The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, July 03, 1874, Image 3
THE VINDICATOR. j=THt lMiert KVKKT FRIUXT, by wm. t. revill. at : PKK AN M M. IN ADVANCE it ••im irt* A<l\ 1 mrlr: 4 w\s - LJI , i **. - %il 4in . 7 <>♦ \'2 ‘Vi rv~ 1 “i*;> son >Vi 10 no ir. h (... .■> Mvi 'oojto 00 ISOrt 1 ?' 'K> i f .,' sno to oo'ao.oo Tiw* as !“• ; ,) ;0 00 30. tl AVoO 000 ‘ fdiKi , ills' A br-bii'l!■ *t- made t" llmoc vhr! - - ' the month r year. Vo I K E TO mi: I’l Llt. S, At’.-. ti,vs Ut\ )i legal advertise" enV- 1 Meriwether, w I'. b> pub. i.i ■ 1- ,li the MKHIW Sf-UKIi Col NTT V INl>l -a mu. .IAS \V BAN NINO. Ordinary. JuNEs SSL ELLLEIk iMieruL A .1 ms ton; yj , ytt. t*77f Clerk VjttpVtVwrt lirMjffoHs Atrthf. 1!,. !• owing tithe Pinch ryot (, n 1 1 \ .. ioi Ist4 +, tMtii-—A *cU .numlli f■ Uev.F A Knuh*-H BA PTIB T ■v> it-.tnTti th Parti IT.nrHi Ki v I lug Ii tmi no* hut Pith >B\ I EH IAN fit -i .iihwih in each 'month. I tiev J 1 1• >- Jones j KEEN V ILLK, KHIIJA.V July If 1*74 LOCAL TOPICS (.( Nolltf. '.i hr flrrei'.nil" <m tin* firwt I run in. Jaiy to nstrdvt- fe>* rHttme. Mt I .f Mill Ik- closed on that ilny and nil r. o attend to their p> on or 1 store norm:. I , I iirath r'si'ru'ivt ('oimniMef >' • M.-f.rti th*i county, it list "I whwm will! r o f..iiiul in Mil* I#im>, "ill hnmihW** 111; ~f’i'r'rtTT" on TuewTay. nl. A. lull l* frntlnr' • dvwlMd Ist i very one i" ! mi . n, lin.'uw m <( imjKirtstie* i> lorbe attend* <1 9L T KKVII.L. IS ectf Hri . V htt W will f • CkiiH li * Habbfltti. ; : • ‘ \ X ni*Tf#en ft-if it h** ntu it !*< r.i 'a ■ i In* t that "Hj* A , n A VV i;li .tin* lilt th* f i t !■#' ? f ll.i j ylnti <•} !) ii flight u wh k an r ! tiM**titt# mil in mn i.ifi M n :xy niyfil P^ T > & M ■ ■'liiLi-gjili im uj-'iiL’T" ( it < ,/.* . i>) :i wmtitil Hint T - -- -—i—-w44t —ATur hhh.4i—t —artfnhuw rrx t M*t v\l *■ hi < illf'l JllHlM) f.J til#* ■ii (*mj t. Jdg*? Warutr is at Uouu '■ r % j*! >M faumiiMM vacation. \\ * K" i._J iXt-it JUX4 UW itiuthii Ifc -lUUUrIU tjl . . f { : . Hstr; f. ; Min ,t —. .. _ ntja#><■-4 •*-*- *♦*♦** ♦* Vn. t :i*i.jLiU VVt. nevMt uw tom K< ;{ : ff . urn I‘tim Orrirti. W* an* inform * ‘ ;.H: H c,Hl<. htt* ItfM'fl t'*t al *■ .* 1 r< <t\ H. H firwka, *ti tb! rwt*s Irom ( v:li* fo lb* Warm Hj.r With Ibt •< • of inui faciUtb-* ’w* Un*t fb^n w a of our * * '*' arr• - 'I i, * fi r c biifjr ( M r-fn vil tbn* 4rv<rriitij( for m f tji *< k* ,vh' w ill 'h r*not r ■ M •■'!.*. f .'juf vf A* f . Ib* V .’ariir j n w Jj* , jij, liUli fnn l# h outfit \ i%’ • n | ./.j- —a / r >'t-. N*. w Hi ifK Our ttrat hihii for H i#* ,i ft otj \V*"lor*wl M y Mr r >,w Wi 1 arry bf ilncil m h lutii, * th'J' * ! hnn U n/x>ofri*rfUf' ai J*a***-itl{+r* g'fi.ig i'o * <i from tf* H r :.vvj. Uf i* * M-ki* Wrdnwilrnyw and Ffidny>> *o.w f'out < irvicK.—A 4ficc V*-r; ib!i%i>j ti linige, and Mm, M L *r.uf. -if'j-o fiV-d Vofet Miko-h. A hi! tr( i j in our po%cr tr ward* H r i fli or* ifj#; OrroDVillo and r>!