Newspaper Page Text
"t fc'viM. K iiiuviixisit —
G.trK VTT.i.L FTTH A 5 I- > l> t
Wi iural llflirjf I cvt l> Bfniitiid,
Tli.- left graph '<■ '-I 1 ■- --
e tut ol the ‘cH, •< . !J nry 1.
U lit', I'll# of till l""-i <V.!'tl|flislfC*i of
rlit rr* Thu r>u-nii-d <••*
in Colcmbia county, Gt. in i-i.t L "
he gißfhmie't H Fraui ' ' eg!
rnciiulciy aft* r cornti cid.* and be 1 ■ ')’ ' -
h*Wi “
In ealiy life lie >< It ‘-'I i Ham
ami began the pre* 1 i< •; "f Gw >•> Hroiiitot,
yi/,.,./iwi.i./ ii, c :,.|||..,l|'|> i?i ■ *-;,<*;dm-2;_ ..j-j'-Lii
-111 llilil (Illy. Aln II and l' ( ! I-I F ‘I '■'■I
III- Willi till- <!* III"! < I I =■ t.iti ■!ii'.'I m.
K t-iui In In* .li>iri< t it. Ihii, I lit i 'l' *
id by ffi .1 tn‘ .fiiili-'/ii lie wi- I
one tiffin aoiiclttir • t.<■ I. #n‘l >’> P> '■ **-
eteciftil to t lit' ftipf' Ufi> b'tl'll.
ill! went into (lie !!i- #r SB fo'u. <■ OI
the 17th hk-oryla, *.••< *'■ 000 !* va'm! to
the (I'mtl itti 'it til g': < rat rrr tti<
kit I oli.. Iteni.itia’a brtjr..'!<: H l ,a " ' fti
m cvruy I Hit lie ol tin: atmy "I tioitii.-rii
Virginia, until 'tun U down ul lit l ' i' ** l ;< ‘I
Uni Wllitr'ni!iii II In>ivi iy, ' tn • ■* ao l
inileiKTitinee gave him Hie >" !■' - t ,!
• Oil! Rock " H. i wt.WHUd Him, tic
{fnrtng the * *'
The clows ol the ** "ft rifm wftt: ' *
ti-itil torfaihi-*, in.i i H in 'i’-'I < i
lit' returned tlii* pruotro*; of I*l' la *', an 1
I,OWa I imt original ant slrt'Cu;;; ft <
ky •ten-! 11 y rlalltg 1 1 ilia hat I nl tin < 1
In iioTTTTi s, in: btsli,g> and In In*' ’
of !li<- * tit tea right t In 01.
Ihi >.-mucruth“ : •
dual an llio tiile ol vcirv •' r "'
aiting In f-vor ol the Jutit •,; •*: << s• ‘■ ’v,
alarnthtg rumor* rt oin hum
(punter* that it I* ill ‘tan,:'' l n a t i" 1 1 ' ’ !l
twain on till! Uirii’M r ‘piaftiou, H,< | " ' ! ' I I
lUmiOciaey (atoting a M-itin|iti**n "I i'' "
payment*, while tin lyrat *nt l 1 ■<"" ■■
lor inure currerry. A Ihir • i•* nn" < *
bttiica inv'lit'"! ill tin' rtt , t ,, ’ ! ' l hlng in; '•
dnnlmt • anvaK-i iiftn Hi'' in ,'■ <j>n t n.
pMiilunt !*,!( •> ol 'I >• ‘h ni"'' < y :
tog to hwilinil''"''""' lit partv '. .ID.: £_
nil till* dailgi’inila lii|"‘ <"ti'i |,f
to rMtiaml tlm '•mi < n " = ! t" < "
tinl atit in itrl ulmi Hu
cnngruna miteta and aitjuurnu Ik I' ■ lh
pmahii-ntini rrittta s: t ally o|i'-n iVn u lion
ol that body *viji:!<t tin hd ’t' 11 ■ i-<’| li
and they would im • amj'i ”' and In i >ti!y of
fijpct It* ili'i inlii.'i in tin: i'll 11 * ‘it nl r. |■ • * “
UlvQt Klanding nil the ii ngn * ’folial plat
Inrilli We Wl' 111' way oat I tnfi and 111 ally
urily by rather pr lurmlttlng, a* w a', i to
any of tlmalftye yuntl<>n, any> f •*
proaahm of i*pmhiu on Wdi* triniMe kuh ,
imrpU xlng mitijei t. Union mu l. a.lne* am
wian ami our democratic brethren of
|,m>*k pm lent, wt‘ may h*o the vi ' y
Uiat, laat lall, M eimal ahimal within mir
aM>n ni.. i...,.i • uu a • •••" ••••••• •
the Ititfmimy of the uuleniH' I, and .ti l
hope for the beat.
