Newspaper Page Text
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oi AlvrtiHtiv%
|l Wk Ilv <*> >
i iiu-u ( i rt •"> > -t mi tdi ; !•-'<*
I inches l .Vi . (ii 6 Vi H< ii' . I . * i*
1 inches 1 500 - mijl'ini IS 0" r* **•
4 out |7 00 1S 0> 2S (>i VS 0(' 00 O
1 Col [lO 00 MOO ... 00 60 00 I'.'O
tV A liberal ileduvi' u, made t.i .Uio.-e
advertising by the Month or yc.ii.
SOTH'K ro Til V. I*l 11LII.
After This date. *li lv>- : xdverusr-i col
l*r the c***ui(v ol Meriwether, uti. 0* pub
1 tshed in tin Mkbiwktiifh \ Vimii
lAT<*k .i.\> W mns: ■
jOjiKS W K1'1.1.l K,
Jn 4111 lira CT.'-ik SR.'I is.-iit
i.Hr.hN V it.i.E. FRIDAY JAN 16 -i.
Sr%t*Mii nrvi 11*t l-ui ijol.u:*n !0. l.lis?
i Our tfwbir* Hums will uoi
1> ’i* L_
Pkii.** Y.v.tiiiiV “f M'ltH' i-r.r Da
l>ri*■ 7* | tf'~* Mir mm ii ’
u.m ilrrtvoiuf IE aotnr tiiai4k* 'N? l ot*ii
to mi nu r* tl lu 11n' ImiMit)#, Imi£\uih)
<li.4* lU*‘ nkolt ol t iu xi timi*.
\\AUm i* worth CiV H ‘E-tID
Dm Ifkiujit ••• iiiiulilrfeti EC
tj j*4jjr!i|44H:Al rtot )■ ihr l.*-' unj |n* m.i
* mim nf mfoiia En ** 1 *• * " ' 1 • s ‘
Hf *llf l' l • 1 ' '* • I ■H""** iXm .
i imHn'nitiif oik-. >• *iti}£ ‘M a n
ily Ik In.); be. u to tlo —- -
Week, W. ll done f i 1 •>••• •
Hotn mlmk tiljti * *!*•• I ll *' n " 0,1
lia imlnl to ik*’ *ly v' "* • it
f<MiT W iSiloui I t 'll y lull ■ • ‘> 1 • t . i 1 1 ‘
Un y v\ .ii iim TANARUS •<! tli* n ,i* .n N t
.**♦♦* ~.F *• .
p tj>t f < oni iU4*t vt t 1 i* pm 1 it •*
hiiTTJftM* rAjHit * W *l* ir t
hU ’-vlu ties t'' ' ill l'* i* “
fQ ii i Ii a *;pi'Muj i > **
_ - -zzz&-*sr?assx -
i' M K 'ii- Wi.; U t Ct /i.
• luitri to At ■ : i:j*' N i av 1
i tf. U*4 Tin |.u ip.riu U,n I
to * i Ii * ■ * ’
jit- v* • A.: '.;*;i *• ' •- 'a =“ ‘•“ - ‘
non* :* j t tf.jifiv oti Hint liny
t I'VH-it t .aU.i i.- muMJi ) ‘V' t*
|u ii <li A • 1....* - ii.. I(.
/• r ul< *<•* iJj-Jk*-! r—ir, i, ,
\ v l JS —L>-o-iv -IT7.- H 1.1. f
, .„H|,. lr. lli I-I*lt II ..* .1 111 111. mill i* ..
