Newspaper Page Text
*jTuiyf~KKVH-I-,"S.iuV and rnKi-Uf
^ r ,
a KAiiAtoiu mxrmti
will hr held in OKKKNVIIXB .*) the flrat
Jji-lfgalwisa from CcHurijbur, A'tauU, He-
H-gsoaeiUe, -ttsrxi*
reondw are b.ei'wd and expected to he
yrwenC Every'tikJy T#
Meri wf 1 h o r
dixit ed W> *lteir;. _______
W#HTm*i ha (5 k-;< Ui <J a hr.kt-t of
K ijjHH *e> *h<- i<* competing wKJi Urv
ill, Weil,lf Watirtiiiii lw*y nnu tut it*
va*<i|/ttaity a* be i re|K*rhed to have don*
~I the ilWksl meeting we tru I
shall-n*'r h*tu*fi'4d to Coin jml C with
|,lm in ih‘- aft j/im'rouomic.
'lti( Fmr.tctjm New* sportcr *tl C*f*i4
( ill Uk'-I. VS t know at sw-such i*itu* iau
iu Georgia.
Xr. VVl'**l“\ '•* (iffietivtllo, hint * nri
KhliU: lkl uni, and Vl*** '**'** **' **’ rvl 1
oflbe VIMI'iICATI"H, Hilirtl OB H tfl-Ml <l"**-
Ihi atm yrjnrtitot pmkre—'rijrwttm**,—-fNwW--
Ufi llutliL
yi...*- ’.pbintiv. hri-ului ,h;i.'t certain
ly out Ihe |,lg, (hi h epoflilugly -walked
lt,l iiia moo Hi ol an open well verdoolly
expecting a bwrta. We we not 'ptctoii*'j
tuf i Hi' | ijj Ik a very if lifll; aii't f v-t ,
were lie irut, we w*/ti!d uiibttotittbift'y elay
any jug Itylog to b(l u* 2£i'J lliefi we ll
H ba*e jVyed If* eat ,WMal dead pig* j
“No Mi. iliruUl, h no- m i '|-T< Ilst
In tllinn’i* llx ii- >'• n<> negroes v*-rilt.l
kit kltfxr* lift hob’tbg a Ng* <?r fmri val
ormun'er aud ruble ty In thai In’ l W ad-.’
,h lh non Dav-a * inviml >'• •• "
addict* at nf rk iiltnfal lair In a |M>U>
fowl) In. Illloot* n<! mccpted. Ill* WC**P
tame ( *n>i'il *tudi a yell <>t rage In *• the
Hirlbnert that Mi, Davis In out ol 'he On
rat anil heal leii| etwd !"• r* ** ever ri-atl
revnknil In* ItrtMir ol an •|iUwioe. 'Mila l
■i s*<* |
in Itu Illicit 111 Hint K twit lininlm* IK" Sk
ICutlxMMl 40 II ngunv villi
Mr, Rtlilur: While yuu txnili.'i'iu ',<>
urge the importance ntul prpelicabillly <>l
construct lug a taihowd Irntu Gnlumbu* l<-
AUittiU. i dwdli! til evil lltC attention "I nUI
cltixcO* to the cmnpariillvu cuau *l'h which
• list raw gauge roan umy ’mi built I" Mo
gunsvlllu. KtMfwm uui Hhihty l continue
Ilia North & ttouth road Iforu Kiugnlroro
to Allgnta 1 think we can ccilai-iy raiae
money enough to build a toad from Urtmu
till* to Hogeiuyllki, a distance l only *l*
hwn ml!a*. 1 know a man who will survey
Ihe rnolc lor MUI We ran certain)* -!im;
that amount Grading the marl Will coal
lie* warn $B 0 and SI,OOO per luUa, uraliln*
fIO,OOO. The croon-ilea will ooat S7OO ,<ot
mile, which will make |il Ifc The Iron
laid down would cost 0,000 dollars per twWe
amounting to 43,000 dollar*. Laying trace,
tW |>er mile, or 4,-000 dullai* In sh Kagluc
at the shop, 8,500 dollar* , I'oaaengtr coach.
coaches $2,000 ; one lino, <M civil ri*h!i
con- b, 2,000 dollar* ; 10 lux c*i> 2,780 do'
These sum* all aa* unt to about 83,000
ilolltH*. Tdic bridging and building .if mil
writ will ion the mini total Wi 100 000’ ilol
Inis. II batti Iho. road would lie oiira and
with Iho money paid llry*llurlwkhnlders
(hi iu contlruction, iho road would ninny*
belong hi tit.
'l2te daily wrpaiSMMr nf running l lie mod
would lie from Id In 15 dollaia, w hile, du
i in* pm hmnucm, swim mi proper, lire rood
would ilike ia lOOwloifllrt |a>r doy, and at
ell tint* s, cveu dining the didlcKl n mini,
Hie reorlpla would |my eapenve*. T-lu
West I*, hit road would ihmlHlc** give us
ibruughfr. igh's, thus cushim/ n.-t to ai t our
l*eight as citeup luOrceuvilhi at it is now
Uni down in Hoganvvillu. The rued would
|decc im witldu two and a nail or three
l our* ride of Allatila, making our town a
g#nd c>thHi and cheap grocery market.—
Passenger f:\tc to Atlanta would be ulnntl
$3 00, against $3 now, partly by hath and
hy rail.
Ae ter help, we think Atlanta eoufcl ln
raodlly tnduofel to favor the ruu-rpirse, aa
tl(e routl wendd stx-tmj for her the entire
trade of AUriwcUtor, which U now divided
but a chi laHrahge, West IVnne. Oi'uoibus
ami Or IHti. At the whole county would
ho be mill led by the toad, liberal subscrip
lit ut would be rmm and turn our oil: tent.
