Newspaper Page Text
- - , - ; ; • ■
The Meriwether County Vindicator.
- t ~~ — a : i a i . ..: _
vr n- ieTi9n ktkrt fkiiht,
■" ft|li i -r-Trfri *>. ■ r>! the Otari House
<*f MvntWfft-
Hi db t wlltfV* 3mo 6
; if**, I 1 Oft* IF.W 4 M 7 ftO* 12 U
? he-.', T 7&1 aoo *j 50' lllixl , r > <*'
ii,M i k ft) < s* l ifl.uwj 4 a no' y> 08
TtM ;r le t*) * samu sado. a<*
Iv'oT !~O*IS t> S'rtxi hi
in 1 19 00 i2O 00 35.00 :COoo’ #1 00
tW“ ADbFrat deduction m ade to tin -
by the inoPUi < r year.
iHM Vt¥ J - W Hanoi. *
mvmrl? .... . rrrr ...w. w.Tkv < r
I LKtfK ", V A. J. Hinton.
Tfsi ttJECKIV Eli W. F. H heeWs*
'l AS u' MCl’VOit • vv T>st
TTA ftFU I- M Adams
M UVt4<wK* o F .Mathew*
t UNIS (DM M US".-t >N K Its.
R 1.1 ■ ‘'l s. k> r, TT rTu vTTrtX,
Jwi‘ lUrtri, lu. K M McCmHn*
If. A H ri. .T A. FiinouKJPrCTk
DoAtiD Of KiHn 1 AT ION.
j W Far*, V\ . J. Bai tW*,
>id*> u Kc* *N“ It. A Fatter,
A 11. Freeman, Nc.
hE2iA r *if Htjth-Dmtrn'U S- tr t-Vwvy
ObadUl. Warner, T. Hevill.
j, —j. . a *..- ■■:■■ *p# —, ;<gg $ —
i nii in
v.% fl'CllNKl AT I.AVY.
J\ HA K, tin
Vs FJ prsutt-toe iu Mef!Aelhci am. the
joining .■.uallln,
. *Jfi KOK i Vi. \v V,
Ar Law, .
- .Imukkv.k i*. *
- YT^Tj: s^i. %t \ n ,
A ll,>hN VA t I.A V
UuKhNVII.Uc, Ua..
AIT btisihw• V'iTli t Led to l, • . -tie ilium:
<?J to pi on t y nß<l U> thtn iy
T turn a** N It it* ham. i■ * the .\..
J-IH .life i '*(ii>'4lM J Hit. <'!• ; .V 'oil:'
JmHHI ! ' 1 -C Rl-h.
Ofi'X.A 1. e* ■•■■■■ |C ah h Odijot
w ' 4 AlJMiNTfcifS WORIi
u .i 1* lldial)
t aua-'L- artuiit* t. J M "IS
tn WQXKS iiTOXJkMV. it
?*it **!< r<*lMie MOMt’M KNTAL mm,
t ni:i* rov t- i < i)(K
ki'm a-- *.' <■ - '-• _ ■ _
% { 7ml *’f r irno \:< *-vt~i.v, /fi it
LK H. WAd 1 l’l M >■
5- *—-- frmd __^zrz^zzrrz:
aOGJ± & 1 a VIIS
U' ' ' '• • ' § “
tn<t im I 1 1 (i *t
IrfVw lAiiers
MlWHl*' 1 ". w"l' 1 • wen 1 inflf)
.-■ fs J*,A*i*rN Al;l,i 'I KHMn
J'**'”* ** •)
rV.e.tptTim ( , 'in* |.f M.;. M, mill |l n
•LAMI" 5 **s f. \MP ronli- XAHO
OH, anil FVH
op hand arol until tin firal
B,irtM of School-Book*
h' v '
“CfcvctMetor? pswjjbraAiks* ,rww>
Ttur lOi Cmi. lata- of
ki ahnim' Xp*.l<r-, '<ra®nw
It!"tor/. YosttdeT lUHwbolk . li.rj'i Lkfo
),.-•*. GliAflaU.LM:riv*, Ac. Ac.
I'MVitell Y YT W, CO.,
UhliTri) .U
The Eeiuiesaw Gazette
A WOMUCY PAFKit, Kt-lil.lrHJill AT
lAVottsJ l# Ritp*4 rife***, Literature
n . J M5<) iiusuifi. .Fiiiy < tan iwsr Year
OHLajiK# !•/ rv y sut/criber.
Addre M.N*TKftAW GAZKTf K,, Ua.
/)/ | IV day at home
f iP'-e 'J Terms free. Ad
Oita* G. fcTIIsCOA (k CO., Fult-Alid Marti
a *>■ cii i L
Dr. J. Bradfield’s
Will briog on the Menses w hen they have
■>fo setr vtso Then They have
u< t n *npnesse<! lrotn untiaiuya!
vsrrn cure intu -NV*v .*<-
■ h ami womk Will run. / l‘ , aiht\o
Hmstroatlrtn. snJ relie\-<* the hja:f, l,a, k
.ml loins i'l those distressing psiits iin !
:.ehes, Wnl (itrqlt misunnhaei {lJca<'< <-
-i vi- SmU —WtH cure SVtrites* snrl taVti! j"
t Urn ii >uib, when it, it ihc lesuit al reinv
>t ; in >r hail hei’th.
