Newspaper Page Text
w*. T UavilA. R. iior and Proprietor
GHiiKN VILLE FRIDAY A|.rii 2.1(#75
Th Mar*! tear billinatos that il ‘frit,f
** fcv*#nb •CrfA. Iwil WmtfßiM, i*
Lagrange Reporter, tre (rrq*ia*itly guilty
r,r aatravaganliy praising each o'Wr. To
wkki Waterman ibat lht isaotn*
thing woriby of *da<lra*ioo in toes* two
Wlf| );* bars often admired tb
true, genai > sparkling wit of Hiw in
hi* G*wrgi# cola mo. and candor compels u*
to admit lbt w have ttea agb**
at Colnocl J.fhn T. WaV iman'* reck lew
onslaughts <>u Nash Wc-b#i f'a omliog
*M*)L -
W-termsi, if. iiia last L#ue acc-asc* ut of
sootul'im. fsiuring ; wall he may re t u
•arai tt • Lava #v fainted * fro m
n!L'tri an■ t ath/i, iflirix nl at bit
repealed departwe* to tba aprlling Hot*
Bat Broker Waterman la a great mao, and
ra hasten U* >*y an, tearing tt a< raw two:
alaa war# ind to aha hk ardor srmrnt of
kla grsawvoa sue** tit dwpaaed editor,
who dees aoi know trim aa well aa t do,
■right aajr tic • vain, and anrertngly
quota Matthew XXiil, l* : “Whosoever
Otial exalt (prataa TANARUS) bfmaeil ahall lie alraaed >
Yea, tbe editor ol Hi# Report* r would be
a great evea though tita name were
not connected "t'b that of llarrta Lon*
•naay be •<mriat. stdtitur ad utira
Orar one hundred |*-rms tn Georgia
were killed try the “Black HalafdayV tor
nado and one bundrad and Oily wounded
TJila furlooa c>done struck Oe /rgla In
llarna count-', pairing tlir"*igb Talbot,
Epson, Jones, Baldwin, Hancock, Warrre,
aad Ukbmotnl wt-itics. moving attlic rata
of seventy mil** pet bouy. The lore nl
prwperV amonn'a to mil lona,
Tba Atlanta Were Id aanrea ua that opr
old friend, Trot. Win II Perk, haa mark
wntipawtlrtn ntmoT* to Atlanta thla
at rtng. Georgia could Col gain a bHv*
Tic Atlanta paper# complain Ural the
£** (tan, a liMdlnotis, lewd Parisian el*oa
waa [iertr>rmd at tire tbeatra laat week and
that rrne of the Urgant Mdtaoiaa ar wen
In Atlanta anjoyed the algbt evident uata
fmm beginning U> end. Aa tW patera find
an my Indignant about tbe matter, at
tbough advertising tba olracme abuw cl
teaaively, and, aa from tklr rrporia, It.
would afipear that all almllar abowa will la*
liberally patron lod In tbe tutor*, (aubapa
hatha corraptiao nt the LtgUiature, ami
through tin at tba cil tranship of tba entire
Mate, we would aak our Atlanta brethren
If tbay will not Join with u* io asking lor
tbe ra noval of the capital. Whoever beard
ut nek vbmvrtw the good otd city nf
KUiarlgnrllle f Will tbe Herald and News,
who atalm to Ire alwaya ratify to apeak on
•ray subject, tart oa whet Urey think of our
suggestion of removing tba capital Itom
tbalr naughty city f
—■naif 1 '■ ""■■■
Saturday, the Otta uIL, Harris county
was risked hy three drt rnoiirn tornadnea.
Twenty ill persona were killad outrigbt
and aa many more wouuued, some ol them
Bur grain agitator, coat tba alky “■ Boston
fSO.OOO and the Utrtted Btatc* government
ga,ooo more, tt the fuarual expense* ol
our ruler* and national lagklatora are high
At propoettan u> Me mlacUkl they hv*
caused whit an enormous ram It weald
taka to bury Ban Butler or Oeu. Grant U 1
Should sack aa ualurtunats event happen,
tb* poor lax burdened rebels oi lit* South
might unmunauvingly pay their portion of
this tmurinous tax ami piously exclaim tbr
“lord's wUI h* dour.”
