Newspaper Page Text
VVh. T. UHYIU*, E-*u,r ami Pis|rWlr
gggi ■ "*
Let Junl<f lx (tone.
In a late i*e f the Griffin New* tbe
Milor grow* v*-ry l*e*tii> m 'be t-xpenan
o( Judge ht*w Wr. *r. sfieaklng ~f i*" l *
M “ft S!r-*ti,*r, vhe W mtttmnj * xnd BJd
ing other lifer i Mint* while expreving an
optntnn i .*g#rd t '!* " rwf " f ,lii *
dietirtfcuhihcd,hencst, Inlilifu! publicKfvw'
of Georgia.
Io conclodon !b* witty writer -breabm*.
it Judft Wmm dmuld become coudl
gttO for Governor,. Mt j übluili bt tteerd,
<•( mbrerirtg rotne curium let's," triling,
input -dber thing*. bow be tme to
gia, bow bg<* to Oonfffeia, how bo w*
bong bjr tb Yankee*, Ac , Ac.
Ar Judge Warner bo* alway* born* a
good oouitt in otii millet, having teen- a ut (it&rtivilla lor neir'y tuny year*.
w Hllfig here, pi rh|.r, befhre 'he editor of
li e New* wh btiiu , a not oven a wblaja r
ol aii)tkioa ha* ever been brt allied *tioi
the I otMtiily and lair (arue of Judge Wan nr,
either Its Ida native Hale or the community
ii. wTitob b* baa m Umg r-wided ; we beg
Ibe editor ol ibe New* will not wHItboH
ji t be In'lnuaUMS rc in W* potsmtion
ggainat ilia rej ulaiittn of one whom be
cl. racterlzea * “g<KiiJ lawyer n<i 'bat i*
*li." Thn article, it seem* to u. broadly in
limalM-thal Judge Warner has been <n ),!t y
nt grfrvou* flAlofioito ol thif law* til lb*
bd; will tfic Woi7T> ' orr< cittrtd uib.< n
editor a! |be Nw* give ; cHtlc lin t*, or
!•'* ijii that i,e tan mistakiu 7 If for
loiiy year* tin: |m oji’e ol M• 1 1 wHtier _hY_
-trmlTrWoTSTi, leg*! or (Milltbni tlUk'U-r
among 4hew In I In; person <•! nut ol their
it (mt ri*| ecUid t it •*•'*, lei Ibe Nr** 1 #•
I gblctl UK lim-ijl'-iilly 111 " a ■") JO-kLi-
II I tic f eiijilr ol ibe oi ’ f'ov.ita efn
Ihr fourth cftiigfcaalruml iiiaiibt, > * •*, or
entile Hli, who, lor ninOy a ball m < ■ >
have mlltiired ibf b nyidy, lino'i . .■ ia!
iibility mid t mini 111 j.iit t* n i ,ii ■I .1 ; •
Wen er, an; iniolul mhi 'ln Q' l '". and mo .
wnnfiJTtioMmik i*iy *hi pm io.. ■ I In
fin ivfr, tf?n diiiliioiii' ptooK of P* K'd'l *'*
abort coming* by *ll i" M"“ bit ii* I.‘V
I bum pfnol*.
11, on liifl Ml ei loti 4j 'I ‘ Wf
Warner. like tin’ n’n hoi
Athenlun, Who ihwhril till) bnii -biin lit "I
A rim Idee berattrrr p,® wi iiTii and of flic I'M
Hull worn continually Uiltig bi*> | ml-aft-htin
by TrfAgrxtr/iirrconllityilll n. 111, il imiu ov
tnuww*, bo li'in * i Inniftc liialikc In lln* pub
Ho MRtntnl, * wdl inmi’tlinim Inippi n,
lt*k llnrtwf brollinr at bn t lm Jnd ebon
rv<w*iw:ol one wlimit bs rcgnrtl* only a*
w lawyor, but wlmm many jrood, hot ett,
pnlrloliooltlKeii* ol Uroigl.i fuel would liol
only OH Him t'llhn ol Governor worthily
hut even honor tin' |n*#fHon ho occupied.
■FiDatiy, If On* New# carmit nttord to Tin
gtmerou#, u> o i. jim.
Miilm ic 100
Our great can*© ol the incapacity of nor
public let fnnli srul lll*' corruption e<l*llng
In high plocra l llio lurg© nlirii h nils' be I
In almost curry office, •! and natkm#l.
from prmkHmi down, the * Otvo bring
#gM by tHahnnest and tET-onvprtm "•*
lor the money Id 11. *" ' ial nlMii
reduced In *'* kUvm ‘flgtin, i>"l only
would the axpentoa of lln- gcuul gsvru
turiil tad Uw g 1 vi*HMneii_of_tl.te Several
But©*lm ulmisWu 'l ixHirly olio-ball, but
w© xJwutd srrur© Iwtler men lor nOlco.—
Tbs Jwsrsoy **l Obtain con vciiti. hi lust
wmrtrwhwnstnK> Hilacikiii >d the pie*!
