Newspaper Page Text
PT M-'ll'-aP KVIIIiV Ki'IDAT, ~~
Ufi.iv S-U <*f th* Court Boum
Knr of Advrrlt'lHS.
| |
*s<y; 11wk , 1 wks :! ill" j>"> \Y'\
! inch j 1 OIV > .V>‘ 410 7'VJ 00
3 inches 1 A*> ! r <*•' <* ,%o 10 t 1> •'
■i * •? no no •jor* > J j ’•>' -1 ht. :
i'cil i 500 10 At* lilttl 21 n0 :•••. 0M
i on! i T IH> 11 il l ->1 00 'O' oo IQ 0
J 1 10 00 : 3*l TKJ TTW AO 00 ’ # i '< ;
UfAHiieral de.hntion mail*;
advertising he lit* month nr year.
*OTtF. I O THtt f* f T .
After ltd* dat.-. -til legal idn -it -e n-t
--for the * -ntv Mt-riw. ',. . w r - d
fished n tin- Mi HtwvttiKti Cm mv Vim
C a Toll. -IAS \V BAN N1 Nt ;
t V Mies' \
\V U FAYKK. Sn i-. 11
A J 111 N ION,
Jtm 4+4t. *mtY C.-nt
ItrliKlniiv Amiri'.
_ j
the f, flow it tr I* Hit < hurt!* •>f‘T.v i
Greenville lor I*7S: _ J
MKTmmisr J
>l,) a,„i 4tli r-ahi-aili* n’Ut il n-'i-Hi. I
p, . . Hi-V. J H 4<j lXtrl J
fld Sabbs", in i -t-4. jb th
Puuinr K-v Hiv N I'm nth Intel
_L PHESBY i Kill & N
Ist Sabbath Mi oaeU-Hn—vi-U: ~ r '" J
IV " IN' .In-■ ■'■■■ *
Tilll-.K.N \ ILI T FlillM V .1 iK i '-"'-I
f... !•,. ••..•tell'.--.hi let.ln'. tii- i-i-IIMUt.
II 11‘ttU' lOs written oil I>. 11l sides toed 10-1
o nl to Itiite thelll published f lllrss
j-, .urAv writtrtr they wfti emnageed
Umlm .o 0 basket. Tuelt tv-- he no ex.
11 jit, ill t | Hit above rtlU-h *
1.1-|flll All l 4 I
, I lIM lilt Ills ll If! •* I'ltitl I- I •*/
Mt lire "*t l.eil |iiiti i.all- It I lii.i conrH li*
11 in , *. Ht.) :t i ; >al V H *H * 1
?U i It' .Mu.■*!!•!' nr l ij> !• I * 1 !*J
-atSrliig ‘‘ '• W* r t 1 • mrmnrtr,
A = ?•■'' 1 • '■ • \ <
Wi Vim rvr r tfl r nn\
tlillitf !>t M.'jfil - f ‘ 1 11 ' -i* - •'
Uf* 1 ittvl
\\ \ HKMU.
|, tv Mi A A it*vi
A ! A T A . A < I ' : . 1.
Da it win< i, .J* m L*; ,
l>i u hiN I .!' -i *!>• nit | iMt ?1
way 'l# tit'll) V ‘WI f Vi*‘an :
Ihl tx !U’l *vn‘*u III* A|** of Ml.
**!• *' UhV* iitui altniUtii -U - U Lti,
I* j til **“l *•* 'l* **l u * if \
li.*. {MI-l lmau-ti 14- **-Ui ytMll l***Allll tu4~
U*r* IMba % • | II ‘ !•■ f> ’
H i it C. mu,fit . \
pt Ml!tfh*-♦ !*• V ? - *M J l ‘ l *>• aTTiT *fl • f
t* ’ll* W* :* V.* ! ‘ > 1 ! • ■ l >l* k T’
i.t i t|, . ' 1 •* I'j" * > ’ !, ‘ -'V I
In *!• 'ir' *-/' -i H U' T
r* ae. mp a- a ‘ ' ! ' * ! * i * *i* b *
i, r:* -n) vt i- h rtrir; wr iiusbjn tt
itrrr * r 3~T r -Z: ■ 'V- ..r-rtltiUPt'-
' iM) i-j % *l. •i * '* ' V. *'•' .
\r: v n:j i t ti. t
’ f ’FT < a r t n
XUi t *)\* ' •“t I• i'l jf !J i
f.\y .-ftju* A) LA \ ‘AH VA * IfH*'
31 Hnjftd mi*h
D f'vir C# Jf * M I^*l
Tl*f (tiiif'ftii of J>? .1 w Ai y *- !