1; is s sure rare in n!! the above ilis-’
ease* as cj-iieimiis In OhiHi end Fever.
L,vla > v*n cult UKHsivi oj all U>e
Mbofo" diseases wiiliout it vealinß theif
e *Ai; laints !ti any ru r-'ii, wbieh is at way 4
mortityiug tov their pride and modesty,
It is reeotninendeti and used U” Uio‘bes
el.isH ians in llu-ie pi :va‘e pvar iee, ■ n -i
F.u a history W the sle.vv diseases,
cert, beat rs ot its' out os alul
dirttlioMA Ui reader is o-'ernd to the
wrapper around the botUa MafiuTaetw
cd and aolit liy
RKAliFlVlirD ,V- CO, Atlanta, On.
SoM t>> all DnivgUt*.
UHh' ltuiup
lm tiiv\l to death of beeping stilt.
And being gixKi ail day :
1 |iMw at) iwaißtUa'a company
PiirgiH to gu away.
And lti Uu'ir Umgmai go slow,
Hut limy must mih tortvi-r tirst,
They nuuusl always do.
t heard Toni culling in ineguce,
lle s iaunebeil his liont. I know ;
1 wanted to go and t.o.p,- —
Hu. mainiMa'i i v* awi.) no. '
I 'V\iv Ntdtrs f:itK*auA*"atalf tn'irte.
It make* me sieji pi Jo at
IU w boauumlyoui liaii emii ! or,
'A..v led yu.,i i heeks are, dual t
| I’d ten times rather run a race,
■ -fiuwt itny niy ttitics an l things !
i 1 woiihtti’i eWap ii)r dogs ami tmlls
Fni fi.ity itiannyiid rings,
: 1 Ve got no Inieim nl, nuiiiy any a,
1 intetrlu knows tilolh-si ,
; I toil rI < <ai 14U<;. In tylimb II line
u.m; :
b-Hrhrtvrr like hrrrti -:v says,
'S.yi cl ri Irtr running wild,’
‘ Aml Mittfera : li., fC. a hi'i liekd,
Alul im';.. im. 'I,, n-i .. 1 . a *44.-1'-
* t i. wa i a ben iifinp aim ii*.q- -
i '-ii iulu a iiij mum is >y
i ..a.I 'em .*4 im i. .|r* ad!**, day,
I j .r-TTe.g dj aJi.’y.'
* <#">.!) Ulitl So'lloiMiM.
M f 1 nf to iti<rruw,
Ut¥* mo ibr niiui Hlio'tirtny
I tfni wlm o h j ikhl !< ‘it’s to h.* done
‘iitl ti u lla deed lo vl?i^’
VVr limy nil UlO
II Hint iKfVc-i wall ;
Hut U'JH'llllilltT IN t tl<
Ui n |ait U)4t CvOiß 'H ItH) Info
D m't fiil ri>* of t#* riw'-’W,
Ii ill i' ’ * U .1 to *1 > iny
I .iii n 4 Vi i ijr* in 1 ifinrf'i. liM
ll titruw Ur? iu uTi v. WEy.
_Lvc*i) Mo.ntL’lil iiiia. iU diiU t
\\ tio lb; lulUlU dll liOi'Uill f
i urn wtry-put *Tf~tilt to -morrow
V\ Rhl u# day can vlo 1. 1 *uii I
Don’t U'll flic* of to lUOftOW,
ir- -Ww* tr*n 4 fftoi
|i4W IHMC I* Uidl *i! U> 4*
\> | V liOOol i i' Mi itftMt \
| 4>4ny jV f~ btiii ;Tc.|i
)•’ 1 ii) an * it rU ;
I v 4c*iv<r* Mil W- k*ntr * j*Ui t
A P7~ffnir-Jf? rOrO* hW
’I !.r Vl - ;* m. 1< p bjnan 1 i llk ol u lo
. jjj ,u oi liglitvltiiii AkMT'fou
I , .‘Hia-1* Mmols* idft-rtmirti 1* !>*“\y jitih ftn(J
'thornier 1-1(71 m [m i.kJ oVct 'ln city. It
1 win nt short duration, tioweVer. A cur
jr*nt of li* c'ntrfc fluid stiiiCK a wild
.urosl tie* ( Ujo residence of Mr Jwtih
Drake-, a policeman, b'i*l haltered it l l *
|jiirm if*- U'uity, < omi-nug l liilwll*
and • ntgu to*- in ", an ' * liltl* daughter "I
vl* | ri, '° r*** WtM honin'*t the time;
■ rtir door* and window* *.f the hoiiM; wen
I Hi tin- nitrify Ift It)'* Cnt room;
I tli roc of Ike f.b Jilreu were swing on the
j flow algsrt midway, and ,Mm U. ami Urn
1 elder cl(I*J wen Madding about umt or leu
loM from tli*' oUMut- The ebcirio Hub]
j crude*! tiic 110114114* and prvnlrwtod H' cu
j tlywgrottp, doing It* work too swiftly to
g!c them lli<) ahghlsH* warning <4 it* corn
"IK On returning to eutmciuUMi'it*, Mr*
Drake- w* nt to look alter the children, and
l'iuu‘l them lying oc li*t P'ut'm an unt'iri
*cS*>u* ri*'**, O.ougb not at.fl ring Iroui uny
pain. The murk ul the lightning it api a
rent b Uukc of the ctilUleh. On the ejifue
and LiuwU* uf the ymingeirt 1t the imprtt
aic*a of the tree * plainly a*|i U ha*i hceu
brundud. On tli iegt ol another 1 blhl was
a like lmpreai**n ol ihe tm*’, rmrl oil* tide
ul Mr*, iip'iton'a chi and Wat imprtmed tile
tree, and it the other the print ul it tine
that wa in hunt of the window. Mia
Ijrake *n badly etunnei}, and <ui of her
children o terribly shock*.-'! a* U) (.ause; a
•sfcTcr*; rev* r, ff'iiii whuh he ut aUh Duller
lug. A tl*4( fliut wa-i under lilt; ho*i**e a) i
rbe tlin, wa ;s?ta£iiiy kiijed. Mr jirake
v*aa on [*rher duty at the fjn.e When }hi*
‘ad ii.tellnwtn.e u Comtitufifotlad to lilm.
