Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator.
VOL. 3
rri hh kvehv thidat,
by wm t. reviix.
OUk* jk-atti side et tbe Court
Raim of .WvfrtWßß-
Space 11 wtr 14 ' 8 rrv> 1 TTTYY • \ X**!*T
I inch i 1i 2 .V* 450 700 12 >
i inches 150 , M4l 0 50 10 "H 15 'Hi
8 inches 2no -00110 00 Unto 25 00
,eoi [5 00 10 00 12000 25 00. 25 00
i col 7 00 15 0O 25 00 ;l 00 4UT-0
5,0! !1(1001200085 00 100 00 #IOO
>f A deduction 11 ail# t,> ti.->'>
advertising In the n.ixilh or year.
After this ilale. all legal advertise!' e>(* ,
for the cntinty t 0 MrrtwrlWr, w4H h*(nib- •
bahed in the Miiiuw etheb Cm ntv Vimm-
.! rvN KS W ~Kt*t t: PR, - Sheriff
jmi 4th. 1ST:;. < "jerk Sup’r C- imL .
Kelijiitoi' Nolle*’.
Greenville for 11-75 •
p.vstor Rev.-I H RAtei
3d Sul,blh 111 each month
I*sterr Uev. Hugh Cam Übucl
I’ll I Sin 1 LIU A N
. p( Haltbalh iu each munlh.
f*„t„r. . Rev Jin’. Jones
)<>hn 1; Kifin.ius -.y ■
J \ 1 i i.r, v\ 11 11 11 *
.lutlN tV I'AKh,
I \ lillH Mil I K,
\\ .1 h m MilllUClliCi ttfiti Uit*. till:
MM - *
oi>rntiK \s. ri:.\\ r.
Git* KHVII.i l. <*A
Oiipt'n4(ir‘ii Notice,
Tiiuiim-s S . Mitcham, n ,H * th* 4 VW*
Hpfto** 1 Gf MitwJ, hvf Ut
MtlriEUrt* ft U(i Itig pntitir, ttint —iic i J’t* —
p*%>cd to ** <.iiUi all k'nilaol
with tii*atn%s ( ft* fifth mil dispatch
TOMU Kuik3lctL juft la
| TImU old u-liaWr, MON L MENTA l. man,
Rita n|-irncji thc~ _—
< L*HRAN<E btdvk store.
■nil Ay*" I f* l ' R*e
MON l M ENT L. (.I.i; M 111 A. M ATC D
LK<*H, V\ A I liIMAN
Ki lt 14< r
and i. w-bing them at
Low l > ric<*s •
Merchant* iipj>lied with tin wale >,tt inoxt
Roofing, Guttering an,) j<-1 work ol ever)
description done j.rornpt'y ami leasonaWy
fAnerally on hand and until the first
t>( N'oveudser will sold a'
Cost. J F SLAI Oim.R At
Uni ver.sity
Series of School Books
~Tbe rtiml gk-rj pw/ple \rm tt.
The B*r!*-* CotmigU cf
Rsader*. Bp-!l*r. Grammar* sa<l C, 8,
tlMorj, Vmabi* • V '. f.- l-i - , Vvj rj $ ( ***\
fc-ea. (MtSstsiee-vv's Laud brK, kr he.
Bo* 87fi Atlanta, Gs.
Prank Jwa and John Harris me pre
pared to do aii kinds of wood and black
smith work neatly and with dispatch. huop.
opoaite the residence ol Col. Harris. Ai
work cheap and aalisfactioo guaranteed,
jaolo i a
$2 00 • year in advance.
WtTm vr a P.tR.M.i.EL.-~TlH? Ar. and j
or Dr. J Rntdftel.i's female R.*antstnr K j
Itey >ml precedent in the annals ot (aipct'ar
I .-me, (ie* Orders eosne in <> thick and j
Ms’ Rjal the Proprietor has. heiel dore
been unalde to #’.i {hem all. fie U happy
to state that arranttement* are now oon.plci.
by which be l prepared In man.ifictnre
Female Regulator on a scale erptai to thr
emergency, and the public may feel assured
that their wants mrv -t* -he —
Phys cians. of high repute are using th,-
ervat rented?, in daily practice, all nvr
tleorgia. Rc-realler no woman tie and sutlei
sit'pioed. Suspended ,r irngula
nieuatm-lion This. vaUia*>l* me-dcinr o
tireparssl by I. H RradfVei l. Druggist
Atlanta, (I*. . and sold al o'* per bouTt-
Uy ies|.lhie druggists thronghtin
Hy File is l.ikc a Sntniaer Uowy
The pswtry by R It ite. i ining
; -My i le is like ilie summer roae,” is uii
i tersa’dy admin and and frequently found it.
