Newspaper Page Text
WD- T. Ruth.i • nfj4
...i i. ■
5$ Si 5j *s} V
4 1 II • ONGRK-i-*!')NAI, DI'TKK T .
.‘biMr'-r to ifomorrnttr Somtrtnfvtn
tli in ii rall' ! *• miv- < Miiinlli i'
lor HrrlwMbrr
Appointed Aiikmhl
mil •?.
Id t Unit let, 4 no, li K<;4>r
V I I lot rid, Frank J. Wliil tmi.
/and Dntrh I, C. A, Hllles.
7ili Dilri*‘tj Wui. IE L'ltflfL!/’:.
Hlh Oulrict. -Ino. W. I'm a. II- D
Warner, AII K' <•4:1111H. WTI! .i .
Ilmi II It Hiii iin unu It A Il‘ .tr ). j
lull l>l 1114 -.1, .!' >l. .1 II WIUMXIUJ.
AtiiliJlc jl’.ii, V m;,iii' ;
Eu.v.' Dili, J inn T Him
lOlli D.iil :t, <!■ mi II M I.' vi r. It,
Illli I Imtrlet, Vm itury.
I'or I H|{ll'<l.
Wt | lure et Hie head id mjr ii'k
Dim rwli tlift name ol D'ol li n y It
11 >*r rlai I>r (/'ongniMi, Irutn i ■ !i n 111 •i, ;ti
Jm4 ( h| cAgrir, to rniifl utinn by. a I)* mo
rrulli convention Wu <I > 'liii i* Do- -i/
"goat Inn ol many friend* ol M 11 >r n, *ind
hri-mini' wr 111111 !\ hi- Imx utruri;; ' ' il-n (nr
H r#'-de. tl'lll Du*btg I 111- T< "io't Ir| I' .'I
gll-H- JuH <j . i-'l, lii’ li i I" en 111 ||f ■il
when every vote w* taken,
mi eycry Hiilijiii I li run- Hi IT'i'i TT
lr.*re-.m!i| iiimwifatety •- ar.*-ry.. !.•.- *f--* i/t
dri'W I him hy : -^i'i.i.ii.'i-'* i-i-tu u I u.
liimhi- , i'll I iih I"* " In
ei'Ml'i in englntterbr,; thrnti.fli tic ifilti-reiii
—40p444".,ema-onoy i-Uww-flli'i'i mt)—r
" rir 7 twnwrt* ol rri<- j.< •.|.}i- of tti} fbnTtTr
did riel— In ll.u fin) ol mm li iIIm ihii.i.<"
mrnt hr hi* secured un np[TP. J 'Tin t bTrrm r
improving tlm riiivl;*n!|on ril t 1- I'hVl*
hiiiHliir nviT, ml l iij prettily lUiuiiiiy ij
llir rOliiiilrfel if fm|>• >rtuni-i- n|' I ''il-.itili ii
' llin thriving Elly blwi jr-Tn TT: ■*i m, iiir r
Ute Lowell ul Un; H mill II i I llim hr
hH trli'ii'l 111 BBHllflttg ivl vml i;i ill II"
way nl appfpi il' 111 ! i . / m l
p'llilii enter pi i os inulliri pi'Pimm "I Hr
Hliitr, Voting on * vnry 11 hi- Inin, un I
canting tin yule Hint v.JTI meet lie- 1' Ip
I'iovni "i In. etine'.lHi.'Phi; In-big riniiiciit
Iv SUCCCSsfIII In NPCIIIiIIJf H II cogni inn o
tlir interest i ( (.mu iU':d to hi* charge w
r’ttim Hint Col. Harris i> justly orititleil Ui
llir plaudit nl "wi ll June giKiJ nnd luitlilul
Miivmil." now mure thoroughly r
qiittlntej with lilu Irglilativn Ju'lne. nn l
the lilliilll'** Ilf the J|'| ll lmant-l, ll" wUI-Ih
better qrtTltr.t In hen Tit tiU rm*!lT i.>nm
n uno'Ui i term tlml Ii" lin (iron the flint,
Tim tpi'Tt eri"l ol inllmmrr wi ll uny
xpi'tirimiv Will'll II Irpnornln’ivr Ini
mrviiJ liiit illilrlrt fal'liliillv aa well aa m:
rrpmMv, Drmm-mtir mei ;r It m invnihihl)
rtturtird Mm Th-yefore jic htvt tl-r
numr nt nnr fuithhil, h mrut nn l rup |!>''
reprwrntntlyr tor ir-rlrrtl n, niil j -rt to ttm
Jerisinn ol n ponvhiUUw-of the untrriiH
Tlir Civil Rights Rill, it* mini'UiH-rd liy
the Hpoakrr, rnn hr uken up at uny lime
during Ihr neat r*,.|iin i l ( 1 ngn s*. Tlir
agltatloni'f the questhin Im* by no inenn*
Oong fas having adjournrd lin Smith
tire.*'lies t'ltrlor.
