Newspaper Page Text
d>< >l<’TltY
tut tin’ i liildri'H
| OlHflllt tton ." * [ *ld E C",
“Whatever it ear)
Tliil make'-* lh- U'< -** *< !">■’> d* It*
•*ll limit ul ST L’ •'
ik* 4 liinjr very wkij Icrlyl
In her, Uwt 1 <*ii ** •
•toito* to not |*r tty, like L't'*i< •,
yyilli ye ill '•ltar'niiij/JiJi!*- ;
Or clever, a** .lmi Ifutit* r to,
rtlin ItkM tii re* 4 inn*:* * lon it ’ " *”\
Iter hsftaoii*, a* d*ey d'*-
“A fid thD ll*'r f ilii' f to n"t m Ij ,
Hit* wt-ftfH a shabby ‘Jn* ,
So, why it •* iIHDt iJi**- !•- ' "*,
ft puz%l£* fu'* k' /C“"*
**lt d**C ft'** *'//’■ '"*' al k!! -
Jierauec l kilo-, ’ **l<i '•
•• Jf I wsrit omnellilog d'hiVy-wd ■
I .out*; rJ ’, '* 1 ,: "i
Ttiry ry. ‘I **to!b )'<■' <i U.<> i*'■ *y,
Ami not <'Hiiu frniibin.'Jf *'• ’
to quite * 'lift* r* nt ti.'wjs
U darling Ml .III*:
liwaya UWH pabeirtiy,
Aid I*' l* w, “-n *'<> ‘ S'* .
Sim'* always re’.dy "* awls*
In any llule plan ;
Ami never aui'Weia iiiigiiiy,
Like clever M -f> Anne.
.... **Shf llsesy l * * 1111 kln*i nn 1 w<- l ;
And llmt’a llie ••* *'* w,, >
The gfrla oni 1 * I*" -l r
J miiy lii ii *• 1 ,
Cmiiil ti s (t'l'ni itf'Mlririln I*-,’
Il'iouie, with ** set l '
“Then y*.u mtnrt .*'!< )''ir nvl >’ii • 'I,
"Miild Kite a tnartmtn, “itud-Tl*
Will in -f f * you tJKilto, I tins*, I * K‘ r 1
Aii,| give v"U I 0 *r*' <>* to
h iving mI itfi<> l " nil ur* iiiufJ,
I,lc ([iml'.e Vimr l ' b*
(isitlug liven wills ••' I'lsimi'.
Jnred J< in wn, whfirim n UP -r <*' H
ton, anil In nil thing* *“* V
Itimenl. ifa v*i to'nt m< * ’’T '*' 1
and aol‘l jHjoi- cloth tor grind Iw- V '"' K
mm, attirlenta at Harvard, and < ■
named, reaper-lively, Mlllernnl < ■*'"
to Jared Mid i;“ L 1 " 11 J * IstU mu' <l 1 1 b ■
paying lor tin* name when t*" ! V i"" l: 1 •
Uni the clotl>* e ptovni t" ' "ini' ini' v-t-,
worthlei.a. Th*> < l"tli *** i*ttm. "" *-■ ’
unalahis, nn*] the ftwrkliiK n“t “I tim Inal.
The tU(lei:l no*’ll toiiinl line they lin I
KWI hliii 11. hut held U*l ix iiciuil alni ,1
t. cit tluiu.
A f*-W tnoolltu Inn i Uiuy nuito I Mi 1 ' li l to. 1
tailor inpiln, mul wnnl earli ** v % " **** 1
ul olottli’* for winter went. Maul Miil-r
Hears and I Inivn In , n nnliiiu; u ti> ' nil
lm one who liis to l"iy lot toolh ’Hite
Will yotTimilte~llit;in l me I wnfi lor ii.i
pay until lliri lift to < to” l"*l t
<), ceilulnty, nnuui.
The tailor wn kin*l anmijili to v 1 their
ouatnin, nrnriut look ronaatim rm t
•lloWOll them to **ele< I 111*’ i totltt V l.i* II
plutwuil them lust Aii ’ln t-nto h,ttei ii
Mput'.l limy were very pur’iiukr.
Tint cUitUu* WU*' liiitotiud, W',l dellv t'-l,
amt provetl to toe very Inir.
A mouth or two Inter the tailor I
to meet (he two ulti h’iiiH on the Ktn>. t, an*l
he arcnstml tln in. lie *ktd tlo to h**w
pin last garment# /eel fitted.
Kscellently wrll.^ns \ernd Miller
An I how. about your litilo hat isn't thru
ttccivl’Kl yet T
No, Jean, not V*‘t.
Stay t nsh Wltn* w.i*t tlrn nature of th.-
bot f l’erhiipa I'jotilil help you to n sriu
Una. —-
hnleatl, and <m y m might. Now look.
jp, Jean, i toave bet Uic ptke-ul two -tilts
of clothes that, when Hunker 11ill Muti't
numt falls, it will fall towanFftbo north.
Seam hols that it will lall toward the aottih
What do you think T
dean's lace darkened end rlotural*’d : hut
presently he tried to smile He knew his
own tricks, and cared not to~Re~-tTHerly
crushed In old Harvard ; so lie told the
twain II they would promise to hold their
poaeo, he would wipe the score tumi his
WasTkmitmi A member *il the rol
ored church was the other evening cm
versing earnestly with an acquaintance, and
necking to have him change mt<r better
paths, JUt the friend s.tid that he me 100
often t* ii.i'ti',! in permit kim to bevi-'toe' a
Whar'syer backbdne, dat yc can't rose
up and Bland tcinpUUou ! exclaimed the
good man. Iw as dat way mysell once
Might Is dls yerc town I had a ehunco to
steal a pa'r o’ boots—mighty nice ones, too.