>r n. ■. i -iui.i j - ... i.* :• oi. I* •■ i ‘.in
Ii 111 % will, n ■ (..Ii ..I ill l oi nit I
lllir <'l / ti*. 1 1 ill* Il*" it v>m rit Kill 'I I 111
* UlliJ' l** lit** | l*.- til i .ini' 1 li: Vf 11 . lil . 1
fitly wi ilr rt ••• *■ |*“ ill’..MU (I'.l.i’jf i
" STIV* St-11l l fire. I T' t.l* * t*.H:
. I'm ir ii Kii. (Mi I c.-w.ium k A
i ..until <tf tUt nii .ye "? ill rn "i,’ i :/* ]
%! Hi'i in i 'llmill ti Hi' 11, mi tin . v. I
J tly i lutltr uiifi|(|. m 'I UC luii'f i iiy
Herr #*h * I*-*! ■ f!J rf *
Frank Hi" lx'’t, W I’ , K.irnfe V\ 1 ,
W A , 1 15. Norris, W ' , him- Wad
die, It W, Henry Mam, T h , Victoria
Tbumt'iil, T , J. f. 15 . • ! "i, < ; Kla
Thornton, A < , A Jilin Mum, I <i .
Konler, *) 1 j , R. * Tlxxiins Mh !
<ioi, n <i. I*. ,
There i a"V ry grrx til int r-it Mr by
the ep is* n i it; the sucres* ■■( the rum
ed. C
Lact* hr -M f*V-<Wr hk lecturer ol
Ui* U K, T , will addrea* the cil /.••n* ol
Greenville to night at the Methodis l
Church. lest all go oti< au'J hear him
IliPlsov*j*KXTk ~We are pleased to I
a -tica ib* ir p ■ r it eul lieing ma<Je b J
K Adams on the oid tut formerly owned
by Dr. Matrn, hut now the property o' Mr
Passing the new borne of Cap*. Shuttle ,
the old Bell place, we were atnufk with the
handsome yard an ! elegant residence'of
the Captain. ftuooans to our frienda.
Altbrtise —A F* n len*in frm HrifHn
suiting ike lower [x rion -of- Atcriwi l'.>•>,
told M be was as'imishe 1 to find mi many
parties turning their trade from tiriftlo to
Columbus. He fcrfd os that several who
had loaded their wagorto with cotton to
at* i fcrOtiffin*had, or, con* iit*t- m wit!,
Iheit ncighb *r*, gone to Cos uminis. T:>
aa'd Colambus < S*-r superior inducerm-n's
Vs Meri-retber fanners.
We publish the aim re to pot Griffin mer
chants or notice, and to inform them that
if they bold on to <nr trade they must
wake op, and let the people of tbri county ;
know t bron, h nor columns the bargains i
they ears fire them. It Columbus desire*
to increase her trade no rarer means can
be found than to hare her budness men
advertise with as.
A friend visiting Griffin recent'/, wens
himself, and carried bw Irieods ain t,tm,'
to trade with Charley King because
ley advertises with ns. Our people will
patronize those osrho patronise u Let all
take due notice and govern themselves
S' '■ordinal/
r.'rmor> reynt lex JinSoutly in li'rln;
“irrrrtv Tjjts -y. r ttnm -st n-y limv ■rif
’•littM.ira C'lnif mr .” There #eenH In In
in-s mmiinn n thn Ml any lime si ice I>6.S
Wr li ijv a’] will wnrk '■ v’er tliii vuir, ns
n ui’l t ike a > i iiJ4 p t'.i i 1 kee;> u Vi'kn
•nut tire tn'ine* >*) many. Uulii
'ahead; lei■ al p > to iv.n k und un e llu'in
as easy as j..>.,*ible
Dkahi sjf .la r M lire ili.-.l in
i:.. vili i.| l'.niim|i ii. i'll Wc.lin ~.tav
■li nil. (lie 14lh, aye. l tirsnil 70 stit
* (it’ll r I.tilr I rei.’ei‘'s..| 1 he I > n,
i.<; s a U-u'hfr Ifcre ncailv a cen
tuiy a.n.
s..n*i " I Vnvi ami I{. |.|< s. nin'i' e Tnc
IU ill left <ti Tlleihiy I r Ailanla Mr.
K,.j t r lelt several days ago.
I.i>4 l Jiltoia Slay Tt'i'iii.