Mr. Sttintirt had an old Roman lamp
with the inaciipi lon "Th* g-ml Shephcid
glvrth hi* lllc lor the shrrp ” M i Snnmrr
•tldt dto the legend ‘‘"l all n lmn" Thi*
t Heriplure with ntmlern Improviinenls
Mr. F. W Bin! paid f!l‘> for that ’amp
He means t*> let hi* light shine.
Tinp CJuka to l; Al>oti*li. it,
Since the lain! wounding of a negrt* thirl
Til Charleston the oDior night while he was
endeavoring to rob koine relt i's store, his
brtthren there have ex [leased great tlis
salblactii n with stich inletierenee with
tbvir privlk'.tv The News ann Courier
says; A few evening* ago there was a
crowd of colored person* in ftvnt of the
lonrt house discussing the Robertson shoot
irg t'Bse and the trap gun. The latter was
evidently in laid odor. The drill of the
ronvmatkn was decidetllv against tluti
7 weajoti, nfhl aßef-a g+oat Tbad -of—twife -oo
that aulj cttheciowd rcmlvtd that they
would not give their support to any can
didate lot office, tilth as lie was willing to
commit O'a pledge to have a bid
passed as soon as possible nuking it a
criminal oflvnce to set a trap gun iu corn
< ribs, chicken usips, sun kc houses, stores
An Alhcnsct<m|‘OtidcM ot tlie Augusta
Chronicle mentions smne name* Iliat have
linn suggested in conmctien witli the
vacancy that w ill occur u m. Lipsewmb
cannot !>*• induced to recall his resignation
pi the Chancellorship of the University.
The suggested AUikt are : Col. Charles C.
J< ties, a lawyer, now resident in New
Y'nk, and the author Ot aeverm historical
b oks; Col. W, r. Johnston, a soil ol (ien.
A I ert Sydney Johnsou, and a I’rolessor ol
II > ory in the Washington and Lee Uni-
V> rsity ; Col. ltoliert Tyler, the editor ol
ll.< Montgomery News, and a son ol ci
Fe-ident Joltn Tyler; and Col Isaac
K vne, ol Charleston, an eminent law yer
and a rr* tnhci ol the Untile itatuottahzed
by the rival ol Webster.
w—-—— - ■
Tlw upiiot.
L'lnii l lin Wi caption the 1
! fni.-ni.vl i :aur <>l 'he ilk *'jtuJJr? U, w i''T
ajH-e'l nle w n’ay* i it .V./>;.r.p m '• -
way to vi'il h n iiivo in Mary la nl, thus
a t'H lA our fel "W, /, m
A to li.*' Cwpflo ea'ivJ U' Vi III"-'
our iiwiiilfjlwli: It* nla -v: I*> </
I lion,. 11 turfy It lla/ihi (J'/■ lli-iiii l//-/k
:i. <J)W/ . Il* ft fir of 'hr Huj-r. W iiCM: e •
a<ii HP r al'n:*:<t to 1 1.'- * 'mi*: fir* f]S ' 'i*‘i'
ya) <m a Hii the ru'-p lofi **• <i 0 I in;
“Wtro iyiiiM, a.’i. -jg- mun-iffn
ill's We I ('"lit V. It-.ry A* a hfoy, N. V
*'j* v lias* no i -hei T*i lr; e : [■ mli/tle'''
with her i"ii n I 'in/Or--, to,-I* Pi it n*
la-i anHim: is ton yreat a rprink .my 'e
yilitlniiui '.si a ali.’lly, ami ii hat :s Him h
ui'sre Imp'irtani, of mi l Irtilunlry
Al! /v It ii whom w* * uvp'il li lide I to
TT.e -111' Ti ii* y "'el ii li - • i ' y oT t.'il, il mri'.
A ' way ill Itif -' it hr ha V >*<: I on t very
I*r:tl .11 lltal 'l l-. !**■* O V'.U.I .1,.'." li. til*
Ttem •* V*. ■ 1,. till If Ihi H.rui'/Fi f+T rr
ft .1 a (i“wi/a(er Mtitsitt#.-.r -lour not iu
J i in wm ly ;i* *'' ll<; ur f"ly tint Ji i •
■ r .11 'ii . tl' mT/ It iiv TTTTf iie Si in T7* i:!i
I ilk hot <• ;*■ i iljKsn lie in *i?el ii: an i
la, 11 1 ff 1 1 .it- ii'iot to h-v '.til ill *foi r■, to
! jnt i fot lii-o ‘le- anpr-Kal an 1 r**nfl lm<
|ot hi* ernfre ' fit lll** ni l i Oft* f*.P olthe
Hell Will no* It ( '.mill* **■ 111 tfeorgi*, IJ
, , J Ciiiliarrw J* 00l liii n* n n'KW,**i,
! lin- jampli a , Ii e tha! -, . u-i *[ i illy •-.
