Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County V indicator.
VOL. 2
.j-.uoj isa*D..rvjfmLJSlS*?l_
by W. T. REVIIX.
, ur ,*> I’EH anni m in apyan.;r
ttakwSHfeth *W m t!ir uart ll' i*! j
It'iics ot Advi'i'lWHK.
i t !\ im ■> Y' 4V' 7OA 7’ 110,
i .% m> fi 50‘1.0 no I* I **
I ;1 ........ -on’ v muioQQ. nt -•> (jOj
o.t io oni->o.oii r> i*<*
r mi' n no -*7 * 17 on on * o
i ,1 110 uo; iO 00 35 00 WOO flOd,
&r \ liberal deduction* made t.> tb*'
’ \ < i ii-iio by tin? month or jehT.
amTlCl to TMK run .
AtUr ti.ii date. nil !•*! advertisw ecb
( , tht- o-unty *t Meriwether, will
■ "nr: in un ilgmunnit* t>“ w ' \ itiiu
„ • ■ Ouilual v
(ONEH W FtllKU, Sht-mi
, |s7:l. Clerk Sup'r Court
i,q4j4-4.—Ui >ill.UTS 1 >N !
\ _ GhEEXVII-I.K. <• '
GF'HU'F. 1- l‘KA\ V.
\. ■ ttjtf.hMlU.!:,
\ j [ uUNKI AT LAW,
OltKf-tt ' II I * ■
\\ , I TcT ADr > thefTbd’ thrad-
J, .optig I •!<HH. .....
—<■ i-;i >H*. ia— - -
I > m } >**u IM i 11^
y \ |~T> N EIV f* iimT ATT, KIN !O' 1 ’l*'
Wraopius Pitpr
t s HtH’H
■ N-l.ft,; ' II"" A N< null, <J_j_
W i .(: I!' < si np>
__Ll_ W J Ilf Ol
I>1? I(J B r F( Mi’ hj
Liurns CrEO.
i \\ 1*! ‘t> u*l .OHt’v k"t t>.< ’ I r >- *’ '
J . I I -ii t 1 >'*
, ~ h. . . b*4 4 "• •" ! '
, ( • K'•<"'
r 1' —~ wr- —I n—O'"
~- ' ’ *~"i ■ > ipi ll* ~k FIT T * .
~~ ~ „ i.'. ', | , "77 ~ rr~rsr
ii. ,|, i. -— —*■
l N IlMtKlt'
N OW Li'OOclr*; tOl* ] l LX \t U 1 1 . 1 : s 1
\ > * Ii ••it' (Ml Vi .1 • . i •
{!< h♦T'* -ui)io v s. n \r - ' 1 >: !, >i t;>■ i ■ i c: or'iiv; • • • n -r<
n.vunw vim:. wom* mi avi: : -uv w , > >■• .. *, ' • : J
Conle’ti'* i i*rioH *it.l G' vn • . K bars. Sv Hi. t; t>• a
Collet's T'lbhiYtv*, Cigars A.' A.' . AC
Wo soiiou 4.i eu a. u; i- v. > ■ .v- • Quality c : JPrioo*.
til- !i< rsl 111 ]< TS
800 Tb bIJOEr,
HATS and CAI*.-,
DM, SB GOO PS mI Trimming,
IJr''warr Ac (t'k kery.
TV|l *id* P‘ j'riic K <|iuir;. <5
Bchaul -> s Ci all er y
•Criffin Oa.
\ SPEC/ATTY made r.f fin* ITkilo-
J \ graphs ol aJj t.zct and kind*. Other
kinds of picture* of every ijcwuptton. —
Old px tore* copied, enlarged am! painted
1,1 My Meriwether Irion la arc re|ieet
lu:iy in;ed to call. ap!4
Car venter a Notice
Thomas-.N. Mitcham, near ihe Warm
Cmp fjfouiM) leave to in
i’'fra bis inends and the public, ibai be m
prepared i aii kind* <d
tti neatness, fiuuh and di.<j.*t< h Pat
SoiH-awL *aW dm
(ilil.KNYll.l K. MKIIIWKTIIKR t'OI’NTY, GA.. ,11’LY il. I*7l.
.... — 7
Why WjiTYe Pik’ T 1 t O or ■>>i
i< i\, r-H*. m |ii> i-t i" -ii'ip
t l ' 1 1';• I ; , m ’■!
i iimiT": in n inch ■!■. T 7 nrrt H h ■
nli. 1 utnii ■ .= i l" 11, v - "
fit'Hfii nmiii*t-i*n-wii i'i.'h. it,in. Ti
css*-* ui MtjH'iT-siiin. mi-ik'ii*' -n ”i- *>' o i
iiit-gu'ininr ,'l Hu- r.-nr-<i->. !*i IHi !(TT ’-...