■f Louisiaa*. doubt lea* from pur* gratitude,
would contribute largely from her bupov
arlshed treasury to tb* funeral af uhaeqolrv
Of Mtlt. Sberidaa,
Spelling matche* between “grown up
folks” are becoming common la tbe West,
promising to rival in enthuriasm the famous
temperance crusade of last year. Hhoald
the ■palling mania apreitl lo Georxla we
with to proclaim in advanre that we are
aespe'ltct. Bat thete la a man not a
hundred milea Irons GreenvUlt* town whom
we win natch against the world. We
hope to be able to hire him to take our
place hi all matches to which we are a
party. What Day yon J V. W. ? We bare
a great adMrarien irr your abilities at a
ape He*. '
The Atlanta Herald Mjri the late tornado
passed Ikon South Carolina into Georgia
thence through Georgia Into Alabama,
while all other papers say it cane from
Alabama tat passed through our Bute ieto
South Carolina, Had not the Herald hint
ed t tw frequently that It waa always right
we should he laoliued to doubt the correct
aaeeof its storm statement.
Why caaaot Mart wether capital phrcbafc
ghe North A Booth Hah road and complete
U to Greenville ! Atlanta would, no doubt,
aid Meriwether i<u saeh aa so ter prise Such
a thing could be done aad would benefit
Cofcutbua more than the ronw tret pro
jected to LaQrenge, while Attests would
gain greatly by each a lino la Attest*, a
lew weeks ago, wa beard a citiaan ot Griffin
ig private o avenaliou with a frienJ say
that Meriwether trade had onatrttmted
largely to build up the city ol Qriflte. It
we caa help to build up cities in other
•owrttee why cannot we build a railroad for
ourselves sad improve aad build up our
awn loan t Hare our people gives up all
hopes ot railroad tecililteal li not bow it
a good time )o (tribe.
A cofMCpmdft from learwedk;
T< *a aaya ( Orj# yocog an h*-t another,
fTd that (Tcneftt Aodrrw .Uckvm killed
Jutlua ('Bfsar with a horse pistol on Duck
river lu Tenueaaee. Tbe bet waa to be de
termined by so arbiter who, when Ue
qncUca waa iifwd to Mn, acid yea, h v
reOteoils-ri'd to have lie-r j km telbev speak
7,nt ‘TbVpinies zfi reslJ* lo TANARUS t* raon
srxl the a*y h wrrect lo every rr iejtar
Tbe nrbher who decided tbe quart <* make*
coneiderabte prHeoaroo# to literary cu iurr
and Hn#rief hipmnatto'i. We axfiect U<
hear of A'exauder the Great ducking
B ighorn Voting lo a bom pond hy (be
next Texas mall
vj.rt Htrfiaral -emtijr wurdete.l U-
Cnk>rai>us on Webnewiay Majrw A. H
Colbnun i> tali lobe at tbe butt m of th
Tbe qiieaUou of Umaie suffrage be* bees
deci'ted voalre; Or tbe wuhe* of tire
shrteker*. lJ*uit/n ma o by the Untied
htales trapremc Court.
Necesdea Asa at Hadlrgllem,
'lTre Hon Ib-n II Hilt, In onr judg nent,
th* a West I vbtg mao to ihe Sni<ti to day.
