Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator.
VOI.. 2
Aly . !■; \NXIM, !N A I VAN* I
-.1 •* ’tl * '
<l x*t\ < riisUßi;. j
Si"v-t ! wk' I 4 • *'• !” • *•••’
1 inch 1 • 'll 4 >d ? *H> I'-’ Oft
2mi :i& 1 oO i A ti ** ■ i HO
■ V "ft *■ >'■ 1 lotto I'll*" T"> I't
ic ,s •, jv, id (hi t *jo no on "T on
,T i'll 11 i*" *i-lUO 3500 <>o ■*A
1 , ~,i j; o 2b lift .':Ci IKI . titl OH 1 $H*
if" A liiiV-ml 'T :T n h.a sc To l. >'
ad verti-vog h\ the month or \ :ir.
■■ """ ''•:
\ ;inrn I' .i rrt: t"i
,Aar I • ■>' legal ■ ■ l ' * *
l ■ ■■■ • ■ll q —r,.,w.; i 1 ■ ■ : ■
• U, tlif lit KIW KTUKK Col' v 1 1 Vl Mil
:< SEB W Pl£] LKU, S h rffi
;. • ;Cmih Sup’r <';ni'rt
’■■■ns ;. in
\ i r* -■;s i. v a i l \w,
\ (i I,t : KS vn T F '■ '■
i,.. ui , . ri: ui.
i i'n . .*! * vi r.x vv .
\ i, t;i I ■ .11 t 1
—. II i i|;\r. VA I 1 .MV;
(, ■ ’-1 S\l It ! <, I
Uit ft It-it.!! .U M.U!" ''tlno -It.*'' Oin. :
I>:I • M r 5 ! ' i]l E
~ ,• ; . jj'ufvy - b jy.\u “I
W nmniiiK Pl" *'
”sktTthis Mi SET
; . ti■ k i Ni ' ■ 1 • ■
■ ,■' vi. i. r.u u J
‘V Ii 'Hllti' •<’■
I>l M <.| T 1 11 1
GBiriAft (J LQ.
v \ -I ’ 1 '
* j
Nt'W lor j—’M'illL!: *\.' -1 11 1 U 1
* a . *
\\TKNOiVIt A\V ■" Stt'rv v * \% ’ ■* x
\ \ H Ufp’ ;uni vru’t 1 , of
HATS r'-i ' ' .--. >\ \
IIAUmV.U K, \VOOI> . wil l' WA, S. • ,
I'ontw! .'tier (i i rd w- . K . ur. 1 v.|. S\ • ,■ *
tV'fevs Ti bii-v.;!*, V ;*ri A .- Ac . *t‘
\\ i- iu it ,;t cvsm;;;: . ■ : r : - . !v ;’.i a- Quality ' P- o- -
■ H. B. HABBIk
/jfr.K-nl r)('ii'"ii
IN STAPLE BUY <■>< Ol> .
BOOT f* an.; -dIOEH.
fI?I (<()(tDr* and Tr.mmirig*,
_ • - ; W
ils- ’ *%'(■ £: ' T'-'
Wfi> f 'ie I'u jim “ou n. 0
Sehftul >s C i :\ ] lc ry
Griffin Ga.
ALTY m.v f- •
k tint* >4 pictures '<l < vr-rv de*< j ■ ■ r,.—
*' J d rxiuro ropie.J, en barged nr - pair.**
M* WeiiSe'per ftl* nd- a:*- <
,u !y in*’ ltd to caii ;
Caruenters Notice
I br.iM- N. JliteharD, near :f.e \\ arr;
S; i;rig>>, Carvp Gnitw <1 Ixsjr* !e* t e to ;u
--: rm !, ! - srifcucG and the public, that l.e
jrr*-i art-! tj, *i< ut< a!. ft
Wrtlt nMtmo, fnisb ir .*> atoh ’’Pat
i.i.'i:t:nvii.i.k. viki;i\* ki hkh cemrfy <ta t iri,m ko
Why Wir Vk On TVath, or wliat
cd s 'ii t>-11l nl Hu inci.-'n!!l ■' i—~ —
, ioi].l:ii :i h!fh -fi•'u .i no! t><' i: li '*
.. h. hiimeo stv 1,’;,! t~ '*i- <"i v ■
. ii.i -imtin'l ron<lii:i. Hat :im ft nj
(111. ;'.|('h o.i (ill . M, Jlr I l!l.n’*'.'l
F'H i 1 - Vl'.:.i r icli ic:;'c (lore ri
l* alls ;>\ vita !.nu :*•'ho no: VoU-i'i‘irrrx
tiiiprovni}: ihi tinioti aiut tleirfn'"o'
.1 i ;ho iifdfO’.x f’l. ncUHin. lit. .1 1‘ :> a
I . ti.o.iU [■: i'( Ot i[-i! u, iii.iil it'.lrl
.‘ ( t I • . . !'( r ; it t : f'\ 1 It
HratHirul ore o A*lanta, tin .ft >V* rrt
til!., (it;.) a-.hi tl v I ■(|Yl't I'.lh- til-.,. ,11’
tVi TY II InTr
IUK unit. Wtftl I'll: CM ICO
4 ) It* . S S
, A l\'A !>' m'l'i'f If'ijtyr-; “
Wi ll tlit*ir \ v* !', >.mU :> ami ;H< <•*,
I i- 4 —-(
Alla thru im'.iim.T i : . !.u
M— T :
i.iu' ia?antai w.'ii 11a i
,IS .it ti ! \• iin ! , ia *l ihom-tii?,
M\ Aiir 1 %%ith tin* i* *li ’ -I't-ss,
Slit* p'dmj) •<< a j ,;i! I*’ ami fan-
A-Ti.f r> ■'? ' i,p “ tli'ooill,
lit; tii lii i\ ill i\■ o \ vt'n.paM*,
\ ■ 1< ■ j 1. 1 •. a 11 r■ ,■ ■ i■■ r'liiai—
nn >TTjT>^;Tt7 - v. !l ,i a h-it.