The grading, aw the mail it short, >uUl !>e
done in time to lay the down the lr> n and
have the toad etpiippod am] the cart run
niug by the first o! Oatober 1871 k
Now, do not understand mt, Mr. Krlitor t
as objecting to your proposed rood Iroiu
C’ohunbna to Atlanta, lain only fearhil tlial
we cannot build Ui&l road now ; li do be-
Vinvc wc can build the road to Hogan s\i lie.
With tbit co.utnunicaiion I send yon a lair
•I railroad iron, the kind used ou narrow
gauge road*, which 1 truoi you will keep in
yout i Shoe tor. thu inspect km ot all iaiereat
dd in ft lailroad to Greenville,
To Ulknvcr our railroad proe-jicctß, 1
propose tht aaatk'iug be held itiU'n u
vilie on ilk ftral Tuesday in Uetobor ami
Uibl our cllixens turn out that *day and let
us have a railroad talk If we never got a
rd. 0 otto thing we may be sure, we
cn ucver Iwreaukil mk w Oral uett
and euaauA i uncut uing tho tout, construe
tirm &c. Then l*l-*ll.favnriu a railroad to,
oi Hi tough ttieauaille, meet in the court
) UM. oil lire ItlM Tuesday iu October and
dteil*iuc dually wbahw# shall du to oh
u u :|. I■i i wo all crave. Wc trust At
lanta, Colt.uibus and *ll • points in t meted
Will tutui ve.ogaic*. Yoors die ,
111 1 iWtlUtB, |
IV I a.MHililla Ait l.ittt Mall*
waf. /
A a a/livt iu'ereal Ino retenily Ven fie
veinpfil iu favor nf I he prnj oed AUarila
ami Colnailaa Ail Ixti" Kalfnay. Oreen
vi le auo Meiiwfciher cuunty are wilUim'
railway (cititle*, ami ain **a*iUr <aae
they are levijea# liaoer the uutwerou* di*
•nlvautago aUich H eatetU ajma tUe*
They are uA.uat vmn tfaey |wiWy he aal
i that Ma**( the; ! sue iif adrantags* and
iaeiiutae hiah wiiwaya never fail u> con
-*et. -TV* eerier w*iW inovea by e(ain
HhutrlaUxl hy elerlrleity, wltlle tlley ar
aiauiiiug atiil. Ai'jninteg cnruiiM* *u
ueighteiriug CDinmnnille* are y/figrewiii)
while iliey are (nictd Ui ataud alili lot li
waul ol efiaoectii.** , h|iU ihe wmli
'they Kkuant pnilieip ile in the the im(*
aud amintbiu. el the world. They cauin,
p„i tv ipele ev i|m li'iff ii. and Mahitron* ol
lli*iii more IWrVii/iaie They are
hound hand end foot lte’aig aneirfie. I
it any wonder that they are rtwtieaa and
vieiieuiltted in avail Itiernaelfe* nf railway
Ui illdea ? They ifru.t have Ui< ui. Then
luturc |n>gii < aud wealth d< p*:iidb upon
Tim natural niarUet for them ra Atlanta,
and nur Ini errata demand that we aid Uietn
ni) lew hiiijf aa. ‘ftui Vine WgamenU ita'
[apply ill Ww ;a*e • fOreenvilt* andfd Her
5 iwo'iher enunty, alxo appllea to FayeißEVtUe
t and y Tyeiaf istf' #Hayu f-nenliea. A
whir Meriweiher, ilwlr natural mallet i*
Atlanta, and while wen* * gW a fair than
' ui ih‘ It l/ .iMi, we do Hot enfiirnaiifl it all a
w wimidKJfn*yTTie u/uktruefinn ol tin
poile-aeil roarl. The profluft'ni of cotton
in the to no lie* ol Mf rlwether, Payi t( and
('iuylMii hi In7u, War ! 'WtMI, * l;!l f,, *d
Iw awfuiy (Mtuiiatid at Ihi* dale at :!o,oo<l
balea. 'I hi s>t c< utillf a produced
hnalniU of wlwat, and their preaent pm
duct ion cannot In leaa 11,.,. K>,ooo hu*ll*
ja r iiniiiitii. Wi may ealely imtlinale ou
iMirwfl fiitton recelpta at I<*,<**MJ hale*
(tef anOHMi, oil the COtltt*letlofl ol the tun'!
Ui &tM nv,Ue.
Hietiu . h illht la- talfen at ftiicc hi—or*n
iw a ivmtiany preparatory to the iutiati uc
ol the roal. In U 79, the Hue yalualioii of
uni and fe fauna I laitwie Su the < -mntea ol
Ful.tntt,.i;iJflofi, Mid M*'4wg>ei
wa.|l,*l /Ma, fffw; ailif'a’l ff)f dlf'tf tafHi'dd
ICM than sJ3,otd'ira) Jin Inrthrr aigu
nienl la needeil to deiminutrate i"ir nhllMy
tu iitilTii (lie road Atlanta Inv* ail the
trank irnaa That Ui rpriumt net oaMitba re
fptirn, tfin *h duel need iurend h ia! tail
waya, liicated In aeiio v that '• now
iMttlutul l hum, and almu: uatufal m.wkot
iin Ailiiii'a, and thua conrentratn a large
ui w hunltipv* Imre. It I* enilndy whhin
the |iwer and mean* of Atlanta with the
naaiatanae f the counUea whiih the line*
Would prmetvatr, to tiuihl haal Harrow
gauge tailwayv that within a abort |iertoil
would litamaar her rocelpi ato I'JA.tKk) Ira lea
per an mini
am! to tin? ominlli'** of ( J ayto , unit
Mi riwrtlirr, of the mr!y construct l'>S ot
the proposed n-sd, we wuiiJU mggnat tlu*
lu Idhrgofa railway cmiveiiifuii In Urerri
vilh*, Hep!• in!,' i flih, t 4 j> nr, for Uu< por
|hiht of oimNiillatiiui and nxiruert of aatii u,
nllifttmi the acvnrsl touiifiea send large del,
etfklioita nf Iflelr leudlng and hifliieniial cltl
*ns to-d Hit eHveit!itm wkh ftili power to
tithe vtiffi action a* will |>ul Hie Wl i* two
lion with the !en*l (rwaib'e d:*y ; Ail*n
fa I’lniPtltution.
