Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator.
VOL. 3
by wh t, revile.
at rail ANN I M. m AGVANtTL
time* ,->tk *il of the (Mat Hoaae
Kf> r AAvrriUiug.
fVvse 11 Vk (T wks] 3mo ! ron j l year
l inch MV*; 4 5tH 450 :T
S inches! 1 501 500 650 *"<*! 15 V
8 inches '> (V* - V 00 jlO iV), 15 00 45 (M
i c ..| I 5 OK - 10 00'30.00 35 fart 85 00
♦cU .twls 00 i 25.00 185 00. 00 JjO
l col 110 00 i3O 00 1 85.00 !60 00 1 1100
ty A liberal deduction made to tlios* 1
Advertising by the tnonlh-©r yM.
sheriff w ,\, F V’* r
< LEIiK 8, C A ' J :„ t . l,n V' n
TA X I'OLLKt’ l Ol<* W t* I o*t
.[- i* L. XL Adores
SI UVK\oH ° K M *’ hPW *
It T. C Tui tir, B M. L< en-t,
Jte-e IWtndgu, * MoUvim.
H A Ht-nni. J. A htiMiUv, OiV
Madison RcevetC K. A I tirker,
AH Kreemaii, o*>c.
SENATOR H6ib District, O, E IVvvy.
Obadiah Warner, W, T. Rev ill.
business cards.
JOHN W- I'Altli.
\\ , ; li.e in Meriwether and toe ad
Joining counties.
\ ,-liiitiKK V'ILUU OA
Alt bu*ii.. .- thiardE tiir nrr vUrnd
and t.i pr. nii-rr and tnrthtoUy.
Cttip('nt*'i' B Notice.
Thoms* N Mitcham, <*** (ho Warm
Fmim** Camp Gr mud. U-g* h kvi to infor m
ids blend. and the publie.-tost In* > pre
ps(! to CXefv.te all kbidsol
t ,\I-IM.N i *tli, W OltK
ith neat nr* fii..h and dlspHh'li IV
runagr. ikJlkJßal- Junl*.'!
l‘ it .>!•) rehnt>!r MONI MMtI aL nitii,
#f ■ tin -. n>. t* <tyk -hw;
iri* A .-rut to: Vh<
>)• lNCMn.i' I ,M.- ' R- ! v I.) 5 . M\TtM
-1,1-8. watchman
- =
k >..f is < ' '.I y them B*
1..0W I^l'iCC‘B
-jf,.,,T7f r ttTmiTm is.l k ill *in khivo mob
,/ ;t'*.rr?. (. I’u-i/r- ;nh oil* of cwy 1
'4. ir r (n(iriii rt.-ne |,r ~, ;*\ b* and iifHWDilily
'*StNK OIL m I I ! *MK Kl'lt-
„in jrn 1 iii • ! 0S hH
of N"Vi-n,iKT ' ,; !y U- mM at
Cot. LA con ITH. Agt _
Uni y
UlnriMi of S<;bool Book*
' nl*' rj 'A #*f*ry *\* ■* %r‘+*s* fromi**
Tlw &t)?9 Coßthrtii <yf
II o' id nr' . Holier*. fjr-ana*
HSfV/rj, Veuble’i Wttfc'******' -, o*^gr
iihib** Giktorwto*' LstiaSrk, Ac 4#-.
nor 370 Atlanta, ot.
The BLenneeaw Gazette
v,_ . - -
* Beveled la Rhfiroad n teats, Li’eratnre
Wit and Humor. Kifty < ttu Year
CM HOMO to eray subscriber.