Vs llu winim ti t ImiiUis l
i*t •>?-,
■ \! 1 < I htrnijHM— IU:.I a- in-.jd ~ '
*?;■ VH ' ■ rr Cl- , ' 4 n s
if \\ i:l 111 lit ;i! Uu Hini In *’, -
- rt- itm! .iT-rrrr-7-;
~ N - -'’"'V ti in it -hr tom ilxj 4
i <i In i >iiii ' id . :■•;.*'!• nit i I'H'lln v.
Ii v , v\ .af • I ittan|ao lHi !m . i<',
; 1■ ; if !tia -i r~ri*llviJi lit 1 ,
Mu ;> jn>i K;~r~r ■> vcrr~
Mi with tiiii ai x' (.4*-
ilii% 1“ li \oh
~A - £T7.: 1 4 t 4”r i FF
t - ‘ U ... I. and i- f It: ( ill i) ull \ 'j ■
\h! ji *iii ti ilumul\ in l> I< 1 1* him
44 ••• ■ s •*. ii > ■ . <t ’ii . ;
Tl • - *1 hU ■•in k;• ’i.l a (i if ml.
■ i v\ hot i’! 111 ii: ■ 1 \<n oinl Him' h*\,
; • i.t m t lie:n
III) 335 o ;i : !
V. • 1t I ..Iff li it! .‘I 1 hr- •.1 lin lif I Ilf >• I
n. 1, 1 !i t! ;.* will- til 1 I ill ; |£H V
~" r Vi i. i' .:-i x.Li —t-U+d
... U HI
/ ■ lit inn i am Aftf.l in)
; :ij) tl) aI < t lit, (’(‘.hilly, atinw
1.. .. ■ ■ I -!tuglily i
(1 r till tTf til jt:r| .(i*tl.
• 1 j ; *■ ■ ii <n U.i-
—• ——i -* rr rrn <i •,pi .1 T~% t i to
! ’ • ' * ‘ *1 J I * UMI t*S |
■: /. rh —_ ’J '■* .* >• I. •i -t
—... ..4——:■ ■ ■ ■ v>-~* —f ■■, -•*T"i rtrr
.* •* < • •! lini lH •(, li!h hi!*
It ■■ i l • **! b )>*• *4 11. *t • lif
•• ' - h*’ v r - i- 1 .: * I
■■: i • <<■/■'• Ait < ■:)■
-- • • v. *fr -4ri — ;rtrr t!, it*
r—T- 1 * !< ■ ’. * •*’ .■ j i“ <
_ I.) .•. r_u. . Liit^njiuu§.*- ii Hr ? *
. *•+ I r ' :.'••• * S 1 "* j.* I V It M
' ,\ . x l J*, .!• ||l| Ml! it i>*v ty
i, < -it 11,*,*.’ t, • ~ii nil *1 r* !•!!** r|
•( • . 1 ' ■ ! : '!*•-• .1 • If: l* i* if n>
A Vt olid< if til .Hun.
\• ■ i if. * ffftii'H it yoiinr 'nun v% h'- *
|! < J| -v. ftt 'll k V. :'•'! f>.<
' . < i;;< ■ mif \> N< wV< rk ({*• j<•n. > -
ii ,f:f ■ v< tiii-nt lnt tiMy <( vt ut
t|jr \ < .* it- s hink. If* n* him
a jim?? \ nf yiunl* M)1 v*jioH l?i tin iiiulfiji
r- in nf !h K ff'* i • , uiV
f ,f.i f>f *). m ihir k <ffc> tt y* *iJ' r pi rattu
i ;/ii rom. ami furm <:m!i y i< :* f- h n to
I.;,; 'it n Iff i.'.i -*|f in fa
*' .' ■ 1 * -1 ;■ •••j t - u‘,< ,t; ;w Hiy aft !*'!<■ !•
f fr* *ly hv! -ii in f*riy f' i f th*‘ ho’ | (
* iiik* ** h* -r► •Ti hit} uy }*, fy Hm- hafi'l
m .t ’ fi *a to tfif \ ,i( t v\)ir< i’ i o>r
. i t —*- z ’
Ai / t}.f rf< tr)hf k? h:• * ,xl l ifii:i ii v■ ■ yiv* fj
Mf Jjr' a-. ’• ft •'; r ’'•rn. a/- 1 f t.■ h<J *
■(, < '•*/ rj fr-or if* * * t Known t^o
i),' -i p• t’r * An if tlif fi
pf -m t * *< Ih ? f th M- jo ntirm n,
iff- t%®f j r-' rj hiflir.;* ;t wiflo*jt tfi** know
!< y* if *fi ‘t;i r !’><'*. Thf ' fH'fHtor
i vTt-ff fj M to' in r..; ,vh; 'V !
H •* - ! tfi# of t?.* [X f-'-fi,
!i"l tl - rri* an** fapi . y traf '■fj thr- urtpi'i*'
• ■ ’ Iji* -♦ <* •'! f i t i n,af , at “! tin rj t) tin
;. ifr/ri wlio ha 4 if, v fln<l
it-g t < Hrtii’f lUnif, v ii h&U fn im bM
m HTi out-ol tht way r of a room ol
ft A Vrfni
Mr. fJr wn *pf ojr: 4 r >* to a
in th; lJ tcclivf:
1} h\ if there \k aucl* h
• r* . W at ;m;uer,fi <r ,<r* he w* r;<
l /<* to a Kyt*'* f.a! in•.'*orating
. ally in caw;- where whijeaw•
r*' 4, -f o testify. In
wo’. . V rf ,f "! a* a r/an.
