Newspaper Page Text
mi - • \ m l g" \ j ‘ * *1 * i
The Meriwether County vindicator.
VOL. 2
* 1, I?'HF i *-<> bi;> V,
tun.**- w* alh -* 1' '2‘- * <•***’• -
lt M" ol AdirrUilEi.. i.
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3 inches iv.:- . -.r- <
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l. .! ;liS . > All iW 1 H •* 1 I” > fl""
•f .A ih./'tl deduction tie -
x held- ■iJ’ I'N die nemdi <>r v< AT -
. - / ' - ---
Xl It '. IO T* I’l Il'Jt .
Alter the I -.V- -i'- > ■' .t'l v ■ itHcn i 1
Oh O Mli ■<*i iii- • H. ■>' I
„ . (MilVn vn>'tM*i
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■—ETTiTYrS FiVl'n:
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FBANK “ M' - rr fVnr.
- 3Svtl>iio K*~*v*‘- ■
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■titiiO r frLi 5 1! r i •* ?!
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4J- (4 0-1 A-J: OA J ill.
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R-. r- M—7- '
V . ( i . 1 - .
T\ t'w t<Ar niul N\ init-r.
\ \ K NOW ijiAVK in s- .r,. , (S -, v .
Vt a large M, 1 . varied slot.-
BOOTH -nd SUk-O'S. H,\TS f.t I --s. ilvM* *■ 1 ii,4 . , ,i’ . \ . • ■,
It \ hl’W a H\ ' ( i and Wll LOW Aiarv; s4\ ,
Cs-nleci rit-sl# n Otikv'iei; F , ! : -c **
< t’s. I’’ I’a-’i 1 s. fig.-v . A, A < ,t '
=>;' ; I '' •• ' vt k. V- h- Quality Frices.
Carpenter** Notice
-r . •'
r.*-n * N M *rl.*!n, H<-,r • v .r f .
spring* *!•** p Gtl
f. rfti hi* if" L I ■ '•■■■■ >
wr['Mt<r!o 1 ■’* j- k
LNTEK ~ v MV >j:K
*'.•-• I'.-'
S*r)> t#-d if
DidGST m;
I WOULD rf 0,1 > *--h f1 ■ - • _
public a bar* of U < ! ;
me o but foil asseTi'm-nr of |j*t
Paint*. */(:-. < I' •,
iso p-, Kcr'ame, < ' , E •
f| Min; Perfumery and Toict >.n
CViMtbHig kept if! -* f-r- 4
Drug Store anti w !.<nl prop rr, ..■■■ j •
the lowm market ra’
jnir7-d-> J S II Vitlt f•>
S-) ( H | -e,
•_7 ' J j' if ■ i,
• iitl'KWii.i.i:. MKKnvi-rnlicit corNT:. n \.. si itk.mimck ih, isti.
Wwv UH Vr ot wha* |
•— i^‘”h| - —***?*TT^ff i
. : iiiin oi . •- mens' to it flow-, i • i
n ... -T.. I ! n ' r t! tl ’
.- • T r —r —r—-r—*—r—
/’i, , ... !1 li 'l'"'. In I'll
n. 1.M.4 ; .L 111-, r-injnya. LU-i-iil.”?. *' L
!■*, tini.. It. . ■■'■)■■■ I- tin ■•< : Mjli- Ii Hi 8l
' v 1 - ■ e nt*r\ i
*i■ -t.-v >• riUr L•• ■' ti:.i •:*•*•! >j Inivt.' .L vi
v • . .■ —i. •* ’: u• ;• 11. I l" . v *
... ... • - -
iri !
.v’ • I
•• • i < t t in I
1 . * ' VV4 hrJV
•ftOWi' r. _.
YiU “ii V y<‘ Willi s yc- Mow.”
m i : HA ■ Kf.UM .v. H
' i AHUI L> }J :> ■ >:.• O
2 Y... 1 xulL —■-—£ l
rtjTAA, : •. i
t • v t\“'- :>•* ' * i
•'t' r. i- I.A >U rn
1.. v ii. ti, v\ ii JU* . ‘'. .1'
. ' i ; i ?*• I . \ ii:/( liH lit
A- . V . 1 .v >: thi - j i .
V • v.t J tiki; U ii-
V • - - ' '
i . , r ? . V.:l
i W.. i! } . !
1 . 'f* *fH *;• * h • ■!,
1 ,Hi rht f : s
''v .’ .
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i •
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_ . , ~ -*p*TTTT
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( : i ‘ jt .