Nobody was dar to sec me, and I reached
oot my hand and dc debbil said take 'em.
Den u spefit whispered fur me to let detn
boots alone.
An’ you didn't take 'em ?
No, sah—not much. 1 took a pa'r o’
cheap shoes ofl de shelf an' lull dtm boots
•lone I—Vicksburg Herald.
lu his address betore the Giaml Army <>t :
the Republic, at Newark, on Wednesday,
Mwar Governor ol New Jersey appeared
re role of ft peacemaker. Tlie keynote
ol Governor l’aikct's spttih is found in
the words Tie future ot this great nation
dt uiands the bur tal ol dead issu* s, and the
applause with wrhicti It was received, says
the New York Tribune, aflutded another
iadioalkin ol the lieartineo* with which the
veteeansof the Union army responj to tin
cry of tha w Uola country lot reconcilia
This is all vety well, tut is there u n
something necessary to be done besides ’lie
burying of dead issues to make tteoncilia
tlou real and | eifect T H< * tu i ti< n, t>> Ik’
•pduring, mn<*t be* accompanied by resto
raUn <>l hones', eijukl.just, eoiistiiu.kmal
The sab'e Rspreseutattvc iu the Legis
inre from Biuuswirk, Jim H ue, went to a
colored picnic at Albany the other day,
and wbtn he returned homo ami retired at
the day'* 1 pie-s(*r. s :si*.l xxclic.u-uU Ills
liocket* wetc picked of sevonty-tive doilats
and two suits of his clciUes ca.ried oil .
by the the loblars.
ftpeerli ul * l*t’f Waract
sat ft.iiidiWH July ildi
ftthbii' If'uaUfi'iOtr : V-* have *** :i ''
• wbn. W’iu:*l probatdy Is*.- p ’** <
i wilt,
! t|> • re- *-fit leant at W.-eltou-y <1 range.
I :j. (,ihrig' *i'l ! b * * loci*
'.xaoKiCtod* - liuxix t ai*d tl <’(* tii-'* * 1
; Wl . He I.m„ -.1 :*.*■ la■: ('* the i *liy Vis:
w.-m- xi*t I'atrona, all au*lOU t*
!.<-,( it,. j*e* 'i* I oio 1 toi lJ * I" *:, U •
rprr*v.' rrrjp*/?-* M*: f* ** fti** U+
\ i,t t :< *>A wfinl 1 wit?* Vfr *r*j.*r-iMfcj'J, ai
ii*i it *>*.* ti<;. iltf T'i *!y a?
lf,r if ■ vt :y. If# 'WW.' -tiffi ]■•.* <r.uVMi■%>'■>*
jmj, t UM{ tl/fc til vui.t ifc-' *.
A/,| Jlf Hint ft <*!/*<-V* ot lllU'Ti':l .4/1 r.V' t
• n vrfy.litv* b*~
Worthy M b r I.>>’!,. owl 1 u : r u
I A-J *•**..”■ .. ' ’ a -’*l jt r.luf - bi
; y<**t H Hi * oigrf l lt*+< UjU*>
tunny *: ■* .*< ** utu j *y, t‘ 1
|u* l/vf'ft nt, .*/' !*> ■ i i t > llj<: >•{*/;* •i.
'.Mi'/ - rtff! fi</t ffarti-t- ’.xt'iii I •
if* r*t. .' - t t /ji*j-: i ft ijt y> ivr *-•*.•< . *
• r*f m H* i t St r.Ai 'i.f
t * ’
nT‘ ft- tli.jli tufty y* .('* 44i't ij-iV*: ti<:i
fj*- j - hij.’l fifty if i*. T list l ' nt • ii*.r [tH**: ■' :i j
I 4?fi :i* <>! i i * >!'!:.■ -i:, t4*<iUg!l i hnvt
|ri v f cA' it n j,i'li: t \ U-xX 51 v *'l*4 .*
TUf*i j.rU ol ii; otthit • { | # Htr!r>fTS" /'
H uijA *j try iuK v, \>r t oxt ngricijltsnrt nr,
! *4-■( }.i ‘rt :-n. \VliMi Ih&tig6 UAH*
Ifit'li t vvu Hint ill I'lf'iitjtUsti 1 }'-ih* 'I it
litinii i tt’U U'l '-i ■ j 4f• I fAi t [i< 00 4 '4* l*
i.s'i !, t?#i t; * *
It WU*: Ilf illitl* ‘fiflftil it- I*o it
wri 14/ii lit it** <" ‘ if. Ajgticuhiife It*
't* 1) tifOJI 1 " r i i4*rs|, Wfthftr'lt *r */#** U* 11
. •■■■ ... ....i... -.1..' I .i ->ti Uf. Urli-i
jt Mu,** -*v ’f- •1 r i /.< I, I !*: *</f j < U hi
; 1,l l/iuf •{/<• *f’ l/> In fu ljt ilb. IJ/f 11. (j‘/, fi‘*t
It' 4 ft! -34- iy ‘ Inn*#' A A+U. '*> ikb i‘)f. _•#? *.f f
Ii <1 J*' * **.' 1 *• U•’ lo Ifft'lM li* tiirf/j y i*i Ift 1/
. , in *f .i* ,• *l.l ■ r •t *! J*
lj<y it' tiuiA I/* 'f-IIHi 1, lia* Aii *i: < t*u At'j
I Iff; WO fi'ft j>< i' i iff 4ft - * 4 r / 4IM 4
ii; wt'-tc .‘1 i.fti'i' •, < ! 1// l u* 'iu
[ Jitrni pt uL-iva'haL
'.4 my*t *. n id !.<*- purl /1 wUftlm* U>
•it. fll *l . I/* :t t Till : I b.ii Ivi .4 • l
I I jb. f # * fIIUJM tip Vitoii.t: tin
.jifuv. fUfif/t :it Ylt fjw ! 4*4 hint’
pi ffl wii'f 4 {ft >i'* ft^; II <*It li l 1 , 1 -- Ul I"
itiu . nl Vft ll 4'lUt I V li*M H i
n ** - * , ■
:ii,,. .trlkliig to total too of linpfovs-tiicfit IS
lb*. d<s* *' *,l a*, many i'll* ta f.*• *t t nt* ' *
X-lIX4II- limy have gone to, w , fur xxto
11,.- li-riy ’lift*,* 11, it w .It !*< • ii’ *t**’ roil,
—q-t-r * t rin ;•*• *—-.W o, 1,. 1,,—U..1.1,...
