Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether Coiunty Vindicator.
VOL. •>’
;'* 1 :%a i.; titHV FKI-S'-'V,
at ♦•-*OO I‘Eii ANN! M. IN A.A AN' 1
fr - • ■ t ■' i 0f! Hi ‘
i AUvcrfi4u^.
m■■ 11 k,t k* Imi 6mo ITa
I ] \ ||‘ AH 1 TAO* ? "(*--
, I—l 1 —1 e, j A I*** 4i .VI - XiOlii .- - j i
hin S. 001 P'oo (10 00 1500 25 jjj
, < x .; in 10 ii' 200 25 *Oi i’i (h
* - ,m u, rtu M I*o Oil .i•
l j-oi |io is jotH) :tnd •>"(*' fTTn
f i*-- \ - .Ifitii ti< n nutdc lo iUom
\oiitT TO Tsis: rrm s.
Xoi*i r <~“ — prr*
"j.'if t , .. ■ : • V '.T :“'l. ■Tt i>r; tv"-- vi
! ti! tl; till M I HIIV I I HKH lul>l I I lit
ixniu JAs XV H-ASMNO.
~ 1 • • ! •‘. V
1 7 A. ! UtN-H-HV
J -hi itf. ll:i > k >■" 11 ■ :
JOHN i. kuhi hi> n
\ ITUHM 1 A 1 lAM .
; \ i I *.. i i_N vn I. <t X
tit; lin k 1.. I’li Y\ 1 ,
a I |’( (It N1 1 All V v '
• \ * . 1- r - •
* i hlllNkl ATI.AW.
titiKKNV 11.1 K. <r
W; 1 j.,i.. i- Tu Mll "e*ln i *od ' *•> ••* :
fjWiU.g i .inni.
Hli ('<s STOKE
11l ul' 1.11 11 **fc n! the Hading n slim.' .! Itii'li* (.iiliuniF' •''
~,r; r h T,;.;:iVirnr^rußur.TrT-p^nm
t£, ,U. I'slots. Oil*. OluM-. I'iny
,vs Keroeun, Om'Wiuii Kdrsei* and
J*eiturnery and Toilet Uimml *, mi J
gTr^.Tthttt< HminlH kept .in a i)r|' ' l*'
lliuy Ai..h uml w liuli 1 | niilii. 'll to -'ll '
tin . .-I in itm itt!'-.-
),ii; .:i I) -I N HA Hills
New u'* hu i >
N''" '.. A ’• * ; *t t*t> • -i>■l•■■i it f ■ us e*
S 1 A PL, P S- 1 A JN C Y D.R Y GOODS.
r< : . *-*;\. ■l\ • . , '.Jr --• .• • .: : *i<i N 'T‘. ’'Nr 1
l i ,\ i ’ • V\ vi in WIU. •*! 'V, , • iSt •. - ii a#r
C*> >* K • laid..' • , Of b it|
v olf T ... - , _* . .Vi I J . !. • j J
"• ' ' '■ r ix. .it. Quality' - Price's.
; I: ! •’ i J 1 : !
General Dealers
i B Oi- hb<! sliOr.-.
HATHbd CAP.-*,
(LOT! I! NT;
DRJ SH Of)Of>S nr <! Trimming*.
Hardware A (Voeket r.
Weil kj ]*; IVhi **t)otr<
Sc]iaul)s Gral] fry
* e
• ’ e
* iSt : 3T
*S . £
Griffin Oa. - -■*
A SPECIALTY made of fit Plmto
_/*_ graph* -.I a!! .7 an ! n<! Other
kinds of piete*e of evt*rv de*e iption.
Oid picture* copied. enlarged and painted
n 'ii!. My Meri*Kth < t friend* ait- it- ~ -;t
IhlJjt tn*-ted to call ap t
fn WO NOTES ' 0 Mr*. Nmy Oat*
X one lor *220, and one for %SA). Two
note*l on Austin Cimrtgfit (col , f-Vj ev.h.
I lie fiL'ier iriii Uj i!t.*eri}y rewarded!
- ti tfac tore 01
ivnt A Ragland, J*G range, On. All the
tote r.otta are urnne yayaUe to roe.
34 JA< X W IE-ON
Carpenter g Notice
Thomas N. Mitcham, near Ihe Warm
3,'iinga, begs leave to lrilorin bis lriende
aud the public, that be . prepared to. exe
cute ail kind* 01 '
with neatnea* finish and dlapa'rh p jt
oMfe Soli, .red. ianAUm
(iUEKNVU.I.K. Ml.!;!'A I.TUI-.H rol NTY. Of MAY 8, 1871.
VV HV Will Yh * ~ ‘ sr '
1 vx. .>t . Wltw \ ii\ " il't- V-r.r : i’.intnr j
-i fd !.< !' ■' lIM- v 1’ I ]
i *• t*n .ihii <i. i.i* to i * *' i\ . ,
a liiiiiu ‘,‘t rt ii I i> on y >- '<
• .•..i i-.ilwti.Min. li :.l
y. i>{ n, 2" i-11 'J I‘liU'l
! r\ nr*'* i- ilic > * * i.\ sun* i mu
‘ r .tYcsHV v inj mii muk nnv ts irn <*?
l v N ttlii \: v l; *■<.,! :t ,1 dr: *.*l IVlfiitu: -li .'
1 Vi W= i- I'? I.NH.A t! liUM"! lul* 1 li V I s * u
.1 fc.-.tUAlt fi-c Clii'H ll - lit tLIC 111 "
cre ■':rs uyr-r-. 4tv -.V. H
ut k vil'i. i; '' A. lin n, ii.l ,11 50 *
u I Nilii is riaJM i I ii*)l* til
6¥ *f > VV lu rt'
i( ) LOT 1i V.
