Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether Comity Vindicator.
by t. eeviil
A r >' • AN N <*• M i_N \U\A N > 1
Office > ■*; >T*Y-
FifUkc* ' i '*
l ;„ c h 1 <*>. o:• > !m> : "<i 2 <
1 indie* 1 '••
:s inchet> ! :,j ' ! •■• ;ii '
thi ti> ,>_'■>< . „i "i
I col : 00 is Oft
,'rtl IHXK) ‘in *h> A> <*> WM*> >■'■•
IW A Ai.. il ,M> "turn * ■>■ !.. Mm*
KIVIN \ ’lf J .-. 'V !’> > .
Ml Kit!lT .... ■'
I ’LE ;k \ I. \J .M
T\X UE’ X IS' Mi .. ‘V I' v
I \ \ • 1t... SV >' !'
TtEV-TULU > I U. , .
.ixLJiVLY’-iii— L
r I X ■ V .LIUMmsSHiXLE-v ;
UrT r'.J, H. V. | '■•■„..!
Jcbw I‘viiii.t.:<>. li. M .lio - .
It. A ll an!. J. A i*oi:li>r, fit.
nr Ktitwrmv
J ,hn W i*ark vs .1. ■*>.
—M .!. Li . “T ' A 'Ta ■,
A 11. iTeemsn -tv it.
M.NaToK I. 1) .orb tC I. I*, vy.
;n- pfr<--.KN r v ll vi->
< , l iMiA iin r, S' I !{■ '• i !
jiHt-X 4 ,-UmK: ict mi.\
* ! 111., \ !■. VA I I S\V,
A— 11
. ji: fi yv r a r.K,
v TfOltM • SI LAW
. \ ’Hi 11l i N v ! n I . < >’
\\ ,'| j r ctici 111 Ml !•* ‘he- ' . ’ •
. ' ■ --
~| i 1.1. ! FI \\ v ,
\ t , lM 1 1 i ! < ■
Cut |t*nt*t ■' *> • *•.
. f X ,, i, .. i i.r • i . ' i .'•! i
i , ‘if . I.r. .Hi at 1.1 1 )•
p i <ti lo t'X- i:'i : a If. k-tJ-Is *A
J <At tlyh *ii• \\i>AyK ; : -
M’'| ■ • :
f oiuti ’•nUt H };\’i 1 '■
■; it iiilT T. H i
j. r. st.atoht zri. _
" ■ | \ N'i > K MH\I ' ! nUi: '
i.- -"A ■ 1 1 ■ 1
MOM \|T \ ! !. in- •! : ■ ;
1.1. . -W.VIVII I N
*’* S'' 1 2 lAIAIiJ-lL 1• ! ' ;• * 1 ) I
~ : M-l !!;. f; i fit
I OW I > t i<• < *
M.n 1,!,. > ir I '<! v I, ’ " ■" •fi ti. '•
IU,A "• )S \ fil.F, TI .HMH.
flog (.■•••, irt J 1 ork r 1 oo'
<!• <o' 'a-’ :•• ■*.;.*iv • '
},A M|| J \Ml’f.t .oh K I K‘>
hI;NK OIL in rosin Ii If
MSIIINO 1 'tolls
4, -i .. • . ni tlin
~r' ** l.i j ni
Coat. U -- 1 " :
U li 1 voisi t V
Strfion off Soh'ml Baolw
cliff gkry t>f et#y 'vnn it*
Vr < • ooti**s of
h ’tory, Vr*i.i<r' - . Mxorr'f
pL.n, <j. ■■■ > ** # L*; . ■'■ # /•
Hoi 3T6 Af .diifj#, ( rn.
The Kennesaw Gazette.
Devfjted (o Kailroa.) i b ic* ! , Liierstart.
Wit anti Haeior. Fifty t. enu j. er year
CHROMO to tretjr A>jlpr-il^r.
Allan!*, U.
V r.rm. free.
drsG. * CO., IC. UMd Maine
Dr. J. Bradfiold's
*-\\ I "KX'S !;r-T HU M>,"
V | sri i! on t.■ Mei >rs when t v V \
" li • >il i iX.ilutl Ai_Jii
■i t?u*.* Mil l \\ j; j i * .’r I’ . nju’
: Art?n;rr*TtnfT jiWrw the Tua i v ti k
* i tivl l oi' ol iiiOM* tiistieijiLUi 4tuU
• '-I YV .I mu; *\\ hi. >' ... i. , .
ii ■.
ii * J :, i M ;mJ I:i in,
<t * if- >. itiv i v•.!.!' in ’l Ihip k* v t > \j
> :i> i> i’ll, fif iii <• ■ fa vi f\-vc*r.
t- v (-A . ’ A t l • .. ” . L i -li H*.