Wc would suggest to the Bedouins of
Hi*. (Jeoi*U |imr that Mr. Stephen* h too
prmt and 1 rcneitbit lor them to level exe
11 alilc Jokea at. They may illfler with him
| upon abstract qnenimii*, but *llOlllll not
forgot he in anil will *0 be written Iti hlato
ty ** the gnntisl (leorgian that ever liver!
[.VngnsU Constitutionalist.
Tluvpoint ia well taken. The “Bedouins"
wit* see the day when they will regn 1 'her
ever ntßrmplcd suoli "execr vblr jokes’ up
on such a inatif wliihhi great ability ami stulesinmsliip are yeouguisud by
all inlnillgtwit pshpl#, and wloae purity of
character am! Minium o! heart arc so welt
known.— ( Courier.
To tie giro, to be sure. Kallikiwu, ‘lie
ilouios of the Georgia press," an.l icvct
etree the "sncrrsl cow ot tire Hindoos 'tor
sot'll lie U, and llio Constitutioaalisk and
Courier are his calves. Lratiranga lUqior
The Chicago Courier rucomineuds that
tlie tailor shop of Andrew Johnaoo, which
la still in OrtwmviHe Tanueoee, wtlli it* orig
iaai sigtdsiarrl hanging
wMirds . A Johnson, Tailor he removed to
live centennial gionnds iip’hiloilelpliia for
cxtiilntkni next year. “Let it stand," ay*
tlMt journal, on the moat prominent spot
r>a the grouuda, and there lei it tell to the
oonntlraa visitors fn m all nations id the
gtoliv its wtMido lal slory in behalf of the
ispurllty of noon. We rsilo r like this sug
gi#rion, and-hotre tue people of Greenville
and ihtM'emrrvnial’manager* will ay on to
the bringing of Utta biatorioal tailor shop
totlie great exltiliilian. Tba humble sign,
painted in ywllove letters, would he read
with inteiesl and wonder by thousands, and
os the Comrier suggests,. wouM tonvey s
itsethl and iasuuetive lesson.
A negro Inuiritcliuu iu Burke, Washing
(oh and • ih x n other counties in the easl
eru part ot Uie Stale assumed alarming
pro|*>ttioßs last week but has been 9urpres
•oik without any loss of life or property.
The leader are in Jaii and will be tried
iwil week. The programme was to kill
the white men and spare the women, plun
dering and burning as the eeaored troops
marched through the country, b was a
radical plot to bring down the vengeance
ol llie white* on the negroes and thus aid
the radicals in IW approaching elewtiooa in
the North.
JUc “SUitedy M.irt.**
Ik. rum'a p*.ch u, Ohio and the otvo-
VVarhiiigion hardly leave room for doubt
drat lit" Hadical {ratty iptet.d to do theft
| treat to kei p alive the hweev pretested in
heir'lewiautfuerhaa, potiey nnkl Vie nest
Prerideatial vkett' *. The ‘orga*'diahoct
If rat intale* that aa'itfier W'.rtx bid wifi V
offered in C;iip*a*keai winter to bring Ha
party up Ur tfie line, aud Monos *Uake
ike kiimdy ahlrf’ is 9b".aa fruolieaUy aa
>.e baa been doing tt for the last tea yean
-Wbrtr Anntrry 9r*mt Ptenrpcrtrt adsihv
hat we have pence a*, the Strulh—a out
agi * having even been rapcited bo hi*
1 Ih-jrari mt nt, mor-h lea* uistainej, aiacc be
-ark charge .4- it—white Vef Fwwidei**
Vilwin, alter a perv>o*t'vi* U mwy pHr
I the couth, b>M* bia l*ri.iij that the
le are law al.alhig and Irtyaf—a dil
fcrent ata'e of affair* wdariod by !h aiag
of the Kttflifal (wiily of whieh Grant aod
Mot tun aie chief*, and they ad iovir tap
poffera will do thcii t*a>t to rii*bt the pw
•plei.) Hut comury trelieve tfiat it aeahjf
axirt We u**y Uwk out lor wjid* mis
chievoua euggraih u ol thia kicucf iu 'he
Preanlenl’a mewage of Lieceiuber neat
I’r.diably U wit! larus the *bf% of an ppii
cath a hif *uik< Uy to iaUrtlPn Vhh 'be
local jawi areot* of ao- of the 4>t Vie
HfaSe., pud U* wkSUai power tt over
‘throw the (leopfe’. jorwrnmeui jo A■kaaaa.
' laat y*r. Such a jrrapfiuhm,lßi o'gau dim
tineily *), it i uwled to give fifafna and
WlUca mi oppnft**ll/ Ur aituw reccgs.tsra
and ruitpeet lo hoot hen, ih-poh lean* b)
fiilnf wifJrVui kill <<2 theae two rtvaia of
Qrtt. Grant ftn lh* I'lealdeniu! twrurlaaQon.
