Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator?
VOL. 3
fnxnetD itiiT rax oat,
OAca SaU aid* of lh Oonrt Bun
Ram of AivmEHut.
Rottoe II wk | 4 wka |3mo j 6 mo! I V*te
100 9 SOj 450 ! 7 00' lS 00
t inches 150 1 500 ! so| looo| 15 00
t inches a 00 I 8 001 10.00 15 00 35 00
icoi I 5 00 1 10 00 90.00 1 500' 00
10l 700 15 0019 ft 00 I Bft 00, ■*
tea! 1 10-00 i9OOO { 85.00 |6O 00' SIOO
IJT - A titteral deduction mad* to those
advertising hy the month or year.
After thi* (late, all legal adseitteemants
(or the county of Meriwether, will be pub
lished in tb* MnmwrrnKit Oocwn Viwdi-
Cjlto* .IAS. W. BANNING.
Jan 4th, 1875. Clerk Sop'r Court
The following lathe Church Directory ol
Greenville for 1876:
and and 4th Sabbath* in each month
Her. J. II Baxter
Sd Ftebhalb In each month.
Factor Rev Hugh Carnikhacl
lal Sabbath In each month.
-ftmrr.- "....‘V.Hivr itffs J<*
JOHN W. I'AitK.,
Omkknvii.i.k, <>
Wit] practice! in McrlwetLei *ti Ui <1
Jotuiug ohuplle*.
OttttttftVll.t.K. <A
Thott> N. MiUUtuui, u**r 'lc Warm
Hitt uii Camp Hi Hind. bg h MVr 10 Inform
bit Ir midi tud the public, tbit bit 1 pre
pa ed U> execute til k'ndaof
with MUMHi nlah and dtope'jW P**
roM ttoHcl'ed. J* n *’|
Turn Old reliable MONUMENTAL man,
Hi* opened tlie
tad it Agent for the
and other
•ml It w-lilng tbcor at
Low Prices
Merchant* supplied with tin warn on ®oM
Roofing. Guttering tad )'b A o( every
dewripttoe done promptly and tesiouably
r*,GeoeraHy on band tod until the llrt
o? November will poolltvely be told tl
TJ Diversity
Series f Sohool Books
written by
“TW elisf rtorr <*mrj pwyt* mtam bom lt
The Sertrs Coastal* of
Mohan" liiln. Bftßw. Oim— Ml C. I.
HMurf, Tcukk'i MllhiwiMr-, Uiyi-
MUw. (MUtafsleeve's Lana Bertas. Ac. Ac.
Bo* *76 Atlanta, Ue.
*■* Jk* and fcha Burk are pc*
pared to do all kind* ol wood aad Mack
Milk work neatly aad with dispatch. Shop
opoaiu Ike aiikiea of Col. Harris. A1
work cheap And asttelac'.km guaranteed.
>aatS :vu
00 a yaarin advance.
WrmooT a Parai.i.ei* —The demand
or Dr. J. Bradfieid’e tamale Regulator te
bay >*d precedent In the annala ol popular
remedies. Orders coma la ao thick and
MU that Me Proprietor haa kerrinlort,
bean lanaMe to flit Mean all. He U hefty
to state that snregnmrnu nm
by which he la prepared to maidtetia
Female Regulator on a waste equal te Ota
etnergrecy, aad Me public may ten! anenfixl
that titer want* utgv bow be sopplhd.—
Phyatoteea, of high repole ate ante* #'■*
great remedy, ie dally prattle*, all over
Georgia. Hereafter ne women need mtei
from autprvmod, suspended r irregular
menstruation This valuable medicine it
I-rep*rad by L, H Bradfitfd, Druggiat
Atlanta, Ga., and told at 8150 per boule
by respectable druggteta Mronghout
11 ML "It ‘LB-G— y ■ ■-SLJJBJW*
Oh I could there la thia world be found
Seme little spot of happy around,
WUhout the village tattling.
How doubly Meat Mat spot would be
Where all might dwell la liberty,
Free from the bitter nstaary -,.- . '
Ot goertpa s*e**yU)toi
If auch a apot were really known,
Dame Peace might cell it all her own,
And In Ii she might fix her Uiroue,
For ever and for evaf ;
There like m queen might reign and live,
While every one would noon forgive
The little slights they might receivo,
And be offended never.
