Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator.
VOL. 2
;'i U! Wii.fci* KVfciiV FR:DaY,
At t i; i ANN) 'i. ■N A i I V AN t I
- (US , . lu * : V the C- >ttf n.-
!£<<• .l \d\; l ll'-illi!.
S ~,1 v.K -! wtt* HA '■ m • Iyu
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tO’ 17 o*.* 4-1 87 tH* 0
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u_ •s. li MY N \l.\Li j
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Jan > t rtk >*:s* < dl
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jToin t. hoi;iT; f> N
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JuJIN \Y. I ■ UK.
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V. ii IM> -it. 1 i* j;■ •••?•-
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■ ,N > . (JRYi L.
, t . , ,
< 3 ArhH Ai. SCHOOL.
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- H'lfi i.i i t--- 1 —
I u! :i< T?,< I cl**'*
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1. .K. JC ! it-i-A • ' ” ' ' 4 '
•* .-i:. . .... Ai. >.;A.
>?. .H. ( I I l .' ‘ “
&. SON,
I > < *i*i•> ()r< r ;m^-
V, -A If! 11. 1 '
4!|* . . i.l H (:!//>'• I 1 til I
i *i f- 1 and (<!&. Ri < l|
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j. , . si,-' • *'*r> •
! • ini-i-l.;' ’ r VC lit’ * t. I*, 1 J!
. I, f.t l In* f V -f '' ‘ ' • V*. -il };•
xl i r M y r■■ * 1 i \ 1 1 ‘ i.'' 1 H '
L;‘ Pip
Mi t*.:. I, f*l li -H HI * X ! ’ • " .il * Ilf fi
whMf.lL* h<H- fl fiMi.f! | 1 rf* |, i }-H' • * •
a i tL*/<> 1*: r * fitf *J<* t ; - II) 1 < * t tli*
ia t :vc '< ti.m \ • f!U* *
fff - -c)l.<tf* n- t Lli- -4- ft- H
o<lir f 01)MMdU*f: lit 'I If y
puruv U?h if fc * <mj<a U< > ) ' ,l n ■**'
AtMoht'Notßbft Cr< k* 1 1 al
7* * f Tiir * hr* U * - ♦ art ki *-* fi * r >■ ‘
M* ( 't wk. ff;i ij<*i v.ill* i r*nrl
V ■* j* t Pan* Pd-r louiid < ‘ ** •
Il 1' TJf K \>YM,Vh- THE VhhVY fl**' ~
tsu 1 1m ittijjrmtjjit Tit#*, which v ‘if f**rii
f ♦ ‘t< r w hfyever te o**4) Itc, Ijh- r.* l 7
C.r* j tj { r- fill < >'Dif * * - JfJ he lihlk*
■ fid h,khJ, W c wn, 1 if *| of hf) ♦
m \:w hFfrJB irj o*ry i*jvh. Af'i v tor
am hi Ac.
(je&ermi UfcdK-rt
JiCOTfe *n<i bLOE.~.
J ATr- an.j CAP',
liiil i'S <jW>\ .- nd Triri.niiut,
I A Crw Werr.
f M title Fuji “tjuaft. 0
Carnenters Notice
fh<tr a* N. Mitc ham, the Wan;
** . ( *!- J Gld ! and te g- le-ht f to JD-
J> ;l r?• .) *♦ iOrai and tl* p tiic, lAint be ia i
j i t ait*: tc* aii kinds of
w bn€rd!r.fcft, f • *i, a r j] #' ratch.
J\ l Ln2 rZiU 1
Why Wt< i Va. Dm■'. ? Dr-’u, ti whnt
> wi iiu i; 4 ~{>!- Tt-v : ti t- uiin
U S'iSj* U'! ii •:t. V {.( >it. , '*v I. I
• tollvl *i- v\ i4 : vj., j ; (\ 1 >l* (Ifl if
* % Imnii 'MH ■j* iit r.> in only swlo
£i:,*d ofii>-itwi'u i! ruin. In ail
i-.p <•! i. SU'l'fil-uMi *t OliH‘l
i **M(Y 4*! tiu* iMurses, lb I HrAtlfifl ■-
rh in n■ Ucji; rt • is tlit* *>ni\ surv t* -ntstx
Patlp T p lie tew *, ~ i< >
n-.-i \ 11-g ’( If ('l‘b>d .llwl dtMel if list 54 t Ilf tv
- V 4*—ttVr?:s? TANARUS L* 'lt l l
i. . !l. ill >?. t!t fr: tt *ft. lilt* Hl* —t SH‘f
:*■ 1 a-i .sum* l iVijKic ! ts. J. 11
10 . !V if, tin'.;: 2i>*, t>.*, t* -bf i*<
J • • 1\ - -i.i t \ i. Sj t rtiiii f I't Of ji '
;. HA 1 HOL J.V J
11 W( '' llL.t VMlt i!A=* p|> • fl\
W hi'ti i • " *1“ ** b> ! * 1 •' * Hit* :
t—r-Yfis ■ i * it>•"*'■" r ’i ' ~' rT ~-
/•t.iv- y#~<H*T • *- * •♦ Lht;r 7 f t l
1-. ttt- UciLit, iilW i-.\ !>O4 • Wi 1
1 ;f. r *■ VMS ft*"*
V "V ' vV i.. IT.:*! t;1 1 1 Ik* Jl't.tfii,
_____ —— . —:—^
-~T TnTT - V i " > r l f U :*t S
A :i • p. .j>• * l !.>!> Il lHi Inbuilt l, ** |
. L.i ?v in *.. iui f\! .* i via ,
l wtr w-f ' .( tidt in.*; tin }• fti
i)i iilf Ul u. ktj U'HAI HN’ li v
Lit ti' . . hh t t S‘-l •{ If hi
Ol i-vit >1 .11 'il lifMv Hlid pll'T* .
|,h m. itiu-ii-.154 iKoilit-i -
i.< i ut* f u i,..tin nre m chiuc ;
l;t*l t P. rt( lit* l‘ i llllt* li'.l' i; 'fd.
