The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, August 27, 1875, Image 3

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kveiu kiuday.
by -vrm. t. revili-,
Ott.-e South Ade or the O.tirt Honor
K f Ailvi rtWns.
Biwce Irwk j 4 wks jSmoj* mo : l yeAi
5 inoii t** ! 2 M 450 ! 7 00 > lfc 00
* inches I .4n j S <*f' fi WIOOOj 15 Oil
3 inches I * <*>; 8 00 110.00 ils 00 23 00
A col -1 5!: 10 001 ‘3ono 25 00nr. w
fool ! i o*> 15 0012*00! SR 00 <so'o
| col I !©>o ) 20 OA> 35.00 i 6000 1 #IOO
ty A lrbWnf deduction made to those
ad vertUlng by Ike iu<uilh or year.
AlWl’lbbi d*r. a* legs. sdverteieireid'
k>r the county of Sferlwetlter, Will lie pub
telrj m the Meriwether fbrsTV VrwiM
e'AToit 4 JAR W. DaNNWCT,
W R PAVER, Sheri*
Jan 4U.18T3 Clerk Bnp*r Court.
McMniwi' K(Hr.
The Mtowirg Write ClWtreh DWectory ot
EiwravllV for 1*75
2d *mi 4tb HnMsiUw. in e*rk month.
,7*'; . ...... Rev. J M Battler
3d S*l>Uath 1* each month
Roator ..’..7 IV*. limb Cat ink-tael
f*t HaUutik in each month.
l*Mlor Rev. Jno. Joues
mtKKNVIt.LR. Kill n.\ 5 A .icno 27 IH7
Imoortod Turnip Seed
Impnrled li.mi Blt get land to Use (vrov
toe* o 4 Canada, amt |n* tin- post aTM'.ii
BKI.ECtXI) Bt ffiS.
Thi# Turnip grow* Very huge, wrlgbfog
boot sto 10 pound*, aiii! 1 ■ heavy Clop
p*-r.'y o| w tioit n>u*yu!
(uni, and |hl* t* lllhfy. Thr *rsf ofiould
h> aow* dttt-a. yhr m-atth ol ft- i tcmtotw
*♦•■**• •Hindu of **■<! i* ntiflli HMII to HOW H
q-iart-f ol nil m u f have y *hl (V- t Kihl n
'•UMb-O aeppty id Mil* ••"•I, >jtnl will wihl
t‘ HMUtuly t ‘ ttcV •. I v< INI plt->t Hu I'ldU-d
k >l<, *1 H> unit J>i woecr, three <iutici
tut |l, nr niw | Hin 11 I I*it t?f, (if* |by
iunit. S-nd tiiotHsy bv k'-ntlollic Oolet oi
!(. (.■ i*b inj Liiwi i*r irc
v I, I, fnMKNT,
ftruth-y Cos THtti.rur*
gjr~ CorfM ( MHiilttU'ati'liit|( u oonnuu
m-athma writers <| tfHlr ahto need not
• to Wide rkem Uulea*
g-alnly written U**y will ah*' to twteignnd
to tto *y Uwwkol. 'Hunt wilt be no ci
e- prion ui ib ibm 1 ml*™ }
krN( A*l wri tblim
y.imi mil illrp tfe* dote nil r.' tf*l • Art
t. liKw’Mtt-nt* OJ*t tic (mid bit m to
Htuw th-hr pubih**lim 'I lil* t o'iru la
nodeml top* rafjfe-ly ii.-fH- tirj in view ol
tltc |t| moooiita ilut w lor w-it* done
ihtttttg the tot* two ytnw t*r Uuardhnm
Adtnlnteiraioi* *■' S*a *"b
fgr WW *W who owf tbt* m<# any
UtiM to mle riarug 1,1 ***** deecrtpUon
ewoi* op •* owes ami *Wb ?
{n*M for Mm. A A lick 111.
An *•**. **m <>ct, 17, 1*174 .