lalrhfirl SiiJPltl ovnt w-.ft fir -ml- its htn :
ilea ! A fa : W. i: ■ il-po i‘T 1 * .
niif.iV'iialily Upon a tisfi Ih.j i<-iit roUti*n
In tilthn. Ilia ilupoe ih'r t'lt ll.'> Him !*>
heiiiirne lamiiiaf with llir nun hinefy anJ
woikinjc nl pi. li i (rovernnißlit a our* In
fi*' -tiorl rjetre or lwo years. „ And il i*
i ip.alTy liiipoaitrrrt to tierorne a ttnurntn in
in- a iteHm.-'M- * Ul— i-m- m .iitici, witlumt ,
n r 1..! t* ij'iiini.ii . - ii! iiiat |i y well
the tllir* OiH - ivni hiii. i ii I > pift "e :i'“
Iti-wipiip' r
[ . [,,[[ i. .. . . ; : 1- .
no i.i I, ii ni,l eiitiir 1" 1 1 -tr*' 1, and on ms"
[.oinlr w*- — ot- —- ; '-l 1 T.'• u ■' —'I L ■*-
T&ifWii Tfiai Ihß prpl'aytnstft iff [kiaugt: nrr
iir w s[,npeis il! * .iioiirm '- "fi th ll' -n day
f.l iMtiiify. fw~ i- leaa-f "iTrr*v it -thr
~ f| ~,f ~| Hie si eo'id si *hm All ill breotrt'
s 1i4.,u: I "fill *,ilt. and ha '.illy uud ■' 0
TANARUS"" bill ie pi'fi-s flic [1 ' ;"iyM l *’ ul ol |n,sl.igt
TTHTt ‘mi ' '.I tw. “b.r'Ti • pound iT a'
duly an I wn kly newpnprr, aui| thru
, 1 ~i, I, [Hutiiil oil uti pnhtharbiDa taaa (n
. quel,! than WgrUly P' '!"' 'oii*'"lt h"
ill lo '.v ell jo piki.i thimigh tllil— "Oil's al I ri,
.. nl 1 a volume, piyablo on ifrllv r
I ex, hinges and cutiuiy ir*.''.ilti"M Ki f"
Th ; hill lays a heavy lav mi itsmv*pnjn r ,
publisher*, some o( whom, any* Gen. Haw j
ley,“vv ill bavii"i'>' [iky w ‘hlgli tw fiJO.iWOa j
y,-ar. The wh'drpt •]'■ l was ronri'iv' and tg,
what the N"W York Journal "1 (Joinmem
Call*‘a Hcnate of newt|iaper halers ' Ii
**hrrm'in and lit* a"< i.ili euuhl have
[. Ipfr |ii||itlli'r -wnutrt bil-rr b-m frrrr;“
instead ol two cents, a pound. Th* >r sen j
ntorlal in wa[>aper h'V'rr* did not *'ck 1 ■
-rlnn-r th*rhiw-by-a tab mr+ -***pew** bib ■
ilmt exult! be discus*cd and allied and j
Yineinled. but Umv engPafu.Toir the I'"*l j
i.|lh e ipproprliithm bill, at the in t hour. I
s'Trlr h-rtsHl co. I" the woidsol Mr. I , rtu , ■
of tlir House <' t : mij|d' lee on tin
bill, ‘a* ought never to he forced litrol'gb
III*. I we* Houses ol l '.III, 1 ran till an a[l[:ri,
.uhvlinn hill, or in H"y other w ay, cxi cpi
on Die m >st thorough * xanvination and the
lullest .leliltei.dion.’ Ibo hill was passed
at the hitust moment, duimg a tbuc of lur
moil and disoidei that prevented any dip
cussliHt or exaniieatioo. I‘he manner ot
[>"**lng the new ameinltnent* is iudelensi
hie; hut the men who hide Die iiewapajeis
heeaese they record tin ii ra-eulit tea, their
lies ami gribs in'rigm sand dndgi'-,
are not apt to be very particular aim it the
form ami method ol punishment.
ll the prepaid rales become aehvrgo up
on Dir publishers, they wi’l operate as a
material discouragement to all who ar< ,
struggling to pet a footho'd in the publish |
ing world. It will help the tiig lish to eat |
the little fish, and thus will prove a step!
hnekward in the diftusinn ol intelligence]
Speaker Blaine predicts an early repeal ot j
th's measure, that was conceived in hate j
and eo’ianmmated in a spirit ol revenge.
[Constitution. *
A Sunday school inquiry and ansae
hiay he told s lultows : ‘Tommy Howell, i
en yon tell me what is meant by ".lie word
miracle, ao often ui-cl in the llibls whirh ;
you now hold in your hand ?’ ‘Yes, Miss
Ha ray, I think 1 can. Ma says it you and
Captain Smith, who was with yon
at the Presbyleriau picnic, don't tuatry*
pretty soon it will be a miracle.’