1v 1 .** 1 . A rl< ii/t.m <s ’l,o !,*mii,l’**.l"U ot .
■liusl*,*’*.'. I 111 If Is until.llg |,l*|'|U( ~1 lint
toy 1.i1h,) nnd tiooi lb* *, (,| 'I tit' tin ,* *
• lii'irt •*-, xlyoul*l It/* i *ptaf to otl, im . 1' 100,
: 11,.* 1,,*,t < a,' I, I'oincs our iiff It i* **
j ductn>n .tumid cum**', arulcart:, ‘ , t.• *
| iru.w tinT w 011 hi l**’c* *ttu •*1 t
ng and tn-irrnc ol rntlc* f !'t,* ■' * * 1 t*..-**
Oiotild lie Impreawul up *n the to*q>lo ,a.Uir
iliffni'y "/ lahrir tor nothing < mc without
it,, \y tout there haq been much iinpwve
incut in y our c<*tintry (Ih m i a MjjjUi' m 1
gin trfr M. 11 *. VvTr an i 11 ,ii-x uoi.t T,.'
• ■ Xitel .ml to live liy llnit oan i ; u*r 'ln
arc luclliri'd to lo k to f*.r*l(;rt s< urcc. I
- overlooking the bh in,.;* ol home
They must lildl/e llie tiles.inns at tuelr
own door. Heretofore wn n lhsl on t ,v
--labor, lmt now this ia r*i| change I. when
ymTget |,i!ii)rv'i| hav ’to pay I.r it TT i
tlii.ieTir*' the put * I <v iSiJolu to <• *>n tu : /
'■vcrrthTnp air* mike it p y I t. .vv r.**
.rpiricnee with free 'ahor, ba: 1 Juk my
idea aland it. In ill-(list j-l-tcr-, I aonul
not.cultivate a huge area with but a small
tetutn bis no unite tin tide to culltvite
| ill acre making otic lido.if cotl iu thin It
! i* i>nc rt tut '.ini* o ily three hundred jVmn is
■I set and t ill t"ii. —4—*■ t* 1 nl lief . n .1 1 vale—Bre
tiili acre tlnin the poor it i liaid to part
Horn old t ustom", and t'*r men to jdt old
habits, lull When it is to lie don*' if is wise
to make the Mc-t of it. Men try l<> expand,
to enlarge and to got rich too list. This
they can't do m a harry. That I,y t* at
The mail that suppori* lii fann y and av
by a little is prosperous and u go ,|
U you wi.di to build to stand iitul
. net flitter to IIS fall, you m i l h ’.ve , firni
: and solid toundstiou and tK’gin lo build
| Irom the bottom. Many planters h ive
tried this plan of bnilding tbetr fortunes.
!It i uotablf *u southwesf o corgi •, whet
! i very man planted cotton largely ; g. aw-
In debt, mortgaging the forthcoming crop
before it was planted, anti, instead of milk
ing fortunes, fail* and. Going in
planting is sure to break they
) pay enormous rates of interest- Jle has to
\ be a v*ry industrious man to pay seven per
cent a year. It is a high rate of interest
Where one makes it clear of expense three
do not. it is only a question of time w hen
borrowers w ill break. The lender runs n<>
risk, the borrower all. The borrower runs
the risk ot storm, blight, mildew, sickness,
lmt (lie lender draws interest day and
night, through storm and sunshine.
-AY uh these lights before them I do not
know why men go in debt, unless it be
upon the principle expressed by Rope, that
‘Hope springs eternal in the human breast.’
Men hope to pay out witti no reasonable
grouuds for being able to do so. It is hope
that makes mnu defer making pieace with
Ins M-ker. It a man had to respond to his
Creator within a week he would tie very
apt to be able to pay principal and interest.
Meriwether is pecuniarily better ofl than
any other c >untv in the state. I knew the
first supers ot the county. They were
industrious, hardworking, and got rich.—
Their characters are seam to-day in tin :r
children. They,stand the clptnge and have
gi ueto work. There was always bit little
projerty sold at Sheriffs' sale hi Meri vela
er com,>ared to other counties. But there
was one calamity that belell them. They
labored au 1 befuie wetlUiy, and rai-ed
ltoilr cli'ldr* n u**t lo wo,k, thus making
' jo mkat oimmMnaf tln-m—which w** *
, v l,„ t4,-iiiifrt to tw* **—
jw,<; (Hy.