•L . v <!•• ■ ' ai: 1.-1 \ i•. v. Mhtjtf then
; 11, .i ■la IU i! \ 1 s M skill'll i UiU H) N
iioru; •,• s.j i ep t .ait* a:it nmd<*stv.
v 'iii .ii ;o. ! syid ny-i ny \ U i v TiCbT
: M-' tils J •; i: if |> Jit fU?UCi\
F I l.r ’ . i lilt all OtJ
m . !i, , t 's w l ri ii tinu ;
. i . % in’ * 'v h ii orrv l l * V
* ■ ’ . .. i l>' ii * • • .'
,1 O.tA* NV.IA.hV
• It. v ’ . :I.!') A ( O Ai'.'ii. Ih
5~r77 v , ! it; ijvj 's. Ih rv r>u.
* * ■ YV.I Sto IMIJSi*
liitio ill*’ Horhl,
j M .o.a/nif. i
' *i vM-iii Ut, in th* ilrt r.m <>l iin%
•A i r e 1 wiih Tvcrj ivuHiini; urt
m !h r. liftll liter, win*,
‘Hi 1 ! r tin. ss-iui, xiit*. , U* ht^ffl.
D .1.0 i-cU-tt.T v! VI vl i h.T-liy in 1 I
\ - v i >lt li ill* o t ret* -
A woihi w iilvout a a pmii
I i:iu iiVa r moNt ha.
i iii l 't’iiii > *rt‘, ilt v.ili.Oi,
* tu .aiotia t'coiu ulx'yf.
: l oTll-lh.o T *> Ttour, To siiti 1 hoi t'liroi',
S;n i.*iU ih- ;
Sih* f ? him* (hi -i. fin
>4 oi nntfi, hfiialirhiTTnati, th* *Uit
i h l h t hoo*l hurU i\ 4h skill ,
ATxi wiirM hi’,- vioii a woman's h< art
11 > i W* .
_j -All ii i It 1 fa- 11 ii ■ 1 ; *-hm>mH-pi:rr, —;
1 -A. Y, ill Mill I tttlll l U 11.4 tv.
1) V 'ii fh)bj ak UIOM i iaiivl tin ITI' V
1 I1 v. Ji .o 1• ihi lip } i m s 11| morn,
—J— f—r TVTTTt I?!V Wn tIV" IT* 1’ VI Ad
. I- t’ 11 ?* • mmihl ot lift, hlri Ktt-iHi.^
*\ hnT glorily out . nvv $
.1 t ;t- in f*rTtr7", sh'liH J 'it iiNillg
“ T I•O • . lit lilt ■ ; t'r. lT I <l{ 1 ••*. NIV .>*l,
Jii >d>l • I . Cl. h'lii Itli .i:III *
H U Vtflll ilc.
I ‘ • i ''! i If*. *!? :: and ♦j - I:! ir V, h •
Wifv, i! von havv inn h* iM
; , 1.i.-t inv< i i-m w ill- b< i\ i* ypm
■ th an ' • :
•< I Sfl h.M ii U | * -I, } MI l.? M
: M .- : Ml *1 ill 114 ml ivVMth r H m lorr
4'i -■ - •} *d j‘ h • U|):|' V if-' \ ' >■-: 1
: n; *,n V'miii ;iif l a U' “IV
, • .. in
‘ O'- , r . . o. , lit"! Ilu < \ t tins f-ldy, -
I ■ : Hi "V <■; .1" ■ ; tm tlx
; ' ' ir ':,'!( i t' < ■ t ill 1 . -Lo-a—aqym
• ,- •• . I, " w -Ie lu - trouhl'', we
igo i.,, i’u i, n 1 . i • buu t" lo ti'
———fu m "Il .us "111 ln-r.
; . ' ' ■ l. IQ ' i a!f '.V: ;,;iii m i_o..-
pr'ij Ui I v. ,ih (nau if 'ho la- riven a nr
■iita, •e. \h a gnu ih! roj. , ’A i < i nlid.
!" " HI". <of *|,. I p .!, "'"I Ihon/lit
; •.. ui > n from hifu. Wi>-i,t reflpioe U",
! i,■ It, ;~* nt.- d| riu III" i ' nft, 1' tu '
’. "ii ,' , ' (o< , V \\ i nr- f. j'a ;n ; I";t no
an ; wi , jr !ho w id m- lu
■A'., ‘ 'it'll', I Of ,'ii, Ills purpO'.
■ , t ( is wrong io Ida hnpul
- , , m" ait t-t, ; in; w iii 'lut I- arid s. i
, eld *nn f'r a m st utdv. really light
ILipnn 11 vi- h i in- jfndi' uo'
; ■- ; m "I to u, o.'r f.orrlj. l-jioU ; i h>_
nu * t tu him in * v ry ° ilaridie-s
——*—~— r—r —rmr-7-Trfr “mot , r .;’
u, i and o' ■ ns is (>u fg!i ii, <
• ■ '.('.‘it r. lilt II ion- is is vi r fn‘ I.'UO u
• -i,a :,,W : King'* M<- d,i W-uk*.
