The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, June 26, 1874, Image 1

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    The Meriwether County Vindicator.
\01„ 2
nil', VfNDK'ATOIi.
•i inxnnn w*m khvat,
by wm. t. reviix,
>rn S- oth V 'T the Oourt Urns*
){■•>., of tdvi riiM::;.
s >*<v jlu V, 4 wks , I fi m<> • I **r
Tm, -• nr- tA> -tSQ'TIW 1 l9~Bft
g inchc- tW S <X) (5 Vi lO'^llSW
2 HI ' <1 00 JJOOO -IS (VI •?* m
j o.i jr, mi 10 W'Sn Oft 3JM*t Ha o
i co! '7 00 Ir. 0* 25 OH S5 Oft, lift 0
t col 11000 T9V WSoOO,GO Sr | TOO
f*T \ libera! delm-Hoo made t.•
i tce, Hsin . I.y the ntonlli .iryenr
muh t; o ri*i; pi i.k.
ft tRe s'aßTvmf Mr" -.crTfrr-. hr prOi
“TTsTT? Tnrt. -ttyrnywr ihi'mi m 'wtt Vwrei
cam dAtj IV ii.VNNINU.y
>. (HttSl#
lull 4tli. IN?# Clerk Sup'r Oirtlft,
\ I I OHM.V .AT LA*.
\ (U.mi.nvu 1 k. m"
"7,|. .??*. I. HEAVY,
4 1 lOßJlfc* A I LA W.
\ <1 *
.kthn vv pare,
\ jU-K!vn,i k. 0,
•A . . ..,,.ai.‘u VL ii> tki sud UotJtd
! *.*p])or Neills
marks nkivs mi ai l kinds of
WmmHitf P|M#r
A Tb>* A Or*.*. Newnaii, Ua,
V\ Ini. l fit <)
Di nm sT(>m:
*| W-fUdLlt w sniclfidlv a-A u( til*
1 - * • "•*' ' - ' ,
~.... a J' .
nln ‘
f v ~, ■■ E.t-
Perfumery >nlT -del </'•")* ’
, l‘j ♦!{ U"io 1> ** * Utat lH>
S-, • 411 *t iriiTctt i pfup'HHMQ 1,4:11 11
*T*7r*", iv*' a* W Ifk l '* I Htf ■ 17177
' ■, < J Nll VHHIH
Nsow ltliihls lor >i*iuu suinmct’.
i\* K W HAY K Sf. rv A?,! a ’ • :v* ivsDh: r fjUrly tbrofL;! -Hit * v.-
\ \ H . 4 ‘ Uni v * \i >Uk\ • '• *
Hi JOTS -1.1 S Ilf’S .11 vrßf>' 1d... 5, - w 4 B.a CuOrillNi! an ! Sm'*. ■V
HAItDW V I \ K. UlMil slid WILL'D' \Y trv | *> - • {.■>' Dreg- sn.l N. > ,
t m,teen... .rii. s end U .v . ics . ¥ ic. 1,,i.!. f.nip*, Su n Bh.oj, Few. , (j. .-H !v.’
tdjecs T drs.'s'i'a, t’lgars Ac., A< , Ac
We vouch an evmc, ii on our stock. b>'th,a* to Quality and Priws,
<ii i eral I><-'*ier
B'.UTsaod SHOW*,
tlATSiirt ttt P*\
Illtl'HS GOODS and Trimming*,
liar'ware & Crockery.
W>+! side P-IJ “ *UilJ*re ft
bchaute Gallery
Gr.ißti 0-
A SPECIALTY made of fine Pboto-
I ail sacs and k.tios. Otbei
kind* ol pictures of every ux iptiuo
Okl | ictures copied, enlarged and painted
in otr. My lrtecnia arc icspeei
tally in* red to rail api4
Caruenter * Notion
Thomas N. Mitcbaia, near .be W aru.
Springs. Our>p Ground begs leave to u>-
luroi ins menu- and the public, that lie is
prepaiol 10 tae< uie aii aiad* of
vitb neair.tas, EnisL u * -JTspalch. P*t
r Wi no
(iRR.R.NVI 1.1,1'.. MF.RIVYETIIER COUNTY. OA.. ,11'NK 2C, 1871.
* •Wr i Vr f>tK T=-tiib; or- *hat
w.-rw*, is ihe i!Tilr* rcstib nl imum--
J r>f ll.p mcikTlnl fl iW ll 1“ 1
a ton, I Pi, >ll w hull huid not l* tr>il> , o
kUb, loiniMiall* lehrf is I f,r oll ! V s. tc
awwd ACttin.l cottsiiliiiinn il ruin. In nil
,>| upi>rcsi>>, n-|ninsiim nr o(hrr
irr*!U-‘i >< v tl (ttr <nnrkr. i>r f MriMW>t’s
Finikin Hi*ifulAi<ir is llm only *urp rvnn>lv
! It *rtk bv y line tomUi’lie nervous ccn rt>
llie,t(l>{o,| snd deietmining >ln**cr
;I* R* Hr** rirni* trf mrmHrmtr-n p H
’ TejrTHmsie pu-fc.titai.>n .l il><> ni .i inicl
1 lMf#ii I).km,i,-s nso ii. Pn-jinreij hi .), II
• R|fi*>M#> Rl, tliuiivisi, A'!s*h. <}* . (I AO i>ei
h Uli\ Ht,| sold hy r *|Mi'|.br illucki I
i kvWrvnil - r<-
< ■■■■ ... . ... ..I .
Alio I'M) INK nh.AKTH.