I Ik age* ol ibo nfiodren- afe rtapeefitety,
*.<, nine ire i.tiis old, an<blier %-,x yean*.,
ann her 1 ",*■, an/I the oUrer twelve year*, j
Mr. ii:irt si, ta o.'d i/a at.*or, who is
very much alworbud in pi/iilies, visited tbe
widow Graham the other day, just after 1
reading Giant's letter, aid askei her wfial
*be thought ol a third term. .Now the wid
ow i.a been twice married, and to response
id i at qncaui/n she made * rush tor tbe as
tounded Mr. D*h eb end takiifg l>im tight
ly in her arms. exclaimed, *'o. you dear,
dear man! What abaft; y woman I an.!"*
At laxl accounts Mr. ilii veils bad locked
him self it, La wdod be,#*. and was trying
to exp'.an Uj tbe * kfcm Uiroogb tbe key
| fFrom Merristown O.ttette ]
Old Time* iu lkni Teimmoel "
In converaaliau a law .layw aioce nm l.
old ami well |ip own ciuatn of this coulyty,
oe nsjatad the tottaiVUig biuglUv <&§& h
stance, nmoi'gat other temi"iscine of li if,
—~ 'TT'.""’
Many years ago, pulpyp*. |orty, a Mf.
AteqarU the fulliei oj C. C. Slew arl, n lif >,
roe'eoUy diyd iu th;a lowu, wus kilWd iu ie
.’.TnnjJlty la hu iiiau eoijuiy J>y a mao
tunned VViltiaiua. WiUUuia ivua nnealeu
cU.I iuipriaopcd at UugoraVi m. it U“jp||
ticlore ihu days ol railroad*, uncuy largf
Uatus weie employed iu Ur.uiuig good!
lioiii lUUiuioie lo llus couulry. r>mue i4<
U;C le.unsuaa au liieir way eneauija'd Idi
Uiq login r.roitnd the jail in Hogeisvaliu. If
ivua l Sj*y 6*..i pfeviouiv agreed W
ui'.emw Wllnmua. At auy luW, lucy did ad
in Hiia wise ; o f
I'iiey attacked their tilth ciiiiipa ty tiny
jail .tool, and lliell hitched Un it large luaiini
to it and pulled the dope dowu. Tue pria
went 'A cat, lo Atkaiiaaa. Iu that buila he
sioppej at u liouMt Ui get lodging lor the
night. At lit at the lady oi urn tioiiuo ru
tisc.i in enter lain him, giving aa & JuMOti
that her liusbapd was aluiuutauci would uS
be at home that night, and Dial the loll’aa,
yuinatuial d|cal and amiee >U tear atll foUKd |
fug' her. wfuiain* iuiaied ihat that war
an addilieual reason why she should lot
him stay at! night, that ho would netyoa* •
probe lor, atyd it mcossaiy Uio iu hyt
f'oiiei Siie huaily couavulod to let him
rcunun, and dining the evening VViiiiauui
leurndd ltom the lady that her husband
was the Hiicii!} of the county, and had
"Fveral thuusand dotiarg ol the county
imiuey tlii'il iu tin'hdiise Ltnig tiXlnt the
inmates had retired to their heda WeCO I
arosed by loud knocking on tin hunt doe>r,
and deft.ntiits uj>6n the, Hhcritl s w ile that
siie the In ney, ol they would do
ni.'ltsli the door nlid take il by Ibree. V\ >|.|
U.tnta Wlls lliHhd',; liy kin' illjrv pi;* Util noise
and cuuie pr.rfnjit’.y to me woiimo's n-.iia*
taiieie H#!rtg Violl ariried, ho gavo )u i a
piswt, showing trrr boa to tl.e il, übd hiid
-htW-tirwiaml lIF IritttT 'dibit down 'tire?
