Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator.
Vv>L. T~
ntr. viNim a tor.
1 * sit :a>. v V h itll > \V.
BV WM. T. REV.d.t. -
A-T * I‘KK'ASN.i M. IN \i = v YN> .
•>< yiiiij'iflitZ.
,_i i' - O :: '' * , ' f .
1 1 ,V > 1 t - ■ i: “ ■•••
•.* ! .cm- 1' ■ 1 " v - *• ; -
Bii N 8 ltd Hi ■ ” ■ ■ $1 w.
,it; ' ’-V. !*' “' ■ ' - ■
• ; . v ;.v a- 'j' it'. :,.om <•' 0
i .. iw.'.kj uo ;•' ;.Hi >•.• ' SIOO
- -A-■h*'.r:tl U-t lhuft*. T
a: ‘TvnTFTTTHv - hr rnrsrrrh-Tif--v t^xi,
\O lil *: *t * il'. I*4 l,:t .
A"er * c ■-
U, , ■ (i>. : M i filer, wi 1..- ;
.... ..... si . l k l l NT V \
TT.’-'i I W I’.VN \! ~ 11
t.' dim,} V
' ■■. ■ - HH • MM I-::, r
J HIM . >.V
fit x i. i.. : ;.H ; > \
r . , v, 4 A i S..VU, ~
\ til 4 INMIIK. U V
".: 1 ~ : : : ft
Mr tv. i.\ itTT, ;
v i.A A .
. \
|~m ■A- illM ,
, r - ••• -r- * T s.' 'f*
t, 2 -• Jfe S' ■* ,*■*• *•*> •
~ 7"V *1 * \
i ft- if- = > -s
c .-\ \ ; A. :: i 6 >i..
-i :\/, .i. :• ' M 1. 1,
<; O ■ 4 '' '
Now- uootlr-i !<>r s"riiii: v 1 ’ w..\ i j.
U’K NOW n A \ K :, vS'.”. - w v :
\ \ a large'and vr(c,| -V oT
HOOTS vv! 'MO’S. 11 \ Vs > (
1? \l;l)\V \ ur M OOl> -e i 'V II low u
l' ''M> 1 :"v- im.l . Kl*tir, 1 u\l, >, v 4 % |
(o'ftvs T h-vv"*, _ ir- A . . A . Ao.
U ' s%’lu'i; f xtituiua:*: t > * •ur sUv> Quality } v \ 'fw,
11. n, HAi'IUS.
Carpenters IVotic**
ft,or: N Mitcham, near *!>*• Warm
jir-if- Can j Droned beg- l** to in-
I, rni i. u - a; i i!.< | b that he i
j>rttare-. t* • *'• km os
*;L !,*•*•', and i -i a' i Pat
S'* l U i4-J OUJ
i)i tuc> ktci:.!-:
GPirriK glo.
I WOULD a kof the tra lit it
pole I'm share I the:r i.t'/r.i.iLJf, bay
1-Og OU * f i a--oltnnfit of li:ug< HJ;
< herriicai-. Pttutt, Oil*, .Glass, I’utj'
Lamps, Krrneu e. t ■ inL*<rars amJ
►'pices ; Perfumery and Tofitt Goods, e n j
everything usual \ k-pt in a tirsl-ciasa
Drug b < re and which 1 propose to >eii at
:►• to* ■ -t market rate*
-* 1 'J' JSt year in ajyance.
Why \Vi; i. Yk Pip • -Dv'iih. >r whit
?> s'.. r*• . -v Uu* i 4* \ I’ >s{ r <n! il ?
V , - 1". . ,-•* i\.v UY. i'i'lU.l: i\ MV. !' i'-
. . ' w :!i k ii ♦:' ] Hid t-e t! l!• ' |
T^rrrrr" . v ’ v ' r. ; / • - v/y < '
—TT-T— I*. i! 1• i ' -,-i! ! .Mi. I'l .'Hi l
i.i'tn : -.*ij• * >-i‘jx‘>i*i“n •< wlut
m 4 -‘i ibi v t .I'm- j>! ■ nrMlnt’hi’.H
. r -i- ■v U* ;* i* t ;tov sqro
1 - ,i> iV \ . v l IH *t‘ In rv •‘■iS l I’ll Tf<
!’.ii r- vs j;S i< t<; tU- ; t-r mini ii .dir*v ’
—v — .h <i,: s >tfTrm-ti V —r> R '
r I'M" Ij'i lUJ i 'tilt 111. ?i iHfl
11 a s 4 h
s ' . A r.iiUH, <) \ , $ I 50 |Hi
.■ ■;t ' 'rv nspectabir Jnjg^.s^s
A Tf. .:i •; 1 !. i l Hi tlilklrtHl, JU'O
t i- • ; l. i i' j i m ii;hhtr, H-fiti hal i*vou,
, HHil prariiw \ it —ttTT"
\ . hi lit at; a 1 T - that liti vv >uli| %••
iii j r : -v: •. V i* to tO ll\” U)t k ltlM*U l*S
-j !M-v. — ui *~-
•: ill it" 1m 7 \Vi4is ii ii Ik* ?