T ■!- froiM Imc tiaiin vln; Lap l '' A
j a 1 . . imjoo! *fii.a’er In* l>' < n liv'r.g for
,;u ~ al f lit ■ OaVC NVljeleit'd'* If.
■ xi,,i , Hen very much interested'
i.e *, Ms ' of tli'- eo o'er) poop) - of On
i Hitt ii of hi time in
i km.' to f ! the ;>our ur.fortii
• at* A few dty * ago lie hii'-f vi-*v, *d Hi.
‘‘ I,spin ui, n woi thy oi l r.'g'l-Mt; the ern
f ! <■'>' of Msj Wh' fdiel, nt co ,*l'ler*bli
!I' n.’th He asked Hr. all ab ort til* pro*
: ).*., hop* san i srrtjrifjation*, spiritually
snd flnau'liilfy, ami eviueed more than
or tlnarjr in!er<t in Iris welfare. Hi. heard
him iw'i'Titfy, and then remark'd lo him,
N'oij’s a y;;i.!)<<•, I * Ves, s.r, 1 sup
p *< I am what the Southern white ;>eop)e
would cilia yankee. lam from Kin mi*,
one of fire north western States, Well, said
Hi. you ; a>,kee* put me in tn.n i of a hum
hl' V.e. l!at Ijsjg buzz's) an l sings ‘round
your head very familiarly until Ite sting
you, den be'* gone in a mini*., you hear
no more from him. Ida’* Je way you Jei
low* do. ,
It i* said that irj Meuipht* the demand
for morphine ha* Ireomc so large that the
,;g ita ; - '.ero-.g toe yooprie ■
iy ol not tell ng tr.e a, iieie myt*—e upoir
the order of a puy-.c-a.-i, or to.a wel! knows
- j
No*,.ij the tirne to hoy a home io Floyd !
ounty. On It .t sale dsy'D see i'ts is/td i
near CaV ; Spring a*. |do and #-J0 jrer lot, j
and in Rmac a five room Louse was gold J
for Uxe* and brought only $172. 70.
rii* IKomiortl 1100 ivr fioita
11 w > * 110 tcr evivlenily. lli? ihe>
" toy* bi s ac ion-, tii jt. i uiu
~ tA*is n Ihyvorr *
hm. ii vhiiV-A via a * dirm Train,n*o:
. .* .v>> ui M*.iY'lt nIU r viif iji ! iml- An
. -it i -U*i iAii±* tu port his fcrmny
tul wh.r. huU>chohi >Ovls win nctva.vaty
'*'*;!! lin m lu> Kilims hmno.
lli 'Spr in tin lailiia' iltU4 room, .ami
vv-h vyi-ifijl ivo.--'.i a subsiuntiM
;it • ’l vt .i*kc!>, vhi-vsK} ami ham, a.*,!
Ihoiil>\ i v, -It; i‘ .; is r.l Vi'tu i look
i iy, pic wlu i, *iu* vllUi i m viiar.,v o' tin
: hyo'. ; i'h-'.l up to h-m .nil it tmoke l :
1 .os .- iiu: ■ r . t. i: •L ’. i >lk M ; yo.i
' -Win UuVC t.u iliinTTn .nij . loom.
j l" Uit-ii >-- T m .idkvti in a tone.
t'ion picking Up hi- carpetbag;, a*oi
litiiicning iiir ~v lie vvtiii, Ik a.;i.iicu'*i
■ U.o *he mart's loom. H .1 hv Uhwiv.
’ i o:jo i .iltack ;i tin* rv u limh t ol Unit
r]■iv or as l l q-urviJ Tcc ing tin
?rcx nr trukt Uiv dip Iha l bTouJ
;m VI W.i li n * w n\ , alm’i iupin - ivuiil, tc *
■ • , i.i to to - Thru 1m ag*iu aa-atill
:i-hat anutiuv |>*evv of cookery, v ashing
uwn cwry mnihlul with a copluun
rt.oghl iin' till tup. Ti ii*v ItlV.Ul
. turn ■ >, vel iii hui g.iihi i oil ahoTil liu wnir
v*i ct, bil no tup was t* bo eeit Ifoin
W tin it lit slack Die:’ t hi; -O Ti.. .iin.uico
i ihv attention ol the lUv’i r, v> ho soon ob
I’l Vfvl 111 U the iiou-ii i moaopoli/t:ii
tin- laiikiml, un i ugnm ap(>ioarhiug him,
ht‘ v i smut whul sltal p
'* . ' ix!.i •\\ l* MM i 11 Ol t" l. ! Hi.
* I hat I ;j When oUivrs Icq ili il.