Address K ENJHua A W GA-ZfcT FK,
Sn/t Uj * > -‘ r day •* home
V'J Qa-/U Terms Leu Ad
die*, u. STii**ta> * CO., PortiauU Main
Dr. J. BraiSeld’s
'Wirhbi iug on diip _ M<! t nßes wUwTTliey have I
nol iiecn eslab’ishod, a'so when they have ‘
Ix'vn supm essed from annatnr&l causes, i
Will cure Khcumativin ami Neuralgia of
the Imu'V and womli Will cure Painful
MenvituatltM), aud reiieiv the head, hack
and loins ol ihoae distressmg jniins and
aches. Will eheclr menorrhag!, or ‘c,-ccs
siva flow.' Will cure‘Whites'and falling
f the womb, when it is the result of relax
at on or bad health.
il is as sure a cure in all the above die
rases as (Quinine is in Chills and Fever.
Ladiex can cure tberuselves of all ibc
atnvc diseases without icvealiug their
comjdaiuts to any )>crsi>n, winch .is always
mortifying to their pride and rhodesiy.
Il is recommended and used by (lie bes
physicians in tbelr private practice.
For a history of the above diseases.
Certificates of tts Wonderfh! euros and
dirta'llrma. tiie reader is re'.erred to Uic
wrapper around the bottle, Manufactur
nd and aold by
UKAItKIKLI) * CO. Atlauia, Ua.
BbW by (ill Ortteplata Price (1 50.
Tiie Knot of Blue <! (bill,
P juin my liMN lies .
A knot trf Hire and gray;
You ask me why. Tears fill ray eye*
As low to you i aay r
Warm-hearted, bold aud gay ;
They left my aide—one wore (no blue,
The other wore the gray.
One rode with Stonewall and hi* men
And joined Ida fata to
The oihei followed Bbarinan'a march
Trhmiphaut to the sea ,
Hdh fought lor it hat they deemed the
and with sword In hand ;
One sleeiia amid Virginia's hills,
Aud one in Georgia's sand.
Thesamc sun slilnfß upon their graves
My love unchanged must stay ,
And so u|m>u my (kmhhu lies
The knot oi blue and gray.
Tile Hint
AH--* the treat of the noontide ray
After the oarca ot (be weary day
Finished the duties and toils Of the dav
Cometh the end.
Into the unknown spirit laud,
Over the river by jio.bridge spanned,
CiiMsurg alone the misty slramt,
Bi/'tlmlng the cud.
Only n fiultei aud gasp for blva'.h,
(nty a cross and lily wreath,
Only u sleep the daisies Ircneath,
Nol yet the cud.
( ’•raving the rky with wings ol a dove,
A i lowi of light in tin* icu'mr aijov®,
A dwelling louver where,God i leJVO,
’ Is the Ultsfl'ii cod.
G*- ncrsl AU x muter Hamilton, son ot thl*
Ifrcftt Alexander Hamilton, of A mey lean
history, died at hi* residence in Nhw York
on Monday evening, *Hev a Ion)? and pain
Ini illrnna Mr, fUmlftnn wh* '.son In New
Y-rk uu was-Ffmawjnfn?
ly m hi* nincttcth year at the timii of hi*
death. H< solved In Hid war of 1812, tin
‘ nr.ij< ihi m oorttmand of tl" 1 old Bandy
; I 100 a l it, and tuuk m live jwit in many of
! ter* minSV which an r<: fougb|
jat that lime Alier liic clone of the wsi
i heir m? vhttP.l Ft nnrr, where lit retd del
j for a ktimber of year*. While in Europe
he ilia'll a tour through Bpain, which war
then almost completely In poMesalon ol'tlie
French o"veinment, and wn* present at
the mr-moi itilt- engagement. between Krcrnih
troop* and the Hjianlali anil ISiiglitdi sold let*
iin<li r oointiiand of the I>uke of Wolllng
ti/ii before Bad*j'M. fie returned to New
York In I*l2o, where he continued to reside
with brief intermission* up to the time of
iii* death. At the time of the lamented
duel Iwtwei-n hi* father arid Aaron Burr,
which was /ought at 11 darken In 1004, fire,
late Mr. Ifamiltoo wax attending tcbool.