made a rqexti at A ileitis rrfindy, tn lire
eonrse of which he drew the following
hrd ant and *i iking parallel hetwtets Bet
SMMofl and Italleallaui, 11, ;mi,roii<oit
of ibe latter Is rqual to, and will remind
tb rernb rf Kdmuod Hurke’s , *lefir*t*it
srraigronei.i ol Warn-n Hs.iioys. li h
brief, but wHI ilehly repay jofusal:
He. <•. on w. S iftkt ,ke a teiribie ml*
laka, a i jnlhle ml.tske; tmt sereselon wa>
no crime. (Goal f>plau*e J It violated
lioo-iUi* It tram pled upon no Individual
right* ; il <ll(>eieil no I.i jrlrisiqre. it ibfo*
lied i.O; si,ught <o no blood, It
burned no cities; It tn v atled no hemes *
lU<l h-aKam iau uilatalm, It i* ■(. iit r ß te
inU'iil onal, all ked, ever Inerta.ta* crime;
|apptanae-,] it lie trampled upon ten ihou*
aoU oath, lo support tb* eonsil uilu i. It
th Qwd the Cabin a* a fact that it might
ikwtioy lb* Union *• a principle; umlcr lld*
p rule oca of n-romti tiding. MsUw- tt has
dclmyc I ill* B'atea, It bastwotn In aup
port thss rontlli 111 bin iwily to e)a>i upon
power lo eiiaht* tt to snhvert the con.ittu
U>n ; under of imtoiiag pe,M.n p
blfghtsnj th* country with w*r poverty mil
•arrow; tt KM hiif.ia.i elites, it bss dispersed
legl Inlures, Il lias rohb<-rl lbs fnair, plun
dcreil Ilia helpless, punished the InooCWU!,
and ft has eliai'ieil lbsirty hi the car ol
tyranny. I atrslgfi Madiralbw to nigbi
baton: the bar ut ibt* oiitrnged snuntry a.
the only real iiiientlonal tria l In Auieilcau
history 1 Ap,danse. | lla a rebel against
ibe constitution ol not fatbars; It is a sWbel
against the Sovereign to ol tbs Slates, it i>
a riixl against ibn ilernocraile tranquility
which the cnuallmiloii was luuifitrd Ui in
Sltfi, It Is * relatl against ovufy principle o|
Justicy and a rebel agaluat cvciy bkaalng.-(
liberty. Y. ttya.
Andrew Jwkmaew.
Tb* great speech at Ik* ex-prmbleut
rommanils universal atteatioa, Tbr ad
uilnlstfaibm organ* are bowling u*r It,
oiisrglng tbal tb* was but aa out
burst f Vltapeiatlim against tirant. Wv
doubt net thry won id hata pr*'erred th,
omlaaia* n| Grant # artaigumeot, ami tbe
ssraort apiwal to th* usurper to dlaban l
bis leg tons They would have preferieU
-leas atumt his gnus vMalb-ae -of- tfae (no - •
dameirtat taw arid lit* gradiaf overturning
of the III), r< in* ol the country. But u,r
speech contain* no personal, low abuse.
Uis oompoaed ol exalted and Legitimate
argument, and tsltl go straight W the
popular heart. U rings with consthuU- xal
truths, whb earnest warning against *|>
pmacblug empire, and with eloquent love
ol country. It will, in our opintoo, acrotn
piish more food than any |tecch deliver,vl
duriug the rxtrfe ssmloii ol the senate. N
*Se, who begins this speech, will fteil to
(•ad it tbcougb. U brvaibesa Itdly spirit,
and will command the siwpeet of mas of alt
part tea.
The Month Hess. John iltck-
Th* Horn. Jehu Hick rasa died la Wet
CUeeier, Fa., at noon yesterday, aged W
years. Mr. Uickman was ol Quaker pareu
lage. and a lawyer ol eucceeotul practice
in West Chester He wm slssipd as a
Democrat to the thirty-tourth Uwsgreea,
and was Chairman of Ihe committee to in
vestigate the Kansas frauds Ha reported
against tb* border ntfßaee, and had a dard
Sght l* gala a reelettK.n. la the thirty
fifth Congress b* wm asaocinte with the
Hon. John B. Htskia of ibis State in the
Bgbt ags Ist Buchanan’s Lecompton poltcty
Both thee* geettemsa were reteroed to the
Thtrty alxth ooagrem aa iadepenffent Dem
ocratic candidates, la that Congress, ia the
memorable straggle tor Speaker, they voted
far John Sherman and be wm etoctad by
tbefr votes Mr. Hick man was mad* Chair
man of the Judiciary Committee, sabaa
queatly he wm elected M a BepabHcan to
Hi* Tbtrty-ceveMh Coagreaa, and rigorous
ly supported President IJncoio ia putting
down the rebellion. Alter this he devoted
himself lo tbe law. In 1B7& he stm a date
gate to tbe dactnaattl O<nrentioo. He
first supported Charles Frauds Adams,
*ud aubsequenUy look up Uie name of Mr.
