Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator,
VOL. 3
yrKi.Mtftn every fripav,
BY W 4 TT tttmtT
iia.-fScat!! side <h the Coart Hook
K-i<s of MvriiWilß.
■n il wk 4 wk* Smo .' m I veai
fCh 1t no 2 'in’ 450 7 00' 12 00
*lmh* 150 500 OVi IQOO 15 0*
Finches] 2DO <*•'lo.B) H>l 2; ii
1 Age,.l I5 00 10 00 I 2000 25 00; So on
Ifcol '7 00 15 00 25 00 AIOO 00 0
f co! !10 00 20 00 , :!5 006000 ‘ f 100
|f A -d--n rU'dii.-lma mi Is '■<' D>‘*’
advertising by Urn *- - ■ 1! ! '■ l " r y<:ir.
ORDINARY . ... .Ta? '5 Banning
< LKKK S. C \ It If ■
TAX RKUfl\ K!i .TT Wi. . '•-*
Tan coll eg tor ... . w o i’.w
si ryb> "R " f >r'R' "i
C rN I V Hits.
R T. C T iA. r, H M L. v. i t
Jesac t’itiUui.t*. It M Met if H,
H. A Hard. 4 A Humiiitor., C!k.
jVTih w r..iK,
Mads, i. ltu V'cii, It A 1 at4i*i i
A It. Freeman Sr
Hi.NATOR hU b ILstrnb G i. Hc.i\y.
rilTliK-FN 1 A I V, r s
Oba ’inh A\ anier, w T It Viti.
liUSlNKtefcj CARDS.
u lii'.vw r. 5 h k
A 4.isJii.AAi AX-LAAD _...
W n | laHTfe —r-M~ er-.irn- •
J > ' ■
i.l. >|o.h i. IT.aY 5 ,
• V IT 'i. .1 r.V 1 .TA-Ws
—l Ail l ItI.i.MAM.
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Chi r’n JMiiti*'o,
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yi .m M f |, i io 1 v"' r M\ Ti ii
1. if* r f W•• o - '1 . \
cook f Trnrrrs
COM, i* \\ ' I'M lI ■ ! .iT ■•' I‘>> ii"
nub li. I . r n.‘ U ,Mi
I.< >w Prif * *.s
U'\ .f ? V*|*■•.!}/*<l a l.’ lit A *' tl
J., H <,,j|lfc!i-jr and i ! K lk ■ f every
dire jir"fi !■< 'v t< < il'l)
I A VP“ And f,A Ml’ OJJOIC. K KH<>
H;.NK Oil, and pi >M I, FUIt-
fif*.<• • , or ■' <■ ! tttx hist
.( JJftVi-inlx-r will rsrseiw'v Is- sold a*
Cont. 1 Y HLAI Oin Kit.■ A*ft.
Univ *i*si t y
Series of S( hool Book*
"Tb- < Lml + >'*j oie tr.++i utn j *
Th<* ■ 4 >eTi* 9 ( ’ ft* * * "f
Ho.ib<' Ri. **!*>. hr*r,rti*r9
TlipUnj, Jlsti;' Ui+U* , Mw/y s i
l<b>e. Giuler ****?**'• L&Ui* >eri- *, 4 40.
imivlcaM'i v ft b,, i ,
Ji*i *>7o Aluliti, On.
The Kennesaw Gazette.
I>o voted to Uaiiroad ir. ;esa,
Wit u<j iiutoor. Fifty t cuU j*,r Vuu
O'tlhOXO to every njlcfiU.f.
Address JttM*£fcAW GAZETTE,
A. ... G*.
‘‘Sin 10 S*Of ) iVr day it bu
O U T. aa. Ircc. Ad
tpcasO: s;i>a-AT a, CO., Fartiaiw
Dr. J. Bradfield*s
Will bring on the Menses when they have
mil F>*vii WtaFTslsed, !iH'HbenTßey' “BSV* '
been suppressed from uunioura) cause- !
AViii cure Hlieum*.sim ami Neuralgia <•’
tin back and womb. Will cure I’aiiilti!
