Newspaper Page Text
IMB.'* ScaU, )<te <* the C*-n '•' - • '
H-bscm. of JWvrflfsllW.
ft pace II wk i 4 wks 3mo '*> 1 v j
1 inch j 1 00, 2 Mi 4 .VO ; 7 On'
2 inches 1 50 i 5 00 OSO
S inches i S 06! *' I1 > •75 00 35 0<
icol iIV00•10 66 1;n 1)0 25 Olf 15. 00
10l 7 06 15 oo 525 00 35 00 ,GO * 0
ict.l flO 00 * 00,35 00; 60 00' #IOO
ty A lP>end o>l*nciU. mao to.! 5 • '*<
advertising by She month i-r \. nr.
koth e to the rt bmc.
After thi* dale. h teesl artv.'rtre t-
I>r the c-nnmv o' Meriwether, il ! he vnti-
Hotted tn the Mbkiwkthkm f v>vvrv Yimm
< > l !Hrv.
JONES W m t.FR. S'.Mis'
jn 4U.1573 t’Uik S "
riritjs r** *’• *' * *
Tin fttOnwteg fa the Chart > P ■* ’■ ■'
Greenei’lt for 1575
M and 4!li Sabbaths n • m-It m.P
Pastor 11- lUUc:-
3d Babbit}. in each nnti-ib
Rev Hugh <’§mii< h*< ■
Ist Sabbath iu emit ir."t,'h
Past* r....... ■ - Rrr * ,n< ' ! ' r '
till KEN V 11.1 .E, KHIDA V At" i> 1-7
T " 1 ' '
fc# c; t>* jeft|H>lul* UtS striding hs t UiSt.-
imaiums written on Vib '■" ?l ' ’ ,!,i '
,I|,t<t I*l ItHVI them pub **•<"■' 1 '
Uie> wiiLar * *•< <" ! --.-■
l*k Ihf tottttktft. !it l< bt UW ‘ x
rrjHiott Id -i
Our art: < tin -h r v* - \ * (
rrtU o* itijc HP I i tin I'’ *' ‘ 1 • *’* I ,f
*- > ■ ’ *'• ; M
m ttU ti.KM'io-IW M&.
*< *s-mtsO ti ttuc*
u. H R BAtmiß
I.egssV Ai( * ''ft-*'-;:-
K ■ * l l ■la f 1 ’ ’ ! '' ’ ■
f(MIiM-nnn's tt it'i t- |.. .1 L 1 * ■ 1
M< I.M J't.t " | .
Iriitkffd iui|ernt tvrty n* < t n*t' ■ 1 "" 1 i
tto- Urge m>Rtttt <!m tt* I* r " ■' 1 1 ** ’ '
riurtttß Ute |.*t l*o t<S I-t t< ur'l'eio,
A(ttnit>' ! '*t* , " , * "i... I ‘< >* *'< ■
tW~ Will oil tin. t.lhtf V
thhnr hnr *6vt-s-t*+itit-i-i Uttj.. dt--aci it' 1 r s
eotttn Bp *t two *' tuttj r'Hi" r
pet Mr* A A It. vtll
Uf* 1 11* utidt f*t|tti' tl ( ■* '< il Tin- 'hi t
4*' ,T - !<**' >e*r.*:tl is *I I
An lleliets •> u><; it*i> *[ < in.< i* btelt
W ill veil Ol $3 v~r fcl'oln 1. Pjon'etl tiow l'
vl6 matiif) by lb tnbl.l' l ' '"("Angtnl n® 1 !
<h iii mill. Apjly b#
AT! AM'.lit. In 17. i*. I—
luawiH r. .
|>Att SiK li •flortle ttir- y "■ t*' .••
eny tli*l (pun t*iy Ort it nb-r iv . n ’> !
fli‘ 10-tter ( vKTt rK. Ttir e*; <ni M < • '
I/yan m* lu l ri'i'l dr >i'l * i
r j !iire nm! r *)'-• - ** ! V " l V. r :n
tßc Rsrjtptes J_r *j• ‘-M*-'l It;.-• •! im:. .f~‘
tnry. Rr'iuit * Ti'l Hid air pr p r
lion of the ordinary no rv'r- Vii,. n
1* adulterilod ><ii *n i>btitii; aid '•ii*i
notlotM atid*,lnd other mat'n .!■• 1 >r‘ljrrt i"
hpatfaHWljpt-yaß.'PWt properly to tx •> ■ ■ ■
in tin ronufa<;fnn <>( pi;'- Vttitjjer n i. i
otdy enltlred so >reli' a* tcwti ti b>)*ii;' *
niMi, but m ■ beurfarior to f),*-pe.*i4< . bit'.
a \u$*m toUjr r-ofio'iiaption lb la arti* le III' t>
no largely, md *bo, a mb;, ->*’ unable to
decile U|xm the (atriiy or /s'*lieri*-, *>!
wual Ibey buy under the '■*'!*' o! Vinegar
V*rv lu.iy,
,1 I’ b i<i*a, *1 It
TW abort Vinegar <an lie had at Ihe
etty ofHoe ATI-aTA Vi>m.ah Wntta
<fl IS >-od Street.
Darwin (J. Jone*. Muriate'.
A pat ty of ball doses of Hie moat aub
Mestisl citizen* of rn-ii i
ly [aard 1 hr<.upb our Irian' on Monday i
jhoridn bound Tbey g" < n * tour >!
htapecUon and il tbeeountry pUsu. tbnn
will more to the land o! dower* n' t’ fad
We liear that ecrne of otr Grtentii'c ffi<-od*
bare the Florida fever • V* e have :
• a oubt but that it i* a ftnr eotiolry.