A L< s ■ < ii 4*l ** l ‘RHilii •.%
.... i • • vn w;i it s}! \
~-'l t>,< 1 •••■* i vC 7 ’. :_*1I
•• ;• 1..* •' >< .4 f, ii . trni j'< •, tLrt Uttil
4 ' ** y-Kfx**'- * ,#4• lr 'D^r'tLr*
[} i y uTr< i ..,'rl7; n- Vr l iTiVTT * 1.1
:lij ;' i'l’ 11 i *li r\ y > yiu y J 'fit “1
* * ' s 1! . 1 ‘ “ * ! 1111
fiiYj. I , v ;I n • fi !Th
► , mu |h
— r - T? — r rr* —I ;>f-r- * • f *T‘ r
•-?% . * lii * .. lit! Mij ■ if 1 I
MiniM I .In~ 11, lin y in< >
i,:..,..* i. i.l .. l-n - iii*- , Ul
L..t :: Lii-i*--:; i .1,..:; l>
;• ' '
.*. . j.. -U A. .-4J* . . * *- i. Irl”-*—, V 4f*
';< ‘tj ‘ i :,*! ! <
•a < • . i\ ij'' ii• ■;>
Lui Uii w.w* i\< j,
V< ii i+yO Ar* |.•*./f l •*: I<. -. av I,
■ < ,• *; 11' 'iiw : iti 11 vi j h|i
n fiy • Imr-yn h. f -iln In lit /J
... < : .< M-i l < L I t I*i -i i<J *
O- •' i t r"l it.* •'*" (l<rtf Jiili.-i'n
•. : 'i, ‘ * -A %, v In i ii J . , e f -n
i in :. ,n ii i * {-nil im.r ut *!•- I)i* **. 11,
•.' ■ Ii ij ii i-i n ; ..r rilww rVnt mh > Jamm
i < if • I !. i ;*• l:’ jilinM at wliioh
* a I* , ? . ■ > , f* ti iti U> t
■ ■ !• i 1 , • '1 *trri *x -y \* • fji
't ;: A f tl* IM '• *1 lls Vi I*X tl
• ly t : :' iijvt Mn: r{tu‘ mol mi
f>i t.\*- >, !{:•• {-lifiO* V Iff tlial| jUf*
i .t- *t '• • * - 'ii'. nrnl • H.< y fftniu
t.*i ■ r fFapPr* HTr| ; y iJTd 1 n,>. T o ' * <•
•iOU i-* ;..•• •> rh'iu)-! !>o bniltou tuij jnl*
x . ; f hi rn. Hut
Ain < 1,-ii.r * s in *tr, t|,< L%t" remedy will
,4*+, .vyiM: {^ ! ---M} h oi
livft liundfi; : n L
Lm >r.i i liil :* l*;pf ,
A f;.. '! ?/* ;■ ' ' mj or- f otn* -< tle
. -U i A.';* -i- V ■ {’{<:!. O' ! HirUmi*
1 n .m* and ar< lam j nr, afio
;n- Aid progM n- / > An< Arjia *i
h nr y* nr -a 'j .w#o; j V h ii‘t > ini/
‘ . any J. L\ 1 ?> 'nLlu.r n < t (or.- m\
tmt ini no it em osi * ounj * w itii ad
VAtfr'.-mcrot 1; *' i/io-iir ol a family,,
otirijr or* of ; > Ij< ad, f.o i having h
iMM. ,i'i. cl* of * Loti If J bf*
m*rur.i<' A no* * ! ed frocorn^
1 .-f tied a. j ir>’ tt oj iiioatid* **•. biaceO |
oy c atj£ m:> (.I*! .**•: an*mod by rad j
r.j* <-r * -dv :. r < idf-rato
-if}'.' • v r * i ' w nmr>y v thot'bt
<— y >.- ti * o *>:>..lit Ltifi iii*'
ii, A -VJ f. T * f v At ' wUo ii VO i O *if l l
r bi for ibi i i imtim ,
ti •! ii.t ■ . O; ■ i**. r*' atm a
- oor ad i . er %< , i,.t \ j
lliOti£k\iku m, y • *'"* **' * ['•a’LipV'i
?y ir}<‘ fa f•}•<:;’ i..•> #* j. <r*nt 4<f- 1
* . n • f- * •ic-- f Lii'il J but j
tlr fy ny f ; souliijoJ Gfai<t aui |
pr Ofr iJO* * Lh' ; ‘ -t VY U*dil lO f>
a .fodo*' Na Grant liiaii* * him .J id*. o. ;
Jory an iH 0 h ; hcrif? over Use iAu |
-- I
Tin* mill ihr
In a i id b* t:rt*Ue tf'prc nintf *t*sii.V and u
vi-ry "h kni ‘ t Hi- • \p ,k n-L*tl moth
Tii.(•** s-l.n.:ii-_ 77TT L ri'i. \ \i> |
ilwi-lit: . lit , -i\ i. ; . liii I *.' m -my l j
A . . . j i otin cunct t*. hm 1 ■
” ‘ x • - r id iiit • I'.'i: noo Tin i
; v ,'jlji l i'i.'.ht L n fU'i/d him, anti v-iitl . | I-:**!ic ;s not ;iu inn.
l'i • • * !•.•’. .1 Pdinjt me td aav
!w> ijin > '•> find Ut*i 1 will tlrjuift.
I i>"n this lAin.iiiiiiti, spimL, Vli* 4
*vii.iifhl 4 l will lv uhiy An vvi r yo\\,
C v pilgrim thon gni l to him : \VIo
. -hvfli hou* Ik'fint* you
r Mv t itfn*r, ropin'd H<d• I;j.i ; > ht.