Is that *4O ? ? - .... h :
The li ' riel siiokn In nn vxaflpvraloU
i (fine, i N ally thinking flint. tivv(llv.s mi
( •iN iiive was being t ausi ti him, but, with
*U lu‘lh# i wo, 1 1 —, rosv hum his ivpaal Hint
r I : ■* 1 tjll_i.iLp-AY.IunIL-itH Immrt-H-:
FmWhlhg that h.-mI an.l iuliruy I>it*
n ivvmg it to tiiv bone, so to Npcak - lie
s ‘eii Mil I*l 4 in i himself out al tail length
lifting In* heail upon Ins rnrpvl tmg,
.inti W n!i Ins Jark KiiHe was pit k .<.v i• in
e* tjq in *h vppy oblivion oj vmiv, when
i Loam the OlUcer stepped to tun nliie un|
ii.’ •>TSThvr vm ighUv slyloY
i a t.n- thviule’iol tiil* n. an for you
n <1 nn n Oinis an w aiiung i ii\ u ,
y ; i win iiavt* to sil up.
I ih i! so ?
.t he i lion w •< a ■!%< ‘I in tart him! IfVv
'o ,t -but U.e tmiiViMmi ft loiter gattoua ,
it r *” tr*:** up ami asHtylllPtl I tje peljrn
ic><! I * Hu* jack knile nvhh till in inv
5 -mil. oiil, i Uaai up n fm>ee *.| pim , t i
. hi: .1 y arv-i fmfiptlv n..* . i A
nn h,l g ill a liUel ha t lit . , ma-ie a,
- l in I ii u. nv tii'u, fif I lie ion t.* fmn . l! •
C '-Oi i*ic t* id hiii4 T Iliti lohoiftt#
.I ‘ nii • ■. lie plitfiV •{*♦'; "r- y%'
is 1* af so f ■
* f ni 1 |- ;:! inti irnn—— 8~-
U, u*’ u trrt r,\* oi :eoi led LTTTTeT *- 7 ~
I h . * ”1 11 lU'M'r looked at the < ft! |
•* ' l ' ) • 1 * ! •• ns—Lhun..' It—bo—wooH — h
- l ■’! " •fLwC !:.* iff —tTT~rT:r:~T~
i. •!--1 *t+k -rtrd VCTTpTtiTt ;'tiTol< j h
' "*" 7 Yf\u in hand, h*- v
•1 ' dip-i,j Uh 1 |!<:form. IJn rtil! r .Hi
‘lit spu \ U and knife, mid w-'
an dmia ti i■(, .in front of the •., , ,
’ nm, mil )i- Ion;; bps vibrutim' hut
on) loith like two bumcma* peiidn'idu
;o and i . knife bu > in bin uoMUrtouM and ej
• b*N i n< t 1
h I '}>* f bil form, the oflb < I
u < if* and the l’ avrh r, and otu v ftp t!u a ,
It,l fdm
A -body 'a ahnwei! f4 *|i on a fniuh o;
dos j b.if< irti. i ou'lJ have to get off i;, t
in,.!', 1
1* Hut h' . f
v ’ l,! *’ "" ' Aril "•'¥ 'lit. trail; wmJ
•" i "' F V’i daa*t 8 y round ~,
YOU W iii he left j
IwtbatHoy j
IC: w;iv iit’c/i-.l iri n liU.rfic J and I*l i! ,| !
U!fin-r, at’.l ti,. Ilmmii/r, as >l(> I. * . v ,, j„ |
In/ and iniUiinj. 1* tii( m, y ilngi/i l |d- j
|o "8 Itfti iatu llic ir wid was wm
iE Mitwati 4,
Oakland, < alifornia, was ia’ety tlr>-
veeue of a cui iou* romatiee which ended
:i" tragedy. A bright, beautiful go!
Carrie .Vf-dd. ru by name—fell deeply i„
j love with her school,ririsfcr. Hfie hoi 1 ■,
avowed her ptW'Sioti for him, ami pro, om-.j
i ■* *h"uid i/iarrv h'-r. Hire was only
twelve year* old, and he was, very natural
: ly, somewhat taken ba< k by hci bold < x
erct eof a privilege which hy custom Ire
long- to the sterner sex He treated h'-r
: prop-item as a Jest, a,,d mid her that he
wats alieady marked as sold in the rnatii
roonial market, and that he was sorry that
-he had applied ao late. Then she wroti
a little note to her parents telling them
j how aha had been crossed in h, ve> J
I how Hfe pu*e*cd no charms for her any
more, and hanged herself. Now H,,
achfxdrnaater says he really loved the -.j r /,
and inter,de' 1 marrying her a* toon a* YhJ
should arrive at a proper age. Jle Monk* I
there must have been a tui.rake somewhere.
"*'.! i *'"!lu u r in 1 i:.v- s I ,a; spirir,'
, j;rg a I.oj>ee-# and armless life. A Can
hernia p ,er nay* li,i* g. a true story.