WI. ih'yi r i.e .nil enitlily lot,
W nor ever u u m.-.y s. ,nu>,
lEIR li. -r-r HiAf's tire lntehle< yirlt
—*■'l. inrni rHr hrn'tß nr h int*
11-Ttrrp wt-.TTp-nrf mftVPO ntlf hf th, -
TS" lon til l.y which we t,
j Ji.u otlrer spot on nlPthf e.iilb;
j W ill ei nbe Ilk* thrtt. J
Whe. u irifi r, coming in wrath,
s ijijlj 'U* # *ri iwnf snow .
iXtlu flu r* l rr*n 1 tip rhrrrfiri hr vrth
W-tt‘rh vt\ — \r —fr’rrtgr
M..i hriffi.? mi nm 1 UiV ru ! \ rt un*
L—■ f t r 4 *-, t H h-utM,
1 A htvippf in tli r lii ilu*.l out niiint’l,
W’.ih wit*t njj on Mi.ih*.
When Wt ulie.l will* ■ m euyaei i lmee
TliiOtlwh P hii\ n lniiy.r.i I.dll,
ir*'W sAt-i-t the t)t*nr Mi i-iih}< .tut 1 .1 i *t t ,
ta?k srouii.l the ln :ulh ,
A*-i 'iil when l<\ it;l !-i J an.] <'tuj
We I imr'i he- • ><•.!.
OiU Ili Ujahlai tMftHMII i 11. .ll l thO.fl
A ii-! tln h iblit !i iJ i' t
H . .t' j.- -n i*■■.. fhi r# It. \.
Swti t shelfiM front tin)
tiy h ntoUn i
ft-'* hv tfi-tl -'tive ri.M
Thengh wildly r* hihl iheMorm wttbout.
What rtifeid w* ill lhenltl ?
! H. >-4or nt)j tv \r r <}*>(.> \j{_
W ilhin ihe lovi l 11* f-hi v
Av! wl.i'ii Pome lii*|e trouhle writhed
V : the ehi* T *Ti In w’,
Titi frrrm oTtt hrimmitig rv t**- jt made
Thi en*hiny trui di< )| )■* j-t'lt ,
II ivr qe <K, lx l"ie the liiaT glow,
\\ f< } *'eh * • fun ii ;iw,
Alld ln h -h iryp t! t.urreut fl w
i• - fl - - ■ i rm fir an wnti. ] rjsrr
\p'l h* o it-r w*l the |*if>in{ yefifi
* i)m t hi'llioo.l'i vr -i *m[>!<>) t
It li vv •‘ K i* 1 lH*f and j ,
ill, ‘ ~ rM *r-T:-r-r •!; t h'OTlr,
No other !>o, when h r w roHfil,
VV i i* v • Ir I' k* * * h*i I
|‘lm* V% lilK* lloiivi*.
I{. n'ro- < e*Tf rt>* **. rTi , nf oiir
jpn teofi H\ all tin*
• rttwy-o Ht i r ,* |.V 4 lil tv *'
Vl.tllM: .f| '*'
’Hie -M* VHt 'lll £x* utive M o.v on
li e Mierm*ru* 1 . mmv* the New \ok
If. mid, of rtiHPy k * ini nod reremonhil:
■ Xiv-i -nv w|i|f ti have lax-n ceielrf >t#xl
Hitt *i f if tranomi NdrtiiidctrMtioti* under the.
p t . *u,!*-ortnl roof the unh
Wi id*M ' whn'h liJkM tnik'-ri (I e e Ml th
Wi •• H ne jfii-ve-u** t i!p* pie#4ot y***} ,
VI -th tirs ? lU/e of fhe '< lw'h'tr !1 I*fe
Ul-fil I *-* Ifi IH|.' Mvernl oew’ymth
bi P * -.fOn<:lr t wi ll ifie \* • id'ti'lil !
ImMi > 11 ?ivr held tftefr Wedding riMepli .•
• ti e t it.f*rU manfclon.
11l the t nrlievt (!m> *• of the r<*t** , d|e. w hen
'he *•'' of government w*e mi ye nnflxie] ,
tot t* ns>*'f *• y helginga /f the President
wrjir f!i *i en*n enily ot al*itejy re< ptorfw |
t ih*' m **l 'omih ! kind Te <y>iii
O% V Sr <1 h nj‘*ch' dignHf wi h ,
whir). W ; }i fi;ton ttrid the Xnl lady of j
1 lii€ repd? -< -%en throiign the cerem nixi
7l x P'p-i 4 £jt a 'ev* have l#t'efi tor; of'ei
rde-d t* Mijone fejaU p j* *t hem.
