Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator.
VOL. 3
A 1 s&< PEB \N v Mv N A ■ ' I
S. utfc Die of Up ' v -r."
It of WvfTlWns.
gpm II wk 14 vki Bno ft mo liywY
-1 inch i1 00 vV) -1 .Vi 7in 12 i*>
? inches 150 ?r 00 fi 5o Ifloo. ' Oh
a iuo;-.f r 2 (to - iT.! !■• " ■'• -- "
j c.,1 . dil .Uli-' 2CUU 2.*i idl —iiiJAL
} col 7 00 1 > “'* 25 *>> '.s<hv o*> 0
t co! !hi on 20 00 Its i*ii' 150 if; ''fl •• H•
A libera! dMi,cik*n oh'* to tho-a
advertts-.ns; t>v tht month y< .or.
Af’i r* 5 4 dnti •**! legal a!>
lor the count v i Me;' wether. iv'i ?•, ii
jlsi,~i ... ;.•• V- '• •> I V>M ;
c a nut -1 A > VS . 1A N N INI-'
• w. n FAvr 1 : ; ...iiiJ
A .1 lUMt'N,
‘.•an, 4th ?T:i t”i ;k Sui>>(Si<'
It. igtiiwi
Tin- ht if the Cli ai cli Him-- i> :
OnwnvtUrtor l?>~r.-
20 h- 0 4* ii >.;! hath- n each 'l'l.
IVft.T 1 ' V. ,1 I! 1 X!|
fid Nl>t>at! in Hi. o tvoniln
IVO or . ... . >;-v !■•■• •• t
}. Nabb-Pi- in' tnS 4*oo-15.
t or lit-v .1.1-oi.i -
\ IT< )H‘:N l'.\ AT n
. \ '■
.101 l \\ I'Alfiv,
\ Tl’niiNn ,V i I.A .V. --
■ /V <
\S l I unu'iln-* il M' ! ■
J< <• H*?>Urp. . “
! !M; . \ i , r
V 1 t irlfM.Y A! LA A
A \ <. i :■■ I- N *- !f I (• A
V “ ’
On r'sl N(-1 w *.
•t !:•!*> -I M • ■•!!. n* •< ’il
: t i hi * 1 Vmo| * 1 ’ ! ‘ 4 h-M *
f- r-:“ Uf J""‘ V -iiit l |* ; <: t
Jto * <' < i- • *
< ,\ !IM.\ Ii !. Vv < M(K
—tr-4-- rr!t*'-y>T —-“?- r—H —?' * t
I tfr* • j : ■ ' ‘" ‘
STOVI^I! TuVj:sr:ar{
S That old xIuUMOM Ml TAL
lia* rip-in H ill-.,
I . <.K A M L VVi, I 1 '!■■ L
H‘ and i* Agcl f**' '' ‘
w■. ; * < v < • i o-H'y-'*: : ”~ : Tr
! * *•* • !
,•’ flier '
rn ,\!, w ' V, < <>U L L S'M I‘*'>
~,. \ j M. { r:g 1.1 i*’ 11 i 141
>w I Vic< *.s
l(fi< f.n7*t ' ■"■ rr "
ni i .... -
Hoofing. •!■ r *> ! J-* '
flwcrililio.. .<■!. n.j.'•.¥• * *
LAMI'“ anil LA >i 1* dOfih- I Lit 1 >
HLMK Oil. i H‘ML FUt-
Ml-iISNH <
(mih i; v *i bind ''' ,l '' '’ '
„l N -v.i. her vrs.i t* ke'. 1 ■
Cost. < ‘ LAt'OIHLIt. A.t
U uiv
Berios of School Books
- - r.
*!V -J*f of oto?/ o ir*mi it*.
Th* of
ilolmw fraatfr u*i t , *?
Hifti/rj, Tibie'i M:2s*'m*U'. , Mteny’n (j**>gr+-
Oj Cf*j*;*fV‘ • -'.f4ct, 4.*.. if;.
UMVEKbiIY Pi 11, CO.,
IPi '>76 Auiuiti,
IS otioe,
Frwr.k Jones and J mj Harris a:*-, j.r>
Jiarttf to do all klc K i wo 1 at. ’ ; . ..
smith,work-B>-a’A and w*ti. -.i-patch
opotih: the re-i ie ,oe ol Co- i/ I rr,-. a
work tUep and satisiACikvn guarantec'd.
j“l| ;
Qrr f‘F. 0!)| V at heme.
O'J V— 1 -/ I'IIB. t'U. A i
fcTl>rtU> A ' O . ! iU.ut
SVi ri'.-i T a Pusa: if : .-Tl.c .1 r and
■ r l>r ,! it'-. '. l-,n R.-., la r Is
: i- >■ : o ; :it i- the :i :V- >1 | >vu'ar
Orders point* In so thick and
, i tst tv the P o ir;e‘ r has. InHiloloi#.
‘<i ■ i’.'Sc |l",| Uicui no. He is haotu
- t-s+sn-ttm amorcprorißs-aimaw’t.-
‘n which h© is prepared t inaa.ifftcturf
. TYmik on a si'a’c equal to the
. ! ' K.-v.-A. olid il.c public us, lcdomurud-
iit 1.-< if hitiits tun v now Ik- #uppli<-<i.—
Ph - t . is. ol high repute tire using the
fee mtie.V*, in <V v |.t:u-li<je. all eve;
'■< -v -i I•<>>- lief no • titan in tl n!V;
' s t-. T-s.<v. sti-pet.ili-ii nr'irrt iMilu r
u ; .-it i..tioii This \ ahriMr titMfrinr t>
u; a w nj 5. • II S. o' it■'■l. i>i..: si
Ai.i.oifi, tti . fttti.l 5.i1.1 at *1 .oO
'■ " pi v l i* c lliiiHlgliuUi
Ai.ti u- a.