: the periodui of the day. His politic* ar<
! h-iytii ten, his lifa ol Tasso euctuniters tin
shelves b, Asellers, this gent j
I rtcogßis, ,! as trtie pwtiy, even iu faull
1 lindintf England. jHAkiM *#. fittlßAWt hi? i
name in literary imniorlality.
It is ti.-U however, so well known Hist h
i.idy ol BaTl.inote met the diriiitguiahetl
ailvocale to thet'ourt o! Muses, and replied
Min lunch I ivm and equal beauty. A
he atm za> ol each arc uAi found in cm
tieethut, it is | i.ipo>ed to give tltoae ol
j Wiki separately, and in a simitar tjay tbr
' lady's answer in. reply ;
My life is like the summer lose
That opens l>, the morning sky,
tint ete the shades ot evening close
la seal,ied ott the ground to die.
. Yet on Ilu, luse's linmlile lasl
The sweetest dews ol night arc shed,
As if sliewepfsaclt W Its tv* to see ,
-ttrt it on i shall tv, rpra tear tor mo.
i Aitr.
ITIC dew* (if nijfli! <nay fall lit,tu 1K :,\ r; 1
tip,in The uTitr* red i se's"'lie.?,
And liie teats <d loud M-grcl be given
In iit"*irn tnr vtrtnrs - r.t the dear!
A ■ t nun long s sun the dews w ill m y,
And teais will lade from SUIT > a a I y C,
And even love forgt t lo W’rep
Mi life Is like the auliimu leal
Ilia'. Hem bit's in the moon’s pa 0 ray
lts'hold I trail, Its date Is brief,
Rest less and soon to pass away,
Yet ete Ihul file si all fall and lade,
Tim j an ul lice tlnill inoiini its sltadu :
The wind bewail tin leullless tree.
Rut to ne sludl litcallte a aigli l< f me,
The tree ntuy tnouin iu talh n leaf,
And autumn's winds Itetsaii it* bloom,
And It lend* tny heave a sigh of grief,
() t-r thosa who shiert w lililn the tomb,
Y*t aooo will spring renew the flowers,
And tTute will bring more eiuiTlug hour*;
lu Ittendshlp’s heaii all grief will die,
And even love forget to sigh.
Have led Du Tampa's desert strand
-1 ,-toou aa the i I-uig tMle shall heat.
All tract, shall vimLb front the sand.
I Yet, tl gti ving to t.lf-ten
' Ali viatigeol the human rows
LUieJluit_ioi.c jtluuo, loud inuinino.lii- sna ;
i IK.I none alas ! shall mourn lot me.
I t k-m may on the desert shore
Luiu'-ut eauli trace it hears away ;
I in- lonely heart iu griel tnay pour
O’er chin hod fiM-ndstiiji's lat de/ay.
Yet whi n all dock is lost ami gone,
Ihe wav, dsiire bright and gaily on ;
ITttiS ...on u ft.efiou's iioiids ate tom,
Ami evi i. uive forgets to rnouin.
The grole-que and the arabesque ocea
hiumiiiy mingles in with court proc ed
mg* ;
•leiry, a kedthe .Solicitor, where was this
. flen*< <
Hah! *> * tlm ifitelllgent aud intelligible
j reply-
In whst county were these opf rub ou*
•words spoken?
Well I dedar, *aid Jerry Dawson, with i
n exceeiiin-ly puzzled expression, I deelur
I disremembuis.
“Ihjn't juju know what county y-n live
i or
O’tainly I doe*, will) an injured air, I
live* in Hal onion.
Kaouit-ou is the town; I want to know the
e/nin'y. * *
<>b, brigbteeing up 1 know now; I Uvea io
Oeorgy. Dat's to, a itli a sigh of sal’afac-
U.ic, I live* in Dj<rrgy.
Oeorgia is not a o<>uuiy either; do ycu
lire in Jasper? *
“ No, sir j I -tole you I lives in Georgy.
“And I told y>u tbat Georgia is not a
county. Do you live in Morgan, Greene,
Baldwin—what county do you live in?
No, air, no, sir. Dai's a fact, conternpla
| lively. I Uvea in PaUnun. Dal's so—l
J live* in Potman.
The surgeon* say Ibey can plough
i through the f!e*h of a person with a white-
I hot iron without causing pain. If you
don't heiieve is, try it—on a surgeon.