9*hwi 0, /<•■, K v ,
Dm l**ll all-tda me pletwnw t
my that (mb tny <*wa ettoi m'*nr. and
lift KfarirWi— i Hi* r ~r *— •**k
Jlogw—Mltn toted (fear -ftoidinatuui,
• ptm aftmlbtt agefote of Vinegar, in
ktMMUI pmrhwrd titxn yonr nuumbe
tMf. BaJhf amoral that • large prop-r
Am of Am ordinary Commercial Vinegar
■ gflßflMMbi *W- m pUirte and other
- iA- t - irirtrir 1 Alter material* foreign to
MrirftlAfM MfMftrlf tn be regarded
krtMMiMm of pare Vinegar, ea not,
eeljr entitled tb credit aa a com** boMneaa
mb, bet m i b—rfirr- to the people, into
vtMee and% aweiMpdon tfchr article enter*
•rAeryfty, and trltot ae • rob. am unable to
Aeefcteapea Una parity or other w be, or
BbaffHeybay nnder (lie Mie ot Vinegar.
Very rmpectfolly,
l V b*M(, M D
The nboae cm- be bed *f ibe
flhf oAes Anaft VibMA* Wo*a,
jlneur* 1 turret
rn HriTlnr Nkr.
IWrit to notify the poW- that in/ oook
rttflat Uinfti —** *~ ‘ 'me with oat •
jMI Mto i> shall* aartstulji mb all legal
—t to iitoeas from aoy one
smpteylng or hmbwrvof said-free** omen |
For firtW iflforSMioa apply at tou
(MM* H for flak,
~ r; >M nlMirr u eaeoTom stock of
bogs lor ratbag ibeir own mast would do
well to Cal) o !ba undersigned who is pre
jmratf to snpp*y all bia fHamto-wlte boga of
lllirMil Wj boga aw • B between
tbr OWwauil Bk k shirt 1 alt and half
Ckamm afcea tow toursagh Wed Berkshire*
■toliri t TrUsr-
Bern or Uni HibUma tor Ladies lie*, aa as
sorimeat U aide sad narrow Ribbons,
B f a. Htoek 3Uk Bells, Corsets, bpool
Comm, bob Locks, Pocket Cauery, Ac
Those wbiliT striped Organdie* at Ki.i A ;
MvaiVs are Veaettori and cheap.
tST A liberal pnee will hr paid for a
good milk oow wi U a young calf by .
t mesw banning.
Klti* A Moore receive A sew Hamburg's
to daj
Nonet.—Alt persons iudebtra) hi the
tale firm of t timer A Beckwith aiv heVehy
notifted u>>t to pay any of the anvutHa ol
said firm to Was. 11. Beckwith.
)304i A M TURN Kit.
A good suppfT ot A oh*#-dumb' and nr im
guipure trimming* i LLIB A MOORE.
We are indebted to ILm. B. M. Lcvervit
ami R H. HuiWliu for a>xne ot the finest
pe.icbei ol the reason. We have eaten
nothing better this yea? than these peaches
Ellis A Moore have a gooj sasorluttmt ol
Crockery and Table Ctutery
A. J. elueteou ha 7 1 .Otk* bushels ot very
fine oaU fit? ante. .y of him and son
fctrgely tMa IWH and here soui'M h i rig lot
youl mutes to sat neat year.
Nice Dus* Goods, iu plus,.a, | lain and
st mj nt M obiter vet y rii.’tp at
fci,LlH A MOORE'S.
Greenville Orange had a po fluk’e meet
'ng Ism .Saturday. Thia Grange aaill med
again ou the second Bstu rday in September
and cordtatty tuvtte* brethrea from sister
G anger lo be pivaeut ; mm mg at two
o'c ock r. m
8 |Niunda ot Hugar tor sl. 4 (tounda ol
Crittee for sl. Bacon and Halt at
Kid.lS A MOO Kk’H.
I.una'i tc —flie Board ol Commiaaiouera
met lart Tuesday lo try a ('a>c of lunacy,--
a lady. Being fbcided a lunatic a member
ot llie t>oal Intomont lira Doubled bus
hand tlmt there mjicv room for the fanir
uotort unate In the lunatic asylnoi, audit
eoutUh menl sm noeesamy no [dace could
tie proeured eicepl ihe county Jail The
Jutlug liMshaud leplnal that as long as he
wi**bl* lo work aud watch, IHa wllis
Oiuldu'r IWa otiie an luiuate of a Jail Ad
diU'Htal aceomuiodalioas lor lunaUcr have
aii otiaolutr Mu siiiy and the next
l*fg'lalit.rr ttiusl piovide them. —-—^
Klin A M .ore hove sly hall (J isslineret
Hulls, Alfiaeaunil I .burn Comls, While aud
K ney Y.ata, l.itieu ta.>a> ohiila, Bluet)
aud paper Collaia
See notice of a lailrohd moeiihg at the
In-a.l ot < or editorial column. Hoad It and
talk ta> jmor neighbor about it Couie op,
• very ore. on tli r d*y ead show your faith
by your works.