Belli* \ii! he a a'l IK jurois *liiF
Mi) Me:' Wether SJHtnr C'OUIt
M. 1
IS 11 AM) Jl* It- H 5
1,1 We* k. a 1 Week.
.1 M 1 1 I >! i-<-.
j M * allahau. A' -V> W.U:am~,
SN K Kino, __ l> I I’.io,
(S )"\ Mtr -1.111 IV'. Sun ’I W
...1 T Ounlaii, .li \ Hm'will,
Jsr> ■,i I. F u ei,
i) M On: n, i", n u K~,
.1 B M irjiln y, A IS Mu n .ii| ■
T D li i .1 11 li .i.'K
J N I . V . ~ J F llainio, /_
W 1* IVm. .1 ( ,
I! It M, K.t.i ';n, .1 MM. i Vai v. ._
\| ■ ii. ii, :—i ) K M i'm_\\ s.
; (I U ItoAlU, li 11 '>lllllol lin,
—vt-ir i k. M-T M- ll.niiiil.
A J Mileliolt. H 5 IMitli;!,,
It .1 A I'.nkor, .1 li Sowell,
, 1* T Un-in, J W See,
v A h l, .1 li ll in 'y,
, .iylli'il', H S Sln‘|)l.enl,
IV I 'K I I .1 B I ill‘so,
:!! B.m' V • ~ I r Thrash,
A K,iHi i, II N Null,
i )‘, :n J ;:y N: WecK -* -
.1.1 A Ini.l, X. i‘ .1 i. k '
li M(ia-y, . *V ( v Vn■s,. '
\\ I Will, n; (i 'h;.l ilms n“
HJ II . .1, (. U Ttyi.i,
N sll iiu‘, v , . 1 P BiiiaHj,
N.l I l ill! I, Ali 11 l>H! if, - *
\\ Hi A II Ml, .1 \ lil t,'"
.1 w Bolder, .! iMitwrti;
. i-i K. SS JtM nil". T
. \\ • M Si 'i ,v .. ,
II A Ml I. , In, I' I. YV< nil mi.
r.,1 M ,1,, . U I I'll, .111 I on,
~ \\ i-'.,,, , i, r-r>' M i ',
T7"S A ...111 I, --- J I 1 ___
i H H.nilh, 'I SN .1.0,
vl Itt-tt:*..,, J—M~.rhn.lh,
M W U K M Ml io i MU.
ft* n i i lllll- j * ... i
7 P • • .Fix * Wi-k .
! A P li 15 I Ikl A Sirs, .
l. \ .¥■,■■'. ■, . Ij Ji'y-ey
I juioer," — rrt-rtry 1,,.,
-.t- —B ■ 1.-ii j- and )1 1 11, , i in,
4 *4 - - >. l " . 1.1 \\ mis,
Tt; Kyy. , J T Wall
1 H '.a ..1 11, h-A S.-lile,
I li > 1111, ~1 li P'.vl 111,
111 • ■i, [l VV 1 Dili*,
i , Wii Wio . hi,
W li N 11, J I! Hoard,
J ( N mii *. W j Il.inlup,
J W SUB,.. API!'