ItEFAK'nitiß —Mtar*. Arthur li <b ry-n
R. D A iair anl Fran* Bentons.' bit or, ;
Monday lor Atlanta to'jmtebane a *si* k ol !
aprmg fooda We begged theta t* call on;
t boae uertoanU who advcrt:- *i'b u..
and tbua abotfUte eoU.Tpri.ittg citisena of
Atlanta the vaiue of an adnni*uient in
our ooiumn*.
We regret lo learn 'tie mind ol the
Rev. A M. TMEpeu, long the p*> or at
Greenville and Trinity cb'-rche*. Pas tie
come inopa'red and that another miois'er
has been appointed in his stead Up t *
Methodist church at New
that oar friend'* menial ujrwkfgemerri;' i
sol/ temporary, being catiaud, at i* sup
posed, by physical prostration, and hope
tost real and quiet may reatore him to hi*
wonted mental and bodily yigor
"C3 __
Wiu. Vac f— ou go toLaOrange
to purchase guanos and supplies go to W
C. Gbolaoo and ttdl hhn you came to his
botue because be advertised to the Vi*-
biCATOK. Will you ?
—Tlx mot ralaaUU prize —Ki.u uprise
Dk-vtu by Huiimng.—On Monday t’.il
IU bul n large number of bands ecs
plnytd m ln new ground on ibe outvkirU
.*: the Ti‘!*a* engage i itj.jnttiing up fenee
Baalttlg OUt WiHwi. Imriiioe l!n br-ndt #ftd
'-ikingnl! the (ra-h pn p.-tran rv to c tH:u
do* r a’y for tlir plow t) gof then
. bands, Maty Morv'aud, ro'ivo l, being at
somr r'U! nee from the other bands, white
engaged in setting, fire to brush heap
; caught m fire. Ueai ing her cries, t'.-one
H .rris, * ho w as tn another part of the field.
MMmrt bis tinrfc nrtd gat!o[->ed to (hr
j iiurnn g woman, reaebitu; her ) tsl as she
; fell enveloped in Hit flame* s id gasping
'hr bre .th. The fiime- tielng n it tdy rx
'inguished a g-ta-tl, sight w as presented to
die view unite l-ehotd,-'>, it!! the nothing
I !l;e ttlif-itt i’tate n omatl la’i g •■*• s in .1.
vhn her *!on s burned to a er sp, and lo t
td. sit parched and partly charred She died
<ut a- I'.thvn •! Hart is reac'itsl . er.
\ v itu hi. — We ate intoi-uied that ll\ i
< : rt i-vitle C-.utn il ot the l nurd Friend* j
! Tiunptai <-e n*e pr? pat tig til h .ve ai
. oti i.ov M.te W e trust they will
nave * *!iic.i.n c t iee to tat and il tin* tit*
i-jTt,ryt.t ;> st —*- nnvtfli In r;c'. out that he -
tv-ii ;, t ta* ;*.*rgotten. P out all the iulor
i tnn'i n we liave lat‘ii aide to obiaiu the
j nth i i, i , aII l itivltiogeoutl.tkrn and bi Is
j Pur o ■ ttdtve all the prt pliet ies that have
' ta-en mad> com t rtriug its early dtsstilution
‘ M,„ r ot,or idret young- gentlemt tt tt+td
ad .. !.-. t, *ttis ore-tltT ttiott, and dis
■ . a t ontntt ndab'e s-ai 4a attending. Ill: .
j me- to gs h ;ti! kin Is id we tlher.
; Kn it ant Kvt v. — Two o( our wealthiest
. .n • la-at in kn.a vui'tiYiera mt I at a More
:t, tin tin ti . last Saturday, otic til the
•aMtes b j; tt t o>itpanied by a bright eyed,
pi , k wilt ; little daughter ol seven or
' id-lit .-. OTT7.; rs.'Shd who. ntthortgn nrtiiing
r tint a “rh'id,‘ shtvweti she ba-i tieen 'Taking j
1,” ai.d wire this reporter to “prent” t
is iti t 111 t' i ‘itsie oo '* rep , s tti q tf-.iiiids :
, ptrt lit on sut* ( -irUe-s to this oiiserVailt j
l in it | Tut! let lit If Aid to ear WtiitiWltlj
tjCteml*, t■r in 'll! Hint'd Hs r cr there
■ are mote things seen anti lit asiKeti tip liy
i-VP-e ;-4- .Usts—iojoavi-.4aidii.uu.d.-.yiiuiiuia.
. i,m to tm.ii-'toe .Viav the* all gel the (test
| o; M till (tots I* - it vt l vdT id tTTt- is i lltf
| t Iv’ll :d if.'.-: oily one o! our hand
!,.t i . t ttny'di i t-etiv iiif e.dtili illit lies i
! itap; <', “ e ' -1...." T ! ,; S tlvtChPet
j t la,it i t fitsi.ioiied eis*k iutol iiltal met
iti"tlt| tiihl afrt- l-e! t. ,and no tiinner, j
| SI-t.l-. t.-.k Afjt t.i.l ~1 i.i.Uir. Nl .
j -.1 "TtT 'pt-y.intn'.'t-Y.-SI. tu e-s., ; w lty.tiuu'h!
id'm i.', a- li,.- U t s_au.4 gel ytyty li nttt.t > i
.71 *1 if li . ati.l I? it Oil/ Ii 11 :. Ii ' sa ~!