Tie mischief maker* that remove
Far from our hearts that warmth of love,
And lead u ait to disapprove
What gives another pleasure,
They seem to lake one’s part—but when
They've beard our care* unkindly then
They soon retail them out again,
Mixed up with poisonous measures.
And then they've such a cunning way
Ot telling til meant tales, they aay,
"Don’t men lkm it, 1 pray.
1 would not tell another."
Straight to your neighbors then they go,
Narrating everything they know,
Aad break the pesos ot high aud low,
Wife, husband, friend and brother.
Oh, that the mischief maker crew
Were all reduced to one or two.
And they were pu luted red ot blue
That every one might know them.
Then would our village!* lorget
To rage and quarrel, fume aud frel,
And iall into an angry pel.
With thing* ao much below them-
For 'lie a aad, degrading part,
To mak e another 1 ' booiu smart, “
And plant a dagger in the heart.
We ought to love and cbetiah.
Then let u evermore be found
In qub'Uieaa wtlb all around,
While Wendabip. Joy. and abound,
Aa4 angry toolings peiteb.
A We4r4 Lewder.
Bquire Johnson was a model lawyer, as
the following- anecdote will evince t
Mr. Jouaa once ru*bed into tbe old
Hquite'i office In a gteat paaslen. That
Infernal scoundrel of a cobbler, Smith, ha*
Imed me, ter. Johnson—aued me for" fffo
dollar* 1 owe him.for a peir of boots.
Then you oe him the five dollars 7
To be sure 1 do; but be ha* gene and
ed eoe—sued me I
Then why don't you pey him il you owe
Because ht’t itKd me ; mid When t mtn
dot* that, I'll never pty him till It coal*
bits more tbtn be get*. 1 want you to
make it coat him all you can.
Hat It will oeet you tome thing too.
I don’t can to* Uiti. What do you
charge to Iwglu with f
Ten dollar* ; god More il then it much
extra tranbln
All right I There’* the X. Now ft
aimed I
No aooner wat the client gone, then
Squire Jobnton Mapped acrott to bit neigh*
bor Smith, tnd offered to pay him the bill,
on condition that the to It be withdrawn.
The shoemaker gladly acceded—all be
wanted l hit pay. The lawyer retained
the other five lor fait fee, and at the cnee
wti not trotibieaotne, made oe further de
manda opoo bit client
Ten day* after done* come to Me bow
hit cate S getting along.
All right at id the lawyer. Ton won’t
bare any trouble about that I put it to
Smith to Mroogiy tbit be wat glad to with
draw the Mil altog* tber.
Capita!! cried the exulting Jones. You’ve
done it up brown. You abaii bare all my
Wii Oblmum.— The other earning a
kind-look mg old man waa aaoortad to a
room ob Ik* third floor of a hotel to pam
Um ofgbt, aad K waan’t flea min ate* be
fore the bell Indicated that he waatad to
act a waiter. ▲ colored boy raa ap, alack
bi* bead into the roots, and aaked what
waa wanted. The eld mao arid be didn't
waat anything, bst the waiter wee hardly
dowa atain bekpa the toil raag again.
VM yoo waat liaMa r be haqawod, aehe
reeeked the room agate.
‘Nothing,’ replied the old foam, aa ha
opened the door. L~ |
la abort two mteatea bia bell mop again
aad tbia time Um waiter exclaimed ;
*ll jam don’t waat noOn’, what of ya
pollin' da beH Itr r
1 waa’t to obi ip* the waiter,’ replied the
•De waHab I Oblige de waiteb T
’Tea ; H aayx here; Plaaae ring the bed
for the waiter, end it he want* it reap, I
am wdiing to ablige him, though I’m tired
md sleepy, aad abaat pal! it more thee
four Owe* more unlee* I know that some
at hie family are wck I
Qeergia MemnsetaMre,
*Wfor Morn* tg Jftws* .
TftJW pwfolto *
our counties a*d fotefc O'***"
maoy gates arteea. To niuatratoAfci I,
usay he oi interest and information lo rnapf
f yew realtors, and aboniqg the imi**-
tnnenof directing all papers and tettnra
with care, we have Appling oounfy, and
Appling In the couoiy ot Columbia; Bartow
county, and oartow in Jefferson county ;
CaUnrnt. county, sod Calhoun in Oiiffowa
county. m
Clark county, and Ctarkravtlle, In BteM
ton te Kabo a eounty; Cobb evenly, aad
Oubbvilto in Telfair county ; Gigg togfity.
and Gtoyviite in Taliair oouan ; CotgplU
county.and Colquitt ip StUtor county;
Crawford county, and Crawford ip Ogle
thorpe county, bod CrawfonJvfll* in
Tali afore > county.