ATei.stru.tlon, anti relieve tbe best!, barb
atin —II)OMI ——|Uus —IIU
ache*. Will check menorrhagi. or -ejees
iv* flow.’ Will cure’Whiles’and fallu g ,
ttf the womb, w hen it is the result ol relax 1
ation or bad health.
it is a- .sure a cure in all the above dis
tasos- as Qin'.nc is in Chilis anil Fever.
Dailies mo ce -Uuuuselves ui all the
ah.iv diseases without revnaliiig their
c >ft,.flints hi sny ptr.-on, which is always
.... : :.l ii ; i ide and modcsly.
I. i- lea . lHiiieii led and owed bjf tile best
idivsicians in their p iva c practice.
K : a history of the alsoe diseases,
ec lificatcs of its wonderful cures and
.-, il the 1 e-. ler is te erred to tlie
i !•* pper if ui , 1 ijie TaHiTie HlahttfiiCHJr
rd lied Sold I'V
| vi! by sli Drnvgisia. Price $l5O.
I’lie I'lral I'oi kel
.\ is this tremendous noise f
Weal can he the mallei ?
A ,i. , i ouimg up ili£ stairs -
V\ nti uuusiml ciaio r.
Now lie bursts into the room,
Niiisx as a na Ki t. A
An t i . t mi live year* old
A nd 1 Vi g'll a IKK Ret !"
Eve* as round and bright as stars,
Clieeks like apples glow ing,
lb.n that tin- lew tleiuiUle Dlls
Ij fir- IfV-t.VfaliitWtltg. .
‘.bn k may have his sipieaking boots;
—K'nlC ii..iy h.ayi; hot tiTi'iket 7
I’ll., go', aimn.lhi.ig iiottei yet -
I have g"t >1 pot Kit f'
Af ttlo tn .-Il tin j yto Itlve
I .mpliinns a soi low
d.t.i o ii.niup uiougli
To if . till 40 ui'iiebi
And, ere inaiiV 'lavs Wi re o'er.
1 O: . Il .il 1. ,
A. fh g*\ ‘ 1 ellltit atliis-
i-o~tT7or-WHnelout- pot U> I.
I 1 n lie! . til 111 llit s, bits of 101 (tig,
■ i 001 Iff silt Its 111.1 1 .only,
:• o . . , .pi. ins ) 1 0.1. - 1 o,
II v. a.- :ii way s liiii. ;\
A 1 ii<‘ii* Willlef- euno TTriied,
y t ill ei .till t ok o k 11,
Mi fil V il . .IMIII-S I ill'!“ mil
Ii lu ills l low oil poti- eb
■in 1 . Jtthiiy ■- bo|;ortid Uni it;
i ■ pirns l vvhhti; It,
fib ihal lie h e) said ;
I ,i t ■ il j Hi- 1 mill'll.
I ; I ft elosel key wris lo't ;
So - lit t.t in it) uii iot k it i
!15 "le you SU post 1. W..S !
It s. IV mi. *s | HH ki t !'*
.4 iiutioii,
T 7*l r 7 p\ jS i <T~ V IIH r ti <l7 Ti 7, ■*< < •
> . i wo- to tai- i|j< tumble to iiil< i
ic • V<: in u,t ltt.biU, unl liras of
* ’ If V , Mubiy (i ;i it tlrm
—u. i-i u 4**l o 1 t*
v VII wf, 11• V* btotliftu ulili‘l
■ 5 s hm a ■< ).< ml f oie, vi ry <
‘io Mi* U<f 1 >Mn teii* In boon* • ■
—itlit t-• i.ii Leui.* h-k.VJj iu fttit lli
—u_,-a- .—UIIU Mil tU I.{UHI 1 IMI I
fl i ban. • '* .i Mi* vovo nlmoht
v •. n.g , ifotlii-n. mh fi b* u great <U*il
uH, o *-,.•! i u,j la tween tin- two home
To* grt |o bt very wim\ AkU 01 i.mi-M?
j* rioitt* ‘n n *450.m I thing on the j*art oi
■ohm' lonoi < ,it young i quiotiy ilis
<u* t s in Uintjf < onfpetiU&l < hut* in h
iimiiioi that might nur\tx\m l**'r couniMtni
• ? .*t <J 4oi. t . < 4 jor that w u
i f 5 ♦ hf* r B 'I 4 (Ji i*Ohji'<;t,
out ii i4 ntM* of (M< n’. iiuportatJ'e, ai>M w
eofoiH:ii<l ail yot / !hJ \*u to fjbnjil gru‘
iiy to tj> > x.ianKli'n* *A lntlur-A hoI
* '|i'i ‘/r'.tij* oofii a m:arrr on* limn tot ..