iI ' 'tied fk 1 I Itii ••. I udi ii al Hit',
V 1,4 rtiir‘l l . ii that 1 t'ilvlJtl SjM'CIU,
M. > < itt‘ i Ai |tv\ aiul weak
it . Wi lmt I lobt'i i ii 4t :
A ivi Uit'U .. u iiln■: . lerut my
I'lita i> Ill's lt?lU l .
‘1 4Vill VLV*.’
Vlh •!! '' ‘ts; i iMi Lwl;. •< v i Hi Ul 11 VO,
S ■ ■■ s ■ .
* * • ' t utii' > ,'iw i A
t ioiUi i ii I iii s> Oii i. if mi<;l l's Wi).*u ;
—l-liunu-vh! ui all UiiiL iw
t? i- \ rM) . and work, Mint evins*,*
11 e if- \\ lho lilt V\ ii Hid, < .Hlhi IMI hUir<‘ ,
i h-t_ —m . ~,f •, vrn y• n nnvvmtivto in-o,
(. < ;ii tii u’h in’i;! ( -
A ,1 tm u oi Hili.
■ - ■ m *.
' v • . > • 'in. ' itL: Lh'.. lit:
v •>.: • . "J ■. vrrri ~
■ 9 _ .. f •-" - l rVsc - I 4 *(,r
; —* Ur<- -*-i —rfrt —h i — ) —r U j '■ J ~rf; —— 3-
v -tt—hTt-nn7-i'Tnj7~’ri)t, ' ’ 1 ■
v ‘ ii■ . ■ i f) h . j ii f !av
!1 ■' 1 ■ ogi itj(i ;frnvr ;; u mg oH V,
O'- - c (”■ 7 '7 !■; ,• ' c, (■)( 1,, i Ul.f- -.—■
-i.( ..i. n.l ti. i ■■
•A *”—p—l I, -i.-’c *i• t- tnitinir hr.*,
i . .!..( i..'... i(': 7447^,
1 ' ”1! S-JLUlfi' |.ll ;1. It-l tll • U
\ ■ . 1.1 t E(- r .',ll ~ . ilk,
I. a I, ' v l-,.,; .11.
khs i.iin . v ■ 1. .i -' hid by :
l*.i . ■ii„l H .',1.1 ■(.-(- /
1 H HIM- /
. v.T*> I - '■ /
fj ■ ’>!■! i w 1 11 1• oi . vumi' iliin'
r Tf> : * ~—r tro t-: —•- —, , : ‘ , >r. —:
1 .. 1 < - . i : !♦.. JL
~~\ ■ • N .’ ii yfi.j ]’ iv .
I !•- / ,
i.— r * -----_ - rr- '4
>, /■. is m .
, I (\ ~ ,1. .*. il f',
,/ N<y , ll>V , Uol ll"C ’
/’ ; , . 1 : . 1,
1 * ) .I.' /: ,1 - r i,,,, I illill gllv‘l
/ ,1 John. 111, , . 1
, , ,/ . - ~1 ,r 1 1. ill. ’
,Vw wiot. in (own-.Hi' way,
/ did away,
A-. { J, 1 * i ‘.t hi 7 I*u Ii .plilid ‘ i iii •1. -
. I 11,- ,' >,l I, I h A< '|r.',lll|l:.l,
l/ i,. ■ , ./, .I r>i-! i•!('- I <
' , -r . - - : 1 1 ■in ll,i mi ■ -•> Hi.” I J > ii< i ,
j ,i(. |.| Mil tiii I Wit,
I •■ i( 1 1,, <lt I ifi Ili avi’ll.
|ln Billiy'n *i.
'li, l ti- . iiiii* a in',' i’ v nt 1- t win n t!,<-
tisliy* , i<i nlt n;,< u it•).• Jti Kitklnc
, i . art • 1.1 ■ 1 i Ilia fingri*.
! |,< ki.i w,l wan ti at nyr ill lat Il<
ihjiMO 0 |nr I.:/.ilioli *nd I *: 'iarr.J not
s;; her r ),<: anti. ij-ateU him.