—i Yh
['\ < ! t t !i tlunkr g. I \ i b'f ‘
.'■• A wr-n.u :y. -
i> J miuJ tin ii > tin :e,
A;, i mmi U.eit htiulib* s its**,
i*Vr t*, >ou Hiitl L n>
An >;iit l y {it* t>< In la k,
i- dni "itt;n r? ;t n — t
i rs mnr-tr.
i i' liir i t!.:rm--g, f. wv\\
T - Hi j i "ill < \\ li .l! tilt,
That |K>siibly our u mit‘M
t . o.ilti lu tilt li\S
\\ Vt* fiiij'ls i IjiKJj; It H lit*lll ** ft) lm‘Uii
It IVlnv t m* v*uli others ,
U W.-.i .. U* kU^. r T ll uy\ Uti id r —_
..... . UJ n*
<o' Would Ornt vm htid t !>\f I'y
Ko( • Vet y Ui'ty :lii! VNtMl,;ili
t >ljji Veil*-.* i* tM tilt* Itt-O k td *1 itti.M*
Who know “*t> eri [> htitirtu/'
t't.( n trt ns tunr>:tr fnt i -Triwy
L .hiuiku...
Ami hi* * l ui ft • an !.• . i u
LH> £Omi to mitf :oi<tlu f
Tilt* “He >t I Pfit" at An-
del Nm % lilt €-, -
It U the ti;' ..( t very lover of ) 11> lit
vt 1 hell he >4* < i4 alei o.Jm i"ii r.i!lilitiij
| |JUI Cil i. "iitll:.;I ') U.'. and !i*’ In. 1‘
tutr from ij'n r: k . t . a v>! s r t v
. *t IXiIT, HJi ■ tH'u'i i*.-.ji 4 l:il! y i! li is H> mil I
'ul hia uwn jM*f|lr kii<! in ul t he u* 0t i
: their ittjfjt) I ' i•**! iii• ?!i m lie**-•* t* ;■ i*n
j lot >5 huh heMt ii urn ,it ale J;.. jo. .i
: U§Ty are j.. ! }r: mAiv jirHe; ml lu tlu* f i uOi
even wliHll he t*r*4t 1 *!■ - j. ;! }(,,
j duty #l ultv.uitiif the nut)* t* * ht* *4fch* •
[ rf* ti. - w *•• nt'e ntrie f nffb *ti it. It
it* with this ’i' a that tio* ! ! > v n >
’T* Will lei I- ' in ( n.J u i si.-i-i tut nl
i. ~ . ..... •
Jtir only li: h '! I ' I lef* t* i f*: ,4. I
i l -'■* .* t*-, 4.^
: . —h— i-
I there aWd ! In Q~ 'uuu'. ■ f l • i. t . i ■>
;. M* I♦ ■'< * ' ■ r ■ fhe h>
I<h fail I * ii' ’ ul** . lie by -u*
[ ilie. If! if t.i -it f.i:-r.i •■Hi.' \.l< :: ! *
IMS W •ir it I II K l , Hh*'M'ki4
t Ml Of t' -| ’ ti • r‘i„ a* *
Vf I iffi, < t i < in; I. \ a tf>n ;j|ui I rj i ,
j rl > mi lit * Jfit criM'ii! i! *4 * ‘Min
-i wkh r h-v'i • iriU U* W a 1
■i v 1 I flu? [! ii jf liiM-i *
. itg*: t/iikrf h • ‘i k iff in 114 ‘‘ill it* *'* a *
•a' .1 1 y lit!-** Til** t'i'Mf'l*
/J name v f tliqueii
*f; j.i>< till' I, (■'<,U<- 1 Hi' ir f'.it I*a h
vM* i 3 ** l r *ta< i.'it' fft.itit of
' -Vi Mfli r ■ i;/f 'ln- _'f tfMpffl' lit <
-1 N ntj-J or pri-on tt ;
i‘l?j wr’ei- ••>;••! ~ y <t I ;t I hi.
• ’tip- oi ! tt- yu \1 j , ( t * f! fSi * ; if# hM
v; . ' * ti u ■ / ! , k ' /.*•-' f.o .-.ft -it Mie r< !.
ui ! ooj <•!- A*r* riiotit eiji!’ ot ‘o n, . , y
’be -s i** f ti. bJ* . i< ?’ t 43 ft :'jy m :•_)
A “ to ?’t* ImS.*t *•-, f h*-rtj
wljf# Obi g i<; t! r '< tin jfi7*ii
I CJUiiiol U!i* vf Miiy w<u;ri ji iiiijt- tin
Wiite; • b o:Lt r , ha i t<> Jfink
A */'4|/iM-y h- they ( nii j J: ><• j
well-, in i 1 jr, ;iir wo i.tio ire !w• e iuo,
an i ; jr f r, v. ;* *r, ooJ Ur water J nevi
H i' „• Ofi tiie '*’• ?! off ipe j*
Wif/ I bad bee uui'u to'' tfie priv#.i wt un
tji*eH ay *>r Mi|(?.l mifl whenever I wished
to queucli fr*y rbr*t, 1 w< ni inhjOe the
p*;-,ori and urank tr*rn of w*
Tiff. IMI VIJK IMI. ‘•ri{r*TT> ft ; t-I.M-.1/
Tb-it provideO JO' *U“
myth I bav* Veu in the pn-</D thou-*' •{-
of timef sod newer \j*njtfrh<->tr 1 n u>
< rfept on renting the ffer dU’a accotiut
-f the of Hie Ku'l<;n .Street
Pr ay* r M wb' ii vmit phiriiai! itily
, iius J biotlii r i<;i *:< i i‘<ng
a'.O'Jt this *au.(; provuli r;ti*l pii sg, an j
•.aid it plstjt<<l Ihf:r*; in
U< r. The i..-t <<f th;
tl.?t wben'Tl.e priyytiMk’ rickneM at<i isul
fe*ing ifoio thirst was at it-, greatest, H at
orite in the tw ir.kiin? of an eye thin sprti g
g’j-he'i forth in drreo' answer to prayer
A' *ever such biaaphemy ? If uch va
the case, why does the s;,r,ng atiii exist
fi*r. it bw answere-1 its purpose ? j> j those
the eh; tren of Israeca tuir.t aliil exist, and
at this late day the water gust, foTth ? ]i
I. a.! a coek-iijd-buU story, and unlike
Bterne - *, one of the poorest 1 ever heard.