w i*iii,■■. j. a
VV PS. ve. It, R ( M .II •
VV I N ..iii*, *. iI -1 i ! I. ill
i<S I>i im ii . .1 ,1 Tn. k' r,
Jm ( 51,1 T i W 4 T.tppc
|.*H' •;< a Finn 'lf Kieil (It mi i hU
hat •>!**• fflh r, ui I fatter ihll u,K t fi II
Never a da .i * t m , a l ..tiou,cau ah >.v it,
he-v H.-it he lam. it upon it lliicly hut
lx relumed troui over -r i u ■ Kn ..m |T x
and ’.lie t mnvi* than a giriolii
War Jlepmtmetit helped liureh, w ill tlx
rank allowance ami pay ol a brevit Lei
tenant C ilonc'l, upon limt, For inmilis
he drew hia pay w it'r vigilacc * an I com iig<
ut Clnea/o, till lx detailed to do ; i>
uir; >iu ! y on the YeTiw a 1 one There wua
orx fijb* in w hi' h a Li'U'efianl < lolooe ;
tinguished luuiw U, hut it was Lieutenant
<5 one' Cuatar, as L # •"nnt Coioiel,
Grant, j i<t te;l< ’<■ it took t,l ice, male a
fyir.k movement npoo Chicigo which to
hi day !i t B’i beep si'is’ii' t j.'i ; ac ; tl i
ted lor. There be covered l.iuis ll wriii
f f-li ration*, till an a iuiiring 'alher ca'led
him X>> WsVlrngton to fel l Germnns mid
do tec railing duly. That no (Srti u e of
Lieutenant Colonel Oran!’a conduct in the
West is lo tie inferied by hi” translation to
Washington suffleien'ly ri Ijona Ih •
fact that lie draws pay as a Liei'en in'. Cos '
lonel and the obnotiout word “beret” is
oin't'-fj, tbr'iujti kindly aul thou/li'u
deference to ccfa i aearre I an ! gniirt .-1 -
'.I I Captains end M , >rs who might other
wiae (if- n- thxl at the lipid ion of a
younger and more infl-jentialiy connected
soldier. Tiie hereditary genius of the
G an's drKp'ays ilsell in the somewhat sap
py chip ot the old hiock, who is ran g up
be army list with the rapidity of a monkey
a .tending a ship's rigging andprornse ilo he
at tiie mast b'oad ere the men who do tli
work have toiled up to the mainyar i —N
y. Wo, id.
v /
Cotto.v —Tb e staple roiled in yesterday
and ,evilly sold at 14c for middlings. Oar
tsrmirig friends appeared to be flush and
trade wii trre+y ait diy. —The ..a 1. system
has been adopied by some of our merchants,
wt-o to run it on tua' ached
uje or close. We hope lliey may be able
so to do, for the sooner a general system of
cash trade is adopted, the sooner we may
expect confidence between man and man
to lie restored. — [Griffin Mtar
Tlir Itrlaltnie. with K]kiltll.
His ITie egnt'tai iiiniresaiim iu Washing
tin shat the changes in the governirtenl et
Spain will put ynJ.,to the abolition pro
gramme which was I > be Carrie*! onl t>
M I' ishii g ' IPs iliphunncy. 1 !.e new
Symish th*vt mmenh U uni in llie hlimoi
to en'.ertaiu tlie proporithin tor the atmlitioi
nf slavery, the inv’epcndvnce of Cuba an*!
'tie general '>(metPm" ni ni~i
iifstitution* w hich was to lie the basis oi
(iic set.lenient n( existing diftlculliis.-
FiiUheruiore, a Washington letter s:*\s ad
vices have been received from Spain lhai
the new Ministry is Poslhe to Jim tevent
proloent, ami il is apprehended that S|iain
wall take advantage *>i tt.c inatiitily id this
■government to jyroopi .P j i.iieiHlly against
■ hr Virgututs, and refuse to goonjwith the
tuithel oxeculioß of tlie protocol It is
possible, says the wri er, that this null'd'
may Inae Ikioh magnified by Minister . Ida truth hs camel the ouisl
sermus eonsnleiati.m oi the Cub in uucstion
and an line,is) hi king to III*! til Hit-. Ju
Case iti . Spa. i~l* Ministry go tiaAk on the
p....... -d, i~ said |.y I It.isn pos-essinir inti
. . | t President, That tllr
gov ii .l wiil in t trrai il as a cans*) ot
n hut wll ipt'ttiy givethe On baa -ayoa
] I 1 , Stithy <hne •Id
*a . . 1 hob (i ien I J . w lia li Have tiiTctoloi*
!>i on drilled tlinU
A . __ .
