mi ’i.', H tnier ill,
Lieut, (lov IVi hers Pi. e\ U.u Walkct
'.’tl ni i'css'iry to a selection lid
. i
OnRAT Kvi'lTl 'tKMT IN AwVlttil s
The Kepnh’ieati announces He res lit <
’be ('oiislilut ouN draw ! ec if‘ |i etuli ! and (
Valtm’iV presents,” and adds:
“We leata that some ol the ticket Icdderr
at Anierictl* conn in lor a R(.od share of
l’atent Onice 111-port* They have nof yet
arrved, but they are eag aly looke-l lor by
the Imkv hoUlers-ol ticWels. Much en h i
dism and great cheering is anticipated by
mil cUirvnsoii the arriral of these valuabi#
present* Th* city will lx- illuminated by
a hortirv -iu honor of the luceess of the
ft;real t’oristit Iti 'll H.str.buli-'n of lr'Td.'’
• e y
A Kansas paper gives the lo’lwing report
of a fudge's sootence, lately passed on a
criminal: “Brumley. you infamous scoun
drel! Yon’re an unredeemed villain! You
tiaiu’t a single rr.*l*‘cming trait i your obar
acter. Y our wile and family* wish We bad
sent you lo the penitentiary. T*m is the
tilth UmeT’fe had you lieiore me, and you
have put me to more trouble than your
neck is worth. I've exhorted and prayed
over you k>ng enough, you scoundrel! ju*t
go home and take one glimpse at your
anjily, and be of! in short order! Don’t
let’s ever hear of you again! The grand
jury have found turn other indictments
against you, but l’Jl discharge yon on your
I own rccoguis mos and ill ketch you in
this neck of wo,hls to-morrow morning t
daylight, 1,11 sock you right square'in jail
and hump you off to Jeffersonville in less
than no time, vyu infamous scoundrel! I t
ever I catch you crossing your finger at
man, woman or child—while man or nig
ger— l'li sock you right square into the jug,
stand up, you Scoundrel, while I pass', sen
lucc on you! ”
T• * * vcnctft of M r. b. t u u€ 2
'tiiTt lis rrv~r-r^r
- r.l b ' i’• !;ro f U'ry !'• '
:n Vi r ;* • in —ti S ait: !*** in;f- a s ?* *
.:!• 2 ■ -‘X '* *'•'
f i 1 ,1i < > t*:u. Oi, F•• li
r—ti *4 •* •* t****f tr‘ - J " **•* **' * • '2s * - ** ¥
i1 f’ i ' ’■) I
‘ !'• <J i.oti‘l,l 1 i J J - to tf C
t t —I—r 1 —r- —
1 *it*b:s fy v -j, ■ A. .. ■ - 1 *’ • '
to y 1. f■*r ! : .• ** ’
■<. • , T oi ti.i m •• ••
' . . Mt • •'* •
:•/ . b L.J J/ : '*<!, tbo. UftoS .* /'• x • ’
p ns i
. r-■i l- I,;*! !*. o . a ■■ * *
4 ' . • .. ~ tj,r >. . ’ ■ ~ r . ;
- o - it * .. )"■'■' ' * : ■
F<l < . J * 1 •
rfViVtt -f > i .t it o:,;. i ' :;: ’~ • '
y >. 4. 'i; I'A i , 1 )' l‘A f.* V a f•. . . j'
ia aAf>U -,i : f / t .;.
-rb-tb -b-r-v ” * —r-r-H*— r-j-rs r " ’
~r tHu s I. ' \t ' a
v; . - • •- . . ' - .7
7, 1 f— -Trsazrx r—aj—
, . jy- . Q t-J ■: ■ t4| I'-tr • A ■ . > .
VI •if’/fr" • i l l*'i *1 . ! -t
I.U ~. T ;•i or f/f. : :
if ■ : . ...... ■'.! -'••• ft ’•
\ ' O 01, v , 'v *\
Work* ; A O *•: I • y*V
01,• ‘ 0.. *•: . .-V .. / i
>1 ——
tJ|4kr ( b! t * -At '• '•-‘ kt r
IM-; or ITT : /- * ' ff if
III* n ;>/ ‘ '*>•/ k-'-Y *!<■ < .