)h* pfeifc U***l at t)i- IS| ~sl < btiicli
pallor, H#*v If *|/i; t i'iliiitha* , f /ii th i-ir'l
(AjritlM> in J ily
l*irili:<Mr Amih < .
Tliia la U> iirHify tl* j -tl ♦cjjrTtTl
having in* illicit u
JrflfTwia*- J *!iai! ceiu*n y ■ -*' ?li Jngn
\u obtaining fntin any oi •
<r b ifborif g and |
Kt further aj/|#iy at tiii
afli* n.
The WukaT ( n'>r W H Willinghatu,
. ib'ukt the whetf oi the tenth
dmu net w \:l areriage hum 10 to 14. bushels
per tt:m.
John H William* liar made an t- ii for
threshing six hundred bwshet* ui wheat me
present season.
f>. C. I/hniap of Hocky M /ittif, with a
Hro-hore threshing machine, in] ed
three bnulml bui-He a in fltri-en dsy*. .
From four < re* Mr lluaUji gathered
eighty seven and * half bushels ol wheat
Tie mji k uhm an thun'iaoce I wheat and
promised tiie editor il hr. and corae up to give
him a fdtie piece of corn bread and JoU of
UjcuiU. Wt rej ice in the prosperity ol
inch non. They live at home and the
latch suing i* a *ay out. With' plenty
ol just Mich the So Wi would ir<il; tie pro*
peroua again. We mu*', not forget hi <■>
that Mr. Duuiap always pays u*p for ho
ps,<r and that may lie another reason of
hi- prosperity.
jßcuia—Mr. Ku!o Cochran of the Hah
•roughl in flat Saturday a. string of cotton
boll* gathered on the Bth, and itjri he t.a>
•necrop. With a copy of Uie Vixnicaroa
to visit him weekly he 1* hound to succeed
a* all it* patron i thou id.
Wheat at Kinggoid, Georgia, is quoted j
hr the Courier from Vo. to $1 til ;*1
hwbel; and yet $1.50 is muted is M-.-ri
ii you waul nine buy it from John N.
Coojax ol L* Grange. bee lu* noticfc.
Ml ~T L.N? oil I'N ATK /rililT —Lthl I
HtHihj mowing ktwm fight a-.,! i•- ,- ,
o’iluCs, a..el >o...c* fuilgll Wolds bet a con i
'li-it- Ah. Turner anil Willie B-ck-s-oh, 1
&g Turner advanced near Beckwith, Hie I
latter fired n the lormt r, tin- Into gr,/. ng J
Funur'c temple. The second shot, which
inst ii.t'y followed tiro fl-st, c.v l i, 4 twin
Hie sleeve button ii.'Jt Turner's \U is band
lit Hus time Torner was near eii !.i;ii to
nrai> the pislul, when it wn di-otin rei a
-h-rd :*TT.r. riiterii g Fi'-Hv hrlntr rhf-trfr
ttit'i i and ;,dieting t> very jvaimul iv.mml.
itttt ocean cat on Utc • jturw, irtwiing ihe
store < l Mi Btmiitit. A contest then j
uros* tor tin- piissession of the pisiol, 11-ek
with struggiiug tetiaciouaiy lo keep i. is
: lio’iT ;.m It, tt liTle e-.e ilnrcd to rp|t!<vu I.
tie j allies suit- i.i'i M. I'llltut So. J
-1-ifiei M: I rvi 1 rner calm- up. Mi. AH
; !.. hot ohufned pua&ftssioo of tt.c pistol.
! Her Ik kvt itli tan in the di ec ion i.l li
B A.i.ill’s hioll Jiisl la oil' Beckwith
| i-iHe e,l the d-uir Turrnir sli.u turn in tin
|cai! a>t tiie leg, tnfi et ng a 6 iglit tiesli
; au..nH. laoiiiimg Utwiiui tie. stilus, ol
Miss s ilali 11 :!*_; and A.iai , Inlliil tiled a
second shot at Beak" itl\, who,by IhistMtie,
was n at Use b aek-uittlt shop o! H iaiji
liates M eaa Itoiu lit. liHs ot tiiiar i 1 unit 1
*as Citiuiiii Iwl In Vlr hotel and the, ball,
AjiU-hJlil'l lu-facii-UhiliU ills UII tUion.Jex
lilaiii, was ext initial liy lira Halt and k.
H Anttioii.'. l'hoi,,'li a pat iul wound 11
■is thought .Mi lu 1 tit 1 wilt soon n-covei.