If taj recollection serves me right,’ there
was yet another of these same “proYrden
tial springs" inside the btof kade. sod Umu
PrOYidence who send* the ratu auke upon
the just and the unjust gave unto the wick
ed and ungodly liebeUMree of these“prov
identia! spring*and I am sure he did.
1 ’ l ty'* iSy U J (.< JMUytJT, tvH tilt* |
’ I*l i- i'O I' )-1 l-i. C*H ].
• \miN> Uli \ |li I U Nil ll \ uli u lv\ .
I ;;♦*-< lUlftiri Sir lb* Yo UH*el hi'' rt iv\u\ S
he n hu r liA •. u i h*rAs \\ iM >1 !ll
n o‘:!\ in not h i v ing liuiraeVs to h*iisc ti t
p?jv* *t fhim ihp snti ttnl r.Ote. —-A —m-nt*'
" ; <!t •'. !n i oil’ 4.: v \x i> • T\m heard 1
H•'w u• n p* >' > Yt* i. • snv fimKr rnti ‘
• 1 * a • u !m ;i sa \ >;111 • > TiiereNw <‘ie
•v \ t;. t 4 '.vv tT mil s di-funt throe i’M.i i
M \ ii '* h", *t. *“ii sin ii mde piimrsj
, < .!l virs u-llu* nstine The;
■ tivfO m- sleum >*nr itt*H nn? tn4o- 04**- |
t-uii, t!u iu \t ah ms u Uii'es ({Mini ; lmt 1
i. r_:N**i ho k < 1 lh* iumbt r me*l. fully j
t.hisi li .n; TTiU Llnh, ~
!'•)* •- I Ho_r*/ h - Eve* 0 ; ! , m’ilh
hti h-I ; iu* ia•si \to supply Ihtr%* . i ‘
h*. i u ii., . i kuvu pnnhie 1 -Uukiku ;
~T f^r. - ♦-k-T > -p Tt-g —; r d 1 1 ?trnrhoilr i , tr. , tttro
|of ill | ho !uihu;uk in tlii‘ lei iy j
v\i ie IhVihl t<> llu it iiitni st rapacity in
i u 'i iu !ipjtiles for the aiiuv ill the
•7* —.■ * u, nor •
■ iu* :!• e. * .*f Y lu* mi 11 and In ul nIFi ni it'Y, uThrj
i -*• • \ TTs ;; *-f -i uhs *m ! Tdou ilu^,
u v i v via U * is tfu- i<*lu>4* * ll hu*
i. An 1 even tie ill'll there v\ *r* no
4t lv ; .uhi'• : . \x it* n xxi* nm- mhei tint
’ l -f< a t> i o aiir . *!huy uTTu iliiiuy oi
!V • !. . -1 i lie , Hills id tl) *’H)J 4• Uu ftCV
4*4 t 1 ’.! V lit I hi.Ulli* Oljiii hi* It! tUI ill v! to 11*‘ 1
. h-jr mu. mitre i.oilUoi .;
: 1 <('i illo'- I"! 1 1. 4U ii, N'.olv i Veil
*■ Ell; m !i tlil’ “14 oil), uu* id l W-. built 4 and
I* • h 1"; ill! I44\i|i.} with' 4 1.4 1 ♦ b Hills
|ii (i *mu lie ii. t aii TJi Id t*V ou-IT Jv*;vf f
’•- !' V. lio t 'O', ’ll I|im*ts >t tteoo nis i--
• •_ - - * v • v .
u j-I J i oi: i I 11. le.v Is I 4iv i ?.u t
ji\!t *r \ n.itMM m ‘i• i*>■ l vx ir I . treat
TdWi .7 j*tis-*i* •- ti a iii -u* Tjuvoritie mutTimr'
! ill'll Hu ll u\\ ii s'd'lin sin lie e,j,l r Tlte
ntjM iv I* v Hie .s p' 11 in u< *x It •i v\ i !l -t
;|h it 4*. i ;• tbd laai two )ettftt •>( liiO witi
iJh;!rn .ll t i 1 1*11 1 '*t l V lie (I i})ti 'll 1* •
-4 1* •4i . Uj ..r*. o 1 Uu* it i Ll)is <i| th Ouil
'Tidd iv Fi v-* ; ; "d y !r - 'r.r'\Ve'o r ‘* •api <ii k!" 1 T'* in
b l ' * rds
Ihe shif kade U ietTif li\ ft.'* negroes
tj ouging to — in !;• hlioi tin; lai in , i nln i
j.I ! V4i;ii .ley—Liu 1 oil
!. , rau> il'lt lll fitlej in out doivn tie tin
1,1. . • j oil In 1 s I I iI ' Oil I lie gl 'Hil l
u: <ii o .! -I TTi ■ ’ ! >i Uiio , hiTH i lie o- same
in. \. !-■ ii l,i ii i 1 1 in . j it.l, ii li-ng 1h . ihiii
"tirrsn n; in ti*- -p-it, ;hot tir'e*pfinto ! inn
tom l i t dee,* to receive Uunn
1 In In - 1C s in'r 'i ts me son ais-H*
Jl -'-'tf . I lli-i 4' oil; .tell- tin*. |,l 'SOU. Is ISn.l ■
: I-..i . , I. I in orcil liieutief*!, nil i it In in
L— f k". ii. ,; i M,o v)rr,; 1
mi son Ii ~|e i; , I .ini I. ,o c.ii.o, unit
. on n'o> to Cos i■ : ' f-yoi rntli: ■! *r il -h ;
-u.. nt j, x.h n: .!—lll oil' ■ I t V II I ,
L hvV' '.iity-n-hT VoC-rtoTtpoi ti,l • ■ Ml" „t 1„M i
/ Mjr'Tjt*, t f;r A -nh irfri nnd ‘in* trr i
• < I r ‘ *■ ; ; ■ i , i , ; l -ill mu
111. r__ * 1 ■ and At. ■[ •ii i j I,i MI .■ >*r M‘n
v ilirri ,\ *rr mv rr;*mirr,t i tir }-t <,. ;r 4
. : P v *. * *!, ■* and Vm i ' • i
•i I • n<t -: *. < ti) ju ' mr i'r/
•a • • ? k-.< 11 ■ * |<' *• •• t! Ui< Y't i
\ ' mil ’ ! t’* fliill L'i • | !*i Ht l i 4 • ,
• ti i :** Hfit ’< t t* fi*. t Ii Jity In
\ <i f) < Itfl* l ft’l! iilllVill lil<’ !I, if f II I
f !{' * yi :il; *|• j mv* 1 .1 lid
• 11 ! i<ii•y in t t• • I !ii ■ 11 , f / • v• . i m :11 i
l<i !i>< ft*f,tit • ! tohhi'nj Hu • 1 . am I tb*.