A Rhode Island cow tore a woman’s
mouth clear around to her ear, and her boa
hand at once ran away. lie said it is use
less to think ot contending with a woman
who was aii mouth.
The Horn of the Dilemma for Tyndall
The Matterhorn.
[From the New <*r?ea-t Btil t UnJ i
A Uwt-I at Four I’eet.
In tt*B7 C ilouel I>,iv!l. a catididate for
the Scttaie in one of ilte upper senatorial
district* of Mississippi, became involved in
t persemat alt it? with young Ciuini.Tgtiani,
>f >he lamous. fighitttg t'ooidnghani, ol
North Carolina. Cunningham was not
: weiity-one. lie was a stnalj. hmidsoltu
youth, with long tlaxen hair, bright blue
yes ami vi ry ainiuh'-, gentle manner*,
•tU •>! most dauntless d'leitninatnnt and
co* 1 c* >u i age.
Cuntiingh uii had ohalfenged D tvall, who
had ’ ltduu, ani* was u naided as an
adept in the duello. Duvall, in n spirit
which war considered as bordering r>n brag
gad.K-io, McCepted tint chalhuge, but
scribed the lentis l!.at limy shouUl fight
wilt pistols lour led oil. lie tvidenl'y
in istook bis-armpA tTrTnTagpied su it terms
would be icje.-ied by Cnntringham. The
parties tnel oppisite" Vickslnirg. An tin -
oWnse concourse assembled to w itness the
Iftir. .The bojish t uni inghaut excited
universal sympithy, nimgied with pity and
• sdmttalmtt, vrneu he appeared i-.r the- tirtii
lie looked younger and more o iyidi than
{ lie lewlly was,
There was a serious design on the part ol
the spectator, hi in ter ft re and prevent the
light hat ween a lull grow it man and a mere
may. Nut fuml!!: lnutj-aoii Ins lliendi, !)>'
ilutr delemtinvd eonducl, prcveiiteil uii
such iuterteience The parties were soon
stationed at ilmir'pWe* j ml fom'fe -1 iiparl,
! by cxiul men-utenicnt. Ciuilttiiglinui lived
his eye upon Ills si luge,ni-1 with that pe
iit i 111 V gcitllo smile Chal'ai lei is) ic ol him
Duval!, ftiough doubtless a brave titan,
could not lull fool and nuillfe-n snntu uer
viHisncoa on Ilte oeca-totp, as he pre-
M tlbiil the pm'ious and ilesperiyle tnrmaon
winch the combat was to bed Icrmitted.
‘AtlmUoii !' wit'called, and the p.oT'os
dee!afiug they weie ready, the word- Wits
' jftv. tr, imd-botU tUciLal. too Word 'oiie.'---
1 , V 111 led, sin if 'lt'mMlgh thr heart.- Cun
i ciiig'iam iood c'<tolly In Ills phu'c, flii'OYlti
1. I An HivoltmfH*y ‘ititHah 1‘ atarsc front
iTic pcculor.s ut the issue oKaTT af! tit which i ..ii -('.-f-TtreTl lecitug* so wartnly In
Ia hdl ol Urn youiio. Ifavitl id this coiiibit.
Cuntiriigh ttti was an amiable, pleasntij
gijulhman. and rarely ttecamn iuvo ved lu
iptatiel* 11 it on .inn occasion In- display
ed Ins Cuinaeti,l istic delailßlliallou ill II
mniioei that gave great salirtarlion lo the
lotiki ts-on lie was the seemd ol a young
lawyer ol New Ut leans, who want out to
give satisfaction to another young lawyer,
wrtio —had tii'cir lnsutn-d tiy trts 'Kaructl
brother. ’
lu older lo obtain the use ul duelling
pistol* ol a certain Motori-ns o called
righting man iu the city, whr/ had a groat
tasui lor mult affair*, It was necessary to
take Holi*iHl with l)i* pilgols a* * *ort ol
•tiporuutnerary second. A< . onlhtgly Cun
tiliigliHin, with lit* principal, and Rohgyill
ud THs ’saW haSTlhsM,* proei‘<ted to Ihe
Metairie Cuurte, where the meeting was
The parlies were stationed, the word was
given, ami Lbty fKed wilimut cHcct. A
parley wh lied,arid the challenging parly
dtala-ing the i *cdvr* sails tie I, Ctl lining liatn
ill c.aii se Ibr 111* ll ieitd acquit seed in the
term iit at loti ol the affair. Tneicitpon, Doha
dll, who had been much disappointed at
(tin h'oodh sK restilt, declared lltal his pistol
never in hit'..' iidsae.) ; that this was mete
child's play, and that whet) ,Jnti'des did
lake Urn Ituubie to come out br A.rlit, he
llced to ree something doIJO.