•** — TOf ■■■ - —— ■— ■ ■
thi V4.i> l~* %% OO
I • -n't he it; a lit rry ;
'ii- tr- -st vt-r (>-v ;
i ■ y- .r 11 iiv -# an jit tteral
A . k'v - iii-. way. - -
-tlo ‘o- 1 . pirii TT-tte hue too t;nit;kllr"P
R li - tit j-uv.
iV.e h< r -t>nif times to s concert —
- - -s-ff s s~ t
' "... ■ .. . - -, < at! ■! ; ' >, or. Vvi tt’.t ---
. 1 (in . .to s Oi.l \ ;
S ;U 'fit ill be tar the tt isf-l
- v v
-LLi-tin 1 ti f> \ w..i . i t tip
W fit it )'M it •* r vx |i ;
t~iti .1 \**.i Avti-'i v.u!v pet ice
For : v man Hi low n
J"■ ■ . t rm t !’.. ! lid...', a t 1 l,i 11 suu'lv
will 11;! them down.
j.4 ii4i* —n*T H*.t itvrf y
Tr ilii s Ilfs lit a.7* nil ;
IKtinlV- fitiilK lo htT pa- , H , 0 ,
I •' ' ! 1>! :j • lll>
- il
l-’.iif-t Uit 1 .ii. • " .
Nt" ' ■ \ i~' i -lIKII SUllhhiut.*
1> VI f J fauu ) ; A
Li-' 1 :i I I' M , j;|Al ol \v :ih|-| A
lil ’ !t:li • 1111 M tlillli- ; v
L..V* H.jii 4'ti-mVi ti/r -mi ?jiimfrr
. —
flifn Vt Tit ; <;7j .iHi'iiniii
fM - ' ’ ;I; I ■ ;ll I i‘ ■ ■ *
■ ■ 'Hi i - |g| * v.-v' ■' /.*’•!
1.-'-taor n tn-fair
f*V IS '<> ■I. \ - .i! i'| . UViIUIIM-.!, ———
ILll I.‘ 11 li. td'l
.Lisa ljTnriH ifjLiii’ i jnmii< y
A" . •irrr.-t ! ,*t c-til fit • ,| ;
-i 1 ■! i. . .( j I- -.V
ii Li ’ i ! ' -i-, ii 1 .-.-I t
AL • -■' ii *t i- 1 *i< M ■ Nm- !„.r,
L ill X1,.-1 "i'I 1 .■. I‘-| IM |l| {i-
W i'ij ii ft.3ly isiH‘|iiiKft*'~-
ii>i • ,
Ivl* 1- HI;.- Li 1-. . • *
I !.i i! ' li 1 1 Hi. ..!■! .il A ■■’ .n v
•r- : ■ * ' - !
.. 1 j. ."aajz— ~
il n t iivvl
u si Ni t t: On.
T ■ : Vi’ ... '■ II I ! :ifr Bill!
1 i i-L-i-ft*ftl*
, • h ’ ' . il! 11-111.1 run ft A Linliril 1
. *— ft V ■■:■ i ■ -i M ' ni, Ini-, in,; [n
1.. Hi 1 i 1,1 nil On II !,I
--..1 u-ft. - ft- —ri lift- -ft-ftftflift-n -rt-Fr^r
wviift- 1 * . i . .1 , , ■ . I’; : .V.I - h !u
• —r —ft— —l'.l ;.!■■ i.-r i.j M 1)..i jr
• -L— r;f thr |>-ru ir.ltl l‘l
II I. I||. ||> II,.: (l >MI t illl Mllllff
... *.; 1 *il 11.. |. if Still* .'*'!: -* I*l
* i <i iS' : li.Ii. rtillftr.l !'# III!,’ i- ..fti'iO
I!. .* ii 1 j. t 1 ...j i, lii*cv,>i ttw
.... 11 ?.,•*!, •>.. • * I,.in iiiil, :ii ihn il'y
• ! viui.i In *t< r, l.v lli<: IC‘|i'il)li<.in* in JO(W,
i ii. ...i lln* M irtur llinl the *:?:•* =l. -
..4', fft— ~—15...--—
‘.■ i * ■ * ;.'i-: <>M J 'in JLi.wii vi iOi
I- iii* .i- in i.vii i Y'ir|iinj. 'll.ty il.
l< Hi ,nt i. tn'jf u-r wr.ler. Vo *<:<
O: i 'il tn **i j* 11- -I L I.Vir I'J hilm|i “ Lll'l
ii 'ilc ilift L iilii.rtr h' llr* in iilLjngmlnii^
iji . ' ... !h< L i ii ai;*! ruin tin . I In the Hft[n,hni#M thin
*, i. '.! ' iv ii -Jaini-ft WatKiu We Ob
. * ivi-i Ihh in ii.; U k of il<; |Hul/,
a. ; ■ av. wai b< aftiljf I J‘II I{,*:
Lo ;. J! i • or-, in a a|*e-ti U*l- ie i!h
i*..;iiUi li, kill i : ft Jii ..IUI mcaim fai.