hVt.- I- r Its# rt * 111 k- ■ ! I v >f, j I|. | j
v ift jJi; J y if- Huy ** , 1 iu .
I tu H't'b'M if *J if it j*l t ii N'tilfli ' t
A M Hi*•-; ’ *•!< Wif i * 11j;i* j in 1 */J, i
. . mtij r ■’ * I .if <j)
•vill.ifi ! I * \' b *h:i f.<J Ad IflrtlMly
H.lf •!,. :• f l ‘i f il- *■,.! J . IJ .• 11l
' f- fl vIItA r ! 1< i I I If- Mile! I
i* * * v'r< { r ..jj jib u!y w sHi MTub <br i; a
- t-Hi jM'*wb .Ii )i, If<• w ;*’• j |l .m -
.tc * .si v r-! s*. I fii** * nfjM rtri, n rHI wiM'M! b*
{<*r* a .v. u (li* ary *i* M IM* - • T TuTw a~
Ar lid a -id ; -t u i'fi I .a*• ** tx'lufu
*.*ul Hf fi t‘r iwa- * ••■,* * , wifh h juju
diV*"t, S id Hi* Iff - ~■*')• iiui.-cf Ml liiu •}
!*' • *‘k ■ !' A vin:*; w fui U-4ft iraVuljutj
.ij? b <■! M.u n, TT- , kro.v- flu - JiillfJ i
ab ifi f’ilib ai*d m ii i.liM"*l Hr only U*:"
hi tii'A* i t .!* li*<; j -i /V'M 'I by
w ;r gf-y-'f *>r • !4,< t *. j#.< i :lnr V*TV<u t
lb*. Ili/iifi -1 UJ f'>f Jt> i’ tu U|j |fi "Ml
at Audr ' d\U’t '* b*rr '• Ii; l ?/• fi/
1 Hi * t S'.'C'in; in Mi*r < (
l; li f nt y li '#ii* Vdi*ki.u ravalry ri i iw, wuh
Hit; abMiuU !' • of !*•' wulvf find tin; tliiJu-f
wli*;r a tii td • 70itriT<it iiic prison rapTr.ty, -
.nd it tn tbe wmy b*ratl *A t'i: gfart.-
•j.tuw, ifii* *i? Um.‘ H win* b would '
f u*ak*j it b.wi Hjcouvuniunt U# hupp y iritii |
pr iViftlolift ftUCtl H liifjlf
i if-) fcxifiisriioN in onio ataik caj*
ii >b
In Ur of 1 *• t c>Qt lor New
York, being reao.veJ u> live uo longer in
tbe h*i Jib, w/s#; negrow were .ujug pinned
over by Yaokc* biy ou* t>, and in tlieir j
vernacular,* 4 tie bottom lad wuz Homin’ on
•ie w*p ei de teuve.” I vuited Ibe Ohio
State Cipifol at Coiuriibu*, arwi in the
uru of caribibtie* w*.re kin aii
pajßf cicfuiiy in a gia- .
• ct>Cs enntaming what pur,lifted t>* have ;
fxeu the t'Xaci v q ja.ity and rpiantity ,
nil - |ter diem to em;h primmer at
And* rmuYAte. In ore 1> t w& atidur a
|iiot of coarse ujb-dted meal, and inan-j
1 other ab/u- one table fej>oonftjl of rice; and j
! atik another te*x w:;.i two tabic
• apoon* of black pfta; wild in a tiny Julie
box wan about <>ne of a lea ajxjoti of ]
nait linde4neai?i it if* ail explained arid
ay* t amonf other thing* : “When rice waa
given, the peaa wahhedd ; but when
h4‘\ hul -i|r, tUt kind of was
-il l'll uinWiL'l ft a mfilli-n* In Ml ]|.in
ny !,U,| In'kU ntrh rji *i'.>ci-m-i!i j
.ii-M t'itiu* nml ftlßnaWy hiss nxhihitinn.
I ii a-> tr ll w mnmhs a i-lcrh in ill.
i-o.nimi-i-nry ilipmlinot.i m Aintorftmvii:.-,
.trr'i r. w** mytm*tprs tn iv. {jrti rntrstlon
l.'i tin' aimtil* (Witi inisoncis nl k.- nml 1
-l. mnly tin-pilsmers yol iiuih-.
-.-. nip nufltef-llftiiPd n .’EI tlie u r.!
l lif SU'O UNillll itii. Ilf I Mil.i nil-ill |.
XjUisli ul Urn* ,rHilui-iim nr, i s-l.tu !t-i iuse
•nUrn wnt nevgi in <h- lir-nf in-ti nr.- t<,
lirii'-|ilhC34 4tifxUibitl.>n t<>r jin- iTi-mioi
t-i iiuiS e l Mutilation of imriism li-iu
Tv., AM.liYy ,i- .i„'i-' milok. w ~i
I" ni! ■4^tt i jri[.llim .r .in I slri.rr, r.< :i,l
iniikt: Mio.b n ( ns It e r
" **'*• nrvw>ife "iiWw tivrlwMtmTiS (tlnwil.
