The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, June 26, 1874, Image 4
POKTUY. t liUtyr ONE A SO TUMH And bid him it id your own , ()u< hud \hc ulrlfii <>| human Uf<; t . W n l it gott- abmc! i. Otif (tvaleKuU ball our hates, And Unit ooi Joac k titty*. Look :n i.iv-h otbri’s eye* men. Pardon y*H*e bjuUMJ’* UullP, IMS An l h Ua' im l v*i, Could liuin*i in u<i |m(. Ifii win, N. need of llwifin, were nine ‘nt given, For nOfW f*n‘h it* Poor* ; Pardon jour broth# ’ fault*, toari, F.-*d ytuir brother's gucf moo, No heart I* wife from wot, Though ll{H> IBiJ eye* full oft deny, The tm intv my weight behi vv A ip ntle Wife, a pitying omiit, VI uy wcd,al imntTßpftH , Fit! yirfirkfotherSi (rrn f, man, Anil JTi-U tuny yon ft heull Htaml try jonr bfoihcrN aide, Af and hit) bin) fltiftp jour hand, Thai you from loro tlennend. How ..Imply wlm, wi'h tout mid r>c, To (runt un l still lit irtie _T)o lo itioi we love, in in, Wht We would have ilium do Hro.iklnit In Utnily. , .‘ivrapj retnemhir Ihnt anecdote,” >li> s Huuday School auptrinlclidtllt md wi'h Uni old palhowln hi* vn|w, and the old ad look Ift tit* ayea, ~lt wn a hunt n *iittti*- : rrrftrtttfC named TBgtfln* 44t*4 n*l to Inim rock lor old M tllhy When tb* lamented Judge Begley tripped mul fill down Hie ■ court houae lfnfr* and nrnfce hi* neck, ft wm * great qtiealiou'li ov in Ttri.ifc Ifit new* lopvor Mra, B*gloy Unl finally the wm InafmtlM to tko ft to Mu II but to hr vary gttisrdmf and dlinrnwt In hu tivtgu *g •, ami not bunk the new* to her at once, , -but da it gradually and gently Wbtn j Higgins got there with hk tul Irlcghl. lie rhnrrttrt nn*H- Mt: Bft * n-yowlwt-UUi Tlun he ald, ”Doc* the widder llsglcy Ihe line **' “Tho irub'ti- JR b y f No ii “I’ll bet *hr dot!*. Hut have II yot.r own w*v. Don Juityi ll'i n y live here ?" | ‘•Yea, Judge H nrlev live* here. ’ ' I'll Irrl lie don't, lint never mind, It | ain’t for me to conterdlct. I* ihe Judge ! in r , “No, md at present " ’ I j**t exptM ted a* much, UrcnUM. you know—take hold o' nothin, mum, lor I in r.>*nrV*'malm a little oomuitnilea’ioq, ! ami I reckon ~um yby HIT Jar you tTu\Yr j There’* betoHtn maident r mum I vn-ytl,! (,)il Judge curln I tut out here In the wagon and when you see him you'll acknowledge ' yourself that an Ingn**! U about Ihe iinly thing that could be a comfort to lilm.” Id int lit*a kilted ’1 Ivll Might* " Tl “* Yrgmno'* W i-illhi non emean m dent, under dale ol Kiidav, te|rgr|ili* ilioi •'ll i thouaht a oTcr inl*Til ~lia* te en olHamed Into reason* |i.r Dim apathy wli'i h f rvadra the Rrpnhllean pat'y In the H us* regarding Hie