■ -• iH*- rout#- #■ truat unr fri nin will | :*-♦ to ji Uoit tot ViMi.i AT' K haa a f orj atfott *n tb? of tb a* 1 IBor. . U , UI be rtaeivad al the of- , Kail l* la ¥ — 'At; .-eieivnd a short com m rntoation from ‘ Fair Ray” wh eii ha* been •<cid n-. y reals idcd. I! he will r<- w rio the article we will cheerfully pub lish i!. & ITo.t Bloom* We have received two cotton bloom**; one fr-.m A I) Crsvir on the 2Tiij, lb*- other from W. E. McClendon an the if;; L. ,<o one ha* went ns sc basket '*f roasting-ears yet Being a Granger we prefer crra to cotton. Verbum vu ■T O- AUetrkjSda ca-ted to the advertisement *d ’-be school *t Rocky Mount, ur.der tiie ebarge bl F P Moaely Wore intormed _J.h> : Mr. Mfitriy bai seventy seven scholars already Litre ij with a prospect of in- re. •XotLicg speaks so favorably tor a commit ni’y aa a large and flourishing school.— From what we have seen and heard of Mr Moseley he merits the liberal patronage Le is receiving. Success to him. U l ‘i<in Shuttles proposes teiaeii a large , varied Mock of goods at coat. Go and Rpxasune bis w area The repairs upon the Baptist Church n being rapidly pushed forward under tin superintendence ot T. W. Seed. The ranis was Very heavy west and t icndhwtn--V -t-rremvifre nrt Tuns *y r \t i.Tue lightning wTSATvTJ iiitT the thumb tesvv. Vera 1 trees Xv.-re iinrm'ed ai ' ' "C i ■ fnr- j! lie n -t.klict: et. iL. ii_ . .i ' e , '. ' . V: i 4. Vll )* t 111111 11l I , I T. r AT af ,'ccHi IT. Tic;,l’ .1 line dOHi, the l~ r eHCltig - Ini the Ti"l. omimem i. a Jhl > lit and end :*g lb vein her SI st :*>. 4 J din L K hortson, \V P. M w M K di->heTis in, W. A: K K Vr lie tty, Vi t W t 11 bauson, W. T j - t E Ml C U rul.m, i\ C A! ss li-a> , A. C. Frank Banning, F S. J A Htl Klt 'MI VS S. It W ttr-.ttn B O. .1 Martin, 1> \V. P. The regular uTttTTT t hi* Conti ill un lutil *>n THE wml 4Ui ty nitj ln,> 'l caiTPin'^nit. ft ill| ft>OIUI AlHUtli! I*l llllfl taiijjlil. TTk; Tl n.r C iurtifuittl the ; TiiitOvHv,.' kiiit! \> 11l 111 ! u Uic U*\ ,4 i I 'I >'ul w./iiLv Uuim. .it . ♦■w y — { . I■ ■ 1 til li*4 Mu-I—l Wtllirr \ IN!'U \ l m aiitl ilesrl vi s ttu t \ ; t c llrnt l.rt If ht- low? n‘i. 1 i M;*> £t*hl luck *slu k’ to thriu l>otl* ! through hff, mu! filler * lh‘tf *ln in>’ h .\< bom *lt K iv** lup lot flic la#l linn* rtiriii, mMy llu )lu ‘put l** prcMN in H ivu iy ‘Ceils’ Lutcss&ui the ather huiii-**—- ■ Wt > inn it v (! r km *, j June iihli, 14474. t l'ref. It . 1 UecilL, Ukak hiu and Bun ;At tiu iastußcaing- u! Wl l< Si * ti. I y C4ingi~ Nit 113, it was tinanimmisly iha i icel li i have a least, at cut nett rtgular inr-ntidy j nusiUiiy, tin sSaitirda}, 1 iUi July, and that ■ ue e.vli nd, tlirutigii tin euitillins of the I V i M*h i ts*n a must mi dial invitation to uni sisiei 11 - aiiges lliro igboiit the county :to join iis on that oecasMou. Kiall rinilly V'ana, Partit VI Morrnt, Hki>. SS— m* mm>’ A bitni € oiniti ) naiin. \ i n’H !i|T' M.(o N | • <*>ll It Kl'tM fly Hfoft* in wn'kt tf ft tail., iiidm ulap liKikiujut. raw Uumtl man,' rvM-mty it fl from a*unn la* U i"u ho \i tint' >r N< vi trn A■ ■ i rtg *ihr firtt j riww In miii i Mil |.i In- l.r nun i. ■imi i Hl" t lit, Hi* M hint , V a .!