A-rry -t-tintj*>.,n-nr fi raiwuf ripry limn
the "Dr uijifl. ' la mwitioiu.k ( ii tlii'
<l. n ,limn fm'it i'viJi .H:e Hint tin-
S 'ial.riuiPi,i ws bwlmroiiy mi.l cruel i
rrtee ai eve — 1 ittiit thr fsr.i 1 ol viU'fh T *i>
fivllijl’il IWI, boiveVi-r, ll.T\h. sun.
lull ltrW llwlllßi* Hi llii'il' (ii'i-un.-., nml in ;
Im". in lifi'l'i' i M lie ill vicr. 1 1 n n i'-i--
ullj w.lh n , lir li ml never at um nine '
.n.ue limn 12irtU 1 tOO jnaiils in llie. t.iuvj
ii'jiiimnln (H ley iluly, mii.l we liml lie
ke< j.iiij; a'ufti lin eoi very uwi| ly 40,OIK) !
li.iemi'i's, 'ty n luiKVirte.l plan nl uu
-I aigltl llieyeouUl nl any 'bne liave *'4'u.i
the w alia, cftnreil ifnai.N, nml will ll .•
■i. a puns of tW ir koepei h ovi rrun tlir> •nt i 11-
' mnutly, wlitjfc, nfi Mouth of Dnllon, (100
' i.rtes North tii Atlanta) was }ell iv-li.’llv'eti'sl five by pray liaiied uUI men
ai.J ihi: ivoun n. i ft.f.l. l u L
mi l i.eytoes, uho vm iv Ihn only hii|)i> fm■;
"TTi iki ig oTorojis Tor our ~:~i :uif .. ihT 4
tmvr hrrn v Ht thrfr mrrrv -*ptri—j
,|cHil line wi|vrlenily i|ell,n il nn I c I
| ill Sl,ike. illtvni ill II 1 Ihe gl mini Iweii'i
, lent fllini 1 i|t*-sl'n n-cn- W ills, ;l||,| on ih. vc
s’ ikvs whs (ftiw I noli - ■ ,; i •.' plank n.iii
ill iiisini I (lij Fusi !c of lhe |ll ml. Tie.
i"TW nthriotifc't 1 St'irrt - n -sr-p • hiwm)" rtrrs-e
line wa it ft 'in lent, ami (liey weic not 1
iihw i-e ,> t I Veiiltlie Is'vmi I licit Inn I
S, i ikiu • '•( tliM onntlmr whd Inn in! ,l i!,.
iiaii~ th wir.h'r of the uf.o.ii,l " I nun"
mi . . " Tin' h 'li >r i h s 'ii 'Tii stm I.:eTi‘ win -
li nl i h irgs e* liiu lull I'meiil of Ihe I'Vilernl
i lead, Jiif ni-Tr wo k ru t. ty * * * *f
illgji.iiigpits td binylng ihem in," ihrii
he gonrort; ' it is hard to mnnpreheiel ihe
true vtthn* i f'm numht-i 11 (K)0 ; , ning
Otlttnt; irtrtnri.'.r ~ tou S|essis4 neni i
vvou!J iiiiui Sj-m iil niij’j in •!• gnat suiiy
•ii ti great towli. lien pm Iniv.- I I.IHMI
1 'uni i. tt" eileni 1 )- in ii linv —'"-f VV itr*n i
-Ihe 1' h 1 ill' 1 . lllllTTcVvi’ 7'lrf- 1 I'll ,'.S ITf llTy j
,i !i;tvi illy since the woill heg'iu ” In
I cm, Vln this I W'liilil HUT n- t\',"'-.e tel't C '
~ i. I in’ will k ol |)l in morn |'H nil- I I'iipei |\l I
i'lv loi iln-|ins|i'HHi7t;7th thu h oiliinr .J lin
lei.hie- u-lhn ,'j’iiuinl, the. ih.- j Mg—ug 11m ;
i-i:i\v in I even the records ol tip: trimin
Went all Jo IH by Imroel |0 lionks j
it-,'! it tint wi-ii j-c-Ve 1*• ii.:. tni tin
• ') ■i- t i• . -vi h - in
•ie .111, I nil |>l •|| I'l! i • employ '
Ii l',l Hill Jill v. .1 s '.. 1 1" 'I I'll, ell I’ll I,
Hi lie puijHiHi' j ini'! J tin' wmk am lint' !