It< leaver ij , children tabled him, no U>a!
hi* (Kirw-nul effects wifi probably be di
vided aiwcig hi* brother*, of which 'throe
Bdivive him, Joseph Alexander, ag'-d
eighty-eight years, John C, eighty fire, and
Philip, *e ven ty-three.
Who is tub Jiroa Karmeh f—-The best
farmer ii ), who raises the beat tod largest
crops on the smaikwt surface of laod at the
leant fcipensc, and at the same time annual
ly improves hie toil ; who umiy* lands hi*
business and a;tend* to it , whose manure
heap ii ery large and a) way* In,;rearing i
whose coracrib and smoke house are at
home ; who is surrounded by all (he neces
saries and comforts of file ; who studies bU
profession and strives to reach perfection
in it ; who keeps a strict account of his
Outgoes as weil as his incomes, and who
knows how he stands at the end of each
season. Such a farmer, hr nine times out
of ten, wilt succeed, and not only make
farming pleasant hut a profitable occupa
tion. Try it and see how it tt yourseU,
reader —[Parmer’s Vindicator.
A word with you, jby friend. Some
statesman and humanitarian, ahd poet for
aught we know, boa written an admirable
little away on the subject of law—side-walk
law. It is so practical and true that we
give it
Always take the right side. If you do
not, you are a seif convicted greenhorn.
Never, under any circuaisuoces, take to
the left. The universal application of this
simple rule, will save a deal of embarrass
meet which one sees every day, when, two
persona meet, they hob the rame wsy, *toj>,
oob the same wsy agarn, stop, and teen
hsitiy hob into each other. There is no
excuse for such quandaries.
Tom Ore gory's ftidukr
I*l ie m ist impulsive nutn it has ever been
ury lot to know wa* Tom Gregory ll
was always in a hurry; hut some good geni
ns seemed to take care of him, and gel him
out of his d.ilkuliirs as soon as he toll into
Circumstances had conspired to place
him in the very position for which he was,
perhaps least fitted* He was at the hoed
nt ah extensive thin in the East India trade
Here 1-is usual good luck failed him, and
_ltia busmeas career tiatorally proved a short
and inglorious one. "DhooUW' were in
demand ; ho bought up aud aliippod all
: these goods bo could find m the market.
Indigo was rising in.price; he telsgraplmd
to his oorrnapoudenti ip the East to buy,
on hli account, every ounce they could
find Soonitbe ample res*>nrccs of the firm
and its a'moat unltmitod credit, were util
heed hr the utmost One of ttuw pertodt
■ ai commercial cruea choosing this inu
men I<o ooeur, the good old bouse of Ore
gory &Cos was In a jnccarioug |>oetlion,
It, however, aafuly tided over it difficulties
by the judicious management of Us head
_clerk, who made it a coudiliaa, on nla un
dertaking the work, Rial Torn should kocp
in the background
Somewhat humbled and diugusted. Tom _
determined to liave uo more to do with
business, told his inlereat iu the firm, and
withdrew* If ora mercantile pursuits.
Under these clrrumstanctM the most na
tural thing iu the world tor him to do was
to mil in love, and this he accordingly bid.
The coolest and most calculating ol mou,
when thus situated, become comparatively
ardent and impulsive.
Tom, wlio was so by nature, became son
ilivo IBs wooing was, than, a very
short aud basiy one ; and, sniiiewhat pro
maturely, within a week of Ids uiukiug the
iicifUmulouoe oi Miss Nellie Hood, hr a*
rayeil himself to his treat, fttul went jaunti
ly to Victoria Crescent, to olJmi thsl young
lady Ids hand aud fortune.
Nol half an hour after, ho might again
have born aeon "Hiding down Ihe thor
ougli lure, hiv hat thrnvt over Ills face, aud
a guttural look ol disappointment aud do
jcctlon about bis gait aud appearance, lie
had been rejected.