If 1.1 il f j.: i.l .... (I!( (i !i.i tc .
All. Ti 0(4 ! -lit., 1. .• 1.1. '-11l '
1. ,U i !u, 1. At .i tint try
li, It. aii] ~11 <ll ill l!.. Hi :iUi I.
TTiUs I.' cbtclu.di b) t tie I*< 7-
: l I ll' |." I i.K’.-l (Lii - C • I'. (Mi t
’ i.i>w7Kll , ,,r'&l,%**> ,'.(j '
11, . ..ri. , li(.(\rM*( l w!y,
-- Tir. . 1 '."'A. . ii: l n’ I’.' .M | (■', 1 ;
< .viuiirk tmtirw tttt npp tvltttg,
Vl i!,H i ■. 1 ‘*ll VK- Ccn'lt
' j'. : i. c.l in. 1.1 hoik“
K niitt i|u. ii ...ti i, *4i i* iv.H.t.t
\i <).K.11 IO T|ill4HSll 1.-.lltiM*
l>_r pi.i-iuc t i tin•ti'inr l"f di’
| , "s. It !|. 1 1 11. l tl I. I’tl I'll', t- . I,
"a l-i ' tiii' 1 i". *'ii ~ ii is i liii -In. c - in wit let,
.. it . -a l}| jit 15 :lil * fill in H Imtllill'.l
~| f,,, It ImHill) I.U ttiC (■
j , y Vinci imii. m. Hi.t.iialiji
. ku-HHiui IUUIC Hi'n<:. V' I>*(. '.•'(
C. amt t.f t'l '( I VII.(J l.v ■IK "I",
i i'vi'ii a< till. ( ~.t nl ttn)i | i.(lm.c4( amt Mil
: I ;.j t. .1 '.. li (I •BI II 111 ,i I Ii 1.,
- | . 1,, (ill rt(..-*1 (.1 K I.I 1.p.l
: ,n' .7! , (■I II 111. II I*l.l' 11-11 ti- .llllil
I, lui-l-i. .ti‘ li pH at >1 life I.l* Ih 4.< .(I, lU|(
• Dp. i ~1 |. ! j l(-(Sj ; .l.' I.i ('-■* —
ijj l(.i 1.1.i l! I.lllllf, Ill'll I ' .N K
l . •' V [a. Mint 11. 11l AinnUdiHit t
i ■ ;. . . 1, la I mal.f III' >1..1 f II i'i 111
■ : ,t~i i —r 'n ti. i —rrFTr’n j~: r.~Trr ,n ,
* i ; i • I III! < i 111 |< It i !!..*•, l/41
I VI 11. l V ! *s* t o It* hit b'l h* *' 4 iU h<; f
....uv h if’*. hr*- M-i niioHi* r-tr why M
; Mfl< ’lif t !► li* I V *>.• f hlld p |l M *
Ii *)I Hi \ **l I ■ * 111} * Mpt <ll * !
■\ t y It . AM. 1 1 fit I . v\ ij i(i e t * I
i d,ti4 li ti*>f- Kt rttit tf. i l l UX-JjJ
tAA/TTh jf *: pntptHit H.n ; t; s :i I irrfiur iff
1U- -H i .!'■ *o*t-"*-
:, VY I d ; • • JI tl I|> , W .** |* VA ;!• J lrt‘l"
... *| (i.i t tii n* .lot IM ‘ tl
: T *4 rrrrn -ttrrtbrrr
# \( V Lid lj Hi h ihfVV Hit* p.QV-. HV. ;jg
> .til - • Ii *. 1 i|* hr* | iifi tilfj I!
~ j, *-},<• ] r -• •- w iii b* > ; .if* * hi"J t It* il
.It .tni-i,f .r;t > t‘\% ML* (X. A f.)U f
♦ • | • wii*i* •• *• ki) y ‘i*i i.
a 1 • y.ip A.
I. .
1 < vi i* * > }*?>* ■: v< <l I *. i<* ivwhly ><hr
1 / ti i j.' fg! j * * jo j.<k* <! *i}- a tj* /■* •* ow *
.Hi iiiKMl* 1 t ri,. n* hi*ii |o f*it
wh li.r ;< ! y> t of a vy r* , fv*o or
l' •, al* a ' * :>i- U'- . ij,r • born *
J]• k i’ vt a'* h *>f |jjk row *, arid !it • and >u *
li Jf ! t'l III' litli *IJ 1 1 f l. cral JlrU'k, Kill,
1. Il- |,l, aj liV U.l I flp 'J i'ltll.l
ttic Mill ,1 ■! tm ■ 1 May, lis3%,
I DW I r<t Hi I!y I I|l|lJM||<) I P (1 l.| I 11 .1 , llul}
-• . ... ! ivi t 1 i.i- plaint Ui bat
h lntjiili nl I; !,<• (liiaircn, fl\; ot aliom an
- fti* * ..I* o rijtf'i is a i fI. r. (f,
yiiifi.')! ii- Mo ' ja a Mur, kill a
dIT WTtli a l ifli m (rai * 'l' V ain.
