Newspaper Page Text
ttoppnae, my {title lady,
Y"ttf dull diouW break her bead,
CUtUul vim m akr it w jit o# t*v crvittf -
Till your eye* • >d mat* were red f
Aad woalffe't it be pfoaeantcr >
Tetraalftaaajofc* ;
A a i *y you ’regM ’t** doily's,
And cot your Uadtbet broke I
Suppose you’re de**d t>* walking,
And Uie relo come* pouring down,
Wilt It clmt off any eooner
Because yeti sudd and ft owe *
Ar<d wouldn't it he aker
For you to sraiic th in pout,
A“d * • Btibe iwrwbin* i the foms#
When there 1* cone wAbout ?
Hp| m your teek, my little tuu,
le y herd to gel,
Wit) it tweke it any easier
/or you i<) sit end fret t
And wouldn't It be wire
Then weitl ig like • du^ae,
To go to work in earnest,
And learn the tiling iI mh c !
Suppose that sou.* boy* bare a l/oree,
And aome a coach ami pair,
Will U tire you Use* while walking
To eey “It ien't fair f*
And wtnrido't It be tttrfafof
To keep your temper #W<*t,
And In four been be thank hi I
You can welh upon yotir (e*t f
Suppose the werfd don't pleean you,
Nor the way some people
Do you think lb whole creation
Wilt be altered juet for you ?
And len't it, my boy or girl,
TTir WWW, U 4
Wbatever come*, or doesn't come,
To do llm liet you Can ?
Vta* Bow hern trr tg iindnit of
.. flic UritHge IntercrM (Ate
the f ill *Mt off Hnr 9mt amLt *fr}'
Paper'* Wny.”
Bfcr-rcajat' * 3**. •*
To iXt Editor of th* Chtrngo Trihuns
Milk--You know i'aetla, no doubt. A
nke yauagmau from your, city, seal Mouth
by tbe Immaculate Inter Ocean to write up
tbe country, “nothing eatenuai mg, nor net
ting dawn augbl lu malice." 1 take U tor
granted you know Uie young man. 1 do.
1 lobnd him out a Mw day* ago, *fter hi*
arrival here frwm New Orb an*, He b<i
'•<fo#e” New Or’leaoa, bad Uiltl Die run. t
tnlkacra* and imre-faco,! lie* about the
people of tbet city, at you peril *p bare
already *een in fate taenes of tlie Inter-
Oouau,MMl be wow ba* come to Interview
bur city. Now, the world know* that
Vicksburg ha* groaned aud winced under
tbe wpprea*iona heaped upon tier *ince lor
aurrtndkr, by jail bird* dignified by the
name of carpet-lmgger. (They are proud
Of tbl* letter title, end make capital of It )
The world would barn known, bad we
%dee trtflblbTly repreaentrd In Northern
paper*, that we bare suffered wrong* !-
moat unbearable until, by one nailed effort,
we threw the burden Irom our abnulder*.
turned upon our Ignorant matter*, and told
Tba world now know* that, since tbe
day o! our victory over Bedtcallam, Vicks
kerg baa been a model city—a qniet, happy
atvlllcad place to lira Ip ; and wa who have
teen-beae atttpr lieea, and have ies.dve/1
ettia and eltea to leave hr more congenial
cltmee, upw Intend to femam at borne.
Bali M goodness I t have almost forgot
ten lay Wind OiWtia tn my enthusiasm.
*4fc—fir t> wod UJorntog. elr—er ! Have
you a late Mdfr Ocaan t Jumping quickly
to M* Mde, f looked along my aeaater, ami
failed u find tbe paper. I apologized, an.t
told btm that 1 kepi tbe later Owen, but
kad * t *kat l had ordered but one no
tUf, PUNS/ by reqbeat Of a dottPed 'gem man'
feMTpfirtty to kate a variety ot new •ffcipOTH
at my nawa depot
•Yaa, ah—er 1 (Pulling out a bluo nlrculai)
We have aavcral aubacrlbera here. I—alt
er t—ahould think—ah-er t that you might
form claba. 1 cnuld-er offer you very good
terms. Ah-er Ido you get tbe pape: fiotn
Ike office or from the newa cetnpauv P
’From the Weatern News company,’ 1
‘Yea, yea, ah-er; Ob ! how much do they
charge you lor it ?’