Diictof the her oic* i wj (>-
-i,(, i-,- j- aluji.ii rmirht hare l.:ioiigcd
i a ij,-< iiihc ...-I |;.nt 1 know that my
•! r a/ Mi 'tyili<
If. v.i;(j hi- I,<a<i aiuUljr. Her very
i a.'i him
]- there any ting you ear. do V> < aae- her V
Ji,:Lliiig. I do not think noe iufltrk
at,y ' j v- -
Ii i-i, • j)w ii jilewie go away. Hh<- i>
nme i.olxMly'e hut roioe, in her life and
* r'>•,!) , 4iid l want her ijuile to my
a* i! at the I*#'.
Sorrow luhy no gh he left her.
I. tiUtle lArt;! her rhii l ei'/M.!y hut
pi ty. Khe thought in that hour that the
h i : never loved anything eiae—never in
u, w ml fchould love any thing again, bhe
‘-.7( . ' i try, h'-'. i* i n.i-.i wi.n- uij and
;,u it iron that little upturned
ia' i, thangi.’.g itj last to i.,ar!>i*s. She bent
over end wniapere<i ao. tth ng in the
baby'i ear—a w . i pa- i -nale prayer that
j; woiid rtuitunhtr hei and know hei again
in the inhn.te a; ,7, A e.(. nettntd to
anaw r her —a radiant loving look, which
ahe thought m ist lie "tiro ot the near
heaven, bne pleased her lips in a last tie- 1
apai i.ig agony o! love to the little face,
Irom w hich already, as she kissed it, Die
jgiiii had fled. Her white wonder had gone
home. Thia which lay upon her hungry
atari wuj stout.— ‘Ijoxat Women's litarU
< ivii ItiyltK
1! ii tijf wli.'lo S>fo.t)f Trjl !'
r.r.iti! <.l t.' - tlinii tlir C vi
U'.'h’-i f.Tfi ! ‘ .17 ■-T. W Onr3tre-- ,'1 Ss rtr> Sn.i'l 'it Piib. In
sii n i i.iii.Tn CltVl Era.
Y-'ii! rights >ii peril, i.J you mun
. ..1 II Jh'| li.'ii't i;t'l ilu’iu at tli.
halltilhtix. ytni m ,i i. ■ t he earn Mge
y Cungitti'inaii -V. T Wallai't',do!., at
• Stull It C'liH'l'ia, t*> lus onisliltlt ills.
1 aril ijr>;: lt> have my Civil Rights if 1
I have"to ii itt ia Uje Uluo liC iht- ivliHea up
.• i...i tui,lit 1 tii,~ , nii'l i,i>*■ utiini£ h> the
armir ttv Iwr will tiaif tmr I’llihirell On
top it it sinhs overy white child iii PayttUe
•coiiritv into hell.- -Oscur Williamson, col,
at a ii ,-h u>i 1'.... CoUiealUm ia Fuyctle
. ciiimu., Tluh. .
Same w h'.ii 1 |n>.i|'.e that Tl TT 1 Civil
Hr Hi h.’li been Hi" law , e ilnreil Him will
in Hi .y their tinughK'ia. Weil, there tire
1 ".itveiy hanowHue ealtirt il gentlemeii.
l in Ii; lit, v .In not w ant itietr .laughters to
! Ui.el t v u-', 11H■ v Id ii'Ti Uu‘iW ihil U> .vSV:
; us, It the Civil Hlghts hiil is imssed, i*u<
vtuir (laughlei' miller I h'lv ahit key.—
S, .ties Kiel Is, fill , at a II aek a.. ! i’ HI. Coa
t iillou iti F i>t tie f..milj , Teltii.
Resolved, Thai, we will use our utmost
1 . luleavor to stamp up(iu any tlema.syigue
. wi,... ttfk -4~ 1•. ns- the |ihH;Si;i‘s 1 'i —'Hit
: i liildlell to their tali i meal 01, imp tl
i liul and etpial inivilegea with public
ist hmils, llit hi and til die traitor Jir.las as
' ilesei viti*. polilii; dl> a iiailm’ s doii.n, v\ |>iu
Iwe will in y 11, uv ei jun hand* with tun
support, tmt villi regard a* our public and
: ptiljilcal enemy, mute terrible to meet lbiui
a say.i lit .a, uiji.i ."lit i‘ran any jCaUstrtr
plm iluii totihl Iw ini! ns, or any calamity
bat t tiuhl <■ dt till hy imy wicked Uu
tin j" 1 w11 \ i"pt' and by yfio Na.liville
: rit t-: ■I IS 1 '■ .ttVt ttll'.lt . t-isl M■' t
S* U 4*a |M U<U i*4 4*.