M • .Johfi wm Mi* firr trt t-tr-
I the fctr i?iv'* M trial n t Washington
The tone - t the j urr cy i PreUlei f
V fam !y the woo<U t tti
ynutrg me'roj.><lU nf liitjd aNt tot*l In M
) rely c*e#rje#fidefp*e. Her i*tm
i ebtatMife ov r the Imre, c *Jd rla'k and tin—
, furtti-herl W'irt Hoae, the wi*4e f ne*v ;1
tfee Federal < ipoal. and ’iie tdmence
(jnn*miic cendurit a r *d aoeUI r fitterm-nt
are wr.U exquuim wu Mm
A'‘ao. had. fnU eattae fw ern;* * nt
wten the entered and llirrmghoiit the tim*
1 ibe occupied tl*e W'liiUs H *ui*e Tlie
a-lv. aw utifutni-berj, and the ea*t rr/<Hi
aa only tiaed b>r dry ing ch/tbea. Tb
drawing urtiu an the ova- up *ta;r,
rniw Hie library, and tbene were two p*-
jOft laruiehed on the flr-t Q x>r, one for a
common room and tbe other for levees
Tuere were in a fit mate fo* occupancy fun
•ix r.jomi In tbuae Jay* congressmen bad
to live in Georgetown, because Washington
mi uninhabitable. Tbia u in the year
lW)ft, and the mod metropolis bai developed
from a petty village of aoa a, wbo
brand ibeir way with difficulty through ibe
swamp* and thickets to tbe public bonding*
in'o a bright and inSgmiohol cny. where,
as is boasted by her coat.) board ol public
works, you may rule over l-% miles ol
smooth and patented pavements wiUiout a
1 bins* JeJersou o>m to tbe White
Home in 1901, with notions ol republican
simplicity ao afroog that bis-first net was to
abolish tbe presidential levees. Instead, be
-vs- j*srr- at b-ipe to every who
,Jt.i itol lc cc ilu-. P-. siJtii % ; b. jiiu'-e
.It njlitl-ul iluuivr*. * l. T uisH •‘Pcs. -Ii n
rsrr in Hits ctitmlry. .Itlf.imm .vm
*i Inner, sml <>nly tlutinu ti*n winter* nut
>*l tbi' eicbt yrtirs rrf tits priwiileitcy wer.
Ibere stli Is.liCs nl !Uc While House. Im
18--2 8 .4i ftrrs.m's tsvnntc - (luiTcrflUT, Mrs
Us ".in pb. w ith her besuiifiil *isl6i, Mail#
J rtersnn. piesi.leil ever llieir full.el's
i .Otl. iiil i Miieucii. Mi IRnnUiiph ihen re
. ianiftl -o the esr.’S of her chihlieu in bei
Vnyinis li--me. iwint.iug in W ishttifi-.i.
1 nillv 'n. e, 111 the winter nf INOS Hen
| sms hiim tlie*arvr chttif i-y ilu
j lililll *' Hie Willie ll.tM-e, Mutt III* tllllln
| W's* UIIRS Msilisnn Rsmlnlpb. Ms.llh. ll
lively sun seisiaiiilishe,! wife (knnwa la
11-is .ht) s* 1) .lly M tills.>n) Use.l tieipii'ii'ly
+U p*esß!e. try —Jetlrrs.niß' St, St Hr
-.libv in till". HI I'mirewlppßifjHnhn sm 1,
‘ v s'bl psHTeffn'r-s ss- -firrl|FrT.i7 *O .e T.T
Jell, rsnu's itmii
.Imiiirt the wi.,t< i, she lived l tlie VVliu.
H aise, ite ie * ita s fell ferapM in , I
tt:e :i:nli.l*y frjrrr tlvrnyi*UijU lfti) bis 'am'.
lln - 1">. - .l (llplwmsts, in n. i,
I ki-li css, >, kissuti die fiinli i in.
x ..IMs.i-ui.r- nl Mie Pjrtul.tu. Mini
V t.: % aul si a,tvtM MUI
!| I Ml* WMil l M I 1,.
1 i! i*".. 1- . i ru- iGvut i n
us .1, in. I ihi’y were n..t eveli io
. in. i Hu: Piesiil. ill’s Jjuuve, h il was lih ii
seal ml, '■
I•eti si pc: in Tuir hist iry, Wii. u the
Uvn ieiw M.ti.sion heesme Jisu
••■i,ii* spe.-|.i ; wti.we.ion.,. w. .l.iniia Hi. Jaui.'s M ullsun
.I.> ..iiiplishe.) si'lmhir suit puuliei*., th.<u*U
it 1 111si*! I p,- It tit® .til i,U4lial alticim iu' ptr
<* mthl insjiinUsui, ha.l s ivili- wun iiinr.
l u“ I* c..|iipiu*e.| rurally nf the th fitlei.
* lea n| bm atmiinua liiub .iel.
Mi, M ..ilis..i|, who wus iiihrrhltj si l)ie
W .<1 iilueleeii, In, a J..i. *
lake i lawyer ul Phila.le-phia, a. uu be
eaum a bluuMiitf w l.inw. 14. r hank -ah
e.t, Ik.i ilinrsiidß iuateil Mi Vtsillaun,
-T| iII |.|J|'| a. 11l .! !1 , , (',l,'ies, wbll mu
lie.l In i iii iivt I , liei 2.t|.| year. A*
mtwif. ii ■>> ttii' Vlltts H-itise Mi. Ms iiaeii
Si'preuie in lUe tuetely wl VV ..aim.*
ion. Tin niigi. a i ff, i i.* oi her Hiiiift bo*,
hci odd luibijis,. lii-i' social uiagiirHam, hci
iu.iv.lmms memory never lorgiiing u
In. or name liei b- allh and rpIMD, he
. . 'V - "i Company, anil Ilia piolus. Ics
j illlbl : T‘MIII4U till: (heallD ol ptaisll 10l o! wri'erc and Hiikcrs iltirmg im*
-n. oii.l d.i ,idc "I o.oi c ntiiiy 11. i la.gii
\V 111' 4* H.rttM' atld Capitol dui ’lljj ‘ lie ll 11 R 1 -
i aid and 1* 1 I \V .; 1 1 'i.go ii aa. then" a
tuwr 'I t) 'jW i■> ii a '-tl ~Vt' *> 'foe ]o— td*>n
ami ins ia.oiiy ii-iiti iied Horn iTuTr i..*11 i. • l
High', ami i-xiciiipoil/.M.1 a residence else \
iv lute .Hiring Ihe r. iiinindei of Ilia I.Tin
lYi- , , t(1 o:,iy add In pa -lag -fl ill M r
Mad iso a was dc< larod lo hu, dll n/ lie
oaaband'a a. uoioialtallon, the moat popu a:
p. i*oii m tn. United H-at s
W bell Ml M 1)r..1. SMC.aa’dc I MldUor. '
he 'A tin> Ilotisu had li o ii lmili, liiougli
iii in. omplel,- ’toe j.i,i de.o 5... ml :
.1.(1.11111182.1, .md the cast ro ill was j
n t liidshcd or I u I Halted.