Dawson oouaty, aad DaWsou m Tmjgfft
count v,and Dawaonville to DawsooO(ity;
Decatur county, and Decatur in Deltaib
cou uty ; Douglas ©unly, and Douglas In
Coffee county, and Dvugiaavilic in Douglas
eounty; Fayette county, and Lafayette in
walker county, and Fayetteville in Fayette
oouuly; Forsyth county, and Forsyth In
Monroe county,
Franklin county, and Franklin in Heard
county ; Green o-Minty, and Ureemttboroia
Green county, and Greenville in Meri
•rather county; Gordon couuly, and
Gordon In W ilkinaon county : Houston
county,and Houston in Ifsard county;
Irwiu C 'Unty, and lrwlntop iu Wilkineoo
county, and Irwiuviile in liwtn county;
Jaikaos county, and Jackson in Butts
ouuaty, sad Jacb*onvitle|i& Telfair oounty;
Jasper county, and Jasper in PkkeM
county ; Jefferson cuuoty, and Jefferaoo in
Jacksoo . tfoupiy, jsmt Jeih-raoavllto -ia
Twiggs county ; Joiios county, and Jon*
Intro Iu Clayton county; Lumpkin
county, ami Luiupklu In Btowert oounty;
Macon county, aud Macon In Hibb wan
ty; Madison county, and Madison In
Mo'gan counts; Marlon couuiy, and Me
rion iu Twiggs county; McrlWcther coun
ty, and Meriwmher In Baldwin county!
Monroe cpuuty, and Monroe In Walton
county; Morgen couuty, and Morganutn
iu Fannin inunty; Newton county, New
‘.on iu Baker couuty: Ogtothorpe county,
aini Oglethor|ie In Macon county Oconee
county, aud Oconee lu Washington coun
ty, (Juiimau county, end Quitman in
Brook* county; Thomas county, and
Thomaaton In Upaon county, and Thom
aavilie iu Tlioiua* county; Washington
county, and Wathlugfon In Wllkeaoouo
te; Wayne county, and WsyneabOro in
Butke county, andWnynesvlito Ip JfyejhJ,
cottety. "~~T
Too Covington Mnterprts* folates tb*
lu tliocounty of Newton, eight mllea
from tJoviugtoa, three finHtea railde near
together. The Aral household consist* of
•n old maid and her widowed mother; the
second nl husband, wife and two children;
ard the third ot an otd lady and aon. fur
strongiy baa the delusive Idea implinted
'knelt in the minda ot the two latter families
that the widow M a witch and in league
with the devil, that they refute to allow
her to viait or borrow anything from their
bouses. They say aim baa made witch
bell* trout hair gathered trout the tail ol a
tricky cow, which if rubbed against any
article, will charm any one who lourbaa 11.
Then* |*eopie place horae thorn over their
beds and under their door atop# to kill In
flnaaee ot the aid womanY charms. They
verily believe that the Inteoda to witch Ure
Whale neighborhood aodhvtegtome plague
upon He inltahHaoUk Sliver hnllam have
been Molded with which to (boot her In
caaaabalntrudee apon the femftos at night
by erweping through the key kotee or eom
tag down the chimney. Silver dime* have
bean nailed in the bottom of the churn ea J
well bucket to prevent the witch (mm uk
log an underhand advantage of her neigh
A Peeellur letetpraUMfen
A conductor craning south eg the Utica
and Chenango Valley Hatlwad onaeveatog
Urftog anew totorpretotfen of the Civil
Rights MIL A colored mao got aboard at
one of Mm way stations, and in floe Bate
wee approached by toe ticket- puncher
•Your •we.eir.’
‘I don’t pay no fab, ash,’ was the prompt
•Why not f sharply Inquired the conduc
.Ease, mb, daa*t the eivil riphta Wll (Ire
tailed paa—ai da right to ride oc ell de
cart, aabf I don’t pay aotefesebl reepoe
dad the flea Item eo of color.