Went'# salary to It* former standard. fSS,
C3O Inatnad ot iM.OCtL'lm sum Omitt In
now receiving. In the same nmutisr 111
lb* dcmooracy, Hi© people ol Georgia ile
lusnd a reduction of the *abiy ol ilm gov
ernor, the Judge# ol Ibe mpsemo trad
superior court#, the per il'em ot member#
of the legislature ami all atnlc houre "111-
oera Tbe writer dining the sesriou of the
legUlatuia la*t February, advocate! n
movement of tliia eotl and wh# told by
leading metnbera ol the llouae that he w#
making a speech lor Buncombe. 11 ihe
people will look into the rattier they to",
ilk© Judge Warner, will find we neul te
trench mud In every department. Will the
people lake the matter lu band t cilice
Wo Wgret. to hear that Dr. Wiiubi.di,
(oimcHy * honored and esteemed oitireii
of Greenville, is quite ill et bis residence iu
Tha radicals of Ohio declared agninst h
third term tor Grout at their late Stale
Atlanta haa received a lot of watermel
oua and la clamoring loudly lor a centennial
celebration iu consequence thereof. The
cenleumal anniversary of the declaration
of Independence doca nqt occur before next
year but Atlanta being always ahead oi
the rest of mankind will celebrate the cen
tennial this year. Bravo, lor the the Gate
Bboncr ot the New York Ledger who
used to allow Grant to lakh thu reins and |
drive bit fast trotters comes out in a strong
ankle against a third term for Grant. This,
however, may only be an advertisement of
tba Ledger.
When they take the next census in Ar-
Vanaas they will miss Deter Dayton. The j
old man found a package ami threw it tutu i
the stove to she wnether it was powder or
~*bth}. frwsrnT sand.
Tbe trualleat ltalr throws a shadow.
t** n. * *. nma
We aopy tiie b.dlowlng iditonal firorntb*
11 atmlUHi Vie*'or and rttrnwimil It In tb*
can-ini, fehougiKlti a'tenuou of the oUiaetta
ut Men a elite*, Atiama atui Columbia :
'Kti* mod i* mnr to fli# baud* of U*
ntaio. and II U very evident IHhf a ue*d
KiiTloot lot it* taicuatoo i/oui litai quarter.
It i* ol Jiu e benefit to Hamilton, or to il
veil, at ita piesent length. Ibi <e it atuail
hope ol any comptttiy abo.g tta |fe>ut or
)iti)ape#|iv*i lut bring formad ti> ;>u*ebaae
and extend il. Theae being obvious laeU,
and i* being to the birtvit ol mu peopie
to have it extended acroaa ibe UeHiiiiaio in
any wy, or by wbuhi tby may, **e think
it pi editable U. change the route, and build
the road to Allan Ut via Gieeuydle . Xut
pedpTu' of Her iwel lo r would aubmetifte
liPU io.itiny , mt they *ic eng.-i for a fail
roil, (mom eo, a a tear, i naii tint pnojde *rt
tbs* county), twl ibe men haul* ol Allan la
would doubtiea* mvtit llbeTSuy, lot
would i, a good ifiveulutwil bo Ibein
Tit* i xUiuatou ol lint load >iy Site luttit
pro(p.*e.l Would bent lit Imili Coiumbun and
At.mila. ii v. ou.d In nip .ill *:it! iia ie
U. (lie lotuie-t place, wnidi now got* UeJUe
tjlangeand V\ itl roll. I, jinl AMout* would
n relte a good liade which how guca to
(jnaii; .oni i in i piatis.
The load jiAeii would hot only I* Irene
filed by large addition* ol ficlgiil, but lie
p*u*ingel travel Would b* g**diy inerea*
ed , lot il woitid bv ola ahurlea* ami cheap
c i roule between AllanPt Columbue
and ad that tjg. ct btltieJi.Unaa tmrt frnr now law* nil# Ihe W ec.t iW rtjgMe
i*iM.- r d rt.i roiT 17 the ,d..lm A A .mb roc!
The bawl .ieight ami iiavti o< Hie tniul
would, id in.uie In. Hie in piopoi i
We hope our iji i/■• .. •. whl the rniiti. I
jaw, atp), and Ihollgfil advicab e, w. ugijnl
Ilia! a pubheMui el mg In . ~b. and ..l .u ■ . fly
day, tin ibe | blpi .1 ol i lei ling > * ' gi* '
Li. go lo A 11# to a .oid con lei w*lb >br bn if
—I '.in' —it-e-l U j lvTTTTTiTr^p'. //it
eeidntg.y onpoti iiil hi ;ir.f,
• -had l.t |.miij m litvi ..i i i.l'iiin .
*JfJ if c*sfc ljr*-i| Vi Y* fill Mil Mihllrf ll*|. (fgi,
‘ I*4- V I l> '>i ■
ICiiuifiNK a N w*|i.i|M r,
sJ-silit' * !<<■■ * * '}' 13 i;it|T' ; * 4 • 1 * • < <i;
oi I ■ Li. iL ill i | l j tt -‘ pr-rTp-fr 07“
. 1.4 1 <;).! V- !■<•' it! iv if If J* * • i>* *’i I
' Hill it 111 A*( |,' I, Mili il Mil?*
buy h'tlti Mi* li'ViA <>J, vs lit Ii iiil/
Him | tit 't < rlfH hlr'l .(f f*tJ 4 1 f‘J fin Hlllil* o
IllVf'l i. H* I* * ii.* ,*>y ii k y At
ofh< v* !' £•* tu i *•{•y i *♦ tiniiy vi , J*i i
rr f>ip -rr^Jb
n< v< i •!m uu* “I tIHIUHtM “jI II I.* .i • i
in* I froni fi <l> y K*”rf4 Mur*, oi % *
i HiMy n iuntu ii"iM i, **vi n U|#* I M*
IrlrU lf| lilt) ill fJ lHliltMMl', IliOlMg tHlitgii
fM'llii Itl'llg I ll< U li**l*llU. 0.14} |iH|h i m nl
niiN'ti, lut i liur*lru| ii day,Mils*m m t-
M*inttliUg in ill* rot?F*w *if lint M '
)9 H Nlal di nItM!MU|iMfMi Willi U** htiiHii
vwii ."u: n iiew-.pHp* i 'i i-apM-4** *“ •
rv. ms moil wbo bare paid two iloilai# at
III) early |© rind id |it lor mi adv* lt •••inirnt
wot) Ii Imn or live appear ("lldhk they #ti
ftUJCHev. I tv* ties.. I*# t*tm*i'
Iy. Thxy tin* ul nil
manias*) sgtiJMvesel-nwiwi-s, obitin*iu
uftd lauiily episode# h r the m-xi i*>tty years,
{{tall*. atptmkxd t*v<*- —* * , ©••*•*
iadlgiiatit. Itou't I patHniiiejfuer uau* r?.