.. in rr arc i>.:*i we vv i! nuke
L; ' ■ * !!• .. . ii. I’ Hiinuitliiig.o! Obk>,
* .'■ 1 jjo tor Ui**.'lotion uo4 C-ry uOl ho*
S ilfoii ' Jo“liU* It, kbi'l:
! (-■ *tmd itj tlie* time- when the black
" * ■ !!,•• h . li shall wage a war <A •
’*>- mi'.atiou against bis nj**Ujr, atoo the
ton h 'if the io< endiary aba!! light tip tile
loans of the .South. uad, though I not
mo-ft at fheit <aJruiiy nor laugh when
the.i ‘ear onm'th, y t I wiil h .il it wi the
lawn ol a powicat inidenniuni. In it any
wonder, aak A H oldier, that the conirtry ia
overrun hy i;.> eo Ji uie- and Umlbpublt'au
party dcwotaiiised by such leaders ?
lirootl> corn was introduced into our
country hr Dr Franklin. While ex am in
i;g a eorri whi-k ('njjortwD h r acciden
ta'iy found a sing e ec-a. which he planted
in hi* garden, anti bom w.hioh the corn
was propagated.
An Ir:*u pe-i'-am, toeing asked wliy he
jiertiii e ! 1:i pig to *aae up i' quartet*
* ith'l.i*. Ie r . . , t; ale an answer abound
:<i With eu rical naivete: Why not*
, -vn't ;hc p!*oe &; , >;d every convene uce
that a p g cell ?
“ I :r.l j '.!ervea that when six joy tig
:a lie-. :ldon to talk aVJdi tir e-, a hoy
th i tin i. nit a reluct for the weary
Cfrl*lrtp Aftr Vtarri.tgi'.
Niva this is what I Cali emu foil, sai
Mtutco IT iriry, as she sat down tiv lie
m tfiliho 1 ’ tire into
At jour "Hi.i.e. wiili tlm.kcitk sVeamiit).
on the hob, amt the lea things oti the table,
txi'ueiing even minute to lu.or your hus
.iioii.lV sieyo ou-K-s*— 4tts kitvd kirc Inrik in
ai-'.he .1 tr. Ah lif my luishauj ai.s but
'ike votrs, .Tsntf.
li. is like mine in many r* his lists.
I s-iiil .ftru-l, 1> ii. a MU<l, aiui i| Vt*U wRI j
-.TTovi me to apeak plainly, he would lie
still nt. re like him if yi u Mould take more'
!, to make him eomtot'. t! h-.
VV hat ilc \mi mean ? oned Madge. Out
i. ise 1- <4- lii nil a- y ills'; 1 mtltd my
1 hmhtm i's I’othes and cook til- ilitiner us
1> ns atty otmtn in I lie [flush, ami
I lie f.i 'ii slays 111 I me el an 1 lolling,
'V! . ‘ n o. h. a- ly aitcT"
nigh l , as happy os Cu he'.
A-l.t.- t y *s can he on e.rili, said (lei
1.. -d, .kit c.y ; yes, an i shall l tell you
the siern ot il, Madge ?
1 wish you would, sijd Midge, with a
d-.a.-.t-h- m l-
Wy !, time, ewtii .T-T-rr;—frafei. = rii. tliu'l
-.1 tuei VioM I;, i iet mv hus-bmut si e tnat- i
■ Vo lot st iI, .IllJ Uitil i Ini'll CVel 1 day
to hint !.im mote is tiie chain llial
Kind-i itti lo homo. The wmld may call
ri 1 iiy. but ihu world'UuiT tuy do you ic.tlll think, OXClliiucd
vi ulge llut husbands care lot Hi t suit ol
■ tbit
I I 1 iov. ,do you mean f asked Janet.
Vis ; thi 1 don't fill lit all ns nr do,
dent , II .I t Imany yiftia id
. mill..d life l 11.jik. thrill think ol a it lit:
>s a .i ••! maid ot ai! uoik
; A M - , .7 fSt.s M ils-n, laugh
■ . ' W - ; :,l . ty . M ~1 \\ if it .111'*
'I. ;t:. * i ;; k tu. 1
] 'N,T. i .... • Ti i T.uitl In iL.Lieut,
U'tl vma wlif'.’* |t)vi% win e Jt >Jjii
; - .hn!*i m I'd!) 1 u Itist Lius*
L-iLtU.' I.X.a 04i*f 4U-# l , -d#4- - 4 ttW+vHf^4t-
I h lit - w Ih and hr > . * i I to my huiminl lUc
rihri rnrt :V mr tin*. W.'ta 'ln* ti.iji
t-t-H T?f-3 Tn.Tr,-*7r ;ifr WCii TfIUT ruiltniti ft
'Mill 111 l liibH' l-N f,’ I l7;llv I luipJ'iuC'M Vti.MII
4rnt,-rvrn * n nmt), it mon tint givr XXiyVr
< ; i* (1..! l uhow John li 1 ii*u
r - : ? ) -r ■ , .-?■
j . , . litin 1 .. tj ;. Li
I ii. vfi i.. .i Mv.ij'i. hi'. ifiTijfnir.iiili
in ii< 1:1, l ‘.ln liflii'Vn In 1 wi.s vi iy li.ipjiy
It i< II I'i 111 IrilFl I lift'll 111 tl |>i lltl
iiil'.i-I ii wi ll n.y iii in motlu-i ly tin
i lit.. )• • l , ill ■ fill 11.1- 11 l. 11|In-ft ft of M-en.jt him.
.In-i i ■ , .I-, ymi i ifr Iccl line now f
VV‘ . ; mil C -tiU. I)y: —•
A lid wii ' mil.