The oondtwtor laherod like a conaUta
Uooai lawyer to explain the prevision of the
bill, aad coDuct lan hot the ptaaenger bad
telly made op hie miad sot to pay. aad bia
teith htblaewa ialeryaetattow of the right
canid not ha ahahea a particle. It waa
only when a movement to pot him ofl waa
began that ha paid aadar protect. Be
evidently ialeoda to ataka a teat of hiagrie
There la no awro eeeadelona piece than
Turkey, aad yet that government !a with
oat ea American nWuieter.
mi ■ amao—o^o ■ ■■
A poppy aad aa noeardeen waa the
marrlapa tee afltrad to a Cede* spring
clergyman, the other day. *
■> o Ladglege
Somewhere engaged in the most unprofl
labte of professions tea writer who lies
wjtk singular fidelity lo nature, or el>e in
Augusta, Maine, there is a vagabond whose
•Mty ataiqpa him as a man of swill de
cision and admirable resource, and perhaps
* doesn’t matter much which of these
theories te Me correct one. The Sergeant
In charge lo a police station In Augusta
was setting mediiat'velv st his desk one
nlyhi not long ago wondering how long i
be before he became a Csptaiu, an.
tepeiber he couldn't ehciionrer tom wher.
tdadvantage, and why his wife would nag
hpn so, and If there w>* any cnance o
B*'* o * fre ticket to the theatra when rtt
f, when the door opened anJ a melan-;
Cbn'y and dyspeptic looking tramp en erec
*hd wanted acconimodsiions for the ufght
Tp Sergeant was transfornud on thr
fhe'speculstlvc, planning and
hoping common man lo the unbending
lufoMil, tliu eceenior and repreacutativu of
M# tow, and tbe tramp was Informed fbat
ihjra was no lodging provided by the clt|
to* thoa*s not guilty of any direct violation
f|ba tow. The tramp, however, again
pfflemd bit request.
- *We only lodga prloffr*,’ said the Ber-
.‘Too only lodge prisoner* f repeatei' the
vagabond, meditatively.
Vsfftalli all’ w tka reply. ‘Y'-u'vs got
tqSteal aomelhing or assauii rometiody, or
something oi that kiud.'
jl’va go( lo wmnwll somebody, at nmt
tblng of that kind,’ again repeated the
Vagabond, thoughtfully. Then lie reached
aernsa the desk with hi* long right arm and
knocked the Sergeant off the stool, saying,
•a the pained and astonished officer actam-
WM to hi* feet, with <>tir hand on bia black
•ye : ‘Give me a* good a Ik and aa you kin,
■ffogeawt, J ca'ue I'do'ii't feel very Well to
And, a* remarked of this little tals ; n the
btginnlng, there'* either an awful Il,u
•satrwhere on the pirHi or mi an Itn
paeuiiioua man iu Augusta who ia eminent
ly up to snuff.
Oxhni'liuknt.—The too Lcglaliture
made the wages of laborer* subject to
garnishment for medics! services or inedl
oltt* rsiulered or ftiruished to a laborer or
big family, *ud pnacrlhed an additional
affidavit beforegarutahiuenl should Issue.
The follow lug la the act-
An act to be enll’.lcd an act to amend a*
lion 8554 ofthe Code of 1878.
JtacriOM 1 Be It enacted by the general
HjjteWPbty of foe Bialc iiT Georgia, That
Irnm and alter the passage o! thin act, tec
tfon 8554 of the Code ol 1878 he, and the
•WW la, hereby amended by adding lo the
Tffiwrteo of Mtd section Ul# following, to
Wbaa tea •MssMerettow of a*H
ffclß la aervicca renrtoreK br-atirTbyHcfia,
or surgeon, to tbe employee or hla family Or
medicine formatted by any physician aur
ffetaa, druggist or apirthecafy, to Hul l eta- I
ployee or hit family.
Hno. I. Hejteats rrn flli-tlrtg law..
Approved February Mill, IH7O
From mud after the pisaige ot tfita act,
whenever any person acelu process of gar
malimeni against any Jounn-yuraa mechanic
or day laborer, auett person shall, lo t<ldf
lion te the oath now required by law, raefct,
affidavit eettisg forth tp.-ciflceHy tha actual
considtration ef the debt, or Judgiuant su'd
on, or ao much thereof aa ha may claim the
law authorises the garlabiueul of w **|
Approved March 31 1878
A luuoy incident occurred in to* ga*
office the other day. Tha wile ol a prnuil
ineot member of IheStato Heaata eolered to
pay bar taxee, carrying her purimonale, a*
worn* usually do, In her right band
Having BBMttau to write her signature.