It is easy to understand why, lie went
about the tuattor 100 abruptly, aud with
much more confidence tu bUusuif than was
warranted by the circumstances. A lady
on such an occasion exj>ecU a iuitor to t*u
humble and submissivo. Tom would Ire
bomewhat piquud, It may be, Miss Noltu
answered, “No." Another man would
Uav< Judged from her U.uc she did not
mean It, and har e tiiud a.'.am ; but Tom,
who never weighed and oroagurod things
as other people do, only knew be had been
refused, aud, Iu u fit ol augur, basU y <|utt
tod Urn bouse.
Me Mro'.h- eioifg the iiUcctt,know mg ooL
and taring little, wheru he went, till, tutu
mg u corner, be found bituself button-holed
try an anjualulau" -due of Prone gossip
ing, m undid in "tigering creatures, who scorn
-ftt fintf both ownpafion and aUiUsuinniit in
going alcrut it tailing nciajm oi small talk.
Terns; absorbed In the refusal lit* had so
lately met, had no ear Ur spare lor Uiu trou
bios ol other |oople.
Kit, alteiition wiw, however, at onoo ur
iested when he heard the nauio ol Mis*
flood uieeHoned, which lie did alter a host
ol others hail Urcn poured Into hi* unwil
ling ear*, tpgotUer with the lact* concern
ing them.
Been her latoly t inquired hi* UrrmeuUn.
(hough, after the mariner of Ida kind, pairs
ing for no reply. J used to iauey you were
the. favorite In that 'puttier, hut 1 under
stand now that there is a cousin to whom
he i* to be married Have you met him
in your vrgiLa to Victoria {..'reaecnt f Why,
II there hu/t Burith over the way I Good
morning 1 and ho was gone.
Tom, left to pursue Ida way, if pondlrlc,
more wretched and angiy than before, lie
hod heard something ol lb I* antipodean re
lative already, though he never met him,
and at once assumed the troth ol the report
he had Just heard.
Tearing along the street*, he, by and by,
found himteli opposite a blank wall or
rather a wall that wa* anything but blank,
being covered with porkers of every size,
color, and subject.
BWnehow or other, hts glance rested jmr
ticularly on one, setting torts that the good
ship liereule* was to sail lot (Jneensiarid ;
with other particulars, to prove this was
the beat ol all place* to go to, and ahe af
lorded the readiueas conceivable means oi
getting there s>
Why be should there and them deter
mine to expat-date him seif by going lo
(Joeeoaland, •. can't pretend to explain,
lie would, be a rash inan, indeed, wiio
should atterop to justify the desjierate
resolves rejecte*J lovers determine to carry
•iut, or even the much lese desperate things
they actually do.
However, the idea may have suggested
itself to him, or whatever object be meant
to serve by it certain it is, Tom, while gaz
ing on the porter, made up hi* mhid to sail
in the Bernik*., and, with tils usual wrong
beadedue**, persisted, despite the advice of
hi* lrkad*, in doing so—lo a cerium ex
Two day* after, lire vessel woe being
towed down the Frith by a funny little tug
Torn was on board. He, by giving a friend
rjxrit bi/irtsM to arrange all affair* be
might leave unsettled, had contrived to get
away thus promptly Ir ietd, the chances
that ir the \ cssri's sailing had been
-firTTiw gff wlipn he fir t saw the mnnnnicc
mcaf 1 . be might t*ave changed his nrtnd
As it wag, kmi Us.l lHU*y do+tog—thr
sin>i t time he Intd to make airangemunls to
anytliiug else.
Now he was shipped, he, could give alii
tie e<Hjsiderali.>u to Ida prospects, tlu bad
.v faint suspicion he was befisding himself,
yet be felt he could not withdraw from his
determination when once made, aud that
hail ho O'A come to it wflieu tin did, be
would b ive alian loncl iho voyage alto
Feuitoir rather unhappy, be went below,
and endeavored to revive bis drooping spir
it w;lli a little grog, Billing opposite him
was a gentleman whose acquaintance ho
had recently made. This was a big, bu
whiskered individual, showily dressed, and
whose maimers were equally iutrusivo.
