Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator.
VOL. 2
BY wm. t. revile.
A T ♦?< I*JB ASM M 1N AI)VANt h
. ~.■ Soath QC f toe Uuri.H<HW
({ of jWYrrtlm*.
, ix-1 r ' s oo* 10 SfiS oo'tarol ss oo
I.w 7001500 t 35 00 .15 00 60 '0
l col ! KM* ■JOOO j 33.00, 60 00 #IOO
t&~ A literal dcd uct ion £ made to those
advertising by the mouth or y*r.
■ CE TO THE fP LiCt .... _
After this date. aIT legal cuts
, 01 me county oi Men aether, wilt be pub
hiked m the Mwm w.thk ******* uju
. stun - .TAB W.ILVNNINO.^
I.n Hh.lftTS. rW Ship o’Hirt_
business cards.
A TTOIINEV ay law,
< I itt* ► N v I 1 1 “
gJTOEEEI A i Uj^,,
- loHTw lake,
4 TrORNEY at law,
A 1 1 * tIRKK!*V)U., G*
Avv practice ... Meriwether .ml UhmmL
Nr u&ulitilA
Wraoßln* Pa-per
K<l, (Specimen
Addles Thu. A.rW. N-.m,
. W-.U. UttALE. 1-uipL- ...
ul W UlbKkbtirit, <1
i) ruo H f ro 1 1 hj
I WOU l.n rcepeclfull/ oak o* u >* y* 1 ’ 1 ' 1 /
I public a abaft' >f their patrons". hmr
Jko, ummi .run — , ' r A u l “ u \v a^“ K ?4,:
Kurict* n.i
J#ST. Fethunery and J.An
rrvii.iß usually *n* *
llr #w md which prop*** *"
iJnrS r* 1 ** 1 * nAnwt *
New goods lor spring it summer.
\TTE NOW lUVI in Bbir* inti wih tir,receiving tegular 1 v wished tie M*a*nni
\ \ a large and varied stock C
HOOTS and SHOKS, HATS fiw Ladies, Gent* and Bov* • I'l.O THING an* NOTION;
HAIIHW.VKK. WOOD and WILLOW Wan*. Sadd.vtr. i>re< and Srauooer
Confscttoaerim and (Troceriee , F our. Lard. ttyrups, {burn*. B-i.ten, IVart Grit* Sal
Coffin, Tobacco*. Cigars Ac., *%c-. A*
W solicit an examination of our st vk. boUt|as to Quality and
Thompson Cole Sc Cos.
nAimiTl BEiM OF
Bedstead Burenia, juairs. Aim
Metallic Burial bases and Rosewood
Cottas Always on Hand.
Babiet Fvralihcj
J~rZ£, tVTi * m prices
Why Will, Yk Pis?—Death, or what
,s worse, l* the inevitable ies>ull ot Coutiuu
c.i suspension of the metis'rual ti >w* It i>
i , ,‘uJiti'in which should no! lie tr tl and
•vith. 1 mined hit* relief is tlie i niy sate
'ua.rd against constitutional ruin. In sli
eases ot suppression, suspension or othri
irregularity ot the e.Dr 1 llrailfiebi i-
Fonssle UegulnUvr is the only sure remed)
It aru by giving tone tinhe nervous con 're*
tuiftroVliq) the tltrvrd and determining direct
ly to tbe organs of meustruaiiou. L i >
lughtraaln piutcripliou, and the uum inn
llgact Doctors use it. Prepared by J. li
BradritiJ, druggssL Atlanta, Oa., #l5O po
ts tile. snd sold by roquet be uruggi-t
TUi£ . (’OA FK&UO2L.
Tubus's something on my breast, lather,
Than*** something on luv breast I
The live long ay l sigh, lather,
At night 1 can not tost;
I can not take tny rest, father,
Tb ough I w oul 1 fain ilo so,
A weary weight opjuossvth me,
The weaiy weight of woe I
Ti* not the lack of gold, lather,
Nor laek o| worldly gear;
My hud are broad and fair to—-e,
My friends wie. kind and dear ;
My kiu aic leal and true, hdlier,
They mourn to sen my giiet,
Hut, oh ! its not a kiiisnuiiT’sTi.aml
Can give my heart i*eji> 11
Tis col that Janet's lalse, lather,
*Ti not Uiat she's unkind,
I'hoigh busy flalleiers swam around,
I know inn constant mind.