I'otolic <i>,iii*>n is But right ajioi lift dtj/
mUj intfir. VV* have ll from a i
inor ty tut 'livery marl to wh * vr* • **w r
o;,„n,s t : -rn i-hbor WKnev !<*.'ig
Miaretoct , him.’* Mow I pot *ucm q iv
' *i*/s to you to answer. Here i- a you.'-,
r an of s"O'l ebata"ter, Uliitopem;,'* *ble i
u-griiy, t-o'.-d hard work. •/ and in
). j rv i toy lb* #* ■
.I • • •, took id fie iodnieot ***** tit*
| wiiir :iij to p into ti,e small j* —-* ->i in , J
' 1,,* t.* !,r- rio i,e young men ■ -ks •■*<
... uiq its and. vraftii an i not t*r *
\ real 111 pittob-. 1 wnl give )>. *>■ *'
i io wt.* in niiai ,ats,r . *1
i-X: p ft. ft *v* a mar, * * to , 3 thru
’ * .to* , to- sp, oi at tl.r i .*- A t
war, i*: ■"** to* a itiaeitbrcw, one i. n-a
i i,,t*’ii ' i . tltwyef 'l'',, nt coo
I, op. 1 and --'*.* a ; oio iin feey
~i I /.. , o. to,’: lilll‘l Ia in * -
’ A-fcat 7i e r,r*-‘ At o, *<H hare fills/
.o jsr i' ■ :, U,e Oo , ill tf ■ i' l ' )''
1 j r jf, ■ n- 11 .1. j.ii'tou. topflo .1, :• WI
* and * ill 1,*,: do i till the -'tf-.A t
labor ,s p*'|s:riy ii,:i ratessi el sppx*
• ■"O I fas •' "' '
- tiiC stem -*," -1-r H-nver, *-ei* ' rh* u al.wh
rain ti*v to;, vl in 'he .west *,l Uitr face •
U’J U* tabor *:/l*ev i >•’’ 4 -*i "Hy
1 | aiu.i yoo .* wi.e .toll tar in* in*- .
rnr—rs—yrr ——s * —
I ~*■ uni, •-/ r fling <l> fnj-yer* •
i pnt h f.• ,i 'lie ts.y g 1 ; ~ * mJ
a 11, * ■ ~ in ■ * * ~■• *.f til* •-< ft
j mtk in to., ■■ *r t*< t.wiaiiiij ,t Jo *4 I**’’ a•*
..,i p ’. " We mo ' ' V "*
..nn, ,H , ' I if,,- giant's on, i '*■
I wftS *?■'•-' fdAi/V'*>.■<. ..jXup.fM j II ;
11, ..... . ol I ..Is**. I -• 1 Wf.
h ■ 1 • ■n -yt li t mgrV*r rt •
■tl ~ i.. jr" ,1 *, —,{, lll*' tain* l* ‘.fsj.
TANARUS: in.od, to. the t*n e ~,.’1 • ■
valley* it t’* r fthtttftpttl.** with
h'j J -I'll .tot I,'WI
::,e .v ~ ~*y of ffto. taltrl,*ai**r itoos*- -*-
a;, * a■ ... - :ton i* , *
VV*— la- ..n, u*_o autfeout. f i
if,.,.* | - , n,.ik.' fnj 1 * ■ ** V
..,, 1..-,.——La -1*. —:"... I— i-i -i-l —1—11...
;,l ,) ~, / ,itl I, linn'ril Hill O - ■
t.iae 111> -ito.i—tkiyTgnqtd "i t**' !to..i‘* m >
. >, Ut-.o (A, them i '
l,o* s, r f* store. ** till*,' r 'l" ff i 1 I ■ M,..
tl, .'. v •.1 unit-s ~ "*,r! n I ’
iviii rnt a .'| > ,t wiit’ii ,t is g vn *■
win k' , 0., .and t fin- ITy >' tor • ;
.v oon mi u great dift* ;”**' 1 **
Iw. ,ince wn 1,,v*l 3 jiatil* 1 ., bn: (ton* - ; -l
.1,,,, duly . .'y'njrto.’n , the * :
VI , I*. . 'l l , * II !*• nf to i* h*
rnr rlias Is * n sto-I *s to* in 1 , : ,
to’ i(g r ctjrrr ry pt 11,1 r( iict , -
tout flkto tedufaK. mi.’touy. lit £.
(It ’ ■ 'C*. 1 I tl , 1 l W-hf* tKtrt- 1 I . ’ *-
•:*iam *on yea* if IllW* ****:*J, 1 ■'* 'J* ■*
soil,, fr*,t; thi t* >er-,**r i<*ii la***-*
Ti'imd rtonisiq toici* a > - I * •*
to—.. r - ..111. ■ to.. ■*,,■!, a
propor' ion it” t" 1 tor p**-’pbl * (it* 1 I’’ *'
II . ,gd in y .ii* ”i* Hi * things
III! pul ii, - 1 tVIIC AH’ W * ll' rtv wl”*'
—TTi —p.Tri;iT,"!r-T;r*-’t** r ’["lire. Ism ——
to, kftod■ vetoji ■.* tiT ' f* s“*iir* • * that iiiiTTir'
•,t the loj* and ,*',lies down * **l "f
linking ariatri “'*’ '"’ii”*ii —ft—t* ——
,aVri-tm Hr Hr *’t-i• " i-ntoil**** 5,.,i to,-a.