Fred IJiiOgtai, a colored radleul id
WflUitnutnii city, inadn n fourth nl .fitly
•pta:clt In which, aiwiiklng nl cm pot hag
gera ho aald it hi* cnlnrod audloiico :
You have In tai mod a* tools hv linnihUiti.
and cnrrnpt tollcrwa w !l li Itr'iliiaj paima
Ton Itgvifne.'ti TTTo fnnndalinu nl'the wnral
rule of fraud ii'iiotaiiee, and ninney g.-IHn -
greed ol which the tilatm a nl ill" eioiniiy
AtTol'd* an exidtpie. You have heen irickod
ami hitded, sntd amt pliinderid by tl c
carpet tiilg w.,1 v„*. Rad put into an atrliiole
ol oppii*itiuit to the while*, w.dch Wa
needles*, nul <d iinn wnti ihetrlrmp' rmu, at
and oppnaed to their true interest*, fa a I
dilinn, you have been llio slot k in Hade of
nil sort* ol mendicant uampa,- nntii Hu:
rnlnr ol the A Mean has hconme an oltouco
ill the eyes ol the .iildlclous
Douglass gives tbrae frauds a wall do
served shaking up.
Tuai appredalivu lover ol Untie snap
and terrapin stews, VVilllam Mnrae, ol the
Atlanta Herald, say* :
tkimelirkly lias given brmluu Ii ■ vill, id
the ViNimiA'irui, Hie left lri< and (point i id i
royul luud turtle, for which In- munis
thanks, nod cults it *un •■dilniial lid hit.’
Furthermore, brother Moore, that royal
joint was very good if not a llulc m.
A cnritspoi (lent ol the t.imiohnio
Herald writing in rrgnrd to the oc\t guber
natorial rnndidnle in U'-orgia *n\* :
••Let us write no nunc tetters to thi* nr
that uian to know it he will * rvt the Fide,
but wc will have n?r Imnest t’c’ ventinn id
the people nd nominate and elect try no
moan mi>Jm ity one ol Oeorgia’* noble s,>ns.
Due of sen-e, experietiee, iulegrity and
veurage, ami. though he may preler the
nfiades ol private llio, w beie i 100 one ol
them that, with sut h an expression ol con
tidence, would relusv to lioimr us as the
Uovernor ot cur grand old Bute.
A violent wind aud vatu storm passed
. through Milledgcviile on the 7,h doing
much damage to cum cud cotton.
The Spar'.a Times and 1 lantoi is iii'oru
than ball right when it says that tire in -
lereatsof any comnuiuity lung mo e u(K'n
the success of its local piper, which is it* :
mouth piece and adrocale so far us the ri>!
ot the wor'd is concerned, than upon any
oilier one enterprise. To prove this it cilia
Forsj th, whichßimri ltose pronounce I the
deadest town he had eve.-seen, ‘‘Ahuut
the same time," says the Times and l*.nuu<
“Mr. J. P. Harrison took coutrol of the
h kI otHet* il tlic Mvuiroc j AI- *
vcrtiscr. He bui't up the pajxT, ana the J
pcoplt rnllieil to hi* sapporl, ntul llie town I
took ou now life, aud it Mr. Hhw coulu
Yiait th town nuw ho would aH
it Tl ere is not a bUer buxines* town ot
itsitizc in Georgia. The history ol Frsyth
ra the lnsi*ry of every town where the ;
Hgypln have a4t *d : quarcty Up lo time.
" i 1
Prr 1 lAfew*e*-.
*\ %• N'W Y fk Sm a • f sg f 'v>
i’< -fi! i-i i"
( • * ty tifj-1 (■%, <>t -
i * • (/ .*!,<' !i*' *< l'iifftin 'sp ut U i*t miit lr
rt'.v'vr% to r< ;le i ; - < trti y :
Ah'iA &v ■/*.. <? ‘ital*t 'VaH Ij,h Yu.iM’jhß
(Will.;) f I'X
At - - : til.-'inr f'Trfci- fc ‘lh/w*'**). 4J *'m,
Ai.i- ■ i< lui.wi (fMii.
c/41; it, i/I ,S
Ai-i.d -l - d -U. (li* yuM'.-
Ai ♦.••* zrr *x< *ir > f n..‘A *h-**.\ (Hot
jmnifnir j. , i A ' 2S
Ai.h iii •* o/.U Urfiii of Ora ft,
fit' ' ... .
Til‘ '<• ' : .'■ if* • '<<" <■ f 1
•* . x• VAI h (j u:;l; ffl. I ty ol l‘ iiiiOfV,
1 (-* , 11 1' * i K'i letl <.olfi Vlt f'l fAJfj
It-’ii to Jo o i . the hrot their pie
. lit ftmAtl r f to nV: V-ifypi), Uftl U/ h!JU: # T h'-
' Alid : 'f f They VA-re a,!
J u'alul to litisn * rao wf an examph
of fi t* uy, 'Xd lit'w, ami MWfeAiy ‘/.fikii
a * Ui±' ut t Uk {ouit ft uA-fiff** *
M lutfHoin w. Jit fhr* ■< gh the wi %i
in* { *: Vuk *u*rnordiuafy *J juhi* in ol tUa
lure, wilhi/'JI adding t<i the p o'
tl*e ‘iti". IU \ u>.
