The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, April 09, 1875, Image 2
TIIE VINDICATOR. “ Vk. Ttlu VI !.1.. E '!'■ .r .-ind-pror •• V t'T GREENVILLE FKIDaV a !> l-." * '' HURRAH FoK THE (t > • '•- ti'tl i>Biio ;HA( and :: llm> HttllUCK HCilf. The dfnoitche* rtri'-oonre the d*-!"*t *1 the ilepnW'rwi h. ' imu* ■ I v (Demoertt) to e’.eeted G-vcmw I'"''” critic C>ni?.r**m*n ate "'•■* " I l ff/ " first, *ee'ivl and fo. Hi -’M-'v in •'. the representation in • g"’” : > ' '>' err.ii an lon ■ Rop .h : UM E 1 ' .1 ood ne J)(ui;o( fit atid ttifi'c 1- ' The Rid* iiivu; .i -ll # ,l C ' ' 1 beaten. OM Hem Btr.f he* i<*-n r. ti'iv : ■ • 1’ >• II inter at Ail r*t, m The lake! uew* Intiest" tint If* n HM will lie nominated f'f (’>ngr‘>a In ti.■ Btti'b diaiiet. f ‘ From Wi ertide . : Uf.i.<-l Ito-n the nne Deb Ativertlvr ami t >fr.l■ 1 In ati column, it appear* lkal ’ •** • •' '■■ ■'• baa been pilftl l inn"**'! u j <■' ■ ’■ T -r, ■ n a J idg in W* in.itim. Ti.ii ] '• ‘ •aid Pi las a man of ablhty, and '■ p pointed to ( ffb* |*y * radii al pmi l. • t |i will fa) remembered that M l. <; t -rjieni*r, tbe * bleat lawyer pi the noli' >1 >* o 1 pronounced tld* hill inm.ii Ouji I'-iml viTrn It waa on lie ptasage- !>•. ■H-ai Gra t woundcra what noil will Him up to <frs. ~~turihe harmony ol lb'. 1 -great ri,-i P*riy. _ Kirea aueeeert etirli oilier In Atlanta with aurprUlrig rapidity A. Ihli city d-t nothing by halve* we may <• (><•' I *1 to Vji *jt *_Utuiicii'lona fim in '•••'• ' Itouac. and the burning ol' 'll# i' firemen or a acorc of policemen l>* for. the populace can puli them out. There la no such thing na a nngl I".. < burning In Atlantia Our trtend, J. T. John*-n, hd tl * n fortune trHrrac a yotu. ■ •>*, a 'lev oi I•' lgO UfO . ni*l fAliitiU ’ 41tefefbro*a her in ch - in*<nmru. Vmc Web*** not heat 40l any mw in tin. “f lclnlly fdltlng tnto rtitrhcr, Uil we know of Homo Inontuca In which men have had tbe atagger* )/ Orccnvlllc mill have ho > n Into dliehea too, wlllmot the lcnt Injury n< their neck*. really n "cow" Hmt foil into that lliimilion ditch. Brothel Uo'illy f W#MM by Tuesday’• mail Unit Alhmi i lfo>fci< HM MOthtr*Hrin ft the*., lira* •ontinnn a month or two longer, the city wHI har to rl*n the second time, "PlwdU Hki," from ita aahr*. An Atltinm Now* paregiiiiaiing coirca pondant look a run down tlio Atlanta A We*i point fUilrund '**♦ “' w - u “ * w ‘* that the | ample of Mel Ia c'hei ic hnylny more guano thin uaual, atnl tldih * a I'.rgi r area of cotton will be planted in Utwe..oMiy than laat year. Now, If tld* repoit tie true, •ueb a policy will caua* more dldm* tloiii •11 other cauaea combined. It I* high time - rur planter* wne bctwmmig aUim-itjL.JUiil| fact that men, women, cbildrt u, horae* and cuntiot eat cotton. On .igiaiia i aiuiot live hy cottou alone. Our people have token anew departure froln tho plan ol ) farming practical prior hi the war and Imvi followed that plan lor about leu J'i until It hti brought them to tho “ragged brink" ol atarvathm, and yet they are loth to give it up. Fmnklin nay* e*pt-rlem-i. keepa a dear rchool, but it ircnii Oeorgla farmers will not lea ii in tlmt. Mm h>i\g, wu fear, tbc flat will go forth, "in Ephraiiu alarm, be la Joined to hi* cotton idol."