K. null' Ilf; i ' 1 ! ii ITir ’i'v ~..r. r> " >
ll srln 111 (!. Vllltf I HU- 111 ' ' 1- H' I V' i > - , n >
Ttpyroviniy ii-" nin'i'i im! -ii*i•*.ini',"
i<o lh- iir-jnr.ii ol im-iiitm-ili n I ii : >
It j-h-o-iipUnu hiiil tin- ii'ni inl'
llUi-1,1 ll.iot HS llai- il. I'trp.iusl In I. II
IP mlllO.l, A Tmn.i, pn
U tile, ind lit I'v rut't.i U j!c Oingi-i ’'
T*rv where.
We eiivjj lint the pi ic!> m in,
Who w-mult-ir win-tin i punijikiii vtiie.s
Him up tin- lull or limin';
\V 4i cam u.ii !iu.hhj-ui--rt-!i- wnlN.
Afot-yn -trie treni nt spirrl,
W-t —tertulii li. >* "W li n 1 1 - 1*^ .i.. l - t
For sti hii wt i:t’lj tlirur tniil
Wr nrr till- tnmml onc*s of earth,
\*T hri min pii. ian in Ii inoni,
Wr sow wr n-Hji llm iriiltlrn 441.11 u
\V O .-Rtllrl iil tin I'l I) ,
\\ r toil— w 1 ;ivt- nil Wll Ml "r it it,
An,l 111 ,1. ;li.m ;l." wr .In !
\\ 1 l.t ar ol sUivini; miili'ius rimn.l,
.VuTkl i'l ) h< .1 Unau Urn.
Tin- law yoi Ili rsiU prinoely lira,
Yl'l tlltti-s :i "till) lilt',
• IU-. .uinti-utir,, w s a in.n ' n‘ lioui.
Hi* •;•••. < i. . 5,,.i, 1
Tlie trier eh mil flninrlti Ins ym.V-IV k --ti,
Ilium a! Via toil
IT A in ('tin in 111 Onil'iui ant limptni,
W hy .don't he till the anil.
Tin- .TT tin plnTaTLii a V .-.Unm am! ,-nl.l
I’toils nt liis pnfit nl's will,,
W hen limit anrl -hr-plod ' rtfpim
fo-jfrt hr* Irnythy h;ri
li i riilMT I! Uiii 1.1 Ills la hir sniil ')
: He VI asps I lii' Tiirr'liTy I'.snir,
Ami slamps H on mui weekly slit 11,
I- • elie* 1 lire laltnei'a iie-alltl.
! U'.' slim lln li"ttoi "l iVi-pVmeb,
And llm 01 1 | tin I’UENH
j~t~w ■lm ha .ii" 11 Hint 11 sol V nl,
[ s iW 1 I In minis
tilt V iti Iln :. (I \ ( ITT la is I :i- ! ..’I
T(nr ttful--I nf ti riinn krnrt.
litit- tills lii" I't-lti - T ms 1 eel n,
Tm other t ’ til'- tttm-V
14 1 1 |t 11, inlll ;l (.unite
l e s|a|t . 1 h*‘ Vi< 111 ll y ol llie Ninth
sun 1 . ..1 i• 1• 1n 1 t-ioty Hie s< 1 tieot itn
. . ai;- 1 i.l 11 y a 1 levy Yij n;i l.iwn in lies,
.a ' n.e mi 111. ' -iis in 1 lint v'el 11 it y were tile
■" ■ me. ~H ai I".-.": 'ini n-yniji y.ii.ui
.■ i, 0 " "if T 1 ' -e 1, 1 nt rif fill' re nil al dull
:.1 ... by 14011144 1, a• n nil ittt' ej" .in'.ui wliieli
1 111 y n s',iv*,'! -in 'il lVr iln., i* 1 t’y pn\ 11ml
,1 .1 ft*if 1 i lln m Home .iiiiiaeiiuiil, I'nssiiir.