< U ini tin / f ii? in |'toU*ct Uioffi, h' hi •'
iiorii c run—rrrrg omarmnaf wirds >-t n-p
inomtioij and careful watchfulness tyran
uicttl, or a v xatioiia restraint, let thmn lie
giatelui tor the wiae discipline wliiuh [ire
'ives thrui pure iu'heart and “übove u*
if (>. Win M !>.-try, ■ prominent Rail*-
a ian, w Ijo in kno vn as a w heel
i e ■<) the deimvcracy in that stale, re
1.4 nil) toili 9 1011 JHJfuJuil of 111* CinciD
all L upine! tLat ol ld personal know!
•.dgi, Gen bUruran voluntarily, uue*)uiv
■sully, and uucoudi ionally pledged him
nil iii ii... must binding manner not fight
/0 either aide dur uig Ihe war. The day
neiore lira <coa*ioii 1 reier to, Col. Birerruari
.ii (omjany with myself and General
Uhagg, while taking a drink at the be
Char ie* har, made the tame pledge in un
Uiialakahie terms. ilia strongest deaire in
juuung was to leave an assurance that he
nad no tnimly, and would Dot lake par! in
the fight. It was an opinion among many
that Bberman's policy was to retire, until
the thing was over, then return and resume
hit oiJ p.u< eat toe miitaiy *ehool,_ which
he ooutu h ive done, as lie w.s reganted as a
very valuable hand for that position.
We have f&d in some newspaj>cr that ii
a decoction of borax water is sprinkled
over dm<rs and window m ts, or if panes ol
-yt. wa-heJ —w-rra —eh —foe*—Wtri —Dot-
ioueii soiface thus saturated. It is
worth trying and raay be true. We*ay
may be, dear housekeeper, for in our efforts
toward exact information in your bei.aii
we have been led to C >■. so ui my things
we read that we hava nearly come to the
conclusion that no printed information up
on housekeeping subjects i* pedectiy re
How <rnmiy Itotierts Took Her
[From the Christian Union:J
was sure, She generally limeti her call
on my grandmother when that lady wa
any way trout home. Not that she would
have tailed ol her peculiar aud cherished
entei talu incut had my generous and kind
ly gmitdmoiUyr been at home. Hut the
doubtless felt more at lilKMty wt en the
girls were the duly dispensers of hospitali
Now, honey, sho would say, when she
had lain hej gtCeit sun houttet on thetlom,
beside her chair, ami had tilled her com
cob pipe from my grandlattier’s tobacco
bos. ngutitu; it by means ol a coal held in
her homey and callous Ungers, Now, hon
oy, caul you give nte a cup of your moth
er’s good strong yallar c>iftee ? 1 ain’t had
none like that since i was heali last, Yer
mother alius has sielt nice yallar cotiob.
Tip- pi course meant a raid on the thick
cream set lor making butter. Granny
bills scorned any thing Itpnucr than the
tttme ilt hi a tme
My mother, lH‘sitlt*s being generous anti
hospitable by nature, was also young and
4m_x. t uJ Coii-cipncully. she suffci eil
a good deal at the hands tit her old neigh
hor aud Impiciit visitor, Her older and
mote worldly wise sister and the very
touchy' lll ink Cool, wer** not thus imposed
upon. Uunniug old Granny.! She unpos.
ctl on this high minded young soul as sysj ;
icinuliealiy as any professional humbug
the w orld has ever know 11.