' -*llll.lll wli **ntcrod the door, .Soon Uic
nHr tv**a i'li/.t'if <ijm'U aiu! iwu mull . tu* u-.i
ill 'I Ul’ w* mail ilihi’iiiugi.d le t WuitlHll)
frt +hrr ul the first lino, and VV illiam*
flrril ft ml Ulliotl the Second. A iililii AmituiJ
iii run * iff, l*lit another ftliotflum \VillUlh9
put him W diutli. Whoa wetc oh
tallied and tho liudleß examined, the hoiri
h|e (set WRI rcTClttt and UUU Ulc wouutu litpi
anted her own lnrtianj and Wilinuiw lad
ktl cd his two ueouii.pUecn, It was tiitiui tho husbiuid, to sccurr jirivate.
floh ul th* *-* tudy *•*--' j 1 */**" ttiiiuei luft*
t!, uthl l.dd I* Joan to 1 oh (,-iirtu.!f and keep
tile luuiiey, lie 101 l his* house to eaeoun
thiTiiTiuc tv ahum littiiigTiTawifu iiito the
*M-c*e*t, hut doubting that tnc tuhhcry orate
he easily ii*l auereanlully ;ief|u.tu*tcj with
ihe u hlleii<; ul hi* 1 utflail uM**ciitU!K. I ii■
tel 11 bio tinge.dv, and 'tho pftit situ cn acted
hi It, iioployed u|anuliie umtj ol the wo
man Inal he Iwclme.diawiigad. -*nm aIU-t,.
Willimns, it U aulil, was uii*t;wutU Uunuill
iiiurdeital mi If ai tlrer lVxai
Mr Vimi)* * (Noidhutl, vvlei recent!y visl
t*.l n.iiH, t Kalla#., pan- ommnthdetited ip
The New Yor k I lei ah! the iMiult <>t bia
l.tami vutluiMh Aheaig MuW laeti* he dia
111 V< ml that 'th*' btato debt liofoio the w;u
snub lUioul * igbt and a bah mlltione, which
war: ii>r:r* a.** I iluiiag ttat war by fI.TJH,
(Ski Jot Into (ml jyiiiAU*VtluenU, the'" debt
t ootra* HsU lew the war being ul com re hi
aUd. JLlut wklk Ul' htaui deld
was Ihua Jewel than t it ia now
nearly <WO,OdO,tW. Vi Una.laige uiuonut
(lif.OUOfOOU Was tlicioHal during the yuuri,
ItKid |* ! IN7O, the It* pttbin an ruler* ia* alng
b*iuila lor railroad tud otbei Jn
reality, howiver, the giiater part ol iht
•urn wan w ualed </t emU/altaJ.' Noitli
Uarbiiua i* now ,oiw id the duhtulung
H’uUti. the iiit/Teat ol Ibt btaui debt nut
aavrug bene j**M be* a osar (be people are
unable to |vy w * haul turning over their
[*o t euty to the tax gatherer.
The atory ol North Cuioima, with tew
alteration* in tbe totals, will serve lor any
o| tbe Houlbern BtaUw. 'Tbe record i* owe
; ol wt.oiwaie ru'>l/oi*y by j,ul/!ie officials—
issuing boodts without tbe consent o| tbe
I topic*, selling them lor whatever Uiey
I would bring in tbe market, pocketing ue
! namey, ind demanding (hat the tux payers
locognifce these fraudulently issued bonds,
<J liter for dollar, and pay legs! inter, at ou
llac-m. As In the cose ol Teuneaaat;, the
ndlders of North Carolina bouds, and tbei.
advocato* and apologists, say that tbe pub
lie honor will I/e sacrificed unless- u.e gi
gantic robberies l/e recognir/.-d and faily
v/eefited M valid debt to the extent of tin;
last dollar Involved. They are uov. i. m.
to Oouipromls/;ou an iqufUblc I/ which
will Secure them a lair rate ot interest on
their actual Investment. 'They demand
irons an Impoverish* and jieopie, iu uumoct
of wiiom tiie atrocious swindle ,wu* per
pet rated, the lace value oi the bun I*. Tr<cu
inotto br ; ‘Ail or none.' Well, we shah
.-ee wbal we shall toe. — j Memphis Avuian-*
kisniu 'iuK Out) Mas —A lumberman
being t/til poorly provided with material oi
suuiutMce tor ins men, fed them w ith porn
oooked with the ri! ofxjg H. A young
mail ol the c xupany, not Hklog tfml ewitei
portion *! the food, was observed by the
bust to L* carefully removing tbe ont-Ue,
covering. Where,.poo n/tne host said
Young tnau, we eat rind and all here. To
which tbe youth replied, “All right, o.d
man, I’m ttmuig lr olTiuFje...
niscnarrptiuii of ihit (li'iiiigc
J.ii the (?>muniy at large, and even
among nWn •>! great fnifliigeme, llieiy
'sbdnis to Ik' a serious iniseoin eptjoii ol tlie
#m-ngr ;trarei-,~r* - M-Vly suppoif
that it U the sworn duty oi the I' and;
Husbandry* men and women, to wage wai
oil thy merchant* and small tradegmei,
Rotlitng _ CSabe mol e erroneous. Meill'ici <
jot Ute.Giangin are neither idiots nor in
fcKViud asses, as many ov. i wise ediuna <A
newspajH'i'a would have lMievc
num’thelr critiebms upon the actions ol
the (Granges, l lie Orange orcaniz iiiou
'has developed the bet tI.M the very high
osi order ol talent, the" prolounduat luariiuig
aiid Uic most solid statesmanship are ,to be
‘found among the I’aUon*—men ol every
Cnltfhg and profession, wlmu they
j have gHth*rl wisdom or grown w t*iy in
their own peculiar business, seek repose
an 1 tbe Ueligiil of a farm.