<, ex ntf n.ber of < c njfrcwi
-ii M -if f hir.\t ’i at the
'j p<*i-iterjth.ry on \\< ir.e-o’ay
Jh • 'if ']'! & “f.tOi fif
re an'! ; w , yea; icr-; ri-onrn'-n 4 f>r
h< 7/ f !7;* ’ *
• J at tt " . •> .m r. i • '■< ev n
.> . re. Kt -i pan ■ f the ii i/y, fa
j. •* k* • ‘kT * ' "fa* ‘A! ['J •ii i/i wl .
n’ * l •' v - * \> <'W* f 'l ■
'V.-'Oair 1 Ji* ' *' j
aj,: | * • P ■ !
:1.-ey**e r .
V tairl 51 i!l an Itlru.
i ' .u all Mini into ImT lu’Hll
i i.-in ii:t . . •• !.• ■. ot <ln v o 1.l may as
ho 1 il to Oi,* l.i !... ivt.tni; -kn'i* par
■ ■< ! f 1 oi'i. l ti>o.Vl-ar^-i4*aMx-aT*Kfe:
i .tr l, . i tin ai t lots iairi\l In i rl.n into.
}' ■ t , |' K | r ~ j
fia * .‘ill wh.U(lH*r plan is ft-questions hh
Oct, an t va- ve answer is received ; rih*
;! a jjirl is w atehed, sin; is app iifntly ilnin^-
in-lhme at all.
>i.' it i\ have t. experiment w tlin
i\iam vilt as l>e}ore she hits the right one.
S-.t nd pt-rliMj - t!nd t< aching hj 1101.
j lu r \ a :;t . n, aiut if will he peihct'y use
less toi )n rto teat'll tin’ % y> ung idea' how
h* ptiat •.iim m* — W±\ 4h(tt it
-h;',! make a mark in tin* wnild, i! she call
: liOt tltr hfiselr stir will |>ossihlv
lint >0 M 1> wiitoten after her
name, vs i : rv*k more appropriate than an
= = - —-
( M tin re ':v many gir’s who do
Mni know w hat- I* > tit > wih an idea when
\ , the ideas in their heads RNty
:is Hock as pinms 111 dtiTlslums pud
.him ,* h t “t \t hut us‘ are lliey, i( Ihelr
w • - tl*. til l htmu \\hat to ilo will*
In , Hn tit rp rniitr.t, niiti, ‘.\Vt| it slldU
■ u i n-i"n *nr~TT7T .hiMil \5 hu h Mrs.
Livniunv i- . 11 >1 anll y propounding to
tin- . 'ii. •. on.ft.-is .fi tlie lund. as yei.
urn.i! \ ri 1 The (pif-slum is a very iu.per
-k (It-J l . ‘.vu ' 't*>\ hiyhuT l the girls/
■ ! ‘L.i! tiPt..! dadv is nt Iru-l ti^oihling
In -t it irmu t * ssjii dy ahnui these game
..iittlnf l.u-u.- ",
W ..hihV’tU'e pr‘i\idiiir tutjngw v that
\t i .!!." iiifilu i in ' ..imly inqtdre among
4 iit> < v *Wh; ‘ sliull we do with tin in V’
‘.to-* let a iron . i- TV sriVSihle leply
T heanra hrrry n.aT f. TTHd tp:< sll‘.h'“ last"
. A 111 l .'t~ A:.d 1..i • Wiv h*" Ihrre girta ot
Win li a : .n s tlie >t ti| a St hool
T^-'^H4-- s rrrV- r - i 1 We
hope hr wHlevpiiss it In Uiole elegiil)!
*a• 1 11 * lnr lii-iml had hrtlef emnply
rely. When I hey
11 ■' d,;-!■! li-ts
Ins mu rt hr! \Vo| klt t il' hy hl lVi‘i| for
Mfve in* if liny frv to help, just so much
Prt/lIC, .dii/j* I lumn to H
In ltd M.ov a in. tin r still nuiipletely
cli Ti* ? daiight* r lias Just
mf< •dmvi ttm tot ed and Kaoded. hy
mairyi h ■ (,' piimaUy m\ ner• of half
a. .n: i '.ulmL uud wi-lTW+tk *he. ts
. ikt tku .*4 'f frr rtnttgMrTf pWT
erentiiM*, pi I nuts tin ee.cniouy to Im per
"■ ‘ r ■.
\ lot uißii itluiu* h Kiiiiiiiut'i mid
i I.( > vni!t(ln ltulK nte.jtoani"'lfl "1 l*a<
; r.'tu'imvf IdTii. '
iin ,in one t*ci <, very Wttl b HI *
TTV. II iTi ’ ‘ i I'j wTi'o- 'ftp* f' >llu^ —Tin v n^
T r 7"Trrn'TtTV p ' S< ■ nIPTi TT TT r ;7TiTTiTi* an
.11 Ini' 'ui<h! if! I met’. fI if tl*l v% i! I-, -jfi tin
• • ‘ ' “In few < k *I llh ,p, tins .
uVt —I D ; 1,'.! l! Ga h TT'I iC ; C ('.if IT V
f i j., v\ lf,l 11 it - y VS h h'.tli he |e\ l ** I 111
mi *UM eiiel VV hit! I W )>> >*r O O r
im! Ihitl Hi) h ill en rv lit Hi* s' imiuli
Tiirl.! - "p 7. : >. !■ i-Hi L ULii-li! T hul
tlm 1 tlyry ft H ti ii t'> tn I. t' I them
• s is' '• e:i< h , ♦'*** f)o 1!h oWIi
v\uk AoI th* tHff** my emtio when the
, ii vs jI mi i t will not he ao mm hol a
ih i! y hh now.
