Newspaper Page Text
oar* Sooth tide cl the CV--1 P
R-* nf Mvrnl- .
* >aee 11 wk 4 w k.s I3 ra ismo j I year
! inch i1 00 3 I Üb . 700 13 00
* s®chcs .1 50 500 6V)j1000 ;15 00
i inches i2 00 800 flO 00[ 15 00 .25 00
i 00l |5 00 U 7 00130.00 85 00 iBS 00
4 col 7 00' 15 00 (35.00 \#soo . #0 <0
1 col 11000,20 a)| 85.00 j6OOO #IOO
jy a tttwriJ V duettoa mad* to thoee
advertising by the month or year.
After this date, all legal advertisement*
tor the OHinty of Meriwether, will lie pub
shed in the Mrriwktmkr ooi vn Vindi
cator. JAS. W. BANNING,
W. R PAVER Sheriff.
j*n 4th. 1375 Clerk Snp’r Court.
Itdiglous Itttliif.
The Mlowjrg isthe Cliurch Directory ot
rveuvilW for 1K75:
°d and 4tli Sabbaths m earl month.
~. .Rev, # _ H. Baxter
3,1 Sabbath in nu b month.
~s , t or Rev Hugh Garni icbsel
Ist Sabbath in each month.
( Rev. Jno Jones
?' ~~
REEN VI 1.1. K, PHI DA V .rune 26 is7 f >
Chambirlin, Biyatoi * Ca.
T IfR have boUeht the Urcrel and finest
\\ Block of Sian 1 and Fancy Dry
n-.'ds UTa- h. Coho.-d. Mril'- and Cheek'
fc4lke- j.i*4W hoe !>!>*** i. 104 >*: I At Eh
OUuVK v KM BftOl I * l-'IU l> HOSIERS,
amt general aosorted *t rK ol staple dry g.>d*, that we have <VI "Inred
in Atlatd-. nr We boaghUur- mall, and
pm*** to sett at 16< T
LoWMt Passible Price,
Our itx k ol blcK Hint < '“W.rnl L .Jlk*-**d
Jr,U U ill ih** Njullj
-BAMrL*> wiit < n njph‘
jmiu *>l Uu tuuiitry
<ynrpt‘ts, (
< ui nUsk **l ti.ailing-, <>il < otli-,
111*-** CMl ; *i*>. oilGride-, wa l ,il l* r >
Cloth, lcl pctietal It *tlw I 111 tillin' l’ K"<>d* l>
i’.\ IV At XVU(*JA.
Jl will rojiay aI In in*'*l ot no iliin • In
(In- l|,.u*c hirntGdllg I n** t i vi - it "•
li„n|l ( m|l IU.-iii* r...nT t .lT.jrn.i> <i<!
r.iittcea mad*- <0 order ( ui* iml •***<• un.
rniBKUU\, Hom>A(o.,
Oil A Off VV ilirlmll Mil.***!.
B Atlanta, <l*
Igy- <Jorr**i*oi‘<l< m w-udli-e na i i-iiiiiin
location* Wrltli U on latlli >!<;>* II" *1 "O'
••trw* t*r us* > •
ill*lnlt* written iln*> will ill** l f “‘ i <M!ifi"iw
t til*' want* basket. 1 lien Will lit no ex
0* Jition t*t tbe hV'V! ml**- 5
/lot* and allef tliS lint* "H li'V'l A'!
#rttiM , iiM > lt*>- iuilt lx* lo>l I* 1 i intoaw t
mxnrr Ibaar [ißlilh-nl .<*n Till* fimiS-C—k
n huprntmvjy n< -foy r. Vl-W *<
*-1 Sns an.-"I • mi i Sat
-imrtiiv TtirTirtrTWo- y< i i*
A’dMdfil*irsior liwulnft
I f- Will ail wtlo "*f till* olll** *"y
(Vine tot* advetiimg "I 'III* deacrlplkm
i“<|ftir up at <*!-*'* fcllil K*Hl w (
w r nK\ ill,
i r ,3o IVr Mr. A A 10 vlll.