civil rigid* hill The I'real deni. It seem*, i* a*aii>i the hill, nl j lr'>m p'port make* no concealment ! hi*; oppoatthm even to Ihe raee to he benefit ed hy the law. He wn* recently approached i by 11 * Repuhllcan C n.’rMmnt (a colored niHti), who de ired to obtain the President'* idea* a* to lla adoption. Much to Hie nslonßhmcbt of tint nirmlier, and l<> all the colored ov-n who have heard of It, the I'ieaident expressed himself a* (Irrl ledlj oppoand to the bill. The colored mien *v the Pre*ideet ha* itroken every prom*e made to them dining Hie campaign two j-ctir* ajto, and that tliadcfratol the civil righla bill la due to hi* influence. Or ncal Huller is reported to have said that he would consent in Ihe striking out ol *h tree schiml clause ” The Vllliige Pnper. •'Tho ’title village paper” ia the best pa per in the world. No other contain* the marriages and deatha ; no oih r relate* the accident* happening before the doors of ilie vll'agors ; no other gira the lime id the next bail, {lcnic, or political meeting ; no other discusses the aftatrs o' Ihe town and country, the arrival of new goods on the merchantVcounters, or of anew hat on the editor’s desk. Without a paiper, the town that ha* yver entoyed a weliiaaagad u<v tec)*indeed lost.. The well edited village P*ler i* the most welcome visitor at the door ol the villager and farmer, and ia, in the same proportion the best medium for adrertising. "I would marry you, Jacob.”said a lady to an importunate lover, “were it not lor three rewaoua.” “Ob, tell me," he said im ploringly, ‘‘what they are, that I may re move them TANARUS" "The first ia. I don’t love you ; the second is, I don’t want to love yott J and the third le, I coutdn’ love you if 1 wanted to T’ The political pt seems to bs boiling. We hand the following paragraph trom the New York Sun, o( Wednesday last, over m (be public in all It* pristine completa im ; “More than three weak* *go (tereoos of peulisr intimscy with President Grant attribatod to him a purpose of vetoing the dvil rights biD, advocating the resump tion of specie payments at a vary mlty day an J vparating Uimselt from the Republt* uo party. Pua4bly recent evenu may be irterpeeted as fortnihg .the commtuce* , incnt of Hits complex operation.” IlHiti iu'il from ffidtiiti < apitvify On the rveoifig of the &?U.ot May then ! arrived b, wnerrr. ii). Trias a ta-t about I<i ' year* > Id, who, foao hi* general uojiesraM • nod *t irycl ’>,,*•*.. i/ave iiniu it. i.t o' !