■ In , It, ok \ t .1, lepittii toe ml iulormevi ,
i .tor,i j, the , iv.i.Lt’.gi.ta lyi| lots passiiL and, j
•> ißHtdii on it t. sv well :-, iri ted airs out ol
* . t.*i, ,e -ll ( ply, sin a ’.i< .1, you tune n
l .vlilT" go 10-tht li ltd and ill'll.and V. UI
!i ■ i- , :o tiid ft, :1 y, mid 1 -t* got a
:tt" to 1,, >lais Ati In* ,ak my olt: bead
V ..ti i not tool in. i line, widA* i
h ni, itwllii me stv inti e lights VVe lltluk
i ltd Ib i In . ; I . level mill ldat bet
hniil 100- hii In-lid too 1 1 ie rale y tunie-d.
M* - Afii jj iin *! (*iuf *im c l{ lm
; XPI K'Drlfic M* 111 Oti rSDJIMIfiV
n.r ri'YN , ( !;( .|, KhJ Epll’lldid JJillIll:) V% in
iy*- il* ff lo i.tsj t fJTi tiil *m c ITiFmT
Ff.ANY <** ltr* In i*ofivi:r*ntUjD with n
, Um-wil, *1 ji vmu (j w n a U w jb*v
w iiiU> irig ul tl*o fumwlty ol IDOM 1 )
'.* u-'iiu'tlvf i (! u( THoav ni’u "Wli6 wi rc
• -*1 wen th<* only oiipm who
i \i .i) ,\ it (|h!, . i hii i nny {>iire mon<*y
j I , vr IP fid; liHIIH of Ofjr *•' Vl li<( H'hetl
:..E wn: l. i "a.i1.l t.,"TLtWo'- itn-i
;isi a' i Tbu man lias ilniji
| t;> .< tl lo* own rn a lltth: wheat, and,
in ap., ii'llt- ue ,t. IL now u'iria nim
l, h'"-< * ami <m ftci'.aol land, on lug
! i*V at. w 'lur.drrd riorJurs! Ah'dlit-r tnntr
J V m ightier Mjf the rimt, began itlr ul tne
inat *eL.• *‘‘ war powtemJn,' Iwog "and tiiu!e*
.“•I u lot id la id. Tin* man has plaulee
lotion, wotked hard, gathered many ball I
•i- t otmn evvry yrr ; buying hi* coin am! |
‘ i,i ai He own* no* tiin e poor mult** and
! In- mill' 300 ii fe. o' Inod, being but httit
jis iter •(J mJvvthaii via- ten year* *go
'I rn In b>ry ol thi,-at-two neighbor* hut |
. ilia t at" , th* t oodttlwa of mo l '
i ,'aroe f't.wbo rinve lollowed Hie method oft
ai ';n/-'a* *>ov* im 'oitoiWb*-i-t orn has I
s •**' ini a-i the Jau. y have full crib*, an j
Ii tjudant' ol I* rag' f>r ]. u-e* and e/'tie , !
*H|i|i;y ol bacon hr the miroke house ; j
tion liy ol (fitjlr own ra sing ; fresh <-gg* ;
t i.'li rn ii Ir and yellow -but far ; are happy j
tie] eori'C'itt-d, Ah ! 'ti* ji' sucli farm j
j tioo-e* that a |>oor, ha'f t*rv<-tl edibrr i* i
le lighted to vi t. But the cotbin mar
if) •.) - Jurdfl a hard roal b> travel.” Ili
1 fiiti.t * ara ;<sif, (heir shoulder* sore, their j
! *i<le rnbts-d *nJ chafed from hauling heav
i g.a4> al high priced "Joarrner” and Western
cun from the rail road—high priced be
cause b ugbt on a credit—ni* cattle die in
early spring l<e<ttu*e forage was scanty
I Hir-ugl, tn* winter and too in mb oAU/n
**••(thrown them ; cbit ksns he has
*. e, fi.r t i * is too high lo fi-etj meal t*. j
*... i .hit k* n egg* he must do without;!
.*•■'.*.* ir Uitter xm ) nourishing but <-r milk
uiftiii iiM t. UU 'a'*!e, his cow* tsiug ton
;,*mi lo yie.d unylli't g save * thin wat< ry
fluid tint •e .rcely deaer/ee the rmne of
rniik ; a HifliD-d supply of rniddiing meal
m tie ssnoke-houes, —all tbise lt-n*J bi
make Ufa-family *-,ur, impatient and un
happy Then when ti.< cot tow i* made 'i i*
to lie hauled oyer long, muddy loads
hrough fam sol cold to market, where, at
alow (.rice, it bring* hardly money enough
10 pay lor the “J -anner” and aupptie* pur
cha and uaariy -p. year befolfe on a credit
'Cotton, there 6:e. is sold and rot money
en igh resliz and to boy a cheap calico dren
lor Ihe jaittenvloi'irig wile aad iitiie ouea
at bodSe, who aided U> pro l ice and gather
the p'ecioia r ttoo, People of Meriwether,
iieai the conclusion ot the whole matter :
plant corn ; plant more corn : p.aui nearly
'every acfeThcprn—' ben. you uj fire at
home Iree from debt, contented and happy.
The Democratic out look in Ohio is
chering- 1
Co.v*bks Tt.uxs.--We ant pleased will
the new Daily, the limes, that has beet
recently started in Columbus, and cordially
rec ip’men 1 it loth" p itron tge tntfritirsns
ft b. ti, mlv |w tote.t atvd lir autu!. ul-_uvw;£.
'* th local and general. \ ears ago, when
, wee bit id a hoy, we tW-rc a mWrih r to
the Columbus Times ot that day, tlieu un
■ ler the edt'otiul O'-ntiol ol the poll lied
tnd gi'ted .lo ut F r.sytli, and bt-nce we
ike not only the new puin-r iiut also it
n itue. Mty it prosper abiindatit'y am!
prove worthy t f lieaitna tire title-of its old
.inu hot ored uam -saU-'.
