Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County V indicator.
vol. r
riii: A iNmo-vxou.
AT | ■ iVt PER ANM M.iN A rV A -Nr L
CK •. fui.- oi i C\ ti. -
ILiii>, of Arl\-rtiinu*
•p-nre ••} wk--Mt-wK ■ * nt*> *• mr* —! vww
-1 inch , 1 (til 'J .*o 1 t ii ( i (*k ! '
2 metres 1 .XI ! .'i <X> 5" j iO.i l' ; 1> 11,1
•> i, ~ ( -5 ik | -: „. 11 *t KI I>lH i V> l
;i . 4 pTTin rrr • -;n rrs - v*. *"
| w i ; : no r. (•<* -yqq
1 vol ' j iutxi 3o w • wT.wmT *u '
lsf- a liberal deduction made to thoi-c
advertising by tin- month <T yeiilh
- - ■■" ' "" '*'*'**
Aorii t: to Tin: i*i i*t.s<.
Alter 1 1 ,1 nil*. ftu It. ea’* ail v fit use 11 eel
lm tlic nmr.irrd Menwftl.rr.-wtH U- pub
lUUed iu tin MEttlavErtfr <; (An -N i t Vixi'i
fatom. 13J>. W. IyA.NMN,
' jiiMJ VY Tt t.t.i U,
A .! 11l NK*N,
.fail tift, Irrftl. 4 lr"fb (ftttp | 5 **'*•"•
JOHN l. l(ol' 1 U t'S' >N
A '1 lit:M.*i A-l 1 s - Vv.
\ ~ (. I.t t.NVII.I I.< • A
1... lilLil. i. I li.l V 1 )
. \ r-t -J„V A-i ■' fjAtff. v
Oiif.ENMI I.K. tiA
A il‘ >UN *-. 1 A 1 LAV,.
■ \ (Lit I SHI ! I (■'.
-\\• [lt ',,i „..., M.onllcT ami Hrmerf
£ .iniiiiS '• mi; it ' j
di;(T; s ix)i aI "
I wot Lil t',|>telbilly iv kof t it ra i
| iml.iu- **>.|*n:".il tlicit pabuiinve, hv .
„ L.i. ; - uitm. nl.ttl OfUp-s atij j
U* OiU, Ulasri, i’uly. j
| J ■ hr; o> t. i ;
t~t —T*,- - I ... i.i.11 ,ii it 11 ■ i ~.. > t 11 .1—. 1■ •* ■*■
, ■", / i.- ; : a I P-! • I:*'
j: ■ ... 1 .i . T . I, W'.JI j
l' i ' t ! rMi'. " /J :
' i !. A-' -mi’N i " wjtfc u—p
... ~, , , In liltv !
T— -t — ~r- ' ——•— - r-rr nnir*’
j. r; > 1 . J Nil _
Xoxv tiOObl- ioi* r-} Si _r" vV pi j [lUlK'r.
U T K N'dM 11 A\ E • " . ' • * -i :1 ie •, vs -
s targ! and varied k c
!lb >? >TS *.♦. STIC v > . HAT- - • "I •>: • tr !N' t! .*' N■*
!IIAIin WAH!'., Utwif Ml. \ . .j
['.Vnuvts.'nerivs t:jd (Jr i* K a„ - - ii i Ir;i"r
V I • lvjlv‘l J (. tti ' gj A OMCs
nn o > Kit au esw lit* k. • . a . Q * . rii'os.
- ii. HARIUS.
Mm '.7
Genera! Dealers
JP/OTb and teiJOEB,
- HATH and CAP^
( /?>THiNO
DRFSS 0000.- and Trimmings,
Hardware & Crockery,
W' -' - ■ Public Square.
Sclia i iT > s Cr uilery
i ■ . r, :
_ wrung vo
ARPF/ lAJ.TY jnttf'i of fine Photo
graphs dl all size* and kind*. Other
kinds of picture* of every description.—
OW pictures copied, enlarged and painted
in oil My Meriwether trienda are respect
Itilly in : ted to ealL M’D-
rpWO NOTES -n Mrs. Narry OT;
1 one for f-230, and one for |2V. iwo
notes on Austin Curtfigbt I<M > *V) c-' h.
The finder will he libera.;/ rewarded upon
easing the shew* nrtos at the iP-re <>l
Ivans & Ragland, LaOrange, Os. Ad the
Carpenters Notice
Thomas N. Mitcham, nwr Um Warm
Sr.n--s.bee- leave to intonn bts tnend#
3>dr‘ei ■ S d,at he is prepared to exe
cute all kinds of
wish neatness, finish *nd ‘b,-paten P*t
ronage itoHuted.
(nn.L.w lIXiT, Mjiinwi.Titi' i; ( orisrrw (~\.. \iii*u. it. lt-i.
Wi; t ' —Is. !*!!• r~-tteTT*r, nr
i-r-v : • ri---.i: :-t : inn
r , .•! . mt • i! t! f li j
t., Ulli . .1 A >tA' U-ti Uot tf il-'tl
lilt. Ilirn. > ,h,t • 4..1- .triN •. :t
T — —Lt-ttL-
tvi * .•! o, ’> •: ' !'•* I
rn ct! tr •! V .t! lilt? t • s I >r. I P ultii i ;'s
Vin tKv .it .I, in. ..... ,i y ’ iime,h
b HCtshy iLtliijr t.'iiif biitx. m t v -U' < . n n.
! :l ej Y ; .. ...... tl ■ mill it. , .i , l —.■■ * ■ -I-.
t> U> till' t*fi*lr.!i ft* H!,.|!'!|.!--:i. >1 I
, .H' j-, I : ■„ “:T,i TYi 0 1t!.,,! i t. ;
cel lHxt'.i'U, '.. Lit p.irt'.t l.s ,1 11.
i \ ' i. ~4: aJ.. ixo
buttlv, ii ..i A- i to tY;VI tblc til : ■
. M 1 117,' ."A IU M>.