One of his peculiarities was to talk ol
himself aud CT bis affair*. He Informed
Tom .hnt ba-wag a culoßlst of nmny fe*rt
staiining, Udd him the extent ot bU “ruu,”
tbs munbor of sheep ho iKWwesacd, and tbu
valu4 .and tire wlrle in money. This inter
eating subject exhausted, ho, by way ol
clraugo, applied bimssdf to llodliig out wbat
1m rtSuld about tin: benpmrong emigrant.
The latter was t<si dow uhearted lu resent
his nalgliboFs ilirpiisllivcnoss ; irnd grad
unity bo let out that be wait not going out
to Quucnlian.l lot th purpose ot mi .iug
money, tidr Willi any n|K*cif!o,l : in
vitiw, lie bad met with a dlsapiaiiuttnenl,
and so on, till Urn truth was evident us the
most otraigbtfoi ward explanation could
have made it
The big colonist whistled quietly to him
seif for a Utile, and theu began, Il’s curtoua
how differently people fake tliinga. You
wouldu’t imagine 1 had I wen rejected, also,
within the last day or two, would you? It’s
a tncl. lin mgh. 1 came over tu tuc old
country as much lor the putpoee oi gelling
a wife a* for an * irthcr reason, 1 stippos:
It would have boon easy enough, only
soiueltow 1 didn't seem to faney„ any ouc
but Ooueto Ncllbi, and lic wouldn't Intvc
me. Why, what's thn matter I
Tom's llstlesii attitude hud changed all ol
a sudden.
Year Cousin FfelHu, did you my f May
—may I Mk her iiaiuu and address V
Certainly. Hood, 10, Vic
Torn had gone before lie could wiy more.
H# Hew up the compipilon-Juddur and
across Uiu dock, Not a moment too soon.
The towing-rope had boon thrown oil, aud
the tug was tying alongside to receive un>
h(loin or strsggluM to bo scut a*horo.
The crew and passenger* stared, a*Tom,
iiutless r, id eiOlUftL rushed along,aud hull
ud tbs Mfe,:.. f:
T'lis captain stsppod forward.
Whatdeyou wauf, sfr f Ld me warn
yi)u, If yotl, t! yo.J Ic.tec lliu i-liip you will
f.Ulnlt your pumtagn money, i'll not delay
a minute lor living inun !
: . U-tfbcf tbepaaecgc trxinny t raud Tout;
I. t uit- gut dear ol tier*, and you can keep
it t ~
They eent him down the ship's side. He
was pulled actoss to the tip', iolionud by
the fttiVtonrund wondering gum oi tliow
on hoard, tin colonist sifcrcg them, won
<)fiug m<mt ol all, while hi* luggage was
lelt to jH-rlorm n wholly unucceasury voy
age round the wo’-ld
Fafii orce more on dry land, Tom made
lor Miss Hood. He lotmd her not un willing
to tueall Ii it pievious answer, und evoiy
jliiug was explained in the most suiisiaclo
ry inuncer.
Tom Is said to lx; lose lias'y now than
be used to be, un<* lias profiled by ills niii>
take. /
OoiiMEitßir Him at Bast. A Georgia
miller,in a recent conversation with one ol
our grain buyers. Incidentally remarked
thiil.denier* !u lila section wouldn’t need
suy ol our corn tills year.
Well, we have raised It for you, replied
the Fayetteville merchant, und you are
hound to 'al.e if.
Wo, w ore Indcjmiident now—Georgia
will have enough corn of her own, retorted
the mdler
Weil, we'il teed it to hog* ami sell you
the meal.
We are safe there too, continued Die
miller, our people will furnish their own
M'Abiug daunted, our Fayetteville friend
discharged his Pailliia'i shall:
Wed, we’li make our corn mto whisky,
and you can't got around buying that.
Georgia admitted that he had him there.
—[Fayetteville Express.
