Newspaper Page Text
m vr.Mnr.won.
Wx> T ftfcvtMT nrjT .j ,ui i I'mfuittiir.
OKK.h.'iMU.K KIUD.t ) -'.,.1 in
JM.tlc 11. ' < k( t.
* .•; •! • 1 !(I<
IION J 11 Alt I .U.Mik, oi < 1 . ,1.
frl'Till'- lfi. . -at
HON W, K IVU'TII I!' . i' fjr
i irino ot rhi< i \ .
HON rttttfi-t'O-OK- rj-n-.-. r ,p-M
" " rieiti iti, t
HON M A. < A.nlVi.Lh, • D K.. .
SIX! II l/l*Tl!|i |
HON. JAH If BLOUNT, #>f ll ■#
IION 4 N Tit AM VI Kf F. of
MOtiTH ItlJJiH’i
U<r; a. H HIEFUJ ,
Mh'iH f> :*e IUK *f
ffON 0 M..MiI.LAN. of
J*> run i.KTitHt.A rrrv:
Mwlwftthcr County,
W.VI. T. RRm,
h’UrtK/7i fr'iinl W*m*ml*y in O' /
J, <l. vf, M Ilk I 111. It'. fti •.. r, ■1 , and ,
lor Congo m iii tin iti, .Uii;i i It
From it in |in njroiiii ii iMiijiii k vv i.i
•! that Mutt, o| <, anti'.i,in r<
himself as nn Indi-pi'ridcill i,i.i II Ii u- I,r
Oongiwin TtitiAnnfrio; W* :i. vi Vti
Molt lias tjenn n (pH blood’ .1 Radies) *yei
(fitter: ttro wi,
WAII IN ~<(1.1 .lA (A
Tilt! HtAt. il> 111 L"iil.i'lim williju.J witn
the twlri >1 tlic lU-bt: li Gove. nnr .till, n„
Dtit fcheled byificm, tmVi liikan it|> in iii
nptart’ll New Or.ruiin and ... in*. l run
tr. t •.1 till i'll. ' .... M t i ... j 1
Itiiiiition drill tiii t - flu jit-opl* I-. .11 * j.. , .
will fbftw liming rtf. m aM, [j,, I ,
Htatn* Amhy,. —At it I.(i|iu —1i,.. . 1i.,. m —A t
laiita bn Wt flucwliiy <.(in mi | ~..|h i , (u „ ~
Mil r It 'if i it'll t spiff It, nil. i vt Ji i 1 1 11 '.* I(| til'! n
Wtr |ll (.1 • ij.l. li_ .yi , ■■■■
llm'T.fiuliliiim putrlni., Kotin (ni t tiiii.l in
vain to tally hi* filers nml take* n |ii K |. in
(ytlMtOlU liu.U£L. VmiklW ifflOjnt ('here till.
TVTTToNki. iTaMHIh' Ail'oi , | w It's He— —
ft"n Henry It II *rr\* w.ii „.m n,.
chi/fum of vili* on Moinlav 11 . 1 1
Mt 14 o rtiit'li, (tn VV i dm'-ifiiy In* vi j i
ttprult ot Y raukHn, 11. iTTTy ,\t iiu
lima loaltoH wo ti out It Ih rrti uds will
*ll dlllgenca In giving fioßce t ins iippctm
nan tt,
A tew Week* ago tile telegraph C.punt.t
Hi*t alxlarn na jniw had Itneii till no i otn ,
J*ll in wmt Trimi'.; .. li.,| Mi l> * v ln K
ai-Otivarnor Honiit noti u. n Ki.rrcitt .)<•
Don need llui (uttruttti in Hcvrrt' ternm, li
now aplflOH tlmt ..n*y ftvr i- r-.. • .r. |
shot, Hit* other elcvtn heing nMuwetl lo
Lrlcr dt’Velopmenllt Imilt ntc Hi ll |
the If ad left'h in thnl neitf idft.fli nn I my ‘Hu. ‘
aulhomof the law ten deed , Kilting (hr
five ht'caime they had turned State’s evi
donee, lliti* peaThbc; on iheir while iil!i,
Ilia others were turned loose iieertMa,' ihcy
had lain,lully kep! the secieis ot tlic w hile
rascals. Ever thus such outrages ivigluate
and hlauic is sadtlh il ciiir- ns ttud
the l)en icrnc v.
Extha bKSsroN—in -another column
appeals a slsrillng article from the Atlants
New* calling lor auv exit a session ot the
Leghlature to kill more liogus lionds. ll
Governoi Smith Honks (lie interests of the
tax-payers demand such action Ist him
pioteed accordingly.
Old Ben Butler has Just mad# a campaign
speech. lie afleets to believe that the
South Is on the eve of rushing into another
revolution. Let the South keep quii-t „ m |
•he will yet bx the death or ohl Ben. IR.
ride* into poptilaiity on the strength of
Bouthetn disturtkancee.
By reference e'w here it w ill lie seen
Ibat Giant is forwarding troop* Sou 1 1, to
Mippro** another rebellion. He and the
Kajlicsl* will dctitleas fl K i,, j t „ n thi ,'
line if it take* all the fall, that is, until litc
election Let every fiery Southerner [n>*
ses his *otil in patience and keep quiet
Every disturbance in this latitude is worth
thousand* of vjtes to the Radical*. Let’s
not give them a single vote.
The Enquirer calls attention to the foi
The Qtilfln News publishes an knj>ort*nt
decision in bankiuptcy, rendered in Alex.