!..*u pt ‘‘ f,<*os py whioh tii'Jhcy tjtighi. b
tiikeii boui tlih Treasury and dive ru- { to
y- rrnnriT7*r : Tt* riXZr*f* : J ToUt ■■■ n';><
Iff i* to . ppf opr .'.'j U: f 'iU.fkXl I *> ft;*Ul * lh* ;
Wiiile iiiuix*# * ij4tr;re- iff Aofhi *i : I
MOO O tin ?i.f: i'll T-*• }Un t‘ n
wt i r TTo rr,T7 . i Vc’ Ii- (T. •? V S' 1 1 ell ii Th td
111 the it* p :tjii> rlid V ■ ■•{*"<! \ ,
/■ . .".v .
<'■ ?y-i- i• • f rryof.jil y i; : i-—u*—-i—
--btti* TiiOVfi Wtin ufWTtiiii T j w sill U.t:
Vy nxO If Uio /, thtt* tl, -r lii o' / -a
fei t>* n e*|M fi-hiii lor ftxrnithi
y, tin . D no < < I !*/,•
hi. . *J ii'* h"i ‘ nt. Hilt -v-m 4(i
j.iopit th i) i.) Mi Hi.'h'Ah<l4 w* .
n. f i ft of M I
- ij4 j "it ) Mir. fiturtl Im '*'*!>' y m r*i:n .
ffi Atmpi i* vii't'iiy' *l, HUtefi TO oh* jf
rt !(Jf <1 t' tiU*i|ib!: -7iiJ if f /
|ln ■..1 <1 lii lh: ‘lit VV It if* H .• . ,
u*| r rrr no;, in L/-^.
the va ut the appfopritt iil '♦fin lit * to
A * lh() ofi n eo.jfit nl the n jet f* -! t ol
roui arr U imd. O’, V, a ... ;i they ‘.-,vl
hil mi, y j (JJU.A.. >ii tt —u Uio .i.ipiMpi - *(i , ,
Iti (irTiit
h .*tr fi rfi? pr.-♦trtonr* Ttfr ■ , ma
it tl Mi Hi<’ rm lc!|f*'. M 11 •‘UI ill a iel Ufi
•igiitiy pM'cli ~| ground whe f t< covered
\Vi'h v, ltd rn "i, and low. 10 elvml ill., at
1.,-r 1 ' ,* 1 t ally kind lint Bali'oi'k ,•’ -
fVi.iyyi 1 j-i-iw to Improve It, aim know ,
vie iu Hie money g's
The gfi ,'tlll"iue l made io 1 * 1 t o
ni'Arly (lO.IJOU 11 vnr on llio 1,., *k 1 the
fri nanry, lint not n lentil ol , 1* applied
to Ibe [nil p * ini* nd"d, liy l*w Th—
nronly a !i)w Uima in tU i” l ' "f P , ' , fjnt
li which Urant I 1* toy 1 *•'"! wi-'Sl* w<r<>
'n r 'toliitr wledly u iltiwwn. T'i,v r.>* ; . ,r t
..IbliTly'liei bet vern Gl int *11! Ba'ani'k
for the app icati *n ol ilia lorwy. rr !
nothing but * Mm n LdllblLdiy—Jllii_lL4iaii-
V,T R,'|irc,ieutallvoi 1,0, nd Hie T'>' bet
will bring thi* seamFil to liglit Tens <0
tbouautiil* bnvs efrta nly been -101, 11, in
there la tmthlny m ilut for thuiie inrgr
SappeoywetHniii.rUlnu TnahyrrTfTiTTurFLi the
: White Hoiiae, the improvtiueiit* ~( t •
Minitheiii g ill o| the .ypoi. n ia, Hn l i*,' on
gent expense*, in 11 1 r■ luel conilinnul
In 'blitfem tw aildtew Itel Vantages, thr.
1 AThiie H'iusi’ nut ground* nru lighted a!
. Ihe pntitie i "*b —rrrri Giam .* tmly" *,'(nO
I otitlnya ( loi the tnalntctiaiioe ot the lion ,
i hold mid a Ii w tcmimiii al ''*t.ite diuni C
‘ in Hie wiutei. No womlti he waits a
j third te: IU.
ri'uMi is i* 10. in
Flie stonily Id ■o| 1 1,ia ar lent, btipula vr
in oi Ime to ;i anddeil eto-i ju*t when his
j irii'nd* llionglii tie-wiis -11 rely retovenng
I1 i* health through a pur, * * novi as 11
; was wonderful Lie ceitmnly greatly ini
i proved under the tnn*fu*ioii i.milmenl,
j Imt it seems that It did 1 t reach, or at
least did no', remove, Ida diseie*,
He was Im 11 n at Lexington, Kv., Ft Ijtii
■ an t!t 1*?8. amt was, there line, tilth'iiiore
; ilian lilty four years old when tic died. t*i*
, venernble falln i j* still living. Y ‘Ung
! Blair, i't-r a litre nil education, leicoved to
I fit Louis; w lieie. In IS4I. he began the
' practice ol law. Bmce then lid has be* 11
1 111 succession a Soldier, an editor, a polui
titan and very often an occupant of official
j [nnsitionv. Ho was a privity in the Mexi
ran war, and a division commander in
j Sherman'* army. lie was repeatedly
| elected to the leg ill at 11 re and to congress,
and ill 1870 was chosen a United States
J senator. He owed his favorable start in
political life largely to the Ocrmau element
• in B; L >ui*, wuh whom he was, to the
! day of hie death, a pmuc favorite.