• ii Hunt lii ;mil u imin in ymti nil.i. ~1 • > "i y \A .- 1 ! bi! r i 111 mi'ii lrint, ! '1 n\ know , irtrrrnn ik •* r j' f” I J. 1.,! [.,1 1nn.,"3 l. 111! II usT< 1 .1. turn myhr-rrrt-M" s+mmn —nrvTtli r Wti it ■ it*- V* I*l M Hill ill 111 v Wry, il I m liiri n initn, il wmilit In mu l < rmi' i* l lll ■* I nit —i—i" - —it —Hi f my, —wirY fuiliiM , oiii- ini Uintuii' i , Hull innM i.Hri a . . i.'flt'i . .Ki I u:il yiiiniri, niwl mi*) ! ..i t i!-. tliii Mm* iir % . iiiivn ln\ 11 y a—- •| rn>n n < ram In mnl nn r ensnt r i H IliHarUirt l i nl- -nil t 4 **: y | ii ji \ mi, mil Hi tin iiirrt;iiHiil, ii ymi uth •liunlili'i llmt ‘nil .!■'ll'-, i"l rmry II hi fiim il.i >lh*' in ii Hii't in 111 i■ v i 1 <i wii, J nil lull you hit n yrtf hi $ 100 [M'( |l|lil)l!l limn', .■ ' t!i■ hiitiiifi i , inul liy Hu'' i ,ii,i- i\it yii i ,i ,i ■* * lim! j{hUii'n*'l . siniinnl hti i mii- m ,ilin(i in nun ill 111*' la'J, Ii Ui£ii nhl I'.l' limn, w lio, wulkmi; In lli<' •ii < m H :ii nm- liiii mlinil ilrr will, [h f’ll'i IM • I' M il. I.ut I Xttrllll V 111-HVV mi l mi ln.|t Mi'll it twit* m:t*nm Mir nun*. Mini ipiiii \ ?tf h lurjji' tiuiik mlimli wm l;ii!n,i II 111! WHil, mill litUKinit tin Milk ii, nirnnl in tin mm Imnt nu<J anl I ij -ri•. now , ii innv lmn( tiirrr till I) Hiiithiliry I li*n linvi r lay it down. Wtmt kliS I K‘l hlinut, inK'rr * J<Ut givii, inn |!i iily (Hi *io hn'i fHAI h m<>lilti, hnO it nil f /V. •| I,| i Irian liroUr into n Imiifli. Dot it ** <ml • i 'he olhi-r <! of thrif in'mHw ; mnl> In; nnmlimit' yr{ hatii-il'ni, krpt to In* , anil to-rlny lln- I irrijrn OiUnlrynimi i* i)i<; m.riior jmiirirr in ilm fi’in an ! worth hail ami in ilollar. Wit, H'<o<l M'llV. HIl J h W lllillKlli'H* to w >rk wi rr-tlir (ouniiatloti of thi* man’* aacceha On* na i>c wliii;h [urvi nla hail ■nit young roan Irom rimg in hfa i* a <Ji* intlinaUon U< work. They art aliMiil ol liomg themaelV<m that which *v h|i;ioint r j lor anothrr ’a ,an 1 vi flgh l liy of their own ami lire intercut* ol their em pi'.yrr. To one moat make it Jiia fluty to io al! he can f'<r the go ii of the concern in which he i* employed ; eye wr via will nureiy Ire 'letecteii, a* real scre w ii! a* aureiy t>e diae/vered, appreemt* <l, ami rewanieii. Young men, if y*/u would tie promoted, make your helve* worthy ol it by bon eat aervice < (me Aoaik —Tue AtbaDy New* ha* f> rumor* tr j:o the cotton field*. ‘From Col. Jordan'*, Junes and Hook* p race# we have rebatoe informal ion that tbe Caterpillar ha* appeared in considera ble formidnhienesi. We hear of tbe fly in many o>ker of the fatal de stroyer on yon the two place* mentioned. The alarm last y ear was a little earlier than this, but the crop* were also a little earlier, wj there is nothing in the data of compari son as to time. Lain won, of Ohio, told bis constituent* who didn't Ike tbe salary grab to go to hell ! but instead of that they nearly all stayed in Ohio, and now they dou't men tion Lunisoii strong y for it ckxtiou. Pot to Ft.ntur.