Mte never 1a mo at meal time. The most
■tmplc t o!h t> urns would not have stood the
th iviaiTdi'nf-gramiy’s rapacious nppeHte.—
-Mrt- urtiHhv rawo Ici Uhi middle ol the alter
not. a, when the kitchen fire was out, save
the n w cnihers in the middle of life* huge
JheplfiiO, covered up in order to kiep fire
Uli-Utne for supper. Ho my mollttrf would
kindle a tfre - as much u marfyr to hla/.ing
one wtio so deceit af Btnilhfl if
(imagine tlii- is on a sultry July alleinoon,)
liittl •rlmllitg a targe .mill full ol coffee,
woiihi proceed to inukii an aiiiount of tin
■li I sullleieut lor a large family.
’tow . hoitev, graiiTiy vvuUhl -a u , toHow
■ 1 y.toug hostess to 1 lie kin ht u, you
k . w I'm kind o’ ailin'. I'm trembly liki
mid Ive got u 'diction in my head audit
-iglii ot misery in my aide, and 1 know a
flip of your mui-hi r's good airong ynllei
i-. llci wunlii IvihiT iV set on- up 1 rsnly
w aid a cup, 1 hlfil. Never take uiore'll a
cup That is my rule.
This amg ii cup was filled and prepami
according h* m I HUt insti Uclioiis ll'om giuu
uy When uioie than half drained she
tv 1 I pu s tin cup, saying , 100 SWeel,
h< li' , lota too sweet. Jt*t llil il up. Wolt’l
—T--. mw twM-lliii*!* vms nwal
)td t, hijJ ll)v |mfw<l with llio
t 1 m itll<-i ii'iiiii. l(t |li i,hhi il ill thii- >,
it c mi ll Id he Mitm ly !iiinfuclory exri p
•nr* tiirrtnWrs|n)oiifiit. trh> a Irr'tr Tint—
’ Kiiuur, lioncy. Vuu put ill tuu,’ toil
mu ll that time.
Hn i iin.' 1 llir nrrtfir nf ttir pry**
t 1 r ,i mile wlilia, ami tny nmtliei ti-'HiP'
*ti-x tfji-lteFhaHtliH tit Ul Tglw that
ufnuiiy wan at !u*t ulixliU. Not hy am
Hu at
Nw, hooey, tlii, a heap too eoht I
v*mh you’d juat (HHt op witli lint cod e
So proceeded tlie lutlle attempt totali-ly
the very critl cal taatn of thia old woiiiuii,
in.til the Wat drop of Hie (strong brown Ibj
uid waa exhausted, and then Oranny Hub
cits praia*d In tup of colt be highly.
J never drink but one cop, honey, but I
iik< tnut good and strong and yalh r.
Dion's Excuse— A slory is told el Dh U,
t da. key lu Kentucky, who was a notoil
■no ihiel, wi vicious in Ihia ieaiK;l, that all
1 n ha in the neighborhood were charged
to bun. <>n one <-,casSon, Mr. Jones, a
i • ignbor oT f >i* k’s master, called and auld
that Dick must be sold out of that part oi
the country, lor be bod stolen all of lih
(Jones) turkeys. Dick's master could not
think so. The two how ever, went Into the
field where Dick was at work, and accused
him ol the theft. You stole Mr. Jones’s
turkeys, said the master. No, 1 didn’t,
iiiitwi, replied Dick. The Master persist
<*d. Well, at length said Dick, I'll tel! you
mass a ; ( didn’t steal dent turkeys, but Ins'
night I went across Mr. Jones's pasture,
ami saw one of your rails on de fence, so I
brought home de rad, ami, cnulound it 1
when 1 came to lo k dare was nine tur
keys on and rail.
Lpiuoiits —These aie men who take
newspapers, pay for them, am' read them
Observe the order in which these things
are done ; the pay comes firat the reading
next. These men consider they get the
worth of their money in the bargain. I;
seems a*, fair and just to them that tin
newspaper should be paid lor as a barrel of
sugar or anew coat. They never entertain
any other opinion. When the year runs
out, or a little before, they are on band
with the pay. There is no more difficulty
with them in rernem'rering tliin period, than
Sunday or tire first of January. If one ol
them wishes to stop his paj>er, lie either
calls or writes a letter by his nostmsster.
in due season, like a man. This cla* is
dear to the heart ol the editor Their im
age is embalmed in his warm affections.—
May they live a thousand years, and see
ttcir son*' sons !the fourth generation.