Til# affair IS deeply regretted ly all out
cit rons, sud was a surprise to everyone,
the parties lieiug, up to a week ago, bust
. i.u%s-pult!:r is.
Mr. I'inner, who is, we supposi-, twenty;
tivt \-eanroit!, is sin ol Mr. Absalom
turner, pmj rtetni ot the liueiiihie Hotel;
Wilae ikakwllh, pel hups nineteen or
iwetiVy years irt age, is lire sou ot ilie lilt 1
C aptiO! 1 th 1 i\ vl $, lv, he nd ills UKli.Ul.l beinp
Uie only (Uc mhe is ut the lainlly ill Oil-in
VN e iiiiih lalaod. that BerUwMll left the
ci unit) •: . .... tit ng ah. 1 on snooting
Him I'| lends leii u good | ke at the
1 l, i ii.'ii ut a eeltaln learned U ictu-i oi one
out piubiic si lioois who is loUd ol ducks
it l in,; aL. 1... 1 t lie aL, ~a.l ia- vv.. -
mi; neat a pool m t.,r vicinity ol his Head
1-1111 iie tnred one- 1 Ills pupi.s yi> wnditi
tiu; .M||t|iOM*l| (link* lit* w<n l ItOHH
uitvi hi* fcUil KetU! till'g tih |ii /Ii r'.sor fchot
v\ hut the srhnnl ho> ? . fityti **iin old lndtui
heti M ‘ |*H Kn?d tiiat sinrr tjj iirotofisoi*
um h; tilth lucky t-hol ll It* |o|’ ail)
:*\‘r urrti rr\v . uc'U,** in th*
jil during tl.c* hutti: and
rd<At f'ldh. of the* l) it 1,1 M K in tin* imttklrt
i iisuid arid Un miH’ at lowest | Mc<*h by
John n cooj'Kft.
41 _ . , I, ct jml.gcq (u.
Hai*u tiU*>wmi Aidin' y
.t:>'i Ui ±uuu' t)*;d gTnvy h*
ii-l'tdiv onn oi. lit ivciitly Miftt tilt* ruuU
git v% alialial la-id a laliLai Ul±l il*al
had incfcutlim4% bnluid lilaiwfll |
:hr ill the c Vim g l* l li till* <•!!* gOV>
i* m?|4. by r.* li.r ,**■' ijars • / I si ccituiiiiy u
Tii* T ud Id platlf
A.i i* <"i i iJA V .u i.’ ij mo*idug on*
A li.i. aUil i A h .i ■
•ged und V< i,i :i .ddr M>U|-d JoVt| In |
ii •Hit *' f our *ll i' * 1,,* aid f die limn,
ill*, li Uifdo c y rTTTTTTaTTT i#-*i n a, }
IV : a..a i mint V in 1 ~liLL—i ..a)l.- U—l-—y—4uJ
bn- TV** li it .a a 'j.'T-df'f oi Th'Fj
d* ill*lrwt l**r ii yt:ar, and a rrra
! !iil ui *‘iHiiiy , A-h , *• T (*iudd*
iai i vMM'y yuain III* **** U>nt i
( r*Ui * ouoty iu I7lld, and ijak ii%>]
i.ei ag,d i l*ii >a.iiM Mi (J d -
’•Tote ' ; i) m atn lUjt VAiiriu vii livid and in
iii:ii*i * ijki lx to Imn ailothc J in f oqual.
umn r- t|<HCtr active and aa (til, oi liuuior n
!a war 70 y# ui ag . II*: --‘y* in- l* v< /
,vt nt J a h+xt'j taat * o ild take the 1* ji/UiO.t
r;w from Jiiiu.
'J‘i alb * AjuimU*-tniT wTTFon their way
TTTvuit anon, U K. <>d(iuofe 9 oi jlHUcouu
ty Da. ii, t i in*' ..J <jiii
>,lii l. ijikJ lot Uiii'■ wo/it ytur
walked Imid In tiai.ii adown tin; twtU,wa>
of life, wtiut <m llitir Wajr ttiC
molt aUecUotiate, and moat devoted couple
iiuve ii>et M> luaoy a day. We wisli
li.eiii ui more break do wi,a aud a a,
jivai at llit iioapitaUle alfxi ol U,eir
<tiel wol.
f’UMKft'r Lorr.—Our lurtmuu would re
turn iii* thanks hi the hahiug party Horn
the liter yesterday, lot a couple of mam
moth ten aims, but as the “ciutei*’ not
being, perhaps very well, crawled over to
the drug store anti lOmed tbemseive* over
to the lender mer< uof firs. Ttfttil and
Anthony, he feet* that he i* absolved from
aii obligation*.