‘ Veil,' responded Cunningham, *il you
are so anxious to see a little blood shed i
Wld take gf. al pleasure in aeeoianlodating
you, and in older to justiiv you in klioddiug
a little ol 'iiy blood. I take the liberty to
say clcit I eottshii-r you nciiward am' Muck
Robadll i?mmked Dial lie didn't come
there to light himself, hut to te e tire other*
fight, and slunk form Hie field, lie never
again ‘went on,’ either as pilneipal or j
second. Foor Cur it Ingham died in New I
•>ibans in 1874,01 coMi'iiuptiou.
| Genera! Perkin*, ol Kentucky, n ranting
I demagogue, was once canvu sing that Slate
j with Tom Man-hall in a hotly contested
j ' lection. He wan blasting one day that
his father wras a cooper, that ho didn't be
- to tin- kid-glove ar Istool .cy, etc. His
great fondness was for w hisky, "and the
more he drank tiie piotldcr he became ol
being tlie son of a cooper. Marshall, in
lepiyiug to one of Perkins’ wpetebea said,
"Peliow-citisene, "This mao's f.iiher may
have been a very good cooper, 1 don't deny
that, hut I do say, geatemen, that he put a
mighty poor head into a whisky hairel.”—■
There ate a good many of the General
Perkins tribe wtUI living—some ol them in
Georgia. Hot that old slung about “the
kid-glove aristocracy” is alrut played out.
It don't materialize half so wcil aa it once
By a statue law of Pennsylvania every
laborer or mechanic has a perpetual ih-n
upon the property of bis employers for hi*
wages. This lien is superior to all moil
gages. The inconvenience of the law has
proved so great that the Legislature had to
be petioned to amend it so that the- Ik-u
shall not he an ind* flits one; butshail only
take efleet npon filing of a statement claim
ing the same.
Why did she torn her ba> k on yon young
man ? Innocent child ! She wished to make
an exhibition ot her new overskirt. ‘
Balloons might be need by policemen
for taking people up !
Mitititiy I.l*lll lt*r.
Apropos, ol a recent at licit-m tits rev.
InO'n in the Kathtr trade caused by th
cxceudvr dimun i for the ( .isucs grades ot
leal Iter in the mark t to an th.
stivks are cxhan-4cd not only bul tin- price
are run up very high. Our deader
arc ftiicd with the bc-i ipuij ifs whu liar
almost wtsalaWc, nnw comes Hie t'im.m
eatti Enquirer aid tells what is done with
lit is poor leather. I sa.s \Vt a:c ini tin
scl that c-nac-s of men's h*t.ia ace s*dd 1. Ml t
Atantly at less than jis pgr cn.-c. Th i
whole secret of the in it ei is dial the slim I
mannUclurers ol M ,-s.ichtt>< Its have a. j
most ceased to use leather iu the iiinnuia.
me >( shoe.) tor the W. -tcr i tia.i* Fm
sole* a apecic* nf composition u rmed le.itli
tu board, Itaidly di*.ingtiislietl from du
getttiinu article, but sctu tii> co upo.x and ol a
mtxtuce rd jcwdi rrii tmthcr ai d—inncilHge
pressed Into sheets by a htd-Aiitic press
att<d a Hit i couiu, of spit!
calfskin, is alm .st-tutiver.T.ce u ed. Oi
cottr* , a* soon as thveenor wears out, 11.<
-ole to J>la;<s vety rapidly, cspia-iallj
iu wkL weatbef: -Ffch etittf ts very httgrfv
used and sold in Cincinnatik and costa on..
Iy from nine to M\t<vn cents, while, good
sole leather costs liiiin forty to liny ecu la
This stiffening used in flic matin fuel nre ol
Ihese booU h nothing mote limn pasteboard
and—the boat is <Mcau.i|.aniily rwnla!c4
shapeless by tlm fltl ihoiottgli tvelli..g
For the uppers split calfskin is used, with
the grain Stillacc on 'he inside, so its lo
deceive, citato nors. This miserable male
rial, of course, affords the wearer no pro
tection against w ater, bul Ilia fraud is so
cleverly effected iu the ttvanofaolute flint
even experienced shoemakers are often de
evav-A M 'Yue e.>st l a pan
••l M it- call kin ill, iu lliOsc leather shod
ily inamifaclincis isahotii |t 50, aid hoots
i heavier ie tflH-r, only $2. The s tint tit
ladies' ‘tine shoes are generally made of tin
i abomination known ns leather in-ard, while
Ute ttpytcfj^ljistes.l of made ol good
gosiHkiir or Kfi-gvish arc iiormed. oi
worthies* *hrt!pxkln nr Itad Cftllou tsiolli.