* While on thia aul j et \ye would repeat what we heard aaid yeaterday, viz : “It It- Doftoo late yet to plant corn.’’ Sleep on thia remaik, lurmcra of Meriwether, an I lli'a year lt yaur lainm Iks divided Into, com fli lds and eotlos pateAVi, and bi auri to have the palcliea *moll enmii/H. They bad a afti'lling match in A'lanlft laat week at which Hading edllora and ambit ion* lawyers “miased’' w orda Unit eMn brother Waterman, of the Keporter, I could h?c afH'llcd crrettly. We know aomc little Miaw a scarcely In in their lecna, j belonging to Prol. Wili ams’ school In , Greenville, that can 'Turn down” many ol j these Capital apellcra and not half try.— j Indeed, if the' .Constitution repon ol the ••Bee’He true, the timpirea Ihemaelve* were at fault more than once. Colonel Avery, j •f the llerald, proved that he waa it >t; famtttaa with bypeerfroa, as ho failed to •pelt hypoct iy. Election lor Oovcmor aid Congreasmen in lttiorlG laland took place last Wednes day. The State tny go l)*niocrtte. The other day a New York lady w'-nt to pay her respects to one of tlie latest arrivals on the list of babyhood, when the lolkming colloquy took place between her and the, little lour-year old sister ol the new comer. I have come for that boy now,said the Indy You cau’l have it was the reply. _ But 1. must: I came over on purpose, urged the visitor. “We can’t spare it at all,’ pets:*t_ <d the child, but I’ll get a piece of paf>er and yon can cut out a pattern. Mark Twain says that since he haa bo • come a Director in an accidental insurance company, the Hartford, "accidents have aeeuuicd a kindlier aspect. 1 lo>k upon a cripple now with affec'iooa’e interest, as •a advertisement To me there i* a rhai m about a railroad collision that is uospcakn ble A’man about to be bung said that of alitbeganwe of bis childheod. skipping the rope would be most agreeable. TSu- Siuitt' Ibiilcr Thi* \t-xi I’rvM.b . tl. : ;L: ti ni{rfT <J tie ’•:** ]’ •* ti, >: y ’ f n" O'-*’ t r j ' : **f ‘ */*'• / ‘ i h Th 4 f l v% ‘U*’ itoUtt&l. '| 14sW !*• io I- W'f-Jji* v> : t Iff' ,• y t’l rb j Li* r vb a i A Uu'U*® '•'/ •< - ! fjtJ* [U>w#t. T Afcfi* / < tit ' • <‘f * r*' { ‘ H* f i . ;*U x.u ..’i' Lliids ii! ' 1377. ** \.*r-n * *< <■ H • ■' ?:•% >■■!' t s<- \) tii t'l '1 u. I }-'• ’i? VC D- "11-r -t 11 -; 4 i , ivl !-T • i <U • : #fii J h'f n*f> •J# ?!•■:;/ ft it-Ain t > 'ft..*- < l .' ;> y *A U.t :>rf> '#;■! if:<; 'll; ; ; Aiil pr ,*■ ’ f)' tut,' ’Vi’Ty* nii\mvrr-Ti Ilf it t hfi tt[r ' j n,w xv.) *. t *t i - * m <-t > : tt-f bA* 1 ' if (. ' H* • i.> 9 A . ■’ " r ' ,• Mm ... • • M •/ ‘ :••■ 4 4•' ; A!; :>'•’/ < ' H>.