At i A!*l*. Ga, < >et, 17, W<
Da**!* O. TAR*. E<*> *
Hewn Hi* *U eW”td* tbe pb*e*ure to
tay Onrt I*olll ny own olmct vatlotl, ami
lib* tarn* evMence-Ule crparta.** ol Mr*
Jk*o—iTe lisvr tUod Dial de-ideratum,
• perk and c*ce!i*ot arl t* -e "I \hnegar, in
ilit aMHf'!''** jinn lii <1 ir*ni your uiauufac
t.ry. B'ing a*‘'n< l that targ
tloti of ti ordinary CoaimerciaJ Viaeni
la adulterated v, Hii Mi pbuiic ami other
Stakiuaackf thd other ma'eriali loreign to
acetic acid, y rra art property v> lie regarded
In tbe manufacture of pure Vinegar, as not,
cfnly entitled to cr*di' # a correct business
mao. tat as a to The peMpie, into
whose daily i-ooa'imptirnf tliin article eP:r
m> largely, and wta, a* a rule, arcmahle u>
decide T<** tbe purity or ottierwN, ol
wliat tltey Wij ouder the name ol Vii * gar.
Vert reepoctftiily,
t p LoCah, M'l>
The above Vlr.egar can ta had at tlie
dty < *ce AtiAota Vtnfx* ait Woa,
81 Broad Htrect
Darwin 0. Jonea, Manager.
Bight oounda good uttfea atigar for one
A vactoey having occurred in the
of County Treartlrcr by the ifc'b of our
respected kilo* citizen, itte !•• <H*dge J;
L. Bantling, and an ek-Cbm being- ordered
to fill Uie vacancy on the firt-l Tuesday in
Jiy next I rcapectiully announce my r ame
to the people of Meriwether county a a
candidate for said office.
I -announce my sell ea a candle’ ite for
cocntf Tree mrtr, made vacant by the
death of Jwd.e J- l> Banning, and meat
reapectlaily **k the support of the good
citizen* of Mtriwdbef.
Try our machine roaated coflee, its good.
Anew aupyty of Ladies' and Misue*
bu aad trimmings. ELLIS* MOORE.
* . ...
Matting ? 9
Curtains, Shades, &e*,
ap'3B 8m
To (lie Voters ol MtilWrilivr
At the suggestion of some trionds, and
the solicitation ol others, together With
seller gtnnl and sufficient reasons, I hereby
announce myself us a candidate tor county
Treasurer to fill the vacaufiy caused by the
death of the Hon. J L. Hanning. Help
in, in, rids. —Lttige faVors Thankfully te
reived ; small ones iu proportion.
N H Election Ist Tuesday iu July next.
U lA VARUS handsome prints
Pnhttr kcllnulv
The Public Schools will begin on I lie (list
ol July and teachers desiring to puilleipate
in tin school lurid will come ImvvarJ hi
(ore that time and Cdiliuct.
H . V. B >IIKKIMX; cS. C '
l.iixl Mullet*. in tjieenville on Friday, the
‘drill ol June, and die Mist TueaJay iu July
1.1 iritive tax millliT. Rook* will be
, >..<•,! on Urn llr'sl Tuesday ol July. That
being she lasi d..y all should lake due
notice. w. P. W itl rthK**,
3i 'Tax Receiver.
Foui pounds good codec for one dollar.
Friday. Biiiurilay an t Sunday we had
lain wlii, It m nis to have la in gem ltd,
giving to ad a liisiratc season. With prop
ei walk colli and eotlon will tl rive Hnely
now. JR s*.i| in)iiire vigorous -effort to
keep ahead of the gtas*
Now Hi” w uii, goo* brayi-ty on ; wc
i illiagv that .'U<lann Uuiimr aayn are U*lng
rrnioved, rtniiodelrii, rt;(mli*'*l t gal 111 a 11*1*1
*4M*|*t h He- Hum f the two happy
.ip*,* i<tl<*e*k hrr thnli names anon*
A fin*' lot Flint Ultwa Lanin cliiinmya,
Wm W. Jarrell, wtiniii wi*
nil nlinneil laat attic * iUliyeronaly tet—
we r*‘g;el l<> leoin dio*i laat rfatnrday ftotn
lie- wonuda (Wi ll' A. We iifhlnwtaild that
a Wainoit ha* I<<*l| l*alieil for Hie 11e*t ol
Mi. Waldrop, the man who did 'hi* tut
Wi a.w aiioihei lieednian with plHontd
moia la* l 'fiitvlay making Ha< a lor the
Jail, lie w* innn ttie elevenh
- n- w m * ■
We hear lliat ll.e wheal ertip iflhre&blng
out well.