—A few days ago i young couple in tLS city were “sighing or the knot then's no mitying. ’’ They had known each other long, and thougtit hey knew eich >t ier vveit One cteniug . , :1 t,'; s future brid' I ht i p issr-il the previiMts night with n natty "of bachelor ii lends, and didn’t go home till tnurniiis- A aa>*usnpleuc<-, uot aCM ' ill* bright eVeS Ot hi* dll'cioa CiVttld >K. >lei- i tfo n his eye lido lie reclined twin tin sofa, and u Iddfi'v ilto|>|>c 1 into —to—Hr-i- "i ikfi-in . —He ivy tn ealiifng Was tnllnw id by a slight w .re. Which develop truubie. There was as little variati m in' the nasal music as in the puttbig ol a high tuaaeuin- ti- nieiL, The young lady began n thick ol the tutiire —then wepl. Hhe shiKife her sleeping lover, tint he snored wi ll renewed vigor. At last she was fun cat*, amt aeiitttg hts hair, gave it a jerk that brought him to his I eel. lie stain mennl the matter, my '.MaIU r-eunnigh," site re-plied, ~'l shall -d4e an old maid belore 1 marry a man that snores kJoud night!" Sue lull the parloi —freufttr-hsHtse. — I tit* yoiittg latiy trtrultl wt-keep 'lie secret, ami the reason why ”0-matt ft wash •’hen oir k toi\ n aiming the r eirr'le ol triends. A VVa htnglon dispitleh to the New Yoik rrit-itne aays it lite auwapiHier post age lull as it now stands, becomes a law, it w I' 1, dm ing the next six Uu’Uthß, impose a tax ol Iwiwnm two and three ntilli m • M.i< is, ti < >n{ **f \\ l.i.h VI ill Iri paid Tiy It\v lloin live luiiid?c I iiulividuals ami liruie I In only eXithtmittnn'of tills uxtraol dluai V j legislation is a desire on the part ol the ; Senate to punish newspapers lor bringing about Hu abolition of ilie hanking privi llt ges t digress lias no purin ulnr reasfih j tu+a-4ttt-mHy * the a* the I ,iule|u-i.deiA crllielsms -of the | tress have 1 luam a c.og i.[hk f-otigreaebmal ctirrnp j lion. Winn Ali'.oi n was u plume In HlsahSTp : pi, tnt l w lieu crt'-b ttr rn in the ritatr glad ; Iv-itiil iii- hid ling, why ill.l .he, —with lliuli I HUH 'll ri I i.i , I'hlhbllHll hipiuftte M'lilllltS IW | hliii kh ami wluirh* Till* nioviuni’iit In ( 'iltlgri'U. Oil till' |KllitH'ltl l lll'h* iKHilll w>- | piiiflv pallium) In I'oiilbituily with tin j h etni y and iiislincts iif"t l 'ii' parly utl tig Igl' r-n-. iW'.m ID-111. Khn UlUilul Ih vilaMljf, ajt I. a fresh (‘rnwule agaiimt tint South was begun .Mi iuplim -Vppuul. - ti M. iv 15ki-• iw rut Kiv*< h ir NRW* I'Ai-rnh A 'h w Volk ui'lirapohitfnt in South t iinhiiii I 111 • that he line had a I ,o. 11l 111 I lillVl IhHlilMl wMh tlov Wii-e* Sp. iikmg ol llu in x! r'eefuHi, M"si*m *nhl ! In M .- MITI >1 receiving the ligutaf I. ill .111 N-I'W kpaper atliicka I ivmili not iiijnie him , a* hi* i 'lintlUueuU Mere iiiiaMi In Mad. lie balirveil Cham ti.