.un ntrti lit,*j. arid t tee v r->*
Aiiotlitr iliniL* tliat nan. hull ' 'UC**!
anrt is mpirmns to- public t"’ 1 ”' .*"
•rrg*‘ r.i 00l interest liy Up, ,; 1 ’ ti tl"
, ,nil's t trt!'' tils tied i’S’.*btistl*s! >' tweive
■ert ent. H vci pier cent, tft high, and ,
alllll i*'l*( I* se v*' ' per * nt., it ( In_tolliil*.hm
■Jtovd-stfe-eit'r;. ! 1 , t ill ten , YY toil
I d' I eiiuugieg tr nu iiidnttiiile r *tes to
IvVeiVC 1 "' ' 4 tW ■*'
oer cc.d. lo your-mo icy yu won't hike
seven, ll l , 1 I myth up to do wi‘h.ll* try*
1 w**u‘* 1 I,,vc a is i 1 waft ft law fh **••
nlio leu I’H nidie J,,n seven per cent,
.fee ton t . i.iti j, . , ijial And interest I
am not epp se.i (~ ,1 on ,fits groun*le **f its
being uidrally wrong* feu’ .q’**, ll.u to’ound ■*
~f public pio.ii v. 1 is as true now a- it
ever was tbi Ui lairrowor is aervtnt to
the len,l* r, nn 1 men to* get money will give
any anunttrt of .uteicst required. Ihe idea
tit at a usury law keeps money out of the
couutry is a la.,gl..tblc Y\ lmt
ii-eps money out of the country is the
waul ot security among the people tor its
payment. No in in w ill lend .noncy at
nigh or low rates of interest un'esa tiis
pioperty is bound lor Itift coutracfs, thus
offering security lor payment. This country
since the war Has traded opMB paper mon
ey and credit; other eounftrten have traded
upon specie, it is astounding to know the
amount ot state and national bonds in
other countries. Ttieqj is ft point beyoua
which credit cannot go. I ties,: bouda have
to be paid, and the settlement must be made
upon a tjHvi* basis. Now is a prudent time
to take m ran Gel out of debt ami #fuy
out ! The a.imuoiU ot buHioo ami coin in
uauks in England are l',r*,er than ever.—
S mielimes this is a favorable sigu bat it
is a great mistake. It is the unerring sign
of collapse. Ii is like the citculation ol
blood ia the huuiau system ; so long as the
heart, the bank ot the body, lets out its
b.ood and it flows uninterruptedly through
out the body, there is henlh and vigor.
But let the bank close and certain death
ensues. The money will no*, have outlet
eituer tro u unhealthy circulation, or banks
will be afraid to Uml it. it is the polief
of this country to get back as quick aft (it
gradually can to specie payment. Toen
what you possess you can appraise by a
standard of value. ,and v . wilt know whay
you are worta in coin and not iu rag* ;
The South should endeavor to reinstate
. .*ecic payutto-t, because Uc! cott'iu is the
| nei* rant arc' to apeekw and *he prtev ol i
b, r*fulata*l by L*V®rpo*>l *h<**
Hit (f P* tH In tyR- 011,1 ' * f* r 2 '
Again, you can keep your tr,tt**n N**'
#*>, howw.-r, with tiie V\ et. the land ••
jrr*.n and meat These w ill not k* ep v A
I said, you get 111 flu tod currency fore **a, 1*
at Man ia'd value, and have t pay inttu e i
; p ice* for wbat you buy.
J*j'g*. YVarner (Ba<i* many cTbs r perli
ut 1,. remark's in his * k-#r. h>g #.i, * on* •!*’
j .to'’ to . ,1 A- 7-1
vr-.j*. 1 iny n„ m, l lioU-t I■* . 0-' to
lbm <jfje uibtf iiftU
Jn,iy (i 51 l’': .*■: 4‘ *'!. In-Mi Kat
Hli'i*w*!', a44 tu* i u.* it; 4 I w f^Cai%rki
n tiA. VM-if to call Httarn —
4 5UUif m ju-Vu^ia.,
! fij IT. -i br; ,v;, U-£*i btlv, 4 i'.O l*’-
a* •ax 1"* rip, ti'HAji, Iv. 1 '- I) aii-i 4ii .i-*’.
\ < th-x'A ■ -i Wi/Ij j-i *±K ’t Hi. u the
M • . L ... ' c i‘- *- to
: : Hr.y •*; y-A f
u. vui^i umwmtK'tii * *
lUc i hmiiim vut iin Uaiti aa
litf tiDYfll
A * iv n.t ‘j~+. •- *el l 'ft ,f
'1 , . ,(j V .>M- : iiiill y Wirt %
r ; ra-, .4 * e*. }r*hl 4A4 * Jf„ 4 !i*4 4.
■Aji f.y.l i l 4; ftAfttjftl, iailu llhC UaC
> ,ti •/ til l t HJ clu., L/*it t/l*c
-f t..- fa tiaf.'.V-; al U*al ZTTIf V A'* ’ UfcT
-' ik j clue iki)t i" oAjr* *<*o
* —t—
l > .*!/, >4f* * A9 f*"i yn '-/it ll.ti tl-*
A ; J<- n ;tf it” y r<tf
4-1 t,l 4 ~ tmy lit
A'* * yr. tAAft A b r * At’ ft A eft J lu,
; m ■ H - .l '.-ii’c U . ♦:•. ? |4) s
AO J * Ig **it ftift \*■ I*4l
' * ■ / ***••! 4 'l 1 / ft *k* A'- !Uf bft Jh i , .
I■' S . i ’.4 As 1 **.