Hottor, sail a ihick-hcade f y., ti , (| ( ,
Agvsv z rv, on, e -a.d that fl-h j, i|.e p,.,
per i"1 for man to eat who have btai j
work to.perform, How much ought I to
fat to tone me up properly
About two whales, w** the reply.
A“ Invvcii-u! tTiirki i.
I'liry li.vr itad tt-ntp moititf- at oui
dnxtwt tut .‘‘iuji-U.ut.xo. f,a>t fSttoday.
• V’k.. \X;,x J I't'uiuilinu Ills ,
*• "i 'lis.f uil.r, r The
T?!-. iliren, I id, io direct your nr.entiou
uioruinyr 1,, lb,. I,until verso .!' Iho
l AVlitUfl. CXm* : i. r.d S on; —v. h.'ll a ht-it
n-lu..'gA t. .in ; t, IT'. lil l i uTll UlO J.tlj- j
I'll. .Is slu- liii.l jMI |jd an I
■■ - 1 I 'l■M■ !y in iinnoum|k
,n Ii . d>l* cu . I . iiion, and li's!“|>|'<d as
'<■ iva.ko I mil nilo Hu liislc. s.u .ts Id'.a" :
Kii-" i- i!i K'.i, ,■ in, | Uuk kiik k, k
k'.K-U- S) > ! \i,. M , jy i . and lift
r..r a uH’t'.ii ai -.ud ilu u coiiclu.kM i.
~iv.mi ..i fl vo or -i\ a,)u .da i., U,o .j ii ir.
!:il'll, ,nd 11.: .. : 1., I, a lttukcl tlul lit.
proud'# s l oj px>,| I till all! Slid ;
V. Il ll* .M',ll, li; lllfS Id. H-l- ll'llloti
,'iTya ini csriyi*tai lioai lUu
ioitMk V 7' ''
i'sn .VhOiiii lux, mid i,r,ii-i !■■!i■ I xxilti 11,..
o!i. IL llrat li icd in ih ivt) In r I ward
u l, dotljful ,"111, a.l,i, Mi;
ct', Mitffy, ip>i uni,ln'p.-,t in
the llon\ |ll’ a 1 r.. 11 lllf d.nn'QU i|l.
ii uUrellil an,, s. nup.-d Lor out iulo (In
aisle Hjfgw, all,'? w liicli lll'Lied to ‘'stiuo"
I*',' l I ho door , she hut da,del into a
p l '*. Imppi’d ".id mu parlilioii, cninti
do.rn in tl.e opposite p.uv, and in ilu- side
lisle, ma.iinx a n> L*. dUe u Meaui planing
■oil!. i'Se di aem didn’l like lo elimli
"'hr aliitr he;, o he went round, and Just
,s in' got Ini" 1 a side uisle litn lien Ilea
over into li. no,ldle aisle a,in TUe.n
tliu li.iys ill llie.-yatarry ICTkT7edT, and llie
ilvacoll bey an u* k !l ' v ie,! in tlir tare,
At las. Mr Mums ealile ul ol it in p. w
l>, help, an,l as l.oth In- and the demon
made' a ililsli a! 11 its eld. ken Ir.ini s.ppnwii..
■ ■ ’ ' ' " w III) wllli a wild ul link lo
E Httl an 1 i; il, ,1 mi 1 lie ~,!■•<•, w tide
sin; il.u e.uite.l e.vpre.s.aiun l.ei views
!>y uiniliiiiji aiiout live liun lied elnel s a
nil""* l *- The dene, i; flan.j a In nm 1,,,,>L
al In I lo /x, me her down il ■ iiii, I ill! lie Inis,
ed lie l ami fill Hi ly ■*■■,,,-s a B,iinl.', -X '11.1",i
”b-M. m i lie ~ • T' ,■ , a nil 1,,. |. ,J |,,
a 1 ! it In r, and rea* li
' I 1 1 ' l.e lu.iiln- >i h|| on Mi.
N- ini us y lioiUK l, uie 1 oil jiou she
*l\i .‘UI It.. and i inti ite was jii,a I ■.I in .| to
III" mileo* T <- eia i. e„iv.l the hen,
and niu* lie tv over mil i....j <>n jh,
stovi - |,ipv . lan along J: I uinl,a the
.Ting, fairly leiwtsirj 1 wnh li iglil. In ~i
ler I' t,r|n f ! !e-i down, t!l- i!n. >1; 1,11 I Ml.