The Appleton* keep ten presses going
on Phermau’s Memoir*, yet find that the
demand outruns the xupply. Work* of
fictioc'have a great run, sometimes.
Hon In Q. I.itmm- uml his
A short time since we heard Rev Di
ft —A Yoqng, the-4tsUognishisl Ki'eielary
of the Board of Trustee* of the Vanderbilt
UimT.sity, give u illustrative incident in
the Hie of that eminent civilian and South
tun Methodist, Lamar, ol Georgia. Dr,
Yottng WOW down Suth eu r>ntte to
home, and meeting Col, Lamar at Anguala,
insis ed that he should accompany him to
Nashville and meet an cngagemenl, tlij
tieop c had made for him to deliver an ad
drifts on libe Current topic* of the time
me l)r. promising that a most tlilleriu.;
reception av ailed him, and that first class
1 epoiterifv ould plaee his -[lee- ti upon ive
onl Even kmtl friends had tarnished l)r.
Young with a through ticket for Uol. La
mat. Jtwt before'leaching Giand Junction
where UM]y had to separate, in reply to re
iwatial aid urgent entreaty to go to N ish
vlllc aud jjil ireah laurel* to his already
enviable tame, Lamar turned ami said t •
Dr. Your,l' Tar TFohr IbU pTacn TliaT
wc are Waring, 1* a plain, unpretending
eiluntry home. 1 tfui going to vi.-it my
dear old mother aud sit once again in her
lap. 1 bad rattier go there and sit at -her
left than goto Na.-livillo and deliver h
speech sparkling with ehw|ueucu.’ Noble
sentiment | Woitliy the noblest nature.
This (incident reveals the secret principle
that hue made—lsumir’s—Hie an- emmenl
sucCt'M. He is occupying a large share ol
public attention at this day a* a leading
American wtnlesiimu, bill lie finds lime amt
has a heart to love tenderly Hint plain,
simple hearted, hot noble Georgia million
—hi* mother. Tue trump of fame cannot
silence lu Ida the luve hu heals her.
Mo wonder hit la great. Liu could not be
otherwise. Much tin alfei lion has a din
mottd glitter about it, whether illustrated in
t'ougrosai-nu or seen in obscurity. We
-would any to hoy 4 ' nnd yuUlla Uiat
when they 11 use in alter years la love
"m itliw," they wiug cl 1 away limn tin
purest luyelie l priii'iplc in the liuiiutu
head. N-> won ei unkind tin I unloving
youth# turn *ul banly. Ii t* by virtue of
dial prim (pie wit Lin their Ini lists licit bids
abem lightly esttnau then poenls. IL
Ihat Is akhuiufd.ol his niodier, liowevci
old limed situ may be in niuie or i| iaiot in
her notions, is so to bincielf, no poor
hi spirit and hnnhiMpi in nobility "I clnti
niter that he is not entideil In the lospeet
unit cmr*ldetc-u t,( thorn; With whom lie as
As long a an erilng -.0,: loves Ins luotli
cl you have suiin tlilug to Iniil'l upon in
trying lo reloim him ; biil whsn he feels
no warm I h of nttin hill' 111 f. .r her Hint ha e
411111. helv 'to ho |iii.lii I )i love, you 1
motliOr. Tin oMer she crow ' a' I the
weaker she beeome' , cling elnser and *tan<l
UCJl'fi her, He 1 piop, a fuinlurt to L'l
in her deelmlng years Y-'lir elia'ael-
will rxpninl beneath thD magic inti icuce,
and ripen In'o n'.fditre 1 lovc’lnnis If you
The sweetest memories In slier lllu when
‘mulliei’ is in cold dump tomb Me
“rtm'errt+ird-rvfth the getitlc, -tender wffi'C
(ion boinc for-h-e when —her-steps w<o,
tottat ii ig. Yxmr t-ii adu - pr!3nri haa rtn - iii_
mate who a lit w year* ago tiros diallnguT-Ti”
ml in ilie polliloal eiicUa, oi Virginia. tl
was asharacJ <d bis old country look l ig
lather when lie eame to visit him in tin
illy ; won and repCcl and avoid him at the
hotel I aide ; in la<M, disowned him A
Was to he exiHalted, be tell ‘Olll gieul me
this son’s lull !!■ Avaie how you treat
your mother, Healter aijuahlue In her way
as she gn* to the grave, ami don’t -p ant
thmns in her dying pidow. Cherish In r
love, lor true love is so scarce. It is pro
cions oiiittneiit. [W. H. Hecoider.