Greeley. This wss his last public la
poliiks.N. Y. Bun
Mr. George Smitk kaa discovered among
the Assyrian tablet* ia the British Mussafh,
tb* legend of lb* htukiiog ol the Tower of
BabcL This discovery fa quite a* impor
tant m that of the tablet relating to the
beluga, mad* kaewa fast year by th* same
Small pox has broke* oat fa Cava
wet probably right when be advised young
.lew Yorker* to Uke a few hwedsed dob
tarn fo go Wee and hey a hw, hut were
All tbroogb the late stave H sirs, adris tb-
Graphic, there are tboutamj* of acre, o
tbe beat poaafbie land for rate at cxer,*4i*i
ly low rale*. Before the war land la tlx
dare State* was held (■ targa ptanuikun
t/j tbe slave owners. Many fth ae (jac
tation* were confiscated and soM k* lace*
after tbe war. and fbe srwseis of ihe ra
iiin ter found ft Impnsrffile, is nine eaae*
■MI of ten, to wart them wMbod aj*v
iabmr. Tbe return of prripeky t tee
South most be prteneded b) the nl* of ib
he gr* at plantation* In small faro* nl thtr
ty ami forty aerw. It ia toiLeHufh rath
er titan Use Wnl that tt# typical y<wg
■uau at whom Mr Greelwy oa* and to laaaefa
Ida advice ought b> took. When it ' geo
erally known that good land can b*bought
tn the be t of all dim ate* lor the sawne
(trim tb*t la asktsd for land ki Mirmeau'-a o t
the wilder region* r 4 th* Wad, (her* wtii
im a great over flow of japol**aj irm the
North and Xurthcust to tfe rtctHb.
The diwrpu atx# twaam of standing
around church doors at the rfuac of grrvice
to gsxe at tbe few* usee of Che wwgrVgelMa
aa they make their exit from the sacred 4
Kiev, iortulgsA (why a Mbmef p<w§ wee.
has bad a sever* blow dealt u in raitadet
pbla bv the police, wise tMOOfly m -de a
raid upon several gsnga of nuteaeec at Ihb
character. Ptoeawrie ioqoaed Xpow a
targe number srrr-ste*) few the act, and bur*
i reseat uidie*ii<*i* th* vtl a hahb will b*
entirely broken up tbfuugh lb* tavtrurueal
silty ol the si.itxrtUire. f
U t* veiy euforUsuaie irq tlwr staid tone
ol Misaar brweo* >b*l tb* bnu.t ol H**tie
boomer rb-ruld bars bmp turrusd lam a
per uniat r job. amt the* rnbiu parties
shim rl get ibidr band* tu'u U>* ueaeury
under pretext of paykag bosusr to tb* up
right mart. Twenty nine tboueend rb.iWs
tt •*••>* is what ihe fut arai eoef the *au
of M.easr bu>etta in addltbw to nearly As*
• kousahtl iw,s by lb* he*at* of tba {Tatted
Ua> item lu T'a.ieit count seeing n-
Cloud* M<H] ( ,t Into a wH and behl by
a rri|ie. In a liltl# wbl'e a great trig rcairt
ling ,rurn a house was daabad ta by tn
tie bustta>i out of that w< ll a* qnkkjy **
p<ambit, lie was be Ue Ugbt i* the
,pca air. - - , ,rr--
A special telegram convoys it#lUg>ttr
of a flrn jin Camilla )**tv<!*y moTnt-ig
Vs rvgrt tto learn ol the !<** bi oolf n a
temporary, the Rnterpriae.
CoOiinl • .net Janes rail* tor wltitl t
II wauls two or ti.rse, or four eompeuiti
pervo>>* in rirfy't oii'dty in Geesgia, wb ,r
will volun'arlly ra, ort b> fcks de|wrtmen<.
rsgutarly through the year, th* aovattiton
and pmgissa of i tv growing erops.thtMs
suaa, ksmv. ‘c The trimdry
of wieb peranan ia sol-nted W tb* bWWIM
,>i (tstiigi* gihiiltuia
In tits speech on the Loataiaha fekTTs ~
aasbtng tcjjUttiou, Henatnr Ka4m,of 4-mo
nrdi> ill, uwl Mioogrr taognaga tn regard
tn tha prr*ldenl’s actloa '-haa I m lx * a 'ive
tKn uileiai) on tbr fl sof c“gr*M, sml
boldiy [iiivlginii'il itun he •tioorMt,* tar
pear boi l.