witj itWlmmd
Vittm veTSsTin tfic !;iwuf iioliilcai
’BCntniny . and Ko elms is so igiioraul us not j
'tcrltntTW thi'l hitman society is made up oi
Vnecnesary trades and culflnga,- and (hat all
ure so ''fitetMoycu that eitch is a ucciumhy
to the oilier*.
t-Wb camrdt ifihro easily do without mcr
Chants than wo cun do without ihoeuiukeis;
*e cannot ihore easily do without hanks
yfScSiidlo williutU .fueksmllh*. Nor
omi weUo without lailroudaaml steamboats
Itt* only for n more just and cquita'ilu deal
mg’ with merchants, sh.Umiukers, lianks,
tJlaCkswftli*. radio,ids, and stcamho.iU, that
fh# FatFifH of ■iftrsbftmlry have assoemted
them*. Ivp* tnguifiei* in their Uiangos.
F-Mon cngugvii In t* mi mg afd tKßefeiilTy
Wusted, klul partieulHiiy m this cotintry,
from men Stigngetl iu almost any otllel e.ill
t*gi 1' hey are neci ?smily isolated tiu ]
MtatUnvit at, ofle.n, w ide dintanees over the
(tquntry. Tire nnttU’c ol an i.i iusirfbui,
fttmioFe htlsliies Keeps Tilth ttl ho,in , and
Afcvontji daily iutu.outlive and omn
uhitiiioii with Ids fellow man ao common in
other (idling*. This separation for Ion,:;
■Mlriodrfwiin hi* nin 'iiuots i, u,|, j. n tITT
tirmci a Itrobjeet lin in. uit.vrtmotnrrprr
'NKT *|HHulnnwa. Wl.eii ffuj .
(Mu*|N’rout and money \v:i„ jil.nty, the i,,\,
‘h ouse and plhle lit jildi pcutlelte.i: kept the
lOtinm al.Hit ttoni his ndglilan, hut when
tte limuie:.*i ;s!-’:iu sot the country unlit
iMPiutf, KUil UXaU'in ate Up Urn .t ime r ,
oftotanisfl Hie necessity 4 self iig*, vati.n
to fcoQottH with fjn uuiglthot,
wUh Wfts In llliii .'l tie.- , and loin,,no to
shtdhof he went mini ■'! his „■ ■,pdioi:.
OWmlle ! wi|h hint loi ninlual iiniieai-u.
■♦Adii j i-ii i)..cii -rr.v. i. iu i lice , iik.„
'gte(V the i'dlO'iS ol il i,v ‘idly, ’liny
•irail'iiticiuty f.r i. ivttno and vyiicn a happj
i ni t.i|ltJon comii-'AcTalctf llejih into Gian
Tlcsi; (Triutgi.'S lire not luimcd to make
w it ' 11 me! chain s, me ,s Sud lilllr lads, but
they am 10111 l and to lu Ulie, by eeudnl.e.l aim
. , nal shppo.'t. Ini i melj’i.d''n | iug- wiiji.
i'. imio iovVcl llii.-y tuny did oe ii haute,
in iiiiilitclitiui*, stemulukil oi mid ad.
1 fictr u.w.iEJ*Jc*quire ttiuiu to piucdm
, •i,, , , .I, the ■ - po
tunes, hqt Uicyif* &'•*! ..i ihci.
that a man who i.UJIrv ■*f♦;*. a Ooioevii , day
W the; vu-.ijkcannot UtahlUetme , hulu, ideilija,
110 ir, w agons and oolton i 'to.,
riieun uniat In. proi toi and Hum U.uis; who
lice; 111 Vlii.ll things,ijlnJ ihu oljeet ol the
Vtaiigeii ito no apt lute, so as lo piew un
Un ii article* a* Ilnur in uda.ia need lot Um
h aul pi ice lor u good m lick'.
An I they know that they cannot get their
produce to lUHikcl and t!,etr supplies hack
inline Without railroads <n atcamhoat* , lint
they mean to control irniyipmtttiioii m tiieir
tateiosls, us lur a possible, w nlmd injustice
lo oilier*. [(‘o Uperutive News
Hll in Tien.
Washington never nimbi a speech, In
Hie /unitU ul his lame be ones utiempcsd it,
tailed gave il up contused and at,allied In
training the constitution ol the United
Hlaies, the labur wus almost wholly |mji
burned in Coiiiinilieu ot the whole, Ol wt/tcli
tieorge Washiugtou was the chairman ;
list ha made two kt'ueohaa during the now
vsotiun of a veiy low words each. The
roiivehU/p, however, acknowledged tle
tnastpr apliit, and historians iilhr.inst tbui
had it not been lot bis pei/onol popularity,
and Use thirty woids of bis itial s|ieech,
pronouncing it the beat tout could l/e united
upon, die enmditutiou would have la-en ro
jooled by the people. l Uou a j JcHoticu.
never made u speech. tic couldn't do it.