Ot i fiiuae, fl any >pifal lot a i'reahtt-ntfl
nofTioirticn tair be hrerd into tab Wig fe
pcu'llon dial Hi I U difib.’Jl Ur ttfhif
up any C> a a |Wiilh.u ot Ihepaily to
hla *uvpori, tWwt wdfpltveiM, ha* bomio*'
lion. It M iri.ped in thia way Ur dtopoue id
and V\ i r,o, n ihe futereffh/ tlraal
lilaiin may, tut 'L< Itcjmlrl
i--—♦, (mi k down lmm bia puciUrrn ol
L hiat Jjittk whrJc he ficrieivr* '-hat k* Mtset
do cr oar t‘flirt i,lt chafuca fir 'be aoun
ua> oi , Vut, on tim • tliti hand, H hi very
fplt-ali inahl* wht liter h* Will MiaagtlMb
n int M-if any with Ilia own (wifiy by < njiihU
ii g a vaeillaCutr aid lai kof (w rawiai isri*
i putkdstiK i rsfc M ali- eKruicnonamt of hi*
|wicltlon* of Iwtl year H-nuld diaehopv, Aa
fur Wl arm, *a the •orgau'aili’geark, be lot*
‘i io-ati.i th* Tfulibon' and <* berdly ie
trace hi* top*.
lly keeping !Iv* lh* wdlenil j< a'n<Mk<
and m.Ui iwUlia lhai pew out <if Ut; wu
itu*> ‘v-nrt*Me t,i whndk Geu Ureut
a iudcif in bia I* ui*.ylvanla leUaw may he
ph'Ai' In favor of hia rc mwaintitUm Ilia
atnmgi'M claim for a thin! term la the p*a
tnnee that Ire la Ueoteil to flu lab the work
nf rffunfieiiucihm.' Tltereftw* ha and hi*
'cloae t*dh**enl* 'wit! tu t willingly let die
i he laanre that have nils*! tfee Usilissi
paily hercioli r and linen made H tee t e,
.. ... • . ... l., I {!-• mil
hava aroeh |H)mu to laake sn.U an iaaua ii
tie desires it. If he tall* to bring id* parly
in li.iqiM up hi ihe m ok, by eriin*iarnl
ing some new *mmitiucU”ii* meaanrv.
Hhei id n iml thn K<-!m| iu the
fkiuih may He hroogtil into ri qutslUoa --
r rent 11 re* iika llealtr may lie ciupioyed
mtii iri, ami idler Ten nt like ilntae Iu Loui
ahtna ami Atkaoaaa repeated. Where
thetv'v a will then's a way is and saying 'bat
con on.dty be evrlftod In a ukm l'ke 'his. by
an Atlmislstwitw a pinwnadug the |miwm
whh which ilia I’residenl hi suW ckilhod.
We may real assured that Mm inn sod the Uepulwiioui. '*• oteouk a key
note it wl'ieli wu dial I hear many sounds
before the next I'listiliuiiai air-ctioa.—
[Oblunihtis Knqiiiier
lli'per'i Hilar says rlisl it ta s mistake
to sup|Mßi*‘ Hist ttie.- la<ty who.dfuu-naiad hut
sell in a <u in wtuiva 'tirl**‘ war whom
•o hohcM, and who, when dtaeoVirud, wo*
compelled 01 allowed to tie lui'iao-d, is a
my'h. The ‘cloak-caW may ha * myth,
lull di* lady w- no*. ttlw was the *lon
Mrv. Aldwortli. ami omitianad through tie
to take hu si dve interval iu the rfder iuU*
Wlucii 'll her yoalh Stie liad so strangely
gained admission, {hujounded .ha Dub
lin itoner..lent lusmuiton Hr • lrpha>.
Dsuglilei* ot Mosous. Her poi'nil slid
Imugs in tire |Hiocipal imige loom in Gork,
aud- under it, iu a giaes care, the apron and
jewel vlie used to near alien she attended
'Us lodge nitre,ings.
Stveal powtk-a begrimed veterans gather
ed in a eetistn pol oe stain hi the other eve
Ding, say* lire Louisville Uoutiet Journal,
to keep out wf the rain tor a few micutev.
and whi'e there discussed the late war.
, “l remember,” said one, “tliat a ballet
fis-sed oleer iio-ousti George Gay's body
and never kHied him.”
“I rwcoHeet,"’ said -woottier, “that a ball
lodged in Bill Rsyenn’s long and urver
was taken out, but hwliwed
“lPeakt* third* •* kuww well when the
doctors thought Henry Hill's lk waa gone
up as a ‘mituHe’ lodged willtin u inch oi
ids heart, but he lived."'
“Jake Johnson's l*ead was pierced Vy a
itall, and be lived,” exclaimed the last JB*J
but one.
These remarks produced comiderabie
surprise and excited speech from all save
a tall, slim and sleepy individual, who
waded till his companions concluded, snd
then drawled, in piping accents : “Those
tcllows was a lilt!* tough, I allow; but
Jim Jones, who At aside op sue, was shot
in tiie neck so that bis head jast bung by
le skin.”
•Groat heavens’” •jacutated all; “you
don't mean to say be lived, do you f
Oh, no, be died.