1 Every night wln u !b.'stars c.mhp osst,
A is.! tb. 1.: .Is Ii ivo ...ii,t. !■* it'- . ..
' A inS :0 1,.t .1,1 lilt' 1 1 . .
< k
P Pi,- t-s it,' line, l
j On r my eyt'-liils itiiil thru' niv h in,
1 I,:ngi-ihig mi n.y L, ■,
j i'Uiigtto my in vlt a lll l 1 ■ a|.s m v .ti:a,
; 'l'ill tirriintTts ratr-s
A lit! I.'ilifit it- ■ I 1- ■ in v mill.
i Tb*t—j I tl .:. I.- Lr' n. ib;: 1" .' I. ' .
Matty a yem Ims tuim: iiml , in',
; Vims i!t:.e i i-.ti . .ii;
] V >i ui Jitn ;:< til Ki c,
And 1 um . M, _
l cu ll U'.pii.l a Li*i v'o.Hti tfiil,
. i.\y ■ r ••♦* • * -'e -sfe '-I. rn*^m
i ft . ;
ItmisHn li l '.lit.' Ijrttlt!.
—<• • •*-
Vmmnit ot t‘iirn :*f j *i 4’Hfn*;t
li thcM ;iu facts tiuy \v:li. In*
! in/i'ii4 vc ij 11 nijTU fn ■ lit m I awl j> i
; 'hr Jiluto.i yv ill - t if lid
Tier* Oaii k iug mami now" Gc'litre r : *m
i ihf fjMit'tit *9l Mr
ui 'I , UtiAu . mi "ln> t rrh-r-y
’jttc-i.i'.ni 11. . lli .l lIU-. :'U lilt
afiiO till i*l l ii t C ii I uul
i iiittio -a! h.i .an* t • ii- h ri*;* vi au l i: o. j
l y tlie urui \s 7l '• 117,
ili Ini.: J*c aid uut lljiu U flu- .< ■ uii ojtit
V ■■ A y ~,'o^'^
lit ** -1 lU* aMiuUijl ii'.Atifd, hut s.
jit u!;;t: mg, us ' f,dh/W n i'tu* nui llnt
\.l .r 1 ♦***.-■. *r*y —rmflT-r-ttrr-
— ; w ’
law, *mi tin TuTltol Std?'.' ,'iiihci iu T ANARUS( < ui, nit <1
l‘ v li.t* 11 u/!Ct <'l 't li; < ‘lit t ( •‘i lit St ji
t luM. nl s j it) o • i ijji i j,, i, . \
' Sicltl by fdi\j^ r C In* h , .vim- >, Lain
iiiiu/un* v ■.>;<>! ji itii etc. Mt Muynaid
. "f-TTlhu ‘| VCV'I" V
- it*-A irau?..!♦.u t-i 'V.iA tr'vrT~n* c 07-T; v t, t
t*v - At tnrrrh tiioftc tb'
: tr ■tktr-bnisnr.'r'-tn-'-'rTty, t'd’nTF'^nrt
|• • iii'y !:••*> ■i. , Ti i . b. > •
I u , !.a'-itrU. n * —iv. -
.J 4.y —rptru - * TTTT 1
. .L-i.d -al i-JiU‘c, 0 1 J ******
r : .. : j• r•! - ’ t ’'•( l /|* S '.(> 0 ; 1(1 .
’• M. T~. dTirtTmTl J-t _i iJv-1 -i-H t r t-—T*-'trL ;
' h ■■■.*.*■ t .i ’- f uu
) 000 i ) * , f I'bbi If itl 11
?.|. - e-n-. —-V-
,i.Ufeit."'#4—|iavf* Ih CiK uUtiOTT —IT r ci
I'iiriMlMK In
'i . 11 1 .'ii e $ ini' i ln<t iin; ►Vn“ tor 1!,.
I/O ICUiI lit a' I' 1 : of O'l'tfdll. 'I 1.l "pa pi I
to >i 'orj? j it of .n,o r-•#!., unit [nivnii
’•■tU'iS, Uidi ate t i.kl t!,ij C'lUolJ mama IV
MiM'ltnf, arid iil-iii*' r huve concluded
h'rrviiftel to !;1! tfii' i at! ft by the Itj/b*'' of
I I '.pi It* lx'/ oil 11 "tltilllOtl til'tl,-' \V(; ullltll
! ’hi.' fi Ki';‘l they mi re irnp< rvh'tjw to ll,<
j >r t’.h, luif tut the Wl au J aUrvuUott have at
i iai-it driven them lu'o tlii paths ' f i -lorii
; The Orttunn have Alto cottrlbvltt]
: rriucji *omard this r' -uit, anti till honor i
lo tliroi lor tin ir [ntrio'iaiii in bringing i 1
: itV.iut Ih jr !,!,•: p ■■ at tifcj nntii it )nn> at
I ttitt '•of"' 1 Vi to M-i ifi* f die araoij eC.oriOmh
i not-rfo —‘hat fro —*oii ; • i*'•]fnl —people, AVer
! yet ~rop. 111 Mho l.'tt I'd to ra-'<: ’ ojir
own fi>-/ij. Jt<-porti generally npn-i o’
j 'hat Imo acres t/l oorn utyt One of • o' ton |*
be in)'' ill flttr rs for !>.i I v
wiil lirid it to work well, and h;tv only t-.
rti'ktuit to work int their complete
redemption. When Ccorg a comes to
• (i ltn I
be tl,e ri/h'rt -date iti the I i.ion Today
| nothing of other ard' ic* of export, only
lliifik of h'r keeping at home an on iijy the
f many ruiltiotj# fhlo the fftate by
the or.tton ' t*J> ! W hat woulil thin mony
; not do tor her ? Instead ol being a enuh. ’
hatunTty oldebiorv, nearly every body world
1 lie owing us, while that portion of our
surplus invested at home would cause Ihe
old State to'bW.sopri like the rose, and her
p' ople to l>; among the moat independent
of the earth.—[Herald.