I told blm.
Why, dear me—ah-er I— that’* entirely
tew meeb. I coaid—ah-er l—
‘By Ike way,’ **W i, *are you Curtk f
‘Tee, air, tliat'a my name.’
’Correspondent ot tba later-Oeeaa, 1
believe. Writing the South up f I a*w
on* of year letter* In the teat Inter-Ocean.
It waa pretty tight wo our people, nay
triend. How the devil did you come to
write ruch n letter aa that about people
who did ealy their duty in driving Kellogg
and hta thlevea from power ? Wbo gave
you your Information in New Orleans r
‘Well, I—ah—er t—you see—
I anw that be wanted U> retro to a more
print* place (nay news depot U 8 by 16
feet in slae so 1 invited him to walk into
the St Nicholas restaurant, adjoining. On
our way up Ike starts of tbe restaurant, 1
told him privately that there wen n great
deal of sympathy iu our cMy for Louisans,
and that 1 knew aeveral men wbo had read
kit flat ernes U about'the eating South’ in
his New Orleans letter, end that these men
would no doubt take blur to task alrout U.
I suggested that be would bo shown up iu
our daily paper* a* a lafotfier, aud ventured
to remark that his waa a bed kiad ot letter
to write. We then took a couple ot chair*
and one of those remarkable phenomena
occurred which aaldom take place on this 1
mundane bell of aura, namely, lulervfow
ing* an ioterrfewr.
•You were about to explain your New
Orleans letter,’ I said,
Ye*j I—ah I—wei, yea see, I touod
tbioga in very much tbe condilien that I
reported tUeus. I saw aeveraJ gentlr-raeo
in New Orleans, wbo g*v# me tne hibe
rnation which I embraced tn my letter.’
‘They were all Radical*,’ 1 pot in
'Well—ah I—yra,generally. 5 t#ok that
tide ol the qnesl.ou ; had to do tr>, you
know ; and I gamed uiy lolormstion link,
men wbo thought my way—that W>, my
p*f*rr* way—and ! represented thing*
‘Vnur letter contained one iiatemer.l re
garding an interview with a lady who bad
sent for you to ascertain something about
her eld triend* In Chicago. Hue aa* Ltu.
rearerl, and married in Chicago, I believe
your letter elated, and had buried two
i bildren there, prtvu/u* to her removal
South, one yer beiore the war. i think
you staled In your letur tint, beiore you
ieft her, she took occasion to give carpet
bagger* aud Northern adventurer* a tbor
i ugb dressing down, a<tribal ug ail tbe
aaiSionia ...! t.lit ea tn.s lit n ~!i II l> t',t tit -llsit
W t '/‘fffk wn’f *rrt\t vjfrf rfrtx :• *.rtj wpt/n *ms
Aouth bi their vllia ny ; a *o, C'/rirplaiuing
very bltteily off the Northern people h r
a muraglng such a stale . f things.
•Y<, ah! I saw that lady —a Hr *.
Hliiclda -and she nai l *ou>* thing* lliat 1
dared not put in prtnt.’
*Ad yet,' said I, ‘d'> y*<u not believe tliai j
shetedd the trirtb f Don't you thud* th-o j
the fact of he/ le-ing a Norllieiji lady g<
udttlilo/ weight to her opinion t Vlu: an*
Ih* til. cl caused by the miserable set/und
iris who have *tmk fwtutirtan* Sod other
Slate* Sooth into ruin, creating tbl* very
•late of ittfai/a which ll.trj/,./' WitAi,
Die Inter Ot:-a/i anti olfn-r vile >he*U art- ,
Hying to mag' ily intttc.vll war lor point '
cal effect, and which la, hi rvadty, an up
rlaing til Itour-My agnluat thlevr/y f j
'Well alt, ye* I 1 didn't Jwk at it that:
way; but 1 believe you're right. Mic j
Slitehls i/iual Lave kiotar/, Ihat'a a fact,':
Nb, I'iJ- lell yc4t.l!sc...plttXtr jrujh uf lh j
.Umtlyt-. Y-tii at, I’ve *cni Souih to
rr|/r*'eul thing* in a<t6rj*nt *fflt tne*
line nl argiiiui i)l held by the luUr ( Jren i
fne^eW/vh?li Ik H/iW upon
us, or *t>on will be,and my paper i* making
a strong point lor wavering Republican*
by allowing Uie Houtli to b* lu a tn*g
h/f/Wring aiiooatoff civil wat w> Mtthil
represent that II will lw, dangeruu* for the
Democracy in the North to succeed •, lor,
Mi>g In sympathy wi<h ibo 8/>uUi, the
tiogro will be annilnlaO'd if ttiy Win We
must keep Democracy down by showing a
tarrlbla state ol nff df* In the Houtb, w her i
they bnp|>en to be in the aecemle/n v, nr ;
where they leal that they are gaining
strength. Don't you see f "drmlhvrn Out
ragt* make* a big point lor Northern
Hepubllean* , U keep# them iitor* eioeely
itnHod. And du'l you krnrw that to shoot
one trigger In the South make* forty it*
publican vote* l Tliat'a tha hfr*. Row l 'iu
a Democrat Iml I am working for kvea-t
and meal. You know how that isyonraeli.