Pm at o alii* wetc la aeiive deinatrd lad
Friday and Saturday, One of our ino. t
< nefKeiic firmera wa* engaged until ten
o’clo* k haturday night aeitiug <At dip# l>y
Pirth light, the moon not being up. Such
industry will aurely hiing it reward.
lu.*K*.--Tbe illne** of the editor mint
he iiui ejiology for ail abort Cuming* thia
Mr. Harter ri qiieaU u* to ariuoum* that
i e will preach neat K.hlwlli on the follow
ing auhjheLt: Morning—lncentive* to are
figioua iite. iPight Kncourageineuta af
lat.led P> a aoeker of re'igion. Tti>* jiuhlic
i* eiuuetlly ioiihid'.
IV<*f. Willis rue gave vacation yesterday
tor five weeks
Wib.- The rain last Friday was pre
ceded by a si'oug wind from the North in
docad many of our citizens to lear that a
norm was about to burst upon u. One pit
oo liic erfet ot one of our highest bill* was
filled, while Ike boy* of the school of Prot.
Williams scampered for (be nearest gullies.
i>ne little scholar lost bis hat In the race
wale on* the "biggert boys - is said to
have laid down io a lilt)* gully only eigh
teen inches deep. The olbeis reac <ln|
one ot these 12 feet gullies fa the rear ot
the old plum orchard stood not oo the or
der ot their enhance but tumbled in j-ell
well. Fortunately the wind did not Wow
strong enough t r do any damage, save the
wrecking of a few old ebmar Wees. Ttie
fright in many caad was through howev
D. Edishas received a Urge supply of
Crockery, tiiaw and Tin Ware, belling
on time sod at loweat figures for caato
JT Candidates for County Treasure
would do wall to send in their order* for
-tickets at once in order that they may be
seut to the d.Sereut precincts in dm# for
the election.
HP“ Special attention is called to the
card of Messrs. Stewart, Wood A Fain, o!
Atlanta, in this issue. Having purchased
one of their “Baby Carriages" we cau
cheerfully recommend these labor saving
vehicles trom the above house. Go and
look at their goods when you visit Atlanta,
as it is no trouble for these polite geutletncn
to display them
The following officers were elected at tlie
last regular meeting ot Greenville Council
U. F, T." first degree for the term com
mencing July Ist and ending December
81st 1875:
Dr E U. ADthony, W. P.
* Miss li\ Hussey, W. A'.
J. K. Adams, W. C.
W. G, Robiuson, T.
._ F, Banning, F, ft.
L. J. Render, ft. 8.
K. 11. Terrell, A R. 8.
J K. Gill, C.
Miss A Hie Adams, A. C.
A. Y. Harris, I. G.
C. M. Ledlieltor, O, 0.
G. J. Martin, O Ot W. P.
Dentil of Win. S. I.iivvinn.
We copy the following announcement
front the Washington City Star of the
Died at High View, near Ulenwood, on
the morn lug of the 15th instant, alter a lin
goring illness of four years, Wm. 8. L.vw
atmjitikc liilli . year n bhr age, —tor
uierly a resident ol Georgia.
The funcrnl services will lake
Id a. nt. on Friday, 38th inst.. atrt. Aloy
sms Church, Father Jamison officiaUug.
Mi Lawsmi St.-tiled iu Greenville be
tween thirty and forty years ago and lived
here until about 1870. Asa merchant he
made many friends whowill read With feel
mgs of soi row the autumn, omeut ol the
death of their old gcuuiue, joyous, kind
hearted Iticnd.