O, woman ! in our hours of ease, you
know we il do whaler you please ; we’ll
prorjii-e to renounce the '•in of Bourbon,!
brandy, rum and gin, and 150 o tar as to j
refrain 'except when tempted) from'
champagne; bat have some mercy 'do, my
ii'.i.r, and least;, ob leave us iagc r leer
There is a man in Colusa, Cal, who
look au oath durioa the laia civil war -
never to wash e: facts or comb his hair
ontil the cause ot the South. bad triumph---
eJ. An exchange says that hit face
reminds one of a hail acre lot skirted by a 1
growth of tangled brash.
Charity U like money—‘he tuple. we •
stand hi need of it, the let: we have to.
j | F..Tn l*r M-tot’a liiruUi an 1 Car of STY”
Mm. 11. MAViii't!. St till.
\. uuusiot: ititi unit tv a* orx-c the.rtsuH
, i .ti- , s >;>t.. ti. Vu. S. vt an aon i.l She
t* . !],■.; .. . it ii. li-t if. r a 1 t 1
l. tliieat' in ii :ht- tk>tttiv(i..ii of a Pits
; U\ ,t Church in ft ■ i ni-s liixu
A: it", it a sis lit l , iiiifti to submit u i then.
• .titn oiTiTsTTrA!i SctvaV.V amniiat l.Vs vie
, ■:..>! shou'J 1-,- oiliicty niU'-lath ■. lit
i...-m iir l.i b. i iiie ti.i* um, it! i r txc
u l . 'i..iJ to auiii. ihuiL - las. .livi-u..i t-,
a .miic. iu tine limn In- art Ivt t at. a Je
tt i.-.ii, lelluct u il to tvrithic, ini.t nclo>uJ
is in nil ini l,i ouc in titc bsultiig iuvmbui
t the chits v s.
At tuis ti.. v M . ! i \i iid \t aa the (1,1 Ufi
_ -if .. i oio-io mi ..I i.i i'-|T;H-n — 11 sc! tf 11 tiry
ninth :s:, 11, . lUili 1 ill S| ~ niiU, to n Until
| bi;! :ti ill'- (nil: in vt.iaitiKnU to Isutil
1 in., liui-i-mn-rr :s ~ rr ll irr'cnriTti; trr
ti'J'Lrs *i i IT,, ~..v Uu -i.JciT u 7.
TTlu i l tii.s ll. tV.t„,‘..a ii'.iPrtt, iViiiic
, slit i nv t l tut u-ii.uil wits ilirecltstl
... she chut. si. i; n-.,- .is,.y u . c.vvtt iiy thv
| putter l ilim, L.c unyub*is of tiiv Cou
W. ' • u !. .* nI- to uv*; luLoitUciJl -
| lit., mill iii.-.s, ii.,i.,ii.-i.
__ Aiti ft.m-snc Hits i ui-I il to m ib. V,
j - lie iio.l i.iirn, in uj'j ioji!utiii ■
|■M mml :,.o ~b|. 1 1 ui iin., mi 11 in ■. ‘ I
i.. ::iy ...... 1 ..... i i.ti, ”,i |, 1(1. i 55 hi. Ii
i aru a;;.;--; . fXLTi ~s ' iy.i l' ~.._,iu~ xv-schi,.,
biy. n incu i-, 1 i-siiuc lit) itoubt, tins ,)>iy,
.+!■ itmst iiiatrhr-Hf j cn!;■■:it: ! rarrinmry un j pri)3.
. ; 1, Y 1,1 11 i i ” i.:i . i, iuh cXiu;lcc:tti4Ul, b
; troth -i h", ■.!' i n t inr.
] o\< ... I . .... i l It—p-itt-iJTTi iilfl. '
tli *., ■ t . in ,ii A;,. AiiViiiii,, it t ci ■
i its.' S' li I' r 'll .I ■> 1.-j.. ' ;
i- ■ “ Y-C-iV. . I ..... j. ,1 I.:;.-. TXXSUL-sot fisiSt V. ,1
: .inn :• ■,i i .... ii ii" u!;i'ii uu -i j
■v:.TTr.„„i,i. 'i.t "TP. t. >i ’ !*■' ■* * i
•-■mil *ui,u : p( 1.11... • ■' tin u > t-i i.i >, m.i
: you inii .im, i ,;sy j. a 5.,. ivjmn , ; tin
~1,,. j Sii iltiii j ..i. In, ,! ii,; .i miil^sli.lity,
mi,. ..iso i, Ui is 1...' n ill is, hi tin sp i cis
liaii ... ) bpUiXxtb.TZTTT—
| ii't (: i J l} AI ) *‘l-j '.ii liti fV IVi C*
f : f-J’ !'T777 r " !’ i:7i; \\ /.r* ii ; in ■\ ,
.\ii 4 i J .1 t 1 I ■ >*l tti 'rift-Mfr*,
* Inl J ■* I t* • rti iva(,; nil*;. Jm’VV jiitVi* '*
. t !( *'■ .'i i> •■•■■4 ;
“Uu iUrt-, , i ' ({t.iii'i t'.v vclly- U.,a i. ; ,
: *•! j-(}s'l I • ji' 'iiy >*<•<* Ir >v i) _'_Lx_• L.
. (fii 4. 1'- ?fv. i[ :t 7.i , i ..j
jti.iv 1 ovu'itu )i .4 k U<; Is''i ‘ I
| XToTC*.' ■- ' """"" " .'