Tis nut her coldness, lather.
That chills iny laboring breast,—
I It's that ooufounded cucuutwr
I've at, 1 , and imn't digest !
■*shr U ilk 1 uung. she Ull* f ail.
Mild Mic M riimhletl Her llliir,'’
" ' He wns tie WA. rii, a nd ti*
bi half. Hit* the ave Wan, b
the middle; lx was proud, he was hold
l>ul the truth mint l* tohl, he played llki
a fleud OU the liddh liut aside it out till
vice he ara* everythin .* nice, and 'is hear,
wgr S'llbYing amt-trodcr; -rtrrr tie ntwityr
turned pale when lie trod on the tail ol a
oat yt gdowi by tie lender lie cerkediu
til a store. Mild till' way that lie tore , ft
calico, Jeans and brown thoeling, would
have tickled a rail slid make the bruit
latfyh hi the latxt ol a quarterly meeting
lls Outcuits i diui) with tf 3irl% buiu
taebo, WlTh,!* he learne'i to adorn and to
Chert I.; lot vne gtrl had said, white slit
dropped bet pi'tWil head, that Twwuhl kih
tier to aer the Ihitijf-peri >h. On a Honda,
liv'd Maleh the *ll night road to eliurch, un
heeding the voice oi tire —arumm | —an,:
irmrmy he (-trr a y—mg tubby ret
with the saints In the far am*n corner
Hr sang like a 'did and his sweef- jroice
wan heard Isirly tugging away at lone
metre; smi tf< speak hut the truth
wlno we aa y that this youth (on id out
sing a hungry tmiequlicr.
Hire was young, she was fair, and sht
scrambled iuo hair like the average belle
ol the city; sue was proud hut tint hold
3Tllthr_ trwi h ■ trt’Wl-(n! *■ 4but -the war
■lie etn wed was was a ptty Hut as'dc
from this vice she wan everything nice ami
rtre world inicti applauded her hustle,
tiie Kayetlev die buys, lietug charmed by
the noise, walks J miles Just to Inal tin
tiling ru-lle. Hire cut quite a swell, did
this wax-chewing belle, and the own
ducked m armies to meet her; hut sin
gave them the shirk, ior she lovnl tin
young clerk, wtio sang like a hungry inns
qoiler. Uhi hemmed and ahe hawed, and
she aighed and ahe chawed mull hei hcait
and Jaws were trolls broken; then sin
walker* by his store, while he stood at tin
dour awaiting some amative token Hlu
raised up eyes with a pretty surprise and
Wid to enact the proud scorner , hut t/,
tell the plsin truth she just grinned st tin
youth who loved tie devout arnen corner
Law run.—lt is telated of George Clark
the celebrated negro that, being
examined as a witness, he *■ severely in
'rnogated by Hie attorney, who wished to
liraak down bis evidence.
“You are in the negro minstrel huxinew,
I believe, f enquired the lawyer.
“Ye* sir,” was the prompt reply,
“Isn't that rather a low cad log *" de
m a tided the attorney.
“I don’t know Irut what it k air,” re
plied the minstrel, “but it keo much bet
ter thou my lather's that 1 am rather prouu
of U." *
“What was your father,* catling *'
“He was a lawyer,” replied CTaFk, Injs
tone of regret, that put the audience in
a roar. The lawyer let him alone.
The New York £ renin* Pott, by no
means addicted to canards of any color or
flaror, give* the folio wing remarkable
W mmmmm, May 23.—There seems to
be excellent foundation for a story which
is generally credited here that a reporter of
a New York morning paper succeeded in
witnessing the wedding at the Whits
Honor by diaguisiog bimself ass colored
waiter and assisting the caterer at breakfast
This,;#narks the BaJtimcreGazette,is
turning tbe civil rights bill up-tide down
The Tte*U manaperi frill have to jnski
upon s preliminary ablution to ascertain if
the colored who a>k f-.r a ticket is the
genuine article, for they have a perfect
right to rejoct s shite man painted
Coukling Coppered.