<+h, | TrfiirtJ Ml! n ; mnr
neil I I-I.pie ghr up llinl null 111 tiling.
I . **►**--*•-.>,*
N,I f,.!M •. .. * • . W M. ■'J *
lin -in- 1 . In mi i’ )nr i Inifli iinl 1■ a lilO|>
', it j.lie.i -Ti e M ifanti
: ii.*; ifti-1-1. |.ii.(iie :.|| I ..111 .eiJ.l 'L f luil.ili
beli *l l* ’r: ii i ft, ii aii-neo Ml" Hatiey.
Ihal ■ii lie want a. Ii e I hoi nil |
,y. ■I y In i •tn 11 v* *: 'il 11. it, V Wil.i nil wnllil ‘
I ft., oi ti.i’ ;. ■■. . l iv-ii 1 h* ili n■' iyen sibrai
lit ti.i is I ii. Uiiow they re Htii I'iviii
Mm am k>i v.ilti, it la .Uii-phiii to alunv
ll tin ton il. "Ti a tit nli in, hh'iiJ Madge
I in., m■ • . wt.iii mnyimavUig ? Have
I y.w t! n; rr.t' 1 with the nnrinri that it i
,i. t i : .!■ l.n i. U Suiva yaiii lovo
A.,, hut h <n (jt wind In slim* ti nt you
i am tu*. muc'i lot them
i : ;,y lin .1 him ,do nut talk •*1 Iri .luii 'li
in ei 'in nl, Ih.i . t j • .tire In i it" "la.
li" iiiinl.'i ti i e enough ol him.. l a.
t* . Sv,J a**ftUJt ,‘.ll, '.'hi l i Mie'i;*:.
>tj <*■ i Matsge, kiilT /allot tmiliug
woulti it th> you v.y harm to u< > ■ e
.it tin if. iv at lent ion from your tiuMm-t *
aiu! ill-, Hai y Ihilgi tui ut toe hlir.i.
'i ni l. you ilor.'l think i nou;rti of yni;ri-e!l
and nothing will tiinke you vain, I U|ipow v
Mu.ige i 'lioruJ, ko<l ill llie inoro tvl.i n
]ik jii I. veil that Wil min Mai,mu Ini
ion <; lu ijuit tfy ami wm now aian.Jiug .
b"inil .'•.•{ ■ unit. Thb, of tout it, |ut j
an uni 'o tli c'lnveiHHliou. Mivlgo m
tired Ut lit. ii* a home to think <>: Jaoet'r
nid-; .f to oonU lull they were wiw
li run j.H .<"f triif'.r* John-lliiley return
m hot it:, lie M' a .ntvli ol gixni aOilitie.*,
r, J wen to do in 'tie worni; hod having
man Midge In ea'ae lie truly laved hr,
he ha ted to have a ti|j>y home.
Hut part y Inseapse he war recurved and
sensitive, and part'y Ix-cause Madge feared
to Miuke him vain, 'hey had growu very
eold toward each other, so cold that John
iicgao to Honk the ale hocte a more coin
h.ruhie place Iba-i hi* own fireside.
That night the rain fell in torrent*, the
wind* howled, and it via* not until Ihe
midnight hour had arrived that Harley left
the public house and hastened to wind hi*
cottage ; he was wet through when lie at
length crossed the threshold • lie w*S, a
he gruffly muttered, used to that ; hut he
was i, * ssod So lire tune and look with
which hi- wile'drew near to welcome him,
nor to find dry clothe* by a hie.
and vhpjier* on the hearth ; nr to hear no
reproa* h lor late hiiufs, and di.ty i ot
inark* as he sal iu Jfi* arm chair. Siine
change had come to Madge, be was vtv
enre. Btie w ire a dr>. ■>, tie had bought b' t
year--; ago, wit!, a neat iiueu Collar around
thenc k, and a cap, trrvjiuie 1 with
white itubnci, on her head,
Vou are-i.urt. Mu Jge, he exclaimed at
.t, Wuni I. , bad staled u| her lor wu.;
•line in ►.i-.iice. Who has been here worth
dressing lor lo night.
No one, until yiu carne, sail Madge. 1
l y Nonsense ; y.u didn't dress lor lllti
foil Won’t believe 11. peih ips, hot l t .i ■
r has# Iwn talking hh Mr. Muson this
vening, arj she gave on--inn.• vrrv g*...-
oh'it'O \‘a-L.KmIU Ml dike t u -m r p -r :
John, was wont t s| iu [ t, the she!;
at night and contenf hi nselfw it It at.ythinx:
Bail. Uioe,,-ht ##=tdife*s 'oil. f Tf-O
excellent to be rclused; ami iin soon „ j
large hoxl of eii Tohita was steamut'g on j
the tiibla Then his wife sst d,.wn; ( in
. or.ardor, by khumie, and' 1 .fie t a TTI ’<•. \
! listened, and looked pleasrd, i V tn n a! lasi \
| he h and ; Dear old Mi!;.-' t
| Timt n'.is eno'gh h r , show pom:
j fuurtd its Way, then, t . the ooi of ! 's 1,-1 i
Oilttir, and st.e sal III: kin-' iptielly Ml the '
It e. Alter a tide J,. „ | ( ~, p ,
ii iiige, dear, do you remember it.e ;
days when e.] 1,1 - I -IJo by ;d , i,. ‘
y.iur tnother'a kitelu-ii. —j
Yes, s ii ! M id,-e,
I was i yogas man, then, M .due, and a- J
they to ■ m ,li:m.|.ome ; u-nv lme|o,tm ; . '
■hler, p niner, duller. Thm you--you
mve.i Hie 4}yoti iwve me *lilt, M ~dge. T
-hmud-.d..ftk ..p ia-h;Q g
s-swo.-c f Wl3 dka g L;ai U Tm j
the o-d dejw-j JeaTYtis arrrr- .ouoTer'hi-T hs
in i head lay on ids shoulder, nn{< to he i,
ouce attain Wilds meant lor her i-nrv shme
fs ie never on,-e nsk.'d u this it ouhl imike
1,1,11 ' l,l ,r knew, a., ii by iii ..mel, Hull ■
•rt-Wtrt lUaklftg him a uim-i, m-re tit,>yiit j
ml nwi). And when, .an. r „ hippy sllene, \
ue toot, down tie, ti e Kjii , ano .e id .. ■
chapter, as lie had Of* i ivoiil to re.ei pi her (
mother, silt lion-d lor I.i-ad and prayed 1 I
' '**• I’-ayi .l for puruon tiuough tins |
hh 0.l oi J u |us Uhlisl— i.,|- Birenglli to mi j
till v\ < ry duly -(or iuc n!i powerful ii il i
• ncr or Xtfr Sj itTl, T*u lo fc ! t ,„ jj,.,
lumbuhtj 1..* evdiutfff
oiu - —♦♦ nt I not in v:rn.