! Art -it XXH]' n 't< ;' : 111 11 ll klit-ll YV Ui i Y
-ul oF iRt 1 I< •i-liit- n i.ii.h i.t j'm, m;
* ijn • j iL* Fi-*s;s4 • I fi. AitT \v, rr 1
i '' 1 4*' I' *- ; " -
; (/ ,1 -t; WTTT ■ -~~W \ pj .'Ua •~) I1 T >• ,
j of TT,( V Ait
j trrrrr; —nTT n f 7 ' < t:* , '•(••.: ■5 "T
:i Ur {—.♦ —♦> 1 ... -n —(i- rr :r i *
iu.v ' ! ’'l\ Ik L /ill ihu,'
:t • I .. .. .. , fi :
i { U: i W :t V*. 1.1 tr r f.. f i j.; iT7j ,T7l fi i y *
j'aiii<iix IjtfttU at j‘ - ;'•< t> ■... (■iji X’lift]
-I 1 I- 4 ii■ 11 tr i li t* i I * in* 11.i.l .-aia M r* U *-^
i/t.ri ] jj<-r .] i., I j.
■l " --- -j ..(
tills , i. lll . li We 1 see 1 las. 1 o .lp tlv-at, j
wiio no rep.'i j. i u’ed are cuu I i,,t , -,,j
of!. I I !.' dil "* t ioll to 1. ", P lie
. "i. mi ' putt' tm ,ti*f that 55i mu • isol h * |
, ,I ii li, < ii, I*,si ,J (L and, ui ■ I
! .Lilly sValk mid <■m v< ( . v!r 1 li e>,n upl".|.. hy
lie weak l.s-d liegt uly i . nu-nk <1 tic
'World. All 1.1 55, 111 if: l, ill ii pit ! c Sic, I Usiti
i m-r, mt:i 55 ,-iu 1, ;■; I I'.i'i!*! ovi i tl," c .
itie "! I, .J .u ci; i, iiiack ball, wli!> old,
attarT ■ c 55 in -, we are not aware o’ I,
pre-si nee, and who, svii|i lii. long hotn ,
plunges ai ... openly, and who let! mad
many savagi; pL;i!i,.;."i at Hits clmrcli in
partici! r
'I ic -c r* marl ft *.p* Ilia] l|,e ey, ~ . J . ’ the
people pi. i Ito ttie 55 , doln an I ft.
eti" !ji < y ol Mi. S*.ward’s <J< <i* ...jj. I
wan uua iru-iu..y icsolved to abide bv
ami joo<l iviil and' pi'ep.aity svei< 1
ru-’or*. ! to it," church, brothel ly love look
'ic j v < ol i *• i* •!, u,d prety iuci/.-.u^rl-
N"ir :j lorty yiars have passed away so**
ilii, r< .iiti : i, , oi.oon 55 a* received
that * !.i,r' li. Its organlzition tins be.
'■..rjiiime l and jvsii to the prevent time vvi:.. j
I’iiiiitf. rupted pir,-peri'y.
What < fleet Mr. f>e:svarii' letter lin t on
W.i truant has icvcr been know -t.
WnmT* Apologist*
The ( lirotiicel and ftcnttrtw! ripv • .Mr.
Stephen* unj eUitfwgllicnt jin u ot toe old
school who, ere disposed "to takeup b'Trit
and run him fora third term," in I eon
merits upon that fact a* follows :
They are 4 partial, to Oenord Oraot i t
consider that he is infisiOily better thm
hi* party. A mart who had the power "to
bottle up” IT F. Duller and array the
Itadjcal party against their idol, Charlo
Sumner, certainly had the power to i ear-ne
the governmentdt Loui-bnn, M,opi
andßouthOarblina front the hamia.of ignor
arrt, depraved and corrupt mongrel ;
ci.ans. President tirar l ha* carried '
out the policy of the party . towat i* the
south with a will that nev>- w tren 1 and
a zeal that never Hugged. He liar for five
years executed the 'behests of hr* party
with all die fidelity ot a devoted partisan.
If the present -feditor of the Chronicle 1
live and write a thousand years, they will
never pen tr ier words than these. The
people wtii have something to say when
the po'jtieians attempt to sell them out to
Craat - Macon Telegraph.
’i’i'c M tsliuv's Sou
/i'ttio bpst:l % :’SH' RllU'i’, 55110 it'll
• • ail..-tic: till) trorsfss Sil tij^tna
otKi' l, live I tlu. \\,, 1.,w iVoctU-Si.,
liiu.c, Mil" ht*t liHh* soil, m l oil 1 !
i'ht%f, Jollittiy. lies husbttUi! iis.s a
us in, who i.atl t'onUivol to
tin "• ■■•!. ••m ,it v\' iu:i! csv., 1
iu, ft 1 pt his . siixivii in c-io i >t,tt*r, tv!
iiti wPpaUo.lctiiy remove 1 U;. Ut-nili .1 -lm
-!>/• U' fc >■* * lit to . ii ■ Ins f uhi-i
r.r;- tl sFr huiorsl VtsJ at a itistauw*, ruij
1 i in, SAT!ii its .. „t ,t ititi, in i ,vt*iv nil ' ,
ill'myttSteh oihor. tin' school liiiuso ii si,
f'm lull its M).i!i s ( jus liliSii lc rs bad
<4*n hg (BitoUilg J ilimiy nv ,s lYutn l as \
-I'llO p ta:ly in the morn uj; iviislitnl .hi i
i um.,f( | its ivosilit kifts tiia moibVt- tor
'•t'S-'jijf* with til; litllts it in nt-r li.ts.l; 1
t mm. VtittP (.Uti, lirnHgTtur TiTVfy
-la 1 ft) '?A jus Ki buy," won lit turn iiuk to tu-r
iiiiii lyyjioiui’. to Hymi t.r wtiayy,. j}{ tu tlu
-V which to unm a jtUM.ip..
towa&f' Ahuir i> (|i(vuti. Botn.'iinxM sh.