(.Columbus Enquirer ]
Mr Couktißgism fyuinast, and he could
ui if di ivnn to it, . very respectable and
nteruining hWwA*J*der a cirons tent
ciruig the sawdust def ies. Ho has a
'unusstum in 'lie np;ier story ol his house
nd ihitherhednlly r<>pairs to put up dumb
■ells, iierfortu the giant swing, leap frog
sshion, on paralcl bars, and plug a swing
u< saud bag In the approvi and fashion
vith his gloves. Sometimes he coaxes a
'ongressman or a donator up inlo the left,
and alter giving (hem * iHX ktail, ho eedtt
is tin m into putting on the gloves, (lien
he giies for that particular s*ntesman and
polishes him oti in a style that rejoices his
densVurial heart. He nlayeil this game
just mice ou a inemlxTr irons Indiana, and
out a Mmtsanl root tm the memiiers eye,
a hereupon the member smiltMl hypocii
n ally, Iml nursed vengeance in his heart
Sometime afterward he said I
Senator Cockling, I will go down to
, onr house, snd get satisfaction for tny
black eye. Oh ! I shall !■ happy ! Come
iv all menus, said the delighted Conkllng.
lly tli way, Senator, I have an old liieud
uid constituent here—Judge J 'ties ; would
you have any objections to my taking him r—< Vitaiuly not, orjr dear fclloaLy.
Itring him, by all means, was the Senatori
d snsvvrr. —Ttmt night the member Iroro
Imiiaiia rrporied at Mr Coitkliug gyrnna
imm with hts boson (need. Judge Jtuiea.
I'm Judge wa a stilMng |oi kUg mil.
Hta close Cut, bullet shaped head did no,
prepossess the beholder in luvf <d bis
mdichsfrmi milv but he was beav . et
p wrtolly built inflow, with a heavy un
ter jaw auri a roaming nose, li si emed to
have linen sjiread butler fashion over his
taco wlietf Thjl he plaSlk’ OoudttlOß of early
uhildltood. :
The gloves were pul mi, mid the mem
>er front India** am'll surrendered, minus
the satisfaction nia soul seemed to crave
fudge, you try the Senator it round, an Id
the member to his constifueut, as he toss
and him the gloves. Me I why. 1 could tit*
i,,in bundle them thing* than nothing;
lint givr me an axe-hell or a swingle tree,
md I kin make things hot, answered the
Judge. Ob. come! I will not hurt you,
I. vi lli be emy. —You will like the r*-rrt*c
tttrr trying It. Thua [ru stun led by the
Senator, the Judge rose, look ott Ida coal,
..uul thu collar iiuut his short neck, Ike
S imUir thought, iu the languagfi of the
ilug, that he stripped well Tbl round
began. The Judge was very clumsy, tube
sure ; hut somehow tJi* avoid the blow,
if the benator, till at last he war
1 riven Into a-corner lime the Judge
Tnkiftnr ataad, sml turning wßk tbs
•trengih of a httll and the activity oft W
tti- vyg it mr Coukling then and there.
Again and again the Kenatoi measured his
i< ngtti on the floor. He fought h> rl* hut
fqt Wns so*m dtclK-d -out, ntt'l at lsi, tlrop
liiig his gloves, he looked at Ilia aubtgonlsl
nam tZcineul. with the icciings of a Uiaii
who bad f>em wickedly and maliciously
..dd. You arc n'it Judge Jones, hot who
n llm deuce arc Vou f The Judipi looked
,(. i'u> member, sod the inemliSr rose to
u,explain. No, he uluf .Judge Junes ,
that was a little Joke of mine iskifown
to the members of the ting as JOwCoburti ;
ut-in* introduce him.