■ ■ —"' ■——■—
An lowa farmer has eighty acre* of corn
that stands sixteen i l high, and will aver
age one huudred s " ’ la tu UtC
Berber ati bhesrsKUi blag in
tied MRwnww aerdadya^wesM
| From the Chrirtio* kileliigecoer.J
Mr. Sbcarsßaa, wbe, it wiil he fuueor
bored, wm Mr. Breeder* lawyer, and win
ctiim* la be Mi ‘Vwoa friend,
baa been makiag a apeecb iw London, ii
Ure eofirwe of abit b be esplatued Ur*
Atserkau kiaaiug lAintoiaa, awd (bowed
that it wm the coonnoo practiee iu lh*
Unice I Suiea lot gesUenieo 9 clergy
men to ktaa Um vac* of I heir iwHisat.*
bad cenflued h*a*ef!
o the ctateoaut that tbia practme war.
cootitroa Id bia own lami'y, or among U*r
oweMtaring aeotiureu'mfiwi* of JGyjUMith
Chutf b, we wuld have suthing to aay,
cioce he la a ctMupelesl w tUreaa aa to th*
’Manner., euatom anti oaagee ol both Bui
when hr aay a that Uria why and -debaa ing
familiarity i* the otrojumw praeuoe is the
Ifahed butex, be it a eoouaoa talarffer.
We car, oaauie Mr. Sbesraiao fbal otrt
altfe ol Plffooutb ehmrch, asd fterhspa o
bie ',<■ domeefie eirtde, the wivea ol
Jtiutnu*. g etiilemm do nut permit theif
moat in lima) a urate frv sti*. who are tioi
their refetivea-out even wtaae they aie
clergymen —to aas them ; and Moreovc
il aoch mUk or Hi. J Sect her *ro*td a’,
letup!T ouUnde uT Bm * afweasi elßwieF-'
aga, tVy *wv| vpoeddy b* read* istfasaU
dignant mtaimuda, iehl os to heartily foat
*bey would sot aotjo be to a CoaditibW to re
peat the inatiitrag familiarity.
**ol4 Mil.” Alfeai lut: rvh wttf
*j*rt Aiteu’ ijfOUkt, baa been iMctvkw j
*4 hy a lleraid reporter. • He c*pr**aed
the ojitnv/u Ur at the Anattrial .pumlioti ad.
lie the i wtc of Uta ucit l*iOu>leoUl el*
Ikin, and iieA,uwl hi* piwltuma on it, paat
and inaawut, wtlhealt (.trcuiuhrcuturu
When '.he uatiuu -a. hi <4 <l*44 l*e ha
lleved (a ir.rd u unity t hut aim* t< kujmmtmm
a mi*;# Cel.t he *lu la*of of ag •urr/acy
In regard l<* MtuMor 'I buruaao latiesi
*ji*.M h. 4>* 1 ,
I think my nephew ha* mal* a ataaiake
*id the |*-‘i|‘i are lu no temper U o*r
Jr aok with Mutvlm Thu.mas.y<*4 Vnowia*
lawyer, end (pey vre ueMuh.pttaJagjuw
plead tag, and'are r*rty. If eve* .innwaui
Tl.ry et pafH’anan*, who <a*ke i
- perhup*. hut never i*" k *l*'
white *h*U*arnrn alway* kMM rtahft*
He jirnlkiM Mtal Presidentfirani wooht
dwtuiilutiid for a fifnfm t<u •*,
mid lb Uotrei urn, Grant wt 1 go, into the
licpahilran Couteathm with ait itw, H<tulh
ern Wat"* ao’kt Mir bin. aud (irrhap* a law
vot*a fmo. v mi of th* noiilurit #W*te
white h" nun winder wi'l tw dividml I**
it** Mi ,rto*t. fAmkllng, IWm-, ft*hk.iw
Alter a few mrmudut tmii'.t*, under
the ifigni,.nlu' mu of the hard naamev torn
thwi wm *lve n< Greet and a hr>i *•■ "y
pint ■ i>ln In preferaftSk lo a fhm.rr, *<!
rbn rmtiti wilt be hi* oomirom, rn Th*
sure of Wall a*e*u may rro* rrani.i, ml* 081
n tin* way now, fn they r n,l 11*11*1 ly
nn of s‘k*ra’ 4 Um, foil a lew wcuw head*
will give 1 hem dr* cue.
In irgard to the Democratic nomisew tor
tkv Ihsklrnti, Dover ao* Allefi —hi be
did note are is cr'ih-Ke any rmrft puei
tios, fiu there are at mawy probablewo*h
da’es. bat leu things am wevhato,
'•hat whoever la mxninara*l inam run
agsinal Ucnaral Grant, neecrsfl. lhai who
tver heconsea the Demonatir oa delate
norat be a man whose record ha* alw-ty*
let> one >1 *tr*ight|nrward cunniaiuocy Ur
'he Dvn.iirrafic pa Ay ami '.be 'pieethroe
that are now ail-important.
Georgia is exhibiting cisiro- to the Own e
of a prosperous Mute, in its hi tble
priqaarty was only $m.633 Bfo ; now it fc
fl7J.tlM3 (100. This is nrK large compared
with the sassearoem of other Slate*, but it
show* a doubllag since the war There
are thirty-lire railrna<S In the SUte.
haring aa aMffa(eleotlh ol 2,300 miles
The CMate debt ia only $*,103, W 0 ; sqd
ihia ia partially offsail by property oataeJ
by live but* worth $0,l)r*H)00, leaving the
net nidebustneas only about $2,000,000.
Ii ha* s3<kkf,ooty inverted ia cotton and
wo >len nulls, $735,000 in iruo buodrlea
and $300,000 in toouage.
Prm the AtlaoU Herald we leave that
Ua-innett cuuuty ha* ancMhct baby; tbu
lime it Uto be maned -Co!, llenry 3. On
dy.ia bocor of that genUeman's ehurts to
wmre 'be nonrhmtk'O and election of Hot*.