A '} who will i\\U 11 licit a tit i you btill
L -sk l A t!i- pih-i im.
Ph<- knight .-.del ; W ith OodG w !!, my
j Ol).
Widl.vnii! tlm* pilgi im, it c,u h dwell* but
i Line in t!*i' i.i*th . :i. i 1;* tim m . t h.
•o; .1 and ui .he romi l-u liOf’JuM', w 'ul ao
fr.rtit'*TTTtt t V*. 99T wi' <'TtlVTt ? Tt, y iSTTc,
1 Mu*!, : . ioii, Win, then, spend
v' m. ti ii.oth >a I r.:ng a dwd.i:.g which
' V"'* NVl'j (>4-f:p\ !' !’ :> bh* 1 1 j Dnsr H;
v'll I•‘1Ole .t• ’t i. i lilt It .th j'M', i !U!| t il
, voi I. • ill ;l 1 > thr \, ad a ...I*w hu h
tic l*>g!it*u In- will pay him ug .. i
Tie- he,i ' 1 h od Mu’ winds to heiri
*TL ; IV*- Ihr ; :L iim - I foi ItiC Right,
~. ! •> a- v. i ail. i W .1 ilV'h l ' li ode to
• ‘ ■ % _
i I % * t ..; * i * i . u.
IV .Ui ,Lo —!i ;•; U^i...dy.
a> ol \,i ..:. , i ill i 1 hail
o - > pi>*: tiny have hudiy polled in
■ - 1 ''O' cid h 1 die wir lu tinmlicr
i \‘)!< l‘ l ih 1 llnllliiu , ihtl tlii* BtHt<-
iii U V■ * • r-1 -•< -fi -hi 1 1.1 .! to OidK ai i
l-m U • X 1 h ’i- , k.- act oai -y i fratc-si i
r liiriy iio111i,.;1 1v ii icpuliJi aii I'.itmii i.vto
. !■ i p I'll' .■ j -1\ 1 , ih li|Oi I H c hr
L-t !if-t time -il'Cr !.v hi‘-Mtiirirh-H Wft
T*t- 'll 111"' |;il" Tl \>r*
-It-ft -1 fHl*. - x tnn'ir cr> oi the h-' ti-se,
l-V’i - vd,TT \ i' • i' .*i ii . '.u-j h i.Aialmt
\ in of list li ii-'i..;: 1 wU have clii tod
■ iirmrir;p 'j : :nni t r;r~r i■ mi- ;it liMUt
I; I y ;t ; ■ i { Oi { ht’ Who
v . lul • .-> ;iij athy w it. Gruitthm
l it! ;M iii- t '‘[iporti’i ol the uduiiiii*-
_j lui, . •/ u o old i>i qi i 0 a blue
at .' l ' 1 hi be* ii, who w ala ityn
i* a !> 4“ v\ no svrf-h any man iii aet of in n
. 1 L. 1l Jdm uzii—nuy {-i.tiiu/in na
. 1 •V 1' aL_JCV'jy. .j Up- ynir jmjy
... ii- . 1 , t w *+- V v,o - - ftgt*
\ - vi, ! hi<\ ;1. ,i th- eh m .<•! !u tide ia
'i"t iiHiMif, w hen a rci/tdai nominee *1 tin?
. -jtrftr; unottmthu- in V***-
j motif, lot • iin i oincrß,-' y.
\V‘ yin it that I,out uo. \Utmma and
! t v*rnllnft mm ilanuai na uur tarm;
t hi-b U*at vpr< ially ’mo* j ‘ the iot* ihn iut
) r f thr fr'diTlri’ govrrnmrrP Y Ail ttirrtr
-"tvr-ni nrr. and for n drryrr-trmr h:\%n- hr-rn -
-VMu rf lev- :el io> Tin t‘<aill >tl {" a
I*l re a \u- a! de' - * iinllenl rule i
its i the ii !• I I*o !r tl- k
j Vrrc a h • i 4 Lai J Jil*L l .h
. : i a I ! mipty im |n
i,.iL tl Ifrii people ut thr three lale.M uiii
j.*.. *l*lo InrUteM Ml!lll<Me>l T+
* f* i y Oy U*- fieM- ♦li-phty *t hny<Hte*r,
ll oJ 1 i Ui. < . i oi]
A :ih:*[ii!i in oite of tt)o StiitdH that the
-i y hinrti '■ v r to thi
rum if- of the in nioim <d (he finJeral
: vie. who me to he bi< k'l by bdeml bay
oti t M An I yet iinly fifteen mv* |-,i "hu
khi>, 11 - " (invent in it* that Mtr.le hj>fi
iw ?2, V / ‘•‘ ven |mini <*<r I eoinuy, one
Ifom M-uiip- im ry, and H-vcu fnan PJijJa'Mi
And in ev ry one of the* i vh-h tho jm* <
* ruti' ii ko -11* wu Of hiWTialieToUH, and tba’
oo t l/i'iuic ihv uAa Hiul'-s <■• 111“, |ii,
m< 1•-■ In vr l,| ,ri lionor, I>i< kII , ncli li
1 i’,'i tliiiij C><• ij (itiiril.