The Hcnator pretended to relish Hi
j kc, and Joe and his liicnd left with
iinple aatisiacliot)
A UsKrt.'h Tmtit. There,l* an Anstra
ian tree caliml the Kucalyptus Ulohulus,
vbich by Its projiertles of alisorhiug ten
limns its weight ol water, and of suiitting
mtiseptic camphorons effluvia, is said to
tiave the power oi di-airoying miaamath
influences In fever districts. It has been
;rown in Cubs, and might possibly !■
nad ' to grow In Loulnisna sud Hie Missis
sippi Valley, although it Is a native of
roptcal climates. M (timbert, a French
scientist, who has been collecting evidence
concerning Ihe tree, says that in Algeria,
C ilia, and other place* where it ha* Imen
planted In large numbers, marshes have
been dried op, and districts where fevers
regularly attacked the Inhabitants have
oeen made perfectly healthy. Quite a
number of Iheae trees hare been planted In
California. The pofrular name for them It
the Australian gum In their native place
they grow to as immense height, rivalling
the I moons big trees of Cali'omit
A Geawokm's Dhkam.-Tij* Lanark
Oaxr-tUs, a staunch Granger paper, pub
lishes the fol'owiog which B ibo good .to
ire lost:
A. Granger dreamed that he died ; be
went straight to the spirit world , be knock
ed a 1 the gate of the Naw Jerusalem and it
was opened unto him. The book was
opened; he wn a.ked, “did yon ever be
longed to any secret societies f” to which
he replied, “I did. To the Granger*.”
“Tbeo air, you cannot be admitted, depart”
Be then went to the door of the bottomless
pit, where the same questions were aaked
by the Deri I, and again he was told to de
part After be had gone a little way oft be
was accosted by the homely ruler of tbs
pit, when the follow ing proposition* were
made: “Stranger,” said Nice, “I will not
admit you here; bull will sell you two
kUfehwJ barrel* of brimstone for cash, ten
pr cent, off, sod you can start ■ little hell
of your own, with no agent* or middle
The greatest gluttons are those who
feed upon deader.
Clear (frit
(From the Springfield Republican ]
About thirty years ago, said Judge I*., 1
step; u.l into a book store in Ciuuiu iali, in
jtoarch oi some Ikhilis that 1 wautud.
While standing ihcie, a little ragged boy.
not over twelve years ol age came in and
inquired fora geography,
•‘Plenty of them," was the salesman's re-
"How mueh and > thov cost V
"Orr, my ld."
"1 ■ i*v* Uoi know they wero worth so
lie turned to go out, and even opened
tins door, but closed it again and cauie
a- -a- ■
WlClq . . .
‘1 have yot sixty-uue cents,, said lie;
* onld yiHi let lUe have a geography, and
wait a liltle jtdule u>r the roat ol the iiwu
cy U
Hew “agtirly hit utile bHgirl eyes looked
upforsu usWer ! and row iie seemed to
•blink w ithiu his ragged clothes when the
man, not very kindly, told him he could
uot I Thetlliappointed iilte fetfu'w looked
up to me, w ith a very poor attempt at a
smile, and left, the stole. I followed ami
overtook him.
".vml wliut now t" l asked,
"Try another place, all,"
“Shall Igo w ith you, aad see how you
suemted, l asked " .
“Ugl. yes, it you like,,’ said he lu suu
Four dilferenl stores 1 entered with him,
atld lch lime he was refused,
—-Will ymnry agaiuf* I asked.
“Yea, sir, I shall liy llieiii all, or I
should not know win tuer i could gut om..’
Wa i Ulered the tilth stui u, ami the lilt !c
tellow walked up luunlully, ami told tin
gcnticmair j i.t whsrtro whined; nnd how
mneh nrniicy hr had.
iVna want llm book very much? said
Him pMpiielor,
•Yes iir,’ very much
*vn>y ilo you want it so very much ?’
‘To study, sir, 1 cau l go to school, hill I
study when I enn at home —AH the .hoys
ItaV* got one, and llicy w ill gel ahead ol
me. 'sides, my father was a sailor, and
JLKknl to learn yd the places where he
UMkjjUl go.
'9*nm be go to these places now f usked
th proprleloi,
Hl* I. did ’ answered the boy solfly.-
The >ln a I.led, alter a while, '1 am
nmt to he a ra o', too.'
'Are you ? asked the gun He tu am, raising
liki*ybrow curiously.
* res sir. If l live.’
'fvsrtl, lay lad, I will tell you what I will
Jfp ; 1 wlfl faryuti hare anew gengraphr,
and you ulajt pay Ilia, remainder of ilj
money ,w hen you can, or I will fer m*.
have one that 1* not new for fitly penis,’
‘Arc the leaves all in it, and just like tin
others only not new ?