■■Cl mm I— I ■
ftrat pnnrtrTT* )r>T¥A. ul
-a* will sell you great Ou
UA-jue U.m ami tell him we sent you and n
if dnu’i pl*a*e you c 'uie to u rt.itl we iil
.i-ikc it right: Try It. —
Buy jntti leiti'i/i-rs of V I. ilopton, *\
I ijpt’ sville. lie has the nest hrauds at
j reasonab’c pritas. See hi* card.
H ad the pull t V‘itijjs ~t the meeting
held lasi Tdi sday. published el-ewhete, and
el toe eoiitnl eoinunlloe have your mile
• aid toe ufH eded ouira mi. ed by the spirm.
bin need your, help * idh spate them
Notice out new t'gal sate, ibis week.
Arthur and < arenee Hoblnstm have a
-.-okouii.—adeeiU.a.metd thia week YnO
may m ay* expect to iilitalu li.ogains from
■ hose wlm patnniiae. the prinL. i. (Jive onr
ynong Inrtnl. a call and )on nil find that
ve tpcak Hie tiulh.
t'm-p*—A friend Ir. tn tb riotphi.i
'spiings iotniais U' that tin- t top ptoapecl
tn the third district is very go**!. Wheat
ts in , iuihig to : rmv ofl vtipirouiily. Wi
ll • t iioialde to vv.- li un the evi niU ami
j , ‘eve.dli districts.
• A fin b.oke out in Clin*ilia last week
! nut eoti.umed the livi ry stable i! lion,
I, t:r. J He si v M Hs>* y wa* lottnei ly
a i in/,, n id Hi * e unty, and represented
Mu,wi lTiiT.i t l l and jt.iis In the lv^>iwliiluit*.-
Tiih t—file lln til till 1 in- C ami,in- 4th (H-;
: - lit | asl tio u to eka
, ■ , ■ , . * U i <|* , U "t .il .
f~. ’■>’}■ j y. s. ...
jlt :,;-ot, to ,‘S*Vy Iti* lids. UlllX a’ ’u-fEe
- . i..:i.!-Ai-tti*iot-te •• pn-jd ten
j'j I .rnilMg .be U.ili .(VVI- bu.iU
tii- It pul in a s.ii k of supposed felt*
Ilu hi nil W ii!f lie Ha* tolling Jmlgf
! I the * i jeTse-oHsiiiiyHilbei, on opotdlig
-ti, I’., id Itiul it fi led ulm p*ns—iLibe_
, i wen piositid err srrpposi —m-t—
--btutid tio- bi.' un.' luutid a li lie eltidta
Pt MiutTl.No. At a meeting <if tin
eit i/., *i o Mim| wel i,* i o only, lit I*l In the
C mt 11 "Un* in (Jit-t;iivll its. on Apiil the
<J,n, Mi F. VV Blount bung called lo tin*
i Imir, sliced the object ol the meel ng to
Tj, , -OUie iSCrton tie tnkrn togivCHl ito
the ullt '* tl* m Ute b, In iif *l*ti-r
•joipeiie* ul Talbot and llairii,
t>o in,tn..,, of l)j, I eiTi-IJ, the to! Jo whig
cmintltivetit two Ir.mi each distitci in Hie
C*'UU;y, WHS' J'[" limt-il try ttm ehurt* to-
Miltcil t-.oiiuiniitioffs l*,r sii-d pi ii'[i"si :
Cl Diuhlot. J. B. It-ip* r, J I, Dixon.
2-1 Disiiu l. - Thoui.ta F. 'I iilmauh, Jus.
-U AinheW*
Jlui DitUi.l D. ' . A. Hii!wt, Jnu D,
(J Jb.ispie.
" 7th Di vi iu TV TI Parfiiilge; J, (
orn DlstnrX FTIviTTu :i, Ar'lmt R->b
Lowei p , Di-tiiit It. M M*(!.fc ! iu, VV
I'. V* • ....
>1 lih It n D'sUic!. John ft. (Ji oil,
J Milmn
I pi*tn Kill Di> i*i* l —(Jiln VV. MctJelice,
i)i J M. Waldrop.
10 I. Dmlilcl. B M I.' verell, William
II li I >i*i ih A— J P. Cloplou, VV A. J
(Jo mot" ii of M■. Miitlison Reeve* a
< .Milra- t . iiiiiutn •• ol the billow in ; g. ot.e
lorn wits appoi He ito take charge *d c.u
Uibutiolit to.let-led l*y diaDict commit lets
niU dis r l co. ifu* lee r' po.l ng by 3bUi,
instant, and convey such coullibuti nu to
reonJ uonm.iiecs, iu the countie* of Talbot
and ii at i is.
JI R Haul*, J. E. O. Terrell, R Y Hall,
Myron L,i and Rev J. II Baxb-r.
All uimbilera iu the ctnrnty were rerpi*t
ed b> take up a coJfas/tion in tfavir reapeclive
wngregtliuu* between ti.i* and tLe iWth
lfiist , an*] report t. the eeft'ral committee
by that u*'.
Ou inoUouoJ Mi. A. P. Dixon Hie Viu-
DICAT K wg :e<,healed lo publiah the pro
cei.Miiug* oi tin* meeting.
FiiKtsfa.** VV. Bi.oursT, Chui/in,
R* isv.iir 74. J.i.Li*, Htcieiary.
Deal 11 <y lion. n. H. WAJ/ruK.—We
earned on yesterday that 1100. b If. W!
'oryme of the H'jnesentaliyes in the prn nt
House, fmui btewart county, die*! on M m
ay, 11 his residence, alioul < igbtmnc# wiat
of Lumpkin. He had suffered for some time
from an attack ot typhoid lerer. Mr. Wal
ion was wed known throughout the Kiate,
and was esteemed a* a good man sud a
faithful 1 epreaen tat hre. The county of
•Stewart, and the legislature of Georgia wi'i
mi* him.—[Columbus Tine*.