( 0-1 |ptl.
In tio man * i mim- i. rail t< jf :mi t
ii ,kJ-a Hh j£oo <ni.. ali lr iu tio- j orory ,•
a S .il l/i.i te ana -i fi •) a iIL nfv* I
I iiii-ioa VVP*n lo; *-*.- (<i‘ lO'it ia (or > in.
iv j,,i t. is litimt -'i 'ti Ibe ptcmiM a. lie ai.i
ru t trike | api.r rnoro-j at ar.y rnt*-, li.t n
a aa) a realty !ri ** ii at'Orra for jjolil <>r ni
ver. Ri t<oy an: all iarniiiar aitb gun*'
, noru.*. ring*. ar.<l't‘* : t In a tea )m
sure ‘i * > bare iterally rarfi- 1
3.01. ey, pruvi<J)d robber* tio not intAe a
laoj tiiior. U>eni, in lot tl ta-e man, kyl>
* '**£■
b* %>, u d>, dog?-, hu<\ Mb* i g'iijM, the iMider**
a I.ui'i tie apt to pi' bob ’.tail
|b i lion Jbe boi.o i/tenpie<l by tbia proa
I o|, (,* family i i<-. bwiit of log*, and wb •
tain il.ri-e rooi.*. -lift laiber at,iJ rnotlif r
• .e; i -be rjitnr.g room, the girl* owy, in
b' t; .it on m, r,i e tl.e bjya -oep ii,
:be a .iiilion. 7 ],e g ria do ro i aro a r.ono.
il> j Ilonit n ima or 'liti p.ia, but Hoy i
, /,n ,n a Bite 10l oi caiven, aCil kio a
*.; an ‘pi ck an Ohio aoriwn tan get op I
an open-air prayer nirnto y.
Arkanaae jucg** no* toiler lertoi.v t*.
Ine teartneo t, r [ lalol* Otloie reiiiinx to
make i.p a v*. rUitt, and aben anxious lor
■an cr>eii int,,iy leave a wegfoa- in the
povktit a: the loreutau. I
Il.Odih Hit; her.
lfo:r'jr W t!l II erber *nee and llv**i*d
-•Ha. *tm n np*n tbe
D*4 l , w iliv’h *S ‘l tbe Hues ;
T.- lllni lidt l o tflbeis show ,
l hill li t U'V show to uie.
I pp iU ii with jvtvri.Yiu rtluo anee. Aid
tie Ht dtriit ott ’tiumes, wbcii X eau4* i,
*ivni h-ueiiis me with grief, bid I tseliev*
.Uwi M; . D.v s, i r example, w ill be hung
Uready ilu .h* iu*-w>4’s bct.iw u\ He l
ito*l, b * i> eot.viiled, be sUmiti on tb*
se;rtol.L Al\ iiruus tmVe wme lied tin
>-ne pi *ees> *d the law , aU iut iutos Uav
■i■ ■ i“*ie• i i* iir ii :n is uM BTIT s iti>*>l' ; UYI
.hi! • >- i .i*i ttb iui ilie* sin Hold. Theta
-i i M* •*• licHm-s tir-pU'Mil Id bpll li*' is •*
_ m n~r
.1. :. i' VY ~ VI ; i i 4< 111 , ii, ilj A 111! Clui iig j
.i vu- the U v>\ il t*i ol tliemullilUiU -
■**!—*—*.■ n**d-tm rrrvr ' m:rimTTS *>t
iht !•- vvmit.i btin *i linty eontti. He
7ffiEs-Jl—W*ll wf;.. jaaVfS' H H't, HiilV" C'i iKiirn
whoeuiiH-i Uiiil i irtii i bis iTiiue ; iie i>
- ■ 111 ■ ’: 11 !•.* i by a m gluy, ’.uiodmuibb
N• ti ill, w i , u*e w jvi b* m.; t.v* i aud H> bo I
: ♦-• 4* b ive it*i bait* ml no mul
ue.ut ii n it ii mole ami l’udbii.g worst
tli ui a t b vsifiitd. sorrow iui imiigudiou
t<wa il him.
1 i* > would it b :ip. biill t they foUliL
it Uu-v iuulu ** k- j i l tnt-y w er.v
11. Ivv .n,- ** and e*i*onl with a gfrat uloud ot
Aidies-.P i- Lit i: b il 3 ot . Vic *l> weie
iioiiii iWi Üb* ijllll ir > t .i Hiomuiug ;
* io* v * i. li*.g* i outi itiii'iir) j ii tb \
*" ibl l-'ige* liird (hul, lliey eould g v
[ ,\y l*l Tut u j'i>> lo m Inutfl l tii oi Iu liia
r• *o * t*rr-t Lnrj fTTTT T*' TTTB bom over
lit. 1 ma , \ i * > *-l pympalh) lor linn ;
* <b- o, v ■y*'*\ , x4&:x*.- >.'farm > v?