I’aitit* bringing atsch prev ot will p eaae
not turn them loose in the punting office
aa liiiy*e brought yesterday male direct for
the feet of the devil, forcing nim to Use
rluge u[>ou the top of hit case, upon which
summit |>erched, he bade tin in deban';*.
Charlie says he baa heard that terrapin*
make good slews but fttuia that, that one
sio.r him yesterday, cauic very ucw<- uiiik
mg ioU of “pi."
flou. G. L I'eavy was a inemiier of the
bowd of vottors at tb* recent commence"
me it of tiie Baptist Female College at Li
Grange, lie state* that it Was one of the
most brilliant and entertaining commence
ments that he ever attended. Tun was
: *h*o the opinion of aii present. Mr. I'eavy
promised to lurnt-h u* with a sketch of the
e set uses, but we regret that a p:e* of
other business t-rtvma.d a fulfillment of
his promise. L /range has ever been di*-
inguished for her Female Coiiege*, as
many of nar Meriwether AJutnn*l c*tt tes
w-|j Ito I V liire.
TV ev-ft- >•“ •* fhr scirwit ttnder the I
. iUliro! ot me u.nierstgiie i wii! lie resumed
mi M -uduy, th. 0(T h of July.
ia-t all take notii 1 ;hit for three mouths
ironi the and ile allow announced l shall
te.ich a public scheHii, and send their chi -
drill in at mice, so as to obtain the full hen
. lit ol Hie public ‘ttmd.
I.d-eral p ition ure ruspeetlnliy S'dieitCil
fl .11 >! 1 0 11 WiLUAMA
—.Timugit-rainfc siaun-ni
- uiso; Hie county we are still very
dry in (iiet-mille and is vicinity. Gardens
are sink rifig gB at iv.
M. I.OS Pawn —Mr. Wm. Davis, aear
LuHierville, is said to have five hundred
tolls in. 040 waterinelon patch. He says lie
-ms n tins patch and noticed two or three
small melons ; one w eek allot w ards there
were I.7tk) on tin-vines. Won’t the Lmy
ot Lnthei ville have a idee tint i keeping the
latdnts away tioin Mr. Davis’ patch 1 We
■ liargt-m iv a dor a ot Davis' best tor the
A spe iing Bee w is organized last Wed
nusday at H atk. Mount, the promoter ot
lie contest being the first to go dawn. He
.JH u-ir4 t ir+v-t- not so badly semtehed,
tiowrver, that he to not willing tu try
again, . f
Lewis J. Itt-iitfer
Was in tin- city this week, looking alter
Ids interest here lie Is a young man, but
one ot the most evteusiie and successtu!
planters ol old Meriwether, Tiiat lop bug
gy ami gray tnniout so welt kept is ono ot
Hit- ties) unheal tons ol his success us a far
mer, and when we cmjuirv the cuuso, we
earn Ins principle is to eschew whisky,
tohaeiv an ) last women and apply himself
cl.iscly to Imsineas {tfritlln News,
f’lie people ot Memphis urcTiow using a
trirpedn rhickni. Tnc tiling Is life* a chick
Hu, plu. lalAn-the—fowl house, nod loaded
with a lolpedo, When u negro grasps the
latal thing hy the legs, it iilows Ins head
m aim .-It fjevcial negroes have sntleied
TrnrmTs expUiston hr cliickeh cmips tn~
Meni[Uns. Menwctlicr might to have a sup
* lrvrr ;md BtllUVltleHl trUilt.
| f itii J
I lute me wiua' vi iy < level people IWliip
h null utoo tel Manly vide. A pleaautll 111
tie Itnddeut .; uned lliaie laM week, illua
native ol then kiudueiMt to each other.