. C-oL Jus* Navarro, iba >wiv s*whkij :
‘lg, r of ihe drrlarad wol T i-d Usdrpen
ilancs. Htai at . v 4 Anl“*s
it Is rrportsd iha I the empress Kngrnia
is suffering with cuo**ia, taut, aad sunset
live lunger, j
The mib rl- n* King Heary, whose ex
ploits tn Etbertnu la the peat are too wed
known tn require recap it oat too. Hi again in
limbo, afch a fair promise nt making hit
past expert*' c* io >ke service nt th* Mini*
useful tn him In th* near futu>*. This col
•wed citter n wm hruaght hafura a jaattc* <4
the peace ia th* upper part nf th* county,
fast week, tor larceny, and plead guilty to
the soft impeachment Th* thing ol value
appropriated hy ling Henry *a* baron,
and theirby hang* s tala Aker fatoehem
ly pfaeisisf tbe meat Urn sable thief dag
a large hot* fa the ground, barfed th* he
con, eovered the nm wfm hoard*, then
covered the kseeds with dirt, and mad* *
cabbage bed in it. Thla fa dm gw*teat
combination of heyue aad greeM we have
beard of. and deserve, and wRI doubtless
receive, shim octree from his idlow-coua
tryuieu, J Klharma Gaettte,
Btnntv Bonn. —With much satisfaction
we sekmwledge-the receipt of Mhirtca
parable literary journal to exchange. It to
a pleasure sod a tnai to look at its bright
page*, and read the stories and ikifatow
contained ia Its column*. This paper
should, and we hop; will ogak place oi the
New YoikLdge - wt ictT it axesis—and
ether narhera Wash P> Wished in Atlanta
G*. by John h. Bern tea, at $3 pat aoauas.
Woes* and. wurae report* usum iram that
deax legacy af Radicalism to th* aagruas
yeefapt lb* Fipedraao’s Beak. Maw the
oommMooan appointed u> wind ap the
bank aak to ha pmiuad to raaiga gad be
released kam their sdtotal ikmis They
claim tba* Coagrem did not coos* ta Mr
aid with seeded fafetafalioa Maceasary
iagisiaUea, in itom* premwi, ws under
stand fa ataaa tta paatat ta taka • sand
insny faadam aftkapmtyf hfajk mwato fa
Wmklagvna hy kha throat aad auaapel
them to dkqrorge th* daittfaDmeM*
Yallow lever prevails to an alarmfag ex
teat at Kay West, Florida.
nent ufeMb
Every pair of steps that coaid be moved
was erthat avtW f or kanckad aad aplit
lo pie cm, xHkgHav, huggim aa< sfdr vW
sere fiikd mp agaiaaf ilniih dgm warn re
utwed amt bang hsdure ptoam that nae aa
■sentb a able, M fen cap the dfcaax, aad
reader the whale am owe bag* piece <d M
•ay, abetraakaaa warn pknad apaw *e
railroad track at cr waar acr depot, aad •
rendering vehicle pswage Impocrtklh. The
Bue of Ip* (Wgiae at Me (team enifl of am
worthy atStmaa, Mr H E. ffoae, oeee Wo
lea out aad carrleo off, and ba*s*t yet hare
mood, which canard his boiler to hunt o
M-nday morning, la wmeeqnenre of which
the auil has baas tumble tu rua the preaeet
im I ——m—mas
OVjOimAMaihwZr CWnty.
Wm, M. Lovett apptlee for h.uaeatead of
rr-tHr and perw party, sad I wtitaaax apm
the same *t my office k* QeaaaeW* a Hat
urd.y the HXh dag ol April s* U n'Uock
* 4l* JAt W BAN!fIW, OKC.