Thi fiit marriage ai Hi. White 11 on-.
a in tlie year 1820, when Mi Mail.'
M mr.a-, y.ningeal dmiglvier ol I'.esiMeui
M mroe, was mil'’ led lo -let coodii, "S onm !
L 1 >ou>eroc ir of New Y ik. priva-e *.
I( . y ll 111" I'osid.ll', .Mr tl .*ia hi.
married soon at (j£ Hie levuliitloii Mis-
K iy.ihc h K Mllighl ol toe by ol New ,
Y uk, a veiy tjc-aolif .1 woman. If-o sis
also a ladle, man ted Nic'.dia U i-m-'.i
in eminent meicbant ol l it • iv, ot Ilu pi
enot i.e.ei.t A- tin lime-II his iiimii.g
wdl, Miss Monroe, Mr damuel L. (Jmei
m-ur we* twe: ty years ol aga very leu,
oBIC, -Hid Very opulent M's- Monroe wo
even'e* ~ amj di-i I -e'en eifuealed in l J ii- had Ijeco endowed w iili the nert llun
gr,.i' sod I waul v Hie KoTrighls If i
e dersl-tet, K iKt, was ed,h aled at Mue
- *iil"U',’* ftrttoiia m-ti<*d in Pols, Wlei.
• lie was the a*"c(.le and Irieicl ol li
b' il 'list,*' U'-ailliiifins, *,b
'l<je t! <| H’VB "t Ilodand ami imuhei ol
Nui*.-on-be Th r i. E-ig i M r* ' sy. !
lie lion Ge ugc II iy. Vi-gin a, and He ir
dsoghier, flortauiM! uanie-l In -he qo-" n o
If,.Hand, * bettUtltut gbi, mairj.-d toy
Mi'.U'-lu- K'. er , I Habim-re tne iole rlo
and that Kiipeih e late“DiU)d lflb." u -w - .
widely adiu.ted as Druid Hill park
The m*rrtge of Mw M "HO! sad >1
■ >lo>jv.B'iu urawfiiiKwx. Tjc me nu n
- cabinet were n>l iuvi'el and, y t.e
1 relatives and personal friends ot lie two
Smiber were pre*s:ni. I'Uev were ijlini.- - j
j m the oval re. eplmn ro un, an , a" <* an i
1 lUlormed by Mas Gouveruen: ol W ismng
; u*o,sUe-d up.m l t figure Ol -be A.ii'Tican
.eagle wmrkeij in tl.e French ear,ret loa g
O-veted tbe fl-ior of tbe sparimeut. Tn- ,
east rooiii m those days # used a. *
play ro .ns -Iy the zin Iren. M .0i i
Use Washington binker, rememtoeis it in.
Madisons tune as roughly plastered with I
the cross mwika of tbe trowel
visible on tbe wslts, nod lurnidie-l wi-b a
lev okl cliairs w'b dtlapi tsled seals. 1
renisine iin this -liabby eou lilioa uodei
Mr Mouroe and Mr A-Urns, and was first
C-.inpigtod and —‘urmabed dunng-Genwmi
Jackson’* Aral teit* about lony five years
The cost of lighting the racsp'.lon room*
at U. White H use witb w.t candh- lb
Mr. Mouroes lime, was one bund-e l dol
lara a nbfbt. T*Wv vd finss men
rel'iiid is winter to war tbe apirunem*
occupied by the family
The rr.a- 's.-c---rc-tneon - W. u ok-
. Jhi Mr. ii. uayw-nwitr t’.rl .rmr, h tr
U v Dr Hawley,.,f . S| . <.' (lt>rin
He was Ul ty I.W selioul. an.! w .re Knee
lire ehes anil buckles In the war el
j 012 he%nmii)anile.l a .•niupini'uf ,tivf-,.
; Ity *:u.lenie in New Y ,k. e „|R.,..i f or th,
j irutertimi ofibe eily H -mg „r lereit In
j lae fiuutier, he refused ft ami ,e {{iie.l
! ni* e.unmi-aiun tjnme jws.p'e, m derision,
ist leal l*Un Hnwlsy " (V-. ,itii
| " “Ll nut attend Ids church because •h,
lelil-ed In nbev orders."
| Tiie second msirisire In -he While
| Was in MISS' .Tuifn.. Hie sdmiiii.irs
mu nf Ueuerai J .cks .ri Mij ,r VVHn 11.