Anew fof of lauth-s, Genu sud Miaaes
shoes af Ijw pi Ice* lor eaah.Kllis A M oon
Koum* WkMc Mrwar* Ifolihiaon A Jtro.
were rb*mttg - At w*t abt well in tlie rear
•it tltcii Btoiclant WcrliirtilHjr tli* workmen
li bid on one ot dir* tnlaalng b -oW* of the
I itanari ’• olllix in a |Mlty g<id itale ill
proa val ion,"tire cntric# all lidog ylhHiic
living only an "order booh" M* tocovery l*
ol no paKu iilwr eaiue. Aw on ohl anvil
wan abut dbirttvcfHd ttt tbc well -rf ctltwo*
w-iutti <b* well to vw b hM Mih m<i well*
arbku anjrmliclcir.'ne mbßlYig Bui ret cut
lye mule, a pig, an anvil and a county
official'* Wob hare been fbond al (be Lot
lou* ol a wall.
The Ir-oh, together with <>M*er Importent
b<H>k> Ijelonging to ll* nflke, were atolen
Iron* Opt HiutrW reeklem *at the tluia
kt* botiae wa* iiurned -l*t January we* e
year* ago Mol the *l%btevf clue ilkk rVef
km wobtained aa to r.Uelr wdiareatmut* till
ibe hauling up of Ike on'er booh aa afbtt
aeid I net Wcdnendny. How oug It hea baren
in the well, by whom pieced there, ami Ibe
wlinreeboute of ike other wAi are mat
ter* if oonjoriure only.
Dxath —M a Olivia J*cka>n, widow *1
Hewsoe N Jackson, died at her residence!
Uro mile* east ol (Jreeorille, Lst Turn'ey,
aged Vi years sod 9 month*.
The deceased, whose maiden ns me was
Olivia Faulkner, was Wa in Jnsj/er coun
ty, ia., Dbceoiber the 58M Ij 1911 Hha unt
led with the Primitive Baptist church at
Concord, and was baptised on the tVli of
Becembei, lfW?*—her sixteeath birthday
by the Iter. Win. Mo ely. •hi the lOtli of
Ketws-iry 192 V she wws united to Henson
H tsehMn in marriage sad settled la
Meriwether on the homestead where toe
rtsldeu at the time ol her dealt), oa toe
first of March IBW—over * year* sgo.
During the pest 14 years Mrs. Jackson bad
bean blind, but she bore her affliction- with
Christian resignation. One who- was al
most o>instantly with Mrs. Jackson during
her last sick sews of wght week's durst 100
said to lbs writer : “dll through her Miner*
she expressed herself s* perfectly willing
to die whenever Ood should esll her. Last
Sabbath evening she told the family that
Ute time of her departure was near at hand,
adding that she was willing to go and had
no fear of death. For several hours before
her death she widened intrust agony, bat
while racked with lonwing pains toe
would raise her bands towards Heaven sod
nay B-esaed I earn, Home Sweat Home.'*
The deceased was a woman of extraor
dinary intellect sod untiring energy, 0
ways e setting berteM tor toe t*neth mt
il*we aioond around her: to treechrietlee,
a atll sacrificing mother, a generous neigh
bor, she led toe hungry, clothed -the naked
and comforted the dm reseed.
One by one toe pioneer set tier* of Men
wetber are paesing away. May their ear
r i tots emulate the vtettsm of our departing
iLi Naa, —The illueaef*-. the devil and the
evlitoi and i Oil rear this week must serve as
our apology tor any dtfii Rnclw tor this
issue. Indeed, the toremau assure* ns that
but tor the kindn< of one at Mr. Williams'
pupils,, d-atepl. M T„ # l, who lilt school
Tuesday and came and set up over a
column of type and did the rolling for the
'•uuide, we abouid have been forced to
send out n halt sheet rbis week. Long
may Joe live and may we bn able hi return
his kindness a hundred trvld.
niets sre coniplaiuinj of great
injury to the cotlou crop from rusk lusonu
places the crop in this county as low as one
tourtu of the ususl crop.