A HHHI K l-iltr, s:y** lli H kMic^Ut
ill’ H'l'.V.w4f pdftM l
Sjuki’ Jlld V 4 UHl‘ I tin t* 4 ,
•* | f 41| Va I k'MWII l ili*)’ 1,1 |
i\ •' mutt i t x.'itniiM' iirtj.”*. —4-4*a-—tt-A - .- ,
‘iu Rtunß liik puCrul m Ih*l, tn! protHrilt’*!
~ • |.}:ik a 111 i *U pr.i|'r VTluliiitUilH.
h>>M i;tn lm-1 j*Vui R his v:it' i'\o&v lo Ella
• I .s t' 1 11' 1 1 Htiti filiishc-t! nlltt'l lilvt* lilt*
Hull I homlh ti llK* R-h loi !>y Ihe
! ,1! I 1 1*> 1 1 ’ k which li I‘l Jill Iht! wlillt*
Hi hi* ho'ottt. An tils ptl hi lHtt hntl
po!S!*'nu.H I*l4l j!4 iLiHovrß, !h‘ phyi*i<i*iiß
(ii>lllti wti? nt he lo imniA^iur. lit
|, -in t |Hll | 'liti'f.
-f-T V.. Utl) O illcl ht l 1 UiPtlM
ill Vi< kstmig hisl week, 111 W llii'tl, licce !'•
-tin ; In —|~V‘. l-sbntg tQ.t *o i ho said I hilt l lie
oiasM-s .and tin people, iii all sections ul { this
...uiiliy' wen not liiiclidid in Urn cot tup
ft, .11 thal ptevniia (hi* ( I dll M-diiller, tin
* .:ai V .girth so a , and. -and wm e nl way s in
lain ill 111 l Jiolnal itdilliniillnlloli id the
v „,, vl and elitle tlie poHltcialir
■ ~, a I, t ~,-iea* ,U-.i.SVg i.irin!. I'Ll i (lie PC'd'F.
(ill a ',r) ie,VV and II tile ('XjU l till ll HI 'll eitlld
lie!) i ;• ’ ■, Iii,III nl oi and , t:. vilig the t*c*r
s.l* h. .n.-vv . .ll in s ainP Tlotitiol tWO”
,■ i iur- I to- it nl li i in. I.i y end mfi hr*
vv and .lli l |ir,'TTp!,, C llu-ttv , 1,--,t* lo*- ~1~-g.
■n, uej i,| ilit* I ni. an old one, blit
■ iT"t7.•' H'T" of the p*Vp 1 vvelu ai/UUli,
H ;!• -. it ' < T. .mm, "1 .Mt-mcrippr;
while !_lo.4rrr:uHl-' talile nl the, Kbtielt
ll n e, i .(upUiii'd ol 'eelitlg tiiaseß, and
.vooii iifi' li-,. ii lenve il.i’ I•■,iiT WTtrrr
lie to,,i lo 1,.,1 n par<lyllc*Tnke
. n i w ■ .ii?.! h.,v ft ‘ ,-ti It i-l fi ~t S'.nif , illr
••■■in l .lr- :t"'i ■■** rntre. Jl- #it lulu u to
■ i■, |, eiu mi ! i.ll- ra;u Jh lulu u In tils ri"'
■ it, , As (hi* 7 not (le 1 first nttai !v • f
~~tie k t.i f ’i• let—h-meil it-*uighl pU_U~
l.ii ,!, sms |, Ij upollid I.,l'MrT, and wilt
; u iftinl*!>: ir, ■ ,Vi i
f.Tter dnptiehe- lejeui Kuin-ii ml set.
T—TTttfy" net - :
A disastrous Hie occurred in Urilllu iuj
’ lx 10 1 1i ol January, which re.u lei in ilx
. huii inj* of the < cu'.(al Female t o! if
j budding. ~ * ■
fix lo*’. t* r iuiale'l a' i"iO HI. Ilx in
j Mii'tix e U s.iff*lO
'lie fi iTliein * x/n;'ieiix‘ii are jubilant
I "v'l l!x iiomxxxi n ol Caleb (.'mdiifig lo
<’ll i I Ju-lie IF will undoubtedly I"
X mflimed. The Uxii a! Beriatols toll •!
