Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator.
VOL. 3
the vindicator^
X T i 11. i•r i 1 t\M M 1 V All vt \ 1 i
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H -iv* ol %dvrrU4lie.
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8f ries of Schofti Books
*TH* eLwf ,'t ry ?.-•? *•*•> ;*♦< 1 -t ,•*** ;ror? •
T&* torn-* (y/ntigtm-vf
!*>>•©•* h|*.>r . G tr. fi**'
Vctsi>ie' , J4urx*a
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I'NTYi.Bi?H Y PL B . CO ,
Box '■)'<*> A!nt, Gs.
The Kennesaw Gazette.
I>:7 i'..;i< to Udiroad ntev, Literature
Wit and Hunt or. Fifty < cei per Year
Cif IUjMO to eveiy aabecriber".
Athhrw - K BNfyEftA W T G AZLT IK.
Allan"!, Ob.
S*) to §(•>( v
V 'PjU'J Terms tree. A,.
U. STINSON a CO.. Portland
Dr. J. Bradfield's
Will bring op Hi*? Menses when they lytvi
not mrn {'stab i-hetl, also when they have
U< n Horn unnaiural causes.
Will cure Kheumaturn ami of
titt hrek ami womb. Will lire Paiutul
!1, Ml! IrYxt ;i I e
tod .i Hu>st distressing pains anil
lies W'iJ.eheek mht irrh tti e.r ‘i-Xt'c-s
si?* flow.’ Will cure ‘Whiles' and
ot the wnmh, when it is the result of relax
jQinn iir.hawl health.
N j 5 as sure a Hire in a l the *hnve ili>-
Q ivyine is in Cl ill? ami Fever.
!.|.i e> t tin cun themselves *f all the
al* ve tli.-eaM*b witlioul iv.abnir then
eempUiiits t* any prison, wh eli is always
mortifying to theii pride jind modesiy,
' $ i> rtvitimru' uUal t>v the bes
phx k ans in Muir p iva e praeiue.
F.i u hiabiry ot* the al>>\e diseases,
eeiltd* a’*s i>t i! wtmth rful cures and
dirtcU -U', Hie ie tder s le t*ned t.* H i
w'upper oround the btitMe. M.i*,ufacUu
ed and m !*: hv
IiHV-C4Tt AtLvntn, rrn.- ~
by .i 1 : l’i <e i t>.
nowci> that .V’trr \%itli r,
There me fl >wers that m ver_ivi!her,
Then* %*e skies that lade,
l oine ale ilees liiai cast l- evel
Cooling bowiisixf leafy shade (
I'here ale e4l\tr wavelets tiowiuj;
\N Mh a iulbtig si.n.nd ol real,
Wheie l lie w esl wind, soiliy blow in‘,
Fans Ihu lm lamia oi the bict.
Hiithx rwaid our steps are ten bug.
Oil through dun, oppressive teaia,
More oi gi U l . Ibaii *pleMji C;* blelldlog
In tiie duikt nmt! wool ol ye;iis.
-Y4 My*u ina l*nH tep w^afy
Pink U| o * lhe wn.Ulhg Way,
* Hoi that, when all looks moat dreary,
O’er us bi runs a cUtu iay.
I'hus tin Father who hath lliude Us
i t•naiils ol mis w old oI c.oe,
K i nft t 11. l. 'W to kimhy aul Us
o :‘h tie btitdet.’S ‘a V
K rio\Ve r lt t* x\ to p iiia<‘- .U4te p*tflt
llo|nl i,Jjy b> mi l ls o ey
I txr ar;s ttn 'in 'iiic H dot hHi lief il
F t twyoiivi the uicuie at h b.