. ■■ ■ ■ l i
A boy "t five years wo* ‘playing railroad'
will) his sister ol three and a hail, lira wing
her upon a footstool, ire imagined himscll
both the engine anJ conductor. After tut
itatiog the pulling noise of the steam, he
etopped and cubed out New York, and, in
a moment after, Paterson, and then PmU
delphia. His knowledge ol towns was
now exhaust'd, and Ure next place he cried
.‘Heaven.’ ilia little sivter said caguiiy,
‘Top, 1 dcs I'll del out here.'
It i* a melancholy sight ot Die uni vernal i
-with wbicu Americans seem to be lor
sakfrig farm work, that, even in a period
when the dul.'ue** ot manufactures uni
trade leaves thousand* unemployed, ti JC
farmers find tl hard to get sufficient help.
The complaint is geueksl in all p H rt* of tl e I
coantiy that <uSk etfrntJp cannot be oh
tained lo handle tlie crop* with.
Patience and time run through the lon
gest day
I'lciisiiig ii lliislniiirl.
tine day. as Ztclifkrmli 1 (o.lgHon wav go
leg to tils daily avocations alter.„braJciaiL.
Tic purchased a fine, large codfish and sCnt
it home with directions to bis wile to have
ii cooked tor dituief. As no pr.rticulsr
kind of ( OoftViigNwas prescribed, the good
woman well know tha!, whether slretTfoilod
it or made it tip into chowder Her husband
would scold her when lie came home. But
she resolved to please phitn If possible,
and cooked portions of il m several
cut styles, end with some difficulty pro
cured au amphibious animat from the
brook and plumixhl il into the i>ot. Iu due
time Urn husband came home B*imo coy
ered dishes were placed on the talilo, and
with 'a frowning, lanlt tiuding, look, tiie
man commenced the conversation. Well,
wife, did you get the fish I bought T
Yet, husband.
__ 1 should like to know how you cooked
it. I’ll bot anything you spoiled ft for ray
Mllng. (Takesoff'thecover) t thought
so. What in creation |N>sessed you ot fry
Ilf 1 would as lief eat a baiicdjlrog.
Why, husband, thouglit you lilted it best
You dld’ll think any finch thing ; you
knew tauter. I never liked fried fish.
Why didn't you laiii it f How stupid I
Why, Z tchariah, tlio last time we had
fresh flh, you know* I boiled it and you
said you likud it best tried But l hnvc
some boiled also. So saying slut lilted Un
cover ami lo I llto shoulder* ol a,'boiled cod
were dC|H>sit(sl in u dish a sight t*l which
would make an epicure rejoice, but which
only added to Iho tit nature ol her bus
A pretty dish, this I exclaimed lie, boiled
fish 1 chip* aud |iorrldgc 1 H you imdii’l
been one ol the most stupid of womankind,
you would have made It into chowder I
Ilia pstlmil wile, with a smile, iinme
dlately placed a tufeeu bclors him contain
lug au .excellent chowder.—My dear said
she, I was resolved to please you. There
t* your favorite dim.
Favorite dish, Indeed I 1 dare say it is a
very palatable, wlsliy washy mesa; I would
rather have u boiled frog timirtbO whole of
This WjVt ft Common expression of Ids
and hud been uuiicipated by his wife, who
as soon as the preference was exprtai ed,
uncovered a large dish near her husband,
aud there was a bullfrog of pretuntious
pugnacious iispects Htictchud out at full
teugib. Zichariuli sprang from his cliair,
not a.RUIu IrlgbluneJ at the unexpected
My dear, said ids wife, lu a kind entreat
ing lone, I hope you will st length b able
tomiiiara dinner.
' Z lcluunih could not Wand tblfl.- Hr*
surly mood was fluuily overcome and lie
hunt into ii hearty laugh.