■1 ,i_iieai ii 1 awn t fT.TTTfsiiim 111 , fhe ii .idei
', n.i e,| ill till Villi Hlld lllskl 11l 1 k tin
"*u- : t-U we:. Ia a uta-fat )a t)t tirittnent emhers
1 in In 1 any Kirj,inm 01111 r*''els *1 In
yo - * ft* ym+n —i Va‘. -ete- Jttttr.ercttt ti ahe
inii iiy ...ills lie! mil nny Imn in lie
1 .eiiuit t tine, non joide 1,1 j.r'f.-nino ,-.,0i
fe-t.-d tiiti, ti vy ye-, lift,i ll tin hlmnl
mouoieo to his Vo* iitrtjl it wa rtslder Unto
iris 11 aval 11* lmrri*i*l away arid Heeijitnt
l>i la- muroh ii n k soon tiling to
Vilii n.'ll, w la-’i liy lit hrokt ill o|ron Imn, an
w d* Io :any < I syoiji.illh In onle In
Mill H-d to Iln jii'i iil t.i In • 0 I iid '• Yon
know (here aft twojtradew, do you
w an*, tin first *,i w-eeii I *' 'l in ia lie * w ■ o
-lint n 'iipon-ie l, hut leirlesaly deni.unit: I
1 ij{ht at le*tlli, and a-i III" el*ik
litirneii alter it* jt-aid*, and noon |iiot)ue*ii
sundry won, 1 -4 diet mid Wi'wd mo'fru
u ytie ‘ill'-
l iial w 1 lo v idea ol klepl/iiii'in a. and
iVi y. iijo/ aeliei) ilrs ka l at Iwiiijj lak‘:ii In
a- low hurtl'-tl mil ml mt 1 another nture
wh'ri they ue Ultile 1 Hi*: sane- nnf 1 iry A
a* out' mv fil'd lie Inna*, rep-, a tin
wold i-le-pt/e at u i-i an under Unn;, pro
< • .ed to inatitutw a >li*i(tnt er< h lor tin
'j*-ired J art it ie. |o rapt*! *’iwj ation lie
tini" V* and t-*L-l In vanotia kirnl. of yi, d ■f *i
nimner war until the poor h.llow C'mld
eirw y tier; over the p-ie. The joke w t
jtlay©*) on him, arid W) tne lair ones, aatnnu
lug an atlituJf and towel ott*-nd<; 1 1
a'<:ued the merehaul <l ixnoranee of hi
h-jnut v and il< parted, shaking with lau"h
ter'at the |>oor man’ll exjrenwe.
T hijtt tHey prtJCt e ieiTTrorri ap,re to
In vline tiny were rwiret] with a
t.ant ahrug of the -shoulders, yhat i- aignifi
!n<j'iiryl ftir, and in other* they were din
miiwtd with a wondering tare and 1 he)
la:it,g■‘no.’* At *at the girl* w;re.matched
Theming into a very nice eatahliahment, Urey
were met by a gentle.nan who reeeive )
th* rn with a decided stret/;li of g'erd humor
and ryrurte-y. ‘ Have you any kleptomania
2-eejs V A sly. but hutno r ou* grnile, played
arotrnd the gentleman*)i mouth aa he repli
*d: “<>. jm, certainly," Io j moment
more he preaerrud to the admiring gaze ot
the la*lie* a handsome wedding toilet “Do
you cal! that kleptomania V Hiked the
leader of the party. “CerUinly I do,” he
replied. “I know of no mania among
women so great a the deaire to wear a
wetlding dreiw The joke was out, and
with a hr ar*y Vt--gh the I awe* w ere about
to depart, when the handaoHie clerk aaid,
-ll you must steal,aural uie !"—(New Or
leans Herald.
A near sighteii liiarißia i about to fight a
duel inflated that he should atari 1 six led
ucaiei to bis antagooiM than hi auUgo
nn*t did to h:ui
——' AVI* it Wiiier I*.
if 1 1 0.-r-aiu ‘H-.-iii >n urn-- I’m! Ib-ilitr
-r-V-r- -‘-r-rro h. : tt -!N..Vi'<, ’.vtvnnisr
t '>l V<- i.-, n till tu t m :i, 1 m than's nit 1
i limeshet' \V i-.-ii the |H-*(tlp awti'illllUttl,
•1 desperado ill He- imv.l flit I not, M.
t’liili I trillmi, ere if TTY,Tem-a Ills lied
\ ie, |>! > tiin-1 not only a gmal teirlK-cue,
Vtr; hrrt r t'qnoi ?
T I* n ' answered the missionary, in
lont-i ol thnn ler, and pointing his long,
-twm-r fivigi-i at thetTTnTt'hlt-kSdoutrtr spring,
i gushing np in two strong columns from the
' iaisom n! the earth ; There ! he repeated,
wit'i a Vaik terrible as lightning, v/ltile his
m nty si tu,illy tremble lat hi* leel , There
t* 1 lie l iqnor whieh tbid, the lilonuil, brews
tor all ins children. Not in the simmering
s'te, over smokr-lii-es choked with poison
■ •is g i-ses ami surrounded with Llie stencil
't s . kit ing odors and eorrnptii.n, doth
vnrrr F,.: her hr Heirmt prep in the preetotis
ihsi-m i “*>riHe, pure riritl wator ; Tiiit in tin
'l V 11 1g! t ry ilt'lT, where flttt red Jt-ei
wanders and the olutd loves to play, there
tbel Inews it; and down, way down in
the and .-pest valleys, where llm ImitiUin
lunr.iiurs and the rdl slugs; ami high up
oil the mountain tops, where llie naketl
granite glitters like gold in the suit, where
so,tut clouds limit I an.l thunder storms
etash ; and out out on the w ild, wide sea,
where um-timrioauc howlsULUilc and the
Ing w■„*■,-a roar llie ehortfs, sweeping Uie
mart'll ■ t (iod thei he brews ll beverage
.-I hie, lie.iltli giving water. And every
,*rhes it ksactUiug ot VeaJitl t. ~gjeiliyipvl . “t
rite-dew ;drtji, sanaiii-in-llin juuuiui r .tutu,
shining m the tea gem, t ill they seem turn
ed to living Jewels; spreading a golden
v 1 il mt 1 the sitting sun, or a white gum's'
niemn! the iuiiluiht in "Hi; Spoiling ill
!;(- T-at-imrt; sleeping in glaeiei ; dancing
i-i tin- hiid sli iwei ; folding its blight cur
iTim* s.Tm> hi oll ml tin wintry world, ami
the many colored iris, that
seraph's /. me ol llie air, whose warp h the
ii n drops nl llie earth, and whose wool Is
the kiiiilh-miisol heaven, all eliet kewstl ovet
with lh<- ea'lesiu! flowers ol the myslie
hand <1! jeiritrti ill -lhal hlessii'l lilt- water.