Ill* 111, I l.< lln- A'v’l-1.l I Itklll.llioll
' „likl, from i|,i- VV.iMii iiuk.-, N. (.' , jin
■•a 1 - ; ■ ‘ . 1 ' ' A in.- i.,l, 1 will Itvl inei;t|,,ii, *w,iii u
r. vi 11 - 'is tlx: wi'l'nv ol too iij,iiior
is S'.,l ' Visit .1... Ufcoll, S !,. i MJJM 11-'li Ill’ll;, ,
; lILJ-uluiisiiy With lit! iilJUt; i)ui4'littl, ll ,
yt-sm oli), a h-w i!s)S since. Mo-ltsl ui,il
i, sfhcit-d in her insiiiMjr'i ol a twit, in-,
tii (,MI.I, Mini BII.IIIHtI 'l Isl.t-, silt ll.OVt* ;
till',’.,'ll lilt is IIIOUJ4II UriCOIKH ioll ol ln-j
Bhaic Hi tin- glory ol lit! Ii’a imun; ,
M-: Ja' jiHon is (jiiiU; young I -honlii nay 1
t■. -1 Ii ; , s"fi'j ill- •! "11, iiti,f! I, SII'I
lv H tj'u: l ice. hut livts t (Jllttrlolb-, i„
this St alt.
'< rvif, Hioin *i Sahatioa Tin
.Saratoga <N V ) Hot tin" ays; 0/iif.eai|
r v;''i! IliO Albmy train, and ip-sd iy morli
• ng, a ift'ly accompanied by a ..I j„.,„
, dismounted and ene'sed thcuirc ale ! i 111',
•nßitibiia •>( oi •; of ili<- fimt <,lava hotel-:
I fit; lady enter* 1, aij.J Ti c man .artomjic i
to rin tin; same,..but wan taken by tin; arm
by the colored jmrtcr, wno *aid, V Picari’'
go in there; servants ritjc .v.tty tin: dnvtr
- Hut Hie lady is iny wifi;!' I can’t help
j tfiat ; I fin Hi it* ‘litjfc, an I if you ride you
top, T in; Ulhcegelutibrii-t tofclt
tin; deck, attd tlc omnibus dr ,ve a A ay.
-100 seys In; ruus that bun, aiul In; intend*
to -ee tliat the civil right* of his e~tabii>h
: incut art not in fr i- g'Oj.
'fa*: Dili.' leg* !■> gnu ".ay*. hlejibtu
NeWberry, o! that county, was bitten on
toe ItauJ by a raUJcsiialte ja*t week, hut
fmini temporal *aiv*liw iu a half gallon of
new app.e brandy. 'I nc two, potson* had
a (wire , battle inside of itepb'-n, imt tb<
tiran’jy whi|i|ie'J tlie fit-lit, Now the d-c I
%fsn arc tryihg to bid something - bat wili l
a li:;i the tTUniy?
.1 i-iyti - wlih t i.l tttsiisi.
•V . Will o’ -I .. I r| I ’ Kl‘ t I iliv
i -‘i , CIV *—t V"!:; i-nr it ... ii i til "It i|imis>i s'
- ititfgW. en t ,itic, • a•'t t'i it*** It tj*
. I ur' r ;ii<is t, lV s -M, .... Tiir. o Io n
~1l hH ; Mir ..... , !|C ,
vH I'-ll'l *. 111.4 r.,|..riiu tl ■
now M'*e*rtiun i>.im iusrk'"l by % tall
treo. <** o| .Vnaiin by nunc, when
f'h'i'M I’ttii vsr R irom I’ i■' -i * ~i m.. |.,0
i ilebTilll|il ' -> | 1 ss tip -i a stVili
! 'vr* wtUius-tj,),. were ueecbinu- with .i
■ 'on**- mi ih 1 ' !'-, ’VI! i shrubs VVhcn .Ii
rerttr mOr a smi’l cr-v, un,| walking
tlimit ijlp .’i l -ic 1 1 iH'tit io the groniv!.
-n l Insfp - aii mbfodls creejjlnir nmb-r a
-"'V ■4tnrt-|' snd.icnly lictnl -I crash over
Inal,l, An*', the m ,si minute tell the r law- l
air nhf iak in ins neck au.t flitih, a,:
i'h it a ,a> growls |* v i\ yetv
fjitick trtl>y< t it 1 , Anson swung tuoun.l in
aiwa, 4i4*p> 7 ; the s in a 1 ,.i t w ;,|,
hoth hi-*-!- ml lu-M it in 1 vi a IV- giip
U. in jfc — -,sv,l iia.Tt ( i thu ’'ajiri:
'.'lt ' rf - rili’.tia- ■ k,wit, off Hu- hunter's
■ -ms rtthi til l : -'aii eftarl in liil- his Ut.k.
The LUhi, -i--i ui-UJI.