Two oegiu nan were ejecled Sunday
frum.thy most aristocratic Catholic enureb
111 A asiungton, because they insisted u;in
occupying seals in the body of the church,
refusing logo to the gadeiy set apail for
-Cohirtsei people. Tat affair rural* .1 tii n h
A man who is out utpocket might a*
well be out of town.
Liteu. Co'H'-l 1f and, ,Ur. r/t tieitig mb
itiuneed as designing to visit Europe sh ut
iy in company wi ll Mi flarttnis, the pies*
yenerliHy fa cemgratulatbig the cnnn'ry up
on the lacl that it Is at such a ismd? i*'n til,ud I'eatf as to permit tin- absenee ni
this dial In uUlie.l ofllcer. Ae. her 1* lie
mts featiite t>l this intended •lepartnee is,
ial it titsjmses t (feet,udly ul ( use n enua- I
unis ot i'on Pall si-otM tie I'restilyut’s |
anils, and toe thtllgci to lih, health ilotn i
them. Ol t', ur-e if there whs any real n t j
ou tor amicipautig a siid Jet: duuLtetif tin j
,-rown, the heir apparent would Uut be l
lowed to leave the realm.
An old lady, son ehody say Hit
mai's were irregular, saStb “It was jiyat g*>
in my young tUys—mi tut.tmg uiy ul
GEORGIA Metiieeth I 0U tv
Jts F M fCidght. as Exi-'-ntor ol tl,e
e*tnir of Martha Al'is -n, applies tor h-'ters
of dismis lon Ir m and trust. This Is
therefore to cite and a lino tUH a'l con
eerned to file their nhp-cfh-1-is, if any th,-\
‘ haTr, on or bvtoie Hte lit t-M-rtrhtr i" J It
nekt. showing tnnse whv le'ters of dismis
mi sion slniultl not he granted said arpli
fiivt-n under mv tinnd and i ftleial sigan
turi 'his A' ri! sth 1875
OfcOftfiTX Merftvetliin- ( •unty.
It F H dl, as A'lmlrdst'ator of th<> es'ate
ol ,1 isiah Stieflleh 1 , deed , a-iplies lor letters
of dfami'ion tr>un said trust Tli*lslltero
fore to cite and atiotoi ish all eoneerne I to
file their nbjei lions, ll any they have, on
• a bc'oie the first Monday In July next,
.bowing why letters o| dismis.inn should
not lie granted said apoli.-ani.
(liven under mv hand and offleial signa
ture this April 5Hi IS'5
-st* J W HA MNI N(i. o m I
Ordinary‘h Oflico.
t!i:t>UOl \ Metiwether County.
Wm M Lovett applies for h uneslsa 1 o'
lenity and pers* tmltv, an I 1 will puiuunton
Ute same at my ftfiS*a* tn (irei-nt ille on Sand
urdav tin: 10th duy ol Ajuil at 11 o’clock
~ V M. "
r 'r* JA Vf BANNING oM
(JE**R <:.V Mi iiwutlici t' I'nly,
f’h-ts ti M oi-e, s s \ 1,, h| ) fit,if ol the
1 ‘state rd John Y. AT'iote, deed .-apjiTTes Tor
.‘‘eltciH o| tliainissinn 'I an a:dd_trust This
ds -fifaVtffare to r-ite ntrL d:nont th jv',t , or,
trutted b* BT#Hiete.d-j- p -any th, y 1 n.h * i- be.ruiji.-thf If i ■f- M-’iehi i fir :f utic
uevt, simwnig why letters of dismission
li i tld not tie granted said nii 'iieaiil,
Hiv' it under m- ha- ‘ a ol oftti ta! slgtut
lute this Mart'll Ist 18i'i
sl* j w ft \ \ NINO, (1 M a.
~7'f HtndA M- TTit eint t h'.iiiiny. 7
(!lm*. 0 Mne as ,1 nbd.tiator of the
I state ol Jn-l-ph Moore, deed , l.pnlles lot
lelti r "I dismission fi nn -.aid liiist This
i • iio-i eh if e i* l < Ie tml admoufah ,i! eon
s-t(+e,l 1,, fi!o t-uir oh) oHou*. it Hity ihoy
lo ve, tm or in Ire tin .111 rt Mori lay lo .Into
/text, showing viliy letters o| disniikithiu
-houl l not tar granted aid nppMeant.
(live i under my hand and ‘dll ial sigoa
tote this MitjtTi Ist 1875.
s7* J-\S W. ItA.NN! s• •(>M C.
loanblK s.tit ,
(JEOK II K M rltvelher County.
HY VIRTUE ol raft order from tin
1 tiim iable (down “f Ooßima v in and
tor said eourty will bo sul-1 beloo- II"
Conti I louse doit In the I II n <>( Hr,-in
vltle la twi eh Hits 18/a! hottlS il rale o t the
Hist Ti a i lay I > May -••* Hu- loloivluy
I *ti Is, ~v'i/. Till 11V ae t-s i'l id tot No
11 (mi Idle pail of said I,■ lyTiTmtHTt-TTir
•aid t'tilii ty ()oe liall due 111 ■' Novunln-i
1875. Ilf other half duo fit at N .vrmbei
IMTi Al*o twenty UVe ai-n-S oil I'd N"
23 ill die B'd tiisiriel id raid t * U'damd
t,,iH.:cntii cl rjinj. io k “ll id hit No. 41
in Ine 2d didtiel, hemj; tln> BmtllWl 1
eoiniT of said i-it *1 it lie t K-h 8a *1
and- lit Inmtlng to the ' H He 111 Noalf
Ho iv. Tld* Aid s'*t Iti i
ShArilf Sale c
-i ' - ■ ' "■■■
(.EDIRJ! A U4w'tl-er County.