*—— ■ • .
Ua t|uiinvt, Prjjjii.
'I wish w is min,.,' sni | a 1 r;l,
hoy y, Im htuod lit U ulmL_w4o .k-hty- -tWit
tin read,
'Wlint ftiwM phi J i with bin.r* H.lif ]
ui- lu.iiher,
•Hide Itioi; flint's wiiav I'd do.
'A -1 day l*Wgf
' Yee, Irum 111- l II! ;• till 111. III.’ a
time snlo till* tnoll.e
•Why “• It and r ~,| have no rig hi i .
hint il he w v ii.inn
'F Wni.l.l malie you let me hive 1.1. ti
part ot Uifftium. *
‘No lit.* ■' id.,'ll
’>’ dlil'hlF U,’ "I*, id the Hint her, vho ten!
111 11l 11*1(41 i11((, 1.n.1 li iw saw IlftWl titer
were hcgT hung to g- ian : iy a, ), |,
el', lei tIKMi ll you ol a i|.ialld 1(, .| I. ■ |., .en
L ‘ lag we hi two lei yn no —t)l.-ger rr ir nlih i
Ctiao you r,re, that Iti l l iy*|l,Ut* o'luu
* kiQit a'ftmAjildl *• ''die
nuv "I t )lot. ald:
1 wLir J lad ill. Ur- jinna-c I mj lit tirL'
Tin* oi lie . i *An I J w : , I I. nl .
die eat n- |ii lie wo Id,
‘What \no I J" i mi Iln ur a N h
| VY-hy, Ptf-iuhl t l :i f| ti.i II 1..1u yi ,• jn
itue land.
‘ttioj-you vvirtf-tirt, wan the
' y 111, 1 would.
‘Hut J wrtitrin't let yon.
'I wouldn't link you.
' You ah'tttltiii't ii j is.
‘1 klmiiili).
' You (.han't.
‘I will,’ and will, that tin y hi .z I uu.j
jinu nle I inch other hi e two, h liy woke I
' .N\i, n il.ty we e.’
The children ItUuln l, hut tl.eil mother
! Maid:
1 y oil Mg lu what tfiflef qviarrct oftci
1.1 Kill. Wele you liy W i*ei Ill’ll. lii ■ ft.
lioya m youi jntll-ingiy la k al.oiil an mi
ig.naiy pony? II I had not in*. l.fie, wi.n
liin.wß hut you might have h* en *a filly •
aid Wli ked they hum
A \ctv May lu Pay Uomkl
“What do you charge tor ho*nd v '' aeked
a tall (ireen Mountain lioy, an ho w-iki.l
sij. to the bar ol a aocoiui rale hold In Mew
York; “wlmt do you auk a week lor hoard
and lodglin'k?" “Five dollar*." Five dol
land that'a 100 uiticli; but I ’(. j you'ii
allow tor lime I am abaent Iron, dinner and
supper TANARUS" . *
Certainly, thirty-seven and a half cent
each." Hers the conversetlun ended, mu.
the Vsnktie hx-k up his quarters lor two
weeks. During this lime he lodged and
breakfasted at the hotel, but did not take
either dinner or euppor, seying his httslm-s
--’detained ti: nin another part ol town. A
, the expiration ol two weeks he again walk
led up Pi the bar, and aid; ‘•rt’posn wi
*e lie that account; I’m going in ala wmm
{up:*." The landlord haudul him bis uc
( count. “Here stranger," said the Fanh.-e. (
“This is wrong you’ve mkde a mistake, j
| you’re not dn<lucie<i the time I was ah
sent horn dinner and supper—meals hi
::?i cents each—f!o and 50 cent*. 1|
you’ve not got the 00 cents lint’* due
me, lb ta*e a drink and the bit is nix: in
Cig irs ” J
Mol birr wan to know if you won’t i
pieci* to lend her your preseinng kitt‘i,|
’cause as how she wants lo pieseive ;
V\ e would wbh pleasure, boy, hut a.e (act
the last '.iuie we lent It lo ynnr moihei '
die preserved it so cflcclUaJly .that e navi,
not semi it since. Web, you need not fa.
so sassy about your old kettle; mother
would not have troubled you agm, only
we seed yoi'bare anew one.
l S-ii-k| an i-r lenti i l i,
Ui-ur *'i ti vo i lavs c-.i i min aliii p l *. tv
it os ot age. In >i, u as P he hi I In-, n ,
iraivti over ;> .’uVty fl rm- lio un h*e.i- m
two. eal)ei) JJ *i, . ii,- ui the fßi nvlMSrft o
(in ISmi.l ip Kdueaiioii, am! in: i ...m> i,l .