Nap' Ison, whose executive ability as ul
most y.iUiout a palulici, aaie! that his great
c-.t diUkully W 4 in finding m< n ul deeds
ratner than words. WhciiasaW bow he
riift.iiiaiued his ndh.-uce ovei his tiipeiiurs in
age and cxpwicncs w iycu cuiumouder-lu
chid ol oi. army to I'luy, ne said by r<
■ erve. 'J ut greaihcns c/f inan not ineinwsv
. i y fie. idigtb ot ms .pueepss add U/elr
fl'ilnLicr. . , " V
Harris uf the Bavsumti Morning News,
aays tUot a eolnrtd nigger, ol Wilkinson
C</unly, who died and came to f/Ch/ie iu
friends cohsigned Ids remains 0/ the tomb,
say* lent every wlulc inau he saw hi hell
was holdii.j* it nigger t/eiween him and the
fi heiu h k/hlt coh sola lion m l„it in
fortusiß/u. |
“Mix lect ui hia ’ exelainie
Mrs. Hartiojiton, Why, Ike has mdy two
in bis, and 1 < aa’t never keep; cm damc,
s' toil .- .a.
No branch ol aemnee lets beau so tliomugh
ly lllltsteiud as optica; 'i'lie> iimmipie ol
vh-iou miiM IK es.-eulittUy the same in nil
ejfes, but they ddloi rwi’iarkittny. ai eordiitc
hi the imbita ot the animal, iihduot loitv
lliglit, as the eonilo's, oag'et,'vidlnma, ami
carrion seek jug prowlers uf the tCarlwred
race, have icle-i,c,qiie visions and’ me ilois
enabled to look down and discover tlunr mi
suspected Vhlima. A* they npproaeii
uoiocleody I'r.iui altove, ttie axis o! vi*t. n
eluiigeß— slkm liniijig, to than hey can n.
as diftliucly with in one tool ol tlio ground
s w lieu ul tin ctevution of’oe# iirih* ty in,-
The fact explain* Uio oi.iaiicifig, halt u
iftiW almveaattftt pend, watchiug 'or ftsh
Wlien ouo is selncicd; down Hie aavuge
hunter plunges the local a.thi vrjdhg a!|
way* as lily Squaru vkw is olougaU'd by a
curious muscular unangcnieut so a* to sett
. -Bgaals haw lk!r k*M ! rM* s*t the ox
tremity jofdvxjblo horns, which tb V y ,a.i,
proTrudc or dlqw in atniwwirir. Hy■*!...!
Thg one of these round tlui edge ui a lual i
stalk, they can acti iiutv niaUeas stand on
IhO opposite side.
Tjic lisiumer ncnitod*).tuk-ha*nu wick
eil-looking eyes nearly two hut apart, liy
an elfort they can tieud the thin edges ol
the head, mi which the organs aic hwaiml
so as to exsrniuc the Uvo sides oi an objuei
the bJ/.u ol u lull u „i codfish.
Flies Imyy it‘lino vn bio eyes, They stand
mil from the head like an apple, OLoeodiug
ly prominent fnaluad ot smooth hciuts
p|iu|es, they have an iuimcnau number ot
lucels, tesCmbllug old |#sit|vUed glass watch
soils, each ouo dihuctlng the liglit to the
optic retina. That uxplauis why they ton ■
not h, approached (tom any dirviXiou with
out aecing vv hat Is pHnMlg.
Jhsl ,Hy I, tic It
Did you gwl llin plaec, John t asked tils
mother anvlousty.
No, ma’am , Jn tmy mum! luck; Mi.
Adams Ban bngage'd ft boy jjjji „„ biMU’ lie
I Ulu tony Vim ili.j iml ; ppii ...; i nil.
e.• i y < .11 1 . : I.; i ,■'] i. | „,i vi„
ed, slic -uid sadly.
'Ve’l lint, mother, I djj md suppose un>
olhei buy knew id tint vacancy, lie uuswet
ed, n* In: siiilted for wli ml. Wlien hi
rffteliid Uierc it lacked lu’ly ten mmutei.
: d nim', un! the boys called hiui tv conie
uh ! pluy liuU.
All iijjht l lwiepiied , lore, girls, ihu
niy miliiuMilie on ifiy de k, wIH you—nud
he tin WW il hastily l. wai ds iiio open' win
' • mf *T ,
Ci l !i VVClif the ijftijii. Jehu in
dismay, lie .’ new Ju,t how much the im>
ken panes would fjfce out oi ids uiollioi s
scanty cam lugs. r
".Iu .1 my liudv," he luUlei'-.l sullenly.
No, nut your luck, my dent’, but yom
i Mele-.mi ca, silid a Voice behind him ; and
fie turned, ami saw the tcaphor coining.
You aiv yw (and, ..'oijito shiUkl youi ueg
|i et and IniMto Umiei Uiid . ajneaaion. Home
one t-tiyh Hull evuiy until is thy id
lo own torluiio, itiid yoyu 'woirld milyi
glow • eiitland prompt, you wouM utm
uninpfujli so olten ul ili luck. 1
T,n !?. in ft gteal J<> ho* in liver wrorlA
and 1 ho|)i! they wtjl n ineinhi.t too, 1
M'lmi M*l*Pw Ike hlty Itliic,
Tho cthel'iul blue col* r of tho aky is dm
to niiiirtA particle* n| lnallid wlncli float
in tho air. Wtreihuau panicle* it uiov*i
the ai’pearaucu ol tho *ky would bu dead
black. It i* a tiict in optica that exceed
thgly lino portion* ol mnttor dipuau **r
scatter tin* Mlrd rfty* of llglit, coarmir por
il<ma acattorrod ray*, making ivliitu light.