J 'heir Is ll voice tha’ whispils lowly ,
Dow ii W ii h (hi*, hem l ui uiTi e~
\\ mil Cu.oliuU 'l i m l h- 1
I XI | It: If. 1i..: i!_ i.ltjLsJLi. Us lm ,
fTY Tt ti lr-, r.niSn*. sl< i: y
o. ; i us hi i.e? ineFa i V 1 1 ,
* Ail l Hi* .i . !•< w lidi 1 log j.; h’t y ’• •
lij l he- In Ui r In It* 1 uhovt
'>h, tho 111* 4 , wflf) It” IxS Hollows,
1 I ,hl tii otiw aid l.ri* io * !
iii * • w in ii bi n I lo mt nox\ ••
S\ ui S,.t\t eii ltd itll o tr wot -
s - ah übnmeiy mm* t*ird a nil
' >'• I ti . . ;.U I. ph mien-t, .
I .'ll to iwt ,i 1 It yt-1 lit 1* .
Ni% lit v
*- •b* Wii h i ii**t 4-H-* f ht-W
* a- mak iug a 4 * v Yea o..ii
ilia p* Nort’i
All thm V rhe M'l i’*l in o di#a;ontciu*d
lid is hot too f* eh lot ll ljUh gill who a■> ik bn *%i I o{ uei own, so i hei
Vo- , ti, eyht 4 : '■ ’ “i -given
i u xx it l i.u *• • ,ni I oi! •M lo be wiii
:• gto-i W . -.f, l V il til ii 111 l’* u lew
I . ■. , '
i at* w m> nn i*t;-. My r- iiii> j,.
v ry bor- ,-hhe naid i a lew imunenti# uI
()\t , rriy 1 mid in no ‘if* *l ? that wan next.
And with Hi t nir laid tiowu her woik
N* xt tiieifc wan thing the inaiier with
Ik t io* t, and then h< f eye.
At length the an wing was h he. Je .ie
tr’ohgiii il to her m tl#ef
N.oui't 1 not fi i hi and lor the doctor ?
nuid In r motl< r,
l .a’- iJo< i *i f.|| no , mo!.hi.f | ci hJ 'lie lit
e gui, an trpMAv lan she eo and 1 he.
< 'Mland/ hoi ii i mother, a lit I- git
* I'lli of f> vf * and ache* riiijwf l>t. nek
and Ui*. .v sohci Wt i> ive the dv<Je ijie l> l
er. - ~
Oil, motlier ' ail Jt Uughing they
were Mowing ar.'hen ; 1 am v, j enough
I have )<*ard of oilier lilth* girln b e*o<l<*
•fenie, who lia ) m vvhrg a'-hes w iieneveu
}.' r {'lferi’n had work lor them to. do.
, These act.* and rio show sickness
I hty arc symptom* of a bad Ci-ease a dm
‘■'Ac is cal.ed P makes chil
■ -r* j. rnmr aod fretful, and d'sob igmg, and
roubles'.rue, and unhappy ; and i airc
t makes those unhappy win; have the
harge ot them |L h> iatlaii Child.
A cutious story c .unc-x to us concerning
General c. A. Kvans, ot Augmta, At i ic i
| 1 r.< k City, .Maryland, white leading bis
; brigade in battle, he was stitick in the let;
-i‘> by a rniniiie bail; The Irall p,.H*cd
through bis arm, arid thence through bis
, bphy. In plowing through bis coat jcACkct
fi* tore through a pa;*er of pins, burying
-otne of them in the flesh. For the past
i few months he has (seen troubled with a
pain ah-rut A foot and a naif from the
wound. A week or two si nee a bump
about as large as a pige ,u egg, was raised on
he .rjlWAt..e the pain . most severe-
A few ! hree or four pins worked
out of ibia nbrSp, aud it disappeared at
once. Thus, for fl years, Mr.-Tivans has
outt a walking pioeu mion. It is a credit P>
;.tm t.. say that he made hie famous memo
rial address, which breathed love a*i for '
giveness while those hostile pins were in
hia body. A man that can iorgive his
cemy, with a handful of [tins working
about his o-sly, is a Christian.
With most rneu life as like hack gammon,
hall ski'd and ha f luck.
XVII null J UMico lu^nihMari,
l: As. ii.7l kituftit Umt wum of thi 1
nt Mt Mntri -wrrrt- rrrv rclm-:iun t;> cn Vr.;<‘
ll*t> law agahisl ministers of Ihe g for
inkt-o the lest tuili and nvaifint; themselves
of every pretense to discharge those who
were accused.