* Yes, Just Ilka the unw ones,’
‘lt will do Just as weft, then, and I shall
have eleven cents left toward buying,
some of lief feedi. lam glad they ifldn'*
let me innrerm JUkny af Oic Dttrcr places
The lesiks'ller haiked up iiiquiriiigl)
and I told him what I had seen ol Ihu litlli
lellosr. He was much pleased and wh> u
he brought the book along, J saw a nlo
ne* pencil and tome clean, white pt|tei in
“A (ircsun 1 my lad, for your persever
< Always have o urage like that, unit
I , , ,'uiake your mark.’said the hoi k
Thank you etr, you are so very go,l '
■What is your iiuthc l"
William llaverley, sh.’
'llo you want any more iKinks ’ 1 now
asked him. - x
'More than I can ever get,-* fie replied
glancing at the hisiks that filled Hb''
shelve* s
-1 gave him a bank note- ‘lt will buy
some for you,' I said.
Tear* ol Joy came into bis eyes.
‘Can I buy what 1 want with It *
'Yes, my lad, say thing.'
Then I will buy a booh for mother,’ said
he. 'I thunk you very much, and some
day 1 ho|*e 1 can fray you back,'
fie wanted my name, and I gave il to
him. Then left him standing by the count
er so happy that 1 almost envied him, and
many years passed before I saw him
Last year I went to Europe on one ol
the Bn* *t vessels that ever ploughed th<
waters of tbs Atlantic. We had Iresutifuj
weather until eery near the sod of cmr
voyage , then cams a most terrible stui m
that would have sunk all on board bad i
not been for the captain. Every spar ws
laid low tbe rudder was almost useless, and
a great leak bad shown itself, threatening
to flli tbs ablp. The crew were all strong
willing men, sod the mate* were practical
rearnen < f (be first class, but slim- pump
ing for one whole nigh' sod the water stil
gaining upon them, they gave up in de*
pair, prepared to lake the boats, though
they might hare known no small boat
oou and rids such a sea. The c pa , who
had been below with his cherts, now came
op, be saw bow matters stood and. with a
ro.eethat was distinctly beard aborr tie
roar of the tsmptest, ordered erery man
to hi* post.
it was surprising to see these men bow
before the strong will of their captain, and
burry back to the pumps. The captain
ben started below to examine the leak.
JU be panned me 1 naked him If there was
any hope. •
lie looked at me, and then at the oile r
passengers, who bad crowded up to heat
the reply, an t said rebukingly.
‘Yes sir* there is Iwqss long as one
juelt of Ibis deck re iui . alsive (lie water ;
wLu u 1 sou none of It, then 1 shall itiMudon
the vessel, and mil b*-loif, hot u*u 4 ru?
crew ; sir. Everything snail be uuuo >o
save it, ami it we tail tt will not be from
inac.tiuu, Hear a hand every one oi yuu at
the pump.'
I lirieo during the day did we despair ;
but the caplaiu'a dauntless coinage, per
severaacu, ami |k>werml will mastered
every man on board, aud we wont lu Work
•i w ill land you safely at the dock iu
Liv ;r,K*ol,' said '.lie, it you will only W.
And he us saloly ; but the vessel
sunk moored to luo does. The captain
sto at on the deck ot Its* aittkiug tease
receiving ttio thanks and the blessiliga oi
pasangers as They passed down the gang
plank. 1 waa the last to leave. As 1,
pui scd tie grasped my hand aud said .
•Judge l*„ do you leoogm/.o me t
1 told him tiiat 1 was not uwaio that I
evut saw him uiuu I supped aboard Jiis
•pou't you ramamlwur the luile boy In
Ciuciuuati V
‘Very w* 11 sir, William Llavurly.'
T aiu,' bo said. *Uod blesa you f .
verly I'
Kirs tinlncs bi l.nwycr.