Id* -d * mg. >• Mbe li u t liolhillg- HV 44^
j nolblng nvsils , he r.ui I In* spHlfd ; lie
[ Would nil *♦*♦ jient*** \ lie WOUld Il**T
r* **—y *p . hr -p Irrr mTi*f
.u Audih* !i \ ■ * nm s an*t llie
vv 'lid hbudil i uU*t lb UniioF i?*
.hud. Ami 1 * dm flint >ueli a seem and
in * iin■ i• bn l*l wil! *L !iHi' lor ihe bla
loblv ■*T ii * * it.n ty nd br tlie {ruusi 1 ol
„ -,.. r ■* t; n n 11 ? r ■ntt y ■ r? 7 rn* gTOTT
. i* ■ ui_ili at l.tai I*4o years. * *• *
i' w i'i 111 Ive lank Mui'.ng the uddindlUs
;-*d- hvrmry L’w m l.aV* a ihf"TaL dignify
and i 1 j_* l wbnh n> * n.n> itilb tn< Imtlie
jwo ViATf InvigliT - ! - titt*T have 1 1 will en
gs-g*- H*- asfetitttjti ok nu.iiktnd fts bone* of
our bdli* lu.v* jj vv id I* llli.M' *H-ily
j*(•n | 1 ‘ 1 ,■ ' .* I I '. u.i iu I) will lM) 1 • l. i
. 'ion and sh.viry < ju mue’d and embodied
; hi litv l* tin an i p *>ri ol lh *i ebn I man.
j 1 bebiueed lot ibeir sins. And the
j p-op wbi umleisiund ibrti miiiple, Iragii
tldi g. And M will sink ini * llum ; and it
• n : In J huh Ut l .Uv im* ve* Ham*
* h i Qp n Jil l I > wuiU iou ri
Ilu gnuiepi W4tik of modem mu** <>m
l*i)al Mai ! tin an wnils lot its cnpMone
i.i Ijl Ih 1 ,. .[lolb b and. IS I 'I Wlltl 1■• n
iitgs, but in silenet* uiui leals, ii you pleas*
Hui iel il In Jht&ei. And, *ll ilu- w**f ts f
; our ; r< at marly f, w In i be w I*4* tin <h
1 w lb* h bus made iiim uoiiuullii, ‘ Lp< ii
Uil . ■ 1 • I. • 4 fit f, nr 1 • ■ an
inv'ilu lbw hiOMdig <#l Ailing ly tio* I and
; u.e^w<msr*ietab JudgfiMid of mankind."
,\ 111* li ftfi*i HtIM 11. n>
T‘o A\oi<l Jury Ifaiiy.
A kw rttitr a Dutch \ < vl land* '!
and Nf rLuu II g*rl*Jlv 11 1 j| M L* f r f 1 |f ||)|iabl
i>* r • *f ‘ ’ .‘-n j r k <ui i ' *i*/iu , one of whom
. '.lid l way up Ihe 7 • >iilbigtee, am), m e
• -1 u ; (il , u, | telling for MU MO
; i -;*ig DhteTiitu m, IhiuJi‘l and built loin ie
wiuu r A m*# l l him ri!i< i iml'iial)/.-!
tt#ii. fin sbi dl s"mMioned fLe >1 hsini
i 1.1/ bin Hi to m*v* on the jury. Jinfeb
' wa very hfiAium to be • xcu ed, an tbe
r ■ lb>n bad wi m-< omit g In v< iy rapidly
n and a jrviJ Aar* ii‘u e w u ing
; i r* :id * Kof/M*.
VV ti i 'ii; jury, hh rt I /(', mu. I i.lik
nipHUriciir <1 Iu- went Id Mi I, n ill),
i!!.(;uili(i| ln)i i,iii oiili-r In )jvh I,tin
;' X' UW.d. Ml, I.- tnlij liim tin- J(|,!jri'
"nuuJ irn* ( *'n<- Inin <in tin- pli:<4 nl al
h^lKtnjgTSmirkai* /di,.,
N> yi; ii.iml, v*i)v It Hb, ynu ti ll iln
I 1 >Mt to liv • *-•*•< -J, urui I wiil l(-ii
. liim .Iu i( H,,ri.
hn, wluntlu i.Dt.r* '.di,v.-jji-fl, Mr. 1.
r>)‘>' mid
M> it pi(-a.c ynur Ilniinr, Juror wialieN
) U, \# I 4DIJM and.
*tn vvPat gini.od, Mr I, * asks Ilu
Tij-re be iu, *aya Mr. L , Iu- will
prr-m-rjl Ina t Xi;.j*;,
Whilu lliifc " rim raaijurj waa taking plam
V(* rnn Uih Dull liman
-What in yi.ur exr.uisL-’ iripjirtr. tb
J !<*:.
Enx Hrln'.k^.
Wliat did yutf vty
hi.fc* H I'a/ki.
Cow.s iinarcr, *ir ; I car not bear wliat
>*,..• say.
Mian Hrua.ks '
Mr Hu jiff, (like llial —Dutchman
* ut nl tbe court ; hi/d, nr I vhail Have you
fir.r-d for a negieci of rp.ty, n Mimmnnlng
a man wi.o can ray i.k'bn g but Pi/ai
fVUaA* ■
It.itr h |.< imi.'i and *<m-c-If tn lie carried
nut n( ctccrH mi.l't i mg ijiit. ii ins be- wseou
After geHing nut ol H.e court bouse rurme
one who bad aitiiond the acene ankcu
bun why be did uni go when the judji 4 -
gat biui leave. . •
Ob, asya Dutch. I m,* ’(raid if 1 undcr
trxd you may leave, de judge voutd tbink
I nj/cak Er
< iuiia(uiti makes light nl a grave ttil jrxi.