Three ministers, charged with the crime
ol preaching the glorious gospel ol the. Sou
of God, were arraigned before a certain
■linlge. They were regularly imlictCiUjilHL
it-watMtuderehtod that *.he proof
tin m \va- Tory clivjr.
Aie you a preacher? said the Judge to
one ol them.
Yes, sir. replied the culprit,
lo what deiooiUalkui do you belong f
1 am a Uhristkivair, (XVith dignity )
A OtuLtian T XVltal do you mean by
that ? Aie not ad preachers ('lniMiuimd 1 —
1 l long to the sect usuahy ended; Chris
tian tmlw rongly called CampheUttes. (Not
-t inucTi Ylignjty - ]
At. ! Th**n ycei isU-vo lo baptising ps--
ple tit lUilea that th-y may he then agatrt,
do you 1
1 do sir. tlXetinitpiy.)
Mr. Sheriff discharge that man, He is
ae-ioboii-iH man Hr ts iiidu-trd far presetr
mg the gospel, and there la not a word ol
gospel in the a'uil lie preschrs I It is only
-Slime id—Alexander t ainphi il'a nonsense
Discharge the. man.
Kail Cninpltellile, greatly rijjicing. J
Aiae you a preacher f said the Judge ad-
dressing tiie second criminal.
I am sir, said the miscrc ant.
t>! trpr.t dciionvTOftttTn are:you ?
1 am a Methodist sir, 11 is looks showed
Do ym' l believe in falling from grace *
I no, sir, (A it In ut hisitalioti.)
Do you believe in sprinkling people in
ti ad *.! baptising-lllelh ?
1 I'elieve that people can In- baptised by
pi inkling (Much offended.)
Do you Ue ievc m bajiluilig babies ?
It is my ojiiiiton, sir, that infants ought
i.i be lnipiiscd (ImilgnaoUy )
Not i; wind ol Scripture lor iinylhing ol
tin kind aii ! shouted Ida lu.jutr.
Ml 11, lu'n that Ulan loose ! ll*' i
ii * i teacher ol the gospal Is Liuih, ami
liicie is not a word ol truth in what lhat
man ti aches ! Ii Is 11 dl lulous to Indict men
on Ma li frivolous piet< i.bes ! Tun him
M*n#*t il all hurt in
,WI t<N’irßgs hv U*i Juili<mi aliiihua lib hub
’MVhitt ht you, ii It auiil (!.• lo tlm
Yli >f >| h*h>H.
I 8 mt* pi .. pic call me u preacher, sir 1
j What is your deiiomioatioii ?
I am n iJupust. (Head iifi.)
Hi- honor's countenance fell, and In
■ e.l id solar and rud. Alter a palm: hi
aid; ' ~T
Do youlmjlli ve in salvation hy grace ?
I •!•: r'rii:!', :
Do yoil that immersion only Is
. in 1 .
Thai is my doetiine sir. (Earnestly )
Ait yjm bspit-ie jnmc but tho :c tviti. be
n ve ii. .J' alls (.‘hibit 'f
plntsi- )
My hi' iid, I tear it will go hard with you.
Is. e you are Indicted lof preaching tin
,/ospel, and it appears to me hy your owu
■ onb'-sion lliat you are guilty.
My It ph-a-e your honor, saifl the Hap
! i r ( oiitisel, spilugiug tj his feel, that man
u-v'-r preached the gospel. I liave heard
him say a hundred limes that he only tried
I have heard him try mysell
Mr Hm;id), discharge Ihis man 1 II is
not indicted for trying. There is nothing
aid about mere effort 1 Let hint go k;i ! 1
am a tom.lied that tiro Hlate’s Attorney
. too and annoy Ibe Court with such Iny.i
tuns in-lu lui' nls ?