Mr. Mel lav in had a Hue crop of wheat,
all tii*n uiul imdy lor ImrreatiuK, and luv
in*! no one to help him luti hurvcal wa a
hig'Job lor a aiurjle man Moreover, Ida
wile beinji in veiy pool health, much ol hlk
time ik uecikMilly iii|uircd at home m ut
lending to her. ' -
t hi* looming laal week he went Into Ida
Held ilore, like a brave lel)ow, and began
the heavy luk ol rmf lng Ink u&eai
.Mghl I,one on, and hill a amall fiput bail
In en cut down aud ahoeked up Ilia gen
eroua uelghhoiadiTtw Ilia e ,11 dtion, aympa
! i'/ eg will, him CI,III 1 uth ii 0, |.ei pellnie
a very pleanant little]oka on him. '1 hey
eo44ected higelllel (the lull moon giving a
nrantrfaxtrirgtix) and rut d..wu—oV*o'y h.ik
,1 Ink wheat and put It up into neat bliocUk
■ml ipiletiy retlied to then home* Mi
Me went to liia Hntd next. rnoriiiu|, • xper:
4., tt ij,- ,|-y : 3 worts, amt trad ttu
. ..1 ", .ili: |n< tlon” to riml the very yitod
j ke Ida cieigleirk bail pefpeLiau and mam
huh- too good iii be kept a send. lie tiil
alsidiy loigavo them, tveiy cue beloie
iliey could liavu lime to aka I,is paoiou
Hood inuu "Ihut," good neighboi• “'.tu/ke I’’
A Hootr Bal*.u. W wa, llcury Waul
ISeee.iiei k naluiy loi the current year has
been riod l,y l,i congregation Irom %’V),
ObO to StdO,OUO that U touy, hi ehurch
and congregation have in lim form attnum
ed the burden of Urn expeUMu, of curtkel m
l,i re**ut trial. Wiratever may be *utd
to the diacredit and I'ly motlth Church, they
ceilam.y uie lilrerai aoui*, and the way
they kUmd up U tneir pukldr,' whom they
heildUi to he muociait, w eaemyilaiy.
More., la ahoiher prod ol the exuaor
per v,nni maguelikin ol the man who U
•aid h, win upon ail who approach him m
spile ol theiueiv<. A aWiy ol sldO,UO*l
is goigcouk peikoual <o,mi,natiou lor ililk
cmiiHiy, and yet it i l>elow that ol bevua,
digmlunui in Hie Church ol Cngliud.
The London t tines hits tiie nail neatly
on the liead in the follow paragraph :
There would he veiy mnall aatUfactiort,
except the hla< k him tore, m the relireuMtil
ol General t/rant if hi* successor at the
While House is to administer tiie I unction*
oi Chief Magistrate in Uie same spirit.
Change ol persons is nothing ; il D a pun
hoalam of adlttiuMlralive that u
wanted ; aid, unless this is kept sight ol
Itom the beginning, it will not lie attained.
Two negroes were ! *;nsed to prmtv
laW hy Uie Supreme Court <Jf North Garoii
ua last week. The Kaleiglii News asserts
that not a single question'd*** answered,
uorrocliy by theie gentlemen of color, yet
licenses wete granted and lliey are sent
lorth lawyers.
Well, if an amendment to the Constitu
tion, uucoovUtuuouaify adopted, can tuaae
a negro a citiseu and a voter, why can not
the certificate oi a Radical judge, make nnu
a lawyer? Il the “ireuilemcu of color" don't
hapi/eu to know much about Blacks lone,
they are black enough themselves to make
up lor Uie deficiency.
The firgt iernaie lawyer admitted to Ui*
oar oi Ohio ha* proved a dismal legai fail
ure. Tiie baby t* doing weli, however,
and if the client* can wait, their case* may
powibly come around aii right.
T* I‘t. tiin- of'Hct*
[ ’buti'-l K .II I li t I
A farmer b irnytfi-iu Georgia, was'
naked iu a northern cradle, fe 1 with
northon, medic no hum all -riliern mule
■poun. UtllM artel eating a s .ltlnnl tpiallli
ty ot uiHliieiit piovision, lie crew- to be
sign uumtgh to wear norlliern made cloth ’
II ic mads ti mi Hie cottun tun grow train
ii.s lather a I arm II aasthcu taught in
||'Hliefn made hooks, mini In srrti-isl at
sullleient matinitv to ciiahltt him to use a
ioiUhiHi as- fTi-rm--h:rkrirr growtirg troa'i
liis own dooi to ship noith to lnrve made
inlo helves, s.>oke, etc. Alter wli eii lie
plowed live ground witti a northern made
brow with . New Ymk liauken hiet. O:
ten lie won and si ii Hint lie limi not btoiiglit
along a Connecticut tin.bred 1 to shade hit
head tiiat was e. veit-d witti a Ciui-innaii
hat from tin* sou'ln-! 11 sun. 11-- ehopiiini
liis cotton Willi a nnnlieiii ho.-, ginned it
with a northern gin, Uncalled his wheat
with an tUi.i machine, anil ottbar ties h up
111 norliu rii hags, 01 lumped it witti Penn
sylvania iron and hauled it In market in a
Ooum-eUi ut w ag.m in ext li.mgr tot nortli
era made goods.