wiui<S> ,>out to nntc-i him toa’iini isi. 1, 1
when 5 . S tliouylit ii limt) tor him to comn
humtvfatl llu-ii, h ui. 1 in liaii I. tv,lli Lla
. 'llo'-litt!*' lit lit .liihuuy Wiitihi —tell -ht-t jn-,-s
*h4 ts#y its-, ho-.v imr bnvn eattv t TTfrii "i
l)JtilV..n-: “a milUso|>,” li*.is.ills-, in* si nilly
, I.4vimts4ri-. nili hi 'c, aii'i tls "ti —ii,i’T~"frtT tr
Pirrstafpr lists! him tun- “model lit tit* li, v "
-‘l.dtßjlh-thmi, 111. y o l'.;i.,it-v-| in I.y stt STT"
li tva, ar >1.501, .In j.r; 111,1115,.j
■>.A Win rv.‘ ,i • 'iw-n 'Vt. VC
cnn. u ’
"AnCTlb th> dtMc;u’4. to cut fy<? pica, i il
j ttUH-lita^r;
| in :_v noli ii tn.' CiUiuot. itillitsl 1,,
liavv ii t, ,l.''
j Vi l|4|j t-hlim ,-l |>i|'S 11, (I II:, ",I, s, |!,. 5
-j-tb ■. h.-,TTTt- I ii,, Ti' ., ~ T.
• 11 iJ-tfef* ' , ••*>. I u-'i you ivlnr, tti , ii. i
ill grow, an.t-fii I Il :!,|„ ! >,_h v ;,,i. autl Lc
a , • t.'l "i a hut wi, and thto wo’will-' live
,n i big .. , asiii ~ .a shitj <tr. -, a
Li'ly, at. ill it ,vr s >oh cloth, ~ hh.| i\'r H !
tt lw*, ati.l • ■ .’ th.-y it i,| i.t i.• h any
j snore !' !
i “'VHi.-t in... . >i i,.
'ml 11 to i it. y. 11 '. ■ ■ ■ril■■ ". I . t ~
i C 111 for Vl U.
1 Ttio *o Avijii iJ a t U' uli-filly i .i,i |
!U' *, ail*) ,tt!t til h ‘il. Sill in r ,i!i tin,. It I
. il in 'teal 1 i >I)Ts. i—r-m—n—m —~ r - i
. i hii ivortil...
So Ml* pt'tttSly thill- ’ ill 1 n I | • ],
uvmylMfisj' f" —!■; T-vatrS- —y > - i'll
I’lmof. M b il lc li i-1 !■ ouch all lie
jC sld-lcac . .limiUAh-cbAtL 1„5...4h.+-•*-
i."." .“T-t b' in Ihu n.b0.,1, ih,, y.. ,i.4 br
•-J nlift L ji. .. jii..iV.c..J,af-J why LVirt.n.
- -a 'V <
k*An l|V-4 ‘‘i- ’l i>Tv h* wt n TMd, TWy
i-.,i1) -‘-‘-be W) , ,
—p- in ltherJ’ tf s' T'i • 'Ph, •.•■ i r,, -
4tl : cnP .. 1 li.iVh o . V ' l ' ■ . ~b-.
..--om* -.viicn J. ’.T,’c ■ v; —t—i ‘, s ■ i ,
i sili"", : —< .‘rrrV —h" ■.■ t;m s rrv j "
‘(lit i., I ( arrt'-.i in. ! a . ! o.ovUii.'c i m-i i
yo ;byhi i ! 11* 5 1 n, In yi. ,v nl S !■ A [m sin
7 A ; . Jr.-. iranJtitrsrr s: iS-v-r, zs.r: ;
■ ' - b.t u s : ~4_
1 ..‘.vL. ■■.mj" s.Lm-C,—-rr, nil. r! ly- hi iirr—S
wr. :, - ij^o,, l A,,. lint ii I -Mo •;
■!| : !|1 g I’l lo |||. ii !. . "IIS I :il'l)!| t 111 .
, -. i ,•>*’. tiny tt'ua il.olng *••'! ; m i linn
. II , n- st (lot ash*/!,il, ami tin 1 hly lc
- !-i l --•!, ilio first ‘chi/lyr in h;*~rJn . tin
( , - >r nr i!! ,cr t*o!i h , .aim at is 1 lint c' * ,< a .
i ~ | tin) ,<ay v.< re ovi i, aid with t< ai ..i.h
a , .t-!<-,I \iiili liirn through tlm.ati< 11-
■ tfy,din. ii i,-j •.. : . i..’!.i iin nil Unit
i .sy. "
,I ■■ *s after, 1 . w him t illing a
cnrnniinilihg |*i,.)iliim in hi' ],rof..-“i mi
in- h lint iiiodt lioinmth ifnh .hi 'tn:ri|i-*ln h
no a 4ti.-o.ur ooij'Jiy H!us hill ss-it Ihm in
. - ib utiit Imu o, sorroiinhi ,]■ by a fi.-al
c ir y. aid a must f il'i-h lainily o| rhi'hirn,
; nnh !nt li! live with tiirn unh I' m iijn n
ini i. a stroll" stall, lull I tun not “iirt-il.a
..a—s rally—>jd— lii)..| —w!i'li chop--
I I’ill ' tin: wood |/iht, that slut might sm- s
a fin to hl|> her toy lliiou'h colic"
I iii St l : lciih hi i t now ; but | knew Imu
\v> , nnh bi inVal.ial/i" wiiliiiys birit now
, j i,iy luifie In lorn III'., hi."if is 1t,,, simihi
•/'j! ti n; stmy.if “Too Wilow't Sm.”