"""■•da- IpdlllliU, it'll lu, .11, 1.1..
>.4gi;i.l a eoi ulv. lie was piPiielv rereiv
ed. did .a i.imruet'd i> isinevs piomptly to |
J saying; (
L ‘Cm n .Poking for a ;itim'i* n
f i il* 111•!*.*
; A Ip.’’ tep’ii-d lip- np' ivonduiin,
i‘ y flit- in in u„-n i litokiug lor ••. wo*,.;
I 1
j 1 • *1 ip-Ve Tir.uiKht ft pile of recoil
I 00-tlds -<* high, eoctiu e l hr plan, Me-is
i 'll \Ni .1 l|t.‘ 1111 i ■ ,‘M, ‘bill I lT< >llllll a- IliJ
► i T m'iii in) in ii*Titiiiv 1 -
i Vk.-a uny-^...iuj5444 v; t v?‘
j *uu UiCUlbcU
i l"uu to 'cl it,. In rp, ijl > ir 'it," n •
|: ''* 111 41, *Nv ttiki V\ ill> yntj
'i m tiiaid —•'!> fii the me iiticr, when j
do- s. ti I -I,il ls i‘i;..iii.LeimplL.l : —J
.‘PuLdygitii tl’pt troy no P,r ;..,n • w-n—.-s
•ot I ! h ii’** ii. Imu nsk for. 1 doirt wam i
to , ui on sivm ,m | irrr hlyh, ft- Utu get
ling a Iritidc old ami ouitlil lo save money " j
'Ah 1 Was go 11>, to remntli ' sai l the |
11 ! 1 -1“ ;.u t li.: ..; )|... .liii..*-i ,-y — Cl Idctlly *
i Hired:
| Do I hey nl'niv licking in tie* 5,h001.-
ihi nd |i 111 y ,|e. I'm tl ; ,- 111 1 I 101 l Whip t,,
; di, s Jhr l.oya diuvu: i’ve ha 1 _'em eom, ‘
i f '• *V Un) dim n. mid ii -.vopnl do yrrai
: hernl 11, ~ ~ r;,, | 5 ~,* V iM
i "dnn I h ~| lh,t slioul ui liny (ounly I
th.mghl noihlng of lirki ,g tliiriV seholm.
* ‘lll, he.:..os dicHiing iiyrrye t-htrs TV re
< it-.-! I'm .oi old scremnri, i del.l you, ami
dJieii - (up Itr iill- w hen yon grt ivm iiiu.i- u.i,
IhP il V Himic - *.-i,: f,.....| lit,- tm-iu"
!'*-i U-,aiu, -ivhim iho 'i f,l ii i;p-i jitin rd
u| a..d . ii i ; •
<i course yon won't lake me unless I
.if \animation, tun I h.,hi'l atnid ot n**t
1 ■*" •' Id Inn- Lo ii- a uoid | iiiuhln i
T'd ' T'-'i Hint .-one; t P.iiih e a t n ; rh,
lUtiifih ; in iiii don and a ii-*i flio n, iimi
' |, u iii—lT'. Uu: ol; -U-.ii da of loin si iiw
: !! I,ng il I -tii no I llgu 11 I-l-o-lint; [n
-UeA ' ; in.y ;;
1 is | ll oil n lie C svit:!! hi■~.1 Cl Hi hiTs slid
led hail tty i ft
1 *ll led hliii I . lielj. you, put In lit.
uietrrhtir, lint
ttn I | oil tlecdll' S!t nl |‘l; hehillll oil
acojj+njd.y, Ttth-Ilnptrrt Tliii lei.ehi I*. ~Kor
111 iaueu ( Wintt la an ivtinnii.ft ? An lull.
ii ii* ii ml tarrow .1. |. ll lull.| t oimmUiry
twolaravi hodi'** I the wor.d iniin l oi
dii ? Il.nunl ,VV liy i itioiiuill lietsauai
11 t Win li ii the largi I riV r 111 tin
ivor: I r Tuu Amaaou. Win. n n n, (
iiighi'Ht iiioiiuiam i Tue A idev. I. might
y-ui , i m la he pletli well [indeil in
-1 1 a-I—l ii -y, -Inr 1 a-. I in i. TT
—jV- , •••< 1 niintTTi f !—i'll 'a-nn-d —rWt*-
. ii *. ; III* M iHI ll
n . in ? A ini n ij tin; nfcun: ol .lay ...u -"It,
~ ~ ~| In i (i, V > l|H III! I* V l 111 | ill 1 . .M 111, !
.-,1.1 ■•■)!. y...|1. ,|' I'll l.ldp', It'll 11-ovg ,"i
-ii i- ji..', in" Hi" i• • i’i*■ ipll ,
I in. in. ! V ml, a-,ii"h, I", .rn *e, lor, lit
or, I, r, unil> fi r, eitir-r, mtd -so lotlle
~.| air inrili Ii th, I'm right on thaioij ol j
hr,, in. nrii / t.ou *i‘ .Vsr.ii you riling- gram :
in .1 at tin. I
I ■i e nr -ruber w i* ;r'*tti|(( fl’-“|tei ale, Mini
mi *OO.I ta tie i mild g'U HI it wold In raid
1 w iil liiki* yolil .1 one, and n .nioll a* a j
vacancy- .