B. H. Hilf'to Coagrase from the niaib dis
nick Gwinnet.'county lived in the the dia
irict but Cot, Grady didn't* Hurrah lot
Qra—Gwinnett - the baby we mean. Lang
may he live sod be as clever or Au. yk(fr
Being recently reuiiodeii tint oe wxs once
a builioaiot sad favored spoua pay aveuts.
Old Bill Alien exclaimed inpatkntly, *1
would be in favor ot specie paymeuts now.
sir, if it could happen as it did one day
or ben 1 was iu the Seaale, and ibe Secretary
.of tba Treasury pieced a notice 00 each o.
our desks-Uiat he hod paid the tost dollar
of live public debt.
The Golum bus T ints elaborately por
trays the blighting effects oi monopoliea.
It wants to save the nly from beoomieg s
“ mere way station” on the Central railroad
which has grasped its railraod and
river facilities, and holds the city down
by high height lands. The remedy
clearly lies in a speedy extension 04 the
North and South road to Atlanta, aad we
hope the Times will aid us in pushing
that very desirable cnlerprec.- I Atlanta
ttuivkt wiii vuk
y—, -w-e- - j- -n rtt H SAMI-LK CHUtO
( Xi I V A*D PATEit' \
V_/-LN 1-4 X fvk -AMPUt CHKOkU
■2~A ’TS. * “ s ‘ r “‘“'
JHBI ¥Sifi i
Oar Own Fireside
D a lfon.e Journal for the Ki reside
Eght larv- pwgtw, with Ifftraranos*.
Now itt H F'-urrih Year.
Price fl.oo a year. Tea cenlA Ua must
he seat lo pay pueiage.
Kreiy *u tmcriber ha* choice of a Premium.
Every Family abould tabe
O'Ur Okra Fireside
FoirrT> GomrßTTrtties. ; ‘
Fuli ITS HOt'HEHOLD >'k:vv>.
Addreaa : our OvD Fireside
170 Wdlius St. N. Y.
&T N. B Canv******* Want o If a
reuala* bisioeaa nau wiil o'lt
itgeucy Ui uiuUo, auv*aer m tuns vicini
ty, w wid (KH hia aaree Vo tin* advertise
t<*ea and give amu apeend Mi*Ui**su*ula t •
act a* oUT agent.
A Champion Piintlug Pr* givei, h*r
club of Hi sahSinbera. th na Sc. aiaiup for
vAriijil*: paper Addieas,
Oftr Own Fireside
Hit. ITtS Wifttau*. *>t., N. Y
r iHAMI’Io.I The lh*t Pfcem* Mad*
V ,miNTiM> tr'wn (* WELL
r<n i iwt iijprMdA>h Offlltt
PfMNTKfiN, up Utie, awes ai*d Svrn,
fit .'SIN ESa Men | *ud cannot eprtr.g a jj*i
Uf Latgei ftia**, Sell lukilig.
Job Type for Amateurs
tU l.v**y DaxuijMuMl.
I Teti Bwiti for patnfill*at.
A'idruaa J* li. GUMP.
170 WllUar- At., S V
12 Chromos and
- Flrenide’ I>ue Y<*i Ym *'
A i Iflh*M<> w 11 II KVKitV Nl VfliEli
~a I {flttyMrr *lttf *vrV Nt MBET(
Fult A V KA*
P df 02 =J*J A \ fc-V U ?
I <nt 'io a v p-Ait
*■ 'm rihar* ,41 <ui Own Funu-I", l**-‘to *
a Cbfosui WHb Mm y i*per, we. •*••*•
j tha atw UfWio ttte i*ryi,*eut ol ot*l. ,41
lU t'l Of t • iw
Tii***r ({iift HKifl Mf * f *
iiabt)iq Ut**4!( turn *1 b*
flßil MWfjr **•* i*Ui if*uN U)#n ti* w*i
•rrf|v n j r4*
Hmmulm uwulref f*( U>* i at# *
< '/■ !, Hffit Uf BJiJf
I >( Vf (•A ?vfffFO,
it 6 W <fm , N V
Choioe Piano Piecee.
Iji ikll* Jiuo*-*. I. a W* Vi
. ttinette ~ . W*ia> r* 4.'#
*T*tekii' . Mar tf 'i.a i V , on in
Kate Thee We , ' InkuaiM* .. A h*- n 40
•Kdrv K, iUpWaw ... '.V—-O on
! •Grand Maarnif*- Marrh wrth pwtnre
nf New York Temple 77-
A Ko'* 1 t U>uiu >i.JlVatyoti.... W , v>i. Vo
T‘* to Thee M*i’rka- W*go .10
jltiiJk* Moiemo* tkmg Vari- 50
(Jn iUr W rg nf I/i?a V* a
B'-ilhame .... Wfagtjer 51
Vmtnui Hegatta M >nvxur. ...Wk*,'>er hi
•Mcriy F>reiei f >r*i M. enr Winter Jo
‘fcii'tt fruia the i*aJeout*s'.., A .p*.,-., 40
•fkigvr P!m* Pulha Kiukel. 35
•Jewel B>>X Scbottisch .... Kiukel. -ii
Mad Cap Pr.lka t Kkatkei 3u
Jennie, the Flower id Kildare.