Tlic TltltH Term PlaKorin.
That WlfckaA'Srw Y ak S' in k .'ps con
xantly p* (ti iii(t Jmt ab.ds two Mu* aulea ot:
i vi'ltimi* Slid-ell sa nri n ,'m ii... l‘ .-i
*'*>>t. Its la*t ittalKik i-i lit* m iinicc
went ol lb* 'bird teun v'UUot m w li . h i- i.>
I (i ant to tejffueUxled a< many time--
as he .'( airrl -Wj it hr >t .ilht r■ .ncltl.le l
b I’.vciileul Ini lit. that vh.ilt be arranged
to suit him. 4
11. Ilia aalarjf and pt.fpiHilta lo In
doubled iui mediately alter each t-mr
111. Mileage la tie allowed him a* Hie
fafeof per write for aH t. 13 J miiny.
while Presided*. A law lo t> passed Com
pelliug all taiiriisds ami steamboats t
.iraiispurl UllU inab aiid all twleW H> t-wt-t
--tam Idm witbottt eliarge.
IV. Kvi ry l|,>ra Dial can trot in N2O, or
•omWi , to be bis pfepeHy wHmii payntg,
ia a tuktm ol j*blks ami private gratt
uida- 1
V . L'eutenan Ctdtmel I* D .Tmtii P' be I
general nl l Ire hi my, in place nl W. T. Micr
man, dismi-aed.
VI l%e tiiitheW policy of the country
in bu ciilc.l on alternate principles ol re
sumption and ießatum, al Ihe discrelhm nl
tbe I'li .-nle.iU Tiiua We aha',l ill it low.nd
cmmii, li.m and s|KCic paymenls until ihe
jitiiai ut gaud* i* UteogM low ; and then we
w ill have a bus* I mH tfion until it is up
again. By apulviuc Pbe one and the oilier
,/f lUeae m -amie-t wiib prudonws, Hie l*re
si.lenl will lie time lo save some
riling handsome as he ought
VU. TuWwt Cabinet, Bit. cock to
lift ScaireUry orßUteK^oa*BßeplicriT, Birre
tnry ol the Treasury, Kellogg, of Louisiana,
iyv.dcyall pi War, and VV. 11 Kemble p.atl
uiuslci Ucmittl, lbdarni, letiulg'nief VVll
hams, and Becor Kobosou lo remain tv her.-
iln-v are
VIH, No more Irigti ofllccs lo hedt g. aiT"
(,1 by lioiue conlerrijl h retnm. lor paltry
gilt* ol f I ,HUO The ready money rates
paid In Nevada lor places in the 8.-uale to
lx- adopted its the e’andiud vulu Ini llu-se
prcal honor* ol ihe OoveinmenC All re
rrtprs-rroin wiru uWWR' ~ri htypeVsonul
properly of the Clifftf id H-lalltite.
IX All new*|)peY that do not pialse
iho |*|>eiit,tmrtimi hia pf rl-niml fiietul* ami
li lallnn* lo be insiau'ly supptvased, atid
iln-ii ediiofs, puli islieif. repot li-ra amt cor
rrapnmlunts lo be Imprisoned lor ilie
In the earn ely Jail of Washing ion
X AH such I iimih'ds lo he luoityhl I"
"WasliingliMi h r trial ftpifiits- n court Hp
pnh ted Inr ib p ; k .t v A by Igu Piesl
VV I t , a eniididale so populai as fitanl-,
and with stjrti pnnriptca an it _ y tim,
, Hily and Jj ■ .kri-hU fI-c 11 Leil, lliiiu: (an br.
no doubt ol tne result lie wi ! he Humph
arilly ic ih , led, cyeiy body will la happy,
and Ilu H i,nut tilthe eiVil hi v (■• va ill Ilu n
oummi iit, .
Vfclli <ID II.IMI llal lama I I'clliligil*
W< |4 Jill,. i,i. hoHeenne day. an.l ctrnght
I .J lr p-n p roa n; Innrgmg 4i~ t' Tin
isl iu. i a-I , , trim.-, II 111 I w i 111 o -1 lilln Ilu
it- to —A i , i ,1)111-1.1 lie wauli it J'.loi for
u.iiiiii ii 1,,. ,| i>ii was uni in be l.mul
IL- went ,i .a t'iiiii* John's room, wluuc
rhe lain i auHnimlils knees |hk king lib
I r link.
VV liai's 'lu- mailer John? said I*.
<), nothing, said John.
What are ynu packing your Unnk
|. •! | *5
Id) going asytiv.