y*g j tuilyoil ft-ontvo the Wintb ot J<*ui
money tut wlmly u p#v. But, *ay - tin
(iktrou, it will not rout you anything to put
ihi* 1", yvbiek-i*4"ft me it-tn u|otnr~i< - to
aak a juiui lu gi luU-y+nu i t on tits” gilm.
nloue, and graciously tell him it won’t vn.-t
him a cent. It hikes nioiiiy to._um *■
new h flan Ter i<% nidi iuoiuiy.-mbn —brr#trrr T i ,
no papei wt<l enCTCed fin am laity that—inn
<i* ott a dead bead system. Any mem ton
t 4be pmplifc alt"* flitil K ey me ttnxiuu*
to ace in print aro wor'li paying for. nud
when printed t* generally wuith as much
aa any oilier investment of the satin
The new*pi*er business Is very exnciing
on at! mu nee. ted wit It it, ton! the pay is
comparatively small i the ptoprietora usk
more money Inr smaller profits,! and hi
editors, repot his and printeis work hauiei
and cheaper i!#m the same number "I men
In to her prolissiona icquiriog tbe sutut
amouut of Intelligence, tinin*ng and drud
gery. The Ido tins its ebunus and pleasant
association#, scateeiy ktiowu k* the outside
world, but lias its earnest work and auxie
TU's, und liours ol exhaustion, which al#o
toe not known to those who thiuk the bus
bless all Inn. Tbe idea that new| mper
dnin i* a cbaimed circle, w here the tavor
ed members live a lile of ease ami free
nrom cate, and go to the circus at uhrhl on
a bee ticket, and to tire apt lug# ou a I re
pass in the summer, is au idea which we
desue to eiplode practicuilv tmd thioioti
ca'ly. Business is busineDs, and the jour
uai that succeeds in the one ihat is ruu ou
a squate business fooihlg, the same as
bauking or buikling bridges, keeping a bo
tel or running a livery stable:
Grant’s third term letter reminds one ot
the skeptics of the Widow BedoTa reuion-
I Hirsute wl fit Uncle Ktjiah ottered to kiss
I Iter ; ‘No sit !' said the lady, with virtuous
indignation; ‘not unless yun are soougar
than 1 am—and I know yon are.’
A ratupatft radical was overheard a few
days since, iu conversation with one of his
own kith and kidney, to remark ; Arkan
sas has escaped us, Louisiana is trying to
esctipe us, but by the beard ot old Simeon
Cameron South Carolina shall not esca| e
ns. Daniel o‘Cornell once overheard
some;king ot the same kind in one of the'
byways of the Douse of Commons ; Amur,
ica has escaped us, Canadas are trying to
escape ns, but IrtthmMwith an latm tthaTT
not escape us.
Silence is the tit teat (reply to folly.
fitdge Rirata Waracr.
Toa if*r of Judga Vfarner bavin*
called lor lb various Couihmuu w pubb*b
i* io tail, final our readers may ue it
lor ikemwlaw. iwlg a.viea
refmws to become a CMMtWsbe fin governor
iw,i U rtrlke. a mpohalve chord io the
popular heart when be Speak* out so tear
leaaly is favor of “ecaaomy in every de
partment.” This is what ibe people n*i,
wJfet they desire, tad wlMrf office teckei*
and office bolder a, for ibe most part, oppose
on ail occasion*. Il we cwruot have Judge
Warner lor we should have a
n.s*i ju*r like bim, and i**ialattir? oi the wy of t bin king. Bui to the letter ;
At i. asta,Jonefi'b, 1875.