't lU oiiijtt . a 1 mi ik i> ■p into 1 lie an met 1
-lie. ’I" It. .it ; are a lom;, |.ov Ii nvl,
an ' him: l-i at. . ■. e a.e l .111 .m 1 liosst
the; ‘li I Hi, It 111. OUT I, —IV a l thl.e
si 1 ' era 11. .'f ~, ' ' • tli.i.ilh r I .If •• ■■■ I.'
•>f 1 ' 1,. ■ in u. 1 ih,.
n.i tin' s "rrr-rm —r- -rrr
htllih 1 , ii- n...
' 'SI an-l Hu hi hi. w I ,- iif -i Hi' ■ 00 ii.
!it n'TTta. The slriiggV tli-1 mu It hm-f
; \u*oft jil'inge 1 iii- 1, ,i*o Ihe t "ii 1 Ij'iu;
iin the nil mill’s h 0.1., a ",i 1.; a lew m-. 1 ..,
J. ill laalh'it over al- 1 -I. Th I,uni. :■ I In- 1
e\ iinua'tl It, 11 I 1,111 •a1 ii lie a -[' 1 ol
i'Slll a l !,, ,J .1 w 1 * .1- .--a- i t - .-‘-t t*i Ist a
etfwrm a • 1 rite -f—rr. , It
.'i| I'fli • in 1< • 11•■.■' ii, not I'lUHl )i: Ilu Ui 1-- Ii
ul it* tail, wilieli Was " ft• I lu,ii 11
SI'NM* /i-ct S ilu at ”■ ht.Tnaitul w t power
wttgniii, a. -r ve 1 y <
Itt.uK ,ni,i r„iuu'i ,1, s.
TJ>p ton--01" in.mi I'liltii' li.teH have lien
torn In (liiHics lie herus Ili u iii 1 lliulm Uu
~ tmidg h "I 'ilia o ,1 111-, th I.TTir tt..- ' tie. a
_-i lie ii—a—rah
hiijjn Klotidwin- hod Hiiihiui it. When
raiyll liehs Ik* n ilu ium: lb* bird ii
r* fin e!- )i 1 I I. 'll" t a l.e-n !’ <•'i .a 11. Nali V, .
iahi v ,n ! ' ol lit" p iluu 11 -1 ns a
mihtage tire. It 1 • U's henll or e tllmg.
I hut |si-> ■■ iin i 1 .li eii eh 01. tans every
.iliier new in .• m As ilu Inwiu . sou h
kuteaiuni Jr-'.jv to Uc. 5ii.,.1.1.j, li o- . an..
nJHIv-ftlfll. Tim hull -of ilu; t|, ml I us ding
Utu lief, Mil.l look like -llllpa u.istiu*
|*<P*rk 4Uf;<tHy4w oepnnilii Jiieeliumi
• • ii.C',) "bool*" A:
>♦ ,*0 miU-1 ll 1 a- in’ tl, |ti, ol 111.-, I
• f >. - 1 uu the lis-Is—lienmn
1,|,. j ill. Ille lit els lit. II '"I MIC sato. ...
I sit the Wav Up l! 1 '••-<" an Inlls-y 1
[ Imliru ll from sixty i" djfhty fntrt htjth
1 crow tied 'with citt i**s-,| greOil ll 1i s, lie wit!
f'irrrms|er;-r nl an eg ” 1 -[-t)-i—H-r —***teh
'll- -II l.t ||is j,|el|l ills *1 ol 1111, * ’ ll'f lilt I
fy.'s-t M. T’l*l avo-cl—hi slmiiluli-ly g,tot
4-1..1 o*.’- 14-huhi, to-,litsa Ist, ii^n.| U.l Im-,
II esn ivp ml 1 I las I Is. |t looks like s'ruin.'