TTTTT . 7 , . TANARUS. /nT'fuf.t-t
—f -■ sr f fHrfft-y l tiiis—7, illi'i rV'* > iks
M f• \ in uiiw i'/* |;i t ill work li'Uti
.v jll Mi. :> >i i tns liiu Id ti* jmrpusv
> I 1 1 :t \ •., ,■>(' ii t> yi\ In - rluMu*li U
it , • i ti* ■ p d Mtj t*. ii I* ai :<l. HuUmg
tiiyUi ail .I? v\ Uh iii' in y U'll UiUi
i* >I * t 41t lytllg si biailtlcr Ull
.'lhr ii rtirw tyf trttf H It*# 4 riH hri MWMH t
ttt. iti mm hn wtH Wu hta tabuMttt
in j i. tiiu li'itiMii 1 1 ,i< Ii tftmi lo bWitn,
mi'Jlh* will iii ii4 l i bluvJdi i.i. Oivt* your
(it bouial t ilm alum. Histo il tlmt iii*
/toii.lii uii; jtnr, ;aiil < till)vulc.l, imi iiU
r* are ohudiei'i, —ana y u tiavn glvoii wi. .1 will !■ n( mole valun than tlie
i.i ... ■ . •• .•
him a a'nit wlndi no ini.loitune cun dc
jnivebimot. Iho calliei you le cb him
(„ ,y„ . |, i . ■ —-7 . I rrriarn s anil —tfre-
I , " I 1,...1 lb. heller
and ot) Im. I ite ii. ,i une men lake 100
ii Ii iii'imy mlt '>l their lei'iin‘*s lo ex
,rjTi] m FUrnTToTTI TTfeTT i ToVll lifTOTT
-1 -m InpeeilOy him,.', th'ln-e.ves to
y■ .... !,..i.h.->up'i y. One uld gt'U t:C
n , 1 n 1," lut < • miiieii' i"i hie as a pool
hud lo ma-terin dlittcult ulrpt b
h|| | sill 11 I , gam. I I 'Hi lei lliii Wealth a
a ni'TetiTiot —W io’o ho a 1 1.-t a. old age
In 1. un i lo pn a'e hie lo live ill ease ami
~yli 1o 11 "I. hw Incr me, having * prospeiou*
husiuess m the-hand* ol ills non.
In i hi. 1 yeaie tie- young man was bank
I',. I f|. had laded ill business, and Was
e.impelled 1' take a . ItUUtIOU ll.! a ciclk 111
a slisogru V shoe.
lie lathio wa* n-ked why it was that, In
a lee ini • in which he had liucc .del so
a1 1 1 |i in son laded .
lie pa VI Ull-. oil It Tue! ef j.l ir HISS' <’l
When I lest 1 ouutieiieeU b .-no siuv wll
and 1 lived on poMidge, A- my h i-lu.a-
Im teas’ and we had ts ’’ei food , and when i
1 ould sli udyl we.lux i ciock' 11. lint, ym
s*. , Johnnie co iioe.-i* 1 and with the cl.e 1. 1 n
Hetifiti/i Tliijmiiuii, who i* in,
j too nays tlial the demnciat* will entry
()blo in Of t'llx fby limid- nm- mn|oiity,
although 111- If in ve Hint till radii a- till
j moving every power niri making tie
i strongest p<i>ibli tight lit *ocuie tin Jowei
j house <>l tin: national legi-lalufe well
know mg. as tiny 'I *, that tin |i #Jit ;i ■
ijiovciin nUrsproig ng ’i.' ii over tin epunt
| ,y Die) )o- Ltty result ill throwing tin:
i mil .tinniil tii next pieDideiuy Into tin:
: h ,uae t/l it’pi* Minlativc lot a d'C/slon. A
man who jc"i 1 /-ea tin: elution ol a
i ilcui'X rain; l■ pi* m utative in time* like
I these la ti >ya tlie cleaicst interests ol hi*
section and of tbe whole country.
A party ol workmen, chiefly negroes,
Ui fcUtcU 'A W Wiling ton a lc*
| daji **g" v.itL a baiif.* f the legend,
‘VV i. whl rather tieg thau work I ,r a dollar
and aha Ia day,’ whereupon the I’hila
! ijclplna I'rcs* (lUdicalp utter* these eeust
I bi sentiment* :
'I none of ihetn who were black, and tin:
majority were of that color, l.uvc the tali
faction ol knowing that they have done
more to tleleat the civil rights bin than a
d' icu initnickJ benalois 'i nay have ln *n
couc.UsiVeiy Inal they a;t not lit lor free
and ,m.
The Harrisburg fPa /IV riot says' 'I In
< ivil right* bill, w . b its invadou </l axial
distinctions ami it* mvocutioua P; < ivi
“cfiiißicl, fcl’S tike n uigntmair orr the ftc
pub.ico party. There is no out ook in the
currency q'Ti'e’i'.-n, with one-hall </f tin;
party crying lor fresh isauM of irredeeiha
ble fikfier an i the otfie.r inai*ting on re
aomjition. The transportation isaue in a
failure,aod civil service is a Iraud. la the
dejj>oi/dency of the sipiatiou the shadow
of the third"term is bclthng down cu the
pariy. #
tlf. l ltildn n.