Fite later aud riper years of his li: were
devoted to the support of coustiluiioual
: principles. Iu the presidential canvas.- ut
CMB ue was tlm candidate fr the vice
I piesid ucy on the ticket with Horatio
Seymour. In Id?3 lie appeared in the
Cinchmli convention to support Horace
G"ce!ey. In 1378 Ids senatorial term came
u> ai end, and he figured little iu politics
afterwards. For the last year or two lit
has been iu tailing hea th. ft* was a
brave Ulan, but oftentimes a veiy rash lead
er -
It is stated that Sirs. Lydia Smith, Thai
Stevens’ h usekeeper, is suing his estate lor
six years’ wages, at tw o hundred dollars per
m nth. Mrs. Smith is “a colored lady.'*
Thud, left ha;' by his will, but this
is only abijut one third the amount * f six
yearYwige* as ho,is.keeper, st two hum
died ftohsr* a mouth.
Ihrrc: Trade
Wv *•*■ glad t' aee that Savai nal* “
* <vmg in mi* matter. A report ut*. u
. i... . j -rp *r
!he |U'' ! ‘r 1 the stoeklwijer. <*f the
.1 •‘I ey society of 1.0i.d ai,
rsvx iat|..l, l.u*V") tl* jrrimtisjh sand
| "-r •:*!■ •• *i •< :* ration. Tnc
: hiam.i, •! I-: v i.y ,s c<Ki,pi.9i.d •<! 4 .1. e
sin,ug!“l b<, v-s r.eo and eapha. si* id
ha* city. A ii - . Hug wm called iui yeaiei
lay i,, iui;.'i,'t lh* ie;x*rt, i;fej,uralc.ty u*
'.l tint- -nti.-iduti hi tyjltdou. L
am.u, a* s i-Uy might, be injur:>#ia hi
Lc hit* and * * **t <*■ ','ghr, - T his ■ i rr'~ r t CTI '
' d'juh't 1 > J J. Will all that we new: lu U'jir
*t Ore pr .msM lime upon Hit £.igiiab •.<,
upeiaiiye_y*< jetu--. ; u httkaU *d tw?*
■i we 4 : .i v ill CBX tr-icl JAU
u I •*, |>l -I*l, K ,y aud vtgwrm.- .
I 'I in; . w I' M ‘l.l New JStrj.n:. i j*a*
• j •r* Mtc, tut r. ~-ry natural, a ho*l cf and ffi
‘ <:n ilie. !'. Ih< Way nl lire grai and pUl*. Tin
N‘. * Y if. Hi y li leiio aufika, what are
they g"t g in to with Ifrt-gwwl* wi.iri i.*ty
r< ar h. .'*• w ‘ y.fs* and uU-a, te ~U*c‘!,
forxjk ii* ~i me 5 ugeiate I, Hi:: tlLii
•to ii*, i-rcry' l,:ny in the woild’ u >*J
r l',,, tx n ,l‘m> „‘ * <H,ly show lUit the pin
ig/i. tc ne I'wi'i.-a of Htfibau s,y
by fin jiicm * ' -sj 'f heir g:e#t
.Jujl vi *•; I', iv ht'nb tfif 4''w4_tb* t _ l i '
.y'drl - % over, end to
: -.LUUUi- i-"*, If tWJ ii "II ,!if. ~r
pariMfi? .. r <T < >p*i te that | di, li. u
■<t tr id- IK •• .<ll ~s>. will 4* i l*e n
a- I •~K C.-;'.'.;. | fie pl'nlttC'l-g Ia- *
•ii thi. two ‘ml■ >-■! -u tij y n l th,
a ol 7. miiAiit l-iddi*.,,. -
*, o '.'ii' ial*,r by Kii-:
. 1 s -T t, A-i-pr- -**'■ ' ‘ J '*'
: '■. .• • • • -■ * ..■
I 1.-Mf- *-•- err.w >,rt yori' U
•ml friiii, a- o .f y4i artb*' r a'*'-
-Oi:*'|j> ' oii o-,t ’! yrtw ijikr
..* ■, fA * * • ,/fiSlHuikw
la <1 Ur ell.
.'lwtrENna ‘Mtr rv attSUipWai t*. s' " '
, U-iCii--,*. —.o* gave *ejf bI
I|i i.,(t *,ij , Mo offi-eis at one* a*J*
1,. 1, .... . .. g - ogbl ikkair as th* >
lan I , ‘ie i..■ :,■■ 4 Iba pateh t* U . fti'A
'1 i, g, * iso a. 'OU i waft, Lat
If ni, i*.t* v 1 ~0 ft .anol- t a. . 1,, hi Ua** si a *.w 'vet ol the
f I*l, ft -o k* r sa l* I 1 (tic • *p.
a. he,, rises lu., i'll,, sl_ ln <
•otn* 1 . Uex a .ng down <vca> pa e-ia,
iii-ir-o i*7c ' 1 sod pMlHid *•' V, .* .