TTte h)aimTifclim..|'* c ist of n pair ol wo
i man's leather shoes is live cent*, and a pan
ol clolli rimes Is forty live cenljL
Tin’ll Mini Now.
The Radical papers In tlm North, and
particularly thu Washington Cli onlclu, an
trying to mako capital lor Hiuir party by
giving CUt tllHl linn. Jellel'Hhi Dtvitt hi s
|K>saibU caudi-iatu lot the piusidimuy. Its
praise* of Mi. Davis, we Ibid sure, rru not
- ttlo
In contradiction of Hi* old cry that Mr.
Davis was an Imbued* and a traitor, llm
Lhroittilfl now say* : ’ll* ability a* an
executive oflleer and a* Hooslor, MO mm
*wl*ia w-*.’4* a *e*t, ”l 4t.
pang*. Hi* putsoHul hitegihy, and hi*
honest belief la lue ih'hi of me several
Htates to secede troth the Oof in. *# iliink
wdft not be dlspu' cd —in Pit*' he had -tlm
support ol niiarly all ol the Democratic
leadets Houtli, and a large in J ail. ofiho*'
of llm North." These compliments are
too tliin, ami th* nllwiibi .tl.l el of I Im-i
publics'lon so apparent, that wo scaicdy
think Hodlliein newspapers will tall into
■he snau:—Tue s<iggoti'na I- -i. “'gio -i a. ■>
j fliebrand ill the ranks ol the Democracy,
j and to Unit again *hu shaliered lauks ol
i Repulilleanism. We om afford to w ait
i w'lmn wu have nothing tangibly t.< ex,.u a
iu-I,lie conUist.
<)ii Monday fliorinng last as we lode to
j our office, wak and <ii*ahlcd4froni a 11 vi
| weeks' spell of sickness, and scarcely a'ih
to leave our* room, we were aUacked liv
! Khaneellor H. R Ware, the recent aproiu
j tee of the fpoon thief's .ion lu law, who
S was lying iu wait for us at the post office,
uldiol Ur Ut* temhi War *Vl*te i-nl irety ttn
i armed and very feeble, and so infurtm and
i him. wliun, after various threats and im
! prcealbms, he walked away to lx: congratu
j lan dby his Radical friends. We went to
our office, procured shot gun and wrote ,
him a cote to the effect that he had made a
cowaroiy and unprovoked attack upon ns,!
and that within fivo minutes lioin lie linn
the note was delivered to him we would lie
on tlm stieet prepared lor him Wu tok
out stand on llie corner b- neatli our olli e,
and lie ftooa etr.elged from the court house
with a rifle, but Instead of coming directly
toward us lie crossed to Ihe Richardaon
corner, where the street was crowded with
people. At tills uiom- nt the Mayor came
down from his office, when someone In
formed him of the approaching hos'iiitics.
ami he ran up and unesKni Waix:, and sent
a coostabie alter u*. We wen both fined
pieliy heavily, and there the matter rests
at present—(Brandon, Miss, Republican
The Chicigo Tiibuue (Hud.) says the
charge of Judge Emmons on the civt;
rights act will if<it fail trr attract the atten
tion of the country, adding: “Judge
Kuimous is not a (southern man. He ha*
lived all his life in Michigan, and in tin
selection of eminent lawyer* to be circuit
judge* under the act ol 1871 lie ws ap-
I pointed la-cause of hi* high s'andmg and
j k-.iiniug a* a lawyer. He ha* never been a
Democrat; ws* origualiy a Whig, and has
hten a Itepuhiican since the p rty was es
tablished-more than twenty years ago ”
Irwinton personal : George bun* or Ale*
Menard, one or the oilier, or both, we forget
winch, were diacuiwing the DU; storm the
other (lay with some friends and told ib'-in
that one mao near Cdiuaii had Iris we >
curb drawn nut ot his well and the well to
badly twisted that be couldn't get a bucket
down K. The foregoing is from the South
at Let, ,
itwr riiitu.i.iYti Aitvrvr
.4 I'.tli* of Old Viigiiuit
It was alsnil Ihc year tSit.s, that I sett let
n Virginia, near the ftrlis of oc Khm ah.i |
Tile t-otitpry. at theliilHL Was di mtbiukaa*
vildutm ax Rot few se dements had been j
made by Ilte wltkes, and they were so I ,i |
. art as lo render vain all hopes of a.-i- j
t tnee in ntscnt .it ck Ir. 11l ho-rtl IiaTBSTiTr
nnmhir- id whom .still nth-sled the neigh j
I). O ho ul.