- Okau Ht t TswriirrJarTfiwrijir iif your
kind leiitr oi I*t inat., lor which !>e p!e'*'
ut ace*) t ny tnanka I* iny
tr e Ooven.-,' ol ( l< *e gis ab/> . and be a man
wi lug and i aidilhli au/.'n ; li;i *-
poitry ior th • Hls'e hji fecoicdfsthuda "-ha '*>
ibe Oe eral Aeneiubly, and,
which will prontire * o in every <W
pxrunent, cu tcii e*| endifAtre*, add
lb r.Xfn:iit * ut jfiivttriimnsl Ui the lowest
praedh runt/ twr* 1o catt.c onTjr 1/ul in
fraction, iu other woidt, the K*e< utive of
Un H-e rlrrnHd tie One who (jkn Ih.’U b)
precept S'. 1 Eli>U pie i it cte a beabby * .cl*
of |*ubih; oplni n lu telalgg. to Ibe actus
Condition of the pti.pte, 'I here may he
iv. uie goo*, men iu ll.e .Male, sod dieibl i -t
I beta are, who U-igW bc!iey,tb*t I Wc*.
make a good On*•on it, a* you suggei in_
your Ttrttrr, orr >.l you very acTI know, . pycf wwt. rn, . . ■ Maas marl, to do
these day* wi fi nominai*.** *w i electing
Hoveinau* lm Uii' pi i.phf, Tba. work, aud
fvftLCia.iy Uu. manmnliu* ptt, TS BOW done
by 'be |io|.*t<*' c ique and n poiiets
*bo iiavn timlngi mi on th* fiV ! - *V* md
•Ij/ne, w bull lbs jieopie af Mg lied P
'urn, iiil keep in In it- n, by the cUiithiol
l ■ t .1.01.. Inf ll.i-ii b n citni,
*(*, don‘t ii know tnat it wetifd be * ! **itr
1 *ft Asftsei ic yb Ibroifjl, Ifii. eye of *
i etc}!*,' litsii i’ll a IT.tin of Iny 111* Wh Va. w *
”md i.i br, in i' Jatioo in economy ad • *
frsvaga'hl* I > In n- n.u.Ui| fcjf (jovtuu.-: f
fj y.,u .in i ! i., il, i do;, if my Ii •
itnnl.d tv oggl “Id lor 'h-C ..‘1;-.. tCtu .
"wTvTdTiar ii j **v ).. n*ri xbAg the a bob
:;Mt iT j * .i; it’T 7 * ]" |4l>m l< t <|vJ *•
fj.j J i r J I* kit , if* il'* Ur
man n.i i . tmn*,' slid lhay wot.hi I
Itaitl to mi .. Huy *e tmiCtmiC'i I—mtL.
l,</T In: .. po jii lu>.o ini ibt'lfr, nti * 'o*t
idyn *i *h* lu na*n ./ty sti.T* r b ’ .
-v-ii* -r rhrjT,"mrTiirg .n. di.hg skat n. 1... fo <
v. i, u, rib *tnod much iaw*.. te'
'TiVCAbfS • < p ptOgi -o.i.
t Qiiti.o*. u*. tvntrsu f rptrrktif ifini. * ** f‘n .
uii, null h*> a tiny ■ .’.gill lit !m\ for ibe
aid Ism Mud I Uoi pfuspnlly nlt iii p. . !■
Jfery ii”’fi Holly, your friend,
nu t i.lniiU’iit tervtut,
tIiMAM Wausm
\% uhliihulom iml timni * tlic
v Tlitnl Id mi <|wi't(*n
a i_h • UTiiS TANARUS Ilt FSnri-t
Fine-u aki> Pei imw ( ttt*rk 'lbe
|.rrn..| lor • new in.*:, -Mh all'new to
a<ltnbil-Ul die K# trull V© O&H I rruonl O'
the l iilte*! fHab not ’© ng fa# 'Will and
din lino nn o’ucly arrivt*! when your
U eii<>*♦- 'liq. '.yTd -' rT^jr, tß
ihn pcf-" n ©>... t- . ■ * will, tliai
onpotiaTl ft*i =t, it appear# to me prop*'
r#p©itaiiy ©# It may rouijuc* t* a nwwe
dlvtlnrl etpn ion of die public V tcc that
t tliim’d ')'•-** rpj- y" • 1 id tU I erotutton
| loiv, fm 1,,, .1-,-,.|r, ;.■ te In fnf coil*id©red
among t*<© ann ta'i of ttn>e out H whom
the i In.' '■ I- in In- n %,!©. Lbg yon, at tt*©-
r-Tfl^ti" rtn t-”- fo-l-rr-ITT- til, .aaiire.i
thaT lb's por.ivni.," h hot been taa..
-withour a a< 'Tel n . >rd to all lb© consider
atl.'li# aciiciiaMdng to the leivt'ini which
bind" n ‘ni 'n! cb *-n t*> I)F# uiwutry, and
dmt, in wididrawing the tender of service
which abet .’e in my sit uai bm might imply.
I cm ii fluenced ly tic diminution of real
dr j'liui I'ltore intereat no dcfieiency id
nratefbl re|a rt lor yuor j aat kiedneaa :
imt am suppoitcd by a fH coue'cli-ui that
ib© step is co" pitilile with both.
Now, for the third term. Ido not went
it coy more "i*u I dot the first, i wotdd
not write or utter a word to change the
will of tbe people in expre sing and having
their clu'icc. Tlie question of the Dumber
■if i*im# allowitl ti' arty oiv*eteulive nn
only come up la*riy in the #hai-e of a
pioposilioh to emend tbe Constitution, a
shape iu which all poiitital parties can |*r
licit ate, fixing the Icngib ot time or the
number ot term# lot vthieli rny ouc person
shall be clegible lor tbe r tficc of Ficsident
Until such *n auieudtncnt is auopteo tbe
people cntina*, be rcsuklcd in their choice
by resolution i,'ether than ibey arc now
restricted to age, nativity, etc. It may
happen in the future history of tisr country to ebauge an executive because he has
beeu eight ycara ifi t fflte wd| pi.'vr un
fortunate it not disastrous. To rccapilu
1 tie 1 am not, nor have I ever been, a can
didate for a renew ination. 1 would not
accept a reQomiwatioe if it were tendered,
unless it should come under such circum
stances as to make it an imperative duty,
circumstances m>t likely to arise.