-tlain would lie iun as a ledMitg r indi 1 mi l itTie .lev JaijMiil a gn al i|. al nl Mini Hh' lieneaMSis luel *rna -• iiotigh lo noiiilnale a emidnlait: it wa* p.cmbli Ihvili w ings ol the Hi-pultlitaii pm ly i a m hi la- di. leuli'.il, lin direcUirauta achtial flhtrJct m I'ii '.li eonnty, Otiio, lea nliy dlw h itged l.n-ni. -> a. 1.4 K ,111 till* tWitSl pt fa‘S l‘lui. I'll I. J n -lg to util- ol III* pttptia the loilowicg i<n r : : ” r • (in iUs nill* a great way off, I in woodchuck died wilL the whooping ' • ugl , 'I In* pun test gill 1 ever saw Wa. sucking cider through a •llkW Ami at Hn June leim ol the oounly court a Jmv, o a nil htonglit liy 'li* 1 teacher lo r.ooici Ir- .il try, decided thill the direr ii i. wi ir h glly m what they had done. In tin i a>r ol the Slate V* the 'Hrhofield H .iiing Mill Company'ol Atl*ii|H, in Kol ton'hiiperiol Coijri, tin 1 plmnldl got judg - on nl hn fidH.l JT.oW prmapnl, ktid iiiU iesl, with awl* The case will go to •In Hupremi; C'mit. TbU i* *ue ol the old Mute losel tai-igh and grew out ol charge* that during ll administration a < onap iacy was eriorre l Into Irctween that worthy or some ol hi* a'ltker* and the company, to defraud tin: Htate liy paying lor tton the road never received. Tl •• i/riffln New* in CttiflKpsd hi, the un gr-alelul task oi iia Un fc ! C.’Kieeman, lor • oh flaming a parly ol buck niggers at hi* ii /use. Tne critiei*nt of the News is necea aarily based on the idea that ffreetnan is b .-tler than a negro, and tins idea does gross injustice lo the humb.esl o! that race The b iulbcrn man who would vote lor the civil rigid* Mil ought to he compelled U/ herd with (Jitgee the re*t ol his life—that m to say, it Cuilee has no objcclioiu.— [riavannah New*. Dfccursios * Uk.!*oniATica .—The tele grams inform u* that Hon. lien ry Is Ida we*, the Administration leafier in the House 1 — by virtue of his position as chairman ol the Way* and Means Committee —and who represent* the 11th district of Masaacht.- setU. ha* declined a renorniaation. o —o o Webster's dictionary contain* over fifty thousand words. Jobes says that when be came home late -the other night, in he *paeeot fifteen minute* his wite applied them all to him, including tome extra one. and the fire shovel. General fNiermati hasn't been a favorite at the White Mouse aicoe he declined, to give Lieutenant Fred Grant undeserved promotion, and merely loafing duty at athingcon, by appointing him as a col onel on hi* staff. Latex— 10 r w—First report iuoorre in stating that Mr. Goodson wm dead. 1 i* th'iught he cauDot possib y eutvive, nfiarellunics ol tirorgirt. We have received from Col tun bus a pamphlet of seventy-three pAges, with the above title, wriuen by the 11 mi- Ahsaloin H eiiapjie!!, nml printed by Thus. Uilbul, if lit at ■C-iH‘. -lids-hi-ttsHtat!, biographic* nd descriptive, and consists ol five chap tej-', on the Oconee War ; the Oconee War. erm tin tied ; Alexander M.mflvr.n , Gen Elijah Plaik : and Col Benj ytliin Hawkins and ts dedicated to Uon. 11 H Harris, M C. tor the Columbus district. A second “pm t I- iu jiiis., mtd wTTI soon he issued with si ven chapbrs, on M ddle Georgia and Ihe Negro ; Middle Georg ii and tin Land Lottery System ; the Pine