A story told by Dr McCosh, of Prince
ton College, is seasonable. A negro in a
religions gathering prayed earnestly that
he and his colored brethern might l>c pre
served from what he called their ‘upsettm’
sius.' ‘Bruddcr,’ said one ol his friends, at I
the close ot the meeting, ‘you ain't go* the
hang of that word. It’s ‘bescltin’,’ not ‘tip -!
setim’.”’ Bruddcr,’ replied the other, ‘lf
dat’s so, it’s so. But I was praviu' de
Lord to save us from the sin of in toxica
liou, an’ il dat ain’t de upeettin sin, I dunno
what am.'
o o— o
Among Sartoris’ traveling traps was a
dozen bottles of tine old “Robertson Coun
tty.’ lie laid in his stock tor lias own private
-cooeumpuoth-atrd l ‘> ihe time the steamer
•cached Queenstown there wasn’t a drop ot
the precious fluid left. When he turned
the last Untie up tde down, and his tongue
clung to the mouth of it, with a melancholy
sort of fascination. Nellie interrupted him.
in that emphatic tone peculiar to the Arner
ican leiualc, and said : “ W hy, I do declare,
Algernon, you’re almost as bad as pa."—
[Brooklyn Argus
S ■
- is Ai.a iv A i*i.—A Fort
fjr l i-,rf.'. (A ahama; tetter to Ui Mvhtgooi
.-ry A'lvw tL-> r, reports the civil ritrt.o
ftftt 7 ,saetToo pfevi-.iisl/ - ttiiai
UacJ*;, follows - ",
j The ex.-utsion train of PeoMcol m
’ yra. rr'iilßi/'K fi'otn Moiitjf.'taery tfitfii:
real |,e*J here tl.?a Hioiniug, The nejfr.a-^ )
' weft: veiv x. .. -y. Mr <j * /*i/U. the Mar
hai ,} ti.e few a nae liy V/ kei p soum
! ol the fJpjrW h i.rpn+i when one <1
ihetn snot h-.ui in Li.e hi ati fit lived ohi>
. a tew ihe oil.Anns id liii* pUix
eel to v** ik nod found and turested the
or y./ Wln i then li.e shed, IUS he
o,< •, i, i.e p.i.i j,- v* ie thuf he shoot i
a l I*ll * is At Knit fir.sOSl', And OVr|i>**
rid the * /.eii* aiuJ n-it-s e*.! the inurdei
er Toeie wen- very few white men here
fnh rmatiei, was Uiegraph* ! to Airteuvii e
a i wln i. ! i.e tia u arrived at that [/is*.*
alfe.l .1 I y while lull llinlni lin; qtii'—
• lein an) in k him away from hu MjOii
iirjiro pp/'i c : ■>; a. lie ■* now in OiAcisyud
l ui - •- - H
Tiik a*a Ksaoviao ffananur.— A
-i-ho.' T'/'Il I'-t'er- trim- %-*■*i;w alywit Inr
I' en , lief M ije*ty is now JU* Hit Ist
Ti;. , fai .j..: ti ,
heculf in hifowrj way A wxwi ft* *f,
•S-. 1 h. l;sSnu.r and he alkai.! the fuoeiqiad
-*ii he. own fflii
of tin Jei < a • I and iayinjr a wreath of
flowriT iff* Hu- tvilft.u at the cud of the a* i
1 / tie A h w i• .y ti! - aflef 'ln n was aa*
t /.ini', a* !I, e ( a t'c a*jd in the naif.
of (h evil. Hil lii* n a ii*.t on y IV./W !;
1.-iiim'd ! to: prix dinj/s. liy hr. pfsacu <
hot look [tart In the 'Uthcmg She danr. ;
with I'.ini i' A lii Vn 0 i and l'ftn<*
'iii'i/’* *-ii* nl th* I'l.ii.e-of Wa!*-**, ar.d
sfti'rw r,rttT took [.aft in a rrrt with Ji/ti
, 111! Kill Ut.l I"' " ’ ■ ll I I ••!•'.! P'e-*
>it loiuii 1/ . i erf.. I; i.r e.',-y n ii'.dersAan '
vl. ii a i* ..el -i -.itAvi- Iw n hit* ft: 1
1,. ~if • - - *if f . T-n-'crta* rrrrption
I : "--r Ui.- <2_“iD h i
-da •-1 rot t’r o- f **-lf
oil | T aye yon to liiiimne the tfale el
! in r.-t T ~f iet7 riTT-rti'—art—rat -.1 *t;ia tnTr- -
i --iMfipf jjiirr ' \ n** w firil t‘j fir 1 * < otntMrt: R :
Mlfliofif nil ! < '! ) 4tjr<-l It IfSki
"“■v* t rj '• Fx‘• ;I. n? tUifh'illl H* r
Vt )• >' ■' / never .ii*t * r’H oit
4.A | L.‘
f> fl ■ 1
A I'enHi *<f *i i tit in Ifiirkr r" 11 f:!y. .