Hu acknowledged Dial hla wifu wuSright
and lie was wroup, am) duelurud hlioshould
rn-V'-r again have occasion to read him such
a lusaoii, and lio was a* good a* hi* wuid
A Hinitri Moy, /
A lrtcnd or our* ha" two bright little hot*
Freddy, between Uir'ie and lour yuats
■ old, and Willie, abtmt five. A chronica;
ol ilu ii doing and saying would fill a vol
time hut two *|ieciiuen* must sullluo ; ,
il ith were very loud ol milk, ami u mug
ol it always completed thulr siip|>or. It no
chanced that they one day Daw the gill
There, Willie, uld Freddy, you see Dial,
do you V I don’t waul any more milk alter
the cow’s had It f and he withdrew very
murdi disgusted, ami sullured for waul ot
his supper,
That evening, when their ruuß* of milk
were placed on the table, bulb stood un
touched. A reason lor tins phenomenon
being asked fur,.. Freddy simply deClareu
that he didn’t wuut any milk aller Die cow
had bad it, hut further lel used to explain.
Willie, however, tdkl ol the discovery , ol
tbn morning.
'1 lie mother then explained Pi them Dial
Die milk did not come Pi them second
hand; that the cow ale grans, w hich was
changed Into milk by a wonderful cbemi
cal process, akin Pi that which produced
eveiytiiing in natuic. In the light ol
tills explanation Wiliie was satirfied, but
Freddy still turned up hi* nose at Die tuiik
slickglu P> the original proposition.
After supjier, Willie, who, on these im -
portant occasions, always acted as erpotiu
der, took hi* brother aside into a corner.
It's all right, Freddy, ho said, and you
can just go on drinking your milk again
The cow eats grit.s, and ‘.hat's whut make-*
it. Now, If the cow didn't cat the grans,
you'd have to, you see. That's wl at the
cow'a lor,
Freddy resumed hts evening dffcoghtk.
To his unud the only altmnative was eat
ing grass, and from that he shrank.
kbe Wouldn't L'nder *(•■!
A Young bachelor, in Connecticut, who
liad once been appointed siicriii, was call
ed ujmiu to serve an stlachuieut against a
b'.aiitilul widow. lbs according)y called
upon her at'her rrssideiiec and ould, Madam
h .ve an a'tkchtncut for you. The widow
biuxhcd, and -said tti and hi* allaeiuneut was
Bcipiocalerl. Yon don’t umleistand me •
you tun'd proceed Pr couit I know it !•
ieap year, but I picler yon to do ttir court
ing. M-*. Fierce, lint ii u Ume ’or tti*
r*g ■ ... j jjttvji.. wu.’.i.g. lun J tatieu I
W ny, I prelci a parson f
One hour’s sleep before midnight is wolth
twe oJtet.
' : Si
—— BAGS, BWr _
TXT It. Til Kpni.'.rii.iiia. a.iuM iniiounco. lu
“ Uile. us ol Hi., inly ol Atlanta an.l vtclu
that from aim until tbo Ititbol Wanli. ur ter
iii xt ll ily, until wit coiuinono* Rotltug In our
Ni-w Hprlug Itt'M-kqif au<t Hata.Trnuk*
Umbrella*, amt t'arin,t-Hu. e >'U oflbr our
liroauul stock, conatstlug of ltoota, Hboa*, flats
and Umbrella*, al cost, to unka room for our Now
M|irtui( HUmk that w iwoiwao to pot Ibt* Hgrliis
Alt porsou* udsbtiiu n good boot, olios or sailor
would do wall to oall at No. TO Wbltshatl Street,
at I bn
Grangors New Oaih,
Hoot, Hboo and Hal More. L U firtokb .ua* A Cos.
Wo nnar*nluo V> aoll*. *hOu* aud bata. ala
lower price tlumlhiiiltar nrlMua call Ihi bought In
111* olty oFAUanU. Ikkits aud altoos mwloof
.Leather ;
i.nlthor paper or alioddy aboca aold bars. I’lasa
give uaauolt and oaudus our *tocli of Booia,
Hluaw and llaU, and wc promt** that If wo ploaaa
yon In style and .piallty, wc oati In price, *a we are
dclornilnud to eollgooila, aid wo hope tkW. tire
cltlaona of Sferlwolher will lavkr wii Wfflit <*II, at
No, TO Whitebait Street, Atlanta Cl*., at dm (Iran
gore' Now l!aab Tlool akd Hli'k Pt We.