(Jong away ! What me you going aw ay
O. you know, answered John
No, I don’t know, >)J,lined I* Cnine,
give Ihe lea-on of your sudden desire In go
VV ell, iiu->kly answered John, ynu saw
w lull I wa . lining this morning
O, pshaw ! laughed I'etllnglll, do nnl
he so to, ii*h, Il you and me can’t lnij( (
the old woman enough, I’ll him another
I;.n lltjoa.- A coireapoDdsui writes:
Alter lighting Iheru r ighl year*, I learned
Irntn a gnl wirn had aelved as charnher
maid ill * large boarding bouse *lial lings
could I/.- erillhely exterminated for all lime
I iinmedlately follow ed her directions
whl-li wa* to take grease (hat was incited'
out e.| sail (auk, to rnelt it and to keep it
me ted (Hu- ve-ael can be kept in a pan of
i asp and lo pul it with the leather end ol
rjuill in < veiy place where i could find a
Png. It is necessary to see that the bed
, „fd* are entirely free from the fiesta, and
I w ill w annul Uu re wil 1 le- on more troll
hie. jt is more than thirty years since'a
hug has hee-i si-i-n in my house ’
Wir vi i“ s Dam.i.uo V—A exchange an
wets this question ill the following de ici
oils sty '(• ,
I ,Hu ,sr lilt Ist beaming girl who
mi i. s -ru on tin- door sti |i; w/io llmgs hn
lair aims around (<n,-' neck, and kisses one
with her wlio'e soul of love; who seiifes
onr 's hat; who relieves one of one's coal,
and the lea and toast so prettily; who
. places her rtlflab form at the piano sad
warble* forth, unkolicited, such rteiieir.i:-
ys, ho eap- herself at_ eae's loot a too,
ar.d clasp* one’* baod and asks her < a get
nn!*e*r(J of rpteiiioi.s, with such luigi.t eyes
and flushing lace, and on whose tl s-y
r ur.s one filaees one's band and breathe*
‘tP/d b.e-* her a* tbo fairy form de
A family of origin*) ciemutiuriiaU—
Utsut'ir '4*ll* V i.l i**4*r.
T:li Id OK ill a t lie |( t■"l lof I' •■> B- ■
aiaick’s Ttninij —nrr. KI *s' u ,;tt : •-
One day "tin I’ n.'c w is protv, di ■■
toot h m i. v|.i in; -h> it., i>w u i" i ws
.! t ■-Sit tm till h‘( ■'ijo
-Trt .'irrr. J "T! , V , ~ ,
it .i.w n, ow i• • and i eshite ldmi T an '
takes h gtc.d ;d ~-t n ,-ip-'isui >.! dl ii-,
■o lie comm, .. .1 t ciUiVt is di' .i w'li ti
ll.owns. >\lni iti 1 i.ill r, .-.>nnn. >£ hi n, an .
st hrs? n qnt s r cd cjt ot them o' give iim a
■cylne, which lie uaul with,i 'yl I >
gu'.iti 'kill The Bavitiiau |(a -acs wer,
itsloulnhcd a‘ this proof of skid on the pal.
of a geniiemun w io ap, i tied to them lo
-Ki-hmg to tin- upp. i elasst-., anil expressed
t • radmiat n wee id yA • soon as the I
P ittrr hud lett oil m.lwUnt ihe ion oncTrn
Pn-crtmtiTTiviTir tati.cil lo Idm atid-askc 1
‘You seen' to be a k ( i ..I tainur, sii, imd |
rnrmtr the scyTliS T-Iter tlion T. wl.oj
have worked Hi U iiftli m.;ic Ilian I aty |
'Well, my dear fellow,' rcplicl B'-sutaick,
•null g#ls Hcipt iiulcit w iiti many things iu
(lie’s I lie, mi,it what l ,lo I like to do pro
I erly,’
The Prince, now look leave ol the | eoplt' 1
shaking hands wlili the man who bud lent
linn the s.-Ylln', nnd i-oiiur I'.ulalinn alt—tm
tlie prospect ut a good liars.'-,! which lay
tk ldUtUp m
The Chancellor was luirdly (Hit ot siglii
ol the poor |H'asaiilM ivlien a sliangi r, who
liad watched Hie mcne very altoidlvrty,
came up to the asked liieiu il they
imd any Idea with whom they lukl spslkiui
'No, 1 I'eplatt Hte lendeirol' (lie SCy tlic, 'bTT(
ttl any rule lie seems lo lie a go id tanner,
lo me at least, ami I ought lo he a J ulge.’
‘Well,’ replied .he slr.illgl I', 'lie is no I, ss n
tierm..< ih*r. Drirm-r- HbtasMuk., ~,'AV.UiU t
exclaimed rhe peasant,licwildored with Ihe
illl.'.liliiilioii ; ‘il WHS he who used Illy
MiyllMlt Tiu-n I would nefl pi'll with II lot
iiny ineney.' Baying this, lie lo ,ke lal his
Implement of liusbnn try as lendgi'ly us n
mol her at her child. Bu flue see* (hat Ihs
Barvuriun peusautu have mole esleem and
* .rentui liking !iu Bisinaick than llie ui
Tiu ci oil lan i- join mi's svialT to make one be
lieve. But ii lew- hour* utter tlic event Ii
Was known, ol comse, throughout the wal
eiing pin. e, nnd, and. more cm
pedaljy the ICiigh'lniien taiMiml batu, BM
cued ad to see iim spot and attylha, am! to
eoiiverse with tlm litippy owner ol the lat
Jj-C The Englishmen wipe desiiiiuib of
bniy lug Ihe H) I lie will'll hud hecome such
an ini. i cut lag 'object, lord m-rc oi-ciliidiHiig
one Hiiother In tlieir 1 tl ra lo Uni [ U.iswnt ;
l ul he leius, .1 to part v.nli 11, saying iu Iris
j broad Bavarian iflaleyl ’ll Is a livasun
) lo nn-now, mid i w ill keep 11, hut every
■ h* ~| s Htlty WK il.