>a-ji ■ i#"(rtnrrnt*y tT'im hung' r mr* i Tbi- le ly ’ toad act at* ! ,;pmia! tii'/ni , j.oi 1.f.,11 at'rafitod attention o . several |i‘i|i|i*lleii ate, ar;* ,iU;oy i ' fc i, r jof the A othern H ami **nc "t -ihciii |b!rr>igate(l Uiii i >ri i''.ili‘iu U> who he *a i Wh- ;te Hum, i li: The boy at time old hi [s' iif v . w,ch w 'ed-*X Hwt li ,*, aoo j - a* hi.. . . ■ ' In that spring >wo >-ars ago, my fath'-i amt ui'Ninr. w h her ctuiilii* su sic • in vsell .ncltided wod two ijsiiy tilers Al vjdJ norl Hoaii eCatii'l liooi Aikuicij/hi, t.'slki < "UI Arkansas ait'i n .wa,"u.- out a ' hie* Ice •' team aid the other a i *., lu.rMi —tram, Wi'h hoiiseb'rtd fern Hu re clothtoy and provwi in* t- emigrate to Tdaa VVc traye'c.l tiy w tgou tlirougli ' Wal.uii mi HctrV:e4s-ir4-i-om.i v :■Am amt hy way '>> o; iheice loi igo .Vl' Kll jrtj I • I'l >• Wh'-ri wtvl 0/ tce4 1 .u 1... J,mlt-.b*rf<|. J-C.k ' only. 'T- la* i was s*n Vc-r* si.iwl ol ii.c A-a : "When t eat Or!—Us-h....*.-, -Lui.k. at— I lid line ' Here 'hey coine'’ My la'Oei J JWlpr and Iron the wagon an !. n I 'ltiyli here let!' I die " > fl*TtTT~a -1 X*kA-* Lifii t|)'rOl*‘l ) I’M 11, flflfj •If / '!'• I*** ' 'iil !y Vfvl.ii tt kilUti lour In tun- • 1 w< I tsif.i My h.v* r AIW tr wimti '*l fijy futiii'y J >*' ill M.ilfif' •, il<? W'liffrfj* -u l pT7TT iWiti fl •!!, Ill*’ n I iJh’ j t *m*i, jiltimfnr, i P !• A i Uu! LL'irii);‘i'<i |,|| n | (,{ fillHj/ I Ai < lit fl fr -rn ifM- trniu. -■ J ** *! ■ .j. : ...... J|| l’:r-r nf i-*—Uxt—Lori, ul ■'< hiifF* iff| ill ill* •' r I '.• f .'* ! f • for. ffi*|r !uy, HUM •< 1 Ml*"i *• { Tu Flu! - w; t Fm -’ilit f W'**p.' !; • hi r -Ux-ii- fillUii. Iff!' Ml fi 1 ! >f Mir* t t ' rnTTII ** yrnr , w*r I***l j/*f?**!l '*‘ , U r* v u* wl unit a >r< Tit ’ <mUUix 4a4_* l±Ut( ,1 f*ntf ni)*i *f • ■ <’* r• • 1 li<■■ v TPi it w< kill** -•%*< fw, r h'kfl Mit ii i liJ u. A' ? f'T thf *4 HiUJiSrlll.l Uli • J' "Tf S'', i"W r l —rr-K"t“*"f ♦ .< , * lit kJioVMvi fo *iU.ilrr u "lit l f i** ‘*n|* fy wat t’liwl I J -1 • ■' ■ ffniii tli |■<*4 ■ <■! “Tr ’. i F TTi' ~1 fo* H*t*l In tV +O4> —ii| -ktA Jiif ; - ift*H'**y In i'*’f fii 4 ’ill oltl lAff f fcl*t r' I'-’ nMfl iiinfl*' my <* • * * I w iiiki and *i’ Hi# w*v i- i■*i > A ■ > M ?l|i Il'A , W Dill AM k nil 1 V 11 A i 'II 1 1 ' OHi . JI-HV * t) >( > 1 ”H *’rt* HMf I inn f’TfMiUi.' i< t four •tv ; tlitl < Itn-lllC l#’M IllVi- tl vi * tlio •*! •* t- u > Mi • Vi 11 ! * '' l with <>'iiu lrllM "1 m.i- - iih mi- \\ • t | WhH 1 Uir’i TmuT ,i t > id' U f 1 n J, I .