•> ■* ’ 1 i ' 1 '■>' t\ ’ •*■!H ' .’■* •- I ‘ :fi 1 - ' 1 If ; * fA ' ' Af II Ml* fx'Hntz. I' i' t ■ t/. hf % : <*.*>'. f/ /• t (TT ntt’-* *•*:• -; l*i;t vm-. A iil t on* fill* 11 ,r *' I .t.f [) !};<r P . : Jiiilr:)' * T > !■ lift: 1 tUif 'W r ‘ - 5 ' %'• <r_ -?r : r *; Ui pfcr'j • t,i > t'c J{ ;> miv b' ♦* in U l *'. : ! | fih , ,n> , ,y ■ A *•! M''> i .ft> *' ■ /<( W * f r in i ‘/f I'wa, ’Vi ir'-'.j o'| ‘“AT/if >i II • ' S' it r. . i nrv* v'7 ,> Kd-i -i'i I K > ib s of ** <: f<A* ] j lift. 'I <‘i" <:< ‘;i n liOV? ru* • - | ibf‘ tpixfit fj (or # hi< it in oi-.< } silv *f<?. t • '|{ f *i>; ; ijfr . H ■ '> y *ti' /e { < ; M-} rT^TijbHTrift:.tTFJTJTtTT;rT,‘. •• i7'-7Tr-fT: r4;hyT I' 4 /' vTr 11 of *• A Jrtxfy, IsO|H- f jlillMti’, A < Offi of M jft-r .5 J > foil "r. • r, —i- I k j j f fV* - -o fist lit.*.' 1..'.- ■hi t i’.wß illlli JO Hi*' . 'n>.- , •! i >‘t*fj t fh'V ’ ' t.hll A J..if t I Wi’i! IfIFA-l If -i'U r '!< iJ.Iil Hot o-tJ If. t r*ii.v <jo 14.jvfii yiv“ *i ■ It— *~o * B /A r f Mf’ . „ - ?tr—j—*• • - I • ’-r tii r. i ’ i 111 ♦ iii-ii I*. ' > I.t <_hjt r* *ls 111 'lt*|ii.fml lb > it ■ , |<f i<fs( IKK’ fI lf- IJv H*tO V' i{ y 1 ' I li< Hi iffjif 4'lil*' *ti tnnir h-, h I t j iy <i)>> >|t ii i • if*, iff* *r #rf TiTTT*lnr ,l! -j.; I’W-ixi.. i M?iJiAiii [ ' j Ik,, J eel-a I* it ' It" I, v. ff." T' • V |ir,iiieii' iil It, p'll. " v, tii thr (cj’ifjfrv con I yii.!*, .1 ('oi.ret'C'lt-in tb' Il *cr• tn! h :*- iy, Biid Tn *pi *' b New liiyrn, iti'nb | on lj-I Frnlny r v ruing *.ii"; ”') In* vhlfre kliii ftl tin lii rie rnii.i i* t lent >*• i..l>i : mn 'i* nl ruling the n ' fitly, t/. I’,etc il,i M illtli ami !etfe It ri.imp'll ui the N.i'tli’ I cofislitutc timj'ilMj 'VVi It g.,eimMi!ld ib'Ai rSlMltll I||.;V I’ll'.)' Ill —-ti-i t-il I ) —a, V‘ ■ '-Aft. tl. : ia! vote* in the N' ltti, nful New Y -rk. i Co'ificctunt and Cnlln-in'i W' e jar' <to'ou.,li, with Jn:llnuii, Ni v Ictwy and Or 7Tr>TT to duht bftT-r F,\ Hpcftkei ii'alnn li > * not < I.' ■: hi' t! r mill mi tin* In l, but hfu di Iven ji in up i the newt. IUB ♦a'ViilUnl of ym Smith (* in n.n Inn,.;.■■!!■ i 1* til hgep nlorit. -nut -.vat. l, .'Vpnt*. U ' urn 'f' .’ng -t ii'rph nw r Ii 1” counted r power in the land, am! il VI bit not too rr 'v 'p tub into the vh-tt el e: lit Ii illia Iriiib l tlo* I im> W ill el'im- tt I cn Wi ! -may 111* able lin-!n*r,la Hl— lb.i j Inn* not Bp|M ftie.| kince. 1 ur giealtu il i tune. —,,■ ’,■** mm iit . L Ainnng the In en -t n * nln * to b ' vbi'i enrfti'isly n rought gAl.t wafeb once *w tit •! : by (irnrsrß Walton, and wotnjiy that "hi* j 1 1 patriot 'ii ”, in aitrnc 1 tin fir* ■ tar* 1101 lof o| Iri'lf*|Mioiluiiee, Ji v t I T 1(1 f In ell pli’uci veil il* an It" 1 1 n in in the VV a toll lailibv. find I* new Ol th" | *c*p-ion *>f M ailiitee < b-tiivia Wa't Ie V* rt.'lie gr* at griml'lni.. : t"f ol Gee."’ W*t ■ ■ A cut I-' ou* iiufibnt In co ii" ini v.ith the watch I* ion hin 'ly r*'.' *l***l- by Mine. I.e Veit “The w it* ll,’’ mid vhc, *' i“ an • \eel lent time piece, nml *n* made by tin- finer' tt III!,! nfoilctl rrps'r*. It was never known to; r-toj. rinninir but 0..e0. nml that n* at the dentil ol Mt- tleor. e Walton, ,J , tb*' m hetitor of the watch nt that lime Sit" d'e! at ( \actly 420 A. M, Toe watch vra* wotiml up a' S tim "venino brlerr, a* usual, i nml just * the lart (ftekering *patk ol iife- Itad fle.l, the watch had tensed to ru . Per Imp*,” idte lidded in a tremh im; v a e, "it may in tho same manner r*ror I the exact ; hour ol mv death." Another relic of the Wltn family to be exhibited at the ven tcnuial is tim lemnatjt* ot a porcelain tea ret used hy MtS-UeorgeW vlton t*r. nt a ten party given to the signer* of the Dxlara-; | tion of In lopendeuce on flic night cl the 4th July, 1770. * Tito i;tinins’ W|>>lliiig litiieli. The spelling school fever affected s tm of the gamins yesterday. They talked it up around Urn Post Office, and a dozen or more adjournc 1 to nn al.ey nttJl stood iu a i row white one of their number pronounced “out of his held.” “Dog,” “cat," “thiol,” I ‘ lemon,” and some other words had been got alongVitb, when the word “uiorocco" citne into the teacher's mind. The first ; boy spelled it “uiorc-rock o," nod ail the rest followed, and when the teashar filed his deiuumr they ran hint over a piieofbar telsand liit him with frozen potatoes, thus iuterrupti g toe harmony aud breaking up the school. One of the boys was afterward i heard saying: ! What's spellin' good lor, anyhow, unless a feiicr w i'jke to write jaietryJ— I Detroit Free press 7 Wa-iiisotos, M och chief ot the signal office has stmt one tv bis obstr - 1 vers t> Georgia to frivesugale and report I tip* u the r.ceot dcstiuctive tornado in laat ( state. (dood Bye ( tvil Bights, At Memphie. !*i wenfc* (A u, (j'i.Mtioo. by il>t- j‘iry,‘Judge Km mm*, it t.e r'rr-'-l r C*-irt", delsvere ! ... tie'.- *!••<; and i'xhaimJve charge It> t!*e g j ir. in reference tociv-l rights ife ~.d Voe s*k wbe her 'it %. a crime f. r r ih VHI have the right to' find an fodicttiici.' at a negro ban brWn —katef I*l . j yiaeut <jf scr^tnu:nodatioa*, advaatave* fifiti*-#. and p-jv egea ol theatres and P>: . tin cate. *e h . denial ie ws an of , .-mi* over w i.i' t, C mgree* cab g'-ve ti.t . -i a >r,e C"fltro!. f! . , v |><> t. nk tb< ft,*. Ire' aggrieve*! nr. bring 'it'it rivil action in tld* <“*••.r* • ’ • -1..' A.av. dccisiua we n...y <!■>->■. , • I ■ : lit** It I ** 0"<-*lir t> J i!ge of ", t l,.left S'j'.-s < . !jp r ,ft lice'.. ( • „ ■ v -r. ue < In. "<n it js ■ . if I ' ~e tf# ,C v,e ** -i* r Hie amtiliita iuu t .* A ... •er H -.( Vttiund hie pr-desM-m* r i> ■..lf not jdve ■ -- —7 r iv: .■ ii i 1 *.. it —fa*iri ~ —? mi . ■ I to* j .- t... , and a j dye <,*i the i,n- Ii * 1... k ”.i k * In* .j. >i*n whew atade in rri: , ii,. li y.**ri-.) \,y % higfrel tritcii al !!■ . • • nay Ije dmitilv c.