Are you nut t)!rv tlutt l.iilx‘l lii*' nrwh'
iW\v% Aliih ? j'.tii] otic ol Mj M v N s
dilgfvn ttr'iris ststtV. it i mis ... that uii
call fand now moliier w iil tgfetti
lb*t FudCtl wrapper all tiny. I 1 card Inn
tell Barbara she should have a itood 1"!*:.
day for sr \ aa;
thrift ym wish slit* wiud l spiU ink tin
'.lnit dr!ss, Philip ? was the aiisw er. Then
site whultln t w ear it any more.
No, indeed, I ii, ;‘i wa ,L it am vvtj.' se,
"Rf #o'Would west it ju-t the s.une, when
pap* is away.
Nnv uvamma, in the next ro mi.- iieartl
tit is Ii c Hiiiiti ~| ihe ehiljirt 11, alld a rose 1.,
lake a rutvi t .u lieiselt ru the h" king
glass 11. vas mil a very pleasing pieluie
that the polished win l 4 v : O.ix tt. \./ (IPI
Now llirry Warren's mother, slid
Philip Is always 11kely dleased, uny lime
in the day.
Arid :he .years siieh pnpty bow sou her
■due k, -ii i Alice Bill she e n’t
hall an pluasint as our umllier, she mhie.l
loyally, il she does look pretty.
The moihe ’ eyes glistened ns she look
ed tit. wtn on the old wtupper.
To la ttompartal to aunt Wairon, she
thought, ami by my ow n ehihlnm too.
VVhtriytttthi hare thought tltry tvmr snrtr
sbayp little things y They nonce every
Mrs, Montgomery’s spirit was tptite
stirred t-Jilio would not allow such a riv
al, she sai l to bcrsclf, it slie could eclipse
You shall Imi disapis.inie l about lira old
wrapper lot once, Mt. Philip, she added,
suiliin ,', ua abe took tlovvu a soft, hrlglit
dross, Just the tiling to enliven a dull
TuctTEtui |virti and her liatrtii her pi. tthvr
siyKantl I >r *to with
Jiutlsuplcare The tlelieale lai e Oollar waa
(itnrind with a pretty-how ol jvc.esi pink,
ilipl lirriiiilf uv tied br.i it w.i-lt it fiWioii
It is fftindethil bow these simple add!
lions lc thii toilet changed her whole up
pt al anCA A_liUlc tualc dona so nnc h ku ai_
woiu4h'j| lolh l, and yel how small, ollen.
is the (Mil. A simple knot ol violet or
Cl iocs inyehi will make It dull old d;< ■
Imik tn ifhl sml evelt elegant Asa -great
pel lecli'-t! I' no llille.
Mi lafailgomery’* I'iuie wo re u brigliier
look thujt usual that day, us she entered
the inrt4ry. Hw tlruss had Mentally lalsml
iIW pil’i i but *ire was Imr ily "pfepaieif
as sincere uud heartiell as went those ol
her little tines that day. Hut the children
(uii. ipii'lCyed'iuiK' 0 to one of anxiety.
lhi > iii'ki and, directly.
Ni, .leiis, Imu going to si*w ni the in.i
! nil da/ ,toWo CW h.HY I ; 'V n- oUT
| log. ihcr.
I,it,ii‘ A dec linn ; over her rind m ttiinule
minin mgly, mid liiigcicl hw I ni* ion ,i
she ,-ni'l with u Hinile m dci p conii nt in
' her cyi’v :
You look nice, iiitiunim
Mi M'liiiginn >y a Hilled 55 vlu' (lira i I
id t.lii- iiredlu l her mu, iiiin , wlnl' l‘ :i,
idilcil, proudly
Hiiv looks ntcci ihitii II iiry' inotlici,
I veil H Ill'll she lIHH hei Milk (lIIOM oil
j T iii whs reward enough Him hid
ecli| dhi r rival,
I’ll lemeinher this day’s !• -m, m ltl <
uioihi-r, in her own hc.irt and rim dl ln -
i iiminhci it,
'I lie rainy day di< is was ilimih I, and
Mlieihi lieti hel|H)d to rip It up wIII. iimen
pliii-iire. Ii marie ex'i-liilit iining* hu u
new one, and olten preached Us old .eiiu m
vi i a* it hung, w long aide out,, in m
• . iact.
,M"'her, when you ahovv -yourw-lves
-lovenly ways UIIIUIII' the liilleoneii, in the
a i lu i ni* ol the nutarTy, rcrueinhi r lln- 1 • V,
!a i lii’d then Cakin’ notes, 'i lew notes
will lie read even wlmu your heal lies low
Ol all the bright picture* hint hang on
i inemoiy s wall there is none t" me vi hut
as that ol a sweet, loving mother, whose
appearance was always ncjjt and tasUdul,
even in a winking-dress.