• < ' b sir li¥ r.
f,‘/A b*'f ■’/ f o-* .1 AH? •
4 Jb# i . 1. t 1 *-f •“ f ’' '
oJ - .t *•- in tt l*o ;: '*■■■ /-
. ' C <* ' ‘ *
t :•/ '■
.1 ;Ut 4UiC“ t T *7T“ -ifcTTTr- v.i ; , . . ‘ T?
OfctTf !J > lii V * •' *■ •
,tt, f |i< j 1 Hl* * A• o / •* *
-t. .ihof-4 ± lb--t* •■****:tr~i -r: -
i-. . in! J . j a •
hAA?. .r r V:i_*V_A At, rr, ■ t~- :•
.Jpj. ha . ■ .-mx-m >4 fl Ai.■ .. ■ ■ ■■' ' ■■
rU IfO'i ‘l?r- ■, •*{ •* *.VC4 I toA-b.l
A • ft • J i .
ifn l? t 40 -4-~— - - -
1-; !I:*, <* If i J l * - ■• ‘ if
■' * ! f,T 1 e-■ -, ] ■'! ' *
l’.f*7l Uiv bV' ♦’ ‘V 1 0 th • *
tl ::W.‘ l\<. HUMU.-J <-
tt; T* l ; •'!, ->*-+ —t II 1 1 i *r*—. , I ■. t ' ?'
iltnl Ii i.a/fl ■ 4 : ;ur:i.~ ~i~ -J .
ihU i .1!
i kuvi . \i\km .. jtkSt*
Oi tiwiM iy a Ottic *.
TTt: r ’o'-'t~V H T -1. '■ .f. ■ ll ! V
.3'-- ”7~T-T7.. - .7. -' t t-j —.
——>-vt -•* t>- *——-*t ; —r ”
-TY rTTT v-r t' r r ~ ; r r "~ , \ ~ ~~ 77 * • ' ■'t-jt
K -!*i "o :• • ui_ Jii. uy : to'
tit Rm ■> V Yl
—f- I.Y it VVM~~ '•M-t-
(iE 1 /Itt• IA M ir* cI" t 'v
John A *o i. • i" I * *
i .iii . I p. i-. hi. i -* ti >t'
viibiH'i.Mi iT IT •'... *’ * T '-'i'> *- - ■;■ '
lire V-ll!.I L> V > T’ ft'* '• Vlo
\| tid o i" "do .! i y I*: * at lb
*>Y k" k c, t g ’
.1 !Y |; AN NlNii. |> ire
t. EiflPilA M '• i : ‘ ’"i'.v
V V *ll.l. Id. '<>l IV >v vii —• ■>! a l •’1 "t
\ \ ||, n. t' - ift of mat \
TANARUS„ ahid lor said c nii.’y;~*tdilii 'he frg it
liou <>l MT’’ !'* 1 •* v 1 - v id f
next helote. bu c ot h !‘t i: It •
town *>l (ii* ■ti v" tin l-Uiow ing ii'bcs -t
tnu'ltcut. ; . .. 'g)',g t 1 to. c-t t:c ol >t.n
D.trtlt", dc< o,to w p
r. Oil -It* vV Wnodrrif. It'c
Fi Ii ."ttli !••’,!, d'i' C.M’i Dec. '.'•"l. ’; r
SSIS rh ( s —lntel- '•> Dec. ?ot!r l
and INtif
,is<gnc.!'i J ti. 'V W 'todroof
, VV I’. White becty
One X C ( h - F ilntiq lirv-* ! t
's| tt j> |>,te V.r ; J I HI, tl ■■ -d’'
T/ctfiiib-r I'". ft',- Inter.'*' l*ai i 27th
! 11,-t fi pi'-Jifi it li'i't'.-di- .