Tile Mobile Reg is. w it it isn't about
i me for the Radical leaders to commence
digging up the “bloody shirt ? ’ The Ohio
election conies off n October, aud as the
“sh>n” was buried uacoiMiitonly devp last
isU, they will have to work pretty lively to
get it to the surface t'hie to do any
The A’beus Ucotgian says a negro liv
ing filly ion-- miles bum that place con
eluded one day iast week' to np d ri " ,n *■“-
Atbens and buy. bimsett a bine-back ap*4l
ing book, tie made tbe trip in about
twelve hours, bought the book and le*>,
saying that was all be came for.
Wbt-x Andy Johnsum is eali*. !on T 9 scad
to tbe various historical and meuioriai at
sociatiout, now engaged in reproducing
cem<uai memories and virtuea, any curious
or fijgutfical papr or other memorial of,
ancient times, ibe ark idly practical, hard- 1
beaded senator coolly encloses an o!d edi
tioo of tbe federal oonMitmion, mioot tbe
goigeou* amendments. Nobody ever be
lure Aosjstcted that be iiltr*ttir>ii3 ex-presi
deAt was a btli* joker. Ami it is no joke.
The NxwrpAPEg —lt has in**, said tba*
* newepapei tfl,g but a tedection ol
ibe opinions of a* reader*, wad a keen ob
server once remarked that be wauled bo
,*Uer indrcslion id a man's character aud
UxUss than U* be ratunned a* to what be
ied. This i* eniiaetitly true as nt<*i'U
tne resdets of a ucwspajier. II Uoe aiih-
-ire, tw orrlions aud drrrupt, il is a safe i
y ■’■* *i.: m for scs caters
mares, tls wew, other w l*e ibere would *
IP ' Use ioi Its peibiiChUOa. If oft the otbtl
ii lb C* isAUus O/ a
&i itucy, n 1* §44i u>
•> *b*i. H ii4aA * .* *•! .\l< U <*
iiia (,>. isieti K’f f Qj JLi* m+li uteitii
kftjkOi , >ui itr*f>n c#n draw it iufefcuc* ■
—r4-!Jjrfc*r Tfcc • 4 scaii jU
} 1 t.z t*JiMbn<jfAy of lue w*k*l of i<*t I oii
'llk OV4J/ Ail U*ii kii* Uj e,! 1*
#t;i* k ii. •fid tb UtWOHOtJ tfW tl .I. Ik-
Vi'iy, *%!.iric' i*fcwr<sj <44/. ol *b4*J
iHdf lia* HlttldC .tl *&MU€
jJUf tf.r vr e *.-■/ cf r^ c
Af ’ A.-!* i/ •> ■■ ■ lit* ■* tagoUliy,
i.uft orti. •h-ukbij id l>y njymi tot ***
.i • i | .<> IMNVH
and 04* la: piiliA.c .iiift wktiTS'
Uji ' I ‘is*.. - rc'kiaur- Lf*. 1*
lfin of liittfi i iirnts
Mtfi Jjb .U'fOAfy m tU* < |#
r J • ii- yyf WtU ITrUT ujAkss
add i *LaiJ
M 'b y-A Jitf 'us.) -f 4v '4<; Uj
it fa -i, • i*c t A-Uirt .
si ‘ ii **♦>•*, b M votste, u*jj ♦■£
nr•isA.iv. tiiJili- Afc-k-' -r? U>' , 1.-a .
l f > 'b*- rattfiui */l ffrist *J>j ty, u
.e*—-T raHJ CIK/tgk LtwVsT l*u;
tby J-U A-tr*y—M Sut ZgTt2
•• '| -j_i’' > 6l*lk* ? */ uy
< ij Ut U iwiqj iLlii j.Li *
m * i bn <U <
'* >* •# ' U* itl/ti t4,<c - liißffil Jljl
f ' '
■ i: - k ;;. ?*>.• •■ • i vc-eiftVM/ ■ ■ • .
‘f *dl skd+4 %sr ii fl'cAl -1 -t.j/- v s Cfi
.* I ifj {*/ ijs’t Uff i.gyrij i. is-* !♦.
ftr , ftt it>"i j*TA f iiviiifttiU i‘+j Ut/
% Mil ll ( < l* > *ft it Ht/Uk| 4(‘. *I)U *>
]• ifc- t> in itch ab *tf bail
*ftirr *i* in <>y ai.T hi* “ im
, , , Tv
-i h 1 ;• - ’ )% if* • Mi,
, i, <*. *| * •*# tifn, >| I‘r* * a *';,< '
I ,a.^.l—,. i^c-r'■ W— Uf — i v-t v■. ’”"r- r?My
>4 Urf m r f
V% tPm*t i Ud*K Mm i- Tiit
lltifllil ‘,d CukiVUcr Says lh ge>.t
"I *♦*) t * I-.-* t ~! I, f. Vt II- 4 |K
i* eiviii *eti-*s ■ ' in u KMtoe of .pfi. i
• lit imnwr* d‘l" It !s#t Week, ud 'hat *U*-i
- 1 -^"-,*©**—. riy e*prn*e, lel o„
whh b wa#- IJiJipl u in U‘it* **-•*• hr**,_Ji
..*-lsJ t 6 jiatsim • **.lo $1 to 13 pee na-e.