Mm changed the pnokethook to her let!
band, then Mailed to go out. Noticing that
bar right hand was empty, she missed her
pneketbook, and turning tea rough-look
ludividuai, who had bees Manding by
•111 thank yau lor aay pockethook air. j
Two ot thraa af tha book-keep ar* rush
ed out, expeetiag to aaa the man try to
eeaapa, hat ha Mend attli and calmly an
swered , *
i haven’t It, ma'gaa.’
You arrtaialy have; I laid It down a mo
ment ego bora, aod you am the only person
who could have taken K.
‘I beg year perdoa, ma'am,’ said tha
■danger, “but lam no thief. I have net
got your pocket book.”
11l twee you arrested and searched cried
“As yee pfeaee," responded the men.
And as the madam tried to open tbe do- r
to call a policeman, she discovered her
pnrae to her left bend. The nraoger emit
togiy iietened to a profuse and prolonged
Taa Waaraan.—Tbh is the way the
people who liea oa the ousel dascribo
the weather.
Dirty day* has (September,
April. Jose aod November;
From Jaatury op to May,
The raia it raiseth every day,'
All the amt have tbirty-oae,
Wbhoota Meeeed gleam of two;
And If aay at them had two and thirty.
They’d be Jam aa wet aod twice as dirty.
An Ohio yonth la to be banged eooo la*
killing a —all boy to abtila r — irf— <>l
a t<ooaad of brawn anger. U wae the
principle of thing, act the Mpr, which
infloeoced the Jury.
Youstw, I was grltin' rusty, an if wanted
sharp work. I iuleicrplrd a dtspat- U from
Geo Buihridgu to Gen Gitlner, saying
that he intended to attack and destroy the
salt work- October 10, and gave the num
ber ol his men as ltl.tkiO
Dash it to dash, that was the best new*
[ ever heard. 1 had only 2k) WUU -ill the
balance of on furlough—hut they were
•gulsr rlp|>em, you can het y<or U>ttom
I olio.
1 rdered a tlrrss t>aradr, and read the
lis|tatrh to them. I then made * dsh ol a
•iwecli, a regular heart slitter, blood boil,r,
.uclt asnobidy outside ol dash dash but
ne can mak*. I told them them the da-h
e l,Yankee* were coining and Mat dusli
would be to pay 1 spun to them a winds
dashed lot ol eloquent stuff about Lcnuhlss
and Ida ftpartau baud at the !*** of f't igo
noaislry. 1 told them ilia eye* ol th.-ii
tuothera, wives ami wcatbeari* were upou
them; that the fate ol ibo Southern m.uted
eracy would bang upon their gallantry that
For, you ace, I know that old Ljo had
got hiuiaolf cornered in a way he could not
gel out ol short surreudur.. 1 knew tost
dashed tool Hood had got t’other army
destroyed, and 1 was conscious tbit the
whole dashed fabric rested on niy shoul
The boys were Just as wild fur the fight
aa 1 was.
Well, tha mottling ol the 10th ol Octo
ber, IWH, which my own good sword has
cut from the calendar of ot,Unary days and
pinned up, n the scroll ol tame aa the epoch
ul tbe gtaudc'l victory Known in the Itlalo
ry ol arms, ariived, and ao did Burbildge
and ills 50.000 men
They tiauu’i more than got in sight till
iqy; dashitd Uavaa wor* spr),iag to begin
the lamia.
But, you arc, there must Ire systematic
work on sut It occnsloua, and lam a dash
of a military genius. I told ’mu lo wait un
till the dashed Yankee had made hi* dia
posltlons, and then we would go iu and
whipdnth out of them by detail.
Hurhrldgn was n t backward In taklug
up Ids position*, lie |x*td 82,000 Infau
try on hla right, flu then put 85,000 Infan
try In position on hi* lelt and held buck as
a re-erve force 85.000 morn of infantry, and
88,000 cavalry. Ileal,le* the*# he had 240
pie, e* of artillery.