Exit Haphst deter in ined b> try H^ain./' 4
(J /ort adjourned lot bicker,' /
A Y itimi S.sask \ ao,
ays He Leavenworth (Karl.) Times wi
j referred to a lady living An the H rulhcrn
( [ui t-f the city hav imfsecn a Hying snake
hi pengrination through that delightful
portion of t:.r nti.trojfolis. At the same
hme we pupfisbed the statement of an
aged woman, a lerotlissyer, who predicted
that in a abort time the air would .Ire lull of
11 ymg serpents. Yesterday we
were met by a friend, who inquired, in an
'■xciled manner, it we bar) ever seen a
make that iiad wings, and flew through the
air with the greatest of ease f From his
statements we learn that while two hoys
named iiemiugton Jenkins, the former
from this city and the latter a Plaltec Conn
t i a were hunting
in the woods, a serpent was seen-upproae ,
nig them, about four feet above the the
earth. Jenkins P,ok off hia hat, and,
throwing if over the snake, succeeded in
capturing it. !t is over one foot lon/,
spotted, and has wings ab . t the size of a
man's head. The hoys have the serpent
preserved in alcohol.
* - —i mt i >■ —.
Said a distinguished politician to his
Lo .k at me! I began as an alderman
*d here I am at the top of the tree ; and
w hat is ruy reward ? Why when I die, my
son will he the ptIHH rascul in the
To this the young man bof>£fal'y replied ;
Yes dad, when you die -V>ut not till then.
Most people are like eggs—too full oi
themselves tv bold anything eW
Iu Lave With Ilia Fatiici.
XX a liav< had ,M*c.i-si.m iit'iai.. i.. ,y p.-h
_lhfi toiliiagot a lad aim i* ii. I,.¥W, it-sUy
iu love w tlh his father. Not that he ad
mires, si nt pi v ami respects and nis-ys blot
toil hi aiu love with him And the boy
is not ashamed to show a tender love lot
hi* father. And better still, the lalhei
is tender-hearted enough and “toidbir
enough to return the lad's tnatiifogtaiiou ot
his love. Lie is a city ellieial, and tolera
hly well wiwn will the cares .1 li'le. bin lie i
. waife? l f**‘ sy-aeV.liaUd.Ui.hand-a iUr.hiss.m4
Words <’( afte. linn arc often esehaiiged be
tween them. It take** bm a moment iu
ihoir company 1„ delect that they love one
mothet. Nut api n, not a lio|Ht not a
desire ol the lad's , ie boi braid tmfcuss Lis
counsel and his wisdom an,l his advice;
and Ins son has no source* of pHasure or
oi amusement, no habits, Ctiinpanimisiiipt
or view* with which hi- lather is not inti
mately nvpMjhited, and in which he docs
trot-error; sympartd7.e and iVss'SU'
The i -jU& rare orug *mL-|a>riu4*
is why we refer To it To us it seems ex
oecdmgly advisable that parents and chil
dren should grow In love as they advance
in years. Tto cuddling and—lornlli-g *d
Infknts may Uc end olten is exeo sive. The
lieiiing and.apouiug ot childten over
indtilgt nee rtf nersomd altention is a pivv
aloat weaKne**. 11m when the child opens
into youth and into blushing maidenhood,
then we withdraw the special attenliims
and leave the hungering, thirsting young
spirit to feed upon itself; drive il to thrust
back and lo keep down its riatng springs
of Confiding afleelion, and teach if lo he
auspicious, silent ami secfhsivo.
ll Is all a utialaku A child grows nobh
and strong who is allowed to lu In constant
sympathetic odblaet with his father and’
Ilia mot be r. fl re lalhei and mother Ke -p
their stir nglh and you*.lt by living a nee
olid boyhood And girlhood with their chil
drm. Nothing hurts a boy ttion Ilian To
he pushed out 61 r tender and loving home
circle -i iot early ag<t, Ha must Jove some
wlnre, ami the eliaiiees are that and lie he
not loved, and aliowc I to love, 111 home,
he will iot ItrYß too Wisely uw iy from if
It is a it tiling I it jouth and age t
love one another. Je tif not oppose m
title- Encourage rather than repress Hie
manileslaUoil ol love in homes Win ami
Tlescive l lie eOdfl leuee ol your children
Do not have tt Child ol J oin •go out* ol
your liotiio sauetualy to speak to stranger
about his d* arest ami inosl"pr < i uis i /per
esl le'i aii e In* Icnrs Ui il indillerem e II mil
iJ* * bm iiimcii. lr s lio lli. to Ulihosour
liimseM in too Iht'-Si.“al ear, and ne-ilu him
•c IJii th pimotai Jt-art.