\V„ failed to reertvethe tain papers, dvr*
.by .yiMlpt.tay's MiiM. r =Tob fa In taiilt ?
t in: -'crhi u. BvnWM Uudw rids head
the Commercial dismnses as todoWs :
<; J Off, Slate School Cotr*tiii , wloner 1 is
w.iriug and pultllshing Ih rim newspit|>cis
some intlier radical opinions oh the sub
j<ct ol educating eveiybody’s children,
lit assumes it to be. 'lie July of die B'ale
to do ibis, at least to a certain extent ; and
says riiul i! 'he B'ute does not the negroes
nod out third ol tlie whites wid not bo cd
muled As the negroes and one Ihiid of
I lie; wriiiUnMioekr a decided msjonly ol the
population, ii would aecqt that a mbioiity
ot the pen|lie are to bu burdened wi'.li the
education ot rile whole population. As lie
traces si! polliieal poww to 'he Inteicßl ol
tb< greater umiilwr, It follows that |be
nogioi’s end one third of the w hile., have a
right to reijulro their children to Is- i due.a
ted at the rx|iense of the other two Thirds
f the white population. Thus wy liud
mu iaX|tnyig poi uou ui .lie wiltuls
brought, by the ConimlsMoneFa logic, uu
der both a moral and legal obligation I"
educate, not only their own children, bill
uTab flioso of out third the w hites and nil
rite negroes. There seems to bo but Utile
chance <d < s-ape dor the TavjTajers n nj
Hi cm: weighty obligation*, bi cwn 'he tots
j-ei'y who impose thona have ao intei' s
In doing so. aud In mnkmg them as heavy'
as tlie minority cun bear. Wloit is woise,
they liaverihe power to do what the Coin
niisslOiier'claims rimy have the right to do.
When im nor partie* once dep-rt from
sousd principles, there is no telling to
wlikt extremes they may push their theo
K*-B|>eiker lilaine did lint cotno onl of
the railroad accident licit Saturday even
ing (|nltc ao well i * waa tinny aup|xi -d
Like the vlce-prcaldeut ho picked lilniM-lf
up, t<xik account of tha atock, thouglit
hiiiiaelf all light, and proceeded to make
hiiiikilf uaelul to Ida fellow paae*;uger>.
Hut when lie ot - the Fitth Avenue ho
lei he found that Ila shoulder wad rather
badly bin laud, atnl hit and oMdrt have kept
him in tad eVur tlnce. It will ho a lea
wni to the speaker, and to the vice-presi
dent 100. They will know the ndxt time
not to go around leQiptiug Providttice by
crow dug two presidential candidates into
a single car on ihifgame Iraki.
We understand that In Henderson coun -
ty a fanner ran a man out of his crib in the
night time, and alter the fleeing trespasser
had lelt he lound among bis corn u [i*>< kc-t
l>ook coulaini ig one hundred and forty
dollar* io money. Tlie finder baa adver
tiaed On the owner of tlifr pocket-book to
call au i prove hla property and get it ; bui
up to laat account# no one had cal ed.
Chrislianbveg (Va) Meaaenger: A preach
er who Uvea in our county, and ia about
sixty years of age, meiried a young coufile
a abort time ago, and 'hereupon was dial
longed by the brhje for a loot race. The
distance waa measured, and >he old par sou
a (id young bride took positiix), and upon
•he drop of a hat 'he race began. The
y >ung flHy, _ though encumbered bjf her
surroondiugf fairly flew ahead of 'he old
ilager for a moment. When, however, the
spavin got the n*e ot bis Hrnba, and faiHy
under way, he caugbi up imli lta nimble
gazelle, and passed under the pole we I m
ibe lead, to Hie amusement ot all.
'Latin and Creek are all right,* said a
Delaware farmer as he bPled bis team.
'Bat gimme a man who can plough around
an apple tree 'thout touching the roots. ’
4 Head waiters—Berbers.-
Tf> Flm4ertiig Whirr Heave
A striking iriuatratiou of the manner in
which foe taxpayers ot the District of Co
lumbia are oppressed and plnndered by
the White House ring, is afforded by the
publication of the list of delinquent taxes
in Grant's personal organ, the National
Republican, of the 10th lost. The list fill*
Hay-eight pages of the Republican extra,
comprising four htiudred and TWenVy 00l
utnus, sud the publishers charge at the rate
ol twenty five cents per line, a* calculated
by the New York Tribune, to #90,000, ot
which #70,000 is clear profit. This huge
job of official pay was obtained tor the
President's mouthpiece by his takl dr
chavibrt, General Babcock, and the amount
will come out ol the pockets ot the over
laved property owuerarof the District. The
original haw which was got through Con
gross liy the ring, had It not been altered
in response to tlie indignant remonstrance
of the taxpayers, would have given the
Republican for the same amount ot useless
iadvertisi ig nearly #200,000, of which at
least #170,0G0 would have been profit.