Judge Ai.uunlon a health baa tmpvtmd
sultkuMUly tnr enaMe hhn to bo canted to
the Hulphnr Mag a, We are glad to know
that boywe are entertained of hkv recovery.
Ihe coiuUuction ot the North A South
1 oar.l through Meriwether would bring a stream of visitor* to the Sulphur,
Warm aud ilhalyboste Siuingn which
would t> worft more fbasi a ilCkriv crop
o thnee tanners living mV the vicinity oj
these famous Wateiiug pNces.
m ■
Wrights isiirl Nrutarr*.
Ki Uecoguixed by the Laws of the United
Bushels. Lbs.
Wheat $0
Hheded Corn fig
Ooru iu the Ear. 30
Rye M
Onto : I. ... 83
Barley 47
White Henna....... go
hiab I’otuincK to
Sweet i’olnioea ....58
Clover Heed UU
rimothy Heed 45
Blue Graaa Heed 44
Bookwheat. 52
jilted Reaches 33
third Applet ~, SI
< 'tilous i M
*•l* M
Mslt as
Item VO
Turnips t&
i iwladuxi l tiuo ru
Curu Must 1,..;.... 4a
trine Melt M
Uruund Psas . ; S8
Tile Oold ileUb ol Ucurgb.
The ('iie*late fiver rise* In the Appnla
clialti niotmuin* of Georgia, iu IkUUipkhi
county, and flow* aoutliward lliiuugii one
ol Ui muni p!ctiirea(U ami dial tiling
unintrim iu Autetica, end ielia lulo tba
Otwttahooeheerieef, In llall county ; theu
awtufia onward tn the Gull ol Maxtor. The
Chattahoochee la ao called, to lUc Chet ok-.u
language from tubiea being found In the
•Midr. k ban tiecome bhrtoßcal an being
the wnattnn bane of ‘fh Hoto’a oonryuet -ng
march' tlooitgli the henifnole Creek and
Cherokee uelioua ol Intllani. All along
hi* u, It mu Ut, A* t Hkluk Iu riv-Mk h.
Mwoocbte am found nnaiero.ia
leik a ol hi* foitiflcetldoi, end tuptoretion*
for gold, the I wet being hi* chief object
The 'Cbealaimr'ea welt a# the (Jbeil* in „
nbee, traveraea the gold for e diatanci- ol
tweaty or thirty otikea, ntoaUy el tigUi an
glra to tbe atratum or trend of tbn gol-i
y< In* ; which ueceaaarlly haaprixluced rah
end eAtrnaire depoaiu In the crunk and
river la d*. aa well aa places on ibe Üblr
lamia and bill atdra. Till ♦CtieMalr-e’ |r„ m
iu mouth to the junction with the'Tc n< *
me, ah ore Hablonega Ik vamly rich
Two (Vint pan to are now engaged In
preparation* ro work Am riser bed, me
hum Ohio, under tbe eon rent ol Colonel
I'rice, who w eotilng a cstasi and tunnel
tlirougli fridge M r lb Knife ami make
available BHW* nflef of gold f Till*
cannk la dear Hh mhwth. The other tt cob
'rolled by -9. R Dkrtlett, of Boatou, who
baa engroeaed nearly ten mi tool tbe river.
B-itli ere practical men- and bare not ouly
die capital, but tbe BhHtand del arm Ida Hon
Of purymee tr> carry It out to cottplctkxl
All the workiags, In yeari gone by, id' tlte
'howl water, yielded from one to lend Mata
per aqua re yard, which if properly work
ed, with lkgy, ea die above parties todi
cel e, will give rail Ilonaannually to the cur
iwncy or the country.
The vast mloet al wealth of this regttm,
heretofore scarcely known, ie beeiealrig *o
be appreciated. Capital and enterpriar
from the Nonh and West is Coming fit ;
people of 'he Htat* are ekeited, and already
on every band evidence Is ItttnteMog of the
prsctioattfllty of gold mining, which bhls
fsir to excel the moet (Uttering productions
of CslHorete. Another compse/ Item
Obtop adder the Mpervhlan of Colonel
ttsnd, ol C lev Steed, hr narking the ex-*
tensive placer, controlled fjy ibe eberler of
the eld 'Y* bools Mltf'og Comps oy ,t rrooivl
Dhhtonegn, upon the canals sad mill* ol
which Ike former company expended near
ly hall a mlbloo dollars. Wires' toe rich
aed extend vs gold Us’d hi put under tbe
hydraulic process-tbe yield kill be error
mows, and toe same process wfH expose
rich Veins which bare now no oulr-rnp.