■ ■ * ' 1 ’. P ii
, .. * i y.- * • -*' • i . *
•i, ’* • .
ixiT l mr x rjf thxt ri\r f;r rn r ' ~-v #
;• t h•ji .■ ■ Sfiyjl ftbij* f ikli i lt*i il%
. r ' - ' . * -4 ( .. * 1
l'’ ••>. ki* s *'■••-' i-. f hit f t a-*-.,;
;•, *. hjU '.ft hi I *,’/ (At i ii V f ’*•> 7TT t* I
. <j,t i,t • ' ••<■*' *Y *j • ■ -
i t*if iKlf •fci•U* r, s* m/A 41ii Vi 1} 4i ,
*■ r 'in "\ i it nn ■ hxt .j. * - v> ; .
4* \ I * * Ua - , a, J *>U U/* -
Jr 4M . MVi (fcr* fnfm* f’ f: t !’
-ft-*—--v-4- U.rt iq t >* W |-’ t |T’t>| T'
w. t ~ *. * # ,
■{• 4U .1* .r,’
Hit ti.- h.k 1 *•*> ;4UE.UiI-a;J WA A. % Ik',
-I’ll 1.1/ 1 * -ft" ! * * , 4- i
tn —-vrr;* tv jhrg* *r ; rrH —r~■? —
y -*-i XHA 1 -.1-ZV. 1. .: 1. L
**rr tf- tr* i *-4 * •
• 1 * i-i • 1 lr i■**.- tr 4 , ■' • (X
in i .| tf.- !,, ! < n
‘■x * TrrfHtt: —▼tV' —T-t
V . ‘ it * mis. {..'<• n ; -r w i:r ,
-. —.. .
4 1 ahti
*- v t SOB .
Alto will ye. like a I*'.- , 1 k■" w J
: curse, ut a Uitle cake a to! ~,, h'cnAitoik - ’
Tin' " ’ * ,ke, *ay he.
Si !;*’ I■ dit'■ ■; ihui nd re (to .. *., .
■ '.e-siu', c i lie wbn aamr.'and -to. aw* • p
Usr-SftSf toft+H h4n AH-t totoi-i Ao' Ist- ts+n'
fij he cam. 1 t’l the same sftring in tl,- we. ( ,j.
there the smali ip lift bird t on the
*i,le *>f it.
(live rue a bit of your cake* 11 f r nu lit
tie ’>ncs m tlic nest, sav ’ li*‘
I wll ay be, an' lie ho-to* r>ff * f n*
! piece, and she dippe 1 her l> to* Pi the
quiiic ito loomed it into wcet > .uc an'
when ti*- bi fits cuke, in *llO tm-rr
1 •>■! ii into a fine plum cake entire !v a- ' • ;,<•
‘ ate an. dr-tnk an' aim on light-:,' ,'U.I
j An nix: Tie come to the i irrher’s house.
Will ye lind was for me * ..ays the far
I w ill says die g>vod man.-
Be tis*. says the f arnie|r's wife, for the
clover field beymd is b iti_’V U, the gift! *.
itn'if yo leav; iu the cows he will ki i
you d*-ad.
Never fear, says the good ft 1 ; I don’t
slape at my wurntek.
And be goes out into the field and lags
a big stone rp in the tree, and tiim siuds
ivery cow far nnt in the clover fl Ids, and
gives back ag'in to the tree. And out
comes the giant a roarin’ *0 tint you could
hear the roers of him a mile away; sr,d
when lie finds the row boy, he g, ,-s UD-’.tr
the tree to shake him down, but the g<vd
little son slips out the tug stone, fell
down and broke lhe grant s hea-l iu inf,re
ty. So llie good on wint away to t!,e gi
ant’s house, and it 'win' full to the eaves of
gold and stover and spiendi 1 things !
See wbat fineAuck comes to t*iUs tdrat is
good and honest ! An' fie wint home and
fetched bis old mother, an' they lived rich
and coctimed, and die*! very oi l and ris
Hard Qt ksii j-ss—Difficult An- w ers
YVlkl's de casion of dat big smoke ober
dar ? asued o-e darkey of another as he
saw a dense volume arising from '.be woods
on the South Carolina side of the river,a
few days since,
w Fire, sah ! was the answer.
W‘J B; what’s de casion ol the fire ?
C' ibustfttiun.
yit? frer,, replied the other, crossing bis
Whg*. dar's heap ob tings in dis world da;
no nigger ebber k£tt*wed, or cber wiil know
an we’ll change de subject to water mil
iions —(Savon .aii Advertiser.
fr Ward’* H (oit’s'y ' *r I oung I • **•“
I b a livid' Teftn.. >• the l,,rg*t in *b s ’’
' and filth I** Ums V. H **'”! f>r >•■ ;>'>
! logce. Fftfl MW-'Oil **. (a.mbei 2 '
Brown Cotton Gin Cos,
j. r to
NL'*V LONlxtN t<tXN
Ms- ,f., m,i. ■ : . 1
Km b r*. I/mijJ. and t • : ‘ *i -*ta
eriAir of eve* v ii s iji *u. tor r (j s: -in
'o’er. n. use ’.t,itl> yvais alii huVv a: c t
ifcbt'd rvjHi’t’.on Pr s Iy, —' -to r*,*■
uit,/,eluia.h'. y *•'■ ' to ’• ■ yan■ ■, • **>
I ijr-f J.ria; ,--1 to*-; KicW an. . ?