. Murray, Kigister, anil sustained by
Judge Erskine. Willi* A. Joidsn, bank
rupt, claimed exemption of real estate bu I
personalty to the amount in al! of #d,spo,
aa allowed by the homestead and oiemp
tion laws ol Georgia, enacted since the w ar.
Two of his creditor* oy.cted, on the
ground that thsir claim against the bank
nipt was for a debt contracted in |*tgo.
when the homestead exempted bv the
law# of Georgia was gr ally less than now.
The Regist# r ovemik-d ti.e o’ jection, hold
ing that the bankrni t law n-ci gniwd the
State exemptions exixtiag in 1871, w ithout
regard to those that ex rated at the iju.e of
the bankrupt's contracting hi* debts; aud
this ruling is sustained by Ets
A AKNISO TO I ItK -■■>( /it
Wi 'A ;.ii *a *■ Wi illl i lti*- oiliLtflr
—vrti>T irO-4 t/ ih* T ' \* >t I '■ttn-t*
‘.I \nr* ■> r."'T. Jl -' •Tn r l ': .• \!
t *K- i_'nrm. I U. 1 ‘ it* U k* ,/ *>♦'
l-j *i T - rv* in<.tr, CLJ
!1 t ! I '!< •'*"f( < ♦' { >y h* t'l 'hl*
<1 \ * lii U‘ I l : VV ii 1 fi-A#. Of lilt A UAM'.i.
M' t-'.rt I* ■'r-r-i-r ;h •; .Alt oj/k f !i
frrtffr 1 nry'frifT* ■l' !I*i ■* t'
* i-' \ ao/l *l* *--• Ktvi- t$ vt if .104 I/
i i i4*-w—t-r h-yif ntfi %r;r '"Trus t w, l r>
. ij- ij'/tj -• t I, <;n l/C r--*/<4 : iifc
h/i . |i!W..f'!l.4Ui!ii;:io' a i *o
r UF***finl ' Tn it' • i/-
"TTT"i, ■ iMriit <7'7'a unh.’M . y v / •aia
fii tfi'!/.*'flt " ‘ O* 0 l>>’ *•* tf* l i- j
'i • t 'l/f- N tiU/crri j :>
! ; t 4f | rift ... -I -<•f! < i o* * x
lo,* in dt 'rininj \ fty-litu*. oi •’ l*U'H | ailA i
.i ; 4/• h if. -11 ■ ■(*• lIMI
* NVto &U t |>*l
lU/til H>*utllin li f;v! / I*l ?1/ mV t fi** 4 r lifffoi
\ ti.H'i- I- non U'> n U*‘" ft)r*
|l"4 i 'Jf;* iii O f.’ f VV -i 2 V; /. * 1 H'
tftnt[>ir<y fltf/'j ft-o 4 ; s.if of i■■* <;r N V
Jl ilo, S: ( J
p V^f*rrte'ixi• ale*! J
Itdiir from lion. J. H lto|**r.
TRFATF rT'hJsti** r
Hiptembrr, and ia:K f
Ww T. Itvvii.i., K*'j,
fhvtr tier r~trrTtew Of t!.< r .. • uf ti t
U-miw*r Item. aa'dlTiS moihltot'K i*.it
ir/j/ioil/’ Hist r’.iiTii(,adld'777<-!p~i77Toe twi
i w./tlld Mlggt (t Hi it till' tsy ■ t til r:t.
lui no rollers <>f tin lsyK! .tr t.e kr|
Huirdi 1/ in your enitiriitia. Vou w/il h.
i'iipi iedT77fiii j rfi ifiin'Mtr i/T tt.t-ft '*i.o
don t Kuo. tiir Ha) >d ’. J.i* r’■('ion i- .
limy l nOVnm Hie t '.il' l v (.' ■-'( iy •!( and tilv
lay i.t ttie l :is-i Mill Slid V- A. *■ : - ; I : .
ly fill Ili tI.KO who tiiio forgo!’> li nr and n
1,..! kll .vi U.M-pfi' ii liy : I I‘' O 'i r ‘
good It' iii ii i!, it .! Hi* y i: I .i' r..t•- il.e it.
dil)i r* in * has too long and too fn
tpiiiitly In ili to iidfiiiii'd |ini'
ure g* /ii inily iiiir ll '. .l iiirn .lii*
live ,'r iii.ti' fiom the pnhlsi liigh.nye md
ndxing with the people hut little they ai.-
' li. t hilly n'liti.i' to liii i*oe.! 'to 1 itt tee
VV lieu Iti IIVOI mi y vhrpn eoi|.|ifu n0..3
Ills ri y aliinits l i mel is ni imyii ; i
f tsh - 1 !' i l l and in ■ .> :f 1 ■ eti.ii .It o.ii
til to I . 1101 j ; ill- .1. ll' ill .) IlmUQiii 'ink ot
; . i.eiyv "l: l in Pll I ol ill , Ili um, ini oi ll.'
roi’nty I! woo'd ti'i i ini t .fime to he.
- irf.-wl fy-deplofi"f nitit emH t'iT!og .1 r.‘n,.Tt
. to iii. On e"| 11 . ug y it - !