Niiinlrig 4 lill4rcn
A child has a right to his Individuality,
to be hinlsell and lie oilier ; to mainl l ill
against tl e world the divine ho ts for
winch lie stands. And before these fuel*
lather, mother, instructor, should stand
reveieel!y, seeking rather to undet stand
and mlerput its significance than to wrest
it from it* original purpose. It is not tree
essarily to Ire inscribed with the family'
traditions. Nature delight in surprises,
and not guaranty that the cliikjreu ol
tier p-iels ahull sing, nor that every Quaker
baby shall take kindly to drab color, or
baye an inherent lougutg for a scoop bon
uetfor a broad brimmed hat.
in Hie very naming ol a child, lbs Indi
viduality should be recognized. lie should
not tic invutdeu with the mist nil eng no
men of some deed ancestor ol h isterica!
celebrity, a name musty as the grave
ci/ljie* of the original wearer dolefully
redolent of old association -a ghostly in
.lex finger forever pointing to the pa t.
f/Ct it Ire something fresh ; anew name
Standing for anew fact, the suggistion ol a
his'ory yet to lie written, a prophecy to In
fulfill' and The aav wa;s v/efl enough cloth
ed in his own unset, hut w hen he would
put os lh*.kin of the lion, every attribute
became contempt ihle. Common-place
people slip easily through the world, but
when we find them heralded by great
names we r'’t Incongruity, mj insist on
uisktr g them baathan they are. Geo. Wasli
mgto-i selling frt* ntrU, Ju/iua Owr as a
bcot-black, and Virgil a vernier of old
dull ro, mm but a sorry tlg.iia.—Duart,
to the dead ki tg* their purple am! ermine,
Ur (eet their laurels, amJ to the heroes
><l the earth, sole po**eat>ion of the names
they have r a lered imm-irtal.
Let the child have a name that does not
mean 100 much at the outset, hut which he
can fill with h individuality, and make
by-ami by to stand tor exactly the tact
that he ta,—Victoria Maga/.ue.
A nioiiii|ipi Kccic i
Tbe NalcbeC Weeklvddemocrat bus the
following satire on tbe conduct of tbo lar
nous ol tbe iitate of Mississippi, vvhicli—wo
llilnk can be read witli profit by those ot
Louisiana, auJTT fact, all tfu' South wes
tern States ;
Hallo, stranger, you seem to be going to
market? —
YVs, sir, 1 am.
What are you carrying that plow along
tor V
Going ’i- acrid it to Pfttslmrg.
and o I’ittsbtirg, in lYnnnsylvania ?
Y ou're mighty right ; I am.
What mo you going to send il tluic foi T
To get sharpened.
Alt the wayto l*ftmbrg to get shaepen-
cd ?
You bet ! We've starved our black
smith out ; he pulled up stakes the uthei
day and went to I\
Well, that's rattier a novel idea. Illy
itieud —sending a plow S') iar to get It
• N"t so novel t* yam bean! it ova*. Wt
do om milling at Ht. L inis.
Is that so ?
You’re right it i<. Wo uted tn have n
111 ril on I’luik'iivii.e Uieck, tyol_ the on nn
got too po ir to keep it up, and so we turn
ed to getting our gihiding done at S' Lou
—Vn ihm'-t-incnti to say —you —-end y-out
grist all the wav to Hi Louis by rail ?
1 didn’t say nothing 'botitgri* weli.iin't
got 110 gris to send. Hut w get om lloui
aud meal from Hi Louis.