' .lidi ' 1 .1 1 ul into piei s (1 fly li el long, i -.1l
! nil mtai 111 ...liape ol n ulovcpipe, nuJ glut ;
nigj,i-Uci I'lie. lice itaell 1 iiolaipcr lliai,
pill marl 7,1 a ship [Fcili'la letlul lo Ilu
i-X r V-fßum
A limkiy in 'l'rmilile,
Hvu Wi'coxin, of ilu: Kngk) Ilu w< i.y,
1 Im* s -11. I I ineilitg.'l ic ol monkeys, Inulgi 1
! iliives, coy tes, ami Hie like. II also Inis 11
I iii*/* New loiiinl!'iu I dog, Am who-e Ice h
j itc mmiicliuie- ptsiuM oiu *,l Ids pi I monkey
aluu hi; is going 1.,1 a walk id 0.1 Ih*
t .Wu, Um in tiik- y fastened lo Ihe 1 ollai ~|
Me dog hy a Hiring, An a gi iier,.! ilmm
i Ilu: inoilkey enjoys Ids ride, Iml mi saw
! tdiii -a da j or two 'siiu*i' when In would
wild -a 1 y lisve Incit'd him elf "II loi 'line
"hh p igtiegi I pe< uiu n ol In ij.ien.-
Itii-. aiiitn rtii' and, 111 mg allowed lo loam
'in’*Hit:ei- al will saw aiiolliei dog lliat In
tli'f'l'lit ii eoukl whi|,,atid loitliwitli ivenl
luu him Id ea hairy liuiricane. !■, a mo
•nu ijt Ikil.ii dog weru on Ilu 11 liiud legs and
going loi each other like two Miusagc ic 1
.hi e. 'I .1$ mndf t,iii' - liv;y for tin
! monkey, as tin - traiigei dog <■ viil* utly
'•(jnsid' ie I him as Jeirt uud |,.'UCi l oi hi*
"lihigonist. Kui Ii wail* ol deHJisir as that
mousey uttered, h hideous la in*
lie made we hcvi r ‘nailil 01 rev ll'- Would
• TUfiTi down the ride of the dog lie te 1 trod*
opfiobrUs to where the war was going *.H i
11/ and; *>•* (. over oi;< asiormlly* Ins js a
ijuivering, visage OiMorted, mid hi* eyes
■darting from their socket* witli t-r r <,r. Ax
tin; dogs wcie constantly < diaflgin,' >!■ !-■*. n
made limi r f nly liv* iy iib tin: mfJnl.i-y 1
When In ] hiij'i 'l io the gr iiunl the lit ring
held h :u, and be found liiinntil trampli and
under the (* i;t of fiolb fricn l and lih-, and
li< was g ad to get again upon tin; ha<-k of
In* iitped and ! the fialtlu. Tin: poor
rtrd: key in a worn; fix .titan the Imv
who xtood on the l or. mg ileek, an I had
not the df'ir- laeu tepamted he tnu*-! tn-on
La4fe,'‘O’ ti reidcr- and a fit xcbju t hit 1 |n-
Bun Iston JuMue A vnnn. Ah it win, b
did not ei over i xamiidng the end of In
fail for wound* tor lour hours after tin
battle. I'crlitp- In: diad lear and liy Iro'
phobia !
Bishop limnai A. Morris, who wa tin.
senior btnlioji ol the uo: thern Mi i, .in
church, died un the 2d irmtam!. at Smiio ~
field, Ohio, ib tue eiglny-fourih year of lin
age. He bscame a in lb.W. ii sol
licial duties have In-cn |a/rnrmi and for itvo
r\l ycut-fiy bis younger associate*, but he
never io; b:- interest iu 'be nrr..
The Srrl’U‘is-<}r;nH Hurrll,
A cm re spun dent of 'lie Chii ago Ti llmne,
viitiag fi *mi (liven 11,y, Wts,, ivl's the
01unvi...,; >t. r\ u| Algernon Satloiis and
N ' ie Ol' ■cl .
J i ,_b-i.di l;hi : ikspinaii licrc. wh* is Uu...
1 n.| suer, t lo Sail'-ri-. Hid 1
Yniou ll this friend. Ml. Sarloiisj lalhd <d
1 tie stlhj-i't ot our pies •tl sketch, ts-nghl
>ifie wild laud in Uri-cu Uiiv and in S'i*-
liov Wis , .-imply ns fair inveslnt* nl
I'M S'|l‘|dses flilHl* Killiiiag Ids reiHlinl a >n,
\hi-rno.i, likely 10 sow lss nis+ry w-hl
oa's, in- scut lum to America ami l(reel!
Bay h' l*'!>k-alter wild lacila, _lurpiug Die
change of orunpation would prove hciui
llcisl. Coining out the llr-t I inn-, he me'
Nellie on tljc 1, and thu .young lady
tell despeislcv in 1. v.t w idi the indnbml,
imhlhrnil tSUalk-UAt Uts w ho seswolv fare,l
I first to ptofii liy the kiudlless ot tin
;. -oidr - AV!i“tt lm n-ae.imd ii rr ."HaT.-dmv
| ■ 1! I• , a 4|t ltd ul uu'i'ke
• svw. i ’■* • raw 4S Al* rtioi. If : au*n ue
f . .a . . .
t'tiflltlmg heart ,if m y*nwr- girl dritl '-pr-t
- tsrdnre hint, with rtie Ttss-lemh-l ci-n-e*—“
and im'ri *1 music, lie wts a 111 in ot line
. lii-.-iary eel h- well verse. cjnssie 'ore,
speal in- s \ tldl 11111 litil 'uarTCs, edil 'ale I
: at t*ia t :e,'.vi'.-nry~Td"l l i—ririlmrgyTrrrzl mn..