No poisoTl Tni!.ljlT-* im ns FnmTi ; Tis Tnam
ntings n .I uitnliiess amt murder ; *i- 1 blood
slains ils liijiiiil glass ; pale ivnloww and
v-ne* t 4,se* ll **♦, wts*)* o—4- bntniti;' ieata In
it* depths i H,nudt out, my lnen ls, w-uld
\"U i 'l iatityj*' il 10l (lie deUiOil's dliuk
A -de'-tt Tile the mat of the tefttpfrdj
, I :y'"N .!'
I WlllMll-r. *;"
' Win n a young man Is clerk In 4 store
i.l Ilk; a prnire, smoking Hti*
jll in . diii xing nifai Fitart rr tiraii 'y, tp
1 lemtixig puliiii-. itmnsriin-nls bttlih nn J .JJu ,
I inn ,I. wumli iil lift does all iijtsill 11.* avail*
-i| ll is i lei k'-llip *
Win ii a young lirrtv~slls In IV-’ ii.oloi
| with IVy wliil'- lingi is t oVi-icd vi-b tm., ,
I wutd'-l tl hei motVer slon’l 'V* nl, lit*
1 .'-ilk I 11 1 '■ ki’rhen ?
W hen a deacon oLlhc church oppr.
i thr poor. I womler il. hv don't rely tipntt
. Uu, imiiUol Cliiial. Im saivalioii—
When a man goes throe times ad ty to a
' invert) lo gel a dram, | wonder I! In: w ill
; n it by and by go four limes 7
When a young lady I liens her waist a
i third small) r than nature iim-h- 11, I womb i
id her pretty figure wdl not *h i-tr-ii her lib
s*r)i<; dozen years or more, b- ides making
In-is- 11 uliseralil'; wltife she does Ifv *
Win n ayomg mui is <l jiemb-n' it|Min
Ins'laily toil bn hi* ineoine and marries a
Ire ly lhal duos nil know In v l*i mike h
loal ol bread ot iiieud a garmeiit, I womh-t
and h is uol lacking somewhere, say lo ward
the lop lor mslama; 7
When a man receive. a jieriodfeal or
m w*)ia[iet Weekly, and take* groat dellghl
in re.eling U, hut neglects to pay tin; prin
ler, I vwmder il he Ins* a s*iul or gt/./.oid t
Finn til.ilit)' n( Ikr-ulli.
Mi IPggin was* very punctual man lii
all bin transaction* through 111-;. IP; am tan
• and a large pr'bj*;iTy by untiring industry
and punctuality, and at thj advanced age
of miii 'y /tii: was resting ij nelly upon
to- lx; 1, art I < i inly wnillug hi tx; called
iway JP: had deliberately made all ijio*i
■ very arrangement for liih decease an<l
bund. Hu pui*e grew lain lei ami llie light
ol lili toemeil jmt tinkering m iu oe*lJt,
w hen one o! Ill* sous observed—
Kalher you will prolrably live hut a
• lay or two, it is well ior you hi name youi
fxxtrefs if"—
“To lx; wire, ir.y min, said the ‘lying man
“it i*. well Ih'ftight ol and_l will do it now."
lie gave a list of alt; U* usual number,
and Hank hack exhausted upon liU pillow.
A gleam of thought pv;d oYer ill* wither
ol lane like a ray of light, and he rallied
once more.
“My non read me that iiL Is the iiauie
ol Mr. Wiggiot there ?”
‘lt it, my lather.”
“Then atrike it oft, for l.d Was never
punctual—m never anywhere in season
and he ought hinder tlie procession a whole
hour r
At a recent English wedding, while the
hhdai party were kneeling around the
chancel, Uie groomsman poked tiie groom
in the tide. He laughed, the bride laughed,
and to did the bridesmaids, arid the cler
gyman retired in high dudgeon from the
rborcli. Twelve o'clock came, alter which
no marriages are performed, m that they
had to go home an*J sfw.rd twen'y In'ii
hours culltva'ing y.rioi* harn*. oi mtud.
rte Hmeral oi (ieni-jiu,
Our recent reneo Vs on the ethirts ol our
Tnr -rrikcn Hfrauraira new li;ht on the
eol 'gti t I >mta'ion of llm Slate are fresh
■tough I ir us fei pitrsue the suhjeet.