Wild, HE sold bi t re lie C *nrt House
door in llin town ot Ureenvhbi ol
.ui*j io huv wiitiin tin- big at Irn'ir. ni sntr
.], (lie fiisi Tueaday in Muv next, lie- l*d
lowing land*, to wit: I8)J anes oft lie
south hide of lot of land No 2*51. mnl lie
wind*,* ol lot No. 22fi, cmlsmin-/ in n.
JJte'JJ ai-n more or bn*, ad lying and being
in lb) 3rd district of said Coumv J, vied
on as Hie profierty of fttllb A P.irliain i*•
satistv nfl la from Hurn-nor (Joutl ol sal I
'■oun'y in favor ot E. U M *(tm v. Jane
(J*inpU:'l ami Hiilli A. Pariitm. 1’ upeiiy
P'lliiteil out by last named lunl.
AJ/HH at H. *sme time an l place will b*
sold one bit ot land N*. 150; lying ami
lining in lti Bl* diatlh-t ol aid eonu'y
ooritaming Zh‘H acre* more or le* Levied
on liy vi lue of a ft I* from the Huperfui
Court of said county hi lavor <*t Blalock A
Brother v 'l'lio* VV (jilt, levied on ui (be
property of t tid defendant.
Af/F> at tlwuMUfta time and pjaee will
Ire sold the house anil lot continuing one
acre more or lea*. t Rsieky Mou and, In th>*
lOHi district ol Said comity , on w hich J
W.Lambert *e*ide*. levied on a* Ilie ptoji
er'y ot J. W. I.atniietl !>y virtu*; ol * ft la
from (Kr?*li Ibslrict G JM. iu lavor ot W.
r. Cue vs J iV. l.auiU ri, L* vy made'liy
h if! iff uni ii turned to me.
ALSO at the same time and place wid
lie soiii VI acjy-s otf of lot of land No. 4' l,
and 10 wres ofl of lot No, 41. all m the
11th district of Meriwether Cun y G*
isaid fraction* comprising ihe llact of land
on winch Oeo. li. Johnson resided on Keb.
aiii lb7o, the time <ll the levy ball land
i vied on as the property of Geo. If John
son to aatisly two fi fa’s fi< in (superior
Court at Meriwether County in favor ol
Herbert-, C'oske-rry A Cos., vs Geo. if John
aeaii, and Hiker A Caswell v Geo If
Johnson. Haid levies male by K. W.
Hlouct sad sa.e po*t|ioneij
W. It. KAVER, S M. C.
GEORGIA Meriwether County.
XT TILL HE HOLD Is fore the C >urt
Y\ lloiih- door iri H e town ot Green
yille ol *!'! C'Siwty withfn the i*y .| hour
of rale, on the Ist 'I tiesd y in May next
two uuili-iyiejrisfL _ ** fh* property pi
Win'. C. Ji:y to satisfy a fi la from the
.Superior Court of said con my in favor of
J. I*. '1 liomton, Adnir., of T. J. Thornton,
•lecd Also other fi la’s v* Wm. C Hray.
J. W .FULLER, Dept. H. M. C.
—MIV 1. I8?5, tiTTAprrVB4,- iSiH
IAUK Fcvi-tal Stalntes of the Unitarij
fa- ites, ion ::’>■?, 8-iltf. Jidda, am
: "3SW, rttpioe every | r on engage I in am!
utsiiHss. avocstitfa. ot emidovieit'. whie '
i-n,!<u* him inli’e to a Split 1 \(, TAX,
left ,*( mg the pavuien: “! sod P l lAI.
i;a\ l<** Hm* S|.c< i:| Thx V-'-r bi |
Nit- | tBTS b Idip c miuuncimf <i crti
[ >iuu)ji b.isiftc*ss fUN-p A rii ?^(r,~TS?S.
i Ih - tn\ < inhi :> •il \Mtlu itif friviß-
I ions ( f ilu* I/4W ub vo cjuou-d nro ihv 101
I l'-’A : n r . VO. :
j hr'iff'i s . .... .. ■ ..... s'?'*!; O'
li)c:t i<l % > H'i il !'ipl *!' OU
1 wlio’c 1 lit j i l‘ 1 (1 1 1 0 ‘
I) nIiMH-irt .iim’ n i o|t * t p 50 (Ml
Omit cl 50l malt IhjH is, iVlaiL... i.‘U ( M)
1> a . !'* J( !••!! lolDit 04 25 (M)
li”';ili ilkdlv II! Ip *t l liirO a(|j U 0
Aml •>!> - i!t f 'V. i (M> li ( v
ifiitv ii t\t ii tUn'i.u in cM't ii
# oLsl fMHf
I)‘hlc.n u ni iMiifiict*HiV(l lolmoCi) AOO
>1 im.l i i>n rt* i_h n!>. Um_
And lI Cdcli N’ijt niiinul ic 1110 l 'Jo 00
Ami !** •tf bwm m ootiitil.u:luit-l JO 00
\ltluiilu luici.-ft ni fN>b.u:oi 10 00
VlAiiUlaci icisoi 11^ats 10 00
iVd'Ot oi luliiirn i, til Hi r!:<sj( lrti
lliiui uvo Inm A or oilier uui
llihN) .... 50 00
P tV j |BA|Ja u( IcllUt'Cß, TtfuHil
Vo Inusestii tilht'r anhiial ) . 35 00
P tld ler* til ltd Mfci'ii, third c!as (one
Ittirse or otnui animal}' 15 00
Ptfdthera o| lobueco, Iti irlh class (tin
lout or pulillt: t-ofiV' ynnct). .., 10 (40
Ihewsrs ol less than 500 n .rfels.... 5(1 (K)
liievvets id 500 liar 'els or molt' ... 100 00
Any pel sun so lih de, who shall tail t*i
et mi ply w tilt the fiepimg I'cquiruuiunu
Aid la- Hnl J.fl lo severe pcmiitlea
PiTimns liable to pay any <d the fapetiai
fax s usHiel iilmti. une.l apply-In J Ae
litiL Z, •lu co r ol iuli'iiiu 1 Ucv
t urn-, A luut.t or o> (i. W VVuic, D j*
ut\ 4Joilvoloi', Kfivclicvillo, (it*, iiiid jm\
l' >t ttinl hii i pmcun* Un S, m ml Tux St .mp
.r Simiup* 11 j*v lo <*.|, pri"i lo Mhn - l, IS7o,
tmi it ilbobi FI Hii i *l( Ni>ll 1 *
.1 W I) FU(ILA S
4.'oouni k ioth roj It i iiiu ivcvcnui!