(full,lien Juay love an untidy in dlmr,
alter a fashion, but they can never res|ieel
her. “he cannot keep the hold on them in
1 ialter years that the one of opposite habits
|s,aschse. Bennies, it you are untidy your
n-11, they will probably grow up to imitate
you. Don’t neglect the little details ol
driias, that add so much to appearance, he |
ca ise there will Ire no one about but the
■I B. M <-
A gvnjfemau was riding a lew years ago
on ti.c outside ol a coach, when the dlivci
sard hr him, I've had a <-niu guv to lire to
day two hundred years oid. lrtd you ever
mc a coin two hundnd years old? Oh,
yes , I have oue myseif two buodi'el years
oid. Air, said the driver, have ye' and,
spoke no more during the rest of the "Jour
i,ey. When arrived at r - detr
•mi ion, the driver came up to my li i< ni
wit in iottthaely sell-satiali I air, end e ,ii!,
1 i,.. l you as WC dn.V along t l,a(| a coin
,i. iudred Ye&ri old 'i< A. od you ,
(■ ird to me you bail one two th /'ieaod years 1
oj. Yes, mi I have. Now it's a ii< . Wnat
do you mean by that ? Wr.atdo 1 mean ?
VV hv. il'a only 1874 now.
I'poD the rn am ape r,l Miss Wheat, ol
Virginia, an editor bops that l.u path uny
Is: flowery and that she may never lie
Ui; j-beiMyiei bbabaud.
A Peep iliul Cost II Driiinui.-I
From t!iu t dilor tl the Seymour Slur, who \
i .me op tin tin eidsl'To a few-da. s siut t V
and .atti'i a least ol strijied candy and gtti
er In tad, eomltiiifd with a look Ht tilt
stale house ainl alt introtlnctloti 10 I* \V.dt,
[ wmt hat'k home happy an.l retV shed, we
| u>urn the ot an afiai>
whit'lt recently transpitetl in Ids native
. iair. It seems a drummer for an lu.Haim
p ilts drug house, T \V. Cones by name,
reined in his foaming valise at tin' Faulk
tier House, and after sampling several va
rieties oi Sev Hour wliisky, ma le the rounds
n't his customer* and then, in a stimevvhai
exhilarated condition, sought his downy
emieli. From a room Just across the hall
lin Ic calnc cm. hlllulo; l i.losts ot fcmul
merriment, mingled with ejacrUtory eug
gi 'iiou ■to ’don’t,’'behave yourselt, now,'
| ele„ The curiosity of the drummer Waa
aro ised. lie susjiecled tbal some jun was
alL.’itt, and lie wauled to Uive some of il in
! Ins'll. Slyly opening bis (lour, lie brought
a item , climbed upon it,ami stuck Ids head
or at tho transom of (he room from whence
there was a sound ol revelry by liiglrt. Il
don’t mallei' what he saw. lint at any rate
he enjoyed it, and would, had il not been
lor an tinfoiluniile accident, lieve been
pimplv rewuidrd tnr thr riangrr nnd tninlilc
ol the in void no lit. The accithul wins tin
unfui'lnuate tuaihiing over ot the chair,
leaving lino hanging in a liailclioked C“n
ditlmi, w ith hi. head inside. The noise at
haded tint ol the occupants ol
the room, ami a silccesgitm ol temiuine
screams weie em lto.l. '• Uu room happen
ed to Iwdoug ii a man— the secretary aud
treasurer ol tin- Imh and spoke (actor y
I and the woman was Ills wile. The man ol
Ik" id happened lo have a cowhide in lie.
j r inm pn-ertm a nitrng avhTp. nud, coming
.imi well a 1 .liul ui alacrity, lie si lined
that unfortunate drug man nut il ur would
have shamed a r.ebra.
lit I c If 1-!.
V •- - ■ - ’
They call it a ‘race Issue,’ hut it is Koine
llimg mole aud it pleast atm to know llial
on hlends in liiu North have seen tin
point. Bcrufluhtc the cloaing acnuiuce <>i
llm lolloWing cxliact li'om llm New Yolk
World it you would ttud tho mariuw ami
pith of the matter .
Nobody can ice more clearly-Uißf an bi
telligeut vvlnie man at tho Botiti), whatoror
1 nay he Ills politics, that llie negro will
never learn wisdom or modelitltou while
he ii'iiiuiiia under the tuition ol his present
IvKders, and Hint he wtTt liuVCr be Wen lied
bom them until liny are driven out tiy
wnrol races la too preposterous to receive
serious attention. Neither race winds that;
lint Ho lime. M Ills to have fully come wlnm
1 li.. oUcHlh'U mu hi lie peaceably decided al
fin poll - whether Hie whites are to rule 01
1 i,...m ,■ 10"1 to mm tlm Houthelli HiaU'H.
it oims Mo in ltd heepiiijj A’-
< Oil Hl*.