I Im* Ii nnm li y <lrK
'I he I, llll i* v i "t ourlef .lout riMi in rrapoft
• J rfr- Inr tljr fottnw
i Tls'- ' i>'v in th* I ’•i , **i f ipahie f*t
1 ri*.iijfi| if*e!f \si'l J. p* th *•*•'t yovri n
Mi* fit i- Keirnrk \, \\!i.< 11 ;a already Mih r!
*.y jt ss'/iiK i 'I lefe in nothing they. *‘*.ti i
k*uw ( ami what they *l* m*t know they j
? vii.e Ali :tu ea-finot rreep in a llt’h 4 'at*
a* ni/tjt vsPli>nt a flintnthafiee ami an ‘ * ,
p'anation, which iMiien *.f theif’ training |
l‘\en h hm k, win. i- t!i*.- hinarte-t ol ‘em n
Al** i. 1 1 nv* Jimi ne.j a)a* tlie lu’jlily **f liif*
h<-i- ■* tf I he* *t mm flight lie- ►li|>p*'*l in
‘ about one fjYloi k very denuded
h m eJI yt tiily find b* ynti r*** ki>4 f the e*i)li
by the i/* *#i fe I‘ he ha*l l<r**n awnkefie*]
*-! m a,,, ( f *'•** piv inT.i the"eTi*:o TT*•
had ro# I * and aw ay f*n fiv*: n.ioutefc, when.
Mary Jam , w h*> had mi ently obw'rve*! tin
v/hole mene'fvr*, f*aya, ( oine to tied, yon
i, \ |
tool, yr ti ! th*' baby am t triere .
O' r ai' ii ).* added anothet Jrij<Htful
trnk to hi evolution* in tin; ddudn on tin
lrji z*; Ear Jle say* the regular cro|e i
uninU-JT’ft!tig now. Now In' doe* muni
thin:' wotth doing, ho ■}" The ting to
whirl* tin- trap*/.* j* attached afford* liim
an enlarged oppm Umily. lie hang* on to
hi* t'*- on tin: ring, and when awav -U|* a t
hail ;r to■ n' above tin* In o-* top*, In* lel*j
. go entitey and or-headlong down, and
i again catch** himael! with hit toe* on tin
, |,ar. Thin dr* pping a' - * t* pronoun* <-d tlr
1 n,'i-t frightlnl and hlooil curdling !*;•*•
m r w :tt.‘ “-‘ and. Tin H ionvit bang* down
hie f-i’l length, m night and ct.ll. and ad ol
a'au* den In drop** and coiiim *-.voopiog
down, only to natch hiriin*ll nicely at tin
fprojn-r linn*. A wav*- of tlji* band and a
graceful aai-de from the man hanging head i
(J/iwr.WH'd hHatlrt aw e Mrx-ken mrritit uje
.-below In t-met lheCeTean*, for he ** all “an* -
and nound. .
A Tj'iaton |-t‘ a* In r in *|.e;kitig of the
' (tii.< r of permitting the lido*- to In;crowd
( fol owing jvuii : ‘Men, iow adajrs,'*aid h", .
*r<- Ilk* X icrheuw—tbaifoun of sc* ing J*;uk,
! Out tin v *ann*>t Ina aitM: of the pr*;a*i.’
A Ui.f.-.tai .1: 1 a f>‘xA Tow a
deaf ou flat IJ ..- Ink 0. e paring the
r:ontribotioo-b*i*. Oracgt* ptei. U verr .
i jaaj ular tliere now. I
-Vfiirr*. tihmth in Itpmurivy:
All fixpfillcfip '1,,. t:l)tlltil! Sl’lll'i '■ l x
pruViUed lor cliiKliin m K. t >iintfik\
T*W |)Hkl iHlfii't Iron: tin' lil.Ys s l ol<c|fi,i
tl.t fi((i rti T,idd.—
ivlsne man .< ,1.(4 .-scdofis fiU.irtiitniliou. I'll,
Uftylw &l'auu4. r"-ni id( l UpOt Mi rTuio v\
mg items : l, the at the -15 rents
-VUifi Ux on pro(>ri IV .nvtlfid tiy dlfi .‘:i kx ,
b M p•H inx on Tu'-eus ~r flint ooVo , i
.ns-xtsculifi li lon 111, ir (logs; I, dll I
ri n**, forteituifis un.l il'iios it'K i'lo,!
row them, (U'.huiuig the uxu il Iv. s ~i,
..BCtrs ; *(, ;) l S:-u.- . ; x ,.-d nTI ih't'ilx, InTi
suits Hlld hcfitlHUH ill l lilt rI.iSX hi olllfil
>V('rls, iVt I \ firm of luo Key in is,, | lion,
Mil ; oi t.., il„- ninniTi '!. •
of then i hiktii-ii, D4i,t i hoi t|o imi i outu ,
hute n n-filifil lo .|i|>|i<,ri tlio Sit; g iven,
."(ejit— l lif -\viuti:n iuo fiulleil mi to mill. nt>r‘
itich* Awn, anil at U "tno iuni* nolii,i ~o
<d-g, u 1 nirnrrr: 'ToT li:,i, ir as ’
wcl as whitfi
Wmiiui .Ton i\Y i ki-s i',mii),y * i'.h iTspond |
OIICAAU-mi ,! i Wartltngloii finj iys j
t!i 3iiiiifitioii of lii ii'g the 1,0111,. of u,.,, 1
entl.pjlM il I'. oinlis, t 1,,. most Irinai loilil,,
ciliy.i!*! of Ovorgi'. 11,. Il ls ,1 largo and j
ImMnnr ,l>vi'iiiirg-Ti''i:. i iittt oi THTiTT*
aolfiS Ol lilglily r'ldliv.dfid land IN.u
thliyj shows liifi spliaidi I rvimmuraiiv,
oap' irty ol tiw wan, and los 'v ot .L
TrifiX fnil " lJ ‘ l -'*'>>l' g.aid, naif in polled ~i
dor. Hfi has I'vorv ttai U'l V id Itinl lie!