We Itsve urged its, an ! have
irrongs the next
will increase Hie aalaries allaebed to the
, tttrs-8, bitfl rtWfcWC tJeiHod-l and ATi l V'nmta ssi.mer, widen are rclale.l
l.i a cettaiu dtqfrtw.
We lenee that emlifeiit j
edigena ol (hhldState could Uo got to aee.'pi
the latter ofttooev.n as it is, ami a hope
that our eiteca&e*! Executive wnitl I sill lie
iittlee at orn-e, Mtd thus secure a most itn
(amsnt lira! step in this great work.
Impatient of our delay in purviding
some n(Tieial MMimmrrmmt ol tin l.:atpt
fttl and ilt oak. varied mineral leauires ol
Georgia, sti anffitra arc act-king to do it lot
nst, und thetr mterestlng work Is a gnat .titfee
"oT the stipeiTigfllji ol #hal can Ire done by
adtiah di tlolagatoti fuudoi
the law) to *laatrilie the resources of the
HlaUi In Tunas a yearly volume ott this
snhjeet lias hue#issued, and it Ins h -i in
alrumeulal in Wifely increasing the popn
lation and pnii|Hirny ot that Cos n u m
The works nf sfnnt|n-ra, to tvlii.'-li we re...
ler, are mainly ihoso ol the agents ol Ap
plelon’s J auuwt-aud Hei timet V MagT/im,
h il li so litvoraUiy known to our re a'let's
The sketches to Appleton's Inv.' Ison
mainly devoted to the pi*;turtisi|i|e in whieh
our mountain'region is vorn-lij lint del not
fail to lacu'-MsmittUactniris lot eapdal an I
Tire Airilmer arliehv* on the “Great
South" are much more exhaustive in their
nature ami wtopo. The Miy number tap
idly reviews Utß history ul lava 'l’e.iu.-sa.i,.
Istrange enough for a to.namxt). the expul
won ot thn tdnwtiki as In iin Gut h gin, and I
Stretches llie present stufos ol the mountain
country on both side* of the Blue lltdgc
Frotii ChallUMßga t■ i about Hparlanhtirg,
South Carolina. Allu-mns lo the great
altracllons of northern G.mrgia are neat
icrctl all tlirougb tin- uiln le, sh iwiug how
llie writer Tiluiit t* ire il |, tm m. Tim)
hum a pan of the basis lor hts uippomt , i
dial C'hattauoogs In lo he "it low ii ol t it n-. ’
mills :ii)d lnfnSr;i.s, gtant in iu lidll. Itke
I'lHshurg an'tl Louis,” lot (’h.illiili logit
is now closely bound i*i our mulliweslern
counties. |Hfjfannah No-v*.
Him |t) Im- Kuiiiilioil)
I) m’t slam! slgtifiig, wishing ajj.l wailiiig
Jnii gn to work wiili an crfi-igy au I pe.rae
vwur.'ti that ,U 1 . -I every object iu the
wny ol'your, juecdv.i Hying like h ave* he
line a whii! wind.—A milk mid will* r any
if doing liumir s leaves a man iu Hi* Inn h
- triy Inn 11' - ill ■yl• it v - .1 mini in i i-uoilg),
I" w 1 h hull -* 1 i u 1 In-. tnpui'lSt I’uuml ol
the heliiei *) silt!* eis, TniNtl he hi - Hot got
Tin- g**>i(H"i<|hivern-ss lo pull him up llp ic,
ii tn liit v labiy n-ni on :p 111 ■ - h.,n*iin or.
si U--I I’l* low t'rttrtd- N'-vt-l sny I
< nil'!, 1" vet ml mil I t'i-i!'. is sin h a wold , it
hat 111 aggeO-H- lefti *)f fh-r'lsan-ls to pov
riy and di-gi n Ini ion, and it is 111411 time q
•Vos sir it k'-n 110111 our Inrnruuge , lull carry
,1 h X" 011 of I cans, 1 will* with you, and
ilius armc I, 1 v ry olistacli! in Iln- way ol
your sucre* will vanish. Never envy your
m igliJni hr ucee-s, but try and •I* like
him, and il nl first y'U ilon’l riicceoil, don'i
standstill wiili (lesjionileney mil 1 ean'l
hut god 0.1 llie armor of I can, and my
rf word lor it yon will.
Ilgi-oai's on Wah Claims—Tn Com
iiiillec on War Claims has pre|mred an
elaborate njeirt in the ease ol K. A Gil)
Irons, ol Ibilliiiiorc, who [ireferrw! a large
claim on si count of i|irart*;rniaslc.r slorc*
furnislieil under contract to the assistant
rprarlrrma-Lcr Oyt Baltiinor • In IWii and '(ft
Gibbons, on acigrtint of lads piescnicd by
film, and which have l!<-ii hcrcloforc
slaW^-I, claim's! an amount above the con
tract price. The coinmiltee decided ml
Tersely to Odilons' pctliiou. TlrflwCutii
mitlee on War Claims has als<i dis:idel ad
versely bri the (let ition of Gen. Gideon .)