Till* Georgia linnscivlle e.mked witti su
Albany stove, dressed Imiselt and tamily in
nm ilierii made goods, read a iiorUiern lii
Id*, and •nrfrg her jwaDrs from a Now Bug
land hymn book, wtirlc a —Bnslnii —(ligsn
hatiiioinred the soul. Hli* cun bed iiei
hair with a notihern comb, sidyal by n
uortliein mu Ihi that easts no false refleo
tions, wliilc she am id npright in Mussu'
ellllselU shoes at times glancing at her tint
lei halt who read a New Vuik pajur
tlirntigl) l'lniudotphia—speelaeiiis, almitt —a
road tiiat lead In Inrbuiu liy an easy cut
both sunounded by scores ol articles direct
from UicjiulipH ilie universe ami too land
ol isms.
Yea s ndied nii,.and,.old Kalber Tim
with u northern scythe caiite along und cut
tliem down huhue Lhey were, ripe 111 year-,
aud tiiey were shrouded in clothes mad* liy
noitlieiii 111 ae I ones out ol Hoiillieru umieri
at, laid in a t ineinmui eoliiu, without even
possessing a hie iiituranru policy in a New
Jilttty ahJiupauXaitaLUaituvi-hcw-geawm rtm-
even a uortliern monuineiit toimiogixu theii
vlrtuea Look around, oh! reader amt >ll
what war made at the tfoith. and' ahuddci
at youi iiipc.ndt.rg doom.
New Orleans lias Hu own up the kpotvge
mi l formally ttumviiiccd llaelf Imnkiupi
Thu C*y Council liai passed u IcsolilUbu
m the slat, mrnt ol the Now
York World) oioclaiiiiiin'. tt lunhtlity to
pay interest on the public debt, and asking
ti.e loibuuimice ol the city crudilora. Ho
much lur mi>l utu aud eoriup
lion Whet, the tl.c mails took charge a
lew years ago, the etty debt was nothing
now it amounts to the wing sum oi twenty
itiillioiu of dollars, nr m nily thiuu Him
the entile ilrlg ol tin; whole blalc of tjuoi
*4. • * —■?■- -z::
The tdoi 11 in In 1 s frii'i 111 ei h n iinjiei iTid „
srnwU *ot ol sili--., ronu Min iwedi-i -eMmrty
the kpceiiucll* iuc said to be Ural class.
Ueolgia was Nett led wtlh a vi< w to prod uc—
mg silks, and it la gill. to look as it she
a iII yet Woik on! liei orn inn l ite.itny, al
I hough lather slowly. I lie next e. 11b ii
niiil will see the hop.* ol t.vorgla's kind
riesfPul pi-•]ei'l ii'.i, we me e,,nl| b-T,t ( —itdly-
-1 enli/,wil ; loi the Kinpilmr says llntt the
inismues is certainly met easing m Hie state
< an ls. iiuiy. nl tii-wt- d -hi mi oeywHy in
Ueumafty thau a prince ol the tills,<l would
lie. A maikiel eoutinkt is tlui style ol ih,
leecpliou w ill, the manlier ol bis departure
Iron, III* lather laud ; hithwjlicic the ttiuuk
are aso .liUment Tim Cohrgae Ua/.ulte
ol llie 10th ultimo coichuih an uecount ol
his visit aeeom pair led by Me Kapp, lor
merly s coiumi4iouui ol cmlgiuu s lu New
York, and now a mcmhnr ol the J’lnssnui
psrhameni. lie received a hearty well
come. y
The Allantk Correk|H,ndeut ol the An
giula Chronic u says when Mr. HUtphens
•ppeared aud Unrk Ids seut on the Koruih ol
July piatloiin, “Governor KrtiiS approach
island sUmik hands with him very cor
dially. li l*d Wrat lor some lime tast
there was adegreo ol ui*vieonlue exis
mglretwcen them, but that lately a thor
oughly g'Kid ui.durstandliig Iwtwiwii them
has beea restored, aud this morning ou th*
•luge was their Brsl in*elmg si jio, re esub
lulling Uieir former iclatm/is.