mists Vegetables ciiom-Ii Io s'lpldv the
JdiSSit.— l(e kuctuM-wo— l'.ii'i'iairr^- - *
j-vervlhing Oh a Li I gt_scaiw II ■ 1 .'(lit orr-Tl —I
mand Iho wcjshh in ilu> , ..miiv ll, ; o a
Ill'tjps* hnatn in, willi laigo id as and |
vftt keofi K'umcit vnn { !h..i ■ ■ ugh ' s* T u~
i • iithg
prilfiety ft tharai.ti ras | t*ver nu t. Hr
oyl hi nil Id* tr i > TUntillixe one or
im of him, Niiikiugly Vh tnu tert P -,
HttdbfcttYc tieVl i n prrrrt, rMn i .
When the Ciuife l ■
era c o"veinnu iii mei at M mtg uiif*\
t hetti wrs iv • tin Miry The new adiniid
t IlithUi Jlfid /'■ li -V" ,M, ~1,1,; Lra
tu. |Tone ol Ihe lll* t i t h had any umu \
(!oi*?(Uiient T firm ml In unhs, Hint ttfttn;r
M□PyttlTF'Ol • ai e, iiiiii aumu .xu*Ui^
and gave hh ‘tnlivid ml •* Ii i.■• i lor ahmit
■ f .■ i-- '.it.;.
lUHf Off ion. Hy miiio latah'y ami Inathii
Ifon <ae \ af i"' < oi.l.'l' i ;.!• S t a Inin - . ;
; . il.ii!. ■■
thq-"fcou eftdd the paprr of (loin i ii
T n t phUaMhmUlm M Ut. wu* at ill mil
hv tlpiiahiliiy. Kdw m<?n would have re
* claim lie mdd tin
• *- -s UK
! cut r&mn onft rtiu he KfyxW lu -4a v ttn
: RiUL rtpff ihfAvrir H' i. iV ri " All h ui
I*r |Mine*ill*him Is rare, e--p< < yin ih* *
| dr'renrrHtfr'ttimnr Mm *>rieV vt n nr n- i*
_ in ii I nb'e ratai-44-- lH—Ovtrfy — -^rni —nr.ij"t7~
i tl|ia'iei* rln{/ oc c urred hinec* <i *v C'n. ih
j tirm hw , n *■ Mm ehah'Td State, and in -,s (1 h
ihe wind' State win hel|w and Hoitli ; WO
>*:XI ..[ i• rff i< -f ui i i l l ‘• 1111 (• . i(■ l.i (. f- dn j ll
‘ HU: mixhlUt-oJ the yr nr of tinv -him!!!
•ti .'tii'ui, ami ev* i > ifllnfl i. fa>m tin
iM'iiiy s\ i * it hnliiiu. Thu tsnk- \a i*
l lh I Up, Ml* • I thf le W llh fl IH'HHy j|| II,•
I m tHiiiy Hnv Slid 111 had lanl the matt* i
jhchm <• n r<Kirnbh and in v*ili< c| Im h* p
' <'■ ’ i. 1 oombs [iroinptly iu~*p*mJ*■ Ihy mi*
mt'dlie mom yon liim own peremal 'ex* i
• tinn*, ami loaning It to tin* Sbpe al V per
<* n‘ interest ll*', )i* hi own peiaonul
,i i,i > ‘cht.dlieij tfoin M'v* t.d Irieml>* v<**d
| honct •* n u/h. whlt w hat he hacl of his
>< Ais to {( edge at- < edluteiul Uif th*: .nmiiid,
am! ai *d it in New Volk III*- iiiriieiit
- r* 'nafkable alike ux allowing his u*hint
i< ■ m i-m and Id* patriotic iih *ality. If ip
| i nmeoin< that the lot upon
1 sii *! till 'l*o'■mb* 1 live:- was *ia upiecl by
h t*x* * mg reunion a I pr**l'e*st*or i * ll*
! ha b n living in hh lioiim lor IJH yc ruM
ll**' aijm a trac t ol hml that na
i yiv* n to bn revolutionary nnrentor ty *h*
t'ov* inr out aa a rewan* lor bin valor in the
1 lev-iution Itdias never paffhed out of Hi*
'I hi. A hauy News says Wliite < y ini! I '-
a three mid one hr.fl hours hpieeli to lie
i iregroi at that plau last Hathrday night
I| e only |(Oinl noted by the News, twa
llte aim n-mn liy the S|ieaker that a while
man is as good a- a iiegto, and a boid an
; noiioement of I ts llualterahle delerinnmiion i
. tnreeogniw the white limn s eipiality whem i
ever and wheiever he ta called ojion to
► peak it' act. Il tlie colored people wanic.i
a r< pie.a ntative to legislate lot them, with |
■oulrpv ng the white man lull and c'piai
rig hi- with them coder the law, they Would
ha-e to find some other man, lor he wi
ll ...iid hy ’radii.on and comm;' "vent* to
-bind hy Uie elei’iat de< ne ot Oral that ',
will- men are the eipiats of tin- colored
me. and must Ire equally protected with- I
out tegard to previous Condition.’