Hun - liolii ■ ;n a n.e pail ol (In
ii, > —iiiii H. ; mnHr. :- , ,| a' i e iii,i,
”* 'X‘U k-e. . 111. . I ,i. , u:l . 10,
i' - l I'fh l.Uii iov i ilii e li, iin a
... ,o <n iv.. •-( *-mt rrVrr - Hie .oil
_me -'Horfa it., in —tv,■ —tp tli t
' •'!.*"• iy’ •, ■ -I ■:, , ,j
l.e v Inn IrtPti tv , f! ft eoal funie '
- n’.;' ie" co.u no l‘ .eon (Ii ime
-miill in i I*. .at,.. I,■ 11 ,.* —f—s —m nr !, iv —T j f,or,
e in. do AII XV Mil lie- slave p |lf, a,,1 a
do it' tv I, yM l Hill , , |,e made a dill I
l! ' ' W"h ii a i lelli| 1,1,,| 1.r.;„ lod li.T
■' ‘tr 1,1; I.oll —U—a (111 ■ '".I —pv ne —rr! ;| j
te , [H 1 , II "In, ! ii 1,1 nutely. 'I "11 M i
M..,,d , i joat ne I iii" conm i val eni. Ti , \
ue g,. i,;; lo , xpel (in oivnei ol jlmi lei
d"-o ie t in?"!, wiu.j limy Hi eov.-i lo
i 1 " 'd iM ,' At, <• ,in 110 \, tv I nil.
We. I ly, ,
"\ ,■ 1 yi. a nd! al,an I ati ' ii", - ,i v I"
keep alive the niennn yo| M wioiu , lei
not I li" he||, Hu it , ; id 11,,,1 h"' s' I'd inn and 7
'o ' ■ I A nil'll ilu <- .date'll! enruM , I
i.< * tviiirli ,|. ,i* not. an . IV" |e,o n ,a
>.i.i -how ilieil comp,.•lent for a,'ll govern
iih tit. i* logical hmU hientnlile re
u J*. h t Mu- Ii nine ,e l v1...i.■ it helon '-
*U'l it do<‘* ri'.f I'ehllig t'j the Suoth, [st
f,"U i It j o I < nil
* ' tr iimy (rome iipan, next Sundnv
>v',* f|uiu",e, dear, bin mid -he In-si
fat'd What l it, darling * Hive f given
yo" p, ui V )ri(k,ask<siJ, as she still remained
silent, ion didn't mean to, I’m sure, she
re-ponded, but next liruc p'ettse don’t
on, of tiioiu-eo lai* with ihe point* turn
rn if, o' lward; they scratch s'*,<w-fUtica
Her* id.
A lady wax telling a friend t'li/in the
country oi a very grant I party who had
i' ! ven recently. We hud two General*, j
one .fudge, a ’.ope Inr author, and n piuy ,
/ ’•ties. V es, < hitned In her wicked son,
, .... f
ian i there was a deputy abut iff, too, who
i said lie wanted to see dad, and Hiey went
| out hel< in up|a;r, anr! dad hasn’t come
! Law k yet. When that youth went to
i school the neap day, with hi* head all tied
up, r,e t/dd the boys he bad a dreadtui
j toothache. n ‘
Here are the lieads ot a sermon once
preached hy a q taint <dd minister on the
text, Adaui, where an thou? First—Alii
men arc somewhere. hkrcondly—Home I
men are where they ought not to be. ‘
Tuirdly—il they don’t take* c,m-, ilu y will
soon fire! themselve* where they bad rath
er not be.
Avi nerahle negro f, a * aenk-nriously |
exfrre-- <■ J tin- principal eao e of ilu- ,t. /■ ,y 1
of Ihe Houlhern f,r"*[K.-rity in tin a<- war * |
Afore tlie wsr the wtdfe gentlemen 'tended j
to the imbiles and the nigger* worked i
Coriseq <■''(•<• was Clops ’ was gory! and j
white fobs* bad money pteuiy. Now a
■isy* t!ie- shi'e gentleiß'-n and the nigger*,
am at.// on fioitlU;*, don’t ne ft iter ot
’em work, and consequence j ain’t neither
of’em t‘-t mo'svy 'no ;gh to buy corn
Nttltlt* DrfetiM' ol l.oiiisiLiiiii.
Rial,op Wilnior, of Louis,ana, lias pul) I
Us'ied a pamphlet eulillt'd ‘A Pelensu 0(1
i ""isi "in.’ Lu- all.a. |aonpidcl —BistiOj' |
'Vtimer ad'Unites all die misery and per (
aevidion of |.ou a out siuvi the wm Ui the
kiea! ir t|.,\ ol e .; j 1 1 tuul Ute di
lee! sop rl they In.vo from, almost uudci Ihe inslrnelimis
■I Iho Piesident, who was elected upon
1 be idea dial lie Hols! s, I Vo I lie whole p o
pie. Pile Tilshop, in speaking of 111. sup
per! these bl.atd soekeis ie, eivid lt"n>
NN as dUgl iu xin n ,i, h "11l s tvel e t aih g
i.or pr.ii.a li ni, s tvs ;
IF Iroid diem (die carp t-lnt ei rA nslim.