Inn ne; I mill ".in m 1* r the n* W fc^Woa,
aw ‘ ( l | dtee-i-'c-f, itnefeht l wwwtt-i •
“leave tin-i-..nn' i , Hid aeltlr. ifl WsMr low"
ur * i' > wrtren h *iH ' fttenfo bia CllQttffr
ami lave mi lu* lua.Jiuu, liaii hhaf-i ,
in tii h .•!_ Ad m >, ini leivta rrlal!
I. er. will. A*'* ';. !'• A' Vi-IIH Ilf hi.
Jaiau aallUi—lin te, fl lu. 'u led tu [wn-I ;
.■i;lil -r Ini d\ ■ i" I'ti'k'tig nr< uiij tie
apital, with a v'u-v ol aJ*>ptii{ It <w *i
plrrcol real 'em" il I" Mk*'d It At^hri
I'll.| id the week h f! it!Vf alked fin.,
irkr .hr., u——...
__!_ : *r
hh ; 1 have . Itcef] all over vm* '"t*:’. "
nne aji le and down the •He t i.<vc ve.u
ill In .f 1- Ira. tin 1 hneii .;< li ’! I ’- . If e •
■III'! lilt' Il Inkle,—a-l 1 T'll" ■ i ! ll'. I I rroe
fill MU vev id the hi) 'l l! i'n, 1 ll i v n tin t.
I[,w ,l*,;d4iralr—r.>meinai..n—r ;* —i i„ la—la a ■
dh,, lui'.l dollar ""I - ..•• re in A t'aifTa
and Ileal every man, woman am! child in '
thr plart* **r atlcs |i TTts tI " v jo-T-s ITtaT '
tfir peril 'enifl did red I'llV [Toj-el'v S't "tfir
The Ti nnewer negii.iW are rampant lor
the enforcement of m iai quality of tlir
rsers. ,\l a negro convention held at
Somerville, a tw day* since, several sjamk
-1 rs delivered lb ree spent lies m tin sip jet t
One fellow, bv the name of Seal** Fields
in the course ol hi* harangue, s o I
‘Soiiii' vvhll" people siy that if the civil
rights lull tieromes a law colored Dm n will
marry their* dab:liter*. Will, there ar
some very hsndsome colored gtnlicmen ,
md It they do not want their daughters to
marry us, they mrfsl teai li them not to lovi
us. 11 the civil* bill is pa s *ed, put
your daughters under lock and key.’
There is untuned humor in Matt Carpen
ter, which find* niri in Mfieiotii p; actii al
jokes. Calling anew ['age I" him the
other day, lie sent live nnsuspit ious lasi to
the docwnventwwv’tor a ropy of the Mor
titieation I>W Tlun lie quu t y told
Edmund* and Vermont Morrill of the fun.
and they awaited the page's return to try y
his disi emtUure. Hut th; rnaried TipltHi
hrppentd t" t*e in 'lie document room
when Die boy made his innocent demand.
Tipton directed tiie clerk, and a pamphlet
was handed the page. He trotted buck
with it to tee cunning -Carpenter ami hi*
friends. It proved to lie a copy of the
cmortirk-alioti" hill i.ideed. Il was the re
pea! of the salary grab, and Carpenter and
j Ins chums hail a lew ghastly grins the other
side of their mouths.
While the Radical leaders in Congress,
Carpenter, Conkiing and Beast Butler, wen
endeavoring to pass a law lo strike down
the lilierty ol the press, the Kellogg usurp
ers in New Orleans were endeavoring, hy
seizure of iu loruis, to suppress the Bulletin
of that city tor exposing some of their
rascahties. Tho historian who will write
“The Decline and Fail ot the \i..eiicau
Republic” will record these signiticant
events among the incidents which, marked
the progress of dos;>oUm.
—According to a statement in the Potts
ville Journal, the largest kjcoin lire in the
world is the “Pennsylvania,” on the Phil
adelphia and Reading Railroad. The
diameter ol ihc cylinder is twenty inches,
the stroke is twenty inches, the number ol
driving wheels twelve,’, the diameter ol the
diivcrs lour lee', and the weight ot the en
giue-aluat silty toils.
The AiiituiT* Awegay*.
i Very lew ot u* ale aware how extensive
■ jy out money is nveiled in the pr>sdoc!ion
ol u*iega y- irf A'ahicgioD Of course the
i inevitable Uahc *ck is at the bottom ol tl
lor he and (f Ji.eS ehepherd are the g< v
1 erefeetd to' a certain eite' t. fislxtixk’s
[tnurifiAl pardeu <MX'U(> ea a .a.'ue Space ot
i wiaial a: tal'ed tint M "Cnmetit. near Ihc
dank ol the I'at iiist Here no
Uacdic'nai or < ther iea. : !y va ua'- .t plan
T trees art tvuvvei It -s o*/! a IxAbl
f e" ; aftre*". *e *T-:.V I'-V:"."*. iert aa eH?/p : r a
yue. ll .wer parden lor the culiivst.-m o!