Pillow, who asked compensation foi two
hundred hii I thirty five mules taken from
Ids plantation in Arkansas in IHMS, ami
carried to Mt. Igrnis, and tfu-ru used in the
department. In I Mb'!, af
ler the war, (Ten. Pillow, who had liccn
pardoned by Piesldent Johnson', found his
niules it Mb and applied to Gen.
Mherman for their restoration. Gen. Hher
yuan whs of Hie opinion that lie tlioud have
tbxx r wd word*! -have—dxhvered them up,
but wm forbidden .by Heerelary S'ant on
The Committee on War Claims commend
highly Oen. Pillow’s service* dating the
Mexican war anti hiacoumeuow, but think
his at)‘lesion to the Houlherii Confederacy
abvtlvi-' the government Irom all obliga
lion hi i>*y for hi* mules. <■
•■-i,. - ■ —-m^s^s^i - ---
Domvjitic f<;iDitT. —Beene : Oh, most
anywhere. Time—Morning Hisler (home
from boarding sctuxil, to brother who never
gets up till delay becomes dangerous).—
Willy, the orient fhfues with goiden splen
dor—arise ! oor muruing rejection awaits
your pri-sence !
Mother (shouts afterward. aud making a
great clartering on the balusters with the
broom-stick). Wi i j -illiain ! get tip this
instant, you lazy dogskin you, aud com*
down to brcalast I
(William diresn’t hear.l
K- ! her (a few minutes later.) Bill !
Wilium (springing out ol IroJ ) Coming,
ip | Button tyouncr .
A <'on l 4-si Willi l-'oilu,
.lust thirty years ago I arrived in S’.
I*. lershiirg, w ith the inti-iiiion ot establish
ill ’ mys* l! as a V-neing nt tsler in the Cilpi
tal lulrmluetnnis Inmt tlis'lnguistiicil in
divtdti ils ol my ow n eooulry a-nablcd tm
to make a friend .ol Count. Alexis \V., in i
that mihietnaii us'lf greatly in
my Not e n?K-nt with (iroctning
me several pupils, Its urged n\u to |M-tilroii
TTu- Kmperor for the valuable and honor-
I able appointment nt trm-iin mister ton
regiment; and, toward that end, gave me
a letter of reeouimomlntiotl to an at 1 do
camp "I the C/. irowilseh Constant im-, who
was then at the Castle nl S'.reliia, near St
Peti-i-slmrg. _
. fnt raorntn; alter, 1 hired a droachhi
anti set out lor rttrolna, armed with my
credent Isl*. 1 reached the t nuveitl ol Si,
Sergius, the saint most vi-um ililu in li i
si a qfu-r JHt. A'ovan-lor Nictmki A I w
miimtca lator 1 arrived it! tho castle, ami
we* stHin u bored into the apartments of
the Emperor's brother. In one ol those I
and son Vt-rt-d him standing with his hack to
a large Hie, and distingidshed liy tiro mosl
forbidden countenance I ever liehchl. lie
was lapping his hoot wl'h his ridingwhii>, |
and llm nil bie*l splimheastf —mad m —hts
pinin'.mils tmlu'alcd that lie had bn: re
is'ullj. itnnim-d from a teleot a ra-view. At n
table near him was s'-ated (ten. ral Kodnn,
pen in iiatid, and ap|tareiftly writing tin
dor tilt: I’l lin e's dietali,Ml.
The door was scarcely closed when iln-
A'Nftrrrwrlsi-h}- fixing..aui rue hts. pteiclug.
eyiis, abruptly said;
'Wind ih your age 7'
‘Hix-autl tweuly ’
'Name 7’
'You want to lie a fencing master to a
regiment V
‘May t please yonr ilighnnsa, such is the
object ol my umbiinm.*
‘Are you a first rule swordsman V
‘I have Icnrcit iu public several time*
since my arrival Iu Ml. Petersburg, aid
X. .ui Hi Hum-" 1 -oi e v*lly a.srel laiii till <IJ-I)
1011 wdio i re present.’
‘I h v hard ol you, and you luul only
second rain fcucursla cijnlcnd with.'.
—“WTrieb gave them Just claims upon my
tortumiauen, you* Highness.'
'Foiln ioiitiei- !' In-repeated, will) Hashing
eyes, amt a ,i*sornlul*curl on hi* lips; bit il
Ivbs estn-itb-rafft, wltal then 7'
‘I should have laiUoiieil them Urn Umr-a
for every iwme lu-y touched me., yoiu
‘lla ! and V-Vutrt yi*o 4ud|iit! with me t'
'Tbaf iVrtuM dup*ltd on timv your Itn
pi rial 11 1 )■ 1 1 mhs might wislmd to be tnuLeii
II as a prim It is pi oliatiliTyriTirHighness
would ton. h ran ton limes and be touuhed
twice Hut il your Ifiglineas desiieil 1 1 k•
any oil,, r p I-MIII, llie leu times would Im
hi hii V"iT ',y lii'ii.T iln! two by yum
11 i Hi m s*. *
'ludw n *ki I' roared thn (iiowtOich, rub
bill" his linlids; InilieiisJO, blilig the lolls
TV, •I,*i * I -*-■-, HT) 11* ii -g.*-1 1 " f- ’ 4' —
*{* 11 |ioHi|lile your IlighiinsS would eon
'My I llglini'i's order)* you to touch me
ti ll MmeS if yirtl call.