Slow I Min* R> Vfokaftti g, ij fojnd
ir ll,inr ar lila w/i.i ftuiatl fiiyif paw iI y 1
fftTjlntftf Pbti Mfltl tjnlff, BOU WBitJ 1
rannat, If I felt toettard. nay anything d<-
but I preaume I’ll have to da it Thai'*
the polity id the Inter- o*an. I OniJ no
oalracism here. 1 have interviewed Uapt
Ered fipoad, Oapt John Heard, and many
(iThirr; and thongti they are Morttiem
men am) Hepublicnna, they tell me Diet
have long bean disgusted with the villain
Ua ol men high m “dice in this Stats, and
are now members of the people’s party l
noticed last night, at the meeting ot the
older of H ue and Gray, a Republican and
t x-Meral Soldier In tbe chair—Colonel C
K Kurlong, and Captain Cowan ami Col
R. V. Hoath—both ei t/’.mfrdcrate aoidfor*
—orators of Uie evening. I shall publish
tbeir addreasea In full, if l can get them
Oh, yes I Vicksburg la au agreeable city,
and 1 shall leave it with a vary giuai opiu
ion of tier people.’
*figppoee I shoohl pold‘/d<>ur Interview
in tlie Cliicago Tribune,' said I; ‘wha'
would yon think f
'Well, 1 sliould lose my place I Rut yon
wouldn’t do that, would you f Are you a
newspaper man ?' (Astonished, perhaps,
that a news dealer could possibly be a
new paper reporter.)
'Yea. 1 wa* formerly in that very loft*
live, pleasant slid enviable busmens, but
have retired.’
He seemed puzzled, and, It being mall
time, we went to tlie poauftke, where
Curtis waited very anxiously lor the last
Chicago luter Ocean, which did not come
that day.
Curtis waa to call next day, before he
left our city, but he tailed.
I hope be may not be discharged, for he
la a- good follow ; but. Lord I how bla
letters do lie. Your*,
Jons W. Laviw*
Ben. Boiler will doubtless never be
heard Iroiu with reference to the pillaging
of the wrecked Italian bark Giovanni on
the Massachusetts coast, a few days ago.
The vessel was loaded with wine and other
valuable Merchandise. She want to pieces,
and a gang of baadrti ml haaditi, mind
you—rushed upon the dismantled reaaai
and took everything they could find, while
sixteen dead victim* of the disaster were
tossing In the surf beside them. Breaking
into the wine casks, they inserted their
heads and drank Ihomeelrea hue a ireasy,
which resulted in a wild and bloody son
flict, iatal la many of them. This occurred
oa the soil ot pious Massachusetts, and if
Sheridan or Butler has discovered anythin*
approaching to it in bandilism in Loaisi
ana they have not mentioned if.
At the spelling school in lndianapulia
all the law) an, editors, clergyman and
teachers went down os ‘ipecacuanha.
LlflAL APYBftTrhpneNTS.
U£ORGIA Meriwether County.
Hon, Jtosfgornery, McCaslin applke for
letter* ot Ad/winiateathwi, dskunto non, ap
ou rtorraiste of Jdser Cl rk. A e and. Tlij*
is therefore to rise avwf athm *4 #*-
cerned to file thiejr ■ M*-c]h>ns. if any they
have, oo or before tbe first Monday in Ap and
Given under m- hand arid official aigna
ture this March, Ist 1875
(4 i, W BAKNiNU.O M fa
imwkh. Meriwither' County.