4+tttrr *( K y-tuir,
v\ HHtiiHgtouy ii. (I cti. l, lbT5.
11l 1 0 ijvv
'mi; AMK'JIt AN .
Eduoati nal Headers.
Arithmetics, Algebras,
MVINTON'H U- S lliatnrieit and
Outlimaiil Ute Wtin'ld's History.
hIV I NToN’s Sun-, td Wonl
Iltiokb. BPENCI 1(1 AN Copy ll.adts
\\ eliatefi'a Dietiiinalies,
Mauty'v Hi rieit ni (let>g
rn|il ii i-ia. 11l limes' Hptlleis
and Piimeis. Holmes'lß am
mtn end’ Tidioat-in'* and
11 ,ov a-'* English Lill-l.ildre
which have been adopted by the
Board Of Education,
mi I* "IjUiiicl ul JJfgLItS Xi MOOHK‘B ill
! o\4 < tt(
Inl.ioducloi y Rale i
or old Oo'ikfa, ti vir ilcHtt of ron Jition, ol
H.iinr £.iu li?, will l>r immivr I in
I‘4x < * 11 : if t
'>n | hvmritt <>l iitill Mftuil |ri* # r■. 'I liln oSTV- 1 *
mmtins n I m:r foi ilu> i Iroin fltilr
JVurlirr.* ttlioii o mvmll IlminMlvi-H ol 11Jh
opjoMunity lo un* rlir i]i utnl unili/Miiy
A' ll Uh.
a. ii. MiJOKMAN t;. h <;
n‘J 3 u
uu.rnM, ui.
) < k; k XU.* or
/I.VUiJIAUKft, H <i .lEH. lir.fcTO.SH
HA- ii .SASH .Hf.lbKV AAQijHt
\l*< >, Urn tcluiral<r.| XV • nnll uil
Ali nltyn tl ti.c WKbI Klt i lIJIMIILK
BAKIN VV anJ u.i uc ol i'iiit
•VliC'-l JjujHficg, *lli amm aM>rt;ii;iil ol
b|i-jU orders flffl jifoini tly aid al,
J. H.! W, ol O ilfl i <•*,
*!•'*. Vouth'w A Moy'a
Clothing at Wholesale
7 37ir,v .TTK Br'wulwav
con uiTK New York,
ril'KClAiyi ,
L Ikali e Fertilizer.
r Mfu: VEHt f.otv ' Ice ot the nbev # #
1 unnird roinpoun w hfi li U nhuo
j/rrttt Irrii'v.iii' Dropcjiiitt, InM
M'rtdy ii in •! uit >4 |to|ulttiiiv n**v< i brfo e
HiM iirrtf in sti t n timr hy oy
ilicTr, I*ii' a 1 -Tily L r -mt ami mpid*y Jm
ru (Truitt!!'.! w ill rXtciiin\i
iuldllions to.tin? Work*.
CoL L. F . Livingston,
on :iu.i ine Eveoiitt- ('iVutnllfat-n (fa*
neCretyj, Salt t. iin i ge, sa) * !
Ot ti it fair 2:1, 1874.
••1 have used v hi Alk.-di t- Fe til /. r this
-•eirfrm .at ,n m nips. s!onv v tt'e of ilir.-e^
at ' i':!id hitr /.er*. T c.y e f $76 ptr tv* /
1/0 ',•* s.’•* /*. ton. I "iia i tq-hil in pro
iluffmii In < ?"* *of ih h*"li (incutfenitiurtr"
11 a aagon ;•
January I'j. 1875.
"T tei liJ! ri-.l five tft-td* ■!' w heal which to
lav t* Un ni’■'*( promixiiig r b*vf Yg
yi'H,'ii M th I il il On rlinijmit hb tilatr uii
the wn lot fur (inn l win use it (lie enr
rt-nl yeal tm k!.*: it and Cotton, autl
will re|iiiri.'
Edward Cox, Esq,
on* Ot lllU t)CHi l 1 IlltiU IU D KaliJ COUIHV
wiih'tt ,
O t.dmr 5, 18?<.
"1 put 2(k) poundit [An kc c a* a tup droaa
ing ou my wheat In Mafelr !at. It matte
I2( Imshela per acre on land that would
not have made nit ire than atX to eight
bushels at lie-t. I kitW (filW nil off from
that I’l 1,0 ftm y.(H*O I’l Jl (XMI M "t the heft
evah yroe, that I iDer erne irhirh / attribute
in the nm of your i tirlSher. My neighbors
iinind un- ini' <1 otlier guano*, three times
—r* ert-lly a- w*ine, 1-U' tlid i.utmtaku ttß IIUK'h
wheal, and Ini'etl o thy grass crops
My Corn eruji tpb udid l/idl'i.T ',fivtY.l*Tl V
l ever saw gmw In D, Knllu'ofirtly, acctdif
ing t i the land. /am nnln\jicjU m exaeltg
ir/int ict nrt-il in Omiyin.