IDo you wkn< to back out alieiidy 7 Now
| take tins foil ami mask. Guard 7’
•I* il your absolute Command 7’
‘Yes, yes.’
'I itm midy.
‘'IT-ii limes,' repeated tlx* prince, as lie
attacked llie ‘tell tllll IS, ll.dlnf yuU, l<!*S
Won't do. flu llm I
Nolw illislauding Ho* eiu biirngi iiii'-iil, I
ki-pt m< nly on the defensive, couUmlii g
my sell with parrying his thrush* wlthbtl'
leiiifnlng them.
•Now, then,' oriel lie, ailgfilj' l Jwliat are
you utioilt 7 You me playing the fo and w iili
in*', Why don’t you thrust ?'
‘Your I Ugliness, the resj;ct
‘Confound your res|*eet, tdr. Thrust'
lirust !’
(Hsterviug through liis mask that Id*
checks were flushed and hi* eye* h'fsioil
shot, I took advantage of Iln: permission
grunteil, and touched him time times run
MlVhvo “Cried he. 'My turn now. Ha*!
a hit, u hit.'
lie touched rue. I then touched him
four tiim-s in rapid sucec'sio:i, an 1 was
then touched once.
‘Hnrrali!’he crie-l, exultingly ‘U / 111.1,
did you WSJ that 7 Talcc to hi* seven.’
‘Twice to ten, your Highness,’ replied I ,
pTcsfitnij trim very tuent —•Erght-Trrmr.'trn,
Now we are i|ult*.’
* ‘Gisi.t, giaid !’ cinsd the <,/aro writ*f;li, ap
provingly , ‘very good, liul that's uol all.
The sumll sword—not enough —no use to
the cavalry ; want the sabre. Now,, Con Id
you defend yoiirsell, on fool, against 0 * u
mounted lancer 7 Pony a Uuce thrust 7
Eh 7‘
•I think I taruld, your Highness.’
‘Think *0 I Noi *uie, elr-7
•Psriion me, youi lltglMiean, i have Uo
doidrl of ltd
‘JAifeti*ki !* agiiti shouted the Prince.
Toe officer apiicarml.
‘A l*n<g: and horse ! (j tick V
‘But, youi Highness,’ 1 iuUrposed.
Ha I you are afraid ?’
T am not afraid ; but with your High
ness I should experience equal reluctance
Uj tie tli victor of Il.e vanqu'shwl.’
•All nonsense and flattery. Your first
trial was capital. Now lor the seeou I '
At this moment the officer apjieared be
fore the windows of the palace, hading a
waj’inbteut hot sc, iud IsJanug a iai x i
hi* h in.l.
‘N n> , Hien, e\i- aim and Csinl tiiiiac, sa *
fred i m ! on; ot Uie r ) >m, and made nit- a
ign to ioll,>w him '(live him a good
s.bre, l.tlM-nslsi; and now, my Ei Vsh
m in, mm I you sr I, or you'll be sprits and
,lke one of llie toads in my dummer honae.
I'll'- last lived three .1 y\ If >dmi,' added
Fie, turning to that geu ;r,il, ‘with a iim!
ihr.uigh hi -be ly '
Son, in;, llm I*i iin;*- sprang ii|>on Ins
steed Willi great skill, lei put the aiiini tl
through lie- in ist dill! u t cvotutio'ia, at t' o
s um- time eweeniiiig su idry parriua and
'h' tists with Irs laneo.
‘All reailv V In- cr. ■ I, riilin ’ tt|> to me.
‘Heady, your Highness, was my reply;
ami In-, selling spurs to hi" horse, galloped
otn o I lie lii 1 1 in -r eiii! ol the m'i-iiiii*.
’Surely all this is a joke 1’ I said lo Gen
eral Rodim,
Tly no meant,' was the reply. ‘You
will either lose your life or train your up
pointmenl. IMuml as it you were
on a ha I tie lleld.’
Mailers had taken a ntileli nvire soriona
(nr iHiin 1 had ant lei paled, II id I vim.
si.leied myself nl niierly to return blow for
blow, 1 eonlil have taken no cliancea with
out tin asim-ss ; Inn tin ling nryaell Inn mil
t ) .'ontfol, is well ns toTTlit is keeti edged
sabre, while exposed lo llie hlmrpcucd.
lanee nl a i•, I*!e ott ! a royal antagonist,
the chances o: tin- diversion were decided
ly against mo. It was too title, however,
‘o draw back.