My daiigbier kips my iieeoiinls, 'it ,
and slie i us syslnmilic and |nillieular ....
ivi'i’wv son vva•, wIIO lo pt llicm Imbue ,
In I> '( I ..jun Itiit v ">i and d". sgh j ootl
_u, -i-CKpciuall.llity. and bel |
ill. a, 1.. ii. hln. Hiiug" about bum and
1... ,-cl.old. 'I hey leaiu, I Hud, economy
b, it , aui l soon 1 1 l-i oVrt In id Ile ir eld hit h
.i 11 not ip ii ..uiily a dabbed old cuniiud
gci.ll, |m ian lo doe not loo,mil his puree
suing Vvtiemvii tin y s. n aoiiu'ihlng llriy |
.uappi it to |,im;y , lor they niscovei tue leal j
n . on why the pm .e hlioidd not l/e opn
ed. Ho caid a progressive lamp i, a kind,
Mjipni lalive Hini p'OUil lalher, ainl a lug
healle , 111 .0 on geneial piinctjilm Whul
lie said is Wollll II'I ordill'.'
I A (-hi v dll ion ol rr novel kind was
iml Jat tPn sicau't, Icxs-, lat wck It
wu- a< invei 1101 10l Urn HlrcrdU ol tin
Mule lo lorin a more peiled bond ol uumn
Htui coiiiiiiutiicaiiiiii in arresting men who
arc ' lying law Tli'-v adopted resolutions
asking tlm Iwigislaldire to amend: tin: laws
so as to provide inon; certain pay to
Hlienlts lor loJlowiog erlinin .ls also pl.alg
. mg tlrcioselyes lo each other to use . very
'.Hurt to at lest aud tiling to punishment
(anyone killing oi wnuudrug u iynerllf wulle
in lire d.scitarg' of his duty.
One Jus* M a atyble candid*ta lot
the beuatc n Ln: n entity, kViulli (Nrolina
rides lo hia app nnliucnta with a Uiagiotine
ol weapons hanging Iron. Ids sa id ,■ b* w
dime rides over lire whlt*s like a man ol
war, and give a his sahhr opisinenls no <j hi
l-o. ii • ploirri'U iris ' laiu.s lor le ei'.a.lli it
en the price l.e gi U for Iris Vote
‘You Sirluk lsusinail man, 'in you,
he Said iust week to one ol hls.'iowus, Iml
what cub you say lor a man's smatln. a
compared with mine wtro never can get
ht, 'nan fd'X) lor Iris vote in the lag
i.ialufc. while 1 UtVel gel less tnau tit
hundred .to ”
A young Beamier swam across tla: Ohio
fr mi a lower Kentdeky town the oth. I
night to rnleiview his ov iy Hero on lie
Indiana side , hut the oid man stood on tin
hank With a revolver rrr his fun and, ami
1, nsuder swam hack agaru —L UUVI Ii
•ijch l r-i,ls lie ny JJ i rman, ’sin ;
a lecreaHoo it is to he dying ol love! I
S.-IS tiielieart MClung so delicately theie's
no ukm* a wuik oi tiee[i lor tie; pie.-usie
ei pain
A. Chicago papei say* toal it ts wondei
lul how <tu ck the Iniiid Ireggais ol that
city can tuii the dillciccce Cetwccu ten
cent. U o .aiteu
Ah Eytniiu i . luinife-
Old I> ivis, ol ia ■ he vveU-kll lvu
shingle and <*l*ll boa il a ii". rat of thirty a iTtiV 11 i...- and Wall’ll. TIIO
dog bad hecouie oifbtn i . imitco Dovis
iiatl tli'cal. n. and oltei. to k'il il ■■ t.iute, and
had ollen ndfoto I Oh .In . a ; cy.i.
the Oonrotal |.e.ldler, drove up ii Havis*
-tore but Davis wauled o y
I'ntf. --i— i
’Can't I sell you a 010. k ? I’ve got t!ig..
t heap as dirt and teal good ones too.
1 ’1 h iven'l got any money.’
‘Drat the money ! i'll take a fair ex
change of anything.’
Davi* sci ale cd lus head, whtreal U.own’
continued ;
’Come, we’ll have a trade, somehow.
Von’v* got to bayu one of my clocks. Now
what have you got lo oxchail:*!hr it
‘l've got nothing lint a watch.’
'Kh '—a watch t ' orl*d tho peddler t
brightening uj. ‘What kind ol a watcht'
"Taln 't of course, a-ttery good one, or I
WOuldD't want lo nude it oil.'