1 I Hilly, meeting, in .JvigU'li -'fill, el,
gud and te* ,I'npli l’u and vomvg l-!n'< Tw
hull- 1 dll demt w■ it him. AI II I lie'
j llll,w tier lellfis his room m idhoen”
i ii, ml liMik but aide infeit -i iri I beat Tin*
j dm,' liilil- lit lly on Ids hands ; lie h~l
i ptv-fdy ol m wey, and no wank ; even lm ,1
■j I'aa-aitd lisai nig lu-e lluir /.o. t when iiclulg
'■-rt'in and ilv , rrel 's i tirTvrm nrCl.lrajj; rrm
l4t* * I'tt s llll id and his daU"litef on then
t\"e-h tit toil', ptopos’ dto I*-pa tliffiil, uu.l
a-rste, went ba k lo Ivugland, kepi up a
• (ui in us eorr*-s|i nid. ins* with N e Use, smi
■ 1 o ; inmincr r, fiimoil to H ecu
! lay, lli-ru the telegram <‘hu*i-—tvliirh nil
, I.eiiu i-I I lie di atll of llik ride:;! liiollier
5.,. uolord yU“I gone to Washinglsiii -to
! plead bis unslicceHslul cun with tile Ihesi
j 4ss*m—Mrs, tirant ami Nsulru timrig hsdh <m
. li, - adh. lie w tts wallvriTg vvdli the yotito-
I lady iu tin- garden >d dm Wlitlu Hon ■
■ wleui Ilu* tidegfam was plaee-l in Ids liaml
g-ane-ntmnttg—h-ss-tn ■■! insi 4.i,.n1h iv a iaU
I Ir.ime is horse, and Ids own- (’hanged liir
1 Isliies ill coie-i i|Uenee lie being now-pm
• , tiv Iremon Immcnso eat.iW. Tin
j i-iassg people tvi rualomm engaged. Chatles
.1 l-Timels Ali't iiim. weni lo Ni'w "York and
bought a etiperli diamond ring, a anltuiru,
with w In bind llie engagement. Tin’
regtigm ttmfuhhfd Inin.
lmrle) lto*s in Ni-viiiltir
1,1 II I’V'i'-ittlg. M s'alw ;l''_ auddle a*ej
woman, wnil HITOS uitie aim reo, .is
|oat out o| tlm w tshliib, a eala-1 auuliouiii I
I set awry upon her head, was seen passing
I hull 1 tip I'ldoii x! reel, leading by Ihe
TW e STTi TjTtnti nryfat .-.n 1 tmnar* I, frecld ed
I taei’d, cm roly headed 1 eillt 1 f eleven MUHI
mill. Kuiiai tleli inlmd: 11 was seen 111
t HTt-myrTrlddte-WMtmnri, and a —w 44
! the wrulli lo e.idie was in Ihe fare
ol die hoy Ah the pair pasee Ia crowded
i 0 .dioii of lint xidr walk a !, 1 !j !i! idea fern
lello s! 1 ike Ihe li'Mihy veiy —el-l' tily who
wa 1., in lto 1 ~’i d,' y ],d awa y. Hi I'TiTell ly
rt'lHmr.; hack he shrffitrd in a ptlcnr*, dr
ettdijng time: d'm litde flharliii II >rs !
I’m little 1 llutrllu lloss, wild was stole!
Won't somebody rave me V Thar's a big
'reward olbred loi uu !’ Too. thin, Ik'-)'
j eric ! a young lu odlum in tlm crowd,
j 'l'veiylanly knows you and yur ,pl(l
j main !'
A Hi-ki 'll 10 'Hie, I'oii.i A Hoidli
|< iir'illna daikey, in a reecut gpi reli, haul
j Mi-la Clnirmiin, I ean't help cussin, liiid*o
j dt Ui Mill e| tilings ain’t mixed, and de Itip
I | mill * kill party is gwim; In ib- devil. Dus
OilVu"! M'.-es a rai“in' of bondHciul potbe
| eaiyiit ov ’em and den gidin de in ney an'
j piipin' Ol II 111 hi- poi ket. I 'bin I, like 'll’
| polhicary liiznis 110 how, and in Hpeemlly
I when it ( lime to .le money majd is. N"W
tluvtior M ii,*’- heap betti r p potliei ary ip
1 deni lemils, and leave ’em in de sale, wtnii
! day won’t do noliody no harm ; an’ i rea
peals, * ih, I can’t lu-p cussin, buUerVnlarn
el things ain’t mix' and, an’ de llepuliliking
parly Is nwiiu; t*r <lc devil pretty lat“
eimiigh. -
Mseoit Tt lfcr’..l'll All old colt:Il-I IV'J
man who, as is eharaeteri-dlc "I her He <-, i>
1 ntlmviasl " ally n "cions, |i- ■< and die other
day when- the chain •gang was at w nk up
oil tin; sir*ln the gang nhc di coven and
in a- <{ itiintance, wdioni sbe sainted tfiur :
‘All, In udder Tom, IV sorry to s<■ yon In
di m bond.* ' But do like Paul and H >.*
when lin-y waaebsined—|ir' , md 'b L id
| "ll send his angel and knock off d'in
| i.bam* !’ To wlddiTom Irreven ijjdy re
Idied : ‘Knm k h—I!! N' d'do but a bl.n it
smith can knock disc thing , off ' and lie
went on with his work, as utiy other pbil
imripber Would nave <ic e in fer sinnlai
is nvictions.