\%rtu, m mm th# omn
YV Boueedwoe la the town of Grow
rtttc <4 said coawty wbhbi the lagai hour*
~f .ale, >m tha la* I iiiwdvy la May seat
two metsa, iovied <m a* the propeny of
Wm. € Bniy t* eadady a * f* *u* the
!p*fbr (>wtrt rf said wemty ta fcvor of
J p ThfleaMo, A Mar., at T J Thneabm.
.tend. Aiwi olhef • I*'* W*C Bray
i W FtLUCX. Dept.KM C
L 1 J—.J,' . ’
■ggsaMßegegg-. . .jhil’ '-'g"-n
EdoMtiontl Headers.
nWINTONBU I Hisvetaa . 1
UutllnrS <d the World** History.
sWINTON and Harm* tt Word
B.A. fPCNCEBUN Oapy Boob*
Webster's Dictum*rts
Maury's K-rir* of G*>g
rapble* Huicnm' bppf.
and I*rin#f* Iluimr*' Oram
mar*, and Johnston's and
Brow.Vs JEr.glisb I.iUnalurs
which has# been adopturl by tb*
Board Ol EdiwfttioD,
<ma k* obtaiod at EIXDIA M(X>UE 9 at
or old book*, regaruicea of enwHuea. of
same grade, wftt he raaeived to
remains to tome for VO day* front date '£r
Teacher* aboufd avail themsrlve* of this
opportoalty to set are cheep aad aaitwra,
well graded school hook*.
afi fan
May 1, iffn, to April Sfe, 1874
W, require every per on engaged m *.}
I,m faamm “ -*Q——f-- —■ #a m,w, ■■R.i m a-- * . .
JtlklTlßil, lvimiion, Or nTipwtf NIRfH WRMpl.f
wdssWkhn WaWa to a UPEfIM. TAX,
denoting the paymaat at add fT TIAL
TAX tor thaßpccfai-Taa Year heMaaiag
May 1.1878, be for a a.ieameasing r vm
tinning bmiaem after Anril , r 75.
Th* team embraced within th* prwste
toMcf dm Lew aka vs qaoSed are the (*i
towing, vie;
Hectifter's JNPM
Dealers, retail liquor gfe 00
Dmfare, wholesale liquor 100 0*
Deaton to mafe '.toner*, whofamte 88 00
Dealer* i* mail Mqaom, retail..,.* 88 08
Dealers fa leaf t0bacc0...... MOO
Retail dealers fa leal tobacco 808 00
A*doa>riM of ever ft,Opt, |Hr
MOfa few every tfottor
Deaton w manafartnred tptmeee 880
Maasfbctnrrnol sails f.. ... sooo
Aadhw each will maaatoemred MOB
Aad few each worm manufactured MOO
Mennfactsgam at latoaee*. i#oo
Manufacturers of cigars ta m
Fhddtwa of first cfaes(aiore .
m*m> *.• 8800
Peddlers ol tokmtea, ecerod etom
wJKttSiTSL-Srfig *•>
hone at etocr, aeaeml). ÜBB
Paddtamettekaeea, laanh etomfoa
Brewers of OMbarrvix or move... 100 oo
wtii ha aaMert to -r~n panaliiw
IhnoMlabte topay aayol the Special
Tax** named above mart apply to A a
eame, Attoato Cro, or to G. W. Mam, Hep
Owakioairiri^m 81^*
M. U. BMneep L MM.
I | j y *% . 4 . . - £
Aiireiiwa FcrtOistr,
r |NO! YJbBY LOW price oi the above
A aamnd compoaad. whteh ki almost
dagßt pma* lewUlmag propertw*. kce al
mady aakved hu a si popWarhy sever before
severed la aa abort a mae hy aay akaular
i if Wit ax in Me Week*.
Ohatroeeo uf the Exrcuiite Coiuuiiiltf* nl
Be Georgia ktatc Grange, say*:
Oclohex 23, 1874.
*1 have seed yowr Aikslbie Pern:r ibis
saasoo oa on turaipe, atongride of thrr.
fourt $&? per ts*. Tour* r r#„W tn s
fsrth* fe tifkertf A fe%A pricedftr.uuora."