'l'h*. alm'isplioro I* full of ixplumia ya|a>l
tho | an I Iclo* ol which dlHt|*a wl.ito light in
all iliroctfuii*. When llm partlcfos aiu 011-
laigil thoy bicoinc vlslblo In tho form ul
cloud*. ' That tho fjiflnsldn vl llglit ill mil
nUnimpliorC, tlilf blue Coloriiil* ul the ally
1411] m<lor* lit tin* cloud*, mo duo to tbo
preMcnoo of thftftipHoathig Ih tho air, Inis
laeii cuin loHivcly proven hy Tyndall. On
paining a Ini*itu ol 'fttlnfl, Id through a gl**
iqiie tho letan lls rendered brilliantly vUilj *
Uy the I* Uaction of light Irom tbo dml
puittolv* U '*ting In tho air onriialuiHl In the
iulob, lint on reuiuving ttie dust pnitiidos,
ivjiKjli 1* dune hy itlturtng the air by cotton
wool, or causing tho all" to pals over a
dime*, tho tioaru of light I* no longer vUl
ulo m the tn lnr
list! Ilduiiiled Winn. 111.
Tif. w*il-iiironu*Hl mtoiuiui mt j **-tif.)(Jljr
k;"WD, nut so luaoU U> wo i* mu .nil* y,a. ss In*
ill kb due* not o-'l lull, tut rl. u> lu last to
C)k I'lossHr*; In ujaro goMlp, or Ut **ano lulgsr *1
tin*ori (*> the *p,)*,*rarie*l,*r4s/, i*oreoasl hstnU of
oaf friMH'l* s*td noigb./ur* Hof ttooiigtiis *ic on,
ia ll.*s toiaga. 'Cl.* t*m ol War Mal -nlslM g<*
1. eitti tie; oailiig, 4ruit*aa, tuiUud, ut
► .0.4,- of ih* Circle la *o.u, *.J*;ia,>')*. Hht Uu
S *(•/("] 'li 11.1 * !**'. 11*0 00(1 hor lo**i BSft*,, lla,us.
f Warts i,re not oidy T< r y iWuhlwmc,
I out <!i 1 1, urn die hinds. Out renders wil orfbt 1 cniffng then attention to the
fnilow in,' j,er iet cun, wihoul leavings
o 1 1; “Tike u Siimll piece ol law be. I, sieej/
it all light in vim gal, col as much from u
n> will e <ver liie wart and tic n on, or last
ell il on with stupe of plaster, tt may l/C lc tbe dsy and i*’it on cv>f>
| night lu one loiPlight th‘- wait will ilic
and |"-ci oil." The same picacuptiou w.u
ruic coins.
T#./y pimple die* young. It is the active
•n (set/ e ! Ttrairi, Who live to i x ltuiv. o,d
1 age! ,u a r ile
c - ' f.- ’ y Au4ia T
fi I{A NtMCIuS
' - ' .-•**- *S- -SWIW. -a
11 tin I'. S||ii E A NT) U A ’l*
* I
riuiNivH umtimuAs, caiu’ep
QA.Ot,Ei'U. )
i uk tAitigWaAir LuW rtbttjw.
TCgi. TilK SuhM rt'uTs Wuitit hiibousos t*t
• I I' MS 111 llm eiu nl AthuUa s. *H*ta
Hull ti.w in,lll ill',*' Iklli’ol M(t)> h, r* ~ i
mu SO it ,)*, unlit we -unVi.iehee in tllng In our
N, w S|irtg *mck ol H.>is,KSds and HaU, Tranks
t mhretl.m; sad t'sria.t-'Ragt, Wo shall orfsr t €nt
(in sent st,'k, ciiiisMlliig of Itaots,, lists
and tlmlirqlliis. *| m maiu room tar our New
S|aln* Slm-lt Hist SS|k*l to K l this Spring
All persons wlshliiii s emit hoot, shoe or Ksttew
wutifd Uu wall tu Uitlat Nu. TO Whttuhsll Street.
Grangers Now Cash,
IJoot, ttial UaLHlahd. Iu L. Hrlckh ‘UPii A
Wop, u,i run toe t>> Ht l| boots, nit t*s nutl lutM, at
toWi*r tb*i Minuhtr tirttoUm o*A lo Id
llui rtfj of 'All.tuU IVoIh nihl rhiVoN nm<Uiot
iiHthrr i>iier or ifaoon it<t bero. n*H
us a t'.ill utirt px tmfua our st>ck of Hoots,
Hhn4 >iNril IDiMiT wVtl vro promliuj UiJL If we pteiuMi
you to Hiyli nu<l iinnlhy. wo tuui lu jtrfoo, is were
Uutmimuoil to suit kiklh, ui il Wii lio|mi ibui lUo
. fro.eim uf ftt' IS.-. 4-4.11** I
No, 71' Viluiolii*!! Stf* if, At Unlit <J., tit the Gvti*
KiMdA* New C'ltrtft HtNii snrf Hhn# JFfortj; A
i. r, HitiouiHiUtiPi>, rrr.