Dr J E ft, IttfitW #PfdW hr letters nf
Admiai*traflniMlrfM annexed, upon the
estate of Hr a. Birah Render, deed 1 ht*
i* tit/trelore tip ct* and adroonieh *B con
cerned to fMatkrtrofefoetfow*. if anv thee
Lave, on or before the firsl M ndsy in
Aptilnexl L_ 1
Given urwler nr hand and offleta! f gaa
ture it,la March 1| 1875.
*4* jah w. banning, o m c
MaHwet ** c./rmy
Cits*, (f. Moore, a* AdminMrator ‘A (he
estate of John V Moore, deed,, a) > —lor
letter* ul demi**.n ‘rem mid t>c*a Tbt*
i* tfserefore tn eft# and admonldi all envl
earned to file rheir ofijceiioa*. if any they
have, o# or before (he fffrtr Mondwv to ioe*
next, it how big wby Sauer* of diwi.i-#u-/.
-ho tld not tie granted said apfiwsnt.
Given my bawd and official vegna
ture 'hi* Marcft fat IHJ&.
rr* J w, banning, o m c.
bMiBblA Meriwetcer C'rrunty.
Ci.-a# Hi. Maore, at A4mfeMr'r of the
imate ol Joseph Moore, deed . applies for
. t , • --jyj-.-y ;r -pj ffirTtt ff*—-•* |ft J |
i i* therefore to ctfo sn/l adoumbh *1! -
t ernert to file their of<j rtfort*. It any rfsey
hr ve, on or before thr firs* Momtay tn J /tie
aefi, sltowfec wlgr letters U dfo/nrastoa
vttomd not tu- granted aahf ap|/H/'atii —i
Given u/nier ty band am I offi tal sign* j
tnre tl/la Ma/< h I -t 1875.
L T -t ♦— irha- ■ -,TiT--ti.
KtecNinr*a Mr.
OKOitGIA Merlrwell ev f.‘</nty
1 t ril.D UK *'rtd hrfofetheC nrt ffms#
VV doof la the roavn (A Greertvl to ot
Mid ermnty wi'ltis the legal bmir* of *al*. |
•rtt the Toewlgy m April, l‘*> a* /m of
l*nd hejfiy M ~frt o|f *aaat u>bea*t < rnm \
.at lot at. Uaxh Jit. Ut, 444-t Ah earns I-A ihe.i
r/orthwcet cornered - tbeawlWe-fot. • a/'p lnfog j
Turn!* nt' Dr Mwff, Oiir, W- -MeGrl.-.v "6j
otiiera, and lying M th*fMk.lNst'M‘l ot aartdi
jSP' ~
of Aletander Halt, ilecit.. abd to’d I t *h*
banrttt nf the h*ira Terws mv*a fcnrrwn|
ott day td aai*. JND T MAi-fa
I W II t MALI'. j
' tfjSertJr Sffil.
OKORGIA Uc’ftwsttief Uonnty.
Wll.b UK HOl.ll fofi.rc he r rrt
ftixMe Atmf la the I**l rut <ir, rm
villa ot *w4d ra**M*y wMhtn tha las er m*o*
of .ale, on the laC Inead.y In April nsgt |
lof tbe life sat Me of Mra. Irwin H W*al
ward. In anti l< the whole of hna <4 land
Noe fhtaml HA in the 7<h -ImrU c of hl
r/smty sa/ffi rmtabt|ng Mb a* r , *wk)
rertntbvler Infer* at levied <vn *a(he property
rrt deleri-lno/a lf virtue fa ft fa front
Mrr!a>if,i ? Wiiprt >r Cffiirtia favor of A
1, , I T I and Kmtdne Hfttodwar'l, K.v tii
tore and Bffrii>rix of t ~U, Mm-dwViJ,
deed,, f”f tbe "as of the irfficef* of tJo*rr
ami J. IL Willfain*. < ■ rarity Pmvey<* *
Nancy A (lt* e* a* nc*' IVien/l ot Hemnel
M. Jairtea it, Mary K, Napcy V *4
Mittlld* 11. Gaie-t, and Wm. fit B *y,Gtm
titan of A an/I Calltsrine Gat** Property
poin ted out by I. H. W rtilant*
II would require lUe ecofre of quite a
large Votnro* to contain the good thing*
.list r said wtwml Hi* Morning New# try
Ha r*urte*rrjb*Krte f the Rtfthem preva
li U almost daily referred to aa 'the best
paper to the Smith.’ -rue leading Ueorjfht
.itlly.’e't*, and h is generally rnuretied to
he in all rrspecl* a4I Southern new*
This Is the tame that the Morning News
covet#, anil no pains w ill he spared he real
ter to make il still oitliler of the itmfl
den re and patronage of |seiple of Georgia
and Flotilla. The ample rewairre* of the
establishment will ho devoted to the im
provement of 'he neper In re*|irt to tta
already large fhcltple* for fathering tbe
c> mill news ofHie day, and iia t 72 of
special coireepomUmU lias been reorganised
with a riew to meeting ercry poMible con
tlngnaap that mar arts*.