‘i hmi J w-i ,l \ Wvi Mi b vll.l HU yrni*ml ’*b i din hi Imi r ' I wit h filf uUtl- J-A.Jjih.jiJ of ii‘; 1 ‘ rrml'f ti** l , bU kQii'vlcl ♦* of U•ir hi u I CtC Vi o'llh nwTyirny J 'nr lb i v ir •*-■* ; j< O* rtM t ll* WHA I|'M" '|l| -* |.r. f "7T *V TmT ; ttwrririi t 1 ♦♦'-*, <m>4 U f t>.ry ♦rue If* ; i \ in T ' A ll""|) | l** I" 1 ' PH"I*H|K4' ■ * | TMK IlkNItT ( ■ I' v t V HtTiT TFtt t l int infoims 4! I ha' I* 1 'i’> k the jirop ie' "-"I j tl,e I'tyis'it, li" bin l"Vc , harliuh r. i* -if mg In tlm. <'fH< • "I ' I.' paper, wle n ft we'l ke w n yohirt and Had ' *1 lest'C! Of lib | sriy In Ilia! r unny, m- IJ. nry Klncev,nmo in iind 'ln t ill""u iHah gf e enstie 4 % Mi C, Well. IT. ■try, T Mi|-f)ti-< tha* ml: 1 dJ.e till, a H I' ul T llini \N > M i t',l >• net ft nudes' l e n Iteplihhc m Vli f—Wei , Henry, lit no- redd vmi -i -ui' 1 iii u [ H ids I lu ! ivi H-I ' - In N* W,l et and \"U S\ 111 th it * ll* nry 1 e ngm il I MrM —V es, but your pirty i-e the uu tlun of it, tsvi r’.'l il ilenty- Jf w Mr ('.l got * du i.l, ter guiwtr an 1 <>!d cn i "tj:li to oirr\ i ('.link h* inneli of yon I ihwe .any white man in the county ; hit el yon w i u rot' to uty boner v mairy that g*l. I w'OuUTjmt my f.a.t to you quicker ter I would to the me meal niyeer In the County —-not except! glYckT 'WOs. 1 lik-- yon verv well in your place. Mi. V , hut I don't want you tor a sou in law.—[ a New*. , - Ptmßaste-''u.KT —Nevi-.r torgtl limb w edded lite is not oip. long am tlory itoein i>f love and bliss Yet when the scnlimen tal novelist has supplie.) his hero an I hero ine with their bridal outfit, and attended" to the matrisge certificate, he usually saunters ofl with his hand* in lit* pockets, as it the dav’a business were oter. Bui we, who are honest dealers in nal life, and' disdain to give short weight, know better The business is by no means over ; its just begun. It is not Christian throw ing off his pack for good ami all, but Christian taking tip a load heavier and more difficult than auy lie has car lied Cyrus VV Fie and is eoufi eiil that the Sn Francisco moneyed mm will t .ke stoci and advance money for laying the Pacific c al>!e to Japan aa soon aa the te.rvey’ >s made. The stixrk will b* owned iu Lood>>n, I New York, and San Frauctaco, and wii | amount to about iwcbw md.ion and uiUrs. Advertise your busi'ies iu this paper and if will be seen by everybody. Before ajieakiug evil ot acv one, ask yoursell, first, is H true I second, ia it Itiuu ? third, is it ceoe*ary ? The entire Democratic te’ste ticket is el ectcd in Oregon. i 4nij;v, a Kixk V I I ardware ** M( ’ichantr? ATLANTA. GA.. FK'rNTfV, 11. i KiMiIAJ.L H i! and !1 . o • . ■ Agents sOt Ite.'i- o 4! i kiij J *>l l! Mi! nVAHE, Nlr^r irTKKl. : t'IUUY T*"r!.*' ot V 1,1. SI IS DA v V \ HnUIKXS- and —* v A lilil lOK MVTJR'AL V - 't- r r li M . on, . I* .in r * .e j'* ff ?