Y’oit may well look aitonlshed, my hon
rat frh'Dda. Things wore a dashed billon*
look. But then each of my men was equal
to a tbounnnd Tanker*. And they knew
that 1 was there lo heed 'em. If Bob Lee
lied been in my piece lie would have re
treated on Richmond, but, dash my aout lo
daub, II there to each word ae * retreat' In
4Sf aallHafp dtuttguff. - - -7
—Ttte TuhTSsi the dashed Yankee
had made all bfa dlapoaltlona, I turned to
my braves sod abound “Boys, follow nm r
and charged upon the umy‘a right, and
Indore Bntbridge could realixe Whet I was
up to, h >d rnuleJ it ibllrely and eaptured
18,000 priaonera and eighty-four gun*, eav
mg 18,000 Yankee* deed aa dash an that
portion of the field. I then charged hi*
<<tis sad reeerve, aid soon bad them
flying In every direction' Here I captured
near y I.OUO prisoners and 174 can non. It
was then that I discovered that the enemy *
lalt having witnessed the deairueilon of
their right and esmhd, bad fled from tha
Arid aad were otrt of reach, leaving all Ibqr
artil'ery behind Wien, aaioutlng to >4O
pieces. 1 bad the deed Yankees counted
and buried, and they amounted to just 40,
000 Nell morning I started the 113,000
pitaonera aud wounded, ard the 040 guns I
hail captured, to John C. Bieokenridge.
who was decretory of the War.
That, Mr, Is 'ha truth about the battlf ol
Hallvioe. it was the greatest bailie ever
luugbl on the top of the earth. Julius
Cesar was the only general who ever
captured at one time aa many prisoners as
I did lam a candidate for (i verner, and
If you can And a .better general, one who
ha* woo more ferae than we, vote for him
But I’m do*had if you won’t have u hard
j Ume scaling such a Man op. Let’s take e
drink, old felow.
A gentleman owned a farm in New Jer
eey. It had bean tong in the family. Km
borrmmecte compelled him to sell, and
ike farm was put op at auction. He felt an
had about the sale that be could not attend
H, hut seat over hie bead servant, -On hie
return the mauler Mid, Weil lobn, was the
term eoidt Yes Mr. Did it evil weiif It
went very tow. Who bought ilf I dl '
Toe Johef Where did feu get yoor won
eyf 1 laid np ary wages since I work ed for
you. Weil John, I'll tail you what I wll.
do. Aa aooa as you gM Use title to your
property I’ll come nod work fur you aud
buy ttw farm hack.
Ttbb* *u making a tip lor hi* fly rod (
and Dibha stood watching bhu. There
waa very nearly a row over M, peaceful aa
tba occupation waa. Tlbbe e*M, 'Give me
goad second-growth ash; tt’a Jnat aa good
as laocawood/ ‘ What** the matter with
yer T Dtbb* <itmooOd. ’Wbai’a Um mat
ier whb me f Nothing** the matter. What
make* yoo think an V It' l , a<>; yew wod.
•I would what T DntnH. can’t yoe tinder
-lend a want 1 meao yea wood—the woo l
ol the yaw trae, sewed Into shape. Now
then, k* that pteiu en m*h f, ‘Ob f said
TiUM much relieved, ’I never yew aod
• - W*- -a*
w;.’ i
The tether ef ell corn*-pop eeca.
| V Hendulaeenee a Ike timrsstaf
I ;D*ugbM tesru.iturt-sl Cuavusa.
i Mr. J Me-lill, e Itt.rf of the Obiragn Trt
| hunr, In a rceent lertei lo * frbwd wbn had
'em him a dguereiype of "Old At**,’’
gives some loadable rrminiwenc*-* ot llie
fan,one canvas* In i't.W between Ifonglau
and Lincoln, flu tayet
You may r< memfr-r that it was at the
Freeport Joint detiata, he pul aevaral inter
rogsti<,n to I), nig la**, wbicli tbe latter an
swered in such a “ay *to pteua*> Mu Free
Soil DemocraU, and their vote* iiithucloMi
■ llstih ts turned <he scale against Lincoln
and heal hint. He wrote out the question*
he ittnded to |iro|M>uiid to OeiglasU while
in Macomb, and showed them to me on
llie tram au the r >*d in Freepoeb Doug
lau lie I put lo him • aeries 01 q ,cation* at
Diluwa, which 110 laid ,i<* he linen dal to
si Bve at then nest enco uu-r, amt tha lie
would then give the "Little Gtaut” • lew
nuts to crack which both night Wouidimrt
hi* teeth b- fora bo got and ote with Steam. I
carefully read over Me question* to* bad
piepared. He aafsud me what lla ought of
them. 1 replied that the Mtumd one, in
my opinhtn, was dangeroui, as it afforded
hie nppom-nt an > tip.,rtunlty to conciliate
Free S ill llrmocrau without loosing rote*
down In EgTld And t endeavored to per
suade him umit it and substitute something
else. We argue J lhe miller for a c<maider
able time ; be partly agreed to modify it k
little, but eald he would sleep over It flret,
and mav be change It in the morning or
leave it out altogether. When we reached
Freeport 1 told two or three lending ffrpub
Means about tbe quealloo*. They called
on him at his room, and be read over the
proposed interrogations lo tutui. Whatef
*r tfiorta were made to indium him lo
citauge the eeH>d qauatloa proved Utterly
unavailing. Tha next day, at Urn great
'ihaeiliig conwnedto hear tbe Joint debate, he
read Mo questions to Douglas* on tb* stand
lu Just the form of words orlgaally waftten.