Hr <’"•hiny v nomination a* a puiiieluix iil
in the refusal oT the Sonata to cntifliiu
Mr Williams
A Florida Jury, under Hie charge ol h
,J 1 f, lo itid Unit il nin ra xatried a pistol
lor ted i!'ten e, it w x ixi violation ol tlx
statute to:bidding the carrying ol coin < a!
ed Heap*ilia.
Aul now h.Mian in Hartford lina stopped n
uewapaper lx<auve ids name was printed
iu a list of adverliaeil hrttera, and, hia wile
happening to see ji (jisi, went and got ft lor
hi n, and found il was from a young lady
who complained that he didn't meet her at
Worcester, as lie promised. '1 hat lellow,
too, is ate<ut the average chap that “stop” a
newspaper [Ti iy Whig
The (x luifihu* Enquirer liiinks that
should lix' - jviI right hill pass Congrers, ■
thereto atiil chance that Hie truprejne
Curl of the Culled Mtates will declare it
unconstitutional; for, Kurpiirer,
that court last year decided in effect, in the
N’ w O. leans Botcliers' Csse, that the en
forcement of the 14th anti Ifitbvjfousiltu -
tional amendments was primarily w ina'ter
.within thejurisdiction ot the States, and
Congress muKr deal with the State*, and
not with individuals, iu the exercise of its.
delegated power, to “ enforce them by ap
propriate legislation.” This was substan
tianlly the decision of the court last year
A mother trying to get her iittle daughb r
al three years old to s!ty |, one night, said
“Anns, why don't yon try to go asleep?" I"
atn tryiegjtshc replied, 'B it ybu hare’
not shut your eyes.” “Well, I cui help it
urn comes unbuttoned." *>
-fc-ia not a tittle singular, indeed, says.,
jhc hpvingtic]d Bopniilican. how the *hl
Democratic Icavleis are getting |Mvssesi(i
if ttic on dern Ucputilican parly, In 1560
if* i' vv is an obscure, tv tiled army < fticei, I
'' o! '"4 on a 'in sal try In a leather store >
it fiaiuna, 1.1 , ami cvnty*know n in poliiks
as an ardent 1) uigUss UcmiH’rat; at the
same tune, <7. n .Bailor, now the leading
i epics’;palive id tlie ailnniiislralion in
P • a voiing |„| Jett I)vis’ mini
mmi n t v Hi,. Pn.~id.-n v in tlie Charles
I'd! (.'.invention' and Caleb Cashing, Just
appointed is M ni~tor to 5p vio hy tlie He
piili.ivaiv Adii)ini~iiation, was presiding
over the Mine 'convention. Truly, the
times change, and we change with them.
Local & Business Notices,
Our plows will la- here Saturday morn
rug text tlie 17th., for cash only. No
exceptivHH __ K.4.1.1*'% MIH'HK.
.V sum,! lot oi Ottoman Shawls
and a few pairs of nice Bed Blanket* will
beeVsed out cheap by !. L. BAN NINO.
. | * , in-pomhm*s ■ending us ...iniini
•iltSatlons wTllten oil bTvlhvihlea tlWd trot
expeel to have them published, luiless
plainly written they will also tie consigned
to tho w io-tn IvMsket. There wiki be no ex
eCjdi.mi n. i in- aimv c i ulna, j
l OM h and see what your accoimta are
for IS7J-7.1 tml settle forthwith. I am in
deed of llte money, and MUST have it.
tk.iiie forward like IJONEST men ami
i 8t .1 i, BANNING.
inl'xht UxGrange, Ist Saturday and
run fie in ,1 luirm \ , T'.iniii oi ,ar Pf
-I'iiday tudore ;'Kong Cane ot. at Anbury,
BatUl. lay tadore ; tJhulybi’iite Sjirings et.