A x< nfleman at Lake (ieorge, aft' r wav
mg ins bshdkeicliiel for lih Ia i hour or
■nor.- at n unknown fa !y, wfe u* he di*
■o viced ,t a ijisl- fit point mi the shore, wi
Uui ur.;"l by a warm r -{!■■• >: to his sig
’ uaL P> aoproa* ii l.i.* • i.a: me.'. Imagine hi*
iei iin/s, when on drawing nearer, he saw
'i.-.ii it wi, hi* own wdc whom In: had hl'
,<t Uii; hotel but sail >rt 'ime before ‘VViiy
bow remarkable we -houid have recognix
ed each otlu r at sucfi a distance V i xcisim
ed fsi'li ill the same breath, and then they
change ! *he utijei t.
' I L . . ..
OIJ) JINVIvHTV an! KvN- V H'f(t;iE
Ol LuOi'tii'*** fii’v;ia
I I VH NOW, ami wtU kecfi always no
l l aaiuT ftt hia "Id atftßid, £ast side tX
lie public sipiare, a go**d and
w i t.r. sßt.v.ofiai btock ov
; t ’erem.tprg. ir rrart, et
. Ml* .uIT cllA t.H Walchus, m
Hie'u muk fit x ix m htriso) the b**Uin*ke.
t-- ;
<l nil i/i's, ni'ikrr* nn*l priori
■tt'TtV IV'j- iH K |
iiv.t tv Hi, | it Ut, 4 <v 14 iT'-J ii|4SUft.
i n.n> i Ib\ cu r \ 111,!': wauk
I” "
i Tv
Silvm Plat*l Ware
ul ..ii k’li ! I niul.'.afy les;
I’lteUr'f, s’.ctle * till rv. <YU:ilon
by tlm very reiwivned makei \ M )HKI’H
KIIH m l r.iU.Mi; \V' ri’.N
I am liil ri'pairing all goods 111 tlty lino.
Too many eitiwns ol Meriwether and an-
I'linlnr euuude* have lualod try'work lo
ttrquirc a word from me n to dm ctiarac -
work, If properly usrd, as L liavu always
.bum and r<wtieelfu)l, j*k a cpndnnne ol
'ho-', i"" 1 e*eelintd from mv
li i 'ml. iii Meriwether,
~hhs,< h m >:r>( >
S IJ IV S (Mil IV K Ii S
4 Tim
ol prnxeiila, whir li we have herelofcro an ■
aomiced, and lor w hich we arc under nbll
gate ns tu some sulisciliters, will now Jm
|m-lu and to a speedy ceiisummatiou.
(fur dis'i lOut.n mi ilillei n from tliow) ot
leading Noi tlu rii and Western Nuwspapors
iu two piirllruhirk Hr I, our iiresents aro
•iwarib <1 lo both Dally and Weekly ul>-
1 ribeis ; ami secondly, to bo!ll new and
old suli-i 1 lie rs.
Kvery daily suh r riher 1 laying $lO for
one year's soli ieripd in, will receive a reg-
IsU n I card ' lidding hint lo participate in
die dig, iliuleui ; every daily subscriber
payin' $■ lot six monHim will receive a
card entiding him to a hall interest In the
easli presents awarded.
A club of KlVrt Weekly subscribers,
ending $lO lor one year's subsetiptlou.
will receivo omi registered card; ONIv
Ai i lily suh-eriber can get a registered card
ny advancing $lO sub criplion, or a car*)
* li'' mg him to one liaif Interest in tint
a h pn aunts hy advancing $5 subscription,
In 0111 last distribution a club of weekly
subscriber* obtained
Which wii't pud dr, <leo, Klrnrh'irt,
I*.u,||, ,M ,dion lii six ,in tile pici-,'nee of
fix Mai or II iitimock.
The Weekly t Mi'iHUtution Is a msmmotti
H page Kiii'i i. containing ti Columns, only
two dollais per year.
Asa Family aid Ftr#i bsirnal it ia
im-urpa■i in the I filled Hifiles.
Ine plan i* the same a* the llrst-. which
gave - ieh universal sail faction. -The dis
irihutton will Is in public find supeiintend
< and by eomiiii i,loners.
Ad tin presents fil'drdiuted. without
*•.ijiiuf, and lo file subscrilM-rs only.
I rsiil.sei die at •nirx: Ih Ioii: ilie dislrTiUtiotl
cornea oil, and you arc too Ia l*:, tor it i* the
' last
H-impfe copies ot the Coitstittifkm, and
in ilar* giving lull paiticuiars, sent tree
j - in applemCiHl
I.jte-i .1 induce tti-iith and a s;*eeial .list of
pieiulums oltensl to local agi-uti>.
A hire**
AtiSiiU, it*.
A* ihi< rnsy le' seen hy soiueuuaci| mint
e<J won ii*, we rider, hy js-ruiissioii, io fcs-
M syof'iiammock, Col. <. W. Adair, and
Cn.*?! It. VVairaos, leading efi iaoiib, who
i |.eriiitended oin In l .1 lulllnotion, all's
a-i Hi ilie j.fiSi nL Mayor ol Atlanta, Col.
N o-tiide*
r | v||[y TO warn all pcrs.ia not to
i hire lui llciuy Mcliargue. 1 wet
piowmule any one lib mg him to the extent
ol tue law.
a i„!4 Im‘ 8A HAH .1 M HVi i LTAJ
NO 39