Remarking on this exhibit of Radical op
pression and mpacity, the Raleigh News
says truly : 'll is a fearful commentary
upou the looseness ol managemuut which
ha* (.emitted an accumulation of tarn for
several years, and it Ikklbs tumble dlitraos
to a people now called upon to meul their
dnea at the sacrifice of their pro|iciTy
Hurdly a hotter evidence nf dial teas among
tlie middle classes can lie had that they aid
not able to meet the alternative presented
to them. Fay day a!wey* c,m*o along at
last, and while the'hurimririea aiW aaling-
Um hare been Indulging tln,q-iuiiw.
costly improvements, which the govern
incut was oxpccied to pay, Iho ueci-ssllles
ol the latter compel * re oil ut lean to the
lie Wits l inn Too.
[From riio loitOß Courier.)
In the t lines when the politico I warfare
hut Ween widgs and demoersta w axed hot
and I'cluniloas, tliuri) was a town out west
in wTLch die two parties were no o jiml lu
uuuibers dial tlie vniiMio!; id - * *filgle~vote
one w ay or (he oilier, inlglii be a matter ol
the moat serious consequence Ot course
on birth vidos sliarji eyes were open and
watchful. A young u uu cams to ihu poll
ing place on elcelioii day ami offered Ilia
Vote. It whs tils tlrsv a|i|H-ariuii!e hi the
ehuracter ol uu elector, and lot hull die In
dependence, or audacity, to differ political
ly with hi* father. IDs holier challenged
Ids vote.
‘du what giounds r demanded the pre
siding officer.
‘lie ain’t twenty one.’
'I alii twenty -iiue,' asserted Hie youth,
‘No you alti't,' pelsisttal ihe latlier ; ‘you
won't be twenty me till in moiriivv.'
‘I say 1 will,' criad the yonttl. J was
horn on tlie Hi'd day ol November, It is
down so ill I lie old Wide.
‘then tl’v'% riTA-TTotl'd ii’Make,' said
the old mob. ‘You weren't limo till die
mmniu 9 ol ibo id'll ol November, I uni
,-an voti swear F . .
•How r rep,,,., •"*'. Itt'Mgimntly.
‘(i.,i>,(ueas glaCil"a I S X l -!! 1 i Ilia' I
‘We* l .’ letnrueff son, wlili|>ioud de(linici;,
—antsirt t > hiirJ'Toy Y
The young man voted.
kuuuy IVmpi-r,
Wiml a hkssing to n h uimefaold I* u
merry, chnarful Woman -one whoso spTola
are not ufleclAd by wot, or •plrits a-u not
wdected by day*, or little divapp iliitnients,
"r whom: inl'k ol huiii.iu kiuduuaa does not
sour in the nuniUino of prosp rlty. Hpch
a-Stoiiiuli in llm* durkeal him* Ini/hlcm
the hhuao like a little piece ol sun sliluy
weath<*r. The magnet’sui of her stuile*,
uml the elecirlt nl brlgbinest ol bw I.milis
and movements Inlect eveiy one.
11 < i husband goes Into the world in u
c niqaeroi's spirit. Ni matter how people
auiioy end wuriy blnj ad day, fur off her
presence shlues, aud lw wbin|iers to trtm*
sell, ‘At home I'shall find lest.’ Ho day
by day *1 o liiemljy renew* liia strength
i.nd energy, and if you kndw a man a
prosperous busbies#, in nine casus out of
>eu you will find ills wife of this kind.
A correspondent of the Mfbedgcvllle
Union #nd Uncorded writing of the Ocmul
geo circuit, thus alludes In complimentary
terms to Judge liurHett's decisions, and
the action of tbe Supreme Court Ufron
them: Last fall iweuty seVen w/itsofcrVoi
were taken to tbe Supreme Court at i'
January term, lb7S, from the decisions of
hi* Honor Judge lSartrt', at one ridiug of
his ifircult *<f seven couutie* —an average of
abont lour to every couuiy. Tula would
seem to indicate great need for a Supreme
Court. But last Tuesday that court over
■ ulcd iI.C exceptions ami affirmed Judge
BaiUett mad the cases but three. This is
a high compliment to Judge Rirtlett, and
gives the |/C *pls assurance that the a*lmiu
islration of law In the (Jcmulgee circuit is
worthy of public confidence.