Lewis, uf I'eeawwne, wis am ,;, u ihe uui.l
-pr luwirnt irffhl MeeTa ,fi C, n J,c.,.n
K tn- a * Iwi L-ict w 1828, began In Ui*<i Ills upon it i Pieddoney On U.-nerd
T ..-k snfi’a I nan Small m in Mirch. 1829
■Vt iJ .i- l.nwls ullj til* fnmßv iduk uy> ih,.|r
fesUlvttfc* al lUWuie HUe, and lime
■ bn.ii mu. yeild sllerwiri), his dana-Her,
Deli., foewis. %i gmerM A< M n ieur
yu bnnso 4>e|Exan|, tli- n S cre ur, of Hie
Fr ■ii leawllmTailil iinerwanl* ruiniatei Fr nice, d'lie marriage eereni ny wa
,M'l..nia.l by'J,e fie V. ,J|. Mai hew a ..l Si
,- t ''V LLII 'b * h“(jfll t Wtiu wn* li.r in..n VTe u
1 pall a ‘'ll n* tlx the el. i'c y ul
• lu> .lLi'ie-.l', J lie il.plum-tjte— eu!pa. I:.o
ne iniH ia i> ih* enbiiiet mid a i, w ju rsoiiul and laijniv.-s tt . {,,viiti.l Mine Daoem
*UVo tjli'lU Miaui, lo ivle.iir Was rpven
ihe u| Andre v Jat'liauli
Til's child W 44 Chi islejied at lint White
H"t|*tf fivniftl “ti U iu* |.ri.s. iii.
V ,r bei> f>i M tlllmtv-. (a.| lieu in* Ilu- 'phlnl
tiler .lie jcoatugi ulfjiia ehiireh) rniottmahl
Ift. wurdv, ‘•Air’iew Jack .iii, ,!o y...i ie
u '‘Untie f**yil a*..l ail In* wr.oeks *' the
Otller.ll, to lte UStuillah'l'liH ul all -lie
...iiipHiiy, rvptt'd ill a loml, f t |u,
m *<l In Htbsialily."
Dr .VI ittfiew* In .ehflinir tfi.- arfer lute,
use ifn aayih.t his jjliivlty was alni .si
• yeieuiu*- bv .gfl* atra-iae miiirei, nipan.l
!li'li .lLWnit 1 *g‘ < y., exuenn. eif r> lie
eniili! prevanl Hum evi.iudiup will.
liiitaPber. li4ilwilli'4il ling Hie a 'lemnlly
. lit: o< tvi‘ >Q, -
Pmeid wmTJjBuP Piiil||)|jeV'i.ja- mlnit
er in ATOBHair—HK wTm iTTud T’i IM)'
.nil was bttrltd 111 Avlam.ii, 1 ' liei jr.eml
and nrlffbbof hi Wh*liiih;luii, Mi .1 C
I'ai fur, beiaifac- iileni.ilii pp-m , t t |p. r
fnurrnl to *tMtUHn-tnU, fwhieh wan np
p site hts h-Jt' )hi w hich lie was at-ra.-iU'l
by dm chantl nl thw priests an l tun |iru
tf V4pi trt-T yl4.f v-ath" *•*; yi j
ns Pmnl lptH, .m -u yrri ,t 1 Jn tli
i• m.tii .T iinrih 4 r il J’• 1 1 <*i Ifni niiivimmjTTT
mi *4-4-** M bV 4*l Vf* g*Pt
' lii nTT.vA In •ip urit 41 f flit* u4*r tnotiy |
v■ iv. i in hMlri iiMruaf*t| ly Mr** !
tTv Ilj. ju-fc. iuiL. il h:iidA-’iu Ihii .udul .
JfliPt *
' vV T Airisui is Kl) , hl'i
I, it. tpi* iil tj ti't: it gf oid vv-d fp*g
Ldnirrm am* ttrmiM j
n fj id t • ! priVHiu I’ i* utplor tin*
.in iDijai .'-tc . i otivh, w.. f-Tiifj t tmjTr.K \
ii’uu Hp* r-.imt4tuf f .Vfr* Mu M j
S .0, Lip- Ml**f IlhlM * of III*; f'.l d*lt, w.lfl I
h-II vt v**4 Hit I d-t't f1 Mi foridgo |
iiioi-o-i irp iii*? <Joverfi*n<‘Mt, mi l mouh' l
, vpr -o llf H'M ! , o ltllid3 of th* 4 Inmilv I
•to l Up it iid itivtM’
l t // io4i*l oitp t<*'n ;!/lovely In Ip-t
vol ! Ili( 'loot 111 lo *g h! *J| I'? liV ? V' IL
i|i f | 0-4* h i* illy c vo4‘ 1 f'ufis rfri I
liiflpUi’a* .H •• IndiAVt \ noriittk *>H' w*dl
A f,V ji t oluy -f r "fl and up* ifji vvpM' p't'd 1
~ i ,*, Jl* u ! -iilt? t !*• >P idf fii tl* I *
J' 8 l .\I W 1m *'l l**r D f ir ( ih 4f I a’/./"* 1
<• *OB iii. ig o /iv** up *po hl , wiili
i I Hi-- !(:,-.drofl W i h iog'on Hocit'l y h-'I
,? ulv H t of her uowUi'-n, find r* in
to • |v-: Vugliil t home.
*A *• * ,i id !i*, •
i‘ vii ru v* Ilu; court, th*: ramp, tli.-
An I |ov*‘ *• lnjfivun hii I lumv- i |y I^**,’
##*•*•* •
'III*- n ,i*?n •* I ill* I*4 ■! twelve ‘ '
In* *V u ' 11 t" e •*# fr**Bh in The
mind* of . p/*r y .ill our r H<l- u lo nquio j
,iy rifiH. L) iring a|Ofli in ol ~tli* w.i
id niMfH diiifiiM*, which ii *d tonne for /
fi.iiv you* i hid lure of f|*j vVl:h*- Ii u*e,
an* rli-yC'inniMe I I i*: v nnu
i v4>*v*r, *4 ** and ill •'*? N** w Y-oi*'* dry, wu t
<-p! I|p4lfir:tig aii of Mi LdnO'lu S U i in, rt
fl* v Ii tv** b*‘i;n bill VM.