GEORGIA Meriwether Uounty.
Thirty tlayn idler date, n the 1,1 Mon
day m ceplembef uext, I will apply fo ”***
hnnorable cti'irl of Ordinal y, in sml tor
said county, lor leave to sell the land un
hinging In tbu minors and orplwmit/f FWe
man H. McClendon, deed., vl*: Allcl! A.
McClendon, lent Dora MeClemtou snd,
Marlon M MetJlendon. Ttd* August %i
IBftj, (fßi) Mary EL McClimdou,Oudr
Ordinary's Ofßoo.
GKOROIA Mcriwetiier County.
Thirty day* after dsto. "t U find Mon
day In Heplemlier■ next, wo will apply lo
iho hoiioraWo court ol Ordintßv in and lor
aidil eouuty ,or leave to null all the lands
belonging to die ndaleol Husnu Monlgom
goinory, deed. This A'local 21 1H75-
AjfttO HGIA McrlwttUer Courtiyt
Thirty day* aflor date, on (ho first Mon
day 111 Bejitonibcr next, 1 will apply to tho
honorable court ol Ordinary lu Slid lor
wild county lor leave to sell' *U tbo lands
to (Tin or Jouii WlIiKiU,
deed. Tills Augimt ?.d 1675. ,
- " " ‘
Sheriff Sale.
OKOIIGIA Murlwoll.or County.
WILL UK sold before tl’io dourt Houmi
door In llm town of Greenville of
Niil'l county whldn Uie legal boors of salo,
m. the llrat Tuesday In Beptemlior next,
the iollMwing lands, U> wit; lzot No. 45.
tv in lain ing 20J* a*;ri more or !<** ; also soil
ol lot No. 44, lying on the west side of
-Pig's'll creek ; also Dial |tart ol lot No. 53
rutilling down Pigeon creek Ur the moutli
of Chalybeate Bpring* branch, nud up said
branch pi the original line ; also all ol lot
No. M, with Hie exception of 50 acres re
■a-rveil iroui said lot by the late John Kol -
lins, and on which the said Hollins rtalded
at the lime ol his death. AD of said lots
and pkrt* ot lot* situate, lying and being
m Hie Ist < I tali let ol originally Troup now
Meriwether county, and embracing id the
aggregate 4114 actus mine or lees, the some
constituting a part of that properly known
as the Cbidybefttc HpHug*. Upon said
land* arc situated the O'h alybeato Hprlngs
with all their Valuable Improvements. —
Levied on to satisfy two fi las Issued Horn
Upton Hupc-rior Couit, troth against Joseph
Allen us AdmiuistraPrr of l*sac Cheney,
deed., the oidJ in favor of J. M. Ma'hewa,
the other in lavor ol K. 11. Worroll a*Ad
niinislrator of Johu U, Kendall, deed., as
well ue other tl las ia my bauds against
said Hell Property pointed out by l’lfl*.,
und notice given Ur tenants in |>obe**ion.
uGt<i#H4* W. It. FA VEH, B. M G.
P ' t '
The Thirty-fourth Annual Bos-ion ojiene
Uie 35ui ol Augur.t, with the old corps of
clgbl thorough use hers.
len l’lciiiionis for txiollcncc ir Music,
Painting ami Ifraw ing were awarded uu
pil* ol tins college at Ua. Btale Fair within
the last tour year*.
Board, wan washing, lights'and fuel, |s-f'
annum H. Tuiiftua f <(i4f Kui
ifldn u-i 1. K. I # rsn. .. —.
I/axwin Q-. Jonetr,
„ ■
Whit* Win* Vou.-f*r, Cider Viuegsr and Swop
Chur. But •uudard goudr uul ~wl |ila*'
FUAjai!oJ (
NO 36