An flvfi'tisiv <- IToulcr.
i We h.l the pleasure yesU r lay ot le< i
I ng ’di.'jhon 11. Willingham, one ol the
| mc-.t u.. 1.1 piai lun m bouthwe >ti rn
] Ceng.a. lie has been < ugaged extensively
tia. turning sinus. Luo wai, ami at ill stick* to
it Op as iarg*rwacnie —*ni ever,-and . “ ■•• l
iiinni 1 mud h inting "eitcptiOCeies *to
- oab.e nan toipiofeced with has operation*,
'dr. V. Pihighain this year plants IJ,<JOU m re* !
oi corn and 2,0*T0 a< tea of cotton. A gen j
tiemati who wan at hi* r< sidcuce a few days 1
i, ays Mi. W. U huripunded by afT the j
and a Georg* ■ uic. ill-. <:!ii,o are j
tilled with corn—-which he raise j
-an.,-ehou*e- is -stocked with home made j
bacon, he lias a hundred mull*., a llnilly j
Jjisck ol sheep, including for ly lambs, plenty i
ol ho/s to make his meat next, year, tire; j
now* and plenty of inti* and butter pi'll- j
bap' i at home; and yet, ill* ha id, Georg „
larmers are itord run—corn tmtf’meat horn
growlerslit*xlwwi irom Air. WllUag
-jprtm —| Macon Telegraphs
Passengers to the Pacific by rail, break
Cud. .a the Sikrfiis with Twenty leel of snow
around them; four hours later they find
* heat lour inches high, and the next dry
see pear and peAch trees tu bltsttoo;
How (iov. Sran l>nl ri *. j
V. .ny lii'!c incihcnic of a.lini;:i>tr hs.n j
sic .*. rrr ri. J est j.i.irr.i m.- Tb am.. :
item :
H ii!.- ticu t'ha !, s : . ~'i was f uvitrsi' i' •
j"1 Kcniai.b-y, an i , T . a, mt iu-livih,, f
: iciviliif a ib-ifPt.crttrJftt ii'U'h' ‘lit? j,T.>v.i .s,
lil'cti'iiiUai smiH. ..llciistt-, i 10.1 .ml ((of
. h.'s-ft, to whom ho stmt a ch illi nyc to a
! i .This . li- vi im -n vi“y —prnprdy —rr
l.n.i So in Ills' i 'i a! 1 1 1 ; s c, l .M,..ll,ii'm.
Pu* t 5...; nl Ii th been ■ "hcntaiious!y ;-pi c |
ilhlliil " os. tlic ot cui'icncc in uhvama' n,.* ■
... i
mil'll !il f,|, u n tm-:-,. Af||'|' —W itt
ing in vam Ins' an .ua'cahaiua., anh not even
ici’i'ivlna an sitisivni, In went pci.'.m.niy to
' itirryimni '
“li.-ssm ,! ! ■! , you accivc ! inv y!ia!
Lm.,,. r. • _
LA-m.-vl',.il!i-l|.rii was Jniivi-l'taS-— ——
“•■bn lois VC l!cI lb s.' tttU‘l v'ii'it~an ai-l.rus vi
■eiJgm Kill sh- aiaffUntc nf'irV —
■*L |U'n usin' not, aii’, as 1 Inna &tsnt y,,u
"Hot nl c*>sn‘sc y.ut inlcn.l to av'c*iit
""TVSTuSy not .iccnjit. my cli i l !■ ■ rset t ? Ts h .
I osstlilo llmt ymi, (.Son Swtt, ujcii.i I
till! ill my, ij j lin.; n coin I ' ” 1
‘‘l !■> with y (.Hi, sir," coolly antivt r. .I the I
licro. ' l
‘‘ thnsi 1 have no nuainsj flf SalUtaciimi j
iII but. tTU 'J< i ,i cob a : il.*'" l
I P-,: J Inc . i ta>v. ai ,i !I! a, ha. I. a ! I*.■ I ;
avs av, Ml ; btlt il you do YOU Wil] posl j
!V" s. ijt del', i.i.l every body iii.l louiw !
j ll ''
“Act! sin- 4bfl vo| 'J'roops f’oitalit
(V olily,"
j. An t: X"itsi 11 -tf tile, ()| a I'.iJiUtfll llncjl
j tytiii '\iTf Tirtr notrr-iTTTrhy. i ter id and,
• i.'a.iv, urnHrjs layn tinitrntTTTTiy. l,'jriiiuifi-u
11, a In.l mil .-iingli au.i il it lie th.-Ush l
i ! ,i < • tint'iuiy ivmiht haii: mi -i .1 him fnm !i
| trail !..• Iciic In in V.l, '( he, iliaci c, Ii
lm Iti r. i’ll" I ’ ‘ N h mil b. hs. -a ,■ii v .!.. :
j an- -he ‘a in** Son . niiifti i. :-s a poiii ny ■ j
■p —r Hu! hi tft ■■'. ■ -hlh !i -'. Hieo lii\"i T ""j
j oaL a1 |i ini iv 1 i in. I \i i*i. t j
j ■*"'!! -ie ’■ - n.y ot oil i,. -i, I’d si ilii s i ic-. 11 ,
■l l - ’ "Il !.:d | ...i , .TT
• I." (I 1 V. -u n.v .1 hy a 11 .*■ 11 -j 1 hivfiio 1
'' *'■!• I U'lc*', lory wis i-hrr. i.t a j pi** j
i "ot tin a ai. It>, h. J.c. clto an ay \
hlli e- couip ~i V a I j"e- ui i, c ipl'il'nl !
jLy I , I*' d !c■ :■; ii I..;:-:... u...i. t l|,nj
. .. r -, rr - rte r.,s,y.i v-,hl s ■ .iTTo i . .iJIT-h tip 1
■■. i,. s. h., 1 1 ■■ ■ i ’ or |ser~j
’ltl in tti" ht, .apt. I*' .i 1.., id i- . h |hi |
• -s-rmpas:-.', tfUJ frf>TpS ifttal," ii i . II t '
' ■ , in I! j '
: -isns naf, sdsiif iiiii'irT?:- trr- 1 1 : i.• 111 itf.-jf.l
f-7TT SsT ii," Jos,:. , A j-!-'.. -' : ~r
'e " I ■S'. S!, e, : 'f. ay Lain, li !