And 1 know nl ill. nu*; ii- (rm novel to
~,v* l ie I- .mi t l.■ n. ui alamlmg uj -
a ~ii. t< an y.‘> Hitougti ill", laliu ' Ilk' * ililou"ll a l. iVOaik, and wh. ii
,ml gel. 11. lonltol.a ,*tit| lUi.eiooi 1 .
awi n I liall Hint Mill
flowing! HitiiuuUiu’fc my l.voii nludy,
and 1d;; ve y i (( to lint a min Win.
•al l ~w in IW . an I |. am! tlnmi an (j newly <u l < -ii !
ill. I. to* I. In: nut ol him,
and i.n; Sin-iub r iioii i , -I to i>.y ti.e.e .ia
iio va, am yat n T V . ef, In.r hi; >vo ti i l ik.
Ua name (Hid conniicr hi eaie a* dooii it'
one OCCUII' J.
J'd ike to commence ri„i,l oil! replied
the mail, bit i will willing lo wait ll i< I
lll)'uame, un i Iliu Illillit I get youl letiei j
1 will come 'iJStt a lining, ii you get me,
you do not get mueu slyio, but you gc-i j
so id coinoiou sense and g 1 t'Uim: eddea
lion. Vou won't see playing
liide-aud hoop around the Wood bo* in
marbles an the 11 > ir—no, you won’t i
An 1 he v • it down so is.
'Flic sicxli-.iii War (llourl.
lo re|wx:t to the alleged danger ol a
war with Mexico, a eueci-d Washington
dspatch to the Cincinnati Commeiinal
says it can be'staled Upon Hie authority
10l the i'levident, that i.olbnig winch lia
i recently bap|v-ue J ujsin the Jtu Diaiide i
I burner lias changed the retail' ns he'ween j
lii, (tommy and Mexuxi, a* liiey have
i xistecl loi several years. The I'iesidei.t
-aid lo bay ilial the minor* Inat the ad
uiliii. lat.ou cop templates a war vs ill* '
Me iii;o a;e sen, itioiial and fie’ n cu*, and
ue chaiatten/.d the n p U'l Ilial In: ell- !
leuipiated a po.i }’ 'd Kuiicxatiou us too .
i id'ieu.ously ao ird to notice. He re i
i Ilial Sc , ill* tin: orighia’oi*. ol the lilinor
-cm Pi hoc l"i," l ull 'that no such >
-cii'o*.*- ■ on: '.rigmutc o:s'i.le t Coligieo. j
_ _Tiam is the la'e*i form ol wed-ici- ifivlla i
lion; 1
Come arounj aid <•.• me captcre a j
u.ctlnr .n law at h o'clock, sharp *
IKr rm- Niti. cn rm? Hs.iti, Piittiupi
' 1 is I >■ dhR rr>Pi it n m t near Md
-1 1 1 ' -'f ' lie- m ist auelutof li.r.
- H-Ie : of the A trie-in persoilstom who
o *k-‘ like n pi *v headed nitty#- re# e,it#
n>!,i (mith !u ibis s'v it-:
•i .b: , .lUd-aud, 4h is it*r# t-Tbi/-
ip Ills hid am an awful wlsllallon ’jitfu'
110-i doieil |i i. !ii. I'a no com) ;n> how,'
fid only gils a i.ipycr into (r.inhle. Now,
*.ft- k is Uli •!. and whit I* whit#, ami
o VI g iiv iiin r uid seil de one in
del Ol II o' Mill -111 saint*. M (lends, i>sc
Ol .1 * .'lll I-11-i.ips hi'V kiile Ia night
•> del -es, ami ill il. alt enmm of d.s
- d-i! ii.'.i-i* Dil VI I'Mer Mtl H 111 lie ml
i'ii. 7 ' f * J ,f , ;*u he lihiwu t ip I sort "f
mitts out ~| ninny a ii m.| nigger j-*t to
- 1 i "" hi f oi e tftee. On I—don't
'da Isi—uve—Va*l—unit its ; T kliows- imrr~
"i gets din whit* people was Miitslnd,
i- ’. d 11 eui iiiiiti folks dftt did weiil tip was'
' '‘.hi; oi li de eullinl people. |\Ve
' nppo.-i the o i pt-fiit-iur meant car|MH-
I h.igttera slid I'lii e. h'llllcr- |
L—fc-u iiot, Idm a. uiid-ftafui-m-dut -.ln diddhdi
i..i ali.i.o, un i je-i no ' t> nit yotir bdllinesH,
and aimyUn ito g-usl Do*l won't tarrtly and
uln you any in j wi-i cou i\u..-lfW in do'
| elements.
Another Macon Hoiinm-g" declared that
. toe ,av-p i iptits htft wmpd-do nob *itv any
-'""d " itiiout religion That Is, we sup
p -se, , larky iii mi he ruuiy to lay faro
v, . V 0.1 noil,], wlmil he essays to dint!
~ iTr!s "’w o‘ Motel or Dm Lstiuir itoiise.
A t-11, it . *ll., lit In' lie ho, if il inn L— [ M won
retegrnph A- Viessengi r.
tSiintli ( ii-oliii.i I‘oliiit-H.