Ti* wilu ul our hi<) Pirni-i nt hut one,
y,i x*: ne-l oiv i id, wlio w*b4 phy-i
.;n y ui*q •4 Lo tie luii£ if lin/ over
Ip* i v * M uitti-Mi. Mm. Fwit* lon
xii I Mr*. .Si 'V*v, dnugfiler of l*i*?eilcat
J .fiuwou, *4*Bouie*f Ibi* ti'Jtv. 7d*e l- rup/
4 |y, "a plain person Irnn East 1 euiiessee,
is s-ie cti 1 is read-, .decmt ber vu ile
toiled * lib energy, tact and skoi, to tin
task ifcar-ying on li.c 100-ual manage
mearotihe great mansion. Tea duiui-e
--%-• tjle ol U VVnde llelsn sisUr Uul ca. a
was lb .roughly agre.;*t. and- welt cou
d icte l, while sbe pis-side-l at .ecepii /osoui •
aiaie d.nners with grace'll! digoi.y and
simplicity wrnicli w-.n universal |
U'ioc. 1
We-need waste no* in sketching
ne logical 1c and social MgwU ol me.
iVbilc ilouae under tbe existing wdnnn-j
lanaiio.-, since its pleasing leal urea sir
a,read) Umi iartoall wur rea l* as. Our
■o.e object lasc-u in tliu brief bis'orica
r resume to recall some cb iracterivtic or
-ailcnt features ol tbe iile at Ibe W.iltej
If-biw; ua-dur !->rmn- aiiiniuistratioa*. wfiicn
may t c lees (a-ni'iar to the general i-m of
I ,v.
v n ihiii'fcitbi.' niiiei n. c.
| E A ll Murthrup, uf Nntwnlk, Oulu. ,
I•■ nils iu the lulloiTiiijj extract Irony the
: Nleyy Haven Gazelle and Cimnecllent
j Mssa*'He hw the year 178S, w Iri. li, a* he
j thiuka, iliusti stc.s the dee* nerai, m id tmr
I >resell! pulil leal leaders :
j -Dki 80,17X0, — Akn I.ile.lrt nf ynpi
veil, rstiun lur th cliarneiei uf our jlius- j
|Hi mis ruiimry man, Mfasidn (> >, will ant
j solT f nut tn |msa over a late liaiissciiun
btlwecu tlie a seinhly ~f V'rptnia and
lltia great matt Y*u have ttesj.l -hat Uf y 1
share* in ihe c-.inpaiiiee i suihlishail lor the 1
purpose nt opening and . x ending the -
naVliZatlo j ul Tin.- Jam, a *:ul Uululii.ui.
nveis were |ircae,,led l . him by the Legis-|
la U-ti. Ifis e*ci‘MtniCf lui* lately vyidteu j
.wu a La.i-.uatai l*4oas* 1.. f li**m] ilee-ining pie |
ttcceiuaace ul the 1 .vur, limn ihtt speclai I
w hiell l.e cm , I nut avuf.l luellng nn hci g
edicl Iu (lie v*T" Imporlant stnilun in
wl.itdi belllfs aetc 1 In the lam strugg e tor !
aiur-idherlina, lie tbuuglU it Ids dntt In j Rt
a duu resolution to thUI III* hand against
.every pecuniary recntiipen-e ; and request*
-h and ill Legislature w ill rec ill l heir liuunly
un es- h. in .y be p, rip tied t<* tttrii i *
do-'in ilinn to ..1 >j ets uf a (illhlie uattire " |
Ii any l.egisia hit ..i any Individual iven
to |>n *e|it (leu. tJr inl with sliaies in a
j in i company, or wl h any oilier valuable
IklUk Whalever. Is lliele auv persnn i.l.uiie
• n nigh Iu sijpi.u-e Ihsl lie Would Utile**
umlei smile s ruldi es , write a lei m
i-eeliulng ilu* pr. aeul V (Jn tin* enntrary,
would be nn accept It ni once ap;.int 1 1 tv
dunuf in Home valuable public ufflen f
And if ('.icrrr.aa I?fre to ft::nn:c drt. salary
agai i, would lie answer ilmr he thongld it
his duly t.T J~dTr ln a, lit ill nis itiili-.u ,*/aJ.Hd
every peru.d. ry rec nn (tense 7 Oirtwrnnm
limy, e otild lie nut Iu diy lu. spell ail.., Uy.
11, a-e al eveiy. se.s uy vpn aH his migt.l ,
fbe llcughl tin re iv i- a chance ol gain
ing such a tniuii ? |N -w Y .ik Hun.
II ii >eli!ilil ri.iiniiig
A eunicmpurary, who is generally we!|
luiorined upon matte re wheruuf he wrlteSi-
I'liula'.ca tin; l iiliisViug :
" gltls l.r humehut I dulle*
uigli* 11 lie cun si (me t >ys iiecessai v as in -
slrucli . i iu wriin: and aiithmelic. and
gillie . iinive s.l VVe are in om linnsc*
111 lie llinll llsll our ' i Sil lie, mi I il |.