I lived this’ alone w ith mv wife lot ;
sevotal motidts numolc, irtid tiy cl,nt o! |
petsevetenee, then young an I baldly ha
vut l-eedeil in 111 iking <1 lilt) i clcnfiog in lilt
(oust, which 1 planus! with c m, an-,
whi.h ptoini’s.d ait ;.!islule.-i! yS and
O a- mom nig litter well i I di>, at. fed oil
mimh e meat, and jost pfqpartrd to veulure
to-111 upon my ata ttslomotl Miotineot latior,
my attention was luiot at lv tlm tinkling
j "Ia con lie'll in the con ft Id.
Tit etas* 11 ' 1 my wife, the cow it ttt tb
corn Haiti .
Hue tlm ear of the litcksrreTrr|<m in be
comes by ShlHcafi-ut very arttte, cspcelarty
so from the fact tliAt his safety often de
pends upon the- nice cultivation of that
sense. 1 was not so eas ty deceived 1
rlisfnnwt. Tim srmtirl w'.is repeated, Trntt,
sand I 1, i t reply lo iny wife's remaik, was
not Ute tinkle of a bell upon the neck -of a
aaawq.Ult. a decoy If.. 11) Some Indian, W-U--
wishes to draw me into amln.-sh.
llcieving this to be ihe case, 1 look down
my old ntuaket and seeing dial it was pro
pedy loaded, 1 stole emdoudy around llm
il 'ld towards Hie spot from which the
i&Uud seemed lo proee.-if.
As I anapecied, thuru lu a clump ol bush
ea, was crouched an Indian, Waking lor me
lo appear lu answer to his decoy bull, that
he might send a I lul tiUilel lo my heart. 1
approached without die ov.lrinj myself lo
him. mutt wttilu shooting distance, thau
-raUed my, piecu and fifed. The btrUei Ajmii
true to iu mark-, an 1 an in li m fell dea 1
N-'t knowing but that he might be an
compauied try other*, l returned with all
pin-ddo 4btr cobH, and hnving-ffrmiy b trri
ended the door, I watched all day for flic
companions ul die Indian I tiad killed
To add to llm danger end seeming helpless
ness ol my situation, l discovered' that i
itad but one shot letr, ami It attacked by
uumb'-rs, L should be entirely hi Hmlr pow
cr. D.'lcrmiiifed to do tile best With the
e.ha ge ol p>wv(ler, l put it iulo the musket,
aTid iTieo watwdAirlifiu upiTrdaoirof nlglit,
feeling ante of an sit*ck
Night came ut last. A Iteautifitl moon
light It was too, am! favored me greatly, rw
I wniltd tticreliy tie aide to tdiscivu the
mevemrttUirrt* rne enemy i ule j
cl tire Airthhi,-
It was soirit! two liotirs after nightfall,
and yet 1 had iiukhet imanl nor seen a aiy.i
of Imtbru*. wln'ti •uddr’iily i was startled
by the bayiiig of my dug at the stuhle.
j T'.ic stuhlc *lood a Pile to lljc west id' the
i caidit, mid between llm two wan a patch ol
which she kgitt ol the
moon h'll uiiolmliitcP and. .iu lgiog hour dm
noise at Ihc iftahle Hint they would, advance
Ini n that din clink, 1 p sltld my*' II at Me
p-H ' 111. I dl • t Idc 1)1 Ihe ' u'l 11.
1 hud prewou Iy pled mv wile on do
cross—pole In die c.hliitimv. so *li .1 in e. isc
our enmnln* cll.-eierl wn enirainu) Into our
c ihilt, she might climV out through llm
lower I'lnuilmv and effect lief escape. For |
myself I cnlcrlain. and no hope; bu* d* leim j
no and iml to be lain li alive, and l" sell m>
life dearly. • *
With brcuthlra”. tt'ix'.ety I waited ul dm
porthole. As leu th I saw than emerge
dr*>ln Tire stiadoW of ihc stable, aiid iulVam e
aeroMs lire open ground towards my-' ealiiu.
jifie -two -Ilu< e; glen' heaven I six slul
; sari Indians urmed to dm ledli, and urged
| mi liy dm hope ol icveuge, and f alouii lo
| op,iosii them, wilh oiji! charge of powder
!My case was desperate, indu'd. Willi
I <f~rß*k and stealthy step*, In otose, dnglt
| tile, they approached, and w. ro already
wiihln a few yards of the lio ise, when a
slight change in the movement ol tlm for
waul Indian changed the (Kialtl m of llm
six, so that a poriioii of the left aideufuu. il
wa* uncovered.