j,,i i ii''l#ty i|oFiu, llpj hi.line rit Is wltji
lie ni A i eoinpeusiitioii tin y wen "ivi:n|
|u,ill e liitloiis Ii tl'i u'lll'Mil i’ll 11 1 e Inl*!i, iil 1
- I 111 I t ll_.ll ,
jl je milt, l||l Htll’i' lies show til n’t 111 lie
. In i:i si; tie * ■ Ii• and In Noltln rn pr i .on.-
IJi m .Nofilieii soldier* tn M-i-itlieni pn.oii
in vain h i e Northeiii s liiinl to ■l l
prove this 1 1 t
( " Ins vrn llm mor'iltly tininii > tin
[ii isoiorrit ’wh no gna'cr in propor'inii
In lliillil/er , (|,nl Ill'll 1,1 the gllllJ. ..hull
i hilly sttvsled tiy ill' 1 ; ! It 01 th** u
in ' hai i e * " “ ‘ *
Kartlnrr, *s to the inoitn'dy fetiioie.< ti s
,ii .niief s, let it he riiinni ,"’,,| tli.t h inn
e, •, f 'he ih alii. eiih-e I | , n'ir -pn o-i ,
w i- for tV inf ol |nojier me in ine*. wh eh
a e di I In t have uin! eotilil not m-t, i-xeeji
I) hloel si'e:-re:.• i m If., | it,,i 1' i: ,J
fiove nment any ol tie milk of limn in
kind .1. Iu its compos itinii. it won hi Imys
a ,i ,i 'ootir eiroest r<'j ii- *to take not ,
ni iji • xih. t'ign lor dm ;s to ,i liiiiiinter to
t‘n il or ii d\in:; soldiers. J ,i"ir iinun nse
in in iUctofis* were lying id <• for sant of
, it,!,, whlie -,m: lu. tit lint no J i not ii i\j
I' Uit as these aatnii dings linl me li< inn
so'ii I alvi be to Ihe lend of o n
oaii sn k soldi rs, they deurrrn ne I it would
-wr -o tfi-ii advantage to Ujt <*r die, kno w I
mg the Houtli inn'll gel no mure
men to supply the piano* of the sina, h-
Ivina, snd-tkuM Uiey hail Impiivn ed, so
refused all overtures. After uninj every
eftort and exhausting every argument lo
g-t an exchaOg", w ; pro[>oae l we h'l-l
n- inedittties and could get none - , except
w,.al we a cideiitsMy ran in through th*
h-s kale from Kurope (they la-ing dm Uie t
eoiitrahand and always confiscate 1 when-j
ever captured by Uie blockading fleci) — we
nr i[S*m > turn over to them all their
sick, without requiring lor man, hut
giving them absiduUny up, il the United
states would only Send vesseis for trHn*|nrt
log them This was (Tone at Camp l.u*t>u
after tfe prison ws< removed from - Andei-"
soiViihs for greater security. „
Tram tue private journal of a Coitledtr j
ate eflicer high iu omniuand, both at An -
dersonvidc and other tyoithern prison*, I
g can the annesc-d facts,, the first- bearing
direc.ljr ujsm the Imegoiug:—“At oue time i
sn order came to Comp Lawton lo prepare
2.000 inert lor exchange. The order from
Richmond wti to select first Ihe wounded
next the oldest pOsoucis and the sickly !
tilii -u . n ilii lieiillliv mrii Hw.’ordin to
I ile Tills party went lirsl lu Sn oui ili,
i' .-etl, by some micase llie slip s
-vere :0 t’lmrle-l.m,Tin t llte pn a
li ti lu taken tin re ; ami every .me who
knew the Snulbem rinliumls in tlinse tlitvs,
; tn.l lhe nliv or rallier inpo-*o*iUly-l“ j
i a.-cure.feml for sm li a erniv.l ulonj; the
! run !, will liuowr wma those poor lellows I
-•ailiieJ. Ai vJbai'lealun limy were relme.l I
lire e'.i;i:iiis.s|u',er ilei'lrtl ins ilia." 'lie was.
-..1 poire lu eM'hanip. able bn.lieil men fur J
mil mi-efahle spei ini l us ul linibsuily. ’ — 1
a The lei o use I was uime brutal ) Kimliui* j
'.lim olnleiiOe, Cul. Oril rrqni*steil him to)
lake them without exelrfcnge. This lie re |
iv=.s unleml hark. Never ilhl 'be ivil'er
oi this witness sueh woe be,ume euimto
Hwinas, ai iv lin U hum ry ami lin|i'les.oin.t>
were rn-ire siremrly {nlniel, Unto shown
ihe enrs.'s leveled against the i tilers who
thus treated the defenders of their country !
were tearful, all hunt'll eeruinly well
ilcsiTved. A* the "lorkade gnie idoseit
iinmi u,rm'he surgenii in charge gaol M
the write 1 . ‘-Poof lelUiwal the WOllil has
• elii-e.l up.ill ill.lie Ilian hall .-I >li<-iu ; thi“
! di- ipp. nt.n<>i<{ will be |heir dei'li knell.
, IJis \v< ids proved .1 1 lie imlrdere.l
1 -Uiose mrii V Let'history answer Hie piles
i fW”
A- it InVm llie iif.i'es ii.l inurnnl "'lie
St>i \ lift; nT-t-*AV7trk ?** Hi'ifli til Mu* y*'Ut*‘ty <+4l
•lit* (ffx lo llu-' I*' < *l’l .il | H'i'44 *ll l ' IS. Al 4>|H‘ I
1 i;iu- llu* !n\huduu iVt* in i.som iH \u m* nlms!
wii i t -uf t I'dhiu p indciHl some hul hardly
n nitirh ns rrmunniniif Tiry n t(uirr*d. Illu*
Soiuh 4'4 iilil not pF'ivido Mu m, ud l>x*i ii|*
• :. • fli-d-Uf Iht'ii i-ui_uaiu-*u. AuMip'piica
li*hi \x n imult* 1 4 S-u iiitl rrply was
in 41 11 1 • * l'V-h i.l (bn • n>iii''fT~4TTtl lUTT
• ijh rtmhrnjf—bi fH war'—
I/m Mly fin* tin* p* *i 14 Hows, n sra iiMy in
Nnv Yotli took lb#- ThfrliM* fn hand, and
t vi*ml hah*w >f l**l Ii 'iid elite* if shot's
'\ 11* td Lliibnioiid, Mil l !iviih*tl,
m ptoptdifjoii f,v) *.■, flu*
'Tm"dVY ,J
A A f i'"d'tit'd Inis In in .sid\l *I fill* 4 • * n!!y
lt (In* I'littHitir* i* is i'll* llu* sl'M-Uudi*. 'Tli i
in i t was iiiflicUfd by Ihnlf ‘vxn
mw m. In uvi iy pns'Hi a pnliui vxifh a rhirl.