J' i- raid that on one 'lecamon, as .Mi-r
. "Uh, suiter id U.c |e c;i, was par-mg—
through a w<<od which the stock dove was
tilling wi'Ti its soft music, she led 111 with a
■ o...,nywoman, who i.XMaiucd, I am a~
! >ll and ol stea k-doves !’ •<),' thought Mi-s
nature -tH.ets, with a a><ul to appreciate
in.-ii i. ;•.!! music of the bird- P Very
ruthiessiy was the dream diaaipaleii tiy ex
placatoryjemark or the woman’.; ‘rtoim
hke* them in (Hes, some likes them roasted ;
hut, for rny part, I think there a rn thing
like them atew< <j_jriiii ia,i, M a.'.—
A Vermont Ocba'mg Club is lew strug
gh'g with the question, rthich eai the
m-Ht cluck* n*—ministers or owl. ?’ 1
T Hima/di Ids
i | Prom lift ( ii, i fnah (‘ 'iiiiiii'it i |
A Ilian living n M tin 'tin t, n.l < vc*r h
, tml yaid> tnnn the (‘.m l I!
’win *■ en mu *• u I ipu n*t, ah el a doigMit
'4* tit'll i;i the dir- etiu'y, h.ul not toun**, hut
whit'li j* vi; .*. ** 4 • <i n la* S 00/.t.i, \\4 i.i
h'nn‘ t.ot 4 v-uing ti.h and up to the 4'>liai
w ith l>. tot-ue. Ptn'iing la her >v wami lot
tin* >4 ms. in/* Ml 1 Smo. /rl4aU ** 1 1 his eoaj
and h*a >l s, put. 4)n his - ippe: uti l gelling
flu* gaiiieu hose, \v at mil t > sjumk I It*
Alls el, m> a> In make things t\ n>t ar >nnd
Tin ie” N*w ,it taU‘ s 4 ju'(■llfv f 411 >4 4 ruing,
ah anal ;ug e) e and a Kti‘;d\ hand to. prop
-11 ly (it ’> • 1 ; ;. imi . Ai
nighi 11r are nvimp.itNl. iiiiv ‘
Mi. Sn.m/.rt's uiitni was simp!) on tin
t 4H ?*piinkling. He gava* 1U hydraiiV
w rmu'’isu, and jiad UU a tnh
head. AHi ; a t*w 41 4. kh.s and Mpilta, a !
jilt any stryani was let fly 1 igtil on Hie hooigj
j ainl w Hite lit'* :; pants ol a man will a real
rosrhrui nn The left laj)p4* of his ftial, wln j
was 4 oinpjg Up Hum a 4 ail > t P nil h ■Uts-ft —j-
l In- min topped suddenly ill kui prise, ami j
>m> /. 1, noticing the mUliiq), in the tnn i
'spinl ol a 111 'loughhltai g ,4 nf email, ad
~,iMt ~| -ur—i. —rtpiilng-^ —when the"
U"/./.V was luuio) a tpiarter * 1 an inch lo j
tin- ai ti -u and, ami pmite.l in a sire mi rigid
aj ,4 nisi Ihr struiger'a immaculate lumm i
Tin lalP r inighi 1 ave go’ red hot at this
tnatineid, uni shown light, werc-jt mil
nnpos-ihir n do m iid lei the co> in
fVu-Bl.u-'- Lttmtght |n iMMTi a+n 1-1o —rtVnirh
inllla! dr a-Uer, tin* rogllililii -lUnl linon.
pants popped m<viinl iho itornrr lido ah
alley Mi Siino/.er was Ili4*n piotaasling ;
tn cool oil t In 1 In n-ln 1•! ihc puvr-j
~1, w htm it geiidetiiTin witii two I ,!.'■
! iw o !*• ami one s.ijv boil on his aim*
j walket up from a vine *t rt et he r gHtalen.
i’o pieVi nt anotl ll* 1 cala-llopin’ the hone
myn tnrm*'l±br ripiirnrigAipparatihi Pjwaril
I t lie op*i>. sf rn t, with on I the Ir.tsl inti id ion
1 01. p(*nrin;i alemi lour gallons t 4 Ohio liver
j wider <1 wii tin Im ks ol a lady and gen
line,o win, w,oe : elm:' hy in a Idled t"l)
"iv"". ■" Tl „ hi vv.uilx usually
expressed in print io ib.ste told ol liLs
,||,aile-e'iiie, end nlteied fihteafx ngainsi
Sou, wi ’x life Mr. Shou'- i said If w ,
* pill ly lirr-id" - tli it dr*- w wilih'g~tn
! I d.e if all back that them was no seme in
ei v|,,g rrver '-pilled w-Ttm —"’W'll'N':ltSi r' TIT"'
I gact and 111 HTf eXpl itnii lon, b*T wax pe, |e, (Tv
i ■ 'IIIIVim*'- ol" It"' lipy/.ie 111 his U.rnO If*
was as inii>< inl us an unborn babe ~|
knowing Ibal a -im am, rni.nlng ai Hie rain
of forty k mils an hour, was sailing ihrongli ,
Ipy ••WC* Wind'”*.ol a second slol lltgj
rruwift frrTlie i .'oiTllee "'wlldyw U. jAftSl
: and 1.4-, no av, ~ I. . |,o7g II UIIVIT
..fill aincil and mieh- a ilitltjj mo, t’mnalel
j sbileks were heard and a man hi wluo
i 1 1 mi -11 r appeaieil at Hie win low and tin dj
"IL. Vl 'll slnits fiout a revolver 'Then Mi
“n< / r llioilglit In* ssouhl -lilt! ol! team.