Although the Horning News has little
or no competition wttnl-i the Held of Its
circulation, neverihelw no elect wo! be
cousMtred too expeuaive that fives the
earliest and Irrsheat Information to its read
ere. In thra rivpeot there Will be no re
axation o 4 tbe eadvavoe to keep H tm
altend of *ll iu oooUuipomrisa.
The lentorej that bare rendered the pa
per n noonUr will be maintained. The
editors! iiepsrtment wifi he conducted with
tbe mo> dignified Utoaghmalnsaa, eoaarr
vntive vigor, and earnest devotion to ptiu
ctpfe that have always characterised it
The racy reliability ol the local, and the
accuracy and coasp letenees ol the ernnmer
cial department*, will be kept np to tbe wxi
standard, and improvements w ill be made
wherever they are suggested by expe
The Morning Newt is tktnufr Savannah
paper that publishes the Associated Preee
dispatches and tbe telegraphic market re.
pone authorised by the Commerced Bureau
of New York City. In addition to this, the
local market report* will be full nod rvtia
ble, and will be accompanied by sorb auto
meat as will enable the business men of
Georgia and Florida to fora estimates a
accurau and as inieiiigen* an if they were
in the city.
In a word, the Morning News will com
Dries every feature that rvn.iera the modem
newspaper attractive, and it* readers may
confidently look to its columns for tbe lot
eat information in regard to everything of
current interest. It will admit of no rival
ry in its own proper field, and will allow no
competitor to outstrip H in utf department
ol i< mrnalHtin enterprise.
The terms of subscription are: Mrt,
One year, 910; *** month*, |3:
three-r months. 93.5 ft Tri Weekly:
One year, 0; six months, 93:
three months, 91-5A Weekly: On* year,
X*; ati mouths, 91; three months, SO cents
Money may be sent by Punt Office order
or by Express, at tbe expense of the an
dereigned. Send for specimen copy. Ad
tarn uuuam* or urw runts*
mpfg. Tgg gehMrtftma. west seeneaa a* Dm
” > frizes* of the f tf ot StlatiU *a.j rtcis* y.
that from eee aaa/t the lOOt ol M+rrh er (hr IS*
ut v m Sets mutt **a teiateas gtmtee <w oar
Sea Aynas Mae* <4 tonxajtontm aa* H*aa tmm u
\ laUwdas, *d (aes-tCßaa*. wv shati agbr oar
1 p/rttei stock, euamxJag uf Bun**. Show. Bat
tiVl t wtnrailM. at ears, to suta mam, far oar Mon
'rm- (Masai>*>/* t (a* this Wyncs
Ail t-avaoiat tmtomemmd kata. SSmo at a*u
A, 4ei Bfifl W| ffiH M Mffi. M Ufa it
Jm i ‘
Grangers Hew Cash,
: haa*.a<iae*lhavi*saa. fc. 1- Bv/**aa* A C,
saen,aie t aeti * owe. own uni u*. m *
‘eater (Ota thaw cuattlpowtel be U~a*/ IB
•hm dtf at Arina*. Bam* a** efcaa* ■tmUai
p asaaag aad imm war waa f Mao'*,
Hfawa aha Hate. m4*i protoi** tht it wa p’aaa*
jnuu hi ayfe tad tjaabiywc -vs to print, unm
htoetsa lo sag omA*. *4 w fcapa Mai (hr
rw-a- e 4eriw*i war wrtl 'era *win *e.