llm timisnliiMl anrr.nillding* Wllloh * fleet
iii.ire hugely the nappines. nr inine.y nl
domcsHi lile II the wile kn iwa hoi* hi I
, < ii ii*. n*n* iuii UL'I no-V <nfi)||S oug'H j
In be conked. li'.w lie.N should be ma le.-J
how enpets should be swn and, h.w Hpni- j
i. M e -hnnld -I- and i-u J. ItUoE ihe dollies '
..liould be repaii.-d ad urn.• I and allured, |
ami le.iiuvnleil , ll she know* h w pili
e|).i.g . 111 tie Ilia le tn jjl£ he t ndviiiilage,
and liiideislamls Hie laying- in of prnvis
'inis. 11 -vv -n make item go H'-be-l slid
!<■ |..|>/ct II aha appreciate* the imp.w
„nce of -v lem older, lldliesa and -lie iPetit ot etithtion and servants -•
m u * 1- k-inw. Im v 10 make a little heaven
ul li• Mite, how t* keep her Inl'baii I Irmu
lie e ii-i It nine, -ll*' g i-u'iti-ig ’sh e, an t the
ime cup, Much a lamb , will •> named io j
so. lal re (Wl lability, to -nl mass UCOUM,
ami io . Ul i.'iicy and i.'Hibi s In whatever
j. mi may be allotted Hi I livin'.
••It Is safe to *av 111 it not one girl In i*
ei our large t i*o> an I l-l entei* Into'
inu ri'd Ife Who lots b arm'd to bake aj
l .il ul breiid, to .cneb t*e a mast, a pam - j
-lig, in sweep carpel ..rioeill and lit anil j
make her own if-ess How mile . llm |
pel If' Ik nw • l.e .1 tilings lie us upon the I
JuriH, tie comh ‘" I laml lesimy lie con 1
J, I'lure.l, Ic . edr dated by flgnn * It.
w ;'d -i ul immeasurable advi'Bt ige to J
make a begm-'in by atia-dllng a kitchen lot
vvt.y gin.’s boo iu 111*' IIH >n, and havej
(~*. ms given daily in Hi preparali mi ol all
|i ordinary al-teles .and f-l-sl snd .Inuk lor
1,11- lab:.-, a-ll 111* to pure isot th Ml in 1
m„rkct - > tli> bes- dv n-age, w tli Hie I
rent of a larx*! siv-ng ol in ,ue\ an in I
erca-e <>t . comiort slid hlg-ier di alili ni
.v. rv lam in toe lam'.
••We think I lint b.v* also ah n, rid h
p-eiued f.r hoo-ohoi I 'hitle*. Not (e ili .p* j
iii precisely the same wa>, or Hi the same |
ei'cnl as gi-la, but u(tleitty to m ike •
l„ein wie adoov-ts aO'l lifl(a l ol 111-dr !
wives Mu in tn who nevm uudert >.k t>,
piepaie three coiu-nriab e nv nis a -lay.
i , .j., a Iu udy walimg. or to sweep *iid I
dust a li ai**-, or to mend a-.-l make Hoiking. |
I as all) * •<( 1 * e -■ fi-! 1 p-loTr of rbc care
wel ,aI*M iU.-e housboM ilulies involve
I Thetefure b'l-b ind* wre too open careless
m providing help, e* cling In llieir >le
mauds u;*<u llieir wives, am!, wr*t of all.
! imdio vs-nnile ihe v. tie ol her seiVWMtf. Jl
boys wetc tr dned io house work wulficiebi
iyHv nppreciate its value, no man would
cvi r say ilist be aupp-rwl Ins wife. II
Ibey bad ever helped to lend tlie baby,
l rt .i M isl. would seid-m ne.b.ct tbein-tben
cl 111- ir cbiidien, j
A gi l wile is I.X a mail. Why’
Itccausesbe k- p> i her o*u bciise A
gienl whs is um like a aiiSlL- iVby ? Be
en se she-ke a lo' c-i;'y b< r all on her
nock- A iood ilc W like a town ctca-k
"W toy f Because she ltw;/*'goo l lime. A
good u nut like s t iwri clock. Why T
Because lm lus :m1 speak a. |.ai 1 tbsi
ail the world can lie ir her.
Twenty five Cases I rum Muscogee coun’y
alone, have bu appeaicil burn tbe iVcia
ion -if Judge J Johnson to the J lly term
„r tfii Mepo V. •/ f•-
4 MMCtlle* W clip mis.
Although Ilmi-H is ala a in the statnli.i
I d D.airgni torbidding ihv carrying of c .m
; - 1* •ie- w-s |lps b-dTCt'i-r a - greatd
: n every p,.m nnniiy. Tie law ung it, (
S' *H h'llji entl.i. cl Bwfwhfsky and thv
i plat'd do inure !<> ii?s|ig,i . riniu than all
' ■•lliSr ageijcw* coinrtd i. I If yimig; itfon,
end .M oiira Hbj* na.td4 uiib-r.lyiid tdMR
’ cili/; ns uvvur Inivu way m;.;o|m Hi
| ,<l armed and act ac ordi igly, many nf
| P'em would e-enpe ilirti ulilei that they
1 -.ti. oilij.y gel Into—w ith,i h any leaD'iruau:
Ia) nlieii lull cue lby dll >k, slid annu.l
-otlic led li, mini Hr iip.i p.tysio i, vtiot Ii
•Mi'v *(h.eased try Hir u-r ■ jjf the pf t if,
when, l! ihey wur- unainwl lhy would
escipn lile lima iron ic. Ddilllcmen do
uir nriTv put li c .hsl idtlv. H i.'.fTseßlimi '
Ibid H nccessa.y, an 1 Hr- result k that duly
coweßo-, ns a gnr 7 —.i rtfcpTnafeir aYnTlf} TfP
oing armed It la ..nw of the growing
ervieguvU# and th* -'av. aid ih’woj ia nut a
week that we do int see cbroijlcle l aoino
ilespera'o h r >!.iir>D*al Id . fad of p*>onaf
and fll uliioi ib >t mgh have been settled
Toe isiy —against CLtxcing
weapons ought to itgid'y s nlorced. It
IS due to socimy, to (Ji- incn efviltg stliltt—
and lo the pincr’ and harmony of every
community -IR uni* • u r
••Tio Puur to take u l\s|w<r."