1 1 w.nid *'i* 111 Hill! Hr Ini re lll'lkHoll I.r
1 ,|iidiie I > 1 VV uuer' 0.1 jf<\ *’l,.hi: 1 I,
t .^.51..|""1 111 111 I ’l ■— r VI ' V !VTTTH~Trr ii~Tfi Hl'" ’
! 1 otlld \ !■ 1 1". ''n pt’ "S dll Ih' poll''.. 11 i V,
■ with f ich olliet to (lit Hn fits! I'.! ol I
: him Tim until is diet*- mn-l In- no rr :.■
for any man It)
jfLv’i'll a! the gtom toss. STirfi ttiili n
pr .ving 1 Ides or in .n ■ net .( tie oi, in
CUM' r ttus I ,Sl' *t l u ll distill t (‘lull
see t' 1 ill list evi 1 V 1,1110 Uml is even t!,i*
j tgl# htri Ml I" 11li 1 |iOlls i-. ntuTiT nil 1 Tin ■
aii opportunity of votl 'g the dine i intir
til hi t It ta nnty i'lTastOhatty in tile
of a mao’ii ll( th. ! n hi* •'t-* 1
voting Tiir mil li a to io as .fodi'e VVarni r
In !■■ "irJ Ur~mlST;’*TTt T^litnr, .fetir
t-=' tir*"*, "'r. thn' I have no! Hie least die
snllahn t|on at VSi I Inin.' t!if—fortmiH!i' loan
tn t,e assnei iti dno tim th hel M Hli .fudge
VV uniT The I’lil'leat 'S i K tnrd ol e tn
twnen tire i-aMiliiliLtiJg, BlhT H
rt spi'i iitn Itiei.'ls snii.d f-v 1 hum g idnii'li
Your nominalhm 1 regaoj *a prrtriTty' tail,
nod 1 trust eveiy IVmn-rnt wttt n isi'fi
his mm rml tlrirrk "t m him h word as
deteat I tent that det.-at w--'tfd hr a lit
-gtrtft- iji 'm thr e nnTv w liii ti ho i.t o
vktniy. "t nireessii n"t vi' l"i" ( v u!._
iti r oil acre Jao H RnM n
[Ontmoindc’iti'd |
Viol l\t filler Voiiiini es,
KnrroH ViNUH'Aivn . Allow na spin e t
oiler a WMiriV of approval touching the ai •
lion id the nominating cotivi tiiioti at
(Iri t'nvillr on Ttleailay, the. Ist inst , In
meinlieraol the Hinte Keglalnturv ; i>r ail
tilings ftinsidered, the DitnocnHi y is doubly
bound to exeri'ist! every legitimate means
to secure the 1 lection ot the nominees ot
said convention, for the time in the rventfhl
history ol Meriwether has appealed, when
office sought the men, and not no 11 the
office. It i' evident a spirit ot patriotism
prompted the candidates to subserve tin
public, interest of our country, and it elec
i fed they will reflect the wishes ol ibcn
VVe are gratified to learn that gentlemen
whose name* were run and defeated tn 'he
convention, have etulor*d the nomination,
and wii! give their undivided suppvort to
tlie candidates. This is no time for dm
sen* on , for the po’ltiod hone ,n is dark
and threatening, snd is portentous of a
storm aud should be met with the mag
nanimity that characterizes chivalry and
In view of the Newnan t'ongressiona! Con
vent ion, it meets our unqualified approval
in the nomination of Colonel Henry ll
Harris, w hose merits justly deserve, as a
national representative, the undivided sup
|rort of the Fourth Congressional District.
Xoy N.T.
They have a minister in Mound City,
Kan, who attracts people to his prsyet
meeting In the ill' s c ot a b-ri* hard,
An Alabama editor winds up aiieditorial
on tlie corn crop "with the rvauark, “VVe
havt on exhibition iu our santluui a paii
of magnitiienl years,’'
It was darling Gwe. rge when a Irrivlal
coupl* left Omaha ; it s 'tj ar George’
at Chiofxo ;at i: was ‘George;'
and wh,n they :c cli and Niagara Fa,h> i;
was 'say, yott.’
A young lady io Mi waukte iainted
a" ay when tier iover exited and fotunl her
bare-footed, but a Chicago girl would have
kitked his hat off as she cried ‘go.d moin
ing.'— LXtioii Fret Frcrs
'.*r: OrnetAL A< r < g nut.Patrii/ESi
- ihLiuso. itres 'o- w Lhtm. ‘'—Tin* k * <|if*
Hun isdwrH t<v r/ !!>'- ot the jrapees on tin
' stieogiij of tin' Jsk ..very oi the Inflow;,
provision ot tto at•£ iu I "Jet
A:. Slews a':ached to the scot of g"V
i-iwneh’ Si*: !>e exercised in the IT*
' Hirt of .in I .'a and not chewhefe.
S' .(I : s is#' eXpreyr’y provided bv
* a .* -
I 1 jo-.. ' 1 , y it; ft. Fi>. eivdf.c eota
ii is* i* .ti id Poe I (us -Ur (iniit-fal Jr S-. :, (t*. ,
.!• ie- eiiui-S.J by Liter Preeidont *wav
i from VV .iii.ii,gu>n, uid a g'e ,o lieai oi nk.t
--111 1,. boon his )<een mniot !.■■ u*
e Vie' /.t, ism J of s'.ill, ilsriha’* Vine
yard, *i and aii a ...g .hole, and it k Ic :
■y eiiu.u '!.*•_ uoue of ihe-e ofUciai ita. z u
,egai. ‘A teen o.-1 .;i, aorlts as l/iv:.y to
■Vaiili i”y' is . ’ 1s Uu 1 1 c as. li, s*.-i
to: inure* - ol ‘it*: fi.strict we timi . ■■■•.