‘ What Uiml ol cases ?'
T can’t say much for Iho cases, but tho
insides Is in good order, and it runs well .
I’ll let you know when time comes,
’ltow’ll you tradef'
r FTT give you my walc.h lor fine or your
clocks and call it a bargain, without any if*
nml ami's ’
’Done 1’ said Brown, and lie selected a
sleeple lopped Connecticut dock and
brought ll into the store. ‘Theru is your
clock. Now whole is that watch of
mine F
Davis Went lo llie door, wltlsHeJ an l
•Watch, Watch ! il c, old Idlow, you'ro
wiinti and !'
TTiii dog came in vvTTTi u b'ill nil.
Ids m’ar.u pi rtmpattd lm can run like
Sitnclio and wlien It coin 's meal times, if
iiu.ditn’l id you kuuw tl, l am mistaken in
The neddh r-gasped nml staggered, and
lie said something mil ipiite propel’ lo jiolila
-tra; btrt he did nwtbatl* do wo. Utcoafy—
said, aa lie hitdied llie dog to lire axle tree
ol hi wagon and prepared to start olf,
hetore night.’
Doing ii Duu.
I liatre a small bill against you, said •
perlliiai louH-looklitg collector, as lie enter*
elinracler ol a hard eustomer.
duply. ” *••• *
I am not speaking of tlm weather, but
your UII, replied the collector, in k loud
I* wo.ild le ! letter if wo led a hula
Confound the inn. continued tire collec
tor, ami, laieiug fuavuice. ltd tied, ha VS you
llie money lo (lay this hill ?
Beg your pardon, I’m bard of linarlny.
I’ve made It a rule not to it’ll I my lijtlds to
. liangers, aud 1 really don’t ruCogtlUo
“you. -
I’m collcclor (oi tire Diily Kxtingulslier
newMpupU', sir, and I h ive a lull Kgiiiiist
) on, persisted the collector, a’, the top ot
Ins voice, producing the Irill, and thrusting
il in the face id the doctor.
l’vo determined i.o undorvo bills fir no
one ; you may put the bill Inn k into
yo.m pip.!; '. book, 1 "silly can t eudotsu
( onfoun 1 yout tin! a.i'.’ijicut!. Will yuA
pay ii. ?
You'll pay It, no doubt, sir, but there's
always a nsk about the inutli know ,
so I uiut ih-ellti*' f
'I lie money must be mine to day
Oil, yes, mm 1y day-, but I would not err
dorse a bill lor you at a Week , so get mil ot
my more It im seldom ‘bat f uni pressed
upon lor uisenibinetnent, even by a Iriend ;
on llie paii o| a stiauger, sir, it is inexpli • Ito not lone me to pul you out ;
leave llie premises.
The Ibd was returned to the Extinruslr
el olll' i, endoi and So dicadiul'j dt-i tbwt
be cou'dn’t undcrat mc.
I) any onr: ilotibia, says lbs WorM. tfio
'desirableness of 1> . o i in; rule for the
Wlale of tin • Min, I"! liiui be, illviled t'i
an Ine I>• fll<i|) lie 11, area eho a ing I lie re
I dive i nM ol .l i'iii ii n i mg iroviiriimcnl on
tin: Deunaiiatu: an ! on lln* enrjM;l bag negio
plan 'f in: '• orgi i ex.innii, lor iuvtance, is
stai'liiii/. Under Ituiim k (the runaway
•oveiuor who m now skulking in Canada)
the expenditure* ot the Kxeculive l)< part
nn id l'ii one year weie fy{.'W,. l iil'7 ; undi r tin
pic cut Ik niociutic <J<iu-tn<i', J. Milton
rtm iih, they me exactly fnr,H. r i2. This sin
trie example pteseuts the argument against
Hvitcali -ill in tin b mill in a liiilalieli.
The original A rkamaa traveller i <lcd
! Mi* name was S C. I'aiilk.iier, and fie was
I iniro in Hei'tt comity, Kentucky, :u lH<):\
During the election campaign'd ISP), tsh
ley, Hevier, Kulton. and Yell were on llet
stump m Aikayns, and all bring in c nr
paiiy w liTa ikner, tli-y'stopped at a log
cabin m tin: Hosion Mountains,when Faulk
-rrr by tomtt*U wiih lln: Violin, ruduceii
tbe own* r to give tbe five a nig Ill's lodging.
Faulkner, upon his return to Little Hock,
retail'd his experience in the crnaied much amusement, and h*
e nnpo;ed the tone and bt .ry of the 'Arkan
sas T'aveiler.’ He was a colonel in tho
Coufedeiate service, and woubouit; prouii
u‘.h(,c. Hi- so- via- i;.