a*,*, .duo! l,e *ti"U,'Ki After getiing I, >*,
..*,!( (,>(.. dit.r Ue k/okao aroaml to, la* 'pr,l
| hetHlig that t u.t IV ft list utlhf.g out (**•
a*nt ,11 tlB UtrecUon "I lit' nois* Know
~,jilting lti>i,i*t toe Weft, he icvs; e
mpi liy and, twlbm h knew it, *** hal
ill, m,' on lio> ragged edge, lb 1 1
*• .-mi ..ii" ft ■ M i"t: "v-i" 1
Just ~. hn (.Jtnbgi.t * ftwHu* Ifi'lfi lo
fi* v Ie %n ■ ' o- t " 0 * Idco'-i. ‘L 'Ok o,t
111 coming r M tlnd r l>4 p*Ao<*# of
■ ",,d cfiO'igh U> get liidrr a ' avrd plaoe,"
: un! Jti.t le Hid &v uftivu t*‘Ac Lynch
' 'lf *a r, bious.'ft". ol hllck*. I 'JftUI.S civ
: #H b--* by- ‘•be Ft'! Tl.tfo 006 id
! [li,, mounting on atio iidcr* ol the
oib*r, w#a enable f to iefifth Ue iteyat in
he a ft, * ami g. t left, ted **’('('ring >* *p t in
• tTom' it ftov'orrrT rrr*M* i,- 47 **T>' ai,rr
v-liie ft f V woik. wn* rr ftiird to gut 'to*
s ! coffin (..> '■ tl
\ Yew Ueilimuh," *•< fltlfl’grßs
tie ne t-.
—A*—r+-** —*u-'e ! *r-tfte-Tr Mrt —Hit,dale, neat
VY istii, gl'in, on Monday, hv if colored
(Hopte. tifrr w* nlO w D*v r*:;oll ol In
depeedeii 1 . 1’ ot***;r I..*i.g'on I*l 1 Fred
. rick Don. St- he n 111 iccud couctu mug
the duly ,| iln!' iic las tr remarks
vrre l> j"i'ittly appivni'M by their Bate
net*. Ftederick Douglta* dvctnretl thv
■tlftepeoden, eot Hi, (;.*!.,rt and lAC’e pom pro
Li tiled wti'ft .'rent* who. he sad have
injured 111 no h* 1 <Uey hutv hv ftcd the
bhe k 11 * i.
Iboi*-oi Ling-ton, *n a sianliK Hrain,
retnaikixl tint tie .s there to daelare his
indeptmleuie lor a ' who werj hts billow
era Ihe hour i- pine, lie is ntinued,
when we tmtst thiow oB mis yoke of, op
press ion sod s’and up tor our right# as bee
mou. The aigm of the limes demand tiiat
we s'.mb prove our fitness lor all the duties
of citizen-!.ip. I he hour w come w hen wi
iuti-1 iiniuag. our own ills'ilutious. It we
nave coioicd churches then give us colored
pieiiclii"s. I. we have loiored hanks then
wc must have colored bankers. If we
have colored otdiegca wc dent sad that wc
have our own . dicers. We have play and
the second fiddle tuo. We want —must
have a change for the
We clip the follow lug (root the liwintou
Mculheiuer :
A Bai fc . v Old Corros—llr. C. C.
Smith, ol ti*,' louuty, lots a bale of cotton
made during ihe wr, for which he was
odcied iu May, IsCo, 14 cents i>er pound,
j but thiukiug it ft less than its value retuseu
to seil. Cotton took a downward turn
ab*Hit that lime, and lias been tailing ever
sincu, aDvl bo has lieid this cotton expect
ing at some tune !*• gel at least ins first
otltr for it. Let us see what he has lost by
holding u uutii aow. aftO pounds of cot
tou at 44 cents would nett #B2O. Interest
~n this amount for ten years at 7 •er ceut j
would make the sum ot $154. Add this to
;jSS2O and he would have f374. The pres
cut price of low mid dug cotton iu this
market is 14 coats, and .500 pounds of cot
tou would bring. S7O. Deduct this
amount trout $374 aud it would make his
ioss ou one bale "f cotton This is
the suoitgeM -rgftuteol we cwf bvxftf ad
vat.ccJ agatuoi lartiwrx ho-Jing uj. for a
better price.
I hv \K l‘ri>nli ulial i aiididats.
N-w q-ivatkins are to control the neat
I'retideiiiial roe'est. Whatcrer is left ol
• *fee rd Ke:tr iJ icarr rpiaug
from the war w ill be swepf away by U.r
iie of ceuiecblal ei.thusia.sra. Toe cur
reney aobjoet will be tcatparariiy got rk
of in the platform of each larrty by a
*trirnr ol gl tu-riiiv geoerali'.ies. The nb
mlU.-'g tfit me Wib be Lorret'y and ts OfiO
my in office. The Democratic lioue
which meet* in U-e cotmng Dcueuiber wi.i
l time mainly to unearthing the corrupt ion
7* —tJrklit‘ A !u*iC7tfrai,oi! ~To react m
lireir eharaeltr- or even hold up their heads
lunug-tae presidential campaign, the Re
. ~uWe-u will i># ei*ti4r ! .;i fa pr. stni
. - - ' .111. All- M. lAtJi‘4 fri-retE muj Bt>‘Te
. . >i !r sVio.g nofieaty aud
alr.ei a.orldinv . the oinduct of I*oo.l
>. 1 -is Will aweep a*lot ai, bit e and
party :.a.k.- who have acaiocd their hand*
with the coirtplioos oi Gfa.UU=u.- uuieas
•i*e ftepoh.icius throw up Ihe sponge a:
■ire suit, and u*eie>y p.aee a dummy w
; jit- j ■ ogf* H.e iuh’filioc i*f tenjng Lru*
. •• ■ ■ 11, • r
I iikjik Wtlri vv.