■Vi. i* Wb.tehd/ eweat, acaeu ua .as at* wa
•' Saw Cah Swot *s4 SfaM -Met,
Hon thern Music
a.-y'.// vv-.f ~ ,a.— . ■ -- wf
|2Vf, sod fA'i*) 14 A .** < ri
Soloufh lb Warren
no, m m, no, ts, no. wo to |v>i
Musical totnmwti.
ea* ad par task, and wfc > tSiT—*■
- ■**•*•• a** ie /Mr <*r s *a* *4 m*.,
Win**n ptwanluMSint'. eitoMyttsm
sihl te *wr >***—* •* *#4rtl wves*n
asae*. Osed **#• feana fo
Boulbera Mimhc House,
= At Nil la, o*.
PANG.TU,>UfXI _ _s
or Hr Parent offer* hi* service* ie
lue.ugaud refiartag i’lanos, Leave order*
at the Mnlc Hlor* ot
i T
‘ o
t.hull ’ eplrased to asTT* mp ftienfo l Wert
wetti*r rowaty wko gaaSra to tom th-tr praptalj
seran *e*art toes er feaaM* by *r*.
-L/'VBO 01/B&" they star lean befoad. f b*ll
be detqhted to earn th *ll* a Uto fmtoj *■ tbe
lisk is-rßAfirr cobpast,
waaetta i i—aai ei tfcewwwa erteetiea.
tw lusswlkfaMiUflWtie-aUltifl
GOLD" aa* iin*w wi Irt/efe to "Jrwe an."
Logan Compound,
which UD4> aessbwr ewe asearStag Ie th* mil
******* *4 the OH* Agsltalfortrt.
I em also agewt tor several other
Staffi4r4 Bru4k,
"Cottoa Option” on ail th* abova F*r
tiTizer* except the
I hel just like my Gaano would please
ytm, vefy Trrdy Yoora,
Commission Mcrebanta.
Atiaata, 9a.
New goods for Fall and "Winter.
Wt TUm HATH fe Store am! win be receiving regularly throUghem rb# *eaon
* laige and aaned stack at
BOOTS aad BHO’-6; HATS for fjtdiea, (3en‘. and Bov* ; CLOTTING and NOTIONS
HARDWARE, WOOD and WILLOW Wnre; e'addlery. Drug* an. Stariaomr
ConteetMKMfias end Uaacitaa ; Flow, Lard, Syrapa, Strgai*, Bac. n, Fear! Grit*, Salt
Goffiesa, Tb*ctah Cigars fee., fee., fee*
We solicit an ovarnica!m*> or aur stock, both as t/> witty end Price*.
M E K I W E T JI j; li CO U S T V
for a rotrHotMM* of Uta UUera! pet/v&gs winch ha* ca'cadwd vo th*
''Vo Fir-t Volume*.
During Hi* b*Xl yenr.lh* proprietor wii| drv.rf* Ms eg „ • mr 1*1;, 11*,,
fp*r nnffVm te #ntifed to render It w oflby ot Tfo lt;.r M .,? p*t"r<7iiagr which It Is
Hojed it wtll'receive. ffomt see frainre* ‘Mm •*<.. im w. bah wifi add gismly to
tha ta terra t of toe
r ~ ! . —■■ ■_! ..
Mien*] will be lo the <-Bk* Itom tUn* Uom, which wlli improy ih+
Asnatance ha# been promised from leading friend of liierary merit, who wrfj <].'%at
.museand Instruct our reader*. With our increased mail fauitiie* we ahaii be able u>
give tbe latest news up to the tin eof going to press. Tire legal advertfawmienu of .he
cutmty will continue to be published in the VINDICATOR as well • an account of tl
mportant events tran-piring in the county. Haoy kind frieada have encouraged ns the
past year ; will they lend a helping hand as the beginning of the present vo'urna. The
VINDICATOR hi established'upoa * firm hssis r
to succeed if tbe people ef Meriwether met, .* only stMnin it Tbe prim of tJb
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The ciicnktian os Ike paper in far in advance ol whai it was last year ; wiß not each
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