He any * again ;
Jhmuary lp r fgTi,
“1 lartMaed He* acre* of wbswt which m
day a tb* aam unoatuar l My
'jfimm m fkaf and tt tie tkmpmd Ptt uUtrT ea
Ms market for Oom I win uw it uu ccr
rent year o hAh C.en nod C- turn, ao.t
wm mpm t.-
E4wt*ri Cwr, Esq.
one of Usa bam iarmsia ui D.Kaio couiny
warn* ; ... , :
<Ad.4sw fl, 1874
“1 pat SOP prHiurts per ac’e as a toy> drw>
teg ua uiy sihaai in March last. It math
I*4 hnvbwta poar acre ua laud that w.iuM
no* have made inure than six t cVlu
boaturt* at hast. / kam tin** emt ->f fr>n*
tUt lend from *.UOO to SOW ttm of tir W
cml prom Utei Tatar mat wmntk J aunknU
fv thr wseag' jwur ftrUlurr Hi uatgl/lbe
srouad nae tied <Hbrr gusuu*. ibroc titae
aa ousiiy a* wine, but aid nut iu*ke as u.u, i,
•sW, sad faiuwl o ihe gram craps
My CW* crep tpicudtd heller tb*u an
i war saw grow hi Dvß*lt* county, accord
tu* tv U>< lau! Tom utlujkd it u *c<teky
mint m ward ia titoryt*
Col R A Alston.
>h* WcM'-h4/ saiton ..f trnt A‘ rt*
ib,i,i, voiuatsiiiy /*v* tbe f“ win.
s*rog bneinaoey. Aatwag tnml U
Arum. Gs , SejH 1, 1*74
Mm A. V t sow,
I tn* fk* I***K khlp tn., t 1<•••.
Ga . t-t>tyr t o at y,,ur Aniline Rcrttli
**r. I kam true tiirrmfily two scwsui, i,te
by siite wMh *:l the tnm iau - <<t lent it i
'<)bl U. lfi<- 17)11,% GJT lr%
HITS AND WflMir, sad ! Um .
bvvlisooa la arsilae tbal m !>*• f'Vll) MK
iU. Head ms live .- t .-mr u.r tut
wheat Yrfy R.iqtn ully,
11 A ALdTGN.
fa rtd <%i?u , *f# re-1
A V UA!H Ajrat,
B‘s U Ur Htinct,
A t i<, *• l
Just Received.
tl Voile I, pnk P**'l ?7 rrrHpf nf rG j
mat t.S jo***
PtrcM taalkwl * have ) tastin'ed Tttt* i
Pig *e
M-irolng Break# {',n the T,vw'*- -'F. 1
Awttvrn .... . . Tti-nu, 80 j
•ffwtngMg an tfa> Gardsm Gaiw
(tong **d f'hnrm .... ~ fiionia* 40 !
Where t* My l>rrori tons fo-
Nivb f- Hoa**wlf7tt“ .-Moya. M'
Athg. Darhira, ■itSHj f"fA * ”>X
hyt arl Wagner) .. ... il j> Mi
A'lgei ttrtwtal—(>*rw “img . .Bocaan dt)
•\A urn Shiver Lu ka H< pi i
tbs O 'ld-fe aad (” _ . LrighlnoAi,
Hirsu io haver T*rc*d#-j
Among Uie G'i’d >
•You Merer Mm* th* Lg*<
ltd the Kegs Uuu LU—(Lav A 40
Ghow Aw**—fto'Cah tomg A *i go
Alow lAt H,*tte—• aad Ci*i Hay# X3
♦rty WM wm Watte* *4 the
fj „,f—Bailed ... .T*vo*e Sit !