i lito prison nrs, was ap|K)|tii<)d FT*
, Iv 4*. | * Olihll, Mi* i > thl* 4 of flu
and Inqhho i • ill 4fri*nr *s
- (’om
I inawbint. jmnbpliiiHjnfs, such ns Ao*f
• iscdln fhe ml turuy, wciu orifi ini
/iHirtiul Uy fHuyir men, and wmm xvctn of
iu’li a .lirttd)troits ns’tnc lli il ll*y w*rr
Ii• tiilfiti I vx if h di*j’ii>t hy Mir (’oufi-dci.ilc
piTtfr. i , >\lm r-nh:;mntrd mihh'i and —rtnin*
. mil 'I lll*' f'M lilt I' wot’ ill
• tii,|.ii,i) piiii in i* hi tin' I',. i!‘.iml anuMjs, u.
rttrsiill .1 uy *iii lliil. P-..j!^liiXj —
Atm -i numerous lies Invent ■ 1 is
! Mu , svm tfu* -lory I hut < hfiilcdrrrn
'4 - *t-4 A *a hOTjf and vxowy p)iHMf*IH Will)
bh>‘*lTiTU'iTt N'bix 11 Id Ixt it fihovxii
neatly j
oi !f:* - nitb, nii l lM* k-t of lluMxn
'!' •!• i ■>■'.. !> ! I* * by vx )i( st \ InT ■
•h il im i dualc-ns, uh'*nr vilf niut fyin;*
oinpo iiiHi* I'Vrii f.tiA itfwinnd in many h
• ilh'd !' *| I iff!* ’v vV pajwis; lit)
public nl .j) i 1 c*l- Irnn (11*: I ;11• #c )• iu ul
' a* U s.
111. I' nr 111 l.< n K,n UltlCA't WoKAI.I’IY
' ' i .iic v<■ i h ike yoin goiy lor,ka oi |io|ni j
V.iiil •{•,illy flogel 11 I till I' >l|t ft lor the j
•iv h i ill, it in . i oil In in pi Isons. IlMn!).
w ith i'i,| 'ii ti ll pen, wiil | I ire ihe guilt mi l :
, • - 1 , one ol the ,1 iMinin-.f ,li *d at the dour o! j
ill** iiiHiili I ol ,|*di in ,Ir . w*,ini il, tin i
p. ,11 It--n rI if New 01, , and the In'll !
di 11 i' I Mr* H n lii : t, or, ■he is adinhing ,
fy drill'd hy Ida . w oisliippem, •Th • greiil |
He leuiy ” K I win M Hl;iiron, mid iheii ■
h ( i ' 'he msiiils t-| of the I tiled Hlite*
ihe o- . Ifl toiy v.-id sleT di'cl ire l,' ip
~i. i Wi /. to have hn'ii itv foully melwii ■ ni n leii"l t• Al • ’il it.’. To ci pi TTi
i le, prof,on m t’l, he .via i, v r gni’y of '
:,! c- ■- i rij' 'fy win' I ,v.|s under linn, Il
p. ,~! ov. i ii,o '■ .n,"i,ii,until the
;n I criuY r uloV.i! t , I iiiiliji L i vyt'sfl. 'ihe
lay •vi lioiii ' w lien hit nioiiioiy tvilT* be
Iu |y v.n lie,jt, I . no.v the afi iopt i* vai . I
In co.iel o iu, in ordef thoroughly o j
air ty i lineis, I wi'J slate th ,t
on tin-fl.I of D • inber last f spent the
lay at And' r-ot.vil'c just lo idiedi my ,
leinory uho it Hr- la o. auove s'ated, and ,
it pains me to jj ive to ncord that the
l author ol A .lain' in the Mould’ H no
uuru fairly disposed nr freer frpnn
ex gger.iti u that firm. ! stopped at M r
I>i tes’ and was very hospitably entertained
i t,y him-K: t snd la !y, mi l taken to ihe
< euietery hy him and Introduced lo Mr. i
.Sullivan, the su; tiide i lent; au l tin y
gave me all th • inform iti m I wi-he, 1, that ,
was in their power. They speak in tettn
of ajruuilgati 1 ignU;ui|>t lor the author , I
ihstsrticlel Mr.Sulliv iiih.i l never seen i'.j.
and M . S. said he pi lyed ilpih h.s
crodu itv iu r< gu'd to thu-i.j ’i, ak ‘K f*V'f 1
which lie makes a .eh a h iguboo, said "In
was a young mu of about twrn ytw,,
years of age, ver y green in die ways ol lice
world, and se> m and atiaiil ol liii own
i liH/low.” Mr h. ii, as lirt name indicate*
an Irislonau, Iml entirely free from the.
b ogue put into hi* mouth by the author
,ol Inal jump Mr. Dike* s ty* there are o< 71
live o*kv tlii* side r,f K.oriJa, anil no
mognulM* nearer luau three’ mi <:* ; yt 'he
writer in >jues>km maker them as numcr
1 oua si Ml snake* in the old stockade
Mrs. If , at the time lie was there, was
Just recovering AomAttuk, of chilis
and itally unable to do Ihe cooking
i courtesy dictated.ahe should do 0> ri uder
u*r ctimforub’o ; and yut with •
1 nv*i flowing will* h*4
and iidi s in confrnj)fuoUH t< *Mt
ti bi-ing U‘n Hiul ami slinks tf
thidr hou <* in no elegnnt inunn* r. 1 lii^
Ii 1 self s|x*aks vtduui'AadiMhini.ii shonl‘l Ihj
♦‘uu* uiuTctl liml tUc Uui'c 1 Si
iJi.vcronuMtt has never paid Mr. i). a
; I trifling I*r I lx* land u *tl as a comsUsry
1 oulpyif t>f (ho slock i ll*, an I fo bi*W hit
ven bo riling any id' d)* limb i on it.