Tin. liciilEa* loan chrisleoetl ‘lli'insW. k s
jFn id,' mid ii Is p. asdilc ilint nexl year we
: may find a hloii'.c moimmi id ol Bismaidy,
MiMnoM-yll) 1 ' 111 his lialld. oil Ibid HUJUC
Hell, Jtml a* w< find one ol ihe Km|Mifoi
Joseph, gnldltig Ihe plotigb in M irriVtn
Man) gm ids ol the Waleiing place tiny,
u gad ilu. ; 11 .posti l
l , (i|>texiiiU I'lV'lii'limi'iil.
A Iteighl i u ili fit The depot Nil Di-tr'oil
thought lie would like to have goo i wash
and a in-a- swllli. uli.l lie ploeeede.l down
Ilu- yards to a slip, looked all arofriy Ur see
TT tt |a/l 11 email Wk 111 sight, aiul * Inn she, I
hilt linen snd made a dive, lie I' ll hi*
( lolln-M on koine board* where he had a
lan Ileal lo look out Hud Ihe 'bo)H dldn’i
sly in on lliem, nnd lie • nine out <d (tin
watin happy and nlo shed, lie 100 ed
down Urn-yards and In saw a big dog play j
ing wllliiliem Tne canine would toss
(be pants ttloU, and ealeb " Hiey cann ;
down, and tin . lie would preUmd that they
j w. re 'game,' and .ihe sound ot Id* ciatthiug
leirili i end be plainly lu knl, Thu cleik
rtaiUuilol the dog, lull just then sevem
women, looking for an < xctiisi'Ui boat,
eume in sight, and Ire had lo dodge mound
a lumbef pile. VV lieu Hie women bad pass
ed be began whirling in tbe dog, but (bight |
as well have whistled ala liain. Then In
u-uaj coaxing, (|4 when i tjill had no effect,
In- honed a club, Tbe dog picked up the
puuis and disappeared aroulld the corner
ol the wheat elevalor, where he was sale
fhe clerk |4H on lii* slurl and vesi, ami
started ;be In-aid a pasreriger train
coming m, ami had to gel back. I'retty
soon be noticed a small boy down by\ln
elevator, and In; called to bun. home more
excursion women happened along, ami
hearing cries they approached tin: lumlier
l lie cleia put Ins bead out and warned
them that no was insane, and they halted.
Ihe leiy came up, iwo men approached,
snd flna ly a crowd of forty stood g 7. ng
at the lumlier pile, not one of whom dared
approach for a long lime. Then two ol
them min'd tluanselvert with clulr* mid
Hanked around, and limn threw stork*over
the pile to scare l ,e (nan out, and betore
auy one knew who it was and wliat. tuul
occurred the crowd bail grown to u hun
: drei], dhv * ieik linaliy mace them uinlt r
j stxiid what was the matter, and when tils
| torn and battered panta’oon’s were hionght
up lie s.ipja-d into them and skuike 1 down
along tiy a fredgtiT tr.iT Ti, swislTng at even
j ump.
. m .
Don't pr* valii ate, s,r. llinmlt red aCa n
lornis ju'ig* to a wrne s bom Hie ininrs
(isn’t help it, Judge, answered the miner.
Ever since 1 got a Vick from a mule, that
knocked my H c-ih out, I prevarlCoU a good
Cure for a teion —Take il to the n
* tiary,
v Hriln . i t.
.V : -i 1 h .*! hi* Tn ,m ro i-l cur Qe'i■
fj l i li. ii ■.. i in- B htilittn
l limin', against oc • igaiilEH—U by the
-i, , " nioiiopo my, shod ly sharpers
ri' lia pNi !■ iers X > u! j -cii<>n
,( il> ! I•. ,I lo- !in 111 In 1-1. 4* lOllll'iliatiOllS
, ii.! - 4 ..fnilloi*
ii ix •' . 4 i F , " \•.m i d>-is ; I tpc'nrs liayo
ui I Hi-ill.- 1 1 ('■- ii 4 i-ir'; Mi rritltiils luivo
i-ri/'i-u.d It a.U I l'! , Insurance
in- it Ii a. v t ci.J I . jiioo.iH A'social ioiis ;
VI . li u, :t-' liuvc lul l tin ir .YsMoiUiitiou* ; so
have ilu L iwvi ist and eviii llie INt-achevs
. n nl oil matlnc l,ei t oninp lo 11, !■ m.,/‘.lga*
('lh-ii ihi'V meet in l’lesliylnrie* and Con
vchlious Nm a word of dissent lias ever
n liLUri.l in 'he img loidw-ia shout
TTu-m. Hongs; ini, when the class That teed
ii! <>t , r eUi sis ha- an eye lo ils own ia
terast, this is dehonuccil as an alrocloua .