1 s-e you liave-a fthh oiryrtfiT*w igon.
Yes ; our old eow died lust week.
Mali h wrml drUiived —itnr— lilii-aUit -ut tun.
Sfinliii’ lici bide to Binton to get it tin.n
All Hit way lo Boston ? Is not that lath
er expensive, my Irieud ? Thu heights will
eat-t ho lode. —
That's a fact- •leaner Ilian the Ini//.nils
did that old crltlei's oareturn I'm what’i
ibe use bein’ faxed to build lahinads ’llioiil
you gel flic good ol ’em ? Used to have n
1 iiiyiud ovci ui Lickskillet, an Ia -I'Ociuak
er, too Hut tliey've lie: lluinniuxed
Ki ilbitnintiMi'l lint s tloit r
Ii milins gone, ufi Ihe s|)ont and Iwixt
you ami me. that's mlgliiy nigh die ease
with cur Slate.
When do you expect lo get your Will
er ?
IXm'l expect to git no leather at all—
expect to gel alines, some day, made at
li.i.,ton or fhcrenhoiils.
ltr dun a nilnfoittflre to lose a milk cow ,
<ll y Ii iuikl.
Nd no much a misfortune as ymi heard
u wns, Mountroea s!, s lit o! tro.ihle shuck
ia’ iimf niihbhiin' a cow, nnd milliin' her
night ami moium', uml geltiu' only alnml
three (pint 1 a day.
What me you going lo do loi milk V
Hotid loi It.
Heml Ninth for milk ?
—Yea; imuccnUaUid milk and Uualiui
1, S', i
(Hi I I see the point.
—Migl l ly handy, these
make I hem Yunliee lelh;rs do all imr )'i|)M
tut its now do our smittnn’, and grindiu'.
h|il tuiiniti', and milkin’, and cliillliiu’.
I acA you ha VC u hlllc oftdtlun."
V'es ; we go our bottom nickel on cot
lon. Bendill’ it up to ,M.iHsaciiiiw Uh to gel
It carded, spun and wove. 'l ime'Jl come
when wo'.l send tl ihrtr to be ginned, and
then we’ll be happy. MHnstr'uus sight ol
trouble running these gma. ._
That would be lather expeitsivr, scmlin,;
111 sied.
No more ao Hinn them Western lid er
[iay when they a< .id corn East and get a
dollar a bushel tied pay six bits freight.
Ilusldes, as 1 said, what's the use ol paying
lor rallroada ’thoul we use the loads f
Yon seem to Appreciate advantage* ot
1 thiuk we ought —we pay tuotigb for
I reckon you tatlen your own pork.
Well, you recou wrong, stranger. I get
them lllinoy fellers to do that for me. it’s
convenient, too—monstrous sight ol trou
hie totin’ a lig liusket of (viru three times a
day to hogs in a pen— (Mjieclsily when you
tiamt got no hog to tote it to.
1 should think so.
There's one thing lacking though '.>
make business complete.
What’s that f
They ought to send them hoga ready
treiked. CrHrkiir’ ami preparin' woo<J lor
crx/kiu’ takes up a heap ol time that orl, by
rights, to he ctuployod in ihu cotton-patch,
I was say iug to my old womru the other
day, il Mississippi folks got our cookin'
and washin’jdoDc up North and sent by
express we'd Ire as happy a* office holdei
Your hoi ae in the iead there seems to be
Yes, ne" Is ahoeln'. if he vvaf.u't the on
ly horse I've got, and I can't spare him
I'd tend him up where they made the
lii'ise shout and nails, ainl get him shod.
Can't get such a thing done in our part*.
IV-rhsps 1 can at the depot.
ilow do you manage to live in your
parts, my old friend ?
Why, we raise cotton My roads turns
etplrerc, WTBirjrvr. tree, HaH, back,--
dy' I'm glad I M-el you stranger.
The Tennessee l>og Tux.
A Slate tax official writes Ur Nashville :
Ti e smallest district in my couuty return*
over three hundred dogs (three dog* to
each voter) and various hitches. The dog
lax will amount to SJUO,OOO. Il will in
crease the revenue twenty-live {>er cent.