t.e e,,.(j to hive this je.ii.t of oiji.rtioi,
iHr'je s oo li. it it At; dt/obt if tbr* Pr-as
Hcncy - an ‘ fit ■! wtLeeotrl to the se.t ol
govt.-i-iitucul' wiiuiu the intariitg \t Use
•Io ,t. -ni- 1. At the soUris ttroe *trc*e r*
ho 1 .! that U*e A((t*'ra4oi jan.pU •.
j,.. fir l. net ! lie fhk t Mag it eat*, keep ’
p'a/.e i' tin; he in o' the veansti it ,
tin .f Uaiiiioa) (.fi-le to leei that i> ia X ypl .
ol rrep risdnnty t the tiead ot a great pi <
file, mi \ tijat it* .uipof i ahos aod di*(traU’’h
g it Vauxui haJs- u-e -
year WaShii'Ktofj Wi*r
-JO I fra rr.' er it uf till! trif|'.Til
u/igaieUt.sAi. t.fsrKl'rt
1 have La er, fi oii< e, if by f: '* i.- in j.i'
,11: io t.i -.1 leu.’io *■ hi ei, (Werh. '
the t oogrt-r* oi ‘te I 1.10,1 tV ,_!fce i,
g: leu io tin.- fla’ieiirur no t ouu- cut.—
•oht at ion eiel .hoe I'fie,mlcil !• Would
•tare! a* #. t sol it It the ahitfagta I
iliy fi il" s o li l/en •-
1m thus aiinoiiithing rny*!f, ail that 1
deem hits \at) to declare la, that i sou a
r-.lion* TV tiig, ' ,iT to o* cessc a an 1 ffi.
Aar. an t ill. e ’ fu- O f mihaUoh of (Tie War"
t have >r*eii -very ,-ri-Jen .or Lo re hue fiaf
tnony, g'eid b' iihg arid goin) governurri,!
h, nry pc#,po' My creursa 'arid porl’eo.
1,.,1,1'.h r. laser, ,ud jo.(*ue.l_ are web
known tr# Mly tslluw , :ju.,.e Wf.-l V- ortrre
, 1. 1 ' , wliat rnjr r ourse In , n.-'h, Iw*
rr, ,> la- ti, .1 < ,ir,y 'le, laralfiifl I ttiiyi.t uni
it,.,'..5, .—h— l —# --t -I will add, is f tkiniT
may do w el, pio. all inv Iniqreat*
•itfi , iet-i.iix-i with o*y fatiyw—eHmm#, and
■i, it ,1, t —i my I'ltoi t *in i, given '
!■ aeeilfe and [inner,!,' Ills last interest*
and pei lipnjme— ot tt.i /. I, , e j,eople
... . Ino i --nte •• [
l! ! Ml.
I ;. ! .1 '. I I
I'.eriii I ft m lie < rawfordvrt'e ajawidi ot ,
lodge. —W rr: M 11 •f ? IleIT "y 'U, mj*
friends, I've riot cotne fn re to talk of mat
lers ol whirl, I know n ithimr. I've *een
it nit and I prrs latm to you tt,e tr Mifi I ■
know tr., 1 Lt, ui Hu. ~'H, wh”flr ynr- -
thrust nt ot pfiW( r In tM7I), Tney are now
snuggling Ur Ingratiate Ho-ite#*-,ve tnlo ,
ytmr favnv bp dereie 1 -- 1 ..... , y *
e, o.l' merits and imj ,oTts.,.** nt tt,e ;*nr
so thni they may put their hand*—•#—y>nt -
pockets snd I,pip thiae vrs Ilx dr 'Hoik
IrtTot-Tn IT. re Mi 1 I' ii(d'loovier pv, ti
acini earelufly the rent design* ~f * m
cainlnUrte fur tin l.egiilaiure. and dond
A-eA- y'"!' vet era to be .jeer ivrv'f sr,'t ehrsiei'
by any one, Don't east n v tn for any .
man whatever. nnlc*a'you-iarow Ire can br
reiwd Upon—that tie writ re Vtgpau(—tha'
he K alntve teffifJtatfcc, and IhaHig cannnt :
die II ll Opted, Ihe It,el, v 11 .•! ,kt He
Inti red t,> find nut th*‘ extent of the mis
(lief the' hail been (hair, tn pmiah the
pcrpetratnra as farM'they cnuld be dene
ted, and to pnxini tlreTecirrence of such
thing-# lu tlic tutnre, as tar a poonh'e , hm
the only sure salt ty is in tlic sleoplws,
el, rual vigilance of the people ' VVe Inek
e,l into the ntaitt r ol the bonds very care
fully, and sought to find how many and
which were good and just and how many j
were tiad and unjust. In doing this we >et
tlie seal ol cvet lasting condemnation on j
nearly eight millions iff unlawful and!
fraudulent bonds. Yet the men whom you
hurled Irnm |mwer in tor doing itff
very work are evtyLwnere trying to lastenj
these Iraudulent bonds upon us. It thevj
succed In this, it wtii double our talcs: it
wiil make our 1 fltate debt twice as large as
it is, and our taxes lor many yeats w ill be!
double what they now are, and if tlris|
unjust and iniqtiitons but den is put upon
us it will not benefit the Utate or tne
country one cent. It will oily be robbing
you and your children to fill the |H'kei* of
the same psrtv that tried in 18d8 *7O to
tasten that baud "i>on you.