*.fidcnt of hi* .ii.i in. A-. ■l’-vr itnit..i- f ■_ j : ■nir . : furrfcd <t yeoeflß / *,M>e* a t.ii :hctU- ol the wf ilaelhaie. in J ■| iuik f i< it It .r Hi '*<.• ntoo'rtabt' p i l’.e Ui j 'tily nftlte atrea'a Btinn ~ M. I.'p. e •en 111 !i,<: ■ ..u ill ." , Li ■ L-. _ ■ e l'.t s i.i, lr'A >n ..'JYfiitre/ * ! *o'. . 1 '.lf in . '}. I !*■ (h. 'i t n . ■ , ft bis I, . ei: d.iHji rn io 'i.'" T.F’Sii'b —w '.’•lK —sever 1 ■i i ■ ,' ' v ii l s fuf ifpin afijr' full '> f j.iltdlf r-r and •* he fm Jrfiflfbht gut. tfi rr •. V. * ■ ft y in alinost IH-rleCt wr-ipuy 1 1 !••■ ! 11l i’e ti. won u dip tv tioi<i,al iiiig'i! ;i*a wiili'n 'en fut . *■ ' •* n w ■ i-i. v.. li*l -cl a .araac d.'Y. v ' : ! liiv?3 <' r * i .fo a i '/iiFsty, srf J tU*< ftctivt > i f. • t i J 4 f I Jtt'fOM|g rllfli! *T4 i*4nrt:** ' ! i If>ll4 F.fe? 'i y " ! V* F -:ji am : <!• * j.f ; |tf , sil#-I o * * tiaii'j t *i-> fli#’ / 4<* t; ’ ; ■"-*1 it *•■—*— -■ r. X ' U —jLfaffl it**'-' •' { | : * : - I lAfH It tb*/ k-t*. ii * M ’”4 ' I*4 ‘>sa J 4. hi ft f \ ”1' M : .1.. ; > ir~".v- njf' - ■ & ' o ally f * y in vlift r* r. ‘ ti.ipotu >.' *■ rU : * jdr bfy 07 rrorr—l.v tf ha ra rt wp** bil, r> i Mortter if it i. frig a* * W'i , ft " biiHp/.."!, be ui i >,e bdn i .very I .If ml •• j 'll *i *H t til a ’/'l' I : I{lt‘ 4O 11 i M lO' 'll.' urn* |l be entet* i rn.u'ft lentv ■-I I * li .tii|. n>l in liim, ti. Ii Iro iu-' 1 In'' I arre t' T- 1 .''liicvig %• rb"*. SI' 1 .'lilts —ft+s-v r ffo ahnii and lip|M"i Vi rnti "' . fttslt - f i 'tie I by a ■ 'lent, mi l net it on fie, be i* > l once i pick* ■! up lorjuavii. The di lid. :, am • pgrttruhtt BS Ui W and >b-T *e> ‘vr to wtl a j .lepii'y marshal t. c.nocrned. ari l tin gen* rail# atnfcff liwtg e*'wtry fyu At * hi' ‘ifild him more it *n .fw dm* a rt'io Tf a -fttvt iftn : e—:t; ■•,. ef . : 1. jho_ w gitß ‘-rt t ri>V* " F-r • idol Ua ■i ! ! . i , * . , tl el|. I Ic* ■ret J, *t! ift a ib- , y m r* b ' In (I!*g. 1 ' I i’.'if I", .1 Si, e ! ■>■ ii " r 1.." V ; they i io."iimk bfiTi 'er au >i "!• e , a...* | 'he i’lob**"! fir **inie ti-fi' t "I't TTi*ii tv 1!, i t.ittr-ii },i n-%i-—a forty I i’ *, tivtcli lem give t• • n any inf'-r j —A te: —h d*--i4——*—— H.i_ . r.tiJ ii a—l f ii , y .jt * went on *'n""tidv, Titr* *ime o.iitaki n,id' - !ol viry long *me i ;>• ..'i nt i p 1 ily <>' . I'tigiuei rs on l ie \ i Utie U-il, and they ere pul to n oj| it •!'■ il '! t tb I’" t-1 l t. l Jo',*. ."I lie s .. .arl I j In ii a l''V'v. mi lo tbc t’nMclj Shale* fluid Si y , !• . . V f*| <• it Pile putty a , Hni c tiose a steep* hid, and j tin n i rri'inl tl.r it li. M g|.i*f* de l in>l ti- j meet, lei a'l 'V' Ii ■. .'j \ The IktEUcrt tool It in to* their hwd> | it:, e i!.- 1 ntm . .-1., ,v :i cl f. r t!. I’fpres: purp<i-e of spying out hit!,]* n slid j hn!.e*, and I t tidy miles ito ’rid that Iti'l they to k up 'le ir S'ili*, bltcbed up their tram* at and madit tracks M •!*.