Of tbtir success, no practical miner 1 ere
has say doubt. The capital necesssty u<
many of toe moot lavorabte sections <>l tbe
country wMI he oomi aralirely rmall and
many rehrs found without any expense. It
was ibue with the celebrsted ‘B dy Field*
v*ria,' which kt now being developed by
Mr. Bartlett, of Boston.
There has beet a movement shifted bar
“I ter tU purpose UJ petition Cfoogrt-as at
its next Milan to appropriate a
ana to disinter the remains of tit toe de
eaaaad President of United Btates, remove
them to Mount Vbrnoa, and reieder them
to mausoleums tor each one in a circle
round toe touto of Washington. Tbe rat
son given for this movement is that some
of toe Presidents am laid in obscure, una
domed and neglected grave*
IrM 4*f brand aud Prill Jnms
•f Nrrla tkrr kuprriar f'onrt.
Navrmlirr fcrin I*o4.
W R NrH, W tev Rev noitla,
Jol.a.W.Kwteoof, Sr, 0 w (tel|H|v(M-r,
8 W Mrljmdon, E C Mnft-tt,
W II Purtridgs, E E Freeman,
John Roemr, Allen C Upahaw,
W A J RhlUJp*. J J Bridge*,
BF Reeves, J T Browu,
■W I.uther Ilatni.n- f) W MiGvhee,
J D Wagner, A M Baldwin,
J<>bn M Steviui*, Hun con W<MKlrvM>f,
B B Ector, a I Snedaon,
J T Conner, N B Caldwell,
J 31, V) M (juwitrr,
R"bi T McDonald,- T " Gill,
W E Brituin, w it harrbv,
PETIT Ji ll dtW Piwsv w Re.IV.
.Samuel Gatea, A K Routrih,.
J A Hardaway, 8 F Reynolds,
James Free n n, W M McU n lon,
W T WHkhison, R S Cole,
C M Paster, J J Scoitglns,
Ephraim Stiichlmnf, Janie* Thomas,
R P Turner, Jf W See,
BLSims, it M Nall,
HGClatk, TP Clark,
W H Bowden, J A Williams,
LMChunu, JR lie a
John 8 Bowli>a, W H Wheeless,
Richard I) >mmr, (I P I amgino,
J J A Hold, J W Kslea,
A J Cooper, L B Jack row,
Liuaey Rerdev, W P Harris,
F J Wkllc, Till timer R.ejvrr
Levi Turner, Rieka id Rraliiv?
J G Anthony, W M Florence,
O 8 Plot t hee, i W Mahop,
Myron Elba, R M Mclamdon,
W P Ilrvaik, J M Brittain,
▲ C Paver, Hartwell Bto,
llenry Pailtman, .lames Bell,
A M Prnttt, u w Htiteklawif.
A Y Thorn lon, Hoa'iorn Thornton,
B*iuuel Cochtau, James K Blbley,
J W il r laway.Sr, Maitiu Carden,
C D Hardy, llenry (J. Maun,
Levi Blount, J N Taylor,
<J"iili A Sewell,. Jtilm C WHliaiu*,
William Sibley, J 1 Punlkp,
Kobt A ChtHlll, W P Gians.
P M Blakely, H M Sul hell In,
P W Sltuiur, J.tliu P TurnM,
R J Fittcliff, 1 Hmgloion Ymk,
R A, Kola it A Ib-ed,
Alekandci Thnina*, I, l> F II user,
J D Pcrketson, Xthu 11 Wiibasua,
HR Hauls, Ji, J M Todd,
1) A Megouirk, B S Cleun uls,
W C Uiay, J N Williams.
John A Plant, A J _
Jobs Wilds Ruik, it F M< Laugliliu.
U J Cbiiuibbs*, II II Luveiuri,
N it Jueticu, W T Kuver,
Atekaudet PerlterwH), J M Rial her,
U W Fowler, Win Browu, Hr.,
J'M Rowlcgc, J 1 A'riii ijjln,
Thouras U..VI*, B F Rosaer,
J U Tddnau, ivm teouui.