• l-gt.vdj Cfr t- r ll'imr-St-r S
,T W VV,,,;,!: . ' tr
(’ll Wr on J F M.f'iu.n Bi r $lO2
14. D-te 20. ii Ft j. due 2'. h i'o .
0,.i Note ti iVrn H. P a' I- . W "
Date .1 inuary 13 11861, and ie Dot 1 '
|Signed] W.’ll Prstli. t. H i’rnkx *e t. ’
Ouc Note on "m. H Pat her !■ r t;0,
Dili- Angus. 21**i 1-00, due 25 h Dcu ut
Ih r l ' i (W. _
O f ATTfe (’ll Wiu IP T 6; ntiter lor st*i V’,
T>itf Pc!.. ',N‘‘t, din’ 2fb D'ccmturi
INdl IM-Ucd] W H—Pialtier, — j
,Us, \V W oodrool Sccty ’
One Note m S. Bow e-, and tri-d 5tU
Feb. INtil. due 25 II Dec. lU6I, * r *tw
tStgncdj Jut’. S H \-i >. 11. .Turner ><’* •>' •
One Note un W, P. il-irrir-dated r -b.-
28th 1801, due 1 Vc, 25 It ISfil.
\\ P H.ttrt>, Ktley.Turne Sc t
One Not* on l. 1 Kcltlf dat and 6dt oi
April 1858. due 27th Decunlter 1858 Cra—
lutercsl up lo Dec. 25ih I’M} I .'.
11, LI.-Ector, Hi icy I'urnr r, Secty.
One Note on Catiell Campl’d! fof ♦lB-1
68, due and dated April 1-t 1862.
Oue Note on Cv rus J Ciow er, dated loth
January I>oo. due 2SUi Deeetnuer 18*>0.
Cra—li> CaU *lO2 25. Dec. 25dt 1860.
IC. J. Clower, J. F. McLaughlin, John 8.
;Bowks , ,
On,- Note on D C. Gresham (.•••! ".1-
jjav 1861, due one ilav aliei dale, pajab.e
to A. 1> Craver, to! sßj 10.
Otic Now .n 1- V. Chnq.iii tr and IcdNiX
-s:h 1860, due 12 montiis alter da<e.
Om Now on Early littkct dated iXk
Feb. 1861. due 2-tb Dec 1861
■ Baker.J TANARUS, McLaughlin.
This January 5Ut 1874.
J_ . V . LO\ LTT, Admr.
_ a
Or iia*rjr’ OS 3®.
J . fj (''bif/ ap; liea tor lettereof
f ,l!ii Tf .Ii U Till J.U II -1 A f!U!tl!.*>r!.*r
■ .• i • ! -•]!’• ! !■ ■I, 'I la' i*
tier, ' to cut >. ! an>>t i ii *! ! < ocern ;
ii. a...>v . -, w it rf ,ti\e -)
Sc '. . U
i-r! tel • i apr.'. TB’-l mi ii.*-first M >Odftv
.. A- •m v Tin- J -i; 5. I*7
.; \y .hnn.n ;f> r
O r tin iry* Office.
i,i < '! , \ ;.! . 11 • ■ -y
V. V. .? ' . X' ,r t*'
T * A, ff , ‘ * • •_* i ‘ ;j
. i•.. •> . ■'■ I if J. .-•
'* . t ■
3At*. AV, HANNINE <) M V.
Ordinary’s OfSr-e.
. -v m , .■ . . f f’-^.-t,
\V , • t-ji Om h‘ f r P’- ’M'*' .ft
‘ • ■ .’ I >■ 1 *"".■•■/ af rt'l 7* nl \ I
rr "--rf-- —r—-7 t - “""1 m TANARUS” 7 Ts”A“ -T
---ii i-i-x-’i - •; i 1 •• A~*-v -2-. b,
2 a'- -. j '.lai ;: t V !*: f- i b-f
2 --—: :t ’ T : “
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’< - * f > lv \Kn t t*i t ?o * t ai '
a -'if v, -* I,f <•f .r j ? . f, r . •b *t tp't
• r * l l .•' '. ■ Of x r< *, 1
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<>• ■ 1 Ti v ’< Oii i* *’,
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f,S f- i ;v> *-m>‘ .’•t 'MfVl* *|i <•'
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t A iS>, NNI 'a ft Vf I
Ord l niiry'ii QWL'xi.