... si b_ 1. i r-r , ~ ,i t ■■■. Ia
' ' e a! ; i, ,i, aid p pay ! s
tii’bi') 5 I'n Ivle 1 lonic.
in I ’ ITt i ! eu; iTshsaag ! ! i , ...
. : . 1 1 , -- 1 ml Li._ _i_J L— oL"-
)om I.S~,~T~T!" lueTT".,.,, IhlTm si. k —ivf. -M ai :
f.,v."*f—lr-!- !• *ri He 1 ‘lso>i*i'r , ! ’ s' Icirrd -
.11111", "''VI 55 *Ji i '-V o! f. . 11(1,1- l|,illy, .
'V"I. y . . .lie t. 5 • ’ vi: y, -i of, r
JI" , l.*--i Ini (o iu 11./ lime She M-emeil ,/ J, a"I i* pe-b, ThiV I- hei a ]
,!e I r.-lll't, f. II lIIHV 111 I ■ li"5" it ’
'I i 1 . ail I <••> ' ! IV" .5 :lc and no let
hr |V"U " W* '* y lc liutm ;'!y, tool*
• 1,, o l!iil(ii,o:e bad:
iu,i long b, l i • nuii' I J ' ii lluiiiilt, a |
M ilnii'H- t pir-aebei o' .dioUt I,"I i VII 111." ; J
~ I V, : • I'd Iv, a Joint I
ter fnitii •ii s e . • i Idti
eoir "ip. bhi h Inal I: , Then ( nslli and ;
> s I
'oinedy, lit 'mg f*ii ii.oUtlin, the like 'I
ivlii* b no j/luy .. ii hi vent tired to pul
sip,-n lb" i". (ii ,t* ' Wo'll hive been
.gib c 55 :' Il 1 j!! * 1 of lie)' !oV* Mi Icel it elil
ie lor I **) 'a i. 1 ! b. i- * 11 , 11 , ir y f,i a I
. xitmp'e, il was the ab .ent > m-eh rSV inte 1.
Will-11 W' i", 55a ? itll In t, :■ be lom* ll I<l j
;:.- , vi.i u Lie melt wi, pregunt, >.*
lt*a; lil- r VVeshy ■ff'vs' inv.; ij no, -ic !
broj c um! i"tc'.vi and lor eng igeinrnt wish!
it 55*. 1 I; bar * I '•> tell, "J Jo?
yo ,” fbe said to Wesley, “a thous.-tiel |
tine . |. Hi i (hub I ever loved John Pen
nett ; fee f am ntrn 111 don’t marry hint,
in: will go mail;’ That very evening she
,f T' 11, and her,, 'f ' Itencett. A.woelt
! ~(•< -be to’ 1 Wr ley -In- w ,ia
!to live ax! die with him Bho in-!'C l
wanted to be married at one*-; but VVesli •,
! wished lor home delay, bran:-*ai<l ■ I.'
■ wocitf lid wait more than n yea', A
! lor (night later *lie met Renni'tt, lili at h.
fe< t, and :o l.tiow|i-il/ed that sheli.i t lined j
Is i iicill They wo re married a week afer
Tliit stran re marriage vem* to Icive Iwcw
a liapjty one. I’ennett died in the tii ,
ttmph* of faith ten year* later, tjiaia; Stir J
vivid until Idflf, dying lit the age o|
eighty twin: For y-ar* rln- was a bright ■
li;:lit in "the Methiellst rtoclely. Wesley ,
snv. Ter three days alter her marrisge, ami
but unee more on earth- 'Thirty nine
yetuii afte she came to London on a visit
to her so i, an i erpre sed a wsh to sec
Wesley. He wiki • ghty-lire years old, the
was seventy.
A hill to remove the disahl itieS of John
Forsyth, < ! itor of the Mobi.e Register, ha*
passed-the Hotlse of UeprcaenhaivcS, and
is now tlie (Senate Judiciary (lonwnlt
icc. hnmild the (Senate pas* the hi!!, as i l
no doubt willj lt is thought that Mr. t or
■:y\h will ran for Ci>ugre*s next fali lrorn
bh* Mobile district.
N.l\( | s>y u TYoiikiii.
•' ' !e. . (il iIJSt, who llitft lias
b " ’ nee I, !> ;- ice inmatcii of orisons in
S parts 1 sbf ct hi a try, uas Walking down
and. aJa.ty- ic. ntly, site was gently tapped
11 ’ Ittt .dioulccr. rurnlng she saw a well
* ic la, Whit liowod and smilitd. ’
i'll - miiig ah,: had hern msullial, r!io
was itfout to proroed on her way, hut was
oil -hsl by* tint iiordn: '
"’ ■" *, Ml - (bid 11, .ImPt you raminhxsr
tun-ll* —i— •
Hie In. :.,.>d sharply at Urn man for a few
' , Hu cMfiidt-d .t- livn'f siiyinjf,
and j ' i i"s'.'"r me 111 Joliet, Um
SI tie piison of Illinois ?"
“Vl hy, <"i- 11;,■ v * sal! she, "what mb
dniiis lii'iU T ''—
IL Mu .lei j.oid bowed.