Traaacrtptirm Kinkt I. 25-
La liana- Angelique. Moruem Kink- L W
•Augel Visits Huuaadcr . . Ktßkaf. >)
Veotenaial Marco MaylulU 80
Lily ot the Valley NoaUiroe May Into. 30
Hocking Wane* Hevwh* Msyia'h. 40
•Dreacr-Latfd. Morrcau MVyU'b 40
‘AaulMHBg u* Ihe Birds. Kn
in once MayUUi 40
•Sweetheart. H nuwpuc AlaylaUi. 40
Madelaiae Gvey. Saag aad C!i Hay a3k
Fat the Rigid Msn at the \Vheel
Song and Cbo .Hay*. 35
Oerm, Darling. Song and Cbo Hsya. 35
Barney Mactiree 8 artd Cb 0..... Hay a 85
Maid of Avondale. A aad Cb 0.... iiaya. 85
W here is my Loved One To
, Night 7 S-mg aad Cbo. .. Hays. 35
Sing, Darkies, Btu. 8. sad Cbo. Hays 36
When Little Mamie Died. 8, Cbo. Hays 96
Alone sad as Home. A and Cftu. Hays 36
Jennie, the Flower ol the Ded.
Song ami Cb 0......... Hays 35
The School house on the Hi)L A
snJ Cbo Hays. 85
By the Author of MOLLIE, DARLLNG.
Abie, Darling. Song and Cbo. Daubs. 30
Why don't you Write to in*. .
Sister. Ana acd Cbo. ... Dank*. 30
Oft in Dreams a Sweet Voice calls
me. Song snd Cbo .Dank* 30
By the Author of SILVER THREADS. .
Aay of the above mailed, post paid, oc
eceipt of the marked price. Pieces aark
and thus” have picture title pages.
Address, PIET ERA
847 Broad wav, N. Y.
F. O Ho* 5428.
Laadreth'i New Crop.
lluta-Baga, Flat-Dutch, Amber-oiobe.
I’WBK-rxceau-Gobe, Seven-Top Turnip
Betti -
W anted.
500 bushels bright dried ;>ee:evi peaches
Dark outs not wauled at a!L
SJLfI LLLia & JlvVilL.
t'.VV'd'S Lelief
n from One to Twenty Minutsa,
i;o7 exs MOOR
„r. / rrt) Hue thX fvtr*r;a*m*B! *■! aayaaa
.--crpfea turu l uit.
3*iT! r.KAPv KFLivr 18 a cuss Hew
EVEuV raw.
Itvu tar ftn* and le
rTie Only !*< ltewsady
*1 nu.nWv **a '#* mn-- xuTWrtaWSv Mu*
w.iaaliiMg ■ **.f u -s- i a ? ic'pd him HathatSY Os
A.U4PP '•-wnsr*o. Omw-ka. or * 'her (Un4 ooaM bjr
a** *|H tfoatboo
u rEtuioKgno rwvtxn nrtram.
UI mmnrr k„w rUUi-mt ml *rreartwf <#• M# dap
hi imn*' iu i,m.), i.,*hh. • iiveaw Hr*aws
.r., ii. n (e.auauiW ** <li* *J wSr.
wtt.i. arroßfi i*T*VT lEasit
s.'' ' ' T; rj< alnwr*
i<n.i*K strut's .•* frfp •! tuMg
.-ruayaTi) .i or mb ynr
<'i i’>m*n e rvnr urssg
IKE TlilCrf. K'fim.r KKiflWtlltj.)
rai.riTAnvtN or-Rib *****
STEEtI i, CB3t r, irll’TMEßf *
luraruut. i.vrLrm*
*a*H'nr. TocrnacriE
Ni i H.T.iatA) VHCmannH
iLI> •’TVIt.I-S WIT Ctrl Lin
T...UC-,:,.- —, liu Erukt Si aun. l* ga Ttmr
uhin ~ >•.,, ■ u,ow wulaSoN liu
1 < ■g*v;*t*T , ,
i a iiuaaiv. arwaver'WwTsa r-
i mars, Nraaav, SiSe, biwk*,
. tb? „ • -a to i na.-HK, *Saa*Ss*
o.iiP, r,.ijn hind in top wawrnir
la.irvaiu-fu, i asnc _
iv,,ri ii,. ~'*•*a- vorr* Uottto of ■o#b
. av*• Ready Uwlfer f srit thw Afm db*#s Iw
r * ii :s--e*l . kH. * *r ft I >*■ a YfaMa aK A#C
l u „vi l kr.’Ut y hfaoWsrlfc4JM
iS'tktl tfi.
”V * A*;? |? fttra4'far rlf'v **•*< T***rw '*■
u* - ."hra it--- iij uXt ;ii ii*OL.P.Ui eiU3LJ r t *f
4 A*ti. Mxi■ (•. HahMkw. •taH**.
H'liKht. Tv.-il ■' #*-! Wbfc. iAfeivel M* IM*'
. u. a..- w
# A , ijt Bk.fe.*p*r *%*Un.
"P Haai A> II WFHiMT -CIT aR Hfc Iff A*?V
Art a i rut l ccrMi-ueuuN xiagfu to all
.. S rsapKilliM Umi
.* ViM TI:F v'"=▼ fcWlinairiSQ cr*** Sn
„!'* , AAliO -JCE ru* * I|A\,, nr
, i <m- *,•••**!*. I’Kum mii laru am a
. m. ■ littf viiiH,*.£ sKMCtag
Baj aa larat ii Flak
isi l#i is Sees ui Felt
f pt tv. ' law HAk>APA#!trT,f AW Kff<k(*w
I >.'■)*-• -r * lKrini( ; K llri'lfl.flHl HMVfI, l litre,'
-*.,*-* | r***l a**t at 4 ileiF sa nUVltfl f-Mfiffe bk~tHo em
e f... |f. AMsfltl •aAvaufitir bmtAy Hit Atp W m4>
•ee-vw **
, c - I Meld llbr MriflM. H'HMt. Te
,* N w*.**i .♦,* *. s.idsgM tMMrpf f
-*> A** hi ck diw hfligi * fr**r <lsr IfHA M 4
- ’r, *;2. vVSvaJNi*”
.*> !• ml Rf t *r•. mm *4jm****.