- t-s. ‘.j i- I—L.U., ’...■ _
any hand 01 01 m- _> 1
; sre :t— t-:. ; s: rrt * '■' i„-n F—* n —--
...Lia* i ttt," ,sed W ' , . '. T I
. by La; ■!, ,M lea.- ..■
■ I e'v.up 7 e,ea: .o oi.O tietter sal: t A
r:.:- • * . • r *-
!. >Y . £ 15.. t ; I. . toftfttoft U.tft Util Nft * ? Y.
* * " ‘‘, * ' . fc *■ c \ t.■ ■■ 'i:j ' - ;.-*■ UUI " 1 -“ "
•ft.lft 6J> V* r ■ U k’‘r ; *t tuTAI t t 5 i*-- k* : s
*‘ A • • :
’• : s' A ' •■'>■ f . * S |
* ■ '■ , - ■' tr \, ' r- f |* r-r—~ r-t • *■!
t .. 1 . ':UA.i JL. ii -■ U . lAUl’h
>% .• ...L t hft J*f U **/■
• rat:*, - 1 uey r ea? * '.a u t*s*r *“-•* • *
>■*•*4 li*. ii t - rft > J* At f t A'- • n 1 !•
. If- * a li*j lU: iCUjtmiiou —•
•’ ■■ A Sj'i hi
1* > ~ ¥;L h M Ma*44l \
r - -r .. i* xi Ut b-rH-H-, W*
Mild, Hfcdltij) Ciimatw.
I*>f4 it'
•VI A JH.K *- .Ki 1 1.1 1 I.UY }.f;-N
M i. • I
;t; • •:
Y ■ <1 nt* * ..
I M to I 1 !M M
■:i i, t ’.A uko mis 1 ..
COTTON run tS,s.
i •.' V -i : ■ •
% • <*’ h<d rt- -\ •' 'V * ’ 4
,* rzr: —■■■ rrr
. t wit, >- ,t I* ~' ■, - "'
—— ~*T * '
*. r. I • •
•• • .
_ T . .j, j. , if-,, tr; •rrr'ii* , i
.tils ■ - ' v ’.l. ”'
-,ai . *l, ii. -til . Uis; ULil.i .YY‘‘L'....
bitt if > Ah*
Ji. 1 HI.'I: Ml A*l 1 it i
-Will, r , I-
WalorB 1 New /’c ue Pianos
• * |
•* . • { ;■ - ■ ■ ’’■ • r ;-i >
• ... **i„ a \ /ft'* I ’ n*-y ■
■-t r-T-W I ’*- ■— - - ■ (■’•—* * ■—* Vtolfin. 'l(>—,t j<l* ‘*i '
"■l--1 a —’it-: —. * -it I’cVi.T —A', r. b 1-Y -
AA N if..* -A ■ 1 ■ • I • > to
is. : •
1 , . . i: •
til >ll I tol.Y\ \ j to- , ' ?- .1
way, bear York it -ft '
s5( • T< > S 1 fij H M >
U*S 1 to*. >iit 1 '■ .- 1 si.. ■- 1 ■ ’l*’i
HOt> f,;V I'leto H-'l'l
‘if .a:, i> , it. - t Ito> - I) Y -> ~ atm
fret i 1 'i itii. :<(. < • > ,
Hanker! li, Ecß WHS 3 .% Y.
Double. Ycur Trade.
: <>r . *r- a* i [to Ci’* ' i’we
t.imia on Japan i . -* a,- f packages,
-CU top can*. !.*• hr bait *.h*.*t —
if st.'-' | rio-s >,„! :,,r ci'*:* at. Tue
Wr. .. - ,EA ' 1 >,; AN 'l >'■. r .
5. Y. F.
The Weekly Bun
to* pugta, 56 br ad c-uuuius, Iro u i..,a t
New 1, .is, post paid, W cts. Addres
A WKEX guaranteed ;*, Jdto
( | an 1 F-ma • Yge*,;* m tl.* : <•
. ars Free I’. O. Yl’/KEiIY & CO,
A goita. Me.
J >jYt'!N ! MANCY, Uif > q;. Cl 01.
I i.,a Bow (other sex may faftci
nate and gain the love and atfW u *n
ny person they cuoise, m-U'.ny. T is
tt a 1 van jfree, by ii, ~ , tor 2-V. ,
together wilt; a M image Gu te. Ecvian
(tora.fle. Dreams, H' Lvi e-.c’, . 1
u*iO sold. A queer tc ot.. Address i
WILLIAM & CO., Pub’*.. Puiladelf.'bia.
r ._ _ . - ... . j _
Landreth's New Crop.
Hi!* Bsgt F.ut-U 'ch, A übei-' > Ae.
Poauraneau-G obe, tojevcc-T >p Tur up
• -VW hnshelß bright dried t*eeied peachcft.
Dark ones not wanted at ail
Please Take Notice
OTOI.EN FK*M MY b j-e ,rr Tuesday
O night the 20th, a deob c harreie I th t
■ gun, king barrel smail fe> e—t ie mbe in
i ’he left i,a0,l barrel burstoed on;. All ier-
I sons ace uereb.v warned ogainat ;r > ling*for
said c'js, and 'he public request'd to keep
j i ahmrp L .k ofU for h *th gun and tnief.
art A. r r<’l* •ft*lHt CWiauMO
‘ ( ) X I , I l pAPMI '
to . > *ft 1 r*'H •**<*' CM uc wo
vat* rarxlt t
■< R KAWri R *ItROMO
[s ja | *av wiki
incr.untno Munfttuw a*i> portaok,
, , im. i uktmrw Awn rorrAo*.
Our Own Fireside
! ~ a ll mu Journal for the K.reside.
fu -t large tioge*. w-th illuatrotioiift.