ovrand what ■•' *■ "iyri ©>>•.
ha>e hioitghl in tidtfi, cm lit*,. and, ~f .1,,;,
•'M3I' Iht'e:-hr pe- ai she
♦ i i,e of el,q"uei,l—.,!i©w —' ©• r* —nr'ls ,and
d,o (ii ffiu v uid die c*t ! "fi, a*d hav<
irad the tm of iht> m, "- y dun- a 'he— l^—
TO* i OV! VS* iia-ijowy ■>. I) IVO'..- i 1 r- j
*3; ffte wnith ins- and tu-p, it nnhi a*t—
i* WHS sotti tn U'Vvip’ and, -bey '>,
wnd nf i, ali-.g. •.#, . ..
jtr bale Nvw. bad 'he ISma) bid, . ' ,*■
rove beea broDght id Un§a doeiog >lt
ihin 'i,h ' n Kime ikanriel, ih© tc*uiei iu
this -iilk-o would hive nii l ayi , t at
! ea' |lsooc*o On the ©nl ; *e cn.p the
C'-nu''y tire Mine op,nation w.-dd have
saved ill© Pou'h ' wenfy f/ve or thirty m* !
lions ol uolii *■#.
Senator Mr:on toM a New Y
bone reporter the other day that be did not
say he regretted |ji omr-se in regtrj t > the
lorce b'U ist wfuier #s reported, Bai t
be ; i
I har© had no occDak.o for #ucti regret. It
m Hue Hi, re is uo trouble in the Bontheio
?Uie3 just at present, -h1 there i* no
. an-e tor #ny ; bn: wait unlit a short t**ne
hehne another election I can’t say what
A be done tlien, bt I know something
uhout has been don© at such times in
the pas Everything in tlie S u'i, is not
is lovely some ot thas'c who are talking
a goo I deal about it woO’d have us to be
Yes, everybody, says the Com .or Jour
naJ, knows what has been done just before
Elections turetofore. Morton says he
knows ‘something ahunt itand be does.
‘Wait until a sboit time before another
election, ‘ stud be. Of course he wilt have
a hundred new stoiies about *os -ac L-ed
Republicans’ and flayed negroes where
with t > flic "the ‘loyal North.’ lie s"lt
believes that those are first clsw campaign
weapon ■
One of the co'tege newspaper exchanges
says that a clergyman to a certain church,
on a tecent occasion, tiiscoveied alter be
ginning the service that he bad toigot
ten tm notes. As is was too Lie to send
tor them, he Hid to his audience by way of
apology, that tbe morning he should have,
tdepend upon the Lhrd tor what be
might say, but in the afternoon be worPd
wun beliet prepared!
The total amount which tbe Freedman's
bank stole ftom the darkies is at lass detev
ns’ued at STS (Ml
California will elect Congrewmeu in Sep
tember. Here are sample* ol the arguments
which tbe Republican Executive Commit
tee prevent* in aa appeal of tour columns
in length :
Throughont the lately rebelioos S*.t
no white mad can tvoW btaueif to be
Republican without endangering' hi* life-
Iftaceable and thrifty chiaene of Northern
birth are ahot like dog*. Vfomen sod
children bare taken refuge in tbe wood*,
having less fear from deadly malaria than
they had from the organized twnditti
Waogbtered victim* are unbuHed, and
inends are guided to their remaina by foo'
birds of prey circling in tie air above them.
'Magistrate* are powerless or indifferent,
tonus are tainted, witnesses are intimidated
i-J law and justice ate a mockery. C-hateb
us and wbool bouses are borned and der
gya>e and trict.irrs f< uTT> otrtragtvi.
The late Mkcl D 18 Green, of iTeorgia,
was ie the prime of manhood, a fine and
brave-bifekin* gentleman. He was about
-ix feet two or three iuchsa, with remark*
bly fair skin, black hair and the very
'■la kes*, eves HU few'urea were fine, and
■sHbwi hewac a man that would be siugicJ
--nt among a hundred Re was in corrtro
vt>sy aggressive and impulsive. He had
many [muia! differences. The most re
(uaikaUc case of this kind be had was
:*h Colorel Wu(>b. ol tue (lourier and
K-.queer. New York. 'Jkie CahwuM bsJ
Uoreuwed fiV tXfO from Uu: l ofu-il fffa'e,
Batik, and Jaiksoti Jragicg a wee arr.Tr.w
IhaTtnetitutiiwj, thi* unreterhej loan was.
a>.ld'.ici3 ut proof of corruption In the ]
br.biog nl the } i-s- I>i-9 Quin uialt
sbrp n't of tl,. '4Cf,_ii4 a sugrr ravurr, '
veivy ensued, which provoked Webb
visit W*fi;<,gi..ii to puni b tirom The
parties met rnf H ebb advanced in a b.s
- X- r i -.' ii bj —a
|u acutni by Govii Vi ebb reto* ed li- uir
and *r *!e an '.SiUrvi au 1 bombastic ai
i-' tiftt nl bis tXjSsditi si, in which .• tU!