.. •: -jzzssai 1
fi udtdlA Omtiity.
Riciiaid Koort a|i|itie* frit r<*ui|*tinn ot
i+i anially mid eelling apnrt and vidutdKni
of hollies end mid I will pass upon thomma
a' iiij i Hlee in Orutnvidu un Friday the'
Dili diiy ot Ahviwt’iit 1(1 nYlnck a. m,
HKOUuIA Vfi riivvllit'r County. "
Ttilrty ilayk utter date, op itm Mun l
day in 1 efiteiilTi i m xl, I #Rt n|iply In the
hiimuahhi >*eitt of Ordinal y rn and fur
.itiil lyiuiity, lor luave to anil ihu fund hs<
tnnclng lo Ute mlttyta and oiplmnsol Kreu
miih H. MtCWtHwii, iU c<*., vt/.: Alio* A.
Mlnv^ ,n mMntW 11 fflil’Wfci"*#
idltu HUt) Maiy E. McClitiahm,CuiU’.
OrfliuttiV* Oitteuc
UEORUIA Meriwether County.
Tidily days after date, on Ilia Ural Mon
day iu Hivtemliar ui)H, we will apply to
the lionmuble ciiyri o| Ordinal v In i
said county ,ol have In sod all llm lamls
OL'tmiglug In the ertrite ol Hunan Motllgom.
gninvry, deed fids A mmn #i IS in.
’liSHßiil A Mi riw slher fftiunty. ’ •>
Thirty day* arief daic ftli Rrd flfsl M'Ul
day in fii ptein\x;r nevt, I will apply to til"
hunurablß cjour.t ol 'Jidinary iu ml hir
'mid c uniy fur leave lo •I) all the lamia
belonging lo tim UKtatq ol John Wilauii,
.deed This August V, 1 )rt7A.
\ 4tij* I.AODw'IA WIf.MON, Kxl*.
Sheriff Sale.
v - ■ - ■' ——
(jklolKHA Monwothur Couuly.
\ 1 TIliL JfM a* Id Ig htpi fin* Oinirt Ilnuaii
VV diair tn the town ol (frennvilhj nt
said enmity whlilu the legal hour* of hhlu,
<>n tin* flrt Tuesday in HepumilaT neat,
tho follnwlng land*, to wit. !/0t N*i 41.
ootllnluing atrl* aerie* nnWe or lusa ; nl*n *•!
ol lot No 41, lying nil tfr* wsurt 4<U* <>l
I’lgcoii creek i *l*o that pari nf lot No. tyi
runn ng down errelr In the mouth
if t/lißlyhcato Hprlngi Inancb. mid up naiij
lirsneh to tli* original line ; also all ol lot
No, bU, witli Uni *j<iaipU‘iii of AO ncro* rn
aerved lIOUI anl lot by lire lUi JollU ibd
liiiM. and on wldtJli tin. ai*l Kirilina resided
at I (ft* iim<* id his dealti. All ol >jiiil lot*
milt parts ol lota Militate, lylim and Iremg
111 111 : lt dtlrli ol Oliginally Troup now
Meii A oilier taiuniy, and embracing in tbo
aggregate 4H4 hc.itM* iii'ia* or lesa, tbo *Hirt
*a>ulitiiiing a pail of that prnjicrty known
•is the <'ltaly bent o' Hprlnga UfMWI wrid
laud* are situnU/d the l : li niy heau; Hpiinga
with all their vulnshltf linprovcrnent*.—
Ig vl* and 011 Ut sails!/ two li Inn Mtm l from
Upson Hip i-flor Uoini, Imth gfu*l Jor>c|di
Allen ** A'liliiiilsirfttor of Isaac tlliem-/,
deed,. Ilia one ut lavof id ,| M. Ma’hewa,
th*' other in tavor ol W. 11. W"rr*:!t a* Ad
ndn'htittior o( .fobn l>, Kecdali, deed., a*
a* li ns <ll In i fl las in ihy haoifa againt,*
-nnl Dull, lNoparty imtutud out by I’dlta
and no ice givi-ii to tenanla in (xswesskin.
urtiilfdj* W If M
J.A'iUA NliK. GA.
ITn- Tiilrty.fiairtli Atfftnftl opi n*
Ui4*ttbths4 August, with Ulc old m|* of
• ight ti-Hchcrs.
Ten iVemiunik fir excellence ir Music,
f'uimmg nnd Drawing were awardee 1 pu
pH. ol ms. iso urge at on. fsiaic Fair w linin'
the lnn< lour years
th/ard, wiui washioa, IlglP* and l”c!, I<r
annum slV< Tuftion, i OO h l alal.'glies
utdresi 1. F. C* ’X, f'o-s,
Diirwißi G, Jones,
dl ISHOAD tjl KKET, Atiants Ga.
Wl .**• Wtui.ViMirAr.iiicf sail l
8-14**! Il* * lib ‘sr6 '•**/*. *t>4 iyWaJtl *•*'
jco x;