* *( lie to didn’t slop tiulil they lsa<! p*it awhile county betwieu iluni't-lvcs and the tut chints For man in stotn clothct to t temp! so buy, b* g, Uirmw or steal s drink et Hi, Sky in that e entry i* sbiru' as r asi J hi 1 o obtain w ittt iu the gteat African desert. It is impo'ftible to find s man wlto has seen any within tbc last ftue years, them tw s iti-fled that Ivc is all Find he w ill have more oflercJ to him than ' U<! drink, in a yea*. f)n all ti ids’ day some Hartford wtg went Ict'crs to most of the members of the cler ical profession, inviting them, singly, to lie present at the United States Hotel to ut.ite a couple In marriage. Not dreaming n( a trick, and not kniwing that others had been iuVited, each clergyman who had re ceived a note went to the hotel at tbc ap pointed hour, and all found they had been made thevietims oi a practical joke. Il is said lint nine mini s ter% were there at ooe time. Wife whipping has become fashionable in Gwinnett county The Herald has no desire to aid ami abet family difficulties, but proposes to 'ti r a pemium chrotno to the first woman who will wallop her bus band. A Utile Girl only nine years old has travelled alone lrom Farmington, Mian, to Ssarspotl. Me., her only passport being a letter horn a Masonic lodge, sTaftng That her father was a mason and she an orphan. Asked how she got al ng she 'Everybody I met was a mason. Oath ol the Uiiicago'girl—- liuyguiu. THE (iIiAXGHIiS NEW CASH li <) O T SHOE AND f! A I STORE, •tU N l MIT ELL S**, tA vl’E i T. L BRICE HOUSE Jk CC THB LEADE D OK UjW i>Hi* E<. ‘TI T f H - ■> r ir: wfir; -* ” ‘ *d t. . . > ' .* •' t ‘u ' •’ - '.f M*rJk* f I>>t *!.#• > 'it! A 0 I fix’ f *+ •'*#!!** a-“ 4 -iijf i* >:>Jt .Il > *:.#’ J4F k <4 tv I-;'- v* . <* i t*’*, Trui k <* '.(5 fk'jvi li;,e v ?Lai -Aw Oil< 1-L.i -*-'M ►W.'h.. **Jh' £ ♦/? ll*.*'l#. >L>/vr )t’M> : -t ft* fr ■ *—<- ■ .. •*//i f >6 fhkX <o(r *c tv 'ftr* th ? 1 f All * w *.* ’* Jth: veti Mit UAH, Ai *** ur kk w :iv - 7: •‘gg V. ■ iy Oiaagera New Cash; T iLiUtidi >- ’ ’-ft*! *•<r * t v .’ - rtf*: *-t '/* l -A ~-yrr, . / A-nur ...1 . .at r LEATHER; <r t ■ *ll/ ni-' -# • ’I ta.rt I'• ' ’••> ■ *i3 *Ti. UfiMt '/■*/ ’’•••% ’ f A “a M *ii tj rtJf 44 i ‘* rr r r “*' t r '•’*' j r i*. 4)riw *J 1 >j *a > y w- r. ik. tut fo- * : I *s* foft . * >J •* K- ./at Tf>*v ‘tie ; I t •0 :t *4 i rt*. to) I %Vto# .* to 4 * ’ E > ! J 7 ■ —f —■ *tts r- • —- I. l. ukt -j; \ * ./ tli*-. AT *7 S >iiTti< rn Mm-tc v f|¥s f ■ i . i ■: t I-J tVI ■ j "< i . .*. l : VS’ ;-• ‘.i.1.:-’ ’X t. *•'*, ' i- -.i *1 ■ : r' HY\yf- ".-j MASON W. HAMLIN , () li (. A N S . Holouj*h A, Warren - ——=rr- : OIKi*\XS. l-ltu KA. - btr on, en, tin, ISA, 150, !M*o to SHEET MUSIC. AM, KINDS tiF Musiial Instruments. rr W•' tv*Y kfti f*-T rtofoh tGrh- ■' * rv t - ! Ui ti .A-1.! '.a L-t J '1 • ;r ■’ < Wrtl ja-4*.kA r.k at* *JkX. .J ni a * ! AW4 f>rjcfon*-lr* ;mM **: ill fr*v*F v dtontfc. Wan 1 --a*4 *!•* ■1 Ls \ I’lllld l U. < HEW A F iI.VHK, - "- k.-tbi-rg lt-uir fl .qiu- , A 1 !