Holrn A. L ckwo'.m's teeent aptti'ituc*-
lu the Uourt ol Claims iu Washi igtuii re
miudstho New Orleans Flcnyune ol wliai
iieeuried In the District Court ot that city
nearly thirty yearn ago. It was on the
, nat of one of tnu first of Hie many suits ot
lueeitled, and the case wan Muhin tiled to h
jury It happened that the law)ers, some of
llieabliint at lliu Imr, tell into a biller wran
gle with the Judge, aud were so offended in
Ills rulings tnai me, a did raw from the
ease and-fb Court. Mis. CJsLuw aud Uu
vuieran General, her husband, went present
m Court The General wore Ills lull tin
form, his swoiil and sash, iu conformity h
Ine i gol iii' ii. Toe noli s there in tin
utmi'liao of a beauty, grace and vivacity,
even now preserved to so remarkable s
ragree, alter re idling the HpriptnfuT Ihii'u
ei liUUiiili litu. liiiiuejlaii ly qe n the
withdrawal ol her lawyers thu stately olil
neio ol Fort Hilv, taking lit* wile by tin
It uni, led the hai, and sddiu..a* and tin
Judge ,i* follows :
•‘klily it please your Honor, I was eilu-
Cated tor the bar, and the ironored rebutvr
whose uirni I hear due celebrated Chill
-fn-ilii't' K' 1 Heiidleton ol VirgmlsJ,
I ill pi eased o i '■, n i ; .ii rfynnltt, wUh iiLe4JlO:_
lonmliisi revenrne for the civil courla of uiy
country. iVihapa in the view ol tin
world nnd ol the thnirt, it would lie my
Inly to supply thu place or my Wife** l.iW
ttjtoii their I' Uieuiunl from her east.
It it were n duty I fatal I thought myself ad
ipnttc to jnn iorot, I should not sio Ink iron*
U, for the lady, In-Sides being my wile, 1m
me daughter oi my old ItieiiJ, Game
dlaik, to whom lam hound by many ties
,1 anaucietH Irieniislilp and waiui esteem,
to riuejer every set vice lean in lltu muin
lenuiice of the lights of his Iriendiess
laughter. And this service I should lie
bourn), as a soldier, end a gi tinman, to reu
-1,-r to any lady in like cireumsiances—bin
is the lady is tar mo' able p> mgun hei
esc than 1 am, 1 be; that she be alio we
oi i uuduci her ' > case.”
And then, ru: dug his head and gen fly
touching bis sword, he turned to Uie op
,ot,iLe uounsel and lemaikml : “Km wh. I
ever the laily shall say or do I hold myself
responsible, to Ihe lull measure slid In
every manner recogulzed hy gentlemen.”
Judge Buchanan was greatly annoyed ai
this |SU|ihutis'i, sml fired up at the allu
oou ol the Utueral to his auger by i
- the Genital 'hat a display of mill
lory pomp and menace could not lie allow
ed in the Court—lie wof not to he ovei
awed In that way.
General Gain#*, in u most cmirteous and
submissive style, liegged to ssttire his
Honor that il he referred to ft is nrew-acc
in Court tn military dress snd acceuulre
,Hunts. Il was from respect lor the Court,
and it strict oonforinhy to the regulation*
of tue service Ti e sword which he won
would r.erct lie drawn with more alacrity
Hum In the defence >‘f the civil aulliotby
and tribunals ol the criantry. Mrs. Gaines
hen took charge of her com-, and for sever
at day* conducted It with all her spirit and
zeal, confronting and vexing the learned
cuuuiel, and -worrying lbs Judge with hei
she'p II tie ipeechea end piquant peiaonai
Hies, winding up tier case with a wry ei
ieclive speech to the Jury. We do not now
remember the tesull, hut lave a very dis
duct recollection that the Judge, who was
a plucky bnt high tempered gentleman,
diet not resume hie place on the bench the
next day, and for several days thereafter.
The final judgement iu the ca--e was iu
fsvor or Mrs. Gaines.
Father, said a cobbler’s lad aa be was
that trout bite good now. Very well, tny
son, said the father, you stick to jour
work and they won't td'* you.
Out of fire thousand men, ten may Le
Joat; out ot twenty thousand women
[ trba'p. One. * ,
la it anybody's business,
it a gentleman should choose,
To wail U(s>n a lady,
If lb i la,iy don’t reftiso t
Or—to speak a little plainer
That the meaning ail may know—
Is it auyh > ly's business
Ida lady has a beau ?