* ■ '•! • ►* P - !*• M . C > j ii'.FSfrrf : ' - — t—r-r. to>M* ’/f I*a I & ‘ - Cotton and H.ij Srrrw Frr*s --X-g-.-VY.l_au: do;r:;r ,1 W 1 ’.. .a 1 ,. 1i,,.i ... li'i s '*- iS' * M'j*r , h* *1 dfl nm|.|c tt H, , K “ ','| i li*’* \f ' hit * (fill 4 ' . ’ it t mnv fijim. zm ~u~ j VV ! <. :I V I n' 'f, fu-ft. — T. > f- V \A htuu It .MiL.v Concent 4_ ; i / , * -< 14 • ' ’..'i -UUULIiJJI. . . ' • ’i ‘ / ' t T'T * —n ! . Lfa.,. l 1.1 I II PUBLIC SQUARB ovi c'i < conns . . i v t-'Ki ■ ’ p >\ KH K ft( VI t s nI-s (| . t's “■ .-t u< \v y i p,- W 11 1 O'A W tltK II 11b i .VI’S, ,4c \l.h) .1 ’!. Kl 4 DS OF FAMILY GROCERIES t* 'I CH AS M '!, (' ;.-rr : ' LIQPOI S T nR \f'C< >, M'EE SEC. \KS COFFEE FLOUR. A well selected slock of LIQUORS tvv the whotes.le. A l srd everything to Eat, to Drink ami to wear, cheap lor CASH p-M WY4V*- FN*rLAN'Y- J il. \V .JTca of <.} itti ii, v.a. WITH HENRY Sc JOHN PAREI ffniv loin It's A Be)'* Clothin at W kolesal 1 - win gc oTh Broctdway ,CK. New York, WttsCN v. 'T. '->&OKOB nriu aaA 1 , .'rCCIJiS —rr J HKEVEB’ I lobbs’ INDIAN BITTERS. TV : ... J "‘.rrpr* 1- p —, -4>—ser-e in, I / ITc* t *.ft dr.-m i>! tor s pet e .i H,ec i.*-. ‘l< -ii iid~ INDIAN HHTEi is >oi h as* err Sg a v lt'S! ttjaoy . v-c. I —: it. '• ' !—s——lll—a .'a-ll.e ad, . ■ -s-l-* • 0,0,,: ! *to nadi diat*-.o I , u [ Vil’-H or, I,*.f I . iih.) a t*o*ti and I? <risV*!'ei) ■' ncr. TlaejQil ‘ :' w-* to uet>t ill O, - I ;.aa. Use i> t- to Uotk 1. :S. t e rrm icie n Hit* In ledtiio !. < ’ el•f r. 'hr [a-, •• SX 7 r * ‘ ‘ 1 [e ire : e. ' 1 -..i: p n 'f s B-V'-mr aa i •—— T s,-,- • . ’’or i a fa.i iris’ .A} .iu:Se Sijlsefc ,ee in 10c gns— niS oli* ai • nr.- c a .. ■ ~f, j,'! . r t. - 'ha!*'f f t 4 :,1 i 1!.,,., * / a " * *, li*l ii o U ■ tc-'i J r "t ’.oe eg tl _ r lt . -i, r . ~ • : r —i,- 4 n ,jt* —s —--w —-• •■••• V ; :< s* Hi. h a> Drey !.*• VI i, -C I. '*■■. , he jiV'urt*-- V 4 ..-bs At' a• ! ...a •*• a J he' H. , i|. , - • i i? s b ••t. *' ’ , Hi I j , ja,;*, ,~| (~'S ■ ■Tpxic f, *'? f tr.r *a=' r ■•.' • ri">, t*',". : o o' wlTora. t ii no I ci,..j*,, .oca ic. t wc.yn jr, . 1 s-T. a U + #,X lot TwcT. ■' o* r 'r c ’”t—i —r; mriny g!w;i-Md~ g-C-.ty oi f i < * [ V ft-, [ Hs-roJ fcsr-a 1., -h* . : 4.‘ - J'X-:: *J'i 4> A 4,4 lit fli . r ' ' : *r*’*< i* . ir | >rmiji • 4 g|'ejr.r*Ri t •••*.Uafe-Is 4*4 X m; uu i Ni*fA*i_iirr 11 n< U :La Jul JakAU Ai_>F> ('! C~ V ITf . htH Ih a IU. ■tl *• - -S fr f* !**< etflfKfF £. 1 • (’. J. REEVES. r 11! I■ 1' I'* - - M ■ *1 > : —i-~ V ■ ~ ‘ r d~'~r~’ • - ■li or V ! n l "'!' ft* 1 run "1-7, A -r,, ! ' ' ' - * | ,I " -f '• —' '* - ' ' ' ' ' '" ri '• ' '' U , ■"’* '• To *1 in' ■n. I. u ! li'liu I' no -ein., '>> t) : i -' - . 