~t Itelhrsila, id S~tiud.iy and Sunday in
Kelnilnry; (in enviflb and Trinity, a
(In ■ nvijle Krid ty Indore.
I ).sli i. t 'levviirda meeting for 1H74 will
jhe held at KaUninge on Saliirduy before
| Ist Sunday in January at t 2 o’clock Mi, at
. lln- Mm l,i. list Church. ~ '
11. .1 A ox X**, 1' K
Music School,
Tli nil Irl -igned (hail'es to retufn tlmiilv*
I'd lli<- pali.Vnage set liberally i xteiidod her
. , 11 ml an. resiH’etftilly ■ollclta a
91m' illllaui l) ol I lie same lot I III' next year
She w ill open Hello ,I oil ttie .'l,| M ,inlay in
■lalUlai \, nl Ii t lesi.lcnee, (w liero 1, M
lilts, I'. ,| ,Tmw l'l'*llll'*)0 f‘tl pel liiontfr-
It HH-Hi', given |a ( Week.
•Mdts. Ki.i/.a 11. An txri.
Pod Win \VJ/( I/S dcairea the eitlzena
—d-lina■ , v i1 1*•, and 51, ii vi lln i l ounly to
rknrrwi Bmt (.<• ** pi,|.au,| to lepau and
CiiiV) / .i7f, fligani, vV*’., sous to give CM
v p 1 da,rt in; ft* ! , | llgl nl for—Hte
■ ilmg ol I'i ini,s mid .nl,• i iinisleal iiiHtru
,mmiih * )f.I Plan,is laiiey in exchange for
new imi asil feitsoiiHlitw iirteea Oideril fol
vvoikoi pnixfiiseol iuaii iimeiiia may DF
lire* ted In lino at Newimii < ia. .
AI! persona ttrdrhfed to lix- inelei vigruni
: for -hop wiiris for Hie year 1 n?f} Witt ttmi
dn ir note and iiccouiila, on and after the
!-t ot N"o'inher in ttie hands of John 1,,
ituliei taon, Jvq , who Is my aulliori/s)d
agent and atlurney fur making collections
ind settleineiite. Mr. Kolierlsou will la*
genernliy f Kind at my store In his ah-
I'lixe dehlors will phase call on Mr. Arthur
Kohl ii son
*o'J4- II If MAURIS.
I itivi-raal lAfv Insiininre Coin*
The readers of the ViMiixAT .rt lernein
her the tragic death of r and third Woodrulf
in September la t. The receipt Inflow
shows that tiie Universal Life Inaiiranxe
* ompnriy Is a grest Ix'ix tit lo widows and
iphana hi such unfortunate cases. Let all
nsure in this company, fowill ho pleased
fb wait on all parties at any time.
V. L Hopson, Agent,
U<>gansvi!le, (la.
Received fro.n tiie Universal Life Insu
iance (,'ompsny slo*lo, in lull payment f>l
all claims under the policy terminated by~
lire death of Clifford Woodruff.
Hesdemoiia Worelrutl
Notice, 1
The Books, Notes am! Accounts of Har
ris A A darns draw been placed in the hands
of J< ho L. Ibdiertvin Keep, for collection.
We earnestly ask all who are indebted to
the Firm to call on our Attorney anc.
make settlement*.
Mr. Koberlaon may lie found usually at
the, store of 11. It. Harris. 11. It. Harris,
J. K. Adams.
Heirooi. Notice.—The nse of the s< hool
room, which he has occupied for the pas
nine years, has been granted the
indersigned for another year, and be will
open acbool on Monday the JiHh of Jan
uary, 1H74, with the same rates as last year.