There In ranye, One aim woo'd cover all,
H lick as thoii 'lu 1 ; nlrrtfeft nod fi>ed. As
the *!■■ k cleared nwsy f could hatdly
credit whet'tny sciHmi “bowed me as tlm
result ed niy shot. The fHleeu sing* with
wldcti I had loaded the muskift, Itad done
work well, five of lire six Indians lay dead
upon the ground, and the sixth had and *p
Although no enemies Were now in sight
l did not venture forth until morning.
Them lay tb‘) bodies of the five Indian*
undWlurbed, together with the rifle of the
other. Securing the arms ad ummunl'tori
of the fallen ludi.m* I follow ! up the trill
of the rniwdog one until I reached tffe rivei
lieypml which point 1 vuld discover noth
log. From the amount <>| blood -which
marked hi* trail, logi flier with jnmistaka
hle evidence that lie picked hi* way with
diTcdty, I a< lel to believe tiiat lie was
mortally wounded and in order to prevent
Ills body tailing into lint bauds of the white
Uw.-s, he bid groped his way to the river,
and thrown himself in the current which
bad borne it away.
The Indiana Its I kl’V'd my cow, and that,
yon may bu oo e-J, Was iiu trifling, lou,
yet in iny gratitude for my -*-a;x- from the
merciless sarages, l would have tnadcgr at
sacrificet. I was well prorilletl by mean*
• vf arms and ammunition taken from the
fix iiMMu*, in case of a second ailin'!:, tmt
thi*, lorlanaU'ly, provcil lo be rn-y last ad
venjuir wifli il.'F r-irv'e-es
Not one o! rite hassl Iwo*esc•s'JWsif fc tc*f
Hie Ihlo, and incite hef fimiirwa lo reveu,#
the dealh ol his contra lea.
"All I" ev 'aiined t|re ~l<t nxan White fhtf
" a's gushed J) ouLhls eves, at llic mauiofy
ol Him event lul night, that was a glortourr
slifit I lie be-t 1 ever made!
Wiislt’ at TiutlM'r,
.VI hough F ini la i- slid |. |) ihe la“<t
tiiiilureil S! ile i* | el i nil, lb- rc la'ing ii?
U over ilitrirmillion ad-es <H tlmlar land,
mI il s .mi 1 m in* •! pfcvcnlinir Hie i|sele*(*
as'c an 1 i V,strue in i of vain Pile lenlier isr
no! si.oii di-coverc I, I: is not iiu, robable
licit in a ten year* Hie Scale will Icse the
* si r. vi hues derived Irmn' this anjen- r
rwi. e, sml so m tuH' S inuch oliTli.i, tlm
c.iltla nuigers burn over miles and niies nt
li ie timber lan ', dcsiroyUrg iii.iidceds oi
liotisandT of large, valuab u trees,-in ordur
that Hie young iin l. rgni vtti iniy spring
u:i tresli and gr.-eii to supply pas’uragc lof
-HvedcbertK Tijir wn*te at the *vr mlttsi,
too, is ininmiise- If uu.Te.fs of thousand*
’f leet "l wli U imuiy peop u North wouhf
consider fiir lumber,and ihousind* lieghwl
io gel for fuel, ire bat tied every year mere
ly lieenns'! it Is iu thu way. lE* world n-d
I'rclor lu lie nee Iy, who would discuvur
some meinji by which this waste could b*
I iiiotiiahly mi i/,.-d and In- unrolled ir ftw4
lo Ihe suff ring pool in Hie N rih. Tala’
wholesiilc desltii' li >n of tiinuer must even*
itmlly slfeof Uni clioiain and the heath of
Hie Hi ale, Hie principal, nay almost the
only allrm iioiih Hie Hi**e hn lor tlie whr
uu lorn t T mid the iutwf* V,.. .■■Adaeitiff iteg*.