1 ' ■ ---t ' : •. • 11i i rut* a ‘t ffC.rfN ; L••.•■ f•S.It !I I V fit! -M. r “ . r; * , I H i.l T’t> :t v I I Ire ’-v . < oily fi-y 1 .r-titS tli.-t • Illli: I): q> . >-r tig'!' <*-st. *■ v ur I • ant F -it s t n-s't , 1 it,*- Pft't-'it ’Oft ■ rtfs I ' !-t Ist".! #*r ■ "iff rt . lift-t t• n :>;' ! *i v m* * I .untie i e-! usini IT rp' |st*t-.x l'm‘'‘ 111 i '■• r it os • -uth me 4 '!'’" tb -c tov to lodji me I am t it Ie" . tt ~ie it • i' ft b o tb'ftt liken I w ■ jt.[ It ,ve e,!tv>el to g hef re now I have n<>* !e*r .i.j.’.istut Is tlirm " I Ifiret tte Bit M V ITIE HINK 4 * Minors Ninth H|*r 'MKRtwrcTtmt f 's fU . Set - , 17 h Pf7S l , • 11if\ tint m\ wife ltd been in ha ! hen':!, fur a E ng time; b-vli v -Deng', s- eme l U (>e giriiig-wiy w ile yise-uffere s g.e.i deal wi'h p-dpiuH-n of the Heart i b*. 1,;,. lM*en en'ifeH c- red by the use ot H HB- ISOIAN RITTFUa. P C T"HA'H K, fVFNTII Dist , MIHTTVF.TTiItR < f>. Oft °ept . t?'h. 1 *7B Tuts is to certify that f have u*ed lit'BßS' INDIAN B.TTEKS _ o7~tWMgV*twsrr. ami hnd if ' -4-ht. JUvt w’ a I ' ceded l "!*•' km,w a u gro woman i his settlement, who h been cot.fintd *• h itbemnaiiaftß tor ni 'Htiia at.J new is able to travel about (tom the use ot these Bt IauMAB Vk Uhl H.V.M. List cf ‘Agent*, r - t it j ANTHONY A Cos. Gvwenvine ' Si MONTON A SON. J If CILLF-PIE. White c pkarSpring* T FTiDMAHbH. Watm Springa PYE A HO" ARI*. Chalytte* 1 o Springs. A H ROl TON Ist D ei.. Meriwether C J tfnd “ T C KF.Y. snd “ ” J. R HEARD, Bar e* *4 Rowdi D.SkJillsE. Sand town Q. W HEAD. F.aUhoaß .1 T MALAM. Jones’Mi'l*. J I.iIcKNIGHT. Wainervill*. D- VvAID -OP TFaOLE & ALBRIGHT. Lutherville T LfVFF’'' r T R--k Mojo? W OO L C A R DIN G . AT Brooks’ Factory on Cone Creek, \ ' / - ~ • ““ - ' r~ : / ' ‘ • V - -• MERIWETHER COUNTY, GEORGIA. ■ ? ' • ; 1 lb* . ~*> -guy ukr> pleasure :*i *ttt ne tu narti.- n w in card tlun thr . I,'H t, ir e .-1 he ; w-< •. !e *•t •le * - *" o ' ' PtSPATftH. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED t " ~ - ■■ ■ Ia . 1” 1" ein E*ic WII and ' i UriicliiCV to*T*-nB7XVC^~7 ■sccTVtr L ,a i. . p vu 3- 1 1 ■' ,7* Un dtttjf toe ms 4, ;■ t: Ue : Tldi.MS (,'AHHX: - '. I N I' ' fe t I * ii • v V( J iL ui id '• . ’ 1 X ’ ‘ - • ~ ' I : J .1 tl vf < *’< 1C tt let II 1,1, , —*..■■ C-.. 1, aitU ritrrt l* t Ja-wd M i_ 1> Of • C * _ I I* . ’ lure.f ?t I ' ' * 'h . t .. . ~ts ... ..!■ .... d■' , . - . a F St ft rs. > 4.e. u —if— —a , r _ . ■ :. . ■ ' * : i- IU i v’N F' M - r.E- Ilioi t i- a *M ’•. -IS • its ~.. i T t. II i. i —tr.n i..i"i '• ————tl-.