**"•, ti* , F. sn< r, . v ; ]¥■' Mr I’irwt offer* tii* ** t i m i tuning and repaH g Piaat**, Ltorve order* ,t the Mode S', i. ni FH! 111’*, * RKW t rm Yl! I V. L. HOPSON, EIRE AND LIRE IN‘SU.IIAN'( , 'K AGENT , lIQOANSVILLE, tJA., 'i O I *\v\ < ; t'd*'><{ to im? m/ in M^ri Wt2*.*f , •jr h* • Jo htTJ th: ir •rt'UPt* *£ *:H“t ?•’* or by T*> th* vv- toM-.k-Btr *n *. .b r 'h* '*XtY£t> ONUS” wy !<*•*< hrhiud I #bll bp toit rrc th. m with t U r rwcj ffcr AEABAMA GOLD UFK IN.ftl ItANCE COMPAN Y, or 301 o;b .T c>aip*uy of th ir kra fir Itx working direct Tj for the *ALAB\MA 6<>LD ,, i*i dt-foirt* bit tii*nds lo “Jioe rae.‘* I tra and *r ii choice Fertuwn. The JLogan Compound, which etan<l* number oise 4ocordiu{ by the rec nt Mldrcr* ol the Mate Asfricuiturtf t. I am lor several other Mnulard B aud', THE CAROLINA, EAGLE. and EMPIRE, ‘‘Cotton Option" on all Uie above Fer tilixcr* except the l~i 0 Gr . I Lel just like my Guano would p lease you, Verv Trulv Yo*rs, ml3 lm VIRGIL L HOPSON a. J IKDAK. a. o B ’W.tEU JORDAN & HOWARD, AND GENERAL Commission Merchants, NO. 12 REPUBLIC BLOCK, ■ A Gab la, Gb* J. A RidßlNgtm W C R T.IJISON, N EAY F 1 liM,: to * i NEW SEEING GOODS!!! JUOIMXHON cK: BRO* C’a BJi S t o it ! ! -. **t- ■ :ii. l ilt ,* v¥ .* ..: s *4 G Hid*, cou-U'ting BLBJM.’H i.K> ME Tjr ", fl!t*)V\ N slllßriN**'* i. sIiEKTIXGA, tit. r-'KI r-TiiiFEa -h \ i-:.' VN’I) H 'UN. - torroNuu:.* .<<. -vn ljn n iwh.*. i.-ush i.isen v l I' l k Hi H'.J;' L.i ,i N, sX >s HE KED and BI'KiPED _PEHr \t t-s Pltfpgs A, \. 0— : A 1 - . f ST.. NO \HD PRINTS AT IO ota.. P£R YARD. •' *<' S ■ ' n lOsiETY, HANDhEHt :* 1F i’.-i i.ADii-.s I f .mi ftwat-.-f-. AH'", f ri.i.AUETXri I'A lt.V Ki ’I ■ I A \S, A A MfcNANl> H- • V St tv SI V IX ,S JL raw, Wo 01, a nd Fur Hats !1 f'i ’ I H- • V . hu a J*H . ‘A < J</1> VVli.I.i.W m l 11 Vv, f/VV V'K ):< fK i. ! -* till ii if ft N\<l.s Hrtt'E AX t Mt*f,K ft' IDK ♦ ft>> ~ I•: V .*.-•> -II V I 7 11, '.t ~l\l.* A A tTR o’c e ift i: s , ■ '. ./[ - rf - -L U’.A Ii iot-rKK ri;t ft- Vf t 1 * tPi'A-v* a, rtftAMvc it miJtnt i. a tut, hue hi ii v hiliildii—7Af r. i< u’.At;* i > ( ui \ it* *£i jj*NU'rr. VV ‘ ' ft ' '* ’ ' :r <P""k in I* ami **|<H profitl ti Vh uh b .. . ‘ It'=■ , A lilt-1 A PAi KU For i 11. PEOPLE SAVANNAH MORNINO y Id \V±L r‘A f:*i! sr* > ,*■ : rt; ? **•* <yi ?r~ -t - • 1 • * t. .* : • ~ t^_V r *c *- -ti *. ** •.1 tlu n. 'jjthera :*r f . ;" *■"• ■ — —**—^"— > ,! * if. t . • !,’ t. ' <* irgjt I j’.ily ftf t % i ) || a jf* \ It ' H'l'lO v! t> 4- -. -'V >i If) H■ H * K T‘-A ■ *,-r \ | u t!,. ■■ , • ’ ,♦? '*• M'i.-tt .iw 'v -A. j ■ v’s nr J i*. j'-i -■ * '*,'■■■ it* or in '.. n ' ' 4tiU tH’iiV'T ' • *h> • \ ■ ' ' **' r ** t ’t I *’ r |;|j IPI D : •. Tn- ftW: ft* AX’* #<*>{ tlf j" • *4? D i-h’IK ! * -Y ' 1 }** ifr'it'P.J t*> J ? i j —r s y;t^f* 4 **—■* ■ t — '—z —l r Uuii •> + I*f ii‘ • * £ * ' rf * t v?4T, Ah * - J js.