••Ant you m your old Imsinom?'' aha
" r ' *f" tt. i Tea SI I n.iiorfbu I pickjHichi.l
ui,! EiTrgtftr, aid ha I served a vcial terms
i" '-av j'ii--..ns IS.- tva- win i' in ■••>, u i
1 . r ! o i•. an ! ui.; hit, have heen luistaU n
for ftidt'.m-si, tTthtistrinns pi-raoft, in wel!L
* ’ -I*s ( helllli' I'l’l. *-s Sc. ilia that -J-Uey
tU ■s , y t*~h-tet- "irt Huf St I i. l erp
M-ssaAr-trcTt inviloj tin- tnan b imr tioiiic,
tying 'li-d die* w ishi’d ItiJiavc a li.sig talk
I ’si H> l.ntu—l l"*."' r-fl-th-rt—rrrriTt'ir. -
"%Veil,t If "V. ’-lit vlie, gleet lug him
ji |,, i‘dfr)iV, "uicil hale you dmiu fciuHfcyou
j .ha ivi h in lii" i • -15
' ' ‘ ' J|( C: W ' led. ‘f
; •!: a ii.,'.!. a h TTt
'I on "in lm'," i-.iid Miss Cilbc rt,
i " s i ■ "ii ic hr a bedel it,ail.' M hy,
yon > sic lilt- uis ii- (hij statis prison
■ lariic you iu ihe lace f Why do you not
■ uftn ti honest ciuployiucntT
Veu If " 1 -' M-siu-Jci fhi tibtlify (Mid-cnu con--
■!-Mrdrnr.-t-n-.|- rnrrjie ...
1 * 'li Ti * tin a Ijii.s to look into
lli‘ ■ o' l.e i in, ; ii,, ii,., ii be I tiro him,
aI id lie ICj bi-J :
‘ shall' I do r
"!(■ turn tie 1 watch and money you glide
" hsle heic, Mai tlicii i mini lii-n,0,” said
llwi I ;*-1 you. I will
.IL.- .. t_ii' Utlliirleaf, .amj .try-Ao.
i pul t ier lulu r imu goo I ivol'k.'
11, plomi cd Hint Iso li.-n'il rOstore tlie
Il si'ul 111.111 1-y. it •. 11 went a way Tim
■"''*'' . mi at Miss (iiiln it's
. 11., i.,|.MTr-r-HTTf ii" riTut in till! otTitie oLTfitT
j man ho h.el ml *,a| and linn.toil hack the
, ivitfi-iiil saying niiy'iiiiig gave hhn SIOO,
"il' 1 ! h looits. Hash Miss flillft-rl,
. lui^r: 11 ii-i him tt...t- niiiuuiil, and adding,
i "-a .1 ••'. .il "i! you Into buthman,”
L V ! .s 1 11 *'v', *i I 'ai, m ono uf the avomug
jo ,J>,o ii" 1 do proeui'til lor him Mid
: ;siL , !.'' j,. askfl," iiinf ah’ have -'rout et*ff—
him ao uptight,
a r a 1 VC, ■ h.... SI.
I* i.i. I olliH,
1 .on ..., Ij. t L "ill iii tho ri rn, tvhogo
itt' l (f, . tt ay* v. mi .all our h**rtg.
•f. -J •• n kind word to say to Ini',
, .sa_ i loui da. ...|—i ijiiyixfdy- tn
.nl.tin. V*. .(/.ho l-.gol il,,- heal, the dust,
sle■re i", ! t,, , huh i of I lu* W ay, in
t • i, I"! I nth w -iii 'ttn oyt s itud lioart
tt I.hi I"* lot a Ilk; wolil ial.ll WO hud a bit
■it ii daili ,* jll-a 11ko hoi-.
W non tsv" i,a ts iui. shtrftrti asleep. On
d'aeldn.s hi" si.i on, where lier pareiha
! oppial, in:l lull.or caught her suddenly
i ,1 a:' we llimiglii 11 aigldy. Opening her
eye;, eld Hinting In a •It leaving its, “Hood
night lulkn, 1 In: -aid, "l)u,/d night, lolks,’’
and tin- car door siuniiuod hrlhnd her ; she
iaoilalud ollt ol sight. ,N it so (In: loving
pic lure bho lilt, behind, i venture to say
that every one id tn t travelling companions,
'sine ol them rtnb nun, wits the heller
am) happier tor tier swot toutesy and
w inning ways.
Tub* from Id wind Everett: "l'o read
• lie • .• well, to warn with'
hsp.iU li t nett, Jegilfle hand, and be nias
j*r of the first four rules ol arithmetic, so
as t and -jn wio| at once,*cith a curacy,every
ipto-tioii ol figures which cornea up iu tioc J call tills a good education. And
i! yam a l l the ability to write pure gram
muiir h i.n Lishi, I regard it as an excellent
"lin dioii. Tliese are tlie toolg. You can
do much wit ii thoin, but uie helgles* wilii
o'it Ho'. Tin y uie the loundatioa ; and
unli i you begin with them, all your bushy
alt ilmneiiU, a H'lle geology, and all other
oiogies *urd osopliies, rue ostentatious rub
t tie (Jpebka < Hr- • ■ r rer -rontnirra a ftve -
eolutftn advert;-<!iiint ol lands iu Lee
< minty to be sold lor taxes due the Htutc
■■uni county, on the sth day of May next
OwtieraH lands hi Ibtft county should
eianiiii" the list.
"I he iiev. i host. H. hlide and wile, of
L'ulurntrt**, cejcbratej llieti golden wedding
on Wednesday. Mr. blade has bceu en
caged in k-adiing since lift'd. He h* 74, and
his wife ()'■> yeais ol age,
A Washington county tanner says Hie
liowers ol the couiinofi yellow jasininu
placed around bams and corn crisis wit
cure the rats.
■—. - ..
limkherd I list net, Kuiton, county, dad
a wedding Ittat Wcdnaday aoeut twrtvo
o clock. ] tic man plow ed unTil diuuer and
the woman hoed in Uie garden tin til the
time acrived when they were marred d.cts
ed in every dey attire. Immediasely after
the cereinonr the man and woman returned
to Itm.r work aa though nothing had o
ctjfc-J. Thatgs buaintti
—NO 17