/X \
I IKS?b® sWt ©if 1
¥ U BklhCß Jr u M
J GEO/?oL Ul,io r*s ,t i v ’*
■ Vrvr Vi3f *
Alkaliao Fertilizer.
(I "x 1114 V I'll tY |j r\V price of the atwvs
I niiinid coipi'\i- , ’d i wl h'li ts aliitUnv
entirety -iciu. . 1 1, cihntiliie.i will) its stirprl
singly gnnl tcptilizJng proper ftes.lms al
ready ga in ,! nn it a populnily never liefoiu
seemed in so slioi l a time by any .similar
arliele. The ihrmdy great aild ruplaly In.
eieitiJug ihmi.ind Will iiotuasdale extensive
additions to Hie Win ks
Col. Ij. F. Livintcutoii,
(.Minimum ol die Executive Uoiuunllst) ol ’
I lie Ueiu yiMT Hi ido 1 1 range, says ;
October '.‘4*, 1871,
’’ I have usd your A Ik dlne FnrtlM/. 'r tills
eiisoii mi on llillilps, alongside of three
slandard lei tilizms. Tnff eust, |lo prs tea , 1
jiiii/ri $tS 7 jwr ton, i'liiira ui n/u tl tit pi " ,
it'iftioH l" iMurnf th Itijjli prtcrtlfar Mwi.”
lie ny S again 1
January 18, IS7o
"f nf wtiml
day la iKh most iirditiMiiug I have. ttjfJ
tiiitltl/l’e fc th it it is th S (henpint /'Pi t.turf nil
tin limit. I jni Corn. I win mufti Mur cm
rent)cut on both (lorn amlClolloo, unit 1
will icport-r 1 —
Edward Cdx, Eaq ,
one <d the best larmeia ill DeKrtlb t niii'y
wiitin ; •
(I toiler 5, 1M74
"I pul ‘JUO pounds pel iicic as a lop dteas
ing on my wdieat in Maieli hot. It made
IBJ bushel* per acre on land that would
Iml have Hindu mole than six to eight
bushels a* furs'..' / h/nir miirn rat nf from
Unit hind fnim 2,000 t" .1,000 th) nj the In it
rr ah ijiuhh Hull / < ner Hair ir/iirh J 111! Clint 111
to the unc nf your / rrtUhr.r. My neighbor*
around me o*> <1 oilier guanos, lliruc limes
uh costly a* mine, but did not make ns much
Wheat, amt tailed on tint grass eropa
Alp (Jorli crop in nptrinlul heller iliaiiaiiy
I ever saw g ow in DeKallicomity, accord
lug to tlie limit. /mn nulnjlcd tl u exactly
what we muni m Ueorym.
Col K A Alatou.
the well known editor ol tlie Atlanta
lletttld, voluulurily gave the following
strong tesi Iruotiy, after having tried it
thoroughly :
Atlanta,’Ga., fWpt. 1 18T4,
Mn. A. C. Laud,
hear Hit Please ship me, at Decatur
Ga., twenty burs ol your Alkaline Kertltl
xer I have tried iluwjglily this season sdS
by side will' all ilmbesi In urn Is ol leitliixeffe
■old in the nrarket, on CGItN, LOTfON,
OAT 6 AND 'WHEAT, and I have no
hesitation in stating that il has PAID ME
all. bend me live 'on* at once lor uiy
wheat. Very Heapucliully,
tk' bind lor Circular JtA
A. C. LADD, Agent,
No. 'J If load Htroct,
Atlanta, G.i.
I • c ♦ tn mf f/iry l* f
coaufy wb*> (Vt'c to hit#' thr*r *
Ug iiu t lo©M> or thUtLBVm lj flrf.
To wi'-hiag o u \u\v't\%A*c+U t tb^''
“LUVID ObXH" tlwy mj kirf b liiu4, ! ©lull
t omrf ihrtu with 4 Li e Policy in th#
or sur viba eoauWax or tbur own kivUOh,
t<T" Ism worklogdirectly (or tbs "ALABAMA-'
*>oLl>" sad dtslrs ar trlead* to "Jlue mo."