F Kt young fi.tu }; -*ed ior a ii. m. *i.
to Ure bat . > it,me last w*. were a ac
me, t a*. : brie -'wlore I nig* tudeiw-oj,
ry, , ... SJ i !:.■! ]-'*'r. 1
-ran; fu say a firing of 't*'o to you 1
~har paased g:* j *0 tls': as u as
-*i ; but yi 1 - - ••'
...j-:. ..g L.i ti.'i* young hi,w '. -*'•
it U>UT iji *:*/.&&*, y ‘
TTrrsr’y’’-. *>> * * - • ■
.i-aar. •• i: / ■••• ! *'< Ui teD if
, ; t 3 Jti- T-' •■ ■■' ■*■ 7 ' i ' * l F.' r :
.. "7..-.a- • "•• .'ity —.. ~;M —h
. . i>..„. . ia- ; , i. ijf # fi/< < and
ti ,'j i . r ♦: • tDuJI *u., i U- -t**l '*
l> sljlttkri t*. 'l} 4,>s.*L
1 *:- y s* *H ii*> *
f 4 • of Vo-a X : hivt- Ot.<
. * ti* ■ ii-/* •’ A •
■ >'%*ki 4 low -
lrjrj u, fyrj t i Mcitiii
, 4 ,Jy* */A* * .U# M X i> *.4 t Ot
l ,f. •->*kjyg javißtt. - li*
.-.1, k !k ' lj* * dc*ni b**i Wil
37XTJ-JT -V :. r. r/ i \ ('it rtt- f x - 1 *-*
fi , *'■ * ■* : , a;* I j;"i *!*! *oc ,gUI *fU?r <•
; iii:lJ .
MT 1 1 ,• ‘i £:ipp * • *
y , •>* .' 4 r 1, f* hh ?.#•*/<•*!*
r T7^^“TT'FJ--Tt7Tt'”y _ TTJ T “ T* . fi* ; !a
: m*,a .-a f ’'T trieSv
i “tight to iff yiti.’rt ttll-d.- O* ‘i finn
; ‘lon't ti'p t' lint *•■') 4-‘ *
! if ore Itiin uy offrrr rw uml
>ot %r J y *l< .
I *ri U*oti** *-%
I f-; IkOTfT Jmk! fUiUfiffi > kith* ■". Ci*
nl i.nt they Sua -w
_J4 a ihj*e i| Oil k >
lU**/ J*r< ai.< ‘it kv I e ; -•
iinw/mfrm* u 4 win he '.mtsi*
**Vf>*i With tl|4f i4rr*
•I Uf* .-•••♦: it r ... 71 tar. H •
N-r -". Uy uu nie uwwi tffipoir* -, •
rl • H*ue- I, w before llm {wiop.e nl :h
; ir.i ■
curreury. jl’ortland ihea*.
..T:!?." ,! la. a
| j)rUo‘ tl. :ng xut and .uht, Imt it sa •*! Ir ?' .
uiiiiaq nee roiop rre i v/ii li.e qwr
I.v hi I—.i! 1 —.i! I" srnTriii* r.f •(.* rov.niry
"r ti..*■"vrs or h, hwueni e ,
ami wrn ;,inf ar- !.. ‘ ■
•he mle iu public l-ie. it iiwn irtJL—_
j I'Brrrrer wl.i :her li, currency i*
j.• in. let u firsi drive the robbe-a out •>'
| ’he tempi# of mir republican lr*-*d<>m, an
then we shall be prepared Uiiooaidcr what
j -uret of money t* iUoWt co'nvebient and heij
By far the nioat importaiil of •}•* i*s •->
now tx lore the people ol the United Ware,
ia that which reiaie* hr houesiy ai.,J econo
my iu public affairs. [N. Y 800.
The peach crop of Delaware, Manriand
and New Jriwy is now estimated a! reu
uiillioc IcLskef*. All the cr '( are
cent. Nature seems t> lie eseiting he;red
n the li st season of the oeutenpial perky!
I th** papen *y that they have
failed in And a solitary pwtgraph io ai.
heir exchanges that speaks iu unfavorable
'erni* of the growing rr-'; The k*< "3 :
bso'uieiy p* r, ect, am! the man who is n >:
gratelui I* r good crops in times like tleae,
deserves a to;tch of ta r v it: ,n. /
The Preslrient of the fkmth Car ditra
AgrieUiUirai and Mechanical Skm ety, Maj.
Wuodward, declares that “he appoinl
ot couimiraioner for this Btate readers it
itu[x>whle lor rue to nave any r *t or j-art
iu Uie centennial celebration. I regret li,;;-,
but so it is. The present commiasiuuer
hhaii aud can never represent me or mine
lie is the til representative “1 South Caro
lina cari>e!-baggers, an not of the des
cendants of S>uth Carolina revolutionary
patriots.’ Den. Gurney, a former Federal
officer, is the objectionable o ra -issioner.