An Atlanta correspondent ol the Angus i
ta ConstiiutiouaUst learns, from authority
which he deems reliable, that iu many lo
calities in the State the negroes’are making ,
a movement looking to the colonisation ofi
tbeir entire race, in the Sot t iern States, ini
Him' portion ot the unoccuj ied territoiy of
j the United States. A ferv days ago a very
1 large asscinblago ol negroes at Greensboro
j unanimously adopted a proportion iavor
ittg coUuiigation—an entire removal and
separation ol their race from the whites;
and it is more than likely the next Cwngres*
will be flooded w ith petitions, signed by
almost the whole negro population in
many sections, ask-ing the government t*r'
' assign them a gcate. for their own occu
| paucy, and to remove them thither.'
A Down E.isl gentleman showed con
siiicrable alarm the other evening when he
discovered that his w ile had loaned the
fairnly Ltble, When he relumed front the
iiouse where the Bible was he brought with
him fI.UUO, which he lead jd*ced in it lor
sale keeping,
Tlxt- 4'oastilutlonal Ametiduteul
—;i4 Extra kessiim f the l,egiv-
liitutt' .Yi-crli'd, —
'V ret J that bit H-et > ■ ' • .
c, ~t < t’w s j ’ c.r sca'ii-t toe per. t
Mug Cuuef !, ■ I , 'I Me. 1 itV'-alSHfie
■ l . -it .it all .:■! I *t.wy.,
; T'je :•li 1 ' 'ill* lit IU M ■' . ... .": ri‘ M: 1
, ,*.,i-ai ivsilt vv B-t-"w* w jnrt
had been ds; !.• ,•. '. ''•L- .. • •'>•
:It c. 11., A if () -r- r- tKT: ftV,
' 1 und ed •'- t -.1 ■ w• H# oi t’ •-■
!•■ '..!i vt;. , : !t : ■ j 1 sv.' a at,..
A i-'lo..
T. A k Tei T5T77 1 M~r . : ■
>pi '-ue ;■•(! entirely wii t '!.* 'atiehd
lU' .. .. .V '.ti'-n not'd i
r m si . ■ • H ,> *
1 - ... a.-. • . -r ■ ,r , .
rj|' 7 ■ - .1 -d v . V’J
r . ijt . £ft ’,j '* • ■ ’A-■ Se . •* if JI it
Bfr ti ' ' 4 >• . 1 I*" - I A
I A.-*J .li U. ' . • 'iM ) f J Jt) C>
IV*-** Oriiif >• . • ‘ •ii *•
A bx' t rte4trriH.t r *;.’• % *+■ uii] ilk* ft
% AdK. * <** 'tek'f; ' V * r ”* 1 ij tr ti s
ti I'b-J*’-) I/I J.V , -( A a l *k* K • !/*
tif*l 't .' .’ • - -I
a.: . H .'ii /:• K <■ /. .-.i itt-:
TTOrTtt \10.~: I I.t * ll A? r.f **fc •ft
• /.* tft UteC t** ' 7 ur"s * . 4 V->\ C- se*A
te i/*J i) Uy LltU rto nA g M lit uu ,
iliTr p ! ii Li* T>‘,fce-4,! i*t*- •> k m *mj
nX ' l/** r <<*r- Hi if* A./ 1 .•/ a #
TSSTTiJ ;f Iff IT-, " ■a. ■ - .. + •>* * •
Hi ti**: Iniii.-ii aj■ *LA i .* U*=*tt* I I*4
1 t a TH f i * . *l<) >A L
WV t • a ' M iff* -r*-' _j •; ,
4VM'fJ i I‘x it .4-- •, -f A ill** '
• ->JSf AC i-a • - l/*/t ‘ (b< l tr *v .* • £ -ii ..
. 4 " • ■ ,
t,t vir/r.rr i r7T i y~ T 'n7#7;:T." i? i= > , f .- s ♦*,-
f/f/l t* il 14 .*t t/*. * itj • * l s’ L*4
/Hu: ti \j *.*■’'. t, ./D - ■-*, a?
4*. AT 'jgll .'•.lf *;( ._U- V -*s- J;- Ti ... 1
tjtal B JJ* • •tt * . f. ♦ • . i. ' • .
r*x t>TT* tfc- ?* T <Tt-.1 ? ’;it .„i.
lit .1 HLate. >i x * jLk Jt
J>' fi r*r>-: r.’Tr
J . *' .
.Ui*r Jj*of u* M V -• . ■ Vt ’lt.
rv i.. .■ ; .i_
■iiuli.. t.vvft ti it U ; ——r Vn if ■*. Hr.'"
iM li *>l lit* - r 7f ffr-r ff vWIa:.. * fTlte
•>. ii *■■>!.■■ e ■ r 1 ' <■'■., f 1- 1-.