I Minimi iiiinl i.i my uiil nil tin oimliiosn
mi In I lit'si 1 |ui4M-4M‘il nntl jirrjmro.' to
In''' Mir ( /. a ll iiirii % tv ho had nlrt'Hily
roached Hi., cytl'nt (fie , anil turnwT
his lnu .c about. I lin iniiiit vl advanced at
hill 1, C.iiistii'itini' being cruucbnu
*l* *tv ii ilium Ins ttrrli tu Mint) n initnnut Unit
he tt .it neni ly coin < alcd liy tho abundant
\V'it'ii In: reached tun,, lie made n |x >int
at my bit'ant, but I parried hit Minis', anil,
lii hi inline on oho aide, Ii .ran ami riilnr,
viaifio I avtny Uy llicir iinpclm/slfy, purged
by without tl.ihu! tiny injury.
‘Very I very goodl’ !..■ .*i,l, 'Uy
•; lin.'
Without giving ini' lime lor ohjnclion or
loiniiilit' I*lull space lui hi* career, nii.l
lillfi asking lit'! Il f tv,lit irady, rtlurun.l lo
Ihcdtaga wah great. hry. A h livforn, I
kept my eyes lived on hio, anil uut one of
rii >iis cseapud tins At the decisive
uioim i.l I parried fir parte, and liy agpiing
to Uio unlit inatlo hie accoml attack ua
hill lull as at i lm (>i>*.
Mtierirfg n tiowf ol (liHapp.iin"miint, tbn
(Jrair.iwilech entered into the apnilof our
t*Hm.matrh a> ardently u if It had boon
'ill bit litlud lliat it should I. y mlinil ill hit
bavin , i.'ii when fm tv hnn retracing tlm
Kiound tor ii (bird assault, I icaofvud Unit
it hlioiiiil l>t t,ll* hint,
A3virr dir it.lviiii*'.'<l vt ith wirlwimt
s’.i .1 ; lliia tiiiif, however, without. cim
Uniting inysiiU w:th a in*t* parry, l dealt
■i violent hunk ini.lnd blow on thu polo of
the laiuui, win ti wa a nrVftt-d by tin stroke,
and Con il uni ino lull hilUMill disarmed.
Chin, o'ii. I. i.t {bought, I uni w?<l tbs In id la
of hit horin, and bj a violent fork threw
him oil hi. haunches, at tho game tirtiu
placing ih.' point ol my gable on Hie In cast
ol tho ridm ■
(iemiral li i.jnu uttered a cry of alarm;
In: though' I waa going to kill the I'imc.e.
Constantioi) also had (In' aamo improaalon,
lof tin: led liia . lii'i !< lor mi liisliini.
Ktf'pphig a pari; harkwaid, and (lowing to
tin; (iraiul I>nU- : ‘Your lliglnif">,' I said,
’haa now ataai what 1 am ahlc to linirh tfi
ItunHian mi'li. is, and whether I am worthy
to Ixteouu: iheit pioh aa ir.'
■ Yen, by my Hold yoif .ire ! Never saw a
braver lellow ; and a regiment yon shall
have, il I can get it lor you. Now follow
me,' lie added, u* In threw liim e'l from
the mu Id e, and led the way to his apart
When'there, he took no a pen, and
w rote at the loot of Uie petition to the
EmiKjror, which 1 had fortunately iu remit
oca* :
'I Ii 11 ii)1)l y recommend llie pel il loner fo
ymii Imperial Majesty, believing Imn fo
every way worthy ol llie htVor lie so
If is only necessary to add that, sflcr
some short delay. I was fortiiualc in pro •
curing tin- post I so anxiously sought.
The iiclicsl 'water Haul'ever made whs
by tlie Radical 1 luguiastcn* of New Oilcans
win 11 they secured half a million from
“ Arr ng rr\\ tor the relici id" those impiverish
ed by the recent fFoml*,
A flaik"y was once- aileuipti ig to steal a
gffooe, bill a dog raised an objection, and
MauHio retilf*.!. The next niglit during a
111 under show*:! he at'i.-iii|il**l K again, and
jntas he w.if on the point 'if get lug
away with the fowl, the lightning struck
•cio-e by ao*l lriglileue<l tip; jmi ir lellow
aim i*l to dealti. Dropping the goose, ho
started aWay, saying, T’cers to uie der am
mighty 10l ot hi is made bout a c>mmoii
A World c<nrcsfaniflont rays the third
parly movement in the Wed is a conspic
uous tadure Home ol llie hailing nun on*
*,a4ed iu the work Wave avowed their pur
pice lo co-operate w u.h tfie D< mocratic
, arty, as the most hopeful method of se
curing the refoims they dtwire. Among
them is Mr. l+esiag, of Chicago, who was
Hie author and the resolutions ol the last Re
publican National Convention. The Ger
mans wiil go with the D*nii'jrais heTe
alt r.
NO 2 8