Frew nrtlgutNt'r)r
The Advc.itor ol Tliunalay ha* the k*l
h>w big ;
<4 lift) a iiuihlh i of (tw*-.IM' Chum- up IroHi
l‘<. m-aeoki', aoim- rrmnbtbig in tfo city ami
otliet* going lliiotigrt, the fholb pfobaljiy
ndugweWp fr-WM yult-iW level. Tin- ipiarao
line* ap|*>iin<ld by All- >Ky<a r-irtm
ed ti|m their dutica yeaterday, afhi ihi |h-i
aon from the *up|M>od infected • iallet will
lie allowed bienlui ihUcily until tbe-pia*
andiM !• ralievt*
Alum mud' Hall ib i-lttlil fr<t|Mittiii
wrapped A<> *‘' t frlltiiil uu>l de|a<ttnd Iu
the hollow ol tin- I.kmli I* the label aover
elgn remedy lor tlidtiaHliMfo'.
Mow, yoeug uikii. Ibreu wdnle Wt‘ 11l
you b>w to pop Hie ({hiMlion. Uet your
Junebug wdir corner<l wbure no one ut.i
overhear you, and tUtdi' poke Hibi Conuu
drum at her:
When will 'liete Kb only SD'lellCra in 11*
Anawer —When' you and I are mad<
After that it bfplain awlliug Ohf rihargi
for Ihla l* a box' of cigar* In each cave ol
Mxxxaßlot appne*tJtm -- dbc effhrut 0> to
and remain a ol honor until miibltol
and dlucbaiged. .
How toidoae It la rite beading ol a Iu
la<h oewapeper editorial. Mend' up aoute
grammars itore quick.
ALL PMftMiNtJ desiring wstebes,
etoebs. sewing mechlwet.pUnos, Ac.,
repslred wltf'da well locoHou (Ja|L L D
Bel)tie, at Judge David Kills' store. He
had so experience Of ten > tor* in the bust
ness slid uses no whisky ir bU practice,
wnicb iosures success.. Jhwvlry repaired
Plain Jewelry made to order. All work
guaranteed. IfoiMe's sewing mschtue oil
ibe best hi toe wuild. si |1 * plat
For Sale-
Seed Wheat, Bailey and Oats lor sale.
Due hundred bushels purple rlisw seed
Wheat; Fifteen bushels winter Barley;
Bx hundred bnsbels Prist* Idwsrd itlsud
ftoU. Price Wbtol ft (er boshel -Usrtfy
ft per Umbel—Ost* f 1 pi r bushel-
A J 3MKL -on;
*2O lm utiles 8. M oi tilceuvtlle
XV'eet Point
CtOLLBUI A*l*B jeer to- 197.1 ' 9egii
/ Wwinewisy', first d*jr ol Bept*mb<..-t.
Board, lodging, inti sod lights turn wired b>
the Pier ideal l<* fiAAO
Music tuitirni per sutiutu AM. Plot Fr*d
He z. s tborougn sud sccoiupluhoi urtr
niriao. has cbsrje of this ttoportmeot 1
Pave beeu in West Point six years, and
have soother six years leas* v*d the l>UHd
to,". A: P. MOOfY,
' aid lm* President
Only One Dollar !
Will to'*eut to any addmm sit utonil.s
lot One Dollar. This h iumi nt the cheap
tad weeklßs |>ubU*Ucd. It is not a bluiket
sheet in which all aorta ot nuvt'er Is pro*
miacuouoly thrown It is a neatly printed
tout page |taper, omt|vaetly made up, aud
edited Willi yuat caru. Nothing of a dul
or heavy character is admnled into the
co.uinsvanl the Weekly. It Is an elaborate
ly roinplfal couipemtlum ol the hiKt thim<s
that anjienr ib th“ Pklty New* The Die
graphic • e|Mitchv* at (tie week are re
•stiled and caretnlly vViedeif of every thing
vital is uni strictly ol a news c.hsi actor. I
ivlvo con unis lull reports ol the market* ,
ibua, those aho have not the ad. null ge o
a daily mail, can gel n'l tire news, lor *U
mouth*, by mling One Dollar to the tain ; or for one vear by sending Two
The Daily Morning News is the sann
lelia'rle organ ol public opinion that H ha
always torn—vigorous, thoughtful and
conservative or the discussion ol the issue
f the day ~siel .kvely, sparkling autPen
tertaintngin in ptoanMiMiiii of the ueW*
In gathering and puhltVhhig the latest in
formation and in distal amg ipioslnm* ol
liublic |Hi|icy, the Morning N ws it fully
abnaat ot the most tuuerpiming join iu*M*m
ol the times. Rrioe, fit) for 12 uwaitbe ;
45 lor 0 months,
Tlie Ijl W'-ekljr Mews Mh* ihe same ftia
turtai aa the Daily News. Rricu, $0 lor 13
months; (litm 6 months
Mmey tor either f>a|iercftn lie sent by R
O. tinier, reg islet utl teller or Express, id
publihher'k rurit.