f For nearly fifteen years a genero j* trule
lie has borne with our errors, and sustam
<-d os with a lilieral patronage. For thia
we tender those indulgent friends our ain
' <tp thsnk, and respcctuHy aolicit -a cum
iinuance of their favors the next year.—
Profiting by the experience of the paal we
-hall eudeavor hi deserve the ai>|>roral of
smlj, Win, T. Kevtix
n .WK ON HAND AND ATtK RFCEIVING LARGE lot of Frol. Groeerlva,Com
_ piising
~Car Loads C R. Bulk Si lea, A Ounerwf Sfoefc of Hardware,
.’C ir loads Superior Bran Is Klopr. I.mkaof every draeriplfon, ,
A tio the Best Bmr-Cored Ham*. Pocket and TaMe Cutlery,
>0 Bids Sugars. A. B C Demarara, Blacksmith'* Hummers and Tong l ,
Toliin ami Navarro, Gun*, Pmlolsaiid Cirlridge*,
100 Tieret a and Keg* “t>. K." Lard, Strap-llinws, Butts and Mcraw*,
Unis, Bo,da and Shoes, Hollow Ware, a grm*t variuly,
Saddles, Bridles anil Harness. Wooden War*, world without •***!.
1 l.oso who are Indebted lo us, wo renuest cordially lo como forward and IMlta, MO*tr
necessities are great. Let tkase who aro indebted lor Guano tie prepared to aetlie promptly
■ >ot,>Mf SWANSON A SON,
Whom It Many Coacarn.
1 HAVE Conclu led to dlvi-lo mr Buai
1 mas. I will keep on hand at my old
stand, on the Southwest corner of the
AI.L K/yok or
Meal, Cann,- -
g~- LARO.At;., Jti/,, AC
Whirh f will attend tn myaelf, and
w here all who owe me for pas! eeOO'inU,
now due, will find inn ready to *eUlo the
siiiue, which mut. lie (Tone, njfTJiey will
find lly-ir account* auu noU'* Uao*br*nl lo
an A l| vrpey for col I option.
On the List side ot lire Huare, in tiie
tlUllUm* siiiiiiu as licit iVUains olllee, Mr.
xxig.aii.l, my agent, Will keep all kinds ol
into I b ami HiIOEH,
maruwahk, iuiw.
lIAlb, CAl'b, die., Ac.
Ms will also attend to lie#
-C \ *
Heady and willing at all lime* to lake
From 60 cents up to ♦26.
U iiivers'fi* 1
Life 4tnp*ry
i’artiripatioa in proflU with Mack rale*.
Rales ot Premfonu *5, per ceat Chea|>er
£S> r.
_ than Mutual Compaaies.
The ttadtisigted Jc rpccial agent for
Troup, Meriwether as4 adjoining counties
iulyt -> Hogansvillc.Oa.
Ol LaGiange, Ueergia.
I I AH NOW, and will keep alwaya on
1 1. hand al Ilia old aland, Kat aide <t
■ the (uildif mnartyajowlnAj
wat,i, (ICI.RCTBO rroev of
Conawling, U part, ol
*nd SILVER Watehea, jgf
Hlein and Key-winder*,ol the lKBt make.
Splendid Gold and ttilvar Watch, Chains
of all sixes, makers ami prices
Gold Pens and all kinds ol Imldera, (Jol)
Hilver A steel b|>eo(aeles A Eye-Glasses.
8m Plate A Ware
o! all kinds ami styles;
racket, aTell CaM*ry.
From the very renowned makers, IOSEPI4
lam atili repairng ai! good* In ay >he.
Too many etti/rns < Meriwether and a4'
lolninjr counties have leated my wotk fo
rrnufok a word Iw ma a* u. Um charade
ol it. | will, forwever wanraai U mf
work, 4f property used, aa 1 hava always
done, and reaped fully aak a dmlinnceof
tb pttron*|t I lve rrceifl iron my
' rt C < l r r ,Mw ' , rL U MTL l i l sas.
J. U, WHITE, Of Griffin, Ok,
% with
if **"•
Means leak sdk fiej’l
Clothing WholtJxlj
*7s A 7H Broadway
(xik. w hit* rr.. Now York,