They say 'hey cinoot make any bricks
nl Virginia City, Nevada. I'ut a brick
maker to w'ttk there, and he gatbeis so
much gold oat ot the mud that be iuevila
b.y retires from’ business before sundown,
tfld a gigantic diamond pin and a
pair olflne horses, behind which he coa
apiciously conceals himself, be turns lotac
upon the com muni ty a* a gentleman of iu -
teiligeut and expensive leisure.
The Liberty county B- ard ot E Jucatiou
has licensed eight white and twelve negro
THE m; eriw e tjet js-r
aTteals to the citizens of
[ • V ; " '
Fdr a ctnrtlmiftnce of the liberal |>atroiifio whidi has ImW* criended to the
*Nfo First Volumes.
During the next year the proprietor will devote Ida etui re time and attention to the ‘
iaper and will be ouabltxl to reudor it worthy ot the increased patrouage which it is’
hoped it will receive. Home hew features wlil he lutroluced w hich will add greatly to'
ihe interest ol Ui*
New material will lx-, added W> the oillCo fflim time to tinul, whicji will iinpiwve the
Afibsilance Ims been promised from letuling litcnd of literary merit,■who will deliglit
muse and Instruct our readers. With our increased ink!! laciblit* Vo sliull he able to'
give the latest news up to liio lini'o of going to prusn. The legal advertisements of die
comity will continue to tid publlffied S the VINDICATOR, ai wolf m an account of a
■nportaift evehU IrUnapirlng In tlul county. Mliuy kind friends have oncoiira <e*l us tba
jwst year ; will they lend a helping bund at thd beginning of llm intswim volume. The
VINDICATOR is e tit til Ishcd'upon a lirm basis,
OWES iV O2mm a ajsd IS BOUND '
to sudcukl if the prinpTo ol Meiiwetlmr county w ill only sustain iL The price of sub-'
acri|)tln will Ini as heretofore, TWtf'DoLLAUS imrabmim IN ADVANCE.
The circtllaliou ot the impel is fur lu udvaee.a of wliat ll was last year ; will not each
Got Ob on more Bubsoriber P
VVih ihia wp shall lie satliil'od, The attcuiion of thoik) trndiuJPwith our jwopfo Is
culled 10 the atlvicfUgob ulfored by th’u VINDICATOR oh an advurtwfng medium,
L_- Ol IxtHrangc, (Jeoigia.
II AH NOW, and will ke|> always on
I hand at Ids old stand, l£a<t side tl
tliA pii line square, a good and
vfkrX artI.RCTKIJ Stock o/
Conei tiArt,' of
,JT GOLD and MlLVsuit Wuiclids,
.Stein and Key winders, of fbfl beat make,
tipiuudid Gold and buyer Watch, Chain.
of all slkca. makers and prices
Gold I'eusand all kinds ol holders; Gold
Silver At, steel HjMJCtaclus & Eye-Glasses.
Silver Platd Dtr
ot all ktmts add stylos/
\ X)
Pocket, s'ublc Cutlery. * Uuawr
by the very renowned maker*, JOSEPH
_ f (HM tid rtiwiringH grinds bi my tine.
Too marly citfseos of Mdriwetlter and an
loinlng coontfes hafe tested my work to
require a word from mi aa to IW charac
ter of It. ! will, hoWevc# warrant all my
work, if properly need, as 1 hata always
Jon*, and reapectfull, ask a continuance ot
the patronage I have received from my
bends in Meriwether.
Educational Readers*
Aritbmetios, Algebras, 1
HWINToN’fI u. H Hfstortes and
Outline* of Hie Woflil’s History.
MWINTON'H Herfes af Word
Hooks. Hf’KNCKRIAN Copy Books
WEIIbTER’H Dictionaries,
rapbies. IfOLMEH’ Hpellers
ant) Priiiurrs. IfOLMKH* Omm
111 lira, and JbHNßtOirs and
IlftoWNE-B English Literatim'
whldi have IrOCn adopted by the
* 6
Board Of Eduoation,
1 •
can tie obuinod at ELLIb * MOORE'S a'
Introductory Ratos.
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