Ihi * l.> had 1 I laid Ih< W rem 11. lie, how
< v-i tin-gather jug mol* ttl hay nnlll
I 1 and out, ian!i *1 him Kilo flu*
, ■ 1 ■ 1 < I c.•t and bi• m m}*• in'd.
I'll x* * XI. -1 -K I. IN 1> III*; Ip A
ii n•* an iv* <1 mt • w'n to and iy, and iim.le
i•*ji if !• s'here he eo'ihl find the marshal,
and w im dire* t and t*t that *.ffl >**i *h headcpiar
tel*-, and t*ht lhit it lie *dl not Hud til**
* iiii* in i*i in, !* -o p jnio iln* 'next room
amt he \v*uld lope ; to pull that, ami
Ih* ini' ’-l and would *N -*p uni ll** foil**wed
in -' ti*um to t.1,1* Jet re. . and not finding
the *dl) * l ill Ids ol flee, ill*: <*ltlZ IW W* If
'mu ah*rue| by the * laimmnn ringing of
i!i* fire In |i. iuigme and h*)M*j turned out
<pn* k a* possible and pouted to heud<|iirti
lets t a*. •’ tain wh* r* Ik- Ji ew an !*<:al* and
Its he ml the fll'tli.'i f rfi 'f hey HMK ** I
sh h -the lii •• w ?•, am! *n Id" anwwerlug !
h* ko ant m* lire, fie wan<e<| f<* *‘*'fhe
m tirloti, one- < >t th** f) im*ii wr* Ho>ii';ite at. *
being t liIH iifilieei* arily * ad*d mit, h* -j
pitehe*! into the utrarig* i a i*l gave him h*
-*>uii>l thra him./ poM *-e.le4 f
t* a J'oti* •' fl!’*■ t* take *ut a warrani!
(•>r ti.e a rud', ''.ill was informed licit il lie
! lid the flo inno Would b’ltt" (or giving
. the lalse alarm, w hich i- a *dl) fine, Hccord
, ing to the city ordinance-. Ho 111* decided
: not to sue, and win n last heard of
i looking lor the mm who told h'rn how to
find llie mat lid,- Timo.
By teicgraph, the information i oim-h tfirst
lit is be i veil jti W'a-h ng'on that <'ieet will lie appoint ) M luster to
S' IVli-iaburg. ! i viini: ■ ouutnes sncli an
appointment would not have been mn.le
I'roiiiolion would have been ol altogether
another and different diameter. In the
United Hta'es, however, treat hery i a
tptaliflcation lor off) |> will hide menu
tie it -f hiiio, m antine-a of <;*iali*>aiiohr,
and paint over tin- stao.a ol itan.a.o and
charset* r. Dtj'.btli-s, tjei i-r-l Uong treit
aiil tutu hi- bed* yje.n I <.{.iniou
of Hu•►<? ho Once reajH-rlcd hfiii, and hi; !
cr-pt rfi7' Tippetnenient • s tJioi|t *:7i,bi-ion ot
a e or of heart
I seeteta-., I'.’i-tow Ti i- lel-is. I to ficcc| t
i coa' h and pair, winch a /v aious pcr-oie..
Inend treked (tie pilvhege~bT pr.--.-n! nig t.,
ut* wile There i danger That Mr. Bri to-a
w V- dim..-'-- I tor eas'i tg roll -ctiuna up
on the I'ie-idei.i II •wd then m
history >y ti.* - side ot the noble Sunday
school hero who let i-ed to be -drtu: a iil'le
mailer ol c -alien ) w,. d.s*harg<-l In
pretee-l;- 1 — Q ■ ' * ,T i—f t'lirt Iu- ii.i-ter—-
t. itcago 'I: lb
’ ,- I say, Mick, wnulaoit ol p >i..'oes are
1 those you are pointing f" ”>(• jii'-u.’
'.pcr ifl, ror Mink** Pitivnir
In ilieMtinifis i>l run pant freedom, no
j iiov' (in,l pb'iuv "• n*k**x It will b* wdl
no iw t-. ••■) (,j-f-*fid ,(tmu!v ft*r rftfi
p,uxoii,ms i frcfil* or xn ik| bites. It cotnex
tlfoigli l.lif. ,\YJ LfiWnx Tiiii9 from Dr.
Adifxl hi,iib, u widely ktnnyn veteran
physician of Texas, lie auys :
About, daik„- Sol ti.lay last, as I wax
■v . king up lilt* bill from llte.iiay shore, I
bit a him. scuttling about one of my legs,
mil at lin* xainb iii-lml the liilcx of sharp
j:db. U ii'hing ilni-'Huyxfi-1 gitw by tfio
liglil m.i id lull,, wound *, with blood
1 xudiiig from 'licin on my leg, three inche*
ttbov fin* ditk - -There Dim piin.-rurfis ti>~
inch wound, by ibi* two fangs of the
Shake Iha I bid lilt mu. Swelling bud uV
O'lidy I'oiiun.'Hei I , sllim iivu mlnutex
lr ,111 the lining' Soil 1 determined to do
iiulbmir. biLitw bllexl I nasi., iitvird r to oh.
serve flic elf, els ol the poison nn mod I fif'd
•by lnMlmeni Ttio hWellini increased
lapldly, ami in Ii 11* <■ n minutes in ire the
-j-m.n liarHieeoine fi.vcriiciating, and I ;ould
not beat any weight on the leg. I was
obliged now lo lie dovni.
I now took, in a .vine gi-am of water, a
had len-p.wmluf of .safTiiatel fineltire of
iodine Ahnn! fifteen iniiiutes afterward I
repeal*.* I iho iodine about twenty drops.