\V<* xx ihi It! | arfrularly to this
1 'vandtniug aveker ah**r truth, ll bn Intend*
! iu mile up any rno'C •jsunis though the
South,‘ to lie mure careful io Ids Southern
dialect. . No native, not even a negro, ever
i-i-i F.yli p)ir:i-e .hi-y as flint uiuired fiy
llie m in giving directloi.AAsJllr, Dikes. ;
•Jes b Uuw llie i.'iid rouiid the comer till
ic uiuio icr a side lu'- iuier a l^ e “'; 1 '
I , t|lii iN ‘von In*,’ is never so
used South save hy tho carpet hag ;um
Horn the North, who are more deserted
amt held iu greater contempt than the
* mikri abounding tn the pftwnv pen. -
1 will add that this article has not ImmT
w i iiten nil ii lor lame or money. It baa
been ptepcred amid the pressure of hualnOM
ciigagenient* and at necessarily detached
nl..i ids and Is prompted hy a senae o*
dill) i.. \'indicate the e mso of Truth and
e'aim i ol" an oiitrared i<eo:>!>.
• nay Dnllars ur 1 N n’iint.”
T.ic pranks of ludy at lo st in ap
pmrSnci’ .dung tlie line id the Missouri
I’licirte rniiii’iil ret, nlly luivii eriiisod lire
di plelion ~| llm peukirtlsisik* of several ol
iln Imiul pinprietor* id ilUTbretit town*,
mi,l among them Wammshmg, and
wh*le-td,i, nwtioy was jiaricit with, there is
t ill ,i leu i peace iii the landlords’ bouse
hold*. It will an nice lo naiTiitf. how Ihi*
female ''did her litll* job," at Wurreiinbiirg,
um related to it If i-pn tell W'|iorlci
Sim visit,’d the town lit Ih" capuci'y of s
hook i,(p id, to imjirrs* tipi.-n (lie. imuediil
ou the lidvantage-lnfegacfred by il soli
eiipion lo ” llm '‘muni Inlcresting mid
iii .Uucitvc wo,U ever puhilsbtKi.; Ainv
leg in town id mem (-111 Immediately went
to a lioled, wlceh alt ill ho n imeles*, and
tegi-iteled -He w•> shown lo a Item , Slid
maiiu-hfi.Lii'i 1!l‘. Toe -nixl step was La
ting a belt, which u-liered a hoy in her
pi to whom .ho coiliiunnlcttted ihe.
I net that win ilvi'r, ,i : to is', 1 III'! lattdloid
I lie me,g wis ilelive.ed to Ihn hllnl
lor,l, am! he, 111 the emi:,,,, ~| a lew miiniNl*
ini'l her fm clo face tu Her room A. hu
flirt,rid U,a neon .he ipoutly lick and hu
doic, and place I the Ii") iu her pocket,
StlJ f.aiil .
'Now, M,. ,i. w ait In a law
in’iiin n—' chat with- fun- 11 —
“Well, ilia'.mi," nrpMi’d the landlord,
ahat )mt II IT’ t r mciy, nay it ijuictty.Tor l
■t'li in a -iinri),"
In a very m II e ■nipo*i| milliner the hook
agent diew lierm'll uji, and, said ;
"N*’W, M , you um a illumed
mn)i. *tc
' 1 ' i-llL 11 -'' 11 ‘e.LlH'.’i 11 ' 'i n ' lie hind
‘ You Icivc eh I him, two ~l whom uro
nearly ol are, have you not ? ’
‘ Yi , in i’aiu," ngam leplictl the hu*
h uni.
“Well, then," n„ld she, ‘‘ll you have any
respect lor yourself or family, ply me filly
il'oltam, or I will sere,in."
The landlord was lies lid, red, mi l (m i g
a mild mannered mail probrsted only in
well rounded phrase*. This hut nia,Ju
mi tern, mid desiring lo avoid a
di igneibie nil clou i.p.,1, hi* wile slid
ebildr in, lie iigrted lo pay her filly, dollar*,
.ihi'l, lie did, and on the evening uaiu
she left for Plea* tut 111 il, i* said,
i*lii’ plajtd h’’ same gallic.
Ihe landloi I at Warn ovlnirg think*, it
oitliei expensive to pay fifty ,folia, lo keep
a .woman from irreiiiniog, hut lhei nm
only a tew Wlio know of I*, and iM-ing
in her dignified ait i inafi, atld one wlj'xto
piivate chaiae'er itpotle**, he i* mil
joked a'l'Ull it
'Till: lutelllgunt 1 1 Illeiuin ol Ihe .1 irv,
accoisJing lo the M utg imery Alver’isir,
was di*c‘>v re I in tli it eity la.t Ttm * *y,
V‘i ■'ti ; brought before the City Court by
lire I lei.,* to liuj iii e into tit- miner of
oinpel .;ii< y ;
• Would yon convict a nan on circum •
n'autiul evidence * * rjiieried hi* Honor.
“I ilnmin wot dnt is, je.’ge," answered
the statesiusn.
fi Weli, wbst do yon liiinl; H it?" inter
poe and (Jovernoi Wart*.
"'A'- li, cordin' to my Judgment, saretini
hil evldem n i* : Rl one man shoot*
uiuddor an’ kill* hint he ortcr fxr hang fur
il ;el he don’t I:II] him he orler go to do
.1 idee iih*on, of the Richmond Circuit,
,Vi lenlly Ipi-i not the fear of Kr-kioe soil
oilier holy me u of the Joy I household
h lo e hi* oy , *,; i,c would not lie heave
ing such hriek* * the following 1,. fits
e.haigc io Hi' II cliutoii'i county grainlju-/
liit week be said :
V “Wliilst our Ke li ri 1 Judiciary has been
prosi ituted fo pirtissu mid Iwse purjMis,:*,
li *1 by creating two new Judge* to reut a
i.lonu<r deci-io iof the s.une lourt, then
' uiportin / foreign jjrdgs* snd msrd.s a iito
die Carol ins*. ud issuing ii tli ihi ions io
ihem in Louivtns, and |wil mg j |Miniei s
Ii Heirgii wao wnfully vios elite wie
provisions of our cotisiitulirm, ‘by wlici
the eprigbt snd mil iiigci.f sit < sclihm and
4 Tom jury scrvic", :ct it Tint !/*• said .that'afe Judiciary i*., too, a failure by tho
dels a** of jurors to jieilorin tbtir dutn.*,’ *
NO 20