No iwissifjhi lith lonco from outside not
the iSutofay-srcfitNil evert, not the rlnm-ti,
can take tha place of a boy's own faflJW, hi
ol a ulll’s own inoilier, m li <• -i-i \v .Ji lbi
j boy ami gir! are approachinc inaidmoti and
womanlioi* 1. Too olten they are tb-s. iietl
•rf their parents uiat tti— ~ t.. f r,..f
lew sights iinire lictiu-lilul Ilian lo mi pa
M ill, standing by then chlhln n, In llicit
flow ut;> V'-il , m warm, I-t i. lit albeit it.
-.***-—ti d 1 ", 'lied a nles ii tbit ed—(tv —rni: ttnnti
tesnillnns ol llm same. [ * today school
Snpirioi tl y of siMidiftll Ctini >
A lady wiitim lo the Chii ago Tribrtint
ilm* it Is not Hie skill nl the cook/olm n
makes Houthern corn cake better than
Norlberu. Hhe saya; Northern im al,
grotlti lin Ij twill Kit'll all I packed aw iy lie
hire it is snllltienlly ii ry. Sort' in hecome.
bitter, ami inoreoverxbu it mis' ll under a
tropical sun is mmdi aweetui that) ijiiih
ft is alvi vr y tidtder. ils sivcctiiei.i* am!
tenderness obvmle the neces-ity ol f>t oi
liutler lof/ahorti ning, and any lorn) <*;
gi< aim/W'uld tleprive the corn ol ha pun
laspb N > swvel -com is raised in Hit. j
do away with that necessity. J in* coin
meal which Dinah uses is, csjiiseijiieutly, I
sweeieraiel ten eror than any vvlii. n cu lies ;
'o tne tiKiefa of our lair-liail't and Nortbein|
ixsik*. |
, it is not generally known. tVftl Bout hern
! corn h better adapted Pf fraii-poi iai In by
sea than Northern corn. The southern
' gouid seed corn being lighter und more
i floury, Is less liable Pi best and mould on
! shipboard than the heaviei flint com of the
North. The Southern corn latirig more
bulky, gives a larger measurement Pi the
bushel ul fihy-; -\z pounds, and is cousc
qoeotly more tnerehatjtable than Northern
corn. We remember bearing * Hiliiinore
corn merchant, engaged extensively in the
West India corn trade of that [>orl, say
bat in couH< quence of bearing trunspoita
Hon better and giving a larger measure
oieiit to the commercial bushel (fiuysix
pounds), piime Southern corn always ruled
in tlie foreign market two Pi three cents
higher than the best Northern corn. Corn
is eminently a Southern staple, in wdiicli
ur farmers ran, and rhotlid, aiicce>f illy
comjiete w ith the North and West. -|Sav
aunah News
The f*;,iia< , e!pli<a Chronicle says; liai
mg burglaries continue. The heat [ilau is I
for eveiy irtvi to keep a loa e i icvolvcr
within convenient reach. It the house is
to be ches t for the season, either put valu
able* in places of safety, .ir hd no s sr'iug
bid them farewell with hut s feint pri;o
tif ever seemg tliem again.
Stranger® who visit the Cnlon .iai show
will he wi to take as lew valuables with
tlitnj as possible ; also Vo have their lives
ins red a>i keep u revolver in Const until
lion lie Won Her.