Tuum "rrr-c-; —rr-e; ri'm t* — tx —r* ar:“t
, fOST-e, y> l*c*' into ts n'fi* tor lin
w;ye* >il ■i. .'fi.-amricii aril Catim I ui a *
ter* are i<<r the b p *-| - ’ re* •! thi nid
jj t!' - / Ik"/ hiiepiiW
.u tin- c-tab ;'.inet.t. Lvcfr Is* et jp ca
i,iit w lii l/als. -* k'a c<-NAp-ume w so eg
-au A'tvhed rv-rd. A~ f 11:0 and *'-ate- ww —
' fonv< vs them to tee tor: im t rctiptems
The i I ot '! lie |.o. . pal !, )(;u
~>~7 1,'.1.e
! . f -- U - u !!/
Cai-oie. ' * t a: * 1 did .ii fe 1 v -a*,
re v 1 — —; ;;'u.riti fl'iwtn Pn j
The Wit"e Of T " . vn-i , r "-f till
i t.~ v“d “ 7 ~ it i If .-.
these jf • i ,*■ (- -V\! /is '/'der di-js-osea
iv *-!—*4-e* a- wi -■ V ; pwi, tbs fwi. i
["1 ‘s c;o[. 1‘ .-at/ . * . .t: iiiks iiodss ac-1 -
frmajjoHa IT.T riTT : 'iPv index's at ~
‘t;i, Vky .. ' ' 'A: It -*■ •*1 hr* t)-1
mx-tifUT aA-ii ikitz. !a* ■ Udfe 3
1 * J * -•> ii;• i.-i UI s-V-c'
f . • 1 - *
■| ;> T* f ;t- - •= rn' K * -U, .ah ?'W •“
*h*J j/*ff *n 0* if - 14 etii.% .
F -s'r'ff * > jl t* y <*!. -s. t. *
i* 1 Wv;.: > ! ii
I: •- ■*: l.fV i ‘i air •l. vtJgtrrs: •
It * f
Hr** r n;" ' •<- • -v f*fii <.•
* t! A f y || >1 * Tic Mf ]/*•
g a—y 'Piwr r r*t**
■Af f f! • f'it'M ’ “ tV -•
-x : M- ♦hr -Htctt —wt-tt b •*, - wth.
i r-_ it ■ ~-l f : ** l ~j ‘ i.' I' 1 * •
tip U.W /r *flh ov Ih* O )</ i Bff/ui'J ii<TH
I■' . ft . ' ,
fr'*m Hi A ii : . w Ui ifA ji u a. mu‘\ tut
li—l the iLiiLJLiiiic : L*u. 1 .1. i L-u. .
r i. ;* Ttwl ’ • '*t y;‘ C f ‘ •
■t b ' Of ; ftj- lij dj?tl f t
*>'h•>* I■■ ’’ - ■‘f T.~" > H ;
-lilU-t.. -Li...La % ~ i—L li- m lc^L.
trnryytbr K irnrirr--Man W HU Hutu
j'l'-tH'fif- ' II .. 1 * I .. rr.
fill \ • . ' 4 ‘ ? •"-a i . I.i ri ii a t l* if< liit
Hr i \ * i a
-fbrtm i<l *"“■“ mr-T- "ti TjifT't:f < r; *inn 1 "psi::fr;;
>ml li* I • 1 f* ‘ ' - >iU -
IF >*• I'-iut'Hj \ v * 4*-r *no
Hit' t *tf Hir* ff 1 Hi .• j .J br
t ync iimr tg r iriT rt b: h:m T iia c> ?. Uit-iL;
7y-rr: —o ■ .’■- ■: r-, ‘.r ■tvjt-ti un 11 - ’T7r^
,-wi-L {.fu.wt..L. i:hw. .'.-X- i-J—lit. Il w4—:—
I*| ' Hf'i'bt * l tm k •:*' - .M"’ r tU tt!
-k- t P m ' j ’ %> in?
•* ae- ..IL., ii a. in^jaL.
* inn n* • sa'm - *- f A ffi! i
rr h”**’ -tit —f-r —rtonm'-t ~
ll# 1
gfUtidih*: ] ! r, -r U l 't t* >m l . ind_
paM ium rwo~nr’ 3? ’-mrti a&
usujrfty imd fnr iVirh-amrtoß- Ilia ::- cd
.< s l< nhl Hi l 1 U-tt 1 HM'd lift
( a?K’v
Ear tu t.\i Hr- lintn n Ibe Dawnon
■louroal haras Di .1 on rntwlay la*t hi*
Honor Judge K id.|i rt u 'erral a lec.ision
in Cuthls rt agsiusl an Vlorney from a
neighboring circuit wt.h h was not well r<
ceived. Alter having the t mrt hiw in
pera tia! honor wa assaii'd by said a)
torneyr when lie enforced his dec i.-non and
del* ndetl ilia lienor by a b* >w.