A •unilt dipe id', ' , .pv: 1 fii'u'i'.;;.ire tiTga; -
ly minutes, a third dose of iodine—fifteen
drops ; in twenty or tidily minutes after,
the _ fourth. The length of these several
: bilm' H coiiiectnra). -I'tTiil Hie orTflcea
ol ibifiwomuls WiVeral limes touched vdrtT
tlie tinemre ef iodine, and the leg, which
was now swell, n frinn the ankle to the
idvtTrc^*: d~ with Ti'dliif,
Ftp ’ .ill V. as e , ■ 111 i lime, Hit by IP:SO
or 11 u elm I , tavo end a li *li or three liotrttr
nliei llte Idle, had abated sen llily. A limit
I d(l in tin' morning I 101 l nsleeff, and awoke
at ~ii with e,eojdtdt* slttfireii# and’
supei fii'ial hoi ein xx in the limb on touch,
| now swollen lo double its former size, hut
with no pain woirh ineullon ng. Nor liavo
I xhn e h id uu, AiHl.giiig n.r.linr tlian eom
Pi in nl iJil let-, nil tin- morning,
iin.J lt* intr .*f•!i,;<•.I in imvi it ill nil tnnos
< lt*Vittril, 'Min f.i.T pii li['t|ini(.il in tlio
-Hi.|iini/, nml ll Mu' li-jf iiuiiff down it l.c
i"i uh* (. it I I ii. f..( , I fill 11,1. ■, in toW min
i■ tm (ii-i It'd ly I*yli|.
"Hi'’ liii'"ii <l i.T iin- m itTctr In ij’iMtlon
S: in ' ln‘ Hsi',‘li.i i il' -icy til ioiliim it- ,i
l'i!Un:Jy tui V i.'.OOt. Mi- (iltrg. cl to
'I. hi i iiiinif wuH UHi iI ; ii i HpirtlM, no lmrU
ii'itu, nut tlic Idukl |>i>Miil)l tiling in tho
vi<>i lii, lutctintlly or oxti'iiially, except
Joilinti sml one |uhill tiring ut •a*Xtpt r
• 11-llfn ill 1,. 1 11.' tiy w DM. with others I
wiw (Intermliiiyl lo dlvu it u ftlr Hhowlng In
my own im-h, nimlili'.l nml unnlwlmeted by
i‘.Hi. .' nii'.iiyii'ion, i liuvn nlUnlntd ilia
pmtfflt tnierwk* to ltd- ceae bwiua, ttiongh
ii" i. -il .tom n Hiile indite in ti ih own ciute,
dn: I"' -' lit liitu,liaa l.iu-'U hy l.tng odd* the
Hitvi i•• t -iiHU/iiilc I ever knew. It lull to
ii-i 11 II W.itflj, iu my i)|.iui..n, httve been
bitnl in n very lew hour- Tlmt tlm urmko
fVH- Si Ini cniie, 1 know Innii liih heavy
Henltling alMiut my Inga, and, I may add,
b'"iii tlm dejiili* to which I Iclt Ida fanga
'■iilcr. My uiHtHiitiineoua Niiaplclon, iroin
ilie weight and He.erlty ol' (lie lilting, wan
Unit my u-hiill nnl whh a wildcat, or amno
ni It animal. The excruciating palu felt
Mib'i ipicntly, a- lieforn mtntlmied, aocmnd'
In mu like the leroclotl* crhlilpa ol tlie
n. iii !i a in inadgnanf. ciio'cra, except that
they weie not in any degree apamnodfe,
'lTiere wet' other circifiiiataticea, gym
loin* wlneli I aliould detail were I writing
in n pliyaielan, hut lliey would only atill
laill.ii hme you. To net forth truly tlie
’ Hie.-ey ol lodine IIMIHt exeu-e,. r-y le.rgttl.
I do not know what kind of htiaUe it waa,
Inil Hii-pect it to have been a rattlesnake.
Very hilly yours,
Asiiuki, Hmith.
Not hy ( liiiiicc.
, i'eih ips In some insointed instanccn a
man may become Wealthy though a series
I"I cireiiinsUnccs very much resembling
I luek ;! as a rule, those who would enjoy
i siiceeas must work hard for It. Twenty
• lerks iu a stole, twenty hands lit e. print
ing office, twenty apprentfffek in a ship yard,
I w i-nty young men iu a village —all want to
vet on .hi the world, and expect'to do so.
<tue of the cierfes will become a partner,
i oel iMike a lot lime, one ol the coni(Hisitors
will own it newspaper, and become ttn in
Ihienlial riti *1:11, one ol the-apprentices will
oeoomc a iimlei builder ; one ot the young
villagem will get a handsome (arm, and
live like a patriarch—but which one is the
j lucky individual ? I,m ky I There is rare
ly ary luck altout iL The young lel'ow
who wilt distance h'S c rufietltors I-tie who
masters lifa Ini-mess, wlm prr vervi s his iu
n-giiiy, wlut lives cleanly and putely, who
devotes his Ii I sure to ihe acqtiiai l inn of
knowledge, wlnt gams Iriends by Jeserving
[, them, ami who saves—hat- spare money.
There are vfiTie ways to turbine shorter
iliun this dusty h gliway ; but the staunch
I tnrir ot tljg CdTiuiiQiiity, the men who
hi b.evi really worth having,
v-md torun*-, good name, and serene oliT
sge, ull go in this road.
A GbKTbK illvr —A. youth and maiden
weie walking beueaUi thrbluu canopy ot
the firmament, which waa ‘lretMii with
► olden fires,’and the maiden, n'.oved by
the sublimity ol the scene, pointed a :a|>er
t ug.r—the on* on which the efiaageiuent
nng worn—toward Uie teni'ii, suit e\
Claimed, 'Oh, \uolphdk, lan’i Jeweiiy. Utah
ti ui r
-NO i*