1 ■*’ ’! <r nn tiuni lemta to iaa ome repie
ciitaliyes in Hie
uni w uudeltna-'.ravelsing die judo la
. ifeilMs, guiiiily aud 1. is arelv, lo udmillin
(ei jnsiiee ; diivtn by die all up edge ol
| pel.- eeutioii in occupy lordly -mansions
I sold sit tfrrwtT-irr wnTpTTlotis TaTiT.W,- y V Tn
L h—J o* van i iehest, - aorrr —nt it, tali I,ev- I
iaiimuu P. olia I l.iM a dt niiilioed"
irom tills jjrem wrong proieyiitiu for
seorpems wiio have alnleU’dlV dove'* ,re*t,
I '.mi lliey shall n. t lie oldivtal to list n to
(lie pla.ntite ti ii k orMlTHTiioiiiei laird ol
lor youi g "piotneiion lor die -oil shun
heis ol tin* wolf, gorged with his prey,
he shall no! h" distill Inal hy die Idi-aling
ol the slier,i told 11, on She Ihe n.ldllljjd
l ids is a tun- pleitire, an ! dnytrn in flue
'.t!,’. il will ti.' at once leeogui/.ed nvery*
when in Ihe Soul!' - Coluuihus ineluded
*tt Jul lie. elipuon ol 1111 II who eomc
among u and sting the hotiJU dial uuur
i died n i.lo a lesj eeial.l.) livelihood ll
(Ills lilt- lull, lor die hundreds ol a vetdu
tons whurl r .ts and prison lores w ho have
wanned Ilnur nest* with Ihe downy featli
" • “I in wealth jt olum’nnn
• I’i'lmhi *4 lleutil)'.
Just nhotd die last 111 tii- 1 11anoe which a
MiauLul -jdauukd —w ;-li —Ii is —rir; I,i wtie l Tn )
male ot lent de -is oeisoual heauly. It. is
ahout die poorest kind ol capital to elimd
r.i Hu tot Id with.. Uii . vt-r saw a henti
ly Worth the llisl red eeul i We mean
.what the world (alls In'iiuly, lot there is a
l lnd of tirantv, inoro than skin deep,
w ill, h the world .lons not tu'ly lee.og. i/.c,
Trk Ut)t. of-that W’hieli we. S|U* .It. Mill, the
,ul w ho'W all lii" fops and tools go into
eslaei" ■ over an.l ahout. We should as
■ oil ii eliild ofOne's "hi'illd In -lint quite
uh, tulihil. And then your'hamlsoiu
.Ulii in over and ahout w hom ail Ihe
I"*!’. • <I. ..a gn Is are ill eeslaries, what
", h !u ~( cvqji hehrg anybody ? A
and ,u iroyer ol amhltioii is heauly
Lain lit, fide ij loi Ihe all il low pal. sol
Hu "flirt .u'X. who esrr-appiei'latu eollitny
'u' they 1 " mu' e tilt ill with a low slau
di.!*', tUain'umil, ami urtt I; ,|tpy only
•VlhiL rf<tnelnju n Mntvlniwt* of'Y'* th"a wlk,,
are pleased with their IttHlplly.
: TT/iTi.t. Iv:.ow 1 Is.N—T w,t negroes were
| hunting whn they camo acro-s a den.
(), e (•uler.'d while toe oilier fetnaliunl O'll
Ido to watch. A wolf whosoln me il was,
undo ni , lirv , tv; " I'l il ei ed, when I lie. Q!|l
side i'ii i .eight hold ol the luii an I stop-
I"I In r
I he dit u y in the rave, nliHiiu il at the
• i.lrlAi ,In lulling, t i ted out,
‘‘What lu de dehhil make do hole ao
Sambo t"piled -
Lf and" t ol , uun's 100-..; I Vpe, t you know ,
I lu* te dmg ol il good and well co|,duc
ole ws|i ipet, for i lie sp ice ol one quar
l"< of a yi it lirlijus mote sound instruction
and Ir vt" a dc'-pcf linj'iessiiui Ilian would
jirolnhli Ie- acquired it It.e best school in
I twe Ve lonnlhs,
j *1 .ilk to lliu tlteinheis of a family Who
jj l ’*477' I* l l. a*nl comp'.ii, il el. rntcUi-b
: gene'!Tf4 informalion wilo those who!
to not. 1 lot ditter'cneo i) Istyond coiupar
| * .ii,
.lone* gave a lawyer a foil to lie collect
-led to llte amount of tjjtdO. Calling for if
alier awhile, lie lnrpiiied il it Imd Irecn
j collect-d, (Hi, yes, sul.l 11.0 lawyer, 1
have it all for you. What cli .rge lor col
feeling ? <!li, ij,| Die lawyer iuughitig,
! .111 not going to charge you -why I have
I known you ever since you were a ha
hy, and your father before you ; ftSSh will
he abort right, handing over ten $lO
Weil said Jones, as lie meditated upon Die
tiaii-tteiioii, itr darned lucky lie didn't
know my grandfather, or I uhouidn’t have
go' anything t
A tnan may borrow money, steal from a
widow, discount bit owu whisky biil, or
nip a prayer book from a dying heathen,
io id slid /rye some chance tor pardon ; but
when lie swindle* a newspaper man out of
liis hill, we think tin; devil has such u grip
on flie seat of his pantaloons that rejieu
lance and.forgiveness are utterly out of Die
fpiestion. Header, art thou the man ?
lime, jou young raacal, walk up ami
(jive an account of youraelf. Where have
yon been * Aher th* gitla father Did you
ever know me to do when I waa a boy?