A young coiTple were occupying a nin i
seat in Union ''‘afk oTie evviiTng this wok,
■>ud trout tl-.o expression of the masculine
■* "goner”—drilled, as it weie, over the
great psychological Niagara of affi-elimi,
and was even then being whir ed about in
Hie ft-oihy witirljvooi ol seutiment Till’
swimming swans had no charms lor him ;
the eagles were as nothing, and he did not
even. notice rhe big whim Ihhc.
vttt.Ttn be tuimvhtrsati, mrenrprlng t.r
draw her a little nearur to his end ol the
Whe made herself rigid and heaved a
I'D be n fiood mnn and give up all my
bad habits, he urged
No reply.
i’ll never drink another drop; he contin
..Still little.cllling sal lie- object ol his ado
ra ion.
And-g 4 ,ye up chewing—
No lospoimc:
And siiiokiitg
Cold as ever.
And join the ctrurrh—
Hite only shook luir iiead.
And give you a dlainoml engagement,
ling, her added in desperalton.
Then the maiiji'irtiped her itmopitig eyrr
to his, leaning her Irix/b-s on liir shoudlor,
and tremblingly murmtirod into his lavish
ed car :
Oh, l-Mwind, you -you are so good.
An I tlici: I bey so and sat, until Ibo soli
a*ms of night -that dusky uuiaii of the
world had I'jkled them Hum sight, pon
deling, pi,inning, Hiinbing -she ol the ilia
moml l ing, uud hu ol huvv ou i-ailh he was
to get It.
I)\mi*.i, S,Du-ki>.nson's Wit. — A parly
ol getilJetu* u w eu _lug> tlier 1.-ist weak, auU.
w'ere telihvg time stories. One refer
it it Io He -atoi DtcUeiesou. Jfef Was not
ovei dear T-il, but w.s very shrewd. He
knew aikmii.'* -y i. 1 o( li.e elasstis,
and was eii-silv Rfllittiiyed if (me ipiolcd
Latin. Van ibii'i-u had awmi.; off into
l'*:ee Soil,.fold ■ Toil id llie pally us
on ildcm A liiend ol
Van llunm Hie e\ I’lesideiil in
a speech, lh spoke ..| Cm I ins, ami com
Jiared Van It uen lo noble Itoltlun.
Dickenvm went .over lon seat occupied hy
a sen.dor who vtia: at home in all that ie
lull I lolhc Himialts, Who i this Uiirris
Ibesen ilor is la king shout V O, lie is not
dliiiig about fifpis a: all, IIP: is talking
-i a Hub. -Ut n,..ii :,ut,log IPs name was
'littins, not (bii tis. Well, what did lie dnV
aV liyy ln the. llme hL a great puliile calaniKy
helhivw hiureM in the Inortd- endyavetl
his country. O, that i 11, is ii ? What did
you say ills liamt was ? TT u-r ll u s. All
jif lii. T.'i.iiilt you, h iTiTTJiiKi'iHon, a* In'
■Veld to lli.s ;t r. . A 8 unite UH ttiO fit'll mill
'll V >ll lllll) II limit l Ufi M ill, I >J< keilßoU
' .-pro;, trnu ( c 4 exuberant. 11k
liiolti'iMilfit mntr Intuit liniu Hit; ctuHaiei*
A n l wiw In ilij/Oiinliui In wlium the Menu
; lor (inn | •>ti'<>rt .M .ut in Vun Hill nil. f lleipoitt
i irntrlr H ilrntt. Hriril :l paltinl. 1111 l
| ii> itv 'Ill’ll"' Ml. V•> 11 Hill'll ( 'ill I Hit till CK
umki-iI into lint tg .ii'li In save III* country
ymm i.ll V'in Huii'ii tliit;tv lili country jii'n
Ilf tllf.l 111 t" mtVf ll lllHclt,
Km iiß to tin atilt: in hff ohjcclM clear y
uni diMuiolly, it in ncciMtaiy Hint the eye
tliuulti be kept clean Km thlapurp ■ it
m lntiiiptli'*'J with a little "laiol, limn which
iJ iWh a w tttay li'iltl ( i ut ), wlii .li in nplead
over the eye hy the lid, und it in aIU Twin'd
twi'jil "ll liy it, n i l min* through it hole in
Uni twite to tin; Mii'ler Hurfueu •>!