■ very thing I t-c wh t- i entry cam n
.--I at it, s;*c ally Webb's i*a*ti. ulsr de
l.l.(dS<MI ’tf the pistol, wlikk .be •* mi and
.i > uiSii i piat-r. *— 1. ii.—O--r—-r
*1 - tetr/Ml 111 l.a-k, lull- . :O
Irail,*.' A *V‘ *|v.ti uit t>. i Ig< t.y < n
compri. {H i bitu.wd Uiaftwlt
Tne W atluiigloi. tiy f U-AiMa- yewswwvs
-uns In itti/ii uj tbe u ni, u■ ,: > i,
.sty .t tin tait . o| K, >tU ittwk. Wi h o
•i. e. -!•. -u **■ -a—-io-.- its i t.. < Pot
' . 1 . . : ■ > M ■ ~ -
A ,e ** ... * . : 1,,. ~ a—
i.t-! I. M }l. y f ii :,i
iitiira iTi.iu U.. eti eM *V is*,' am
i|, t ji.titMi sin iu p s. feirtiot by it,.
b*t!l*h i-fta ' ' - f b* * 1 I it
~ii. t.; ■fs ir isi et s, ~i •..*. . 't.,
in Ur to* o' the vista
Tire I i*|et I Ist Mg Im Own Id.
I .in* *ie raite . wsjs i,r . ’fteu>ut.ria
i t*. Util ( n Itsjts *;S 'all 1* 1, ~* lyjjfb
1 leu < V lie itt ' kf--lt- v’u , ’ sH
.*■ M'aey Kv •’ 11-es| ee*i;.
I tll.iief , 1 *t-flt bd tr, tw i<evget tv - * hi*
I.ilt to lerr* Hiwir t*M 1-f 'h* OAOI bo tf i
■: * * *- j . gin *i. o --f
•>...•■ ;*. Awv n dtiugi Ml (*. net q Ilu
pole*-w a*t swaflowvsS U In l. i.i-f.irj
ol •Mllnalng It la laiprsvwf *.- t..J lu
< -iv teles wen HV. ‘. - I—* ffe ft Jtt’v tel*,
ut* ti 'ti-.. tis ptiwJoi Dl Htei
*>y ol t'qe, i, lift r..ii j u up s*,t‘’flv iff
, u•• ot l asni jvajar, s ”1 ’ben ••* all..we
■ e (I,i * iwituvse.l a*l 1 lee s 'yk ta*'.
>fth me te-sj iif tsgiuj prijaiirp wj'J Us.
—. —p; • e’Tk.!, it TP>w if,e smehiv
*: lor r.ftei-i o. in >1 ori s ■ * die
} ie l i..'—-a d'ii ' I>,-J T* 'Y Lot
■jr *|©< and i.dd--: , i*e llrsvui.f If..* Utah eft. , 1
'■> ‘"1 tun ' !-#" V t ttr-Wi Tww*, * -“Tb*
"■. I—■.-(-■ ♦ w-Tt-errv-rr? Jfe”
" :rj i.* -.* - I©*, i trvt ! r *mp y* '
d,*l r„e iii iu nii'f h * “ts tor ' and lep fir a ren*©dr tH d'clot acted
■ ro ■1 r > i ' tb© em'jyeiK-y, • and M "re
■ * >©i) nearly trvfii ‘n |<e©r tV tvveory
• >r-f inoi rmriif.*. imt was sav-J. The
•# • © ■•! i*lrt©g <#iyrb©,t't© or *ay 'Cbei
-!■ 'tb .1 xetv-rshy ait-.pi-U. We
©rr ■ way# db'-'X "'jegs i*i too muib of
, ir,v |>*i f/nb C©p.
NfcW ADVJiti'ribitMtNTa
The Heopl*’# Com men Senac Melical Ad
viser.” It i* tbe d*epes bod! ever imb
tisbed ; W-5 page*, over 25<i i.’lhstrationa,
$l5O. ToouMHida boy it at tight who
(•aid not be induced to purcimae the h;gh
juieeti book# treating ot Domestic Medi
cine. Unlike other booka enid through
agent# thie work te thoroughly a-lverttsed
i brooghmit North America. To is fact, to
gelher with the large ; w>, eleytut appear
nace, and many new lea,ores of tbe book
can#©* it to aell more rapidly than any
work ever pubitahed in this country. Tu e
of my agents who have had experieoce in
telling booka, eay that in ait their previous
. auvoasing they never met with aneu sue
ce#s or mark to large wages, et since com
mend g the sale of my work. For term*
and territory, address (iociosing two pos
tage itamps and elating experience) it. V
Pierce, M. D.; World's Liisjieuaary, B*tfalo
Note. —Mark envelope “For’ Publishing
Most Extraordinary
Terms of Adverti-ing are otiered tor News
papers in the iiiave of
flend for list of papers and schedule of rates
Address GEO I\ ROWELL A CO..
Advertising Agent*. No. 41 Park Row,
New York.
Refer to Editor ol this Paper.
OTIU M “““rsT®**"
I o tafipet -a,Tice~
Speedily cored by Dr. BECK'S only known
and sure Remedy. NO CHARGE for
treatment until cured. Cal! on or address
DR. J C. BECK, U* John t
Cincinnati, Ohio.
c> f-fri WEEK guaranteed to Male
35 f £ and Female Agee to, m fheir lc
cVmv Cost NOTHING to try it Partk
ilm Free F- O. VICKERY A CO.,
Augitata, Me.
A Journal ofhtforxnatkn for Advertiseri,.
fttf.-iun J.oOO copies. Publinbed weekly.
Teiaw, i>nr satw®. in advance.
Ftvx srecfs coriEe(s>in*EHKK* date*)
TO uSE aDDBEs* FOB 25 CT*.