- fo •n Vp'.r*- wtUi a vhv* ’•> etef> [* . | .ingency tb > m *> .' r; * Aatlu'ingb the’M'lrtrsng New* baa IRtie •ii rm r t-t' i* w tri.i ' *he .6*- I '■! it* cir ulation. neve - ttel*** no effect will be considered I-** f.\pen*ive giv<s the eartieel ’**• In-sh*-*! int 'rmt,on to iU*r*<* its.,, lo thia respect there will lav n-i re ißtk)l <>l the euicivir ti keep it tar a>ve i*l *'f*d '.t* e eit"m;w*r irita. The tcßlnrc* fb*f have rentier**! she p pet so popular wu* l** maiutaiue*! The • ilit <rai ‘etHirt-ocnt wiM be o>n lucfe.l with Hie wmr dignified Urouglittulness, conser vstive vigor, an I earnest devotion to prin cipie Uat have aiwais characterized it The. racy reliabHity f'he local, and tt accuracy and ouni'trtenr-* of the cfunmrr vial departmetU*, w to te- kept u.> to llieo t standard, and intprovemests will be made wherever they arc sugge-fed by expe rience. .■ The Morning New* i* the only Savannah papier that poWisoes the A-sowated Pre* dispatches and the telegraphic n.rk*t re ports anthonai by theC*umeretai Iktreau .f-N"w York City. In aJdft'mn *> ttiis, the local market rep*Tt* will be toll and rein bh-. an 1 i'l lie accompanied i.y such com rnent as wi!i enable the busiues* men of Georgia and Florida to form rwtimatea a jeeurate afid as intelligent as if they were m the citv. in a word, the M .rntng News will com orise cv* ry teature that r* n ers the modern newspaper attractive, and its readers m\ omfi ierAlr he>k to its column* for the iat est iu! " m i'U'u in regard to everything ol eutreul int-resl. It will admit of no n?a! ry in its own proper fie id, and will allow Ho| c mpett'or :*> *>utstr,p i’ in any department oi j'.urnaiisiic enterprise. l'he terms of subscription are : Daily; One year, flO; six months, three month*, #2 30. Tn-tteekiy: One year, ♦*>; si* montha, *■',; three months, ft 50. Weekly : O=e year, m-H months, 11 y three lU'.ndis, 50cents. Money m*y be sent ify Pm Office order or by Express, at the expense of the cm .ietftigned. Send for specimen copy. Ad ire * 4 ’ J. H. ESTILL, ■ Sawaaak .Ga I JIK ° ! U 1 ' 1 1 lit ' ! A >'t ) KMlltie. * r K<, c. a lbert*::uei;man MV . —li .. ....... —I ■ r-.r-3rt;:p au ri' I .* . 1 ' : ■ "i " ' i ■-■■ ; —; i_* 3 k,J *■' *tm r>x- i.r n;n ;;?: iv a* > k-,m y i j( , M > \ ' — Cos: -■ tiny, n Ti>ft. Qf, ; 1 *-.,)( Watch**. ’■ *•. !* •* '■( *!,<• W * *" *!!'* f'iiv r Wu b, Uiaim. CLOCKS. <•1 * iB ikers iuid 1 *>'' ••-> *ll : mdi -l uoidera, Sold, “ ’ e! * *’•••• it Lj-n dl i '# . i-OLID SILVEit TABLE WAUE s ti Silver Plated Ware ■ss o' all k'o 'w and rocket. k"’*ir ( miTY, A tUt/mr by the v •• rer wned makers, JOSEPH HOiEBSai.J oEOaUE tluLMe W> * REPAIRING 1 am -lid r<f>e.:rtng an gr-oda in my line. Too many crbrensf! Merwether and an joinine c malies-hare tested my work to acquire a word fr >m me as to the ter of it. I will, hovreeer warrant all my work, it twuperly used,Vjf 1 atwaya done, an i reapeetfollj ask a continuance o the patronage I have rrceired from my nee da in Mciiwetber. AiJEhT LEHKAX