While,Wit; Watlil ail', |>;n over 11
.if ut liln ’, evaporate ■ it. I' I- if inn' |mlilt;
that no Hitch gland can In; fouii I in I ltd eye*
<il 11 li, um the element hi winch llicjf live
ini.l a ! In- :..i:nc purpinm. —ll tin; eye had
lull Iw n lilt niched willi n litptid to waili
it, mill it till ti whi;(i il "11, tiling* would
appear a* limy i|n wlnai you limit through a
d'i*iy glaaa. Along the clgcH nl Uni tyi •
li'lit Hi tilt: itr a great nuiiiin ful title liiiittn'
or glanda, from which li iwn an oily null
Dlaiice which apiem!" over Hitt mil lime nl
tin: akin, aO<t thu* prcVMd.a the edges liom
lining note ol, nil I it also help* to
tttf|> lenra wllinii tlm lid There ure aim
au titl e luu-fifH uttimlif'l to the eye which
■ iinlne ua to move ft to every dir. etion ; uinl
when we cuoMocr the dlllereut motion* lin y i
a ufMjiahleot giving lo the eye, we cannot j
hut ailuii e the ifooi I neat ol llini wtio I'*! in-i
ed them, and thus aaved u the Iron loti of
tniuiagout he'd* every lone we wudied lo
vi. . w an ohjfi l.
J 11. L , wilting tr im North Ueirgis to
the Savannah .’few- 1 , says ho w-e inioi lnui
that theie is living within sixteen miles ol
'l'occoa Falls an aged man named Validity
er, who i said 0> have wandered into this
country in ISltt, and who claims to havi
been the first white man who ever beheld
its grandeur. Ho was a hunter, liadei and
figtiter, such a one as the teiys iea'l about
in dime noveis. Van ievu r.ays that tin re
nave lie* u a great many chatr'es since he
came theie. A lew years after his arrival
there w us a tremendous eaithq lake, and
the ground shook lor three nays, and tuat
durt./g that time- the taige loek wldcli lays
at the hart ol ToCeaJa tabs was luiown
jUartvm G. Joaos.
r 9
:U BiiOAU S FJiEEr, AtlutiU On.
Whi • Vine Vio (ftr,Cl'l< r *fi'i rtwo- |
(,Ui*:r. lie t *! tttiau'l trU iu*i ptl'A*
BoulUcrn Mußic
>f:loo, and ♦'lso PIANOS.
O U (i AJS
Solough 8l Warren
50 05, 85, 110, 125, 150, 2(H) lo $500!
ff [-4 JL **4 1/ O<X W •
Musical Instruments.
Wu lny low ami pay cash,>y chalU wge
couipoiitiuii in quality ol tfooiieumi prlirea.
Will still piiuitia on liiMiaHmonU laUo ottlptanoa
mnl organs in pari payment. Wo solicit corrvspou
(Unuu. H**nd twtMis tlirtifi lo
Suutla-ru Music House,
Atlanta, Ga. -
?*" Mr Parrot , offers his services in
Inning ami repining Pianos, Leave orders
at the Mu-ie Store ot
I'll LIP > , < UKW t PHEYK If
al Ai i.i; l ol; 'IEE PEopLi-T”
Il would leipilre Ihe seojie of iptiic a
huge volume to contain Him good Unites
Hint me said ultout the Morning News liy
its i onlempoi arlcs ol llie Huuthci n piers
ll is almost daily trifuircA to as ‘the las.
paper iu the Hoiith ,' -'lie !< ndtlig Gl-orglt
.|l ilyetc , mg! ii is gt net ally conceded la
Is- in all l S(M-ct3 a ilittdel Southern liewu'
■t'trper, ,
I iii fs iln- fame Unit Ihe. Morning News
t-ovids . and no pains w ill I c . | alt and lierenl
i ego * iin-k' il i ill in l lib i ol l lie d'litl
jdi nec ami |iiitronnge ol people ol Georgia
and Hoi Ida Thu am pie remtircea of tho
er.tahlisl tnent wiH lie devoted t* Hie till
pmvcmci)', oi 'lie paper in re pent to iia
already large fttcintles for gathering llm
ettrrt-nl news of tha day, and its sfaff* ol
iperjal i in I'espoildculs has In en ruofuanlteil
with a vi i W '*■ n.u-lhg ettijppi rstblc CUD
: tngi ricy that may arise.