Gh I Ma S fif 7~ E i,i 1 tu ; n.i-tT#, * 46 ■
Giv* Me bna a Bm to—fbwig and
t h'WO# ftorwsrt 4 ,
A lves ¥ rat IX ID, Xeitw
Dear—A'-ag %ud Cho ... Avwart <tk
I'm t'wptate o( tb* Jaarda
Owfe torn* . Hay. JU
Heytmd tbe Gsddew Dear—
B aad ChatM While •
Gertie’s With Die Arigvi* Au*
kwi and Cbtvra* Christie 80
PlsaaaUod. Eds itoaa tor a
Lute Boy ~..M C ri 88
La Belt* Jeuamit—Polacca....Witaua 80
•Awakening ol the Birds—
M Tueaa Msylalh 40
•Sweetheart—Mcto-lte Grn
ckmm . Mar lath 40
•Twinkling Stars-Morceau
tfa •. R Usoa 8'
Th* High! .ad Wllrae V)
Cqju Aounam {from Stahst
Malcry Wagner 40
•Dreamiaad—Moraau de
Babm M lyiath 40
•Echoes from the Patfaadea—
Mcwss Wagner 40
Veortiaa Regalia—Transcribed Wagoer4o
•Merry Foresters—Pre*u4*ne Waguer 30
Btxrhiag Waves— I raaccritiul May'ath 40
•Tha (footca Lassie—Reverie Pacher 40
Kitue*t Mu 8unk5........ P ev<* w
Fetry Lead—Reverie X .rvd 45
rtparklmg Jewel*—Polka ... Carat* 30
•Think, of Me 8 nia>.-r Eity
Wall*. ...W>gne- 90
.•Temtamac* March (E*ay> Ai
*Ma are such Deceivers— Pi4tu Wag r fa)
•Meiifa Dardng—Easy March Wagner 90
V M< 1, % aad &
A CoßecGoa of Popafar Boogr, by Mhys,
Daaha, Stewart, etc. Mach aarnwr euo
faiea Sevaa or Eoght Suags. Price, M ctt.
each; Yearly, 13 Numbers Lr $4
Muc Lt, aad A Bach aumtnr contain*
several easy sod moderately difficult Pfauo
Ptoem, by Miakei, Bfceht, Warn sv, Witaua
each ; Yearly, It Mdm&er-
Nos. Ito 15. Each Bomber eoataln* 94
pugmof ctaasic apd dMßcult Plaae Marie,
worth at least $2 SO. Pnce of each sta
her, M cents ; Yearly, S Numbers far $4
mIS lm Maw Yack.
rep osiroir
X\ XkY rTYLX of
Vi* S lb. celebrate.. 1 WuodruA
‘AiNCORIi li t'G< Y
AU tir—ltd the Wf.srKl(v t HIM HI, 8
IRI S W t(i')N *n4 aU aes t Patetrt
Wheel hngc'bw, wHb g fine assortment <>l
• i G oictotr* filietl prom, tly and aft
WOHbuL Aiuvrilgtr
Of.O JKWKLRY ami Ka \i. V hj()i<g
Oi I aGfauge. Gerugta
!IV NI *" N '' ! *' H k "P always a
LA Cam! *t M. ,‘M sf .nrf, tt*
tu puWb orjn .* a g>tMl snl
**l.i ei reran eru * ..>
/ j
A at U PA si r GOODS
C t,* I|rr, t* Hkf|
W WifgO n i PjlgVfkH WklrhiM, JftM
Sl*n* and Key am ine., uf (|m.
Mcmfid tirrid wed hriewr Watch, rbalm.
<>* at* vier*. tjiaken *ad
SSSSt- ui
* * A-vnel*a A Eye GuL-
*ilTog Platmd Warm
Of all ktr. ii and Mytcq
Tor kef. *'wlr CkUm. A Rarer
hy the very rw> -w eed makers, tOHKPIf
iFftihHg aid Gl.Olf >E IfOsTfcV
1 am vtro repairing *M good* ia rnj line.
Too many erttaan. at Meriwether and an
joiniag counties have tested my work to
acquire a word from me aa to tb* charac
ter of it. f will, however warrant all mp
werh, M ptwperty need, aa I barn alwaya
’ tone, and respenftrt?, Mk * coatiftaaoce o
toe pair mage I have received from mp
rtends la Meriwether.
J. it MU IT id ii rigSTu^
Wwmrtrt A Buy s
Clothing at Wholaaala
S? 3SB Breed way
cob. warr*jrr, Wew York,
wiLsaet umamitfo u