*,* t • % Kj -t. Whf in ih* ft* h fimwrti oe*
.a*. ir. ■**■*<> si id no On mI MpMlfAb'
Nt. . < rfoss M kfrune-td *H
■ n ‘t v4iHr r“Wfr •# WHt
- M i. *i Hu <m-*4 *ew<esA ••• mil
t t*4ty g- -reH* me if 10. r.ttoV fV |* ** fvt utm of
•rwe n* ;i.-lg4ei framr. r Nof(r KMraM
*.lk . i{gi|y fwerm i ft* iMu* P-4 tHw
:i j-.yv-- ♦Ln* cuS- IstiUtf* if *4*swHt*. MM
■a *• s .* .ri.v.4 i ■** s^ l re*-#*rs W Mint
' a •’ " *1 hie 4!■ * r ea4*tr W'wid m 4 Ihla
A • 4 * I N VWN'I f e HS 'ID HI I|f9
♦ e- . 4||. # Hitff < f4*rk|MMlf
*ri‘e I . i%yAgai<.eilhh* Jil
<D * < -*y 4*. e. fy 4P
*•■l4 f. vi #r.vm !• watirn4MMlMf
-i i*:wM
N.T ."■ ■ -* *,*.' VffHiriiwiJkifl Tmiffw MMI
•- <f.#( ,yvufeihllM#id. 4 f hr#*•*' . *Wf
.vs '..* *l, dMMi Olki** *MaeMs*4, ITW fb#
* y.rwJlVtt -• fill
A J MiuUlcr CbmytUtlHtjt,
. I d' •••. 4r •* (Imfmkf f-uiiw fer fKoMv.
vy.-W-nl **< if" I IW . ** HfHtg AM#
* (.itfumuntnmo to *U hmmk the* flMff |M
fc Tffftf LhHMtk'Aigf#
Oewf*^ 4 * ( MOti-f •cetf.oiMnN
•Hvtw str* r-rttwnr w m wrtmt. *<s**, MtMB mtfmf
■ - ana etiU.y Lmsa* 4**4 ifef-M. smO whM* ihfOl
■ -t • t •'* _*•> 4. •- a'bid when tifrHir< stolen OM
•tv *■ r ,v* • < U*‘ l vs "U siuQQ U* L MOO
Tu mnr of ti IVrrm' IJrowih lift Ujulu-tty't /pnoiwwf.
DP. r*iDW^Y ,
ifeiFifgt uiaowteaiffc
• ’Vc-i
~• *• - ■ • 'fturivt ,* * 4M*W-.' hM*l •#• *Mm-
r # f*> • *• t> i*g •./ • 4*m.
< woars ■ wi.- . .. an, rKThr.
r tew. w ’-es* ’■’'"■SOoeeiwa ifew
rrv a.- 1 iWr.n, .’.iww mv is. Mtwa
■ w . .... Or*. ■ .or. firrll
‘ IWVS. WIMI..W M. UMW|. Hewsw .!■. H
iwiw'i l**FSfttij .#Jr*, ia
w wrrww'kUflKMwn t Ar* a M
t'i-. aoi.n sr ’<. .erfw ■
sr.o Ml>h aso rsex- MaawrMar
wow. i xrwsT a 00, a*, m rNnyw-m.
Vers n>f<**•<. V 1 iaa* -ial Wawaasyeah
Will, Healthy Clint*.
mean, hicm Uita
HOMES, FABMfI, iuf, r
H*or circular <d full inlonmxttoa. aid me
3. J. MXlTrff IPWffl. WS-attceflo,. Aria
Unrivalled h r •iwpHeity, speed, earns
ieoce and dtrabHity. Mutes a Sit lb. bale
with one fwwee aad only )8 fist ad*. - Barrw
10 inch** die meter and 16 hat' tang. For
circular with description, teatimwiak and
name* of sgrnU ia ihwSoatbraddteH A St'
ALBFRTSON. Nww Jhm*m,4dU
Waters' Hew Scale Piano*
•re the besi made ; The touch elastic, aad
fined nneia* tone, powerful, pore aad eve*
fan<>t be excelled in tone or beauty ; they
■lefy coruj-etitjon. Tlx. Concerto Stop M a
fine Imiimi-m oi the Hmsaa Vwiee.
PnrcKe Extkemklt Low tor c~U during
this Month M >otbly lusudmcnts received
Pianos and Organs to-leH, and Real-Hooey
it to wed if purchased. Srooo I-hand Inslro
WANTED a iibvrwi disroant to Teach
ers. Mints' er*. Churches, Seh-xds, LoJges,
etc. I Hum rated Oalalegnes Maxed.—
way. Sew York. Box 3,567.
AvTeSTERN I offer lor sale tw irOdays
\.\ LAND'some valaahkv war it of
iarminz and tiiatew land in- a thriving aad *
rapidly growing Western Male Oa ac
Loont oi rail made, rwtoliy cswsSmcted
and immigration, tUvse land* are newr
idly riving ia vaine. They will be eoU very
o lor ca-b. A Clear and Perfect TU
will be Guaranteed, with every tract void,,
with deals of full warranty froot reepoevi
Die grantors. Parties desiring to parefaase
vnd-s foi sn early rise in value, Baal Estate
.Vgeuta and Trading Men, wiQ fiad it to'
their interest to address
WM A GUMP. Real Estate Dhaier,
= 176 Wiiltaux St, Hi Y.