Col R A Alston,
Hie well known intline ul ttie Atlanta
Herald, vtililfilalily gave the following
tiling Uaioini7tTy7 iiflcr fulling tried it
thiHUiiijhly :
Atlanta, Cl a., Sept l, 1874,'
Mu A C Laud,
j ,or S'l Please ship ine, at Decatur,
tdii , twenty tens ol vottr Alk tlimt Fcrtih
/.t r. I hi re hint thoroughly this (igtnaiu sitlw
liv side with all the best titan*',s of leitl iz r
ilic*:m Hi.- rnert,et. on CORN, (OT TON,
pcyT'S VVI! Eat, unit 1 tin
11-... iI al ioridrf !'.Jk,Vv?AjPtVll) ME
\ dokhi.e PKirci-.pri'Aaß (jyku
V 1,1,. Hend me live'oils at mice lor UiJ
wheat, Ve i I tinpee IHili^
JA, tit nil tor Litculura, _4fc*
A. U. LADD, Agent,
“Hik YDrtiaAtimn f,
Atlanta, Ua.
Just Received.
1 ml ' Mai'i /, pi ml iin ill) on receipt of IM
mm hut price
Phtsett inarkad * Ihvvo liluiUuted- Titlw
Vloritliig llreaUa Upon the Tomb —E i*lcr
AnTid tn TUoinas. w,
"Hwluglng <u the f*ttden (*J tin -
Hong and Chinns .... ~ .ThtdfiA*. 40
VV Item is My Loved O'nn To-
N'i.,ltT , tirtltf tuitl (Jlio.. ■.., .Hay*, do
.ding, DalUlt'S, hiug ! (*V '"'( .
by Carl Wagner) R .ys fit
Angel (I dll ltd—UoiiiHJ Hong. .. .HtewaM 8b
*Wn<'ii Hilvu Lot ks Replace j
The ttrdd 7F and (.’tin >• I/elgli!<ib 35
i Aii-'-a el To itrrr T.itendie} -
A lining llin Gold )
■* Y’ - hi Never Mis* tliu Lagee
“HIT tin ltd git 1 tin s Drj-“-Condi; K 4(}
(Jail' A Alt’ ht!t ill'll H I'g .Waudifn
Ahmu and At Home- ft and Olio lf'ty 30
•My Wee VV in- Vv aim'; at xm
Ds i If.illud .Tte/ma* 115
dli !Al ~Mi it 1 Kail 1 him Cun Kay* 40
(Jive M' but a HiUilc—tng alfd
t born* ... H tnfiirt 15
Win'll Firat IMI Th Nellie
Deal' -.“long and Oku,.. J tiOuWurt IW
I'm t;a|itaiu ol tliu tiuaitJ*—
(■ mile tSoug ............. Hay, 35
111-) I,ml Hie (Joblt’ll Door—
is aint OboiO* .... While 817
Jut a'- W th the Angel* Now—
M i.,y mid (Jii.iru* ChrUlle 30
PTi It I- (Old, M ike ItOoUl lur a
i.illtc lb y Co* 36
I nsl rmontal-
I,a Rullr Jennes-.e Pnlatitia.,.. WM*UI IK}
*.V w aki ntng ol the liiid* —
an Mu', lath 16
•Hwdetheait- M toJie Ufa
t leu a: MoylMll 46
• I woiklitig fttr —Jfat*i<*-aU ,
de nahai ..a WHtcVh 50
I'll* iilgnlmd Mahleii-K unaiinn VV ltoj 50
Cej a. Aniinam flloiu tilabay ,
M tier) Wuguer46
•Dreamland—Moicwu tie
nub m .Mayialb 46
•J-jdnws tvom Hie Pallwnlea
.51 HCPdll Wagner 40
Venetian Regatta—Tmuscrlbrd Wagner4o
•Many F iresteis Koe*lbt enu Wagner OO
ilocking Wave*— I lanacribed Mayialh 46
•('lie fttaiieli L.ssic lteveile I’aclier 40
IV mu * Polka M /. ilka P evtil 36
i-airy Land Uevein- Norvtd H*s
ftpaikimg Jewels— Puk . ... (Jlihtltt HT
•Tiiink "i Me Home!nous — Kay
VV an/. VV i>wV U 0
* D mpciaiii' Malcb (Eaay).,.. Wn.yjntr 30
*A( o mc-BU. il—Polk. Wag el 20
“Mo le i'a.,tog —li*y Mmli VV uglier 20
——— - .o;
Nos. 1,2, and 3.
A Colleeiioa ol P .polar Hongs, by II ty*,, hteWitll, lie Em 1. OUIUIVI oofl
aln ft . veil or Eight ft mgs. Pi tee, 50 cl*
each , Yearly, 12 S t.iibel* f-l'
S ■* 1.3, and 5 Till number eonlaliH
BC-vei..J ea-y no urodetateljf dilllcult F *?.o
Pit-Ci;*, by .<i, li -t lit, VV asuer. VYll<u
etc 5Jc m* eacn ; Yearly, it N itubeta
tor y i
l v creme m; r.v ckemk
Nir*. 110 15 Eat U mu..tar enuuU-'* tt
j.Hg.a. id r-tnMie ad ill Oh-uli V ,t.i Mutic,
Wtntn Ml Waal (SBO PtM-. oi • w:h MW
Ixr, 50cents , Y'ally. 13 Number* lor
PC dL I till ED BY
fjpJ Hn mdwny,
OilW lm New Yutfc*