The New Ila.en Register says tire Win
sled pm factory tux as out near.y six miiiioa
pins per day, thirty six millions per week.:
iir about a pin for each tuau, ivouian anii
rhi.d iu the United Stales. Now, then,:
•what becomes of all the pms F
If the colleges, while they are dabbling
ia degrees, would take a few oil the ther
mometer, we should be much
[Boston Advertiser.
The Weaainguin correspondent of the
Baltimore Sun writes; 'll is very gratifying
to record that for the first time In tue long
jcriod ot the leu years which have elapsed
since the close of the war Vuo;e who sit in
high places exuibft no d,-position to siu
up po.itica] feciiu*, ags.asl '.fit south.
The Feopte’s Common Sense Me-Heal Ad
iser.” I,s the dU* apest t.„>k ever puli ,
tisned ; *BS pun-*, 'diet iSO ii ’i-tratiou
|l 50 Thousands buy it at viitht wii
’•old not be induced to p-urbaae the had
,riee<2 books ties: n e of D nie-ue ’
me. Ualiae other Djoks sold througi
igeuta this work is tin'roueidv advertise
i h roue bout North A'aerica. T is fact, to
getirer with the iar-e size, ele;ant ;.m ea> •
:t m e. and many new teaiui'es of the b>
.uea u to sell more rapidly than any
work ever published in 'L *;= couutry. Thos*
,1 rnv .;I*KK who have kari-exocrieooe- m
seHrng tvx.ks. say that In ail their previous
. uirtisiiig 'h**v 'nrrgr mm w it*, sue!, sire
i.-ess or made so large wages, as since coni
taeovsng the sale of my work. For terms
aud territory, address (.nc'.osiug tw i jaw
■ x yy
,*if-n'.-, M D , World s D.s|*ers-: v. B ifa*
N Y '
N -tv —Mark envelope "For Publishing
Most Extraordixia-ry
itrtab ut Atlvcrl fciiitfC Are odeievl toi Nc
L H-*- •* IL> -i
- <; i:< > i i(j i a
s, ~*, ,f -I "i •aim and Sol- *•■ ' t t**
Add:ess t,> P ROMh!.I..V to,
A Iveflialug Agi-n**, No 4t r-iK ••.
Nt 'n V I'fV k
Jitfrr u> Eiitor oi ?!*? t*aj>ek
f n tPiii j K i*; n< * *
' V cured iiy lav. lilit'K'iiisai.v-kiifiWi-
Jrt JUu.edy N" CHCRGi; M
''.l'",.t±ad t “■! r '""' r
- DU J t. BK K 118 .) hi- m.
4, v icK iniitvii, <
, k * * • • r —; . t "Ft *t
/,, ' F
t’.wt NtrTHIND Ut try it Parljr
. i ... i' . ÜbKLIO A CO
A JG *' .ft- A */! n UtX A-' M-e-lratft-S.
Ys ,i p<st. V cojji' if cct li -
l*. :. s ,s f4. anihim, U< .Bwjv*ucfc.
riv*. i- '.Jui-.N t- ruiVrf uttM i> rr.
- —: . - - * - —"7‘
lift': * S’ • *!. Pafti NcrW
mE n VTTig a uTITTv. (o ,
•* i P ** , *.
\I- .te*A It l - JL~I- *-***is 3- i- '' FTt rv
.Slt’Wnrf, Wod Ah I'lltu,
Ft-?tNi-mN'o .pm ii.*
Bill>y < ’.i ri i.itr* tH.
fK# W i-A
--# NO TRIM TW,!. |‘< -J f I ¥V Gin,.o
Alknhnrr Fcrtihxcr.
.... I
I , : , ■; 1-4 ■• • -
Vr. ,• f . '/■ „ b%* *1
%+'•** T 1* a
rti .* T-' ar* ♦'y s r <s\l *r *l ••*>
redVwfßC >'•>% * -* f:**t *♦ '• •*
vita-tl*’Dll y> U, l V\ ■i k*
Col. L. F. Litrinu* ton.
Chairman of me Kinsiiu Commit ie oi
•■•he D'.orsiw A'at* ora ig*-. *••>■
*l,O a- •:;, -:i
“I have nv,| your Alkali,■. r' , /_ 1
".n ' ',u turflit*. a ovu-t r t<><>
standard fertilizer* T’Cy ••*•' t~" '• *
ij'onrt |d7 J* i "/r# w *v *1 o* i'i i
'IUCUu!. to tUi'ir-' OW hi'jU j" m (fi t (.*—r ' *
ll* sly s 4g ‘.in :
ifu'inury -Hrr-fwn. 7 _
iv-Jil inti ii'"l v.';ry7~T * ! ■~*~NF,;.. ~ -■
• tav 1* Hie most pi m ring 1 have. My
1 : - jf Mtk ’ ■ - : ft Oft
-**s markrt for ('.■>. I will na<; It in- Cur
; rent year o r b"Ui Corn and Cotton, un i
1 will report. ’
Edward Cox. E*q ,
IDe of the best tanner* in DcKran county
write* ;
D t- ber 0, i-74
“I put 300 pound* I'eracre a.- at*,;, dr-*
: .n* on my wheat in March .a t. It m*)t
; .i, bijaheia ;*r acre on lairi that w**uM
I rot have made more than six- to eight
bushel* at treat I hot* */.*■ '•’it 1 -ft from
T Hot T/inH from 2,iHJd to ft Wri 'G of (he h,M
} erii ynut thiU l ettr *<w. wAaeA / a (tribute
j‘o fAe Himuf W IT t'mrtMia'. My i-.erghferr
tround me .*-*! other guano*, llitee t'tne
*s Costly aa mine, but del not make as n-ucti
, * Ireat, and failed o the grass (Tops
j Ify Cvrn e-mp it tplendul —t*etter tiian any
I ever saw g*ow in JVKalbcounty, accord
ng t > the land. lon tolttned it 14 (- -Uiy
•efsat tet need us (iaotyui.