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,1 TT _ i---f-** v * ■■f.-iTirr-tr P- f ' f w *
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In ... h-.Ua i -apjß-r
4—— , —. r - - 'I. h—
—-■'hr* ?t *T7 •T-’ t|T •'-? ij. \l * A |I4A. A ■
A•: H A \ Sr. ra * hr ■*■ ■
f bn r r-.t '• >; T '' . .-vi.-jf.•..
i-M.— r — *•' • —a v tnroTtr?
A I 2*l if ‘br AUFf u'!'*£> <<■• wt I
1 •-
-r TTT?t
l r i’l-l r * ■ f H *t
•V* r' ■ f fi Ai ' iJ> -m M :4•• bf f
* f -V iff, (
V( *f mi*l ,V A r ! Win I. ?*u
*oi.! f, '* fl, t 1 V - A| *0 |?V lyifg
. '■:l bi A.*. ;•!, J> •: ■" ?- f IJ !ill 7• *
IV.1 V. * * U fioni M riwiiliiiV ''hu'rfVlLr_.
!’’> r 1 r ||V •! v' .1 \f *l| a KO*
| -i t U <we. T*. \i u*t ki: V 1 aco . b gU> lan
Al.hf * at tl>f *v?>c arvl w : ?1
i o*M (he ** >iSU !v t # f b>t 'f l tnl 7K
m 11-< :iU !i fbVi l’ f w-ia • v-htHorxotai i
b-ni* lire'*, m or !•<*, 'cvm.**! on S’*
tin 1 |> irfy f ’li **>'.%:* *Jn * M *?r *ni.
j t* h-s ! i^fv ati Ii fr"*?, the h ;pYrbr
* ii ir'l i' ) iii!v, in fnv r **f
VVarofi v* .1 ot-iT A. S bth A Imr. *P '*,**
; ri "4/ (i.4>itAi ot s/iiil deed. —
TenfMil not-fi*aA.
A 1.80 *a tPe came time and (face will
tic .u| (me single *e watch 1.0-vi—J en i
at tbe property *-f >. ,n A Wheeie**, to
si’i-’v -t f -t f ; ft font 8 ; ( fr'”r Court ol
(.iit'c eatv-Mt t-v -of Mm. IE Monerief
v- S nn A Wheekss.
♦ “
A'io at the -ame time xnd fd-tce w ! be
Slid a eerta n trad i l a; and in the Hrd Di*- ot said county, know n as the White j
8 i-phiir -,pr’tit-c ;,r!i f.i” i * ii, iuj 25tt -tee- -
more or -ss, Is unded by tbe ot Mn‘-
ln, BHB-(>n. H ■ ,fig-. I'lgncr. Ijce and Mr* i
Nance, sold l” A. A O Trammel,,
by IE II Marks, It-v ol on as tl* property
i.: A A and A O. Trammel K> sa isy a
M rt gage IP fa issued frotn S-i[r , r Court
"hi said comty in avor of H. 11. Mrfrkes
vs A A. and A. O. TTtmroel. Tenants in
possession notified iu terms of law.
A 1.80 at the same time and place will
be sold a certtin tract of land conq r\- ; ng
.ot of land No (el North half of No 82,
and lj acres ot the South bait of No. 82, aud Uitign. tbe .fr i Disci :cl of said
' county. Levied on *s lb property of E.
V. Chapman lo sa tsfy afi ta !roui Soper
sor Court of sod county m favor o! This.
S. Magrudtr vs K. V, chapman. Tenants
J. IV. FULLER 8 M. t
V- 1 ■ - |T —:
Viilit c to Debtors smil (irvlilorv
Al. tarsr ns holding claims against tLe
j estate ot Josiah sht.iieid dec'J ate hereby
notified to present them duly aulhcntica
! i t J according to lav* aud all iu.itbled U>,
sad estate ire rc-quesieu to make immedi
'ate payment. This Nov., 17, 1873.
7t $5 IE F Ha I, Adnir.
Vutirc te Debtor* aml ('realtors.
Ai. p-Toa huljicg cUiUi* Uu
rslaTe of A'na.vJe! Findley dee'e are Uerc
by notified to [ire-'-it tbem du y atilUenii
..ate.! a. corslin? to !;w and <t indebted t>>
-akt e-taic art req:n s!e! to make immedi
alt payment. Thr? .Nov , 17 Hid.