Morning New* Printing
Is the largest in mu Hiato. Every des
cription of Fttmlog done at Ihe ehoitrai
notice. Blank u Miks of Jill kinds made lo
order. H..ok Umdiug and Ruling execuD tl
ith I'Mqiaicli Karitnales tor wink prompt
ly furnished. Address afl tellelW,
J li KBTILL, Havuiinah Oa
Soutliern Music
uoirsic. -
g MK), anil i-tvi I*l A NOS.
oUGA N 8 a
Solough &, Warren
. \ BUIfIRH.
;h, no; rify fun, nw; ion; nr tvy 4.^1
SHISU 2 MU 910,
Mktaical Ixuitrumenta.
#- W Ihiji luw anil |mji c**H, lliaitiliy i;liail*imi<
IlliupallilOU 111 j 0.1 111 r ui g.kHtb nail IllVn..
W 111 *n plkiMM oil lu*laJlin<iuu takn 11M puuo*.
mill orgaa* la ar Ip- vni Mt w.i Kith it 4Mfrri'op4JU
ilvuua. Hsuil ilrtlo* ilirtHil tu
rtoutb* ru Mimic Mouac,
. Atlaiita, Oh,
IW Mi I'itrrot offer* hi* nervines in
tuning uinl re paring I'lauoa, LuavC order*
•it tin; Mimic Slore ol
V. L. Hr JPJJ.f,
mSiSt I l.r iWsasoi t/Tssits mf IrlfsfV tti M^rl
welter Ktmuif who dastrs la hsrs Uirtt pruftet)
teoara ssrsis t timt of diistje hj Siw.
To UfuasFUUwg Sociasisi iNlikilisiHislMr Ite
■UIVhO ON KM" tte raw* bwiw teWUiit. I te.ll
te dshgacdiASsw* tosot wtta tuts tuonr i* ite
■W*n if i.'ter 'imu i*iir of UKSwaMM lina.
fW~ I is vorkliiginjwctl/ fw Iks "Sf.AHsm
<rtt)t" siut fur fri. nil. to ....
J. 11. Willl'K, ol tirilliii-rs;'
JmsW Msm*fcS to towy'w
Clothing at WhoUftl
•T7f! x 379 Brosiiway
coie. wlilts VT-. tfoyf York
| ,„.t \874
w w wooDai/FP'H
aui* 031 roar
I’mirtim, 4*a.
aVK*V tvVvi.Eug
Bi OOllta. iTt.gTONB'
Almi, llaf dclehmlOil vVoodrufl
•>>iN(;ov*o. ULOOY.
Ail aliikaol Hit' #RhTKU.x TifIMHCK
SKKIN VV ltiilPT, and alt r!** ol IWnt
VVluiel ItuggiuS, With u tine ttaaortmout ol
•ii * > I <r- 111 pi*i* 11 *tly ttrtd -ill
\ _ , . . .
rrrs NOW HAVE in Store and krili be receiriag regularly Ikrtfryboct fte "
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B<X)TS and SHO^; HATS for Cubes, fSent* and Boy*; CLOTHING and NOTIONS
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Contedionencs and Grocarie* ; Tlour. Urd, Syrupa, Sagars, Bwcx-n, Pearl Grits Sail
CUfSTSa 4Cw, *c M Ac.
We solicit ad exAmioAtita bi ear slock, Iwlh as tfc Quality Prioes*
1 Br. R. MARRIS.
joRPAjrA Howard,
[ toraC/C(F I
Comadiilon Mfflroluxtota,'
Adsais, Oa.
- ■ . ■ ■ i. . ■ .tea.m. ■ .r
A*PUIALTV nrsdk of Ktrtf Pboto
grsphsof *ll sfaßteaad'htodC Other kinds
of pictures of every description. Old pic
lores copteJ, cniarged su J painted ia oil
My Meriwi'thcr Irieuds arc rewpectfeiijn
1 invited to call.