Tiie New York II :. aid say* the result of
the carpetsbagger*' aueecs* ha* been a
coutse of dishonest leglslatiou which ha*
disgusted the linne-t Republican* of tin-
Houtli. Wisiloui and loihearaucc on tin
part Oi the Democrat* will in (line break the
solid phalanx of the colored Vole ami free
the bouth from the nightmare o. carpet hag
government and Federal interference
at present crushes out tiie energy front the
rioulhcrtl people an 1 impe les ad pi ogres*
Mr. Charles O'C inner, of New York, h>
in favor ol direct laxati .n v for the reason,
among oilier*, that the people wool i hold
their public servants to a more rigid ac
.ountahility ii they knew exacll/ what
they were contributing to the support ul
govern meat
Fur Siilu*
I offer for sab; my farm containing Inf
sue* situated six mile, sou I lien* t •( J|o
gansviiie. ’1 nut is one of the best lltlle
IsTius ui this {/art of. Georgia ; conve ienl
wUiorch aud school iu a healthy io< ily
weir w tiered aud weii-timbered i-pieti
diu outlet
ilriag that “no-handlcl jug” and carry
veur wile tome good water. Aldreas
Wtu M. Uarmn, ILigansvhk.-, Geo
June ‘JVIu 1978, (ioij •
A I’Al hi; FOU THE \\ <i*
Tt would KHpiire the sco|e of tpiite a
large volume )<contain tin* good Him l-s
tiiat are said iilhuu the Mortdug News liyv
its conU nipoisrit-s ot the Southern pre-s
h is lin.iist daily referred u> ns ‘tlm fata
papet in UlO Smifti.’ 'lie b aiting (feorgit
dtHy,’ etc . and it is gi tierally wnmlfil t
!ie 'iii itl'lTes'piyls a model' Biiutlieru hnvn
I’liis is Hie f uns' tiiat tin- Morning News
covets. Slid UO pains Will be Spared lie leal
ter to make it still woitbicr ol the coiiti
item e iirid ji-Vlfo 11 age ol |ieople if Georgia
and Flmidn. Tlie ample resources of the
estab ishinent will lie devoted to the im
proveinent ol the paper in respect to its
site idy large facilities for gatliering the
c .rri nt news ol the day, and its stall of
special cm respondents has been renrgn -il/.ed
witti a view to meeting every possible con
•.ingeitcy tiiat may arise.
Alliioiigb Ilie Morning News bits little
01 no competition witch, ilie field of il
circulation, noveltlieless no effect will be
considered too expensive tiiat gives the
earliest ami freshest inhumation to its read
era. lu tins respect there will be no re
uxntion ot the endeavor to keep it iar
ahead ot all its centum|>oriirtoa.
Tlie h-aiures tiiat, linve tendered the pa
t*er mi potittlnr wtti be maintained Tiro
i ititorsl deparlnienl will lie conducted with
tlie same dignified thoughnnliuiss, conser
ciplc that have always characterized if
I'lie racy reliability oi the local, and tlii
accuracy and completeness ol the cotliiiier
cial depaitinenls, will lie kept up to the old
-standard, ami improvements wiii be made
wlmrever they are suggested by expo
Tin Morning News is Ilie only Biiv.innali
paper that ."publishes Hie A- undated I’iess
ilispatches and the telograpliic n.arket re
pm is authorized uy tin- Commercinl Bureau
ol New York City, in addition to this, the
local market lepmts will be lull aud 1* Im
lile, and will lie accompanied by sucii eom
iiieut us will enable lliu litmincss men ol
treorgta and t’lorida to form estimates as
ici-male and as iulclligeul as it they were
in the idl y.
In u word, tlui Morning News W ill emu
prise every leal me that lin Jui a the modern
newspaper ntlraetive. aud its reiulers tuny
eonllileutly toi,li u, its ci.lumiin tm the lur
est intoiimiiioii in leg m and V c very thing ul
inill • 111 mirie-ii —li will otiio nynT~
ry in Its ow n propel Held, and will itllnvv So
itomjMiiitor to outstrip It in tiny department
eit pmrTnTi I-1 it enlei jir r e *—
lie terms of suli.eripllon are; Daily
cine year, If Mi; six months, fb
Hiteo mouth*, fJ M. -Til Weekly--
One year, fli , six mouths, *.'t
llnec months, ♦ 1 ■M*. *Veikly . t.b.c ytai
if'J ;s x mouth.., $1 , tintai iitoliths, 50 cents,
may lie sent by I’||*l' Olllco order,
or by Kkpi'ea*. at llie expense ot the un
deiklgueil. Heinl lor specimen coty. Ail)
Hivaiiiudi, fin
nr, r os / ran y
bitilhi, s.A.
t.Vitutai.m r;i.ti;,b. ni cTONS
llA' KH AND .11-;i;. KY WAHu.NH
Mho, the cell hinted WoodlilH
‘h'.NC'iHli liUOHY
HK KIN VV VilON, and all kiwis ot I'utclil
vviond Itnggiea, with a lIUL anaoi Uneut ol
Hpecia' orders lilted promptly and all
A. JoltllAN. ° hoWAIIII
j TOBAX jp< r
at > gknf.ual
CommUkloa Mrchant,
Atlanta, Ga.