A in la iiamo .ft-mr-sl in ttie Honlh' Otr
"lim h gislalnre a lew days since. Tho
ipteaUAu. umb-r i'-li -1- 1.-r-tl inti was the pat
if* ol l.esilv’q Lull m Ikpridatu llm (].,!
mg iuili-lilfiliii'-s n| dp* statu uyei the gov
■-•> \ veto, and .negro n-ember named
' 1 '■ Veil li kited Ilia splvun against
his exeePf ney:
VI. Hpi-aki-r -1 m lit litvor oh patsing ills
'"Il "hi i de g'lliiu'iK ve n, anti dene am de
i e 'Hints dil in tu:Ue me In ,|e ptv id sea : 1 Is
"tT"f ■!’’ gohner's si Uln' out the pub
I** in p t'-ty ny VV-., *&&&&
-white tn- is, mid limy hti is Hying to git in
w. .1. ole hi-eMitt-iaiy. Di r seta de gem -
"tai'i n ‘in ('lnnlentiiii (alluding to Mod'
I. A Ijeidiolm) who knows diif f
‘iv in <h* lad. Ifu*iins .In Ulan wh- rfn
• I in lei dr gohutr git Into do St, I’alncu '
* "i*v I" < 'Kirlublon |,it mouth, heeuuMi
_hc_Aa_..a_uia4—oh had i.lnn lelwr. -
IF ih.'i ~i no ki|aet loi I) 11 tf'iam
tlTiiii, In a .mil. lie known tint lie U * k
ii hllni'to de |"il ly what elia lu I lilui, and
win i In* |‘iilh Inin nn de hack, and ray*,
i>i ' lig.t thitmer; go ahead, it lid put
live damn mggi l down; yel l.u would’
iroi.i M .iH.n liii ells.
—Mo.TqTTrtiTT, I 11 rh-nd oppose to din mm'
- .'hainlii.! lain. He lade fiial Itlka msf
rilli' Ime a Inihe. Il wuh in IHflWi’
. i In* -. * 1 yin i no hard to pout de
U ~* iii fan a 11pi l.lli Otmt Hoolt’a vebr.
- An. —r —r In t itli arr leilirgt man.
. -.\ mil i Ti'ii' il 11 tv nTiii lit my kouc ailer
o hi ll.* is an one my In de cullcrcd race,
.♦a ~,‘i ,i ymi pick him wui a uceallu,
Oollu-.g hui lee Wiler Will COIItU out il
li* p hod win . he wrote, KV 1 mild a
.limn red moi .rn ever iculUcd a ship or
cut I. mm m ibi glh Up all hu
•In i n|oje l.efoiu Ire’ get* to he hoiieat. it
iiitin-d poor < i dozihy miking him lu.i l
Ir ni iiileel lion n, no' now imulU and legln
l l'er liy e illlilg ll- .1 cofflipl AOl (lb foola,
H„h, do demo, i ,ls elm lml| dn man lor
dem"liven, hill lie l| ill tJbe none of our
goinier. When day li id dal we hah drop
ped In n, .'ey Will 'i' ll dlpp 11111 l like 4 b<>t
punite, huh, t ia done wid deoc New
l.nghwli uieii, liey lull uno hand in our
ke >, ami when dey are Sealing all wo
inii., dey my I’iiy y ir |aior nigger, we fout
.. y nii* right, etc, 1 in done wid dem, aah.'
Itu, Fr.r.a. -Yeaierdav ill contwa-Ulon
ine one reiflalked that Oun. Toouilw
never cioh >ea a couft houae d"or for lea*
limn tive tlioUNaud dolloara. When ludgu
hocbui.e replied that: I would not lake
any t ile lor a Ni.iailcr lee than ten tbo'Maud
loliaiN TM* l auMd die crowd,to diacuaa
legal !"'•*. and ll waa loend iliat aevc-ral
urge l*! had been paid A Had** lawyer!
Him ** tlm war. Mr Hill, in llie celebrated
vii le .lf c.,*e, received a hundred liiouaatld’
lollaift lee. Ju.!(;c Ixfchraue a fee of tony
thou'iiiid in lie* (irui.iwick and
Albany i;iu. Mr. Hill received a fee of
twenty live thousand dollars h*r his man
■I ’eii' iit of tv iin bail's cake. Judge J*ocli
ume re, elve 1 flfi'eii tfiouisml do,lsis as a'
let: limn Mrs. J*nubsll iu the Kimball
House i a*#.
In ad iitiou to th' se ease*, there is a case
oovv p H ui. between llmny Clew* A Cm
.* ibe C.C lov e railr aI, Involving" Ivrft'
Iclmli l and sirvonly tire Ibbusah.l ddliarx,
in w hicii'lie he* ih lie large. H i* said'
that Judge u;li silo * lee, as sttiXW f lof
<il< w -., w i I In i.wc-iny five il* >u md dollars.
T,,c • *•! si I come in ini. Chancery Couil
on ibe ?io ol lois iiiou li, bcuolu Judge \i
y. Wnillle, a c.ilor. . Tiic c novel lor
Cless an J nige I nuhrun-, id Aiiallia,l’6l.
Aims T, i* Lai lersVille/. MLa
ICoi. Juo. K Wild, ol New Voik. lioi ,v
;; I* |l i, <d A a. Is, Judge Jacks*.u, • I
and . ai, C*c. Aoia Joiintoii. ol Cai.e.svd e°/
m I Judge Ljou, ol Albany, lepieseiil th'
" T_ l* lokciTlaiuba T.' [ Aukuia II laid.
*ii i m .
How iu pronounce a huaiue, soeckd'
three times and say ski.
NO 17