N in Its Fourth Y rar.
p- •. gi -I iyr facwh*timart
jT4"44Frt.. _ pay jaisragcN '
E’eiy 'utj*aritooir boa choice **f a 1 remium.
Even Faui 'v almul 1 take
Oor Own Fireside
K’ >!< ITtos GOOD to-T'HUEf
Ftosli ITS lltJt.‘>EilOLß NEWS.
Ad our Own Fireside
ITC, YV bisui Sl.. N. Y.
,-jcr N •! -(NX f.H4 YVas-kii -It a
, . li st, win accept the
rr-canvassers m tbia
a, v, _J , . i- none to ti,, advertise
a ~ri, " -,XV ul Inducements to
ft* At fe/vif
Ac !' _ I’ua* „■ ven I, r a
amp lor
Our Ou’ii Fii •■*'>•*
N. : V . ,~N Y ___ __
/ *1 f A '2l’J *> N Tl. It.-*! T> v - M', ■ I
\ j - 1 . f j# 1 HEY YY t.i-1,
I f* j il l LT.
Em igrluqnt-M.. u C"UHI
j-; iX ! r-tb, 1 i, Ul , oti. a,,-1 rrrn' —■
: \J x " \t* it ‘ ’ A . -f. .4 , (*1
A N U tK *c..
AVIA; El i-' Do the bear of H oik.
iW I- ■ ' v.’- ' - :-r- to
Job Type for Amiteurs
i K);- : IT HNi'lliN'J ARTUMJ.n
<j; 1.4' It ! h iH. • A;b
r*;id C44.J* Ini' (toSkfuj hiidl.
A *ift4es V I. Ml*
1 .(* V\ M , N V.
12 Chromos and
"dm Oun Fir<*side v
i- 1 ( *..,: Veal E<* 42 (HI
. ;.... -a:- . jjA E. El. V M-MDErt
■, , , ... , A,I It ! to Eli 1 ,N I ’I ItE.lf
, -tx Aii i i i. Y, f, * Ni M
Ii iff AST ETA U !
1 ii £.A I A Yr-t if '
‘ E ult t>*2 UO Y Y'EAR !
j 1 ~et,vu
, , j oi I At, m
..., a
( , , ' ,’r --f fr-t |l4o-4 m LmAllu
~ T * ■ •■*<•’• ’ I** '
~ . . ~ A!-.ii tin anti
,' id, Mi’iijitc
, 1 •> CM I llj’MU I OCllpV
% • Ait a-r-w,
j .*■_> v*i iit hi., tN 5
Clioi-e Piano Pieces.
! ; • ;~r ! ■ ; ’ ‘j U tth VP
M . ■ .%• A; .*a_
'V-rt - ' '4 \S . ih* V4I
.. , •* * . ’ft ..\\ - IM **i 10
'--j.• ■ . V. M
M. 1 : 'll *- - V, *t jii 51
\ l V\ ft-*?* *V
■ 1 M / rk-k W r.h- f U)
- t i - M . . .. ■ - V-axi-
< r V>
■ ... tt ~r - a’4- VN **r
- vv* • r? •
• , . . ■ t . to• a | tu
v* -*r * • • > f VS nL'i ft'f r*t’
liV * SIM vv \uhL\L
K M 4fi
}' -A ’-T ft.j K O iM*
i fi Uikt i 6+
vj • , a Krk*)
\ * .a A • * i\ *IJ .. *
tr, at \ *Uv' kin .ku
w - ft
M , w
i. , , . ,y -rr, Yiiyiattr .'<>
i -S J- .* *-..- Majrlofth. fit
♦ti.- I,h V, •; • *i MiylaUi. 40
*.\ a :ike..,ii_’ 1 ; ,ie. ikr.fs.—lio-
May.Atl, 40
* '-L* ■ -r ll . - ...(,..... Yl*y lath 40
IST ft A V S*>
■I . ■ firey > ,i.g a.i 1 (.’ti >. Hays 35
I’.,- die Right Mr at ti,e YS'beei
g and ( liars 35
D .ra. D . i.-,g b**ng an ! Cho... .Hays. #5
U-rney Muc-rp l S. and Cho Hays 35
Maid of Avon ~e. ■' -‘m i Cho... .Hays. 3-5
An ,” - my I.'tv*-d Or.* TY,
Night t f> r,g and ( to* . ...Ilsra 35
~ing, Da’ ie- Sing. and him. ita^t. 35
.Vi,, a isi’.i u M Li.: Ir.e : s, to ho. Haya. 35
A- *>e an i if cue to*, and Cru. Hays 35
Jtm-toe. to e>’ -ft ef ol ’.be Di.
riong and Cho... Hays 35
The S-.c i, **,,-(■ on tiit HdL -6
an ! L no ...Hays 35
By the A u.-.r i MOLLIE, DARLING
if. Da; g a. i Cho. Dunks 30
>Y..y \'in 'A'rile to tne,
Ei-to*: r- :,g an-; t ho. ...Dank*. 30
totolto in De;,,;- ,l Sfteet V*,tceca 1*
n.e. to> g *icl Cun Danks 30
By the A rt!. n of SiLVfclS THREADS.
Any of the post-paid, on
recei;,’ i u.arkeif price. P,ecs mark
ed it.L:* uae ptetu-e lit.e [lagcs.
Ad ,r*ai, J L. PETERS
kid B a-lftav, N. YC
I’ >) fpil 5420
J. 11. YVulfL. <it Griffin Go,
Men’*, loiitli , A Boy’s
Clothing at Wholesale^
A ’.T-* Broadway
New York,