The death r>t *'* Ctmgre*nan Jame'-
VV Gstley. of Cincinnati, at the age "i
nintty, is ann. 'inced ll* w* elect*.! a
memtfer of the K'gh'eenth ikuigrrs* in IS3.’>
detesting General Harrison. He lost his
popularity, however, by movi"g to redact
the appropr a'i in to remunerate La/ayette
(retm (t2HMHN and a township ol fttO.lJW.-
Till* was hi* tirst im[*irtnl to r aud ii ile
cided his politi* ii afe When he come
before Uig ;gs.ipje.f*>r/ft eJecJiuß he was dc
feated by a small n*j Tity, and 'll'' ha
since taken vefy little part ia public al
A witter in the Milwaukee Se uinei
deserves the re pecifu! sympathy of ab
gentlemen who give out their washing. He
says : 'lt is aw fnily annoying to hare some
other fellow's clothes left in ooe's room by
the washerwoman vbaturday we put on
another fellow's shirt' but wee-nt'.dn't wear
4y—Ailhongli it was'.; -arc-mu! Iha
bottom, the sleeves were too sfiort to put
cuffs on, and t ,ete was no place fir *
Farmer’s English
Located one and one-fourth mke* northm*i
of Rxky Mu -it Gec-np-i.
Public Exercises
Commence. 5 h Monday i.i June an-1 end
third Friday iu September.
Rate* of Tuition per SJtoUtrper Month.
Primary Department.. #’ Oft
Inter undiale 2 40
Collegiate.. 3 30
Boani in good tamiiies at from 8 to #lO
per month. F>r particulars address,
Rocky Mount,
Meriwether County, Ga.
r |' i! '. * .
1 (fie! V- - - tf. il ' H-l!"
.p, t* is. i N.i* !/> V . .
line tei y T>ty ts ,-! t> *seiii.
Kin Ap -il; k Consttfi of
••' and: - I 1 fjoons ....
CUN i n ! l<*Nk H K-
j; (
tj.'i It IMi *. it k 'll !.■
Wrf.TTT.V W \ UK
ll.i'; ' A: - .. ,U
[ - -.1 1.1. uy
M * jZ
Ufd ftlc-i ton \l •( 1V ,
v ii- -• '/Aid.,...: i
f ttKKt:r. K 1 .*)t ft,
IO HI 1, A) A 1 J
A-- ’ . ■ . / !
tVf m ?!■ ft Y' \ i. I<r f• . n f ' H j
■fewl, lire e t . wear at |JI-T I- r tht' !
(I \ 'll < < ' a Kit if :
ti, ! 'hi- tuttty, U* now j 4 tb lltiK In 11 •
-r-Tn-rn, k f Hift | f f.KW I
ton hi t, wrnrttrr* ni r u
"~~7' - j
ldor n I war *
M*•r *l l al ' I -w
AT LAN t A. < A
dis jy... I J—M .1. .!: ; 1..
At *' n t'iya.l -$j OH as 3 ■"
it ti*: -.t
HAUi.'A otic, I j
v* (•< I I 1.i.1.i
Titif/A )>K ALL KIN DA.
iH lLDKf:'* md
>1 *7
A cent* f*r llu.'- Shin?'.- Msr * r • ,ct
more I'.-w-lcr t ..iiiriHUV " Hath
•hi! Bl t-lws P"tt.|i't Mid
• • - BWArstwLßo tiny •
C’ltths, Pr/ t [ ri
’.tors of the
Cotton and Haj Srrew Prfss
tW We are dtdne a Who’cia'e Ru'd mu
and lw v? keep hand an amp.le stock
" supply fCdaii 51 rchants and Crntrac
J. 11. WHITE, ot G i fiT,Ga.
* k
Son s. Youth* A Sy <
Clothih at W holesal
376 & 378 Broadway
OOR. New York,
Win'!: J oioved h> Polk tkmuty Imt
p.’i-ig I tkiifiee-l a v-reut ikiunad tea a [’til
mt medicine uahetl
- -
* "t- b war ttfrtvu a jfesi many cases c.f
■ ■ lit rent dtAcjisea. My with baxm akhrwd
: w.t.l a Uii iat Mid ftocnactt diataai', 1 pit
. r—ed lit. hi tto buy a ted tic sn-j it etdjrrhr
itm i Per T bts and other < a*ee kiducetl
we u> pufehtae ihe ftjrht to make Mid at/i
Uitdkine id litia uitiiily. in putting
thie met! teiue Oetore the-pcvpte ui Mett
■*i 'in i t. .*u ,IV 1 hcT awwurod that 1 am not
(wthniug off a honitiQA atnl ufltLiti Lj.