Mountain, King’s Gap and King's Tunis, the Pine Barren Speculations in 1791 und T7od j uiiTT the Y uj.oo Fraud. The author, one ot the .noble- old uien still spared to Georgia, though past bis seventieth year, shows no diinimtfiouol Tils TiiteThjcdial vigor, and his work will he read with much iulorost [ Macon Tclegrs J*!h HOW Mildness Tlio following skelcti, Irom the exeelleni A’hnstian Weekly, may be Intended for ■ children, tnrt thure lF Ttmt nr Waolietil sifg grstton In it which may be mveplul by ilo mature, and adopted iu tlseir every day life w ith gicat ptotU Tom’s sister .Nell was pretly, and, being a year older He,n Tonij wanted to show hei authority over him Tom was rough aud awkward, aud just at the age when a boy lesmits all meddling with les "to.nta ' He would put Ins hands 111 Ins pockets, his chair i'n Nidi’s dress, and his In l on the window sill. Ol course they often iputi i el led . Foi pity’s sake,Tom, do take your hands out ol your poekets ! Nell would say, In hot most vexing nuuiuct What arc poekeis lor, Id like to know, if not to put one's haoi is m V and l oin Would whistle and man h oil Turn, I doti’t iM'ltfve you've combed your I,mi fot a week VV ell, what hi the use t It w.mid he it I roughed up again in le** than mi hour. 1 do wish, Tom, you would take yout glent l> aits oil the window fill ! Oil, dotri ft.uftcr im , fm rniding, 'l‘oHi Would say ; and llni hoifts telU'iil lo tUii an Inch, w-hlUi, ot u'lnw a* very iiaugli ly. A utl so it uutildgd Ilbnt luoiunig till ’injur —• " Ilul little sister Ilea* had a awincwlitil dillinenl way will, aoiniwlnit slubhoin Tom. Ih'ka m ellU-'d to understand that coaxing was lieltei ilimi di lying , and noine tuues, when he ani with both hands plung ed in Id* pi ink el*, If a*, w nil a hook or plot'lle, ivonlt! m :-.l 1 v TTi'WU beside liiin, and almost Indore lie knew 11, one liund Would be putting.fU'l cm la, Minn Ili oil oil turned the lanve* oi held the picture*. II ah" eliuneijd to Ids h et oil llus window nl. aim would a .y. Just try my ottoman, t, ■.■,! j no.i see imw ioihfoirutile UT* to 111. led, mid lliimgli Tom iM'eaaioimlly. grosrtcrl rrr n good nai in ed way nboill It* lu ll g l. o low , III" hoots alw ay* i nine down to Us ievnl. When v> i lon hint Ufiiik' and vi v lough *bt*-wt*uhl nlenf bell Iml him ami smimlli it out lu a way l oin liked to Me!! ih.djj " i it' liiid itioii to let It i/o lough, jti.'t loi Hi • pieusui" ol having her comb tt. Vet hn jh" next thin, days, m Irasf, h" would lake apei m! pain* lo ki ' p eveiy ban in ila plan, *inipiy lo ph-usi little. Hi as. A* they gmw older, I lea*-, In the same ipuel, living "ay, helped mill to glow wise mid noddy II she had an inten *tiug hook, s' e ulw.i.ys wmited Tom to enjoy it w ith her ; il site going lo ead on any ol hei young lilinda, Torn was always inviled lo go with In i 1 i Hii’t ijndemtnnil, **id lady Nell, why you shordil always want Hint hoy lorevi j al yout i ibiw ! Ifb’it rough and awkward ns a bear. ~ Home !i< nr* are as gentle a* kitten <, said I lean, klipp eg her aim through his, wjlh a loving hug, while iliebear leif a great warm glow at hi' heart u* lie walked away with Hess, ami di lei mined to liy lundei lo lie courleotii a".d gentle as a Mtten lor her sake. <v Oil, gram'imt ' cried a uiischievous lillle tifchm, I eheated the hens so nicely just now ' 1 threw them your gold bead* just now, and they iho .ght they were vonu , and they ate them up as last as they could. Local Sc. Buxinem* NoticoM, XW Cornj* ( s*ndoU tending u* coininu nications written on both sides need not expect hi have them published. Unless plainly wrilbih they wiil also lie consigned to the watte basket. There will tie no ex Tu*pTioiT To the above rales: J Beautiful printed Muslin:: in iilaek, Jlrown, Blue, Green and Pink just received and lor sale by Ki.l.ui A Moons jen<2d-4t Notice. The Book*, Notes and Account* of Har ris A Adams ha* been placed in the hand* of John L. Robert** Bvp, for collection. We earnestly ask all who are indebted bi die Firm bi call on our Attorney anc jnshe settlements. 1 Mr Hobertson rnay tie found usually at the store of H. it Harris. H. It. Ifnrrta, J. E Adams. i. • i 1 N" otico Fai’inors- I am now nrepar ed to make the celelrra ted Hi.eplierd florae Yoke at the small sum of one dollar and fifty cents each. 1 am also making the famous lleel Scrape and can supply all demaods. Patronage solicited. Bsrues’ Roads, Meriwether cotmty NA I HAN PHILLHM pin* AS S' WO O L 0A K D I NG. ▲T .Brooks' TTvclory on Cano Ci’ook, ‘ . : | ’ -4* . MERIWETHER COUNTY, GEORGIA. —— u —• Ihe mnlorsigue 1 take* pleasure In "tat! tg to parties with wo it h> card that thei inael.iiirry has been put hi lire he 4 or Im, arnhhvy ate nroparo 1 t > card into rolls all wool llml may be sent to them with OISJPATCH. SATISI’ACTIOJSr GUARANTEED 0 ~ M l’o all nv!i** I hem. ami threE lourlli pountD !>r II *iti mixing Tsyelfc nml a hull hu wll pllik eivulkn' ;• the iwutil 101 l i forae. TERMS CASH. H< H. &. J. M. Brooks LEGAL ADVKHTIS KMK N T 11EtllttilA Meriwether County M .1 Miller applies lor letters ol Guar dianship ot the persons and property of .1 din 11 Miller, Game Miller, and l.ndtr~ Miller, oipjians and Minors ol .Lieu!) Miller I )eeesed. This is therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to show cause, ti nny exists, why said Letters should not he granted on the Hi si Alunduy in July next. Given under my hand mil olllcial Big nafute, lliis June Ist 1871 JAS W. BANNING. O. M G. GEGIKHA MvriweUiei Gotinly Henry Martin ami Thomas .T. Lambert i lie estate ol Thornton lioleiinui deceased This Is ttierefore to cite and admonlsli all eimcorned to tile their olih'Ctious, it any I ii'-y have, on'or IMoie Hm fffl Momluy in July next, Given niKior my hand ami oßJclal siguu lure, this June the Hlh, 1874. *4 .1. W. BANNING, O M G. SHERIFF'S SALE Will lie sold belore Hie Court House' door in the l ow'll ot Greenville, Meilwethei (liiiinty, between Ihu legal Itoer* ol sale, on IhoMirHt iTUisday tu July next, the lollow mg property