- *L .. ■■ l ■ ■ ■’ -• ' —-r :■ ■ ’i" ■' ■ x. ’ H u • ‘ " I H >t.| is "!■ ’d , ■ !, * J ... i- o : “'TV ft J It t AM, O \t < mtiimr* sakk Wt • Ml • '. site* i.' ... 11,, . t't ti v . vf. 1 in , *• TANARUS" ' ' ~ ' . fr~T , X, tcCTT-s-rr-n eg ;r • • ••• i-TtA:_ „l -ii C i art'* o' ■ - ' c ' \ a 4U ■■ V, a _ ' • g ' . A ' e * 'lf , x'TUsi'TrU" . ~"M “ t r. ——— V . .til V t : 4 • . i- w tr - .. I,‘tril) Vollr la. \v- :„ - L ’ - •• • - . r • C'i * 1,-: ——r— • t ' V I * irk V '. - ' X'~ rr """• ••4v c■ a t iT'i : -Tic 0 ;■■■■■ . 1 *■—•—j —: —l-0 ■■'.) 1 " J■ . .’i ~f it " I li ' i. - j j lil * it i > i 1 1 * > ■>l >■ ay , I * It It • ! t t et* _c and i-t i -,t i Masonic Female College making ’he .c r- TKNTII VKA li that he hx* ;; -ej 'tut B ;! Ii •( P- YEARS * U ‘ Ue Jiat' %n tr-iu ‘ r-A \\i c T^i; <Tr^7 ■ g-rebmvilbe. . .. V tnd it iff >rJ* him p-easo-eto agam recur thanks for th geoeruo. confi 'ertee ri;>oaed to bon. m weii aa tue kadtifet* that h*- : run|,'ed b . fricnj. t,> throw u>e tuattit. •t "’•ui) i,eer ui* m.ay short t-omitg err-wa -~Re- pr.Msna..,, ttJ the f'uure A. eou-av ,r to merit a c>tt t uaoce 4 lue t>.ral jaur aage o ,st I ** RalHriTiiUta. * i a , Pr-marr Rm-rha* aoj (reo*rftnhvftitd Oirnittr .... v. Other Eng'ih Branches <* I-aninnetw f Ancteir, —^ La runge. ( V.afcrut .a.... ..[ ' . 5J O-d Iv ard al reaan tHi- rft.'ei U ! r '' nrt l it HP vii *ee F-vr r-ttier i- or rra'ion an p ’ r vr t Prio P. H. & J, M. Brook*. wLI utu '.i.oi ■ 'Dli i ). 'vv ham, •rl ttr s Ua ■V- -• 'ir -'tl. ~,„.|,....'1'V*,C .■ ■ !4> s tea-.. ■ "..,c,e-.' .. r /.-.", I I-''' - ha- ■ ' i-c ttsl ; a 1 K L a n -1 * * ■ '*-• i i twnam#*, non hr ti -*-r ■ •'■ ."‘i ■ < :i " i '• . . _ o ii *, *#* ' ' p;r •-* ; v . --'? • -f w* n. * .*rSj>c*ctt . - . —= — t ,\.i XT. (• id! M I .:■ . . i • ! tl, • " < ■ c_;. I, c e ;D \ tl.! \| R • = r' Vt, ! • •>• l. V-.'ir. *! >'< ,'r /4 n • '*f.* 4 f , /}^ ' r ‘ i•• ? F r V-* Couiitv i *itt > *r t. TANARUS" m psp*r V com >** -Mi-sai, Wf- need •> ( >< > oib-*crib(*r\-4 I "nr tris ,-i b ef|! ~,j j-. r . A , y act 'hat numowr l.a,t „ Uf I<v -n *o * -I o o / - Tv* sear W. h.,p.. . 0 -jeae.rv. the .*cie*i d Pi'ee,nge t,t whir-h we a-e. Wo mtiuae t ip.jiisa air tie LBOA'. A&VEHTmsO Of H and we' her Coaoty. BTwne** manln feT'Ttii. All and*. Niw- n ’’. r' : V Or,ntTi ie, H rfuncvh'b r.-u --■utti an ’ O’'hinah'H will rcvdi : t 'vsn on* r Ire illation n*; the VIND!CV T >T *9-r an exes ..eviA.ivnnii.atf Vfwli ra A CLUE RATES. <3 A’r-s*—arv •ne 4i a n eli*S V 1 fy " WS *" ’*• <w Oflt rw—V. a f T-r-r,: *4 es,,-f Tr T n,,