Xu, air, hot nWlirr did:
We like the way the County Cetimib*
tdoncra of Mtirke county do butirieta. In
tin; Wayneaboro Kxprndtor, of Tnuraday,
they announce that the collection of uxea
** "uapended, and all pernoiiil pacing taxea
wtii do ao at their own riak.
A Chinaman in Co* Aogaie*, California
upon being applied to for payment of a
debt, replied : It uo bavec, how can ?
/v \
a. Iff HYTME BKtPty r U M
J?’'* 1 \V
I GEO^g;'*'■*<> sihst r**‘ u * ’* \874, I
\m/ jjy' |T jKY
1 yi f ——— -
I \
Alkaline Fertilizer.
f I Mils VERY LoW price Af Die abovo
I imine l coinpoiin.l, whldi Is almost
"oiirely mllu iml, cOmlilneJ 1 with its surpri
ingly great lei'Utl/.inr nropenios, Inis al
ready gained utr it a popnl'ull.y never hel'niu
seetlri J in so short a time liy any similar
ariieli*. Tli" h!i,'rely greal ami rafildly in
i k’ l lug demnnil will iii'ce*silalu exfensive
additions lo Die Works.
Col. L, F. Livineston,
t'hnirniun of Hie Isxec'llive ifoinmltjiio ol
lie (Jcoigla Hmtu Uningc, says :
Octoher lj?i.
“I have used your Alkaline FtfJi*ar (bt
season on on turnips, alongside of threo
standard tcrtilizbr*. They eott *7O i*e ton /
fT? jmr (on, Vokmm iw. ,ufuul in pro
ilu dim tn cither itf tk
He says Kgi.iil [ t
.fannnry 10, 1875
“I felllllfcd flvr s.t iMs o# wlii'at whleh to
,btv m Die most protnlSTrfg t have. My
.'p'/o„.i >* M t U m ihe cAiapfart I'nrUlitrr on
ilu: iu,i 1 1., 1 t'.Q- Hunt. I will nsu U tip* *mr
r< 1.1 y eui o > botir L'onl and Cotton, and
will report. ’
Edward Cox, Enq,
one of Du heat liM’mcis In Dt-Knlo county
writes *.
0 -ifiber u, 1874.
“I pul 200 pounds pel' uc e ns a top dress
ing on my wheat in March la-l. It initdn
Ib’i bushels per acre on laud that Would
mil have made more than six to eight
I bushels Mf be-t* / h ,v hiiien cut off from
(Iml hunt from "J,ooo to U of the heel
'TIIJI i/rinH that / , ner tain, which / attribute
to the u*eof i/ounJ-ertiOmn-. My neighbor*
around me uv> and other guanos, tliiue limes
a* (ostly as niiou. Out, did not make as much
win al, and tailed on Dili grass crofia
J/// Horn crop ie iqtlenilul ~better than any
I evei saw gmw 111 HeKallreoijnly, accord
inv Hr Die laud. / aai .atuijial it it exactly'
what we neat t n tleoi'i/ia. ’
Col R A Alston,
tlie welt kuowo editor of the Atlanta
ll'rnld, voltioiailly gave the following
■Dong testimony, after huciny tried it
IhoniUtjhlt) ;
Atlanta, Ha., Bept I, 1874,
Mn. A. C Laud,
Hear Htr I'ie .se ship me, t Decatur,
(hi., twenty ton* ot your Alk.tliflc KeitUi*
zer. / hare trial thoroughly this season stila
hy side with nil Die boo brand*of lertillzer*
sold in tlie market, on HORN, COTTON,
lie-itaiion in suiting Drat it has RAID ME
! ILL. bend me live tona at once lor tuy
wheal. Very Iteaitecilully,
t%' Send for Circular*.
A. C. LADD, Agent,
No. U Broad Street,
Atlanta, (ia.
V. la. HOPSON,
to aarra ajr fritMc ftr Mart
wi'har comity trie, itaetr* to bar* their
wear* ukilii I lue* or damage by r*.
To tb-atawt-liing tutiwu an inharlUaoefor tba
"IajVKU OAKS” they my leave behind, I (hall
he ■!■ lighied loeerve them with a U't Potter t tbo
or n r ot her entnpany of tbtlr own eel action.
|C 1 an working directly for the "ALABAMA
(MM" u<l diaire my irtcade to •'Hoe
NO 2