*' '' j ‘'' l‘ • ‘ _l_: i_4 i-—*_
iu e+y t —m —“r ffirrr’Tr; * rx
' *• ‘ * : '
: y t)' frV. -N * u 'I. . . ; f* l i /■
77~n 7 —n 'I- -A '■'■■■■ ■. ' e ; , e
l ft . • ) , i •1 ' O'
. t "
"(M ’ 'iV '■ ” ' ’
iff, It;*. 'A*\l J; ——* * • ”””
hility f Ja * ’ • f ‘ *
fir iui!'i iu W*-1 ■ *c.f* . • .- •
Ok !'*’ *'*, si ... '■■ t-r. • •*
.Ka--!"-’' —e- —: —M . ' ' -
•ff> *• >.•*! t *
• r •* i*rK ' : Til ..4i
? * \ * _ t; *,
U to. I x -
• a .’i
c..>4 tr. * xf* r* i j. v
tr * > t,-r ! 1 • -
I r • i • - ,
... • '
i'i H ' I.' '.live • .4'
lili/lt, *,o j li -* : *-••? ; r i< I
*i * . rr. >’ * -■ ; ant < * \
tie A (
IregiVaiiir# ... . v r rT > ■ ■
ctn go In f.-rr sp# jestpir I vs i*.r.i i. tt
'1 welt, i'.J iw i. ( spr _ ■ i .
li onbi I te■, j , in , t> : }(■-■ ff
urection. —A isn' t News.
V ffhtnwici ta I* III# (I ly li li
The sltrnlion ol Northern politicians
who advocated ; *gro quality, is pa/i-co-,
Ur y (life# io*l to ti,e t01:.,w ing (■ r
It is the direct result of ibr attempt to . n
(orce iheir uanatural tea< Idngs Koch-out
rages by t,“gr-e* have recently beeoni,
alarmingly common It was only a flay or
rwu ago we received by tei> graph an ac
count of the I . aching,ot man in
Feunsy Ivun u fi r the comm as ion i>l a sirni
lar critae
Wc have a thriflirrg story of. an intenjcl
outragp by a br Irish nagro npm a white
lady, in Kemper, and rhe sweet-revenge she
had the coortge and firmness lo take The
name oi the lady has not cotne to us. but it
will, aud thousands ol tonrues wiil praise
her as the heroine ol Mississippi. 'Ho
st, -ry, as it teaches uS, is Shat she was alone,
and met by a brutal negro man. He a-kc:
her il she did not know that tbete was now
a law which comiH'lfi'd white wmußi fi,
marry negto men? Wits a presence ot
mind rare'y etpiaPwTin her vs, tt main
Tamed a placid composure which complete
fy thiew the Villain off hi# g
Quietly answered him that sbt kr;ew theie
■w as such a law now. Then he aiade the
other insulting propo-itior. she acce,ted
it in a manner to more thoroughly puli the
wool fiver hi* f yes, and only required that
be s-houid g>> with her to the bouse. The
lady ied the tii.ain on unsuspecting, with
a high notion of h iving achieved love's
conquest, u ( r t • ue house, where she hau
expected to find a brother. Bui, oh, fa,>r
mr, not a living s, ul was there. Her heart
didn't tail her. ?Le nti her sercuned n, r
.ain'td, but politely asked thegav L- han ,
so have a seat ui the gii ery. Sfa e passed
in. got the gun, and ia the moment he.was
,aU( owi n g the perfect bliss in store for
him, he g* t a deahly of buck-shot.
As our a iud John W. said the other day,
■Brethren, let the work of the Lord go on V
—Meridian Mefcury. August 30.
Frugraieine f the <at pet
.Is Ikf m>Ji fft lUe claipor> - ifIUX r T IT
• •ui Jr i-biiis hr mi i :;.aryT.H.iv.u ; i<.u o! lit*,
s"-j 1 h, tr "Uj.rrJ with *>V of tbe UlOt'
’Lie D**£if
W* i Wtttch fee/11**- i t ti e v t , a>' “
KtA-f .oc*CH..*i* -jus' • v t! ??er i wn nb tK ‘
wv-i+r- 1 . *rt-tat *t* f?irir a~ w”c TET(i.. ’ i‘V
r.. * !j! U'> by -if br* I */x* A’.. - lu
A nn r ht i F. ii S a.* ;** til;
\ .
1 nt ■ v- ' • J *• ' ; ;
>i* S! h* ■' iO*- i **
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- ■, i Vf >; ■■ A ii f . .'us—: L.l_
; ... D . : ■■.. •Av : ?.. r yam- 4 tit r->
. V;
,'->4'‘a> iu .. sa - r V L\ LA2I *nc _* A .v.*t . 1 -.
'fiajicfc tit: pc.*k-d tf + '+Ai . tt.i- tifJ-it'W-T
,•* - . .* 1 -e. i- , • ‘ r ,•* ,
■'l -i-g * -
:ti a ! 'br *> 1 • f ' -t'i
,: .'l .. 1 ■ - '
0 r A-uXJiifci -Tt’Ld. '.ti*'- butsiitiu: > ■:-
:re It/ lb*-:f i • , fdr-Uit'f tn At. 5U U l- *
*?* h'rr lyVr Otiiy l r nW
7:U, f . r-i ’ *„r{ rr-v: - *t '• .. I- : * ■- s> ;
• .mi t / XiiKil r :r+ lit I
*.rjr-Ti sfrii.i f l r ■* < • (A -If DM : t ,
**<l j*-*'* **V I QIiY • c ■%<
AU - - -TT ai TjJ- _To . J -Li a.
aA Ji *' ♦ t A MH e • if T .*■
/.* JitjY ->' •* . * --
< t ii Y**'-: ■ i•. ; * •/(•">''. '4 - l* -.
a Vffp- 'll ill.' ■ lr. -■. A■. u ■ : J*a
i )*• • < -1, • rti - t-a • Ts •. ..* \. ?.