M .ore, ol Hie li, u .1 New YRilkef. WM
sPll ig in Ins oIH e one .I'.ni no mi some
years ago, whun a lann >r ti don 1 chip; in
md sai l ; "Mi M i-ire, I hk- your |>n|(i)r,
-ml lime* ure so hard I . uimu p iy f. r It"
"Is h.., J am, ! I'm) ury Sorry
hi I war llvnt you an- .. poor ; il you arsj i*r
Irani ru i I will give y.u my pnpei-"
"i ►. no, | ckls'i inks' it ns a gilt.’'
”VV eii, Ifieii, let’s sen (i tw.Jßt& c*n fl* It.
You raise chickens, f believe?'’
" Yss, a luw ; bill they dull brbgf any
'hlfig hardly "
i') m i they '/ N.-nhci doe* my paper
" I **n> tiling, iiuully Noiv, F have a
pmposiilou lo make to you I wt’l coir
tinue your paper, mi whan you j home
you may ae-ect irom >our lot oue chicken
and call In- 1 mine. fake good care Of ||*y
an I -.ling me -lie piO'.cc Is, whether in egg*
•>r chickens, ami wr will call ll .quart'. 1 '
■'aii right, bruiboi Ji lure,” and ihe fellow
chuckled at wl at he thought a capital bar
gain ile kept Him nump sirleily, and at
Hie end til Ihe year found lie had paid about
bllir**. *. •• •s—c'v.-r.r
--o m> (ie vvaa too p or lo take a paper
since Unit day.
A -ierttmu elergvmt i, who was travel
iug, slopped ala hole! mo di Ircijiientrd
by w .gs and Jokers Tli# h >*, not bedng
used l" have a clergyman nt Ilia tabiai
ooked a- Inin m siirpiise ; die guest* Uaed
id -Ini' aiHd'iy oi .iii upon him whliout
eltetffo t a remark, The olngym to at*
his dinunr q daily, ippuranlly wiiho-rt ob
seivmg Ibe gibe* and ie,* of ftl* ni’igil
h ,r-. One o' Hu in, .1 las'. In despair at
ms Ti rin-aratJce, *ahi id him : ' Well, I
wondei nl your pailen, ? Have you not
ieai I all (hat lia been said tc you ?" “On,
,<s , tint 1 a,o ww! Ito i'. D> you know
wm. I sin?" "No sr " ’’Well, I will
mloiiii you lam .Joip aln of a lunatic
wyluin ; -tich rein au* havg no t-flect
upon me."
<7.i .did Me* tor t .'ongrcsiionsl honors con*
ti me lo pop u(i all over (j-eui ala Ilka iltualt
looms uflvr a rain or like the cloud ol
'ltnesses de-eiHe l -n B.rou's Vision uf
l.| lament. Tb< cdborfal fratern-ty |
w.-d ieprtsente 1, end from present appear
slice, there is ev, ry pr aspect ol a IfVily
, .opavln and |mt|.*|h a vigorous scrub
f ,-e W know not how many aspliHiit*
t lere are tn AognsU an l the 81l District,
Out presume one h'Mdrud wdl cover tlie
* i-iie list f..r ibe dog day*. As only one
man can go tn vV ishluglon fhi n thia dir
inet. the cliNßce* of whiubig -he pri*.*, to
tie -m Jorty nl (is ib!e csnliditea, are
equal to being a-rb.'k by Ilglrtnlng'Or win
oing a fmdun in di<' Lo nsville lottery.—
[Aogii*<n C ns ii-idonalhit.
The ( uiciimai i H.q un*r is ol Hie opin
u that “what the I’re.i.lei l' veto
o.completely ss wr Hi* iV-pubi.caa parly
Ilia e*ti sordinaty, unpiecedouled and im
le-rtmeoi hi t.T >m di> ft lauci.l meaeore*
munie C .n/re>* h m done ll CLant kas
1 ac.vwnd Uie.lL.puolm.ia party, ire u j*t gi
town to pisiei.ty a getter splitter than
, Lin join —he only split rads, while O aol
; splits Ins partv
J h-i W Ward, M tyor of Hie litile town
■ and Kloreyville, m Missi-wlpp!, has len-lcred
his resigns'loll to (Jav A' the lot-'
0.-ug lent r : ’I her with beg leave lo
lender utf resign id ’ll sk Mayor of Florey,
ville, to which ‘ ffl •• I waa appointed by
yieir Irgh-li—led preileresaor, which,
with the inlornal giccdicea* for ofllt ao"
cb .raceristic -ol the American |>< ople, I
|. gr<, n < noegb to accept Fn tbu*
i oriwing oil the Judicial ermine I ai.i
g.rrefttt J alone by the haMilllug four of
ijcijig in.#r ImhMy rich if I c-mtinne to
bold <bia moral ive position Perhaps
some othe mao and brotter may be th
veigied into the acceptance ol this poattkio -
but your Imiubie servant preters to mb* 10
toe gushing serenity of private lile.'
The Kev Dr. West, uf CiochUMri, de
clared in a recent sermon that the “nhlaeci
;-M that city have well nigh msde Vodotn
.ii.'. ui- rnh re:p'•|“3 ,
NO 21