• i* turn me, lot w kit a taav tim and
■ . udhrreui t t., the pren lipdioii!. it will
•de the- *'ir*l CAMW ul chills and lever, no
n.ui: lof he-w*long aUuiditvg, and rvoiove
the ertri U Attcudim* the taui Jlw H
. !.fr Syl.i iiis - ■ iia fharrbea Hn-psy of Ul* Nun , i* one of the Unt
Ivo.; fts.n . rt now in use, tui.l . ii cure,. fhsM-a-es u.‘h As XrrtjfuiAl Men
stitH-lion. .d the Wotuh. WuiluA ol the n-je> nnd feel K , (
a ‘ h :.fl WenkftM its. T . Of!
'.i rs'w'ns [.aH-E'i'i and“,.. June, I(JQs. . ;, are
* -- ! in* list- ! as I twel vt y
K Ut W n dee, ml un All i
.::: 'ATT 'f V- (v 5 Mm.flff litr Ciw f
—wuw 1 hey lisay |.yumi, win ,
" l,t " " u -‘ Ttiß ’ **:-* o‘fc .
C. .i r .of* „ i t/ur k.
44 ,i-ii l ti/i-vetl busk to Dim c,mil, | aw (
I In toy ll" her ,U v-y twu! ,p ~
,'* - It- < ' • , *-d pur* ■n t f ; ..r t.
t • VI tn -Che. f *rrpjrxitly. [),
lent. * •< otto n* cl UAittp
•i' ttlk tN-ma?f BtTTEjh
■ * i ii e-:-*. .vrf Wng fTZ tdT "f
i's '■* a X f ' 1,1 *** “**" *n.oty
C. J t££Vi s
T* * t-* 1 "fit —r ' -■ t-rr- r -rr —T-, f
- i -rr —rr^rr ~rrrx -r~r
rdi .Hiii : • ' ' . t I
i -.warn.
u- * i'< - f'b ,mii,i *, f r** -1 pr
n*.rl m fT,f t p:jrr t-.*.•■ ~T r a
.. ■ - •.
k-i.wi . laAi- !aa <lx ITS&l!.i..-JLt.-x u
-l 7*o Af: : vfi. rv ll TV t:n
ti ;bt i' p- ;.t Br? -new A f: :: r rt :~!~t —
UwiTi/. fl t’XAIISff. '., *!( f
Kbpt r?ih. r-t
t d*. left fry i crtily inn) 1 have lon uf
fi. i* l wnh It. if- i otrr i hfht via*, .ot-f
*. tvi- Int'il n tarty i'h>.i* mti and mmly
- ■ [f, S • ,S.; Inn i .
••.'!*). i.-V-T- u• n 'o, ml .-o |
*.m c! .nmd H l far T h .r
--* 1 <*• <sr. II >• !(is oiiiy ib.l : ..t n-a?
.*'!'.• ! > me I in, . ,-jJ. ; J J r,, rrt
' * fir?, f, -t !. ~. i. J < . . Hum
Uli e.J for if ‘a I rr (tow I Inin,..! Is r a
lyj-jeil inn l' mms/ ' r,. , e [[,,
u.w. MATTIE III,*.Eh.
' -
’ '!)• i r Ninth Pf*T V*rsr*rTTT.i.. r\*. f
Da . Kept .170, 187."; \
I *rr'rfy that my * >fc hail Wen in IbuT 3
I, ,it|. for a !< nu time , her Uw'djr str.rnjft*
;*• ear,! to }.* eivine way while afie kiiffere.
a pT'-at deal wdh I’nl; itation of ttw Ifnrrt
-'he ha* lien entirely cored by the mt r I
Hobbs' lam a a Ritti* r*
Ei.tTEati. I r-~ s’: KrwKrnKK To, fl*.
oepf., ]7’h, 1w73.l w 73.
TiiU'ts to certify that I hare iwM
YiV In.liee i t ; oDrVi.d find TTto Vjo * i%t
I ntgpfl I al4 know a D-g rr> • an in
hi* scttlemeri', who has been cot..'- • 1 s ilfir
Uheunraiism lor months and no* r e
to travel about from the use of t\-
i* . "
List cf ’Agents
G. J, ANTHONY A Cos., Greenville
J. D. GILLEk-PIE, White Sulphur Springs
T. F TfDMARSH. Warm Sprinea
PTE & HOWARD. Chalylieaie Springs.
,A. R. BOUTON. Ist D : st, Berl her Co
s CALDWELL. 2nd -
T. £."K'EY. SicTf* ■“ “
J. B. HEARD, Barnes X Roada
D. & MUSEv Sandtown.
G. W. HEAD, FlattboaK
J. T. SILAM. Jones’ Mills.
J. F.McKXIGHT, Warnervma
Dr. WALDROP. Erin.
j'jLE'. EIIETT, R'xky Mount