The ' dangerous question,” which I tried to
persuade bltn lo modify, read* aa followai
"Q. 9. Gan the people oi a United
.States Territory, fn any lawful way againat
the wish of any oitizen of tha United Btatea,
exclude slatsry from it* limits prior In the
formation of a State Constitution f
Douglas* answered It vary much aa I
feared lie woold—oven more boldly to the
affirmative then 1 had expected. He de
dared that “In his opinion the people of a
Territory could, by lawful moans, exclude
slavety from their mldal prior to the forma
Mon of a State Constitution." He want on
to aay that alevcry could only bo upheld
by “police regulation*," and Ibaes potto*
regulations could only be eautdtohed by
the local Legislature, and M a majority of
the twupto ta a United States Territory
were sti|wml t" ei ermtld nfect,
teoreaeniatlvee to that body wbo Would
by “nolrtondly togiefaßon," effectually pro
rent tb* InuroJoeiloa ot it Into their midst,
When teg returned to the hotel, after the
meeting, he arid to me Well, MadiH, bdW
did you like the way I hoej my row with
Douglas to-day f Mr. Lincoln, I replied.
Irelore you e|Mtke you had three chance*
u tnl four ftir the Henate. Now I think
Douglas* baa thrae oat of four, 1 Ml go
ing track to Chicago in the morning and
will make tke beet Sgbt I esa lor you In
the Tribune, but I leer you have tot Doug
las* Meal yrtur chance of winning. I toll
very much chagrined and dkmouraged aver
the result of the day's drbafe, and other
Uepubllcena were greatly elxrp-fellun at
wksisocm-d like a triumph tor Douglas*.
The Democrats were hi eoaUsiee, aud in
our room we could hear Hunt hurrahing
and yelling like Indians fbr the “Little
Giant” out on the street, who, they bettered
lisd routed Lincoln and won a complete
victory. The reply Lincoln made to me I
shall never forget, aa be looked at me with
a moat singular expression ot oountooaocr,
11 tny question about excluding slavery
irom a Territory baa treatsu me for Senator
aa you >moi to think it bM, his gnawer to
it has beaten hint lor President, aud that is
realty tits stake he la playing tor.
The refull turned oat exactly aa each
predicted It would. The police regulatioaa
aud uidiendly legislation scheme of Doug
lass to keep slavery out of the Territories
•ecuted his re -election a* Senator, but lest
him the South, which bolted lire cortven -
tion at Baltimore, and rejected him at the
India an mease, and earned his dfeietroue
defeat tor PreMdent.
Lincoln bad so framed bia qncathm that
U Douglas* answered it ii Um aagatlvo
•itch enawer would moat cutely hay* best*
cn him at tbs poll*, ami Unaoln mast have
concluded In bia use mh< that Dong!a -a'
ambition for the Pi eel deucy was an strong
aa tode'er Mar iroai odeudtng the pro sla
very jarty South, by answering It be the
a (Hr mat ire, aad that he bad Hooplas on
tba hurt* at a fltiamma.
It waa a straggle bet wean two keaa aad
powertol player* oa tba political chess
b*d, in abicb the ‘‘Little Giant" waa out.
generated,*d teat tba great k aae for which
b* wee play teg—tba Presides*/.
Tba Oeoaaa Reporter is stlrrieg op tba
graesyardc io Ms vicinity aonntidag alter
the style of the Msrimaek iotumal hatore K
slittgvd |iNo4ib
A Mates woman waa trm to tier lover,
end married him altar b* came lack Irotn
Calif raia, alter an abarac* of twaaty years.
N D—U* came beak rich.
NO t 5