7. f j Wl J BSH • j
A J lliM*r). J A <*.!
A -LX PEj7->//N.N iK.idifcga Wnw-agaiart-
A liiteetite o' J onea deal,
rt i.ereby rotif.c.l 1 . present du'i
i*eu ! e-a'e-t sccordtrg To ta'. i.nd n'i H
i, /Tr.! *.l estate ;i’e rH)Wtel '• in. kr
■ Tjimc VaT.’ % lie !>= Ti.i* -N’lrt 2-ir-J iti.d
$7 7 fU'HI HOOil AS
a : MA U V A UtH'tJl.A'*.
|\>it *II.V , ITIiW AK4* \ BE k
I 1 :i rdwiivo
< r . - .
Si ( *r< ’hau tn 2.
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TV kTuisai.l uuiTT
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5 x - ";
■■' 1 71' r-. 'rr; ;
ut iy,
< l rum
\ *>ijK ■.r M L: • /eq J
fU l.'.fil."*■ al| j
i '. .jn m v r I ' U,
A * i—r —r. ;" r if’ —*"■. • 7""
... . F '.4* -br *** * MfW
' * !■ * Mill
l- oH*+ r • J IV f tftff [
< "fkd, I'lLFfor-
t ** •• T
CotUB a4 Hy Vrrw Prrs*
|$T TVe mo ini' 4 Wl|'A> H‘r*t >e*
tnd aiway. keep -n band an rl>'e m,n,k
rrem:.' K'' M-rioT4 ml < nU*e
J * i2 If
Thompfton Cole & Cos.
him p*m Bn or
< Fsaniiture,
S U (’ 11 A S
Bed-tend, Rmetw, Jhair*. !nattrei,Eu
Metallic Burial CMH and Boat-wood
Coffin* AJwajr* un Uaad.
8 ’- - : '-v ■•■:'■■" ■■ ' '
t "
- o *
Babis Furnis bed
-► ■ *s '
with car; % a' re i* nsb’r price*
j nn-y- t
Grocer and
Commikkion Merchants _
* *
I — —-
J IIA V£ Jl fIT rrlumed lrm Xt York
I and am no a aide it. i. •* my Irjeuja a
i.Q.'.iij A--. I: lilt i.l.crl it T. k'l ! T... I t./iti**.
. 't .i!S T I'JfVD i an of
•*uiU 1 ah*L.a<di al .ry ua C, urn.—
’-I't-o a- A
. virgin, Hum. ILXk ..Miial.t. A-.ticc, Sugar,
A. l-Uati.i a v lUidanre,
la ' _____
j.' ■ - -
K T A i* I.
f''''. . * ” . . . f
ancy ** r y Goodi
[ •
L - ■
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Art WmtbipA Cairrt I.IX' H"> k* *
IJia-Ut)* I Weal !*■ -lie* J H.rwn
* 1 a lit It r-*' 1 ’■ butt s rati font, all mf
If .1.. .. i*. i ~ I **** a I** bad UiC al
‘•re b*4wk4* llk.Eul.
%Vf V Hf**| fl*
ap:llif TSD N " in Ch
f im i.iihr
fmdat *JIM> FM. < <\> •> HALL
('Mi l a
• *
rt*4eTj. (--- v .of i/Ht<i(*
r - -
i . _ ' ' ;’’ =
(.ia**, I’i.bO, f HU, <lo-tnu aU, and
lircnpi L-r ('**J • Kiijiiy l e .
.* " V
rr> ii Pertil rera.
Al leas iWn hall ti>W <:••>, 'arnishr !
f j. The Stock powders are one -if the
eery Item remedies fur prevailing hor*r
General Dealer*
DRESS GOODS and Trimmiop,
Hardware A CVorAery,
Writ si 1 j P rYic Sll ire.
• c.
Orifla Ga.
\ SPECIALTY made of fine Pboto
graphs ot all size* and kind*. Other
kinds of pictures of every description.—
Old picturea copied. enlarged and painte*
n oiL My MeriareOi-r trie* Is *T% respect
lu’ly inyded to cklL 'I 1 *• *