Is it any body'a business
When s geutlemau does call,
Or when he leaves the lady,
Or If. ho leavoa at all I
Or is tt necessary, —
That the curtains should lmi drawn,
To save from further trouble
Tnc ontalde I inkers on T
Is It auyliody’s business
Hut the lady's, If her bean,
Hides oul with other ladies,
And doesn't let her kuow ?
b •( anybody's business,
Hut die gentleman's tt she
Should accept another escort,
_ WiKIX; lie doesn’t chance to !>,-1
If a person on the sidewalk,
Whether great or email,
Is it anybody’s busiuofe
Where that |erson means to call ?
Or II yon see a person
As lie’s oalliug anywhere.
I* it sny of your Imainesa
AYTtSI UU business may be there t
The substance ol our query,
Simpiy slated. Would bo ibis ;
Is it uuy!• sly's busiueas,
What another's business is T
—lf it In, or It it hn’t, —
We would like to know, -
For we'ie sine, it li im’i.
There ur.t some that make it so.
V timliile / of Congress mu it
The futiny man of Ihe House this winter
laaaid to liu Mi N< ornllli, of Oregon, who
1 ■ "ft n.t 1 1 v in. ver- a i oig stories
Ho served omt tenn in the Senate sevural
ears Hgo sml a tew days utlcr he was
sworn in he was passing out* of the cloak
i'ooiiis, and ittsidir weru Fessenden, Morrill,
md rsveiat nth cm, wbme tiatm-a we can
recall. They hailed Idm, Invited him In,
iud allot conversing tot a tew un muuta
ilny i-liii i loin very alnupily || he
cMue ftoni a very wild country, where you
•ay the greater portlou of J<m ills baa
bee aml k i ou tell us what flrit
struck yrnt on Comtug to the Benale f
Well, i/i'u uni n, wlien I tenk my seal
~n Uda-an;jnst Isidy, sa|d to he <aini|iosy<l of
+ho fir o . "t m r -rer-rt t < untry J was over -
whslmeil wtlh Ihe strangeness of the oue
idea how I mi nto he here,
Oh !Ah ! Ugh r< I A then Mr, Nes
'iUh. whet then what was your next causa
( a wim)t>
The o i thing g. ntlenun, aswerad
Nesmith, slowly gathering up Id* great
length, that came to me and puzzled me
more than Hie first thought, was how in
'ho deuce all you olhef fellows ever gut
here ! 0 „
There whs a shout, and from that dsy
ihese solemn old fellows, who ' had
(bought to overawe by their pomposity the
crude young Senior went Ids sworn friend"
md never niglwietl an occasion to tell
dt ■ lory.—[Washington Correspondent
Cincinnati Commercial.
Piety Knocked Into PI.
Horace Greiluy used to affirm that new a
taper uteu were the oioal palieut people,
t <:ltt , on earth, anil be was not far
roru right, though there are times win a
tatienue atci to be a rlrtue with tha
mist enduring. Nearly everybody in the
ve*tern part ol tlie Htafe knows Burr, who
iscil in rtort a paiwr atxmt once a month
ue year round, generally bringing them
>ul in Grand lUpids, but aometime* mak
ing a flying trip to other points Burr
could stand to le* told that ho liod about
hia circulation, was ou the fence a politi
chd and that be didn’t know anything
shout publishing a nuwrpajicr, and when
men threatened to aoe or thrash him he
only smiled a sad smile and wished that
mankind wouldn't get excited. During a
e ighum revival (ft Grand Rapids, Burr
was convened, and It frrqmn ly happanad
1 bat religious p< ople called at. Id* oflic a to
talk with him. One day a minister came
iu, and after talking for a white be pro-
I arsed prayer, lie was in the set of km st
ing whan hi* foot struck on* of the out forms, which was leaning against a
leg ol the atone, ready to he lifted up, and
over it waul, making half a bushel of pi,
Bu r looked at the min wr< ngld, til' B (hi
ol the two weeks of overwork, and he com
neuccd taking >,IJ Ins coat, saying ; I
Itsve lawn trying •** be a ObriarLa and set
a good example, but rat my buiuma I can
lick you In Ju-t two tnletito* ! The Clergy
man backed down stairs in lass than no
time, dodging toe ly* brush 011 the way.
sod l urr backslid at once, and sent dow a
What are son writing sock a big hang
t>r. Pal ? Why yon sen my grandmother
is degfe, sod 1 am writing n load letter to
- ———-
SklaciiUt tor the V.ui-cator
NO 25