L-.y'.lir t• 1 -'‘-e4 V' ;. - -t -xs/ S C tt <
-rs —? n —nt —r
- ia>ff If* .. ,
•u -• !*. > i• * Mit* . ‘ * t C
J/*_t f _*f 'w • A _• T4g3fe. -lii 1 iwL.tli.* -
p •
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S ti 'U .4 i JwDIK ' J V *"■ ■ 'tg 't'.v.l ' • ; "(^
iw * T4’ J > . - * - “ •
t . , j..
„ U ' t .' -t,
-—-n ”*n n 5 < r ■ nr u ~
• t - L_l
-,'i.rfys 1 ' . ■. :■. l,*X M" . - ' *- i
■ V-, ' .’* * y % ' '
—w—f-j —- ■ ■ nrn
r -
■ kniir-f > '■ ■ti t * ' y ■ te' - •
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il-* T — rr* rr —: ——
•- : ■' .■* - ‘ "• i_.l f
f! -# *t,.V M-i •-%* 4 JI ' V r i*UV.
- : •
• V.- .M. , .7; rb ff U-.,. if "
;i c m tj '. 4 * Mi- .-'
'hft v* Jj j M }t *1 ’v 0 g.|
• x .rv- i ,r- *• * .. TT? 9I * n
• ff-f*. ti; n v-). r ffi tft 4
b'J *;4 .* •; . . !*• • , .it f
LF.- U. ADV Kill i.-KMKN f
-KO il< i IA. VT s> !xr t,• ,i ty,
'A ! ['* ’ -0* hxv'-g jr Isim* . . .t '
•Slade ot N to' Tie t %*. He- !t re
by Botifl-d to present # name , ..
Ilici.t., afWi a. t■: li' c ’,. '.ft-s , 1 n
fietded t(< 'fie #aruc arf rrq f,j ;
the HfttU' i If.i iv i j,r j 7 07}
Ordinary’s Offlpe.
GEORGIA M- i.wtifier e • ~n').
Ilenrv M( Kir.if" r,; !; n fi-r wting spar'-
ami V tUrati ti ot houi*'*lewd, of rtj ty a ri :
(fer-onsi’v. and 1 wit’ pa-s upon the si’ue
t my offliv in Greeuvilte on Tuesday the
15th t* yt Se; 1.-mbrr It 1 1 o'f lock A y
*2i j. vv banning,o. me.
Notice for l.eave to Well Idiiiri,
GEORGIA Merlwr'her Cotmiy.
I w'-i; j p v to the H,-rv rsbi Court n!
Ordinary in and f,ir Ssid c un'r on the lo
Monday in October ne:. tor leave to *-|‘
all Uw load* bekmginc ti Mu stMlsvf Mis*
Martha F '.rr fi cd. T.. s S ,
l ;> "t A ‘mr.
GEORGIA Meriwe'.hcr County.
Jfibn A. Sirontn atipiie* },,r ’et|,. r s n j
Administration <fe Jamas safe, itAtmttit,' om,
smsoMs.-apna Ute estala.pc Ma.-y . .. .
dec-' Tills is therefore to ti ein • ~j mt , n ’
.-h ii encerned to fiie 'bejr 'y,, * jj
nv ttfVy '.ave, on or before be lsi Monday
in Ocfotjer’nvxt. - - 1
Given under my baud am! offl-Ju.; .ijna
mre this S-ctenv-er Ist 174
GEORGIA Mer.we'her C untv.
I will apply to m Honorable Coutt of
Ordi.i.ry inji.’id ; r said countv, o U tne l#t
Mot;Jay i o<t next for
the lan !-belo ssng to the eslalt cf Jo- .at,
Sliedield. liecesv? i. Tnis ttep'ember l#t
H P. HALL, A mr
GEORGIA M4r.-se#fit-r Cuuuly.
I will apply to he 11 morable t -lrt of
Ordinary i;. u 'or said county on tbe~ J-t
Monday i„ O't'dier next fir leave to gel!
'he iands fa. .ugitnr to the estate of B. K
Gales, nmssi! This Scpten btr 1-t
l?Tl 7 .V.YNc YA. GaTEP, T# tatrx.
tJEOH jIA 51 riw’.-taer Cos imy.
All u.iiTl 1 s~tr;t;i(g 'Mi!!! 1 - the
■ .H -c L J. A M-ei. a; e It-’! ■■ ij
uo'ific t , p-e-' u: tin- same duly authv-n
~'Str.i are r ‘:-o Th se iudebleA
r ;.l i.v . (■-,.. * - i'i ■I• ;r. rtijneste ! io
take ivinetii This Sepiem
on il. sf 7 XXTITNToN, ATuu.