A llliongh the Morning News has liltlw
oi no i-oiiiin lii ioii wit lii :i the Held ol its
eirciilTilini', ui-vei theless no i licet vril* 'An
i-onsub led 100 evpensive Hull gives Hie
earliest and ;.< sliest inform stiorl to ils read
iis lit ilnn is |u*ct there WilLhe ini re
lixallotl "i Iln- MitdeaVor to beep il lur
ui it .u 1 el.iii iu cam temporaries,
The feature:) Hell have Tendered the pil
pet so popiilai will lm malulHliHil. Tha
.'ittr. '.mV department Witt 1m! conducted with
Ihf Hiinif dlglillled tlioUfjhtliilnuHH, Conner
Viillvf vi^m, iiinl filin' at il voliou to priii
chile that huvf at way a rlniinc let i/ael it'
rile racy • Ikul'ilily til the local, and the
: " unify and f oni|itf If Neva ol the coiniinr
j i ial ih'i'iutiiieiit", will lie kept lip totlieo'd
tainliinl, and iniproveincuu will be mail*
! wlietevei they ate t>uggc(cd by eJtpe
Tin Mortiin ' Ni'wa I' the only Hnvaiinnli
p|'i that puhlialiei* the A aoclated I’reaa
dWpulches and the telegraphic market re
pi'ila anllioi l/.e l hy the Coiiiinerciiil Itureail
of New V"ik t
loi'.il iii nk< t lepoit’i will he lull ami fella
hie, mi l w-ilLbc /iCf.oiiipaoli 'l hy aueh eutil
hi. m a m ill enahle ill*; huHillcat* men of
I <ii otgia jrti I l‘'i"i eta to t' iin iMininlea a*
: ./efiiat*' and a* intelligent ua il they wire
I 111 111/: city.
In .* word, tlm Morning News will coni
inn,.; every leatme that ten lera the modem
neiy .paper allli" live, and its n adult* may
eoiiltd'id ly look in to* column* lor Ihe lal
< -t mf"iillation in regard lo everything of
cm rent inti ie t. Ii will Hllmit ol no rival
ry in tin own proper Held, and will allow no
competitor to outstrip il in any department
ol Jourti ilivlic enterpn***.
I lie term* ol ndfea iption arc: Daily
tl,e year, #1*1; am liionllm, f.\
three uiontlia, of). TrlWeekly,
< inti year, # ; nix rnorilfia, fd
lhrc< i.ioutlm, 11 00, VVe kly: One year
l-l ; hi x niontlm, #1 ; three mold he, 50 cenla
Money may lie vent hy i'oat Ulliee order
or hy ExpreHi, at the cxpcinte ol the nu
'lervigi ed. Bend lor apwiineti copy. Ad
J. 11. EHTILL,
Bavannah, (i.
! NS i; I! A N(' J-J
A ~
| P h%'l <• jl fc<‘rio ibjt fri ud* Im Mrl
j rif y a)i ,i* *-ir: o biv*. ti u vtvy*tif
• miKufA ■ STiiW 1 f"f 1
'j‘, # |br,wi *-i • iu<" rnivt n ‘ iil mot tut tbn
|//V>,'ff l"t‘ H Irtud, I *!*• J
• - - • ILV'I, V tl * Ij*C Pollrjr Iti Ul4
<ftufa i, lirr v* th*-ir owtfk iriioo.
l mtu wvrktiijc <iircil)r lor ibt * .VLAH4IiA*
\j4/L,U ±irt tit.Mi uT liUladß ii J:u u>.
NO 33