to wit : Two bundled and lilly ai les ol hind mote or less, oil ol lots Nos. 40 Ail. MV and hf, lying atn! being in (lie 101 h Gulrlc.i ol said Gouuly. Levied on as the nruperty ol William Lovell to ■ilisly a hr Fa.liom M'llweihei rtuperlo. Gtarn ill favor of Miry A Pullen and William llogan, Admiiilstiaims ol John T. Pullen deeeased, vs William Lovell. Properiy poitiied out by PlumHlEa aimr my. Tenant notified in tram* ul the law .1, W. I'd I I.HI. .-rd hituiHPF June 7th. IXirtiy iVaiiee*. -Will lw woH-ot public nutrry on tbr Ills! Tuesday in August next bel ."mil House door m Uieenvdie, one estray oiov Hud eit'l taken up liy Willi* .ftnwey, Kind row ahout three year* old, uo Hirsh oi.ok*, no leu us, ol blown dolt.l' AIkO, ill Hie satiie Ilnur mid’ place oin • ill iy cow and cull ol brown color, no lb fi mmk", taken up by Thomas Caudle. June Jii'l, Ittil Jno. A; Hlmonion, IJd Cl. II C. II A If Ji)< Liic.'itioi i‘ i/1 iWi Monday, the. 10th ol .rauimry IH7I the uiideriiigind will open school at tin MuMonic Fniunln CoilK ft ' leaking the ’ TIONTII YKAU that he ha* occupied that Huil llng. Koi FIFTEEN YEARS * lie ha- U*;u an educator o\ fh: Cliil* Pn of GREEJS/ VJLLE, • , ,A_— —-—- — A* and it afford* him pleasure to again return thunk* lor the generous confidence ripowd in him, a* well as the kiudnesa that has prompted IP* friends bi throw the mantle ■if charity over hi* many short coming* and uuiulentional err*irs. He promise* lot the fiilure :o endeav .r U> merit a conliri Katfkol Tuition. primary Branches ••*• GeOgraphyand Grammar oil Kiigliidi Branches. Uoguage* (Ancient) *• Language* (Modern) • board at reasonable rates tan Ik. in the Vll'age. For other tutor tustum apply to W T Revim., Prm. B DREWRY ■IKMHIIVT Under 01)1) FELLOWS’ HALL ORIFfIIV OA on hand a lull line of DliUG.n patent Medicines, window .• Glass, Paints. Oils, Chemicals, and Uecelpi. for eompoiinding (in _ ano’.i, eipial lQ'pl|h<w Com- —.— men ial h'e.i ItU/sPs, At IC:u than halt llielr cost, lurnishod In stty i|imiililto. tar DKEWItYn hToCK TgWDKKM Slid HMICBUILL'K LINIMENT, a s|Kicial ly. The Fhak powd*o are one of the very best leintKlies lor prevailing horau ma.atly ‘2D VOf/UMD The VINIMCAToIi enU img upon the ‘ci<L i'- ll its exi rlnnf'e makes s rrt:w ityifieal lo it * Iriends to rally to the support ol iheli CJouiit/V Pfiitinr ■ o , # I o make the paper a complete success we need 500 Hul>scribers II our liieuds will aid ua we can easily gel that nuinlicr. Host year our list amounted lo 4 0 0 This year we hope to deserve the lucres* ed patronage lor which we ask We shall continue bi publish all the i.uoai. a uyehtihlw or Meriwether County. ' Busmens men in Giiffin. Atlanta, New oan, Heuoia, Grantvltle, H<igansviile Lar Grange and Columbus will reailily (lerceive Itom our circulation trial the VINHICA TOK ofiess au exeencui AAtverusiim Medi um. ■ ® CLUB RATES. ♦ tW~ Anynrrsonsc, ling u* a club oft subscriber* f-.r mm year wiil reieivc one copy free. T-.rint |2 |ier annum CASH Address W. T. RFVILL, Pro.