Sohaub’s Gallery.
A BI'ECI A LTY made of line I'liobi
graplis of all si/.*s and kind*. Other kinds
of picture* of every description, <Hd pic
turea copied, enlarged and painted in oil
My Meriwether lrieu*l arc respectfully
nvilet* t*/ calf.
J. 11. Will I K. of O. illin Ga,
Men\ luiifh'v A Boy's
Clothing at Wholesale
;i7H <K .tih Ikoadway
miH .wiurEaT, _ New York,
wiixiyf b.UL'hT. tihouogonro ha.
■ -0: " ..
TTTE NOW HAVE ; n Store and •x'.l be receiTiag regulktiy throaghoat the stus-.m
\ V a or je and varied stock at
HARDWARE. W OOD and WIuLOW Woreq rSd.*ry, iDruis ant? S atktecry
Ci-if r; ?s*a.iS" eries ; Fioar. Laird, syrups, Btci-c. Pear, Grits Salt
Coffees, T ■bahoto-?. Cinrs, Jea. 4c.. *e. ■
We sbi.:' *.a anaat oc ot sir stock, both a? tv Quality ■*= 1 Prices.
Choioo Piano Piooes,
, r-’
La Relic .feline*we. I’nlacc* .. Wilaon. 50
Itliietle Wllwm. 515
* I'wltiklmg Htaik M uccail Wil oil 40
Kaie Thee Wei! Itoiuaiice.... Wlmon. 40
‘Kaiiy K. ktival Cat>ric Wilkon 00
•Gland Manonic March, with picture
ol New York Tempi.'. o’
A Finest Hymn. Meduntion Wilson. 00
Ever line to Then. Mu'/.*irk*. Wagner. 80
Hiidie's Morning Hong. Vuri
siloiik Wagner. 00-
On tin* Wings of Love. Valso
Wagner. 115
Venetian HcgalU. Morceau.... Waguur 40
•Mcriy Forester*. V ,rsi Hcmie Wagner. 60
•lichtara lrom the Paliradek... Waglier. 40
•Hugar Plums Polk* Kinkel. 35
•Jewel Box Bcbottlacb Kinkel. B.Y
Mail Cap Polka Klukol. 30'
Jennie, the* Flower of ivildate.
Tratisciiptloii. Kinkel 36
La llarne Aiigelhpje. Morceau Kinkel. 36
•Angel Vlaits* Romance Kinkel. 50
Centennial March Maylath. 80
Lily Oi the Valley. Nocturne. .Maylath. 30'
I to. king Wave*. I4evore Maylath. 4()
•Uiearn-Laud. Morceau Miylath- 40'
•Awakeuiug ol the Ririla. Ko-
Maylath. 40
•Hwectheart. Romance Maylath. 40
New Songs-
Mnidaiue Grey. Bong and Clio.. Hay*. UY
I'm ihe Itighl Man at the Wheel
Bong and Clio Hay*. ■]
flora, Darling, bong and Ch 0.,.. Hays, iiu
Jtsrney M cbrec. B. and Clio llaya. 3*l
Maid ol Avondale, ri. and Cho... .llaya. dr
Where is my I.ove*l One To •
Night? H <ng and Cho Hays. 35
Bing, Darkies, Bing. B. anJ Cho. llaya. 3-5
When Liuk- .Mamie Died. B, Cho. llay*. 85
Alone and ui Home. B. and Cho. llaya SWV
Jennie, Uie Flower ol the Dell.
Bong and Ch 0.... Hay* Vr
The School-house on the Hill. B.
and Cho Hay*. 35*
By the Author of MOLLIK, HAULING.
Allic, Darling. Bong and Cho. Dutlka 80
Why don't you With; Ur ure.
Bister. Botig tu.d Clio. ...Dank* 80*
Oil hi Dreams a Sweet Voice cad*
rue. Bong and Cho r.. Dauks 85
By the Author^of MLV< il THIMiADtN
Any ol the als>ve mailed, post paid, a
receipt of the marked price. IVces mark
ed thus* have pioture title page*. , t
Address, J.L PKTKHS,
(W3 Bioadwav, N. Y.
P. O. Bo* 5438.