oldest inhabkeut te'ls you that them never
us. and to bu such sudden and great change*
of temperature; such cold annptyltmt JiU h
long speils ol bad wuuiher were uucom
moo I have sect. Hie thermometer hilf
liom fell t* ilh degree- iu rtlleen tnlntitea,
and haveicvearl Hines this winter noted m
ehang-' ol| iivlive degree# in- IniV'
hour*, but 1 don't ncitevo thll WH t? HfiCrty '
.vi. According go tlm old.spauiiti record
. kept at Ht Ac guLio lof onn huuureil l
year*, the tenipnriWure there dUVIng that
period wm an avciage-d little over <K>
ryiMKb Wmsl-KIIS Ul’lNloN l* NkWs*
i'Ai’hUß —Small 1* ilia sum (hat ti required!
*o pntronizi) a newpsper, and amply re
wauled I* Ha p ill on. I* care not how hum
Ij'f 4 * j uuurijicudtnff the? unxiitto whUih
take*. Ii I* next too impo**ihl" to till a
\ieoi wHh printed nvifier, wltlmmf putting
Into Ii aomethlng Hi Worth the sub'
su-ipHon price. Kvmy pa runt whoMHn U
awuy innn home at iiOhoo*, h<)uil supply
him a nhws paper. I wail remminer wnat
a marked difference thuru waa between
ili - iso of my schoolmates who bad, and
those who had no access fo ueWspapers.
Othci tilings Icing equal, tlm first wuro
always decidedly Hiperloi to Hio last in du
hale, sum push lon and general intelligenew.
Mh ■Tkvf'KH-vcw- D-vi* 1 TmHVfr; -ro*
lontt Mi >ciiKt>. Thu 1100, Ji ff rson 1/a
via, who Is oi a vlsit liNe v sent
llm following lelegnm to a mceiing held
i. 7' mplil • '".'iin , to tqmm regret fH tlw
death ul .1 "in Vinclml, the IrUli ptl ioi,
L'li ihlc to he wnh you, I sefid my In a i
felt syoipalhy In you piopokei)' tribii'e lo
patriot hi J devotee of diierty, J' ilim Milch
| el. Tug' thi rwn sbuggled for Bt ltS) rights,
I lor Urn supremaey of tlm constß’ifrcn*, foV
o iioiunby iuiicpi n li'ocn, anif, After dulcaf
acre IfliprDoued logeilier A* my friend,
I noiim for hi ii, and iegret his duilti as a
lu*s lo mankind.
T ilt- i .triit-1-s t'li'i'i
Ai rehearsal for a HabbaHi sislioj! cn
ii lulnumut some Amo smee a lit*le five-'
years old li sale was placed upon thu p at
lortn to iceiiu’n shot poem, ‘he com
ineiiced bravely, Inil her cyis wandered aIV
arouml Hie church, gai'icilug more and
mole of itl-upp. lutnmiil iii ihe luce. H<)on
the lips-lagan Mi quiver, and the little hirirl
ahmik w i'll sot’s,. Her Ifethur svepped from
Iwhluil a pillar, from wheiiCO ho had b uii
ivatehing her, and taking her into hi* anus
said: <
“Why, darling, vrhat Is thu matter ? 1
thou/lit my little girl knew tint vuro**s
“Hii I Jo, pijiu; but 1 cotil 1 not see you.
Let me st oid wlie.e l can l<a>k riaht Into
your face, p*pa, 1 won't lie afraid.
And is it nut so witii our Heaveily Ftlt
Ui's children? We stand t opiltun whuie
we cjnuut.look into hi* lace. Dailing sins,
and our pride, hku pillars, rise up between
n ami god, and disappointment and tears
an; out* until, casting these beliilM! 1 u, 'w* !
stand iu the light ot our K.ittiur's face.
There arc iweoty-oou cauUidatu* lor the
repulnican noiiiinailon lor iu th*
Dl M •* schi’eiis dts-rfet, without uoiiiiling.
Uuu. ii iVler. The dim <te of New Bedford'
seems equally adapted lothe pr >d'juli<m off
•taieauieu and c ams.
Thine are l * t ewli* lor H'.'ialor ISaniffn’
to step io the JcuK with a lew remark*-
about dial y“.*iage law. lie aaid lie knew
all ahuut il w lieu it passed. U he •i!M
holds lo that pu-iti iu, tue trest luing ve twin
<lO I* t,ek)p silent lour years, a Michigan
lovei finally,pop;<l the q i.-*li <.i, and mv
£iri auswerd, tit course, I'd have you. Wuy
you fool, you, we could have ooed mariiesA
three yeirs ago.
KO \