ci mie
Ihe j ,o' j u fit da iUu .1 rales -
Iho point s, hi;.!, 44 e ni!l given with •
oi4l coinmeiii, an,l let nil draw llie uiora‘
In iheiiisidvcH. 1 in- sloiy is tiial tli*sUe,'|i,
mi one occasion, g, l togel'icr and resolved
that they would no hmgeritliow (lie wolves
l,> -al them w itliout resistance. Thismect
mg wasa so u-l one, lull tlie result was
muni apparent: —For tITRT"VPI'y ntglil the
sheep Im me 1 a circle and put the ews and
the lambs in the centre, and the iftnis with
then sharp horns on llie ~inside. Bo when
Hie'* c one In gel lheir suisiier ot
tedder lamb,They got matead llreiuof mur
.lerous'tbtusis trout tlio anili-rs.of the bucks
jimi.jccntjjiLJu it-gmai erne, and sending
"TV.Trdrtrall llie w,dyes iu that st-cliim, they
lield a iitiish meeting and passed resolution*,
a copy ol which lias been preserved, and
i ivu iepublisli lliem (
Where**, The sheep, being moved and
Linst.gated liy liiiyd.-v il, have formed a secret
( lass IIHSOI 1, 111,>11 lo pri-ven! II I udly Wolve*
‘nun eaung them, tlioir wives and. little
ones, then-lure,
Bes,,lved, Ist, That we lordly wolves, in
eoiincll iissemhh and, do denounce I Ills atro
i-ioiis nnd ah niiiuulrUi assoel itlon lor seek
ing lo army agairiMi ii, not un'y file sheep,
liol all other classes upon which we have
hitherto fatl xnd fatb m-d. =
Itesolved, 'Jd, That nature has given u
|nw anil li-Mli ra ■ ulia' Iv hdap'e.l to IllUt
ii >n, and an nppclile which en|oy* Its flavor,
ami I lien lore the slieep in refusing to let
its eat llieur me i'll,inly reakljiig a great
(jaw ol tint tiro.
Resolve.l ;',J, Thal tUeie U a lumlnroesa
ami a* about lamb amt well ted
fronton w hich ale peculiarly suited to tlio
stmnscli t Hulord y wolf, and therefore
it Is wicked and unnatural for the sheep to
infuse yj t Imlr flesh mid blood, which
w-uild-consiitulf-*o-us; nnd to im alone; *X
least ol reason and i How ol soul.’
Risolvul *Hi, Ti nt we denounen all
i ~-.u,./ li,ii,ma.ri.. w-Miih wester not he .
long ourselves) and wlilcli lire contrary to
the interest of loidly wolves, an dangerous
io Ilu- p*v.-rnmeet, ami lior'llc lo Ilia Ma)
esl y, I lie f/l I),
It, idvi TIT fi, we w ill call Ihe at
_o ui i,ui ol tl i■, M ly lo—this—diabolical -
sen el association, am! pillion him to send
an nimy ol jiu Fain lo tut down t'nb| rebel
lion ol ilu sleep against the ancient and
'nalnma!de r’ghl ol the wolves to eat
Resolved Olli, That the proceeding* at
Ihi- luuellng be publislied ill llie Woll’s
Organ, and H, it om Tiea-.uni he luatrucl
ed lo present the editor thereof with a
elude i -leg id mutton.
A VVoiee-ici boy was engag'd in HOC
In na! cherry- i.-aiing a -liort time ago, aiul
was observed liy Im- owner of llie fruit,
wlio, min diced hy the young robber,
placed a huge luHe*l dog al the heft ol the
tree and reined to wk.lcli lint result of the
strategy. The hoy dc*i.ending ( bserved
the dog, mu ! Hun Hie tun comimsicod ; ho
whistled,coh -d, threatened uiiavailingiy,
Hie animal never moving, and IlMaliy the
youth aia-epiiag the eiievituhie, settled
down to pass the night In Hui tree. After
some lioiim lit l passed wi-arlly enougli to
tlic lad, mor.iing dawned, and the propria
tor of llie tree, coming from the house ask
ed tiini how he < aUic lo Ire in the tree, to
wlilcli tlio boy answered lliat betook to it
Pi save liimseif from the dog, who liad
cluiM-d him quite a distance. It isn't heal
tliy tm a sinullci leiy lo say stulled dog to
l dal you Hi now.
A man living about sixiy miles from
I'.l 1 SOUS, Kansas, side a horse. A mob
went to hi* honsb, a* they supp>r*e(l a
night, end finding that tue iM-cupaut was iu
laid, they told Ins wife that they wanted
io see him a minute. Ho ho came out.
They hung trim to a tree anJ then shot
twenty-two bullets into him. Tne next
mol mi.y they found Hist they got the
wrong lean, this one Ixriug a hard-wolkirig
laborer, wall three children, and Dial tlio
right man lived just next door - Chicago
’ 1 riruue.
An old man . iui ins w tie, whocainc into
! Baltimore liy lo- B.dimorc and Ohio Mil
frari, the other ir.yfuin-;, saw airoi.-t ttrri iy
n.iCka at Hie (io ,i o! I- <!< Jr* l, and atarut
. IhJlly h~‘ kite n—Sh u t tl—d,‘o k—a* lb* 111 .
Ibe man look it xii u l)i„li u iiiptimenl,
) and i*< toe out # )*riy die said . I
’ tell y d*, m-th* i, tb*) ri.dik we alt *t,me
tlnng gteai. or ihe) uv-i h*d *ll these
caning*.* down beic to meet us. 1 wonder
DOW they kin w we was (;■ doing V
r Veg< a 1 a- | i,i,,.e riij-fsgi auvic*.
A stitch in * (Use sa'ts nine.
no ?•:>