4 - S'
Ordinary's OlliTe
tIL H•! .k Tt w; - '(■• !! v,
J,l>. a A..%Sm S. 1 : u Wilde Pyk,
- -~.U ... .k*..x j' - 'h' fv 4 t l . •Si't
>' VY ( * 'v it • : :f I T 'X- T -
.•* • V —f r • I ' aft
Ulr- ” i- 7 : - ' ~ '• : ■ X ,4 -i
v* ‘5 '* f i Xp/toL • ' . NiU:>s .a
' . t
• w A\ . i o>i c
\dHl* I* l>i ,ttil! I I't'vliiOl'te’
.F* A M I .M .;r-i__l . V
V * ,ft*‘’ .F Jt*iV J i ~!| *W riif.iillwl
I'll f‘- M. 1! ?11 vlr ' I -jh.M 1-•*-f f- v
wr.l, l ll' :< i Y rl.;Kel l - ;.lf,M S-l
{: ; U v 1 v > r j ’ tt ff, r;f > v A__ tiui Lie
t A w <
' -V •* • ■■ ' l-'l'M. ll X v , U ■Uv* -x s ‘‘Ai
l /. i.i vmn x q. t, \ AI >t;. ’
'l . ■ ri -
UK m* ".A i u* !v
t.M • l V ii J.i l * l Of I **v
.u 5a ..; * ... . . J ; , * v < l M : i
'--J :a ti . b*. -'. 'iiji; li; Sn vy.rt i !> ,‘y
. • J . . : v ::
- n
OF ) <l. A '• it. >
La -* -A : •
a Luiv>iv J' ■! U.r |*rfsw/ii “fHi j'JyfX'H’
J J ■ ' J, .!►
'f jli il&.l ! li* diy i i'.-ki.r, * i T n
. # f ' T tt I- til
4 lx; U.Ji 1 ...4 -J. • D.'--a i? A-si . LLrv c
'*w - e*. t ti V
n■. ■ ... ’"r. ,
'...-I ' -X.T-—: —ii > ■n* '• —rt
1,, 11 . it .. 1 ..(J t ■ ■
1 )(..■.' o ''l ,
--: 7 ~ 1
411 11 XI'J !t \ r <'t S W\!t
• • ■■ - \
-'vrr'-n- '~t t, VTf f i*.
LTT. :lTi? 1 r ' - * ■ - • -
' f 4 il * r
• • v- n ' ' ' 1 ' * * i ‘ ** r 4
* J I >; v
Hj;* : 1 V \
r *>!( ] A M r 1 - < ■ .•• *■ < - , •
.. ■ . -
: * ■ ’ T -r 4 . I sr/< *7’' tr \ f ~
F * If ! { T v ; r 1f . • ■r '. t < f %i 1 1 4*.
l* *- O' -i -te fv.rui',
rt, .4f. *•■ .• *.- t * lit'-,-4 ' bvf Wm n
tr '.. . Me 7 . ,v t. - bed „• ;
■ ‘ ii W " ; <..•• '- f, • • v Ix>
f Ivt ii*' I*. . r '.-' >ll V I ri. 1 < IfW’ (•
' ' 1 ' r( ) laid n r* Deed
Or *■ r*. "ff* •x A ipt ;pf ’V, \
1 | !ic ■' '' *• -snow 1,
t s p-rt 1 ">■ Vt ~•*. > . jibor Sjinegs
! 1 ’i 1 c ; : jj k,j sere*. 11, ; t .
'* n " I s’ pin*'! of Mod wid'll was
1 nvj..| in It T Mark* to Wm p, /j, k |
it ti.t .o i> Mrch i*cPi, and who !i i* par.
’.ten ar y si its-d !i> meet* and Bmud* u
be-Deed . i Mar ks to said <.*&rer, c
rrded m the j ietk' trili-v; of Uie Boperi ,/
T ' urtol .4, I'c-cKitji in B s ’■ K"' p*g. *
i>fj an ' 0 % nd ‘ inbrai ing #j v! rights
a dpr viie.i - , c am) to trie slretis laid •Hf
.I--><iing the ll rtel, and, (what ■,,) j
t/&vr’4wfwiiifigV*trse , except that por
' nof sa, itrct wi,d b >k on -tie wen
‘ - e of Ihe < u!r •, r >*d. ind lv> exopt
’hot pori ii ,r . 1. ! irsi.t <n wb.cb tins
Pr>,o.-i:!nt M ' Ciiureb sisn r*, so tar
a* 'be same is ibcivil t*o P ’.tgieirr-e by
, said Oliver. A.. : v I prc e* u,
acre-, •! On h. b the - .# bar Spring* are
te i Ur, ted ar,d *’ ' T ner *f *ti J par. oes ,rei/,g
a sinai, -’rtp ol land g on tne eaf-t iecta
ot Ice t , umbos roid, s.i i strip
two a#n s. aioie ,<r less, and iu- meets anrt
bound* j art'k'nla/Ty Jecrilred in a D*.e,Jfrom
B .1 Baldwin to said Wm B U.iver.-detH,
,na * 28ih September 1%r7. and record' and
1 in the C,tr . ' 'f3 e ol the Superior Court
o: ra.o ceußty oa f>age ot Bo k -'N ’
Tne above jiremise* a I n’*w in u,e r>cc i
paocy ot .—aran A. Lee, -Y imr X. of J x, W
Lee,Meed., ai .r-id P/op rty pointed out
jby i* fl s. A y., and levied (>n to satisfy % fl
la in favor ot <Vm. IJ Oover. Jr Exr ,A-.
aga.Usl Se: i r-aiah A. Lee, Airnrx. O! J a f
A. L-e, iked., fi.r tire man..
N lice given to tenant as rex, nred by law.
This Sb pk 4 u IS7K
AL/rO at u e same ’ime and pi ire 7(jr>
acre* ol :aud_inore or leas, lying iu tne l'/>u,
- riel oi Paid eggoty, >i , •. .. _-
i t ie rvmai g acres *4 Nos 51, 7h. S3 76
*n<i levied ,n as the property ot John
Mattorn uecd , to satisfy a ri ia from tne
Infer or C .urt ol said connly in favor e,f
R G. W i..,anjs ar and A B Andrews, Trans
fercea, vs John Jlakoia ParV
ncr. ,
J. w fuller, s m. c