Office No. 41 Psrk Row, New York.
Editor* and Publishers.
G U SKN - 7 Ltß.fe *.
Ali buatnew entrusted to bit cate attend
ed to pr ooptty and hutbfuHy.
a. v. atEwAnT. a e wood, j s fais.
Stewart, Wood it Fain,*
O.iby CarrmgfSv
UP SVbitnhsll 8ueet........ AtiaiiU, Gs.
,2 NOTROWiI.K ITi sHOW G<b'l>B
M usioal
A NLW CLA>B BOOK for female
The btngmg Class D |M,rtrn.t is very
tumpuis, the M;in I- 1i ltfe .•■(. f
11,as, l* OoUaii r|t.uuirTe wTiras '>l tbwetas:
I‘ihA, |1 .ac , fif per !>• xsu.
Method for the Guitar.
i in. largest un i uriiy ootuplft* 1 istiuotuu
| iitvoa fur UiU favorn* luttriimci.t f*r>6e,
L— gbib,■■malted-, pfist-pald.
The Amateur G-uitariat
\ j.-, ‘ii |..on-nr in v -lit© ’Sr,n i ",, t ,'ii.• rttn-a
lost rue© II ai lluuai Wo ic, hy ,!h |(F
1. i>k ... - -ii, K let, h wt orto U Arm
-.0-n-rr i'r. ft ■-# : '.) dj, V ' >.'♦
. h"'' < **•
Operetlas and Cantata b
r-l iTAbt.K Pu
A l!ui in Ktn) A
om K<~' tSiiit it##* ot *-<3 tkiU t v
* %‘X T'iiManu*
ffyib r*jru I‘iJist, n*. *u- *, i,j>i>r -va
cvDita, in UMtida '
M* l,i © ot it.© Iwn- At.
o,*.*-Vu Tn t-'iv, A©l, tor < hkdWi.'a use
iau,ai‘v, tstngii'g, sod ftll'Mlll. I*l u.r,
<i r*i.l, u paper , 77 e. ot*. to boards
Sts Y**u # JFv. A Canuia in Tiiree
Ikt i, rcprDSentiug <b* F**i bssaaoiw. So
, iH He* u• v rv-fOiftui, except for
l aitrSUl IMOi©iM.s©l M 1.1.0 tIMI lUIU StC'Tlfl
I* tc , D! uei la, in ; |k r ; 7-V.. tn t©>atd-
Itf P.I or or Hug© No HcvtitTy required.
P ©.©, (3. ill l©.*oi*^-
i, nn ir*T, post-paid on uKir.iirt #
whi B oailaav, N Y-
P (> lint M!,
(Unary'd Olllun.
f*BOH'IA Mu.iwet&w Cout i>.
On th© fi' Monday in July next I wilt
apply h* Jh* iioiiorab'© out it ‘*l Ordinary.
p nd In -aid coumy lor :* t* mil all
Hie land I© longm? to h- • , t>- ■© Msithew
liniycau, uml. To- J in*' 7U* Itf7.i.
Til Ml T LiUNC.VN A im*
UKOKGIA M*riwtb County
J*#. V- M- Koight, a* Executor of tiiw
tWtal© "> Manua Aiikvon, tor lerte*#
'of ftismi'. !*m Ir-iie a! trust. Thi# i*
ttiereforc t-> che ami wlnio ink ail con
cerned to tHetb-ir obi cHwbd, if any they
have, on or lad or© the tits! M -oday tu July
*>xt, showing cause why ieiurts of dui!*-
inimKinaiiOWKl u*,*t he granted mid at-pli
cae t.
Oirrn under tny hand and official sign. -
tare this April sth lOT4.
f7* W. B \NNINO, O M C.
Meriweth*r County.
R F. Hail, aa Administrator of the estate
of Joaiab tkieffieh', dec*J., applies tor letter#
of dismission Irorn yxi! rust. Tin© is there
fore tn rite and admonish aii cvnorrool to
file their ohjeclioaa, it any they have, ou
•>r before the first Monday in Juiy next,
allowing why letters ot Jumission ahouid
not ire granted said applicant.
Given under my bar ! and officisi?nv
lore this April s:h l’fTu
f7* J W. BANNING, O. M. C.
Sheri* Sales
C&OHGIA Meriwetter County.
W'ILL BE sold before the Court House
door in the town of Ureeovtiie of
said county wiibin the legal h>wirs of aale,
•n the fiist Tti.-sday in Jely next
PA ol land No. •>, containing 2 -24 acres
more or leas, lying and bring in the first
xiistrtet oi vdiestjw county, levied on as
the proow... "f Daat Cheney, deal, to
salt- y a tax fi fa against Joseph Aden,
Adi-iic : tra'oro* the estate of said Isaac
i heney, dead. Levy made &'<* rerunvad
to roe by James W addle. <>ias>bfe
gSf 'f. J. Avery, D. a. M. n ,-
— ■ ..... Tfa
BY VIHTC* of aa order of tbe B >ard
_oL-C'.iTrr-iniir>Ma M~ X*riweU>CT
county, passed June Ist ’875, an election U
hereby ordered to be brid at the different
precincts ot said ermnty on the FIRST
Tweadry in July next, to fid the vacancy
in tbe cfißce of county TREASURER, oc,
cmAooed by the death Of Judge J. L.
B.nDing Published by order of the Board
jwe4td*H T. A,&IMONTON, Ok.