Col R A Alston.
the weli known editor <>t the AtLo ta
lie raid, Tolnntarily gave the f**;io
-trrjug testimony, after hesftny rud 1
ihitroiighiy ;
Atlanta, Ga., SepU 1, 1874,
Mr A. C. I.add,
Ivor .-dr— Ptease ship me, ai IYecatnx
Ga., twenty u>n> ot your .k* Fertiii
,7er. / hast tried thorvug/dy this .- a-j:, side
•y side with a.I thebes tirm. *ot iert: iz
so *1 in the market, on CO BN. C'fTFoN,
OATS AND WilE.Yl, and I have no
lresitatioa iu stating that ft has RAID ME
ALL. jrticud me five mru at once I*o my
wlou. Verv Respect ul r,
fa, ~ Send tor Circular*,
A. C. LADD, Agent,
No. tr Broad Street,
: -4|( ti* Ga. !
SH atriisCKlßL FuK
Our Own Fireside
Instructive article* on Prii ling and rr
' puertes, which will remove at
-liffi'-u.his in i-rcnraT ot amateurs, apj er
in everv numlter.
Oixr Own Fireside
"Our Own Fu eside*
EVFttY rdiffiT SiimTiTA KK
Our Own Fireside
ev hy family mioulo takk
Our Own Fireside
p is a htwne jouiual, now iu lu fourth
A.r 3 ;t.-es w ith ii!usUatK*aa, SubrCnj*-
•. 1. •• $1 00 s .' ii new uhacr,b
ers u-u it ii.,. paper to itinaiuder ol this
. . ' 1C (.Lulge
Yon ft
FOR 11 r* cool) .-1 OKlli.S
Vou Want It
t L'ii Aid; F.Vhdiio A A+i +4+ ~
F< it IT:- FASHION Ait'i KI.FS
You Want It
r i;tts mtscelita n y
Full ITa M IS4 ALIAS i
You WmD I^.
Fol* If:- liOl sEIBM.DNI'.U S
for 117' .-LHOTTI Si KU- -
K' Hi n S ltOt. LliUi.D N L A r*
You Want IE
1-1 **:( II < -IhUd —•
• .JdUiviiUSl NUI _■
r, Ut. li AMl7' "'"'."O.'iiw,.™*.:;:.
U Kl\A ltd MEN F
fi uMLi w ~ah every ilvsitablr aFUi.le 11.
N. w ImS is luiliohrtl al the lowest
rales *li...t exHH'*fcisrj.'i
You Want It
Full I'l S I‘lt KM Id M M
FUR 1 is Hi J Mil Ms
1 - 1 : '.Fi r,„ Our (TT fire
p oi. w * : i,t p*pv* thi a iienp
. *i I 'P. IsaGO. 7 : 7
t It ** It I tit Now
■it 1 .- i :li> No A 4.
■t •: ' i .'.f: —'
- , , the ea.'itey i*' Mih
. ,11:1, gemeut wit Ire it. oh by
.-Uni 1 . .. . i>:r|K I > .1*
t * iti. •D'* s >• - - y.
,1/ >.k ii L i iiC
1 7 .7 '. ,;- > A Nit tv
1 * \ 1 - -t,lts 1 A N l Ida
\ ( 1;. MII TS , , 'I. K 3
\ i II , Mil • N AHi FUK S
<. JV I 4 A WAY
f O
. E' 1 a t..!i!ai! ■ • “ dilii I* <
\ - ! f*. S .itrso dr* I*. -
■-- ' : ‘
... i ; f 1 .-a, jMi • 1 * -
1 . ; ! 1 , - ■ "1 '
_— _—. —r —>-•■', 1 tor ~V .
~vs ~,,- N D '
. ' ... —V, . ....
\ tf*y p'
me , m • ■■ ■
jTnljp“.. .tW*
; Si cam
A * Power,
riHi V J!d . K BKEN rEd ! U>.
Are the Bast and Cheapest
* VfV> ILT iii , ; r-IJi IBS !
i 4 aniiot ji|lo4e
Pay Utt in Haring of iTiiel alone
Sen 1 for Circxiar, |
VJ kM, M. L GUMP * CO.,
50. no William*, at,N. Y
I I job pfrsss ron
B i*s* M-n. and
Job Type for Amateora
nd fire cents for pamphlet.
176 Wi liam 6t N Y